This is set of new electronics for My new 3D printer
Like always ATmega2560-16AU as a procesor
From Geekcreit
On it Ramps 1.6
E0, E1 (as second Z) and Z use TMC2208 steppers
X and Y use TMC2130 V1.1 with SPI
Here is a splitter of My design for SPI
It's connected to LCD SPI port
And to AUX-2 ports
Here is connected FAN extender
I desoldered connector because it would not fit in case
It use only 3 pins from servo connector
I needed to solder in J4 goldpin to connect 12v
New heatsink for build in MOSFETs
Cables for motors
this two are for both motors of Z axis
You change that in marlin advance tab
I use this type and that worked fine in old printer
Case for RAMPS
LCD12864 in case
4GB SanDisc as buffor
This will not overheat MOSFET on RAMPS
Power supply
12v 33A like in old printer
With fan controller
3 ports for 12v + and -
And AC connectors
I just need to secure this boards
And put bigger power cables
With connectors
For more infomation >> New 3D printer part 1 - Electronics - Duration: 5:55.-------------------------------------------
New 3D printer part 2 - IGUS bearings - Duration: 4:33.
Here I show how to replace normal bearings with IGUS in ALU case
It's more light than with linear bearings
It run smooth
I use this tweezers because I don't have dedicated
Be careful - sometimes they shoot out of slot !!
Now take out old bearing (it's covered in oil)
And put IGUS inside
I use this screwdriver to push that inside
And now C clip
And ready
And another one
Sometimes it get's out more easy
I got one IGUS cracked
So I need to wait for new one
long Dinosaur | Kids songs | LittleTooni songs with Robot Trains - Duration: 2:30.
Thumbs up if you like this video! Hit the subscribe if you want more!
Long Dinosaur song
I'm a dinasour expedition! Ruby!
I'm here to find the longest Dinosaur!
I have a long neck, My name is
My neck is long
I'm Mamenchisaurus
Isn't my neck is really long?
who are you?
I have long horns, My name is,
Torosaurus My name is
My horns are long,
I'm Torosaurus
Aren't my horns are so long?
Who are you?
I have long claw, My name is
My claws are so long
I'm Therizinosaurus
Aren't my claws so long?
Oh, It sting!
Who are you?
I have long wings My name is,
My wings are long
I'm Pteranodon
Aren't my wings are so long?
Oh, huh? Who are you?
I have a long body, My name is
My body is long,
I'm Elasmosaurus
Isn't my body is so long?
Thank you!
Longish, Longish, we are
long long dianosaurs
We are all longish ,longish
Long dianosaurs
Thumbs up if you like this video! Hit the subscribe if you want more!
アストンマーティンが「ヴァルハラ」を商標登録。「ヴァルキリー」に続き神話繋がりの名称を新型ミドシップに付与? - Duration: 5:05.
[MLP]Ha! (SPEED PAINT) +Turn on YouTube subtitles! - Duration: 3:04.
Hi, Guys!
Return to Speed Painting today XD
This is my OC speed painting!
Next, let's draw together my old OCs and current OCs.
It's tough, but it'll be fun!
Then look at the video fun :D
Smart Fortwo coupé 0.7 pure 37 nw apk nap - Duration: 1:11.
范冰冰坑了商家?张韶涵父母又吸血?大S美容?林允国外受欢迎? - Duration: 2:19.
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVTi Sol - Duration: 1:04.
"আইয়ুব বাচ্চু" Ayub Bachchu No More (Oct_18_2018) - Duration: 2:31.
鏡音リンのLINEスタンプ描いてみた4/SAI2 - Duration: 3:56.
Gazapizm - Gençlik Günlerim - Duration: 3:42.
Citroën C1 VTI 72 S&S 5DRS FEEL AIRCO/BT *RIJKLAAR* - Duration: 1:08.
Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI DCT PLUS PACK 5-D AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:04.
What happens at a JAPANESE ONLY Small-Town Doctor [SICK STORYTIME] - Duration: 10:32.
Hey Guys, I'm Loretta!
This is impossible to hear through!
As the title says, I'm sick!
So I may sound a little off, but I have a crazy story
that I just had to share with you guys!
I haven't been sick in about 10 years
AND it's my first time being sick in Japan.
I've had a cough or a sore throat before
but this time I really caught a bad one.
I asked my friend Taylor B
and she said I should go to a doctor.
But like, I didn't know how to do that in Japan.
So I checked my other friend, Emma, she posted a video
about what to do when you're sick in Japan.
As she mentioned, there's an app you can use.
It's called "Japan Hospital Guide" but it only covers the Tokyo area!
I don't live in Tokyo, I live in a cute little suburb in Kanagawa
so there aren't English-speaking doctors nearby.
I got nervous like "but I feel so terrible, what do I do now..."
I had medicine but it wasn't doing anything
so I finally just decided to go to the doctor.
So, when I searched ISHA (doctor) in google maps
at least 5 popped up in my area, all within walking distance.
I was confused, because I couldn't tell the difference or where I should go
so I finally just texted my landlady.
SO! Here area the 3 funny things I learned at the Japanese doctor's office!!
1: The appointment/perscriptions are SO CHEAP in Japan!
Before going I had asked Boomer to buy me some over-the-counter drugs. Here they are:
"contact" and "precol"
Also, when I first told my landlady I was sick she ran down and gave me this:
an antiseptic throat spray
and these Nitori... roach?? Troche? Roach?
This like cough drop thing I guess.
So all of these together I'm sure were a lot.
Just these 2 were ¥3000 (approx. $30), but together with the spray and everything
it was almost $50 for these OTC medicines!
Thing is, the doctors here are SO MUCH CHEAPER!
The appointment itself only cost $12
and the medicine was $6.70 !!!
Here's what I got with it:
A decongestant,
a fever & pain suppressant
a cough suppresant
and some antibiotics.
There's enough for a week in here
and it had me wondering, why did I waste my money when the doctor's closer AND cheaper?!
Even without insurance its 3x this price, which is still pretty cheap for everything.
The nurse was like "Its great that you get insurance on a student visa!"
And am like, I know right?!
In the states its a lot more expensive to get good insurance.
The second thing I noticed is that Americans seem to have an oral fixation.
We seem to do everything in our mouths.
Let me explain.
So, I realized I had a fever at one point
and the doctor gave me a thermometer to take my temperature.
Immediately put it in my mouth, under my tongue.
Everyone was like: "IN YOUR MOUTH?!"
they all seemed so shocked, and I'm just like
well yeah, where else do I put it...
WAIT.. in THERE?!?!?
Landlady: Not your butt, your armpit!
Ohh, is that all?
In the states I always put it under my tongue, but what about you guys?
where do you put your thermometer?
My fever was low that day, just 38.8 celsius
because I had already been sick, had a fever, and now
3 days later finally went to a doctor
so the fever was getting better from where it was over the weekend.
Still, I was surprised I had a fever?
and then! and THEN!
Forget the armpit, what REALLY shocked me was the flu exam!
They realllyyyy got me!
I had no idea this was coming so Iwas caught off guard.
Doc: "You have a fever so I'd like to check for the flu."
"Is that ok?"
Me: " A SHOT?!" Doc: "No shot."
"We test you with this"
and he pulled out, like a super-long
ear swab looking thing.
Me: "OK anything's better than a shot! *opens mouth*"
Doc: "Loretta, I need your nose, not your mouth."
So I put a mask over my mouth, confused, and he puts it in my nose.
Like ew, uh, ok. That's uncomfortable.
When this nurse suddenly appears from behind teling me to "RELAX"
Me: " Relax for WHAT?!"
and BAM he shoves it in!
Me: " OW!!"
and BAM BAM BAM he shoves it in all the way!
Omg OUCH?!
My head already hurt. DON'T TOUCH MY SWOLLEN SINUS?! But he go up there!
I wasn't emotionally prepared
and it really hurt up there
so by reflex I actually slapped it out of my nose!
The doctor was like " GUESS WE'RE DONE!!!"
and I guess that's it
but... WHAT WAS THAT?!
If you need nose fluids, I'm PLENTY sniffly
just use what's here, why go all the way UP?!
That's not my nose, that's my BRAIN
Are you taking it? Are you turning me into a mummy??
What's going to happen to me... what did you just take from me...
It was.............a shock.
In the states we often do cheek swabs
er, no, actually its the throat right?
In the back by your dancing dude right?
Either way, that's all in your mouth right?
My mom's not a doctor but she knows a lot of medical stuff
and eldest my brother is a doctor
but they both said the crawlspace up behind your nose and throat
(BY YOUR BRAIN, mind you)
apparently that has the best....juices for investigating stuff.
I don't care, I won't believe it!
If you look it up on google image search
some cruel images really show up!
I came home and told Boomer what happened
and he's like: omg never. Stay away. I'll never go to a doctor now.
So yeah, I realized that in the states we use our mouth for a lot of tests
but in Japan they use armpits, your nosebrain and whatnot.
Ohhh Japan. What WILL you come up with next?!
The 3rd thing I realized
If you want English-speaking doctors Tokyo is your best bet
but for those of us who don't live there
or don't wanna go to Tokyo when you're sick
and you just want a doctor close at hand
here's what you need to do:
When you learn Japanese BYOUIN (hospital) is a common word
but my landlady told me this:
Since about 3 years ago things changed in Japan
Now if you go to a hospital, they probably will turn you away.
Big hospitals are usually filled with appointments
and you need to become a member of the hospital before you join
so don't even search for a "BYOUIN"(hospital) because they probably can't see you.
As your take home Japanese lesson for today, here's a new word: KAKARITSUKEI, meaning a local GP.
This is your nice, neighborhood general doctor who knows you and your history closely.
To find THEM you want to google "i-in"
The same "i" from "isha" (doctor) plus "in" from "byouin".
These are more like local, family doctors.
If you have a bad illness or need more
Then FIRST go to your local GP, who will refer you to the right hospital.
He'll write like a letter, allowing you to go to the hospital there.
So you take that and THEN get referred to a hospital.
In Tokyo you can use the Japan Hospital Guide app easily
and find someone to see you in English
but yeah, it's scary if you don't know how to find a doctor when you're sick.
I hope my swab-story didn't scare you xD.
But I'm so grateful to my landlady
and surprised how much I got for so cheap.
I should be on the mend soon!
Today, I just wanted to tell you those 3 things.
So, have you guys gone to a doctor while abroad?
Where do you guys put your thermometers???
OK, i'm done.
Enough about colds.
I'm off to go rest.
Thank you for watching until the end!
High School Huddle Week 9 (Part 2) - Duration: 3:26.
Let's Play Some Pokemon Showdown: The Looong One - Duration: 29:57.
Nina & Calle - The Night We Met - Duration: 2:19.
Leicester City owner's helicopter 'started spinning, hit ground and EXPLODED' - eyewitness - Duration: 3:39.
The aircraft had just taken off from the pitch at the east Midlands' club and made it over the stand en route to London before it crashed into a car park outside the stadium
Eyewitness accounts said the helicopter went into a tailspin before slamming into the concrete
It did not burst into flames immediately but was soon engulfed in a fireball. It is unknown if Leicester City's chairman Srivaddhanaprabha was on board
The emergency services were called immediately and have cordoned off the area to deal with the immediate fire
Speaking on Sky News, Leicester City fan John Butcher told Rob Dorsett: "We saw the ambulances and fire engines come round - we were just facing the ground in the bar across the road
"As we came out, we saw my nephew who saw the helicopter lose control, start spinning and hit the ground within a second and just exploded
We've all seen the flames, the smoke. "Our hearts are out to whoever was in it. "The owners mean everything to this football club, they've put everything into it
"They've made us champions. You can't ask for more from your owners. They won the league for us, you couldn't ask for more here
"Whoever is on that helicopter, we just hope, and our hearts are out for them, but it doesn't look good
" Speaking from outside the ground tonight, Sky man Dorsett said: "It crashed into the car park just a couple of hundred yards outside the stadium before bursting into flames
"The emergency service reacted very, very quickly. There were police, fire brigade and ambulances here because of the game anyway
"They got to the scene very, very quickly and put the fire out after around 25 minutes
"By that time I'd managed to walk around the stadium and had seen the flames and smoke myself
"There were plumes of huge grey smoke pouring out of the wreckage outside the car park, outside the stadium
"Now we need to stress we don't know who was on board that helicopter. "It holds, I know for a fact, 20 people
I have seen it take off many times from King Power Stadium with various dignataries and members of the board after a game to take them home
"We don't know how many was on board this evening. "The latest we have been told - and these are unconfirmed reports I must stress - is that Aiyawatt Srivaddhanaprabha, the vice-chairman of Leicester City, was not on board
He was not at the game, I'm told."
Leicester helicopter crash: Emotional Gary Lineker issues statement on Match of the Day - Duration: 4:17.
First, Lineker paid tribute to Glenn Hoddle who was taken to hospital in a serious condition on Saturday
Hoddle was taken ill after appearing as a pundit for BT Sport earlier in the day on his 61st birthday
"Hello, we'd normally come on air and tell you about the games to look forward to seeing in the show
This, though, is no ordinary Saturday," Lineker said. "First, everyone at Match of the Day sends our best wishes to Glenn Hoddle who collapsed while working for BT Sport
"Glenn was transferred to a hospital in London and we are told his condition is 'serious'
"He is currently receiving specialist treatment and is responding well. "His family have thanked everyone for their support and our thoughts are with them and Glenn
" Lineker then addressed the horror helicopter crash that has engulfed his beloved Leicester City
An eyewitness has described the moment they saw Leicester City owner Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha's helicopter crash outside the King Power Stadium
The aircraft had just taken off from the pitch at the east Midlands' club and made it over the stand en route to London before it crashed into a car park outside the stadium
Eyewitness accounts said the helicopter went into a tailspin before slamming into the concrete and bursting into flames
Lineker continued; "Then, after Leicester played West Ham this evening, the helicopter owned by the Leicester chairman took off from the pitch at the King Power Stadium and a few seconds later crashed outside the ground
"Clearly, this is a breaking story and we'll do our best to keep you updated throughout the programme
" Match of the Day commentator Alistair Mann appeared on the show after the match highlights and told Lineker: "Those of you who have been to Leicester over the last few years know it's fairly common place for half an hour after the game, it goes up and takes him to wherever he wants to go
"This was the situation again this evening. It's a common situation but within barely seconds of it taking off and going above the stand over the top of the ground, it appears to have reached some difficulties and has come down
"The impression I get is beyond the car parks that are immediately around the vicinity of the stadium but fairly nearby nonetheless
"It's come down, apparently there was smoke initially, then a pop and it seems to have become engulfed in flames
"Look, we don't know who is on board at this stage and we don't know for sure those who got on to the helicopter, but ordinarily it takes the family, we can't confirm if the chairman was on, we can't confirm if any of his family members were on, I'm led to believe it's normally a two-person crew
"I believe that was the case this evening but we really don't know for sure who was on board
That appears to be what happened. "Because there was a game on tonight, the emergency services were in the vicinity so there was a very quick reaction and lots of police and ambulances and so on very quickly on to the scene to control the situation
"It is a very serious situation but we really don't know the extent of it just at the moment
Leicester helicopter crash: England football legend and wife caught up in crash horror - Duration: 4:23.
Former Three Lions goalkeeper Peter Shilton was at Leicester City's 1-1 draw with West Ham on Saturday night with wife Stephanie, 50
Forty minutes after the full-time whistle, the helicopter belonging to Leicester City's chairman Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha crashed outside the King Power Stadium
The aircraft had just taken off from the pitch at the east Midlands' club and made it over the stand en route to London before it crashed into a car park outside the stadium
Eyewitness accounts said the helicopter went into a tailspin before slamming into the concrete
It did not burst into flames immediately but was soon engulfed in a fireball. It is unknown if Leicester City's chairman was on board
Shilton's wife held back tears as she told the Sunday Mirror: "It happened straight in front of us as we were leaving the ground
"We don't know what has happened. It's horrendous. We need to know if everyone is OK
"That's the biggest thing. We just hope that everyone got out OK." Speaking from outside the ground tonight, Sky man Rob Dorsett said: "It crashed into the car park just a couple of hundred yards outside the stadium before bursting into flames
"The emergency service reacted very, very quickly. There were police, fire brigade and ambulances here because of the game anyway
"They got to the scene very, very quickly and put the fire out after around 25 minutes
"By that time I'd managed to walk around the stadium and had seen the flames and smoke myself
"There were plumes of huge grey smoke pouring out of the wreckage outside the car park, outside the stadium
"Now we need to stress we don't know who was on board that helicopter. "It holds, I know for a fact, 20 people
I have seen it take off many times from King Power Stadium with various dignataries and members of the board after a game to take them home
"We don't know how many was on board this evening." "The latest we have been told - and these are unconfirmed reports I must stress - is that Aiyawatt Srivaddhanaprabha, the vice-chairman of Leicester City, was not on board
He was not at the game, I'm told." While an eyewitness has described the moment they saw the crash aftermath
Leicester helicopter crash: Peter Shilton and his wife were nearby Speaking on Sky News, Leicester City fan John Butcher told Rob Dorsett: "We saw the ambulances and fire engines come round - we were just facing the ground in the bar across the road
"As we came out, we saw my nephew who saw the helicopter lose control, start spinning and hit the ground within a second and just exploded
We've all seen the flames, the smoke. "Our hearts are out to whoever was in it. "The owners mean everything to this football club, they've put everything into it
"They've made us champions. You can't ask for more from your owners. They won the league for us, you couldn't ask for more here
"Whoever is on that helicopter, we just hope, and our hearts are out for them, but it doesn't look good
F.-X. Putallaz #16 : Qu'est-ce que saint Thomas n'a pas dit sur le mal ? - Duration: 5:33.
New 3D printer part 1 - Electronics - Duration: 5:55.
This is set of new electronics for My new 3D printer
Like always ATmega2560-16AU as a procesor
From Geekcreit
On it Ramps 1.6
E0, E1 (as second Z) and Z use TMC2208 steppers
X and Y use TMC2130 V1.1 with SPI
Here is a splitter of My design for SPI
It's connected to LCD SPI port
And to AUX-2 ports
Here is connected FAN extender
I desoldered connector because it would not fit in case
It use only 3 pins from servo connector
I needed to solder in J4 goldpin to connect 12v
New heatsink for build in MOSFETs
Cables for motors
this two are for both motors of Z axis
You change that in marlin advance tab
I use this type and that worked fine in old printer
Case for RAMPS
LCD12864 in case
4GB SanDisc as buffor
This will not overheat MOSFET on RAMPS
Power supply
12v 33A like in old printer
With fan controller
3 ports for 12v + and -
And AC connectors
I just need to secure this boards
And put bigger power cables
With connectors
F.-X. Putallaz #16 : Qu'est-ce que saint Thomas n'a pas dit sur le mal ? - Duration: 5:33.
Lexus RX 450h F-Sport Line AWD Navigatie, Sunroof, Head Up Display, Trekhaak, Mark Levinson - Duration: 1:10.
『やべっちF.C.』新MCに就任! 三谷紬アナのグラドル顔負けのプロポーションに期待 - Duration: 2:53.
What happens at a JAPANESE ONLY Small-Town Doctor [SICK STORYTIME] - Duration: 10:32.
Hey Guys, I'm Loretta!
This is impossible to hear through!
As the title says, I'm sick!
So I may sound a little off, but I have a crazy story
that I just had to share with you guys!
I haven't been sick in about 10 years
AND it's my first time being sick in Japan.
I've had a cough or a sore throat before
but this time I really caught a bad one.
I asked my friend Taylor B
and she said I should go to a doctor.
But like, I didn't know how to do that in Japan.
So I checked my other friend, Emma, she posted a video
about what to do when you're sick in Japan.
As she mentioned, there's an app you can use.
It's called "Japan Hospital Guide" but it only covers the Tokyo area!
I don't live in Tokyo, I live in a cute little suburb in Kanagawa
so there aren't English-speaking doctors nearby.
I got nervous like "but I feel so terrible, what do I do now..."
I had medicine but it wasn't doing anything
so I finally just decided to go to the doctor.
So, when I searched ISHA (doctor) in google maps
at least 5 popped up in my area, all within walking distance.
I was confused, because I couldn't tell the difference or where I should go
so I finally just texted my landlady.
SO! Here area the 3 funny things I learned at the Japanese doctor's office!!
1: The appointment/perscriptions are SO CHEAP in Japan!
Before going I had asked Boomer to buy me some over-the-counter drugs. Here they are:
"contact" and "precol"
Also, when I first told my landlady I was sick she ran down and gave me this:
an antiseptic throat spray
and these Nitori... roach?? Troche? Roach?
This like cough drop thing I guess.
So all of these together I'm sure were a lot.
Just these 2 were ¥3000 (approx. $30), but together with the spray and everything
it was almost $50 for these OTC medicines!
Thing is, the doctors here are SO MUCH CHEAPER!
The appointment itself only cost $12
and the medicine was $6.70 !!!
Here's what I got with it:
A decongestant,
a fever & pain suppressant
a cough suppresant
and some antibiotics.
There's enough for a week in here
and it had me wondering, why did I waste my money when the doctor's closer AND cheaper?!
Even without insurance its 3x this price, which is still pretty cheap for everything.
The nurse was like "Its great that you get insurance on a student visa!"
And am like, I know right?!
In the states its a lot more expensive to get good insurance.
The second thing I noticed is that Americans seem to have an oral fixation.
We seem to do everything in our mouths.
Let me explain.
So, I realized I had a fever at one point
and the doctor gave me a thermometer to take my temperature.
Immediately put it in my mouth, under my tongue.
Everyone was like: "IN YOUR MOUTH?!"
they all seemed so shocked, and I'm just like
well yeah, where else do I put it...
WAIT.. in THERE?!?!?
Landlady: Not your butt, your armpit!
Ohh, is that all?
In the states I always put it under my tongue, but what about you guys?
where do you put your thermometer?
My fever was low that day, just 38.8 celsius
because I had already been sick, had a fever, and now
3 days later finally went to a doctor
so the fever was getting better from where it was over the weekend.
Still, I was surprised I had a fever?
and then! and THEN!
Forget the armpit, what REALLY shocked me was the flu exam!
They realllyyyy got me!
I had no idea this was coming so Iwas caught off guard.
Doc: "You have a fever so I'd like to check for the flu."
"Is that ok?"
Me: " A SHOT?!" Doc: "No shot."
"We test you with this"
and he pulled out, like a super-long
ear swab looking thing.
Me: "OK anything's better than a shot! *opens mouth*"
Doc: "Loretta, I need your nose, not your mouth."
So I put a mask over my mouth, confused, and he puts it in my nose.
Like ew, uh, ok. That's uncomfortable.
When this nurse suddenly appears from behind teling me to "RELAX"
Me: " Relax for WHAT?!"
and BAM he shoves it in!
Me: " OW!!"
and BAM BAM BAM he shoves it in all the way!
Omg OUCH?!
My head already hurt. DON'T TOUCH MY SWOLLEN SINUS?! But he go up there!
I wasn't emotionally prepared
and it really hurt up there
so by reflex I actually slapped it out of my nose!
The doctor was like " GUESS WE'RE DONE!!!"
and I guess that's it
but... WHAT WAS THAT?!
If you need nose fluids, I'm PLENTY sniffly
just use what's here, why go all the way UP?!
That's not my nose, that's my BRAIN
Are you taking it? Are you turning me into a mummy??
What's going to happen to me... what did you just take from me...
It was.............a shock.
In the states we often do cheek swabs
er, no, actually its the throat right?
In the back by your dancing dude right?
Either way, that's all in your mouth right?
My mom's not a doctor but she knows a lot of medical stuff
and eldest my brother is a doctor
but they both said the crawlspace up behind your nose and throat
(BY YOUR BRAIN, mind you)
apparently that has the best....juices for investigating stuff.
I don't care, I won't believe it!
If you look it up on google image search
some cruel images really show up!
I came home and told Boomer what happened
and he's like: omg never. Stay away. I'll never go to a doctor now.
So yeah, I realized that in the states we use our mouth for a lot of tests
but in Japan they use armpits, your nosebrain and whatnot.
Ohhh Japan. What WILL you come up with next?!
The 3rd thing I realized
If you want English-speaking doctors Tokyo is your best bet
but for those of us who don't live there
or don't wanna go to Tokyo when you're sick
and you just want a doctor close at hand
here's what you need to do:
When you learn Japanese BYOUIN (hospital) is a common word
but my landlady told me this:
Since about 3 years ago things changed in Japan
Now if you go to a hospital, they probably will turn you away.
Big hospitals are usually filled with appointments
and you need to become a member of the hospital before you join
so don't even search for a "BYOUIN"(hospital) because they probably can't see you.
As your take home Japanese lesson for today, here's a new word: KAKARITSUKEI, meaning a local GP.
This is your nice, neighborhood general doctor who knows you and your history closely.
To find THEM you want to google "i-in"
The same "i" from "isha" (doctor) plus "in" from "byouin".
These are more like local, family doctors.
If you have a bad illness or need more
Then FIRST go to your local GP, who will refer you to the right hospital.
He'll write like a letter, allowing you to go to the hospital there.
So you take that and THEN get referred to a hospital.
In Tokyo you can use the Japan Hospital Guide app easily
and find someone to see you in English
but yeah, it's scary if you don't know how to find a doctor when you're sick.
I hope my swab-story didn't scare you xD.
But I'm so grateful to my landlady
and surprised how much I got for so cheap.
I should be on the mend soon!
Today, I just wanted to tell you those 3 things.
So, have you guys gone to a doctor while abroad?
Where do you guys put your thermometers???
OK, i'm done.
Enough about colds.
I'm off to go rest.
Thank you for watching until the end!
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