I'm Dr. Ali Mattu clinical psychologist and I asked all my therapist friends to share
their favorite mental health tips.
Seventy five responded and I'm going to share my favorite tips with you and help you apply
them to your life today!
The most common response I got is about connecting with people like Bernardo P who says get together
with friends even if it's for a beer or coffee.
If you're on your own go outside to an event where there are people even if you don't socialize
human contact always helps.
Connection with other people friends and family all that sort of stuff has been shown to be
really helpful for your physical health and your mental health.
Amelia says do not hesitate to use your supports when you need them.
Friends, family, therapy.
Whether we're talking about resilience or we're talking about dealing with grief or
loss finding a way to get help from your friends and family has been shown to be one of the
most important variables in getting better.
Anne Marie Albano says nurture genuine caring relationships at home with friends and at
work such as with you at @AliMattu.
Awww Anne Marie - I love you too.
So if you want to make new friends become a familiar entity keep showing up at the same
type of social situation and ask someone open ended questions questions that don't have
a yes or no answer.
And from that you'll understand a little bit more about them and if you are interested
in becoming greater friends ask them to do something outside of the situation where you
normally hang out.
That's how we become friends.
With time share a little bit more about yourself share more secrets and you'll be on your way.
If you want to strengthen existing relationships just do something nice.
A random act of kindness for a friend or family member that you care about is going to go
a long way to strengthening that relationship you have.
If you are in a relationship and you want to strengthen that spend more time together
without devices or turn those devices off have some uninterrupted time together.
The second most common response I got was captured by Kari Scovel's tweet when she says
move your body.
Lynette Lau says balance rests with exercise because getting out and moving is important
even though you're exhausted.
And Erin Haugen says movement exercise walking the dog taking the stairs etc. it counts especially
on those days when it's super busy.
We know that one of the past antidepressants is to get your body moving get your body active.
If you want to do this a few things to remember we are rarely motivated to move when we're
in a state of rest.
It's very very hard to get moving.
But motivation usually kicks in once you've started to move and your body begins to get
more active.
I like to remind people to make it easy to be more active.
Park farther away in the parking lot so that you have to walk a little bit more.
Or instead of having your lunch delivered walk to a nearby place and pick up lunch.
The third most common theme that emerged was finding meaning Payton Jones said Life isn't
always happy.
Don't expect it to be.
Don't chase after happiness.
Find things that are meaningful to you and chase those instead.
Laura Dunson said focus on what gives your life meaning rather than chasing fleeting
Avoid the trap of comparing your life to other people's social media highlights if you want
to identify the things that are meaningful to you, here's how you can do it.
I want you to imagine it's your one hundredth birthday.
You're surrounded by your closest friends and family the people you really love.
They start to share stories about who you are what you mean to them what you stand for
and what you've achieved in your life.
What are the things that they're saying?
These are your values and if you live your life according to your values.
That's how you find meaning.
That's how you find purpose and that's how you find connection to something that is greater
than yourself.
Next we've got a lot of tweets about experiencing emotions.
Trisa Amozeg said learn what feelings are for sometimes even unpleasant feelings are
doing an important job.
Whatever your feeling makes sense somehow even if it's irrational.
So it's best to accept your feelings before you try to change them.
Get very good at labeling what you're experiencing inside your body.
Not only is that going to help you communicate to other people what you're feeling and help
them to know what you need.
But there's a lot of research that suggests just labeling your emotions takes some of
the intensity of these emotions down.
Erika Busch said Do the thing that is giving you stress anticipating how stressful it will
be is always worse than doing it.
Oh my gosh that is so true.
Jonathan Fader said training yourself to develop adaptive learned responses to stress.
Understand your stress.
Learn what you need to do to deal with that stress the stress is giving you information.
Is it because you're underprepared?
Is it because you don't know what to do?
Is it because you are overwhelmed and you need the help of friends or family?
Related to experiencing emotions were all the tweets about embracing the moment.
Like Andrew Riley who said be non-judgementally present don't describe moments as good or
bad just as they are right now in your environment.
Take a moment and look at five different things happening around you now touch four different
textures near you.
Listen to three different sounds in the environment.
Pay attention to two different smells and notice one taste.
This is a quick grounding skill you can use when you need to to feel more present in the
moment you're in.
Roll for Change said breath.
Seriously just stop and take a moment.
Several times a day to focus on breath only you can match inhales and exhales and just
slow your breath down so you can inhale four seconds hold it for a moment and exhale for
four seconds.
The next section I'm going to call go the fork to sleep.
Dani Arigo said all my tips boiled down to this.
It can be easy to ignore self care or put it off or believe that it's selfish to engage
in at all.
But we can't do or be our best for ourselves or others if we don't take time to recharge.
Shobhika Jaju said Never compromise on sleep and Rene Zweig said be on a schedule including
So we're not 100% sure why we sleep but we know sleep is super important when we get
enough sleep our attention is better our memory is better we can deal with our emotions better.
We want to get better sleep.
There's two things you can do.
Number one wake up around the same time every day.
I know it's really hard you want to sleep in on the weekends probably because you're
sleep deprived during the week days but as much as you can wake up near the same time
it's going to help your body out a lot.
The other thing you can do is get really good at dealing with insomnia.
So if you're in bed it's been more than usually how long it takes you to fall asleep and you're
tossing and turning.
Don't stay in bed.
Get out!
Go and do something that's either soothing more boring.
Just make sure it doesn't involve a screen.
The blue light from a screen might actually wake you up.
Michael Mularkey summed up the next section really well.
Your thoughts and feelings are important.
Still your thoughts and feelings especially negative ones about yourself.
They're not facts.
Your thoughts are just thoughts.
They might be scary but they're not dangerous.
Jessica Divento said hold space for duality.
So often we get stuck between is this happening or this happening but actually both of those
things might be true.
Do you have a thought that really scares you a fear you can get out of your head.
I want you to write that down right now.
Is there any way you can intentionally test this out and get some real world data on what
actually happens?
The next section is one of my favorite topics and it's about self care.
Muqaddas says taking baths exercise reading for leisure napping and spending time with
loved ones.
Deborah Glasofer says build breaks into your day.
When you go on vacation go on vacation do whatever you do to destress exercise watch
dumb TV talk to colleagues about your day on the regular.
It's about being at work when you're at work and being at home when you're at home.
So that means yes avoid those work e-mails when you're at home.
There's still going to be there in the morning.
If you can get some jobs you can't but you should if you can.
Josue Cardona says cut toxic people out of your life.
Cut toxic people out of your life.
Cut toxic people out of your life.
One way I apply that if you're going to attack The Psych Show community in the comment section
you're going to get banned.
I made a whole video about my self care routine and how I apply these things to my life every
One take home message learn to say no.
It's a lot easier if you know what your boundaries are what you can do and you say no when you're
afraid you might be exceeding those boundaries.
Andrea Letamendi summed up the next section really well find something you love and unapologetically
embrace it.
I spent half my life hiding all the things that I love hiding my love of science fiction
of Star Trek of comic books of superheroes all that sort of stuff.
The second half of my life I've embraced it.
I've gone to comic cons I've cosplayed.
I talk about this stuff here on this channel and everywhere I go.
That second half of my life has been a lot better.
Kristin Bianchi says follow sports if you like them and share that fandom with others
that fandom part is so important to connect with the community and celebrate this thing
that you love together.
Think about a TV show a movie a sports team a book anything a hobby that you love.
And I want you to answer this question.
What is it about this thing that you love.
What does it mean to you.
Now go online go to Reddit find a YouTuber find someone.
Find a community that is related to this topic or join a Meetup group related to this topic
and share that share that with other people.
Why you love this thing.
Why it means so much to you.
I also really love what Nabil El-Ghoroury says Hobbie like reading for fun have something
outside of psychology have something you enjoy doing that's outside of your work outside
of the thing that you do every day.
Because when work is going to be more difficult it's really nice to have something that you
enjoy that's completely unrelated to it.
The last section is all about making small accomplishments.
Shane Owens says Give yourself realistical...realistical?
Give yourself realistic challenges when you fail learn from that and try again when you
Reinforce yourself and paused to experience it rinse lather repeat.
Regine Galanti says thinking about my priorities each day and week and doing my best to let
non priorities slide.
So sometimes there's a sink of dishes.
What both of these individuals are saying is really focusing on one thing making it
realistic and it's okay if you aren't able to achieve some type of goal learn from it
and keep trying.
Ask yourself what inside of me is going to get in the way of me achieving this goal and
then find a way to Problem solve that to change your environment to make it easier so that
that thing inside of you does not get in the way.
What are your favorite mental health tips?
Let me know in the comments below.
Special thanks to everyone who commented on this Twitter thread.
You could check out the link to that original tweet in the description below.
I also want to thank my patrons for sponsoring this episode.
Without you I wouldn't be able to do this.
The Psych Show would not happen.
And welcome to my new patrons Samuel H. and Marisa H. If you want to support The Psych
Show and get exclusive behind the scenes content in return check out Patreon.com/ThePsychShow.
For more infomation >> Mental health tips from 75 therapists - Duration: 13:39.-------------------------------------------
ఇంటి పేరు P అక్షరంతో మొదలైతే ఎలాంటి జాగ్రత్తలు తీసుకోవాలి? Surname Starting with letter P numerology - Duration: 2:54.
For more updates please subscribe
Žst. N.Město n.Met. 29.10.2018 a nepřetržitá výluka - den 49. (video č.60) - Duration: 1:42.
Home remedies for earache with olive oil | Earache relief olive oil - Duration: 2:42.
home remedies for Eirik with olive oil olive oil
there are several ways you can use olive oil as your infection home remedies
warm olive oil can help relieve pain infection and inflammation and can be
prepared in the simplest of ways take some olive oil and warm it slightly
don't get it too hot as boiling oil can do serious damage to your ear take an
ear dropper load it with the lukewarm olive oil and drop it into the infected
mix together two tablespoons of olive oil three drops of tea tree oil 1
teaspoon of colloidal silver and one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar warm the
mixture slightly lie down with the infected ear facing the ceiling using an
ear dropper drop a few drops of the mixture into the ear and allow it to
seep in epin
leave it for five minutes before you flip over and allow the infected deer to
drain you should probably get a paper towel or cloth for the ear to drain on
repeat this two or three times a day
cinnamon can help increase the effectiveness of the olive oil on your
ear infection take two tablespoons of olive oil and a dash of cinnamon warm
the mixture and using a fine sieve strain the mixture take an ear dropper
and place three drops into the infected ear allow it to sit for a few minutes
before draining repeat this twice daily
combined the properties of olive oil and peppermint oil by taking five drops of
olive oil and mixing it with one drop of peppermint oil pour the mixture into the
ear and allow it to sit for several minutes before draining draining
Airbnb Host Tips (How to Improve your Vacation Rental Photography) - Duration: 5:32.
Are you leaving money on the table with bad photos of your vacation rental?
This video will let you know if you are.
Hi, I'm Heidi Miget, and I'm a marketing strategist for vacation rental homeowners.
For easy tips and advice on how to market your rental, be sure to subscribe to this
channel for great advice.
Are your photo attracting or repelling your potential guests?
Vacation rental photos are the number one most important thing you can do for your listing.
We only have a couple seconds to grab a potential guest's attention and really photos are what's
gonna draw them in.
So today, I am going to provide three signs that it's time to update your existing photos,
and I'll give you four tips you can implement for your next photo shoot.
So here are three signs you'll want to look for to know if it's time for a new photo shoot.
Sign number one: bad quality.
This is pretty self-explanatory, but basically if your photos are dark or blurry, you definitely
want a new photo shoot to make sure your photos are bright, light and airy.
Sign number two: your photos are not staged.
So either your home looks a little cluttered, maybe it's a little messy or bare.
Basically taking the extra time to stage your photo will really, really help.
And sign number three: the quantity is wrong.
So yes, Airbnb will display up to 100 photos and Home Away will display up to 50, but just
because they allow that many doesn't mean that you actually need to use that many.
So the ideal number here is about 30 photos will nicely capture your home without boring
the potential guest.
Tip number one: clean and stage.
We talked about this a little earlier, but this is where you really want to thoroughly
clean the home before you have your shoot.
And this does include windows, counter tops, everything.
You want your home to be sparkling clean.
And make sure when it comes to staging, that you go through and you open up all of the
blinds, get as much natural light as you can, and then just try to do a few staging items.
It doesn't have to be that every room of the house is staged, but you can do things like
throw blanket on the couch, and some magazines on the coffee table.
You could put a wine glass and a cheese board out on your patio table.
Basically, you just want to make the home look cozy and lived in and let that potential
guest envision themselves in your home.
Tip number two: I talked about how you only want to select about 30 photos in your listing.
And what you'll want to do here when you get your 30 photos pared down, you want to arrange
them so that it's in the order that you would walk through your house.
You kind of want your photos to have a natural flow.
So you wouldn't want to go from the kitchen to bedroom one, to the living room to bedroom
You want to have kind of your main living areas first, and then move into showing all of the
bedrooms and then move to outside.
So something that has a nice flow to it.
Tip number three: You want to choose your cover photo carefully.
This is so important because this goes back to you only have a couple seconds to really
grab that potential guest's attention from the feed, where they're looking at hundreds
of other listings along with yours.
So you might need to experiment with this a little bit, but you want to find the picture
that really captures your home the best.
This could be an exterior shot with a lake view or something that makes your home special.
You want to kind of zone in on what's that one photo that really captures what's special
about your home.
And tip number four is really hire a professional photographer.
I can personally say we waited way too long to do this.
Yes, I took photos with my iPhone 7.
They worked, they were fine, but hiring a professional photographer was really a game
changer, and just something I highly recommend to every single client.
It will definitely pay for itself.
So now you know what to do to make sure your vacation rental photos are top notch.
But how's your overall marketing strategy looking like?
If you haven't quite focused on your marketing yet, no worries, I've got you covered.
I created the Vacation Rental Marketing Roadmap, and it's my seven-step process to really optimizing
your listing.
I'll cover the most common mistakes I see, and give you a step-by-step roadmap to follow
for your listing.
If you wanna grab this free copy, just grab the link below and it'll be sent straight
to your inbox.
So if you like this video, let me know by liking, commenting and subscribing to the
Also, if you have any other photo tips, please let me know in the comments below.
Thanks for watching.
Jerry Springer Show (October 29, 2018) - Duration: 7:07.
더 똑똑해진 '토마호크' vs 스텔스機도 잡는 'S-400' - Duration: 16:24.
Suzuki S-Cross 1.0 Boosterjet Exclusive AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:08.
Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI 5 deurs ECOFLEX S/S '111' EDITION - Duration: 1:03.
Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TFSI S-line EDITION leder - Duration: 0:53.
Audi A6 Avant 3.0 TDI BITURBO QUATTRO PRO LINE S - Duration: 1:06.
Mental health tips from 75 therapists - Duration: 13:39.
I'm Dr. Ali Mattu clinical psychologist and I asked all my therapist friends to share
their favorite mental health tips.
Seventy five responded and I'm going to share my favorite tips with you and help you apply
them to your life today!
The most common response I got is about connecting with people like Bernardo P who says get together
with friends even if it's for a beer or coffee.
If you're on your own go outside to an event where there are people even if you don't socialize
human contact always helps.
Connection with other people friends and family all that sort of stuff has been shown to be
really helpful for your physical health and your mental health.
Amelia says do not hesitate to use your supports when you need them.
Friends, family, therapy.
Whether we're talking about resilience or we're talking about dealing with grief or
loss finding a way to get help from your friends and family has been shown to be one of the
most important variables in getting better.
Anne Marie Albano says nurture genuine caring relationships at home with friends and at
work such as with you at @AliMattu.
Awww Anne Marie - I love you too.
So if you want to make new friends become a familiar entity keep showing up at the same
type of social situation and ask someone open ended questions questions that don't have
a yes or no answer.
And from that you'll understand a little bit more about them and if you are interested
in becoming greater friends ask them to do something outside of the situation where you
normally hang out.
That's how we become friends.
With time share a little bit more about yourself share more secrets and you'll be on your way.
If you want to strengthen existing relationships just do something nice.
A random act of kindness for a friend or family member that you care about is going to go
a long way to strengthening that relationship you have.
If you are in a relationship and you want to strengthen that spend more time together
without devices or turn those devices off have some uninterrupted time together.
The second most common response I got was captured by Kari Scovel's tweet when she says
move your body.
Lynette Lau says balance rests with exercise because getting out and moving is important
even though you're exhausted.
And Erin Haugen says movement exercise walking the dog taking the stairs etc. it counts especially
on those days when it's super busy.
We know that one of the past antidepressants is to get your body moving get your body active.
If you want to do this a few things to remember we are rarely motivated to move when we're
in a state of rest.
It's very very hard to get moving.
But motivation usually kicks in once you've started to move and your body begins to get
more active.
I like to remind people to make it easy to be more active.
Park farther away in the parking lot so that you have to walk a little bit more.
Or instead of having your lunch delivered walk to a nearby place and pick up lunch.
The third most common theme that emerged was finding meaning Payton Jones said Life isn't
always happy.
Don't expect it to be.
Don't chase after happiness.
Find things that are meaningful to you and chase those instead.
Laura Dunson said focus on what gives your life meaning rather than chasing fleeting
Avoid the trap of comparing your life to other people's social media highlights if you want
to identify the things that are meaningful to you, here's how you can do it.
I want you to imagine it's your one hundredth birthday.
You're surrounded by your closest friends and family the people you really love.
They start to share stories about who you are what you mean to them what you stand for
and what you've achieved in your life.
What are the things that they're saying?
These are your values and if you live your life according to your values.
That's how you find meaning.
That's how you find purpose and that's how you find connection to something that is greater
than yourself.
Next we've got a lot of tweets about experiencing emotions.
Trisa Amozeg said learn what feelings are for sometimes even unpleasant feelings are
doing an important job.
Whatever your feeling makes sense somehow even if it's irrational.
So it's best to accept your feelings before you try to change them.
Get very good at labeling what you're experiencing inside your body.
Not only is that going to help you communicate to other people what you're feeling and help
them to know what you need.
But there's a lot of research that suggests just labeling your emotions takes some of
the intensity of these emotions down.
Erika Busch said Do the thing that is giving you stress anticipating how stressful it will
be is always worse than doing it.
Oh my gosh that is so true.
Jonathan Fader said training yourself to develop adaptive learned responses to stress.
Understand your stress.
Learn what you need to do to deal with that stress the stress is giving you information.
Is it because you're underprepared?
Is it because you don't know what to do?
Is it because you are overwhelmed and you need the help of friends or family?
Related to experiencing emotions were all the tweets about embracing the moment.
Like Andrew Riley who said be non-judgementally present don't describe moments as good or
bad just as they are right now in your environment.
Take a moment and look at five different things happening around you now touch four different
textures near you.
Listen to three different sounds in the environment.
Pay attention to two different smells and notice one taste.
This is a quick grounding skill you can use when you need to to feel more present in the
moment you're in.
Roll for Change said breath.
Seriously just stop and take a moment.
Several times a day to focus on breath only you can match inhales and exhales and just
slow your breath down so you can inhale four seconds hold it for a moment and exhale for
four seconds.
The next section I'm going to call go the fork to sleep.
Dani Arigo said all my tips boiled down to this.
It can be easy to ignore self care or put it off or believe that it's selfish to engage
in at all.
But we can't do or be our best for ourselves or others if we don't take time to recharge.
Shobhika Jaju said Never compromise on sleep and Rene Zweig said be on a schedule including
So we're not 100% sure why we sleep but we know sleep is super important when we get
enough sleep our attention is better our memory is better we can deal with our emotions better.
We want to get better sleep.
There's two things you can do.
Number one wake up around the same time every day.
I know it's really hard you want to sleep in on the weekends probably because you're
sleep deprived during the week days but as much as you can wake up near the same time
it's going to help your body out a lot.
The other thing you can do is get really good at dealing with insomnia.
So if you're in bed it's been more than usually how long it takes you to fall asleep and you're
tossing and turning.
Don't stay in bed.
Get out!
Go and do something that's either soothing more boring.
Just make sure it doesn't involve a screen.
The blue light from a screen might actually wake you up.
Michael Mularkey summed up the next section really well.
Your thoughts and feelings are important.
Still your thoughts and feelings especially negative ones about yourself.
They're not facts.
Your thoughts are just thoughts.
They might be scary but they're not dangerous.
Jessica Divento said hold space for duality.
So often we get stuck between is this happening or this happening but actually both of those
things might be true.
Do you have a thought that really scares you a fear you can get out of your head.
I want you to write that down right now.
Is there any way you can intentionally test this out and get some real world data on what
actually happens?
The next section is one of my favorite topics and it's about self care.
Muqaddas says taking baths exercise reading for leisure napping and spending time with
loved ones.
Deborah Glasofer says build breaks into your day.
When you go on vacation go on vacation do whatever you do to destress exercise watch
dumb TV talk to colleagues about your day on the regular.
It's about being at work when you're at work and being at home when you're at home.
So that means yes avoid those work e-mails when you're at home.
There's still going to be there in the morning.
If you can get some jobs you can't but you should if you can.
Josue Cardona says cut toxic people out of your life.
Cut toxic people out of your life.
Cut toxic people out of your life.
One way I apply that if you're going to attack The Psych Show community in the comment section
you're going to get banned.
I made a whole video about my self care routine and how I apply these things to my life every
One take home message learn to say no.
It's a lot easier if you know what your boundaries are what you can do and you say no when you're
afraid you might be exceeding those boundaries.
Andrea Letamendi summed up the next section really well find something you love and unapologetically
embrace it.
I spent half my life hiding all the things that I love hiding my love of science fiction
of Star Trek of comic books of superheroes all that sort of stuff.
The second half of my life I've embraced it.
I've gone to comic cons I've cosplayed.
I talk about this stuff here on this channel and everywhere I go.
That second half of my life has been a lot better.
Kristin Bianchi says follow sports if you like them and share that fandom with others
that fandom part is so important to connect with the community and celebrate this thing
that you love together.
Think about a TV show a movie a sports team a book anything a hobby that you love.
And I want you to answer this question.
What is it about this thing that you love.
What does it mean to you.
Now go online go to Reddit find a YouTuber find someone.
Find a community that is related to this topic or join a Meetup group related to this topic
and share that share that with other people.
Why you love this thing.
Why it means so much to you.
I also really love what Nabil El-Ghoroury says Hobbie like reading for fun have something
outside of psychology have something you enjoy doing that's outside of your work outside
of the thing that you do every day.
Because when work is going to be more difficult it's really nice to have something that you
enjoy that's completely unrelated to it.
The last section is all about making small accomplishments.
Shane Owens says Give yourself realistical...realistical?
Give yourself realistic challenges when you fail learn from that and try again when you
Reinforce yourself and paused to experience it rinse lather repeat.
Regine Galanti says thinking about my priorities each day and week and doing my best to let
non priorities slide.
So sometimes there's a sink of dishes.
What both of these individuals are saying is really focusing on one thing making it
realistic and it's okay if you aren't able to achieve some type of goal learn from it
and keep trying.
Ask yourself what inside of me is going to get in the way of me achieving this goal and
then find a way to Problem solve that to change your environment to make it easier so that
that thing inside of you does not get in the way.
What are your favorite mental health tips?
Let me know in the comments below.
Special thanks to everyone who commented on this Twitter thread.
You could check out the link to that original tweet in the description below.
I also want to thank my patrons for sponsoring this episode.
Without you I wouldn't be able to do this.
The Psych Show would not happen.
And welcome to my new patrons Samuel H. and Marisa H. If you want to support The Psych
Show and get exclusive behind the scenes content in return check out Patreon.com/ThePsychShow.
Jerry Springer Show (October 29, 2018) - Duration: 7:07.
Cute Dog Reacts to a Squirrel - Duration: 1:45.
Soft music plays
Dog Barking
Soft music plays
Ford Transit Custom 2.0 TDCi 130 pk L2H1 Dub Cab, Airco, Bluetooth, Cruise, Elek. Pakket, PDC V+A, S - Duration: 1:12.
ROVNEJŠÍ MEDZI NAMI - Duration: 2:06.
DSLR Audio Tips For Beginners - Duration: 6:24.
Samsung Galaxy Book2 Full features and specs | AT&T - Duration: 2:45.
It's not that often that you get two for one.
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Meet the Samsung Galaxy Book2.
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and built in kick-stand provide an extraordinary
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Its sleek, thin, and ultra-portable design gives you
a truly mobile work experience.
Switch between touch to type with the backlit keyboard.
And use your S Pen to navigate, write a note or get creative.
Loaded with Windows 10, you'll have desktop access to
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Plus, you can seamlessly transfer files between your
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Maximize mobile productivity and get the job done with the power
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convenient built-in fingerprint scanner.
With the familiar Windows 10 experience, you can create
spreadsheets, edit presentations and send email files on the go.
And seamlessly transfer files, pictures and more between your
Galaxy Book2 and your Galaxy smartphone with Samsung Flow.
Now you can start a document on your Galaxy Book2 and update it
on your phone.
Plus, your smartphone notifications come straight to
the screen, so you can immediately reply to messages
and social posts from your laptop.
Take your office with you and get the most out of
your work day with the included keyboard and S Pen.
Switch between using the touchscreen to type with the
full backlit keyboard.
It connects on contact and adjusts to you.
Create and navigate with ease using the precise,
pressure-responsive S Pen.
It magnetically snaps on the side of your Galaxy Book2.
Press the S Pen button to launch Air command, for quick access to
handy tools.
You can create a note, smart select, and make a sketch.
The Samsung Galaxy Book2, the always connected 2 in 1 PC.
How to Draw a Witch On a Broom for Halloween Step by Step Halloween Drawing Ideas - Duration: 7:17.
Samsung Galaxy Book2 Device highlights | AT&T - Duration: 1:06.
It's not that often that you get two for one.
But sometimes it magically happens.
Meet the Samsung Galaxy Book2.
A Windows based, always connected 4G LTE 2-in-1 PC.
A tablet and PC.
Work uninterrupted with a multi-workday powerful
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Ready to unwind?
The 12" Full HD S-AMOLED display, Dolby Atmos® sound
and built in kick-stand provide an extraordinary
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Its sleek, thin, and ultra-portable design gives you
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Switch between touch to type with the backlit keyboard.
And use your S Pen to navigate, write a note or get creative.
Loaded with Windows 10, you'll have desktop access to
Microsoft Office 365.
Plus, you can seamlessly transfer files between your
Galaxy Book2 and your Galaxy smartphone with Samsung Flow.
Samsung Galaxy Note9 - Kako uporabljati dve aplikaciji istočasno - Duration: 1:00.
Line or Cross - Nice Pro Tools - EN - Duration: 3:27.
Hello, and welcome to this video.
We're going to give you a first impression of what Line Or Cross is.
Line Or Cross is a versatile tool that can help you with various tasks,
such as reading and reviewing text, spreadsheets, giving presentations, etc.
Consider the following examples:
Do you sometimes find it difficult to locate a cell in a table on your computer screen?
Or do you sometimes trace along a row or column to find information?
Line or Cross shows a cross that follows the mouse,
and extends over the table headers, so you can quickly find what you need.
Using the cross, you can easily locate a cell and find data more quickly,
with minimal risk of selecting the wrong cell. Easy, right?
If you give a presentation in your class, to your colleagues, or on-line,
no matter how interesting the material, audiences can struggle to follow you...
...in the slide, and lose attention and interest.
Line or Cross shows a hand that automatically follows the mouse,
making it easier for your audience to follow your story through the slides.
and making it easier for you to get your message across.
How about reviewing?
Translators, writers, editors or proofreaders often compare two documents side by side.
Shifting your attention between documents is time-consuming and mentally demanding.
Line Or Cross provides two semi-transparent lines...
...to underline text in two documents simultaneously.
Controlling the lines is easy and intuitive using two mice.
There is support for moving horizontally, even with your non-dominant hand.
Everyone can do this!
The two lines are especially useful when reviewing or proofreading.
Line Or Cross also provides an elegant solution for a single mouse.
In the "frozen line" mode, Line Or Cross splits your screen,
and shows a horizontal line...
that moves up and down with the mouse to underline text in the left document,
and freezes when you move the mouse into the document on the right.
The text on the left remains underlined, while you work in the right document.
Line Or Cross is a tool that can help you work more efficiently and enjoyably.
So, why not try it yourself?
You can download a free trial version from www.LineOrCross.com.
Line Or Cross comes in three versions:
A Standard version for a single mouse, with the "cross" for working with tables.
An Advanced version, with the "hand" for presentations...
...and the "frozen line" for working in two documents,
And a Pro version, for two mice, with the "two lines" for reviewing.
But there is more. Line Or Cross supports a colour or texture overlay...
...to make your screen more attractive, and reduce eye strain.
Go ahead, try it for yourself.
You can download a free trial version from www.LineOrCross.com.
Thank you for watching this video.
If you like it, please share it.
Vorteile am SINGLE sein ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | Kostas Kind - Duration: 8:25.
Mental health tips from 75 therapists - Duration: 13:39.
I'm Dr. Ali Mattu clinical psychologist and I asked all my therapist friends to share
their favorite mental health tips.
Seventy five responded and I'm going to share my favorite tips with you and help you apply
them to your life today!
The most common response I got is about connecting with people like Bernardo P who says get together
with friends even if it's for a beer or coffee.
If you're on your own go outside to an event where there are people even if you don't socialize
human contact always helps.
Connection with other people friends and family all that sort of stuff has been shown to be
really helpful for your physical health and your mental health.
Amelia says do not hesitate to use your supports when you need them.
Friends, family, therapy.
Whether we're talking about resilience or we're talking about dealing with grief or
loss finding a way to get help from your friends and family has been shown to be one of the
most important variables in getting better.
Anne Marie Albano says nurture genuine caring relationships at home with friends and at
work such as with you at @AliMattu.
Awww Anne Marie - I love you too.
So if you want to make new friends become a familiar entity keep showing up at the same
type of social situation and ask someone open ended questions questions that don't have
a yes or no answer.
And from that you'll understand a little bit more about them and if you are interested
in becoming greater friends ask them to do something outside of the situation where you
normally hang out.
That's how we become friends.
With time share a little bit more about yourself share more secrets and you'll be on your way.
If you want to strengthen existing relationships just do something nice.
A random act of kindness for a friend or family member that you care about is going to go
a long way to strengthening that relationship you have.
If you are in a relationship and you want to strengthen that spend more time together
without devices or turn those devices off have some uninterrupted time together.
The second most common response I got was captured by Kari Scovel's tweet when she says
move your body.
Lynette Lau says balance rests with exercise because getting out and moving is important
even though you're exhausted.
And Erin Haugen says movement exercise walking the dog taking the stairs etc. it counts especially
on those days when it's super busy.
We know that one of the past antidepressants is to get your body moving get your body active.
If you want to do this a few things to remember we are rarely motivated to move when we're
in a state of rest.
It's very very hard to get moving.
But motivation usually kicks in once you've started to move and your body begins to get
more active.
I like to remind people to make it easy to be more active.
Park farther away in the parking lot so that you have to walk a little bit more.
Or instead of having your lunch delivered walk to a nearby place and pick up lunch.
The third most common theme that emerged was finding meaning Payton Jones said Life isn't
always happy.
Don't expect it to be.
Don't chase after happiness.
Find things that are meaningful to you and chase those instead.
Laura Dunson said focus on what gives your life meaning rather than chasing fleeting
Avoid the trap of comparing your life to other people's social media highlights if you want
to identify the things that are meaningful to you, here's how you can do it.
I want you to imagine it's your one hundredth birthday.
You're surrounded by your closest friends and family the people you really love.
They start to share stories about who you are what you mean to them what you stand for
and what you've achieved in your life.
What are the things that they're saying?
These are your values and if you live your life according to your values.
That's how you find meaning.
That's how you find purpose and that's how you find connection to something that is greater
than yourself.
Next we've got a lot of tweets about experiencing emotions.
Trisa Amozeg said learn what feelings are for sometimes even unpleasant feelings are
doing an important job.
Whatever your feeling makes sense somehow even if it's irrational.
So it's best to accept your feelings before you try to change them.
Get very good at labeling what you're experiencing inside your body.
Not only is that going to help you communicate to other people what you're feeling and help
them to know what you need.
But there's a lot of research that suggests just labeling your emotions takes some of
the intensity of these emotions down.
Erika Busch said Do the thing that is giving you stress anticipating how stressful it will
be is always worse than doing it.
Oh my gosh that is so true.
Jonathan Fader said training yourself to develop adaptive learned responses to stress.
Understand your stress.
Learn what you need to do to deal with that stress the stress is giving you information.
Is it because you're underprepared?
Is it because you don't know what to do?
Is it because you are overwhelmed and you need the help of friends or family?
Related to experiencing emotions were all the tweets about embracing the moment.
Like Andrew Riley who said be non-judgementally present don't describe moments as good or
bad just as they are right now in your environment.
Take a moment and look at five different things happening around you now touch four different
textures near you.
Listen to three different sounds in the environment.
Pay attention to two different smells and notice one taste.
This is a quick grounding skill you can use when you need to to feel more present in the
moment you're in.
Roll for Change said breath.
Seriously just stop and take a moment.
Several times a day to focus on breath only you can match inhales and exhales and just
slow your breath down so you can inhale four seconds hold it for a moment and exhale for
four seconds.
The next section I'm going to call go the fork to sleep.
Dani Arigo said all my tips boiled down to this.
It can be easy to ignore self care or put it off or believe that it's selfish to engage
in at all.
But we can't do or be our best for ourselves or others if we don't take time to recharge.
Shobhika Jaju said Never compromise on sleep and Rene Zweig said be on a schedule including
So we're not 100% sure why we sleep but we know sleep is super important when we get
enough sleep our attention is better our memory is better we can deal with our emotions better.
We want to get better sleep.
There's two things you can do.
Number one wake up around the same time every day.
I know it's really hard you want to sleep in on the weekends probably because you're
sleep deprived during the week days but as much as you can wake up near the same time
it's going to help your body out a lot.
The other thing you can do is get really good at dealing with insomnia.
So if you're in bed it's been more than usually how long it takes you to fall asleep and you're
tossing and turning.
Don't stay in bed.
Get out!
Go and do something that's either soothing more boring.
Just make sure it doesn't involve a screen.
The blue light from a screen might actually wake you up.
Michael Mularkey summed up the next section really well.
Your thoughts and feelings are important.
Still your thoughts and feelings especially negative ones about yourself.
They're not facts.
Your thoughts are just thoughts.
They might be scary but they're not dangerous.
Jessica Divento said hold space for duality.
So often we get stuck between is this happening or this happening but actually both of those
things might be true.
Do you have a thought that really scares you a fear you can get out of your head.
I want you to write that down right now.
Is there any way you can intentionally test this out and get some real world data on what
actually happens?
The next section is one of my favorite topics and it's about self care.
Muqaddas says taking baths exercise reading for leisure napping and spending time with
loved ones.
Deborah Glasofer says build breaks into your day.
When you go on vacation go on vacation do whatever you do to destress exercise watch
dumb TV talk to colleagues about your day on the regular.
It's about being at work when you're at work and being at home when you're at home.
So that means yes avoid those work e-mails when you're at home.
There's still going to be there in the morning.
If you can get some jobs you can't but you should if you can.
Josue Cardona says cut toxic people out of your life.
Cut toxic people out of your life.
Cut toxic people out of your life.
One way I apply that if you're going to attack The Psych Show community in the comment section
you're going to get banned.
I made a whole video about my self care routine and how I apply these things to my life every
One take home message learn to say no.
It's a lot easier if you know what your boundaries are what you can do and you say no when you're
afraid you might be exceeding those boundaries.
Andrea Letamendi summed up the next section really well find something you love and unapologetically
embrace it.
I spent half my life hiding all the things that I love hiding my love of science fiction
of Star Trek of comic books of superheroes all that sort of stuff.
The second half of my life I've embraced it.
I've gone to comic cons I've cosplayed.
I talk about this stuff here on this channel and everywhere I go.
That second half of my life has been a lot better.
Kristin Bianchi says follow sports if you like them and share that fandom with others
that fandom part is so important to connect with the community and celebrate this thing
that you love together.
Think about a TV show a movie a sports team a book anything a hobby that you love.
And I want you to answer this question.
What is it about this thing that you love.
What does it mean to you.
Now go online go to Reddit find a YouTuber find someone.
Find a community that is related to this topic or join a Meetup group related to this topic
and share that share that with other people.
Why you love this thing.
Why it means so much to you.
I also really love what Nabil El-Ghoroury says Hobbie like reading for fun have something
outside of psychology have something you enjoy doing that's outside of your work outside
of the thing that you do every day.
Because when work is going to be more difficult it's really nice to have something that you
enjoy that's completely unrelated to it.
The last section is all about making small accomplishments.
Shane Owens says Give yourself realistical...realistical?
Give yourself realistic challenges when you fail learn from that and try again when you
Reinforce yourself and paused to experience it rinse lather repeat.
Regine Galanti says thinking about my priorities each day and week and doing my best to let
non priorities slide.
So sometimes there's a sink of dishes.
What both of these individuals are saying is really focusing on one thing making it
realistic and it's okay if you aren't able to achieve some type of goal learn from it
and keep trying.
Ask yourself what inside of me is going to get in the way of me achieving this goal and
then find a way to Problem solve that to change your environment to make it easier so that
that thing inside of you does not get in the way.
What are your favorite mental health tips?
Let me know in the comments below.
Special thanks to everyone who commented on this Twitter thread.
You could check out the link to that original tweet in the description below.
I also want to thank my patrons for sponsoring this episode.
Without you I wouldn't be able to do this.
The Psych Show would not happen.
And welcome to my new patrons Samuel H. and Marisa H. If you want to support The Psych
Show and get exclusive behind the scenes content in return check out Patreon.com/ThePsychShow.
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Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.4 CVVT Comfort Pack Als nieuwe,dealer onderhouden auto!! TOP STAAT!! - Duration: 1:11.
Mitsubishi ASX 1.8 DI-D HP INTENSE PAN. DAK KEYLESS | Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:05.
Toyota Corolla Verso 2.0 D4-D Linea Sol 2x schuifdak navi cruise pdc zeer mooi trekhaak - Duration: 1:11.
Honda CR-V 1.6D 4WD Executive Panoramakdak Panoramadak Camera 4WD Stoelverwarming 161PK - Duration: 1:14.
Jerry Springer Show (October 29, 2018) - Duration: 7:07.
Hello Its Halloween | Supremes Cartoon | Halloween Scary Nursery Rhymes | Videos For Kids - Duration: 17:22.
Watch out..
The monsters around if your all alone give your friends a shout...
The ghosts and the spooks coming out of the nooks
As your door bell ring can you here them sing..
Hello, It's Halloween
Were the spooky is ghost you ever seen
Hello, It's Halloween
You better get ready to have scream
The air is cool and the moon is full turn on the light before the vampire bite
The witches is a cooking the zombies are looking..
As your door bell ring can you hear them sing...
Hello, It's Halloween
Were the spooky is ghost you ever seen
Hello, It's Halloween
You better get ready to have scream
Watch out
The monsters around if your all alone give your friends a shout...
The vampires flying and the werewolf's hunting..
As your door bell ring can you hear them sing...
Hello, It's Halloween
Were the spooky is ghost you ever seen
Hello, It's Halloween
You better get ready to have scream
The air is cool and the moon is full turn on the light before the vampire bite
The witches is a cooking the zombies are looking..
As your door bell ring can you hear them sing...
Hello, It's Halloween
Were the spooky is ghost you ever seen
Hello, It's Halloween
You better get ready to have scream
Easy Healthy Halloween Recipe! 👀 - Duration: 6:37.
D'Black abre o jogo e conta a verdade sobre surra que Nadja Pessoa levou do ex-namorado - Duration: 2:34.
How to Spot a Scam Auto Body Shop - Duration: 8:36.
rev up your engines, today I'm gonna show you how to spot a scam body shop before
you get towed into one and it's too late, okay it happens to everyone eventually
you get in an accident, then you have to have your car towed to a body shop, the
last thing you want is to be in an accident be knocked around and then the
tow truck guy comes and you let him decide where to tow it, you want to know
a good body shop beforehand, then write it down and put it in your glove box so
you'll have it at hand or put it on your phone, because by law at least here in
the United States you get in a wreck, you have the right to pick wehatever body
shop you want to fix your car, nobody can force you to go to one place, but you
have to understand, when the tow truck guys come, they generally get big
kickbacks if they got a nice big wreck and they tow it to the body shop that
they're affiliated with, they will get five hundred a thousand maybe even more
money for bringing that vehicle to that body shop, so you want to have one ready
that you trust to say, no tow it here and if you don't know one, you still have the
right to have it towed to your house, all the insurance companies will tow it to
your house then later they can tow it to a body shop, don't worry about that you
just want to send it to a good job and not just somebody who's being paid to
ship your car off because they get kickbacks, so how do you find out if a
body shop is a scam body shop or a really good one
well you got to do a little research here, unless you live in Houston Texas
then you can just ask me, who I use, I don't take any kickbacks I've sent many many
customers to body shops and never took a dime back from their repairs, I just want
my customers to get their cars fixed correctly, I don't do bodywork so it's no
skin off of my nose, and speaking of equipment you got to
make sure that the body shop you pick has a good paint booth, paint boots are
giant areas that are completely sealed, so there's no dust they control the
humidity for painting, it's very important for getting body work done
right, you don't want to have somebody paint in your car that doesn't have a
very good paint booth, try spray-painting something outside, you're gonna see
gets on it, hair everything, you got to have a place that has a good paint booth and
you have to have professional guys working there who know how to blend
paint and match it to the color of your car, because take a look at this, you can
easily tell this bumper has been repainted it's a completely different shade than
the top of the car that wasn't painted, I mean look at that, you can see here's the
one that's been repainted, it's completely a lighter color here it was
not blended correctly, the paint doesn't even match, so your visitor bodyshop say
hey show me a car where you painted part as a car, see if it matches
and if it doesn't they're not any good at blending paint, go someplace else and
speaking of painting bumpers, check this out
this bumper was painted by a guy who didn't even know what kind of paint to
put on the car, realize that these plastic bumpers are exactly that, they
are plastic it requires a special kind of paint with a special bonding agent in
order for it to stick, if you use regular car paint that you put on the hood and
put it on the bumper, guess what, it flakes off like this car
did, whoever painted this bumper they had no notion about how to paint plastic
bumpers, they shouldn't be in the body business and another big thing to check
is the body shop area itself, if like these cars all sitting all over the
place they got tons of them looks like they're busy, go back in a few weeks the
same cars are sitting there, that's just a scam that guys use, I used to work for a guy
like that years ago, he had all these junk cars and it would sucker people to come
in and he wasn't fixing any of those cars, you see all their stickers are out
of date, some of them don't have license plates on them, don't go to a place like
that cuz odds are, they're gonna take forever to fix your car and may not even
do a good job, because realize one thing body shop work, it comes and it goes it's
not a continuous thing, cars they break down all the time it's pretty continuous
cars you're always breaking you got to fix them, but car wrecks they occur kind
of randomly, so a lot of times these guys don't have much business at all
so if they're one of those guys that aren't that honest, they'll take your car in
and say, oh it'll be ready in three days, another car comes in they're gonna make
more money, they drop yours and then they just work on the car they're making more
money, I've seen guys have cars and body shops for months for this reason, ask
around, other people who they use and anybody who says that guy took forever
to fix my car, don't go there, you find a guy like me
I don't do bodywork, I do mechanical work but my whole thing was, if people got
here by 8:00 in the morning by 5:00 in the afternoon most of the work I did on
most of the cars were finished, I wanted to do stuff that we're in and out fast
my customers were happy, they told people about me, I never spent a nickel
advertising because all my customers told everyone about me, and of course you
want a place that's been in business a lot, but here's the kicker, you gotta do a
little bit of research because I had a guy he was a great body man, but as he
got older, he made a son take over the shop and his son had no interest in
doing bodywork on cars really, so it's time went on, I used the guy for a decade
and a half, but then when a son took over I sent customers there they could bring
the car over to me and I'd look at them and you could see scratches from the
sandpaper that they didn't make smooth and paint it over so it had permanent
scratches in it, you got to make sure that the person who's running to place
cares about what his shop puts out and here's where the Internet can really
help you out a lot, because of people have crappy bodywork done and it doesn't
look right, they're gonna complain on the Internet, so if you do a research on the
guy and you see, there's complaints all over the place about this guy
then you'd think, I'm not gonna go there I'm gonna go somewhere else and although
I'm always trying to save people money here, don't go too cheap with bodywork
you see those ads when I was a kid it used to be we'll paint any car for you
know 59.95 now it's like 200 or 300 dollars, you're not gonna get a very good
paint job of your car for that kind of money these days, I had my old Celica
done like five years ago at one of those places and you can see the paint's
flat, it just doesn't hold up, to do a good paint job costs a lot of money to
paint the entire car and speaking of a good shop
a good shop handles all insurance claims, you don't do anything, if they say
we want some money up front, you go someplace else, the good ones they all
use insurance companies where they call it up, they handle all the paperwork if
there's a problem they call up the insurance company and say, look we just
pulled off the bumper and found out that there's more damage underneath, then they
can send a guy to look to make sure that's the truth, you don't have to get
involved in the actual repair, and like anything you pretty
much have to feel out the shop, as people in Texas have always said, you don't want a guy
who's all hat and no cattle, or when I was younger in New York, hey you don't
want the guy who's got the motorcycle jacket, but he doesn't have the
motorcycle, there's plenty of good body shops out there, you just have to find them, but since
people are always getting in wrecks, hey that's your friends, see cars that were
wrecks that they had fixed, look at it closely and look at it in the Sun when the sun's
shining, because the human eye we can see millions of different varieties of
colors, you can see hey wow that was fixed really well or hey that
doesn't match at all or there's paint that's bubbled up or you look at the
fender the guy replaced and parts of the gaps or half an inch and other parts
are an inch and a half gap, you know that place does lousy work and don't go there
and when you do find a good body shop hey, pass the word of mouth around
go on the internet tell people, tell your friends about it, because if you find a
good body shop, you tell other people about it, they're going to continue to do
good work, especially when they say, hey Joe sent me, they don't want Joe to get
mad because if he's telling a bunch of people how good they are and he does
lousy work, they know they're gonna lose business and if they don't have to
spend me advertising money like I never spent, that's more money in their pocket
and less money out of yours that's paying for the body shop and the advertising, so
take a tip for me and find a good body shop before you get in a wreck, because
it's often too late then and you'll be stuck towed to some place where
everybody's getting kickbacks from everybody else and the work is
relatively shoddy, so if you never want to miss another one
of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!
Ten Little Monsters | Halloween Music for Children | Kids Songs and Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:22.
Oh Wow look at all those Monsters
Let's count them...
1 little, 2 little, 3 little Monsters
4 little, 5 little, 6 little Monsters
7 little, 8 little, 9 little Monsters
10 little Monsters
1 little, 2 little, 3 little Monsters
4 little, 5 little, 6 little Monsters
7 little, 8 little, 9 little Monsters
10 little Monsters
Lower Your Taxes Big Time 2018 - Duration: 2:52.
- Hey, Dominique here with another episode of Office Hours.
I just wanted to answer the question of
how do I reduce my taxes before year end.
At this point of the calendar year,
this is something that comes up a whole lot and I would say
by far you wanna be working with someone that really
understands the IRS tax formula
but let's go over just a couple of basics.
The first would be max out your 401K.
Pretty much a no brainer for 2018 it's gonna be 18 five
and another $6000 that you can add on top of that
for a total of 24 five if you're age 50 or older.
The other thing you wanna do is be maxing out your HSA's.
These are your health savings accounts that come along
with a high deductible health plan that your employer
most likely offers.
If they do, if you're a family you can contribute
up to 6900 bucks.
If you're single you can contribute 3450.
If you're age 55 or older you can add another $1000 to that.
You can also make a deductible IRA contribution
if you're eligible.
This is based on your modified adjusted gross income
and you can add up to 5500 bucks.
Obviously another 1000 if you're over age 50
so that gives you a total of 6500.
So, as you can see, there are some pretty substantial
deductions that you can already take off your taxes
for just this year because everything I named amounts to
above the line dollar for dollar deduction
on your tax liability.
Let's talk about some of the advance strategies.
The first would be a contribution
to what is called a qualified organization
which can be basically something that is non-profit.
So, think of a university, think of hospitals,
think of 501 C 3 charities, and things of that nature
paid directly to them.
The other thing that is gaining a lot of steam lately
are donor advised funds.
It gives you a little bit more autonomy
over how the invest is directed.
The assets get to grow after you make the contribution
and you get a current year tax deduction for the amount
you put in the donor advised fund.
The other thing you wanna think about
is deferring compensation.
Now sometimes you have an organized program by which your
employer allows you to participate in a divert comp program.
Think of 401K but these are
for highly compensated employees.
Those could defer your income and reduce your taxes.
The other thing you could do is if you know you're going
to get a big year end bonus or some type of commission
you can just push that into the next calendar year cycle.
So, hopefully that's helpful.
Thank you for watching this episode
of Office Hours with Dominique.
We'll talk to you later, bye-bye.
Jean-Pierre Pernaut rassuré, son cancer en passe d'être vaincu - Duration: 1:52.
Liverpool news: Loris Karius will NOT return to Anfield for one big reason - Duration: 2:33.
Karius joined Besiktas from Liverpool on loan this summer and signed a two-year deal
Besiktas have an obligation to buy based on a number of appearances and are expected to sign the German permanently
But reports this morning claimed they were going to try and send him back early and take Divock Origi instead
However it is understood that the contract the two clubs signed does not have a clause to allow an early termination
Karius struggled at Liverpool and was replaced as the club's No 1 by Alisson this summer
The German made a double blunder in the Champions League final in May as Liverpool lost to Real Madrid
Karius was devastated in the aftermath and admitted he struggled to sleep for days afterwards
"Haven't really slept until now," he wrote on Twitter in the aftermath of the Kiev nightmare
"The scenes are still running through my head again and again. "I'm infinitely sorry to my teammates, for you fans, and for all the staff
"I know that I messed it up with the two mistakes and let you all down. "As I said I'd just like to turn back the time but that's not possible
"It's even worse as we all felt that we could have beaten Real Madrid and we were in the game for a long time
" Alisson's arrival from Roma consigned Karius to the sidelines before he agreed to join the Turkish side
But Besiktas have struggled this term, winning just half of their Super Lig games and sitting fourth in the table
Karius has conceded 11 goals in his last four games, including four against Genk in the Europa League
Tiger TV 10-29-2018 - Duration: 2:46.
L'épargne - Duration: 0:31.
Klay Thomson MET 14 PANIERS à TROIS POINTS ! Nouveau RECORD en NBA ! 🔥 [ EN Subs ] - Duration: 1:31.
Hi it's SAI, Klay Thompson wrote the story last night in the NBA Championship during the match Golden State Warriors VS Chicago Bulls.
He scored 14 three-point shots on 24 attempts for an accuracy of 58%, it is one more shot than Curry who held the record to 13 since November 2016.
It's the best feeling (of being in the zone), something I did not not felt since my first 6, 7 games. Get out of the crisis with this record, I could not ask for better.
Comment remplacer rotule de direction une SUZUKI SWIFT 3 [TUTORIEL AUTODOC] - Duration: 1:50.
Use a combination spanner No.19. Loosen the lock nut securing the tie rod end to the tie rod.
Use a drive socket No.17. Loosen the lock nut securing the tie rod end to the tie rod.
Use a ball joint remover. Using a special tool push the steering rod end out of the steering knuckle.
Screw the end out of the tie rod.
Screw on a new tie rod end
Place the end cone into the steering knuckle.
Screw a new nut on the end stud and tighten it. Use a drive socket No.18. Use a Ratchet wrench.
Tighten the clamp nut on a new tie rod end. Use a combination spanner No.19
Novo Jaguar F-TYPE | All Wheel Drive - Duration: 0:39.
Baby Tera Nakhra (Full Song) Thomas Gill | New Songs 2018 | White Hill Music - Duration: 3:56.
Mental health tips from 75 therapists - Duration: 13:39.
I'm Dr. Ali Mattu clinical psychologist and I asked all my therapist friends to share
their favorite mental health tips.
Seventy five responded and I'm going to share my favorite tips with you and help you apply
them to your life today!
The most common response I got is about connecting with people like Bernardo P who says get together
with friends even if it's for a beer or coffee.
If you're on your own go outside to an event where there are people even if you don't socialize
human contact always helps.
Connection with other people friends and family all that sort of stuff has been shown to be
really helpful for your physical health and your mental health.
Amelia says do not hesitate to use your supports when you need them.
Friends, family, therapy.
Whether we're talking about resilience or we're talking about dealing with grief or
loss finding a way to get help from your friends and family has been shown to be one of the
most important variables in getting better.
Anne Marie Albano says nurture genuine caring relationships at home with friends and at
work such as with you at @AliMattu.
Awww Anne Marie - I love you too.
So if you want to make new friends become a familiar entity keep showing up at the same
type of social situation and ask someone open ended questions questions that don't have
a yes or no answer.
And from that you'll understand a little bit more about them and if you are interested
in becoming greater friends ask them to do something outside of the situation where you
normally hang out.
That's how we become friends.
With time share a little bit more about yourself share more secrets and you'll be on your way.
If you want to strengthen existing relationships just do something nice.
A random act of kindness for a friend or family member that you care about is going to go
a long way to strengthening that relationship you have.
If you are in a relationship and you want to strengthen that spend more time together
without devices or turn those devices off have some uninterrupted time together.
The second most common response I got was captured by Kari Scovel's tweet when she says
move your body.
Lynette Lau says balance rests with exercise because getting out and moving is important
even though you're exhausted.
And Erin Haugen says movement exercise walking the dog taking the stairs etc. it counts especially
on those days when it's super busy.
We know that one of the past antidepressants is to get your body moving get your body active.
If you want to do this a few things to remember we are rarely motivated to move when we're
in a state of rest.
It's very very hard to get moving.
But motivation usually kicks in once you've started to move and your body begins to get
more active.
I like to remind people to make it easy to be more active.
Park farther away in the parking lot so that you have to walk a little bit more.
Or instead of having your lunch delivered walk to a nearby place and pick up lunch.
The third most common theme that emerged was finding meaning Payton Jones said Life isn't
always happy.
Don't expect it to be.
Don't chase after happiness.
Find things that are meaningful to you and chase those instead.
Laura Dunson said focus on what gives your life meaning rather than chasing fleeting
Avoid the trap of comparing your life to other people's social media highlights if you want
to identify the things that are meaningful to you, here's how you can do it.
I want you to imagine it's your one hundredth birthday.
You're surrounded by your closest friends and family the people you really love.
They start to share stories about who you are what you mean to them what you stand for
and what you've achieved in your life.
What are the things that they're saying?
These are your values and if you live your life according to your values.
That's how you find meaning.
That's how you find purpose and that's how you find connection to something that is greater
than yourself.
Next we've got a lot of tweets about experiencing emotions.
Trisa Amozeg said learn what feelings are for sometimes even unpleasant feelings are
doing an important job.
Whatever your feeling makes sense somehow even if it's irrational.
So it's best to accept your feelings before you try to change them.
Get very good at labeling what you're experiencing inside your body.
Not only is that going to help you communicate to other people what you're feeling and help
them to know what you need.
But there's a lot of research that suggests just labeling your emotions takes some of
the intensity of these emotions down.
Erika Busch said Do the thing that is giving you stress anticipating how stressful it will
be is always worse than doing it.
Oh my gosh that is so true.
Jonathan Fader said training yourself to develop adaptive learned responses to stress.
Understand your stress.
Learn what you need to do to deal with that stress the stress is giving you information.
Is it because you're underprepared?
Is it because you don't know what to do?
Is it because you are overwhelmed and you need the help of friends or family?
Related to experiencing emotions were all the tweets about embracing the moment.
Like Andrew Riley who said be non-judgementally present don't describe moments as good or
bad just as they are right now in your environment.
Take a moment and look at five different things happening around you now touch four different
textures near you.
Listen to three different sounds in the environment.
Pay attention to two different smells and notice one taste.
This is a quick grounding skill you can use when you need to to feel more present in the
moment you're in.
Roll for Change said breath.
Seriously just stop and take a moment.
Several times a day to focus on breath only you can match inhales and exhales and just
slow your breath down so you can inhale four seconds hold it for a moment and exhale for
four seconds.
The next section I'm going to call go the fork to sleep.
Dani Arigo said all my tips boiled down to this.
It can be easy to ignore self care or put it off or believe that it's selfish to engage
in at all.
But we can't do or be our best for ourselves or others if we don't take time to recharge.
Shobhika Jaju said Never compromise on sleep and Rene Zweig said be on a schedule including
So we're not 100% sure why we sleep but we know sleep is super important when we get
enough sleep our attention is better our memory is better we can deal with our emotions better.
We want to get better sleep.
There's two things you can do.
Number one wake up around the same time every day.
I know it's really hard you want to sleep in on the weekends probably because you're
sleep deprived during the week days but as much as you can wake up near the same time
it's going to help your body out a lot.
The other thing you can do is get really good at dealing with insomnia.
So if you're in bed it's been more than usually how long it takes you to fall asleep and you're
tossing and turning.
Don't stay in bed.
Get out!
Go and do something that's either soothing more boring.
Just make sure it doesn't involve a screen.
The blue light from a screen might actually wake you up.
Michael Mularkey summed up the next section really well.
Your thoughts and feelings are important.
Still your thoughts and feelings especially negative ones about yourself.
They're not facts.
Your thoughts are just thoughts.
They might be scary but they're not dangerous.
Jessica Divento said hold space for duality.
So often we get stuck between is this happening or this happening but actually both of those
things might be true.
Do you have a thought that really scares you a fear you can get out of your head.
I want you to write that down right now.
Is there any way you can intentionally test this out and get some real world data on what
actually happens?
The next section is one of my favorite topics and it's about self care.
Muqaddas says taking baths exercise reading for leisure napping and spending time with
loved ones.
Deborah Glasofer says build breaks into your day.
When you go on vacation go on vacation do whatever you do to destress exercise watch
dumb TV talk to colleagues about your day on the regular.
It's about being at work when you're at work and being at home when you're at home.
So that means yes avoid those work e-mails when you're at home.
There's still going to be there in the morning.
If you can get some jobs you can't but you should if you can.
Josue Cardona says cut toxic people out of your life.
Cut toxic people out of your life.
Cut toxic people out of your life.
One way I apply that if you're going to attack The Psych Show community in the comment section
you're going to get banned.
I made a whole video about my self care routine and how I apply these things to my life every
One take home message learn to say no.
It's a lot easier if you know what your boundaries are what you can do and you say no when you're
afraid you might be exceeding those boundaries.
Andrea Letamendi summed up the next section really well find something you love and unapologetically
embrace it.
I spent half my life hiding all the things that I love hiding my love of science fiction
of Star Trek of comic books of superheroes all that sort of stuff.
The second half of my life I've embraced it.
I've gone to comic cons I've cosplayed.
I talk about this stuff here on this channel and everywhere I go.
That second half of my life has been a lot better.
Kristin Bianchi says follow sports if you like them and share that fandom with others
that fandom part is so important to connect with the community and celebrate this thing
that you love together.
Think about a TV show a movie a sports team a book anything a hobby that you love.
And I want you to answer this question.
What is it about this thing that you love.
What does it mean to you.
Now go online go to Reddit find a YouTuber find someone.
Find a community that is related to this topic or join a Meetup group related to this topic
and share that share that with other people.
Why you love this thing.
Why it means so much to you.
I also really love what Nabil El-Ghoroury says Hobbie like reading for fun have something
outside of psychology have something you enjoy doing that's outside of your work outside
of the thing that you do every day.
Because when work is going to be more difficult it's really nice to have something that you
enjoy that's completely unrelated to it.
The last section is all about making small accomplishments.
Shane Owens says Give yourself realistical...realistical?
Give yourself realistic challenges when you fail learn from that and try again when you
Reinforce yourself and paused to experience it rinse lather repeat.
Regine Galanti says thinking about my priorities each day and week and doing my best to let
non priorities slide.
So sometimes there's a sink of dishes.
What both of these individuals are saying is really focusing on one thing making it
realistic and it's okay if you aren't able to achieve some type of goal learn from it
and keep trying.
Ask yourself what inside of me is going to get in the way of me achieving this goal and
then find a way to Problem solve that to change your environment to make it easier so that
that thing inside of you does not get in the way.
What are your favorite mental health tips?
Let me know in the comments below.
Special thanks to everyone who commented on this Twitter thread.
You could check out the link to that original tweet in the description below.
I also want to thank my patrons for sponsoring this episode.
Without you I wouldn't be able to do this.
The Psych Show would not happen.
And welcome to my new patrons Samuel H. and Marisa H. If you want to support The Psych
Show and get exclusive behind the scenes content in return check out Patreon.com/ThePsychShow.
Melissa McCarthy Reads a Bedtime Story - Duration: 1:24.
And there's something else I want to share with you.
I've noticed a lot of celebrities
are coming out with children's books.
So I started a brand new segment called celebrity bedtime
And here's one my friend Melissa McCarthy did.
I'm going to read to you Mr. Whittles
Biddle by Melissa McCarthy.
That's me.
Mr. Whittles did not want to biddle even though he ever
tried it.
He knew he would not like it.
Mr. Whittles did not want to biddle.
He wouldn't biddle by himself.
He wouldn't biddle with anyone.
He did not think it would be fun.
But one day, Mrs. Whittles gave him one.
OK, here we go.
She biddled his front.
Then she biddled his back.
She biddled Mr. Whittle's with a tickle and a whack.
And Mr. Whittle's did declare I love
getting biddled everywhere.
Now, wait a minute, this is not a kid's book.
Where is the-- where is the other leather bound?
This picture is filthy.
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