Sunday, October 28, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 28 2018

Engsub will be updated in a few hours. Please Like-Share-Comment video-Subscribe to My channel.Thank you for watching !!!

For more infomation >> 하나뿐인 내편 27회 28회 💜 My Only One Ep 27 28 - Duration: 1:03:00.


韓國瑜可望翻盤?網友分析預估得票數 稱民進黨會嚇翻 - Duration: 11:52.

年底縣市長選舉戰情緊鑼密鼓 ,

以往台南市及高雄市被視為民 進黨鐵票區,



民進黨高雄市長參選人陳其邁 以 40% 的支持度,

領先國民黨韓國瑜的 32% ,

雙方僅差 8% 。

有網友在 PTT 詢問「韓 國瑜為何可以力拚高雄?」 竟神出一位鄉民分析預估得 票數,


民進黨會嚇翻! 年底選戰 激烈,

國民黨高雄市長參選人韓國瑜 日前在王公廟與鄉親座談時 當場允諾,


會立刻著手規畫高雄捷運紅線 延伸到林園。


民進黨參選人陳其邁競選辦公 室發言人高偉勝批評,







並拚命「行銷高雄 有網友 在 PTT 發文指出,

韓國瑜當年因為柯 P 帶他 去市議會,






他不禁好奇「為何韓國瑜才去 高雄幾個月,

聲望可以這麼高? 此文一 出,

網友隨即議論紛紛:「韓:4 5~50 萬 陳:60~ 65 萬 議會綠大於藍重 回到藍大於綠」、「我覺得 應該不會贏啦 但可能可以 嚇一下民進黨」、「力拚個 頭 輸 10% 是基本而 已」、「 3 個月前是輸 25% 現在是輸 12 % 3 個月後 55 波 」、「可能會讓很多地區的 KMT 全壘打」、「 DPP 這次議員會很慘烈 另也有網友秀出一份民 調結果,

陳其邁以 40% 的支持度 ,

領先韓國瑜的 32% ,

兩人只差 8 個百分點,


陳其邁為 79 萬~ 85 萬,

韓國瑜則是 62 萬~ 6 9 萬。


雙方最小勝差 10 萬票,


民進黨會嚇翻!民進黨候選人 這次贏不到 10 萬票的 機率還不算小。

韓國瑜:北漂青年被敲醒了 韓國瑜今(2)日接受媒體 訪問時表示,

高雄市20年來都是民進黨執 政,




所以他(指陳其邁)開始重視 北漂,



幾個月前提到「北漂青年」的 時候,

大家尤其南臺灣民進黨是很不 屑的,



沒想到「北漂青年」被敲醒了 ,

感覺到自己的家鄉-高雄真的 又老又窮,

北漂青年開始在網路上發表言 論。



他們從來沒在意遠家鄉的高雄 青年,



代表民進黨過去真的沒有重視 ,


在北漂青年的議題上能發自內 心,


如何讓北漂青年找到一條回家 的路。


高雄現在好像已經是選情最熱 區?韓國瑜回答說,


應該是一場黑白電影就演完了 ,


沒想到現在變成彩色警匪槍戰 升級版甚至驚悚片,


不像以前民進黨躺在床上就選 贏了。




「心病心藥醫、胃病胃藥醫」 ,

民進黨不針對老百姓生活去解 決,


如何把韓國瑜抹成又黑又臭又 髒又黃,



高雄人已經覺醒! 韓國瑜要 翻盤?他稱「除非頭殼不清 才會信」被嗆爆 國民黨高 雄市長候選人韓國瑜自參選 後話題不斷,

近期民調更直追民進黨候選人 陳其邁,


前民進黨副秘書長李俊毅在政 論節目表示,





前民進黨立委沈富雄卻不認同 ,





「民進黨像李俊毅這種豬隊友 ,

嘴臉令人做嘔」、「西瓜越派 越爛 李俊毅6日上政論 節目《少康戰情室》表示,

到臺北來求發展的年輕人現在 都歸國民黨了嗎?國民黨不 要高興太早,




他們當然認為高雄臺南是穩定 區,


韓國瑜能翻掉民進黨在那邊長 期執政,


否則的話我是不會去相信這個 事 沈富雄則表示,

韓國瑜追上來讓民進黨心裡很 害怕,



民進黨百分之百認為陳其邁經 營這麼久,


連一般民調都顯示看好度是陳 其邁領先,

雖然現認為韓國瑜會贏的人有 限,



「持續上爬的人是會嚇死人的 他還說,

韓國瑜現在厲害的地方是在年 輕族群、中間選民部分,


並要民進黨不要只會安自己的 心,


他看幾個重量級民調機構效應 很小,

他指出最關鍵的部分是「表態 率不高 沈富雄解釋,

現在很多人說這次表態率是民 進黨躲起來,

到投票當天支持者就會通通跑 出來投票,







嘴臉令人做嘔」、「西瓜越派 越爛」、「他一臉就是陳7 8穩贏的樣子,

年底一定要教訓綠共」、「翻 給你看綠色大西瓜當高雄人 白痴」、「以後DPP派吳 秉叡選台南高雄就可以啦」 、「原來民進黨沒在怕南部 翻盤,

是因為真的把南部人當愚民 曾支持民進黨 農場老闆: 朋友8、9成要改挺韓國瑜 「這裡的觀光產業幾乎成 了名符其實的『關光慘業』 !」以往都支持民進黨的高 雄六龜樂居農場老闆陳進祥 表示,




他身邊很多朋友以前都支持民 進黨,

但現在有8、9成要改挺國民 黨高雄市長參選人韓國瑜。


他的農莊現在一天接不到一組 客人,

員工從6、7人減少到1個人 。



要他再花大錢整修也不願意了 ,

因為這座山城快成了沒有遊客 的空城。


還有少數零星的退休族群會呼 朋引伴到這兒泡湯、吃山產 ,




六龜的觀光產業發展的還不錯 ,

但從莫拉克風災、縣市合併後 ,


成了名符其實的「關光慘業」 !六龜溫泉也從2009年 莫拉克風災過後就一落千丈 。



高雄被民進黨執政了2、30 年,



他們就認為這裡的選民不值得 投資,


我們根本感受到不到「有為政 府」。


但已經燃起業者對他的政治期 待 年底縣市長選舉戰情緊 鑼密鼓,

以往台南市及高雄市被視為民 進黨鐵票區,



民進黨高雄市長參選人陳其邁 以 40% 的支持度,

領先國民黨韓國瑜的 32% ,

雙方僅差 8% 。

有網友在 PTT 詢問「韓 國瑜為何可以力拚高雄?」 竟神出一位鄉民分析預估得 票數,


民進黨會嚇翻 年底選戰激 烈,

國民黨高雄市長參選人韓國瑜 日前在王公廟與鄉親座談時 當場允諾,


會立刻著手規畫高雄捷運紅線 延伸到林園。


民進黨參選人陳其邁競選辦公 室發言人高偉勝批評,







並拚命「行銷高雄 有網友 在 PTT 發文指出,

韓國瑜當年因為柯 P 帶他 去市議會,






他不禁好奇「為何韓國瑜才去 高雄幾個月,

聲望可以這麼高 此文一出 ,

網友隨即議論紛紛:「韓:4 5~50 萬 陳:60~ 65 萬 議會綠大於藍重 回到藍大於綠」、「我覺得 應該不會贏啦 但可能可以 嚇一下民進黨」、「力拚個 頭 輸 10% 是基本而 已」、「 3 個月前是輸 25% 現在是輸 12 % 3 個月後 55 波 」、「可能會讓很多地區的 KMT 全壘打」、「 DPP 這次議員會很慘烈 另也有網友秀出一份民 調結果,

陳其邁以 40% 的支持度 ,

領先韓國瑜的 32% ,

兩人只差 8 個百分點,


陳其邁為 79 萬~ 85 萬,

韓國瑜則是 62 萬~ 6 9 萬。


雙方最小勝差 10 萬票,


民進黨會嚇翻!民進黨候選人 這次贏不到 10 萬票的 機率還不算小

For more infomation >> 韓國瑜可望翻盤?網友分析預估得票數 稱民進黨會嚇翻 - Duration: 11:52.


Quay Phim Chợ Đông Phú Khu Công Nghiệp Sông Hậu bị bảo vệ chợ hỏi - Duration: 5:56.

For more infomation >> Quay Phim Chợ Đông Phú Khu Công Nghiệp Sông Hậu bị bảo vệ chợ hỏi - Duration: 5:56.


【萬聖節星搞鬼】賈永婕被老公「斷頭」 豔鬼小S旁有亮點 - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> 【萬聖節星搞鬼】賈永婕被老公「斷頭」 豔鬼小S旁有亮點 - Duration: 2:18.


Suzuki S-Cross 1.0 Boosterjet Exclusive AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Suzuki S-Cross 1.0 Boosterjet Exclusive AUTOMAAT - Duration: 0:54.


TESLA MODEL 3 PAINT PROTECTION! Is it worth the COST? | Sticker City Los Angeles - Duration: 10:40.

hey y'all just arrived at sticker city and we're about to paint protect this Tesla

Model 3. Welcome to Sticker City guys! Where'd you come from? Big fan Ashley. Been following for years.

Have you now? Can't wait to show you everything around here. I'm excited...

Hey y'all, so guess who's back in Cali! So in the last video if you

remember I did a model three road trip from LA to San Francisco well I'm back

in California a few weeks later and this time I'm taking the model 3 in to get

it some paint protection at Sticker City now speaking of the model 3 did you know

you can use my referral code to get a Tesla Model X a Model S or a model 3

using my referral code so make sure you use my referral code if you are in the

market to get one of those models

Hey y'all, just arrived at sticker C and 1st thing's 1st, we are gonna get this

baby washed and ready to get paint protection let's go ahead and get that done.

So what happened? I was on the road and a rock hit the front fender there.

Welcome to Sticker City guys. This is where the magic happens.

This is the beginning of the magic. Not where the actual magic happens.

The actual magic happens in there.

So we're actually here with Dean who actually owns this joint and he's going to talk to us

about paint protection, why you need it and just answer all your questions

that you guys left on the last video he's gonna cover all of that in this one

So Dean introduce yourself, tell us like you do. I'm Dean Soleimani, I own Sticker

City. We've been around since '05. Our main service and our core services

really that clear bra paint protection we are using the Expel

ultimate plus or the expel stealth two different forms of paint protection but

one just gives you protection so it keeps your glossy finish glossy and then

the stealth will take your body color and will turn it into like a frozen or

matte finish whatever you want to call it. The benefits really are if you don't

want any scratching if you don't want any chipping we could show the chips on

both of these cars. Yeah there's some chips on both of these cars! let's say you got swirl marks already on the car. Put the the

clear bra on, visually they will disappear. Really? And if you get any minor

scratches on the material, put some warm water it goes away, leave it on a hot day, it

goes away. Sounds like magic. We do produce a little magic down here. A little magic.

We offer different packages depending on depending on your need and I get this

question a lot of what should i do. I tell people I

don't know your level, and I'm very honest with people I'm like I don't know

your level of OCD. So depending on how much protection you want on your car and how

much you want to keep your car brand new - that's how much you should put on. We

do offer three different packages. The first package is our big mama bear

package. Big mama bear package is the entire outside body of the car. People get

the entire car done? All the time. Really? We probably have 4 of them outside for

Teslas that are outside, including that Porsche gt2 RS that you saw coming in

Beautiful. Beautiful ride. We have the Papa Bear package. Papa Bear package

covers the main areas where all the rock chips come. okay now what we got back in

Atlanta. Yes you got the full hood, full fenders, and mirrors.

Bumper, headlights, which is pretty much the full front clan. And then

rocker panels which is the next area right in between

the two wheel wells where a lot of rocks come in and just start chipping away. Our

third package is the little bear package. The little bear covers the full front

without the rocker, so everything that we just talked about on the big poppa with

the Papa Bear package except no rocker panels on it. Oh okay I mean this is pretty

cool like I think it's very beneficial for anybody who gets a brand new car

whether it's a Tesla or any car to come in and get it done, now how soon do

most people get the paint protection after getting the car?

most of our clients will literally set up an appointment prior to them getting

a car so they go hey our delivery dates here I'm not gonna go anywhere else I'll

even have cars transported like they don't even want to drive it over here they want

to bring it straight from the dealership to us. Yeah now we got our done right

before we went on a major road trip so you would basically say that like if you were to

get a car paint protected right before a road trip, that's gonna pay in dividends

right? 100% yeah they keep the value of the car let's say if something hits it

you don't have to repaint it that is huge like using aftermarket paint is a

lot of people don't like that they like the factory they like their baby to be

saying brand-new at all times. Of course! How long does that actually last though? like so if you get

this done today, how long will it last? Expel warranties it for ten years, parts and labor.

Okay. So peeling, bubbling, yellowing, discoloring, they cover all that for ten

years. Now okay I know on my last video you guys had a few questions one of which

was the cost. Is there like a range that people can expect to pay for getting

paint protection? There is they could start really it depends on the car

Yeah. But average let's say the most cars are gonna start, lowest lowest

package that we have is about $500 and then it could go up to depending on the

car like I've had some cars that go up to like 10, 11, grand 12 grand. But they're

very complex cars we're talking about hyper cars 1.2 to almost 4 or 5 million

dollar cars. Oh Wow. So for them it makes a little bit more

sense but they're very intense to install but the average most cars are

gonna fall into the 5, 6 grand range to do a full body or they can go into you

know depending on who what kind of installers installing it. That actually

leads me into my next question because another question we got on my last paint protection video was

can you do this yourself or is it even something you'd recommend? 100%

I would say no. You can do. but you're gonna be paying me to remove it

And to reinstall it. Yeah you don't want to do that. Part of the part of this product is you want it to be

perfect. Right. You want it to look great. That's

why you're putting it on. The installation is is the difference maker

you know anybody can buy this material. But getting it down is where the

huge difference is and that's why you go from shop to shop they're all different

and thankfully we've been blessed with some really good installers and this is

the...let's say I was at a consumer I would go to that

shop just to see their quality. And I tell people all the time I'm like you

haven't seen our quality, come and see it and then go compare apples to apples and

then make that decision at that point. Okay so another question that sometimes

people have is if you have a scratch, what do you do? Do you put it on top if it? Is it gonna mess it up? 2 things you could do if you have a

chip I personally sometimes like to put the touch-up paint on top after it after

we put the clear bra so it doesn't develop this little bubble

okay now scratching is a whole different issue. A lot of the cars that you see

that come straight from Tesla or all the manufacturers especially in

California with the water-based paint this stuff easily scratches, you start

seeing swirl marks and the spiderwebs. The clear bra visually hides all of

that. Now if your scratches are way too deep then that's a whole different issue

but generally most cars are not like that. Especially when they're brand new. And it seems

like you guys do a lot of Teslas, yeah so do you recommend that Tesla owners come

to somebody that specializes in Tesla kind of like you guys do, I mean I saw at

least like 7 Teslas here today. What's important is the fact that

we become very knowledgeable about the deal. We really aim at Porsche and

Teslas because we're very familiar with them and we know how to make them as

make them look as good as possible with the clear bra.

Alright one last comment I want to address. On the last video, we had a comment by Mr. T Smooth.

who said that wax could do the same thing. Now is that true?

Look there's a bit confusion within the industry and they call wax paint

protection, they call sealants paint protection. And clear bra's paint

protection and they do both protect the paint except one does one job the other

one does a complete other job. The clear bra paint

protection protects your car against chipping and against scratching, where the

sealant doesn't do any of those the sealant is more of a UV protection and

prevent your paint from oxidizing so I do suggest using both. But clear

bra first and then you could use either wax or sealant on top of the clear bra.

Okay so on top of the clear bra. Yes. Okay also is there any incentives that you can

offer the audience if they come in to get their Tesla paint protected? Just mention Ashley Renne, we'll get

you, we'll get you something here in there, just mention her

name. Yeah let's see what we can hook you up with. Make

sure when you come in, say who referred you and I think he may hook you up with a little something

special. A little extra salt!

In the last video you know that I introduced you to

Dean from sticker city and he also introduced me to a really cool new

product of his which is called Sliplo, which is basically under bumper

protection for your car so we're gonna do another video where we talk to you

about the under bumper protection because it deserves a video all on its own.

Seriously how long have you been back there? A good 45 minutes. 45 minutes alright, you're a trooper. Alright.

For more infomation >> TESLA MODEL 3 PAINT PROTECTION! Is it worth the COST? | Sticker City Los Angeles - Duration: 10:40.


Eagles Tweet London Experience For Fans - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> Eagles Tweet London Experience For Fans - Duration: 0:38.


Wolverine's Berserker Rage / Forest Fight | Logan (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.

Go! Go!

Move faster!

We need to reach them before they get to the border.

Run! Run!

Corre, Jonah! Run!

I want you to breathe.

It's just a flesh wound, baby.

There she is.

We got her.

Back it up! Contain her.

Get behind me!

You took all the medicine.

It's wearing off.

For more infomation >> Wolverine's Berserker Rage / Forest Fight | Logan (2017) Movie Clip - Duration: 3:00.



For more infomation >> ARTEKY - LA MUSIQUE CANCER DE FORTNITE - Duration: 10:13.


Poslední přání Karla Gotta dojímá k slzám: Týká se milovaných dcer Charlotte (12)! - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Poslední přání Karla Gotta dojímá k slzám: Týká se milovaných dcer Charlotte (12)! - Duration: 3:03.


VLOG: 6TH Therian Meet - Duration: 9:53.

And I'm a Tundra Wolf

I am Dani, and I am a Timber wolf

Hello, I'm Michaël

And I'm a wolf.. a.. (PD: Tundra wolf?)

(PD: Or mackenzie valley wolf like last time?) (Rellybel: I didn't understand what u said? )

(R: Tundra or Timber?) Michaël: T-Timber..

M: I'm questioning myself..

Yeh, I'm PD

I'm a swiss white shepherd dog and pink river dolphin.

Hey, I'm Krisje. Or Wolfo.

I'm a Mackenzie valley wolf and/or a..

Fox, I don't know what fox yet.

So far everyone..

Introduces themselves as if it hurts..Like..

PD & Rellybell: aw autch aw

I'm Eowyn, I'm a Timber wolf.

Hey I'm Jonah. And I'm just a human.


Dissappointment! (Meat)

I'm Jennifer, I'm a contherian.

And my theriotypes are Snow leopard

Mackenzie valley wolf and lion

Hi, I'm anika or Kaya

And my theriotypes are silver fox and wolfdog.

Get this!

You have been touched!

I have a bush full of sticks!


(idk) Mine!

Big stick!

You grab him there, I'll grab him here

Jonah: Omydog!

Now someone has to play traditional music haha

Be carefull..

PD: How do you feel? Jonah: I feel captured.

PD: Eh noh I don't think so.

Dani: U dead? Jonah: Yah

Dani: U dead? Jonah: I'm dead inside

PD: if he's dead, can we eat him?

Dani: Yes. YES!

Michaël: Barbeque?

Dani: Ofcourse you can eat him.

Dani: He's our prey!

Dani? Kaya?: A murder has been done!

Dani: Now we have to hide the body.

Anonymous: U have to put your foot on it and with a hunting gun..

Kaya: Completely digging him in

Rellybel: We gonna burry him

Jonah: Ah! I'm alive!

Jonah: *scream of forgivness* What did I do to you?!

Jonah: *falls on the ground* omydog..

Wolfo & Rellybell: Packhunt! Woah!

Luca: Done

Wolfo: *pretends jonah* Whoo

*rest joins*

Jonah: this feels weird

Wolfo: wag your butt.

Jonah: Oh no

Kaya: the ground!

Jennifer: Not your tail!

Jennifer: Not your tail! Noh your tail is holy!

Jonah: yes

PD: English and dutch! "Your tail is heilig" (heilig = holy)

Jonah: whistles. Luca: Oh wow.. friends

Pets! (sound of slapping someone)

*talking about a bunch of big fluffy white dogs that passed us*

Anonymous: A it's just 5 polar bears coming towards us.

Anonymous: oh that was all (Jonah: I just wanted to say so) (Luca: got him!)

Jonah: I was like.. wow..

My name is Krisje, I identify as a mackenzie valley wolf.

This is my stone.

I claim this stone and this place.

It's mine. And mine only.

You cannot touch it

PD: are you sure about that? Wolfo: yes

it's mine



My stone


My stone

My stone!

My stone!

Help the stone, stop discrimination

Rellybel: We were already thinking: at the end of the day he'll howl along!

Jennifer: that would be awesome if he'd do that.

Rellybel: then he's sitting and home like awooo

Rellybell: he's enjoying himself (unsure to who or about what this is)

Jennifer(?): my sandwish!

PD: That's mine! (to Djonko)

PD: no that's mine!

PD: mine!

I once had two big owl on my arm.

But this is something new.

(PD: can he eat this?)

(PD: can he eat this?)

For more infomation >> VLOG: 6TH Therian Meet - Duration: 9:53.


Fab DS vs Pennywise at Horror Made Here: A Festival of Frights (It knows what scares you) - Duration: 10:01.

For my third and last Halloween video here in Los Angeles,

I am at Warner Bros. Studio Tour Hollywood for the Halloween event: Horror Made Here.

And I'm particularly excited because there are haunted houses based on

the most exciting horror movies of the past few years.

Listen to this:

IT with Pennywise the famous dancing clown, the universe of The Conjuring, The Exorcist,

a tram tour mixing the universes of Freddy & Jason

and a haunted house about... the Joker.

In any case, we will be scared tonight and we will have fun, that's for sure.

Only one destination: fun!

I take you to the best places to have fun around the world.

Subscribe to join the adventure.

Only one destination: fun!

It's a huge monster invasion: Jason, Freddy, Pennywise,

The Nun. There was The Nun too.

Am I going to survive tonight?

Come with me and you'll float too!

- Come with me! - I don't know if it's a good idea.

You'll float with me!

But... I need a balloon. I don't have a balloon.

Come on!

He's gonna take us to the circus.

OK, let's go. Because he insists we are going. Let's go.

Can I knock on the door?

Go for it!

I just entered the Pennywise's house.

Let's pass under the clothes.

Come with me.

There has been an explosion of blood in the sink here.

I think it's a night to lose your mind. Definitely. We continue.

It's Pennywise! Oh my God!

Tonight it's gonna hurt, for you and your friends. Get out of my town!



If you come with me, you will float too. I don't want to float.

- You'll float too, you'll float too! - No, I don't want to float, no!

Oh, it's disgusting!

There are cut Georgie arms hanging from the ceiling. There are hundreds.

And this, what is this?!

There are even pigs and rabbits!

What happened, Georgie? Where is your arm?

I was not supposed to talk to strangers. Look what happened: look at my arm.

My arm...

Oh my God! What am I doing now? Look, there are balloons there.

That's a bad sign, the red balloons.

What's this?

This is the lady of the painting.



It was her, it was her.

Which door do I choose? The door that is very scary?

The scary one or the one which is not scary at all?

Uh... I'll take the very scary one.

It was not a good idea. The one that's just scary then, maybe?

No no no. Let's take the one that is not scary at all.

Thank you Georgie.

You will float too!

I arrive in a room where there are clowns everywhere.

There is someone who wants to go out, I believe.

There is one more here.

Shall I pass?

- Where are you going? - I want to go over there.

I want you for the circus.

They all float.

I have to get out of here.

It's Pennywise!

Hi Georgie!

- Have you seen Pennywise? - I think he's inside.

Pennywise, the dancing clown!

If you come with me you'll float too.

Uh... no, no. I don't want to float.

No no no.

- You'll float too, you'll float too! - No, I don't want to.


Here it feels like if you were in a small town in the United States

where there is a concentration of haunted houses.

It's Jason!

Frankly, tonight I have such a blast!

It's always very exciting when it's new, when I discover.

And tonight I discover a new Halloween event and I love it!

Even more excitement here at Horror Made Here:

this time I'm going to do the tram tour that mixes the universes of Jason Voorhees

and Freddy Krueger.

And it's called Nightmare on Camp Crystal Lake.

I can't wait, because Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees are my two favourite slashers.

Let's board?

Let's go!

Are you excited to go to Camp Crystal Lake?

The more excited you are, the more likely you're gonna survive.

Yeah, that's right.

I think we arrived at Camp Crystal Lake.

In deed.

I saw him!

There is Jason over there by the...

What's happening?

Please, you need to keep moving.

He's over there, he's over there!

Come, come, come!

Go! Please, GO!

Welcome to the nightmare!

It's Freddy!

He's coming.

He's coming for all of us, he's coming.

He's coming, but who's coming?

He's here, he's right down there.

He's coming?

Guys, go! Move!


It's Freddy.

I think there is a compulsory passage through this little cabin.

You have to get out of here, he has been here!

There is someone over there.

It's... it's the only way. Come with me.

He's not in very good shape.

There are corpses hanging from the ceiling.

It's Freddy!

It's Freddy!

I want to sleep.

No, I don't want to sleep!

- I just want to go home. Take me with you! - Come with me!

It may not be a good idea to stay here with Freddy.

I just left the little cabin in the woods

and I venture back to Crystal Lake.

Thanks for visiting us at Camp Crystal Lake.

- Get home safe. - See you next time!

See you next year!

Horror Made Here at Warner Bros. Studio Tour Hollywood continues in the next episode of Destination Fun.

Be there because the next time it will be Annabelle and The Nun who will make me shudder

in the haunted house of The Conjuring.

to be continued...

Limited edition Destination Fun T-shirt has arrived.

You can get yours right now on

We will meet again very soon for the rest of my Halloween adventures in Los Angeles.

In the meantime follow me on my Instagram account to see the pictures of my adventures there

and in fun destinations around the world.

For more infomation >> Fab DS vs Pennywise at Horror Made Here: A Festival of Frights (It knows what scares you) - Duration: 10:01.


How to (REALLY) Set Your Relationship Standards and Attract the RIGHT Man - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> How to (REALLY) Set Your Relationship Standards and Attract the RIGHT Man - Duration: 5:35.


세계 각국은 왜 '러시아판 사드'인 방공 미사일 체계 S400에 열광하는 것일까 ? - Duration: 5:50.

For more infomation >> 세계 각국은 왜 '러시아판 사드'인 방공 미사일 체계 S400에 열광하는 것일까 ? - Duration: 5:50.


Sofía Suescun presume de anillo anunciando su posible compromiso con Alejandro Albalá - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Sofía Suescun presume de anillo anunciando su posible compromiso con Alejandro Albalá - Duration: 2:47.


Selena Gomez Puts Career On Hold Amidst 'Breakdown' 8 Weeks After Confirming New Album Was Coming - Duration: 3:26.

Selena Gomez has reportedly decided to cancel all of her upcoming

Events until further notice and wake of her alleged emotional breakdown in subsequent rehabs thend here's what we know

Selena Gomez

26 is reportedly stepping away from the spotlight indefinitely

The singer's management team has canceled everything on her calendar from this point forward in wake of her alleged emotional breakdown

according to Radar Online

Selena will not be doing any work right now when her main priority should be to get the help

She needs a source claims while this may be sad news for Selena Gomez fans

She certainly needs to put herself first during this sensitive time in the midst of her mental health struggles

Selena recently completed filming on a rainy day in New York

Additionally her new song talky-talky, which also features DJ snake

Ozuna and cardi B was also released

However, the outlet reports that Cell will not be doing any press to promote either project and wake up their personal matters

Hollywood Life has reached out to a representative for Selena Gomez regarding this report

Many fans are worried about the upcoming album sell promised would be released very soon

There is no might there is an album

Selena said during an interview with BBC's the radio 1 breakfast show with Nick Grimshaw in December

2017 I think it's fair to say that people know the year I've had and I've poured my heart into my music I

Wanted it to be fresh. It wasn't really about charts for me or numbers

It was more about what I can creatively do for my music

So yes, I can successfully say that my inspiration for this next album is in full motion

And it will be very soon. She continued then in august

2018 SEL told fans on an instagram live stream that the album is done and that she was shooting for an early

2019 release as you

May know news of Selena's alleged emotional breakdown broke on October 11th

The wolf singer was reportedly hospitalized twice two weeks prior to the news

the first time was for alleged complications due to her lupus and kidney transplant which she underwent in the summer of

2017 and

The second time was for a reported emotional breakdown because she was overwhelmed by her health issues

combined with her anxiety and depression

However, other reports also claimed that her emotional troubles also stemmed from her ex Justin Bieber's engagement with Haley


Selena is currently at an East Coast psychiatric facility and is reportedly receiving dialectical behavior therapy

DBT a cognitive behavioral therapy that attempts to change negative thinking patterns

Ahead of her reported breakdown. She revealed that she was taking a break from social media and

Before leaving social media Selena did an Instagram live where she answered fan

Questions and said that depression had consumed her life for five years

For more infomation >> Selena Gomez Puts Career On Hold Amidst 'Breakdown' 8 Weeks After Confirming New Album Was Coming - Duration: 3:26.


続々登場、「先祖返りポルシェ911カスタム」。老舗チューナー"DPモータースポーツ"も964を901風へとレストモッド - Duration: 7:24.

For more infomation >> 続々登場、「先祖返りポルシェ911カスタム」。老舗チューナー"DPモータースポーツ"も964を901風へとレストモッド - Duration: 7:24.


Volkswagen Golf 1.9 Turbo diesel - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Golf 1.9 Turbo diesel - Duration: 1:03.


Volkswagen Polo 1.2 12v 148847km nieuwe apk - Duration: 0:49.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Polo 1.2 12v 148847km nieuwe apk - Duration: 0:49.


3. Festival wines * Dani Travel TV - Duration: 2:53.

Hello and welcome at the Third wine festival of the Central Slovenian hills.

Subscribe to my channel and don't forget to activate the bell icon.

It was held in the beautiful basement of the Franciscan monastery in the municipality of Sveta Trojica.

The power of the festival lies in the fact that we can try all the wines of the central Slovenian hills.

The beautiful wine basement is by itself a unique one.

In the basement there is a well, where vineyards submerged their sparkling wine a year ago.

At the 3rd festival, this product was also offered to visitors.

Visitors could enjoy a good drop of wine and excellent food.

If you have any questions, you can write it in the comments section.

More information and location you can find in the description.

Subscribe to my channel and don't forget to activate the bell icon.

Thumb up if you like the video.

Thank you for watching and goodbye until the Fourth wine festival of the Central Slovenian hills.

For more infomation >> 3. Festival wines * Dani Travel TV - Duration: 2:53.


Demain nous appartient : Timothée est persuadé d'avoir entendu Lola lui parler par le biais de la - Duration: 7:57.

Demain nous appartient : Timothée est persuadé d'avoir entendu Lola lui parler par le biais de la radio.

Dans le prochain épisode de "Demain nous appartient"... Timothée comprend que Lola cherche à lui envoyer un message codé,

Betty se joue de Victor Brunet, et Martin se décide à ignorer Victoire pour la faire réagir.

Lundi 29 octobre dans Demain nous appartient... Timothée est persuadé d'avoir entendu Lola lui parler par le biais de la radio.

Mais depuis, plus rien, il ne parvient plus à entrer en contact avec sa soeur décédée.

Noor lui conseille alors de réessayer de jouer "Au clair de la lune" avec les bouteilles en verre et ça fonctionne.

La radio se met à nouveau à fonctionner et à émettre des sons, mais ce n'est pas la mélodie habituelle.

Dubitatif dans un premier temps, Timothée finit par en déduire que Lola lui envoie un message codé.

Ils ont besoin de davantage de bouteilles. 26 précisément, pour les 26 lettres de l'alphabet.

Chaque bouteille représentera une note, et chaque note une lettre.

En parallèle, Bilel, Victor Brunet, et Carla se rendent au commissariat en pensant que Noor et Timothée ont été retrouvés.

Mais les renseignements qu'ils ont eu sont mauvais. Les deux ados en fugue retrouvés ce matin ne sont pas leurs enfants.

Victor et Carla s'énervent contre Georges, ils ne supportent pas l'incompétence dont fait preuve la police dans cette affaire.

Alors que Bilel tente de calmer les choses, Victor se sent mal et fait un malaise. La disparition de son fils commence vraiment à devenir insoutenable pour lui.

Chez les Delcourt, Magot vient s'allonger auprès de Maxime qui dort encore.

Lorsqu'il se réveille, il lui demande ce qu'elle fait là et Margot répond qu'il lui a beaucoup manqué et qu'elle avait juste besoin d'un câlin.

Mais Maxime lui explique que les choses ont changé et qu'il n'y a plus rien entre eux. Leur histoire reste un super souvenir mais il est passé à autre chose.

Plus tard, chez Karim, Margot fond en larmes. Elle a l'impression de n'avoir plus personne. Ses parents sont morts, sa grand-mère est en EHPAD, son ex ne l'aime plus.

Mais Karim la rassure. Lui, il est là pour elle, et Anna aussi. Et Margot peut rester chez eux le temps qu'il faudra. Il est certain que les choses vont s'arranger.

Mais en fin de journée, Karim et Anna se rendent bien compte que Margot ne va vraiment pas bien.

Karim confie alors à sa compagne qu'il a l'impression de ne rien avoir de mieux à offrir à Margot qu'un simple canapé, comme tous les potes chez qui elle a squatté auparavant.

Il aimerait qu'elle ait droit à une vraie stabilité, une vraie prise en charge. Ce qu'Anna et lui ne peuvent lui offrir à cause de leurs horaires de boulot.

À la coloc, Victoire est toujours sur un petit nuage. Elle a enfin ce qu'elle recherchait tant : "Du sexe de qualité avec un mec pas prise de tête".

Elle assure à Lucie qu'elle ne recherche rien de plus et qu'elle est certaine que Martin n'attend pas non plus que cela se transforme en relation,

mais elle ignore que ce dernier est en train d'entendre toute leur conversation. Il finit par les rejoindre et se montre distant avec Victoire.

Il prétexte qu'il doit partir et ne lui dit même pas au revoir. Pour Lucie, les choses ne sont pas aussi claires pour lui que Victoire le prétend.

Martin rejoint ensuite Anna, son ex, pour boire un verre et se confie au sujet de Victoire.

Il aimerait bien essayer de donner une chance à leur histoire mais a bien compris que la jeune femme n'était intéressée que par un plan cul régulier.

Il adore se réveiller à ses côtés le matin et ne comprend pas pourquoi elle se limite au sexe.

Anna lui conseille alors de l'ignorer. Ainsi il sera vite fixé sur l'intérêt que lui porte réellement Victoire.

Et cela semble porter ses fruits rapidement puisqu'un peu plus tard Victoire s'énerve après avoir reçu un SMS de Martin qui lui annonce qu'ils ne pourront pas se voir ce soir car il avait oublié qu'il devait voir des amis.

Elle trouve qu'il aurait au moins pu trouver une vraie excuse.

Lucie lui fait remarquer qu'elle n'attend que du sexe de sa part mais aimerait qu'il se comporte comme son petit ami, ce n'est pas logique.

Au Spoon, le soir venu, Victoire, Lucie, et Georges se retouvent pour boire un verre. Martin, qui passe par là, les salue mais ne calcule pas le moins du monde Victoire, qui le prend très mal.

La jeune médecin finit donc par le confronter et lui avoue qu'elle n'a pas aimé la façon dont il l'a traitée dernièrement.

Ça tombe bien car Martin n'aime pas non plus la manière dont elle le balade. Elle est trop contradictoire.

Victoire lui raconte alors qu'elle a besoin de légèreté car le dernier homme qu'elle a aimé est tombé dans le coma.

Martin est désolé de l'apprendre et semble finalement, prêt, pour l'instant, à s'adapter aux envies de Victoire.

Dans les thermes, Timothée tache son pull en réunissant les bouteilles dont il a besoin.

Ne supportant pas les changements ou les imprévus, il se met alors à faire une crise, et Noor et Betty ne savent pas trop comment réagir.

Mais elles finissent par avoir une idée. Betty se rend chez les Brunet et fait croire à Victor qu'elle avait prêté un livre à Timothée pour les vacances et qu'elle a besoin de le récupérer avant la rentrée.

Il l'accompagne dans la chambre de son fils et Betty profite d'un coup de fil reçu par Victor pour subtiliser un pull de rechange dans l'un des placards de Timothée, ni vu ni connu.

Elle rapporte le pull aux thermes et Timothée ne perd pas de temps pour remettre son plan à exécution et essayer d'entrer à nouveau en contact avec sa soeur.

Etant donné qu'elle possède l'oreille absolue, Betty se révèle d'une aide précieuse pour Timothée.

Ensemble, ils finissent par déchiffrer le message de Lola : "Halloween cimetière".

Timothée comprend alors que sa soeur lui donne rendez-vous au cimetière le soir d'Halloween.

For more infomation >> Demain nous appartient : Timothée est persuadé d'avoir entendu Lola lui parler par le biais de la - Duration: 7:57.


BMW X5 3.0D HIGH EXECUTIVE, 245PK / M-pakket / Comfortstoelen / Keyless entry / Camera's / Trekhaak - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> BMW X5 3.0D HIGH EXECUTIVE, 245PK / M-pakket / Comfortstoelen / Keyless entry / Camera's / Trekhaak - Duration: 0:56.


Kia cee'd SW 1.4 CVVT BROOKLYN - LEDER - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd SW 1.4 CVVT BROOKLYN - LEDER - Duration: 0:54.


MUSEI D'ITALIA #4 | MANN | Mikipedia_Arte - Duration: 4:33.

For more infomation >> MUSEI D'ITALIA #4 | MANN | Mikipedia_Arte - Duration: 4:33.


Surya Kiritame Neeva HD Video Song |Preminchukundam Raa |Venkatesh |Anjala Zaveri |Suresh Production - Duration: 4:58.

For more infomation >> Surya Kiritame Neeva HD Video Song |Preminchukundam Raa |Venkatesh |Anjala Zaveri |Suresh Production - Duration: 4:58.


Justin Bieber Taking Marriage To Hailey Baldwin 'Very Seriously': Why He's Putting Music On Hold - D - Duration: 2:51.

Justin Bieber has reportedly put off making new music to focus on Hailey Baldwin. Here's why he's taking his marriage 'very seriously

'    Fans will have to wait a bit longer for new music from Justin Bieber. He's reportedly put his next album on hold to focus on his marriage to Hailey Baldwin

 "People don't realize how much work goes in to making an album, and it's not finished there – after the album's done there's the promotional work and then the tour," a source close to the singer tells HollywoodLife EXCLUSIVELY

 "Justin has basically been working since he was 13 years old. He has more money than he could ever spend, and he's performed three world tours, so he believes he's earned a break if he wants one

"    "Justin takes his marriage to Hailey very seriously," our insider explains

"He is determined that it's going to work, and he's going to do everything in his power to make sure their relationship remains balanced and healthy — and a big part of that is by remaining present, both mentally and physically

"  The "No Brainer" hitmaker "doesn't have an issue" with his wife continuing to thrive in her own career, though

"When she's modeling, it's different," the source says. "It's not like when he's off on tour for a whole year and there are groupies throwing themselves at him day and night

"  Basically what it all comes down to is love. "Justin is so in love with Hailey it's crazy

He's focused on her like a laser beam, and nothing else matters as far as he is concerned," the source tells HL

"Hailey is his everything, she's his heart, his purpose for living, and he would literally lay down his life for her

"  As previously reported, Justin "doesn't seem ready to record new music yet and keeps saying that he just wants to hang out with Hailey," a source told People

But this attitude has caused some conflict in the relationship. "Justin likes to just hang out, watch movies and chill

Hailey has a lot of energy and projects that she wants to do. They are not on the same page when it comes to work," the source told the magazine

For more infomation >> Justin Bieber Taking Marriage To Hailey Baldwin 'Very Seriously': Why He's Putting Music On Hold - D - Duration: 2:51.


The Plugseeker ~ How I built PlugShare in Europe GUEST VLOG 🔌🔋🚗 - Duration: 10:54.

this week's video is a special guest vlog from the plug seeker the plug

seeker is a bit of a famous bloke not only on Twitter if you use Twitter

you've definitely seen the Plugseeker retweet something but if you've ever

used the plug share app pretty much the whole of the UK, Ireland and pretty much

quite a lot of Europe especially France was added by the plug seeker he used to

be number one across the whole board points ever he's now number two he

basically added pretty much every locational information the numbers the

location and then went along everywhere let's not explain too much of it he's

gonna go into most of it they said this in the blog but I just wanted to say you

probably are going to see me for a couple of weeks I'm getting married on

the 3rd of November the week after this video is due to be released and I'm

gonna have a break I'm gonna have a little bit of downtime from YouTube I

don't know how long that might be it might be a couple of weeks it might be

two weeks it might be a month it might not be at all cuz I might get the

YouTube bug and just have to make a video so I hope you enjoy this guest

vlog and I'll see you a couple of weeks when I'm back from being married

good afternoon this is the plug seeker I'm doing a slightly different video today

and I'd like to thank Ev Nick for inviting me to do a guest Vblog today

on his channel today I'm gonna do a little bit of a chat about how I got

into electric cars in the first place and how I got into plug share and to

Twitter and how eventually I started doing YouTube like this so I hope you

enjoy it how did I become the plug seeker well

I've always had an interest in science even from a young age and I think eco

things were saying I was interested in as well I would probably a recycle that

long before it was commonplace but I would say my first few cars were

definitely not very eco and my first car was about 400 pound diesel polo ancient

rust bucket but then after university Mazda

mx-5 this was fun but again not very eco well the next thing that changed was by

about 2008 and this came with the arrival of my first boy and at this

point I needed an ISO fix car seat in my car and I need a nice convenient comfy

five-door hatchback so with the arrival of kids as I'm sure everyone who can

tell you has had kids everything changes and in instead would come my next car

and this was going to be a Volkswagen Polo except I'm a nice brand new

bluemotion polo at that time the most eco cars around were the polo BlueMotion

Diesel's yeah I know Diesel's we'll get back to that car at that time was

between going really strong since the 1990s was the Prius hybrid but in the

end I decided to go for the bluemotion polo and I mean all over all it was a

good car as a nice hatchback but it wasn't as eco as we've been led to

believe was it I would find that all those years I've been driving supposedly

eco maybe not so the next step in my journey would be 2009 i got a job

in London and I was commuting up almost every day gave me a lot of time on my

hands as I was commuting a good hour and a half every day on the on the train on

the train what was he gonna do with myself well one of the things I started

to do was look on YouTube and of course one of the channels I stumbled on

first one by Rob Llewellyn and I was intrigued to see what he was up to and

at this point Rob Llewellyn was doing a series called carpool now for

those of you who have never watched this show I believe is probably one of the

first to use this format what would happen was Robert would pick up people

in he's Prius hybrid and he would take them wherever they want to go and do an

interview on route and this meant that Rob Llewellyn will be giving lifts to

famous celebrities comedians such as Jonathan Ross and as well as most of the

cast from Red Dwarf as well at this time the Prius probably had been accepted as

the epitome of what was an eco-car for eco driving and I think one

of the real turning points for me really here was that one April in 2009 Llewellyn

was doing one of his carpool episodes and he took comedian and television

presenter Jonathan Ross out in an EV and not just any EV but an original

Tesla Roadster I have to say this episode blew me away

at this point I can clearly see that TVs electrical cars were the future

September 2010 it's a big red letter day for the EV world this is the time we

saw the arrival over for the first time a nice family five-door hatchback

electric car mass-produced at a price most of us could probably

afford this was the first arrival for Nissan Leaf and as luck would have it

Robert Llewellyn was added again and one of the early episodes he does a review

of the Nissan Leaf which I saw and I was blown away so once again

Rober Llywelyn was directing my journey as an electric car driver once again I

had to have one it was no longer a question of if he was just a question of

when however in reality it didn't work out quite as quick as that he had our

second kid and again those of you have got kids know that that takes up a lot

of your time and money and energy now at this point I was working in Sutton

and one of the next turning points in my journey was my workplace decided to

install some electrical vehicle charges as you can see here this was a 3 pin

plug and a type 2 and so that was it I think the final chips are falling into

place I was definitely getting Nissan Leaf electric car so we were now into

2014 and after much number krumping I decided that I was gonna sell my VW

bluemotion and use that as a deposit towards a Nissan Leaf at lease and

started lease at 230 pounds a month for 3 years in September 2013 a brand new

white visa leaf 24 kilowatt arrived at my doorstep and was there waiting for

me when I got home from work and I've never looked back

five years now later on my second leaf I still love that same experience and I

wouldn't trade it in for the world no unfortunately I was still a bit of a

newbie when it came to electric vehicles and possibly I hadn't researched the

areas of different charging types thoroughly enough so the Nissan Visa

which I at leased only came with a type-1 charger this was the very lowest entry

level and did not have a chademo rapid 50 kilowatt charger the longest trips I

tend to do would be to Heathrow Airport which I manged to do left it on a

destination charger while I was there welcome to sunny Surrey so i'd like to tell

you in this second part a little bit of how I got from being electric car driver

to being heavily involved with multimedia including particularly

Twitter and plugshare so as a techno gadget person and earlier adopter I

wanted to seek out and find as many electric car charging points as I could

so naturally I turned to my iphone to try and find an app to help me find

charges I looked at various different charging apps around but eventually I

set it on plugshare as this had the most worldwide charges or any other app

at the time had a really excellent user interface

the users were adding information and updating in that ways I in that way I

thought it was very much like an early Wikipedia and I really thought it had

the potential to be something big so I joined up the plugshare app and I had

to put an avatar on as I joined the account and I thought well I'll keep it

a little bit more anonymous and I just randomly googled around a few different

images and then I just stuck on an image of Palpatine the emperor from Star Wars

and I thought oh that looks quite cool it's got a sort of an electric theme

going there with your electric balls for lightning and that sort of thing so oh

yeah we'll put that on for now maybe we'll choose something else later and I

looked on myself as my username as being the UK plugseeker little did I know

this would turn out later to be my my trademark throughout all the social

media platforms I would later go on to use and I would also send private

messages in plugshare to other users to try and encourage them to look around

their local area and add charges and add photos and as I was now updating

locations outside of the UK I changed my tag name on plugshare the plug seeker I

tend to have moved over the years now much more into using Twitter and I kept

the same avatar as I had on plugshare it seemed logical just to continue the same

across platforms and then in October

2017 I decided it might be useful to get a real sith costume and there plug

seeker was made flesh for the first time and they therefore partook in a photo

bomb in front of chargemaster headquarters so from time to time I will

make my appearance as a real plug seeker once again Nicolas I would like to

thank you for inviting me to your YouTube channel as an honored guest just

a moment don't forget to subscribe - Nicolas's channel but most importantly

don't forget to subscribe here to the plug seekers channel on Twitter and on

YouTube thanks Nick you'll have to do a fair bit of editing there try to find

out so weird looking at camera

For more infomation >> The Plugseeker ~ How I built PlugShare in Europe GUEST VLOG 🔌🔋🚗 - Duration: 10:54.


VLOG: 6TH Therian Meet - Duration: 9:53.

And I'm a Tundra Wolf

I am Dani, and I am a Timber wolf

Hello, I'm Michaël

And I'm a wolf.. a.. (PD: Tundra wolf?)

(PD: Or mackenzie valley wolf like last time?) (Rellybel: I didn't understand what u said? )

(R: Tundra or Timber?) Michaël: T-Timber..

M: I'm questioning myself..

Yeh, I'm PD

I'm a swiss white shepherd dog and pink river dolphin.

Hey, I'm Krisje. Or Wolfo.

I'm a Mackenzie valley wolf and/or a..

Fox, I don't know what fox yet.

So far everyone..

Introduces themselves as if it hurts..Like..

PD & Rellybell: aw autch aw

I'm Eowyn, I'm a Timber wolf.

Hey I'm Jonah. And I'm just a human.


Dissappointment! (Meat)

I'm Jennifer, I'm a contherian.

And my theriotypes are Snow leopard

Mackenzie valley wolf and lion

Hi, I'm anika or Kaya

And my theriotypes are silver fox and wolfdog.

Get this!

You have been touched!

I have a bush full of sticks!


(idk) Mine!

Big stick!

You grab him there, I'll grab him here

Jonah: Omydog!

Now someone has to play traditional music haha

Be carefull..

PD: How do you feel? Jonah: I feel captured.

PD: Eh noh I don't think so.

Dani: U dead? Jonah: Yah

Dani: U dead? Jonah: I'm dead inside

PD: if he's dead, can we eat him?

Dani: Yes. YES!

Michaël: Barbeque?

Dani: Ofcourse you can eat him.

Dani: He's our prey!

Dani? Kaya?: A murder has been done!

Dani: Now we have to hide the body.

Anonymous: U have to put your foot on it and with a hunting gun..

Kaya: Completely digging him in

Rellybel: We gonna burry him

Jonah: Ah! I'm alive!

Jonah: *scream of forgivness* What did I do to you?!

Jonah: *falls on the ground* omydog..

Wolfo & Rellybell: Packhunt! Woah!

Luca: Done

Wolfo: *pretends jonah* Whoo

*rest joins*

Jonah: this feels weird

Wolfo: wag your butt.

Jonah: Oh no

Kaya: the ground!

Jennifer: Not your tail!

Jennifer: Not your tail! Noh your tail is holy!

Jonah: yes

PD: English and dutch! "Your tail is heilig" (heilig = holy)

Jonah: whistles. Luca: Oh wow.. friends

Pets! (sound of slapping someone)

*talking about a bunch of big fluffy white dogs that passed us*

Anonymous: A it's just 5 polar bears coming towards us.

Anonymous: oh that was all (Jonah: I just wanted to say so) (Luca: got him!)

Jonah: I was like.. wow..

My name is Krisje, I identify as a mackenzie valley wolf.

This is my stone.

I claim this stone and this place.

It's mine. And mine only.

You cannot touch it

PD: are you sure about that? Wolfo: yes

it's mine



My stone


My stone

My stone!

My stone!

Help the stone, stop discrimination

Rellybel: We were already thinking: at the end of the day he'll howl along!

Jennifer: that would be awesome if he'd do that.

Rellybel: then he's sitting and home like awooo

Rellybell: he's enjoying himself (unsure to who or about what this is)

Jennifer(?): my sandwish!

PD: That's mine! (to Djonko)

PD: no that's mine!

PD: mine!

I once had two big owl on my arm.

But this is something new.

(PD: can he eat this?)

(PD: can he eat this?)

For more infomation >> VLOG: 6TH Therian Meet - Duration: 9:53.


The Open Mind: Truth and Lies of Education - Arne Duncan - Duration: 28:44.

HEFFNER: I'm Alexander Hefner, your host on The Open Mind.

We're honored to welcome former U.S.

Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan,

to The Open Mind today.

Prior to joining the Obama administration,

Duncan served as CEO of Chicago public schools and

won praise for uniting the city stakeholders behind a

consensus education agenda.

Today as managing partner at Emerson Collective,

Duncan has returned to Chicago on a mission to

improve the livelihoods of young adults in his

hometown and create job and life

opportunities for disconnected youth.

Established by Laurene Powell Jobs,

Emerson Collective spearheads social justice initiatives.

Now, Duncan is author of the new Simon and Schuster book,

"How Schools Work: An Inside Account of

Failure and Success From One of the Nation's

Longest Serving Secretaries of Education,"

an authentic account of these real world

struggles, Duncan focuses acutely on the big

political lies and crises plaguing American

education from the halls of Congress and state

houses to the principal's office and classrooms.

Welcome Secretary, an honor to be with you today.

DUNCAN: Thanks so much.

Appreciate the opportunity.

HEFFNER: What is the lie that you think you most

effectively combated as Secretary of Education

that may not be as pervasive in the culture

of education today because of your service?

DUNCAN: We challenged lots of things and had some

successes and places where we would love to have

gone further faster.

I think one of the things that we really tried to

challenge was the idea of dumbing-down standards

where standards were very low where we were telling

young people they run on track to be successful

beyond high school and they weren't,

and actually I tell a fairly lengthy story in

the book about a young man I worked with years ago in

Chicago, who in his junior year was on a B honor

roll, was a great basketball player,

was trying to get ready to go to college.

I started working with him and found he was basically

functionally illiterate and that was just devastating.

There's a young man who'd played by all the rules,

had stayed out of the gangs,

stayed away from the violence in his

neighborhood and he genuinely thought he was

prepared to go to college and he wasn't close.

As a nation, we spend 7, 8,

9 billion dollars a year on remedial education in

college where people who graduated from high school

are taking high school classes,

paying college tuition, and not getting any credit for it.

So challenging states incentivizing states to

raise standards over the long haul I think this can

be very, very important to make sure that we're not

lying to children anymore and that we say they truly

are college and career ready. They will be.

HEFFNER: The bigotry of low expectations in urban

centers and more broadly in America,

you faced scrutiny from Senator Alexander despite

the fact that he praised your approach and

commended the good work that came out of the department.

How were you able to successfully confront

those folks who were unwilling to accept modern

standards today?

DUNCAN: It's an ongoing conversation,

again, you try and work together,

but for me this is really a triumph of common sense

and who benefits the question not asked,

the retort would be who benefits when we're lying

to kids who benefits when we're lying to parents who

benefits when we're lying to the public.

And the short answer is nobody.

And so change is hard in education and we'd

definitely challenge the status quo and we ruffled

some feathers and that that's,

that's, you know, maybe a little bit tough.

But as I always just feel this huge sense of urgency.

Our kids have one chance to get a good education

and we have to go further faster.

We have to work harder. Our competition isn't, you know,

Illinois or Indiana or Montana or Wisconsin.

The competition is China and India and Singapore

and South Korea and our children here in the

United States are as smart as innovative,

as curious, as hard work as children anywhere in

the, on the planet.

I just want to give them the best chance in life.

I want to keep high wage, high skilled jobs in the

United States and do that we have to have the best

educated workforce on the planet.

HEFFNER: And what are the political lies that are

imperiling and you even say or suggest demolishing

or potentially demolishing education in this country today.

DUNCAN: Well there are a few things that concern me

in a very, very serious way.

The first is that we all say we value education.

And the truth is Alexander,

that almost no one votes around education

and politicians, local, mayor, state Gov,

DC, Congress, White House, whatever.

I've never met a politician who's anti-education.

They like the sound bites. They like to visit classrooms.

They like to pat kids on the head,

but how many politicians do we hold accountable for

increasing graduation rates and making sure more

of our babies have access to high quality pre-K so

they enter kindergarten ready to be successful.

And the honest answer is, they're not held accountable.

And actually I don't blame them as politicians.

I blame us as voters.

And for me, education should be the ultimate

bipartisan or nonpartisan issue.

No one has a monopoly on good ideas.

We should unite as a country behind this,

but we all have to vote on this issue and that's

simply doesn't happen.

And I think that does a great disservice to our

kids and ultimately to our country. So that's, that's one.

The second is, we talked all the time how much

we value teachers. I don't think we actually do.

Teachers are doing, I think some of the most

important, most complex, most difficult work

imaginable, and you know, they are literally helping

the future to emerge and spark their curiosity.

We don't pay teachers adequately,

we don't train them effectively.

We don't have good career ladders for them and we

don't treat them as the professionals they truly are.

So I think that's, that's dishonest that's a lie.

And then maybe the toughest one in one

I've been focused on for unfortunately for most of

my life, having lost friends to gun violence

and I'm obsessed with it now is as a nation,

I honestly don't think we value our children.

And that's a hard thing to say,

but in other nations, you simply don't have the loss

of life that you have in America, not even close.

And our teens today, we've basically raised a

generation that are raised on mass violence,

on a mass shootings and gun violence,

and they're fighting back.

They're saying it's not acceptable,

but I think we as adults have absolutely let them

down and let them live with a level of fear and

trauma that makes no sense whatsoever.

HEFFNER: This hubris that we don't really need to

acknowledge global standards.

That is the politics and the brand of politics,

of the present Administration.

I don't think that necessarily is something

you're running up against in Chicago public schools,

it may be, but how have the nativist politics

infected the education debate because that seems

to be the biggest lie of all that we do not need

to be concerned with the rest of the world.


So again, let's sort of step back.

If we want to have a thriving middle class,

if we want to break cycles of poverty,

if we want to have a vibrant,

civically engaged democracy,

the only way I know how to get there is through high

quality education for all and the truth is the vast

majority of our kids, 90 percent of children in

America always have and always will go to their

neighborhood public schools and we have to

make sure that every school is a great school

and the most important thing we can do is get

great teachers in front of every single job and have

a great principal in those buildings.

And again, when we do those things,

I'm actually very optimistic about our

country and where we could go because I see how smart

and how committed our kids are.

But if we don't take those responsibilities

seriously, then we actually exacerbate the

divide between the haves and the have-nots in our country.

We exacerbate the cycles of poverty and social

failure and so that for me,

the stakes here are so high.

I go back to growing up on the south side of Chicago.

If you dropped out then, and I had friends who did,

it actually wasn't great, but it wasn't the end of the world.

You could go work in the stockyards and steel mills

and get a pretty good job and support a family,

and own a home and as you know so well those jobs

are gone and they're never coming back.

So for me the fundamental model has to change.

We have a k through 12 model now that served as

well, like for the past hundred years,

but I think we have to be thinking about a pre-K

through 14 model at least now starting earlier

again, making sure our babies are ready to enter

kindergarten and be successful academically

and socially and emotionally and then,

even if you get a high school diploma today,

that's not enough. That's great.

That's a very important step stone,

but some form of education beyond high school,

four year university, two year community college,

trade, technical, vocational training.

We have to make that the norm here.

We have to educate our way to a stronger economy.

We have to see education as an investment,

not an expense, and again, challenging political

leaders on both sides of the aisle to understand

that we're fighting for our country here.

The stakes are extraordinarily high.

HEFFNER: In that fight, where is the most

innovative work going on at the state level?

DUNCAN: There are lots of places,

I like to point out, my good friend,

Governor Haslam in Tennessee who happens to be Republican.

I talk in the book about profiles of courage and

him and Governor Kasich in Ohio who fought for higher standards.

I talk about Governor Markell in Delaware and

what President Obama did, the federal level,

but just a couple of examples with Tennessee,

Tennessee had some of the lowest standards in the nation.

They raised them significantly.

That was tough, but they did the right thing.

They have been improving much faster than most states.

And then more recently, Governor Haslam has made

community college free for every resident in Tennessee.

Now historically that might be seen as more of a

Democratic, you know, strategy,

but he just thought it is an effective tool to help

strengthen his state and help strengthen the

economy of the state?

And so there are governors like that.

Again, Republican, Democrat doesn't matter to me.

He's done some remarkable work.

Again, never mission accomplished,

long way to go, but very, very proud to partner and

to see that progress.

HEFFNER: And the universal crisis that you point to

is the absence of suitable wages,

adequate wages for teachers.

And in Kentucky and other states,

there have been protests, marches,

West Virginia demanding better treatment for those

public servants who seek to steward the next generation.

Where is that lie and where does that truth lie?

DUNCAN: That goes back to again saying we value

educators saying we value teachers and we don't.

And I actually talk about those protests and strikes

in my book and just the fact that I don't like the

politics of it, but the fact is those are all

Republican led states where governors have

starved those educational systems.

And, you know, Oklahoma just go right down,

went right down, West Virginia, the list

HEFFNER: Kansas.

DUNCAN: Kansas.

And when we starve public education,

when we don't take care of teachers again,

who are we benefiting?

What's, you know, where's the win there?

I'll never forget talking to a teacher in my office

in DC from North Carolina and it really hurt because

North Carolina historically did a great

job educationally, Governor Jim Hunt

was one of my heroes.

We still work together.

But then things change and priorities change.

And I've talked to a teacher who was selling

blood, selling plasma to make ends meet.

And that was, it's untenable.

And here we are saying, yo,

please educate our babies, our children,

please give them a chance in life.

And then we're also asking you to sell blood to pay rent.

It's wrong, it's wrong.

And we should be paying teachers a lot more paying

principles a lot more.

We should hold them accountable for good results.

This has never familiar about,

you know, a blank check or a free lunch.

But that's the best investment we can make is

in great teachers.

And we need to think differently about teachers

working in, whether it's, you know,

inner city Chicago or here in New York or in

Appalachia or on a Native American reservation.

Some jobs are just harder than others.

How do we better support them?

How do we better reward that?

How do we better incentivize great teachers

to go to the kids and communities who are the

furthest behind who need the most help?

There's so much in terms of creativity, we're not doing.

HEFFNER: And this, Secretary is how it may

relate to the, our civic consciousness overall and

the gun issue because one of my critiques or

concerns associated with common standards is that,

and you said to me before, maybe you

weren't moving fast enough.

We did not integrate civic education as fully as we

should have in what was common core,

what was shepherded through the stimulus

money, and the first years of your tenure as

Secretary of Education.

So, reflecting on where we are now,

how can we get to a point?

Does it take candidates who are campaigning on

raises for teachers?

Can we get through state houses a more formidable

civic education that resonates for people's

lives on an issue like safety,

mental health, and school safety.

DUNCAN: We absolutely can.

If, and this is the caveat,

if we vote on these issues and again,

whether it's far left far right,

liberal, conservative, Democrat,

Republican, it doesn't matter to me.

No one has a monopoly on good ideas.

HEFFNER: We don't really have candidates who run on

teacher wages, right?

DUNCAN: We don't, we don't have them running on education.

And again, let me very clear,

I don't blame them, I blame us,

I blame us as voters, because we don't demand it.

And for me, what I call it is a well-rounded world class education.

Yes. Civics education is a huge part of that,

but for me, so is financial literacy...


DUNCAN: So is foreign languages,

so is the ability to code and these are things that maybe,

you know, 30 or 50 years ago you didn't need,

but every child needs and deserves access to a well

rounded world class education,

and they deserve access to great teachers and great

principals and school buildings that aren't crumbling.

And again, these are investments.

These aren't expenses, these investments in our future,

and so we need candidates across the

political spectrum who will fight for these things,

but we as voters have to demand it or it's

not going to happen.

HEFFNER: From your tenure, was the principal

impediment to achieving those common standards

in a way that would garner consensus,

the school prayer issue or the underlying resentment

of the secular civic code?

DUNCAN: No, I wouldn't say that it was.

And you know, there's a clear divide in,

you know, in our nations or should be between

church and state and you know,

folks understand that.

And so that was of all the things that I worried

about that wasn't wanted so much that I was proud

of that we were able to get done,

invest more than a billion dollars in access to high

quality pre-K, which I think is the best

investment we can make and have hundreds of thousands

of additional children enter kindergarten ready

to be successful.

We're able to get high school graduation rates

to all time highs.

We were able to get additional $40 billion

dollars for Pell Grants for economically

disadvantaged young people to be able to afford

to go to college.

We did that without going back to taxpayers for a nickel.

That was wildly controversial in DC.

We thought it was common sense,

so we were really able to move things I'm very,

very proud of, but again, so much further still to go.

HEFFNER: But what is the source then of the

political gridlock and the refusal,

was it just that President Obama was a Democrat and

if a Republican President like a Jeb Bush,

who in fact in Florida and forced his own rigid standards?

DUNCAN: What was so interesting to me was the

disconnect between, and I'll be honest,

primarily Republicans in Congress and what their

states are actually looking for.

I spent as much time as I could out of DC out of the

bubble and out in communities and traveled to all 50 states.

I'll give you one on one example.

That's always stuck with me.

We invest a lot, as we talked about in high

quality early childhood education and really

trying to give kids a chance so they don't enter

kindergarten a year to 18 months behind in one of

the dirty secrets and educations.

Often we don't catch those children up and those

children enter kindergarten behind too

often become the dropouts down the road,

so we were able to do some grants for a,

for states at the state level for increasing

access and we had like 36 states apply,

but we only had funding for 18 and one of the

states we weren't able to fund was Mississippi.

Now on any measure Mississippi's at the

bottom, nationally, 48th, 49th,

50th, and that governor at the time,

Governor Bryant, who's a staunch conservative,

he and I may have disagreed on 90 percent of

issues, but he called me and he was devastated that

we couldn't fund high quality pre-K in his state.

And guess what? I was equally devastated.

I desperately wanted to do that. So that's what he wanted.

That's what he needed, but we weren't able to get

enough of folks in Congress from places like

Mississippi to say, this is not a federal mandate

is not a must do, but where states want to

invest, could we match, could we leverage money to

help more students get in?

That for me was the biggest challenge,

was a disconnect between what local political

leaders and their communities and their

citizens we're looking for and the bubble in DC.

HEFFNER: Chicago today compared to when you

entered office as secretary of education, how has it evolved?

DUNCAN: You know, you go back and I talk about this

to the then Secretary William Bennett in

Chicago, the worst public school system in the

nation, and I can't say whether it was or wasn't,

but it was a system that had struggled for a long time.

And that for me was a motivating cry.

And it was part of the reason I went to work for

the Chicago public schools,

was to see, could I help to see it improved,

could I help it to progress?

You may have seen recently a report coming out of

Stanford University, that shows Chicago's the

fastest improving urban school district in America.

That's amazing.

So I'm so proud of that progress.

Again, not where it needs not where we want to be,

a long way to go.

This is not a time to rest on our laurels,

but to see the progress and being called the worst

in the nation, to now being the fastest

improving school district in America.

That feels fantastic.

HEFFNER: That is ground zero for gun violence,

but there are many ground zeroes. Chicago is one.

It can hit any.

That's why it's called every town for gun safety.

It can hit any community, rural, suburban.

You've seen that accelerate since Donald Trump has taken office.

What are you doing, what is the Emerson Collective

doing together to tackle the challenge?

DUNCAN: Well, let me give you a,

if I can briefly just a little history.

I grew up as a part of my mother's intercity

tutoring program and that was a formative experience

and my sister and brother and I have all tried to

follow in her footsteps.

She did that work for 50 years until her health gave out.

But when I started to be a teen probably 12,

13, 14, I started to lose friends to gun violence

from, from the community.

And I think that shapes you and honestly scars you

in ways that are a little bit tough to talk about.

Fast forward to running the Chicago public schools.

Obviously lots of issues you deal with trying to

raise academic achievement,

tough budget issues, you know,

labor management negotiations.

I don't say any of that was easy,

but that was all much, much easier than dealing

with the level of violence that we faced.

During my seven and a half years running the Chicago

public schools on average, we lost a child every two

weeks due to gun violence, none in the schools.

Schools are safest places, but in the streets,

in their homes and going to those funerals,

going to classrooms where there was an empty desk

and trying to make sense of the senseless,

talking to family members.

That was by far the hardest thing I did,

nothing came close.

And unfortunately that violence in Chicago has,

you in the seven years' here in DC,

increased violence across the nation has increased.

And I want to be very clear this,

for me, it's never a school issue.

All those schools are a small piece of it.

This is an American issue.

This is a made in America problem,

and whether its malls, whether it's baseball

fields, whether it's.

we're coming up on the year anniversary of

Charlottesville, we just, there's a pervasive love

for guns that puts all of us, our families at risk.

And my worst day in DC, President Obama's worst

day in DC was the day of the Sandy Hook massacre.

And prior to that, this is another tough thing to

say, but when my kids were being killed in Chicago,

the vast majority were black and brown.

I really thought our country just didn't care

about black and brown kids.

And then when Sandy Hook happened and 20 white

children and five teachers and a principal were

killed, unimaginable. And still nothing changed.

Who got zero done in terms of gun legislation.

And that for me was the biggest failure.

And I became unbelievably pessimistic.

But since the tragedy of the Parkland massacre,

those young people have stepped up and took my

family to the March on Washington.

Our kids from the south and west side of Chicago

have been doing a ton of work with the Parkland students,

and I am more hopeful now than never

that the young people will win and they'll lead our

country where we need to go where frankly,

we as adults and educators and leaders have had

failed to take us.

HEFFNER: Where do common standards fit into civic

standards, has this Administration's efforts

reversed most every change that you made?

DUNCAN: This Administration is trying

to dismantle some of what we'd done some places

they've done that a little bit effectively some places,

thankfully they've been less effective.

What I take great heart and it's so much of what

we've done is now routed in states and in

communities where the real work is going on.

And for me, again, it's not about left or right

or Republican/ Democrat.

I think there are a couple goals that we as a nation

need to unite behind.

One is I think we should try and lead the world in

access to high quality pre-K right now we're like 30th, right?

We were so proud to get high school graduation

rates to 84 percent there.

The goal of the current administration

should be to go to 90 percent.

Keep that going.

We should make sure all of our high school graduates

are truly college and career ready,

again, high standards and then finally we should try

and lead the world in college completion.

The tough truth, Alexander is that we're top 10

and nothing right now internationally. Nothing.

And we can have lots of honest and vigorous debate

and lots of innovation around the best strategies

to achieve those goals, and again,

what works in rural Montana will be different

than Watts in LA, but we should unite behind the

goals and then watch and scale what works to get there.

HEFFNER: Also not punish people.

There was the perception and sometimes this was

experienced, that folks' individuality was somehow

compromised in adhering to strict standards.

If someone is more gifted in the humanities,

or passionate about the humanities,

that they would be dragged down by their inability

or dislike for other subjects.

DUNCAN: That's obviously never the goal.

You go back to having a well rounded world class

education for every child. Let them thrive.

I do think we have to move to more individualized

instruction and if a child is gifted in math,

let them fly and if a child needs a little bit

more help and more time, we need to do that...

HEFFNER: And not punitive...measures

DUNCAN: And not punitive.

It's always about catching up or for me,

it's always about growth.

How much are students improving and whether

you're gifted or average or whether you have some

learning, you know, learning challenges,

are we getting better faster?

HEFFNER: That was my concern about common core,

that just putting myself in the shoes of

prospective students now, that I would have been

accelerating in one discipline and not in

another and wanted to keep riding that discipline.

DUNCAN: I think we should do both.

Again, for me, it's not an either/or wherea child can

fly and has real passion, let's discover that.

Let's grow that, but where a child needs some more

help and more resources, let's not hide from that

either and let's get them that help and I don't like

when I hear young kids say well,

I'm not good at math.


DUNCAN: I don't, I don't believe that.

Somehow they've internalized that.

We need to light that fire.

We need to light that spark and we define ways

to get to them and you know, jobs in STEM. Something.

You know, let's do that.

If you love the humanities, let's do that.

HEFFNER: Final question, Secretary.

How do you operationalize the Heckman equation?

How do you do precisely what you just outlined,

which is, provide superior attention,

education opportunities from pre-K up.

DUNCAN: For me, this is not rocket science.

It's not finding a cure for cancer.

This is political will. This is political.

We know how to do this.

HEFFNER: Universal pre-K

DUNCAN: Universal pre-K. Access to great early childhood teachers,

access to AP classes, the chance to go to college,

you know, chance to develop vocational skills.

If we had the political will to provide universal

access to pre-K, we would do it tomorrow.

One again, tough example, I was a two summers ago

with my son playing basketball in the

Netherlands and they have universal access for

four year olds to pre-K and they were then working

on bringing it down for three year olds

and when I told them about how hard

I was fighting in the battles and the challenges

and they almost thought I was lying, they couldn't quite believe it,

and then they asked me the question,

how come your country doesn't value children,

and that was a very tough question.

They decided that that was a priority.

Every four year old had access and they were

working on every three year old.

HEFFNER: How did you answer that though?

DUNCAN: I struggled with it and I still struggle

with it and I think the honest answer is,

again, we say these things,

but I don't watch what people say, I watch their actions.

I look at their policies, I look at their budgets.

We say those things I think it is dishonest.

I think it's a lie.

I don't think we value our children in the way

that other nations do.

We don't educate the way other nations do,

we don't keep them safe and free of fear

the way other nations do.

HEFFNER: Meaningful progress.

Secretary, thank you so much for being here.

Amen to you and your work.

DUNCAN: Thanks for a great conversation.

I appreciate the opportunity.

HEFFNER: Thank you and thanks to you in the audience.

I hope you join us again next time

for thoughtful excursion into the world of ideas.

Until then, keep an open mind.

Please visit The Open Mind website at to view this program online

or to access over 1,500 other interviews and do

check us out on Twitter and Facebook @OpenMindTV

for updates on future programming.

For more infomation >> The Open Mind: Truth and Lies of Education - Arne Duncan - Duration: 28:44.


'The Weekly' hears from both sides of Amendment 13 to ban greyhound racing in Florida - Duration: 18:35.

For more infomation >> 'The Weekly' hears from both sides of Amendment 13 to ban greyhound racing in Florida - Duration: 18:35.


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For more infomation >> How to (REALLY) Set Your Relationship Standards and Attract the RIGHT Man - Duration: 5:35.



For more infomation >> ARTEKY - LA MUSIQUE CANCER DE FORTNITE - Duration: 10:13.


(Joe Hisaishi) Totoro Theme - Fingerstyle Guitar - Duration: 2:13.


Thank you Boge!

For more infomation >> (Joe Hisaishi) Totoro Theme - Fingerstyle Guitar - Duration: 2:13.


What I Ate In A Day As A Vegan | High Protein and High Fat Vegan Meals - Duration: 3:30.

Hi, I'm Christina and I'm going to show you what I ate in a random day in March

First I had a tofu scramble on toast. For this one, I didn't scramble the tofu

I cut it up into cubes because it was the high

Protein tofu from Trader Joe's and it's really firm. I also had some

Leftover Tofurky slices I needed to use up. So here's me frying it in the pan. I'm adding salt paprika

black pepper

turmeric garlic powder onion powder and

Nutritional yeast so then I just stir it around to combine all the spices with the tofu

I let it warm up and heat up in the pan get a little bit brown on the edges then

I had some leftover vegan cheese. My favorite vegan cheese of all time. Follow your heart smoked gouda. I

Melted that in the pan as well

Then I added some vegan butter to some toast added the tofu on top of the toast

And then of course, I have to add some ketchup because I was one of those people who eat ketchup on my eggs

Now I catch up on my tofu scrambles. Oh, yeah, and I had a matcha latte as well and I forgot to film

Here's me having a second breakfast

snack of

Some old bananas frozen I had to use with some frozen spinach

Added some kelp powder some chia seeds and some soy milk to this smoothie

You haven't gaged what it was yet. I added some water and blended it up. I do not have the best blender

So this is what a smoothie looks like when your blender isn't very good

It doesn't blend it all the way like, it does in a vitamix or a nutribullet or whatever. So here's my green smoothie

Just wanted to get in some extra

Nutrients into my day since my breakfast was not that nutritious then for lunch

I had some green curry tofu and veg. and here's me making it so coconut oil in the pan

With some tofu cubes the same kind of tofu high protein super firm tofu from Trader Joe's I put some salt and I'm

heating and browning the tofu here. Then I go to add some green beans frozen broccoli

Frozen then I heat them up in the pan

As well before I added my green curry paste

then I stir to combine the green curry paste with the

veg and tofu, and here's me adding an entire can of full fat coconut milk

Which in hindsight was a mistake I should have added less than the full can because it wasn't very much stuff

I added some maple syrup just a little bit

And here's my final product. Not the best Thai green curry, but I ate it anyway

And then I had dinner at my aunt's house

I had an array of things that she made green beans stuffed mushrooms hearts of palm salad

pasta... I ate more than you saw in that clip and then I had some tea and

Apple crisp that she made which was all vegan

Yeah, that's what I ate on a random day in March. Thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed this video

I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> What I Ate In A Day As A Vegan | High Protein and High Fat Vegan Meals - Duration: 3:30.


⚔️ [Wow] The stripping of Stratholme #DonjonsEtRaidsEnSolo - Duration: 5:43.

Mumble ok.Twitch ok. Blizzard ok Come on, here we go !

Hello everyone and welcome in this new episode of Mamielou

plays wow, dungeons and raids solo, in direction of the caves of time for

do the last part of the dungeons devoted to Stratholme. And we go

immediately went into the purification of Stratholme. From Dalaran to the islands

broken, there is this portal and if not since Stormwind you can also

take the gate towards Uldum and go to Tanaris exactly

in Gatgetsan and once you're there and well you fly straight

to the caves of time and when you get to the caves of time we go

see there soon the tp, that's it, when you arrive in the caves of the time you

talk to the dragon who leads you while low. In the caves of time you

will be able to do different raids and especially dungeons, the soul of dragons, the

Battle of Mount Hyjal and the cleansing of strarholme which is found as it is

saw here on the map to the southeast.

In the dungeon we will start with talk to Chroma, the little dragon who is

master of time and we have the possibility to do quests

preliminary either to start directly the dungeon without going through

the preliminary quests. But the, today I'm going to do these little

quests with you because they are worth when even the blow at the level of the lore. So here is

the quest that Chromie gives us at departure.

So it's going to be so that wheat is no longer

contaminated. We have five bales of wheat to recover and once

it's done we're talking to Chromie and we will see beautiful people arrive.

Here. We see Uther the bearer of light coming in and it's really

in this dungeon the part that is the most interesting because there we gathered at

same place Uther, Jaina Portvaillant and the prince

Arthas and we are witnessing in this dungeon in the scenario where Arthas will take the

decision that will bring him to Northrend since he will decide to attack Mal'Ganis

and continue it. In this dungeon, I pass it to you in accelerated, there is

four bosses to finish. We come also here to loot a mount. So

it's a dungeon to do in heroic mode.

The bronze Drake mount does not loosen not on a boss but

on a mobi called

the infinite corrupter I believe. Here. A once you have finished both

first boss, you join Arthas at City Hall.

There are also two or three high-facts to realize in this dungeon

especially run in less than a minute 100 zombies and then we follow Arthas

to Mal'Ganis. We will assist him. We are the

only hero by his side.

Arrived at the penultimate boss,

the Chronoseigneur Epoque,

I'm going to expedite you because that either Arthas or bosses, we have the right

a lot of speech in this dungeon. This is a very important part of the loez

since this is where Arthas goes to really make the switch is to go from

dark side.

After that it is a sacred dilemma anyway. Should he kill all the inhabitants of

Stratholme to avoid contamination? Did he make the right decision?

The following will tell us no. But

it's still not a decision simple to take for a young prince.

When you have finished running all zombies and well we arrive on the

place crusaders or Mal'Ganis is waiting Arthas. We do not kill him. He escapes

and asks Arthas to join him in Northrend.

The dungeon ends like this, and 'we see Arthas going to his

tragic destiny. I hope you enjoyed this video. Yes

this is the case, a like. feel free to subscribe and for subscribers

operate the bell for others content. See you soon.

For more infomation >> ⚔️ [Wow] The stripping of Stratholme #DonjonsEtRaidsEnSolo - Duration: 5:43.


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