Yo what's good guys.
I'm your boy Ari Petrou.
I am UK's biggest hypebeast
and this is Meet the hype
where I'm gonna show you my top five favorite sneakers in my collection.
Okay, so where I believe the hype came from
to me and all my channels - my youtube, my instagram, my name
was probably when I just called myself like UK's biggest hypebeast like
I would say before that everyone was like hypebeast is a bad thing
and people used to call me like hypebeast?
Are you wearing this? You're wearing that like just for the hype?
Yeah, you're a hypebeast.
I was like yeah cool, I'm the hypebeast and I'm UK's biggest hypebeast
like whatever. And just ran with it.
And now you get people messaging me or
everyone just wants to be this hypebeast like
How do I become hypebeast? So, yeah.
Basically it started when I said:
Look guys, I'm UK's biggest hypebeast
and I was kinda like the first person to do that.
So yeah, that's where the hype started for me.
Okay, so today's date is the 30th
but I got these on the 26th or something.
So like I got these like a week early
and obviously the off-white Jordan ones
the white pair
It's the second release and
basically I got these early with
Look, if you have like the money or the capital I'll say
to get stuff like
It's possible.
There's always like a price on things so
if you know someone who has them and I did.
I actually got someone from Germany.
He had over 30 pairs early.
And I just said: Yo man, just give me a few, give me a couple.
Just tell me the price.
So yeah, I just paid the price for the ig flex
and I've got my instagram pictures up early
got a youtube video out of it
and you know like it's kind of an investment for me
And also they're just like such a clean shoes.
So yeah, it's the Off-white one.
Okay, so the second pair is a Louis Vuitton Dons
the Kanye's collab
This shoe released in like 2008.
So when this shoe released I was like
huh I was nine years old.
But yeah, this is just like one of the shoes that like kind of got me
into collecting.
Like when I first saw this shoe
I actually picked it up on a facebook group
for like a thousand euros.
I think it was like 850 pound
and I'm pretty sure that was like nearly all my bank account at the time.
And I was like dude, if I don't buy these like right now
I'm never gonna have them.
So I just thought like screw it
and I just bought them.
I just PayPaled the guy
and yeah, they're just, it's just like history for me.
It's like this is what made me wanna become a sneakerhead kind of thing.
So when I first bought them
I was like right now I need to go and get my other grails and stuff like that.
But yeah. When you see people wearing these
it's like yo they're mad like Kanye Don like
before Nike
before adidas
This is Kanye before everything.
And he brings elements to the shoe like this.
He still does like the strap on the other ones.
He still does it with the other adidas
and he's always like done inspiration
on his Nikes, on his adidas, from these shoes
from the Louis Vuitton one, so yeah.
This is kinda what made me wanna start collecting.
It's the Louis Vuitton Don.
Okay so next pair is the Triple Black 750 Yeezys
and I'd say I pick this probably because
it's just like a triple black shoe.
It's so clean.
And it's one of my favourite boost shoes for sure.
They're not that comfortable because they're high tops and stuff
and you can't really feel the boost.
By the end of the day it's still boost
and again, I picked these up
when I kind of first started collecting.
And I thought yeah, these shoes are
basically what made me fall in love with Yeezy in the first place.
And yeah, this is just a super clean silhouette
and I'm never gonna do a 750 ever again.
So yeah, this is out of all the 750
this is the best pair for sure.
Okay, so these are the Ian Connor Revenge X Storms.
They're pretty much Vans, which is why I like them so much.
Yeah, they're pretty much Vans.
I love Vans all the time.
You can wear them all the time.
They just look cool.
It looks like you're just wearing like a 60-pound shoe.
It's like nothing really, you know.
So I'm not really that flex but
If you know like
you know what they are so yeah.
They're kind of a really cool shoe.
Ian kinda smashed it on these.
And, you know.
He basically turned his favorite shoe Vans into something cool.
Into something hyped.
And yeah, these are super clean
especially these green ones.
These never came out in UK or Europe.
I actually got them from America.
So yeah, these are definitely my favorite color out of all of them.
I do have like literally every pair.
I have red, blue, blue strap, blue lace, storm.
Like I have them all ,but this is definitely my favorite color just like green pops.
And they look super super sick with everything.
So yeah, I wear these all the time.
Okay and I'd say actually my favorite shoe right now
the shoe I literally can't take off.
like every time I put it on I'm like yo these look sick
with everything I'm wearing all the time.
Just the color palette on them is wild.
So yeah, the Yeezy 700.
Is this just such a good change like from that 350
like all the time they're just 350 this color
350 black with red stripe, black with blue..
It was so annoying and was getting so played out.
So he just hit it with just something crazy
like something so different
And it still has boost inside
but you can't really notice it.
But honestly, every time I put these on, they're just so so cool.
They were never released in the UK either
so I had to pay a pretty price for them. But yeah.
Now that I've got them i just can't take them off.
And just the shape of them is so cool, but yeah.
Yeezy 700.
Yo guys, I'm Ari Petrou and that was Follow the hype.
Those were my top 5 sneakers.
And I do have my own youtube channel aswell
so make sure you go and subscribe to that.
It's just Ari Petrou.
Give it a search or hopefully they'll link down below.
And I've also got my instagram account aswell
which is mad hype, so go and follow that aswell.
Ari Petrou again and yeah thanks for watching
and keep following the hype.
For more infomation >> Ari Petrou A Jeho 5 Nejoblíbenějších Párů / MEET THE HYPE - Duration: 5:37.-------------------------------------------
Izabela Kubiková podporuje Zoltána Péka na starostu Podunajských Biskupíc - Duration: 1:06.
Scott Learns To Control Ants | Ant-Man (2015) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:26.
The suit has no weapons, so I made you these discs.
Red shrinks.
Blue enlarges.
Solenopsis mandibularis.
Known for their bite,
the fire ants have evolved into remarkable architects.
They are handy to get you in and out of difficult places.
You can do it, Scott. Come on.
They're not listening to me.
You have to commit. You have to mean it.
No shortcuts, no lies.
Throwing insults into the mix will not do anyone any good, Hope.
We don't have time for coddling.
Our focus should be on helping Scott!
Is that where our focus should be?
I don't know why I came to you in the first place.
We can't do this without her.
Oh, God.
You gotta lock your doors.
I mean, really, there's some weird folks in this neighborhood.
Do you think this is a joke?
Do you have any idea what he's asking you to risk?
You have a daughter.
I'm doing this for her.
You know, when my mother died, I didn't see him for two weeks.
He was in grief.
Yeah, so was I, and I was seven.
And he never came back. Not in any way that counted.
He just sent me off to boarding school.
You know, I thought,
with all that's at stake,
just maybe we might have a chance of making peace.
But, even now, he still wants to shut me out.
He doesn't wanna shut you out. He trusts you.
Then why are you here?
It proves that he loves you.
Hope. Look at me.
I'm expendable.
That's why I'm here.
You must have realized that by now.
I mean, it's why I'm in the suit and you're not.
He would rather lose this fight than lose you.
You know, I didn't know you had a daughter
when I called the cops on you.
What's her name?
It's a pretty name.
You have to clear your mind, Scott. You have to make your thoughts precise.
That's how it works.
Think about Cassie.
About how badly you want to see her. And use that to focus.
Open your eyes
and just think about what you want the ants to do.
That's good!
Citroën Jumpy 12 2.0 HDIF L1 H1 (120pk) Airco/ Elek. pakket/ Parrot/ 6-bak/ In hoogte verstelbare s - Duration: 1:04.
Was treibt Brandstifter an? | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 6:18.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅘ 와 wa (-wa-) - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅟ 위 wi wi - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅞ 웨 we we - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅝ 워 weo wʌ - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅙ 왜 wae wɛ - Duration: 0:31.
"特朗普牛市"進入下半場 - Duration: 8:47.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅚ 외 oe wi - Duration: 0:31.
Peugeot 3008 1.2 PureTech 130pk S&S GT-Line - Duration: 1:02.
Mercedes-Benz GLE-Klasse Coupé 350 D 4MATIC AMG AIRMATIC Panoramadak Trekhaak - Duration: 1:14.
5 Best And 5 Worst Marvel Mash Up Characters - Duration: 10:09.
If superheroes are great on their own, then mashing up two different superheroes to create
a weird new character should be even better, right?
Well, that's not always the case.
The long history of Marvel Comics creating "mashup" characters has produced some
classics, but we've seen plenty of bad ones, too.
Best: Weapon H
The Incredible Hulk and Wolverine circled each other for years in a long, bloody rivalry,
with Wolverine's unbreakable bones and adamantium claws matched up against Hulk's indomitable
strength, with both sporting healing factors that render them nearly impossible to kill.
Put all of that together and you get Marvel's ultimate weapon.
Weapon H was the product of the infamous Weapon X program, responsible for the creation of
Wolverine and Deadpool, among others.
This time, they stole DNA from the Totally Awesome Hulk and Old Man Logan, to create
an utterly unbeatable weapon, and they succeeded.
The idea of a "Hulkverine" might sound like an unimaginative marketing ploy, but Weapon
H was at the center of a compelling, action-packed, and suspenseful story.
Unsurprisingly for anyone who read "Weapons of Mutant Destruction," Marvel greenlit
the ongoing monthly Weapon H not long after the event's conclusion.
Worst: Captain Punisher
Civil War changed the Marvel Universe drastically, and one of its darkest moments brought the
assassination of Captain America.
In the aftermath, the Punisher decided he would take the job.
In Punisher War Journal #7, while investigating a violent white supremacist group, Frank Castle
donned a new red, white, blue, and black costume that combined Cap's look and his own signature
Castle's apparent admiration for the late Captain didn't inspire Punisher to change
his methods, though, and he wasn't nearly as successful in the role as Steve Rogers.
Captain Punisher only lasted four issues, and never felt like it was meant to last much
If his ill-fated adventure hadn't been enough of a sign that he should hang up the stars
and stripes, a confrontation with Bucky Barnes, who actually would become the new Captain
America, was enough to make Frank decide that being a Star-Spangled Avenger just wasn't
for him.
Best: Storm, Goddess of Thunder
During a time when Storm of the X-Men had lost all of her weather-controlling powers,
she found herself in Asgard, where Loki tempted her with a gift of what seemed to be the power
of Thor.
When the New Mutants and X-Men arrived, Loki's magic clouded her senses, making her see them
all as villains.
At the story's climax, Loki unveiled a hammer called Stormcaster that he'd crafted for Storm,
which allowed her to nearly kill Wolverine with its magic, and even give the death goddess
Hela a run for her money.
Eventually, Storm was able to see through the illusions, relinquishing the thundering
power rather than keeping it and becoming Loki's pawn.
That wasn't the last appearance of this version of Storm, though.
Recent issues revealed a glimpse of Storm in the future, once again becoming an Asgardian
goddess of thunder.
Worst: WendiHulk
When Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness took over the Hulk's title in 2008, they kicked things
off by giving the world one popular alternate version of the green goliath: the Red Hulk.
Eight issues later, readers got a brief look at a version of Bruce Banner who was nowhere
near as compelling: the WendiHulk.
Finding himself in a tussle with not just one Wendigo, but a whole army of them, the
green Hulk was transformed into a giant, green, clawed, fanged, and furry monster who did
little more than look gnarly and yell "WENDIHULK!" a lot.
Brother Voodoo appeared out of nowhere (literally), cured him, and that was that.
Best: Spider-Gwen
Gwen Stacy's tragic demise might be the most famous and long-standing deaths in superhero
comic history, but on another Earth, Gwen never died.
Instead, it was her, not Peter Parker, who received a fateful bite from a radioactive
spider and used the resulting powers to fight crime as Spider-Woman.
Spider-Gwen was introduced in Edge of Spider-Verse, and she was an immediate hit with readers,
emerging from the event with her own monthly title.
She's since become a fixture at Marvel, appearing in cartoons and video games, and she's one
of the characters set to appear in the upcoming Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse movie.
She's more than just a cool spinoff with a killer costume design, though.
The death of the main continuity's Gwen Stacy in 1973 is generally seen as one of
the more important moments in superhero comics, but it also made her one of the earliest female
comic book characters to be killed just to further a male protagonist's plotline.
That Spider-Gwen became a breakout character shows that superheroes are moving in the right
direction, without removing the tragedy of the original story.
Worst: The Teenage Hulk
In the late '70s, Marvel started publishing What If, giving readers alternate versions
of classic stories.
In its 12th issue, we got the story of what would happen if Bruce Banner didn't get caught
in a gamma blast while trying to save a teenager named Rick Jones.
Instead, it was Rick himself who got belted with gamma rays.
The teenage Hulk of What If #12 was hilarious.
Like the original Rick Jones, he spouted dialogue that definitely feels like it was written
by adults who were trying, and failing, to reproduce the cool slang of the youth.
He called Bruce Banner a square, grunted that the soldiers hunting him down armed with "shivs"
and "heaters" were "uncool," before deciding to "split" or "cut out."
When he agreed to join the Avengers, it was because, "Hulk digs it!"
When he battled Annihilus in the Negative Zone, he urged the villain, "Don't jive Hulk!"
The Rick Jones of the regular Marvel Universe would actually become the Hulk for a short
period, but never enjoyed this kind of wonderful dialogue.
Best: Franken-Castle
There are a lot of Marvel mashups that were created in the pages of What If or other weird
timelines, so if you saw the words "Franken-Castle" and thought it was the product of an alternate
reality, that's understandable.
The truth, however, is that this one is 100% canon.
After helping to thwart an alien invasion by shooting the Skrull Queen, Norman Osborn,
better known to Spider-Man fans as the Green Goblin, was named the head of Homeland Security.
This did not sit well with the Punisher, but his attempt at assassinating Osborn didn't
go as planned.
Instead, on Osborn's orders the Punisher himself was killed by Wolverine's son Daken,
who literally chopped Frank into pieces and threw him in the sewer.
The thing is, Frank didn't die.
Instead, the Punisher awoke to find himself pieced together by the vampire Morbius, who
recruited him to protect an underground city of monsters.
With his corpse stitched up and reanimated by a mystical artifact called the Bloodstone,
he was rechristened as "Franken-Castle," and stayed that way for an entire year.
Eventually, the Bloodstone's magic regenerated his human body, but it remains the Punisher's
most bizarre adventure ever, even weirder than the time he was a ghost who killed angels
with magic guns.
Worst: Piecemeal
Superheroes aren't the only ones who get mashed up; but in the case of Piecemeal, maybe it
would've been better if they were.
Shortly after its explosive 400th issue, Incredible Hulk teased its readers by revealing small
glimpses of a new and seemingly unstoppable villain.
Finally, Piecemeal struck in Incredible Hulk #407, and didn't quite live up to the hype.
Piecemeal had the power to absorb and reproduce the abilities and appearance of super-powered
people, and in his first appearance, he looked to have the cybernetic arms of Silvermane,
the clawed hands of Sabretooth, the face of the Red Skull, the chest piece of Attuma,
and the facial hair of…
Abraham Lincoln maybe?
Even with the mighty beard of our 16th President, Piecemeal failed to be much of a threat to
the Hulk.
After months of buildup, he was speared through the torso and tossed into Loch Ness, which
was the last anyone ever saw of him.
Best: Cosmic Ghost Rider
Most mashup characters stop after combining two heroes, but Thanos #13 introduced the
world to Cosmic Ghost Rider, a full-on combo meal of the Punisher, Ghost Rider, Silver
Surfer, and maybe even Deadpool.
After the last of Earth's superheroes fell at Thanos' hands, a dying Frank Castle, aka
The Punisher, made a deal with the demonic Mephisto.
Marvel's devilish villain cursed him with the power of the Ghost Rider, a demonic force
tasked with punishing the guilty.
With no one left on Earth, though, Castle went insane, and when Galactus journeyed to
Earth, looking for allies against Thanos, this new Ghost Rider offered to become his
new herald, gaining the cosmic power of the Silver Surfer.
Of course, Thanos eventually killed Galactus, but he and Cosmic Ghost Rider found themselves
unable to kill each other, and eventually teamed up as Marvel's oddest possible version
of the odd couple.
Worst: D-Man
D-Man, aka Demolition Man, isn't really a Marvel mash-up.
He's just a guy with a really bad costume.
Dennis Dunphy was introduced as a wrestler who was part of the Unlimited Class Wrestling
Federation, a wrestling organization for people with superhuman physical attributes.
He was a star in the ring with the enhanced strength he received by using an addictive
drug peddled by the Power Broker.
Eventually, Dunphy left the UCWF to help Captain America take the Broker down, and designed
the costume he's most known for: a mask made to look like Wolverine's, and the rest of
the outfit based on Daredevil's original red-and-yellow suit.
D-Man has since become little more than a joke in Marvel Comics, a character so minor
and so unloved he regularly goes through traumatic changes, including dying, only to show up
the next time without anyone explaining how he got better.
Turning $50/Day RENTAL CAR into a MOBILE MANSION!! - Duration: 9:38.
Mobile Mansion, Mansion in a Car, Decked out Car, Turning Rental Car into a Mansion, Enjoy :)
into the this is what we have to work with this is our blank canvas let me
show you a little pool this is the driver's seat the most important seat
height see it works fine I think we should make that sound a little more
manly the best part about this automobile is this paint and you know
what happens in the backseat huh the best stuff happens in the backseat lap
time yeah wait
you kidnap me and stuff let me teach you a little let me let me teach you a
little secret if you're trapped you pull on this thing
that glows in the trunk I have our first idea ready you stay right here okay he's
back Teresa oh we're gonna go get all the items first
so let's cue the montage okay now this is everything we have to what oh my game
but the ambience tree put the bed back there head back here I want the
speaker's here the bed could be back then the speakers could be everything in
front okay this takes only this must be on my foot
I like tools for my foot - can you put that one on the other side yes so good
it's really cool what do you mean dog
come on man you got a house to make man we gotta
decorate the house there's gonna be a party man mom party party people gonna
come yeah baby just in case you want to get a little frisky got a pogo stick
frisky we keep it classy yeah pick up the whole seat for an ice
bucket why is the TV on the seat where else would it be
so where is this TV gonna go that's my question right well this is sick are you
kidding me we have to pick a bowling alley wrong Oh
I found our bowling alley let in your practice we'll practice after when we're
done it's good snack marble just raw potatoes just like you've never had a
raw potato no try one I know you won't regret it
all right now now somebody's watching it haven't subscribed if you don't eat that
potato they won't subscribe no it tastes like - yeah goodbye
you have to have a bite there's an apple the big nail to the kitchen starts with
the best snacks in the world take it chick thank you you wanna check it I'm
gonna check it you take it bagels cut to the chase what do you have
to drink two liters of organic pumpkin you got pasta you mean root beer I gotta
boil pasta
we got gaming setup as you can see big flat-screen TV 75 inches a bowling alley
right here just in case you want to get frisky we also have a pogo stick
all right show you guys how to do it right now in the car but right now what
I think is the coolest part of this whole setup and if you're wondering does
it turn on do you guys know how to play
using a pop man I wanna see this car shaking so much I have 1% battery got 1%
battery don't worry you can be in charge of regicide
living away from the edge syrups and battery we haven't slept in days before
school cars literally shaking what's going
oh my god we just have a snack bar you always have that in Magni one said this
would be like 3000 just phosphorous Welch's you eat it you belches yeah of
course we got to be classy some wine and some ice some ice and wine wine and ice
no monopoly okay I'm down to $25 all you gotta do is Dodger hotels and I'm good
good oh my god bro one two up now God get that all it took so a lot to bring
everything down like we don't plug the TV took out Eric speakers got a keyboard
out of Noah it was worth it though right whatever TV in our back scene we played
Mario Kart tell me that's not cool hell you don't wanna come over right now come
over if you thought this was cool leave it like and tell your grandma that you
love her and if you're new make sure to subscribe or else I won't give you a
potato when you come to our mansion party until next time
we're gonna do what are you good cuz you're re good Jim what a new car
[MASHUP] Golden Child & Girls' Generation - GENIE (Short MASHUP) - Duration: 2:43.
I'll be there... Hey baby! I'll be there... Boy~ uh huh!
Many words I haven't told you. I'm gonna get take it all out now. (Woah~)
Every day I filled my diary with special memories So let me breathe... (DJ, put it back on.)
Tell me your wish. Tell me that small dream you have within you.
Draw that ideal person you have inside your head~
And then look at me, I'm your Genie, your dream, your genie~
Get in your dream car and speed off. You're sitting next to me.
Just throw everything into my guidance.
Even if your overwhelmed heart was to explode, Even if it all flies away in the wind,
Right now, this moment, the world is yours. I'll listen to you Girl!
Eyes full of tears. A pain that I couldn't bear to cry.
This feeling of trembling when touching your fingertips. Remember this moment... (Forever your biggest fan~)
Yes I love you, you can always believe in me. Dreams, passions, I want to give them all to you.
Your own Genie. Call me louder!
I'll protect you~ It's my fate... (Tell me your wish!)
This song between you and me When you come all over the world~
Girl, whatever happens, You take my hand
Ask me for what you want. I'll make it all happen.
The main character of my dream is you! Oh this moment...
I want everything you want, Genie! (Yes I love you, you can always believe in me.) Tell me. I'll listen to everything. Hey! (Dreams, passions, I want to give them all to you.)
Your own Genie! Call me louder! (I'm a goddess of fortune.) I'll protect you. It's my fate. (That wants to make your wishes come true.)
(Tell me all your fantasies~) I'll be your genie. Imagine it, Baby!
(I'll show you the genie's path~) You are the hero of my dream~
(Tell me all your wishes~) Cause I'm your genie. Feel it, Baby!
(I, your genie, will grant them~) I will always be there for you. (It's my fate.)
I'll be your genie. (Tell me!) Imagine it, Baby! (Tell me your wish!)
You are the hero of my dream (Baby!)
Cause I'm your genie. (Tell me!) Feel it, Baby! (Tell me your wish!)
I will always be there for you. (Tell me your wish!) I'll be your Genie...
Liga Musica - je veux m'approcher clip officiel - Duration: 5:28.
Types of canaries 🐤 Canarian breeds 🌍 Canaries of Canto, Color and Canaries of Posture - Duration: 11:28.
Types of canaries. Breeds of canaries. Song canaries, canaries of color, shape canaries and design canaries.
Hello colleagues and peers, Welcome once again to a new video.
On this occasion we are going to inaugurate a new section in the channel that is going to be called types
bird's. Specifically, as you have been able read in the title in this video we are going to
see the classification of the canaries, is say, the different types of canaries or
breeds of canaries that exist. And without more ... we started!
In the world, there are many types of canaries or breeds of canaries, but mainly
canaries we can include them in different categories. For this and to make it more
easy to understand I've made you this little scheme that we will be following along
of the video and where you can see clearly The different types of canaries that exist.
And remember also, leave me in the comments what kind of canaries do you like most and which
you prefer If you see, canaries can be classified
mainly in three categories, which are singing canaries, canaries of color
and the canaries of form or position. Plus, we can differentiate another small category
that would encompass design canaries. This would be mainly the basic scheme
of the classification of canaries. And now if we go in depth analyzing the scheme
let's go see that, within the types of singing canaries, canaries of color
or the posture canaries there are different subcategories or classifications.
First of all, as regards canaries of singing, let's differentiate four types
of canaries. On the one hand, we have the Canary stamped Spanish that is a type of canary
that originates in Spain and that usually tend to be canaries of green, yellow
or similar. In addition, the canaries ring they have a very happy and melodious song and they have
a great variety of notes and stamps. On the other hand, we find canaries
Roller, Harzer or Flute, which is a kind of canary that comes from Germany. They are usually
yellow or green or present a mix of both colors in their plumage. These
Singing canaries are very curious canaries since they sing with the semi-closed peak and emit
a soft song, sweet and at the same time melodious. Also, inside the singing canaries
we found the canaries Malinois or waterslager. This type of canary comes from Belgium
and they are usually also yellow colors or green The singing of malinois canaries
It is a cheerful song with different tones and it has some very characteristic notes,
that when the bird is singing remember the sound of a river's water, a
waterfall or similar. And finally, we can also make an allusion
to the American canary singer, which is a type of canary that arises in the USA. It has a size
something smaller and like almost all singing canaries are usually also
yellow. In second place, we find the canaries
of color, which in turn this type of canaries It is divided into two groups. On the one hand,
canaries lipocrómicos and on the other the canaries melanic
In the section on lipochromic canaries, We can basically distinguish 3 types:
would be the white canary, which in turn divides into recessive white canaries, which
is the one that you find on your left and the dominant white that is the one that you find
on the right. If you look closely, you can see that the main difference between a canary
Recessive white and a dominant white canary It is located on the edge of the wings. The
recessive white canaries are completely whites, while white canaries
dominant on the edge of their wings present a certain yellow hue as seen
in the photo. Also, within the lipochromic canaries,
we found the yellow canary and the canary Red. Both types of canaries are going to be divided
in different subcategories, by calling it somehow, since the lipochromic colors
can manifest themselves in different ways in the feathers, which results in them appearing
different variations and color tones, giving place to:
Canary Islands intense, in which the color of plumage as its own name indicates is much
more intense and uniform. Snowy canaries, in which the color of their
plumage is more diluted and fades towards the edge.
Canarios ivory, which is another shade of totally different color to the previous ones.
The case of yellow canaries ivory Yellow color is much softer. And in the
case of red canaries ivory, the color red turns slightly pink.
Canarios mosaicos, which is a type of canary of white background and in which the color, red
or yellow, it is concentrated in certain areas of your body, such as your head,
the back, the shoulders and the chest. And also, we have another small category
known as ocular lipochrome. Which includes different types of canaries, such as:
The albino canaries, which have a plumage completely white and eyes red.
The lutinos canaries, that have the plumage yellow and also colored eyes
Red. And the ruby canaries, which are basically
red and with dark red eyes, pulling to a garnet color.
On the other hand, in the section on canaries of color we found the canarian melanic,
that basically and as a summary, can be Classify in: canaries agates, canaries
black-bruno, canaries bruno or Isabela canary.
And in addition, there are different variations in color, which gives rise to other varieties
of canaries of color, such as opal, satiné, pastel, topaz, onyx and
eumo As you can see there is a large amount of different ranges, so below
I'll leave you a few seconds with some photos of some of these canaries before passing
to the posture canary section. In third place, we find the canaries
of form or posture, which in turn are going to divide into four categories, of which
as we go see them I will be putting photos of each of them.
In the first section, we find the canaries of curly plumage or curly plumage, inside
of which are some breeds of canaries like the curly canary of the north or the canary
curly of the south, the canary fiorino, the canary padovano or the Spanish gibbous canary.
The second section, corresponds to the canaries of position, in which we can find
to the scoth fancy canaries or the Japanese hosso.
Within the third section, we find canaries shaggy or with a bow, as per
example the gloster canary that you all know or the German cannoneer.
Finally, and continuing in the Canaries of posture In the fourth section we find
the canarios of smooth pen, that basically encompasses the canaries fife fancy, the canary
Spanish or Spanish race, the llarguet or the Norwich.
And finally, we find the category of canaries of design, which only
It is formed by the lizard canaries. What for those who do not know this type of canary,
tell you that it is one of the most canary ancient people who know each other and who are characterized
for having a yellow or white area, that goes from the peak to the base of the head,
and that is usually called a cap. As well It has a very characteristic plumage that does not
has no other canary, since its plumage It is shaped like scales and reminds us of a
reptile. Basically this would be a classification
of the different types of canaries and breeds of canaries that exist. Evidently
there are many other races or varieties of canaries as for example the red canary white wings
or yellow white wings, the canary urucum, canaries mogno, etc. that I have not been including
in the video so as not to overdo it and that it was an easy video to understand. Do not
forget to leave me in the comments what kind of canaries you liked most and
if you knew all these types of canaries. I hope you liked this video, if
so do not forget to share it your social networks and WhatsApp groups,
if you are not subscribed to the channel I invite you to subscribe as you activate the
notification bell to receive a new video every week, up here
I leave you videos on the breeding of canaries, and as always I wait for you in the next video.
Hyundai Tucson 2.0i Active |Distributieriem is vervangen| - Duration: 1:03.
Water Reptiles 101 : Mesosauria & Spinoaequalis ( SUB ENGLISH ) - Duration: 19:06.
Hi, I'm Thesaurus, and welcome to this new video
Oh my.. It's been a while since I said something like this
And yes, I'm sorry about that
and if you want to know more about my absence on Youtube and the reasons behind it
and also about the changes I made on the channel... Well, just watch this video until the end.
For now, let's focus on the "real" topic of this video,
because it's a really interesting one, actually, maybe one of the most interesting
among all the other stuff I already talk about.
Because today I' m going to talk about two groups of animals, or should I say ,
One group and one species in paticular of tetrapoda animals
( vertebrates animals with 4 limbs)
that, at some point of their evolutionary path, "decide" to go back into the water ...
This video is part of a new series with it's own playlist
with the name of "Water Reptiles"
But now let's talk about the first group of animals: the Mesosaurus' one
The order of "Mesosauria" comprise a small number of genus and species and genera
all with acquatic lifestyles
It's uncertain if these animal lived on the coast
(according to old theories the mesosaurus were fresh water animals)
or hypersaline lakes
even if these animals may appear menacing
with a terrified look,
because of their very big head full of sharp teeth
However we have to remember that,
even if these animals may look menancig,
we probably would not find them scary
'cause they weren't bigger than 1 meter long
One important feature of these animals,
and wich will be common among the creatures of this series,
it's the position of the nostrils on the top of their head
this allows the animals to breath, since the nostrils stay outside the water
while its body remained underwater
and this help these animals to hide from the predators
and from the prey too
Besides the big head and the jaws full of elongated teeth
we also have to take a look at their tails
which they were probably used to swim
since they were long and flattened.
Their limbs of the mesosaurus were not capable of
sustaining their own weight out of the water
and if they were capable of actually move on land,
they would probably be very slow and clumsy like the sea turtles
So we are unsure about wether or not they actually ever get out of the water
and how many time would they spend out of the water
But we can say that on the land they would probably move around only by crawling
Another interesting feature about these animals is something that we can't see from the outside
it's a very peculiar condition called "pachyostosis"
With "pachyostosis" we identify a condition in which the bones are very thick
this occurs in some aquatic animals
but it's not an exclusive of them
Anyway an example of pachyostosis in modern aquatic animals are the "sirenians"
the order that comprise manatees and the dungong
Interestingly, this condition gave the name to a genus of the Mesosauria order
in which this condition its particular evident:
"Stereosternum" that means "thick chest"
Other genus of this order are,
besides Mesosaurus itself
(that it's like the "representative" of the family):
Brazilosaurus, Stereosternum of course, and also
Noteosaurus but this is a "numen dubium"
which means that we are not sure if the genus is valid or not
or even a separate species
since with the fossil evidences that we have
don't allow us to determinate the validity of this genus,
Since (spoiler) the mosasaurs were not too fast in the water either
for some time we thought that these animals,
even because of a wrong reconstruction of
their jaws caused by a wrong interpretation,
were filter feeders
"Nice" (don't ask me why)
In fact we actually find out that these animals
simply fed on crustaceans like the pygocephalomorphs.
We already said that their movement on land were very slow
but what about their movement... in the water ?
Well...they were pretty bad here too
In fact they were kinda slow
And maybe it's also because of that... Well, they went extinct. Or it simply was a cause of their decline.
In fact they didn't have such an evolutionary fortune
They lived from 299 to 270 milion years ago
and, after that, they just went extinct
Another peculiarity of these group it's their distibution:
they were, in fact, present in South America and South Africa.
this, among other things, "helped" Alfred Wegener
with his theory of continental drift,
because by guessing that this animal would not be capable of crossing the ocean
to travel from one continent to another.
He theorized that these continents, at the time, were attached one another
or even just near to one, another in ancient times
and, as we know, it's true
So we could actually say that "Mesosaurus" helped Wegener with his theory...
Or, better, with the formulation of the "theory of continental drift"
One last thing before proceeding with the classification of Mesosaurus
and the entire Mesosauria order by extension,
it's that now we know, thanks to some new paleontological discoveries,
that these animals, were most likely, ovoviviparous or viviparous
Probably, as I represented in this drawing
they being born tail-first
like the ichthyosaurs
and also some modern animals like the dolphins
This new paleontological discovery it's also very important because these fossil embryos
are the first ever discovered of an amniota,
the group that comprise the Sauropsida (reptiles)
and the Synapsida (mammals, their ancestors and their extinct relatives
I mentioned earlier that the mesosaurus went extinct without leaving any descendants
but I didn't say nothing about
any existing relatives still alive today
but just because there aren't any of them.
Actually the classification of the entire order of the Mesosauria
it's unclear
but there are two key assumptions:
in the first one they are just a part of the "Parareptilia" group
"What are the Parareptilia? What are these parareptiles?" you may ask...
they are one of the two groups comprised in "Sauropsida"
the other one it's "Eureptilia";
which comprise all the modern-day reptiles, the birds
and all their ancient relatives and their ancestors
( hence the name, which means "true reptiles);
while "Parareptilia"
(which means "similar to reptiles")
aren't closely related to any living reptiles or, in general, modern day organism
( even if they resemble modern day reptiles and share with them a common ancestor)
because they didn't leave any still-living descendants.
Anyway, the other theory about their classification suggests that
Mesosauria and Parareptilia are two distinct groups,
two sister groups with a common ancestor,
but stiil, two distinct groups
This theory is confirmed by the conformation of the skull:
in fact, the Mesosaurus have a "temporal fenestra"
( basically, an opening on the side of the skull )
while the Parareptiles have none
they are all anapsida
( with no opening on the skull )
In the Euereptilia group
there are both anapsida
and diapsida creatures.
However, over the time, some diapsida have developed various modifications
like the turtles [ I should have said "Chelonii" or "Testudines", my bad ].
( Oh, right...)
( I didn't specify it before but...
the Diapsida have two temporal fenestrae,
hence the name, " two openings")
Turtles, even if are just modified diapsida,
have a skull without any temporal fenestra
so they have actually an anapsida skull type...
Yeah, I know, It's kinda messy...
Anyway, back to the Mesosauria,
according to some scientist this temporal fenestra is a primal trait
and so the Parareptilia and the Eureptilia lost these characteristic
and then some Eureptilia evolved two temporal fenestra
So, this charachteristic is actually a basal trait of all the Sauropsida
and the ancestor of all Sauropsida had one temporal fenestra
But according to the other theory
the one according to which the Mesosauria are included in the group of the Parareptilia
and the Mesosauria simply evolved this characteristic successively
( usually the temporal fenestra have the function of lightening the weight of the cranium)
and so this characteristic would not be an ancestral trait but an evolved one "by" the mesosaurus
And now let's talk about the other "protagonist" of this video:
So, let's put the parareptiles behind us,
we don't need them for now,
and proceed with the Eureptilia
and, besides all the modern reptiles, a lot of extinct groups are part of this clade
and let's see the group of Diapsida
which it's divided into two branches
the one of the Neodiapsida
( which comprehend modern day reptiles and birds)
and the other one which comprehend less-evolved life-forms
like the "Aeroscelidia"
and Spinoaequalis it's part of this group
and we are going to talk of "him" very soon.
Now, generally speaking, the Aeroscelida
aren't well known among people who didn't have a great knowledge
of "prehistory and prehistoric animals" .
This because they are not too much interesting [sorry guys]
They are similar in appearance to modern lizards
They probably were almost all arborial or terrestrial
(like lizard, yes)
I said "almost", yes.
Anyway the most important representatives of this group are:
Petrolacosaurus, one of the eldest memebers of this group,
and Aeroscelis,
which the whole group is named after.
But they are not important for now,
because we are [ finally ] going to talk about Spinoaequalis
Now, the name of the genus "Spinoaequalis"
comes from a characteristic
which made use theorize that this animal was actually a fully acquatic one
or even just a semi-aquatic life forms.
In fact "Spinoaequalis" means
"equal spines"
"But, which spines?" you may ask...
Well, the haemal arches ( the hind parts of the vertebrae),
which are the "spines" on the bottom of the tail,
and the neural arches (the spines on the top of the tail)
have the same size in this animal.
Because of that, the tail seems flattened
similar to a leaf, we could say.
This suggest that this animal
could have used its tail to move into the water
So scientists assume that this animal would be an acquatic one "just" from that.
In fact we don't have any other evidence confirm this claim
but if that it's actually true
that would make the Spinoaequalis, probably, the first tetrapod to go back into the water
In fact, Spinoaequalis lived during the Carboniferous,
roughly from 305 to 300 milions years ago
way before than Mesosaurus and all the mesosaurus
and that it's what makes Spinoaequalis so special:
it's the first of its kind
Anyway, we still have to remember that
we didn't have any other evidence
that suggest that this animal had a full-acquatic or even an amphibian lifestyle
Some scientist suggested that
the tail could have helped the animal in life-threatening situation
by giving the chance of losing the predator by leaping into the water
What's the truth?
Saddly we don't know for sure
since we didn't have enough fossil evidences
to confirm the hypothesis of the acquatic/ semi-acquatic Spinoaequalis
or the whole "just a stratagem to escape from predator" one
About its natural range,
its fossil were found in Kansas, North America
There's nothing much to say about this animal...
Except that the genus Spinoaequalis
have only one species "Spinoaequalis schultzei"
so we could say that its really one of a kind [ Yeah, I know, it's an awful """"joke"""" ]
And with that we could end...
So... See ya' :D
Oh, before I go,
I just want say that I was absent for a number of reasons related to
my university, my family ( of course, I won't specify what)
and various personal problem
Anyway, I'm back,
and maybe you have noticed that I changed something about the channel, like the name
from "Tèsaurus" to "Thesaurus"
which means "Thesaurus" [ Yeah, I know, for all you of this explanation it's useless]
this was made to increase the extent of the pubblic
and because, as I rediscovered the sparking cider,
the tea take second place [ "Tè" is "Tea" in italian]
and this is the only TRUE justification [ I'm joking... maybe :D]
Also I want to give a more original concept at the base of the channel
In fact, all started when I opened my Facebook page
(a really old page about now old memes)
and, among the various names I've given to it,
called "Il Salotto del Tèsaurus Rex"
Because, at the time the whole joke: "Teasaurus/Tyrannosaurus"
with the Tyrannosaurus drinking the tea, was not so exploited like it is now
The joke is very used, almost seasoned
Which, for me it's not the case of the "Tyrannosaurus/Thesaurus"
And maybe it's just my opinion but I think that it's not so "utilised"
as the "Teasaurus/Tyrannosaurus"
I've also changed something in the graphic aspects of the channel
About the music, right now you are probably listening a free-copyrights music
[ pot... pizza-english with some blabbering]
But next time you might listen something different
because a friend of mine (Hi Michele Spata :D )
offered to make me some background music for the channel
Nothin much to say, except...
"Are you still here?" Like Netflix says
If the answer it's "Yes" well... Thank you very much :3
It's just that, you know... you can waste your life in better ways
I'm telling you this for your own sake...
Bye :D
SPOOKY HALLOWEEN BLOOPERS?! - Videostar Bloopers - Duration: 8:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅞ 웨 we we - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅚ 외 oe wi - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅙ 왜 wae wɛ - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅟ 위 wi wi - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅘ 와 wa (-wa-) - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyelles - ㅝ 워 weo wʌ - Duration: 0:31.
So there comes a point in your life where you just say buckets I can't keep
living like this I can't keep working this shitty job
I can't keep playing so fucking small and you just start asking the questions
how can I change us what can I do different and you start to learn
different things and you start to put this new information in your brain and
you start to question reality and you know getting sick and tired of the
status quo and as you start to move down this path of learning and taking action
you discover certain things along the way and for me six or seven years ago
about seven years ago now I discovered this video by Brian Swann and it was
called create your perfect day and he said you know what would your perfect
average day in the life look like what would you do in the morning what would
you eat for breakfast who would you spend time with what would what would
you be passionate about what would you spend your time doing what do you love
to do what would your purposeful mission be oh and I started asking these
questions but in the exercise he said write down six pages or as many pages as
you can specifically what that perfect day would look like and then read this
every morning and every night to program yourself to become the person that you
need to become to get that type of life so I did this exercise and six years
later I'm living that exact life and it's unbelievable and I'm actually even
friends now with Brian Swan who shared this exercise with me and it's so
powerful knowing that if you get to that point your life where you just can't
stand being where you're at anymore that you can use your imagination and you can
write down exactly what you want your life to look like and you can create a
completely new life now that doesn't come with the challenges went through
five years of a lot of shit to get to here and a lot of things that I'm not
proud of doing a lot of a lot of fucked up stuff that I went through a lot of
fears to overcome a lot of killing that old version of myself to emerge a better
version but the point is you can use your imagination and you can create
exactly what you want in that vision and manifest it into reality so write down
your perfect day read it every morning and night and watch the magic happen
Victoria von Schweden & Rania von Jordanien: Freundschaft royal - Duration: 3:22.
Victoria von Schweden & Rania von Jordanien: Freundschaft royal
Victoria von Schweden und Rania von Jordanien sind beide für ihren guten Modegeschmack bekannt.
Nun sahen sie sich zum ersten Mal seit zwei Jahren wieder - und dabei fiel etwas auf ….
Kronprinzessin Victoria (41) und Prinz Daniel (44) befinden sich aktuell auf einer Reise im Nahen Osten.
Am Mittwoch (17. Oktober), dem dritten Tag ihrer Amtsreise in Jordanien, trafen die beiden auch auf König Abdullah (56) und seine Gattin, Königin Rania (48).
Kronprinzessin Victoria ist eine attraktive Frau, die für ihren adretten Modestil bekannt ist.
Immer wieder verzaubert sie die Welt mit ihren tollen Auftritten in unglaublichen Outfits.
Diesen Ruf hat auch Königin Rania von Jordanien.
Sie ist als eine der schönsten Frauen der Welt bekannt.
Sie hat eine tolle Figur, ist stets perfekt gekleidet und einfach rundum hübsch.
Abgestimmte Outfits?.
Zuletzt trafen die beiden royalen Damen vor zwei Jahren in New York City beim Dinner der „Global Goal Awards" aufeinander – ihre Outfits passten damals perfekt zusammen, fast, als hätten sie sich abgesprochen!.
Damals entschieden sich beide für schwarz-weiße Blumenmuster.
Und beim diesjährigen Auftritt mussten wir ebenfalls stutzen: Schon wieder passten ihre Kleider zusammen!.
Diesmal unterschieden sich zwar die Muster, Victoria trug Schlangen-Print und Rania Streifen.
Aber beide setzten auf schlichte Farben und auch Schnitt und Länge ihrer Kleider ähnelten sich.
Wir sind uns einig: Beide Frauen sehen großartig aus und zusammen glänzen sie ganz besonders!.
Paparazzi: Ο Πάνος Μουζουράκης και η Μαρία Σολωμού σε βραδινή έξοδο | News | fthis.gr - Duration: 1:05.
Στην πρεμιέρα του Νίκου Οικονομόπουλου, στο Κέντρο Αθηνών, απαθανάτισε ο φωτογραφικός φακός του FTHIS
GR τον Πάνο Μουζουράκη και τη Μαρία Σολωμού. Οι δυο τους διασκέδασαν μέχρι τις πρώτες πρωινές ώρες, διαψεύδοντας έτσι τις φήμες που τους ήθελαν να χωρίζουν
Ο Πάνος Μουζουράκης και η Μαρία Σολωμού παραμένουν full in love με τον γνωστό τραγουδιστή να βρίσκεται για άλλη μια χρονιά στο The Voice του ΣΚΑΪ και στη θέση του κριτή
Δείτε τις παρακάτω φωτογραφίες… Φωτογραφίες: Papadakis Press
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