Cutting class at the dojo, bye bye!
I'm a new kunoichi, only 15
Haven't learned a thing my master's taught me
Yeah yeah, and mother told me
"To be a kunoich...
You have to give up on being a girl."
When I was young, that was fine, no problem
But when I saw that pretty boy at the festival
A bright red fruit burst open in front of me
A bright red fruit burst open in front of me
You can't love, you can't want, no no no
Forget that Let me be free
Don't do that, don't do this, blah blah blah
I can't stand your rules
How can I let you know how I feel?
I was watching you
Through a hole in the ceiling
Secret, secret, maybe I can keep it
Even kunoichis need love
I'm no good at disguises
Anyone can see I'm a kunoichi, only 15
I won't get any work
like this
"Would you kindly let me in the mansion?"
"Would you kindly let me in the mansion?"
"No? Why not?" I can't even use womanly wiles right
There's the dango-seller's girl
Hey she came skipping and running over
Furtive whispers And to my surprise
Hey, are you my rival too?
I love, I want, but everyone's against me
I just want to cut them down
Don't do that, don't do this, blah blah blah
I can't stand your rules
Is there no way they'll let me love?
I watched you from the shadow of a bonsai
Secret, secret, maybe I can keep it
Even kunoichis need love
I want to love!
It was written on a secret note one day
I trembled at the words inside
My next target is HIM
Why? How? I'm in a panic
I've never had to make a choice like this
There's no hesitation or mercy in killing
Daddy, Mommy
I've finally found
What I was meant to do
You can't love, you can't want, no no no
Those are the rules I live by
Don't do that, don't do this, blah blah blah
I can't stand your rules!
The time has come under the light of the full moon
I spin the wall around right in front of you
My heart inside this hidden blade
Even kunoichis need love
I want to love, I want to love
Hey, I'm a kunoichi, I can do this
For more infomation >> 【初音ミク PDA-X Full ver.】 Even a Kunoichi Needs Love クノイチでも恋がしたい『-Project DIVA- X HD』 English Sub - Duration: 4:17.-------------------------------------------
What you need for becoming Pilot!! David Clark headsets - Duration: 3:07.
Hello everyone!!
This is Marky
To study aviation major, now I am doing study abroad in Oregon.
Currently, I'm studying to get private license.
For private certificate, things what I need to get are ready.
So I would like to share them with you guys.
The most important thing is headsets
Headsets arrived at my house.
From very famous company, David Clark.
Let me share it with everyone! Yeaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!!!!
Let's get started to open it!!!!!!
Check its inside
It costs $336, about 36,000 yen
It's so expensive. I have to appreciate my parents.
This puts the plug in.
Small one and big one should be put the plug in aircraft.
Let me show you guys when I wear this headsets.
In this end of video, I'll show you guys when I use it in an aircraft.
How does it look like?
With wearing sunglasses.
That's perfect!!
Thank you so much for watching my video about David Clark headsets.
If you guys like this my video, please do not forget to hit like button!!
Please ✖️100000000 SUBSCRIVE my channel!!
See you in my next video!!
Please follow my Instagram too!
Life sentence: cheating Jerry Springer Show (10/26/2018) - Duration: 6:11.
Jerry Springer Show (October 26, 2018) life sentence: cheating - Duration: 5:44.
Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse MAYBACH S 500 4Matic | First-Class | Rijassistent | Pano.Dak | - Duration: 1:09.
Fiat Seicento 1.1 S *28-09-2019 APK!* NAP - Duration: 1:10.
¡Tremendo susto para Meghan y el príncipe Harry! | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:25.
Audi Q7 3.0 TDI 286pk tiptronic quattro S Line edition 7-persoons - Duration: 0:48.
Suzuki S-Cross 1.6-16v EXCLUSIVE ....TIP.....* Glazen Schuifdak * Climate * Cruise * Trekhaak * Ving - Duration: 1:08.
MINI 1.6 Cooper S Chili - Duration: 0:54.
My Beyblade Halloween Nightmare | Scary Beyblade Battle Episode 1 - Duration: 10:05.
Blast Zone Kid
did someone say something I swear I heard something maybe I was just dreaming what
time is it 3:00 in the morning I must have been dreaming
and going back to bed nightmare again that's right I knew you would sounded
just like you it's time for your home let me guess you took all my beyblades
gonna have to battle you to get them back why do you keep coming back I'd
beat you to times start I'm gonna choose bustards caliber diced back near a
drinker pants and sweet emphasis it's time for me to give you a Halloween
nightmare and I'm gonna get all my feelings back
you guys saw what happened nightmare Longinus to call my beyblades and I
picked my four best to get them back it's gonna be first of three points we
really get into those battles remember just got to it
awesome you give away its ending really soon guys so you have to hurry up and
subscribe else you won't get a chance of winning is awesome guys back here if I
beat nightmare with you my baby I get all my beyblades back nightmare are you
ready to battle you're sucking a lot of trash I'm not scared I'll just destroy
you either way a new nightmare Stadium it's the black ultimate set stadium
fourth up the walls so we could get knocked out out of the stadium fly over
here or anywhere out that nightmare
triple saber to zero tonight where does he sleep
Oh nightmare was a big attack he's going a lot on the offensive
so we both crashed by the way nightmare just don't ever challenge buster thank
you but I won the clash because I hit him with the sword probably ride always
wins against the dark nightmare is there's no choosing doc never stands a
chance against the light see Buster is the most powerful as big I got one
victory all I need is two more I'm nuts using twin nemesis if I beat you you're
honestly trash nightmare with this day I just chose him because he's kind of an
underdog so let's do this three two one let's go emesis we're both colliding in
different directions I'm I got a few punches on me yes nightmare really and
all the times I battled nightmare Longinus he never wins not even a single
battle told you use an underdog really hard no matter what you say that you're
loosing my belt oh think so too one guys if I lose this it will lower my percent
chances to win against later
yes keep it tacky no crusher will get
nightmares stamina gun yes oh yes good job you've used your
upper mode nice see knock teenis thank you a little rich I'm gonna try
pear nemesis
those epic battle guys and I'm really with you to get my pace oh shit no I
have two victories against nine miracle all I need is one more to get my
beyblades back this next battle won't be a nightmare I'm gonna let you choose who
you want to battle I only need to beat you one more time all right guys prepare
to be amazed this is the after this
guy's pretty good but not enough to get me down can I get my beyblades back Oh
No ultimate dragon shield your attacks do nothing nightmare Evan I already told
you boom dragon strike
I get my baby back guys look waiting
where's my beyblades nightmare you said after I beat you three times do give me
my babe let's bet well be that easy I bet one more chance worse really you
want to face this last guy you can't even be one of my beyblades you're
honestly trashed what makes you think you could beat hazard to this let's find
out I accept that challenge you beat hazard
curb is you keep all my way leads but if I beat you you give me all my babies so
it's Hazzard commands for sister rhymer I'm gonna win guys ready hazard we're
gonna use your ultimate movie oh yeah they're really good
star wobbles proves to me while he did press me but in the pocket one zero put
this face like one of the best how did you know that goalies to the team is a
plasterer hazard we're gonna try our very hardest and knock him out of me
first in
spooky books for witchy b*tches || 2018 - Duration: 7:25.
Oh hello there! Seeing as it is almost Halloween, I thought I would do a
spooky/scary reads video. But I didn't know what to call it because last year I
did spooky reads for scaredy-cats because your girl is
scared of everything and can't actually read outright horror. I have this beautiful
velvet witch's hat, and I thought, "Let's do a list of books that any decent witch
would love." Worth noting is that not all of these books have witches in them.
There's some that are just a variation and some that are just spooky
that I wanted to talk about, that I think are Halloween-y. So if you're mad
that I'm not 100% on theme, tough t*ts. The first book that I have is The Ocean--
oh God, I have to figure out how to maneuver around this. I
have The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman. this is a personal favorite
of Neil Gaiman's books. I know some people don't like it as much. I really, really
like it. It's about a middle-aged man who goes back to his hometown for a funeral
and he finds himself drawn to a house at the end of the lane. Then upon going
there, all of these memories come back. There's lots of creepy, supernatural
stuff going on. There ARE witches in this! It's just really good! I love it a lot.
It's very eerie without being outright scary, so it's right up my alley. I
love this. I love Neil Gaiman in general. This is a particular favorite. Next I
have another Neil Gaiman book, but it's only half Neil Gaiman because he
co-wrote it with Terry Pratchett, and what I'm talking about
is Good Omens: the nice and accurate prophecies of Agnes Nutter, witch. This is
a satire of the Book of Revelations in which the Antichrist goes missing as a
baby. You follow an angel and a demon on Earth trying to find him. It's
hilarious and weird and a perfect blend of both Gaiman and Pratchett. Another
favorite. I think it's a good read for Halloween and they're also doing a show!
They're doing an adaptation of it, and everything that I've seen of the
adaptation--all of the pre-release stuff-- it just looks like it's going to be so very
good! I'm so excited! In the U.S. it's going to premiere on Amazon Prime, but I'm
not sure when it's premiering, so keep your eye out for that. I'm trying to
remember if the next book that I want to talk about has any witches in it I don't
know but I want to talk about it and that is her body and other parties by
carmen maria machado for a second there i thought i was called to get
upside-down but I'm not this is a short story collection it has
one novella in the middle and it's all about like the violence committed
against women's bodies it has a lot of supernatural speculative fiction stuff
in here Machado plays around with like the genre of horror to try and bring
back some of the horror around the violence that's committed against when a
lot of times that violence is sensationalized not in this book just
like in media in general in life in general in the news like all that stuff
it's sensationalized it is made for consumption and I think a society were
desensitized to it so what Machado does is in bringing the
hallmarks of horror genre and like body horror and that kind of stuff into this
book she is trying to get rid of that desensitization and she does it so very
well it's absolutely gorgeous I love all the stories in here it's
completely brilliant and you should read
it next I have a lighter book and that is
Howl's Moving Castle I keep hitting this stupid hat it's not stupid I love it
this is Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones this is very nice and light
and wonderful and it makes me so happy it's not really spooky at all you've got
witches you've got wizards you've got spells and curses and a bunch of idiots
and I love them all it's such a delightful read it's very humble I think
I recommended it in my books to read and autumn autumn book recommendations I
don't know what I called it but I recommended this for the whole season so
if you don't want something super scary this one cuz it's delightful next I have
a book with no witches again you should still read it and that is the Ballad of
black Tom by Victor love all this is a novella it's very short
it's from Tom who I love so very much this is a reimagining of the HP
Lovecraft story the horror at Red Hook I think is the name of the original
story and it is by Miles the most objectively racist of Lovecraft's
works and Lovecraft included a lot of racism in his work so Laval takes that
and flips it on its head and so the protagonist of this is a black man it's
creepy and eerie and just so whip-smart and the vols writing is gorgeous too
though you should pick it up next I have a graphic novel and that's through the
woods by Emily Carroll this is a short story collection kind of graphic novel
it has five stories that are all creepy as shit and
some of them are not my favorites but the ones that work work so very well
even the art style on this is so creepy let me find like oh here's something
kind of terrifying yeah Halloween so if you're looking for a graphic novel to
read to get in the Halloween mood I'd recommend this next I have a middle
grade book and that is sea of ghosts by ve Schwab I believe this is now out yeah
it came out of noggin so I am way off this is about a girl whose family moves
to Edinburgh and her parents are like paranormal investigators little do they
know their daughter has the ability to pull back the veil between our world and
the world of the dead our best friend Venus is actually a ghost it's just a
solid middle grade read it was fine it wasn't too scary but definitely a little
spooky so if you want to read some middle grade check this out next I have
practical magic by Alice Hoffman I didn't realize that this was a book I
thought it was just a movie so I picked up the book cuz I figure why
not choose the season and I really enjoyed it I was surprised by how much I
enjoyed it it is about two sisters who are kind of opposite ends of the
spectrum they come from this family whole town thinks they're witches one of
them is wild and like love boys and wants to like run off and not plan for
anything and have wild adventures and the other is very very straight-laced
and like stay home and make sure everything is in order and then some
things happen as they do in most stories I really like this I like that we're
given these two stereotypes but they're given such depth I like that even though
there are romantic elements in the story at its core this is a story about the
relationships between women between mothers and daughters and sisters and
all that good stuff I will say the book is quite different than the movie so
think of them as two very separate entities I really like both I'm probably
gonna watch the movie this weekend I think like a week or two ago it
celebrated its 20th anniversary which is pretty cool so that's a book I really
like next I have skin folk by NOLA Hopkinson this is a short story
collection that has stories that are in one way or another related to Caribbean
folklore some of them take place in the Caribbean some of them take place and
like I don't even know where this is some of them take place in Canada as
well and feature the stories of immigrants and the children of
immigrants a lot of these stories aren't really scary they're more in the vein
of fairy tales or folktales as opposed to like spooky scary stuff but one story
in particular made me think I am going to include it in this video and that is
greedy choke puppy which is just so good it's about a tsukuyomi which is a figure
from Caribbean folklore that's basically a blend kind of of a vampire and which
it was such a good story really really good I loved all the stories in the
collection and Hopkinson is a pretty deep backlist
I'm really excited to see some more books from her so that's it for books
that I think you should read this Halloween season let me know any spooky
eerie books that you think would be a good read this Halloween down in the
comments below if you liked this video give it a thumbs up hit subscribe to see
more my face you find me on Twitter at possibly lit and on Instagram a possibly
literate and I'll see you next time
Life sentence: cheating Jerry Springer Show (10/26/2018) - Duration: 6:11.
Jerry Springer Show (October 26, 2018) life sentence: cheating - Duration: 5:44.
ParisGamesWeek LSFCapGame - Duration: 0:41.
COCO of YouTuber of Japan in 1 year old tried unbelievable part-time job!【CM/VLOG】 - Duration: 1:29.
If a part-time job is decided, you can receive 10,000 yen!
Well then I will ask!
It is a part-time job to think about the name of the course of a new French cuisine!
Thank you!
It is a part-time job to investigate whether animals will gather when playing instruments in the forest.
Do animals come?
to come!
It's a part-time job I'll give my hamster a cool name!
Talk to me!
Let's practice clapping!
It is part-time job to applaud at the speed of my limit aiming for Guinness records!
There is also normal part-time job!
【初音ミク PDA-X Full ver.】 Even a Kunoichi Needs Love クノイチでも恋がしたい『-Project DIVA- X HD』 English Sub - Duration: 4:17.
Cutting class at the dojo, bye bye!
I'm a new kunoichi, only 15
Haven't learned a thing my master's taught me
Yeah yeah, and mother told me
"To be a kunoich...
You have to give up on being a girl."
When I was young, that was fine, no problem
But when I saw that pretty boy at the festival
A bright red fruit burst open in front of me
A bright red fruit burst open in front of me
You can't love, you can't want, no no no
Forget that Let me be free
Don't do that, don't do this, blah blah blah
I can't stand your rules
How can I let you know how I feel?
I was watching you
Through a hole in the ceiling
Secret, secret, maybe I can keep it
Even kunoichis need love
I'm no good at disguises
Anyone can see I'm a kunoichi, only 15
I won't get any work
like this
"Would you kindly let me in the mansion?"
"Would you kindly let me in the mansion?"
"No? Why not?" I can't even use womanly wiles right
There's the dango-seller's girl
Hey she came skipping and running over
Furtive whispers And to my surprise
Hey, are you my rival too?
I love, I want, but everyone's against me
I just want to cut them down
Don't do that, don't do this, blah blah blah
I can't stand your rules
Is there no way they'll let me love?
I watched you from the shadow of a bonsai
Secret, secret, maybe I can keep it
Even kunoichis need love
I want to love!
It was written on a secret note one day
I trembled at the words inside
My next target is HIM
Why? How? I'm in a panic
I've never had to make a choice like this
There's no hesitation or mercy in killing
Daddy, Mommy
I've finally found
What I was meant to do
You can't love, you can't want, no no no
Those are the rules I live by
Don't do that, don't do this, blah blah blah
I can't stand your rules!
The time has come under the light of the full moon
I spin the wall around right in front of you
My heart inside this hidden blade
Even kunoichis need love
I want to love, I want to love
Hey, I'm a kunoichi, I can do this
LEARN COLORS WITH RAINBOW KINETIC SAND CAKE (Nursery Rhymes for Kids) - Duration: 2:03.
Mitsubishi Grandis 2.0 DI-D Intense LM/trekhaak rijklaar! - Duration: 0:56.
The Impossible Test「Pokemon HG/SS Randomizer Soul Link 💀🔗💀 Ep2」 - Duration: 1:39:29.
ParisGamesWeek LSFCapGame - Duration: 0:41.
Why join LMB? - Duration: 1:37.
Linfield College already has one of the most outstanding athletic programs in
the Pacific Northwest and now we want you to join us for this brand new
athletic band program to help support those programs.
I would consider Linfield for marching band
because it's a really open program and its really accepting
and no matter your level of marching whether you're just starting out like me
or whether you've been state champs for four years
like it's a group that can really work together and be cohesive.
It's pretty intense. We have a lot of fun together, a lot of jokes.
Being on the ground floor of a new program is absolutely incredible.
It's really fun because we're starting to build a new culture.
We get to not only set new traditions
but ways of how we do things, social norms for the group.
In a small environment, with outstanding programs
that's the kind of place that you want to get the most out of your educational experience.
I'm also here with the cross-country team
and I really enjoy to run and compete that way
as well as I'm here for education
and so I'm gonna be a high school choir director.
Being able to major in something else besides music and also be a part of the marching band
is something that's really cool
But mainly I came for the pre-med program.
I'm gonna be a radiologist way off in the future.
It's super sick that our band room is in the old observatory - it's wild.
I'm Seth Wollam, the director of marching band here at Linfield College
and we want to welcome you as a member of the LMB
Would You Do What They Did…. - Duration: 13:12.
Here are people who basically aren't afraid of anything!
8 - Shavarsh Karapetyan Imagine being a world champion.
Then imagine being a 17 time world champion.
Now imagine it in a sport that most people have never heard of, but somehow, some way,
you've perfected THE skillset to rescue many people when you're in the right place
at the right time.
That's essentially the story of Shavarsh Karapetyan, a 17-time World Champion Soviet
Armenian finswimmer!
Finswimming is an underwater sport that involves snorkeling, wearing tail fins, and swimming
like an insane mermaid One day, while he was finishing up a 12-mile run, Shavarsh heard
a crash and saw a trolleybus with 92 passengers sink 80 feet to the bottom of a reservoir!
He decided to spring into action.
In zero visibility because of the silt, Sharavash swam to the sinking bus, broke the back window
with his legs, and single-handedly rescued 20 passengers.
Is that insane, or is that superhero insane?!
The multiple wounds he received from this rescue and the fact that he was unconscious
for 45 days afterward effectively ended his sports career.
Subsequent sepsis, because of the presence of raw sewage in the lake water, and lung
complications prevented him from going back to finswimming whatsoever.
However, he decided just to become a superhero, because, ten years later, he ran into a burning
hospital and saved people trapped inside!
Once again, he was badly hurt (severe burns) and spent a long time in the hospital.
He was later awarded a UNESCO "Fair Play" award for his heroism.
Seriously, we need more guys like this around in the world.
7 - The Robin Hood gang Steal from the rich and give to the poor?!
This sounds familiar doesn't it?
Back in April 2006, a group of activists dressed as superheroes burst into a gourmet supermarket
in Hamburg, Germany.
Wearing carnival masks and calling themselves uh….special names such as Spider Mom, Multiflex,
and Sante Guevara, this gang made off with a shoppy cart loaded with luxury goods.Some
$2,000 worth of fancy groceries were stolen out of the store before employees realized
they'd been robbed by a gang of cartoon characters.
People dress up in costumes all the time while shopping at this store?!
How would you not notice people like this?!
Anyways, the group, known as the Robin Hood gang, stole the groceries and vanished into
the houses and gardens overlooking Hamburg's Elbe River.
Within hours of looting the expensive grocery store, the Robin Hood gang posted pics of
themselves with the loot on the internet!
With the pics it posted, the gang said that it had distributed the food among Germany's
new underclass.
The underclass being people such as interns who worked for months without being paid,
low-wage nursery assistants, and moms with part-time jobs as cleaning ladies.
The gang said it didn't merely object to capitalism.
Instead, it was making a stand against the uncertainty facing millennials as they try
to navigate their way through Europe's gloomy jobs market.
Well….that's one way of ummm….sticking it to the man… stealing high end groceries.
Of all the German cities, Hamburg has the highest number of millionaires, while at the
same time, there's a growing number of people who struggle to make ends meet.
Does this seem worthwhile to you guys?!
Let us know in the comments!
6 - Rescue Divers Remember the boys that were stranded in a
cave for weeks during the monsoon season in Thailand?
The Tham Luang cave is the fourth biggest Thai cave system, stretching for miles beneath
the mountain range that separates Thailand and Myanmar.
Once the monsoon season starts in July, the cave goes from being relatively harmless to
extremely dangerous.
On June the 23rd 2018, 12 boys went exploring the cave with their soccer coach, a decision
that made national headlines as the group ended up trapped deep inside the mountain.
Having no contact made for more than a week, the rescue effort of the Thai authorities
expanded into a global operation.
On July the 2nd, after advancing through narrow passages and muddy waters, British divers
John Volanthen and Richard Stanton found the group alive on an elevated rock, about 2.5
miles from the cave mouth.
The rescuers had been juggling four options: pumping out the water flooding the cave, teaching
the boys to swim, finding or drilling an alternative entrance, or waiting out the monsoon.
Ultimately, they had to just extract the boys and hope for the best as time was running
The route to the boys had several flooded sections, some with strong currents and zero
visibility, and some extremely narrow parts.
The journey through the cave to the team took six hours against the current and five hours
to exit with the current.
Needless to say, it was extremely dangerous as one Thai rescue diver, Saman Gunan, unfortunately
lost his life delivering oxygen tanks to the boys.
After days of pumping water from the cave system, the rescue teams rushed to get everyone
out before the next monsoon rain.
For the first part of the extraction, eighteen rescue divers were sent into the caves to
retrieve the boys, with one diver to accompany each boy on the dive out.
The boys were dressed in a wetsuit, buoyancy jacket, harness, and a positive pressure full
face mask.
A cylinder with 80% oxygen was clipped to their front, a handle attached to their back
and they were tethered to a diver in case they were lost in the poor visibility.
Anesthetic were given to the boys before the journey to prevent them from panicking and
risking the lives of everyone involved.
Amazingly, all of the boys and their coach were saved.
The entire rescue effort involved more than 10,000 people, however, the divers ultimately
had the most difficult job.
5 - The Fox You guys know any environmental superheroes
other than Captain Planet?
Jim Phillips, also known as The Fox, was essentially an environmental superhero who got famous
for his direct action initiatives against companies who polluted the environment.
A one-time school teacher, Phillips was just a normal guy who became disgusted by what
he was seeing companies do to the world around him.
To be honest, it's probably best for all of us with more people that care about keeping
the earth clean.After discovering some dead ducks and gobs of greasy, chemical slime in
the Fox River, he secretly gained access to the Dial Soap Factory, one of the companies
polluting the river.
He filled a manhole with trash he had collected in order to block their drainage pipe.
And that's how Phillips got his start taking environmental justice into his own hands.
He would later work with groups to vandalize bars of Dial soap in stores with stickers
proclaiming how they poisoned rivers, an effort that led to an eventual lawsuit by the state
against Dial for violating pollution laws.
The Fox pulled off some other seriously messed up but oddly hilarious acts of sticking it
to The Man!
This included dumping the bodies of dead skunks, all roadkill, of course, on the front steps
of the company's owners.
He once fished 50lbs of sewage out of Lake Michigan and then dumped it in the lobby of
the company that put it there.
Like any good hero, no one actually knew who the Fox was.
He would sign things "The Fox" at the scene with a little drawing of a fox face, but his
identity only came to light after his death in 2001.
4 - Spanish Robin Hood When the financial crisis began in 2008, a
small Spanish town called Marinaleda shot to fame, along with its mayor, Juan Manuel
Sánchez Gordillo.
He earned himself the nickname, "The Spanish Robin Hood".
It's because he organized and carried out a series of supermarket raids with members
of his political party.
Basic groceries such as oil, rice, and beans were loaded into carts, wheeled from the store
and taken to a local food bank to help the poor!
Gordillo, the democratically elected mayor of the town since 1979, proclaimed that it
wasn't theft, but a non-violent act of disobedience.
He argued that there were families in his town who couldn't afford to eat at the time,
something that he considered to be one of the basic human rights.
The Robin Hood raids were popular with many people in Andalusia, Spain, a region where
crippling austerity measures and huge job losses had hit the hardest during the financial
While the rest of Andalusia was dealing with nearly 40% unemployment at the time, this
radical mayor had almost everyone in his town working.
Gordillo has a long history of participating in militant action for the benefit of the
Spanish working class.
He helped to transform Marinaleda from a town of poverty into what Gordillo himself has
described as quote, a "communist utopia".
3 - Phineas Fisher, an ethical hacker Who're the people who're supposed to keep
us safe from the big corporate companies out there?!
Well, those people are apparently called ethical hackers!
Phineas Fisher is a self-described ethical hacker, one of those white hats out there
hacking around the web for the good of us all!
Phineas gained some fame back in 2015 for gaining access to Hacking Team's servers,
a company that was notorious for selling spy tools to shady places and governments.
He published their corporate files online, going as far as to post the files through
their own hacked Twitter account!
He did the same thing to Gamma Group, another company that supplied spyware for government
surveillance operations.
In 2016, Fisher donated 25 Bitcoin, which at the time was worth "onnnnly" about
11 thousand bucks, to a crowdfunding effort focused on fighting ISIS in Syrian farmlands.
The fund helped farmers get back to work amid the turmoil.
Obviously, because Fisher is the kind of person who tries to give out justice in the virtual
world, the Bitcoin wasn't exactly his to begin with.
He claims he robbed it from a bank.
Fisher also hacked the Turkish government in 2016, dumping about 100GB of info that
was published by Wikileaks, including stolen emails about shady government deals.
Afterward, Fisher stated that he was retiring the name for now , deleting both his Reddit
and Twitter account but, he said he'd keep on doing what he was doing.
Back In January 2017, the Spanish police stated that they arrested a man who they believed
was the real Phineas Fisher.
Who're you guys actually rooting for here?!
2 - Shaun Smith Have you guys heard of UK's scariest debt
Alternative methods of debt collecting is apparently a thing, and business is booming
for debt collector Shaun Smith.
Although he may that look that tough, but he's definitely earned the reputation.
Back in the day he was an enforcer for Liverpool gangs.
If you can think of it, he's probably seen it.
There're plenty of interesting methods of getting money outta someone, and that's
right up Shaun's alley!
After serving five years in prison, he smartened up and decided to clean up and go to business
for himself.
He wanted to put his skills to a more legitimate use, and help out regular folks who can't
get their money back through the court system.
Essentially, his business is in gray market debt collection.
His services probably don't make sense for just any situation, but it can certainly be
the right case for others!
Desperate scam victims who've already gone through courts and failed to get a result
turn to Shaun for a resolution.
There's supposedly billions of dollar worth of debt that needs collection in the gray
market, and this is where Shaun comes in.
His services cost anywhere from 20 to 30 percent of the debt when it's claimed.
Technically, the debt is signed over to him, so he's not collecting a debt for his client,
he's actually collecting it for himself!
Some of his past clients include a Premier soccer player who was ripped off for a million
dollar deal in a property scam, and a chicken farmer who was ripped off for 75 thousand
pounds for Christmas Turkeys.
Would you guys get in this profession?!
Convincing someone to pay up a hundred dollar debt is already hard enough, but getting people
to hand over a serious sum of money?!
Yeah…..definitely a tough job that requires certain skillsets!
1 - Cheng Qimin
If you were tasked with moving something that could explode at any minute, would you?
That's pretty much what Cheng Qimin did, as he was an incredibly brave firefighter
who risked his life to keep other people safe.
He did it in order to prevent a huge gas explosion by moving a flaming gas tank out of an apartment
that caught on fire.
The tank caught ablaze after the owner had been cooking in the kitchen at her home in
Yichun City in China.
Firefighters rushed to the scene to evacuate the nearby residents while other firefighters
went into the flaming apartment, where they found two gas tanks on fire in the kitchen!
After spraying water to cool down the gas tanks, the rescuers soon removed one of the
extinguished tanks to a safe place.
However, the other one's off switch was broken.
Cheng volunteered to move the flaming gas tank out of the building by walking cautiously
downstairs (he said down the stairs) with it in his arms.
The gas tank, which could have exploded ANY MINUTE, was finally extinguished after being
taken outside the building.
Amazingly, no one was hurt.
Here's what's next!
Best Cheap Cell Phone Plans 2018 | On The Best Network | Visible By Verizon $40 Unlimited Everything - Duration: 5:19.
what's good YouTube you back in the building with your uncle Monty Python
and we're bringing you life gains by natural money-saving money-making video
on another great cellphone plan that is only 40 dollars to help you save that
money and we're gonna talk about it but first y'all know we've just got to put
on these plus seven glasses of the sexes he'll work on skilling up this craft
giving you a better YouTube experience something better to look at sponsors on
this life games financial video the fat burn finger print diet check that out
video description helping people get themselves prepared before the New
Year's for the gram weight loss getting better shape and also check out that
Robin Hood app it is a free app to get you guys starting investing in stocks
and bonds you make the choice on what you want all in the video description so
last week I reported on t-mobile changing the name of MetroPCS to Metro
by t-mobile and they had a great deal for fifty dollars and a lot of you guys
was just like you don't like t-mobile's network as it doesn't cover you
everywhere I found you a deal that is ten dollars
cheaper there's only forty bucks it offers unlimited everything data talk
text and it even gives you five gigs of high-speed hot spotting 4G LTE and it's
with one of your most covered companies in America Verizon so this plan is with
a company called visible it's a Verizon platform plan for those
that need a cheaper plan no contract and all that and for forty dollars it gives
you everything I just mentioned and that includes your tax your bill is $40 so
what is the drawback to this plan you gotta have iPhone
now in America I know it seems like everybody's walking around with an
iPhone but that's just not the truth 72% of the marketplace in America is walking
around with Android so this plan just leaves me baffled because y'all know me
I'm still running a galaxy s5 because I am mr. save it and make it not fake it
till I make it and I don't know how this business model is gonna work maybe they
feel like they want to work with people who are quote unquote upscale but that
is the biggest drawback to this plan you have to have an iPhone it does not work
with Android and another drawback for some people is that there's no physical
store to get the plan everything is done from the app and I will leave video a
link in the video description for you guys to go and check it out and their
website you have to pay your bill through the app if you need customer
service they do have a number you can call and I did test that out so you can
get somebody on the phone but there's no physical store for you to go see so
those are your drawbacks your positives it's with the most widely used network
on the whole entire planet Verizon so you're gonna get service wherever you go
you get everything you want for $40 a month unlimited and stuff with your
hotspot you're only gonna get five gigs of hotspot and their download speeds are
five mil abouts a second which is is that's okay
as long as you're not downloading movies and stuff like that you're gonna be good
and they're not doing that proper authorization where if their network
gets congested they're gonna bump you to the back that's what they say so it's
got a lot of positives but it does have one major drawback in my opinion that is
that you have to have an iPhone and so if you're looking for a new plan I would
suggest just go you know if you really want to save money go online find
yourself like a iPhone 6 somebody sell them for $200 and then you can go get
this plan be paying $40 a month and get unlimited everything they even let you
do some talking text Internet so that is going to be one of the best
plans we reviewed this year if you have an iPhone or if you're willing to spend
maybe 150 200 dollars to go get your iPhone so that you can save that money
and be on a great network check it out name of the company is visible they run
they run on Verizon's network and they've got a good deal that includes
everything for $40 a month that's taxes too that's gonna do it for this video
don't forget to like my video comment and subscribe go get yourself down life
gang though check this plan out man this is a good one you haven't heard a lot of
news about it so just share this video so people can get the word out and it
can benefit somebody else maybe somebody in your timeline needs a better plan
whatever the case may be and until the net sexy as hell video I'll see you
Hydrogen Deuterium Exchange (HDX) at the Univ. of Texas | Behind the Science - Duration: 5:10.
Welcome to another episode of Behind the Science: On Location.
I'm your host, Jennifer Fournier.
Protein misfolding is believed to be the primary cause
of diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's,
just to name a few.
Understanding protein function, as well as misfunction,
is therefore critical in finding cures or treatments
for these diseases.
In this episode of Behind the Science,
let's head to a lab at the University of Texas
to see what they are doing in regards to understanding
the structure and function of proteins.
So I'm here at the University of Texas, at Dallas,
visiting the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department.
And they say that everything's bigger in Texas,
so let's see if that applies to the data.
Hi, Kyle!
Oh, hi, Jen.
I am so glad I found you, because I was just
outside your lab looking at a poster
that you were doing, which is really interesting.
It looked like you're looking at enzymes as targets
for protein therapeutics.
And I heard that you're doing some work
on humanizing the bacterial enzyme,
or bacterializing the human enzyme.
What is that all about?
So it's really interesting.
We actually are interested in understanding
how the human enzyme can work, and as well
as the bacterial enzyme can work in shrinking tumors.
But can I make an observation here?
On your poster, I see that these two structures of the enzyme,
in crystallography, look very similar.
But as I'm reading through, it looks like they
have different activities.
How can that be?
So we have this hypothesis that these enzymes that behave
differently while in solution.
So we use a technique called hydrogen deuterium exchange
to understand how they behave dynamically.
All right, well, that sounds complicated.
Could you tell me a little bit more about HDX?
Well, I've seen "Behind the Science" before,
so let's take this to the whiteboard.
Let's go to the whiteboard.
The protein is immersed in a physiologically-relevant buffer
and another identical buffer, replacing
only the water for heavy water, which replaces
hydrogen for deuterium.
Using heavy water allows for the hydrogens
located on the proteins' backbone amide
to catalytically exchange with the deuterium from heavy water
freely at room temperature.
We take advantage of this property
to look at the differences in deuterium in corporation
when the protein is exposed to a ligand.
When the ligand binds, the exchange pattern
changes for a region of the protein.
We can identify these regions using mass spectrometry.
Well, Kyle, I do love a good whiteboard,
but what I love even better is to see science in action.
And my guess is you have one of those instruments
somewhere in this lab, right?
You are absolutely right.
It's right over here, and in fact, I
spend most of my time in there.
So let's take a walk over.
Let's head over.
Here it is.
My home away from home.
All right, let's go on in.
Well, Kyle, they say everything's bigger in Texas,
and they weren't joking.
This is a really big instrument.
You are absolutely right.
For this instrument, we have three components.
This automated robot that allows us to do our exchange.
We take it over here where the robot injects,
where the proteins are cut up, and eluted
over a chromatography gradient.
And it sends it over here to the mass spectrometer, where
we can measure mass to charge.
OK, so you're taking a look at the peptides
in the mass spectrometer.
All right.
Now, one thing I notice that I don't
see on every HDX instrument is this automated platform.
Why do you have this?
So we have this automated platform
to control time and temperature, which
allows us to make reproducible data,
and also to make our experiments more efficient,
where we can run longer times.
OK, that makes sense.
Well, this is a big instrument, so my guess
is you have some big data that goes with it.
You're absolutely right.
Let's take this to the whiteboard
so we can take a look at some data.
Sounds good.
These are sample uptake plots for deuterium incorporation
over time.
We get hundreds of these for a single protein in an HDX
What you see is human and bacterial alone in blue,
with ligand in green.
You can see some of the regions have large differences,
while others, we see no change at all.
What we learned from this was that the bacterial enzyme
moves less during catalysis than the human enzyme.
And we learned which regions specifically are moving.
Well, HDX is a really powerful tool
for understanding the dynamics of proteins.
You're right, Jen.
Now that you know how it works, let's get you to work.
Let's go.
Understanding the malfunction of proteins
is critical to developing drugs that
work to target these misbehavers and work to whip them back
into shape.
HDX is a unique and powerful tool
for analyzing proteins and how they interact with drugs.
For more information on the HDX work that you saw today,
check out the link below, and join us next time
for another episode of Behind the Science: On Location.
Governor Hugh L. Carey "State of the State" Address, 1979 - Duration: 28:35.
From the state capital in Albany Governor Hugh L carries State of the
State address the membership of the State Assembly and state Senate have
gathered in joint session in the assembly chamber where just two days ago
Governor Kerry was inaugurated for his second term as governor today the
governor will deliver his annual message to the legislature marking the start of
a new legislative session in his speech the governor will outline the goals of
his new administration lieutenant governor Mario Cuomo presides over the
joint session of the Senate and Assembly I note the presence of our esteemed
jurors from the Court of Appeals and I'd like to take this opportunity to
introduce them first our new chief judge Lawrence H Cook
Associate Judge Matthew j-jason
Associate Judge Dominic gabrielli
Associate Judge u L Jones Associate Judge Salwa club
Associate Judge Jacob D Fuchs burg
assumed to a resolution duly adopted in each of the houses of the legislature
the Senate and Assembly of the state of New York are met in joint session for
the purpose of receiving the annual message to the legislature from the
governor of the state of New York I'm delighted to present our governor
Governor Hugh el-kheir
Lieutenant Governor Cuomo speaker Fink a jarred leader Anderson mister controller
mr. Attorney General members of the judiciary members of the
Honorable bodies Reverend layman Bruner ladies and
gentlemen of the state of New York I'm gratified and honored to be before
you as the re-elected governor of the state of New York
today I see a new leadership in the assembly and I congratulate you on your
election and look forward to working closely with you and your colleagues in
the assembly and I welcome the continued leadership in the Senate you have played
a constructive role during the past four years I look forward to the next four
today I also have a new partner friend Lieutenant Governor Mario Cuomo whose
counsel and wisdom and leadership will be so important to me and to the people
of our state during the coming years I
know we are committed to executive and legislative teamwork in the best
interest of our people this past November in the ultimate test of a
democracy the citizens this state gave their approval to our record tour hope
for the future of New York we shall honor their trust with a vision
and effort that is to be expected the leadership of the Empire State two days
ago in my inaugural address to the people of New York I spoke of a new ear
of opportunity and leadership one of confidence in our ability to meet
challenges and to grasp our own future our will has been tested by crisis and
our skills sharpened by adversity we met the test with fortitude we chose a
balanced course we maintained our commitment to excellence now we can see
the results of our efforts when New York was in financial jeopardy our employees
helped us contain the cost of government we went to Washington returned with a
guarantee of survival for the nation's largest city we forged a partnership
with business and labor to find ways to keep jobs and business in New York we
gave local governments the means to maintain their services the incentives
to cut their costs in the face of repeated crises we fulfilled our
responsibility to improve the daily lives of New York
we in the executive and you in the legislature worked in tandem to surmount
the partisan differences even in the election years and in the past two years
we gave New York as a dividend on the hard-earned money they've invested in
taxes we cut taxes by more than 1 billion dollars the largest tax
reduction in our history we forged a new compact with our taxpayers we did what
was right for New York now we begin a new term with a further commitment to
New Yorkers a commitment to gear up our state's economy for the long-term growth
we need to assure a future of pride responsibility and compassion
let no one underestimate the obstacles in our path we face an inflation that
bleeds our citizens as it increased the pressure on our state and local
governments the national remedies that are proposed must complement not
diminish the programs that have helped our cities and counties we must insist
that the federal government meet its responsibilities for the largest city in
this nation this is a matter of survival in this era of limits and economic
uncertainty we can manage our resources and still maintain our commitment to
those in need jobs are what people want and job creation in the private sector
must remain our goal we are focusing our capital resources on transportation and
economic development projects essential to the task of building our economy and
generating jobs we will continue programs and reforms that reinforce the
special status of this state we have begun the reform of our courts we are
committed to making our streets safer we remain determined to meet the needs of
the young elderly disabled and minorities when the nation looks to New
York for leadership we will provide it our highest priority for the year ahead
must be to further our multi-year program of tax reductions we must also
develop an for local governments to hold the line
on spending and taxes we did not need a referendum to convince us that the
burden of taxes on New Yorkers was too high because of our actions in 1977 in
1978 state taxes will be reduced by an additional two hundred and forty eight
million dollars this year in my executive budget I will present the
specifics our proposal which when fully effective will lower state taxes by
additional two hundred and twenty five million dollars in the year ahead it is
my hope and my expectation that our efforts to reduce state taxes will be
joined by state tax stabilization at the local levels but local government
expenditures cannot be controlled without local implementation of the same
type of tough cost control measures we have instituted on the state level
I have asked Lieutenant Governor Cuomo to develop guidelines for local
government expenditure growth we will provide incentives for control of local
expenditures unfortunately the economic progress
promised by state tax reductions is threatened by a severe national
inflation I am heartened by the president's resolve to use all the
resources at his command to combat inflation the national perspective a
break is required on both prices and wages but I'm compelled to remind our
leaders in Washington and what may be fruitful for the nation as a whole may
be irresponsible if blindly and harshly applied to our state what Washington
must realize is that our state as a government and as an economy has not
contributed to inflation since we are not the cause of inflation simply
applying a stern national remedy here in New York will lead only to further
unemployment and increased human misery our state in our region require a
countervailing approach to national actions against inflation I will
work with my fellow governors and mayors of the Northeast with our
representatives in Washington to assure that the president's anti-inflation
policies are equitably applied we will also work with Washington strengthen our
regional partnership in the coalition of Northeast Governors a major objective of
the Coalition has been the establishment of an energy corporation of the
Northeast that corporation in kono would help our region become less reliant on
OPEC oil I will work toward passage of necessary legislation at the federal and
state level this year we can take pride the tremendous economic progress we have
made here in New York the last three years we added more than 150,000
private-sector jobs our unemployment rate was above 10 percent it has
declined to nearly 7 percent we made changes in the business climate in this
state that many thought were not possible but our successes must not lead
to complacency this year I will propose greater flexibility in the Urban
Development Corporation's bonding authority to take advantage of the best
development prospects cooperating with the state and New York City
the Port Authority will join force with the private sector to raise 1 billion
dollars to build and operate industrial parks in the New York metropolitan area
this will result in 30,000 new jobs and help stabilize the manufacturing base of
the New York metropolitan region I will create a council on international
business to serve as a catalyst for increased foreign business activity
among New York firms our successful programs to expand tourism and
recreational development have achieved wide acclaim the I Love New York
campaign has succeeded and will be enhanced for some areas in New York
State casino gambling offers the potential for increased tourism and job
creation I will establish a blue-ribbon panel of leaders in various fields to
examine the impact of casino gambling and make recommendations as to its form
in New York we must also expedite passage of the necessary legislation to
build the Convention Center in New York City
each day of delay is a costly impediment to the people and economy of New York
City I urge your speedy approval of that legislation last year the Empire State
Games brought together our finest young athletic talent in the state they will
be held again this year and we cannot forget the imminence of one of the truly
great events to take place in the Empire State we are on time and we will be
ready for one of the most spectacular sporting events in the world the 1980
Winter Olympics at Lake Placid New York as we review our achievements and our
plans for improving the state's economy we must indeed recognize the critical
role of Labor working not as antagonists but as partners with business and with
government Labor's been a steadfast supporter in efforts to achieve economic
growth and prosperity in New York we welcome that partnership both labor and
business depend on an effective transportation system our railroads are
a critical part of that system New York City and Long Island remain cut off from
modern rail freight service because of restrictions on rail lines serving the
area these obstacles must be removed I will direct that we use available Port
Authority funds for 25 million dollar program of rail access improvements also
important to our economy and our mass transit system would serve our cities
and enable our commercial centers to grow we have today the need that must be
recognized today I will reaffirm my pledge we will hold mass transit fares
of present levels throughout this state
in 1978 I announced a six-year state/federal and Port Authority program
to provide more than 800 million dollars of mass transportation improvements in
the New York metropolitan area over and above our normal state transit
improvement programs legislation to make this possible must be enacted we also
understand the contribution of our highway system however any new road that
we construct must pass us a stringent test it must contribute to the overall
economic development of our state one project which clearly meets that test is
the Westway a project which will not only improve transportation access in
New York City but contribute to the beauty and revitalization of the
Westside while creating and preserving critically needed jobs it is one of the
most important economic and affirmative action programs in the history of the
city and will be consistent with all environmental laws and regulation
attention to our economy need not be in conflict with the protection of our
environment the problems associated with the dumping and abandonment of toxic
chemicals and waste sites across the state are a primary concern I will
direct the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Department of
Health to prepare a comprehensive strategy for programs and funding for a
federal state local approach to the problems of hazardous waste the people
are justly concerned the state is vigorously meeting the problem the
federal government must not ignore it essential to a relationship of trust
between a government and its citizens is justice that is Swift and fair in 1976 I
proposed constitutional amendments and centralized Court Administration merit
appointment of judges and revision of the procedures for judicial discipline
voter approval of these constitutional amendments has brought real court reform
to New York reform that is symbolized by my appointment of the new Chief Judge of
the Court of Appeals this year the effort for court reform must be
continued I will again propose that we present to the people constitutional
amendments providing for merit selection of well-qualified judges to all courts
of this state and establishing a single statewide Trial Court my executive
Advisory Committee on sentencing has conducted a study of the sentencing
function and structure in New York State the report is currently undergoing
review I will work with you on the legislative recommendations that will
result however I feel that we must move in one area of sentencing immediately
people want security from fear I therefore ask for your support in
passage of a bill providing life sentence without parole for certain
capital crimes
it is now time to deal with a real issue of protecting our people by putting
willful killers away without any prospect for release but we must realize
all our efforts to reform and effectively manage our criminal justice
system will be fruitless if we do not address the needs of our young people
last year at my request a major new program to assist communities in
developing and preventing programs for juvenile delinquency and expanding youth
development services was funded I will ask for an expanse of this effort so we
can meet this progressive commitment to our youth for productive and meaningful
lives this year it's my intention to further improve the management of our
state government I will transform the present state division of the budget
into an office for management and budget in the 50th year of the executive budget
process in New York State it is appropriate to streamline and improve
the central budget Budget and Management Office I will ask for your approval
for the creation of an office of state planning to provide the state with a
central planning capability during my first term I directed the State
Transportation Department to undertake a management study of the Metropolitan
Transportation Authority this study is now complete
and its recommendations are already being carried out on the Long Island
Rail Road we intend to carry out other
recommendations that will be made for the other MTA affiliates serving New
York City and suburban counties as part of my overall write reorganization
effort I will propose restructuring of agency responsibilities relating to
housing development management and policy
I will also create a state Ombudsman service to assist citizens in
identifying and contacting the appropriate agencies and programs that
have been created to meet their needs this office will be led by Lieutenant
Governor Cuomo who was an effective Ombudsman while Secretary of State to
work with the Ombudsman service I will propose the creation of an office of pub
advocate to be a constant watchdog to ensure that the public interest will at
all times be adequately enforce Phillippe represented I've spoken many
times of the need of public financing of campaigns in New York State I asked for
such legislation my first annual message I remain firmly resolved that we should
have public financing of campaigns in New York State
I will also propose a major reform in the state civil service system to
provide employees with incentives and promotional opportunities not provided
by the existing system the public demands full financial disclosure from
top level personnel in government I will submit legislation to require such
disclosure I've already signed an executive order to insist that we take
the lead in affirmative action programs
we will continue our commitment to put the full Morrow an institutional force
of our government behind the legitimate rights of women and minorities
during 1978 the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution designating
1979 as the International Year of the child it is a reaffirmation of its
commitment to the Declaration of Rights of the Child and calls for all nations
to examine their policies and programs on behalf of children I have established
a state commission on the International Year of the child to assure that New
York's long history of promoting progress for all of our children
continues into the decade ahead all too often young people fail to
achieve their full potential because the special services they need are not
available we will see comprehensive school based services to such children
last year at my request you provided support for state program to address the
problem of teenage pregnancy this year I will expand these counseling residential
and planning programs to meet the needs of our troubled teenagers the health of
our citizens will continue to be my first and our highest priority I am
proud of the record we have achieved in last four years during that period the
state has become the national model for an efficient health care system with
leadership of my special assistant dr. Cayle for health affairs we affords a
unique partnership between state officials and health workers in the
private sector that has made government responsive to the health needs of all
our citizens I will shortly deliver my annual state of the health message which
will contain major program proposals for 1979 but there are some points I wish to
emphasize today my primary emphasis will continue to be education and prevention
I will ask the legislature for permanent extension of legislation which
authorized us to regulate hospital charges the office of mental health will
improve inpatient care and its psychiatric centers and the department
of mental retardation will extend the benefits embodied in the Willowbrook
consent decree in 1975 we inherited a welfare program
characterized by excessive cost and inefficiency we cut welfare and
eligibility in half we cut welfare overpayments we saved money without
reducing needed assistance in the Medicaid program we contain costs and
maintained medical services I will expand these efforts the needs of our
older citizens must always be a major concern I will propose further tax
reductions for the elderly through expansion of the property tax circuit
breaker program we enacted last year I
will propose a ten million dollar program to provide private drug
insurance for those elderly citizens earning under $8,000 annually this
program could well become a model for society that once its elderly to live
lives with dignity and health we know that extensive and necessary programs
for our children cannot be provided without a fair and fiscally responsible
system of school finance we must respond to the ruling in the Levittown case with
a fundamental reform of our school finance system the Board of Regents has
joined me in appointing a broadly-based task force to propose a strategy for
reform my executive budget will contain a significant increase in state aid to
education as well as several proposals to reduce the present inequities we must
also strengthen the City University through changes in its finance and
governance structures to reflect the city's capabilities and the role of this
state I propose over the next four years the state assume the full funding of the
University senior colleges this is sound educational policy and the key element
in a larger program of financial aid to New York City unique needs and
opportunities all urban areas demand special state commitments I will issue
an executive order creating an urban affairs cabinet chaired by lieutenant
governor Cuomo to coordinate state policy
affecting urban areas the key to urban revitalization is to encourage private
sector investment in our urban areas we must remove the obstacles which
currently discourage such investments in recent weeks I signed into law a bill
making it illegal to deny mortgages solely on the basis of geographic
location I proposed an overhaul for the state's fair plan to make affordable
business and homeowners insurance coverage available in distressed urban
areas I will also propose strong measures to
combat arson a crime which each year destroys the homes businesses and lives
of too many New Yorkers I will propose a new state technical
assistance program to strengthen assistance to local community
development efforts with these and other tools we can begin to target special
areas for urban development our first four years tested all of us and through
teamwork and determination we overcame long odds our state has earned a place
of national leadership and recognition these next four years provide us with a
new opportunity to make government more responsive to the people's needs we have
the tools that we forged and adversity the wisdom born of that experience and
the will to take on the future I ask you now to join me in the undertaking before
us let us reach beyond simple survival and expedience the challenges facing us
demand leadership and excellence we in New York can and will provide what is
required and let our inspirations not just our budgets be the measure of our
achievements therefore let the nation look to New York today in the work we
begin together god bless you and i look forward to the years ahead thank you
in his State of the State address governor he well terry has pledged that
his executive budget will reflect still further tax reductions for new walkers
he also said that state government will work closely with localities to reduce
expenditures governor Kerry said he will continue to press for the creation of
jobs in the private sector and worked with the White House and the Congress to
promote programs vital to New York and the Northeast this coverage of Governor
Hugh l-khayri State of the State address has been produced by the executive
chamber press office through the facilities of the New York Network a
service of the State University of New York
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Selin, bırak onu "BENİMLE EVLEN!" Arka Sokaklar 492. Bölüm - Duration: 4:42.
A Day in the Life: non-CS major Software Engineer First Job Edition - Duration: 6:38.
7:00 a.m. San Francisco you are bustling as always at 7:00 a.m.
everyone's busy trying to get to work and I'm getting to work too. I'm walking
to work because usually it takes just as long to bus to work
yeah today's weather is not bad you know looks like a good 63 degrees perfect for
a walk in the morning. Makes my mood better and just to show you when I
walk around San Francisco, because, yes this is San Francisco, I bring around my
pepper spray and also my taser yep and while I walk to work, because it's
a 30 minute walk I usually studied my Japanese. Well now just gonna go back to studying Japanese
always under construction here in san francisco
yeah like I don't know. Like sometimes, San Francisco, I think it's ugly,
but sometimes I think it's the most beautiful city in the world
This is Market Street, which is the most busiest street in San Francisco
Alright, I should go. And this is why I do not bus to work or Uber to work
Welcome morning San Francisco traffic human traffic
There is a strike going on over there and on this other side...
there's some conference going on again
probably an ignorant San Franciscan right here (me). Don't know what that conferences. But there's always things happening
with police going on, alright
I'm here at my workplace
it is too silent in the hallway
well I guess no one's here yet. This is my workplace and this is my desk with my
monitors. Say hello to kitty. in case you were wondering how I just study Japanese
I really recommend this app call Anki and basically it's a flashcard app but
it allows the ones that you forget more often you reappear more often so yeah
that's kind of how I do it and I just kind of like switching between apps. let's go get some food.
GASP. There is no more drinks! Time to order some on Instagram
sorry not instagram, instacart. Too many insta things. oh that's a lot of Lara bars well
I am a turkey person so I'm gonna grab a turkey. So this is instacart I think we
got what we need: coffee, cheese, and bunch of sparkling water and bunch of bars
rx bars! Great! Alright, now I can check out!
so now I'll do some work usually I
work for 55 minutes and then I take a five-minute like bathroom break and walk
around just to rest your eyes because the life of a software engineer you use
your eyes a lot and so you need to rest your eyes give your eyes some rest and
while I do those resting things in those five minutes I try to study more
Japanese yup and so I just do this from straight eight to five and I'll see you
later for lunch
lunch with the team!
mmmm yumm! Something like Mexican and Filipino (Mexican and Filipino fusion)
going back to work! One thing I like about work is it is next to HRD
Hey guys! So it is time to go home
Hey everyone, so I am just going to Japan town right now to pick up some dinner
after work
And it's nice living near Japan town so I can eat lots of good food.
Wow it's so pretty to walk home at this time of the day...
..., I think, on top of the hill
Between the time I walk back and now, I basically did some Japanese studying.
hmmm yass! it's time to eat And I didn't realize that it was on discount
well time to eat
but of course I need to
watch my Aimer while studying Japanese
that was a good dinner. Well time to go take a bath and then I will work on
studying some Japanese
And then... I'll probably do some videos Alright, see you later
hey guys now that I finish taking a bath, I said that I would do some video
so I'll do that and also I will study more Japanese because I really want to
get better to talk with my Japanese friends so yeah today is probably one of
the more normal days or I literally just go to work come back and
study Japanese. Some other nights I might go hang out with friends. Like Fridays, I
always have a plan so far So yeah, while I can't say the life of the engineer is
much more exciting than any other job but for me I really do like this
lifestyle because I'm working for something I really care about and I just
wish you guys the best so look to find out something you really care about or
if you're just doing engineer for the sake of something else, well good luck too
so it is bedtime that means it's time to go to bed. So I finished a good amount of
work that I wanted to finish today. I mean I just always feel like there's
always not enough time to do everything I wanted but you know you get used to
that, that you really can't do everything you want sometimes. So before I go to bed
I usually spend like 20 minutes of like silent just thinking about things
about like myself, am i treating people right, is there anything I could do more
efficiently, am I a better human today versus
yesterday. those kind of things you know. so I'm gonna do my silent time right
after this and I also spend one minute a day calling a friend. so yeah that's a
very normal life of my life. Of course there are just days where I don't want
to do any work and those are today so where I have to force myself to work and
then I'll be like "oh I'm done" as soon as I meet the minimum quota, things like that
but I don't know... when you have something you really want to do in life, I think you'll
just somehow get the energy you do it you know. so yeah that's kind of a day in
my life. Please comment below and let me know if there's anything I can improve on
for my day. Or I would like to know how you do your day too. Talk about it with me
yeah so I'm going to go and sleep after this goodnight
[FR/EN] 📸 Créer un effet de Sabre Laser sur Photoshop - Duration: 9:37.
Hi everyone! I'm LyahCosplay.
I'm a cosplayer and also a photographer, and today i'm gonna show you how
I make this lightsaber effect on my pictures.
For this, I'm gonna use Adobe Photoshop,
as well as a picture I've already edited through Adobe Lightroom,
to adjust the colour, the brightness, contrast as I wanted.
First, I'm going to show you the picture without the effect...
And with the effect.
First, we are going to create a new layer to put our effect on it.
Then, we select the Brush tool
And set the radius to make it fit the width of the blade.
Choose a radius so it's a bit wider than the blade, so you make sure it'll cover it well.
Also, choose a hardness of 50% so the edges of your brush are not too rough.
It's gonna help to create a more realistic effect.
Place one dot on the beginning of the blade.
Place your cursor on the tip of the blade, and hold your Shift key while you click.
As you can see, we have created a nice straight line between our two points, following the blade.
But at the tip of the blade, it doesn't cover it perfectly; it is because of perspective.
For some pictures, perspective will be more important than for other ones.
To fix this, use the Ctrl+T shortcut to go to the resize mode.
Now you can resize your line if necessary. Hold right click and select Perspective.
You are now able to adjust the width of the tip of the blade, without changing the base.
Press enter to valid your changes.
Press Ctrl+T again and rotate your line so it matches the blade's angle again.
To place it more precisely, use the arrow keys of your keyboard.
Check that everything is fine now.
Now I'm gonna show you something that can happen with some pictures.
If on your picture, the tip of the lightsaber's handle doesn't look perfectly round,
you can adjust the shape of your line using the Finger tool,
which allow you to lightly distort your line.
Right, our base is done.
It covers perfectly the original blade.
Now, we will duplicate this layer two times, using the shortcut Ctrl+J.
Now we have three identicals layers.
Plus the background layer.
Select the lower layer in the list, above the background layer.
Go to Filter, Attenuation, Gaussian Blur.
This layer is going to be the diffusion layer for our light.
For this, set a blur radius equal or superior to 80.
As you can see, it creates an important diffusion.
But depending of the size of your picture, you will need to add more or less blur radius.
My picture is quite large, so I'll use a radius superior to 80.
120 or 110 pixels looks great. I'll choose 115px.
The blur is very important, it will create the illusion of light.
On our second layer, we will do the same change.
We will just modify the blur radius.
Here we don't have any blur,
and we will progressively increase it,
watching the preview.
and here we see a very light gradient; this is what we are looking for.
Be careful; if you make the blur too strong, it will just mix with the previous layer and be useless.
Here i'm going to set it around 20 or 30px.
You can see that it will just extends a little bit the base we made earlier, the center layer,
and boost the brightness effect.
Right, now click OK.
We will not change anything on the first layer, above the others.
It will stay our base, the very bright center of the lightsaber.
So here is our base,
our second layer with a little bit of diffusion,
and our third layer, with a loud diffusion which increase the brightness.
Once you're satisfied with your effect,
select your three layers with the Shift key
Right Click and merge the layers.
Then, create a new coloured layer with a black background.
Place it under your lightsaber effect, and merge them together.
To show up our picture in the background, we are gonna change the blending mode of the effect layer.
So set it to Lighten.
With this blending mode activated, all the black pixels will disapear.
Our lightning blade effect is now done!
But we still need to give it some colours.
Some lightsabers are white, but here the original blade was blue,
which creates blue highlights on our model.
So we are going to make this effect blue too!
For this, select the effect layer,
Go to Image, Adjusments, Curves.
When you click on the dropdown list, we can see the Red, Green and Blue curves.
These curves allow us to adjust the Red, Green and Blue tones of our layer.
Here I will pick the Blue curve, grab a dot on the middle of the curve and drag it up.
As you can see, our blade is now in a light blue tone.
The more you drag your curve to the left, the more your color will be bright and sharp.
This is not what I want, I want a more pale blue. Don't forget that a light is not very coloured, because of it's brightness.
If you want another colour, just play with the other curves!
You can pick the Red or Green curves to make the most common lightsaber colours.
But you can also use two curves at the same time to make some colours mixes!
For exemple, if you let the blue curve in this position,
and you play with the green one, you'll obtain a turquoise or cyan blade.
If you put the green curve back to normal, let the blue curve in the same position and now modify the red one,
you will make a pink or a purple blade!
Just play with the different curves, go wild !
If you want an orange or yellow blade, set the blue curve back to normal, and drag up the green curve,
(as you can see this green colour is very close to the movies's colour)
and then move the red curve too.
Here we have a yellow, and now a goldish-orange.
This orange could be useful to create a fire effect on another picture!
I wanted a blue blade, so I come back to the blue curve and modify it as I want.
Tadaaa! The effect is now complete!
It took us 5 or 6 steps, which were very simple and repetitive.
I believe this effect can be managed even by Photoshop newbies, if you've got the software.
I hope you liked this tutorial and that it has been helpful for you,
you can follow me on Instagram or check my Facebook page to see my costumes and photographs!
Now, happy craft or editing, have fun and see you back soon!
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