Lettuce for canaries, parakeets or goldfinches. Fruits and vegetables for birds. Food for birds.
Hello colleagues and peers, Welcome once again, to a new video.
On this occasion, like many of you you asked me and how do I know it's a
issue that generates some controversy between the breeders, let's talk about the lettuce
for canaries, goldfinches, parakeets, agapornis, etc. Specifically, in this new video of
fruits and vegetables for birds I will explain basically the benefits of giving you lettuce
to the birds, the different forms in the that we can give the lettuce and finally
How often is it good to provide them with lettuce? to the canaries, goldfinches, parakeets or agapornis.
And without more ... we started! Lettuce is a vegetable that for some
breeders is very good while for others not so much, so there is some discrepancy
about its use in feeding birds. From my point of view and from my experience
I can tell you that lettuce is a vegetable more than we can give it to our birds
at any time of the year without any problem as long as we give it in moderation.
Since otherwise, being a vegetable with great water content could produce them
in some cases nutritional imbalances that cause a small temporary diarrhea
as a result of inappropriate and excessive use of the lettuce.
So the little myth that lettuce It's bad for canaries, goldfinches, parakeets,
etc. because it causes diarrhea in certain measure is false, because if we bring the
lettuce the birds properly and with moderation should not occur any kind
of problems or nutritional imbalances. But otherwise, if we do not wash well
the lettuce and we supply it daily in large quantities could cause
diarrhea as a result of excessive consumption, so you always have to give them in moderation
and without abuse since it is simply a complement more in your diet.
However, you must differentiate well what it is diarrhea and what are simply stools
somewhat liquid, since by giving them any type of fruits and vegetables, and especially those
which have a high water content, Stool of our birds automatically
they become more watery which can induce us to error and directly think that they have
diarrhea, especially if you are beginners and you have not been in this hobby for a short time.
In addition, lettuce is a vegetable that we can use both in breeding and moulting.
In the breeding season, for example, during the breeding of canaries, if we bring a small
little piece of lettuce will make parents embolden more and better pigeons and also,
as lettuce has high amounts of water, the chicks will be correctly
hydrated. This does not mean that during breeding
let's be continuously contributing lettuce to the canaries to embed the young,
since despite the fact that lettuce is a vegetable that contains enough vitamins and minerals,
you must keep in mind that for a pigeon to develop correctly we have to contribute
also a good mixture, rich and balanced and a good breeding paste, and we are interested
that parents embuch mainly with the seeds and the pasta, since they are the food
who really have vitamins, minerals and proteins that the offspring need to
May they grow healthy and strong. Also, you must be vigilant and take them
the lettuce after a few minutes to avoid that the birds once they are sated
of lettuce, make small strips with the lettuce what's left and take it to the nest as if they were
small strips of newspaper or material for the nest, because if we do not realize in time,
the lettuce will begin to decompose inside of the nest and fungi could appear that affect
to the eggs or even to the young. Also, during the change of the canaries,
which generally coincides with the most hot, we can supply you some lettuce
2 times a week With this, apart from complete your diet, we will get
keep them entertained, reducing in certain measured the picaje, and at the same time, being a vegetable
with lots of water, minerals and vitamins, let's get the bird to cool,
Fight the heat better and stay well hydrated
Another property also very important lettuce, is that it is a vegetable that allows
combat constipation naturally, so in the event that our bird
for some nutritional imbalance, do not be able to defecate correctly, we can provide
a small amount of lettuce, what we will help combat constipation so
natural. On the other hand, especially in the case of
canaries, you also have to take into account that lettuce can produce doré in some
canaries, although as you know the doré not only is it due to food, but
rather to genetic factors. So that having birds well worked and selected
year after year genetically, there are less possibilities that any food causes them to be doped.
And also, like the amount of lettuce that It must be provided is minimal, the copies
they should not be affected by a rise of hue in the color of its plumage.
The lettuce that we are going to give to our birds we can buy it directly in greengrocers
or supermarkets, or, if you have the possibility As is my case, you can cultivate them
same in your house in small pots, since it is a plant that requires little care
and simply with a little water and sun, and taking special care with snails, slugs
and with sparrows-type street birds or pigeons, we can have almost all year
seasonal lettuces to administer it to our birds. In this way, we're going
to ensure that the plant has not been treated with no phytosanitary product during
its growth and that we can bring it with total tranquility and security to our
birds As I know many of you can not
grow several lettuce plants, well because you do not have time or space problems,
you always have the option to acquire them in the greengrocers In this case, my advice
is when you buy a lettuce remove one or two outer layers in case you have traces
of some kind of product that the farmer have added during the growth and that
could be detrimental to the health of our birds
And always of course, independently if you cultivate it or buy it, you have
to wash with plenty of water and a little baking soda, all fruits and vegetables before
to give them to our birds, so eliminate any type of bacteria or impurity
that could contain and could carry problems in the health of our birds.
Well, the lettuce, you can wash it whole or else wash it leaf by leaf as I usually do
me, since that way I make sure that all Leaves are clean.
After washing them well I place them on Absorbent paper to dry and absorb
the water that stays on the surface. And one once dry, well cleaned and more or less at temperature
environment we can give to the birds mainly in two ways:
The first way would be directly, placing him a piece of lettuce with a clamp on a
site of the cage in which they can not dirty it. My advice is that you never put it on
the bottom of the cage, since in that place There are usually many bacteria, so any
food when in contact with these bacteria It can lead to the onset of diseases.
Also, you can chop some pieces of lettuce and put them in containers,
or if you prefer you can make a kind of salad, adding some other fruit
or vegetable, as for example in my case that now I'm going to add some pieces
of carrot, since it is a vegetable that I like it very much In the case, what do you opt for?
for this option, always remember that no you must put the containers under the
Innkeepers to prevent the birds when this in the innkeeper can defecate on them.
And also, another way of providing it, would be to put the thickest and hardest part
of the lettuce, that is, the trunk, to our parakeets, nymphs or lovebirds, since they
It will like and also serve as entertainment. I usually give the lettuce to my animals
once or twice a week, I tried to put him always the right amount so that they do not
on. And in the case that they are over, always I try to be aware to take it back
a few hours Also, it would be interesting to put a small
amount of lettuce to those canaries, parakeets, etc. that we have recently emancipated from
His parents. In this way, we will make sure that is well hydrated in case they have been
They are a little behind and still do not know how to find well the drinking fountain. And in the same way, in the
case you have to transport to any bird or make a shipment to other breeders,
you can put some leaves in the trasportin of lettuce and in this way you will ensure
that the bird is completely hydrated during the trip.
Finally, comment that in the case of that for some reason I can not put lettuce,
I also really like to give them a plant which is called chickweed or alsine, which is a
vegetable similar to lettuce, but with many more vitamins and minerals, and that like
that lettuce is going to make parents embouch more and better your pigeons. If you still do not know
what is this plant and you want more information, up here I leave the video, which
you can see by clicking on this small annotation that goes up here.
I hope you liked the video and it serves you, If so, remember to share it with you
social networks and WhatsApp groups to help to other breeders, here I leave you some
very interesting videos about fruits and vegetables that your birds can eat
and as always I wait for you in the next video.
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