These days, we're pretty constantly bombarded with trailers, posters and other promotional
material for new releases in major, long-running franchises but there also happen to be a few
part-twos that have managed to stay under the radar.
From terrifying shark encounters to fascinating murder mysteries, let's take a look at some
of the sequels you didn't know were being made.
47 Meters Down: The Next Chapter
Granted, 47 Meters Down wasn't exactly Jaws, but audiences gobbled up the shark-infested
film nonetheless.
This indie thriller was produced for a mere $5.5 million, and it earned over $44 million
— and naturally, with that kind of return, the filmmakers were only too happy to fund
another trip into the ocean.
Only this time, the film's setting is moving from Mexico to Brazil.
Producer James Harris has promised that the sequel, quote:
"...will take the claustrophobia of cave diving and the thrill of shark encounters and move
everything to the next level."
Writer-director Johannes Roberts is returning, and while the film will focus on a different
set of heroes, you can probably guess the basics of the plot: a group of girls go searching
for hidden ruins and run into some very hungry fish.
Roberts has described the film as an underwater version of The Descent, since the movie will
be set largely inside a series of underwater caves.
47 Meters Down: The Next Chapter is due for release on June 28th, 2019.
There'll be swimming, there'll be screaming and there'll be sharks.
What more do you want?
Men in Black
It's been over five years since the men in black last saved Earth from an alien threat,
but now Sony plans on bringing the iconic agents back to theaters.
According to Deadline, the studio has their latest entry in the Men in Black franchise
set for release on June 14th, 2019, but don't expect to see Will Smith or Tommy Lee Jones
Instead, the film will focus on a new cast of characters.
As Deadline explains, the studio wants to produce a spinoff which can reboot and expand
the franchise in the same way that Jurassic World did a few years earlier.
This sci-fi comedy will feature Thor: Ragnarok stars Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson,
alongside returning MiB vet Emma Thompson.
Mark your calendars and try not to forget it's happening.
"Uh, ladies and gentleman if you would look right here."
Death on the Nile
While it may have received mixed reviews from critics, 2017's Murder on the Orient Express
killed it at the box office, earning a worldwide total of $339 million against a production
budget of $55 million.
With that kind of cash, it makes total sense that Hercule Poirot and his epic facial hair
will be making a return to the silver screen.
Only this time, instead of taking a train ride across the wintry European landscape,
he'll be taking a boat ride through the deserts of Egypt.
"Ah, mon ami, encore."
According to Deadline, Agatha Christie fans can expect to see Death on the Nile sailing
into theaters on December 20th, 2019.
Based on the 1973 novel, this new adventure will follow Poirot as he tries to solve a
murder on a riverboat that's cruising down the Nile.
It looks like Kenneth Branagh will both direct and play the mustachioed detective, although
we don't know yet who'll be filling out the rest of the cast.
However, we do know that Michael Green will be writing the screenplay.
Not only did he pen Orient Express, but he also wrote Logan, Blade Runner 2049 and all
eight episodes of American Gods.
Talk about a safe pair of hands.
Zombieland 2
It's been almost a decade since Zombieland staggered into theaters, earning rave reviews
and over $100 million worldwide.
Since then, the movie has only grown in popularity, with fans positively clamouring to see Columbus,
Tallahassee, Wichita, and Little Rock back in action.
While there's been talk of making a part two for quite some time, the film was never able
to come to life but now, according to The Hollywood Reporter, a sequel is finally rising
up from development hell.
Zombieland 2 is set to hit theaters in October 2019, and it's bringing pretty much everyone
from the first movie back to the big screen.
Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Emma Stone, and Abigail Breslin are all returning, as
is original director Ruben Fleischer.
Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese who penned the first film, not to mention both Deadpool movies
are also coming back.
We don't exactly know the plot yet, but THR says our heroes will go, quote:
"...from the White House to the American heartland as they face off against new kinds of zombies
that have evolved since the first movie, as well as some new human survivors."
They'll also have to learn how to get along with one another as they make a new life for
themselves in a zombie-filled, Twinkie-less world — which is way easier said than done.
"You might wanna buckle up, you know, for safety.
I can tell already you are gonna get on my nerves."
What if you were forced to relive the same
day over and over again, Groundhog Day style, and were always killed at the end of it by
some mysterious slasher villain?
Naturally, you'd want to discover the identity of your masked attacker and somehow break
that vicious cycle.
Written and directed by Christopher Landon and starring Jessica Rothe as the oft-murdered
lead Tree, 2017's Happy Death Day was a surprise hit, raking in $122 million worldwide.
And with that kind of success, you know that poor Tree is in for another day of butchery.
According to Variety, Blumhouse and Universal are busy working on a sequel, titled Happy
Death Day 2U.
We don't know any real plot details yet,but returning lead Jessica Rothe told Collider
that Happy Death Day 2U will be:
"...a Back to the Future type of genre film where the sequel joins us right from where
we left off."
We'll get to see what fresh horror awaits our hero on February 14th, 2019.
For more infomation >> 2019 Sequels You Didn't Know Were In The Works - Duration: 5:21.-------------------------------------------
Jerry Springer Show (October 26, 2018) buzzkill boyfriends - Duration: 6:06.
Could Complex Life Survive on Mars? | SciShow News - Duration: 5:41.
[ ♪ Intro ]
We've added a lot to the classic picture of Mars in the last few years,
especially where water is concerned.
Between the pretty strong evidence of salty liquid water scattered across the surface,
not to mention the giant lake that might be hidden deep under the south pole,
it seems like there's a surprising amount of liquid water over there.
And in a paper published this week in Nature Geoscience,
researchers found that all this water we've been finding might actually contain enough oxygen
for certain forms of life to survive there.
Not just simple unicellular microbes, either.
In some places, there might even be enough oxygen for more complex life to survive.
So water is super important to the search for life on other worlds,
because as far as we know, life can't survive without it.
But of course, there's a big difference between figuring out whether life could survive on Mars
and actually finding life there.
And even with the evidence of liquid water, we're still working on that first one.
The main problem is that the water on Mars is full of a type of salt called perchlorates,
which happen to be pretty toxic to life as we know it.
But we know that life can adapt to all kinds of extreme conditions.
And when we talked to Vlada Stamenković, one of the authors on the new paper,
he noted in a place like Mars where there are perchlorates everywhere,
adapting to them might just be normal.
Still, when scientists talk about life surviving on Mars,
they're pretty much always referring to anaerobic life,
simple, unicellular life that doesn't need oxygen to survive.
More complex, aerobic life does require oxygen, and since there's not much of it on Mars,
most researchers assumed aerobic life wouldn't be able to survive there.
At least, until now.
Other recent studies have found
that aerobic life doesn't need quite as much dissolved oxygen to survive in water as we used to think,
only 0.032 parts per billion for single-celled microbes, which is … not a lot.
For comparison, oceans on Earth have about 200 thousand times that.
So the authors of this week's paper wanted to see if the oxygen content of Martian brines
would be enough to support aerobic life.
When they put together a model of how oxygen would dissolve in the brine based on the conditions on Mars,
they found that there were large areas of the planet
where the brine would have enough oxygen to support aerobic life.
And on about 7% of the surface, the model showed that there might even be enough oxygen
to support more complex, multicellular life, like sponges,
which need about 2000 times as much as single-celled aerobic life.
The researchers focused on the small brine deposits close to the Martian surface,
not the giant lake we think might exist about a kilometer and a half below the planet's south pole.
But they said that according to their results, the lake would probably have lots of dissolved oxygen, too,
as long as it has a reliable source of the stuff, like from the atmosphere
or from radiation breaking down water molecules.
Obviously, none of this means there is aerobic life on Mars, or that life exists there at all.
But Stamenković also pointed out that oxygen was a huge factor in the evolution of complex life on Earth.
So finding enough oxygen to support aerobic life right next door
opens up a lot of new possibilities in the search for life on Mars, and maybe on other worlds, too.
Meanwhile, NASA's InSight lander is on its way to Mars, set to touch down in late November.
It's not designed to study places where we think life might be able to survive,
since it's so hard to make sure we don't contaminate those places with microbial hitchhikers from Earth.
Instead, InSight is going to study the planet's interior to learn more about how rocky planets formed in the Solar System.
And last week, NASA released a video with more details about how exactly that will work.
It involves … the claw...
Did I do a good job of that?
Seriously, though.
Since InSight's mission is to study the Martian interior, which we've never properly done before,
its scientific instruments need to be in direct contact with the surface.
So the lander's robotic arm has a claw attached to the end that it will use to pick up those instruments
and place them on the ground.
In other words, the highly-sophisticated robotic lander we're sending to another planet is
basically a glorified claw machine.
Unlike the machines you dump money into at the arcade, though,
the lander's mechanism is designed to actually pick things up.
The mission team considered a few other options, but there were problems with all of them.
A magnet, for example, might not work if too much dust got in the way.
It's actually a pretty cool bit of engineering, the mechanism opens up by heating up wax,
which then expands, putting pressure on a rod that opens the claw.
Then you just lower the open claw onto whatever instrument you want to move.
They all have hooks for the claw to grab onto.
When the wax cools, a spring pushes the rod back into place, closing the claw.
And once it's in place, it will stay closed even with the instrument pulling down on it,
unlike the claws in arcade machines, which are designed to open when something pulls down on them.
So if InSight happens to find any little three-eyed green aliens waiting for it on Mars,
they won't stand a chance.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space News!
And thanks especially to our Patreon President of Space SR Foxley
and our community on Patreon for supporting what we do.
You might have seen our livestream extravaganza earlier this week, where we tested some fun experiments,
did a live quiz show, and tried very hard to blow up a pumpkin.
But most importantly, we got to connect with people who share our passion
for spreading scientific knowledge to anyone who wants to learn.
We wouldn't be able to do this without your help.
If you're not yet a patron and want to know more, just check out
[ ♪ Outro ]
music bracket me and you wow my love , welcome to this news
video in which we were simply with BRACKET ME AND
YOU, she is too beautiful this song for you did not know her please listen
so, in this new video as you could see in the title we're going
talking about what ? but of what ? we go talk about this, coke or this
for connoisseurs, how to use it for your little things, or rather how
do not use it, what does it do to you? in the body when you use it? but
before getting to the heart of the matter if ever you are new, you are new, n
do not hesitate to subscribe you likez and comment , Every day, 1.8 billion bottles of
Coca-Cola are sold all over the world, but non-alcoholic soft drinks
can harm your health many ways. Coca-Cola was created in 1892
by the American pharmacist John Pemberton for the purpose of
wean off morphine. Although flogged at the time in pharmacies
as "the most powerful stimulant of sex organs ", the research suggests
that drinking Coca-Cola actually has the effect reverse. *** That's what Coca-Cola REALLY
to your body *** We all know that to consume of the soft drink is not
really good for us but did you know that only one 330 ml jar contains
such a quantity of sugar that he should to make you vomit 10 minutes later? A
red can contains 35 g of sugar, the equivalent of seven spoonfuls to
tea, already more than the daily amount recommended 30 g. But because Coca-Cola
contains acid phosphoric which reduces the sweet taste,
it prevents your body from needing to be sick. Obesity and diabetes are
since a long time related to the excessive acuity of the sweet teeth,
but as sugar is bad for the heart, the same goes for the penis. Use
too much substance white can lead to problems such
that erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence. In fact, a study done
by researchers of the University Hospital of Copenhagen
in Denmark revealed that the number of sperm consumed by a man consuming a liter
cola daily was 30% lower to that of men who did not drink
sweet boissongazeuse. To have problems with the concentration and quality of your
swimmers is a bad new because it increases your risk of
become sterile. Another research article published in the Central European Journal of
Urology saw scientists to look at the link that
exists between sweeteners in beverages non-alcoholic and the problems they
meet. *** Sugar damage: Seven effects shocking the sweetness of your body *** ls
have discovered a problem with the corn syrup ingredient
high fructose - used in Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper,
Mountain Dew and Sprite - because it was increasing the risk of erectile dysfunction due to
because it increases cholesterol and damages the arteries of the penis. Well
than it can be embarrassing, you should not
not ignore the problems because they are generally related to problems of
more important health. The fact of not being difficult is often the sign that your
heart is not in very good health, because poor cardiovascular health
is the most common cause of dysfunction erectile. Sometimes it's also a symptom
problems like diabetes, high cholesterol
or high blood pressure. This can affect anyone, whether it is punctual
Los cagones de 'El Jueves' sustituyen a la cabra de la Legión por Rosa Díez a cuatro patas y las.. - Duration: 3:33.
4 Natural Remedies for Bunions|HFE♪ - Duration: 11:04.
4 Natural Remedies for Bunions
Comfortable shoes can also be a big help!.
Bunions are the bony bumps that appear in the joint at the base of a person's big toe, usually creating a visible deformation.
They happen when the big toe presses against the toe next to it, which makes the joint increase in size and protrude.
In many case they are genetic, although they can also come from inflammatory diseases, injuries or wearing inappropriate shoes.
Although bunions take time to form and the pain tends to be mild at first, you should treat them before they cause harmful complications.
And while they may seem like just a matter of appearance, they actually do usually cause swelling, pain, and other uncomfortable symptoms.
Causes of bunions.
The exact cause of bunions is unknown.
There are several possible causes:.
Inherited foot deformities Foot injuries Congenital deformities Prolonged use of tight shoes High-heeled shoes Inflammatory diseases such as arthritis or gout.
The main symptom of a bunion is deformation of the big toe .
However, they often appear with other symptoms:.
Swelling and redness around the joint of the toe of the foot Corns or calluses Continuous or intermittent pain Reduced mobility in the affected toe.
Natural remedies to treat bunions.
When bunions cause complications and hinder movement, you should see a doctor to determine the most appropriate treatment.
However, if they're in their initial stages or are mild, they can be treated with natural remedies.
Marigold oil.
The anti-inflammatory properties of marigolds have a soothing effectthat can be quite helpful if you're experiencing pain from bunions.
The essential oil relaxes the joint and helps improve circulation, resulting in less pain.
5 tablespoons of marigold flowers (75 g) ½ cup of olive oil (100 g).
Put the marigold flowers in a pot and cover them with olive oil.
Heat it over a low heat for 5 to 10 minutes.
Remove from heat, let it sit and then store in a dark glass jar.
Let it sit for 10 days and then strain it.
How to apply.
Rub the oil over the bunion and massage it for 3 or 5 minutes.
Repeat every night before bed.
Chamomile foot soak.
A chamomile foot bath is a natural remedy for bunions.
It relieves tension in the foot and reduce your pain, while softening calluses and removing dead skin cells at the same time.
5 tablespoons of chamomile flowers (75 g) 2 cups of water (500 ml).
Put the chamomile flowers in a pot with water and bring them to a boil.
When it reaches a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 3 or 5 minutes.
Let it sit, strain it and then it's ready to use.
How to use.
Pour the chamomile liquid into a bowl and then soak your feet in it for 15 or 20 minutes.
Repeat the process every day or whenever you feel pain.
Magnesium salts.
Magnesium salts are absorbed through the skin and have an anti-inflammatory effect on the affected joint.
3 tablespoons of magnesium salts (45 g) 2 cups of water (500 ml).
Mix the magnesium salts with hot water and add a little cold water to regulate the temperature.
How to use.
Pour the mixture into a bowl and soak your feet for 20 minutes.
Repeat the process whenever you feel pain or notice swelling.
Olive oil and lavender.
Combining olive oil and lavender flowers results in an anti-inflammatory, very soothing lotion.
It's also perfect for massaging bunions whenever you're experiencing pain or reduced mobility.
½ cup of olive oil (100 g) 5 spoonfuls of lavender (75 g).
Put the oil in sauce pain and add the lavender.
Leave it to simmer on low heat for 20 minutes.
After 20 minutes, let it sit and then strain it.
How to use.
Moisten the palms of your hands with the oil and massage it over the affected areas.
Let it absorb into your skin and don't rinse it off.
Use it 2 times a day.
To get good results with these remedies you must be consistent.
Also, it's important to switch out your tight shoes for something more comfortable and preferably breathable in order to prevent further damage.
[basique]★étudier le coréen 한국어공부 ♥Leçon1♥alphabet coréen - consonnes et ㄲ 쌍기역 ssanggiyeok (kʼ-/-k̚) - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★étudier le coréen 한국어공부 ♥Leçon1♥ alphabet coréen - consonnes et-ㄸ 쌍디귿 ssangdigeut(tʼ-/-t̚) - Duration: 0:31.
How to Remove Mineral Deposits from Your Bathroom Naturally|HFE♪ - Duration: 9:18.
How to Remove Mineral Deposits from Your Bathroom Naturally
If you have mineral deposit stains on your bathroom, you can get rid of them with these simple procedures.
You'll only need natural, cheap products that you can find anywhere.
Mineral deposits are made up of calcium that stains many things in your bathroom.
If you prefer avoiding industrialized products due to allergies or how much they cost, here are some home tricks to remove mineral deposits with natural products that you surely have at home.
There are people who love squeaky clean bathrooms.
Bathrooms get dirty pretty easily because they're always in contact with water and don't have the same ventilation as other rooms.
Therefore, people who're obsessed with cleanliness and hygiene see bathrooms as daily challenges.
It gets even worse when mineral deposits, the enemy of faucets, showers, and screens, form.
Here are some tips to help you remove mineral deposits with things you surely already have at home.
What Causes Mineral Deposits?.
The water that comes out of faucets contains minerals such as calcium, iron, and magnesium.
These often splash and accumulate on these surfaces. That's how those white or yellowish spots that often flood bathrooms are formed.
Another consequence of this mineral accumulation is the rust that you may see in certain parts of your bathroom.
When the iron in the water comes into contact with air, it oxidizes and leaves stains.
Natural Recipes to Remove Mineral Deposits.
As for all cleaning processes, you can buy chemical products to remove mineral deposits.
However, there are natural alternatives that are less corrosive, less harmful to health, and also cheaper. Here are a few:.
Baking Soda and Vinegar or Lemon Juice.
With these simple ingredients and a sponge, you get remove mineral deposits from your sink almost immediately.
Just follow the next steps:.
Wet a sponge and add baking soda.
Clean the dirty surfaces until you remove all mineral deposits.
Rinse the sponge and clean the surfaces again to remove the baking soda.
To remove stains on faucet edges, spray vinegar or fresh lemon juice on a paper towel.
Wrap the stained surface with the paper towel and leave on overnight.
The next morning, remove the remaining stains with a sponge.
You can use this same procedure for tiles.
Baking soda cleans all surfaces without harming them. Furthermore, like vinegar and lemon, it kills bacteria and isn't toxic.
However, you shouldn't use vinegar and lemon on aluminum, because they corrode it.
Clean the Toilet with Vinegar.
Toilets have the most bacteria in bathrooms.
Therefore, it's important to clean toilets regularly to prevent the spread of all kinds of diseases that these bacterias can cause.
If you want to remove mineral deposits from your toilet, here's an effective way to do this.
We'll use lemon juice or vinegar, given their properties.
Some people drain the toilet water beforehand so these liquids act better.
However, you don't have to do this. Apply any of these liquids and let stand for a few hours.
If the stains are very stubborn, you can scrub with a cloth.
You may also need to reapply and repeat the process.
If this doesn't work, use a pumice stone.
This will allow you to remove toilet stains. However, you shouldn't use when dry because you may break the porcelain.
Scrub the toilet with patience and voilá, problem solved.
Clean the Toilet with Soda.
Believe it or not, you can also clean your toilet with a can of soda.
Follow these instructions if you want to try it out:.
Flush the toilet so the water is as clean as possible.
Pour the can of soda into the toilet and let stand for half an hour.
Then clean with a toilet brush once or twice, flushing from time to time until the water is totally white.
Remove Mineral Deposits from Mirrors.
Water can splash on bathroom mirrors and, as a result, get mineral deposits.
However, these are pretty easy to remove.
Just dilute vinegar in water (one part vinegar for every four parts water) and spray it on the mirrors. Wipe and voilá, the white spots have disappeared.
Prevent Mineral Deposits You can also prevent mineral deposits from forming on your faucets and tiles.
You can install filters that remove minerals from the water and clean your bathroom every day to avoid mineral deposit buildups.
Keeping your home clean isn't an easy task, but it's a necessary one.
Use these techniques to remove mineral deposits from your bathroom and then dedicate yourself to keeping it dry and water-free.
Jerry Springer Show (October 26, 2018) buzzkill boyfriends - Duration: 6:06.
[basique]★étudier le coréen 한국어공부 ♥Leçon1♥ alphabet coréen - consonnes et-ㄸ 쌍디귿 ssangdigeut(tʼ-/-t̚) - Duration: 0:31.
[basique]★étudier le coréen 한국어공부 ♥Leçon1♥alphabet coréen - consonnes et ㄲ 쌍기역 ssanggiyeok (kʼ-/-k̚) - Duration: 0:31.
Jerry Springer Show (October 26, 2018) buzzkill boyfriends - Duration: 6:06.
Urbanization and Urban Forest Impacts on the American People and Forest Industry - Duration: 1:09:45.
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse Combi 180 K. Classic Airco Netjes onderhouden - Duration: 1:12.
Alan Walker: Unmasked Vlog (#7) - Duration: 11:51.
What's up people?
Welcome back to a new episode of the Unmasked Vlog.
Right now we are in Jakarta, Indonesia, we are going to do some Spotify On Stage promo.
It's pretty interesting we have this Spotify On Stage huge banner in the backstage area.
It's basically a show for the fans where they can see their favourite artists from
their top list in their country.
I'm really excited and really honoured to be a part of it, it seems like a really cool
concept and I really can't wait for the concert, but first we have like 100 hours
of promo to do.
We are going to do my makeup over there.
And they want me to cut my hair, but I think it's perfect but they don't.
What do you think about Alan's hair?
Write in the comments below.
You are perfect, we don't need to do anything with you.
You don't need makeup!
We are being too loud.
Too much energy.
We are Vikings, waaah!
Over there is the unknown animal from the nature of Norway.
The Gilbert!
Even if you just whispers his name, he notices you.
Gilbert! Gilbert!
He notices me.
You see, he does this very special thing, it's called sitting on the phone for 8 hours,
acting like he's working.
Uuuh, you got your face on a banner.
Thank you, thank you.
Just observe the well-known animal, Gilbert Lunde, in his regular habitat, this is his
special attack, oh my god he's attacking us, get the cover!
Thank you so much Alan for doing this together with us.
This is a little something, Jakarta and Bangkok.
This looks like a nice picture I can have on my wall.
Yeah so Spotify just gave me this, it's basically a poster saying thanks for being
a part of Spotify On Stage in Thailand and in Jakarta, Indonesia.
It's an honour, this is something that is pretty unique, could be cool to hang up on
my wall at home.
How are you?
Welcome back to this part of the world.
Have you met the rest of the team?
This is our superduper star!
She's the winner from ex-factor.
Nice, congrats.
Thank you, it's a long time ago though.
And then the rest of the team.
This is Ibel.
How do you say your name?
He can beatbox.
You can?
Then we should have a beatbox competition between the two of you.
I'm done, I'm done!
Julie has also arrived.
So it's going to be a super cool performance
She is going to sing "All falls down" and "Ignite"
I love your voice
I said he's a great singer
You know I sang the backing vocals on Ignite.
He has a really high pitch when he really wants to.
She only does the backing vocal when I sing, so.
Ok, I got his camera for one minute, and I can do whatever I want, so I am going to have a challenge
where I will try to drink as much soda as possible.
That's not a good idea because I'm going on stage.
Ok, I'll do some pranking.
What happened?
Now he thinks that someone else pinched him because I was on this side, and he got pinched
on that side.
But actually, it was a prank.
Your one minute is up!
Have you got a new backstage?
Yeah man.
Got a mirror, so I can look at myself.
Haters are going to say it's photoshop.
It's not photoshop, just done a million times.
Alright we are about to go hit the stage, at Jakarta, Spotify On Stage.
I'm really really excited so let's go.
Ok guys we just got off stage.
It was awesome, I'm really excited to be back here in Jakarta, and I can't wait to
be back soon.
And now we go back to the hotel.
I'll see you in Bangkok!
Have a good one at ADE.
Alright, see you man!
Ok guys, so we are going to say hi to all the people!
Good morning.
Good morning!
How has your day been?
So far so good.
We are going to the hairdresser.
I'm going to get a haircut before I am going to perform at…the royal meeting.
So yeah we are going to the hairdresser now.
The angry guy appears to be gone.
What happened with him?
That is a very good question.
I wish I could understand what he was saying before, he just smashed the wall.
If anybody understood what he said, please comment down below.
So what's on the agenda today.
Hairdresser, and then we are going to go and have soundcheck, and then we are going to
perform for the Royal family, King and Queen of Norway.
They are on a visit here in China, I have never met the King and Queen of Norway.
Let's hope we can film it, because there are so many restrictions with the King and
So we are done with soundcheck now, everything sounds great.
And everything is working, so pretty exciting.
It's a pretty special night for myself, being from Norway.
And it's a true honour, playing for the King and Queen of Norway.
We are going to go back to the hotel now, have a shower or whatever, rest a little bit.
The we are going back here, to perform.
See you later, alligator!
I thought you were coming in a suit but, ok.
I had a suit on me, but then Ted told me to switch back.
I was so looking forward seeing you in a suit.
I've never seen that.
I look like James Bond you know.
I was told we can't record it, so that's unfortunate.
We will find a way.
Just fly a drone outside.
Just like the guy in Sri Lanka.
So I guess I'll find a way in, or I'll see you after the gig.
Yeah, it's either, or.
Then after the gig we will be heading straight to the airport, to go to Amsterdam for ADE.
This is Walker?
Yeah my name is Alan Walker.
Very nice that you wanted to be with us.
Very nice!
Thank you for inviting me.
Hello your majesty!
My name is Julie Bergan,
Isn't this exciting?
We think it's really exciting that you wanted to come and help us.
It's an incredible honour.
Yes this will be great fun.
This is not every day.
Just got off stage, we just performed.
So now we are going to pack everything and we are going to leave to Amsterdam.
Have a nice trip everyone.
I guess I'll see you guys there, peace!
Jerry Springer Show (October 26, 2018) buzzkill boyfriends - Duration: 6:06.
2018 Mustang BULLITT Dream Giveaway Review! - Duration: 4:27.
(exciting music)
- [Chris] Hi, Chris and Blake here
with the Dream Giveaway Garage.
- Yeah, on location.
- On location, Blake, tell 'em what we got behind us.
- 2018 Mustang Dream Giveaway
featuring the 2019, limited edition Mustang Bullitt
and paired with a '68 tribute Bullitt
just like Steve McQueen drove in that fancy,
fancy film from back in the day, Bullitt.
- Bullitt, you guys know the story of Bullitt.
It's crime drama from 1968, it's set in San Francisco.
It stars Steve McQueen and it just happens to have
a 1968 Highland Green Mustang chasing a Dodge Charger.
Not for 10 or 20 seconds, for 18 and a half minutes.
It's the most iconic car chase scene
in all of movie history.
- [Blake] And you're not only gonna win a '68 Mustang,
you're gonna win both, guys.
2019 Mustang Bullitt limited edition, 480-horsepower,
paired with the '68 restomod and we paid the taxes,
so you don't have to worry about that.
- It all happens at
You use the promo code, you'll get bonus tickets
and if you're the winner, tell 'em what's gonna happen.
- We're gonna fly you to Florida,
put you up for a night, have a ceremony,
hand the lucky winner the keys.
You get two sets of keys, guys.
Fire it up and drive it home.
Let's start off with the front of this car.
Look at the grill, the honeycomb mesh grill,
beautiful, outlined in chrome and you'll see
the chrome is one of the key accents of the Mustang Bullitt
because this car has no badges,
but it definitely has the chrome outline
to set it off between this and other Mustangs.
The hood pays a lot of homage to the '68 Bullitt
with these two louvers here, really making
this hood aggressive, making it look exactly like
that '68 Bullitt and you'll see they made
these wheels specifically for the 2019 Mustang Bullitt.
They are just for the Bullitt, the only option you can get
and they're outlined in that chrome.
And the last piece of chrome on this car
to really set it aside from everything else,
is this beautiful outline of the door.
You'll see the chrome goes all the way back to the window
and all the way up the front A-pillar.
So you'll see Brembo outfitted this 2019 Mustang Bullitt
with a big break kit to make sure that you can turn
on a dime and hit the breaks when you need
and be able to get around those corners.
This 2019 Mustang Bullitt comes
with the upgraded Recaro seats.
It's a premium, it's a must.
Those things hug ya so well when you drive this car,
making it that much more amazing.
And last but not least, the most important thing
about this Mustang Bullitt is the badging.
Take a look how beautiful it is on the trunk,
letting everybody know this is tribute to the original '68.
The beautiful badge will be in everybody's face behind ya,
intimidating 'em, letting 'em know you got 480-horsepower
behind the wheels and this is the real deal Bullitt.
- Take a look at this perfectly restored 1968 Mustang
with a 390 cubic inch engine just like Steve McQueen drove
but that's where the similarities end because this Mustang
has restomod upgrades from bumper to bumper.
There's a whole lot of Bullitt insignia on this Mustang,
like these modern wheels with Bullitt center caps,
Bullitt right here on the gas cap.
You know you want to put this restomod Mustang
in your garage.
Inside you're going to find Bullitt seats,
a five speed modern manual transmission,
and a whole lot of Bullitt attitude.
Three different style Mustangs were available back in 1968,
a coupe, a convertible, and like you see here, a fastback.
And while we're standing here,
take a look at this Highland Green metallic paint,
absolutely phenomenal, especially in the sunlight,
you can see the metallic glistening on this 1969 Mustang.
Ya gotta be in it to win it.
To get in, go to
Enter to win these two Mustangs
and while you're there, there's other great prizes too.
- Yep, absolutely.
Check out all the prize packages at
They're the world's greatest prize packages.
Gotta say it again,
- [Both] World's greatest prize packages.
Hi Guys
how are you?
welcome to a new video
My name is Camila
I'm the owner to this beautilful but littel channel
Okey guys today
I very excited, because
whe release new intro
(I hope you like the new intro)
I feel shy because
I did it by myself
with my onw efforts
my sister help me
So I hope you liked so much
I don't know if it was good
I'm not a good editor
of the world
but yeah
I do it by my self
with my onw teachings techniques
of edition
so let's start
with the
what this video is about
Okey guys
the dynamics or theme of this video
it's about
exactly what you read in the title
Apps for watch dramas
Part 2
the first one was about VIKI and DramaFever
but this
is goind to be like this
DramaFever DIE
she's gone
He die
he buried
it's done
so guys
to check that if it's finished
I look for the page
of DramaFever
and this appeared to me
some people saw in this application
a lot of Dramas or Doramas
Korean dramas, Chines dramas, Japaneses dramas
or I don't know
the truth is I stop using the application
a long time ago I don't see dramas
well, if I have seen
but in another applications
so I want to show them
this two or three, four applications
for you can go and enjoy them
then don't complain that I don't make videos
this video is especially
for people doramatic
who like see the doramas
okey guys
The first page what am i going to say
is this
this app or this web page
this one
is more Korean
I say that because I saw only korean entertainment
shows variety
like Music Bank, Inkigayo
another tipe of variety programs
where there are idols
in this app I saw PRODUCE48
I like it a lot
I think I want to do a criticism about that program
I saw a lot of things i don't like it
about that program
I need to express my opinion
claim a moment
yes guys
this application I recommend a lot
or this web page
is really good
you can find a lot of variety shows
also dramas
you can find any drama
I think Meteoro garden is there
if I remember correctly
I recomend it to you
I will leave the link in the description
to enter the page
guys for tell you
that page is only in english
because I only watch the dramas
or variety shows
in english
I don't know if is in another languages
but if you are learning english
and you want to practice
this app can help you to practice
your reading
and yours
yes your reading
they are talking korean
they can't talk english
so let's move on with the second application
the second application
I will show you
also is only english
I'm going to recomendait two apps in english and two in spanish
but this application or web page I will show you
I did not learn the full name
I'm sorry ,forgive this lady
this page
you can found
a lot of variety of programs
or dramas
like, Japaneses, Korean, Taiwaneses, Thailand
in this I was watching
Meteoro Granden
but I don't like it
that Hana Yori Dango version I didn't like
don't hit
I don't know
I don't like it
you can find variety dramas
from 2014 to currently
there have been some other drama that I've seen in this
but guys as I say
this application or web page
the Subtitle are on english
if you want practice a lot
just enter to these two web page
the firts one an this
they are really good
this third application
I already said it in one of my videos
who now has more that ten thousand visits
(thats not the video who have 10,765)
in this video obviously Viki can't miss
VIKI literally
It's one of the largest platforms where you see more dramas
I think in the world
there is no other applications I don't know (One of the plataforms more big for watch dramas)
I don't know
I used to use a lot viki
I thought it was good
for exception of the ads
the ads
they were every 15 minutes or half an hour
so I can't enjoy my
drama in peace
the first two as I say
don't have
don't have commercial (advertisements)
sorry for that
they don't have commercials
you can watch the complete capter
without interruptions
I think you know
in VIKI you need to pay
the one that you have to have
you pay
and you don't get the ads
but viki I also recommend them guys
Viki is a greate applicattion
there are a lot of dramas
there are some dramas that are not activated in your country
but you can choose the drama variety of dramas you want to see
you can find variety of them
whether they are old or recent
whether they are old or recent
these web page if you can see
It's a striking page
I tell you that there have been many movies
(I'm a dumb )
based on anime
I have seen many movies in this application
it's good
you can put the quality of the video
of the video you're watching or the drama
and there you can see it quietly without any commercial
thanks to the people that puts the soul to people who don't like to see commercial
so guys I recommend them a lot
is a page really good
you can find
dramas of all kinds of style
shows but they are incomplete
I star see that show in this page
I got bored waiting so I searched
and I found the first two applications that I said
this application is like the others
but this I tell you guys
it's only for spanish speaking
is obviously subtitled in
in Spanish
to go and see the doramatics that does not have some English
so that they go to this app so that they see the dramas that you want
so guys there are the four apps or web page
about dramas
I know VIKI is normal for you
but tell me if you know the others that I mention
if you dont know about the others apps
give a like
and guys that was it
those were the four applications that I wanted to share
and here are some recommendations
about these apps
The first two apps don't have commercials
is a good thing
that people think of people who do not like commercials
there are really good aplications
I recommend them
because in those two applications I looked a lot of variety shows
a lot of dramas
for VIKI
It has many subtitles in many languages
can you find
many variety of languages
in viki I can tell you this English and Spanish
depending on which language they prefer
if in Spanish or English
the application that is only Spanish speaking is the last one I told you
there are only subtitles in Spanish
but is really good
a recommendation also good and bad
the four
in the first two
you have to wait a long time
not long time out there two or three days
for the episode
or drama that is in broadcast
is subtitled
can upload it to the platform
but can't be subtitled at one time
so you need wait certain time to be subtitled
in viki I think the same thing happens
you have to wait one or two weeks
for as such the episode is free so that you can see it
In swatgeneration you have to wait
one that other week
is it a bit slow
but it is compatible that you see the quiet drama
it started raining
those are all the recommendations
guys the next dynamic
what do I want to propose to you?
to contribute to the channel
but guys, I love that we start this dynamic
guys, I want you to send me my mail
an artist, or a song
who have listened and who want to share
whether it's kpop or another music style
of pop, R & B, whatever
Well, you can send it to this email
with the name or video of the artist's song
and I'll put it at the end of each video of mine
I hope you contribute a lot to this dynamic
I wait for you in my email
go and start the contribution of this channel
more contribution you can give me watching my videos and giving you like and subscribing
yes I said
I did not say that much
so guys go subscribe to this channel on the button that says subscribe
activate the bell
so that my next video arrives
if you are going to watch next video
I'm super energetic
so don't forget that all the youtuber say this
follow me on my social networks
the only social network that I have
is this that is instagram
go and follow me
for there to interact with you
I recommend the following song
it is from GWSN - PUZZEL MOON
this son I really love them
I'll leave you here and I'll leave the link
to go and see the full video
so guys thank you for watching my video and we'll see you in the next one
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