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Diwali Latest Offers 2018
For more infomation >> Nokia Latest Offer 2018 | Latest Offers On Nokia Mobiles | Diwali Latest Offers 2018 - Duration: 3:57.-------------------------------------------
ASMR 咀嚼音 Triple Chocolate S'more Pizza トリプルチョコ・マシュマロピザ 棉花糖巧克力披薩 마시멜로 초코피자 먹방 *EATING SOUND* - Duration: 12:25.
hi guys! welcome to my channel
today i'm eating Triple Chocolate S'more Pizza
accompanied with black coffee
please enjoy with me
thanks for watching
see you on next video
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CBS2 News at 11:00 p.m. (Oct. 28) - Duration: 10:19.
GOBLIN SLAYER - END FULL [Soraru - Silver's oath] SUB - Duration: 3:29.
賽(さい)の目で決まるような 残酷な程に気まぐれな世界で Sai no me de kimaru you na, zankoku na hodo ni kimagure na sekai de
神様に与えられたちっぽけなこの手を Kamisama ni ataerareta chippoke na kono te wo
奇跡は失われた その笑みを守ることも出来なかった Kiseki wa ushinawareta, sono emi wo mamoru koto mo dekinakatta
憧れた英雄譚(えいゆうたん)など 稚拙(ちせつ)な絵空事だった Akogareta eiyuutan nado, Chisetsu na esoragoto datta
祈り忘れた獣(けだもの)よ この命枯れるまで 足掻いてやる Inori wasureta kedamono yo, Kono inochi kareru made agaite yaru
どうして どうして どうして Doushite doushite doushite
こびり付いて 消えてくれない, 張り裂けるような 慟哭(どうこく)が Kobiritsuite kiete kurenai, Harisakeru you na doukoku ga
ねえ 返して 返して 返して Nee kaeshite kaeshite kaeshite
置き忘れてきた約束を, 奪われた明日を Okiwasurete kita yakusoku wo, Ubawareta ashita wo
おもちゃ箱に隠された, 綺麗事など ただのガラクタで Omochabako ni kakusareta, Kireigoto nado tada no garakuta de
無力さに黄昏(たそがれ)た, 永遠なんてありはしないって分かっていた Muryokusa ni tasogareta, Eien nante ari wa shinai tte wakatteita
命枯れるまで 抗え Inochi kareru made aragae
無磁悲(むじひ)に 笑う世界が 変わらないとしても Mujihi ni warau sekai ga kawaranai to shitemo
振り上げた刃が 砕ける日が来ても, 銀の誓いだけは 奪わせない 奪わせなどしない Furiageta yaiba ga kudakeru hi ga kite mo, Gin no chikai dake wa ubawasenai ubawase nado shinai
気高き(けだかき)魂の旗 踏みにじられようと Kedakaki tamashii no hata fuminijirareyou to
この心 汚れることなど ありはしない Kono kokoro yogoreru koto nado ari wa shinai
どうして どうして どうして Doushite doushite doushite
拒もうとも 離れてくれない Kobamou to mo hanarete kurenai
柔らかく 滲む眼差しが Yawarakaku nijimu manazashi ga
ああ どんなに どんなに, この足が 傷ついても 止まりはしない Aa donna ni donna ni, Kono ashi ga kizutsuitemo tomari wa shinai
絶望の先まで Zetsubou no saki made
途切れてく意識の中で, 耳鳴りだけ 止まない Togireteku ishiki no naka de, Miminari dake yamanai
Anime Memes Compilation #94 // Аниме Приколы Под Музыку #94 // Смешные Моменты Из Аниме #94 - Duration: 6:58.
15歳山下真瑚2位 真央育てた山田コーチ秘蔵っ子 - Duration: 2:14.
Brahmanandam and Ali Excellent Comedy Scene HD |Kousalya Supraja Rama Telugu Movie|Suresh Production - Duration: 3:06.
Wheels On The Bus | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes Songs for Kids | Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:30.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round, Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All through the town.
The children on the bus will seat and talk
Seat and talk.. Seat and talk..
The children on the bus will seat and talk
All the way to school
The driver on the bus will drive safely
Drive safely Drive safely
The driver on the bus will drive safely
All the way to the school
The sign on the bus mean stop right there
Stop right there Stop right there
The sign on the bus mean stop right there
When we drive around
The light on the bus go blink blink blink
Blink blink blink Blink blink blink
The light on the bus go blink blink blink
When we get to school
The door on the bus will open for us
Open for us Open for us
The door on the bus will open for us
When we get to school
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
Round and round, Round and round.
The wheels on the bus go round and round,
All through the town.
All through the town.
HOW TO Take A Bus in KYOTO - Duration: 1:56.
So, to get onto the bus...
There're 2 entrances...
...the front entrance and the back entrance.
The front is used as an exit...
...and the back one is the entrance.
So, just go through the back...
...and you don't have to do anything; just sit down until you get to your stop.
And then you pay in front.
And exit from the front.
If you're going to pay by cash...
...have the exact change; put it into the machine.
You will not get any change back.
Unless you pay with paper money; there's another machine.
You can get to change up to 1,000 Yen.
If you have the Day Pass...
...if you're using for the first time...
...insert into the machine; it'll print the date on the back.
So, when you exit the next bus, you can just show this date to the driver.
And that's about it.
Easy to use.
There's a Kyoto Bus Pass...
...and a Kyoto Subway Pass.
You can get these either on the bus but...'s more advisable from the subway station, train stations.
And if you're taking the bus more than 3 times...'s more advisable and cheaper to get the Day Pass.
There is a flat rate here if you get the bus with the coloured background...
It's 230 Yen for any stop.
So, if you're taking more than 3 times, it's definitely more than 500 Yen.
Yea, it's most advisable to get the one.
心理学:选一款你最中意的珠宝花,测你最逃不过男人的哪种手段? - Duration: 6:35.
Funny Clown Bob Construction vehicles Forklift Loader Unboxing working in warehouse Video for kids - Duration: 2:45.
Hi Kids,
Today Funny Clown Bob will present you a video with Construction vehicles.
In this video for kids you will learn construction vehicles with Forklift loader.
Do not forget to subscribe under the video and like it
Click on the picture to see other funny videos
SPOILERS: Are Dumbledore and Grindelwald Blood Brothers in The Crimes of Grindelwald? - Duration: 11:43.
Hello Fantastic Beasts fans!
Some of the most exciting images we've seen released so far are of young Dumbledore and
young Grindelwald in the Mirror of Erised.
The latest, with them staring down at their hands, is particularly intriguing.
But what can it mean?
I'm Susan Şipal with Fantastic Secrets Behind Fantastic Beasts to bring you the clues.
Join me and other Fantastic Beasts fans here on the BeastChaser Forum as we uncover the
secrets, discover what's coming first, and play along with Rowling's newest game.
And make sure you hit the subscribe button as well as the bell notification so you'll
be notified when videos post and won't miss out on the next clues!
In my last video, I presented a story from deep inside Grindelwald's point of view that
centered on his relationship with Dumbledore.
As a part of that theory, I believed that the pendant we've seen in some of the presentations
and merchandising possibly contained a spirit Dumbledore and Grindelwald invoked together.
But I was totally wrong about that.
And in this video, Marie Fauquembergue is going to show us what it truly is.
Before we begin, this video requires a special spoiler warning.
Near the end, we're presenting information from a premier in China.
Some of you may not want to hear that part, since we're drawing from a screening event.
I'll stop and give a brief warning before then.
But there will be the normal spoilers even before then.
Two months ago, Marie @HanniDeer and I created a theory together exploring the nature of
the relationship between Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald as teens.
As part of that video, we theorized that Albus and Gellert may have made an Unbreakable Vow.
We also believed that this vow was what prevented Dumbledore from moving against Grindelwald
and that we would see it partly revealed in the amphitheater scene.
Since that video released, Marie has continued to research Albus and Gellert's young relationship
as well as new images of runes and props associated with them.
We'd planned to do a video on it a week ago, but were delayed until now.
However, several days ago, Marie wrote a comprehensive theory about how this all related and posted
it on Tumblr, which I've linked to in the description below.
The reason I'm detailing all this is because the core of Marie's theory has already been
confirmed in the Chinese screening.
So, what I am about to show you, all the new stuff since our original theory on the Unbreakable
Vow, is Marie's theory.
All credit goes to her for hitting this one exactly right.
First, Marie starts by analyzing the runes on Dumbledore's wand.
They are Uruz, Jera, Ansuz, and Dagaz.
Uruz is a rune indicating "primary force, beastly powers and freedom, brutal strength,
but also control…and domination."
Marie notes it's a quality that can easily lead to an excess or extreme type of force,"
and says that "in a relationship, it signifies a primary attraction between two people"…almost
a "beast-like attraction."
Which is very intriguing when you link this to Dumbledore and Grindelwald.
The next rune, Jera, symbolizes "two eternal, opposing forces."
In a relationship, it can indicate the tension between partners.
Ansuz is the rune most associated with the Norse supreme god Odin.
It's a rune of communication, inspiration, truth," and "slow and yet certain ascension."
Then, finally, there's Dagaz, which symbolizes balance between sky and earth, inner peace,
and harmony.
Putting these runes all together, they give us both insight into Dumbledore's youthful
character as well as the relationship between him and Grindelwald.
Jude Law has spoken in interviews as to how Dumbledore is fighting what he considers to
be his own beastly nature.
Yet we know he is ascending into a man whose flair for communication and search for truth
inspires others.
Near the end of his life, he seems to attain, somewhat, that balance and inner peace that
he'll be struggling with in the Fantastic Beasts series to come.
As teens, the relationship of Dumbledore and Grindelwald displays a primary attraction
that may have included domination from Grindelwald.
Whereas as adults, they developed into two eternal opposing forces.
Marie also notes that "the runes are in a way a bad omen, resulting from their blood
Their arrogance, their brilliant minds, and also the fact they were dazzled so much by
each other, made them blind" to the impact of the meaning of these runes on their relationship.
The next part of Marie's theory is truly fascinating.
She links the runes associated with Grindelwald and Dumbledore to a hint of the vow they made
as teens.
Whereas in our earlier theory we believed it was an Unbreakable Vow, we're now sure
it was a blood pact.
Very closely related, but with a twist.
First, as many of you are probably aware, on the soundtrack for the film there's a
track named "Blood Pact."
It was revealed in a presentation by prop master Pierre Bohanna in Japan that Grindelwald
had a pendant.
Now that the pendant can be purchased from the Noble Collection, we can see that the
initials at the top are G and D. Marie believes that the pendant is a record,
between Grindelwald and Dumbledore, of the blood pact they made as teens.
In the prop and the Noble replica, you can see a swirl of the colors inside the pendant
that bear a strong resemblance to yin and yang, two varying or complementary forces
that unite to form a harmonious system.
Marie believes that, in the Mirror of Erised scenes with the young actors, we see a very
clear image, and probably a memory, of the blood pact ritual being performed between
Grindelwald and Dumbledore.
In one, Albus and Gellert hold their hands touching on the mirror.
And in the more recent one, they seem to be looking down.
Marie believes they are looking at the blood on their hands from the ritual they have just
The music from the soundtrack "Blood Pact" would be playing during this scene.
Then, for me and my love of mythology, this is where things get really interesting.
As we stated earlier, the rune Ansuz is related to Odin.
And in Nordic mythology, according to the Lokasenna, a poem in the Poetic Edda, Odin
and Loki made a blood pact together…they are blood brothers.
In the poem, Loki says: "Remember Odin, in the olden days what blood-brothers we were."
Loki also said, ""Remember you that Odin it was we in days of old blended our blood
Loki is a trickster god, whereas Odin is the supreme deity.
They are both good at manipulation.
Loki is also good at transfiguration, and we saw how effective Grindelwald was at this
in the first film.
As a trickster god, Loki can never truly be trusted.
He is sentenced to eternal punishment, imprisoned under guard by a serpent, just as we know
Grindelwald will be imprisoned in Nurmengard.
As for Odin, he's favored by the outcasts of society, and we've seen how Dumbledore
offered protection to house elves, half-giants, and a werewolf professor.
Odin is in charge of Valhalla, the afterworld.
And Dumbledore, at various points in his life, possessed all three Deathly Hallows.
And we saw him in a very curious scene at King's Cross in Deathly Hallows.
Also, Odin sacrificed an eye for the acquisition of the wisdom of a rune.
Dumbledore sacrificed his hand for a Hallow.
Marie says, "Odin had promised that neither of them would drink with Gods unless both
of them were welcomed."
When Loki is denied a seat with the gods, he reminds Odin of their oath.
Odin, without any other choice, orders Vidar to find a seat for Loki.
Perhaps Grindelwald will later in the FB saga remind Albus of the blood pact they made together
in 1899."
Finally, Marie believes that when Grindelwald proclaims that "the old ways serve us no
longer," he's not merely talking about the statute of secrecy.
But is also declaring to his former friend and lover that the blood bond of their youth
is no longer valid.
They are from now on at war with each other.
Marie believes that Rowling envisioned a blood pact between young Albus and Gellert rather
than an Unbreakable Vow because the blood pact is more personal, more about emotions,
whereas the Vow is more about a contract to ensure actions are carried out, perhaps due
to lack of trust.
After all, Snape formed one with Narcissa.
As Marie says, "the fact that these two people choose to share blood like ancient
Norse gods and to connect to each other in that way is a demonstration of their brilliance
and arrogance as teens.
It also shows the high level of trust they had for each other."
I think this is beautiful.
Now, here is where the true spoiler break is.
If you don't want to hear information out of a prescreening, stop now.
What is even more wonderful is that Marie's main theory has been confirmed by what is
just now starting to leak out from the prescreening out of China.
It's been confirmed by those watching the 25 minutes of film shown, that Albus and Gellert
do indeed form a blood pact, and that the pendant Grindelwald carries as an adult contains
their blood.
What has been reported is that young Albus and Gellert are shown slitting their hands
and then putting their hands together.
Their joined blood forms the pendant.
To me, it seems a magical testament, or bond, to their pact.
Returning to my last video on the intense relationship between Dumbledore and Grindelwald,
I have one more thought I'd like to add.
I wondered if the pendant contained a spirit the young men had invoked and contained, sealed
under the initials of their name.
This was based on the legend of King Solomon and the Jinn, which we've discussed in a
couple of prior videos, where he contained Jinn in a brass vessel, under his seal, that
he would release to do his bidding.
Could the pendant, formed magically from the blood of Albus and Gellert, essentially contain
their spirits?
And if so, to what purpose?
Would this pendant be broken in a dark magic ritual to symbolize a blood sacrifice?
A blood sacrifice of the two most powerful wizards of their day?
Thanks so much to Marie for sharing this theory with us.
She put a tremendous amount of research and work into it.
So, what do you think?
I'm assuming if you're here, you made it by the double spoiler warning, so I'm
also curious, what are you going to do now that true spoilers are starting to leak?
And how do you think I should approach them on this channel?
Please, share your thoughts in the comments.
Also, please check out my new Fan Shop on Amazon for books and Funko Pops and wands
and all things Fantastic Beasts!
李娜:他们不会找到第二个李娜 - Duration: 5:19.
La ministra in un post su Facebook risponde al sindaco di Melendugno: "Usa maniere da teppistello". - Duration: 9:02.
"Le maniere da teppistello con le quali il sindaco di Melendugno mi intima di non tornare lì non mi fanno paura perché non ho niente da temere"
Lo dice il ministro per il Sud, Barbara Lezzi su Facebook, dopo le proteste dei no Tap
Riferendosi al sindaco di Melendugno Marco Topì, Lezzi ha detto: "Non può dirmi dove andare, a casa mia ci torno quando e come voglio, perché non ho nulla di cui vergognarmi e vado a testa alta"
Dopo le accuse di tradimento degli attivisti No Tap, le tessere elettorali e le bandiere M5s bruciate, la ministra del Sud, che storicamente si era battuta contro la Tap, risponde a muso duro ai movimenti
"Il fuoco non è mai la soluzione, il fuoco e le minacce non sono mai le risposte a niente", ha commentato in serata Salvini
Scende in campo anche il premier Giuseppe Conte in una lettera aperta ai cittadini di Melendugno
Scrive: "Chi sostiene che lo Stato italiano non sopporterebbe alcun costo o costi modesti non dimostra di possedere le più elementari cognizioni giuridiche
Se il governo italiano decidesse adesso, in via arbitraria e unilaterale, di venire meno agli impegni sin qui assunti anche in base a provvedimenti legislativi e regolamentari, rimarrebbe senz'altro esposto alle pretese risarcitorie dei vari soggetti coinvolti nella realizzazione dell'opera e che hanno fatto affidamento su di essa"
"Ho detto l'altro giorno che adesso è arrivato il momento di "metterci la faccia" e lo sto facendo io personalmente, a nome del governo
Mi dispiace, peraltro, che i parlamentari pugliesi siano stati criticati e contestati
Sono reazioni che mi sembrano a dir poco ingenerose. Sono stato personalmente testimone dell'appassionato e infaticabile impegno che hanno profuso, in tutti questi mesi, al fine di mantenere la parola assunta con i propri elettori
Se "colpa" deve essere, attribuitela a me". Secondo Conte "le variabili per poter quantificare l'esatto ammontare dei danni sono molteplici e alcuni dati essenziali sono nella esclusiva sfera di controllo delle società coinvolte nel progetto
E' certo però che, interrompendo il progetto Tap, lo Stato italiano verrebbe coinvolto in un contenzioso lungo e perdente, i cui costi potrebbero aggirarsi, in base a una stima prudenziale, in uno spettro compreso tra i 20 e i 35 miliardi di euro"
"Caro Giuseppe Conte se sostieni che esistano carte nascoste e penali dimostralo
Se invece parli dei costi di un risarcimento erano ben conosciuti da tutti. In primo luogo da quelli che hanno detto che avrebbero chiuso il Tap in due settimane
Fai la persona seria". Così, in un tweet, l'ex ministro dello sviluppo Carlo Calenda risponde al premier Conte
Dice Lezzi, la cui foto è stata bruciata oggi da alcuni attivisti: "Il Movimento 5 Stelle non ha dato nessuna autorizzazione a Tap, noi ci ritroviamo ora nella condizione di non poter fermare una procedura già chiusa: avviata, svolta e conclusa dal governo precedente"
A chi gli rimprovera che sapeva tutto sul trattato internazionale dal 2013 Lezzi replica "Certo, l'ho sempre detto e abbiamo cercato l'aiuto di tutti i partiti politici per bloccare quella follia nel 2013
Abbiamo chiesto l'aiuto di chi oggi si straccia le vesti dicendo che lì il gasdotto non andava fatto" ma "quando era approdato al voto del Parlamento quel trattato, sono stati tutti zitti
Tranne noi che abbiamo detto di no". LO SPECIALE OPERE BLOCCATE DAI 5S Il percorso di Tap, ha ricordato la ministra, "parte molte anni fa e man mano le condizioni cambiano, ma a febbraio 2018 a Melendugno dico durante la campagna elettorale che sarebbe stato difficile fermare Tap perché erano passati ormai anni dalla ratifica del trattato ed erano subentrati dei contratti di acquisto e di vendita del gas che ci sottopongono a costi esorbitanti
Nel trattato si parlava già dell'approdo proprio a San Foca. Perché lì? Non lo sappiamo, c'erano interessi che non conosciamo di Vittorio Potì, zio dell'attuale sindaco che insite che vuole proprio lì l'approdo di Tap", ha aggiunto
"Il Partito Democratico ha messo le mani ovunque e ora parlano. Parla Emiliano che dice di sentirsi tradito
Tradito da cosa e da chi? Tradito dal tuo partito che ha voluto lì quell'approdo e tu ancora sventoli la bandiera del Pd
Dimettiti, in piena contestazione con il tuo partito quel gasdotto e lo ha voluto lì a San Foca", ha aggiunto il ministro
Durante e prima della campagna elettorale sono stata contestata dai NoTap con i quali non ho mai avuto un buon rapporto
Non hanno mai calcato i nostri palchi né condiviso la battaglia con noi e questo è legittimo ma allora sono gli ultimi a poter chiedere le mie dimissioni
Non rispondo di certo a un Gianluca Maggiore", concluso Lezzi riferendosi al portavoce dei No Tap
La Lezzi era stata in prima fila contro la Tap. Il 27 dicembre 2013 gli esponenti del governo, il sottosegretario allo Sviluppo economico Claudio De Vincenti, e l'assessore regionale alla Trasparenza Guglielmo Minervini vennero pesantemente contestati dai comitati
Anche la ministra era in sala e accusò il governatore Nichi Vendola "di fare solo poesia", dal momento che la questione dell'apporodo del gasdotto è materia di comptenenza della Regione
Dall'opposizione Lezzi tuonava: "Il governo - disse il 30 agosto 2014 - prosegue con le sue campagna di menzogne, intorno al gasdotto e mira ad asservire i cittadini con promesse di sviluppo, occupazione e risparmi in bolletta
La Tap non porterà nuova occupazione". Il 31 marzo 2017 Lezzi e Di Battista marciarono in corteo, spiegando che l'M5s "è da sempre in prima linea in questa battaglia per difendere il meraviglioso territorio pugliese"
I Cinquestellero fecero il pieno dei voti in Puglia anche dietro la promessa di non realizzarla mai
"E' un'opera inutile e dannosa", disse da neoministra, a giugno, Barbara Lezzi. Poi i mesi sono passati e alla fine il governo ha confermato che l'opera si farà, facendo esplodere un pezzo di base Cinquestelle
Erika Says Goodbye to Dominick • Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper ~ FEMALE FANDUB READY - Duration: 0:54.
Dominick- I- All my life i've dreamed of being free!
Now my debts been paid- Thanks to Anneliese
Everywhere! I wanna sing! See the world!
I couldn't...
No promises?
So now guys: your first goal.
My advice for you is to begin with a little race, a little competition
15 to 21km is fine.
with a little elevation gain, like 500 or 600m (up and down)
I think if you follow my advice, you can do it easily
and finish the race at a good place but anyway, if you're a finisher, no matter your ranking, it's always good.
And you feel so good to finish a running trail and enjoy the landscape
the atmosphere with other runners,
I really enjoy each race. I always discover other cultures as well.
It's amazing. So my advice is: do a short race
And here's a little program for you: follow my advice for 2-3 months and you can do your first race after 10-12 weeks
And if you want more advice, ask me in the comments
and tell me which race you'd like to do
and also what you do during your trainings.
And if you want more advice or specific programs, I can do that for you ;)
Thank you.
Apparently, it's okay.
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