Saturday, October 27, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 27 2018

Translation by Achamo

If I fall to hell than I can save my soul from doom

If I fly to heaven I can see you very soon

Lovingly, lovingly

Choking through 'cause I love you

and you love me

A Happy Death

"More, more. Strangle me harder."

Gasping in a child-like voice:

"I love you."

In a weak voice:


"Thank you," you whispered, and then died.

If I fall to hell I'll be saved,

if I rise up to heaven we can meet again.

Please give me my punishment in hell.

You're in heaven, pure.

If that world's nothingness, let's go there.

I want to see you. Can I?

Now, for me, a blissful death

Don't you know?

This is the way I wanna go

Without a pause, I said to you

How I love you too

Inside the joy and pain you say

"Is this okay?"

"Does it feel good?" I whispered, and killed you.

If I fall to hell then I can save my soul from doom

If I fly to heaven I can see you very soon

Please give me my punishment in hell.

You'll go to heaven, pure.

If my sins are cleared, let's meet there.

Come with me, come with me

You deserve a happy death so rest in peace

For more infomation >> 【CUPICCINO BEATZZA】幸福な死を(A Happy Death)【UTAU COLLAB】 - Duration: 4:58.


Pacto de Sangre: el error de concepto que no pasó desapercibido en homenaje a Daniela - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Pacto de Sangre: el error de concepto que no pasó desapercibido en homenaje a Daniela - Duration: 2:49.


高达1.28万吨, 128个垂直发射系统, 中国最强战舰即将服役 - Duration: 10:21.


世界上最先进 的军舰是美 国ddg- 1000驱 逐舰。

这艘科幻驱逐 舰的造价高 达20亿美 元,

高昂的价格带 来了可怕的 战斗力。

它排水量为1 4000吨 ,

有80个发射 装置,

敌人的雷达几 乎察觉不到 ,

并且可以在水 雷海中游泳 。

驱逐舰是美国 和世界上最 高的战斗机 。


中国也开始建 造一艘国产 战舰来与d dg-10 00驱逐舰 竞争,

055万吨驱 逐舰中国的 "超级战舰 "。

055型驱逐 舰是中国发 展的第一艘 "超级战舰 ",

排水量超过1 万吨。

它是中国技术 最先进的军 舰,

排水量高达1 2800吨 ,

垂直发射系统 128套。

具有对空、海 、陆的综合 系统攻击能 力。

055型驱逐 舰可以攻击 1000公 里。

在经历了数十 年的怀揣梦 想的努力,

中国终于在近 几年扭转了 海军实力与 国力不相称 的局面,

将中国海军打 造成了一支 朝气蓬勃、 实力强大的 海上力量。

同时得益于中 国重工业的 发展,

中国现在不仅 能够造出保 障自身国土 安全的舰艇 ,

还能够向其他 国家出口各 种符合购买 方需求的舰 艇,


中国军舰近年 来如"下饺 子"般地建 造完成并下 水的速度使 得全世界对 中国造舰水 平都投入了 十分集中的 关注。

10月22日 法媒发文称 ,

在2018年 ,

中国船舶工业 集团已经取 代西方企业 成为军舰制 造企业第一 。

此外随着一些 其他工业强 国造船业的 崛起,

国际出口市场 已经开始出 现变化。

在10月23 日新华社报 道,

马来西亚濒海 任务舰项目 2号舰开工 及1号舰上 船台活动2 3日在中船 重工武昌船 舶重工集团 有限公司双 柳基地进行 。

本次濒海任务 舰的建造合 作是我国与 马来西亚在 海军建设发 展方面的首 次合作。

该项目在20 17年4月 21日正式 由双方签署 ,

而首舰的开工 时间则在2 018年7 年31日。

从动工时间可 以发现,

这艘680吨 的濒海战斗 舰从开工到 上船台只用 时三个月,

而且在建造完 成后便马不 停蹄地立即 开始了二号 舰的动工,

展现了令世界 叹服的"中 国速度"。


令西方国家沉 默的不仅仅 是中国造舰 的速度,

还有其为客户 专门设计的 建造理念。

濒海战斗舰这 一理念最早 由美国提出 ,

但美军最后造 出的此类型 舰艇故障率 高、作战能 力弱、武器 落后,

不得不交付给 沿海治安单 位使用。

而中国并未强 求建造的濒 海舰艇达到 3000吨 的排水量,

而且设计了相 对灵活的火 力分布,

使得最后拿出 的产品十分 符合马来西 亚海军自身 所需,

就像量身定制 的一样。

关于本次与中 国的合作,

马来西亚海军 意向是订购 总共18艘 同型舰,

正在建造的是 首批4艘,

合同总额为2 .

64亿人民币 。

目前首批订单 工程量已经 过半,

如果再加上后 续的十几艘 ,

这笔订单总价 值将超过约 12亿美元 。

马来西亚选择 从中国购买 舰艇也凸显 了中国目前 日益增加的 影响力,

同时也体现了 中国军工企 业的产品注 重实用、物 美价廉的特 点,

因而比起数据 炫目、外形 前卫的美式 武器来说更 受中小国家 青睐。

055型驱逐 舰装备了最 先进的舰载 动力综合管 理系统,

使安装电磁炮 、激光炮等 定向能武器 成为可能,

使055型驱 逐舰的打击 能力得到大 幅度提高。


中国已经开始 建造3-4 型055驱 逐舰,

第一艘055 型驱逐舰预 计在201 8年底下水 。

055型驱逐 舰将帮助中 国成为真正 的远洋海军 ,

而055型驱 逐舰也将发 挥另一个重 要作用,

那就是航母" 带着剑卫" ,

有了055型 驱逐舰的保 护,

中国航母可以 放心地执行 海上任务。

055型驱逐 舰是中国海 军从"数量 "向"质量 "转变的象 征。

它的服务不仅 使中国海军 舰艇在数量 上有优势,

而且在质量上 也有优势。

在经历了数十 年的怀揣梦 想的努力,

中国终于在近 几年扭转了 海军实力与 国力不相称 的局面,

将中国海军打 造成了一支 朝气蓬勃、 实力强大的 海上力量。

同时得益于中 国重工业的 发展,

中国现在不仅 能够造出保 障自身国土 安全的舰艇 ,

还能够向其他 国家出口各 种符合购买 方需求的舰 艇,


中国军舰近年 来如"下饺 子"般地建 造完成并下 水的速度使 得全世界对 中国造舰水 平都投入了 十分集中的 关注。

10月22日 法媒发文称 ,

在2018年 ,

中国船舶工业 集团已经取 代西方企业 成为军舰制 造企业第一 。

此外随着一些 其他工业强 国造船业的 崛起,

国际出口市场 已经开始出 现变化。

在10月23 日新华社报 道,

马来西亚濒海 任务舰项目 2号舰开工 及1号舰上 船台活动2 3日在中船 重工武昌船 舶重工集团 有限公司双 柳基地进行 。

本次濒海任务 舰的建造合 作是我国与 马来西亚在 海军建设发 展方面的首 次合作。

该项目在20 17年4月 21日正式 由双方签署 ,

而首舰的开工 时间则在2 018年7 年31日。

从动工时间可 以发现,

这艘680吨 的濒海战斗 舰从开工到 上船台只用 时三个月,

而且在建造完 成后便马不 停蹄地立即 开始了二号 舰的动工,

展现了令世界 叹服的"中 国速度"。


令西方国家沉 默的不仅仅 是中国造舰 的速度,

还有其为客户 专门设计的 建造理念。

濒海战斗舰这 一理念最早 由美国提出 ,

但美军最后造 出的此类型 舰艇故障率 高、作战能 力弱、武器 落后,

不得不交付给 沿海治安单 位使用。

而中国并未强 求建造的濒 海舰艇达到 3000吨 的排水量,

而且设计了相 对灵活的火 力分布,

使得最后拿出 的产品十分 符合马来西 亚海军自身 所需,

就像量身定制 的一样。

关于本次与中 国的合作,

马来西亚海军 意向是订购 总共18艘 同型舰,

正在建造的是 首批4艘,

合同总额为2 .

64亿人民币 。

目前首批订单 工程量已经 过半,

如果再加上后 续的十几艘 ,

这笔订单总价 值将超过约 12亿美元 。

马来西亚选择 从中国购买 舰艇也凸显 了中国目前 日益增加的 影响力,

同时也体现了 中国军工企 业的产品注 重实用、物 美价廉的特 点,

因而比起数据 炫目、外形 前卫的美式 武器来说更 受中小国家 青睐。

在经历了数十 年的怀揣梦 想的努力,

中国终于在近 几年扭转了 海军实力与 国力不相称 的局面,

将中国海军打 造成了一支 朝气蓬勃、 实力强大的 海上力量。

同时得益于中 国重工业的 发展,

中国现在不仅 能够造出保 障自身国土 安全的舰艇 ,

还能够向其他 国家出口各 种符合购买 方需求的舰 艇,


中国军舰近年 来如"下饺 子"般地建 造完成并下 水的速度使 得全世界对 中国造舰水 平都投入了 十分集中的 关注。

10月22日 法媒发文称 ,

在2018年 ,

中国船舶工业 集团已经取 代西方企业 成为军舰制 造企业第一 。

此外随着一些 其他工业强 国造船业的 崛起,

国际出口市场 已经开始出 现变化。

在10月23 日新华社报 道,

马来西亚濒海 任务舰项目 2号舰开工 及1号舰上 船台活动2 3日在中船 重工武昌船 舶重工集团 有限公司双 柳基地进行 。

本次濒海任务 舰的建造合 作是我国与 马来西亚在 海军建设发 展方面的首 次合作。

该项目在20 17年4月 21日正式 由双方签署 ,

而首舰的开工 时间则在2 018年7 年31日。

从动工时间可 以发现,

这艘680吨 的濒海战斗 舰从开工到 上船台只用 时三个月,

而且在建造完 成后便马不 停蹄地立即 开始了二号 舰的动工,

展现了令世界 叹服的"中 国速度"。


令西方国家沉 默的不仅仅 是中国造舰 的速度,

还有其为客户 专门设计的 建造理念。

濒海战斗舰这 一理念最早 由美国提出 ,

但美军最后造 出的此类型 舰艇故障率 高、作战能 力弱、武器 落后,

不得不交付给 沿海治安单 位使用。

而中国并未强 求建造的濒 海舰艇达到 3000吨 的排水量,

而且设计了相 对灵活的火 力分布,

使得最后拿出 的产品十分 符合马来西 亚海军自身 所需,

就像量身定制 的一样。

关于本次与中 国的合作,

马来西亚海军 意向是订购 总共18艘 同型舰,

正在建造的是 首批4艘,

合同总额为2 .

64亿人民币 。

目前首批订单 工程量已经 过半,

如果再加上后 续的十几艘 ,

这笔订单总价 值将超过约 12亿美元 。

马来西亚选择 从中国购买 舰艇也凸显 了中国目前 日益增加的 影响力,

同时也体现了 中国军工企 业的产品注 重实用、物 美价廉的特 点,

因而比起数据 炫目、外形 前卫的美式 武器来说更 受中小国家 青睐。

For more infomation >> 高达1.28万吨, 128个垂直发射系统, 中国最强战舰即将服役 - Duration: 10:21.


The top of the porcini mushrooms in the Park of one hundred lakes - October 2018 - Duration: 9:22.

a mirage !! guys .. I have saw a mirage !!

pedro moved!

greets! hello

Guys, look at that stuff! look at the stem

Mamma Mia!!

I almost do not take it off!

too good!

I do not believe it!

but no!

but no, but I do not believe it!

Mamma Mia

it's wonderful!

it's very hard! It looks like rubber!

I do not say anything I do not say anything!

then e for an hour I've been walking but it was worth it

worth it! look how wonderful

my boyfriend mom

but how much are you

I do not know! No adjectives for this mushroom

what do you say? Pedro is not much interested !

very tall beech forest

I seem to have seen something very interesting

are we going to see pedro?

have you seen?

you saw it ... right?

it's very beautiful!

to guys ... !!!

what a beautiful moment


what to say!

but you're a bomb

Pedro looks how beautiful he is!


I'll take it this way

guys I saw a marvel!

a marvel of the beautiful ones!

I found this mushroom first!

my mom, my boys!


what to say with a mushroom so beautiful! I'm not saying anything

guys another ninety piece!

let's see what it's like ..

but you're really beautiful

guys I got a heart attack!

look how amazing this!

then also


look how wonderful!

let's do this

that shape that pleases to me !

that stem !!!

beautiful beautiful!

it must be an object beautiful

let's see you nearby

Mamma Mia

all beautiful stuff!

so always up!

Pedro who is careful

it also seems to me here

another object of the interesting ones!

let's see !


Pedro looks for the porcino porcine

but love but you're very good! but you are one


let's immediately look at what this is like porcine

it's beautiful !! Pedro is a champion

another beast below!

look where it is hidden

it is hidden under the rock

I think there is another mushroom of those very beautiful

what do you say Pedro?

let's see what it is like?

one more beautiful than the other

Pedro lets go of the porcino!

leave the porcino alone!

be a good boy!

nice nice nice

very beautifull!

look has your color


the month of the mists

cold is that place that you walk for an hour you do not see anything

then suddenly you find the patatone

but that slaps it

Mamma Mia

come here ciccio

what a gamble!

here there is something to interest

very beautiful!

I think there is one another piece from ninety

let's see

another elegant piece

what do you say Pedro?

see how is this porcino?


Pedro lets go of the porcino! leave the porcino alone!

let's see this!

then there is the brother with the dark head

this is very nice! let me see U! I am perfect!

then we move

do you see something? have you seen?


we support them here

it's perfect!

let's see this here! how beautiful it is!


Pedro where is the porcino?

very good!!! with the paw!

good good

but Pedro, how good you are

It's so fresh!

let's go see if there's another one ..

under the rocks

what color ... what color

For more infomation >> The top of the porcini mushrooms in the Park of one hundred lakes - October 2018 - Duration: 9:22.


Renault Mégane Grand Tour 1.6-16V Expression - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane Grand Tour 1.6-16V Expression - Duration: 0:53.


Self Defense Techniques In Car and Safety Hacks for Women - Simple Girls DIY! - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Self Defense Techniques In Car and Safety Hacks for Women - Simple Girls DIY! - Duration: 3:21.


Sadhguru - Sulla società di oggi - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Sadhguru - Sulla società di oggi - Duration: 3:15.


Beginners Boom Bap Sampling Best Practices - Duration: 5:52.

What is going on in this video we're going to speak about best practices for

sampling on a hardware sampler more importantly older samplers there's some

things that you can do that are best to become routines in your regular sampling

and if you can get these down into a habit the benefits will carry a long way

on any sampling platform but first I'd like to invite you to like share and

subscribe to our sampler channel and with that let's get to it

the first thing to be concerned with when sampling into a sampler is the

initial input level of your audio signal getting a good level going into the

sampler ensures that you use up the most amount of the bit depth available to you

ensuring optimal audio quality and there are exceptions to this if you find that

overdriving the signal and clipping the signal gives you a certain tonal quality

that you prefer that is fine another exception is if you want to

accord your signal so low that you introduce noise and other artifacts from

the sampler itself or from external audio gear like a hum or buzz that you

find creatively useful that's also perfectly fine but in a regular sense

getting a good level going in is ideal and we'll revisit this later on in the

video just know that it is a very helpful step to take initially when


the second best practice is to edit and commit to the parts of the samples that

you want to work with by trusting your ears most new samplers on the market

give you a visual reference of a waveform to help you decide where the

start and end of a sample is a practice that I would encourage is to use your

ears more to gauge where the front and the end of the sample are this pays big

dividends when you're actually programming these drums because they

won't start exactly right at the beginning of the sample because there'll

be some variance just on what you're hearing a lot of times when we use a

visual reference it will be accurate as far as the start as a sample is

concerned but you may lose a little bit of magic that exists maybe a few

milliseconds before where by using your ears you would have kept that in because

it sounded nice and it would sound like the start regardless but visually it

would look odd and when you begin to program your music like that

that magic in that special character that exists in the sample will be

retained instead of chopped off just because it didn't look right and these

are things you could hear especially in older boom-bap records where the samples

weren't completely dead-on because there was no way to tell there's no way to

actually see on an SP 1200 or s 950 or an exotic EPS or any vintage sampler

without a visual display you couldn't really tell and you had to use your own

creative gauge to estimate where the sample is and we're pretty good as

humans at getting really close to the start of things it's just that we're

better at retaining the vibe of a sample by using our ears than we could ever be

in a visual sense

so next is truncation truncating a sample is the

concept of getting rid of the parts of the sample that you didn't choose to use

so for example if I wanted to actually capture a high hat out of an entire drum

loop I would adjust the front and the end of the sample by air and get rid of

the parts that I didn't want by truncating them making the audio files

smaller which frees up more memory now of course this is more important in

regards to memory for older samplers simply because older samplers don't have

a lot of onboard memory but why is this important when you're using software

samplers truncating your samples gets you in the habit of committing to the

sounds that you're using it gets rid of the urge to second-guess things if

you've committed to something it's already done and you have to move on so

by truncating your samples even on this small little level it helps with

procrastination and aids with faster decision making if something sounds good

to you and you decide right there on the spot that you like it you take action by

committing to it and then you can move on which is great for improving your

overall workflow little things like that can improve your confidence in the whole

music making process because a simple idea of committing to truncating a sound

is really an exercise in trusting your own abilities to make good decisions as

a musician and producer and lastly if you have the option

available to you normalizing samples is a great tool to use

normalizing essentially makes your sample as loud as possible by looking at

the loudest point of your audio and bringing it up to the maximum Headroom

available in your audio workstation now this is a luxury because on older

samplers a lot of them don't have a normalizing function which makes it even

more important to be mindful of the first step that we spoke about which is

getting a good level going in the most annoying thing is when you have a group

of samples and the levels are just all over the place between samples and it

could become difficult to even get your musical ideas off at that point because

of the volume differences in between the samples you may not have enough Headroom

to bring a very low sample all the way up to nominal level and if you have a

normalizing feature at resident on your sampler this will just completely take

care of that problem but just in case you don't it's always a good idea to get

it right the first time while recording the sample and that is it if you're just

getting into samplers and sampling as a musical art form these steps are best

practices to ensure that you have the best experience while using samplers

from various sources all the time and you won't believe how quickly this will

become a habit of yours you won't even think about it after a while and that's

the way it should be because it definitely will make your life much more

enjoyable and fun anyway thank you for watching if you like to learn something

today subscribe to us here on YouTube I will catch you on the next one in the

meantime take care of yourself peace

For more infomation >> Beginners Boom Bap Sampling Best Practices - Duration: 5:52.


Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Nissan Qashqai - Duration: 0:45.


Trying Trick To Hack Claw Machine! (ENG SUB) - Duration: 4:24.

choose monkey!

be accurate

let's choose the target

I think this is good position

doll with supine position I think easy to grabbed

look this trick

123 12 123

choose gorilla or monkey?

that is not gorilla but wolf

you get wolf!

I got it

after I got doll, let's waiting others play

let's see those claw

see.. I think not accurate grabbed

beside the trick we must needed accurate feeling to make good position of those claw

and we must see those claw from side by side to make good position

try again

123 12 123

let's grab annoying monkey

be accurate


we get monkey

finally I got 2 dolls

wolf and monkey

this position is not good for grab again

those claw can not grab that doll because to far from claw position

and dolls with stand position is difficult to grab

and those dolls is impossible to grab because to far from claw position

so let's move another machine

For more infomation >> Trying Trick To Hack Claw Machine! (ENG SUB) - Duration: 4:24.


[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyellesㅏ 아 a (-a-) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyellesㅏ 아 a (-a-) - Duration: 0:31.


One Direction - You & I (8D Audio) - Duration: 3:57.

I figured it out I figured it out from black and white

Seconds and hours Maybe they had to take some time

I know how it goes I know how it goes from wrong and right

Silence and sound Did they ever hold each other tight

Like us? Did they ever fight Like us?

You and I We don't wanna be like them

We can make it 'til the end Nothing can come between

You and I Not even the Gods above

Can separate the two of us No, nothing can come between

You and I

Oh, you and I

I figured it out Saw the mistakes of up and down

Meet in the middle There's always room for common ground

I see what it's like I see what it's like for day and night

Never together 'Cause they see things in a different light

Like us, but they never tried Like us

You and I We don't wanna be like them

We can make it 'til the end Nothing can come between

You and I Not even the Gods above

Can separate the two of us (Two of us)

Cause you and I We don't wanna be like them We can make it 'til the end

Nothing can come between You and I

Not even the Gods above Can separate the two of us

No, nothing can come between You and I, you and I

Oh, you and I Oh, you and I

We can make it if we try You and I

Oh, you and I

For more infomation >> One Direction - You & I (8D Audio) - Duration: 3:57.


Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 320 CDI - Duration: 0:51.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz M-Klasse 320 CDI - Duration: 0:51.


TUTO HALLOWEEN COSTUME - Leather Mask - Duration: 12:35.

For more infomation >> TUTO HALLOWEEN COSTUME - Leather Mask - Duration: 12:35.


Mazda CX-5 2.2D HP GT-M 4WD, AUTOMAAT, 100 % Dealer onderhouden, Leder, Schuif-dak, Xenon, Navi, Tre - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.2D HP GT-M 4WD, AUTOMAAT, 100 % Dealer onderhouden, Leder, Schuif-dak, Xenon, Navi, Tre - Duration: 1:06.


Paul Kim(폴킴) A TO Z - Duration: 1:38.

#Singer Paul Kim (February 11, 1988)

Name: Kim Tae Hyung

Stage name: Paul Kim He used it when he studied abroad

Prepared to be a singer while doing a part time job

#The hottest singer songwriter

Debut in 2014 with 'Would you like to drink a cup of coffee?'

Became the hottest indie artist through word of mouth

The favorite artist of the youth

#Pension in rainy seasons

Paul Kim on rainy days

'This song has my memories when I was a part timer'

Calm and gentle heart touching sensitivity

#Regular guest singer at festivals

The most favorite guest singer at festivals

Became a headliner at large festivals

Empathizing, communicating and singing with the audience

#Other TMI

Environment lover - using his tumbler anytime

Massage singing - massaging with hands

Boyfriend material - full of boyfriend photos

On October 29 Paul Kim's new song!

'Me After You' will be released

For more infomation >> Paul Kim(폴킴) A TO Z - Duration: 1:38.



For more infomation >> Seat Altea XL 1.6 STYLANCE, 1 STE EIG., DEALER ONDERHOUDEN, NWE D-RIEM, GROOT NAVI, CLIMA, LICHTMETA - Duration: 1:10.


Beginners Boom Bap Sampling Best Practices - Duration: 5:52.

What is going on in this video we're going to speak about best practices for

sampling on a hardware sampler more importantly older samplers there's some

things that you can do that are best to become routines in your regular sampling

and if you can get these down into a habit the benefits will carry a long way

on any sampling platform but first I'd like to invite you to like share and

subscribe to our sampler channel and with that let's get to it

the first thing to be concerned with when sampling into a sampler is the

initial input level of your audio signal getting a good level going into the

sampler ensures that you use up the most amount of the bit depth available to you

ensuring optimal audio quality and there are exceptions to this if you find that

overdriving the signal and clipping the signal gives you a certain tonal quality

that you prefer that is fine another exception is if you want to

accord your signal so low that you introduce noise and other artifacts from

the sampler itself or from external audio gear like a hum or buzz that you

find creatively useful that's also perfectly fine but in a regular sense

getting a good level going in is ideal and we'll revisit this later on in the

video just know that it is a very helpful step to take initially when


the second best practice is to edit and commit to the parts of the samples that

you want to work with by trusting your ears most new samplers on the market

give you a visual reference of a waveform to help you decide where the

start and end of a sample is a practice that I would encourage is to use your

ears more to gauge where the front and the end of the sample are this pays big

dividends when you're actually programming these drums because they

won't start exactly right at the beginning of the sample because there'll

be some variance just on what you're hearing a lot of times when we use a

visual reference it will be accurate as far as the start as a sample is

concerned but you may lose a little bit of magic that exists maybe a few

milliseconds before where by using your ears you would have kept that in because

it sounded nice and it would sound like the start regardless but visually it

would look odd and when you begin to program your music like that

that magic in that special character that exists in the sample will be

retained instead of chopped off just because it didn't look right and these

are things you could hear especially in older boom-bap records where the samples

weren't completely dead-on because there was no way to tell there's no way to

actually see on an SP 1200 or s 950 or an exotic EPS or any vintage sampler

without a visual display you couldn't really tell and you had to use your own

creative gauge to estimate where the sample is and we're pretty good as

humans at getting really close to the start of things it's just that we're

better at retaining the vibe of a sample by using our ears than we could ever be

in a visual sense

so next is truncation truncating a sample is the

concept of getting rid of the parts of the sample that you didn't choose to use

so for example if I wanted to actually capture a high hat out of an entire drum

loop I would adjust the front and the end of the sample by air and get rid of

the parts that I didn't want by truncating them making the audio files

smaller which frees up more memory now of course this is more important in

regards to memory for older samplers simply because older samplers don't have

a lot of onboard memory but why is this important when you're using software

samplers truncating your samples gets you in the habit of committing to the

sounds that you're using it gets rid of the urge to second-guess things if

you've committed to something it's already done and you have to move on so

by truncating your samples even on this small little level it helps with

procrastination and aids with faster decision making if something sounds good

to you and you decide right there on the spot that you like it you take action by

committing to it and then you can move on which is great for improving your

overall workflow little things like that can improve your confidence in the whole

music making process because a simple idea of committing to truncating a sound

is really an exercise in trusting your own abilities to make good decisions as

a musician and producer and lastly if you have the option

available to you normalizing samples is a great tool to use

normalizing essentially makes your sample as loud as possible by looking at

the loudest point of your audio and bringing it up to the maximum Headroom

available in your audio workstation now this is a luxury because on older

samplers a lot of them don't have a normalizing function which makes it even

more important to be mindful of the first step that we spoke about which is

getting a good level going in the most annoying thing is when you have a group

of samples and the levels are just all over the place between samples and it

could become difficult to even get your musical ideas off at that point because

of the volume differences in between the samples you may not have enough Headroom

to bring a very low sample all the way up to nominal level and if you have a

normalizing feature at resident on your sampler this will just completely take

care of that problem but just in case you don't it's always a good idea to get

it right the first time while recording the sample and that is it if you're just

getting into samplers and sampling as a musical art form these steps are best

practices to ensure that you have the best experience while using samplers

from various sources all the time and you won't believe how quickly this will

become a habit of yours you won't even think about it after a while and that's

the way it should be because it definitely will make your life much more

enjoyable and fun anyway thank you for watching if you like to learn something

today subscribe to us here on YouTube I will catch you on the next one in the

meantime take care of yourself peace

For more infomation >> Beginners Boom Bap Sampling Best Practices - Duration: 5:52.


Self Defense Techniques In Car and Safety Hacks for Women - Simple Girls DIY! - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Self Defense Techniques In Car and Safety Hacks for Women - Simple Girls DIY! - Duration: 3:21.


UN PET COM UNA ASTRAL - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> UN PET COM UNA ASTRAL - Duration: 1:05.


Emission of Bitcoin Monero Electroneum - Duration: 13:13.

Hi, today I'll talk about coin emission

Will look inside of Bitcoin, Monero and Electroneum emission

Emission is one factor of coin price

It'a almost like inflation in fiat currency

In cryptocurrency, new coin are mining out to market for every blocks

For fiat currency, goverment print there own money out to system

Goverment have there own right to printing there own money, this depend on there financial policy

Printing money too much will cause high inflation and make there money weak compare to other

Let's take a look in to cryptocurrency world

In POW blockchain system new coin is mining out every block, almost same as fiat currency

The different is goverment can print there money out whenever they want, depend on there policy and unlimited

In some period they print money out to take a dept or economic stimulus

In Venezuela, there goverment have financial problem, they have to print out there money to cover there debt

A lot of money out to system cause an inflation crisis

As we see in the media, they have to bring ton of money for buying food

Huge inflation cause there money almost useless

Let's take a look in to Bitcoin emission

Somebody may think cryptocurrency doesn't have inflation

Actually it's was only limited in quantity

Max supply of Bitcoin is 21M BTC

Circulating supply is 17M now

There are new BTC coin coming out from mining all the time

This will increasing circulating supply

New coin can cause an inflation too, this depend on market demand on that period

Although quantity of BTC is increasing all the time, but high market demand is more than new BTC out, This keep BTC value increasing for all over 9 years long

In fiat currency, there are no limit in quantity, and no emission pattern specifically this is the big different

Now Let's see Bitcoin emission chart

Blue line, Emission of BTC mining will decrease a half every 4 years

Now we have pass 2 times of emission half decrease

If we look in to price history of BTC, There will be price surge in period of emission half decrease

Price was surge up more than 1000% in each time

Next time will be in 2020

Just wait and see, will it repeat surge? and how will the price be after 2020?

Bitcoin have step down emission pattern

Now, let's see Monero (XMR) emission pattern

Monero was original of Electroneum, the emission pattern for both are in same pattern

Monero use smooth emission not same as Bitcoin

Emission will decrease in curve exponentialy

Monero was 4 years old now and will be 5 in May 2019

First block reward was 17 XMR

Each block, there will be 17 XMR out to system in first period

Now there are less than 4 XMR reward for each block

Emission is decreasing continuously

It'll be trend to 0 but never be 0 and will be constant emission in the future

From chart, mining will be more and more difficult in the future, new XMR out to market will be decreasing also

Compare to Electroneum, It also use smooth emission same as Monero but different in total supply and quantity of pre-mine coin

In white paper, It shown equation of smooth emission.

But it's difficult to understand, I decide to leave it and plot from block explorer for both Electroneum and Monero

Monero chart show 4+ years long but Electroneum was only 1 year

In the period of 1 year, Electroneum block reward/minute was decreasing from 8K ETN to less than 5K ETN now

Emission decreasing for both will be around -35% to -40% for each year

Next years will be another huge emission decreasing

It should be in the same way as Monero

Now let's see the price in the past

Monero was 4+ years old, we can see trend in long period of time

First lunch in 2014, Monero price was around 1-2$

Then in next year, it was drop to less than 1$ or around 1/3 price discount

Then after 2 year, it's was boom from 1$ to 30$ yearly growth

150$ in 2017

Now 2018 crypto market is in bad mood, price was down to around 100$

Decreasing in emission is one factor that relate to higher price over time

New coin supply to market is decreasing over time, demand will bring the price higher

For Electroneum, It still in the begining period

ICO price was 0.01$

Price was high fluctuate between 0.005$ - 0.2$

It begining period miner can get a lot of coin compare to total supply in market, they selling can make huge effect to the price, This may cause high price fluctuated

Compare to Monero which already pass the beginning period, price fluctuated was not high as Electroneum

In begining period of Monero there price also high fluctuated

Many years pass, new coin out from miner will be less compare to total supply

Selling from miner will have less effect to market, this should be 1 factor that bring lower price fluctuate

Electroneum is still in high emission period

It's high possibilty for Electroneum, that price and marketcap will be growth same as Monero model

From my opinion, I think Electroneum will be grow faster than Monero, Because of high number of user growth

Only 1 years, Electroneum got large community, Instant payment system, KYC, and many vendors contract, which will be lunch in near future

All this, should bring Electroneum grow very fast

Now, it's opportunity to buy since it's not expensive

This is my opinion and i'm not a financial advice

Just my opinion, I can't garantee for any profit or respond any loss :)

That's all for now, thanks for watching :)

For more infomation >> Emission of Bitcoin Monero Electroneum - Duration: 13:13.


'Ndiaz : danser sur des rythmes endiablés - Duration: 57:20.

For more infomation >> 'Ndiaz : danser sur des rythmes endiablés - Duration: 57:20.


【魚乾】YouTube Fanfest 後台花絮,第一次站上3000觀眾的大舞台! - Duration: 11:37.

For more infomation >> 【魚乾】YouTube Fanfest 後台花絮,第一次站上3000觀眾的大舞台! - Duration: 11:37.


Penasaran Dengan Musim Gugur di POLANDIA? - Globe in the Hat #9 - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> Penasaran Dengan Musim Gugur di POLANDIA? - Globe in the Hat #9 - Duration: 5:48.


Savais-tu que - Avant le téléscope - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Savais-tu que - Avant le téléscope - Duration: 0:36.


Black Bird Aimer(エメ) フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Black Bird Aimer(エメ) フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 3:51.


Black Bird Aimer(エメ) フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Black Bird Aimer(エメ) フル 歌詞付き (画面下欄の右から4番目の字幕ボタンを押すと歌詞が表示されます) - Duration: 3:51.


The legacy | STOP SEXISM - Duration: 0:31.

Come here to study

The five members of "la Manada"have been accused of sexual abuse, not rape.

Each year 3 millions of girls suffer from genital mutilation

According to the NGO ILGA, in Mauritania, Sudan, Somalia and Nigeria

homosexuals face death penalty.

Three girls were raped

But what were they thinking?

Is it like this how we want to be remembered?

For more infomation >> The legacy | STOP SEXISM - Duration: 0:31.


[basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyellesㅏ 아 a (-a-) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> [basique]★ étudier le coréen 한국어 공부 ♥Leçon 1♥ alphabet coréen - Voyellesㅏ 아 a (-a-) - Duration: 0:31.


Skoda Roomster - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Skoda Roomster - Duration: 0:43.


Comment remplacer le cordon d'alimentation de votre coupe-bordure ? - Duration: 17:35.

For more infomation >> Comment remplacer le cordon d'alimentation de votre coupe-bordure ? - Duration: 17:35.


Incidente 'ops' per Barbara D'Urso, lady Cologno mostra gli slip | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Incidente 'ops' per Barbara D'Urso, lady Cologno mostra gli slip | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:10.


Barbara d'Urso imbarazzata: il clamoroso scoop nel suo studio | Nuova Vita - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Barbara d'Urso imbarazzata: il clamoroso scoop nel suo studio | Nuova Vita - Duration: 3:22.


미국이 F-35 '라이트닝 2' 스텔스기를 능가하는 6세대 전투기 개발작업에 착수했다. - Duration: 5:14.

For more infomation >> 미국이 F-35 '라이트닝 2' 스텔스기를 능가하는 6세대 전투기 개발작업에 착수했다. - Duration: 5:14.


А как сделать крутое превью (картинку) к видео? - Duration: 7:45.

For more infomation >> А как сделать крутое превью (картинку) к видео? - Duration: 7:45.


October favorite skincare cosmetic items - Recommendations for matured skin and sensitive skin - Duration: 11:45.

Hey guys It's Maiko

Today we are going to talk about...

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