500g (4 cups) all-purpose flour. 7g (1 pkg) instant dry yeast. 12.5g (1 tbsp) sugar. 4g (3/4 tsp) salt. 30ml (2 tbsp) oil. 375ml warm water.
Knead for 10 minutes
The dough is flexible and soft but doesn't stick. easy to knead.
Cover until doubled at a warm place (first proof)
Form a loaf
Well-greased loaf pan 24x11x6 cm
2nd proof for 40 minutes
Bake at 200°C (400°F) preheated oven, for 45 minutes. cover with foil if get brown faster.
For more infomation >> White Bread Recipe | Sandwich Bread No Egg No Milk - Duration: 3:21.-------------------------------------------
Why Venus Could Doom 'Habitable' Exoplanets - Duration: 4:37.
[ ♪ Intro ]
Every now and then, you might see a headline about a newly discovered "Earth twin":
an exoplanet roughly the size and mass of Earth that could have liquid water on its surface.
Astronomers are searching for these kinds of planets because they could potentially harbor life,
or, maybe more realistically, could teach us more about our home.
But there's also a problem:
Just because a planet checks these boxes doesn't mean it's anything like Earth.
Because by those standards, we already have an Earth twin in our own solar system.
It's a planet a little less massive and less dense, but made out of the same building blocks,
and just at the edge of the liquid water Goldilocks zone.
But there isn't liquid water on the surface.
There's liquid metal.
And sulfuric acid clouds.
I'm talking about Venus.
And that means we likely need to reconsider the conditions for a habitable planet.
Thankfully, scientists have proposed a solution.
Some research suggests that, for its first few billion years,
Venus was once a true, habitable Earth twin.
Then, around a billion years ago, it underwent a massive global warming that spiraled out of control,
boiling away its oceans and heating its surface to over 460°C.
Its atmosphere is now 92 times thicker than Earth's, and nearly 97% carbon dioxide.
So, no matter how close in size it is to our planet, it's not a place you'd want to visit.
And today, it's definitely not one that can support life as we know it.
No one knows for sure what caused all of this,
but one team has argued that Venus's fate may have come down to its distance from the Sun.
So, to help us understand exoplanets like it,
they've suggested a new way to think about orbits.
Today, most astronomers think about them in terms of the habitable zone:
the area around a star where a terrestrial planet could have liquid water on its surface.
But this team proposed a parallel to that called the Venus zone.
It's the region where an Earth-like planet could start out habitable,
but be doomed to a runaway greenhouse effect.
And better understanding it would help our hunt for real habitable worlds in the final frontier.
The exact distances of the Venus zone are based on how much radiation is being emitted from a system's star.
More massive stars emit more energy per second, so the zone there would start farther away.
And for less massive stars, the opposite is true.
But regardless of exactly how far it is,
the inner edge of the Venus zone is how close a Venus-like planet can get
before its star's radiation completely strips away its atmosphere.
It means that, anywhere in the zone, a planet like this could maintain some kind of air,
which, you know, is good for anything that wants to live there.
The outer edge of the Venus zone, though, is really key for studying other worlds.
It's the same thing as the inner edge of the habitable zone.
And a planet's fate looks dramatically different depending on which side of that line it's on.
On the habitable side, a planet with surface oceans could keep them.
But on the Venus side, they would eventually boil away.
In other words, an exoplanet in its star's Venus zone could have water on its surface right now,
but someday, it won't.
Because at that distance, the planet's oceans would undergo runaway evaporation.
Oceans are a crucial part of a planet's carbon cycle,
or how carbon gets stored and released, and where.
When there's less surface water,
more carbon gets stored in the atmosphere as greenhouse gases, like CO2.
But those extra gases also cause the temperatures to rise, so more of the planet's oceans evaporate.
That creates a positive feedback loop that ends with a super hot world and no oceans.
And it's all sparked by being a little too close to the star.
As scientists find more Earth-sized planets,
the Venus zone will be really valuable for understanding whether or not they're actually like our home planet.
And it could also help scientists pin down exactly how important a planet's distance to its star is for habitability.
Still, this system isn't perfect yet.
Currently, the boundaries of the Venus zone are based entirely on climate models,
and theoretical ones at that.
But that makes sense.
It's only been seven years since we found our first rocky exoplanet,
so our sample size is pretty small.
It's also worth noting that these models might not be bulletproof.
After all, Venus does have other properties different than Earth's that might have contributed to its fate.
So, to really figure out which planets are exo-Earths and exo-Venuses,
we'll need to learn more about the worlds themselves, too.
Some scientists have already started to work on this,
but we won't be able to confirm many key details, like, about the planets' atmospheres,
until the James Webb Space Telescope launches.
As a next-gen telescope, it will have sensitive equipment dedicated to detecting signals from planets all those light-years away.
Still, one day, thanks to Venus, astronomers will be able to study how habitability could evolve on seemingly Earth-like worlds.
And in the meantime, we'll need to study the original Venus, more, too.
The better we know our neighbor, the better we'll be able to pin down why we, and exoplanets,
ended up so differently.
Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space!
If you'd like to keep learning about the universe with us, and exploring everything from exoplanets to black holes,
you can go to youtube.com/scishowspace and subscribe.
[ ♪ Outro ]
I Lost My Best Friend Over Drama At The Halloween Dance - Duration: 3:27.
So I met this girl named Kendall in the third grade she and I became like really
close like we did like everything together so fast forward we were friends
for like a long time like third grade fourth grade fifth grade and I was
excreted so there is this Halloween dance and everyone's like so excited
they're all talking about it and when she was like oh my gosh like it's gonna
be so fun before Halloween leading up to the party we had this thing called
spirit week where we were dressed up like a taco tuesday worki Wednesday and
the whole week Kendall just seemed really mad at me and she was like giving
me like the death look she was just like oh it's being about mean I don't really
know why so I just kind of ignored it and I talked to my good friend Alexa
about it I was like you know like why Kendall's mad at me like did I do
anything like oh my gosh like she was like don't worry about it um
coby's go by and it is the day of the Halloween dance I'm this like party I'm
like dancing I'm like hitting the whip and stuff I was like dancing alone my
friends and I get like really tired so I go get a cup and I get some juice and
then I go sit on the bleachers and just quietly cool down next thing you know
chase who was Kendall's other really good friend and then I'll come over to
me and chase starts like screaming at me he was like oh my god you're the worst
you're so mean I cannot believe you and that Kendall is like crying and then I
was like really confused chase was like you are like the worst friend ever and
we didn't want you to be our friend anymore and kinda was like yeah like we
don't want you to be our friend anymore and I was like what what why like I
don't understand what I did and they were like you have to like not be our
friend anymore like we don't want to be like with you like we don't want to be
seen around you and I was like okay I guess and I started crying and they were
crying and then everyone was like taking sides you know team Kendall or team
August and it was like not my best moment I was really upset so we've been
friends for so long so a couple weeks go by and I'm still like really upset
people are like making stuff up like we threw hands at each other like we like
fought or like i friend-dumped her never I was like why did you do that I was
like I didn't do anything and I was like really upset and then everyone was just
like being really mean about it and so I was really alone because with my loss
Kendall I lost all of her friends which were my friends it was really hard for
me because that's when I lost my best friend on Halloween so the rest of my
Halloween was having really bad wasn't my favorite and ever since then like
Halloween is just like brings back memories of that night I'm in eighth
grade now and mean Kendall still don't talk but that's okay cuz now I have a
really good group of friends and people who will support me through everything
Ford Kuga - Duration: 1:06.
Ford Kuga - Duration: 1:06.
Ford Kuga - Duration: 0:43.
Ford Kuga - Duration: 1:06.
Škoda Fabia 1.0 TSI Greentech 95pk Clever - Duration: 1:06.
Ford Ka 1.2 Cool & Sound start/stop | Airco | Weinig km | Dealeronderhouden | - Duration: 1:11.
6IX9INE - STOOPID ( PARODY DRACO) FT. BOBBY SHMURDA #FrenchParody - Duration: 1:21.
I'm fed up of people in love !
They spend their time kissing and caressing each other !
While single people like us kiss chicken.
We can't hang out without seeing them express their love !
Yeah, we're fed up !
It's the Single Team , sponsored by Draco !
Long Live Celibat, f*ck love it's for liars !
The'll said that we're are jealous whereas it's not true !
Okay , I admit that we're a little bit.. Enough !
Today, I have a message for all the lovers, you'll be...
sla slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slaped !
No more public kisses, otherwise you'll be...
punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punch punched
"Baby", "hunny" all those names are very...
stu stu stu stupid !
"My honey","my sugar" , there are...
dumb-d-dumb-dumb-dumb ! ( I'm talking rubbish..Lmao)
We're fed up !
They talk about wedding , in my case my wife is my pillow !
They distrurb us in train, metro . That's a bit much !
Man, stop hating on us, it's not our fault if you're all single . Ohoho( Freezer's laugh)
Your girlfriend flirts with me in DM.
WTF ?!
What about you ? Team Single or Team Love ? Give your answer in the comment section.
It was Draco.
The apostle of Future.
Subscribe in a subscribtion subscriptive !
Share the video.
It's finish.
[FREE] Icy Narco Type Beat 2019 - "GhostBusta" | Free Type Beat | Trap Instrumental 2019 - Duration: 3:59.
[LEGENDADO] BTS Summer Package 2018 - Duration: 0:29.
Toc toc ! C'est Qui ? La vengeance ! (Divinity Original Sin 2 gameplay FR #40) - Duration: 1:30:22.
Unpacking South Dakota's K-12 math standards - Duration: 5:41.
The unpacking process is really, really
important because teachers need to be
supported in their understanding of the
standards and how those standards then
play out in classrooms and the most
important things to emphasize and
understand when students are learning
those different pieces of the standards.
So we have brought together a group of
educators. We have teachers from every
grade K-12. We also have special
educators who have come along to help us
unpack the standards and think about
them from different perspectives. We also
have administrators who have come and
then professors from our different
universities. So we have a wide range of
stakeholders that have come to help us
with this process, so that we can get
them out to teachers across the state in
order to support them in doing the best
things we can for kids in mathematics, K-12.
The last 13 years I have been the
7-12 principal for our district, and this
year I'll move to K-5. So the reason I
participated in the process was to better
understand the primary standards,
especially for mathematics as we go into
implementation of new curriculum and
looking at different things that we'll
do as a school. Being part of the
kindergarten group kind of helps me
learn some of those primary standards as
I've never been in a kindergarten
classroom per se, teaching math. The only
thing I have is, I have had children go
through kindergarten. And so, you know, my
middle was just in kindergarten last
year, so as I go and say, 'Okay, well when I
was working with him, or when we talk,
this is kind of how he says it. Is that
accurate, or where is it?' You don't think
about having to break it down that
small, is some of the 'a-ha' because you take
for granted that they just know what an
equation is, or they just, you know, the
word 'addition' is putting things together
not having to teach them that addition
means putting things together, or
composing, or whatever that term is, and
subtraction is taking apart. Where you
don't think of it that way
as you get into the middle and
high schools.
Well, as a professional educator, I had
previously worked on the writing of the
standards over the past couple of years
in a work group for second grade and now
with the unpacking of the standards,
we're hoping to bring more clarity for
educators, for teachers, what those
standards, what the intent of those
standards are. Fortunately within my work
group I'm a part of, in
second grade, we have gone through this
entire process together. That group
has not changed, and so our level of
comfort with one another to be able to,
you know, discuss things on a deeper
level of what
the intent of those standards are, has
allowed us to be able to have those deep
conversations. And you know, sometimes it
can be, I guess, a bit of a debate, if you
want to use that word. Sometimes it's
just a matter of one person kind of
putting their thoughts out there and
saying, 'You know, what do you think about
this? Am I understanding this correctly?'
And you know, sometimes we could just say,
'Yeah, you know, that's exactly how I,
you know, was seeing that standard or how
I would visualize that happening.' But
other times, we can offer suggestions or
offer our own insight into that, that
allows then for us, as a group, to mold
what that standard is going to look like
and to put it into writing what our
understanding is. Sometimes, you know the
agreement is there right away.
Other times we have to discuss things.
Well, when you when you go through a math book,
and you're looking at the scope and
sequence, it plots it out for
you, but you don't always understand why
they're bringing it in at that point in
time. And going through the standards and
unpacking them helps me understand that,
okay, this relates to this subject, and we
are bringing it up now, so that when the
kids are older, we can relate it back to
this, and they have something familiar to
make that connection with. The document
that we are creating is...You read it, and
anyone should be able to
understand it and know exactly what it
means and what the students need to know.
I would recommend first looking them
over at the beginning of the year and
kind of getting some ideas, jot some
notes down on things...you know, what you
might like to do, when you would use a
certain lesson. But then look at them
before each chapter as well, and maybe
sometimes every day. I've
been in classes where the teacher will
write on the board: 'Today we are learning
to...' And then they write the standard on
the board. So the teacher knows they have
covered it, the students can make that
relationship to it.
I think letting the students see these
as well will help them understand why
they're learning these things.
Blood Shields, Tony Hawk's Hoverboard And 7 Biggest Features In Warframe Fortuna - Duration: 11:39.
Hello and welcome to Rock Paper Shotgun!
Exciting times are afoot in Warframe, as the big Fortuna update fast approaches.
It's due for release in November and I was given a tour of its new open world area, Orb
Vallis, and shown some new features.
If you've already seen our Fortuna video from Tennocon, this footage shows off some
of the ideas more clearly and we've got loads more info on everything from hoverboards
to bounties to the new warframe Garuda and her magic wall of blood.
Which is as awesome as it sounds.
Lots to get through, so let's jump on the k-drive and do it...
Say hello to the Orb Vallis - if you can defrost your lips to talk, that is.
Considering this is on the surface of Venus you might find the frosty climate a bit unusual
- the average temperature is meant to be 464 degrees celsius.
But in this fictional universe, the planet was visited by the Orokin - basically the
Roman Empire of Warframe - who terraformed it with coolant towers.
These went haywire and turned it into a permanent winter.
Might be a potential solution to earth's own ecological woes.
Having shown they could handle open world areas in Plains of Eidolon, the aim here was
to create a planet with some Orokin flair - the mixture of fantastical nature, like
forests of giant mushrooms - and huge alien-made structures looming on the horizon.
Whip out your trusty arcwing and you get a sense for how massive the space is, but also
how much more varied it is than the last area - a world that put the plain in plains.
As I watch this footage I'm actually reminded of what Bioware are trying to do with Anthem
- flying over these incredible mountain peaks really does look as epic as that game's
jetpack-powered fun.
In fact, the more I think about it, the more Anthem's Javelin suits begin to look and
behave like Warframe's Warframes - the big difference is that this is free to play.
And Anthem isn't.
There are also vast cave networks hidden beneath the surface - these hide unique ecosystems,
which means you can find rare species of animals and fish - more on them in a second.
There are even hoverboard race courses that take you through them, which sounds like a
recipe for concussion to me.
All this is good, but I'm more interested in seeing a world that feels more like a world
- all the activities aside, I think there's going to be a sense of discovery here that
I never quite got in Plains of Eidolon.
Also, if Plains were a playground for the Grineer enemy faction, then Venus is all about
the Corpus.
Think of an evil capitalist robot army stripping the universe of its ancient technology.
They've mined giant bases deep into the landscape where they extract the secrets of
the Orokin and do experiments of local wildlife.
It really is a crime to deface an ecosystem as impressive looking as this, so go inspiration
to smash them up/
What better way to stick it to capitalist pigs then, er, fishing.
Yeah, that's right, I'm going to take all your robot fish.
That'll teach ya for oppressing the people.
Unlike Plains, the fish here are made of metal, so traditional spear fishing is swapped for
an EMP based version.
You sit on the bank, target a mechanical mackerel and throw your spear - this time you have
to hit the Pulse marker on a swing meter to zap the fish and grab it.
Unlike flesh fish, these aren't rated on size, but are valued based on how much you
damaged them during retrieval.
Look at that beauty!
That's the best robocod since James Pond.
There are 14 species of fish to hunt at launch but the activity is not as necessary to progress
through the wider area as it was in Plains of Eidolon.
Sounds like it can be more of a hobby, which is a jolly way to spend a few hours.
If you prefer your animals with a bit more meat on their bones you can also take part
in conservation missions.
At launch there are five species to rescue from the Corpus, which involves finding a
location you can lure them from - the hunting interface at the top of the screen tells you
if one is nearby.
Once at the spot you call to the animal with an echo lure - you need to use this to replicate
their call and convince them that you are a small fluffy animal and not a seven foot
tall death machine.
Successfully trick those dumb beasts and you can sneak up and tranquilise them.
It looks like a nice change of pace from the endless murdering elsewhere, more focused
on stealth and creeping through the weird landscape.
As fun as EMP spears and echo lures are, I imagine the thing most people are here to
see is the K-Drive - Warframe's answer to the hoverboard.
The board is given to you by ventkids - a gang of orphaned mini Banksys, who live in
the city below and make a terrible racket with homemade drums.
It's a good thing you can go to the surface to get away from the noise.
What with Orb Valli's vast size, the K-drive is a necessity to get from A-to-B, although
riding it does let you perform tricks which earns you standing with the ventkids - they're
basically a small side syndicate with their own K-drive gear and mods to purchase in exchange
for impressing them.
A little trick meter in the bottom corner makes you think Warframe is turning into Tony
Hawk's in space - the only place he's allowed to skate after stinking up earth with
the dreadful Pro Skater 5 - but the systems are much friendlier than those games.
You are magnetised to rails for easy grinding, and tricks are more about flourishes as you
thunder forwards at speed.
As you unlock more boards and mods you'll be able to go even faster, which is an enticing
Find a ventkid out in the wilderness and they'll challenge you to race a fixed course - hitting
light gates along the route doesn't look to tricky, but performing tricks lets you
propel your board over impossible gaps for even better times.
It's nice to see Digital Extremes making better use of all that space they've built
- an open world is meaningless without fun to fill it after all.
You will also be able to use your K-drive in plains of eidolon, but when i ask the team
if they'll be adding races or the ability to earn ventkid standing there, there is no
clear answer.
Things tend to evolve in Warframe to fit the fan interest, so I guess we'll see if the
k-drive scene really takes off.
The meat of your time on Orb Vallis will be spent doing bounties - these are the grindy
meat and potatoes of the open world that earn you standing with the Solaris United, who
are the workers trapped in debt to the Corpus.
Bounties change in a couple of really smart ways.
For starters, you can now collect bounties out in the open world.
You don't have to return to Fortuna as you had to return to Cetus in Plains of Eidolon.
Once you are out roaming you can keep on roaming and racking up those tasks - well, until you
hit the standing cap for the day.
The bounties themselves are a bit more freeform - it's still a lot of kill X of X, but you
can do them anywhere in the map, not just in fixed areas dictated for no real reason.
They'll also have bonus objectives for bigger rewards - in our demo the bounty is to kill
thirty enemies, with a special pat on the back if you do it in less than three minutes.
Okay, these aren't world changing ideas, but anything to give the grind a bit more
energy or motivation has to be welcomed.
If you're a new player, coming to Warframe fresh, you should be able to get to the fun
quite fast, too - once you arrive at Fortuna - Venus is the third planet in the game, so
you'll get there pretty quickly - there's a quick introduction bounty and then there'll
be enough bounties to earn what's needed for the basic gear.
Your spear and conservation goods should be with you soon.
Warframe has a reputation for eating hundreds of hours, but you should be able to get a
good feel for what's here in decent time.
This next point is not specifically tied to the Fortuna Update - its release dates are
still up in the air - but let's quickly talk about the Warframe used during our demo.
This is the 37th Warframe to be added to the game, called Geruda.
In the team's own words, she has a 'bloodmage meets gore' theme.
What this translates to is a rather sinister character whose entire moveset is about about
blood - not just spilling it, but using it for herself.
Her first ability, for example, grabs an enemy, tears them in half and sucks their blood into
a shield that blocks incoming damage from the front.
When you grow bored of a shield made of your enemies blood - not that you'd ever grow
bored of that - you can throw the blood back at other enemies.
Imagine how cross you'd be if someone threw your friend's blood at you.
I'd be really cross.
She can also consume half her own health pool to cover herself in blood - it gives her extra
energy to use for her other abilities and also boosts her damage, as her attacks get
stronger the less health she has.
It's a risk reward mechanic that is nice balanced by her second ability that causes
a giant spike to impale enemies and start bleeding them dry, turning it into health
for anyone who stands in the nearby radius.
So the art to mastering Geruda hinges on balancing health and power, judging when best to take
that hit and when to replenish.
It looks like devilish fun.
And if that's too subtle for you, you just need to whip out her ultimate attack which
surrounds her with a mass of rotating blades.
She basically becomes a walking blender, churning up anything she comes in contact with.
Time for a special Corpus-themed episode of will it blend.
The answer: of course it'll blend.
It will blend horribly.
As I said, it's not guaranteed that she'll turn up alongside the the Fortuna update - but
all that bloody red would look wonderful against the crisp white snows.
There are lots of other features due in Fortuna - many of them covered in our earlier video
- there's a link in the description.
As well as all this good new stuff there's the city of Fortuna itself, where you can
piece together secondary weapon kit guns - which is a ranged riff on the modular melee weapons
you build on Ceetus.
Or there's the option to build your own MOA, a bipedal mini mech that helps out in combat.
In a delightful touch you can install an emotional core to change their personality as it appears
in sounds and animations.
Don't know about you, but I fancy owning a really sensitive killing machine.
There's also the planets alert system that raises the more carnage you cause - the more
havoc you make, the higher the level and the more enemies spawn.
You can slow down the alert rise by shooting the alert markers as they call in guards,
but to become truly safe you'll need to break out of combat and cool off somewhere
Very GTA.
There are also the orb weavers - the giant robot spiders that lurk on the planet's surface.
We didn't see these in the footage, but these act like the giant Eidolon creatures
in Plains of Eidolon.
Although we've not seen the spiders in combat.
At launch you'll only be fighting three spaller species, and then the big daddies
will be introduced down the line - apparently they require teamwork and a hint of subterfuge
to bring down, which is an intriguing description.
I wonder if we'll end up boarding them like the Scarabs in Halo 3.
That would be amazing.
But all this is yet to be investigated in full - which won't take that long as the
Fortuna update is due to arrive in November.
We'll definitely be digging into it when it does, so please do subscribe if you enjoyed
this video or found it useful.
If you have any questions about what we saw and heard, do pop them in the comments and
I'll be sure to answer to them.
Now i better get back to daydreaming about k-drives and giant robot spiders.
Hopefully see you soon.
Bye for now.
Church's Chicken® | Honey Butter Biscuit™ Tenders | Food Review! 😛🍯🍗 - Duration: 5:48.
welcome to peep this out reviews with Ian K stay frosty
it's all about the latest from Church's Chicken for today's review as they're finally taking the
signature flavor from their awesome biscuits and adding it to what made them
famous in the first place so let's go in and they're all new honey butter biscuit
tenders an already a very crispy situation as always here at Church's
Chicken 3 100% white meat tender strips bread it up to a nice crispy golden
brown and that coating is actually the same as the biscuit that you get along
with it of course you can see it there on the side coated up with that honey
butter goodness on top speaking of honey butter we've got a side of it for
dipping so this is definitely gonna be honey butter overload and I got to say
the smell is absolutely glorious in my car right now
$5.00 promo does come with two sides I did get a side of mashed potatoes and
gravy as well as macaroni and cheese but I'm absolutely gonna be focusing on the
stars of the show which are these guys right here and it definitely looks great
so let's see if the flavor matches the greatness of these awesome looks here
this is the all-new honey butter biscuit tenders from Church's Chicken let's peep
out this flavor some pretty thick white meat nicely fried up with hints of honey
butter in the air let's dive in yeah these smell great it's the honey butter
biscuit tenders here at churchs
absolutely juicy after that first bite and I have to admit with this being
white meat you think it'd be a little bit drier than regular dark meat but
they did actually infuse the juices pretty nicely in this guy's I have to
admit when I bit down into that you instantly felt how moist the chicken was
and then after that a little bit of the saltiness from the coating comes in it
really does taste like it has a little bit of a thicker batter this time out
and that's obviously because it's similar to the biscuits that they use
but no real honey butter flavor that I'm getting from this one I think it's
really more gonna be from the sauce but guys nice thick white meat let's go for
another bite and then we're going for a dip hmm but before we get into that
dipping action let me show you the quality of the white meat up close here
as you can see nice and thick and absolutely juicy it's breaded up very
nicely guys fried to a crispy golden brown with just the right amount of
saltiness in tow I have to say guys that really is a highlight on top of the
overall juiciness of this very nicely done so far hey I know it's just the
chicken tender but it's a very tasty chicken tender at that this is
definitely one of my all-time favorite snacks if not meals with a side of ranch
maybe honey mustard so those are actually gonna be taking a back seat for
this review because we're definitely gonna get into the honey butter sauce
let's see what that does well it looks like honey but there are already strong
hints of butter in the air and the thickness is pretty decent on it too guys
take a look at that very nice let's go in you know the aroma is kind of
reminding me of the butter they use on movie theater popcorn and you know how
awesome that can be let's do it oh yeah that is straight movie theater popcorn
butter with some nice sweetness on the backend wow mmm super rich too nice with
the coating that is really really good mmm alright so it's pretty clear to me
now they're trying to emulate the flavor of the honey butter biscuit through the
sauce itself it's not so much in the coating of the chicken itself as it is
in what you're dipping it into and this is actually where it comes from all the
goodness you're seeing here is essentially what's around the chicken
when you have that glaze in effect I have to say the honey does make a
difference the sweetness is there and I'm gonna get into a bite of this right
now just to compare it for ya and hey I know the term world-famous does get
thrown around pretty often when it comes to describing how popular some foods are
but I gotta say it really fits when it comes to the honey butter biscuits here
at churchs guys these really are world famous let me hit it real fast mmm
absolutely I don't use that term lightly because this truly is world famous let
me give you a fast close up like I always say in their reviews and my
churchs chicken playlists popping up on your screen right now this is always a
treat to check out these honey butter biscuits are always the bomb light
crispy crunchiness on the outside a nice denseness yet airiness at the same time
on the inside and overall just lots of amazing flavor it's really one of the
signatures on the menu and for good reason and I have to say I'm really glad
the chicken this time out is breaded up with all that good stuff it kind of
makes me wonder why they waited so long to do that but either way I'm glad that
it's here and I have to say the honey butter sauce goes extremely well really
pretty much an extension of what that biscuit is just with some white meat
protein and man this is super thick and like I said very reminiscent in flavor
to the butter they use a movie theater popcorn with a little hint of sweetness
from that honey awesome one more shot of that honey butter
goodness on top of that white meat absolutely a very decadent sauce this
time out from churchs chicken guys and I have to admit the butter is really
really strong on it and I'm a fan of butter so this is easily up there with
one of my favorites already gotta love the fact that it's got honey too
yeah it's pretty rich tasting stuff so overall I'm gonna have to give the honey
butter biscuit tenders here at churchs chicken a rock-solid 9 out of 10 you
can't deny what you're getting for 5 bucks is not a great deal here guys
because it absolutely is the only thing I wish however is that the actual honey
butter itself is a little bit more pronounced in the coating and not so
much in the sauce that it came with but don't get me wrong I'm glad I had some
of that on the side to dip into I just think overall it could have been just a
little bit more in the coating itself to really make it stand out on its own
but hey it's still delicious nonetheless so what do you guys think
drop some comments down below are you guys generally fans of having honey with
fried chicken like this and if you are how does honey butter sound to you drop
those comments down below and definitely let me know and with that this is Ian K
closing out another episode of peep this out bringing you brand new content
every single week here on my channel so while you stay tuned for the next review
coming real soon in the meantime stay frosty hands down one of my favorite
versions of churchs chicken yet and I'm so glad their awesome honey butter
biscuits had something to do with that alright guys until next time
I'll talk to you soon
Miya Biwi Ke Darmiyan Mohabbat Ki Dua-Wazifa for Love Between Husband Wife Mian Biwi Me Mohabbat - Duration: 2:34.
It is the duty of a husband to take care of his wife
and love his wife immensely. And the wife is also expected to serve her husband.
She is obligated to obey the instructions of her husband.
Love her husband immensely.
Do not be so proud and lost within oneself that you never repent for your mistakes.
A wife should convince/assuage her angry husband
and the husband vice-versa
This wazifa for husband wife love can be performed by anyone, a wife or a husband or both.
Get one clean white paper and write the subsequent Quranic verse on this paper with any pen.
You can also get a print out of the above verses.
But you have to write your and your spouse name and mothers name
in falan bin falan and falan bint falan. (bin is for husband and bint is for wife).
write this verse
The entire para of the verse should be written
or you can take a print out
make a dua to create love between husband & wife
wrap this paper up in a cloth or something
and keep it with you, or tie around your neck
This is another image of the same verse.
Keep this amulet till you get satisfied with the favorable results
If ALLAH wills, this wazifa will seed love between husband and wife.
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