My name is Adam Levenson. I'm with G'Audio Lab, I'm VP of Business Development with the company.
We are an audio technology company based in Los Angeles.
Most of the development team is in South Korea, in Seoul. It's about 25 people,
including seven PhDs. I often like to say that is a high PhD-to-human ratio.
Our core expertise is in spatial audio for VR and AR. And what we've done is
taken that core expertise and productized it. For VR, we have a spatial
audio renderer specifically for 360-degree video. Then we have plug-ins
for Unity and Unreal, so for interactive VR. And on AR, I'm
especially excited because we're developing a whole new suite of
technologies to sort of attack the issue of audio on AR, because it's sort of like
this undiscovered country. No one has really gone there. If you want people to
be immersed in the training experience, you need to have that audio layer, you
need to add that third or second dimension, however you want to think
about it. There's this terrific potential to realize the potential of augmented reality audio.
I think it's a unique conference. It's small in terms of what
exhibitors but there are a lot of big ideas being shared, and I think we're at
a stage in the development or evolution of AR and VR where there's a lot to talk about.
Even as little as six months or a year ago,
we were talking about AR and VR and MR as these very distinct things.
I think we were all trying to sort of understand what the distinctions are.
But what is really clear, I think one of the main takeaways, is that we can really
look at this on a continuum now - where AR, perhaps, is this concept of a
layered or a layer of additional information, or additional data, or
additional experience in our lives, and VR is this idea of total immersion, and
there's a continuum there, and there's a spectrum of different
possibilities across that continuum. And that may seem like a very basic
concept, but I think it's critical because it allows developers, it allows
technology companies, like G'Audio, and companies involved in visual technology,
all aspects of it to look at this holistically, as opposed to, "I'm a VR
company," or, "I'm an AR company." People are starting to use "XR" as the
terminology, and that may seem very common between experts in the industry,
but I think for the broader industry and beyond, not many people have heard that
term, "XR," but I think it's a great way to talk about that continuum.
Audio, generally speaking, continues to be this, like I referred to it as the
"undiscovered country." Even in VR, the potential is not being tapped into. And I
just went through this training simulation demo where there really
wasn't very much sound at all, and it sort of took away from the the realism
of the experience, which I think is critical for the quality of a training app.
There's a lot of opportunity for additional audio immersiveness, for
additional audio interactivity, spatialization, kind of like all aspects
of the audio space that just haven't been delved into.
So I'm excited about it.
For more infomation >> 3E @ VRX Boston 2018 - Adam Levenson, G'Audio Lab | Th3rdEyeXR - Duration: 3:43.-------------------------------------------
URGENT Whitening Facial Mask At Home/Skin Lightening Formula Treatment for Winter/Skin Care Tips - Duration: 3:55.
Subscribe to my Channel & be a part of Rani G Family
Come Underwater Pumpkin Carving! - Duration: 3:21.
Hi, I'm Alex and this is Tank Tested. Behind me is a quarry, which means that today
we're going to dive in and I'm gonna carve this pumpkin...underwater.
Today we're in southern Virginia, just a few days before Halloween.
This is Lake Phoenix. It was a granite quarry in the 1950s and 60s that
specialized in delivering crushed stone for concrete. The quarry was successful
until workers exposed a small crack in the eastern wall. From there water poured
in. This lake was formed, reaching a max depth of around 70 feet.
Today, it's primarily used as a dive site. It's a great place to get certified as a scuba
diver and train in controlled environments. I was certified here and
it's fun to visit the scuttled ships and discarded buses.
As we peer into the bus, it's worth noting that the engines gas lines and corrosive materials have all
been removed from these vehicles. That leaves just these ghostly shells on the
quarry floor. It's a safe site to train and a good place to spot the occasional bass or sunfish.
I believe these fish were introduced here
but I don't know that for sure. That said, I don't know how they would have
gotten here otherwise. This lake is just a little over 50 years old.
Since the Halloween season, the bottom of the lake has been decorated with hauntings for the occasion.
But I came to Lake Phoenix to carve pumpkins. Those bubbles are us 30 feet
below the surface, carving away. It's not that different from carving on land,
except now your pumpkin wants to float, you can't breathe, and there are curious
fish to oversee the whole operation.
I believe these are bluegills. They're in the sunfish family, so you might
recognize their cousins the pumpkinseed sunfish from a video I did earlier this year.
I'll put a link here for that video. Pumpkinseeds would have been a more
appropriate fish for this video, but you can't always choose your wildlife.
That said, the bluegills were certainly interested in all the bits of pumpkin
carnage, but they didn't seem to enjoy the taste much.
everyone else was carving spooky faces, but I decided to carve my channel's new logo. I guess I could have
carved a fish skeleton or something, but I did that last time I dove here.
So this is what you get this year. It feels appropriate for my channel, even if it's
not particularly scary. I'll see you next time! If you haven't already, don't forget
to subscribe and visit my website for more information.
Gorgeous Modern Studio Luxe 320 Sq. Ft. by Kanga Room Systems - Duration: 3:48.
Gorgeous Modern Studio Luxe 320 Sq. Ft. by Kanga Room Systems
A donde tu vayas @Urban Spree, Berlin 2018 (subs in english) - Duration: 3:49.
Hi, I'm Katy Santos
and I would like to present the video...
...of my song 'A donde tu vayas'.
I recorded this during a concert at Urban Spree... Berlin in August 2018.
I hope that you like it...
.. and I would like to send you some greetings and thank you...
...for being sintonized with me at my channel.
Have a nice day and a great week...
...until next time and...
...chao, hope to see you soon!
Amazing WEEKENDER One of a Kind Tiny House Camper - Duration: 1:50.
Amazing WEEKENDER One of a Kind Tiny House Camper
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 GDI PLUS PACK | Airco | Navi | Camera | Cruise | Trekhaak | - Duration: 1:08.
Kia Ceed Sportswagon - Duration: 0:55.
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 GDI COMFORTPLUSLINE | LM velgen | Airco | Dealeronderhouden | 7 jaar garan - Duration: 1:06.
How to Make Lemon Essential Oil|HFE♪ - Duration: 9:27.
How to Make Lemon Essential Oil
Learn a new way to take advantage of this citrus fruit and enjoy its many benefits.
Lemon essential oil is a great way to fight cellulite.
Among its many properties, it contains vitamin C and antioxidants that prevent the build up of fat.
Both of these ingredients maintain good health.
These days, almost everyone heads straight to the doctor when they perceive a health problem.
Many people, however, understand that natural remedies do work.
In addition, they don't have negative side effects.
Lemon essential oil is a good example of one of these products.
Thanks to its ingredients, you can obtain many benefits from regular use without compromising your health.
You probably already know the benefits of lemons.
But, if you need a reminder, just continue reading.
How to make lemon essential oil.
1 lemon (150 g) A glass jar 1 cup of water (100 ml) 1 cup of olive oil (100 ml) A container with a lid that can withstand high temperatures.
First, bring the water to a boil in a saucepan.
Then, peel the lemon and preserve the peel.
Add the lemon peel to the boiling water.
Leave it to simmer for one minute.
Place the heat-resistant container in the saucepan and add the olive oil – remove the peel.
Heat the bag in a water bath for two and a half hours.
Let it sit for 24 additional hours.
These simple steps will prepare your lemon essential oil.
Store it in a glass container in a cool place, without humidity.
Uses for lemon essential oil.
Purify the air.
The air you breathe in your home is very important.
Remember that when you're outside, there's pollution everywhere.
It's a good idea to purify the air in your home.
Lemon can fight any bacteria that enter through the windows because it's a potent antiseptic.
Acidity and vitamins eliminate microbes quicklyand efficiently.
Citrus fruits also provide a fresh scent.
The air will seem like it weighs less.
Even if you don't realize it, your pituitary gland is sending information to your brain to tell it to relax. Use a dispenser for the best results.
Improve your digestion.
When lemon enters your body, it becomes an alkalizing salt.
What you consume will therefore be digested more quickly and easily.
It also stimulates the production of gastric juices, which speeds up your metabolism.
You'll enjoy the healthy fats from this oil, which is essential for healthy tissues and preventing your arteries from blockages.
Just use lemon essential oil as a salad dressing, or add it to your tea.
A few drops in green tea is a perfect solution.
Fight cellulite.
Cellulite is related to problems with circulation.
Lemon essential oil has two important properties when it comes to this problem: high vitamin C content and the presence of flavonoids.
Flavonoids improve the movement of fat.
It stops them from building up in the same areas.
Vitamin C also helps with this, as it is a great antioxidant.
Cellulite tends to increase with age, so you need to be strengthening your body to slow down the effects of the passage of time.
It can cure herpes.
Herpes is usually the product of an infection. It can also appear in humid areas.
This makes lemon essential oil an ideal companion treatment for herpes.
Once again, this is thanks to vitamin C because it works as an excellent antibiotic. To guarantee its usefulness, however, the oil serves as a protective film to isolate the area.
This prevents it from coming into contact with other bacteria that could jeopardize your treatment.
To use it, apply this oil with a sterilized swab or piece of gauze.
Overall, this is a simple natural remedy that's easy to prepare, affordable, and simple to use.
Sounds good, right? Make sure to share your results if you decide to try it!.
Egg and Beer Treatment for Silky and Healthy Hair|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:41.
Egg and Beer Treatment for Silky and Healthy Hair
Are you ready to have silky-smooth, manageable hair? If you still haven't given your hair a nutritious treatment, prepare this recipe and repair your damaged hair without needing to buy expensive products.
Our hair is exposed to a number of traumas that can cause dryness, weakness and excessive hair loss.
We care about keeping our hair clean and shiny.
However, continuous sun exposure, the use of heat appliances and some chemical products can cause serious damage.
In this article, you'll learn about treatments for silky and healthy hair.
The problem is that not all commercial treatments help us revitalize our hair, and many are so expensive that we can't afford them.
What some people ignore is that there are remedies that are 100% natural.
Although they're not so popular, they can have some interesting effects for those looking to help their hair recover in a healthy way.
In this article, we suggest an egg and beer treatment made of two ingredients that are full of nutrients that strengthen and renew the hair strands.
Are you ready to give it a go?.
Use egg and beer to revitalize your hair naturally.
This revitalizing mask is a low-cost homemade treatment that will improve the appearance of your hair when it begins to deteriorate due to a lack of special care.
It combines the properties of two ingredients which provide important benefits for our hair health.
Plus, it eliminates the main problems that prevent your hair from looking beautiful.
Benefits of egg for hair.
Eggs are one of the most most natural products that can help revive hair when it loses its shine and strength due to the damage it suffers from the environment.
Eggs have significant amounts of high biological value proteins, which strengthen the hair follicle to prevent hair breakage.
This increases hair thickness and reduces excessive hair fall.
Plus, they also provide essential fatty acids and vitamin E.
Both necessary to retain moisture and shine from the roots to the tips.
In addition, they also cleanse the scalp and reduces excessive sebum production, dead cells and dandruff.
Benefits of beer for hair.
Beer is made with natural ingredients that contain nutrients which are beneficial for hair health.
First of all, beer is an important source of vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B6, folic acid and biotin), which are all necessary to control hair loss and growth problems.
In addition, it contains malt and hops, which provide easily assimilated proteins to preserve strong and thick hair.
It also regenerates hair cells and provides a protective layer against toxins and harmful chemicals.
Plus, it reduces dehydration, prevents frizz and split ends.
It's a natural conditioner that seals the cuticles and improves your hair's silkiness and shine.
How do you prepare an egg and beer treatment?.
Regular application of this egg and beer treatment can help detoxify your hair and promote hair growth.
These ingredients thoroughly clean the scalp and prevent fungus, bacteria and other microorganisms that cause infections and dandruff.
It's advised that you do a small patch test to make sure you won't have a reaction.
Remember that people react differently.
3 egg yolks 1 can of non-alcoholic beer (33 cl).
First, pour the egg yolks in a bowl and beat for a few minutes.
Then, open the can of beer, pour it into a glass and wait a few minutes for the gas to go.
Once all the gas is gone, mix it with the egg yolks.
Mix everything very well and apply it as soon as you get a smooth mixture.
How to apply.
Separate your hair into several sections and spread the treatment all over your scalp.
After covering the roots, use the remaining mixture to cover the strands, all the way to the ends.
Cover everything with a shower cap and let it sit for 30-40 minutes.
Afterwards, rinse with warm or cold water and let your hair air dry.
Repeat this treatment 2 or 3 times a week for best results.
Are you ready to have silky-smooth, manageable hair? If you still haven't given your hair a nutritious treatment, prepare this recipe and repair your damaged hair without needing to buy expensive products.
Remember: although the effects of this treatment can't be felt immediately, your hair will feel cleaner and more moisturized after the very first application.
Incorporate this treatment into your beauty routine and enjoy the benefits it can have on your hair in a short amount of time.
Plant-Based Foods Rich in Calcium|HFE♪ - Duration: 9:21.
Plant-Based Foods Rich in Calcium
When we hear "calcium", we automatically think of a glass of milk or a cup of yogurt.
However, there are plenty of vegetables that provide equal amounts, or even more, than dairy products. In today's post, we'll tell you what plants are especially rich in calcium.
Why we need calcium to be healthy Calcium is an important mineral for strong, healthy bones, teeth, and muscles.
Our nerves also require calcium to send messages back and forth from the brain and other parts of our body.
Not getting enough calcium can lead to many problems, such as osteoporosis, obesity and heart attacks.
Aside from dairy products, there are other sources rich in calcium that we shouldn't ignore.
Many people falsely believe that having milk, yogurt or cheese in our diets will provide our bodies with all the calcium that it needs.
Furthermore, certain dairy products and foods containing them (especially desserts and baked goods) aren't healthy at all for us and contain high levels of sugar and fat.
Instead, we should consider different foods that are naturally rich in calcium.
Plant sources rich in calcium We need to debunk the myths that claim dairy products are the only sources of calcium.
It's quite the opposite.
In fact, some foods have even more calcium than milk.
It's great news for lactose-intolerant or vegan people.
Some calcium-rich plants are the following: 1.
Spinach One of the most calcium-packed leafy greens is spinach. If we eat 100 grams of raw spinach, our bodies will be getting 210 mg of calcium. When boiled, the amount reduces to 158 mg.
However, keep in mind that spinach contains oxalates, which hinder the body from absorbing certain minerals.
Nuts Number two on our list are delicious, calcium-rich nuts.
They're very versatile; you can enjoy nuts in milk form (like almond milk), in desserts, raw, toasted, etc.
Nuts reduce the risks of osteoporosis by preventing weak bones and aiding in a healthy growth.
Because of their benefits, they're great for people of all ages.
The nuts that offer the highest amounts of calcium are: Almonds (240 mg for every 100 g) Walnuts (170 mg for every 100 g) Hazelnuts (140 mg) Pistachios (110 mg) 3.
Soy The legumes that boast the highest amounts of calcium are soybeans.
A glass of soy milk can provide the same amount of calcium as a glass of regular milk.
Soy also contains daidzein isoflavones, which prevent bone decalcification.
It also prevents the body from eliminating calcium through urine.
Every 100 g of unsalted, cooked soybeans boasts 102 mg of calcium.
Tofu is a soy product that can replace meat.
It's low in calories and fat while being rich in calcium, making it a great option for vegetarian diets.
Kale Another calcium-packed vegetable is kale, providing 150 mg for every 100 g.
Kale doesn't contain any oxalates, meaning that it doesn't affect the body's ability to absorb the nutrient.
You should eat it raw.
Oranges Aside from being a vitamin C superstar that keeps us from getting sick in the winter, oranges can provide us with a considerable amount of calcium (60 mg per orange).
If you have a glass of fresh orange juice each morning, you'll be taking in up to 300 mg of calcium.
That's definitely a great way to start the day with all the nutrients you need! 6.
White beans These legumes are great for preventing bone and teeth problems.
For every 100 g of beans, there is 70 mg of calcium.
If you choose dry beans, the same amount will give you 177 mg.
Onions The benefits of onions are many.
They have antibacterial properties, but also offer a good dose of trace minerals (which include calcium).
Every 100 g of onion offers 20 mg of calcium.
In addition, they help with digestion, stimulates your appetite and are a diuretic.
Chickpeas These legumes make for versatile cooking: stews, purees, salads, and more.
Chickpeas contain 134 mg of calcium in every 100 g.
However, the amount of calcium reduces by half when chickpeas are boiled.
Keep in mind that they also contain oxalates, so your body may have trouble absorbing all of the calcium.
Watercress This vibrant green vegetable doesn't just contain 20% of the daily recommend amount of calcium for adults, but it also has plenty of other minerals: sulfur, iodine, iron, phosphate, potassium and magnesium.
Add some watercress to your salads! 10.
Herbs Herbs are great for flavor and delicious aromas, but they are also very rich in calcium. Basil, sage, oregano, thyme and rosemary can provide 1000 to 2300 mg of calcium for every 100 g.
Of course, we can't use that amount of herbs at once.
So, try pairing it with another calcium-rich food for a healthy combination.
Uomini e Donne, Mara lascia il programma: Ivan Gonzalez tra i candidati alla sostituzione - Duration: 4:29.
Uomini e Donne: crisi d'ansia per la Galgani nella puntata odierna | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:52.
Grande Fratello Vip 3, Francesco-Giulia: scatta il primo bacio durante la notte | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:35.
la confessione di Marco Carta da Barbara D'Urso: 'Ho un compagno e sono felice' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:55.
Kia Optima Sportswagon 1.7 CRDi DCT7 DynamicLine NIEUW | Navi Clima | Pano | Elek. achterklep | Keyl - Duration: 1:09.
Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT COMFORTLINE NAVIGATOR | Navi | Bluetooth | Airco | Elek. ramen | Centr. vergr. - Duration: 1:12.
6 beauty secret of using henna for beautifull hair in urdu hindi | beauty tips in urdu - Duration: 3:05.
Đi Về Nơi Bình Yên (C.A.O Remix) - Nit x Tăng Duy Tân - Duration: 3:17.
J'adore the New Absolu - The message - Duration: 0:35.
What is Electric Charge? (Electrodynamics) - Duration: 6:50.
This episode was made possible by generous supporters on Patreon.
Hey Crazies.
There's a question I get every once in a while that I think we're ready to answer:
What the heck is electric charge?
Let's just jump into it.
I don't even think we'll need quantum mechanics for this.
Just like objects can have mass or temperature or speed,
objects can also have charge.
It's just a property.
Things like balloons, hair, or pieces of plastic become charged by transferring electrons.
Super zoom!
Inside atoms, protons and neutrons are the heavier particles in the center.
Electrons are the lighter looser particles on the outside.
So they're what can be gained or lost when things rub against each other.
If we rub a balloon against someone's hair,
the balloon and the hair become attracted to each other.
Now that they're charged, they don't even need to touch to affect each other.
This is just like how masses attract in Newtonian gravity.
We even said in the previous video there were a lot of similarities,
so this shouldn't be a surprise if you're already subscribed.
Unlike mass though, charge has two different types or flavors.
We call these two types: positive and negative,
but only for mathematical convenience.
They're just labels.
We could have just as easily called them: Up and Down
or Good and Evil, or Dingleberry and Snozberry.
The snozberries taste like snozberries.
The two types show opposite behaviors, so as long as the labels are opposites,
we're fine.
It doesn't even matter which one we label which.
The labels we use today were decided 270 years ago in 1748 by Ben Franklin.
It might have been better to label them the other way,
but now we're stuck with it.
Thanks Ben Franklin.
Hop on my filthy back!
Anyway, where was I?
Oh, oh right! Opposite behaviors!
Opposite charges attract and like charges repel,
which I think is pretty common knowledge at this point.
That's what makes atoms the way they are.
The protons are positive and the electrons are negative,
so they're attracted to each other.
Unfortunately, since the electrons are the things that move around and electrons are negative,
we kind of have to think backwards.
An electron gain makes an object negative and an electron loss makes an object positive.
The balloon from earlier gained electrons from the hair,
so it became negative and the hair became positive.
But that doesn't really explain what charge is.
As Cameron McHenry pointed out, sure objects become charged because their parts are charged.
But electrons are elementary particles.
They don't have parts and neither do any of these other charged particles.
So what the heck is charge?!
To answer that, we need to talk about the EM field.
Charge and the electromagnetic field are inextricably connected.
You can't really understand one without understanding the other.
What's a field again?
Yeah, OK, that's a fair question.
A field is a value or set of values assigned to every point in space.
But jumping right into the EM field can be a bit overwhelming.
Let's start with gravity.
It's a little easier to imagine and a lot easier to work with.
So, here's the Earth. Just chilling.
Around the Earth is a bunch of points in space and every single one of those points
has a vector arrow attached to it.
Since the Earth is pretty massive, it has a lot of control over those arrows.
The whole collection of arrows is called a gravitational field and it's always there.
Even if there isn't any mass around, the field is still there.
It's just zero.
It helps to think of mass as a property of objects and fields as a property of space.
The Earth and the space it occupies are real tangible things.
The mass and the field are just properties we measure
to help us explain what the tangible things are doing.
And a really convenient way to understand that connection is with Gauss's law.
In general, it's written like this.
Here's the field, a property of space,
and here's whatever property is affecting that field.
For gravity, it relates the gravitational field to mass.
It says the gravitation field across some closed area, also known as flux,
is proportional to the mass inside that closed area.
Ugh, can you do that with a picture please?
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, sure thing.
Let's imagine that closed area is the surface of a sphere.
If that sphere doesn't enclose any mass, then there's no flux across its surface.
There is just as much field pointed in as there is pointed out.
If that sphere does enclose mass, then there's an overall inward flux.
There's more field pointed inward than outward, which is true no matter how big the sphere is
Even if you don't know where the mass is, the field's behavior tells you where the mass is
and how much there is.
It's actually a really useful connection.
Because electricity is so similar, we can do the same thing with the EM field and charge,
but the EM field is just a smidge more complicated.
We could look at it all together as an electromagnetic tensor,
one big set of numbers attached to each point in space.
But it's easier to think about it as two separate vectors instead,
one for the electric part and one for the magnetic part.
Vector fields are so much easier than tensor fields.
Trust me. You don't want to use the tensors unless you have to.
So we'll imagine each point in space has two vector arrows attached.
As a charge moves around inside the space, you can see how each of those vectors changes.
If the charge isn't moving, then all the magnetic arrows drop to zero,
leaving only the electric arrows.
We'll focus on that electric part now and save that magnetic part for a later video.
Back to Gauss's law!
For electric fields, it looks like this.
It relates the electric field to charge.
And just like with gravity, you can use a carefully chosen closed area
to figure out where the charge is and how much of it there is.
Just like mass tell us how much an object or particle will affect the gravitational field,
charge tells us how much an object or particle will affect the electromagnetic field.
It's coupling property.
It couples objects and particles to space.
So what's electric charge?
Electric charge is just a property of objects or particles
that inextricably connects them to the EM field and, therefore, to space.
There are two opposite types that display opposite behaviors.
It's conserved across time and everyone agrees on how much there is.
It's a really big deal!
So, was this deep enough for you or are you still craving the quantum mechanics?
Let us know in the comments.
Thanks for liking and sharing this video.
Don't forget to subscribe if you'd like to keep up with us.
And until next time, remember, it's OK to be a little crazy.
The featured comment comes from Zoltán Kürti who mentioned:
Gauss didn't use vector fields. He used quaternions.
Yes, I know, vectors weren't all that universal until Oliver Heaviside came along,
but quaternions are really confusing.
If you're interested though, 3blue1brown did a good video on them recently.
Link in the doobly-doo.
Anyway, thanks for watching!
Melanie Field Channels Whitney Houston's "I Have Nothing" | "Heathers" Lip Sync Battle Preview - Duration: 0:44.
I will hold it back again This passion inside
♪ Can't run from myself There's nowhere to hide ♪
♪ Don't make me close one more door ♪
♪ I don't want to hurt anymore ♪
Oh my gosh, it's hard for the first song to get ya.
You are a professional lip syncer-
-Thank you. -...let me tell you, that was...
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The Biggest Trees In The World - Duration: 1:29.
EXO PICTURES - The Biggest Trees In The World
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