''Girl is sampling...'' - Ooh! This gets a full mastery score!
Seems like you guys will be fine even if we're not around.
- Don't eat them all.
''Girl is petitioning...''
- Lemme go, Letty!
For more infomation >> [P] 1477. Girl is petitioning - Duration: 0:11.-------------------------------------------
[P] 1475. Pine - Duration: 0:12.
- Still, it sure has gotten colder. - No, it hasn't!!
Leaves are still green and all! - What leaves are those, you determined little cuss?
These are evergreens. It's a conifer, for Bhava-Agra's sake.
[P] 1472. Hard worker - Duration: 0:11.
- It's terrible, Nazrin. The Jeweled Pagoda disappeared! - Again, master?
- It's amazing, Nazrin. Stains disappear surprisingly well when washed with vinegar and baking soda!
- .... That's good to hear, Master.
- It's terrible, Nazrin. My clothes disappeared! - Just how did you lose them, master?!!
[P] 1466. Unneeded aid - Duration: 0:09.
- Welcome home. Cats generally crowd tight places.
-Mon!!!- Ha-ha-ha. Calm your jets.
[P] 1462. Winter's hero - Duration: 0:08.
[Cheery Cheery]
- Hey! Where did you guys pop up from?!
[P] 1468. Labor thanksgiving day - Duration: 0:10.
- You're always working hard, Sakuya, so here's a gift for you!
- Wooow. My, Young Mistress. Thank you very much!
- And thank you for your continued help, Sakuya!
- Flan... What about...my share?
- Koa! You're always working hard, Koakuma―
[P] 1471. Touhou new crops festival - Duration: 0:07.
''Girls Are Harvesting...''
- Pardon us. - Welcome.
[P] 1469. The youkai sage - Duration: 0:09.
- Ran-sama! Thank you for all your hard work! - Ooh!
''Youkai Sage is on standby...'' Thank you so much, Chen.
- Raaaaan. -Sssz...-
- Wait a minute?!
[P] 1470. The princess has gone mad - Duration: 0:10.
- Master! Thank you for your continuous hard work!
- Oh, I'll accept all appreciation and gratitude directed for me as well.
I'll accept all appreciation and gratitude directed for me as well!!!
- Princess! Please calm down! - Has the princess gone mad?!
[P] 1476. The urge to create - Duration: 0:09.
''Girl is making sweet potatoes...''
- Nuwaaa! What are you doing, Letty? Let me go! - We'll give them out after a taste test.
[P] 1478. The end of autumn - Duration: 0:14.
- You exaggerate so much every single year, you.
I'll bring you a souvenir when I come back next year. - Really?!
- That is, if you behave and wait!
- See you next year!
[P] 1464. The one who is sought - Duration: 0:05.
[P] 1463. Wonder how it's doing - Duration: 0:09.
''Cat Army has taken over the kotatsu...''
- Ran-sama! Those guys have taken over the kotatsu!! - Then as a fellow cat you should do something about it.
[P] 1467. Osa-Orin is watching - Duration: 0:08.
Meooow Meoooow
- Cat powder! Who could've put this here?
Whoa-... Hey!! You guys-!!
[P] 1473. Crown prince is being consulted - Duration: 0:12.
''Crown Prince is being consulted...'' - I am... well... unemployed!
Don't you understand? I don't have a place to work! I don't have any income! Every single day, my will to work is so high that I don't know what to do with it!!
''Excalibur... Heed the Commands with Absolute Care!''
[P] 1479. Let's tell them next year - Duration: 0:11.
''Girl Is Producing Sweet Potatoes...''
- They taste like Minoriko's! - That's because I learned directly from Minoriko-sama!
- Now that I think about it, I don't care about any souvenirs. I just wish she and Shizuha were here.
- You should say things like that to their faces! Honestly!
[P] 1465. Creatures with difficulty coming to an understanding - Duration: 0:07.
[Bish Bish Bish]
[P] 1474. A hot day today as well - Duration: 0:07.
- It has gotten colder! I'm at my top form!
- Oh, welcome back.
- Pretty hot today, too, huh. -Mon-
Flex filament, extruder fix, Tronxy & Anycubic brands - Ita sub En - Duration: 9:57.
Hi guys
today show you
how to fix the filament extruders
for use with flexible filaments
we take a look at tronxy brands like x3s, x5s, c5
and anycubic brands like i3mega, kossel
we begin with tronxy's extruders
then ..
in general the extruder
all these alluminium parts not need nothing to do
the hole ..
the wire input hole
is 2 mm
is good and works well with flex filament
where is the problems ?
the problem are these "tube joints"
look as the holes are bigger
then .. when we use flex filament
from the tube
and ..
this piece
there is, this space by around of 8mm
where the filament flexed and self blocking
so .. to solve it
we need to enlarge this hole
like these two
we need to enlarge at 4mm
in this way
so that the teflon tube can pass
look, originals ..
and modded
then .. to do this
we take 3 drill bits
3mm , 3.5mm , 4mm
take a "tube joint" and insert a piece of teflon tube
use a claw
now with a drill
begin from smaller to bigger
teflon tube block the drill bit
indicatively you must enter 8 , 9 mm at most
I suggest to do in this way and not use a vise
because in this way the tip is self-centering with the hole
do it slowly
and stop ..
now, when you have
the "tube joints"
enlarged, the problem is solved
screw it and insert the tube until it touches the bottom
now ..
with anycubic brands
this hole was by 2.5mm
so ..
I enlarged to 4mm
in the way ..
pass the tube
to come out from back side
now this tube is ruined and it does not pass well
do the same work with the "tube joint"
and after mounted
insert the pipe until it touches the gear
and with this
you solve the flex filament problem
well .. for this video is all ..
ciao, see you next time
How Salomon Athletes Helped Develop the S/LAB Shift Binding - Duration: 3:51.
It's been 7-8 years and we saw prototypes in the first 2 years
and they were so different than what we saw today.
And it was just dreaming.
The idea of the Shift is born from an athlete collective.
The Mountain Collective.
They told us they were dreaming about a touring binding
that would bring more safety in the downhill.
When we started this process of building the Shift binding,
we were trying to build a backcountry binding that toured like a pin binding, nice and effortlessly,
but skis like a downhill binding.
When we got the first prototype, we had a small plastic piece here
and on a pretty big jump in Canada, we broke this piece.
And now after that they've made improvements, this is only one piece
and it's not breakable.
So it's perfect for what we want to do with it.
The athletes want innovative products.
Products that break the code of what has always been done.
They throw us ideas about what they like and they ask for products that don't fit with
our normal product development process.
We tested many versions of a binding that could tour like a pin binding, but skied
like a normal binding and they weren't working.
They weren't skiing well or touring well, and they were breaking.
It wasn't until we saw a blueprint for the Shift binding
about three years ago that we realized: this could be it.
We were freestyle skiers that like to go up, but really like to go down and jump off cliffs.
We didn't have the materials to do that.
This is what we were waiting for.
Now we can do freestyle stuff with a binding that can tour uphill.
So it's perfect for our way of looking at the mountains.
We needed to finish this kind of binding and be sure.
We cannot leave a little part and say, "It should be ok."
No, no.
It needs to be perfect.
So every year we were working to reach this point.
There is tons of input from everybody, but then it's about making choices between
all the input and saying, "Ok, we will go in this direction."
It's been my binding every day for the last three winters.
I wanted to prove that it's really working.
To understand how it works and to make it better.
So that when it goes out on the market it is a finished product.
You don't realize how much technology goes into a ski binding
because you just click into it.
But they release in ways that protect your knees,
protect your bones and protect your ligaments.
Ski touring you have a lot of time to think
so you see what works and what doesn't.
You think of ways you could do things differently.
It's a way for us to give back because we take
the knowledge we gain from skiing everyday and see how the products are used.
And then to make better products for the public.
Because, at the end of the day, that's what I want to do
is make products that everybody enjoys and they can enjoy skiing more.
Come Underwater Pumpkin Carving! - Duration: 3:21.
Hi, I'm Alex and this is Tank Tested. Behind me is a quarry, which means that today
we're going to dive in and I'm gonna carve this pumpkin...underwater.
Today we're in southern Virginia, just a few days before Halloween.
This is Lake Phoenix. It was a granite quarry in the 1950s and 60s that
specialized in delivering crushed stone for concrete. The quarry was successful
until workers exposed a small crack in the eastern wall. From there water poured
in. This lake was formed, reaching a max depth of around 70 feet.
Today, it's primarily used as a dive site. It's a great place to get certified as a scuba
diver and train in controlled environments. I was certified here and
it's fun to visit the scuttled ships and discarded buses.
As we peer into the bus, it's worth noting that the engines gas lines and corrosive materials have all
been removed from these vehicles. That leaves just these ghostly shells on the
quarry floor. It's a safe site to train and a good place to spot the occasional bass or sunfish.
I believe these fish were introduced here
but I don't know that for sure. That said, I don't know how they would have
gotten here otherwise. This lake is just a little over 50 years old.
Since the Halloween season, the bottom of the lake has been decorated with hauntings for the occasion.
But I came to Lake Phoenix to carve pumpkins. Those bubbles are us 30 feet
below the surface, carving away. It's not that different from carving on land,
except now your pumpkin wants to float, you can't breathe, and there are curious
fish to oversee the whole operation.
I believe these are bluegills. They're in the sunfish family, so you might
recognize their cousins the pumpkinseed sunfish from a video I did earlier this year.
I'll put a link here for that video. Pumpkinseeds would have been a more
appropriate fish for this video, but you can't always choose your wildlife.
That said, the bluegills were certainly interested in all the bits of pumpkin
carnage, but they didn't seem to enjoy the taste much.
everyone else was carving spooky faces, but I decided to carve my channel's new logo. I guess I could have
carved a fish skeleton or something, but I did that last time I dove here.
So this is what you get this year. It feels appropriate for my channel, even if it's
not particularly scary. I'll see you next time! If you haven't already, don't forget
to subscribe and visit my website TankTested.org for more information.
Avengers 4 Will Bring A Fan-Favorite Villain Back From The Dead - Duration: 4:35.
There are a few rules to follow when traversing through the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The most important rule is one that's already been long-established in comic books: death
isn't necessarily final, and some goodbyes are really just "see you later"s.
"So dead brother huh?"
"Yeah, that could be annoying."
"Well, he's been dead before."
As it turns out, that last rule will apply to the fourth Avengers movie in a big way.
It's not really a surprise that some dearly-departed heroes are making their way back to life in
the super-sequel.
But according to one MCU actor, the Infinity War follow-up will be bringing one villain
back from the dead in a super clever way.
And if he's telling the truth, the details just might confirm a major fan theory.
Speaking on the UFC Unfiltered podcast, actor Frank Grillo revealed that Marvel fans can
expect to see him reprise his role as the Hydra-agent-slash-terrorist Brock Rumlow,
also known as the comic book villain Crossbones.
Now, you might be thinking, "Didn't Crossbones pretty clearly die by blowing himself up at
the start of Captain America: Civil War?"
Well, yes, he did.
It was kind of a big deal, with his explosive demise and the collateral damage it caused
setting up the Sokovia Accords that still affect the movies' universe to this day.
Yeah, there's not really any coming back from that one.
But it's not like the villain is returning from the grave - instead, audiences will be
going back to the time before he died.
It turns out, Grillo's Crossbones will actually pop up in what he described as a flashback
One might initially think that Grillo's remarks were just to keep the rumor mill churning,
like other Avengers actors have done in the past, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Grillo made a point to mention that he can spill as many details as he'd like since he's
not tied to a Marvel contract, and doesn't expect to work with them again.
It sounds fair to us, though we kind of doubt that Marvel producers are all that happy about
his decision to spill the beans.
The actor's exact words were,
"I'm allowed to say whatever I want because I'm never doing another Marvel movie,"
But it's not because he doesn't like the company, or the franchise.
Apparently, he's just tired of the work it takes to be a supervillain.
Or, as he sarcastically put it, quote, "I'm 117 years old."
At one point in the period between Civil War and Infinity War, Grillo sounded certain that
he was done playing Crossbones for good, and even implied that he had turned down an opportunity
to return to the series.
He shared those thoughts during a January 2017 interview with Collider, discussing his
departures from both The Purge franchise and the MCU.
In the interview, he said,
"There's nowhere for it to go, unless you're Captain America or Iron Man.
They were talking about it, but I was like, 'You know what?
I'd just rather not do it.'"
But apparently, something happened behind the scenes to change the actor's mind.
By September 2017, the actor was hinting at a return appearance to the series.
During an interview with Forbes, he said,
"There is some [Marvel] news that nobody knows yet, to do with my character, that's going
to be really interesting and I'm excited about that."
Almost a year later, in July 2018, Grillo sparked even more rumors that he'd play a
part in Avengers 4 when he took to Instagram and shared a collage photo of a Crossbones
action figure with the caption,
"Uhhhhh…… ok.
I guess my life is complete."
Of course, the first two hashtags in his post referenced Grillo's appearances in the second
and third Captain America movies, but that half-done third hashtag?
Yeah, that's almost certainly a nod to Avengers 4.
On the surface, Grillo's comments simply confirm what seems like a very small plot point of
Avengers 4: Crossbones will reappear in a flashback scene.
But looking at the bigger picture, his remarks actually seem to validate the longstanding
fan theory that the sequel will see the surviving heroes from Infinity War travelling back in
time to defeat Thanos.
The theory goes that they'll be using the unique attributes of the Quantum Realm to
go back into the past and obtain the Infinity Stones for themselves, effectively reversing
the events of Infinity War before the battle with Thanos even begins.
This theory first cropped up after fans got a peek at Avengers 4 set photos that showed
Chris Evans wearing his Captain America costume from the Battle of New York sequence from
2012's Avengers, and it's been lingering in fans' minds ever since.
In that sense, Crossbones' reappearance will be less of a flashback, and more of a do-over.
As with everything out of the super-secretive Marvel Studios, nothing is a guarantee until
the company comes right out and says it is - and even then, it's still suspicious.
The only way to know for sure what happens is to be there when Avengers 4 takes off on
May 3rd, 2019.
One-of-a-kind estate in St. Louis with rich history and modern amenities for sale - Duration: 2:41.
Highflying Rescues w/ PAW Patrol, Blaze, Top Wing, Nella & More! 🎶 Music Video w/ Lyrics | Nick Jr. - Duration: 1:45.
Let's take to the sky!
♪ Can you hear it? ♪
♪ Someone's in trouble ♪
♪ The call for help Is coming from the clouds ♪
♪ They need assistance So we gotta hustle ♪
♪ Time to find a jet pack And sing it loud ♪
Let's do it!
♪ High flying rescues ♪
♪ All your favorite friends Are flying high ♪
♪ High flying rescues ♪
♪ The ultimate adventure up in the sky ♪
♪ Got the wind in their face Their feathers and fur ♪
♪ Soaring through the air Isn't just for the birds ♪
♪ Cruising around on a magic carpet♪
♪ Breezes blowing Through their awesome hair♪
♪ Epic tricks and more Flying dinosaur ♪
♪ All kinds of cool gadgets Up in the air ♪
♪ High flying rescues ♪
♪ All your favorite friends Are flying high ♪
♪ High flying rescues ♪
♪ The ultimate adventure up in the sky ♪
♪ Loop-de-loops with all your friends ♪
♪ Super spins that never end ♪
♪ Rev it up, feel the flow ♪
♪ We're taking off ♪
Here we go!
♪ High flying rescues ♪
♪ The pups and the cadets are flying high♪
♪ High flying rescues ♪
♪ The ultimate adventure up in the sky ♪
♪ Fast as a falcon higher and higher♪
♪ Come join the fun We could not require ♪
♪ High flying rescues ♪
You can find full episodes of your favorite shows
in the free Nick Jr. app!
PAW Patrol's Mighty Pups Trailer 🐾 One-Hour Movie Coming Soon | Sneak Peek | Nick Jr. - Duration: 2:06.
It's coming.
The biggest event...
In PAW Patrol history.
November 12th.
Mighty Pups ready for mighty action, Ryder, sir.
You've never seen the PAW Patrol this strong.
This fast.
This paw-some.
They've saved Adventure Bay.
We're gonna stop you!
They'll have to save the world!
PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups, the hour-long movie event.
Premiering Monday, November 12th on Nickelodeon.
And here's a sneak peak.
What happened?
Oh my!
See if you can move some of the sand away, Rubble.
Um, how did I run so fast?
Excuse me.
Whoa! That's solid ice.
Until my paws melted it.
It's not too hot to push.
Wow, I can fly without wings!
Whoa! Whoa!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Like super tools!
[car beeping]
Don't miss PAW Patrol: Mighty Pups, the hour-long movie event.
Premiering Monday, November 12th on Nickelodeon.
You can find more PAW Patrol weekday mornings on Nickelodeon,
and everywhere you find Nick Jr.
Why this ghost terrifies those who are left alone in this house? - Terrifying places - Duration: 6:43.
good morning today I want you to join me to a place that is not abandoned, but
which is said to be one of the places with more paranormal activity of all
Canary Islands, in fact important television programs, that are dedicated to the paranormal, as is the
case of the fourth millennium, have been in several times in this house to
investigate why these occur phenomena. Before I start, I invite you to
subscribe activates the little bell so that you receive all the notifications of the
new videos that are to come, give LIKE if you like the video and share in
your social networks No more, we started. This mansion was built in 1593
by Francisco Lercaro, is rich Genoese family settled in Tenerife
specifically, in the lagoon where is currently the palace, this place
soon it would be marked forever by a terrible event that would happen to his
At the end of the 16th century, Catalina Lercaro, with only 16 years old, was forced to
marry an older man, great wealth and that was engaged in trafficking of
Slaves, Catherine dressed as a bride, totally mad and desperate,
decided to throw himself into the well that existed in the back of the house and finish
with his life
according to Catalina's body is buried in one of the
stays in the house, since the church Catholic in those days prevented
the suicides were buried in the cemeteries Over the centuries
later, there are many people who They claim to have seen his appearance. One day
the Lercaro family left the house never to return The house was left
abandoned to its fate, being left in ruins until 1993 when it was
rebuilt to become a museum Ethnographic and History of Tenerife,
however, from there the phenomena would become even more
insistent, according to many of the testimonials that we will tell you soon
Spectral visions, noises are produced strange and sinister smells that
they appear from nowhere. Being a museum has security 24 hours.
Some of the security guards they claim to have seen a woman with a
white dress in the back yard. Another one of the testimonies affirms that a
of the girls in charge from the museum's library he saw sitting
a woman staring at him and disappearing when noticing his
presence. Another witness who they worked in the museum affirmed what
next: it is very grave when you know you're alone in the house and you hear
in the upper floor mysterious steps, something that always happens, like the
appearances, when someone new enters work in the museum, it seems as if
I would like to be with the least number of possible people another of the witnesses
he also claimed that the invisible steps they are always heard from section 6
to the place where the showcase that houses an image of Christ,
most terrifying resolved even the next story that tells another
witness: that morning there was no one in the didactic room was suddenly heard a
noise and the door closed, it could think it was the wind, but the most
mysterious is that it was closed by inside with a key, without anyone in the
inside the room, we had to enter through a window
which we force and open the lock, here very strange things happen. It is also affirmed
that another young museum worker I leave a glass in one of the
upstairs tables and he went back to look for it, not only did he find it in another
point of the table, but broken into a thousand pieces. Another curious story is the one
it happened to a man who carried his shoulders some beams to raise them to the floor
above, when he arrived he saw that the door where I had to enter was closed
with a plank that reinforced him, he decided leave the load on the ground, but before
to do it, mysteriously, the piece of wood that ensured the closure jumped by
the airs and the two leaves of the door They opened wide. If this
outside, two people who worked in the museum they swear to have seen a
girl who watched them from the barn and then disappeared, being
them alone in the house since it It was closed to the public. Another one
the stories also more terrifying the account a cleaner, that being
washing his hands in the bathroom he looked at himself to mirror
and he saw a girl move quickly dressed in white behind her. We can not say that
is what belongs to the legend and what is what belongs to reality, what
we are is that the Lercaro house is a fascinating place, which keeps objects from
great value, like the carriages of the Nava y Grimón family, which according to
account in them traveled Alfonso 13, also has inspired stories like the case of
book by Mariano Gambín: "the Lercaro house" I recommend that you read it if you
Interested in this topic.
So far the video and I hope that this place fascinated you as much as me and
you liked this video a little different from what we usually do
usual way and I hope that I have liked knowing Catalina's story
Lercaro Stay tuned because the next week we will have
videos of abandoned places. As always ask you to subscribe, activate
the bell so that you receive all the notifications of the new videos that are by
come. Give us like if you like the video and
Share in your social networks. Thank you very much for being there, a
Intro ▪ " ByLeGeNdZxD " ▪ ZYCHRON. - Duration: 0:28.
So I can fuck the world for seventy two hours
Goddamn I feel amazing, damn I'm in the matrix
My mind is living on cloud nine and this nine is never on vacation
Start up that Maserati and VROOM VROOM! I'm racing
Poppin' pills in the lobby and I pray they don't find her naked
And I pray you niggas is Satan, shooters go after Judas
Jesus Christ if I live life on my knees, ain't no need to do this
Park it in front of Lueders, next to that Church's Chicken
All you pussies is losers
Yes, the world is going badly, Mary tells us: "Faith and confidence "... I remember that with Korea
from the North we were, according to the media at the edge of a nuclear war, and in 2 days,
they met and huddled together the hand ... according to media reports with donald
trump there's going to be war everywhere and then finally it's been 2 years and it's going a bit
near … Trust tells us Mary, yes, it's long,
yes it takes time ... marie tells us "You" become Saint, try to become
Holy ... try to become better ... Start with the prayer with the heart then
find joy in prayer ... try the adventure of fasting and sacrifices ... increase
your prayers ... and especially remember the old messages from Medjugorje that you find on
internet and try to apply them in your life …. do not worry about others ...
do not worry about the world ... "you" put good will ... we will
ask not to help poor children in India ... you are just asked to pray with the
heart. Place god in the first place in your life ... put crosses in all
parts of your house ... throw holy water on the walls, make a small chapel ...
Try the walk in the forest praying ... carry a cross, avoid snakes and heads
of death ... dip your cross in the water blessed of a church ... we do not ask you
not to become a monk or a priest ... request to have a normal life and to place
God everywhere in your life ... and to pray as much as possible ...
Miracle in Taxco ...
In Mexico, in the Taxco region, a miracle took place. The statue of Jesus was
cried on Holy Thursday. Since 200 years this is the first time the procession
Taxco's Christs are suspended because of such an event ...
Here you have find this interesting video ... then you can,
In the left part see more videos ... and in the right side the latest videos
I publish a video every day at 18h, if that really interests you ...
... you can subscribe ... by following ... the red arrow ...
5 Tips to Be Successful in Life | Key to Success in Life | What are The Five Keys to Success? - Duration: 3:20.
SNAPlife: What You Get If You Take A Negative Approach - Duration: 3:05.
You can't take a negative approach towards anything and expect to have a
positive outcome. I'm Bill Snodgrass and that is the topic of this SNAPlife
episode. My brother told me on Facebook just a few days ago that was something
my dad always said to him growing up. You… you can't have a negative approach
towards anything and expect a positive outcome. So we need to look and see what
does that mean. If you go into an opportunity or an obligation and you
have a negative approach to that, then to expect something positive to occur… it is
maybe a little bit… you know… stretching it. Let's talk about what we mean by
negative approach. A negative approach is going to be to… to be guarded or
defensive when you go into a situation, or to not really have any enthusiasm
because you don't think it's going to work anyway. You think it's just a waste
of time. A negative approach is going to… is going
to crush your your mood and your attitude and your your enthusiasm for
what you're doing so, if you start off with a negative… a negative attitude and
take a negative approach into a situation, you're really just… you're
really just undermining the the possibility of a good outcome. And this
isn't to say that sometimes… you know… you… you don't think something that's gonna
work out but then you get surprised. It's like—wow! That really turned out okay.
That happens… That does happen, and I would argue that when… when you are
surprised by a positive outcome there was enough enthusiasm for the…
for the process that that you… you… you put enough effort and energy into it to get
that positive outcome, even though in the back of your mind you're thinking, like,
this is definitely not gonna work. So as you as you face opportunities
and obligations, and you have these things that you need to accomplish… you
need to get done—going into them with a positive outlook… a positive attack you
know taking a positive approach into the situation is going to empower that
situation it's going to empower you to get the most out of it and even if you
end up against being surprised because you know you weren't sure the the effort
and the energy that you put into it pays off and if you're going to have a
positive outcome there there has to be some some positive energy put into it I
hope this makes sense. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did please click the
like button, subscribe to the channel, sign up for notifications. That's all I
have for this one. I will see you in the next one.
KitschKrieg Lecture (Berlin 2018) | Red Bull Music Academy - Duration: 1:20:58.
Today's guests are a lady and two gentlemen who, for the past 3-4 years,
have done nothing other than making sure
that there's no reason to be ashamed of our country's pop music.
And therefore it is a special honor for me to give a warm welcome to these guys:
It's also a special premiere, because for the first time ever,
we have all members of Kitschkrieg together on one couch.
Applause for awhodat.
And you are …
Those are hopefully not the names your mothers gave you?
Hmm ( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ) … not really, but they just stuck.
You don't choose your own nickname, and you never get rid of it either.
Tell me about it.
Anyway, you were all born in very different parts of this country,
but around the same time?
Yes, I'm all the way from the west,
originally from Krefeld by the Dutch border,
and I was born '79.
We should be sitting in a different order.
I'm from the zonal border, from Braunschweig,
and she was born all the way out east.
I'll take that as a yes.
Braunschweig ... I hope you're not into soccer.
So we can skip that whole topic, and finish half an hour early.
It's only going so-so at the moment, eh?
I barely remember anything about Braunschweig.
I found my microphone.
Oh, nice!
So "all the way out east", where would that be?
Uhm, really far out, by the Czech border.
So you're probably one of the very few people in this building
that have listened to things that were recorded in this exact location.
Yeah, probably. Born 1981.
Did the Funkhaus have any special meaning to you?
Is it like ZDF Lerchenberg, or something that you knew as a child?
Hmm, no, not for me.
I am asking because when I first heard the record that we just partially listened to
from Trettmann's #DIY album, which I believe you produced entirely ...
Yes, the whole thing.
... that, in a weird way, it reminded me of what
Günther Fischer and Manfred Krug used to do in the Amiga studios,
and then recorded it live in locations like this one right here.
In what sense? I can't really make anything of it, but I've been told that a few times.
I don't know the recordings. I've never listened to them.
I don't know what that means. Maybe you can explain what about our music reminds you of that.
Well, people from our generation,
as so often with music that is older than we are,
we got to know it through hip hop.
In this case it was Eins Zwo, who sampled "Baden gehen",
which was on one of Manfred Krug's records.
And for many of us, Manfred Krug was this strange TV lawyer,
or the grumpy trucker,
and then we were like "what do you mean he also sang?".
And of course these records were not available at an affordable price anywhere,
but then, oddly enough,
2-3 would become available in record stores not far away from here.
And there, in the late 60's/early 70's,
they would record jazz with huge big band orchestras,
and this dude from the Telekom commercial would sing just like he was from the Mississippi Delta.
He really had the blues in him, and he expressed it in words that were not at all embarrassing,
but he still spoke about very emotional things.
Got it. His own lyrics or did he translate English things?
No, he wrote in German.
And similar to Brazil at the time, he would wrap criticism about the regime in metaphors,
just like on "Baden gehen", or like "Billie Holiday".
Makes sense. Tretti definitely has blues in him,
and he's very gifted when it comes to writing in German,
making things sound non-cheesy,
and creating images and triggering emotions.
He has a massive talent, he can achieve all that with a great flow and without making it sound corny,
and his voice is just full of blues.
There's no better way to describe it.
The first time you were confronted with his work, that was probably not clear from the start?
Quite the opposite really.
He used to be Ronny Trettmann,
the funny reggae Saxon that would joyfully make fun of German reggae,
and things like "der Sommer, Sommer ist für alle da", that's the kinda stuff he did.
So the complete opposite of that.
But already then, in his previous discography, there would be single songs on his albums
between 14 slapstick tracks that had you going
"okay, wow. There's more to discover here."
For example, on his album "Tanz auf dem Vulkan"
there's a track called "Schwarzer Sonntag",
and on it you can hear his blues and how he tells this story.
So it was always there, but he didn't pursue it then,
or the producers led him in a different direction,
but we chose that particular side of him as an artist
and decided that's the one we want to work with.
You used to also play dancehall when you deejayed,
and he was the guy who, amongst all these summer hits,
had some legit dancehall tracks.
Definitely. Within his genre, he was the boss.
If you're talking about German dancehall and looking at this particular scene only,
he was by far the best and the only one,
and he won all the prizes he could possibly win.
But eventually he reached the limit,
because reggae and dancehall are part of a pretty small scene in Germany.
Small in a way that you guys also got to know each other through this scene?
So Braunschweig …
Formed from the sediments of the German dancehall scene,
that's basically how Kitschkrieg came to be.
But just like coffee grounds, it can be a great fertilizer.
Do you remember the first time you saw each other face to face?
I remember exactly the first time I met Fiji.
It was at "Brain Club" in Braunschweig, pretty legendary place.
If you deejay in Germany, you're going to end up in this club sooner or later,
and he was there and was playing his own productions over self-constructed controllers,
with his project at the time "Symbiz".
I thought that was really insane,
because normally people will deejay on turntables or CD players,
but he stood there with this handcrafted box,
pushing buttons and playing his own songs on it.
To this day, I've never seen anything like it.
So Krefeld didn't have that kind of stuff.
Then he booked us a gig in Krefeld,
one of our first trans-regional bookings.
And how did it go?
There wasn't much going on there.
It was just on the rise.
I remember standing backstage and saying
"okay, nobody really showed up, so I'm going to go to the ATM to withdraw your fee,
because I don't see this happening today anymore."
So that's how we met. And awhodat ...
we spent a lot of time hanging out at dancehall parties in Cologne,
and checked out all German sound systems
like Pow Pow Movement, the Berliners Supersonic, and that whole era.
Concrete Jungle, Barney Miller, all these people.
It was the golden age of dancehall, when it was new in Germany,
people were really excited about it and the parties were full, it was a good time.
Did Gerd Gummersbach still have his location then?
Yes, he did. And if you didn't use the lift on the turntables you would die.
He would literally throw things at you and go
"use the lift!". "Okay, sorry."
We bought all our mixtapes from Gerd Gummersbach.
I know Kris since June 3rd, 2014.
It's always like this. She's our annalist.
How long since Kitschkrieg was founded?
We'll be like "something between 2 and 4 years",
but she'll be able to tell you exactly how many days.
So since when does Kitschkrieg exist?
4th anniversary coming up soon.
Better circle the date in your calendars, or you'll be in trouble.
Which exact day do you even go by? What's our founding date?
There are several dates. But really it's November 1st, 2014.
There you have it. Ok.
And what happened on that day?
I came to Berlin from Cologne with just a shoebox and a suitcase.
And then the three of us lived together in flat share.
Until recently.
We always said when things start going well, we will all get our own place.
And we just did, so things are going great! Yeah!
But aren't you afraid that you'll be missing something now?
That was everyone's reaction!
When Fizzle posted to Facebook that he was looking for a place,
my brother called to ask if everything's okay with us.
But we all still live really close to each other.
We hang out every day. Our studio is there,
and we have this small space that we're fixing up at the moment, but it's nice to go home in the eve
and not to have to see them anymore.
You probably had enough time in your joint flat to figure out who does dishes,
who takes down the trash, etc.
How do you divide it up with whatever it is that you are
- a production team, a label, or multimedia entity?
I don't even know what an entity is.
It definitely sounds very official.
I don't know. We stopped trying to define it.
We make music, we do photography,
create videos and clothes, and everything else we are interested in.
So in the end it's probably just a brand that delivers content of any sort.
We decided we're not going to try to be a band.
You have to ask yourself how you want to take it to the stage,
how much is it going to be about us as individuals.
We try to emphasize our work, our brand name and our logo,
and the people we work with,
rather than forming a band and trying to become the center of attention.
About the logo, are you, as a Krefeld native, responsible for the LA Kings reference?
No, that was him.
Against resistance from Nicole. I mean awhodat, sorry.
I was wondering since when everybody's into the NHL.
It's more of a cultural reference dedicated to gangster rap from LA, like N.W.A.
and the Raiders and Kings and that kind of stuff.
Ok. We just listened to Tretti, and I assume we're all fans here,
but maybe we can give a short insight into what you've been doing since November 1st, 2014.
Our first Kitschkrieg release was an EP with Noah Slee from New Zealand.
How do you find these people?
Classic Soundcloud scenario.
You upload your music and then you find a message in your inbox
from somebody saying "Hey, I'm coming to Berlin and I think your music is super interesting,
so let's get together".
So we met him and got to know him, and then we created the first Kitschkrieg release.
That was a rather slow beginning,
it took a full year to finish the EP,
but afterwards we moved on into the phase where we did the EPs with Tretti,
which were called Kitschkrieg EPs.
We made three of those, Kitschkrieg 1, 2, and 3.
And that was Trettmann's new beginning.
Together, Trettmann and Kitschkrieg then made an EP with Megaloh,
the "Herb & Mango" EP. So, Tretti, Kitschkrieg, Megaloh.
Then we did an EP for RAF and Bonez
as part of their "Palmen aus Plastik" box,
a dancehall EP with RAF, Bonez, and Tretti.
Then we worked with Haiyti for her "Toxic" EP,
and through working with her we got to know Joey Bargeld
and released another 3 EPs with him.
So we really like EPs in case you haven't noticed.
It's a nice short format.
And then we sat down and did the Trettmann #DIY album,
and that's basically it to this day.
You forgot the Haiyti album.
True, we also did the Haiyti album "Montenegro Zero".
That's the music we've created in the past 4 years.
We did a few singles for friends too,
but we try to do entire projects,
and not send out beats, trying to get them integrated into other projects.
Can we begin with "Raver", to give people a better impression?
Yes. Raver is off of KitschKrieg 2 from 2016.
How did Tretti's old dancehall friends react to this?
Pretty good. No complaints, they were excited for him.
To be honest, I was worried too. Often when an artist changes so significantly
it ends up being embarrassing and discredits everything they've done up until then.
Luckily that didn't happen here.
People acknowledged that it was real,
and that there was nothing really to hate about it.
We also really focused on what we think about it.
The whole EP phase was also our time of self-discovery.
We didn't call ourselves Kitschkrieg before that.
That was when we said "we're all in this together",
and we decided to name our EPs and ourselves Kitschkrieg for the sake of the team spirit.
We didn't really have anything but team spirit.
We didn't know that we could be making money with this.
Which one of you contributed the rave competence?
Tretti himself.
He's a proper raver.
He's really the only one of us.
None of us rave on the same level as Tretti.
(laughter in the room)
Sounds like there are secret agents amongst us.
Should we listen to another rave song? I have a nice rave track.
You wanna listen to another rave song?
Nice memories.
Now that we're listening to this ... Good thing you're asking.
This was a really interesting phase, during which we learned a lot about ourselves.
For example, we're shamelessly quoting The Streets' "Blinded by the Lights" on this track.
It's kind of a fuzzy line between stealing and quoting,
but we decided to worry less about what's allowed,
and to just do what feels right for the song.
And also, as part of Kitschkrieg's identification phase, it was a time when
just like with Tretti, we had discovered a new artist and noticed a facet.
There was something sad about her, which had sporadically shimmered through before,
but we wanted to emphasize it in full EP lengths.
We began implementing our own ideas into the work we did with these artists.
This song for example, they hadn't slept in ages and were totally out of it.
Fizzle had recorded them and sent me this acapella over some beat.
It was way too loud, with the hi-hats blasting through my headphones.
We remixed it, and it turned out to be the beautiful song that it is today.
It's def got a "Lila Wolken", commercial TV flair to it.
You think?
I think it's got a pretty commercial noughties feel to it.
The steps and the shameless quote are like "Attention! Afterhour".
The rave synths and so on are pretty borderline.
You think, do I really want to go there, but you also just really like it,
and that was when we said it doesn't matter: If we like it, we're doing it.
That takes courage.
It helps when Haiyti and Joey Bargeld come stumbling into the studio still completely tripping.
If you don't know the backstory and you listen to it, you wonder how old are these people?
All the Genglish (German-English-mix)
sounds a bit like some business dude is trying to talk 1994 teenie slang.
May we quote that?
I liked that one too.
It's just real. That's the state they were in.
I don't think any of us asked themselves how it will come across in the end.
It just needed to come out at that very moment and I held a microphone up to their heads while it happened.
I was also surprised by how pop-like the results were, because the moment itself wasn't pop at all.
It was funny, because you did the session with them, and you were super annoyed.
Bargeld is a sketchy dude, on a first impression,
so you catch yourself thinking "I hope he doesn't steal anything".
So yeah, you were pretty annoyed by it all.
But I remember, there was a second song that was created during this session.
and you sent it along just like "oh, and we have this too".
I don't even remember that.
Do you remember?
No, I don't. But I know I was not in Berlin, and Fizzle sent it to me
and I - no wait, that was a different song,
it was "Hero für Fuffi" -
I heard Joey, and I realized right away: We have to work with this guy.
It wasn't that obvious to us.
But that's how we started working in a ping-pong style.
Because I wasn't part of the session,
I wasn't annoyed, and I could judge it differently,
And we do that quite a lot actually,
where we don't all work together at the same time, but rather take turns.
That's quite an interesting approach for anyone working with beats.
Yeah, the interesting thing is: Beats are beats, songs are songs.
And how does A, or B, turn into S?
Via A-B-C
Algebra 1?
Just teamwork. Eisfeld once said:
"It's a nice beat, but good beats are just good beats. We need great songs", and that really stuck with me.
That's a good example, because even he and his crew had different phases,
and you could always tell that they were better
when they had somebody else to give another opinion.
Somebody that would say "Cool idea, but let's try this differently".
It's not the most comfortable position to be in,
when you're working with these frail, beaming, lighthouse-like artist personalities,
and you think
"okay, you're shining, but you could shine so much more if you did things like this."
But that's the exact moment when you have to be honest,
and usually the artist is very thankful for that,
because if you don't say it, the song will only turn out to be mediocre.
And then one day, he'll step onto the stage and he will only find out then that it's not that great,
and that's so much more brutal than finding out in the studio already.
Just say "I think you can do better.
Honesty in the studio, while recording and during songwriting, is extremely important.
I never once experienced an artist getting upset about it, no matter which artist it was.
We've even completely blown off songs, or entire verses.
Yeah, the worst scenarios, but never once did anyone get mad, on the contrary.
Because with growing success, you are surrounded by a crew that might be living off of and with you.
You don't need yes-sayers. That leads to nothing. It's goes back to what you said earlier.
We're really trying to cultivate that kind of honesty and friction.
It's normal to not always agree, and that's an advantage.
For example, two days ago we played new things to Eisfeld
and he listened to it, and said "Amazing!
The whole setup and how it builds up into the hook line, and then - nothing. Disappointing hook line."
"It's total BS. No it's not even crap. It's just absolutely nothing. That's how bad it is."
And we thought "okay, thanks".
But there are no hurt feelings. It's helpful.
You listen to the song again and try to understand why he said that.
We spent a lot of time working on that hook line and everything else,
and then you get that kind of feedback.
But it helped me be able to listen to the song again differently, and I understood what he meant.
How long did it take you to recover from the first punch in the stomach?
It's about the right attitude for that kind of conversation.
It's not really a punch in the stomach.
I think we just don't have any ego issues anymore. That's completely over and done with.
You have to be able to tell each other when something sucks. "Hey, that's a bad hook or a shitty photo"
We've done that so many times now, it didn't feel like a punch, to answer your question.
It was really just like "Okay, thanks"
I think we talked about artists' egos in our last lecture. How to deal with that.
And I realized as we were speaking, that we often focus on the bigger goals.
Like where we see this going in the long run, what the next small goal is and so on.
So the small disagreements lose their importance in the perspective of those bigger goals.
Little things like one hook being shitty, or Fizzle being right about something or not, don't matter.
It's more important to keep up the good flow.
Do you know roughly when you guys left your egos behind? Maybe the annalist?
I think after the first EP, which took a year.
Because all the EPs that followed happened a lot quicker and easier,
so it must have been sometime around then.
If you take one year for 4 songs,
you have to ask yourself what's going wrong.
That doesn't really help pay the bills.
Right. It didn't make much sense.
That's when we realized that it's a problem.
The ego goes hand in hand with personal taste, and you can't really fight about that.
So we became pragmatic about it and divided up our responsibilities,
so different people had the authority over different decisions.
Whether I look my best in a specific photo is not really the issue, and it's not my decision either.
If we start fighting about that, we're just wasting our time.
Which is what happens usually.
The photo discussion is a typical issue: Try and get 3-4 people to agree on a favorite.
Everybody looks at themselves, so it's much more efficient leaving it up to somebody
who knows a thing or two about photography.
It's an interesting example, because awhodat is often not in our photos,
because she's usually the one taking them.
So she's the best person to judge them, because all I look at is my own crooked nose.
What we really learned is that there's no point in getting caught up in discussions.
That way, things never get done.
You have to be able to look at the last 20% of it from a distance.
Use an objective perspective, because these two often lose themselves in the details.
They get all nerdy. But you need somebody to step in and say
"It's done. It's nice, it touches me". And then it's really done.
A common mistake is to add another layer, and another one, and another one,
without noticing that it's actually already complete. Send it off, next.
What Nicole said is a great example for the benefits of judging from an outside perspective.
When you're not yet blinded by the routine and unbiased.
We are different people and have different talents.
Women feel better. They are often more in tune with their emotions …
What he's trying to say is women cry a lot.
I thought he was trying to make me cry with his accusations.
It wasn't meant like that. What matters is:
Is it a good song? Does it deliver emotion?
Or is it just a great snare and otherwise crafted to death?
Maybe this is a good moment to show what you contribute to Kitschkrieg.
Let's watch the "Jamaika" video.
It's always pretty brutal having to watch your own work in front of other people.
Yes, but also nice. I haven't seen it in a while,
and it was nice to watch. How long has it been?
February 2018. (Fiji: I miss the fruit lady.)
It's nice to be able to travel around the world
and do our thing and then it gets captured so beautifully.
Why work in black and white?
There's a running gag that I'm color blind.
It remains unclear to this day.
So you don't have a boating license, I assume.
I have a drivers license, so I don't think I am colorblind.
I don't know. It was just a natural development.
I always had a thing for b/w, and I bought this camera ...
No, you bought it! On credit. It took us 5 years to pay off.
So we're talking something like a Leica camera.
Because it took 5 years to pay off.
We were just that broke.
Really broke. It just happened naturally.
I always liked it that way.
We also thought that visually it fit in with what we do audibly.
A lot of reduction, a lot of black space, a lot of pauses.
Less is more.
Yeah. The look and feel is very similar to our music.
Especially when you look at Tretti, Haiyti, Joey Bargeld.
They're not going to say something they can't back up.
It's all real. And it's the same with the photos.
It's not about turning someone into something they're not.
The photo can have perfect lighting and detail,
but if you feel nothing, then it's not going to work. At least not for me.
And what's also similar with our photos and our music is the pauses, the reduction.
You have a photo with lots of black, smoke, and then you see Tretti, only this small,
but it still gets to you emotionally.
Or repetitions in the music, stylistic tools, they become reflections in the photos.
A raspy voice is represented by a crack in the floor, with nice lighting.
But you don't only use it online, but also for your live shows.
It's a pretty big part of your live shows actually.
Yeah, as of recently.
Like awhodat said, it really carries a certain feel.
When you look at Trettmann's Splash! show, we had a really nice scenery:
Everything was dark and in the background you had these nice b/w images and moving images.
That, carefully adjusted to a live setting with the appropriate lighting,
which for one short moment turned colorful,
but otherwise remained white the entire time, really playing with the b/w concept of the show.
It all connects and it emphasizes the mood of it all.
It feels like it's always belonged together, and it kind of has, so it makes perfect sense for us.
Tretti himself also performs more mono-chromatic than he did in the past.
Yeah. Exactly. That was a joint decision.
We're doing all of it together. Trettmann is really more like a band,
and we decided to implement that concept together,
and add our own style to it. And Tretti likes it.
He promoted it from the start
and was happy to do something else for a change,
and he was also the one who suggested calling the EPs Kitschkrieg.
So it all came together very naturally, and now it just belongs that way.
There are also moments in which we further develop that imagery.
I remember being on Böhmermann, he had invited Tretti,
and they performed "Grauer Beton" with an orchestra, and they turned it into a TV thing.
They took awhodat's video for "Grauer Beton" and adopted the b/w theme.
It was amazing. Beautiful.
I think we're going to get to that in a second.
Like in any great cooking show, we've prepared something.
But I find this very interesting.
Were you already on board for "Großvater"?
No, not in this constellation.
We were there in a way that we would occasionally produce something for him with our previous projects
or made a remix.
Since the first Trettmann songs, there's always been a remix by us for every song.
Looking back on it, it was a moment where people realized,
"Hang on, there's more to this guy,"
"And he wants to talk about other things too." Do more than songs like "Applaus".
Although that was a very entertaining metaphor ...
But that video was also b/w.
It was, but that was more of a coincidence. That was his 2nd or 3rd song.
And he would go back and forth between different styles. So that was just a coincidence, not our influence.
You we're just talking about Böhmermann and "Grauer Beton".
4 weeks ago the topic came full circle
when Tretti, who is from Karl Marx Stadt, performed at the concert.
You were so kind to prepare some pieces from that.
Let's watch half of that video, just to get back in.
I call this an all-round success.
Since Spliff's "Glaspalast", which was something like 35 years ago,
I don't think we've had something so contemporary that really gets to people,
is personal, and still done in a way that even a 13 year old can relate.
We also had the feeling it was something special, because it's a part of German history
that doesn't really get talked about much in pop music in such a straightforward way.
There was this Paul van Dyk piece that left you feeling weird,
but this track is, as he says himself, just to let people know where he's from.
Even just the chorus. How many months before the parliamentary elections was this track released?
3 or 4 months or so?
It was released on August 22nd.
Yeah I know that, because we finished it up the night before, on August 21st at 10pm,
and the night before that, a hotel room window fell onto my leg in Hamburg.
True story.
But I called them in Berlin and said "don't worry, I'll still have the video ready in time.
We can upload it at midnight".
Another part of it are the figures of speech,
but also repetitions like the ones young listeners are used to from artists like Yung Fuck and other Atlanta rappers.
But the lines about "Seelenfänger" (soul hunters) are no accusations.
Right, he's just describing what he saw.
He literally saw that. He lived there, and he's just sharing images of what he saw.
and we supported him and told him to go with it.
I personally didn't know the story,
because I come from the west, and it was unfathomable for me,
but with the way he described these images, it became possible for me to envision them too.
And when we drove out there to shoot the video, it all came together nicely.
We were able to understand what it was like back in the day, and also what the vibe is like nowadays.
It all got captured very well.
That song was also a special track on the album,
it underlines our transition from doing EPs to doing albums,
because we worked much more conceptually
and we had these songs ready before we had the music.
I remember you saying "Hey, we have Grauer Beton, it's about this topic,
and now we need music that can carry that message,
and also fits to the rest of the album, but not anything turn up style or too zeitgeisty."
And how does one do that?
With a TR-808 cowbell.
Do you know the TR-808?
It's a drum machine from the 80's.
I just secretly wikipedia-ed it again.
It's a Japanese drum machine from 1980 from the brand Roland,
and Tretti loved the cowbell sound.
It was like an insider gag,
and so it's pretty funny that the cowbell ended up being such a substantial element to the song.
The Zeit magazine falsely called it a Gameboy sound one time.
I would like to set that record straight right now.
I want to add one thing.
You said young people know this stuff from Yung Fuck and so on, and that's exactly what it is in its simplest form.
Of course it went through several stages lyrically,
but it was written to a Mike Will Made It beat. So it's definitely related.
Which one?
I don't know. Some random Mike Will Made It beat.
And that's another example of what writing can be like.
Somebody's digging a beat, and then you write a song to it, and then you have lyrics,
and then you take another look at it without the beat,
and then eventually the music just wraps itself around it, and that's basically how "Grauer Beton" came to be.
Before we get into detail about the rug that was woven around these lyrics:
When do you hold yourselves back?
There are some very personal songs on this album,
about break ups and one about suicide,
and sometimes it seems that with the lyrics being so detailed, some parts are unusually sloppy for him.
You get the feeling that it's so close and personal already,
that you don't want to push him over the edge by trying to dig even deeper,
and working on it even longer, because everything could fall apart then.
That's exactly it.
The suicide scenario is also based on a true experience he made,
and turning it into a song was already a tough decision to make.
Working on the track was difficult, the days after were difficult.
Everything about it felt as heavy, as the song itself.
And then it's not about singing it again and trying to get it perfectly.
It's allowed to be a bit sloppy, as long as the emotions are real, and they are.
So it's about understanding that there are more important things than recording take after take.
It was like fate, because it happened towards the end of the album production,
and we didn't make any more songs than the ones that ended up on the album,
so we had 9 songs and the 10th one was missing, and then that happened.
Tretti was completely out of it, and we thought
"oh God, how are we going to finish up this album? And how is he going to deal with this?"
Writing a song about it almost seemed like our only option.
It was tough.
We all sat in our kitchen with a lump in our throat.
The thing is, even when you play it to adults,
Like "here, this is what your kids listen to", especially compared to RAF camora,
they notice - and you we were just talking about blues -
that the really meaningful parts are not thoroughly designed and perfected,
and that's exactly what helps make it so authentic and honest.
That's exactly the trick.
You keep the mistakes and don't try to make it Hollywood style,
and record 5 voices and turn them into one, until it's so smooth and perfect,
that you can't differentiate one voice from another anymore.
We don't have much doubling, barely any ad libs,
one well recorded track, conveying all the emotions, has to be enough.
It was back in the day.
When you listen to old records, that can be enough.
When somebody has an important message, the song is simply good, and the feeling is real.
Most of the time when you try to make more of it,
it's really you trying to hide the fact that it wasn't enough to begin with.
You have to be honest with yourself and understand that you can't sugarcoat it,
because that doesn't make it any better.
Reverb is not the answer to all our questions.
Something you probably learned from dub and dancehall
is the courage to add pauses, in your videos often shown as black slides.
You often include breaks in pace, and you allow echoes to unfold.
Why don't you show us the different components of the song?
We'll start with the cowbell:
This is the infamous 808 cowbell.
Initially I listened to it and discovered that it's really a dyad.
I'm not super familiar with music theory,
but it's a quint, meaning there are 5 halftones between it.
So I did this with it, to emphasize that.
It's a sound that consists of two notes.
Then I added the sound to a sampler and pitched it down.
One octave lower, and another octave lower.
And that's what stayed until the end,
because I love the transition between the original sound
and how it then develops into the foundation of what becomes the beat.
The great thing about an 808 is that, for the past 37 years,
it's had a great meaning to basically every music genre, but it's a super rare machine.
People think everything's been done with it already.
The great thing is the sounds are so modifiable.
You can do so much by changing pitch and duration,
and therefore super versatile in their applicability,
but they also remain recognizable throughout, just like the cowbell.
They're charged with associations,
like the 80's and Gameboy sounds,
which gives modern beats a retro touch,
because something is only retro, if it reminds you of something.
When the machine first entered the market it was a total flop,
and then it was re-discovered by some broke people,
because they could buy it for a few bucks in second hand shops.
Exactly. And nowadays nobody has the machine, but everybody has the sample set.
Right. Back in the day if you wanted to tune this machine, you'd have to completely take it apart,
solder the parts and build in a putty, remove cables.
I'm going to assume that 90% of the people, not just the ones in Atlanta,
that have worked with these sounds,
have never actually seen one of these machines.
I saw one once, but I never owned one. And then I -
Before we get there.
You're playing everything from your computer.
It doesn't look like you are a total tech equipment crack.
This is the studio.
And this is the second studio.
And then we have one more for photos and videos, and that's our setup. That's really all you need nowadays.
Very duster friendly.
If you're being honest with yourself, consider how much these machines can do.
If you have ideas, this is all you need.
Here for example, logic is running,
and here's a a mini jack,
and that's how we produced the Tretti album, even without a sound card.
None of these 96 kilohertz …
Vocals is a bit of a different story, but that's really the only thing that requires proper equipment,
like a good mic, a good compressor and good studio monitors for listening purposes,
and that's the entire setup.
Our studio is very minimalistic, there's not a lot of stuff standing around.
And we did everything with this laptop, even the final mixing.
And then I layered the cowbells with the keyboard.
And it becomes a melody, because there's two notes coming together.
You almost already have a chord sequence,
so all you need to do is add a third note,
and then you automatically have a bunch of minor chords.
I was really happy with how it turned out, because the cowbell chords basically ended up dictating the rest,
and it kind of just unfolded on its own.
Next we had to decide on a snare.
We chose the same cowbell, adding reverb this time.
And then ...
there's basically just another bass layer, also done with the 808,
and a piano on top of it, and that's it.
We decided not to add any hi-hats or a louder snare,
because we wanted everything on the frequency of his voice to remain free,
to achieve maximum emphasis on him.
You just said "charged".
How much, especially with a German topic like this,
how much do you worry about slipping into a sentimentality, that makes it difficult?
Or is that not an issue for you?
I think they were independent factors.
He wanted the cowbells,
because every beat involving cowbells is a good beat in Tretti's opinion,
so we took a closer look at that.
I remember coming into the studio and he showed it to me in a similar way as just now,
showing the individual steps, and taking it apart again,
and it wasn't in connection to a specific topic or a song.
The music was completely detached from what it turned into later.
Then how did the two parts come together and mold so perfectly?
That is the earlier described allocation of different responsibilities.
This is how you can imagine it:
We have this pool, which is our Dropbox, and it has a text document in it with the lyrics to "Grauer Beton",
so we all know there's a song, there might even be a demo of it somewhere,
or Tretti might have sung it to you on the phone before.
And then it happens - not always, but sometimes - that everything comes together neatly.
That was the moment in the studio, when I was presented the beat
and Tretti had just sung it to me two days earlier, and I thought "okay, I think we have lyrics for that".
I also think that just the piano makes it a very cheesy ballad, very over the top,
and producing is always about micro decisions,
what do we need more of, what do we need less of.
Finding that balance between 808, which is street and hip hop,
and putting it together with the piano in a way that you get away with it, that's the trick.
Are you fighting a war against kitsch, or are you using kitsch as a tool to fight?
We're against it. It's our enemy.
There's no clear line you can follow though.
Once you find your own style and learn to trust it, it becomes easy.
You really only have to listen to your inner voice and base your decisions on that.
It's a very easy thing, you just have to have confidence and trust yourself.
Dancehall is also a good basis for that, because here you also have the great big feelings.
Sure, but I don't know if that's just the case with dancehall.
If you listen to soul or any of the various sub-genres,
there's always going to be songs that are just too much
and then there's one that strikes a chord with you. I think that applies to all genres.
And everyone has to define those limits for themselves, because it's different for everyone.
Luckily, we all have a similar threshold for when thing's become too embarrassing,
and that's a major advantage for us.
Remember when we recorded the vocals?
That was also special, because his voice was so rugged,
which contributed to the realness of it all and makes it so much less cheesy,
but originally he was against us using that recording.
I think "Grauer Beton" is a really great example for,
I don't want to say magic,
but sometimes there are things in the process of a production that you can label,
one guy is working the cowbells like a pro and everybody just plays their part.
But if you pick it apart, you see there were the lyrics for one,
Fizzle created some images that were fitting, Kris made the beat.
I read the lyrics first, and only heard the beat when the first demo was ready.
For me, because it's also my story in a way, I kept asking myself
"How do we solve this? What kind of a beat is this? How does it all go together?"
And it fits perfectly.
It just became clear that we're going to add his broken voice,
even though it's not perfect, and Tretti would have preferred recording new vocals.
And then we were faced with the challenge of having to create a video for that.
About a topic that's ughh, but everything came together really perfectly in the end.
The recording is also the first demo.
He had just returned from touring and was totally hoarse. I'll play it for you quickly.
This is a great example for vocals that aren't perfect, but full of emotions.
And it makes you realize how invaluable it is when an artist trusts you,
because you can convince them that this is exactly how it needs to be for this track,
and talk them out of trying to do it again "properly" after a good night's rest,
because I'm convinced that would have ruined it.
That brings us back to the metaphor from earlier,
where you may not like the way you look in a photograph,
but we on the outside can see that it's still the better shot from an unbiased point of view.
And Tretti trusts us, and goes along with it all, just like it happened with the video:
I had a vision of it. I planned it.
And I tried to convey what we had planned for that day,
and only once the video was done Fizzle said
"Ahhh, now I get it!"
Both these guys and Tretti trusted me completely.
They just told me to do my thing, and that was that.
It's important for teams to let the other people do their own thing, because often you only understand their vision when it's done.
You have your own understanding of their idea,
and what you imagine may be shit,
but then it goes down a whole other alley and in the end you like it after all.
That's why you just gotta let people do their own thing sometimes.
I think you just summed up Kitschkrieg perfectly: Do your thing. Done.
Does that mean a decision like changing the lyrics, or switching octaves was there all along?
That's usually part of the recording process.
We make those micro decisions while we record and say
"Go higher a bit, do less of that".
During the entire time we recorded this album, there isn't one single recording that took several attempts to complete.
We worked on one song at a time, made all the decisions right then and there,
and then it would stay that way. Pretty intense.
If anything, we brainstormed first what kind of songs might still be missing on the album,
that's what I meant earlier about transitioning from EPs, which were about the moment and our crew,
to albums, saying
"We want 10 songs, what's still missing on the spectrum in terms of music and also lyrics?"
When you use a take that's not perfect, but perfectly captures a moment,
and you want to work it into a live set, performing it 30 nights in a row,
and audiences have high expectations,
how do you go about that? What needs to be adapted or presented differently live?
The songs are quite simple and without any crazy stunts or vocals edits.
We got one great standalone track, carrying all the emotions,
therefore I think it's quite easy for someone like Tretti to perform them live too,
because there are no artificial heights.
It's all on his spectrum and our music leaves enough room for his voice to unfold,
all of that makes it easy for him to sing to.
Were you also in Chemnitz the other week?
No, we were not in Germany.
We kept track of the events on the internet
and of course also had a personal exchange about him going there and what he'll be doing there.
It's a very important issue for him,
because this is his home town, and it's a topic that's accompanied him his whole life already.
We weren't there, but we watched it online.
Oddly enough, the online stream of his performance doesn't show this one song,
it begins right after his performance of "Grauer Beton".
Oh, great.
Yeah, really well done.
Before we get to questions from the audience,
let's talk about 1-2 other artists you've worked with.
Mr. Bargeld for example would turn 16 bars from Tretti into an entire album as far as lyrics go, huh?
You could argue that's complete bullshit,
or you can accept the fact that it can deliver just as much emotion
as someone rapping 3 x 16 bars plus a hook and a bridge.
We believe Bargeld's music is enough.
I don't feel like there's anything missing in terms of lyrics or feeling. It's all there.
Should I show you a Bargeld track with really many lyrics?
And a lot of feeling. Bargeld feeling.
That's more of a Kanye West approach.
Yeah, maybe.
You have to be ballsy to do that, but once you get into it, you don't feel like anything's missing.
I'm happy with the outcome.
We definitely had this discussion internally.
Yeah, what the hell.
One day at the studio and this is what you got?
You get sent this vocal track ... Although this is one of the more productive outpourings by Mr. Bargeld.
Yeah, we have a song "Party Leben." "Party, Party, Party, Leben." Two words.
And I even had to loop those.
And then the reply to that is
"But listen to how intense this one word …"
And in the end you ask yourself, is this art or can it be tossed?
There is a level on which you can sit down with an artist for hours,
just to maybe end up with 3 words or one sentence or one hook.
You need a lot of patience for that, and I don't have that.
A track like "Party Leben" stems from an 8-9 hour long recording day.
We have tons of vocals, it's not like that's all we ended up with,
but for some reason that ended up being the thing we thought we should work with.
It's about reduction.
I always go on about how it's the same for beats and photos, but it really is.
Digitally, we have access to any sound in the world,
we could add woodwinds or anything we want,
but we're limited by what Kitschkrieg defines itself as.
What is the band, what's the orchestra, what vocabulary do we want to use?
And then it always ends up being the same 5 sounds, or always the same 16:9 b/w look.
More cowbell ...
What do 9 hours of working with Megaloh look like, versus 9 hours with Mr. Bargeld?
That's the complete opposite to Joey Bargeld.
He has every syllable rhyming with the next one, so even we lose track of it.
The raps and rhymes are fragmented into such tiny details, that it becomes a whole other discipline.
And then the 16 bars need to be built around it accordingly.
The funny thing is, that Megaloh and Joey Bargeld get along really well,
because they totally get that they are so far apart musically.
And then you have someone like Megaloh asking Bargeld how he writes his lyrics,
it's really very funny to watch him explain that.
"Uh, dunno, I just have these 3 uhhh … and yeah, that's it!" "Okay cool, thanks!"
Does that mean he just shuts down after half a beat or what?
Bargeld? No.
He just has a talent to distill it so much, that whatever he ends up with, is still enough to make it work.
For example, in the studio, when we turn on some music and tell him to write something to that,
he actually does. And then when he's done, he has to laugh about it himself.
And then he presents us one single sentence.
And like I said, I think that's a crazy talent, to reduce it to such little material, and still get away with it.
It might be the hardest thing to do really.
So he's the Johnny Lydon of German rap.
Probably, yes.
Okay, so you got punk. What's Megaloh - a sprinter? A decathlete?
He's just THE rapper.
If you do rap in that genre, you have to do it like he does.
He's a true MC in a classical sense.
You don't have to compare it, those are just two different sports.
And it can happen to be similar music, but they remain two different sports.
For the project "Herb & Mango" with him and Trettmann, we had to find a musical platform that makes all that audible.
We were able to level their two voices up against each other,
and I remember cutting the verses from 16 bars to 12,
so it became less about length and doing it just for the purpose of sporting,
and more about the awesomeness of the song.
Hang on, you cut 1/4 of a writer's content and took it away from them?
Sure, that's exactly our job.
It may sound funny, but that's what it comes down to.
You can't just press record and take what you get.
Your job is to cut things out, to tell them to do things differently, that's what producing is all about.
It's our job.
That sounds like we should give this a quick listen.
You guys can already think about your questions and we'll send someone around with a mic.
But first, we're going to listen to?
"Anorak" by Megaloh, Trettmann and us.
Alright, let's get down to business now:
How important is it for an artist's survival, also in times of Spotify and so on,
that your pieces are also suitable for gym playlists?
Gym playlists … okay
Sure, you could think it's important,
because we only earn money from streaming and things like that,
at least in our case, because we don't go on tour, we don't perform live,
so it's about how much music we sell or stream.
You could focus on being placed in these playlists.
And in order to do that it's probably easiest to just stick to the sound people are used to.
All 20 of those songs pretty much sound the same.
Same pattern, same construct.
That doesn't mean it's a bad thing, but it's all the same type of music.
You can play along,
or what worked in our case, was to produce the complete opposite of that and attract attention that way.
That also gets you into playlists.
And if you make music that reaches people emotionally, they add it to their own playlists too.
You don't want to just get into the editorial playlists.
If your listeners send it to all their friends and they add it to their playlists too.
then that also gets you plays and the money you need to get by.
That sounded like you have a secret agenda.
It's been a while since we last heard something new from you guys.
Suspicious indeed.
Would you like to name a date?
Somebody else is responsible for dates.
Yeah …
So maybe there are secrets to be uncovered soon.
Does somebody have the mic and a question?
A hand signal. Great.
First of all I wanted to say, 808 ftw, keep it up.
Then I wanted to ask all 3 of you:
I don't know how you see this, but we as people want to be liked and loved.
There are 2 groups of people for whom that's not very productive.
The first one being villains in wrestling,
and the second group being artists that play the role of outsiders.
And now you guys are rightfully receiving lots of love for your art
and from lots of people sitting here, myself included.
How does becoming less of an outsider, and gaining appreciation for what you do, have an influence on you?
That's a good point.
There's that phenomenon where you lose all drive as soon as your struggle ends, and things become boring.
But I don't think we're very susceptible to that, because this is what we've always done.
There's no other way.
We did it for 10 - 15 years without any success,
struggling to be able to pay our rent, over such a long amount of time,
and that shows that we were never able to do it any other way.
And now we're in a phase where everything becomes possible,
and we can work with all our heroes, and we're enjoying it, but also staying true to ourselves.
Our taste hasn't changed.
And I think we're pretty unsusceptible to that, because we were already of a certain age
when our success kicked in.
Maybe had this happened at 20 or 25, it might have been different.
But now we're just thankful to be able to go into the studio and work with people that we're fans of.
And being able to make music with them, so I think we're pretty safe.
A symptom of that and something that should calm you down is
that when we receive awards for what we do, we usually feel really awkward about it,
we just want to get back to the studio and be amongst ourselves again.
We're really doing it for the love of it all, it's fun creating music, and photos and videos.
That's why we do it.
Are there any other artists you'd like to work with.
Be it a German rapper or international artists,
and do you approach them, or do you wait to be approached by them?
We typically approach these people directly.
Of course we also have people approaching us, and we check them out to see if we want to work with them or not,
but we're definitely working our way down our wishlist at the moment, every chance we get.
That's true. Here's a secret:
We were joking about how our to-do-list is the same as our wishlist.
Any other questions?
I saw something in the back ...
Does everything have to involve all Kitschkrieg members,
or does she also go off and shoot videos for projects you guys are not interested in?
It has to be all of Kitschkrieg.
We tried it differently once, and it didn't make us happy.
I can take your picture without their approval.
I guess now the time has come for us to applaud and thank these people,
and let them know that we're excited for what is to come.
We started off with "Billie Holiday", so maybe we can end this session with that video.
Thank you, Kitschkrieg.
|अब सबका होगा monetization on | - Duration: 4:01.
Citroën C3 PureTech 110 S&S Shine NAVI / AIRCO - Duration: 1:12.
01 fit20 James Steele Comment amener les gens à s'entraîner. - Duration: 2:17.
Hoda Kotb, Al Roker & Craig Melvin Open Megyn Kelly's Today Hour in First Show Since Cancellation - - Duration: 3:41.
The Today show is refreshing its third hour following Megyn Kelly's blackface scandal
Today anchors Craig Melvin, Hoda Kotb and Al Roker replaced Kelly in the show's first 9 a
m. slot since NBC confirmed the disgraced anchor's hour was canceled last week. Kotb kicked off the segment by addressing how the show planned to move forward without Kelly
"Today, as you know, we are starting a new chapter in the third hour of our show as it evolves," she said
"We want you to know that the entire Today family will continue to bring you informative and important stories, just as we always have
" Jenna Bush Hager took over the hosting duties after the first 20 minutes and was later joined by Roker and Melvin
According to Variety, Today anchors, including Savannah Guthrie, will take turns hosting the 9 a
m. hour until NBC finds a permanent solution. On Friday, NBC announced Kelly's hour had been canceled amid immense backlash for her controversial remarks about blackface earlier in the week
"Megyn Kelly Today is not returning. Next week, the 9 a.m. hour will be hosted by other Today co-anchors," an NBC spokesperson told PEOPLE
While Megyn Kelly Today is officially done, her future at the network remains unclear
Kelly's attorney told Variety in a statement: "Megyn remains an employee of NBC News and discussions about next steps are continuing
" Kelly did not appear live on the air Thursday or Friday morning, with NBC announcing the rest of this week's broadcasts had been replaced with pre-taped episodes
On Friday, Kelly's Today show colleagues addressed the possibility of her exit from NBC, with NBC News correspondent Morgan Radford sharing that according to a source familiar with the situation, Kelly entered talks with the network "this morning … about her imminent departure
" According to NBC News, as of Thursday, conversations had "already started about Megyn's exit from the network," according to a source
Another source said that "representatives for Kelly are scheduled to meet on Friday with company executives," adding that it appears "extremely unlikely" she'll continue working at NBC
While discussing attempts at universities to discourage "inappropriate and offensive costumes" on Tuesday, the former Fox News host asked: "But what is racist? Because truly, you do get in trouble if you are a white person who puts on blackface at Halloween or a black person who puts on whiteface for Halloween
Back when I was a kid, that was okay as long as you were dressing up as like a character
" Kelly, 47, has since apologized for her comments twice — first in an internal email to colleagues and then on-air as she held back tears
Her NBC colleagues condemned her harshly on-air. Melvin called her remarks "indefensible" as well as "ignorant and racist," and Roker insisted she "owes a bigger apology to folks of color around the country
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Great Britain Before World War 1 I THE GREAT WAR Special - Duration: 12:26.
The Following Episode is sponsored by War2Glory.
When the Great War began, Great Britain was the largest empire in history, on which the
sun never truly did set, but what was going on in Britain socially, economically, and
industrially in that prewar period? That's what I'll talk about today.
I'm Indy Neidell; this is a Great War Special Episode about Great Britain before the First
World War.
In January 1901, Queen Victoria died after a reign of nearly 64 years.
She was crowned as Queen of the United Kingdom, but she died as Queen also of Canada and Australia,
and Empress of India. Mainland Britain had then 41 million inhabitants in 314,000 square
kilometers, British colonial possessions have 450 million inhabitants in 32 million square
kilometers- so around a quarter of the world's land and population. This is not even considering
the huge commercial interests Britain had in other parts of the world, like South America.
The British were the first to industrialize, doing so already beginning in the 18th century,
and this brought about an economic and demographic revolution. The economic development relied
on a global dominance of finance and commerce, with the pound as global standard, the generalization
of free trade, and high technical standards developed in Britain and then spread throughout
the world. National income rose from 232M pounds in 1801 to 1.75B in 1901, iron production
from 120K tons to 13.5M, and by 1900 the British merchant fleet accounted for just over 50%
of global tonnage.
The role of the British as citizens was built around three types of liberties: individual,
like freedom of movement, speech, and thought; economic, based on private property and the
freedom of enterprise and contract; and public liberties, the rights to association and representation.
All of this all made Britain the forerunner in trade unionism. Unions were recognized
as early as 1825, legalized in 1871, and by 1900 2 million workers were unionized.
The domestic population also increased rapidly in the 19th century.
The birth rate reached nearly 3% a year and the death rate was below 2%, so a result,
other than just growth, is that the population is young by the new century. 40% are under
20 years of age. Most of the population- some 70%- now lives in densely packed urban areas,
and London, with 7M inhabitants, is the largest city in the world.
The traditional social hierarchy has still remained quite rigid, though. You have 5%
of the population as the nobility and gentry; they own more than half of the land and live
lives of ease, the Middle Class, 15-20% of the population, which also includes the wealthy
from industry and commerce, and the working class- over ¾ of the population. Now, they
are very diverse, from farmers to factory workers and beyond, and they have spatial
disparities. For example, they have relatively decent living conditions in England, but poorer
ones in Scotland and Wales. Still, 1% of the population held 2/3 of the wealth and the
working class in total held less than 10%.
There had been some notable social achievements, though. In 1900, primary school is free and
mandatory for everyone up to age 14, so the literacy rate has climbed from 40% in 1870
to 97% 30 years later. This results in a huge general media and information boom, particularly
the expansion of the newspapers and the press, since everyone can read now, but also in popular
literature, with Oscar Wilde, H.G.Wells, Rudyard Kipling, and more springing to prominence.
There is also a rise in the society of leisure, foremost through sport. Golf, tennis, football,
rugby, cricket, boxing, sailing, gymnastics... cricket in particular was a massive phenomenon.
But this society, at the end of the Victorian Era, was a society that was more and more
demanding change.
The first signs of the protests in the 20th century took root in the colonial empire in
the 19th. For example, the formation of the Indian National Congress in 1885 spurred distrust
toward the colonial regime. Toward these various emerging threats, Britain reacted by either
speeding up the reform process or using force.
That's what happened in South Africa. We talked about the Boer Wars so I won't go
into that again, but at the outset it was thought the British Army could beat the locals
in weeks. It took over half a year in the active field, and two and a half years of
guerrilla warfare to finally end. And 22,000 dead of the some 450,000 strong British contingent-
that's one of 20. This all triggered deep doubts in the national conscience about the
ability of the empire to even survive.
There were great changes at home in the new century as well.
Even just the new King, Edward VII, brought society away from Victorian mores. He indulged
in things like card games and gambling, which had been very much frowned upon or even illegal.
The financial power of the gentry began decreasing as they started selling off land to avoid
taxation. The Middle Class was raising its social status, but there was also a big movement
toward secularization.
By the beginning of the Great War, only 10% of the Anglican community regularly attended
services. As a result of that, the demands for change could not be channeled through
moral dogmas and the protests more and more took a political form. We did a whole special
about Ireland that covered the Home Rule Crisis and it had a massive impact, but things like
feminism also became major issues. The Suffragette Movement to give women the vote, for example,
had existed in Britain since the 1870s, but it really took center stage in the prewar
period. There was an awareness of the situation of children and things like Boy Scouts and
Girl Guides were created, the situation of the elderly as life expectancy rose to over
50 and the idea of a right to retirement raised new political and medical issues, so the Edwardian
era saw a shift toward secularization, acculturation, and modernity.
Economic growth had kept protests quiet before, but that situation was also rapidly changing.
The UK still dominated global commerce, but national income now trailed the US and Germany,
as did the share of global production. And the revenues from labor were not equally distributed-
the dividends go up; the salaries don't. This led to the great unrest of 1910-1911.
In 1911, over 10 million workdays were lost to strikes, from 1910-1914 trade union membership
rose by 2/3, and in the 7 months of 1914 before the war began, British industry was hit by
937 strikes.
The Conservative Government in power at the turn of the century was unable to keep up
with social dissatisfaction and in 1905 the general elections brought the Liberal Party
to power. They were faced with a really tense situation, and though they had an undisputed
majority until 1910, after that they had to ally themselves with the newly emerging Labor
Party and the Irish Nationalists to form a government.
Their political program rested on Home Rule, on reforms of social democracy, like workman's
compensation, protections for abused children, old age pensions, a base salary for minors,
and a national insurance act, which granted almost everyone the right to health insurance.
Also Parliamentary reform- the Parliament Act of 1911 regulated the relations between
the houses of Parliament. So despite progress, Britav l#in's internal situation was quite
dark, with the real prospect of a civil war in Ireland, and the social unrest and disruption
to production caused by the strikes and the social movements.
Internationally, since 1815, British global leadership had rested on three principles-
preserving international peace, fighting against any hegemony especially in Europe, and defending
Britain's global interests and possessions.
So Britain had developed a dense diplomatic network, and- intending to act as a judge
in international relations- refused any lasting alliance, leading to the policy of "splendid
isolation" that allowed her to change sides whenever needed to protect British interests.
But by 1900, only Britain and France favored maintenance of the status quo abroad, since
their imperial ambitions had been met. The first decade of the 20th century was a different
kettle of fish. True, the British navy was the largest in the world, but much of it was
dated, so growing competition had caused Britain to massively invest in the expansion and modernization
of the Royal Navy in order to maintain the two power standard- Britain's navy should
maintain a fleet of battleships equal to the next two greatest naval powers combined. So
Britain intended to maintain peace while engaging in an arms race. As for the land forces, the
reforms completed in 1912 led to the creation of a BEF of 6 divisions, around 150,000 men.
They did not use conscription so this land force was far smaller than the continental
armies of 2-4 million men, though the British regulars were all professionally trained soldiers.
By now, Britain's main continental rival was Germany, whose naval program definitely
threatened the two power standard. In 1904, Britain, rejecting splendid isolation, formed
an alliance with its oldest rival, France; an Anglo-Russian convention follows three
years later. Those alliances were tested in the Moroccan Crises, which ultimately strengthened
relations between Britain and France. At Germany's expense The Triple Entente also remained strong
in the Bosnian Crisis of 1908 and the Balkan Wars of 1912 and 1913. In fact, Lord Haldane,
the British Secretary of State for War who had carried out those army reforms I mentioned,
and who was later Chancellor, told Prince Lichnowsky, the German Ambassador to Britain
during the July Crisis, in the ambassador's words, "England, if we attacked France,
would unconditionally spring to France's aid, for England could not allow the balance
of power to be disturbed."
Well, by now, it kinda
has been.
Now, as I said in the beginning, this episode was sponsored by War2Glory, a real-time strategy
MMO browser game. Become the leader of the city, take care of its defense and build your
own army, carefully choose your own tactic and strategy to be successful.
If you want to learn more about War2Glory while also supporting this channel, follow
the link in the video description.
Why this ghost terrifies those who are left alone in this house? - Terrifying places - Duration: 6:43.
good morning today I want you to join me to a place that is not abandoned, but
which is said to be one of the places with more paranormal activity of all
Canary Islands, in fact important television programs, that are dedicated to the paranormal, as is the
case of the fourth millennium, have been in several times in this house to
investigate why these occur phenomena. Before I start, I invite you to
subscribe activates the little bell so that you receive all the notifications of the
new videos that are to come, give LIKE if you like the video and share in
your social networks No more, we started. This mansion was built in 1593
by Francisco Lercaro, is rich Genoese family settled in Tenerife
specifically, in the lagoon where is currently the palace, this place
soon it would be marked forever by a terrible event that would happen to his
At the end of the 16th century, Catalina Lercaro, with only 16 years old, was forced to
marry an older man, great wealth and that was engaged in trafficking of
Slaves, Catherine dressed as a bride, totally mad and desperate,
decided to throw himself into the well that existed in the back of the house and finish
with his life
according to Catalina's body is buried in one of the
stays in the house, since the church Catholic in those days prevented
the suicides were buried in the cemeteries Over the centuries
later, there are many people who They claim to have seen his appearance. One day
the Lercaro family left the house never to return The house was left
abandoned to its fate, being left in ruins until 1993 when it was
rebuilt to become a museum Ethnographic and History of Tenerife,
however, from there the phenomena would become even more
insistent, according to many of the testimonials that we will tell you soon
Spectral visions, noises are produced strange and sinister smells that
they appear from nowhere. Being a museum has security 24 hours.
Some of the security guards they claim to have seen a woman with a
white dress in the back yard. Another one of the testimonies affirms that a
of the girls in charge from the museum's library he saw sitting
a woman staring at him and disappearing when noticing his
presence. Another witness who they worked in the museum affirmed what
next: it is very grave when you know you're alone in the house and you hear
in the upper floor mysterious steps, something that always happens, like the
appearances, when someone new enters work in the museum, it seems as if
I would like to be with the least number of possible people another of the witnesses
he also claimed that the invisible steps they are always heard from section 6
to the place where the showcase that houses an image of Christ,
most terrifying resolved even the next story that tells another
witness: that morning there was no one in the didactic room was suddenly heard a
noise and the door closed, it could think it was the wind, but the most
mysterious is that it was closed by inside with a key, without anyone in the
inside the room, we had to enter through a window
which we force and open the lock, here very strange things happen. It is also affirmed
that another young museum worker I leave a glass in one of the
upstairs tables and he went back to look for it, not only did he find it in another
point of the table, but broken into a thousand pieces. Another curious story is the one
it happened to a man who carried his shoulders some beams to raise them to the floor
above, when he arrived he saw that the door where I had to enter was closed
with a plank that reinforced him, he decided leave the load on the ground, but before
to do it, mysteriously, the piece of wood that ensured the closure jumped by
the airs and the two leaves of the door They opened wide. If this
outside, two people who worked in the museum they swear to have seen a
girl who watched them from the barn and then disappeared, being
them alone in the house since it It was closed to the public. Another one
the stories also more terrifying the account a cleaner, that being
washing his hands in the bathroom he looked at himself to mirror
and he saw a girl move quickly dressed in white behind her. We can not say that
is what belongs to the legend and what is what belongs to reality, what
we are is that the Lercaro house is a fascinating place, which keeps objects from
great value, like the carriages of the Nava y Grimón family, which according to
account in them traveled Alfonso 13, also has inspired stories like the case of
book by Mariano Gambín: "the Lercaro house" I recommend that you read it if you
Interested in this topic.
So far the video and I hope that this place fascinated you as much as me and
you liked this video a little different from what we usually do
usual way and I hope that I have liked knowing Catalina's story
Lercaro Stay tuned because the next week we will have
videos of abandoned places. As always ask you to subscribe, activate
the bell so that you receive all the notifications of the new videos that are by
come. Give us like if you like the video and
Share in your social networks. Thank you very much for being there, a
How to Hallow...Win in Rainbow Six Siege + all 22 crimsonveil packs open - Duration: 6:50.
Okay, let's open some alpha packs first
Oh, bro, this looks like my eggs
Oh this looks like me
This is dabbing in Chernobyl
This is Valkyrie without make up I guess
Drum roll please
Rest in peace Valkyrie
Wait, what is this?
Is this a ghost?
This is so creepy
This is so dark
i cant see a thing. Oh my god someone is here
My god, I saw something moving. Oh
Let's go boys, Rush Rush Rush
Let's go ,break the ..the wall
Okay, I'm juicing and plant
Outside clear
Nice just that just wait for the defuser
I am planting Boys
I'm coming in...planting. Get out of my way you soldier
Let me save this recruit first
We Want You Back (Animated) | DLC YouTube - Duration: 0:31.
We're here with Chuck, founder of Dollar Loan Center.
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We've even loosened out lending criteria over the past year.
They could also bring in a co-borrower right?
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Get up to $5,000 in just minutes at Dollar Loan Center.
Yes, the world is going badly, Mary tells us: "Faith and confidence "... I remember that with Korea
from the North we were, according to the media at the edge of a nuclear war, and in 2 days,
they met and huddled together the hand ... according to media reports with donald
trump there's going to be war everywhere and then finally it's been 2 years and it's going a bit
near … Trust tells us Mary, yes, it's long,
yes it takes time ... marie tells us "You" become Saint, try to become
Holy ... try to become better ... Start with the prayer with the heart then
find joy in prayer ... try the adventure of fasting and sacrifices ... increase
your prayers ... and especially remember the old messages from Medjugorje that you find on
internet and try to apply them in your life …. do not worry about others ...
do not worry about the world ... "you" put good will ... we will
ask not to help poor children in India ... you are just asked to pray with the
heart. Place god in the first place in your life ... put crosses in all
parts of your house ... throw holy water on the walls, make a small chapel ...
Try the walk in the forest praying ... carry a cross, avoid snakes and heads
of death ... dip your cross in the water blessed of a church ... we do not ask you
not to become a monk or a priest ... request to have a normal life and to place
God everywhere in your life ... and to pray as much as possible ...
Miracle in Taxco ...
In Mexico, in the Taxco region, a miracle took place. The statue of Jesus was
cried on Holy Thursday. Since 200 years this is the first time the procession
Taxco's Christs are suspended because of such an event ...
Here you have find this interesting video ... then you can,
In the left part see more videos ... and in the right side the latest videos
I publish a video every day at 18h, if that really interests you ...
... you can subscribe ... by following ... the red arrow ...
Never consume these two foods in the evening before going to bed, you will regret it forever !! - Duration: 5:30.
Never eat these two foods at night before going to bed, you'll regret it
for ever !!
Radish, be it red, black or white is a crunchy vegetable, refreshing and
slightly spicy. His leaves are also edible. Like most crucifers,
it contains antioxidants and compounds bioactives that would protect against certain cancers.
The Jaundice:
Hemorrhoids Urinary disorders:
Weightloss Constipation
Respiratory Disorders, Bronchitis And Asthma Blood pressure:
Cardiovascular problems: Renal disorders
Fever Insect Bites
dehydration Respiratory Problems And Throat Pain.
Vitamin-C and Immune System Health Liver and Gallbladder
Skin Disorders: Vitamin-C, phosphorus, zinc and the few components of vitamin B
complex that are present in the radish are good for the skin. Water in radishes
also helps maintain moisture levels healthy in the skin. Raw radish crushed
is a good makeup remover and serves as a mask of effective beauty. Because of its properties
disinfectants, radishes also help to clean skin disorders such as the
dry skin, rashes and fissures.
Vitiligo or leucoderma is a disease skin characterized by the appearance
white spots all over the body. In more to lead a healthier life and avoid
habits that can be harmful to health and the overall appearance of the skin, there is
some effective home treatments against vitiligo:
Radish seeds and cider vinegar These two elements work very well
together to treat vitiligo. Ingredients:
4 tablespoons radish seeds (40 g).
1 roll of cider vinegar Preparation:
Put the radish seeds in a glass and cover with vinegar.
Soak all night. The next morning, crush the seeds for
get a dough. Apply on white spots and leave
ask 2 hours. Rinse with warm water.
To be repeated 3 times a week.
You do not know but consume too much radish harms your health. And I'm going to
explain why ... Excessive consumption radish can lead to many pathologies
, rare and unknown diseases with consequences harmful.is serious, but curiously
nobody talks about it. Some doctors generally recommend
to eat radishes no more than once a week, the use of the root has a
irritating effect on the stomach and intestines. So, gastric ulcer, gastritis, colitis
and enterocolitis, In some cases, nutritionists recommend
to eat a radish is not at the same time as cheese, especially in the evening before bedtime
the consequences could be disastrous for you.
Merkel annonce son retrait de la vie politique pour 2021 - Duration: 14:16.
Futureadpro 200 adpacks reached-#futureadpro 1000 $ passive-Whatsapp 015158780604 [Futurenet] - Duration: 6:14.
la confessione di Marco Carta da Barbara D'Urso: 'Ho un compagno e sono felice' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:55.
UCLouvain pilots soar into zero-g - Duration: 3:30.
Saint-Hubert Airfield, Belgium.
September 2018
This project originates from an idea
shared with my colleague Norbert Frischauf and the professor René Laufer.
We proposed the idea of performing parabolic flights with gliders instead of heavy aircraft
which provide 20 seconds of zero gravity.
In gliders, we have a zero gravity period which is quite shorter,
of the order of 5-6 seconds in microgravity, which is not so long
but that is already sufficient to see very interesting effects.
So I talked about this project to the professor Philippe Chaletain who was very excited about the idea.
And we decided to carry out some proof-of-concept experiments.
The basic principle is simple: the pilot starts from a given altitude...
And it is by falling, by pushing the stick forward that the glider gets speed.
Afterwards, the pilot will accelerate upward by pulling on the stick.
When he reaches 45 degrees of climb, he pushes progressively the stick forward
This way, we enter a parabolic trajectory.
It is a very short time parabola, of about 5-6 seconds.
And we can see it also as a small part of an elliptic orbit around Earth's center.
Of course, we do not perform a complete revolution around the earth,
only a small part,
fortunately because otherwise we would crash at some point.
It feels like super magic but in reality
parabolic flights are the classical prerequisite for any acrobatic flights.
Because we have no engine
and therefore because we have no engine we have to get the speed from the height, right ?
So we take the altitude, we pull down.
And when we pull down, we have 0 g if we exceed it a bit, we won't make it too strong, right ?
So that's how you come to the parabolas.
And parabolas are a side effect of every aerobatic flight.
So I may have hundreds of them by now.
We will fly a parabolic trajectory with the glider.
It will actually allow us to reproduce a free fall situation.
In other words, the glider and the pilot on board will fall at the same acceleration,
causing therefore a zero reactive force from the seat,
leading finally to this floating feeling, this weightlessness feeling.
Here we are, we just landed. We did about 8 to 9 parabolas during this flight.
We managed to carry out the few experiments we planned to do.
One of them was for example a pendulum mounted on the aft dashboard of the glider.
And the oscillation frequency decreases,
and even there is no more frequency at 0g.
Another experiment was the dissociation speed of water and oil in a bottle.
This mixing is heterogeneous under 1g.
We then observe under 0g that, the mixing remains homogeneous; the phase separation is not occurring anymore.
In order to fly a parabolic trajectory,
we must first perform a dive.
We are then subject to a load factor of 2-3g,
that is that I feel like I am 2 or 3 times heavier.
Next, there is the 0g phase during which we have the feeling to not be weighty anymore,
which corresponds to the weightlessness situation felt by astronauts.
What gives a lot of sensations is the fact that
you are alternatively under micro-gravity and then under high g.
You must have a strong stomach!
It is a challenge but it is also about pedagogy,
and of course it is about fun as well, and this is very important.
(VOSTFR) [ASTRO DDOCA] 아스트로 또까 with 문밥 - Duration: 3:44.
WHAT'S WRONG WITH CALLING A CHILD NAUGHTY? | Mindful Motherhood | Ysis Lorenna - Duration: 8:25.
Hi guys, welcome back to another mindful motherhood Monday today's topic is about
branding or labeling our children saying things like he's the naughty one or
she's the quiet one or he is the best at swimming he's not very good at tidying
up things that we say on a day to day basis without thinking and just because
you know it's the sort of thing that comes out quite naturally without you
thinking so I just want us all to think about that to think whether that has a
negative impact on our children and if there's anything that we can do to
change what we say to maybe kind of help our children's self-esteem
instead of damage it with our words so that's what we're talking about today I
hope you guys like today's topic it is very closely linked to last week's
topics so if you haven't seen that one yet I talked about how we can swap
praise for encouragement on a daily basis and yeah I'd love for you guys to
watch that video as well because it will be very closely related to this one if
you're new to my channel hi my name is Aziz and I post mindful motherhood
videos every Monday at 7 p.m. so please just subscribe to see more of these
videos also if you can see that my setup is a little bit different I'm actually
sitting on my sofa bed which has been pulled out as a bed my mum has come from
Brazil to stay with us for a couple of weeks which is so lovely and we're so
happy to have her here so we have the guest bedroom all set up as a proper
guest bedroom rather than my office so yeah that's why I'm sitting on the bed
so anyway without further ado let's get straight on with the video
so the idea for this week's topic came from when I overheard someone talking
about their child and referring to them as he is a naughty boy and I don't
usually use the word naughty in any case I hate that word and when I heard it
being referred to the child I instantly felt quite sorry for that child because
that child you know they might have been naughty in a specific situation but to
say that he is naughty it instantly branded that child and labeled that
child so it wasn't like anyone I knew it was just a conversation I overheard and
it gave me the idea for this video because this is something that I'm very
conscious of and I've always been really conscious or not branding my children
and it made me think and then I actually realized how much I do brand them maybe
not with the word naughty because that's something that I'm overly conscious off
but with other things you know I say things like she's a terrible sleeper
about Isabella and although these are you know minor things things that you
don't even think about it got me thinking is there a way that I can
improve my speech or say these things differently and that's when I started to
think about the topic of this video so the whole point about branding your
children is that you're not giving them a chance to change to be who they are or
who they want to be you're defining their personality based on maybe a
specific behavior over something or just one moment one situation or just one
side of their personality and that goes for positive behavior and negative
behavior as well I think we're just so quick to kind of categorize them or put
them in a box and say this child is like this this child is like that and we
don't really think about the impact that that has on our children and their
personalities their self-esteem their development we all know from firsthand
experience being parents that a child can be naughty and loving within the
space of a second so does that make your child loving does
make them naughty both none your child may have been mischievous by snatching a
toy but they could also have been the child who helped someone else who fell
down or someone horse alone in the corner of the classroom one child can be
the one that always comes first in the swimming class and the other one could
be the one that has the more refined technique when you actually think about
it labeling the behavior makes way more
sense than labeling the child and that's when your speech starts to change and
you start to say things like that was naughty or I don't like the word naughty
I would say that was very mischievous instead of saying you are a naughty boy
or a naughty girl I know saying things like you're a
naughty boy or a naughty girl is more of a trait of an older generation but there
is still a lot of that nowadays and I still hear a lot of that and also we
still do it with words that are not so negative or things that we don't think
there's any harm in saying like you're the best at swimming I didn't think
there was any harm in it until I actually thought about what am I saying
to my child am i saying anything about their behavior or am i putting them in
that little category that that person that's what they are our children
changed so quickly and we do too if someone said to me she's the one that's
good at languages then I would argue what about she's the one that's not so
good at socializing because she's got a little bit of social anxiety and that's
kind of the damage that it does by putting our children into boxes of
saying you know she is the naughty one she's the clever one she's the good one
of this is that they start to take those things as their identity and they might
not explore other areas of their personalities because they hear it over
and over again that that's what they are and so they start to believe that that's
all that they should be if you watched last week's episode I talked about using
encouragement to build your child's self-confidence and I think that goes
hand-in-hand with breaking down the branding the labeling of our children it
also helps to reduce the amount of excessive competitiveness that some
children can have because if you focus on the effort instead of the end result
that child won't necessarily want to do everything and anything to get to that
end result because they think that that's the only time they will get the
praise and the you know the well done is if they achieve so if you're struggling
with a child who's extremely competitive and you're finding it difficult maybe
try encouragement more than praise but that's last week's topic so go and watch
that video I'll leave it linked below it was a really interesting video with the
play a different perspective on praising your children so in general is all about
rewiring our brain to label the behavior and not the child so we would say that
was very mischievous or that was very naughty depending on the word that you'd
like to use instead of saying you're a naughty boy
or he's the naughty boy instead of saying he's the clever one or he's a
clever boy how about you say that was very clever of you when they do
something clever but to not label the child and label the behavior that is the
trick there if you use the naughty step that can become the thinking step and
that's what we do in our house when our children are having timeout they go onto
the thinking step so this might be something that you're all already doing
and if you are that is absolutely great because I think that it's so important
but even if just one or two of you are thinking this might give me a little bit
more encouragement to change my language and to kind of you know rewire my brain
for behavior rather than child labeling then I will feel very very happy that I
was able to help you guys in any way these videos helped me so much more than
you guys know because in doing these videos it makes me think about my own
parenting journey and the way that I say things to my children the way that I
think about certain things sorry that was my watch so yeah doing these videos
are great for me as well as a parent and I hope you guys find them helpful too if
you do please give this video a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe if you're
new it's free to subscribe and you get notifications when there's a new video
from me I post on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays it
p.m. so that's it for this video I hope you guys are doing well and I will see
you all in my next video bye
What is the best marine stereo to put on a boat? Best marine stereos to have - Duration: 5:01.
if you want the same quality of music on your boat as you do in your car or home
then have a look at these marine stereos stay tuned
v pick on this list is the JVC KD X 33 mb/s there's no need to pack your CD
collection when you head off to an outdoor adventure JVC's marine rated KD
X 33 MBS digital media receiver offers an impressive array of features
including built-in Bluetooth and plenty of connections for all your digital
devices you'll have lots of options for entertainment the reverse display cuts
through glare and makes this receiver ideal for convertibles and open-top
vehicles the next one on this list is the Sony DSX M s60 Sony's marine digital
media receiver lets you enjoy the music library on your iPod out in the water
the receivers unique tuned tray stores your iPod high and dry behind the
receivers face while the special moisture resistant coating on the
circuit board protects the receivers internal electronics you won't have to
worry about damage to your gear from rain salt or spray fusion entertainment
ms are a 70 is the third one on this list the MS are a 70 digital media
receiver it gives you the functionality and marine rated reliability Fusion is
known for now in a receiver that fits into a standard din sized opening this
versatile digital media receiver is an ideal choice for your boat and of course
it can also be used in select off-road vehicles
up next we have the Jensen ms2 art L the Jensen marine ms2 RL is a waterproof
stereo with app controls which allow users to control all the stereos primary
functions directly from their mobile device by downloading the Jensen control
app with Bluetooth interface capabilities and iPhone and iPod
connections the Jensen MS 2 RL is a very versatile stereo the best product on
this list is the aquatic AV a qm p 5 bt the AQ mp5 ET is a high-quality robust
and durable waterproof marine grade stereo with bluetooth in place music
wirelessly by bluetooth enabled smartphone or mp3 devices wired
connections can also be made with a stereo three-and-a-half millimeter jack
or RCA inputs you can't control music directly from the Bluetooth enabled
device or with wired remote controls EQ WR 5 F which is sold separately we hope
you enjoyed this video please don't forget to share your valuable comments
if you liked our video do give us a thumbs up and hit the subscribe button
to watch other great videos have a great day
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