Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 31 2018

アストンマーティンが今年6月に初公開した究極のスー パーGT『DBSスーパーレッジェーラ』。

現在はクーペのみのラインアップだが、やはりアストン マーティンは「ヴォランテ」を用意していたようだ。

プロトタイプの姿をフルヌードで初めて捉えることに成 功した。

「DBS」は2012年に生産が終了した後、後継モデ ルとなる『ヴァンキッシュ』へ世代交代。


小雨の中で捉えた車両は、テールライトに僅かなカモフ ラージュが施されているが、ほぼフルヌードと言って いいだろう。

ルーフにはファブリックトップを採用、クーペ同様にメ ッシュの大型ラジエーターグリルや、ボンネットには デュアル・エアスクープを備えていることがわかる。

またフロントスプリッター、リアディフューザー、アク ティブリアウィングなどアグレッシブなエアロパーツ も確認できる。

その心臓部には、ZF製8速ATと組み合わされる5. 2リットルV型12気筒ツインターボエンジンを搭載。 最高出力725ps、最大トルク900Nmを発揮 する。

また0-100km/h加速は3.4秒、最高速度は3 40km/hというハイパフォーマンスを持つ。

2007年に登場した「DBS V12」は、映画『0 07カジノ・ロワイヤル』のボンドカーとして登場し ている。

007シリーズは、2020年にも最新作「ボンド25 」(仮題)が控えており、新型の再登場があるか注目 だ。

For more infomation >> アストンマーティンが今年6月に初公開した究極のスーパーGT『DBSスーパーレッジェーラ』 - Duration: 2:15.


鹿島先発9人変更 ACL決勝備えC大阪戦若手投入! - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> 鹿島先発9人変更 ACL決勝備えC大阪戦若手投入! - Duration: 1:56.


鹿島先発9人変更 ACL決勝備えC大阪戦若手投入? - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> 鹿島先発9人変更 ACL決勝備えC大阪戦若手投入? - Duration: 1:38.


Student's Bright Idea Gives Sacramento K-9 A New Name - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> Student's Bright Idea Gives Sacramento K-9 A New Name - Duration: 1:43.


Changing between scientific notation and standard form - Dr K - Duration: 3:58.

In this video we're gonna practice converting from standard notation to

scientific notation and vice-versa using three examples. So what is standard and

scientific notation? Standard notation is basically how we normally write out our

numbers like 0.001 for 2 for small numbers and 9715000 that's a large number.

Scientific notation on the other hand, it's written with only one digit in

front of the decimal point followed by the rest of the digits and then it's

accompanied with an exponent like this. Negative exponent indicates a small

number which is less than 1 and positive exponent represents a large number which

is greater than 1. Let's look at our first example. We need to find the volume

of the box so we multiply the three values and we get 0.000675 meter cube.

This is in standard notation. Now we need to convert

that to scientific notation, so to do that we need to move the decimal place

to the right four steps until we reach past 6. The reason we stopped at 6 is

because scientific notation requires one digit before the decimal place and has

to run from 1 to 9 since we move to the right.

We'll write the exponent with a negative 4 value. Final answer is 6.75

times 10 to the power of negative 4 meter cube. Moving on to our second

example, this is the opposite to the first question. Here we need to convert

from scientific notation to standard notation, so we write out 5.29177 times

10 to the power of negative 11. Moving on to our second example this is the

opposite of the first question here we need to convert from scientific notation

to standard notation so we write out 5.29177 times 10 to the power of

negative 11 as you can see it has a negative exponent value so that means is

a very small number far smaller than 1 so we'll need to move the decimal point

all the way to the left 11 times like this. It's 11 times because we have

the exponent negative 11. It's to the left because it's a negative exponent.

Let me fill in with zeros to make it clearer. There we go, so the final answer

is zero point ten zeroes five to nine one seven seven meter. Okay,

third and final question. We are given the distance in standard notation and we

need to convert that into scientific notation. Since this number is large that

means we'll end up with positive exponent value so we write out the

number that's given. Place in the decimal at the end, then we move the decimal to

the left until there's only one digit in front of the decimal point like this.

That gives us two point five two zero eight eight times 10 to the power of

five. The exponent is positive 5 because we move the decimal to the left five

times. Also because it's a larger number than one, the exponent value should be positive.

To recap, when going from standard to scientific notation for

large numbers we move the decimal to the left, we count the number of places that

we move and then we write that number in positive exponent. For smaller number we

move the decimal to the right count the number of places move and we write that

number in negative exponent. To convert from scientific to standard notation we

simply work backwards.

I hope this video helped you out somehow. Do subscribe and thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Changing between scientific notation and standard form - Dr K - Duration: 3:58.


Pit Bull Puppy Named Honorary Officer - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Pit Bull Puppy Named Honorary Officer - Duration: 0:56.


Autumn Travel Week provides couples with unique experience at locations from famous Korean TV shows - Duration: 2:40.

so with the autumn season in full swing here in Korea there are a number of

tourists options open to give travelers to chance for short getaways now to help

people enjoy some hidden attractions during this beautiful but short season

the government came up with some special package programs called autumn travel

week our one zone wanna tells us more

smiling all the way people hop on the bus looking forward to a journey to

enjoy crisp and clear weather with colorful leaves the fifth edition of

autumn travel week is here with a unique program called Coon canoeing in which 20

spots have been sorted into categories such as places recommended for families

couple dates trips with a friend or solo travelers featuring locations from

popular Korean movies or TV shows out of those 20 attraction spots the city of

Monson in South Chungcheong the province was picked as a site recommended for

couples to enjoy visitors walked around a 300 year old guns and owns a tradition

house also known as the yoonjeong's old mansion which serves as a prime example

of an aristocratic class house during the Chosun dynasty the house located at

the foot of the mountain provides a warm and romantic vibe for couples to hold

hands and soak in the morning autumn breeze and for the afternoon it gets

even better as part of the tour the couple's also visited sunshine land a

site featured in a Korean popular TV show mr. sunshine

a huge studio venue with in the sunshine land that has officially opened to

public on Wednesday provides an opportunity for visitors to relieve the

scenes from the drama and for those who are willing to experience some action

scenes the newly opened sunshine land military experience Center provides

visitors a live action war experience called survival game couples wearing

body armor and helmets find themselves immersed in an exciting and hyper real

world shooting game throughout the entirety

the couples say they're taking great experiences back home with them I

enjoyed it a lot because I learned something new about this town I used to

only think of noon Sun as a place I had a military training camp became a long

way to get away from our daily lives we liked it a lot especially the historic

vibe this town has won Arirang news the one's home

For more infomation >> Autumn Travel Week provides couples with unique experience at locations from famous Korean TV shows - Duration: 2:40.


Investigation confirms sexual abuse and violence by soldiers during suppression of 5•18 Movement - Duration: 0:44.

an investigation has confirmed cases of sexual abuse and violence by soldiers

during the brutal suppression of the May 18th

democratic movement in Gwangju in 1980 a joint investigation led by the Ministry

of gender equality and family the Human Rights Commission and the Defense

Ministry identified a 17 cases of sexual assault eight of those cases were newly

filed to the investigation team and nine cases were confirmed by documents

recorded during the movement and documents of compensation for the

victims the victims included high school and college students and housewives the

may 18th pro-democracy movement in 1980 laid the groundwork for democracy here

in South Korea

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