We appreciate you taking the time to join us.
This is an optional VPK director webinar to give a CLASS
overview and
to ensure that you're familiar with the CLASS tool and the observations that will be happening
throughout the districts and so that you can have conversations with the teachers to reassure them about what they can expect,
and how the data will be collected and how it will be shared and used.
So just to see our objectives for today, I'm
super excited in just a moment to introduce and welcome our brand new
director of our voluntary pre-K program Tasha Owens-Green. You're going to be so delighted.
We're thrilled to have her and you're going to see just momentarily why we're so thrilled.
Then we are going to move into providing an overview of the CLASS assessment.
The actual observation instruments, some highlights from it, and then we're going to share logistics about how CLASS
observations will be conducted, what you can expect, and how you can communicate about this. Then again
highlight how we plan to collect the data and share it and what we're going to use it for.
I think those are important points, but I don't want to delay any further.
I'm going to let Tasha introduce herself. So I'm going to switch out of view and put her in view
So we're going to make a minor adjustment here.
Good morning everyone. I'm so excited to be on this webinar this morning.
I hope everyone
had a great weekend,
and I'm excited to now be the director of the voluntary pre-K program and just know I've come to you with
extensive experience in early care and education
working in VK programs in North Carolina as well as I had an opportunity work here in Tennessee as DHS
Director, so I want to know that early care and education is a critical time in children's life.
I'm excited to be a part of the pre-K program in supporting you, that we partner with each other,
keeping close of partnerships through via email.
Please feel free to contact me at any time and
I am looking forward to the work that we have ahead of us as we move forward in
our pre-K programs.
Again, my experience is very
extensive and I worked in so many capacities in the field of early education
and this you want to bring my wealth of knowledge and experience to you all and
support us in a resourceful way and really look forward to being that to each and every one of you. Again the best partners must
communicate and please feel free to contact me at any time cause I am ready and
available and looking forward to not only talking to you through the phone or email, but also coming out to your districts and
visiting with you. I'm
excited. I made a couple of visits already and I just came back just it's so excited to see the great work that
teachers and administrators are doing in the pre-K classroom. So it is definitely
exciting time and looking forward to meeting and spending time with you all.
Please feel free to email me if you have questions or just want to chat.
I look forward to that as well, and I am here to be a resource of support to each and every one of you.
Again, looking forward to getting to know you. Thank you again.
Okay, great. Thank you, Tasha. And I know that you'll be just really
excited to be able to work with Tasha and I personally wanted to pause and say oh my goodness,
kudos to all of you. Thank you, thank you,
thank you for your extreme amount of patience in this interim where we had to shuffle roles and
manage budgets and and all the communications. I know there's been just some some things along the way that we are like okay here
we're trying to get up to speed and you all have been champions in the process and I so appreciate all of you and
we're excited that Tasha actually has her email up and going and her phone number which we have at the end of the presentation
so that you can take down all that information to contact her directly
so again
thank you for your patience in the
and I just continue to brag on you all because I said no other team like this VPK director team could have handled the transition
better than you all so I appreciate that.
So let's dive into our overview of the CLASS
observation instrument. As you know this past spring we conducted a statewide sampling of the VPK classroom
quality using the CLASS tool.
We've had assessors from Teachstone come and conduct those evaluations and
if you remember back to our ELM training together
we talked about with our Vanderbilt data and many of us said phew
we're getting tired of seeing that dangle effect and like that data that might not represent
today's work in some ways and you were excited about really the opportunity to have data to
truly reflect what's happening in your district and in your classrooms with your teachers.
So I hope you'll help me communicate that out to teachers that as we go through the additional
CLASS assessments to say "this is your opportunity to capture your data and to tell the story going
forward," and really it's about just getting a baseline
so that we can tell where we've improved hereafter, so it's not about
any evaluative type of
assessments that will be used for any other purpose than growth. So in informing our professional development
opportunities so I hope you'll help me communicate that out,
but that's our
goal and our excitement about this tool.
So let's take a look and see what's included in CLASS.
Some of you are more familiar with the tool itself and others and so
I thought into giving this overview it would help you feel comfortable and as your teachers and
districts ask you about it. You'll be able to have talking points to share with them.
So the instrument itself
I think it's important to note that it was developed with the intention to assess quality in pre-K through grade three
classrooms, which you know that's interesting in itself as we continue to be thoughtful about the birth to grade 3 continuum and
I'm excited because you know me, I get on my soapbox about developmentally appropriate practice
and so this tool is really based on
developmental theory and research and is really taking a deeper look at the
interaction, that occur between students and adult and we know from research that it's the type of interaction that
significantly impacts development and learning. So we're looking for those student outcomes.
This is where we want to take a look at the actual interactions that are occurring between students and adults, and students
themselves and how they even interact throughout the day, not just within one given lesson.
So again, its focus on the interactions between teachers and students and I love this part, which is that last bullet-
It says not only between teachers and students, but what teachers do with the material they have?
Think about that for just a minute.
Think about that how much work we've done and talking about the environment.
Last year and what we put in the environment is peeking through our learning center and with this opportunity, with our new adopted curriculum,
We can have conversations about, "ok
we have the materials,
but just having the materials and the curriculum in place
is not gonna make the difference that we want to see, right? These teachers play a critical role.
So as you communicate this to your teachers,
they go about their normal business that teaching and doing just what they normally do.
We're not coming in to assess what you know, how many materials are present. We're not coming in to assess if
you have this learning center or this learning center. It really truly is a look at the
interaction between teachers and
students and what teachers are doing with the materials they have. So it's not a question of what the materials are,
but what would you do with those materials?
So moving along it's helpful to know with the tool that the CLASS has domains and dimensions that are always
kind of included and to start with it's important to understand that there's three
main domains and you see them featured here on the slide. There's the emotional support domain, the classroom
organizational domain, and the instructional support domain - and there you see listed under each one
I'll give you a minute to kind of take in this slide.
I know I'm a visual learner. So takes me a minute to kind of see what's there and then we'll discuss those.
So as you noted was the emotional support - we're talking about positive climate,
negative climate,
sensitivity, and
regard for student perspective.
We'll dive into these in the next slides, but just to see when we talk about
emotional support, these are the topics or the dimensions that are included in that domain. Moving over to the classroom organization,
This is concerned with behavior management,
instructional learning format.
Then moving on to the instructional support domain,
we're really concentrating on concept development, quality of feedback, and language modeling.
So those are our domains and those are the
specifics under those but I want you to take one more quick, quick glance back on this slide and I want it again look through
the lens of teacher-student
So when we talk about behavior management, it's through the lens of those interactions. So we talked about productivity,
we're looking at interaction. Not the actual
activity itself,
but looking at the interactions within that activity. All the way across this slide is all about the interaction.
So let's look at each one of these domains in their own
isolation, if you will, even though it's really the integrated look altogether.
Because the emotional support
domain, if you wanted to break that down a little bit more to say what does mean about when it has a
positive or negative climate? What are we talking about? So as you see on the slide,
positive, as you may have guessed, really has to do with the emotional connection being made, with that level of respect that is
existing and, I love this part, the enjoyment that's demonstrated.
Not only the enjoyment by the students, but the enjoyment by the teachers.
And, of course, the negative is more the opposite of that and is the level of expressed negativity
exhibited by futures and/or students. So taking a look at the climate, then there's the teacher
sensitivity and someone might say, "what is meant by
sensitivity?" So this has to do with the teachers awareness of
and responsitivity
to student academic and emotional concern.
So this is taking time when that child is in need,
we think about their social and personal needs and really taking time to respond to that. And
even in those instructional moments, we know through teaching pre-K
that you can't ignore those, and that you have to take a moment and acknowledge those, and then connect and continue to go on,
but that's really important. The next one is regard for student perspective.
This is the degree to which teachers' interactions with students and classroom activities
place an emphasis on the student interest motivations and points of view.
So again, this is really taking time to get to know your students.
We know that with TEAM evaluations we have this on the TEAM rubric.
We were thinking about how we have this connection to what the students are interested in how that connects to their
motivation and points of view and here we see that in this tool that we want to make sure that
we're seeing the connections to what's interesting to the students.
So looking to add on to the classroom organizations domain - this is broken down into behavior management,
productivity, and instructional learning format and as you see these are each described here. Behavior management
really is taking a look at, again this is
tricky because you might be only thinking about behavior management from another lens, but really bring that back to your
interactions within that behavior management. So how are
effectively monitoring,
preventing, or redirecting these behaviors and what type of behaviors that are happening as they interact with one another.
Productivity is how well the classroom runs. I like to think of that as a well-oiled machine.
You know you walk into a classroom and just like the kids can run it themselves.
They seem to know the routines are. There's a degree to which the teacher has set that up successfully.
They're well organized activities and directions, so that the idea is we have
optimal time spent for learning that we're not spent mostly on redirecting behaviors.
And then instructional learning formats have to do with how teachers facilitate activities and provides interesting
materials so that students are engaged and learning opportunities are maximized.
And moving on to the last domain, the instructional support domain, happens to be one of my favorite ones.
It deals with concept development and those folks that are connected to Read to Be Ready districts
you certainly are familiar with our efforts here to increase concept development. So this one has to do with how teachers use
instructional discussions and activities to promote higher order thinking skills in
contrast to the focus on just rote learning.
And I would say as I've gone out to visit, like Tasha came back excited from her recent visit,
we're seeing such great efforts here
that teachers are really thinking deeply about, "how are we going
to promote higher order thinking?" and they're moving more away from just rote memory type of learning
so we're excited about those movements.
Quality of feedback has to do with how teachers extended students' learning through their responses to students ideas,
comments, and work.
And thinking about the feedback loop, how much back-and-forth
students and teachers have.
Having a conversation about these things,
language modeling. We know that language modeling makes a difference for
later reading success.
Sorry for that noise that's outside of our room. I don't know what that is, but sorry for that
extra noise.
But latest modeling have to do with the extent to which teachers facilitate and encourage students language.
So we'd love to see lots of oral language going on and modeling and
just the teachers having high interaction in this area.
So let's get to the logistics that that overview helps you to understand
what is the tool and what kinds of things that the assessors will be looking for and making notes on,
but let's talk about what to expect logistically for the scheduled observation.
So you continue to take this out, that the CLASS
observations will actually be conducted by
trained and reliable CLASS assessors hired through Teachstone and they will come in and do the observations and here's the good news.
Teachers don't have to do anything different from what
they normally do, and you as VPK directors do not have to do anything different as well.
That they're going to come in and do the the actual assessments
and so we're just asking for you to be aware that they're coming and to look for
communication that they'll be providing about when they're coming.
Classroom assessors, when they come it's important for your teachers to know this - that they will take two hours to actually conduct
four 30-
minutes observation cycles,
with 20 minutes for the actual
observing, and then they'll step out and do 10 minutes for coding, and
then they'll come back in and repeat another 30 minutes cycle for a total of 2 hours at a time.
Then we're asking you, here's where we need your help. We need to just check that once we provide
kind of the window of time these assessments will be occurring to please be sure
there are no scheduling conflicts that would prevent the full two hour
assessments from being completed and you might be thinking, like what do you mean? Like what types of scheduling
conflicts should be on my radar? So perhaps there's field trip scheduled or
special school events, that would have them outside the instructional time spent in the classroom. We're hoping to capture
mostly the instructional time or during the day, so what they certainly can
overlap into some
outdoor time, but our
preference is that the majority of assessment takes place in the classroom
So scheduling,
where are these class observations occurring? We've been communicating this through
directors' updates and all along that I think it's always good to have a reminder in front of us that these will be
happening between October 2nd and December
14th and again there there will be a
team of CLASS assessors assigned to help us conduct all of these assessments. So they will be conducting
specific classroom
observations and the specific assessor will be the one who will reach out directly
to the school by phone or by email
about one to two weeks in advance of when the observation will occur.
So let me say that again there. We have a team of assessors,
so there's not just one assessor. So whichever assessor has been assigned to the given school and classroom,
because there might be a different assessor assigned to another classroom in the same school,
it's important to know that that assessor is coming,
will reach out directly by phone or email one to two weeks in advance of when the observation will occur.
So let's put that in perspective for a minute. So in a given school,
you might not have all the assessments done in the same week.
They may be coming back to do another assessment from another classroom by a different assessor.
So just know that if you're getting contacted more than once to say, "hey
we're scheduling a CLASS assessment," don't panic.
That's exactly what you should be hearing because that assessor is scheduling their time come to do that classroom.
So you might say, "didn't somebody already contact me?" And that answer would be yes
and this would be the next one that's coming to do
another classroom that has not yet been assessed.
So again that that last bullet what they're saying is that they may not all be assessed at the same time.
So, I think it's important to also
leave today's seminar, rather webinar, together to understand how the data is going to be used and shared.
So I would hope that you would help me again like I opened today's
webinar saying, help us to message this. That the data from these observations will serve as a baseline
indicator of our statewide voluntary pre-K quality efforts
And I can tell you this already that
From the sampling we did earlier with the 200 classrooms, that has already been tremendously
helpful in thinking about what we should
consider for our
training going forward, like what are some areas we can identify that all teachers would benefit from
and so that's what we want to use this data for is to inform professional development opportunities as we look at patterns and
trends across the districts. This will inform our continuous improvement efforts.
It certain will inform your VPK applications that you goal set.
You'll be able to see trends and patterns across your districts that will you can identify saying, "yes,
this is something we'd like to work on too. So data at the classroom level will not be provided to
districts and it will not be used to evaluate individual teachers.
The purpose again is to really identify trends and patterns that we can use collectively and
to customize our professional development
So that's what we're excited about using - it's going to be our data,
we're telling our story. That when we start this, you know, I think about our trainings.
We're not calling them ELM this year. So you have to correct me
if you hear me say that. So Early Learning 2.0 Training will be based on this data,
reflecting from CLASS and helping to inform our efforts going forward.
You know,
I always tell you that we're getting better together, and together we get better, and this is the data to help us get there.
left you with our contact information before we open up for some question and time together.
So here's my contact information.
I know many of you already have this. but again we might have some new folks with us. So here's my contact information.
We will also share this PowerPoint in case you all want that
I know that will probably be a question generated
So we will share that and you might even share this
PowerPoint with your teachers just so they will see what's been communicated with you as you're communicating with them
they could also certainly here's a link to this webinar and that our
entire that they feel as comfortable as possible because really just ages ago about normal business teaching as normal and
let the Assessors just do their assessments to allow such as high trends and and patterns and
Exciting to have this slide up because we now have like we said earlier
Tasha our news BDK directors heard here's her email if you haven't had that enough to take that down and here's her
Phone number that you can reach her live
but I'll leave that one up as we go to a
question-and-answer time
but before I
move to questions and answers
I also wanted to let you know we have another wonderful person for our Laura Duncan who will be our director of
Instructional leadership and she's going to be leading our pre-k of trainings including al 2.0 coming up
Fall and you'll see her and she's just wonderful and you'll enjoy her
Ok. I've done a lot of talking at you
and I just wanted to be sure that I gave you this information and just an
Overview fashion so that you would know what to expect but amber
Welcome your questions. And again, if we don't get you all questions, we're going to collect these in a QA and send it out
And justice award our fabulous early childhood program manager is also with us today
She's going to help us navigate some of the questions
So we'll open it up to you
You can put it in the chat mock and she will feed them to me and I'll answer them
Or Tasha will answers whichever one
Let me show you more wise
so, this is Laura Duncan and she is again our director of instructional leadership and
She'll be become you'll probably see her name for contact on the early learning 2.0 training. We're excited to help her
So again
this will be recorded so that you can have the information and the best thing is is I
Think getting some questions from a couple of you saying should I be training class for some?
Expectation we did have some several BBK
Directors take class training and I was privileged to sit with you all and take that training and I think we bonded in a special
Way as we went through that and I find this is particularly helpful for me to understand
just the power of teacher-child interactions in another tool that can use but there's not the
Expectation that you have to be class trained as a be PK
Directors but I would certainly think that would be a good use of these PK funds if you wanted to get class trained
I'll just support your teachers and quality of
improvement efforts for sure, so and we're trying to
increase our internal capacity here at the state so that if you're interested in becoming
Class trained that we can offer that to you as well
So the question was will all classrooms in the district be observed and the answer is all BB k classrooms will be observed
And we'll have a sampling operation conducted in the PDU district
And I'll keep rattling annika, you know, I can come up with some additional information
And tips while you're dinner because if you like seeing you're thinking of a question or you might not have any questions and that's okay
But you please be looking for a taxi will reach out to you always
updates more frequently
But I am so excited about just the data pools that we have going on
We have an initial data poll on
September 24th that you all were wonderful
In helping us make sure that we were able to pull that information
And this helps us kind of to look at to me before the actual poll on October 1st
So if you have questions regarding that data poll or need help, please reach out to Tasha directly
She will be more than happy to assist with that
Business initiatives today Oh
Grazie, so the question from the chat boxes. Do we have information about class trainings available?
We can certainly get that information to you if your interest is being that and and I'll tell you this that
several several of us that the stators are in the process of becoming train the trainers so that we can actually
Be involved in the offering that training to you here locally
So we're in the process and we're excited that that will be available to you soon
In the process, but we can give you that information
This is for their specific 50 contacted and also scheduled all services or just the school in which their house
David Silva supervisor different
experiences so
The question was will the BTK director be contacted about when the
Assessments will be occurring and it's our understanding that the building
supervisor will be contacted about the assessment and Tasha will also be contacted so
You and each paid director will not be directly contacted. But if you want more information
Kaja you can contact touch it for that
And then Tasha will contact you directly. So you actually you don't have to ask her. I'm sorry about that
She will contact you directly but she is going to be your source of context so they will contact a building
Supervisor and then Tasha will be reaching out to you that you're informed by it
So Tasha is your contact and teach film is that their contact the building sister geyser?
So questions about this or and concerns if you're not convinced Pacific got it
they're going to conservative exhibitions living experiencing that specific and
You know, we gotta see a better home for the teachers so
The question is is it's something
during the best men if their concerns loaded will will they
Reach out and I say they most definitely will just let you know about them
And so yes, if you were interested in knowing like there's something that needs to be brought to your attention
Generally those tend to be in severe like negative climate
Situations that those seem to be very very very rare
Specific processes
All these week eight classes will be observed. So if there's
Inclusive VPK classrooms, they certainly will be observed as well
and again what I love about this assessment is it's about the
interaction, and so that should just be a wonderful opportunity to see how
Inclusive practices and interactions are occurring so I don't think you have to worry there at all
Good questions, especially and missus editorial serious business schedules. I
Think it's a lesson or assistance is over so late. I've said it that's what we're going politics
So like they came up about like scheduling and help to assistive
Actually, I appreciate that because you heard her say we need your health and there's my group sir
They're quick to rise to the occasion to say, how can we help?
Ensure there's no conflict
so the best thing that you can do to help is to make sure that the
information on the your given website for the school and the
District are up-to-date
Because that's what we're going by so we are trying to factor in fall fall rates and any other days off that are listed on
That calendar, so please be sure that information is up-to-date
And while this isn't a question at the moment, it made me think about us today's information
So we have several new BBK directors who have taken on
BB PK director and have reached out to me to say
Oakley sadly so I'm getting all the updates and
so we also go by with updated energy plans, so
Please be sure that the contact information for yourself as the bBK's director is updated
Some folks have retired their names are still showing up an e plan. So
please make sure that
It's updated
Specific to the person is specific
Unless there's a specific
reasons knowing the differences
so in just for your information and comfort levels
the whole week of the Thanksgiving week has been blocked with it that
Observations are not occurring during that time unless for some reason there's the makeup ones that have to occur
But we're trying to avoid that at all cost and we will contact you that if those makeups have to happen
so the good news on the makeup days is that we can avoid the scheduling conflicts and that will
Help I think our phone call professor to find out that item
This is not that the infamous Minnesota's future it's a favorable
So the really hat we would be able to see that information but is at this time it's not being shared out and again
So the question was will you be able to see that the data at the future level and and
We're not sharing the teacher level data out
Again, we're looking for trends across districts
patterns and trends data
Well again, if you think of any additional questions
Feel free to reach out to myself or Tasha directly. You're happy to help answer those
I know as you think about it later than Vegas like 5:00 or so to ask that question
So you don't have opportunity to do that and just feel free to reach out to us
We're happy to help with those and we'd like to give you back
during your day and thank you for joining us and again this
PowerPoint will be available as well as the recording link. So enjoy your day
Oh you
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