Monday, October 29, 2018

Youtube daily report Oct 29 2018

Fortnite is constantly adding new surprises and secrets, but some of our greatest, most

pressing questions have never been answered.

Here are some of Fortnite's biggest unsolved mysteries.

The cube

From the moment The Cube first appeared during season 5 and began moving around the map,

fans have been wildly speculating about what it is and what it means.

We thought season 6 would bring answers, but it has only left more questions.

Now The Cube has created a floating island that has activated mysterious runes around

the map, charging them with energy.

What is The Cube?

What are the runes?

What are the power stones and how do they work?

"Who is your daddy?

And what does he do?"]

Where does the power come from — and where exactly is this all going?

We can't wait to find out...assuming we ever do.

The bunker

In season 4, fans discovered a mysterious bunker hidden in Wailing Woods.

It seemed to be little more than a fun easter egg, but during season 6, a huge underground

complex beneath Wailing Woods was revealed.

And there seems to be more coming, as blocked off tunnels suggest the presence of a vast

series of secret passageways.

So who built the bunker?

What is it for?

Where do the tunnels go?

And what are they doing with that rift they're studying down there?

For now, there are far more questions than answers.

Hidden messages

During Season 3, gamers playing Fortnite on consoles were puzzled when their controllers

began rumbling and vibrating at seemingly random moments.

It wasn't random at all, though, as fans discovered the vibrations were actually a Morse code

message that read "S.O.S.

D5 4-1-8."

Players guessed it was a coded warning about the incoming meteor strike that ended up destroying

Dusty Depot at the end of April.

But who sent it the message?

Adding to the mystery was a second Morse code message, delivered through television screens

around the island.

That incomplete message seemed to say "They don't want us to know."

But who are 'they'?"

And what don't they want us to know?

"Who is your daddy?

And what does he do?"


It's possible the messages were warning us about the existence of aliens.

The meteor strike at the end of Season 4 delivered one of Season 5's biggest mysteries, the alien

Visitor, who later set off a rocket that opened the rifts in time and space that led to the

arrival of the cube.

Could aliens be behind everything?

Is all of this building to some mass invasion?

Are they using the cube to reshape our world into an alien landscape more suitable for


During the meteor shower, players reported seeing UFOs, while others heard alien voices

during the rocket launch.

It could be that aliens are the answer to all of Fortnite's biggest mysteries.


Dinosaurs have also been a persistent presence in the Fortnite world.

Players can purchase dino-themed character skins, there's a dino-style roadside attraction

in the desert south of Paradise Palms, and a massive footprint west of Greasy Grove suggests

a monstrous dinosaur may have recently crushed the cabin there.

So is there a living dinosaur hiding somewhere on the island?

Or is it all Hollywood magic, as the presence of a film set near the dinosaur footprint


Hopefully we won't go extinct before we find out.


Speaking of Hollywood magic, one big question fans have about Fortnite is whether its superheroes

are real.

Season 4 kicked off with a superhero theme, and even included a supervillain crossover


But in a shocking twist, the game's loading screens suggested that the so-called superheroes

were all just actors filming a movie blockbuster.

If it was all Hollywood fakery, though, why was there a real missile in the villain's


Sounds like a super-mystery.

The cursed building

Finally, there's the poor cursed building in Tilted Towers.

Destroyed by a meteor strike at the end of Season 3, the downtown store was slowly rebuilt,

eventually staging a grand re-opening at the end of season 5, only to be destroyed again,

this time by the Cube.

So what's the deal?

Is the building actually cursed?

Will they rebuild it again?

And will it just get destroyed a third time?

So many questions.

All we can say is we sure hope the owners have insurance.

For more infomation >> Fortnite's Biggest Unsolved Mysteries - Duration: 4:02.


Жертвы преследований по религиозным мотивам: пережившая Холокост Ирен Вайс - Duration: 4:30.

For more infomation >> Жертвы преследований по религиозным мотивам: пережившая Холокост Ирен Вайс - Duration: 4:30.


Εξώδικο Χρηστίδου-Μαραντίνη στον Παπανώτα: Οι πρώτες δηλώσεις και το ευχαριστώ στον κόσμο - People G - Duration: 2:54.

 Μετά το χαμό που προκλήθηκε τις τελευταίες μέρες τόσο στην τηλεόραση όσο και στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης γύρω από το όνομα της Σίσσυς Χρηστίδου, τελικά εκείνη και ο σύζυγός της, Θοδωρής Μαραντίνης  αποφάσισαν να ακολουθήσουν τη δικαστική οδό

 Ωστόσο η παρουσιάστρια μίλησε στην κάμερα της εκπομπής «Ευτυχείτε» θέλοντας να πει ένα τεράστιο ευχαριστώ στον κόσμο που τη στήριξε και ήταν δίπλα της όχι μόνο τώρα αλλά και τα 7 χρόνια που έλειπε από την τηλεόραση

 «Αυτή τη βδομάδα έλαβα ένα τεράστιο κύμα αγάπης, όχι μόνο στα social media στο δρόμο στο σούπερ μάρκετ, όπου κι αν πήγα, και νομίζω ότι μου έδωσε όλη αυτή τη δύναμη, γιατί δε ξέρω που τη βρήκα

Νιώθω ότι τα social media κράτησαν αυτή την επαφή μου με τον κόσμο, δεν είναι εύκολο, 7 χρόνια χωρίς αυτό το μέσο που είναι τόσο δυνατό, μείνανε δίπλα μου, με στηρίξανε σε ότι κι αν έχω κάνει

Ένα τεράστιο ευχαριστώ, είναι το σωσίβιό μου» ανέφερε χαρακτηριστικά.    Τι οδήγησε όμως το ζευγάρι στο να πάρει την απόφαση να απευθυνθεί σε δικηγόρο;  Όλα ξεκίνησαν όταν ο Δημήτρης Παπανώτας με τον Χρήστο Βαρθαλίτη έκαναν κάποια καυστικά σχόλια για την εμφάνιση και τα κιλά της Σίσσυς Χρηστίδου

 Σταματίνα Τσιμτσιλή: Η δημόσια συγνώμη στη Σίσσυ Χρηστίδου και η… επίπληξη στο Πρω1νό  Στα σχόλια αυτά απάντησε ο καλός φίλος της παρουσιάστριας, Παύλος Σταματόπουλος , προκαλώντας την αντίδραση του Δημήτρη Παπανώτα αλλά και του Δημήτρη Ουγγαρέζου που άφησε υπονοούμενα πως όλα γίνονται για να προμοτάρουν την πρεμιέρα της παρουσιάστριας

 Κάπου εκεί αποφάσισε να πάρει θέση ο Θοδωρής Μαραντίνης και να υπερασπιστεί μέσω instagram τη γυναίκα του, με τη Σίσσυ να κάνει γνωστό πως αποφάσισε να μιλήσει για το θέμα μετά την πρεμιέρα ώστε να μην υπάρξουν άλλες φήμες πως το κάνει για να δημιουργήσει εντυπώσεις

 Και εκεί που νομίζαμε πως το θέμα έληξε, την Πέμπτη, την ίδια ώρα που ο μουσικός έδινε συνέντευξη στον Νίκο Μουτσινά και εξηγούσε το λόγο για τον οποίο τοποθετήθηκε δημόσια, ο Δημήτρης Παπανώτας έριχνε και πάλι τα βέλη του στο ζευγάρι

 Αυτό είχε ως αποτέλεσμα η Σίσσυ να μην κάνει καμία τοποθέτηση μέσω βίντεο στο κανάλι της στο youtube όπως είχε υποσχεθεί και να στείλουν μαζί με τον σύζυγό της εξώδικο στον δημοσιογράφο δίνοντάς του προθεσμία τριών ημερών ώστε να ανακαλέσει τα όσα είπε

 Ο Δημήτρης Παπανώτας εκφράζει την απογοήτευσή του για την αντίδραση της Ελένης Μενεγάκη: «Ποιος; Η Ελένη…»  Να σημειώσουμε βέβαια πως ο Δημήτρης Παπανώτας δεν έχει απαντήσει ακόμη στο εξώδικο ταου ζευγαριού

For more infomation >> Εξώδικο Χρηστίδου-Μαραντίνη στον Παπανώτα: Οι πρώτες δηλώσεις και το ευχαριστώ στον κόσμο - People G - Duration: 2:54.


Kia Ceed Sportswagon - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Kia Ceed Sportswagon - Duration: 0:50.


I Tried Following a Glam and Gore Halloween FX Makeup Tutorial - Duration: 13:43.

Hey guys, so

I did not plan for Halloween this year, so I thought instead why not

do one of my favorite videos that I've done which is following a makeup tutorial and do a

I tried following a Glam and Gore tutorial because I have never done anything with sfx whatsoever.

So, I chose a video that I thought would be

not too challenging cause, again, this is like my first time doing anything winth - with anything.

I was about to do the plastic surgery one, but I ended up choosing

the- one of her zombie videos that she did last year. It's Hanging Eye Neon Zombie.

With all that being said, let's stop procrastinating. Let's stop putting anything off and get straight into the tutorial.

Okay, let's go


Oh hi, it's time for the next neon zombae in this series to teach you some staple things to help you with all sorts of sfx

endeavors, but I don't mean to leave ya hangin' and so let's get to it.

Grab some white or skin tone gift tissue paper. White is



I already had

I already have white tissue paper, but I decided to end up buying

tissue paper off Amazon because it was fairly cheap, I think, and I thought maybe

skin tone would have been a better choice for me cause I am pale

but, uh

As I'm looking at the tissue paper I bought, umm, there's not a single color that would best match me

so I guess I'm gonna end up going with white.

Which means I just bought a bunch of tissue paper for no reason cause I already had white tissue paper.


It's pretty much my skin tone anyway

so this works for me. Then you're going to rip a sheet apart into a rough circle just large enough to cover

all right, I'ma pause there cause I want to get a

good shot at her tissue paper


Crap, I already have to go to the bathroom.

What is happening? I can't even do this properly. This is too small. That's not a circle, that's not round in any... yeah...

We're getting closer

How far does it go? I guess this doesn't go that much further outside of the inner corner. It seems- the inner corner- that- hey

*high-pitched hum*

Oh! Oh oh, hold onnn!

I think I got it

The edges are pretty much glued down. I can freely blink.

Now I just need to find my hand sanitizer because I'm eating hot cheetos and I don't want to touch my face with that


Build a castle on top of your eyeball to protect it.

To do this you want to sit a thin piece of cotton over your lid and very

lightly cover the top of it with latex. Just enough so that it sticks to the tissue paper,

but not so much that it's dripping at any point.

It's sticking on its own which is great because she says she put the latex on top of it, and she said that sheee

She what?

This is the latex I got, again, this is off Amazon This is the monster liquid latex.

I don't know what the best approach to this is

Let's- I'm just gonna start off with

Maybe just pouring it

That was not my brightest moment. Aw, it's all over my pants now.

*sighs* I need hot cheetos.

*dramatic gasp*

Wait, oh

Oh, that's the cotton!

Let's get down to business. Let's like really start progressing here cause I've already wasted

*less dramatic gasp*

It's 8 o'clock and I started filming this video.

I want to say it was before seven

So I'm gonna hold onto it on the outer and then just

start tapping. Oh my god that- no, that's not

that- *snickers*


Wow, that feels- oh my god. It feels like air is being blown into my eyeball.

It's, uh

quite a sensation. I'm making sure that everything. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god

No no no no no no no no no no no!

Okay, I'm just gonna

hold that in place for

30 seconds to a minute. I want to say, I mean, it's already kind of sticking anyway, so we're good.

There are like little pieces of latex getting stuck to it though, which I don't like.

Oh! Perfect. And also the hot cheeto powder that I didn't manage to get off of my

finger completely.

Okay, my apologies. That's a little gross. I'm not gonna lie.

*another dramatic gasp*

Taking one rolled out cotton ball and dipping the end of that in latex before

Mykie: struggling to get it to stick to our castle, but don't give up it can be done. | Mika: I'm gonna actually do more.

Now you don't want this part to be too heavy. So only worry about covering the outside in latex lightly rather than saturating the entire thing.

Mika: Like, the outside? | Mykie: I'm not sure what this eyeball string would be in relation to our castle, so I guess the analogy ends here.

Mika: It's a drawbridge! | Mykie: No wait, it's a drawbridge!


Let's keep it going!

Mika: Ooh, that's my actual hair. | Mykie: Then take a cotton ball in its natural ball-y shape

and roll it in a baby pool of latex.

A baby pool of latex, which I don't have like a little bowl. I mean I can go get one, but maybe the cap will suffice

Uh. We're just gonna- I'm just gonna

Focus, oh my god

Ayy. Like that on the outsides

I don't know why I just posted a picture on Facebook.

It's like my least favorite social media...


It is this moment I'd come to later regret as I was told by multiple people it looked like I had a condom sticking out of my eye.

I decided I wouldn't be needing this anymore.

To start giving my zombie skin some texture, I'm applying latex in a thin coat over random parts of my face and neck.

Let it about

Okay, random parts for her, but I'm just gonna follow what she's doing cause I'm not about to

freestyle here. *giggles* This feels so funny.

Every time I move it like hits up against my chin. We're gonna go- I'm gonna go. Why do I say we're?

I'm taking this neon yellow water activated paint from Kryolan

Activating it by adding water to it and painting it on as though it's my foundation. Then I'm taking concealer

I don't, I didn't get Kryolan because when I went on Amazon to get like everything that I needed for this video, Kryolan was more expensive

than I wanted to spend on it.

So I got this instead. It's Mosaiz?

The only way I'm questioning right now in this moment is whether or not I want to actually go in with yellow

Or if I want to do a different color cause why not? All right

So she just said you apply this color like foundation. Is there too much water on this? Ooh

Am I gonna regret this color choice? The way it's looking is...


You know what



So as I'm watching this back

She has significantly more like little holes like this throughout all over her face than I do right now. Can I make this work

over the paints? Um, hopefully I haven't ruined this completely. Hey guys learn from my mistakes and um

clip your hair back cause, uhh

There's, there's a situation going on right here- look at my hands.

But, uhhh

Yeah, umm



Normally for inside an empty eyeball socket I'd use dark red for the base,

but since we're a neon zombae, I'm replacing it with a purple aqua paint.

I'm following that color down our stringy eyeball and transitioning it into blue before we can reach the eyeball itself.


I think I'm gonna follow that as well. Those colors are not gonna clash with orange

I don't think, it shouldn't. So, I'm gonna do purple to blue as well.

Just the brush that I wanna use- god this is ridiculous! Okay.

Am I still recording? Okay good, we're good.

*whistles awkwardly* Wow, I don't know what the hell I was trying to whistle there.

I have mentioned multiple times how difficult this is to do- owf

My eye was open for that. Why? That was an unpleasant feeling.

Okay, let's cover this little hot cheeto powder cause it's time to go, bud.

So anyway

A super old brusided tutorial, literally day one of tutorials. We are going to use this to create neon bruises.

Long story short, pick off tiny pieces of a disposable sponge until the top of it looks all jagged and uneven like this

Mykie: Then dipping that in pinks and purples, I'm going to stipple around the eye in a random fashion. | Mika: hold oonnnn

Hold o- oh my god. I just accidentally started it over. Is that not paying off very well?


*gasps* Did I just take off some of the orange I had on there? I think I did.

What the fuuu

Um, uh oh

This is not looking all that great.

Um, I don't want to mess with it anymore.

I think that's like the main part that did not come out that well, so far. Everything else

I'm actually pretty satisfied with I'm not gonna lie. Let's add some more orange back in here, though

I'm a cheeto

So I know next is gonna be eyeliner, umm, how does she apply it on the other side?

Start getting glam by doing some fancy eye makeup like maybe a cat eye or a cut crease.

But make sure whatever you do on one side you do to the other more pulpy side.

This zombae's makeup was done before her eyeball accident so it doesn't make sense that she wouldn't have eyeliner over there.

That goes for lashes, too.

I'm using a purple matte eyeshadow to contour

I have enough trouble doing both of those on my normal looking eyes,

So doing this now is gonna be just twice as fun!

My eyeliners always end up thicker than I want them to be cause

Just constantly screwing them up.

Oh, that's hilarious. Okay, um

You know, I feel like- I ki- I really s- I know what I we- eh okay

IIIII am realizing now that this part right here

should be lower.

Should I leave it like that?

I lined my lips in black. You can do that if you so choose or not, but one thing I highly recommend you do

Scab blood

Oohhhh! I forgot about that.

Okay, so scab blood

It looks like she ended up placing it all inside of

the eye socket and then she just basically brought it all the way down.

Umm, like that?

It's like you're icing a cake, a popped-out eyeball cake. A cake pop!

Now, I didn't draw an iris with pupil on my eyeball because I was planning to put these in.

Feel free to match your eyeball though to whatever eye color or contacts you have.

And voila! You are one sexy zombae


This is the final look.

I am not mad at it, honestly.

I feel like I did a lot better than I thought I would have. There are just certain things where I feel like

I really screwed that up and I didn't pick up on like

Just the difference between mine and Mykie's. So that's a little bit disappointing, like this, especially

Yeah, this is my final look. Oh

Um, I'm getting Scab blood all over me. I feel like there's just something missing

For more infomation >> I Tried Following a Glam and Gore Halloween FX Makeup Tutorial - Duration: 13:43.


Glitter Police Station Coloring and Drawing for kids - Duration: 6:03.

glitter police station coloring and drawing for kids

For more infomation >> Glitter Police Station Coloring and Drawing for kids - Duration: 6:03.


Try These 7 Natural Homemade Exfoliates to Eliminate Blackheads|HFE♪ - Duration: 10:12.

Try These 7 Natural Homemade Exfoliates to Eliminate Blackheads

Before applying these natural exfoliates to get rid of blackheads, it's good to see if your skin tolerates them.

 It's also a good idea to make sure there are no adverse reactions.

Blackheads are an aesthetic skin problem.

 Unfortunately, it's difficult to eliminate blackheads once and for all.

  Nevertheless, you can use an exfoliate religiously to remove impurities and prevent blackheads.

Find out about these 7 natural homemade exfoliates to eliminate blackheads and get a clean and smooth complexion.

What are blackheads?.

Blackheads are a consequence of clogged pores due to oxidation of the cells.

The production of sebum and melanin, especially on the nose and chin, blocks open pores.

This impedes the clearing of the sebaceous gland.

As a result, it gets dirty and then acquires the black color.

There are many factors that promote the appearance of blackheads.

Among these we find:.

Environmental contamination Dust Makeup and other cosmetics Hormones Excess oil Poor cleaning of the complexion A diet rich in harmful fats.

 7 Natural Homemade Exfoliates.

In this article, we'll suggest 7 natural exfoliates that you can find at home.

With them, you'll be able to maintain clean skin.

Sea salt .

Sea salt is an exfoliate that's easy to obtain.

It's cheap and very effective.

Besides the rough texture of the salt, its components facilitate a deep cleaning of the skin.

Also, it provides a good amount of mineral antiseptic qualities.

•  A sea salt exfoliate is the best solution for oily skin, part oily and part dry skin, as well as acne.

 However, we don't recommend it for more sensitive skin or skin that is too dry or mature.


Sugar is an option that's a little more gentle than sea salt.

It can be used on all types of skin. If you have very delicate skin, we recommend combining sugar with oil, such as coconut, almond, olive, etc.

By using the exfoliate with oil, you clean out the blackheads.

At the same time, your skin gets a deep cleaning.

Coffee grounds.

Do you drink coffee every morning? If so, maybe you throw out the grounds.

However, they can be used for many things, such as cleaning the sink or adding to the soil of plants.

In addition, we have a new use for you: a skin exfoliate to eliminate blackheads.

The roughness of coffee grounds is perfect for your skin.

This is because they clean the skin deeply, but don't irritate it.

Thanks to the caffeine content, grounds are also beneficial for people who have a tired or swollen face.

Baking soda.

Another great product that we often have at home is baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate.

Fortunately, it has many cosmetic as well as health uses.

Its rough texture and its great alkaline power makes it a perfect exfoliate to combat unsightly blackheads.

We recommend using it only once a week.

To boost its effects, you can add a drop of apple cider vinegar. This will balance your pH and increase the benefits to the skin.


Oatmeal is the best exfoliate to eliminate blackheads when your skin is sensitive and delicate.

Thanks to its mucilage content, this cereal creates a protective and hydrating coating over the skin that protects from any outside agent.

In addition, oatmeal isn't too abrasive, so you avoid irritation or causing your skin to become red.

In order to use it as an exfoliate, you have to grind it and mix it with water. Make a paste.

Besides cleaning the skin, you can also leave it on for 15 minutes as a mask.

We recommend: How to Make a Black Mask to Eliminate Blackheads and Impurities.


These last two natural exfoliates don't work because of their gritty texture, but more for their enzyme content.

They clean the skin rapidly and effectively.

Tomatoes are the mildest option for an enzymatic exfoliate.

Just scrub your face with a slice of tomato, then wait a few minutes to dry it off.

Afterwards, wash your face with plenty of water.


Pineapple is a powerful alternative to an exfoliate due to its enzymes.

You can apply it the same way as the tomato.

You should leave it on your face for no more than 5 minutes.

The result is very clean, soft, and luminous skin.

You shouldn't worry if we experience a little bit of stinging.

In a few minutes, you'll be able to wash it off your face and see a spectacular result.

For more infomation >> Try These 7 Natural Homemade Exfoliates to Eliminate Blackheads|HFE♪ - Duration: 10:12.


6 Healing Properties of Sage|HFE♪ - Duration: 6:03.

6 Healing Properties of Sage

This plant has many healing properties that make it a must-have in any home, since it can help improve your health many ways.

Here we show you the most important healing properties of sage, as well as how to take advantage of them.

Sage is a Mediterranean plant that is useful in many situations because of its many properties.

 The properties of sage are special because they are used for medical treatments as well as for culinary varieties and even in the world of aromatherapy.

Discover all the good things about sage that can improve your health in this article!.

Properties of Sage.

It Relieves Menstrual Cramps.

If you are a woman who suffers from PMS and terrible cramps that make your belly feel awful as well as severe headaches, the best thing you can do is use sage to alleviate your symptoms.

Take sage as an infusion or in capsules a few days before your period and you'll see it will relieve uterine cramping and will help make your symptoms milder thanks to its anti-inflammatory healing properties.

It Reduces Pain in Rheumatic Diseases.

Due to its great anti-inflammatory effects, sage is an excellent choice for treating rheumatic diseases like arthritis, as it improves symptoms in record time.

When joints become inflamed, taking a plant with healing properties such as sage is an appropriate way to alleviate the pain that comes with doing any activity like writing or working on the computer, because its anti-inflammatory effects adhere to the affected joint and allow some movements without the limitations that characterize this condition.

It Improves Digestion and Heartburn.

Another of the healing properties of sage is that it reduces flatulenceafter heavy meals.

Also, it has restorative effects on digestion, facilitating the process so you're less likely to suffer from indigestion after any meal.

If you constantly suffer from heartburn after every meal, sage should be your double-edged sword.

You should take it as a tea to relieve fullness, which is the main cause of heartburn.

It's an Antiseptic Plant.

Due to its antiseptic effects, sage is the first choice when it comes to healing any wounds you may have, as its cleansing properties on all types of open wounds help improve healing.

It doesn't manner if you have a small wound or a relatively large ulcer, the healing properties of sage and its antiseptic effects can heal you quickly.

Likewise, it has hygienic and antiseptic effects on diseases such as pharyngitis, gingivitis, and other oral cavity diseases where bacteria accumulation is common.

It Lowers Blood Sugar.

Lowering blood sugar can be a very difficult challenge for natural remedies, but the glucose-lowering healing properties of sage make it easier than you could have ever imagined, especially if you take this plant on an empty stomach on a daily basis.

For diabetic patients, this is a great plant to have at home because, as an infusion, it helps reduce glucose levels daily without any side effects, unlike pharmacological treatments.

It Improves Your Memory.

Your memory may be affected as you grow older, and sage may be the best remedy for this due to its neuroprotective and memory regenerative effects.

Also, this plant works by stimulating the processing of information in those suffering from Alzheimer's disease, so they don't forget as fast as they normally would.

Undoubtedly, sage is a plant with many healing properties that can improve your health in many ways.

For more infomation >> 6 Healing Properties of Sage|HFE♪ - Duration: 6:03.


•Wolfteam Enter F4 Hareketlerinin Yapılışı Enter İle ZIPLAMA 2018• - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> •Wolfteam Enter F4 Hareketlerinin Yapılışı Enter İle ZIPLAMA 2018• - Duration: 2:16.


Uomini e Donne, la puntata di oggi 29 ottobre 2018, anticipazioni e diretta | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne, la puntata di oggi 29 ottobre 2018, anticipazioni e diretta | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:05.


Giulia De Lellis si confida su Instagram: 'Ho paura delle persone, non dell'amore' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:22.

For more infomation >> Giulia De Lellis si confida su Instagram: 'Ho paura delle persone, non dell'amore' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:22.


Sam Bee On TBS

For more infomation >> Sam Bee On TBS


How rollercoasters affect your body - Brian D. Avery - Duration: 5:02.

In the summer of 1895, crowds flooded the Coney Island boardwalk

to see the latest marvel of roller coaster technology:

the Flip Flap Railway.

This was America's first-ever looping coaster

– but its thrilling flip came at a price.

The ride caused numerous cases of severe whiplash,

neck injury and even ejections,

all due to its signature loop.

Today, coasters can pull off far more exciting tricks,

without resorting to the "thrill" of a hospital visit.

But what exactly are roller coasters doing to your body,

and how have they managed to get scarier and safer at the same time?

At the center of every roller coaster design is gravity.

Unlike cars or transit trains,

most coasters are propelled around their tracks

almost entirely by gravitational energy.

After the coaster crests the initial lift hill,

it begins an expertly engineered cycle –

building potential energy on ascents and expending kinetic energy on descents.

This rhythm repeats throughout the ride,

acting out the coaster engineer's choreographed dance

of gravitational energy.

But there's a key variable in this cycle that wasn't always so carefully considered:


In the days of the Flip-Flap,

ride designers were most concerned with coasters getting stuck

somewhere along the track.

This led early builders to overcompensate,

hurling trains down hills

and pulling on the brakes when they reached the station.

But as gravity affects the cars, it also affects the passengers.

And under the intense conditions of a coaster,

gravity's effects are multiplied.

There's a common unit used by jet pilots,


and coaster designers called "g force".

One G force is the familiar tug of gravity you feel when standing on Earth

– this is the force of Earth's gravitational pull on our bodies.

But as riders accelerate and decelerate,

they experience more or less gravitational force.

Modern ride designers know that the body can handle up to roughly 5 Gs,

but the Flip-Flap and its contemporaries routinely reached up to 12 Gs.

At those levels of gravitational pressure,

blood is sent flying from your brain to your feet,

leading to light-headedness or blackouts

as the brain struggles to stay conscious.

And oxygen deprivation in the retinal cells impairs their ability to process light,

causing greyed out vision or temporary blindness.

If the riders are upside down, blood can flood the skull,

causing a bout of crimson vision called a "redout".

Conversely, negative G's create weightlessness.

Within the body,

short-term weightlessness is mostly harmless.

It can contribute to a rider's motion sickness

by suspending the fluid in their inner ears

which coordinates balance.

But the bigger potential danger

– and thrill –

comes from what ride designers call airtime.

This is when riders typically experience seat separation,

and, without the proper precautions,


The numerous belts and harnesses of modern coasters

have largely solved this issue,

but the passenger's ever-changing position can make it difficult

to determine what needs to be strapped down.

Fortunately, modern ride designers are well aware

of what your body, and the coaster,

can handle.

Coaster engineers play these competing forces against each other,

to relieve periods of intense pressure with periods of no pressure at all.

And since a quick transition from positive to negative G-force

can result in whiplash, headaches, and back and neck pain,

they avoid the extreme changes in speed and direction

so common in thrill rides of old.

Modern rides are also much sturdier,

closely considering the amount of gravity they need to withstand.

At 5 G's, your body feels 5 times heavier;

so if you weigh 100lbs,

you'd exert the weight of 500 lbs on the coaster.

Engineers have to account for the multiplied weight

of every passenger when designing a coaster's supports.

Still, these rides aren't for everyone.

The floods of adrenaline, light-headedness, and motion sickness

aren't going anywhere soon.

But today's redundant restraints, 3D modeling and simulation software

have made roller coasters safer and more thrilling than ever.

Our precise knowledge about the limits of the human body

have helped us build coasters that are faster, taller, and loopier

– and all without going off the rails.

For more infomation >> How rollercoasters affect your body - Brian D. Avery - Duration: 5:02.


UNSUZ MUZLU MUFFİN - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Sağlıklı Tarifler - Duration: 2:32.

Materials 3 pieces of banana 4 eggs 2 cups of oats 1/2 tea cup coconut oil 1 tea cup of molasses 1 packet of baking powder Walnut Cinnamon

3 pieces of bananas (ripened)

2 cups of oats

4 eggs

1/2 tea cup coconut oil

1 tea cup of molasses

1 packet of baking powder


Lubricate with butter

Add banana and cinnamon on top

Cook in 180 degree oven for 30 minutes

For more infomation >> UNSUZ MUZLU MUFFİN - Tuğba Turan Yıldız - Sağlıklı Tarifler - Duration: 2:32.


Elite: Dangerous Material Hunter Space Pumpkins - Duration: 6:39.

Hello it's Ricardo playing Elite dangerous I'm in the hip 1-800 7 7

system on planet 6c just by my own research face now no need to go looking

for coordinates even though they are minus thirty eight point two and minus

eighty five point six four as just by my home research base you can find this

very topical scenes with the end of October space pumpkin field in elite

dangerous so quite apt but I should stumble across this to be perfectly

honest whilst on my travels towards the California nebula given the fact that

it's Halloween tomorrow so there you go space pumpkins everybody now like a lot

of these fields the way the barnacle fields fluted fields back geezers

whatever we find within the elite dangerous universe

it's got materials that you can mine from it there are growths and polyps and

all that sort of stuff that can furnish you with nickel carbon and a wealth of

other rare materials you can't shoot the actual pods and make them explode

themselves just aim for the growths okay and they'll be noticeable on your

contact scanner as you get close to them now in your old SRV and you're wondering

about this planet in this pumpkin field you can hear distinct sound from the

scanner here it is

not only do this spooky sight of a space pumpkin forest you've also got some

great views from the planet of the nebula in the background with these

pumpkins or whatever you want to call them space or growths we're gonna go

with pumpkins in the background I mean look at that nebula all the nice hues of

our range and whatever else you've got in there and you can see there's one of

those polyps that you can harvest for materials growing off that space pumpkin

just shoot it with your SRV cannons that'll fly off get the old cargo

scooped up and then make sure you've got enough space to pick that material that

you get up there was nickel there was manganese there was a whole host of

materials that you could have his from so I've been Ricardo it's been elite

dangerous if you haven't already done so please can you kick the like and the

subscribe button and also check out the notification icon as well and that'll

let you know when I'm putting more videos of elite dangerous on YouTube

well I'll leave you with this we'll play a bit of music as I won ball about this

space take it easy enjoy Halloween it's coming up fly safe

see you soon look out for more videos in the series



For more infomation >> Elite: Dangerous Material Hunter Space Pumpkins - Duration: 6:39.


•Wolfteam Enter F4 Hareketlerinin Yapılışı Enter İle ZIPLAMA 2018• - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> •Wolfteam Enter F4 Hareketlerinin Yapılışı Enter İle ZIPLAMA 2018• - Duration: 2:16.


TESSELLATE - Duration: 3:06.

Of all the things that can happen to a person....

There's few things that can be worse.

And the whole world...

They want to look at someone who that has happened to.

Everyone just wants to look at you.

The triangle.

Victim, rescuer, persecutor. The Karpman Triangle.

Two faces.

Two Joannas.

You are out of control, Jo.

I need you to tell me!










He's not here.








No, Al, please.

People think the weight of guilt will lesson with time.

But in my experience, it's quite the opposite.


See, it's the Karpman Triangle, again.

So, Al and I, we slid from one corner to the next.

Does that make me the persecutor?

Let's drive.

You're amazing.

I did that for us, for you!

We were in no state to get off it then.

How did you get off it?

You can judge me how you see fit.

You can punish me as you see fit.

I've already been to Hell.

But don't ask me to cry.

For more infomation >> TESSELLATE - Duration: 3:06.


Haters français VS Haters coréens : la différence ! - Duration: 11:39.

Thank you togen also today you come to my show again!

You'r welcome

Today i'm gonna talk about what is difference between korean haters and french haters

French haters and korean haters?

Yes because i have both haters

AH! yes

So i can compare korean haters and french haters

This is a original topic

I never watch this topic video at youtube

Because i'm only one youtube who has both haters

But they are totaly different!

Do you wonder?

Do you wonder?

Ok let me explain for that...

First haters are bullshit

yes. who...?

Both ! Korean and French hater are bullshit cuz they always have said bullshit things

-Ah so they are not different for that - yes they aren't in this way

But they have different ways to say bullshit

Like what?

For example, korean side,,, i can divide 3 parts

One is so agressive so they attack me directly

Like "Oh you look so fish"

They always have attakced me about my looking


They are so arrogan

Arrogan ? Arrogan!

The korean haters are arrogan

But different with french haters

They always pretend they have their own logic

But this is so nothing

Ok they try to explain their opinion logically

But this is bullshit - Yes

Also they have made rumors

But at this moment if i answer my situations so well, most of them they say sorry

Ah! that's a big different

Most of them say sorry

Even some arrogan keep going bad things, if a lot of people tell him "don't do that" he will accept and will not keep going and he will never argue his arrogan opinion

But frenceh....


There is just one type of hater

They always argue something

Something not trues

So at this moment i have explained them so well for everything

But they never listen to me they just wanna keep going to argue something i think...?

Whatever i say and explain for something true

They never listen to me!!

But funny thing is when they realized they say something wrong

- They never apologize on me - Yes i think this is big different

They just say "Oh whatever this is my opinion"

"i don't wanna hurt you"

They always think they are right

As always

Yes this is totally different with korean haters

At least they say sorry so i can ignore

But french haters are a little bit annoying

Yes it's another type of arrogan

Arrogan and never saying sorry

And they never stop to argue

Or they just delete their comment whey they feel their argument is wrong

I just want they say sorry to me!

No they will never do that

So In beggining of my youtube channel

I was so stress for that cuz french hater is something new way for me

I always thought like what they are doing seriously!!!

But now? (I don't care)

I have considered haters as little flies

Sometimes they make me anoyed but they are just flies

So when i see hater's coment ~ I~ don~t~ Care~~~

Do you still have a lot of haters?

In korean side?

Korean side? no!

if something happen in online like insult on you or making rumors, can you sue them easily?

Ah it's hard

But in korean it is easy, just make PDF file and with that i can sue by myself easily

You already did that right?

About one korean guy who make rumor video about you

Also he attacked my looking too and my relationship with you because we are international couple

Like i'm bitch ...

So i sued them!!!

This is easy for me i don't need lawyer. they need lawyer

Also i don't need to spend any money. But they should spend money to handle situations

But this is not just only for korean. even french people if they live in korea

If they do bad things to me i can sue


I know what are you talking about

You know i love my teambarbapapa

I wanna always be lovely with them i wanna give them everything

But not for haters. i'm not good person for haters

So if you do bad things in korea so i will do something too!

But i have not done because they are just little flies and i don't wanna waste my time...

Also this is tired

YEs also! but it doesn't mean i cannot do anything

I think the most important is your community

You should really focus on them

But if you talk about haters in your community your community will be tired (Dayoung note: you talk about them more than me!!)

Honey i was tired for hater before but now... i feel poor...


Yes pity because...

If their like is perfect and if they have enough confidence by themselves

I will not hate someone without reasons

But they don't have enough confidences and self-esteem they need something to feel better

And hating... this is their feeling not mine so i don't need to care about their own feeling...

Think about that even if i hate someone if this person doesn't care about me who still have this mind this is me! i will be hurted with my own feeling by myself

I don't know korean haters. but what i can say about french haters. even they don't know what i am doing

They just heard something about me and hate me becuase of that . but they don't know

Actually they don't WANNA KNOW

So i always think why...? what did i do ...?

Don't think Why? they just.... - they just need someone for hating

YEs so when i see them, i just laugh


AH! welcome to the club!

I know so many people like us and support us

So when i focus on them i'm always so happy

So i hope one day my haters can feel this kind of love too like sharing love together...

I think korean haters know if they do bad things in online it can provoke big troubles in law

So maybe korean haters are not severe i think.,...?

But french arrogan i can't handle so well

I remember one guy who insult you in online and he sent me a message

he was really scared

Because dayoung sued him

Also my community knew situations so he got a lot of haters one shot! so he tried to hide his part by himself

This is normal think about that even 1 person hate me it will be painful

But a lot of people hate me one shot even i don't know who they are. it will make me super sad. maybe he felt this kind of feeling

Yes but this is just karma

You spend your time to hate someone and it return back to you again

Definitely if i do bad things to someone it will come to me again

Even if karma spend some time to come back to me but it will come back definitely

So when i see haters i try to make my mind simple and empty and just feel pity than hate them

Beause i know it is better for me too

Actually youtube is nothing compare with twitter

Twitter is house of hater

Funny thing is when i met haters who made bad comments cuz i sued them

They looks like looser... like no friends and no social life...

They are just keyboard warrier

They couldn't say anything in front of me

So i think sending bad messages in youtube, twitter and instagram whatever

Maybe this is only one thing they can do.. so i feel.... p..i...ty....

This is most current thing for haters they feel safety behind their keyboard

They can do whatever they want on keyboard

But when you met them, it already happend to me. but they couldn't say anything

They are just super nice~~~ - yes yes they are

I understand their situations in their social life

Normally human have to feel satisfied for their life or wanna feel they are special in this society

But if someone can't feel this feeling enough

They just make bad comment, it make them feel they are something in this society

So i just feel p...i...t...y

Anyway korean and french haters have different way, they are just little flies for me

Right? - Of course

We need to buy a lot of spray

Maybe i was a little bit bitch and arrogan in this video

Because i talk about haters i can't be nice with them

Seriously i am human too!

At least i try to not have bad mind or do something bad things to them direcly

We always focus on our fan's loves

Haters don't matter

Of course community is only matters for us

I can feel our communities are worried about us a lot

Because out community can see haters and they think like "omg i hope they are fine not hurted for that"

But the meaning of showing haters in public by ourselves is we are fine for that

Yes Yes

We just wanna make a joke

That's it - yes don't worry about us for that really

Ok thank you to watch my video today too i hope you just enjoy my video cuz this is not serious video at all

Don't forget like my video and subscribe my channel too

Right ? of course

And look at this pukuya!

Look at this guys there is pukuya logo in here

Really great

This is super warm and better quality

i made it by myself

I design this~~

Without designer~~

If you wanna get this one you should rush now cuz this is almost out of stocks

If you wonder my life in korea you can visit my instagram and follow me too~!

I'm gonna back with another amazing video with togen again! - again?

For more infomation >> Haters français VS Haters coréens : la différence ! - Duration: 11:39.


Rencontre avec 3 supporters emblématiques du RC Lens. - Duration: 14:31.

For more infomation >> Rencontre avec 3 supporters emblématiques du RC Lens. - Duration: 14:31.


( Cover ) Em làm gì tối nay - Đỗ Quốc Bắc - Feeling Maker - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> ( Cover ) Em làm gì tối nay - Đỗ Quốc Bắc - Feeling Maker - Duration: 4:11.


India on the brink of a health revolution - Dr. Girdhar Gyani - Duration: 10:58.

now we're gonna shift to enact to the national level we're going to India

where Prime Minister Modi launched a few months ago an initiative it's called

Ayushman Bharat it means long live India it has been described as the greatest

healthcare project ever attempted let's watch India is on the brink of a health

revolution the government wants to offer advanced treatment to half a billion of

the poorest people 500,000,000 people will get health insurance they

say it's the largest healthcare project ever attempted we traveled across India

to examine an experiment on a scale to draw even the foundation of the NHS this

is the reality of health care for many people in India today Ayushman Barath is

meant to change that to hear more please welcome Dr. Gyani

Sir Dr. Gyani 500,000,000 people that's I think the population of the

European Union before BREXIT though and the plan is to start

I think we have a nice chart that we could show here

so the plan is to start at the bottom of the pyramid and Ayushman

Barath has two aspects to it hospitalization and primary care so

tell us a little bit what you're planning to do in the hospitalization

area and what's gonna happen in primary care yeah actually India as you know is a

federal structure we have 36 states or units we can call it out of which seven

are union territory and 29 are the states so let me tell you this scheme

although it looks to be an absolutely new scheme but 8 out of 29 states have

been running the scheme maybe at the lower level but at the pilot basis so we

have that kind of experience but this Ayushman Barath is going to totally

jump covering entire India as you said 500,000,000 population so what

it says now that we are going to impanel around 20,000 hospitals

into this scheme which will act as providers for the beneficiary out of

these 20,000 hospitals 7,000 hospitals will be in the public

sector and the remaining 13 to 14,000 we will take from the

private sector so that is the kind of scheme that is available and as I mentioned

that the financial coverage which we are going to give in this scheme is going to

be 2 to 3 times of what is already in practice in these 8 states so

what type of - to come back to hospitalization - what type of services

are provided - we have 1354 medical procedures listed already the total

package cost also has been worked and these procedures are largely secondary

and tertiary care in the nature - for example - you can say even the knee

replacement actually we are covering and bypass surgery we have covered all

neurological surgeries we have covered so

all typical surgery social care procedures have been in the focus - very good so

let's talk a little bit about the numbers so 500,000,000 - coverage

for 500,000,000 people will require 300 - in 5 years I think

is the plan 350,000

physicians 250,000 new hospital beds just as a

matter of comparison that's twice the number of hospital beds in the NHS in

the entire NHS of England so how are you going to make this happen - in your

first question I think one answer was left the second component of

the Ayushman Barath is to establish the 150,000 health

and wellness centers that actually is going to play a key role in

promoting primitive and the preventive health care so this is primary -

primary but this has been the weakest link in India once these centers start

establishing you will find the number of patients going for the secondary and

tertiary care will reduce to a great extent and the burden on the hospitals will

also reduce so I think that is a very important component but we have kept

that target as 2020 so by 2020 the 350 now coming back to this question here - just

one additional question on this so those centers exist today - a 150,000 primary care

centers exist today the plan is to upgrade them - oh yes we

call them sub centers there are 150,000 sub centers but let me tell you they

have been very ineffective because there are no doctors available so what we have

done now is that these 150,000 centers will be operated or led by the nurse

physician assistant kind of role so we are training the graduate nurses into the

new role who will be manning these 150,000 wellness centers which will be

focusing on even NCD screening so it will be technology assisted so

technology will play a leading role in these 150,000 sub-centers there's one

additional I think aspect that's interesting

Griffin talked about the social determinants of health

you have ASHAs tell us what this is after this experiment of

creating 800,000 social accredited workers we call them

ASHA these are mostly the female ladies driven and they work at the village

level and they actually do a lot of counseling they also have been

authorized to prescribe eight designated medicines so these will also play a role

as an extension of the health and wellness centers and primary care centers

so let's come back to the people to the doctors and to the beds how are we gonna

get this - you see we have got two million beds already in India out of which one

point four million beds are in the public sector the remaining are in the

private sector now what we are in messaging the end of the Ayushman Barath

the Prime Minister had made an announcement that they will actually

incentivize pupil private sector setting up the hospitals in the tier 3 cities

where we lack secondary and tertiary care of hospitals - maybe you could

explain what tier 3 cities are - oh yeah tier 1 means you know mega towns like

Mumbai Delhi and Bangalore tier 2 little smaller and tier 3 are very close to the

rural population so this is where we need the hospitals and so if

you see the target is to set up 3,000 hospitals so even if you make an average of

100 beds we will have 300,000 beds through the 3,000

hospitals so that actually is the plan but you have to give us - give

the country maybe 3 to 5 years time by the time these 250,000

beds will be made available coming to the physicians let us

say we have got 1,000,000 allopathic doctors practicing now the number of

seats in the undergraduate courses MBBS has been now raised to 67,000 per

year that means the next 3 years we will get 200,000 new doctors coming out

of these streams parallely let us not forget India has got very strong

alternative medicine streams this will produce around 40,000 you can

call them Ayush doctors alternative medicine doctors around 40,000 - per year

per year similarly the undergraduate nurses - sorry graduate nurses we are

training them and every year we are expecting 30,000 nurses to be trained

into this one so these will - if you see - will be manning the 150,000 health

and wellness centers so the remaining 200,000 doctors will be available to us

to take care of the additional beds which we just now talked about - so you have a

ramp-up plan to get there - a very ambitious ramp-up plan to get there - that's why you are

calling it disruption - exactly so maybe last point let's look at how this is gonna

be paid for so the government is going to pay seven thousand eight hundred

dollars per family of five people per year to cover hospitalization this

is significantly higher than what it's paying today which is about a 1,000

dollars but it remains significantly lower to what we see

happening in the Western countries - UK Germany and the United States - right so

just the question here is you mentioned before that the private sector

the government wants the private sector to invest in building those hospitals is

that enough money for the private sector to engage - actually the Indian

Health System has been cost effective I would like you to see the

Google survey in 2013 there they did a very comprehensive study on 191 nations

where India was rated at 112 Brazil which you are showing here was rated at

125 and China at 144 and if you look at the 4.7

percent money being spent by India percentage of GDP while China is

spending 5.5 and Brazil around 8.7 so in spite of

them spending more money their ranking is lower than India that means the

cost-effectiveness of India has a proven track record

basically because the cost of the labor cost of the land cost

of other the consumables is far lower than in countries like Brazil and that is

where we have been able to - that's why we are confident that with this

money of $7,800 we'll be able to take care of the health of five hundred

million people - so enough incentive for the private sector to invest

thank you Dr. Gyani both of us can join the panel area

thank you

For more infomation >> India on the brink of a health revolution - Dr. Girdhar Gyani - Duration: 10:58.


VLOG INFORMACYJNY#1 - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> VLOG INFORMACYJNY#1 - Duration: 1:12.


Elite: Dangerous Material Hunter Space Pumpkins - Duration: 6:39.

Hello it's Ricardo playing Elite dangerous I'm in the hip 1-800 7 7

system on planet 6c just by my own research face now no need to go looking

for coordinates even though they are minus thirty eight point two and minus

eighty five point six four as just by my home research base you can find this

very topical scenes with the end of October space pumpkin field in elite

dangerous so quite apt but I should stumble across this to be perfectly

honest whilst on my travels towards the California nebula given the fact that

it's Halloween tomorrow so there you go space pumpkins everybody now like a lot

of these fields the way the barnacle fields fluted fields back geezers

whatever we find within the elite dangerous universe

it's got materials that you can mine from it there are growths and polyps and

all that sort of stuff that can furnish you with nickel carbon and a wealth of

other rare materials you can't shoot the actual pods and make them explode

themselves just aim for the growths okay and they'll be noticeable on your

contact scanner as you get close to them now in your old SRV and you're wondering

about this planet in this pumpkin field you can hear distinct sound from the

scanner here it is

not only do this spooky sight of a space pumpkin forest you've also got some

great views from the planet of the nebula in the background with these

pumpkins or whatever you want to call them space or growths we're gonna go

with pumpkins in the background I mean look at that nebula all the nice hues of

our range and whatever else you've got in there and you can see there's one of

those polyps that you can harvest for materials growing off that space pumpkin

just shoot it with your SRV cannons that'll fly off get the old cargo

scooped up and then make sure you've got enough space to pick that material that

you get up there was nickel there was manganese there was a whole host of

materials that you could have his from so I've been Ricardo it's been elite

dangerous if you haven't already done so please can you kick the like and the

subscribe button and also check out the notification icon as well and that'll

let you know when I'm putting more videos of elite dangerous on YouTube

well I'll leave you with this we'll play a bit of music as I won ball about this

space take it easy enjoy Halloween it's coming up fly safe

see you soon look out for more videos in the series



For more infomation >> Elite: Dangerous Material Hunter Space Pumpkins - Duration: 6:39.


Jack in the Box, Yuma, Arizona to Buttercup Ranger Station, Dunes, California GP063057 - Duration: 26:05.

Family Dollar, 489 S 4th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 343-1500

Fourth Avenue Junior High School, 450 S 4th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 502-7000

Regal Lodge, Motel

Grace Bible Fellowship

Del Sol Market

Fire Truck

City of Yuma Fire Engine

4th Avenue

Coronado Motor Hotel

Tacos Mi Rancho

REvolution Tattoo

Bad Boyz Bail Bonds

Jack n the box

Polar Cooling

Circle K

Jack in the Box, 140 S 4th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 343-2489


1st St

Yuma Welcomes You

Colorado River

Paradise Casino

Freeway Entrance, Interstate 8 West, California

Rivers Edge Rv Resort, 2299 W Winterhaven Dr, Winterhaven, CA 92283 (760) 572-5105


Araz Junction

Quechan Casino, 525 Algodones Rd, Winterhaven, CA 92283, Araz Junction, California (877) 783-2426

Hello. Have any produce with you?

Thank you.

Winterhaven Agricultural Inspection Station, Winterhaven, CA 92283, Felicity, California (760) 572-0291

Sidewinder Chevron, 611 Sidewinder Rd N, Winterhaven, CA 92283, Felicity, California (760) 572-2053

Pilot Knob RV Resort, 3707 West Highway 80, Winterhaven, CA 92283, Felicity, California (928) 750-3775

Ogilby Rd


Imperial Sand Dunes

Buttercup Ranger Station, 6808 Grays Well Rd, Winterhaven, CA 92283, Dunes, California (760) 337-4400

Rest Area, Winterhaven, CA 92283, Dunes, California

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