Hi there, and welcome back to engVid. In this video you are going to learn how to pronounce
some of the harder-to-pronounce places in the U.K. So, useful if you're planning a trip
here, or if you're doing an IELTS speaking test and would like to refer to places in
the U.K. Let's have a look at some guidelines, and then a little bit later we're going to
look at some of the places that don't quite fit the rules.
So, with a place ending with: "borough" or "burgh", you would expect it to sound: "borough"
or "burgh", but that's not what happens. It's normally shortened to something like: "bra".
For example: "Edinburgh", "Edinbra", "Edinbra", "Edinbra", got it? Okay? Not: "Edinborough",
Second one, with a place ending in "cester", you shorten it to "sta". For example, it's
not: "Bicester", it's: "Bicesta", "Bicesta". There is an exception, here, with: "Cirencester",
which is a lovely place out in the west of England. "Cirencester", not "Cirensta". Okay?
"Cirencester", that's an exception, there.
Next, on to counties. So, a county where... The U.K. is divided up into different region
called counties. Lots of these end with "shire", the shire, the countryside, but we pronounce
it actually: "shur". For example: "Devonshire", "Devonsha", not: "Devonshire".
This one is particularly tricky to pronounce: "Worcestershire", "Wosteshur". So, basically
what we're doing is we're going: "Wost", and then we're abbreviating that: "Woste", "Wosteshur",
and then we're putting a "u" in here. "Worcestershire". You still with me? Good stuff, keep the concentration.
Now, "wich" often goes to "ich", so we're just going to be taking out that "w" there.
"Wich" goes to "ich". "Norwich", "Norich", it's not: "Nor-wich", okay? "Norich". It's
a lovely place in the east of England, beautiful cathedral, and my uncle is an estate agent,
so go and say: "Hi."
On to places ending in "mouth". Obviously going to be places by the sea. For example...
Can you spot my little mistake, here? Shouldn't be an "f", it should be a "th". A subtle difference,
but important to get right. So it's: "Teignmuth" not "Teignmouth". Okay? "Teignmuth", it's
a shorter vowel sound; we're not doing the sort of the "o", it's a "Teignmuth". So that's
down in Devon, very scenic place in the southwest of the U.K.
"Ham" goes to "um". For example, it's not: "Durham", it's: "Duram", so you're effectively
losing that "h". "Durham", beautiful place in the northeast of England, very strong university
in Durham. Right.
"Wick" goes to "ick". For example, if I put the whole spelling of: "Berwick-upon Tweed",
you can see that we are missing this "w" out, so it becomes: "Berick-upon Tweed". Nice coastal
town, again, near the border with Scotland in the northeast of the U.K. Okay? Let's have
a look at a few more anomalies and some exceptions to the rules.
I'm also going to be pointing out, with these exceptions, some excellent places to visit
in the U.K. There's so many different exceptions, but the places listed here are worth checking
out if you're coming to the U.K.
"Tor", you would expect it to say: "quay", something like that, but it's actually: "Torkey",
"Torkey", and the same would apply for "Newquay".
This place in Norfolk, you might expect it to be: "Hunstanton", but actually you miss
out the "tan" and it becomes: "Hunston".
This is a place I went on honeymoon down in Cornwall. What do you think it says? "Mousehole"?
It's not, it's: "Mousol", a lovely fishing village down in Cornwall.
Again in Cornwall, what do you think: "Fowey"? "Foey", okay? Maybe it's helpful to think
of there being no "w".
Hopefully most of you have heard of this university town in the east of England, it's not: "Cambridge",
it's: "Camebridge".
Now, down in Dorset, we have: "Beaminster", okay? It's not "Beaminster", it's: "Beminster".
On the south coast of England it might look like it's called: "Bosham", but it's actually:
"Bosam", "Bosam". Quite fun to say that one. "Bosham", a very exclusive place down on the
south coast. I had a mud fight there before a wedding, and then smelt quite bad during
the wedding.
This is where my Granny lives, it's not: "Bungay", it's: "Bungee", "Bungee". Not a huge amount
recommending a trip to Bungay, unless you're going to go visit my Gran and take her some
This is in Devon: "Bridestowe", no. It's: "Bridehstow", "Bridehstow".
Now, two colleges at Cambridge and at Oxford, you might think it's called: "Magdalen", but
we actually pronounce it: "Maudlin", "Maudlin College". Some wonderful academics that have
graduated from there.
Now moving on to Scotland and Wales, we could do a whole other video on Scottish and Welsh
pronunciation, but just time for two in this video. What do you think this is pronounced?
"Kirkcudbright"? It's actually: "Kirkoobree", "Kirkoobree".
And now, in Wales, you look at a map of Wales and there'll be all sorts of places you'll
have no idea how to pronounce, but just one surprising one for this video. What do you
think? "Llandudno"? It's actually: "Clandidno".
I hope you've enjoyed watching today's video. Do remember to do the quiz afterwards to test
your pronunciation. And above all, try to come and visit the U.K., and speak to locals,
and try out your new pronunciation. Thank you. Good bye.
For more infomation >> How to say the names of places in the UK - Duration: 7:12.-------------------------------------------
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Η απόφαση για το «μαύρο» στο Mega είναι τελεσίδικη εδώ και λίγο διάστημα. Το αγαπημένο κανάλι σταματά να εκπέμπει τις επόμενες ημέρες
Με ανακοίνωση της στα μέσα η Digea ενημερώνει πως το τέλος του σήματος του τηλεοπτικού σταθμού MEGA θα πραγματοποιηθεί τις πρωινές ώρες της ερχόμενης Κυριακής 28 Οκτωβρίου
Η ανακοίνωση της Digea για το MEGA: «H Digea ενημερώνει το τηλεοπτικό κοινό ότι κατόπιν έγγραφης γνωστοποίησης που έλαβε από το Εθνικό Συμβούλιο Ραδιοτηλεόρασης (ΕΣΡ), θα προχωρήσει, ως υποχρεούται, από το νόμο και το κανονιστικό πλαίσιο λειτουργίας της, στη διακοπή της παροχής υπηρεσιών ψηφιακής μετάδοσης του τηλεοπτικού σταθμού εθνικής εμβέλειας «MEGA»
Η διακοπή θα πραγματοποιηθεί τις πρωινές ώρες της Κυριακής 28/10/2018». Το βίντεο των εργαζομένων Παράλληλα ανέβηκε στο YouTube ένα βίντεο από τους εργαζόμενους του σταθμού, που προκαλεί συγκίνηση
Απολαύστε το.
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Malcolm and Lynn loved each other and hardly ever quarreled
but that day they had a big argument
If there is anything you are not comfortable with, you are free to go!
Malcom decided to take a walk and cool down
Lynn was very hurt and angry with her husband
He must call and apologize!
I won't call. She must apologize!
I proposed to her here...
He made me so happy...
Lynn felt guilty for being so harsh.
She decided to cook her husband's favorite dish.
Malcolm also realized that he was wrong, and decided to apologize.
He rushed home.
He jumped out of the way...
... and barely escaped a terrible tragedy.
Honey, I was in such a rush to see you that I was nearly hit by a car.
But Lynn didn't answer.
Are you still angry with me?
I'm so sorry my dear. I was wrong.
Could you, please, look at me?
Malcom had been rushing home to her and didn't notice the car...
I'm so sorry, honey, it's my fault!
Please, forgive me. I will love you forever.
Don't let the ones you love walk away angry. make please, apologize, and don't forget the last words you say to them may be your goodbye...
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Sawadika the bad road! Well, I have an egg head still like
usual. So program change we thought going to the north of the
thailand today, rent a car - but it's not possible it's Thai holidays
So change of program
we'll go to town we'll buy them bikes for small because we
promised them for a little while we're going to survey
he parks of the city and tomorrow will move a little in the thai countryside
THEY REALLY DID THAT ?! - MONSTA X 몬스타엑스 'Shoot Out' MV (REACTION) 🔥 - Duration: 5:40.
I like their outfits
They're very dark, I like that, reflecting what is inside their souls
Hello x3
Beautiful people, dear people, applauded people
It's your boy, Jean Paul Miliano and welcome back to a brand new video!
Guys, as usual I am going to be leaving my social media accounts right here so you can go and follow me!
Also do not forget to subscribe to our channel, so our beautiful family keeps growing and growing!
Well guys as you can see by the title of this video, today we are going to continue our reacting to kpop miniseries
This time we are going to react to Monsta X and their brand new single
What was its name?
Oh god...
"Shoot Out"
So yeah, without further a do let's jump right into today's video
Monsta X
I believe that this is the first Monsta X' song I ever listen to
At least that is what I think
I like that the video has subs
Walker, walker, walker
Oh yeah a walker
Like the ones from the walking dead
*Feeling it*
I like how aggressive the lyrics are
*Feeling it x2*
I am trying to read the subs
Dangerously... *Reading subs*
I was not expecting this at all, the chorus is less aggresive than the beginning
*Loving their vocals*
*Judging their choreo in Spanish*
I like their outfits
They're very dark, I like that, reflecting what is inside their souls
Walker, walker, walker! lol
*Loving the rap verses*
I like the rap verses, they got good rappers
*Smiles in Korean*
Where are you guys heading to? Are you going to someone's funeral?
Who died?
Your enemies?
*Attempts to lip-synch*
You know now that I think about it, I find it very weird that this is the first time I listen to them
I was missing out!
Maybe I heard from them before but I just do not remember where
*Keeps judging the song in Spanish*
*Okay boys I see you*
Basically they're telling their lover to abandon everything and just put an end to their suffering
Shoot out
Well guys, let's talk about the song!
I honestly feel like the rap verse were highly effective, I loved them
I rarely see a song that starts with such intensity and then cools down during the chorus
I think that the members are very skilled dancers
Their stylists do a great job when putting together their looks and outfits
I sincerely think that this was a great song!
Let me know down below what you guys thought of the song and everything you know about Monsta X!
Comment down below the names of each members and what other Monsta X songs you'd like me to listen to
To form a proper opinion regarding this talented group, since this was the first time I reacted to them
Well guys, that is all for today, I hope you enjoyed this video
This was your boy, Jean Paul Miliano and I hope to see you very soon in my next video!
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