welcome to peep this out reviews with Ian K stay frosty
so while Papa John's brings back a menu favorite that's had many different
versions in the past it's actually the one that started it all but I've never
personally tried and that ends today with the return of their double
cheeseburger pizza and I have to say the dill pickles immediately hit me with
that color contrast along with the Roma tomatoes I absolutely love the way that
looks on top of this what this actually features is a zesty burger sauce on top
of ground beef so guys they're pretty much hitting all the notes on what a
cheeseburger should have and there's plenty of cheese to be had for sure it
sure looks pretty great and what also is great is the smell in my car right now
and take a closer look at that burger sauce it's almost like a Thousand Island
dressing if I remember correctly from the last one that I did we'll talk about
that in just a second but overall a very nice combination of cheeseburger
toppings on this one and of course you've got that crust to go around let
me pan around over here and give you an idea of the toastiness of the bread here
on this one definitely not a thin crust this is the standard one that comes with
the promo price and you got to love that authentic crust in the very back there
looking very nice going right into the cheese and of course the dill pickle the
Roma tomatoes and all the other goodies here guys but very very nicely done on
this one and you know we are absolutely gonna be going in on that garlic sauce
you definitely have to get some of the garlic sauce with this and I can't wait
to get into that for sure guys this is the returning double cheeseburger pizza
here at Papa John's let's most definitely peep out this flavor yesir the dill
pickles the ground beef and that zesty burger sauce are absolutely giving me
the essence of a cheeseburger aroma wise in my car right now let's dive in it's
the double cheeseburger pizza for 2018 here at Papa John's mmm burger sauce
right away mmm nice yeah definitely reminds me of kind of like a weaker
Thousand Island dressing with maybe just a little bit more ketchup in it but then
you get that ground beef flavor and of course the cheese to go with that snap
of the dill pickle not so much with the roma tomatoes just
yet but the whole combination gives you the idea that you're having a
cheeseburger just more flattened out let's keep going
it's really good yeah this definitely reminds me of that bacon cheddar burger pizza
that I reviewed here at Papa John's about a year or so ago you'll find that
review in the upper right hand corner of your display right now but overall the
same base exactly the same toppings just this one is missing that cheddar and
bacon obviously but guys a very delicious pizza nonetheless and it
really does emulate a cheeseburger pretty nicely you know aside from how
tasty that bacon cheddar burger pizza was the first time around what makes the
OG actually work for me right now is still gonna be those dill pickles I'm
really diggin the fact that it has a snap in the crunch even though they've
been cooked with the pizza themselves they still hold up pretty nicely and the
flavor absolutely adds to this one for sure
OK maybe they're just a little soft but they do have some snap to them and
they most definitely add flavor so speaking of flavor when you say we go
for a dip in some garlic sauce this is one of my favorite sauces if not the
favorite sauce that I love to get here at Papa John's nice hints of garlic
in the air and it is very buttery smelling on top of it here we go hmm
already instantly gets you in the back oh man that heavy garlic creaminess on
top of the butteriness of the sauce itself is off the chart it really brings
out the flavor on just about any pizza I've tried it with but when you have
cheeseburger guys going with this you already know garlic and cheeseburgers
go hand-in-hand as far as I'm concerned this is a nice pairing hmm here's one
more quick shot of this one for you it's exactly what I expected it to be I had a
lot of fond memories of checking out that bacon cheddar burger pizza the
first time around so I knew what I was getting into with this one I'm just glad
I can add it to the playlist of Papa John's reviews and definitely cross this
one off the list it is highly worth it guys and
absolutely get it with that garlic sauce yeah it's all about the dill pickles the
ground beef and that zesty burger sauce without a doubt those are the main
highlights of this one for sure on top of the cheesiness that you already know
from Papa John's the Roma tomatoes kind of blend in with everything so it wasn't
really tasting that too much but it's everything else that really shines and
if you're looking for next-level flavor without a doubt go into that garlic
sauce guys it really is the signature on Papa John's for a reason so overall I'm
gonna have to give the returning double cheeseburger pizza here at Papa John's a
rock-solid 9 out of 10 it was just different enough because it didn't have
the cheddar and bacon the last time out yet familiar enough because it was the
same base to really be worth checking out and I'm very glad that I did the
cheeseburger flavors worked so well on this one and
I can see why they've had many different versions of it over the years so I'm so
glad that it's back on the menu right now and that I can actually add it here
on the Channel for you to check out brand new in 2018 well new to me anyway
but what do you guys think drop some comments down below is this a
favorite of yours are you glad this one is back on the menu and if you've had a
different version of it in the past which one have you had drop those
comments down below and definitely let me know and with that this is Ian K
closing out another episode of peep this hour bringing you brand new content
every single week here on my channel so while you stay tuned for that next review
coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty say what you
will about this one it absolutely presents well I think if they made this
one more like a calzone with like another layer of bread on top it would
be a little bit closer to an actual cheeseburger guys it virtually tastes
like one alright everyone until next time I'll
talk to you soon
For more infomation >> Papa John's® | Double Cheeseburger Pizza 2018 | Food Review! 🍕🍔 - Duration: 5:23.
Skoda Fabia - Duration: 1:05.
Reduce Facial Hair with 4 Homemade Recipes|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:53.
Reduce Facial Hair with 4 Homemade Recipes
Natural remedies that remove facial hair can take a little longer to produce results.
However, they're gentler on skin and offer other benefits.
Facial hair is a beauty problem many women go through.
Although, it's harmless and can be caused by hormones, many decide to fight against it because they believe it's hideous. Therefore, the cosmetics industry has developed a wide range of products and techniques to eliminate facial hair, making look skin softer and beautiful.
However, some methods are so savage they cause pain, redness, and other annoying allergic reactions.
The good news is there are recipes which are completely natural.
They can minimize facial hair from appearing without any side affects.
Even if these recipes don't provide instant results, their properties will gradually decrease facial hair until it's invisible. Below are four interesting options you can start adding to your beauty routine.
Egg white and cornstarch Egg white combined with cornstarch makes a sticky paste that – – when applied to skin – – helps remove unwanted facial hair.
It also has a light exfoliating effect useful to remove dead skin cells, which in turn makes the skin feel soft and look healthy.
Ingredients 1 egg white 1 tablespoon of cornstarch (10 g) Preparation Whip an egg white and add the tablespoon of cornstarch until a paste forms.
How to apply it Spread the mixture over hairy areas and let it dry for 10 minutes.
Afterwards, rub it in by using soft circular motions and wash it off with warm water.
Use twice a week for good results.
Chickpea flour and natural yogurt This natural combination contains fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that are great for your skin.
One of its main beauty uses is to remove unwanted hair. Using it regularly makes hair finer and decreases them from appearing.
Ingredients 1 tablespoon of chickpea flour (10 g) 1 tablespoon of natural yogurt (20 g) 5 drops of lemon juice Preparation Mix the chickpea flour with the natural yogurt until a creamy paste forms.
Add the drops of lemon juice and stir until it's thoroughly mixed.
How to apply it Rub onto the affected areas and let sit for 20 minutes.
Once dry, remove with a washcloth, gently pressing on the direction the hair grows.
Rinse off the rest with warm water and pat dry.
Use it 2 or 3 times a week.
Note: Only use this mixture at night.
Avoid sunlight after applying it to prevent spots from appearing.
Coffee grounds and baking soda Leftover ground coffee can be your best weapon for preventing bothersome facial hair.
This mask uses a little bit of baking soda to increase its exfoliating abilities.
Ingredients 2 tablespoons of ground coffee (20 g) 1 teaspoon of baking soda (3 g) 3 tablespoons of rose water (45 ml) Preparation Pour the ground coffee into a container and mix it with the baking soda and rose water.
The end result should be a thick paste with a grainy texture.
How to apply it Rub the mixture onto unwanted hair and massage for 3 or 5 minutes.
Remove with warm water and use it 3 times a week.
The cosmetic uses of turmeric come from India, where women have taken advantage of its abilities to decrease body hair from appearing.
Mixing it with natural yogurt creates a thick paste that reduces the presence of accumulated fuzz and dead skin cells.
Ingredients 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder (10 g) 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt (60 g) Preparation Make a creamy paste by mixing the turmeric powder with natural yogurt.
How to apply it Apply the product over your upper lip or any part of your face that has unwanted facial hair.
Let it sit 20 or 30 minutes and rinse it off with warm water.
While rinsing it off, massage the product in a circular motion to help remove hair.
Use this treatment 3 times a week.
Ready to try out these solutions to get rid of facial hair? Although, they might take longer to work, they're gentle on the skin and are full of beneficial nutrients.
Give them a try! .
6 Hand Exercises to Prevent Annoying Syndromes|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:43.
6 Hand Exercises to Prevent Annoying Syndromes
Stretching and doing hand exercises frequently will help stimulate circulation to those areas.
It can also prevent possible issues arising from being in a fixed position continuously.
You should be absolutely thankful for your hands. They allow you to perform many everyday activities.
That's why it's important to take care of them. The best way to do that is by doing a few simple hand exercises.
You often constantly do certain activities that can harm your hands, which in the long run, can affect your health. There are two syndromes which often affect your hands' functions.
They're caused mainly by keeping your hands in a bad position for long periods of time. The two diseases are carpal tunnel syndrome and De Quervain syndrome.
Carpal tunnel syndrome Carpal tunnel syndrome happens when the nerves in the wrists are affected by tendon and bone pressure due to having bad hand posture.
One of its symptoms is numbness in the fingers and intense pain that limits the hand's movement. Many people from different professions can develop this syndrome.
It can be prevented by monitoring your hands' positions during different activities.
Furthermore, it's important to give your hands a rest from repeated postures and to perform proper exercises.
De Quervain Syndrome Tenosynovitis affects mainly the thumb joint. Its symptoms include pain, swelling, and numbness.
In severe cases, the thumb tends to curve.
This syndrome specifically influences the right hand, due to it being mostly used for handling mobile devices.
Make sure to change thumbs, use good hand positioning, and do some simple exercises in order to prevent this syndrome.
Even if these syndromes aren't so severe, they can cause very bothersome injuries. Likewise, if the pain is ignored, it will only intensify until you'll no longer able to do day-to-day tasks.
What's even worse, they can also lead to required surgery.
The following six exercise routines are very simple and can be done at any moment.
They'll help prevent these two bothersome syndromes that can impact your hands' functions.
6 hand exercises to avoid bothersome syndromes 1.
The rope Completely put your hands together- – palm to palm, to form a pair.
Then repeatedly separate and put your fingers together from pair to pair.
Do this exercise five times for every pair of fingers.
The pinch Have the tip of your thumb touch the other fingertips.
Start with the index finger and finish with the pinky and then in reverse.
Perform this exercise five times for each hand.
The butterfly Put your hands' palms together and stretch your fingers back as much as possible.
Hold this position for at least five seconds.
Afterwards, interlace your fingers, and squeeze for five more seconds.
Repeat this exercise ten times a day.
The ravine To do this exercise, interlace your fingers midway, so your hands form a straight line.
Bend your fingers toward the floor while moving your wrist upward.
Hold for a second and return to starting position.
Repeat this exercise ten times a day.
The hill Put your fingers and palms together.
From this position, stretch your fingers towards the ceiling while keeping your hands at chest height.
Keep your palms together and lower your arms as much as possible – – around waist height – – and return to the starting position.
Repeat this exercise ten times a day.
The swing Keep the palms and fingers against each other.
Then, place your hands at chest height.
Next, press one palm against the other for at least five seconds.
Finally, return to the starting position and repeat using the other hand.
Do this exercise five times for each hand every day.
Remember to do these hand exercises to avoid having any further problems, especially if you work in an office.
Škoda Fabia 1.2 TSI 90pk Greentech Monte Carlo - Duration: 1:06.
Want to Sleep Better? Try Out These 7 Nighttime Habits|HFE♪ - Duration: 6:51.
Want to Sleep Better? Try Out These 7 Nighttime Habits
To catch more z's, we should have an appropriate dinner– not too much or too little– because hunger or a heavy digestion can affect sleep.
Though many people take it for granted but getting a full night's rest is a habit that greatly affects a wide range of health aspects.
Sleep is a biological need for all humans. It allows our bodies to perform key functions for physical and mental performance, cardiac health and maintain a good metabolism.
We should get between 7 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Without enough hours of sleep, you body won't be able to carry out all the processes it can't usually do during the day.
As a consequence, the lack of sleep triggers various physical, psychological and emotional reactions, which for the most part considerably affects your quality of life.
Even though a not-so-restful night may seem normal enough, you should pay attention to your sleeping problems before they become severe.
Below are 7 nighttime habits that lead to having a good night's sleep.
Try doing them yourself! 1.
Try yoga Yoga and stretching exercises are a healthy way to relax your body and mind, and get an ideal amount of rest.
While some poses require a certain degree of physical ability, they don't fatigue the muscle.
They also lower stress and anxiety that often affect sleep.
It's worth mentioning they also provide other benefits such as: Better blood circulation Greater joint flexibility Muscle strengthing Improved mood Weight loss 2.
Eat a light dinner One of the insomnia causing factor is discomfort from skipping dinner, or maybe, having foods that are irritating or difficult to digest. You shouldn't take this main meal for granted. It shouldn't be excessive and it should contain light yet filling ingredients.
Instead of eating saturated and processed fats that lead to indigestion and reflux, you should choose gentler foods that contain: Fresh vegetables Whole grains (small portions) Lean meats 3.
Go out for a walk It's not a good idea to have dinner then sleep immediately afterwards.
This habit can cause acid reflux and other problems which make falling asleep at a normal hour hard.
Take a night walk after eating your last meal of the day, before going to bed.
A nice walk will help your digestion and also relieve your moodfrom stress or irritability.
Drink a tea The calming properties of certain medicinal plants are great for improving sleep quality instead of resorting to insomnia medication.
Drinking a cup of tea before going to bed relaxes the body, thus helping it release more sleeping hormones.
The best teas to try are the following: Chamomile Valerian Lindenflower Passionflower Lavender Lemon balm Rosemary Peppermint 5.
Listen to relaxing music Nowadays, there are hundreds of accesible relaxing melodies that help when you're struggling to sleep.
There is plenty of therapeutic music that combat stress, anxiety and other disorders related to sleep deprivation. They can be useful for meditation or simply be a way to relax yourself until you fall asleep.
Take a hot shower After a long tiring work day, a hot shower can help relax your body before going to bed.
It doesn't have to be long. Hot temperatures have a therapeutic effect that help ease sore muscles, stress and the feeling of tiredness, which ironically makes it hard to fall asleep.
Create the proper sleeping environment Your sleeping environment is a very influential factor. Making sure you have proper room conditions is important in order to guarantee a restful sleep.
You should cut the habit of working or hanging out in your room. The brain needs to associate the space with sleep.
If possible, try to avoid having any distracting electrical devices such as televisions, computers, etc.
Your bed should be clean and comfortable.
When going to bed, the space should be as quiet and dark as possible.
Have you been getting a rough night's sleep lately? If you've been complaining about sleeping problems, then give our recommendations a try.
How Deadly Can These Common Products Be?|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:47.
How Deadly Can These Common Products Be?
There are products that can turn deadly.
Depending on the amount or the dose, ingesting them can be harmful for our health.
Take a good look our list below.
All types of foods and drinks should be moderately consumed.
However, some foods can actually be deadly if they are consumed a bit over proportion.
So, be careful.
Below are 15 common products that become deadly after exceeding a certain amount.
Water You should drink two liters daily. However, if you drink more than 3 times than that recommended amount, your kidneys won't have enough time to eliminate the liquid from your body.
Over drinking water becomes lethal because you could experience an edema in your internal organs, or a cerebral or respiratory infarction.
Practically, you could poison yourself with water just as the US citizen Jennifer Strange did after drinking more than 7.5 liters of water in a contest.
Caffeine can become deadly at 15 grams, which is 113 cups of coffee in 250 ml containers.
In actuality, a person can by a water overdose because 113 is approximately 30 liters of water.
As you can see, it'd be nearly impossible to die from a coffee overdose.
Chocolate Chocolate contains a high amount of theobromine, which is a power central nervous system stimulant. If you consume 10 kg of chocolate in a single day, you'll get a chocolate overdose.
As a result, you'd initially experience nausea and diarrhea, but later move on to more severe problems.
Some examples are epileptic seizures, internal bleeding, heart attack and ultimately death.
Alcohol For men, 1.25 liters of 40 proof alcohol, or 2.5 bottles of alcohol can be deadly if consumed in less than an hour without vomiting.
Tobacco When considering that a normal cigarette contains 0.8 mg of nicotine, then smoking 75 cigarettes at the same time would kill you.
Marijuana A person would have to smoke 680 kg of marijuana in 15 minutes, or consume 22 kilos in a day in order for it to be lethal, which is impossible.
Apple seeds Eating 18 apples is not dangerous for your health.
However, if you crush the seeds of 18 apples and consume them by chewing them thoroughly, you'd likely end up with a health problem because apple seeds contain cyanide.
Cherry pits Cherry pits also contain cyanide.
Likewise, apricot and peach pits, and bitter almonds can also be lethal.
Keeping that in mind, never crush or chew these seeds or pits. By doing so, you can prevent putting your health at risks. Bananas Bananas are high in potassium but it's lethal to overdose on this mineral.
However, you'd have to eat at least 400 bananas at once in order for it be deadly.
Oranges You'd have to eat at least 11,000 oranges in a single day to experience an orange overdose, which is impossible.
Salt The daily recommend amount of salt is 1.5-4 grams. A deadly amount of salt is 250 grams in one sitting, which would be up to 48 tablespoons of salt.
Chili powder If you're a fan of condiments, especially chili powder, you should know that 130 teaspoons is a deadly dose.
However, it's a rather impossible, so there is no need to worry the next you spice up your dish.
Sugar If you eat 2.5 kg of sugar at once, you'd be eating a potentially lethal amount of sugar. However, 2.5 kg amounts to 500 teaspoons, which is an impossible amount to consume as well.
Toothpaste Have you swallowed a little bit of toothpaste when brushing our teeth? Don't worry, it won't cause you any harm. You'd have to ingest at least 24 tubes of toothpaste in order for it to be a deadly.
Bonus Of course, certain foods are deadlier than others depending on each person's health. For example, a deadly amount of sugar for a diabetic could be much less dangerous than a non-diabetic. It's also the same case for salt and people with high-blood pressure.
So, the safest thing to do is to never eat excessive amounts of any kind of food.
Although, it's important to avoid solid fats when you are on a diet.
Solid fats are found in products such as butter, lard or margarine.
Try not to cook with solid fats by substituting their flavor with spices. You should also eliminate fried foods from your diet. .
How Many Meals Should You Eat a Day to Lose Weight?|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:04.
How Many Meals Should You Eat a Day to Lose Weight?
How many meals should you eat a day: three, five, six? This is one of the more controversial issues in nutrition today.
Dietitians and nutritionists have come up with many different meal schedules.
Which is best for losing weight?.
The number of meals to eat in a day is a hot topic right now.
It can make you think that this issue is the most important thing.
This might be true to some extent, but according to experts on the matter, it's much more complex.
Although there is no overall consensus, nutritionists currently recommend eating five or six meals a day.
Eating several meals helps speed up your metabolism.
This practice certainly has its advantages.
The first is that your metabolism speeds up.
When you have a faster metabolism, it prevents fat from building up. When you go a long time without eating, fat accumulates.
In other words, eating a few very large meals causes your body to store up fat.
It's a mechanism your body uses to save up energy for when food may not be available.
On the other hand, when you eat several meals a day, insulin production is regulated better. Fat won't build up because your energy is consumed and replenished throughout the day.
This is key to weight loss and good health.
Just don't forget to exercise.
Controls cravings.
Cravings make it hard for people to eat healthy. Cravings can get even worse when you're on a diet and trying to lose weight.
The result is that you give in to frustration and return to your unhealthy eating habits.
Sometimes it happens out of actual hunger, and sometimes it's just a craving.
Getting into the habit of eating several small meals per day can reduce your "emotional hunger.
" In fact, this meal schedule allows you to eat snacks, unlike more strict diets.
From a nutritional point of view, fruit and protein like chicken can be quite effective at fighting cravings.
The idea is to help you feel full without being stuffed.
How many meals? Well, that's not the only factor.
Eating several meals a day is recommended, but it doesn't guarantee anything.
In fact, people who eat three big meals a day plus snacks are more likely to gain weight. So someone who eats more than three times a day won't necessarily lose weight.
The important thing is to eat several times a day but with small portions.
In addition, there are certain times of the day that are better for eating carbohydrates and other times when you should avoid them.
The idea is to restrict your intake of foods that are very bad for your health. Check your portions, include lots of vegetables and fruits, and eliminate saturated fats and sugars.
Those are the basic principles for losing weight.
Lose weight by choosing your food well.
There are some foods that actually help speed up your metabolism.
For example, chicken contains protein that helps lower your body's fat content. Athletes are well aware of this fact. Also, eggs have a similar effect.
Fruits and vegetables like apples, grapefruit, broccoli, and lettuce also help here.
Coffee, green tea, and protein shakes (without added sugar) are very healthy choices.
All of these foods encourage the development of muscle mass.
These foods are recommended for diets with several meals a day.
As you can see, losing weight doesn't depend exclusively on how many meals you eat, but also on the quality and quantity of what you eat.
Of course, everything is relative.
While eating six meals a day is popular, remember that everyone's body is different.
Before you start a diet, therefore, it's best to talk to a nutritionist.
They'll help you choose the right method for you.
Don't forget: there's nothing better for speeding up your metabolism than a good exercise routine.
Weight lifting and cardio are essential for best results.
5 Natural Remedies to Relieve Vaginal Itching|HFE♪ - Duration: 9:00.
5 Natural Remedies to Relieve Vaginal Itching
Do you feel a maddening itch in your intimate area? Are you suffering from dryness or abnormal discharges? Choose any of these remedies to fight these symptoms before they worsen.
Vaginal itching is an uncomfortable symptom that can be caused by an alteration in the pH of your intimate area or a gynecological condition. It's quite annoying for women suffering from it, as it can be accompanied by redness, abnormal discharges, and other symptomsthat cause insecurity.
That's why it's extremelly important to find remedies in order to relieve vaginal itching.
Although it occurs sporadically and is almost always due to mild infections, most seek treatment to soothe it and speed up the recovery process.
Fortunately, in addition to pharmacological options, there are 100% natural remedies that help control it safely and effectively.
This time, we want to share five home remedies you can prepare if you're suffering from vaginal itching.
What Causes Vaginal Itching? The vaginal area is protected by bacterial flora responsible for fighting pathogenic microorganisms that can cause infections.
When there are pH changes in this area, the level of protection decreases and viruses, bacteria, and fungi spread.
This situation can be caused by: Using scented soaps, Applying talcum powder, Wearing wet underwear or underwear made of synthetic material, Wearing tight clothing, Excessive consumption of antibiotics, Bad nutrition, A weakened immune system.
Natural Solutions for Vaginal Itching The properties of some natural ingredients help restore the pH of the flora to relieve vaginal itching and irritation.
However, if the itching is due to an infection, it's best to see your doctor to determine whether you need other treatments.
Let's take a look at some of the natural remedies! Basil The antibacterial and antifungal properties of basil leaves help stop the attack of microorganisms that cause infections in the vagina.
Its cooling effect reduces skin irritation in the intimate area and soothes the itching and burning.
Ingredients 3 tablespoons of basil leaves (45 g) 2 cups of water (500 ml) Preparation Pour the basil leaves and 2 cups of water in a pot and boil.
When the infusion boils, remove from heat and let stand at room temperature.
After 20 or 30 minutes, strain the infusion.
How To Use Take a sitz bath with this infusion.
Repeat twice a day.
Rosemary Rosemary leaves have antibiotic and antifungal properties that help control infections that alter the vaginal pH.
Its natural extracts protect the outside areas of the vagina and reduce the stinging in that delicate skin.
Ingredients 3 tablespoons of rosemary leaves (45 g) 2 cups of water (500 ml) Preparation Pour the rosemary leaves into the two cups of boiling water.
Cover the infusion and let steep for about 20 minutes.
How To Use Rinse the outside areas of the vagina with the infusion.
Let dry without rinsing.
Repeat the procedure twice a day.
Calendula Calendula is one of the most-used medicinal plants in the treatment of vaginal conditions.
It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the burning and itching caused by flora imbalances.
Ingredients 3 tablespoons of calendula flowers (45 g) 2 cups of water (500 ml) Preparation Pour the calendula flowers and the cups of water in a pot and place over low heat for 5 minutes.
After this time, remove from heat and let steep for 20 minutes.
Drain the infusion and use it in baths.
How to Apply Rinse the external part of the vagina with the liquid.
If the symptoms reappear, repeat twice a day.
Sage Sage leaves have properties that regulate healthy vaginal bacteria, preventing the development of infections.
Its direct application soothes itching and cools the skin.
Ingredients 2 tablespoons of sage leaves (30 g) 2 cups of water (500 ml) Preparation Pour the sage leaves into two cups of boiling water.
Cover the infusion and let steep for 20 minutes.
How to Apply Use the liquid in sitz baths twice a day.
Aloe Vera and Vitamin E A natural cream made with aloe vera and vitamin E oil helps lubricate the intimate area to reduce itching produced by excessive dryness.
Ingredients 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (30 g) 1 teaspoon of vitamin E (5 g) Preparation Mix the aloe vera gel with the teaspoon of vitamin E.
How to Apply Rub the remedy on the outside parts of the vagina, gently massaging the irritated areas.
Use twice a day to relieve discomfort.
Do you feel a maddening itch in your intimate area? Are you suffering from dryness or abnormal discharges? Choose any of these remedies to fight these symptoms before they worsen.
Ryan Mierzejwski for President 2020 - Duration: 1:11.
My name is Bryce.
I live in america.
Just like YOU.
We need a leader that will LISTEN to us.
my name is Vic Komosinski.
Live in america.
We need a leader that will PROTECT our FREEDOM!
My name is Jaydin Houck.
The other canidate, they just....
They are not accepting...we need a leader that accepts people....
And that's why we're voting for Ryan Mierzejwski for President.
My name is Ryan Mierzejwski and I approve this message.
Please give me an A+, Mr. Daly. :)))))
Maša i Kusturica: Pa kako nas je to Rusija izdala!? - Duration: 6:42.
Primer Plano: Kenita Larraín se quebró al revelar enfermedad que le impide tener más hijos - Duration: 2:30.
Kiya Lacey - Down - Duration: 2:56.
Pleasure, bring me to a higher moment On ya, visions of a time that's for us
Know how I like it, don't be scared to put it on me
Let the tension rise, yeah, now you can't deny, yeah
Down, down, down, down, down
Tell me, your deepest thoughts, all your desires Watch me fulfill all your wants
I'll make you mine
Know how I like it, don't be scared to put it on me
Let the tension rise, yeah, now you can't deny, yeah
Down, down, down, down, down
Peugeot 307 SW 1.6 16V PACK - Duration: 1:08.
Ryan Mierzejwski for President 2020 - Duration: 1:11.
My name is Bryce.
I live in america.
Just like YOU.
We need a leader that will LISTEN to us.
my name is Vic Komosinski.
Live in america.
We need a leader that will PROTECT our FREEDOM!
My name is Jaydin Houck.
The other canidate, they just....
They are not accepting...we need a leader that accepts people....
And that's why we're voting for Ryan Mierzejwski for President.
My name is Ryan Mierzejwski and I approve this message.
Please give me an A+, Mr. Daly. :)))))
맥 쓰면 오디오 인터페이스 필요 없나요? - Duration: 3:48.
Delta Rune Chaos King (Vocal / Lyrics Version) - Duration: 1:47.
Dark Night . . .
The Light . . .
I shall become its BLIGHT.
Dark Night . . .
The Light . . .
I will display my MIGHT.
Dark (k)Night . . .
Delight . . . :)
The time has come to FIGHT.
Deceptive beings!
You sought to bring the light and end my dr-e-e-e-e-e-eams
But alas, your scam...
I'll put you to the sword and grant you the-e-e-e-e-e-e
despair you need.
Darkness and the Shadow Founta-a-a-a-a-ins
are the HOPE I still have.
A promise of a shared, and happy e-e-e-e-e-e-ending?
Fat chance.
(Fat chance.) You just don't get it yet!
Why can't ya see?
"I'm the Bad Guy!"
"I'm the Bad Guy!" Yes!
Yes! That's what YOU labeled me.
If you don't FIGHT back Then that's just as good for me.
So --
So -- Enter the chains of pain . . .
Father please open up - (Lancer my only son ...)
Your heart to me! (Lancer my only son ...)
This agony's not good for anybody. (Tainted, your heart is gone to the side that's wrong...)
Unhappy stories are not what Lancer enjoys so...
What would mother say?
I still will not sway.
We will save the day!
There's simply no way!
I have a grand plan!
Takin' yer old man?
Everybody now!
YOU saved them all?
Our Friends- Delta Rune!
Papa John's® | Double Cheeseburger Pizza 2018 | Food Review! 🍕🍔 - Duration: 5:23.
welcome to peep this out reviews with Ian K stay frosty
so while Papa John's brings back a menu favorite that's had many different
versions in the past it's actually the one that started it all but I've never
personally tried and that ends today with the return of their double
cheeseburger pizza and I have to say the dill pickles immediately hit me with
that color contrast along with the Roma tomatoes I absolutely love the way that
looks on top of this what this actually features is a zesty burger sauce on top
of ground beef so guys they're pretty much hitting all the notes on what a
cheeseburger should have and there's plenty of cheese to be had for sure it
sure looks pretty great and what also is great is the smell in my car right now
and take a closer look at that burger sauce it's almost like a Thousand Island
dressing if I remember correctly from the last one that I did we'll talk about
that in just a second but overall a very nice combination of cheeseburger
toppings on this one and of course you've got that crust to go around let
me pan around over here and give you an idea of the toastiness of the bread here
on this one definitely not a thin crust this is the standard one that comes with
the promo price and you got to love that authentic crust in the very back there
looking very nice going right into the cheese and of course the dill pickle the
Roma tomatoes and all the other goodies here guys but very very nicely done on
this one and you know we are absolutely gonna be going in on that garlic sauce
you definitely have to get some of the garlic sauce with this and I can't wait
to get into that for sure guys this is the returning double cheeseburger pizza
here at Papa John's let's most definitely peep out this flavor yesir the dill
pickles the ground beef and that zesty burger sauce are absolutely giving me
the essence of a cheeseburger aroma wise in my car right now let's dive in it's
the double cheeseburger pizza for 2018 here at Papa John's mmm burger sauce
right away mmm nice yeah definitely reminds me of kind of like a weaker
Thousand Island dressing with maybe just a little bit more ketchup in it but then
you get that ground beef flavor and of course the cheese to go with that snap
of the dill pickle not so much with the roma tomatoes just
yet but the whole combination gives you the idea that you're having a
cheeseburger just more flattened out let's keep going
it's really good yeah this definitely reminds me of that bacon cheddar burger pizza
that I reviewed here at Papa John's about a year or so ago you'll find that
review in the upper right hand corner of your display right now but overall the
same base exactly the same toppings just this one is missing that cheddar and
bacon obviously but guys a very delicious pizza nonetheless and it
really does emulate a cheeseburger pretty nicely you know aside from how
tasty that bacon cheddar burger pizza was the first time around what makes the
OG actually work for me right now is still gonna be those dill pickles I'm
really diggin the fact that it has a snap in the crunch even though they've
been cooked with the pizza themselves they still hold up pretty nicely and the
flavor absolutely adds to this one for sure
OK maybe they're just a little soft but they do have some snap to them and
they most definitely add flavor so speaking of flavor when you say we go
for a dip in some garlic sauce this is one of my favorite sauces if not the
favorite sauce that I love to get here at Papa John's nice hints of garlic
in the air and it is very buttery smelling on top of it here we go hmm
already instantly gets you in the back oh man that heavy garlic creaminess on
top of the butteriness of the sauce itself is off the chart it really brings
out the flavor on just about any pizza I've tried it with but when you have
cheeseburger guys going with this you already know garlic and cheeseburgers
go hand-in-hand as far as I'm concerned this is a nice pairing hmm here's one
more quick shot of this one for you it's exactly what I expected it to be I had a
lot of fond memories of checking out that bacon cheddar burger pizza the
first time around so I knew what I was getting into with this one I'm just glad
I can add it to the playlist of Papa John's reviews and definitely cross this
one off the list it is highly worth it guys and
absolutely get it with that garlic sauce yeah it's all about the dill pickles the
ground beef and that zesty burger sauce without a doubt those are the main
highlights of this one for sure on top of the cheesiness that you already know
from Papa John's the Roma tomatoes kind of blend in with everything so it wasn't
really tasting that too much but it's everything else that really shines and
if you're looking for next-level flavor without a doubt go into that garlic
sauce guys it really is the signature on Papa John's for a reason so overall I'm
gonna have to give the returning double cheeseburger pizza here at Papa John's a
rock-solid 9 out of 10 it was just different enough because it didn't have
the cheddar and bacon the last time out yet familiar enough because it was the
same base to really be worth checking out and I'm very glad that I did the
cheeseburger flavors worked so well on this one and
I can see why they've had many different versions of it over the years so I'm so
glad that it's back on the menu right now and that I can actually add it here
on the Channel for you to check out brand new in 2018 well new to me anyway
but what do you guys think drop some comments down below is this a
favorite of yours are you glad this one is back on the menu and if you've had a
different version of it in the past which one have you had drop those
comments down below and definitely let me know and with that this is Ian K
closing out another episode of peep this hour bringing you brand new content
every single week here on my channel so while you stay tuned for that next review
coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty say what you
will about this one it absolutely presents well I think if they made this
one more like a calzone with like another layer of bread on top it would
be a little bit closer to an actual cheeseburger guys it virtually tastes
like one alright everyone until next time I'll
talk to you soon
Basics of a 401k - 2018 401k Contribution Limits and Guidelines - Duration: 4:50.
what is a 401k and how does it work a 401k is an employer-sponsored qualified
retirement savings account there are a few different types of 401k plans and
investment options can vary from employer to employer so there are three
main benefits of 401k plans first when you make deposits often called
contributions to your 401k plan well these contributions are made before
taxes are taken out this means that your federal taxable income that this year
will be lower and many times state taxes are also reduced
thanks to these contributions second your contributions grow without being
taxed this means that any taxes you would have paid on a typical investment
account can now be reinvested tax-free making the power of compounding work
even harder for you and third many times your company matches at least a portion
of the contributions you make to your 401k plan these three benefits make 401k
plans truly unique and powerful essentially you pay less taxes this year
your account gets to grow without taxes getting in the way and your employer may
give you essentially a retirement raise by often matching at least a portion of
what you put in one of the more popular forms of matching is for the employer to
contribute 50 cents for every dollar you contribute some companies even match
dollar-for-dollar now there are limits to traditional 401k contributions 2018
limits and 401k employee contributions went up from eighteen thousand dollars
in two thousand seventeen to eighteen thousand five hundred dollars in 2018
they call this a cost-of-living adjustment now just because it went up
in this example doesn't mean that it will go up every year the eighteen
thousand dollars from last year was in place since 2015 now this is the
employee contribution limit this does not take into account employer matching
the actual limitation for total contributions in 2018 was increased to
fifty-five thousand dollars from $54,000 in 2017 so we take the current total
contribution limit of fifty five thousand dollars and we subtract the
employee contribution limit of eighteen thousand five
and we see that there is room for another 36,500 this could come from
employer matching or maybe your company has some sort of profit sharing
contributions now there's also something called the ketchup contribution that
most 401k plans allow this ketchup contribution was put in place to allow
for baby boomers to catch up on their retirement savings in 2018 if you're
turning 50 within the calendar year you are eligible to contribute an additional
$6,000 to your 401k plan there are some nuances to this rule but broadly
speaking 6000 is the limit and that is on top of the 2018 limit of $55,000 so
should you contribute to your 401k plan and how much well knowing that every
situation is different and every employer is different the most accurate
answer is well it depends on your individual situation but broadly
speaking it makes sense for most people to contribute every year how much well
as much as I can going back to the three benefits we mentioned before well if a
company matches your contributions well you want to get as much of that money as
possible here's an example if you had zero in your 401k right now and you were
going to contribute the eighteen thousand five hundred uh limit every
year for the next twenty five years assuming the limit never went up and
that money was going to grow by let's say five percent per year
well at the end of the twenty five years your accountant be worth a bit over nine
hundred and twenty seven thousand dollars but if your employer put in just
50 cents for every dollar you put in all else being the same your account would
now be worth about one point three nine million that's more than a four hundred
and sixty thousand dollar difference so if it's being offered to you why
wouldn't you take it now let's imagine that your employer doesn't match it all
well the fact that your yearly taxable income is lowered and you get to invest
that money without worrying about tax is getting in the way well once again it's
free money why not take it so what is your 401k investing once again this
depends on your employer oftentimes you'll see a few investment options you
might see equity funds which invest in stocks bond funds which you may have
guessed invest in bonds balanced funds this is usually a combo of both stocks
bonds and sometimes cash international funds perhaps they offer emerging
markets or developed markets generally each fund will describe their offering
what invest in and oftentimes the general
risk level will be spelled out for you generally it makes sense to consider how
long you're going to be investing in the account and then choose the investments
accordingly if you have any questions about the world of investing any
suggestions on videos please post in the comments below and please subscribe as
we continue to update with new videos every week
thank you
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