陶晶瑩作為王 菲的第一個 女性好友出 現在《幻樂 之城》
兩人之間的互 動讓觀眾興 奮不已。
但是這也不禁 讓人好奇
為什麼她們居 然是好朋友 ? 王菲的朋友 圈最為著名 的是「六年 一班」
趙薇等都曾參 與其活動。
然而王菲的好 友陶晶瑩卻 並沒有在這 個團隊里
甚至她們以往 的互動都只 有在採訪節 目裡。
王菲對這段關 係的定義「 活久見」
活了很久才見 一次面。
上一次兩人見 面還是在多 年以前
那時候上陶晶 瑩送給童童 一隻手錶
王菲接在手裡 卻直言童童 還不會看錶
而如今時過境 遷
那個不會看錶 的小孩
已成為了《幻 樂之城》的 表演者。
掐指一算已經 十幾年。
只是這十幾年 的變化有點 大
陶晶瑩因暗諷 《爸爸去哪 兒》、
泄露周杰倫兒 子正面照等 等而備受爭 議。
在陶晶瑩口碑 持續滑坡的 情況下邀請 一同亮相
這個很弔詭了 。
其實和兩人之 間的情誼有 關。
王菲在娛樂圈 裡是出了名 的難採訪
半天都只有幾 個字。
陶晶瑩就很能 打開她的話 匣子
也被粉絲稱為 「最會採訪 王菲的主持 人」。
其實陶晶瑩也 沒少被王菲 懟。
在第十五屆台 灣金曲獎頒 獎典禮現場
陶子說:「感 謝正在《2 046》的 王菲抽空請 假來到頒獎 現場(意思 是王菲為了 捧場給足面 子)」,
誰知道菲一臉 無辜的說: 「已經拍完 了.
陶子大汗:「 還是不採訪 您了。
」 但陶 晶瑩和王菲 是關係親密 的
她在王菲與竇 唯離婚後
是否會想幫女 兒找一個理 想的父親? 王菲說 自己從來沒 想過
女兒有自己的 父親
而且也常見面 啊
她要找的是她 的伴侶。
敢這樣問問題 的也就只有 陶晶瑩了吧 。
陶晶瑩和王菲 的友情是基 於採訪中
這可能就是傳 聞里的氣場 相合。
王菲每逢去台 灣宣傳
必上陶晶瑩的 節目
甚至連簽唱會 都是她來主 持。
陶晶瑩深諳王 菲害羞
每次使出渾身 解數來活躍 氣氛
王菲也都學會 配合她
用相聲的角度 來說就是逗 哏和捧哏。
就好像陶晶瑩 曾經調侃木 村拓哉找王 菲聊天
結果只是為了 詢問衛生間 的位置。
直呼一點都不 介意。
陶晶瑩還在節 目裡假裝播 放失誤
當著王菲播她 與謝霆鋒牽 手的花邊新 聞
王菲可能早已 經黑臉。
王菲卻笑著說 :「就知道 你們故意的
不過我不介意 。
」這可能就是 情分的體現 。
王菲素來都自 認不善言辭
她總是害怕被 曲解意思
也擔心會得罪 人
於是乾脆婉拒 大多採訪。
而她和陶晶瑩 的對話里
每逢卡殼都會 說「你明白 我的意思的 」。
而陶晶瑩則立 即會用語言 為她做出註 解
這種默契一度 都被認為是 最佳採訪者 和最佳被訪 者的狀態。
娛樂圈裡拜高 踩低太多
即便陶晶瑩近 年來所到之 處頻繁遭遇 群嘲
但王菲並不介 意。
她在事業巔峰 期就曾經幫 陶晶瑩站台
而陶晶瑩開演 唱會向她求 經驗
王菲還會打趣 安慰道:「 我也緊張
我唱第一首歌 都在抖」。
提醒她不要管 別人
管好自己就好 。
不過陶晶瑩的 大嘴巴從來 都管不住
王菲和李亞鵬 離婚後
陶晶瑩曾經在 2013年 的某演唱會 調侃謝霆鋒 的願望會在 新年達成。
謝霆鋒就複合 了
這也被認為陶 晶瑩早已知 曉
當時話裡有話 。
不過王菲依然 保持著不介 意的狀態
和陶晶瑩並未 讓關係變僵 。
娛樂圈裡有許 多大家都意 料不到的好 朋友
他們並沒有身 份差別的距 離
每次說出來都 讓人倍感意 外。
就好像王菲和 陶晶瑩。
華語樂壇幾十 年來
陸陸續續誕生 了許多位天 后。
但是時間如大 浪淘沙
真正在人們心 裡留下印記 的其實並不 多
不過這其中肯 定有王菲的 身影。
許久不見的天 后竟然因為 在宴會上「 尬舞」上了 熱搜。
本以為王菲和 李亞鵬的同 框會是這個 慈善宴會的 亮點
沒想到竟然被 「跳舞」搶 走了關注。
王菲進舞池前 大聲問曲子 能不能Hi gh一點
等曲風轉變隨 即入舞池跳 起舞來
李嫣等都跟著 起鬨跳舞。
菲姐多喝了幾 杯
離場的時候有 男粉絲表白 「王菲好美 」
她頭也不回地 說「還好美 呢
都多大了~」 莫名 覺得很可愛
哪怕是喝懵圈 了
仍舊沒有忘記 懟人。
如同李亞鵬當 年形容王菲 的那樣
她此刻就像一 個真性情的 高中女生。
這樣的真實不 做作
真的是娛樂圈 的一股清流 了。
說到最能體現 天后隨心所 欲的事件
一定不能不提 菲姐的自拍 封面專輯。
2016年7 月26日
菲姐在沒有任 何宣傳的情 況下
悄無聲息的推 出了新歌《 塵埃》。
Emm至於歌 曲封面.
天后任性地用 了一張自拍 搞定。
也許是為了發 自拍才出的 新專輯?? 其實這 並不是王菲 第一次用自 拍照做專輯 的封面
之前《匆匆那 年》《清風 徐來》《愛 不可及》等 專輯同樣很 隨性地用自 拍當成了歌 曲封面。
我菲姐真的是 對自拍愛得 深沉。
在別的女星都 要精p細修 才敢曝出的 自拍
蓬頭垢面就來 了一張
有時還會給自 己安上一個 豬鼻子。
不只是因為她 的歌
還因為她讓我 們看到了一 個有趣的靈 魂
她活出了最理 想的自我。
王菲的身上從 不缺少話題
和謝霆鋒幾經 波折之後還 是分手
到她和李亞鵬 結婚又離婚
再到最近又和 謝霆鋒再續 前緣
給多少離婚的 人做了個榜 樣。
很多人的48 歲的時候被 柴米油鹽所 纏繞、
而她卻還如少 女般大方談 戀愛。
也因此有人恨 她到死
但是生活就是 自己的
她又何嘗會在 乎這些? 很多人 說王菲說話 很直
經常一句話就 把採訪她的 人噎死。
但是娛樂圈真 正如她這般 率真、
小君只服她一 人。
看了一下王菲 的採訪記錄
小君挺心疼採 訪她的人。
你們感受隨意 一下天后的 尬聊功力。
▼ 在台灣 某綜藝節目 上
主持人誇她是 國際巨星。
王菲:你們別 吹了。
▼ 小s的 採訪以犀利 毒辣、
然而遇上了我 菲姐…… 小s:你 的婚姻這麼 不幸.
(還沒問完) 王菲: 我的婚姻不 幸嗎? ▼ 1 999年被 記者問到新 專輯怎麼樣 ? 王菲 :還能怎麼 樣?還不是 上張專輯那 樣。
▼ 記者: 覺得人生什 麼最精彩。
菲:我的人生 還沒過完呢 !怎麼現在 問我這種問 題?等我臨 終前再告訴 你吧。
▼ 台灣《 寓言》01 演唱會的記 者會上
記者問她會有 什麼造型? 王菲: 肯定不穿舊 的。
▼ 記者問 她離婚後關 於童童的撫 養權問題? 王菲: 判誰誰養唄 還有 有個香港 髮型師批評 童童的髮型 不好看
記者問王菲怎 麼看? 王菲:那又 怎麼樣?他 說不漂亮就 不漂亮啊? ▼ 記者問到 得知張震表 示暗戀她有 何反應 王菲:應該 有什麼反應 啊? ▼ 在整理 菲姐噎死人 不償命的語 錄的時候
發現有好多出 自於台灣著 名主持人陶 晶瑩的採訪
連這樣身經百 戰的大將也 折於菲姐語 下
不得不服… 陶晶瑩在 一次採訪結 束送給童童 一隻手錶
王菲接在手裡 卻直言童童 還不會看 陶晶瑩很 驚訝
童童那麼大了 還你還不教 她看錶! 王菲:我 教啦。
陶晶瑩:那就 對了
你又說她不會 看? 王 菲:誰說教 了她就會看 啊。
陶晶瑩問她性 格這麼酷是 不是談戀愛 有矛盾只會 冷戰不會吵 架。
王菲說也有吵 架的時候
但不會打人什 麼的。
陶還略帶吃驚 的問:你好 冷靜噢。
這下輪到王菲 驚訝了。
菲姐的噎死人 語錄在網上 有很多
小君就不全列 出來了。
對於王菲只剩 下一個大寫 的服氣。
但是下面這個 採訪
小君絕對要列 出來。
最近經常在網 上看到明星 私生活受到 打擾
我想這也是很 多明星想說 的話吧! 順帶提一 句
明星的生活和 我們無關
喜歡明星多關 注作品就好 。
因為菲姐的說 話方式
愛的人說她可 愛、
恨的人說她情 商低
不知人情世故 。
外界關於菲姐 的謠言從未 停止過
說她事業不思 進取
用她離過2次 婚
有2個孩子炒 作
還和小11歲 的男朋友談 「不靠譜的 戀愛」。
但是菲姐對於 謠言基本不 怎麼回應
始終貫徹一個 原則:走自 己的路
讓別人說去吧 !我行我素
才是她的行為 準則。
在娛樂圈還在 盛行「尬人 設」的時候
菲姐早已親手 摧毀了她的 人設。
李亞鵬與她的 這段姻緣
愛唱卡拉ok 。
她頂著天后的 桂冠
卻從不曾被它 的光芒縛住 。
在她的重重自 曝下
原來女神與凡 人真的無甚 差別。
活在別人的目 光里太累
要為自己而活 。
她的真性情也 正是她的魅 力所在
很難不去愛這 樣一個洒脫 的女子。
看著她就會覺 得
人人害怕面對 的中年危機 也並沒有那 麼可怕
為自己而活才 不枉此生。
竇唯說王菲女 強人。
李亞鵬說王菲 女漢子。
謝霆鋒說王菲 就是個小女 孩兒。
這三個都是她 。
寫完這篇推文 發現更愛我 菲姐了~
For more infomation >> 王菲為什麼和陶晶瑩是好朋友?她曾在晚會上說漏謝霆鋒有意複合 - Duration: 11:22.-------------------------------------------
S. Korea FM tells Japan FM she respects court ruling on compensation for victims - Duration: 0:36.
Seoul and Tokyo exchanged views on the South Korean supreme court's ruling on
Japan's use of Koreans for forced labor during World War two the court ordered
Nippon Ceylon Sumitomo metal corporation to pay compensation to the victims
according to Seoul's foreign ministry the two nation's top diplomats held a
film meeting today despite concerns Tokyo expressed over the ruling Hong
Kong WA told the taro kono that she respects the decision and that the
government will review various factors before taking further steps both offense
and besides the need to work closely together for future-oriented relations
S. Korea and U.S. to establish new working group on N. Korea nuclear issue - Duration: 2:25.
US nuclear envoy Steven vegan left South Korea after spending two full days
meeting with senior officials here in the nation according to a government
source the main agenda of this visit was the establishment of a halt Washington's
working group eg1 tells us more
deputy US State Department spokesperson Robert Palladino announced at Tuesday's
press briefing that South Korea the u.s. have agreed to establish a new working
group the group he said will further strengthen the two countries close
coordination on diplomacy on denuclearization efforts on the
implementation of sanctions there are ways for the two Koreas to
cooperate within the limits of UN sanctions this comes as a u.s. special
representative for North Korea Stephen vegan concludes his 40 trip to Seoul
he's known to have fined two of those details with his South Korean
counterpart Edelen Seoul special representative for korean peninsula
peace and security affairs a senior official at South Korea's foreign
ministry told reporters Tuesday that the working group will be led by the two
nuclear envoys and that it will be launched soon likely in November
many have suspected that the reason such a working group was suddenly formed was
because of a perceived imbalance in the pace of inter-korean ties and
denuclearization talks but the official said that is definitely not the case
establishing the group he said is something that had been discussed over
the past four months and that it's meant to formally set up a system for Seoul in
Washington to consistently talk and continuously work together on the
numerous issues surrounding North Korea us negotiations the main agenda of the
group will be Pyongyang's denuclearization and three other issues
mentioned by the State Department but the official said the agenda could
become more specific and the group could even include officials from other
relevant ministries as it gets rolling the official was asked why be and met
with South Korea's presidential chief of staff in daung huk who is also in charge
of the committee tasked with implementing the two Koreas agreements
he said that began mainly sought to meet various senior South Korean officials to
carefully listen and learn the country stands during his visit bein
met with officials from the presidential office and the ministers of Foreign
Affairs and unification easy one Arirang news
S. Korean stocks fell 14% in Oct., sharpest drop since 2008 - Duration: 2:44.
turning to some stock market action now finally we're seeing some small positive
turnaround after a rocky few days or a rocky month the main index closed higher
than yesterday here's Kim a song with a roundup of South Korean equity markets
after some topsy-turvy midday trading South Korea's main index closed at 20 29
Wednesday up 7 tenths of a percent from the previous close and marking a second
day of gains the tech-heavy kosdaq also rose about 0.7 percent thanks to gains
overnight on Wall Street but then again October was a brutal month for South
Korean stocks with the main kospi index falling 14% or 229 billion u.s. dollars
which is the worst monthly drop since the 2008 global financial crisis it's
also down more than 20% from its peak in January when it passed the 2,500 mark in
October global equities saw a wipeout of eight trillion dollars on factors like
the u.s. rate hike the us-china trade conflict and disappointing US company's
earnings given that stock markets have a cycle of ups and downs and that they've
rallied for years on record low interest rates and easy money some say markets
are now in correction territory but still compared to major markets South
Korea's main index fell in October by the largest margin the Kospi fell 14
percent and the cost at over 20 percent that's more than China's monthly loss of
10 percent the six percent in the US and the MSCI Emerging Markets average of 10
percent loss putting particular pressure on local markets have been concerns that
the us-china trade conflict will hurt Korea's export oriented economy and it's
IT sector to help stabilize the market South Korea's financial authorities
announced a series of measures early this week which will include the
injection of a 428 million dollar fund into undervalued stocks such
announcements helped lift The Cosby back above the 2000 level but experts say
stocks are likely to remain sluggish for some time
stocks reflect on expectation about future growth
but now investment and economic growth slowing down and Korea's manufacturing
sector is losing competitiveness there's no new sector with bright prospects
right now and with the us-china trade spat still weighing on markets creating
global uncertainties experts say local and global stocks are unlikely to go
back to pre October levels at least until the us-china summit at the g20 in
Argentina in November and that's if the two sides do reach an agreement
Kim Azam Arirang news
S. Korean court's decision to order Japanese company to pay for forced labor could affect.. - Duration: 2:05.
it took 13 years for South Korea's Supreme Court to rule on the forced
labor by a Japanese company during World War two attention now shifts to what
will happen to similar lawsuits pending in court chase Young has the full story
13 years after lawsuit for damages was filed against Nippon Steel in Sumitomo
medal at the Seoul Central District Court in 2005
South Korea's Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday the Japanese company paid
compensation of roughly 90,000 u.s. dollars to the four victims of forced
labor the rolling came after more than five years of deliberation by the
highest court wool the rulings outcome affects similar lawsuits according to
the Korean Bar Association out of 14 lawsuits against Japanese company filed
by force laborers two complaints against Mitsubishi Heavy Industries are pending
at the top court the Supreme Court's ruling is the first of its kind on
forced labor during Japan's colonial rule it will have a direct effect on
future rulings on similar lawsuits the Japanese government had argued and still
contends that the 1965 agreement concerning the settlement of problems in
regard to property and claims and economic cooperation terminates
individuals rights to file independent damages suits and in the past the South
Korean government has taken similar view to Tokyo but experts point a different
approach taken by Japan's Supreme Court
according to Japan's Supreme Court individuals rights are not terminated
they're alive but just unable to be realized through a court trial experts
say this means the Japanese government the company in question should
compensate the victims out of respect for humanitarian principles
neither the Japanese nor South Korean government has heated much attention to
the Japanese Supreme Court remarks in their discussions over forced labor
shortly after the ruling Japanese foreign minister taro kono said Japan
could potentially detect a forced labor case to the International Court of
Justice but a tribunal there can convene without the consent of South Korea
Chesham Arirang news
N. Korea preparing for foreign experts' visit to nuclear test site: S. Korea's spy agency - Duration: 1:52.
During today's parliamentary audit, the National Intelligence Service was under scrutiny.
Rival lawmakers questioned North Korea's movements,... as well as debated plans to transfer the agency's
investigation rights.
Kim Min-ji has the latest from the national assembly.
North Korea appears to be preparing for a possible visit by foreign experts to verify
the shutdown of its nuclear test site.
During a closed-door parliamentary audit,... rival lawmakers quoted the National Intelligence
Service as saying that there have been signs of preparations and intelligence-related activity,...
and that the North has been revamping accomodation facilities and the entrance near the Yeongbyeon
nuclear complex.
North Korea had said during the inter-Korean summit in September that it would be willing
to shut down Yeongbyeon... should the U.S. take corresponding measures.
In May, it demolished its nuclear test site at Punggye-ri in the presence of foreign journalists,...
and has torn down some of the missile launching facilities at Dongchang-ri.
Another topic of heated debate was reform of South Korea's spy agency... and the possibility
of transferring the power to investigate communist activities to another agency.
Reforming the NIS was one of key pledges of President Moon Jae-in as a way of preventing
the abuse of power in view of the illegal activities it was involved in under conservative
governments,... such as intervening in politics and monitoring civilians.
Currently, one proposal is give to the power to investigate communist activity to the police,...
but the opposition parties have been against the idea saying that the agency's main role
is to prevent and detect enemy espionage.
Rival lawmakers said that they're working on a deal to provide a grace period of three
years,... even if they write the change into law.
But some opposition lawmakers said if that's the case, then the actual amendment should
be pushed back for another three years as well,... or be carried out under the next
NIS chief Suh Hoon said that he will consider the ideas and that his agency will do its
best in drafting a proposal.
Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.
Biocarburants : les déchets deviennent source d'énergie - Duration: 2:20.
96 | Kaathalae Kaathalae Video Song | Vijay Sethupathi, Trisha | Govind Vasantha | C. Prem Kumar - Duration: 3:11.
「撕票」!土耳其發飆了,美國敢收了錢不給F35戰機,別怪我拆掉超級雷達 - Duration: 9:00.
Honor Magic 2 FULL REVIEW: the Mi Mix 3 KILLER? #SamiLuo - Duration: 6:44.
Video was authorized exclusively by EVA from ifeng Tech, translated by SamiLuo Media Group
Hello guys! What I got is the just released Honor Magic 2 slider phone
For Magic series phones of Huawei, I'm quite impressed by its uniqueness
Back to Dec 2016 when Honor released its first Magic phone, I was there and did a pretty detailed review of it
Its intelligence, design and many other tech breakthroughs were quite astonishing
But that was two years ago, during this period, great changes have applied to the phone industry
You see every phone company today they claim their system is AI featured and gives you smart experience
Even this sliding design is not new anymore
So would it stand out from a bunch of other phones on the market? Let's check out
That's it, the back of Magic 2, it features gradient red color, also has gradient blue and grey
I guess most girls would like red color, it feels just a sense of joy
But I personally would say this color is too plain and simple
It has this purple tone actually, so should be really beautiful under the light
Only three rear cameras in the back, a flash and the AI Vision text and the honor logo, nothing else
It doesn't have back fingerprint scanner so let's check the front
It's thick I gotta say bc it features this sliding design but the frame transition is natural and smooth
You see the R shape corners here make the phone feel round
Bradley Smith, producer 49 mile scenic drive - Duration: 1:15.
Anca Damian, reżyserka Moon Hotel Kabul - Duration: 1:20.
Buwaya Ang Indio - Galawang DDS - Duration: 3:57.
Buwaya Ang Indio - Ang Puhunan - Duration: 3:26.
Buwaya Ang Indio - Glock On My Hip - Duration: 3:28.
Nadejda Koseva reżyser, Kiril Prodanov i Martina Apostolova z filmu Irina - Duration: 0:51.
Ford Mondeo Wagon 1.8-16V Futura - Duration: 1:08.
Buwaya Ang Indio - Maynila, Sa Pangil ng Buwaya - Duration: 5:03.
Halloween Scary Movie Reaction [국제커플의 할로윈] [자막cc] - Duration: 7:20.
Bezubaan Phir Se full video Reaction [Koreans Hoon & Cormie] / Hoontamin - Duration: 6:41.
Today we will watch an Indian music video
That was recommended by Indian subscribers
It seems that scenes from Disney's "ABCD 2" movie
This music video was recommended a lot
It was released at July 30, 2015
Did we watch 'ABCD 2' before?
This was recommended a lot
Today we are going to watch that
Something like the end of the earth
We have to get rid of the aliens!
20 warriors to save the earth?
Nice group dance, too gorgeous
People are flying
Their motions are really flexible
And light
To that extent, you have to learn Taekwondo for 5 years
Looks nice
Anything more intense?
Like a fast-forward
They don't slip and dance well under that situation
Oh my
It was over as soon as the stage was over
The visual effect is great
To make the water pour
A combination of brilliant dance and visual effect
They ran lightly, almost flew
The dances were really impressive
This music video made me wonder about the movie
There was one man in the middle
He appeared among the audience
The man who looked like this
I'm curious about the relationship between the man and the dancers
The nice dances were impressive
I couldn't close my mouth while watching the music video
I just admired
I can't dance like that
How many times should I tumble
That's how their hands move
It was so fast, like a fast-forward
How do they do that?
It's amazing
It was like watching a story made of dancing
Channel Hoontamin, please love and subscribe us
王菲為什麼和陶晶瑩是好朋友?她曾在晚會上說漏謝霆鋒有意複合 - Duration: 11:22.
陶晶瑩作為王 菲的第一個 女性好友出 現在《幻樂 之城》
兩人之間的互 動讓觀眾興 奮不已。
但是這也不禁 讓人好奇
為什麼她們居 然是好朋友 ? 王菲的朋友 圈最為著名 的是「六年 一班」
趙薇等都曾參 與其活動。
然而王菲的好 友陶晶瑩卻 並沒有在這 個團隊里
甚至她們以往 的互動都只 有在採訪節 目裡。
王菲對這段關 係的定義「 活久見」
活了很久才見 一次面。
上一次兩人見 面還是在多 年以前
那時候上陶晶 瑩送給童童 一隻手錶
王菲接在手裡 卻直言童童 還不會看錶
而如今時過境 遷
那個不會看錶 的小孩
已成為了《幻 樂之城》的 表演者。
掐指一算已經 十幾年。
只是這十幾年 的變化有點 大
陶晶瑩因暗諷 《爸爸去哪 兒》、
泄露周杰倫兒 子正面照等 等而備受爭 議。
在陶晶瑩口碑 持續滑坡的 情況下邀請 一同亮相
這個很弔詭了 。
其實和兩人之 間的情誼有 關。
王菲在娛樂圈 裡是出了名 的難採訪
半天都只有幾 個字。
陶晶瑩就很能 打開她的話 匣子
也被粉絲稱為 「最會採訪 王菲的主持 人」。
其實陶晶瑩也 沒少被王菲 懟。
在第十五屆台 灣金曲獎頒 獎典禮現場
陶子說:「感 謝正在《2 046》的 王菲抽空請 假來到頒獎 現場(意思 是王菲為了 捧場給足面 子)」,
誰知道菲一臉 無辜的說: 「已經拍完 了.
陶子大汗:「 還是不採訪 您了。
」 但陶 晶瑩和王菲 是關係親密 的
她在王菲與竇 唯離婚後
是否會想幫女 兒找一個理 想的父親? 王菲說 自己從來沒 想過
女兒有自己的 父親
而且也常見面 啊
她要找的是她 的伴侶。
敢這樣問問題 的也就只有 陶晶瑩了吧 。
陶晶瑩和王菲 的友情是基 於採訪中
這可能就是傳 聞里的氣場 相合。
王菲每逢去台 灣宣傳
必上陶晶瑩的 節目
甚至連簽唱會 都是她來主 持。
陶晶瑩深諳王 菲害羞
每次使出渾身 解數來活躍 氣氛
王菲也都學會 配合她
用相聲的角度 來說就是逗 哏和捧哏。
就好像陶晶瑩 曾經調侃木 村拓哉找王 菲聊天
結果只是為了 詢問衛生間 的位置。
直呼一點都不 介意。
陶晶瑩還在節 目裡假裝播 放失誤
當著王菲播她 與謝霆鋒牽 手的花邊新 聞
王菲可能早已 經黑臉。
王菲卻笑著說 :「就知道 你們故意的
不過我不介意 。
」這可能就是 情分的體現 。
王菲素來都自 認不善言辭
她總是害怕被 曲解意思
也擔心會得罪 人
於是乾脆婉拒 大多採訪。
而她和陶晶瑩 的對話里
每逢卡殼都會 說「你明白 我的意思的 」。
而陶晶瑩則立 即會用語言 為她做出註 解
這種默契一度 都被認為是 最佳採訪者 和最佳被訪 者的狀態。
娛樂圈裡拜高 踩低太多
即便陶晶瑩近 年來所到之 處頻繁遭遇 群嘲
但王菲並不介 意。
她在事業巔峰 期就曾經幫 陶晶瑩站台
而陶晶瑩開演 唱會向她求 經驗
王菲還會打趣 安慰道:「 我也緊張
我唱第一首歌 都在抖」。
提醒她不要管 別人
管好自己就好 。
不過陶晶瑩的 大嘴巴從來 都管不住
王菲和李亞鵬 離婚後
陶晶瑩曾經在 2013年 的某演唱會 調侃謝霆鋒 的願望會在 新年達成。
謝霆鋒就複合 了
這也被認為陶 晶瑩早已知 曉
當時話裡有話 。
不過王菲依然 保持著不介 意的狀態
和陶晶瑩並未 讓關係變僵 。
娛樂圈裡有許 多大家都意 料不到的好 朋友
他們並沒有身 份差別的距 離
每次說出來都 讓人倍感意 外。
就好像王菲和 陶晶瑩。
華語樂壇幾十 年來
陸陸續續誕生 了許多位天 后。
但是時間如大 浪淘沙
真正在人們心 裡留下印記 的其實並不 多
不過這其中肯 定有王菲的 身影。
許久不見的天 后竟然因為 在宴會上「 尬舞」上了 熱搜。
本以為王菲和 李亞鵬的同 框會是這個 慈善宴會的 亮點
沒想到竟然被 「跳舞」搶 走了關注。
王菲進舞池前 大聲問曲子 能不能Hi gh一點
等曲風轉變隨 即入舞池跳 起舞來
李嫣等都跟著 起鬨跳舞。
菲姐多喝了幾 杯
離場的時候有 男粉絲表白 「王菲好美 」
她頭也不回地 說「還好美 呢
都多大了~」 莫名 覺得很可愛
哪怕是喝懵圈 了
仍舊沒有忘記 懟人。
如同李亞鵬當 年形容王菲 的那樣
她此刻就像一 個真性情的 高中女生。
這樣的真實不 做作
真的是娛樂圈 的一股清流 了。
說到最能體現 天后隨心所 欲的事件
一定不能不提 菲姐的自拍 封面專輯。
2016年7 月26日
菲姐在沒有任 何宣傳的情 況下
悄無聲息的推 出了新歌《 塵埃》。
Emm至於歌 曲封面.
天后任性地用 了一張自拍 搞定。
也許是為了發 自拍才出的 新專輯?? 其實這 並不是王菲 第一次用自 拍照做專輯 的封面
之前《匆匆那 年》《清風 徐來》《愛 不可及》等 專輯同樣很 隨性地用自 拍當成了歌 曲封面。
我菲姐真的是 對自拍愛得 深沉。
在別的女星都 要精p細修 才敢曝出的 自拍
蓬頭垢面就來 了一張
有時還會給自 己安上一個 豬鼻子。
不只是因為她 的歌
還因為她讓我 們看到了一 個有趣的靈 魂
她活出了最理 想的自我。
王菲的身上從 不缺少話題
和謝霆鋒幾經 波折之後還 是分手
到她和李亞鵬 結婚又離婚
再到最近又和 謝霆鋒再續 前緣
給多少離婚的 人做了個榜 樣。
很多人的48 歲的時候被 柴米油鹽所 纏繞、
而她卻還如少 女般大方談 戀愛。
也因此有人恨 她到死
但是生活就是 自己的
她又何嘗會在 乎這些? 很多人 說王菲說話 很直
經常一句話就 把採訪她的 人噎死。
但是娛樂圈真 正如她這般 率真、
小君只服她一 人。
看了一下王菲 的採訪記錄
小君挺心疼採 訪她的人。
你們感受隨意 一下天后的 尬聊功力。
▼ 在台灣 某綜藝節目 上
主持人誇她是 國際巨星。
王菲:你們別 吹了。
▼ 小s的 採訪以犀利 毒辣、
然而遇上了我 菲姐…… 小s:你 的婚姻這麼 不幸.
(還沒問完) 王菲: 我的婚姻不 幸嗎? ▼ 1 999年被 記者問到新 專輯怎麼樣 ? 王菲 :還能怎麼 樣?還不是 上張專輯那 樣。
▼ 記者: 覺得人生什 麼最精彩。
菲:我的人生 還沒過完呢 !怎麼現在 問我這種問 題?等我臨 終前再告訴 你吧。
▼ 台灣《 寓言》01 演唱會的記 者會上
記者問她會有 什麼造型? 王菲: 肯定不穿舊 的。
▼ 記者問 她離婚後關 於童童的撫 養權問題? 王菲: 判誰誰養唄 還有 有個香港 髮型師批評 童童的髮型 不好看
記者問王菲怎 麼看? 王菲:那又 怎麼樣?他 說不漂亮就 不漂亮啊? ▼ 記者問到 得知張震表 示暗戀她有 何反應 王菲:應該 有什麼反應 啊? ▼ 在整理 菲姐噎死人 不償命的語 錄的時候
發現有好多出 自於台灣著 名主持人陶 晶瑩的採訪
連這樣身經百 戰的大將也 折於菲姐語 下
不得不服… 陶晶瑩在 一次採訪結 束送給童童 一隻手錶
王菲接在手裡 卻直言童童 還不會看 陶晶瑩很 驚訝
童童那麼大了 還你還不教 她看錶! 王菲:我 教啦。
陶晶瑩:那就 對了
你又說她不會 看? 王 菲:誰說教 了她就會看 啊。
陶晶瑩問她性 格這麼酷是 不是談戀愛 有矛盾只會 冷戰不會吵 架。
王菲說也有吵 架的時候
但不會打人什 麼的。
陶還略帶吃驚 的問:你好 冷靜噢。
這下輪到王菲 驚訝了。
菲姐的噎死人 語錄在網上 有很多
小君就不全列 出來了。
對於王菲只剩 下一個大寫 的服氣。
但是下面這個 採訪
小君絕對要列 出來。
最近經常在網 上看到明星 私生活受到 打擾
我想這也是很 多明星想說 的話吧! 順帶提一 句
明星的生活和 我們無關
喜歡明星多關 注作品就好 。
因為菲姐的說 話方式
愛的人說她可 愛、
恨的人說她情 商低
不知人情世故 。
外界關於菲姐 的謠言從未 停止過
說她事業不思 進取
用她離過2次 婚
有2個孩子炒 作
還和小11歲 的男朋友談 「不靠譜的 戀愛」。
但是菲姐對於 謠言基本不 怎麼回應
始終貫徹一個 原則:走自 己的路
讓別人說去吧 !我行我素
才是她的行為 準則。
在娛樂圈還在 盛行「尬人 設」的時候
菲姐早已親手 摧毀了她的 人設。
李亞鵬與她的 這段姻緣
愛唱卡拉ok 。
她頂著天后的 桂冠
卻從不曾被它 的光芒縛住 。
在她的重重自 曝下
原來女神與凡 人真的無甚 差別。
活在別人的目 光里太累
要為自己而活 。
她的真性情也 正是她的魅 力所在
很難不去愛這 樣一個洒脫 的女子。
看著她就會覺 得
人人害怕面對 的中年危機 也並沒有那 麼可怕
為自己而活才 不枉此生。
竇唯說王菲女 強人。
李亞鵬說王菲 女漢子。
謝霆鋒說王菲 就是個小女 孩兒。
這三個都是她 。
寫完這篇推文 發現更愛我 菲姐了~
Biocarburants : les déchets deviennent source d'énergie - Duration: 2:20.
Ellen's Very Special Episode of 'The Bachelor' - Duration: 10:15.
A very special episode of "The Bachelor" starts right now.
This season, the drama--
This Mama means business.
--the heartbreak, the tears, and the most surprising contestant
Hi, ladies!
Listen, I didn't come here to make friends,
and I didn't come to make toast.
I came for two things.
To get a man--
that's one-- and to drink tequila,
and I'm out of tequila.
The most dramatic and the most drunk episode
of "The Bachelor."
Ah, just a little bit more!
Now where's my man?
"The Bachelor" starts right now.
Thank you.
Happy Halloween, everybody!
Have a seat.
You all look wonderful.
Ellen's Halloween show is being preempted for a special episode
of "The Bachelor."
Any Bachelor fans here?
If you don't know the show, it's what
would happen if the Hunger Games was
sponsored by Don Julio Tequila.
It's Halloween.
It's still going to be a scary show.
That's what Ellen would want.
So when I meet the new Bachelor, I'm
going to scare the pants off of him.
What, what!
Here's the really scary thing.
Since this is "The Bachelor," this show
is going to be six hours long.
So you know-- oh--
You know, I forgot to introduce myself.
I'm so sorry.
I apologize deeply.
My name is Kelllly with four l's, because there are
six other Kellys on this show.
So this season, you can call me Kelllly D!
But that's not my initial.
That's the breast size.
Do you like the outfit, though?
Do you like it?
Thank you.
Thank you.
My dress is from Versace, and my boobs are made from Mattel.
I am a dental assistant from New Jersey.
And people ask me, what's the difference
between a dental hygienist and a dental assistant?
And it's simple.
A dental hygienist wears a white coat and cleans the teeth,
and a dental assistant puts out on the first date.
What, what!
I came here to win.
This show is my one shot to find love, unless I lose.
And then I can try again on "The Bachelorette," "The Bachelor
Pad," "Bachelor in Paradise," Bachelor
in Paradise after Paradise.
But that's enough about me.
I want to meet my future husband.
Bring out The Bachelor.
What, what?
It's really nice to meet you.
Oh, well, it's nice to meet you too.
You look like that guy from that show, on the sad, sad show.
It makes me cry.
What's your name?
What is-- oh, my name is Kelllly D,
but you can call me anytime you want.
Hi, Kelllly.
How are you?
Oh, I'm good.
I'm a dental assistant.
And would you like me to examine your mouth with my tongue?
He almost let me.
I hope you don't mind if I inspect the merchandise.
Let me just feel the shoulders here.
And then, of course, the--
Oh, good!
Strong and sensitive, I like it.
I like it.
Oh, I brought you something.
Oh, OK.
I forgot.
Because I want you to remember me.
So let me just get it.
I left it in the car.
Let's see if I can open this.
It's a slow cooker.
And it's used!
I got it on Craigslist.
Thank you.
By the way, by the way, today's show
is brought to you by the word, "legs."
Maybe we can go up to the fantasy suite
and spread the word.
We have a lot in common, I can tell already.
I want to show you something I saw on the news.
There's someone in Iowa who painted an Ellen pumpkin.
She painted me as Dracula.
And then-- I know, really cool.
Where's my man?
You spent enough time with him already.
Oh, no.
It's another bachelorette.
Oh, no.
What is it, Kiersten?
Is that your name?
It's Kieeeeerssten.
It's got five e's and two s'es.
Where's my future hubby?
I already got to fourth base with him.
Well, he's never going to--
Fourth base.
--pick you, but he's in the fantasy suite over there.
Hey, baby!
(SINGING) I'm on my waaaaaay!
Ooh-- a hot tub!
Got it.
Got it.
I got it.
Get that back.
OK, Kiersten.
How's that water?
Is it nice and warm?
It's nice.
All right, you have fun, Kiersten.
OK, it's Kiiierrstennnn.
It's got three i's, two r's, four n's.
OK, so it's changed.
Well, all right, I thought of something
to help increase my odds.
I want to get picked by a Bachelor
but I thought, if I have two bachelors here
I increase the odds.
So Nick, where are you?
Hi, Nick!
I'm just-- I'm just here to meet Kiersten.
Yeah, I don't--
Is there room for two?
Come on in, Nick.
How do I--
You got to hop in.
There you go, nice!
All right.
I didn't get the man or the rose, and that's OK.
I didn't-- I told myself not to cry.
It's not worth it.
It's not worth it, but--
I'm not going to cry, because--
about some-- I don't even care about him.
I don't-- I didn't like him.
I like artichokes, OK?
That's why I'm scared of parakeets.
I don't-- I don't--
when I was a little girl, I wanted a pony.
I just wanted a pony.
I didn't care about anything but a pony.
I didn't get any of the pizza.
All the girls got there first.
I said, I want some pizza, and no one saved me any.
None of the girls liked me.
It's them, not me.
Oh, like I'm the crazy one?
They're the crazy ones.
(SCREAMING) They're the crazy ones!
I just wanted to meet a man.
I just-- that's all I wanted, is a man to feel complete.
I didn't get it.
I didn't get the rose.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
Every time I try to meet a man, they don't want me.
I am so happy I picked you, whatever your name is.
I just-- I am so in love with you.
I'm, like, super in love with you, too.
And I just--
I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
Well, that is until we break off the engagement, yeah?
Brace yourself.
I come from the land down under.
Mercedes-Benz V-Klasse V 250 d Combi Editon XL Dubbel Cabine | Camera | Clima control - Duration: 1:13.
GET THE LOOK #1 Halloween - Coco - Duration: 3:33.
Laeticia Hallyday manipulatrice, comment a-t-elle effacé David Hallyday de la vie de son père ? - Duration: 2:18.
Randi Tricks the Trickster - Duration: 19:09.
in 1974 a man was unexpectedly challenged on live television to guess
the content of a sealed envelope and then bend a solid stainless steel spoon.
incredibly he was able to do both. His name? No not Uri Geller but James Randi.
Today, at Stranger Stories we will see Randi perform that incredible
feat and then we'll learn how he did it. Let's go!
Welcome, my name is Massimo Polidoro and for the most part of my life I've been
investigating phenomena that appeared to be strange and mysterious.
But often, things are not what they seem. Every two weeks we will investigate a
new mystery that, upon close examination, may turn out to be somewhat different
from what it appeared to be. If you are like me and you too want to
learn how to discern fact from fiction I invite you to subscribe to my channel in
order not to miss the next episodes. So click on the red button and the little
bell and then... let's begin.
In the early 1970s a young Israeli psychic Uri Geller,
was convincing half the world that he possessed extraordinary psychic powers
that allowed him to perform inexplicable demonstrations. He could bend spoons and
forks just by gently stroking them and he could guess drawings hidden inside
sealed envelopes. He was able to convince scientists that his abilities were real
and he soon became a darling of the talk-shows circuits. But not everyone was
easily convinced. Among them magician and skeptic James Randi who had observed
closely Geller's demonstrations and thought they were not psychic at all.
He soon started duplicating the same stunts, revealing tricks that could be used,
so that scientists could be better equipped at spotting possible deceptions. However
soon Geller stopped performing in the laboratories and preferred to lecture or go
on TV. Randi too went on television, but his
hosts were not always the sympathetic to his work and, in one occasion, something
very unexpected took place. Something that could have ruined Randi's reputation...
In November 1974, Randi was invited to be a guest of a Canadian TV show titled
"ESPspecial People" on the global television network. The host was journalist Alan Spraggett,
a strong believer in the paranormal, and the main subject of the
talk show was going to be the hottest psychic topic of the moment, Uri Geller
of course. Spraggett was convinced that Geller was the real thing and that
Randi, by claiming that he could duplicate his feats, was only a bragging
skeptic, unable to really do what he claimed. Randi accepted to be on the
show but only on the condition that he would not be asked to perform any magic.
It was clear that, to prove his point, Spraggett
would never allow Randi the friendly atmosphere and relaxed conditions that
Geller received almost wherever he went. And, since these easygoing manners were
essential in order to "prepare" for the wonders that would later be shown on
camera, it was pointless for Randi to even try to demonstrate anything.
Spraggett accepted Randi's caveat and invited him only to check about the paranormal.
Or so it seemed...
The day of the show, Randi arrived very late, along with his assistant Moses Figueroa.
They were both soaking wet from a heavy
rain and were immediately escorted to the control room, where they dried off a bit.
Walter B. Gibson—a friend of Houdini and
the author of the famous Shadow detective stories - was present in the
control room, along with two other program guests. An interview was already
underway so Randi waited for his turn. "I was not particularly apprehensive",
he said, "since I was not under any pressure to perform, and was there only to be interviewed."
Randi was soon introduced in the studio, and the interview started.
They were only a few minutes into it when Spraggett
started pressuring Randi for a performance. If he was so good a magician,
Spraggett said, and if Geller was using magic tricks, Randi should be able to
do the same things right on the spot. When it was quite furious, though he had
said that he would not perform, Spraggett was demanding Randi do so under quite
impossible conditions. Suddenly, Spraggett took two oversized, heavy sturdy spoons
from his desk and challenged Randi to bend them. They were not at all similar
to the spoons that Geller had bent for Spraggett.
Without ever letting them go, Spraggett held the handles of the spoons and Randi
lightly stroke the bowls. Then, the journalist discarded one spoon and they
concentrated on the other. Spraggett agreed that at no time did Randi
put undue pressure on them. After a moment, the spoon suddenly seemed to
become like plastic, sheared off, and broke into two pieces.
Spraggett lost some colour in his face. "The spoons", private self, trying to find
an explanation for what had happened, "the spoon was bent as you were picking it up
and and and this is a phenomenon of course of in previously bending it so
that there is a stress point, and then with a bit of leverage, it it separates
quite neatly". In fact, as can be seen on the video recording of the show, Randi
never had a chance to hold the spoons in his hands
Spraggett held them the entire time, and Randi the only stroked
the bowls. Spraggett's explanation made no sense.
Next, Spraggett produced a nail from his pocket, but Randi "passed" on this test. The
journalist got some color back on his face, but it wasn't there for long. There
is a technique that's used, in con games in which the con artist wins a little,
then loses, and then seems ready to lose very big in order to really in the
victim. On the nail Randi appeared to be losing his edge,
but, in truth, he was getting ready to pull the fish into his net.
Spraggett reached into his inner pocket and extracted an envelope, sealed with
transparent tape. He explained that he had made a drawing 24 hours before, in
the privacy of his own home, and then sealed it in the envelope, which he had
kept in his jacket pocket. Geller had been able to reproduce a drawing under
those conditions. "Now" he said to Randi, "let's see you do that!"
"And if I could do it, what would you say?" ask Randi. "I would be very impressed. I'd
be extremely impressed". "But would you be impressed enough to say that I'm a psychic?"
"I don't know. I would have to consider that. But I would certainly say
that you're a hell of a lot better magician than I think you are!".
Wait a minute Randi countered. "You say that
Uri Geller is a psychic because he did this. Now, if I were able to do it, would you
say I'm a psychic?" " you do it and I'll say that the Amazing Randi has amazed me".
Spraggett evaded the question and allowed Randi to hold the envelope between his
hands for only 10 seconds, as he had allowed Geller to do. After the 10
seconds, Randi asked for a pad and a felt-tip marker and made a drawing,
allowing the camera a peak in order to show that it was really making the
drawing at a time. When he was finished it placed it face down on the table and
asked: "Would you like to open the envelope, Alan? Spraggett did so and
removed and unfolded a small sheet of blue paper revealing a drawing of a
tugboat with two decks, on the waves, with a single smokestack billowing smoke to
the right. "Am I a psychic if I have reproduced at, Alan? Yes or no?"
asked Randi. "If you have reproduced it, you're quite extraordinary". "But I'm
not a psychic?". "You are extraordinary I'd have to consider". Randi show this
drawing identical in every respect to the once Spraggett had drawn twenty-four hours
earlier. The journalist turned pale again. His attempt at debunking Randi
had backfired on him. "Am I extraordinary, Alan?" Randi asked.
"That's . . . quite extraordinary, Randi." "Have I proved
anything to you?" "Look, we have to take a break. . . ." And when the break was over,
Spraggett claimed he could easily figure out how Randi had done it, and in fact
he would probably have the answer in an hour. However, he was never able to do it.
Not in an hour, a day, or 48 years! And now for the very first time on
camera, here is the secret of that quite extraordinary trick.
When I first met Randi now 30 years ago, one of the first things that I asked him
was how on earth had he been able to pull off that stunt on sprocket show I
read about it and had seen the interview when it was shown on Italian television
doing a series on parapsychology by journalist Piero Angela by the way
that's the same clip I have shown you because the original in English seems to
be lost and in case any viewer knows better I hurt her or him to get in touch
with me I could not think of any trick used by magicians that could allow such
an incredible feat well Massimo Randy said I knew sprocket quite well and I
was quite sure that it was not going to play by the rules if he said he was not
going to ask me to perform I could quite confidently expect that he
was going to play some tricks on me then I had to be prepared and the solution is
quite surprising some time ago on a performance together
I asked brandy to explain how we did it
it's a complicated story but I said all the way out there running all my checks
I was with my assistant Wilson speaker law he got very lucky
action because when I drove in from Buffalo to present some that not her
fault okay to torture ah it started to rain like I have never
seen so I said that most of us I say the lane is very good this would be good
this direction the children's got it we had to run for the door to the studios
there was a guard sitting there would read it is and hash just to sign the
book I said we're supposed to speak with mr. spread it and I named it that time
on the clock that I was supposed to meet and I was supposed to be there at 3
o'clock but was there I told me that there was a time
difference between the United States Canada I was far too early
oh I'm very sorry I said however I will sign in out I'll come back later but I
would like to go and see so I can see the studio just to take a look at the
studio and my assistant Moses kept the guard busy with conversation and I
scurried down the corridor and looked into the studio window but I saw Paul
Rodriguez and then the other people in the program and I saw that mr. sprat was
very busy walking at them on camera I got compounded I saw at your sake I'll
inscribe your signal
locked in there was this big up there there was a briefcase there everything
was all made of durable product applause I don't think of an attache case there
was a beautiful antique school dirty fail to wonder she's not there and I
also saw a sealed envelope now I knew that he was trying to track me Lee and
already sent out the toggle no seals on long trips no bending spoon or nothing
like that and oh no but even lied to me I had
discovered that so I quickly took this beautiful big silver spoon the kids took
the on goal and I looked into her and I saw the same hospital to the drawers so
I just tore my pocket look at the drawing another so high blows oh but I
have heard that down the curtain closes of talking but preparing and I said when
whoa he's busy in the studio you can't see us now so let's go and have
something to eat so we went out into the rain again went to the car but haven't
said this too sometimes whoever it is up there or down there I'm
not sure of liturgy but if I call sometimes they smile on big issues it's
not over the car then
he was in uniform wipe the other girl he went inside he saw the dark clothes and
we saw the first guy the one that we had spoken with we saw him come on and get
into his car and drive away they were changing the shifts how do you say Oh
hallelujah we were very happy to see that because we do that the second guard
had never met us he didn't know who we were when we walked in and we were all
set so we just waited for a certain period of time to the car but being very
careful now remember I'm thinking I'm not letting things happen easily are
automatically as a magician I have to think a little bit ahead so what the two
of us did we stood outside until he was back in the ring so we walked in to see
the guard with you all right now who didn't know who we were we stepped over
to the guard they said Oh exclaims that means that he was weighted remember that
to see that we were wet and we had just arrived from the car that wasn't true
but that's what he would say after and again them the gods who looked after the
dishes we're still working was still working hard I don't know who he is or
one even tweet there she got go home but he walked out in the hall and we're
going down the hall all the way on his bike and he walked out of the studio he
so the program took place under those conditions that's why I was bragging
said they pulled out this big spoon I'm pretending to be surprised
well I thought we wanted to do this but I knew very well I was already ahead of
him by about 200 kilometres so when the spoon broke pilots private space but he
very quickly recovered and then he said ah but we set this envelope here and he
was he knew he would succeed with the envelope and so I made the drawing but
there was one cameraman looking over my shoulder trying to get a picture
secretly the videotape and I was constantly doing this recording them and
made the drawing it's exactly what he had originally drawn the tugboat with
the wings in pledge and when we took that to spread it he just made it sound
just like that it was a quick
of course as Randi usually did when he intended to prove his point and in this
case the point was that a television reporter as good as he could be
is no match for a good magician he left the chance for his puzzle to be solved
there was at least one way to get a clue as to how Randi did it someone may have
questioned the guard who had been on duty and Randi arrived in order to find
out whether Randi had been at the studio before if so the guard could only have
said no however at some honest the morning shift guard as well run this
trick might have been discovered the fact is that no one ever questioned that
guard if sprocket never checked all of the
possible trails in order to find a solution to the mystery that had baffled
him one can be pretty sure that he never bothered to look for alternatives to the
paranormal explanation when he met Laura Geller and other psychics he didn't
think he needed to he had already decided that paranormal was real and how
is it must have been then for Geller and the others to perform their miracles not
surprisingly the show it Randi was not broadcast on the day that previously had
been announced it was delayed by a week and two weeks later the station suddenly
canceled the entire special people series it seems that just a single very
special person had been enough to knock ESP off of that network I am Massimo
Paula Dora and I thank you for having watch this first episode of stranger
stories and I invite you to subscribe to my channel we'll meet again in two weeks
with another very unusual strange story
if you are interested in psychic trickery and how deception works you can
find some useful information in the links you will find in the description
below tell me what you think of this video leave a comment and point out
other strange stories you would like me to investigate
I'll do my best to accommodate you until next time
Camilla Parker-Bowles l'intrigante, « l'odieuse rumeur » contre Kate Middleton - Duration: 2:27.
Episode # 7 -- Dr Jelly and Mr Cozmo (Halloween 2018) - Duration: 6:02.
An animation movie by Fun with Robotics
In the laboratory...
Is your project progressing well, Dr Jelly?
Dr Jelly answers "tatitatitataaa"
Mine is finished.
I can't wait to be at night.
Scaring people requires many skills!
You're right. We are the best.
I named my project "MC SPider"
"Mister Cozmo's Spider"
And what about yours?
"Tatitati tata ta taaa" says Dr Jelly
"Black Jelly"?
Of course!
A giant Jelly Bean, what a good idea!
For once, you will be scaring!
(Cozmo is laughing)
(Cozmo is speaking robot)
We will reach heights of fear!
All these people who're asking for treats...
with their Halloween disguise...
won't have ever seen such a frightening thing!
Bla, bla, blaaaa !
In the afternoon...
Ha, you've put your Black Jelly here.
Very good. People will see it inevitably.
I've installed my Scarymeter here.
This is the best place to record people's screams.
Thanks to our Scarymeter...
we'll be able to measure people's fear precisely.
we'll reach heights in the fear!
(Cozmo's speaking robot)
At night...
That's it! This is our big moment!
It's now time for the maximum fear!
At my signal...
Go, MC Spider!
Look, Dr Jelly!
What a success!
What a panic!
(Cozmo's triumphing!)
This spider is really monstrous!
The gauge is increasing!
We need a few screams and we'll succeed!
Look, Dr Jelly!
What a success, what a terror!
(Cozmo's triumphing!)
The things you have to do to be famous!
I'm so happy about all my researches!
What will be the next subject, now, after such a success!
Funny Games, our sponsor
And the citizens of CozmoTown
NN Update October 31, 2018 - Duration: 5:37.
Hello and good morning Newton North. It was all treat and no trick for the Red Sox
as they as they won their fourth world series in 15 years
I'm Alex Wymer.
And I'm Maya Matthews
Happy Halloween!
On Tuesday November 6th the Center for Civic Engagement and Service will be running a mock
election. To model the 2018 primary race
You can participate by visiting the International Cafe during lunch block.
There will be a Boston ballot and a Newton ballot.
For your review, the State and Newton ballot questions will be posted in the hall before
Our school's election results will be posted during F block.
Attention 9th graders: you are invited to join the Tiger Advisory Lunch Group.
The group will meet during first lunch every Tuesday in room 311.
The group will discuss topics relevant to freshman year and there will be faculty and
student guest speakers.
This is a great opportunity to learn more about Newton North and to connect with your
peers! Frosh Cab is looking for a props team! Students from all grades may help with props team, not just Freshmen.
The show is in December so prop team members are needed for late November. If you are interested please email the stage mangers.
heatre Ink will be having auditions for the Improv Show Spontaneous Generation next week on November 6th and 7th.
Auditions for the musical Rock of Ages will be on November 14th and 16th.
No theatre experience is necessary to audition!
he musical band is looking for rock guitarists, Bass players and drummers.
To audition for any Theare Ink show, please visit the Theatre Ink website for audition materials and stop by the callboard to sign up.
Theatre Ink Proudly Presents "Middletown" written by Will Eno and directed by World Language teacher Dan Fabrizio.
The show goes up tomorrow, November 1st and runs through Saturday November 3rd at 7:30PM
in the Performing Arts Center.
Tickets are $8 and will be sold outside the cafeteria during all lunches and online at
Theatre ink dot net.
NNTV reporter Jaden Prince caught up with director Mr. Fabrizio to learn more about
the first production of the year.
For its first production of the year Theatre Ink is presenting MiddleTown
a show highlighting the importance of community and the struggles we all experience
MiddleTown is a play by Will Eno
and it's a relatively new play
I have been telling people that it's kind of like Our ToBut funnier a little more
relevant I would say as to whats going on today but really it's about how life is an accumulation of moments
and how all those moment build up to equal someones life and the meaning of those little moments
can really change someones directory in life
Now a days things are really complicated
in the community and in the country
MiddleTown offers a really simple and poignant point of view of what life is like how people struggle with different issues
and how they are fighting to overcome those issues
and how they are woking to achieve that
so I think that its got a positive message even though there are some happy moment and there are some sad ones
I think t has a very positive way to deal with problems and how a community can come together to overcome those problems
MiddleTown will preforming on November 1st 2nd an 3rd in the preforming arts center at 7:30
Hope to see you there! Signing off for NNTV this is Jaden Prince
Thanks Jaden! Since today is Halloween, we took to the hallways of Newton North to find out your favorite
Halloween memories.
Reporter Kieran Wajsfelner reports Its halloween and that means candy costumes and celebration
whats your funniest Halloween memory
probably watching one of my friends steal a bucket off candy
just chucking the bucket probably around forth grade I dressed up as Harry Potter
at the time I thought is was the coolest thing every right now I think its thecoolest thing ever
probably when I was a kid my fiend was wearing a scream outfit
and he had one of those pump things where you could pump up the blood in his face
and the blood bag ended up bursting
we ran from a clown once during the whole clown fiesta thing it was kinda cool
I went to a haunted house and I got super freaked out cause there was this guy with a chainsaw
and he wasn't doing anything he was just screaming so I ran I don't know why I did this but
I ran into the haunted house to get away from the chainsaw man
For NNTV this is Kieran Wajsfelner happy halloween everyone
Thanks Kieran!
Tomorrow Thursday November 1st is a half day as well as a flu shot clinic day
There are no varsity home games this week.
Stay tuned for the varsity play off schedule since many of our teams advanced to tournament this year
And Finally a Big Congratulations to the Varsity Dance Team who won first place at the Think Pink Cheer
and Dance Competition!
That's all for this week's announcements.
Thanks for tuning in and don't forget to check out our YouTube page at NewtonNorth
Here's Why this 3 Wheel Polaris Slingshot is Worth $26,000 - Duration: 5:06.
welcome to wacky Wednesday's, where everyone has a chance to show off their
car mods, and here's this week's winner,
hey Scotty wanted to do a video on my 2017 Polaris slingshot for you
made by Polaris, it's got 20-inch rear
got an 18-inch front, registered in PA under an Auto cycle which means have
no motorcycle license is required
I'll show you some of the bells and whistles it has, not a whole lot I've
done a few things have added the roof to it
climb inside here
basically it's very similar to a car, a few things you'll notice in
the bottom left hand. see what the temperature is
my miles-per-gallon
the range that I have until I need to fuel up again
of course the miles that I put on Slingshot
it does have an am/fm stereo bluetooth-compatible, I can sync it up
with my phone can't make phone calls but you can stream music, push button start
it does have a key turn the key and then push the button to start, so 5 speed
manual standard shift pattern
I did at a rather large rear view mirror, gives me a lot of visibility, visibility
isn't greatest in this, it's stuck mirrors, they get by but never be too safe
let me pop the hood for you
a 2.5 liter Ecotec GM motor, believe it's the same motor out of the
Solstice, not 100% sure on that,
does have cold air intake
take you around to the other side here
you have traction control, stability control and
it also has abs,
the rear is belt-driven
does hook up very nice when trying to do burnouts
thanks for viewing, well that was this week's video and to have your car mod
shown on my channel here, check this out,
so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to
ring that Bell!
Jerry Springer Show Kia has no problem with being a side chick.... - Duration: 5:31.
Аниме Приколы под музыку #46|Anime COUBS|Anime Jokes - Duration: 6:11.
[Bes] - Outlast (Ютубер пишет влог) - Duration: 32:14.
Po-Grabscher zum Gruß: "Bauer sucht Frau"-Stephan geht ran - Duration: 5:25.
Johan Karrento, reżyser Putting Lipstick on the Pig - Duration: 0:58.
[VOSTFR] [EPISODE 26] Cardfight Vanguard Official Animation - Encyclopédie des Unités !! - Duration: 26:47.
Danielle Evenou, brisée par la mort de son homme - Duration: 1:21.
Grammar Practice - English Course Online 31 - Pronunciation of -ED endings - Duration: 3:03.
Welcome to grammar practice English course online 31!
Today's grammar points:
Pronunciation of -ED endings
Let's learn how to pronounce the -ED endings!
Pronunciation of the -ED endings of regular past simple and past participles : the -ED endings can be pronounced /D/, /T/, or /ID/.
-ED ending pronounced /T/
When I have a voiceless sound (no vibrations in your voice box) yet strong sound just before the -ED:
Liked, laughed, faxed, washed,
Watched, stopped, cooked, danced, kissed, fixed...
-ED ending pronounced /D/
When I have a voice sound (vibrations in your voice box) yet soft sound just before the -ED:
Begged, loved, allowed, calmed,
compelled, judged, honed, learned,
Aged, played, called, cleaned,
Offered, damaged, loved, breathed, used, followed, enjoyed, amazed...
-ED ending pronounced /ID/
When I have a sound /T/ or /D/ just before the -ED:
Then we need to add a vowel sound to hear the ending.
Ended, wanted, nodded, waited,
Decided, folded, needed...
That's it for today!
고속정으로 구축함 대체 vs KFX 단발 - Duration: 4:22.
Tanks vs. Zombies - Ep.9 | Halloween Edition :) | Cartoon About Tanks - Duration: 3:25.
Tanks vs. Zombies - Cartoon About Tanks
Minecraft Menjan Битва Аренда 2018 - Duration: 8:21.
Buwaya Ang Indio - Glock On My Hip - Duration: 3:28.
Buwaya Ang Indio - Ang Puhunan - Duration: 3:26.
Buwaya Ang Indio - Galawang DDS - Duration: 3:57.
「撕票」!土耳其發飆了,美國敢收了錢不給F35戰機,別怪我拆掉超級雷達 - Duration: 9:00.
鈴鹿 チャレンジクラブ 練習走行 2分22秒451 Lotus Elise Type-R - Duration: 2:39.
Exercício Dorsalgia / Dor Rotação Torácica CONCEITO McKENZIE Clínica de Fisioterapia Dr Robson Sitta - Duration: 3:42.
2004-2008 F150 Barricade 4" Oval Bend Gloss Black Side Step Bars Review & Install - Duration: 5:24.
Well, if you own an '04 to '08 F-150 and you want to make getting out of the cab a little
bit easier and you want to do it as affordably as possible, I'm going to recommend checking
out Barricade's 4 inch Oval Bend side steps.
I say that because at around the $150 mark, these will be the least expensive full cab
length steps currently available.
The only options that will be less expensive will be individual steps placed underneath
each door.
Now even though these are very affordable, that's not to say they're cheap.
These are actually made out of stainless steel and they have a nice black powder coat finish.
Now with a step this inexpensive, you might be expecting something like a basic carbon
steel with a painted finish, so Barricade does a good job of providing us some value
I'm also happy to say that besides that stainless steel and that powder coat finish, you're
also getting away with some very high-quality install hardware.
You're actually getting quarter-inch thick solid steel brackets for both ends of the
step and they install with some pretty heavy duty hardware.
However, the install is very straightforward even still.
You can get it done with basic hand tools.
So for that reason, I'm gonna give the install a very simple one out of three wrenches on
my difficulty meter.
This is definitely something that you can get done in the driveway with a couple of
hand tools in about an hour or so.
So again, if you want the most affordable full-length side steps available for the '04
to '08 F-150, stick around.
I'm going to show you guys exactly what tools you need and I'll show you how to get them
installed step by step.
All right guys.
Before we get started, you're going to need a 13-millimeter wrench, a standard drive ratchet,
a 19-millimeter socket, an 18 deep socket, a 13-millimeter socket, and optional but helpful
tools include an impact swivel socket and a cordless impact gun.
All right.
First, we're going to start with our front brackets but before we install those, we have
to put some speed clips into these little holes right here, make sure this little nib
is facing on the inside.
And once you've got those in place, you're going to grab one of these bolt plates, put
this threaded plastic retainer on it, put it in this large hole right here.
Next, we can throw our bracket in place.
Make sure you get over that large stud on that bolt plate.
Hold it up against those speed clips we just installed and grab the smaller bolts in the
kit with a crush washer and flat washer.
Go ahead and throw those in those speed clips and tighten those down with a 13-millimeter
Now on the bolt plate stud, you're going to grab the larger washers in the kit, throw
those on, then you're going to use an 18-millimeter deep socket to tighten down the larger nut.
All right.
Now we're going to go back to our smaller hardware.
You want to grab the smaller bolt with a flat washer, grab two of those, put them through
the pinch seam, secure them with the appropriate washers.
You're also going to need a 13-millimeter wrench to hold the nut in place while you
tighten down the bolt head.
All right.
Our front bracket's in place, now we're gonna tackle the rear.
You see these two holes right here, one is larger than the other.
Grab your double bolt plate and thread both studs through these holes.
Once you've done that, secure it using one of the plastic retainers in the kit.
All right.
Now you can throw your bracket in place and we're switching back to our larger hardware.
I'm going to grab two flat washers, two crush washers, and two 18-millimeter nuts.
All right.
Now once you've got this hardware hand-tight, it's a good idea to double check the fitment
of the side step itself, make sure the threaded holes on either end of the step line up with
these oval holes right here.
Once you verify that, you can tighten down all this stuff using that 18-millimeter deep
All right.
Now our brackets are installed and the hard part is out of the way.
The last step is throwing the side step up there, lining up those threaded holes with
the brackets, and tightening everything down.
You're going to grab the largest bolts in the kit with a flat washer, crush washer on
each one and you're actually going to need a 19-millimeter socket for these.
So once you've got those last two bolts tightened down, that will wrap up the install and that
also wraps up my review of Barricade's 4 inch Oval Bend side steps fitting your '04 to '08
I'm Travis, thanks for watching and for all things F-150, keep it right here at americantrucks.com.
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