Sunday, November 4, 2018

Youtube daily report Nov 4 2018

Multicopter takeoff on a calm and sunny afternoon,

taking a few shots with on-board DJI multicopter camera

equipped with CP filter (circular polarizer).

Aerial video shot from DJI quadcopter (on-board camera with CP filter)

For more infomation >> Superior Island Aerial View, SunnyLate-Summer Day [4K drone video] - Duration: 2:58.


Meghan Markle : Ce nouveau scandale qui met à mal la famille royale... - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle : Ce nouveau scandale qui met à mal la famille royale... - Duration: 3:06.


Jerry Springer Show - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show - Duration: 3:26.


Logitech C922 Pro Stream Webcam Unboxing - Duration: 7:52.

For you hey, what's going on everyone? This is Pete coming back with another

Awesome video and today I'm gonna be doing an unboxing of my new webcam

That just arrived like yesterday. It was just too late yesterday to do this video

So I thought I'm gonna wait till today, but it just arrived yesterday and it's the new Logitech C

22 or something like that. So are quite excited to unbox that with you guys and - with that said

Let's go and see what's in at the box

So I got my little Prime package here and let's get this

Let's get this open. This is gonna be a very very exciting guys

Exciting times because finally we will have a really nice audio

Apparently this camera has this feature where?

It works just like on a blue

Green screen or something? I don't know we might do some some try out here on the channel

I don't know. Obviously. I'm gonna be later on today. I'm gonna be recording the second chapter of the visage

So stay tuned for that one

And if you haven't seen the first one you probably wanted to check it out

so in here in a card section up here, I'm gonna pull the

The the first one if you guys are interested to see this, but anyways, let's see what's inside the box

Rati tat ti ta :)

Okay, so I can tell instantaneously this is an open box this is what I've picked up from Amazon

Because it's a little bit cheaper, you know, so like the original camera was 80

Something pounds. I've picked it up for 60. So just because the box was previously opened

It's supposed to come with this little

like a stand thing, so we'll see that and

The camera itself looks like this. So apparently I'm gonna zoom that in to the camera

So you guys can see so apparently it does 720 in 60 frames per second and 1080 in 30. So

I don't know how this is gonna work out, but I

might try it out in 60 frames per second 720 because if it's gonna be like only and a little boxed

Area may as well do it in 720 because you guys wolves won't really notice the difference between 10 20 and 6 7 20s

I'm thinking we all play around with that. You know what I mean? I'm gonna I'm gonna see what's what's best

what settings are best, you know, but I would appreciate 60 frames per second rather than

You know this kind of frame rate with 30fps. So Full HD video streaming Full HD

Video stream is just the fusion video on Full HD. Ok, cool. I don't know. Let's crack this thing open, man

so this is another step guys into better quality on my videos and

you know thumbs up this video if you guys

If you guys liked it and stuff like that I already appreciate your support my CI broadcasts I

Cannot wait, ok. I just kind of ripped this box apart

Okay, so we've got the camera oh man, this is so cool I'll show you I'll show you real quick

It actually has a bit of a way to do it, you know that camera does it feels like a nice camera. Oh

Man, this is so cool

We've got the lead

now this thing can be hooked up because it has a little

Hole so it can be mounted. So I'm planning actually to get my lighting that

Little I don't know what it's called, but it's like a really cool while and it has like a ring basically

like a halo kind of ring and then you've got

In the middle, you can mount your camera, so maybe for the game place

To lit my face up. I'm gonna use that and I'm gonna put that camera in there rather than on my monitor

I don't know. So the camera can obviously be attached on the monitor or I can just use it like that and

put it on a mount or or or like a little what you call them a

Tripod or something like that. So that's pretty cool. I might do some comparison with the other one

I mean the other one is shit is just when I bought the other one

I never thought I'm gonna be doing like YouTube or anything like that. That was like five years back jamming. So

Anyways, let's see what we have here. Oye guys. There is this little chia buscar

Tripod it's just a little one. So for today's gameplay, I might use that one. I

Might use this tripod just to see how this works

It's actually quite nice to be honest, I

Can I like this type of guys?

Okay, so you can it's just a little one though, so

you can maybe standard size alone how the

Little bush got to put this on but this should suppose to go in here. You can mount that

That's pretty cool so that's how it looks on the Mount I mean that's the maximum that the mouth can

can go yeah, I mean so so it can potentially maybe be somewhere on my

Whatever. I'm thinking that way if I'll put it if out you know

Put the camera like this looking towards me. That should be okay. I'll do some I'll do some testing guys. I'll do some testing

We'll see how this works, but I'm so excited

Having a lot better camera now

Or maybe I'm not gonna use it

I don't know if I'm gonna use it or not you see and then you got some like

Instructions inside and stuff like this boring stuff charming. Okay guys. Okay. So let's test out the new camera

I don't know. I feel like this one is gonna be way better obviously

Because it was more expensive than the other one

I think the other one was only like 20 pounds or something like this at the time maybe even less maybe even like 10 pounds

So this is gonna be obviously a leap forward in the improvements. I hope you guys like the quality of this one

Let's switch and see how the other camera looks like comparison to this one here

Okay guys, so we are back at the old camera No

We'll see what the difference is in the moment. So you guys gonna see the first one and the second one and

Yeah, we'll see. We'll see which camera does better. Of course

the c22 pro

Have to go better

Than the other one. I don't know. I'm just like really really

Excited to have finally a decent decent camera for videos. The only thing I might not have done yet is disabled

I haven't disabled yet the out-of-focus thing so I'm gonna have to try to disable that so it's not gonna do out of focus

You know what? I make any movements and stuff like this because that seems to be their problemo, but we'll get rid of that

That's pretty much everything for this unboxing. I don't know like I say, I hope that you guys did enjoy this one and

stay tuned for more videos like share and subscribe, you know what to do hit the bell and all that jazz and

Thanks so much for you know, your support and everything and I will see you guys

I'll see you guys pretty soon with another video. Mafia boss cos pick out. Peace

For more infomation >> Logitech C922 Pro Stream Webcam Unboxing - Duration: 7:52.


Exercises to mold legs and glutes at home - Duration: 30:05.

Hello gorgeous. How are you?

Welcome to a new exercise routine.

Today we have a routine lasting 30 minutes.

We will work all lower body

Quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes.

we will combine strength and toning exercises with cardio

to activate metabolism and burn calories and have some nice legs and glutes

let's go for it

We started with twists


very well

hip twists

rather large


change of address

here at the opening. Squat low

very well. hip twists. to and fro

Straight back

stretches alante

stretching the entire back of the leg

well above


Stand aside and the other

very well. Moving on

low shoulder

Note the stretch and stay on one side

a few seconds



sube arqueando la espalda

y estira cuadriceps

un pequeño estiramiento antes de comenzar

va muy bien para oxigenar los musculos

coge aire

vamos a empezar con el primer ejercicio

del primer bloque. que consta de 4 ejercicios

un lunge doble

y una patada al lado



es rápida la rutina

por eso no hace falta bajar demasiado

hasta donde tu puedas

uno más

vamos a cambiar el ejercicio, mira.

lunge sube... lunge arriba

lunge sube, lunge arriba


primero con la pierna derecha

muy bien


uno mas

muy bien

vamos a combirnar, el a y el b


a un lado

muy bien



ya se va notando

30 segundos mas


al ritmo de la música

como nos gusta a nosotras


muy bien

ya lo tienes controlado

no lo olvides

porque luego lo vamos a recuperar

mira cambia

tercer ejercicio

del primer bloque

de esta rutina

vamos a hacer

un bloque de tonificación



y cardio

muy bien, sigue

dos mas

y uno mas

muy bien nos quedamos aquí con piernas flexionadas

abro a un lado

abro atras


aprieta glúteos

y abdominales

muy bien

trabajando los musculos estabilizadores

ahora vamos a combinar, el movimiento 3 con el 4

con la musica


y abro


muy bien

como se nota!

el trabajo

en piernas y gluteos

no pares

30 segundos mas

hasta manejarlo totalmente

la bajada y el equilibrio

despues de este

vamos a unirlos todos

unos pocos mas

al ritmo de la música

y la ultima


lo tienes

alante chicas!

sube un poco


lunge al lado



muy bien

es divertida la rutina

por que tenemos que estar atentas

de los cambios

se va a pasar volando. Ya vereis


muy bien. abro y bajo al lado

y abro

la última


abro y bajo al lado

y patadas

y ahora que?

cambio de pierna


pero con tu derecha

muy bien

sigue sigue

sino puedes bajar mucho, quedate aqui arriba

vamos a por el ejercicio 2



practica cada ejercicio por separado

y luego los combinas

muy bien

uno más


ven conmigo!

bajo subo

durante un minuto

hasta que lo tengamos controlado


bajo subo

un poco mas

sigue aqui conmigo

cada vez bajamos un poco mas

la rodilla

casi toca el suelo

y la mano casi toca el suelo

un poco mas

y que toca?

juntarlo todo

la ultima

vamos a por el tercer bloque

claro, primero

tenemos que hacer el ejercicio 3 y el cuatro con la izquierda

ya me queria yo adelantar

muy bien

y ahora que?

quedate aqui y abre

aprovecha el ejercicio

para regular un poco la respiración

muy bien, la música baja

la intensidad

muy bien, vamos a combinar el tercero con el cuarto





abro, atras

abro y cierro

muy bien


espalda recta


muy bien, 30 segundos

controla el movimiento



que tal el equilibrio?

como lo llevas?

muy bien... claro que si

una vez mas

abro, cierro, abro y atras

preparate porque vamos a coger los cuatro ejercicios con tu derecha




sube un poco

abro lado




muy bien, de nuevo


con la música

baja bien

ya lo tienes controlado

ultimos 30 segundos

patada arriba

baja baja



y subo

muy bien



abro salto


bloque cardio

pies juntos

manos arriba

como jugadores de basket


muy bien unos pocos mas

vente conmigo

a un lado y a otro


flexiona y baja

no paramos

vamos toda la rutina


30 minutos seguidos

no pares

dos mas


venga con estilo

gira la cintura

baja un poco

con estilo

vente arriba

sino quieres saltar

toca puntas


muy bien

podemos subir mas

vente conmigo



venga 2 minutos mas

de este cardio

cansa verdad

claro que si

eso es buena señal



abro, abro

muy bien

con la música siempre

nos marca los ritmos

baja un poco más

flexiona rodillas

saca glúteos atras

y no lo pienses

vente skater

venga, es el último minuto


y baja



muy bien

venga venga

nos quedan los...

abro! abro!


dale tu toque personal

últimos 25


cuenta conmigo

no te oigo

muy bien

vamos a tumbarnos de lado

y vamos a por la nueva parte

que tiene que ver con trabajo de tonificación y fuerza


vamos a ir rápido

tenemos poco tiempo


subo, cierro, arriba, abajo

abro, cierro, al tiempo

como pica

se nota el trabajo


claro que hemos trabajado esa zona

y bastantes

combina los dos

subo, alante, subo, cierro


buen trabajo chicas



cierra, arriba

que tal?

se nota

se va notando María

venga que ya no queda nada

20 segundos

notas el trabajo del abdominal?

ya te digo que si


y toca atras


y toca atras

al tiempo

al teimpo

venga vamos

15 segundos

vamos a cambiar de músculo

y aquí le damos un descanso



trabajamos el abductor


menos mal, eh?


así un minuto

que se pasa volando

venga sonrie


pero sin bajar la intensidad del ejercicio

que aun no hemos acabado

pero queda poco


os imaginais lo que viene ahora?

un poco de lio

vamos a juntarlo todo

y os lo voy a recordar

empezábamos con...

subo, cierro, arriba y arcoiris

y abductor



abro, cierro, arcoiris

que bonito

que bonito

muy bien




abro, cierro



30 segundos



como vamos chicas?

se nota el trabajo, verdad?

ultimos segundos

abro y subo




muy buen trabajo

y ahora sin perder tiempo

cambiamos de posición de piernas

todo chicas, todo!

menos mal que esta es mas suave

a medias

estoy con vosotras en esto



y cambia

subo, cierro, abro, cierro

si se complica mucho

quedate con el normal

vamos a contraer el abdomen

por eso es tan bueno este ejercicio




que bonito

claro, claro

sobretodo bonito

claro que si

bonito es

cansado tambien

las dos cosas

hoy no me he callado en toda la rutina

mira que pierdo yo energía, por ahi

venga vamos

20 segundos

te acuerdas

ahora va el arcoiris


toco alante

y atras

me pesa la pierna, me pesa mucho

es normal

y si tienes unas piernas, así como las mias

pues pesan bastante

no creas que no



es la recta final de este ejercicio

de abductores

nos vamos acercando a la meta

casi la vemos

combina el arcoiris con el abductor

hazlo con estilo, como tu sabes

venga disfrutalo


alante, atras, arriba, abajo

sigue hasta que te salga bonito

dos últimas

y vamos a combinarlo todo

y con un minuto habremos acabado







que bonita esta canción

muy bien

estoy muy contenta

subo, alante, subo, cierra

como vamos?

venga chicas!

sabes que?

es la última


alante, atras

último bloque de cardio

y vamos aquí

mira puedes hacerlo así

o así


vamos, vamos


no hace falta de subir mucho

venga chicas

15 segundos

una mas

y relaja

venga el siguiente ejercicio

se puede hacer aquí


o incluso, subiendo y bajando


apretando bien el glúteo


otra variación

es que te vengas conmigo, flexiones y estires


y estires

nota como trabaja todo el cuerpo

15 últimos segundos de esta preciosa rutina

relaja atras

por que ya lo tienes

ahora puedes continuar con una rutina especifica

para glúteos piernas y abdominales

o simplemente hacer un estiramiento

y abras acabado con tu trabajo de hoy

un besazo

bueno guapísimas

pues ya tenemos la rutina de hoy

una rutina muy enfocada a definir y reducir la zona de los glúteos y de las piernas

aquí me veis como he acabado, sudando. Pero la he disfrutado mucho

porque como siempre al ritmo de la música se me pasa volando

espero que a vosotras también se os haya gustado

si ha sido asi

recordad darle a like

y si os ha gustado podeis suscribiros al canal para seguir entrenando conmigo

un besazo

For more infomation >> Exercises to mold legs and glutes at home - Duration: 30:05.


Muriel Robin révèle un lourd secret de famille. Elle est née d'un adultère - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Muriel Robin révèle un lourd secret de famille. Elle est née d'un adultère - Duration: 4:28.


Jerry Springer Show - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> Jerry Springer Show - Duration: 3:26.


Lettuce for canaries parakeets goldfinches  ✅⛔️ Fruits and vegetables for birds - Duration: 10:10.

Lettuce for canaries, parakeets or goldfinches. Fruits and vegetables for birds. Food for birds.

Hello colleagues and peers, Welcome once again, to a new video.

On this occasion, like many of you you asked me and how do I know it's a

issue that generates some controversy between the breeders, let's talk about the lettuce

for canaries, goldfinches, parakeets, agapornis, etc. Specifically, in this new video of

fruits and vegetables for birds I will explain basically the benefits of giving you lettuce

to the birds, the different forms in the that we can give the lettuce and finally

How often is it good to provide them with lettuce? to the canaries, goldfinches, parakeets or agapornis.

And without more ... we started! Lettuce is a vegetable that for some

breeders is very good while for others not so much, so there is some discrepancy

about its use in feeding birds. From my point of view and from my experience

I can tell you that lettuce is a vegetable more than we can give it to our birds

at any time of the year without any problem as long as we give it in moderation.

Since otherwise, being a vegetable with great water content could produce them

in some cases nutritional imbalances that cause a small temporary diarrhea

as a result of inappropriate and excessive use of the lettuce.

So the little myth that lettuce It's bad for canaries, goldfinches, parakeets,

etc. because it causes diarrhea in certain measure is false, because if we bring the

lettuce the birds properly and with moderation should not occur any kind

of problems or nutritional imbalances. But otherwise, if we do not wash well

the lettuce and we supply it daily in large quantities could cause

diarrhea as a result of excessive consumption, so you always have to give them in moderation

and without abuse since it is simply a complement more in your diet.

However, you must differentiate well what it is diarrhea and what are simply stools

somewhat liquid, since by giving them any type of fruits and vegetables, and especially those

which have a high water content, Stool of our birds automatically

they become more watery which can induce us to error and directly think that they have

diarrhea, especially if you are beginners and you have not been in this hobby for a short time.

In addition, lettuce is a vegetable that we can use both in breeding and moulting.

In the breeding season, for example, during the breeding of canaries, if we bring a small

little piece of lettuce will make parents embolden more and better pigeons and also,

as lettuce has high amounts of water, the chicks will be correctly

hydrated. This does not mean that during breeding

let's be continuously contributing lettuce to the canaries to embed the young,

since despite the fact that lettuce is a vegetable that contains enough vitamins and minerals,

you must keep in mind that for a pigeon to develop correctly we have to contribute

also a good mixture, rich and balanced and a good breeding paste, and we are interested

that parents embuch mainly with the seeds and the pasta, since they are the food

who really have vitamins, minerals and proteins that the offspring need to

May they grow healthy and strong. Also, you must be vigilant and take them

the lettuce after a few minutes to avoid that the birds once they are sated

of lettuce, make small strips with the lettuce what's left and take it to the nest as if they were

small strips of newspaper or material for the nest, because if we do not realize in time,

the lettuce will begin to decompose inside of the nest and fungi could appear that affect

to the eggs or even to the young. Also, during the change of the canaries,

which generally coincides with the most hot, we can supply you some lettuce

2 times a week With this, apart from complete your diet, we will get

keep them entertained, reducing in certain measured the picaje, and at the same time, being a vegetable

with lots of water, minerals and vitamins, let's get the bird to cool,

Fight the heat better and stay well hydrated

Another property also very important lettuce, is that it is a vegetable that allows

combat constipation naturally, so in the event that our bird

for some nutritional imbalance, do not be able to defecate correctly, we can provide

a small amount of lettuce, what we will help combat constipation so

natural. On the other hand, especially in the case of

canaries, you also have to take into account that lettuce can produce doré in some

canaries, although as you know the doré not only is it due to food, but

rather to genetic factors. So that having birds well worked and selected

year after year genetically, there are less possibilities that any food causes them to be doped.

And also, like the amount of lettuce that It must be provided is minimal, the copies

they should not be affected by a rise of hue in the color of its plumage.

The lettuce that we are going to give to our birds we can buy it directly in greengrocers

or supermarkets, or, if you have the possibility As is my case, you can cultivate them

same in your house in small pots, since it is a plant that requires little care

and simply with a little water and sun, and taking special care with snails, slugs

and with sparrows-type street birds or pigeons, we can have almost all year

seasonal lettuces to administer it to our birds. In this way, we're going

to ensure that the plant has not been treated with no phytosanitary product during

its growth and that we can bring it with total tranquility and security to our

birds As I know many of you can not

grow several lettuce plants, well because you do not have time or space problems,

you always have the option to acquire them in the greengrocers In this case, my advice

is when you buy a lettuce remove one or two outer layers in case you have traces

of some kind of product that the farmer have added during the growth and that

could be detrimental to the health of our birds

And always of course, independently if you cultivate it or buy it, you have

to wash with plenty of water and a little baking soda, all fruits and vegetables before

to give them to our birds, so eliminate any type of bacteria or impurity

that could contain and could carry problems in the health of our birds.

Well, the lettuce, you can wash it whole or else wash it leaf by leaf as I usually do

me, since that way I make sure that all Leaves are clean.

After washing them well I place them on Absorbent paper to dry and absorb

the water that stays on the surface. And one once dry, well cleaned and more or less at temperature

environment we can give to the birds mainly in two ways:

The first way would be directly, placing him a piece of lettuce with a clamp on a

site of the cage in which they can not dirty it. My advice is that you never put it on

the bottom of the cage, since in that place There are usually many bacteria, so any

food when in contact with these bacteria It can lead to the onset of diseases.

Also, you can chop some pieces of lettuce and put them in containers,

or if you prefer you can make a kind of salad, adding some other fruit

or vegetable, as for example in my case that now I'm going to add some pieces

of carrot, since it is a vegetable that I like it very much In the case, what do you opt for?

for this option, always remember that no you must put the containers under the

Innkeepers to prevent the birds when this in the innkeeper can defecate on them.

And also, another way of providing it, would be to put the thickest and hardest part

of the lettuce, that is, the trunk, to our parakeets, nymphs or lovebirds, since they

It will like and also serve as entertainment. I usually give the lettuce to my animals

once or twice a week, I tried to put him always the right amount so that they do not

on. And in the case that they are over, always I try to be aware to take it back

a few hours Also, it would be interesting to put a small

amount of lettuce to those canaries, parakeets, etc. that we have recently emancipated from

His parents. In this way, we will make sure that is well hydrated in case they have been

They are a little behind and still do not know how to find well the drinking fountain. And in the same way, in the

case you have to transport to any bird or make a shipment to other breeders,

you can put some leaves in the trasportin of lettuce and in this way you will ensure

that the bird is completely hydrated during the trip.

Finally, comment that in the case of that for some reason I can not put lettuce,

I also really like to give them a plant which is called chickweed or alsine, which is a

vegetable similar to lettuce, but with many more vitamins and minerals, and that like

that lettuce is going to make parents embouch more and better your pigeons. If you still do not know

what is this plant and you want more information, up here I leave the video, which

you can see by clicking on this small annotation that goes up here.

I hope you liked the video and it serves you, If so, remember to share it with you

social networks and WhatsApp groups to help to other breeders, here I leave you some

very interesting videos about fruits and vegetables that your birds can eat

and as always I wait for you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Lettuce for canaries parakeets goldfinches  ✅⛔️ Fruits and vegetables for birds - Duration: 10:10.


V3. La chimiothérapie : mon ennemie ? - Duration: 5:24.

Since the very first week of my diagnosis

I was transferred to a center:

the Children's Cancer Center of Lebanon

or St Jude

This center welcomes children

from 1 day to 21 years old.

And so I was transferred to this center

to take my chemotherapy

and to cure.

Chemotherapy has had

negative impacts on my body.

I was transferred several times

to the intensive care unit.

My pancreas has been touched.

I was diabetic for a few months

My body has really been weakened

I lost more than 14 kg in a few weeks

I couldn't really do anything.

I was always between the house and the hospital

and between the hospital and the house.

I hardly walked and got tired

during the chemotherapy too.

But when you come and ask me:

"What has hurt you the most

during your 3 years of chemotherapy?"

I always answer

"Having lost my hair."

It may sound

so dumb and stupid as an answer,

but it was really about losing my hair.

I don't know if you girls

I don't know if you can imagine yourselves

without hair.

To have a head

without hair.

So a skull where there is really nothing

but really nothing

It's like, you come and see yourself

in a mirror

and you see:

a head

no, a skull,

so you see a skull

without hair

without anything

without eyebrows

without eyelashes

with a very pale face

but really nothing.

And you look at yourself.

In the end, you do not even dare look in the mirror

So, to

better accept my cancer,

what I did was

when I came into the bathroom, for example

or when I went into a room,

where I knew there was a mirror,

I came and lowered my head

or I turned my head

just so that my eyes

don't fall

on this mirror

and that I don't see my head.

So I knew what my hair and head looked like

But I just didn't want

my eyes to fall on this mirror,

to remind me

of what I look like.

And that I was ugly.

But really.

And so, for me, my hair

was really

the thing that

made it difficult for me to accept my cancer.

It was like questioning myself

"where is my feminity?"

You find yourself without anything.

I have been offered several times to

buy a wig or to be given one.

I was told

"So Marwa, we can give you wigs.

Just tell me what type of wig you want:

long hair, short hair, what color...

Just take one, it could help you. "

But I said to myself

No, I'm not going to take one.

I'm losing my hair.

How am I going to put another person's hair on my head? "

And so I didn't accept.

And maybe that's in the end

which made me better accept

the fact that I was losing my hair.,

that I had no choice.

And I was told:

"Marwa do not worry

it's just the impact of chemotherapy,

You will lose your hair, but they will grow back, don't worry."

And in the end, they grew back.

But at the beginning, you don't accept this fact

You don't accept it.

And really, although there were a lot

of negative impacts on my body,

I think it was the only negative impact

that really had a big effect on me,

on my personality

and on all my diagnosis.

But thankfully

I had my veil on my head

because this veil really helped me

to go out, for example.

And having this veil on my head,

people wouldn't know

that I didn't have hair.

Although I didn't have



I looked pale

and big eyes.

But my hair didn't show through this veil.

But my face really betrayed me

because of chemotherapy, its impacts.


I had no choice.

I just had to accept it.

And then, maybe you heard me say that

chemotherapy had a lot of negative impacts on my body

and even at one point,

chemotherapy was

my real enemy.

But now, in the end,

since I am in front of you,

that means that chemotherapy

was even maybe,

my best friend.

Because it's really,

thanks to this chemotherapy,

that I'm talking to you,

and that I'm cured.

Thank God!

For more infomation >> V3. La chimiothérapie : mon ennemie ? - Duration: 5:24.


Elle s'est débarrassée de son allergie au pollen en faisant un changement dans son alimentation - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> Elle s'est débarrassée de son allergie au pollen en faisant un changement dans son alimentation - Duration: 3:23.


Marc-Olivier Fogiel, bouleversé par le tsunami en Thaïlande: J'ai fait des choses que je n'aurais - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> Marc-Olivier Fogiel, bouleversé par le tsunami en Thaïlande: J'ai fait des choses que je n'aurais - Duration: 5:49.



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