come on get up
dude my jaw
why were you like that I was taken in there oh my bad
welcome back to the Marlin man show season 3 we're back
what are we doing Wow I'm reaching for our consciousness to find ideas I
already know how to do that do you know how to lucid dream no sad I imagine you
just like fall asleep but then like I
don't even know so hard it's so difficult to lucid dream that drive like
20 times you cried while trying to lose it no you only tried I don't cry ever ah
well what's wrong with loosen'd ringing what why do you cry when you lucid dream
I don't cry actually I just I just told you didn't I try don't cry I don't cry
ever like ever at all
are you emotionless No so that's just insane so if I if I put put a small dog
in front of you and I told you hey Charlie Brown kick this little fucker
dude would you do it I'm not Shirley Brown I wouldn't kick
the dog yeah cuz I pull it out from under you classic I know I don't know
why that's a running joke in that that serious I mean it's not funny
it's not it's really not I mean I mean but by that point he should be getting
concussions like he probably has like a serious injury he's probably actually
brain dead if he keeps doing it this this girl is probably exploding a retard
it's just for her own amusement it's kind of sad
Charlie Brown is a retard like an actual retard and this girl thinks it's funny
just exploit this mentally ill trial well apparently so does the rest of the
population cuz I mean if it's still going it's got to be at least somewhat
pila rant so that's just insane dude okay kids are kids these days are being
his these days are being taught to exploit retards it's just a common thing
but I like twenty twenty or thirty will have like oh well it'll basically be
retard slavery like you you can buy retards like not even off the dark web
you'll be able to buy them from like Target Wow this that's just insane yeah
but I mean but it's it's a safe option because returns they can't whose our
guest today it's a retard
all right this is uncomfortable so uh how do you feel about your people
getting in it getting jobs out there also what's your name retard
I think it's frankly retarded so for a retard standpoint retards are getting
jobs as a retarded yes they're retards Wow
why should we move out of the house my mom used to keep you on a leash with
spikes on it so I didn't hurt anybody but myself because I deserved it so she
basically treated you like a pit bull you know she expected you to eat
somebody's babies that's just ridiculous pit bulls if you like animals okay
no they're not we all know that pit bulls just kill children no they only
have basic they only kill children I one time was just walking along and I was
walking that was me in a pitbull costume with this child and there was a pit ball
and it just killed this child you heard me
no it didn't yeah okay would you say roof yeah is that the only case you have
yeah I'm a part of our organization it's a three charge against pit bull abuse no
that doesn't exist you know that the city would never let you form it on you
ain't gonna play me like how pussy that doesn't exist I think you are an pussy
ah big an pussy um
uh yeah so retards uh working in airports and shit you know yeah I have
you seen that famous picture of like the kid with Down syndrome and he's like in
a pilot costume nah dude I seen that you like and you like see like the video of
like the plane crashing into the forest and blowing up retard dangerous yeah
they really are sounds horrible why would I ever watch
such a thing corrupt my mind make me feel as if I am
one of the many people who died in the plane set of the retard crashing it
won't mind you have no mind you're Rita scientifically proven that
we touch don't have minds retards are basically animals they don't have a
retard could never be a
long it's on tip of my tongue yeah philosopher there we go
can never be philosopher because they're basically not sentient beings well
speaking from a personal experience I can never be a philosopher because uh my
name isn't Phil okay it's retard its laughably bad power then
they felt dominates the philosophy industry in fact it is an industry it's
a cool cause of them they felt wow look dude look oh my goodness what was a
very cash money of you I'll have to disagree with your tactics here on this
political program that won't hear quite a lot
I'm apologetic that that happened to me
what does they need to mean I'm not quite sure I am retarded after all I'm
still uncomfortable about what about this seating position okay yeah it's
cute uncomfortable I don't think he's retarded but have a space no no it's
just you bro I like your couch it's not mine I forget
I said anything eat some popcorn feast keep eating it
faster just keep eating that popcorn
thank you better clap you before sip and I was born hmm okay oh dude is it going
come on
you hurt me you're bleeding yes Johan Russell yeah okay okay this is
really hard good job that's not like a long high
five yeah well do you think retard strength exists you may thanks I have or
in math I related the calculus oh that's really what does that even mean what
does character you realize the power this man has now basically what calculus
is is that it's a 4d object it's basically a 4d cube I don't know what
that means so you know how 2d is like a flat image yeah and 3d is like what we
are worth 3d okay I don't have 3ds my name has one key at the end retard duh
how am i 3d there's one being retard
maybe you're the retard shut up bitch I just have to say something that was
uncalled for all right
even though I just hate retards you should probably apologize for what you
know what you just saying you don't you don't call people a bitch
why how do you know he doesn't identify as a female dog are you a female dog not
quite sure bitch okay please leave okay
please that bitch get out of here go back to where you came from
bitch sit sit in the chair I'm just so uncomfortable right now this
is so weird I guess that concludes our the first episode of season 3 episode 1
of season 3 of the Marlin Manhattan show thanks we're in season three how do we
yes yes we are on season three Wow okay uh thanks for thanks for tuning in I
hope to see I won't be seeing any people cuz I mean you're just watching for a
screen felt like I look at one of these cameras it might it might seem like I'm
looking at someone but I'm not I'm actually not looking I can't see anybody
behind the camera it's not possible I I can't see behind your screen but you can
see me you can see okay
For more infomation >> Chatting With A Retard | Marlin Manhattan Season 3 Premiere! - Duration: 15:01.-------------------------------------------
Iron Man vs Terrorists Gulmira Fight | Iron Man (2008) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:50.
Hurry it up.
Put the women in the trucks.
Stack the weapons here.
Clear all the houses.
That one there. Faster. Faster.
Grab that dog.
Put him with the others.
What the hell is this?
Shoot this dog.
You're all incompetent.
Turn your head.
He's all yours.
Nongkhai - Duration: 7:59.
Fab DS at Tulleys Shocktober Fest - Duration: 10:01.
Of all the Halloween events in the UK,
there is one that is particularly successful: it's Shocktober Fest at Tulleys Farm.
Qualitatively, it's very close to the events I attended in the United States.
Tonight I take you here: to the biggest Scream Park in Europe.
I take you to the best places to have fun around the world.
Subscribe to join the adventure.
Only one destination: fun!
Throughout the year, Tulleys Farm is a farm with family activities.
But at Halloween time, it takes on a whole new dimension. I will show you.
What if we went for a tractor ride in the countryside around Tulleys Farm?
What's waiting for me here?
I am all at the back of the cart.
If something happens,
if someone tries to get in,
it will be for me.
There are chainsaw noises.
He jumped in, he jumped in!
He's cutting people out.
He cut me off, he cut me off!
Let's visit now a very special garage.
I don't know what's going on in this garage, but I'm sure there are some things that are not very normal.
Fresh meat for dinner!
This way!
What's going on in this garage?
There are traces of blood everywhere.
You get lost ?
Keep going, keep going.
What do I do ?
Come on, I'm going!
I feel like I'm going around in circles.
It's getting worse.
Take a look, look for me.
What do I do ?
I remember doing a maze here at Shocktober Fest, a year before,
which was almost completely in the dark. There were electric wires hanging from the ceiling.
I groped our way along.
And every time I touched the walls, I got an electric shock
and it was intensified by the sight of the electric wires hanging from the ceiling.
It was very special and I remember I didn't like it at all.
I haven't found this maze this year.
And it's maybe better like that.
Welcome to the territory of clowns in 3D.
It's really weird with the glasses.
It's funny, it feels like we can catch things.
Hello !
- Do you like my ice cream? - No.
You can't have it, it's mine!
I recognize him.
I like your jacket.
- It looks very funny. - Thank you.
I want to lick it. Can I lick it? I like licking things.
What do you mean, "no" ?
The clowns are pretty aggressive here.
He is so ugly. Look at him, he's so ugly.
I have to throw myself into the clown's mouth there.
I have to go into the mouth of the clown.
Really ?
This kind of stuff I already have trouble to do it when it's not in 3D, so there!
I can't, I can't!
It's weird, it looks like the wall is a bit embossed.
Looks like I'm in Alice's land of Wonderland. But where is the white rabbit?
Have I to go through there?
It's really too weird.
In the maze that is in this tent, you have a hood on your head
and you walk randomly in the maze while evil voices whisper you
satanic incantations to the ear.
It's quite special.
We are on the territory of a mysterious colony.
What are they doing, what do they want? I have no idea, actually.
I just wish I could get out of here in one piece.
Go away!
What is this colony?
Have I to go here?
I believe that here I am in the territory of the witches.
In fact I am passing between two giant airbags and I have trouble moving forward.
I am stuck.
I enter a kind of forest.
This is very quiet. it's a little too calm to be honest here.
There is an abandoned campfire here.
This walk in the woods is quite disturbing. We arrive in a cabin.
Do I have to knock on the door?
She's a witch in the process of cast an evil incantation.
And besides, she is not alone.
I just escaped from the cabin.
There is a disturbing silhouette that is getting closer to me.
You are weak.
No I'm not.
There is another campfire over there.
And I can hear weird incantations.
I managed to escape the witches and we can say that this walk in the forest was far to be calm and relaxing.
I am attacked by bushes. There are people disguised as bushes!
A giant snake!
I have to go between giant airbags.
How am I getting out of here?
I'll go under her legs.
Same for her, I'll go under her legs.
I hope you enjoyed this Halloween adventure at Shocktober Fest.
The adventure is not over, we'll see you soon for a new Halloween video.
Only destination: fun!
to be continued...
Limited edition Destination Fun T-shirt has arrived.
You can get yours right now on
See you soon for the rest of my Halloween adventures in the UK.
In the meantime, follow me on my Instagram account to see the pictures of my adventures there
and in fun destinations around the world.
The Colonists Game Review - The Settlers evolved for a new generation of building games - Duration: 2:56.
hello I've got a slightly different video for you today I'm going to be
reviewing a game! I know normally review technology products but this is a game
that I absolutely love and I think it deserves a lot of exposure in case
people haven't seen or heard of it. So back in the day I was addicted to a game
called The Settlers, I played this on my Amiga and a little fun fact for you when I
sold my Amiga lot that was actually the very first YouTube video I did I'll
put a link up above if you want to check that out. Basically the settlers allows
you to manage a colony of medieval knights and you have to expand the
colony and it's all to do with efficiency you lay down roads they go
ahead and build everything and you have to gather the resources and make sure
all the resources are in the right place in order to grow the colony. The
Colonists takes exactly the same template and brings it back up to date
now there have been other Settlers games but as the years have gone by they've
moved further and further away from the original template what I love about The
Colonists is that it sticks to that original formula brilliantly. You're now
landing a spaceship of robots who are looking to start their own colony away
from Earth and they're looking to imitate human life a little bit so they
all have little roles and it's quite funny because the roles are very similar
to The Settlers so you have the woodcutter, the forester and like The
Settlers The Colonists is a game about efficiency. Unlike other games where you
would build up a massive army and then rush the enemy or turtle and build up
defenses this game can only be won if your colony is operating correctly and
resources are guessing from A to B.
To get those resources you'll have to have
a combination of different robots you've got the caring robots they come as
standard you've got your worker robots and you've
also got your watchtower robots who help expand the land and defend it from other
AI players.
Quite often resources will have been placed further away than you
would expect from where you need to get them and so it's all about making sure
you can get the resources down a mountain, for example,
to a workshop there's research to be done to upgrade the technology you
use and that's vital if you're in an arms race with the enemy. At no point are
you trying to build up a massive army you have to simply make sure that your
colony is working now it may sound a little bit odd but it is surprisingly
addictive I found it addictive in 1993 with The Settlers and I found it
addictive in 2018 which made me lose the entire weekend playing that rather than
videoing and reviewing and editing. The Colonists is a brilliant game it's actually
not that expensive either, it's available on Steam right now, if you've enjoyed
this video and you are a PC gamer make sure to check out my recent review of
the Shadow Gaming PC and I'll see you over there
[TWD] Andrea Transformation - Duration: 14:17.
Why Does Sugar Make My Teeth Hurt? - Duration: 2:59.
Sugar is supposed to be one of the best things in life.
But you might have bitten into something really sweet only to have it betray you.
Instead of sugary deliciousness, you got immediate, sharp, eye-watering pain.
Sure, eating lots of sugary food can cause cavities that don't feel great, but that wasn't some sort of insta-cavity.
What you experienced was a consequence of dentin hypersensitivity —
or having sensitive teeth as it's known in the toothpaste aisle.
Pain due to this condition is more commonly caused by consuming hot or cold things,
but it can also be caused by eating really sweet stuff.
But what makes sugar so special?
To understand this, it helps to know a little about tooth anatomy in general.
Your teeth have three main layers.
There's an outer layer of hard enamel, an inner layer of pulp,
which contains blood vessels and nerves, and a layer of dentinin between.
Dentin is pretty hard, but unlike enamel, it's porous.
It contains microscopic, fluid-filled tubules that run from the pulp to the underside of the enamel.
Even though tooth enamel is the hardest substance in your body,
it can still be damaged, like if you grind your teeth, have cavities, or drink lots of acidic sodas.
If your enamel is worn away, your dentin and its tubules can be exposed.
And sometimes, the combination of sweet stuff and exposed dentin equals pain.
It's because of your old friend from science class: osmosis.
Osmosis is the movement of something like water across a selectively permeable barrier.
It goes from the side where there's less stuff dissolved to the side with more stuff.
Or, in official terms, from the side with a lower concentration of solutes to one with a higher concentration.
Osmosis likes things to be equal.
Now, say you bite into something very sweet, like a piece of leftover candy corn.
That snack touching the outside of your exposed dentin has highly concentrated solutes in the form of sugar molecules.
And the dentin acts as the selectively permeable barrier.
The fluid in your dentin's microtubules rushes out of your tooth towards the sugar.
And that flow stimulates the nerves in the pulp of your tooth, causing shooting pain.
Other solutes, like salts or even sugar substitutes, are often better dissolved than sugar,
and are in lower concentrations in food and drink, so they don't cause as much fluid to rush through the dentin.
That means they cause less nerve stimulation and less pain.
Really, though, you're much more likely to experience pain in response to cold or hot things
which contract or expand the fluid in those tubules
than you are in response to sugar.
When we talked to Dr. Kenneth Markowitz of the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine,
he said sweet foods are actually a relatively weak stimulus for tooth pain.
Usually, they only trigger pain when the tooth's inner pulp and its nerves are already inflamed.
That means your tooth was in trouble before you bit into that candy corn —
maybe because of a cavity or defective filling.
So if your sweet tooth is causing you agony, you should probably go see a dentist.
And then, you can get back to eating all that candy tear-free.
Thanks for asking, and special thanks to Kenneth Markowitz for his insight into all of this.
If you want new episodes like this every day, just hit that subscribe button and ring the notification bell!
Evolution of Fortnite Battle Pass Items From Season 2 - Season 6! (Fortnite Nostalgia) - Duration: 23:40.
Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged Episode 18 VOSTFR - Duration: 9:54.
Baskin Robbins - Do not want you to watch this video - Duration: 5:32.
Welcome friends to a new chapter welcome to a new video the video
that I bring to you today is a bit unusual that I'm going to tell you a story that
it happened yesterday
I said why not because I did not tell it if I did not understands why it is what
I understood and I think it's something a little bit dangerous to society and I think that
many people should know what who do not know baskin robbins is a
company so I understood yesterday private because I found him
in a local of don fifth was not only located within the premises of don quintana
and when I communicated yesterday to tell what happened to the company
they say it's a private company that I had to be content with the owners what
I left my number and all the others and they they contract with me later but not
make the story very long I'm going to tell everything that happened to me the day and
yesterday in November first as to the five and fifty in the afternoon I went
to compare with I said I was with my wife and her daughter I went to buy a
good ice cream and she was going to buy a hamburger is me I decided to accompany her
and while they are already choosing the ice cream and all that is me I decided on
a taste or flavor that I have decided choose is the taste of chocolate
when I'm looking and I say yes I can taste the ice cream I realize
that in the ice cream barrel what put behind the showcase
there is a screw
and sarcastically I say to the boy give me a little bit to taste the ice cream
as to make him realize what's in the ice cream sarcastically I tell you
I the boy gives me da spoon comes to me
try the ice cream has not yet been realized that there was the screw
I was there in the ice cream I'm me lake let me tell you you are seeing what
I was in the ice cream I told him in English because he does not speak Spanish, I tell him
you are seeing what is there in the ice cream tells me
I did not know very well the question is that proceeds to lift the screw that
I was inside the chocolate barrel but I noticed something very unusual that
he lifted the screw where was the chocolate bar but I do not take the
barrel of chocolate since there was a with screw contact with barrel
of chocolate or the screw but did not take out the barrel is cheap
and for me to understand he knows that sometimes screws have grease or whatever it is not
I know and for me there has to be a
a cross contamination so say it or if you can call then
That person contacts me on the day from yesterday
apologizing asking me to a about and that if they could send the video me
I sent him the video but maybe also share it with you because I believed that
sometimes we go to the places of food
and we do not know what we are going to eat or what can what surprise we can not find
within the meals that we are going to eat practically daily in the
fast food places or food that they have things like that restaurant sometimes
we do not know what I want to prepare what have inside meals
I'm imagining you that I had not seen that screw and that person
ould have only served in one to a client or a child and that child is
I had swallowed this screw imagine what danger that or what would have
happened with that person who would have swallowed
good for you let me know your I'll leave it here in the box
of comment leave your opinion and let me know that you want
through this I have a good time nothing just wanted to share this with
you and thanks for listening and stay until the end I do not see a
[MMD PV] dreamin in my way - Duration: 3:41.
I know that one day
Deep inside in my eyes
Only I will see
What has been there for me
All the magic lights
every dream I have will be reality
and the wind coming from the past
Blowing away the evil
Just like the dust
I stand up and fly away
Cause I know
I will never give up knowing that I can find All the power in my heart
I stand up and fly away
Cause I know
yes I do
I can do
Dreamin in my way
This is my moment
No more tears in my eyes
I won't cry again
I will be inside a magic fairytale
Smiling with joy and dancing
Singing with all the people
All the universe
I stand up and fly away
Cause I know
I will never give up knowing that I can find All the power in my heart
I stand up and fly away
cause I know
yes I do
I can do
Dreamin in my waaaaaaaaaaay
Dreamin in my waaaaaaaaaaay
My waaaaaaaaaaaaay
I stand up and fly away
Cause I know
I will never give up knowing that I can find All the power in my heart
I stand up and fly away
Cause I know
yes I do
I can do
Dreamin in my waaaaaaaaaaay
Dreamin in my way
Dreamin in my way
The Colonists Game Review - The Settlers evolved for a new generation of building games - Duration: 2:56.
hello I've got a slightly different video for you today I'm going to be
reviewing a game! I know normally review technology products but this is a game
that I absolutely love and I think it deserves a lot of exposure in case
people haven't seen or heard of it. So back in the day I was addicted to a game
called The Settlers, I played this on my Amiga and a little fun fact for you when I
sold my Amiga lot that was actually the very first YouTube video I did I'll
put a link up above if you want to check that out. Basically the settlers allows
you to manage a colony of medieval knights and you have to expand the
colony and it's all to do with efficiency you lay down roads they go
ahead and build everything and you have to gather the resources and make sure
all the resources are in the right place in order to grow the colony. The
Colonists takes exactly the same template and brings it back up to date
now there have been other Settlers games but as the years have gone by they've
moved further and further away from the original template what I love about The
Colonists is that it sticks to that original formula brilliantly. You're now
landing a spaceship of robots who are looking to start their own colony away
from Earth and they're looking to imitate human life a little bit so they
all have little roles and it's quite funny because the roles are very similar
to The Settlers so you have the woodcutter, the forester and like The
Settlers The Colonists is a game about efficiency. Unlike other games where you
would build up a massive army and then rush the enemy or turtle and build up
defenses this game can only be won if your colony is operating correctly and
resources are guessing from A to B.
To get those resources you'll have to have
a combination of different robots you've got the caring robots they come as
standard you've got your worker robots and you've
also got your watchtower robots who help expand the land and defend it from other
AI players.
Quite often resources will have been placed further away than you
would expect from where you need to get them and so it's all about making sure
you can get the resources down a mountain, for example,
to a workshop there's research to be done to upgrade the technology you
use and that's vital if you're in an arms race with the enemy. At no point are
you trying to build up a massive army you have to simply make sure that your
colony is working now it may sound a little bit odd but it is surprisingly
addictive I found it addictive in 1993 with The Settlers and I found it
addictive in 2018 which made me lose the entire weekend playing that rather than
videoing and reviewing and editing. The Colonists is a brilliant game it's actually
not that expensive either, it's available on Steam right now, if you've enjoyed
this video and you are a PC gamer make sure to check out my recent review of
the Shadow Gaming PC and I'll see you over there
MOS projet1 excel 2016 - Duration: 11:27.
Μαμά και γιος μετρούν αντίστροφα για το μωράκι που έρχεται στην οικογένειά τους | News | - Duration: 1:34.
Αντίστροφα μετρά πλέον τους μήνες η Χριστίνα Αλούπη. Η γνωστή ηθοποιός περιμένει το δεύτερο παιδάκι της, κάτι το οποίο την κάνει ιδιαίτερα χαρούμενη στο πλευρό του συζύγου της, Κωνσταντίνου Κέφαλου
Να θυμίσουμε πως το ερωτευμένο ζευγάρι έχει ήδη έναν γιο ο οποίος πλέον είναι δύο ετών, ενώ σύντομα θα υποδεχτεί στον κόσμο το αδερφάκι του
Μετά το τέλος των καλοκαιριών διακοπών, η οικογένεια επέστρεψε στην Αμερική και στην καθημερινότητά του
Η Χριστίνα Αλούπη δημοσίευσε τη νέα της φωτογραφία με τη φουσκωμένη της κοιλίτσα
Όπως θα παρατηρήσετε ο γιος της ανυπομονεί για το μωράκι που έρχεται, ενώ αγκαλιάζει τρυφερά τη μαμά Χριστίνα
Δείτε τη φωτογραφία…
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