Hello friends, Namaskar
Today we have brought for you a very dangerous topic
let us look .
Topic is not dangerous but the information
given in it is about some
dangerous airports in the world.
Yes, friends, today we will know about the world's
10 dangerous airports.and today's topic is
suggested by subscriber Rahul janavekar
then you also give us your
suggestions in the comment box
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So friends let's start with this video of today
10. Lukla Airport, Nepal Airport:
Lukla Airport is located in Nepal.
People use to visit this airport,
mostly to visit Mount Everest.
The airport is located in the middle of the
mountains and not only this, but the
airport runway is also small.
Due to which many incidents have
happened here too. Here it is very difficult to fly
aeroplane and land
and we can say that the pilot which will be
flying aeroplane here
knows everything about the place terrain.
However, this airport is a beautiful place because the
view between the mountains is worth seeing
If you have a desire to see this airport
then do not worry,
many qualified pilots are hired here
But there is a saying that "his safety is good in his own
hands" which we cannot
like to fully implement.
9. Princess Juliana Airport-
Saint Martin Island Airport
The princess juliana international airport is located in Saint Martin
The important thing of this airport is that this airport
is near the beach
or is not exactly the same
Its runway is 2197 meters long
When there is a plane land here, it comes
through the beach
and people at the beach enjoy it very well and
are seen clicking their photo & videos
Do not you think it's a little too scary?
I personally feel that while making photos
and videos, you should take care of your safety
otherwise if unnoticed
your photo will hang on the wall.
God do not do it with anyone
No No..
8. Courchevel Airport,
France International Airport
Courchevel Airport is located in France
The airport's runway is the smallest,
which is only 525 meters.
It is extremely dangerous to fly an airplane here,
if your airplane does not catch a good speed,
then it may fall down instead
of flying up in the end
and it is difficult for the pilot to land
and take off on there.
because its runway is not straightforward
but in the shape of the slope
It can only be said that
it is very dangerous.
For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Dangerous and Beautiful Airports in the World - Duration: 8:56.
เจลลี่ปีศาจ Devil Jelly | 1 Minute Cooking - Duration: 3:54.
Devil Jelly
Hot water 170 g
Flavoured Gelatin Dessert 1
Cold water 100 g
Chill in Refrigerator for 5-10 minutes
Sugar 100 g
Brown food coloring
Types of People that are Hard to Deal With|HFE♪ - Duration: 11:36.
Types of People that are Hard to Deal With
You have to try to put yourself in the shoes of difficult people, since it's possible that they're problematic due to unsolved issues.
You've probably had to deal with difficult people that have left you stunned, frustrated and angry at some point in your life.
How should you react to these situations?.
As a first step, you should recognize the types of people that are hard to deal with.
In this article, we'll talk about the most common ones.
Types of People You Should Avoid.
It's true that sometimes you can't ignore or avoid certain types of people because they either work with you, are your neighbors, or are even part of your family.
However, you can identify and then minimize contact with them.
What are the most difficult personalities to deal with?.
Let's take a look.
See also: 5 Signs that You Are a Toxic Person.
Hostile Coworker.
It's impossible to get along with everyone at your job.
However, there are certain people who make it harder to go to work every day.
We're talking about aggressive, hostile, sensitive to criticism, and crabby colleagues.
They may react violently if they hear something they don't like because the emotions cloud their judgment.
If they treat you badly, don't be vindictive.
This way, you'll avoid future problems.
We also recommend you try to keep your cool when you're around them, don't judge their feelings, and set clear boundaries from the start.
The Helpless Victim.
These people are always depressed, sad, and are negative thinkers.
They believe that the world conspires against them and that nothing goes their way.
Beware, because they can use their personality to get what they want through emotional blackmail.
Talking about their own misfortunes, crying, and blaming others may be techniques they use so others can feel bad for them or tell them that they did nothing wrong.
The Chronic Complainer.
These kinds of people are like helpless victims, but instead of sadness, they come from a place of anger.
They're always complaining and see the negative side of everything.
This personality type tires people out because they never have anything nice to say.
You can't fall into their trap or use the same language that complainers use, because you'll end up totally bitter.
Indifferent People.
Oddly enough, dealing with a person who doesn't care about anything is also difficult.
As they don't express their feelings or opinions on different issues, sometimes dealing with them is a nightmare.
These people are often scared of rejection and keep to themselves.
Therefore, we never know what's up with them.
Overly Nice People.
The problem isn't that they see the glass "half full," it's their excessive optimism.
No matter what you say, this kind of person will always agree, smile, and say that everything is "wonderful.".
Such people constantly seek approval from others.
It's likely that this is the way they were raised.
However, this fake positivity can be very annoying, especially if you need an honest opinion or new ideas.
Hopelessly Stubborn People.
Stubborn people who would rather die than change their minds are also really hard to deal with.
When someone is ver stubborn, they don't care what others say or how they say it… They simply aren't interested in hearing other people's opinions.
They'll flagrantly contradict you without thinking twice about it and will want to impose their ideas above yours even when they're wrong.
There are two types of "scholars:" the ones that really know things and the ones that believe they do.
Dealing with both types can be quite annoying. You'll feel inferior or stupid when talking to them.
These kinds of people don't accept help, because anything you can do, they can do better.
Phony experts are usually charlatans or liars.
You must identify them at once to avoid trouble.
Obsessive People.
Perfectionism can be a positive or negative quality, depending on how it's used.
In the case of obsessive people, they are often also stubborn because they want things done their way.
They can also make us waste valuable time on useless details.
They spend several hours on a single task to make sure it's perfect.
How to Deal with Difficult People.
When you have to deal with these kinds of complicated people, you must have a strategy in place to make coexisting as harmonious as possible or to make sure it's not so obvious you're avoiding them.
Here are some useful tips:. Listen.
Listening is the main tool at our disposal, even when the other person is unbearable.
This doesn't mean you have to spend hours listening to whiny or depressed people, but simply try to understand them instead.
Keep your Cool.
Don't let yourself get carried away by other people's emotional baggage. Control your breathing, close your eyes, and count to 100 if you have to.
This way, you won't end up causing more problems.
Don't Judge.
Although these types of people are unbearable, you often don't know why they act the way that they do.
Maybe they were raised that way or are dealing with past problems or trauma.
Set Boundaries.
Sometimes, distance is the best solution, as well as not letting yourself be someone else's doormat.
You'll achieve your mission by being polite and respectful.
Make sure you don't forget your "please" and "thank you.
How to Minimize Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy|HFE♪ - Duration: 9:48.
How to Minimize Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy
Your thyroid is a gland located in your neck, specifically underneath your Adam's apple.
It's a part of the endocrine system and it filters thyroid hormones.
Thyroid hormones are responsible for regulating your metabolism, which is how your body distributes its energy.
This butterfly-shaped gland is made of two lobes.
When your thyroid produces low levels of hormones, it creates a condition known as hypothyroidism.
When someone has hypothyroidism, certain bodily functions, like food processing, slow down.
For pregnant women, the thyroid influences the pregnancy as well as the baby's development.
To protect the baby's health, the mother should have tests done and follow her doctor's advice.
Diagnosis and Control.
A blood test to measure thyroid hormone levels in the blood is basically all it takes to diagnose this condition.
The best thing to do is to get your thyroid gland under control before getting pregnant.
This way, you can reduce your likelihood of miscarriage or complications.
In some cases, it's difficult to diagnose hypothyroidism because it's confused with just pregnancy.
Even so, these are some signs of hypothyroidism:.
Uncontrollable weight gain. Constipation.
Intense sensitivity to cold temperatures.
Weak or brittle hair or nails.
Fatigue, tiredness, weakness, lethargy.
Irregular or heavy periods.
Muscle and joint pain.
Paleness or dry skin.
Sadness or depression. Slow pulse.
Cramps. Hoarse voice.
Facial swelling and droopy eyelids.
Treatments and Natural Remedies.
Normal medical treatment for pregnant women with hypothyroidism consists of taking levothyroxine.
This normalizes thyroid hormone levels in the blood.
Another substance might be iodine; during pregnancy, a woman should take at least 150 mg per day.
Additionally, every four weeks, you should have a blood test to be sure that your hormone levels are stable and that the baby is developing normally.
These medical treatments can also be complemented with natural remedies.
Last but not least, we have some great recipes for you to try….
Pineapple and Papaya Smoothie.
One tablespoon of seaweed (15 g) A whole green apple 1 slice of pineapple 1 slice of papaya A large grapefruit.
Add all of the ingredients to a blender and blend them until they are well-mixed.
Do not strain the mixture.Drink the smoothie for seven consecutive days in the morning before breakfast, immediately after making it.
This will help you maintain a healthy weight and healthy thyroid function.
Creamy Green Juice. Ingredients.
1/2 avocado, cubed 2 tablespoons of chopped spinach (30 g) 3 tablespoons of coconut milk yogurt (60 g) 3 tablespoons of green apple juice (37.
5 ml) 1 1/2 tablespoons of lemon juice (19 ml) 1/4 teaspoon of chlorella powder (0.
75 g). Preparation.
Put all of the ingredients in the blender or food processor until the mixture has a smooth and creamy consistency.
Chlorella is a seaweed rich in iodine, while the apple and lemon help detox your body.
Carrot Detox.
1 cucumber 5 celery stalks 5 carrots 1 lemon 1 cup of natural coconut water.
Blend all of the ingredients together and strain out the rest of the carrot and celery from the mixture.
For the best results, drink it every day for at least one week. Its main function is to restore normal hormone levels.
Spinach and Spirulina Smoothie.
A handful of fresh spinach Four or five medium carrots, chopped Two or three green apples Two celery stalks A teaspoon of spirulina (3 g).
First of all, blend the carrots, celery, spinach leaves and apples, and then add in the spirulina.
Drink this smoothie twice per day.
In addition to regulating the thyroid, it also contains many different vitamins and minerals as well as dietary fiber.
Pullareddy Style Ghee Mysore Pak Recipe || పుల్లారెడ్డి ఘీ మైసూర్ పాక్ || Indian Sweets - Duration: 3:32.
Ghee Mysore Pak
Ghee Mysore Pak
Ghee Mysore Pak
How to convert mol to mass | Grams to mol conversion – Dr. K - Duration: 3:23.
In this video we're gonna convert moles to mass and vice versa
using two examples. We can inter-convert from moles to mass and from mass to
moles using the molar mass of that substance. In order to perform this
calculation we'll first need to know how to calculate molar mass. I'll link the
video on the top if you need a refresher. Let's try out a couple of questions to
see how we can convert between these two things, moles and mass. Let's look at our
first question. It gives us 0.245 moles and it's asking us
to find the mass of zinc. We're gonna use dimensional analysis method to solve
this, so, we write out what we need to find which is the mass of zinc equals
what the question gives which is 0.245 moles and then we
place a multiple sign and draw a line across. Place what we want to get rid of
at the bottom which is moles and then it will cancel out like that and then we
place what we need to find on top which is the grams of zinc. We look at the
atomic mass of zinc in the periodic table and we get 65.39.
So we place that next to the grams and since it's the molar mass is the
mass for one mole that means it's one next to the mole. So, we do the math,
0.245 times 65.39 gives us 16.0 grams.
If you don't like solving using this method just remember if
you're given moles and you need to find mass, simply multiply the given number
with the molar mass. Moving on to our next and final question. This question is
the reverse of the first question. It gives us the mass and it wants us to
find out moles. We're gonna use the same method, so, we're gonna start by writing
out what we need to find and then equals what we're given 392 grams and times
draw a line across and then we place grams at the bottom so that we can cancel them
out. And then we place mol on top because that's what we need to find. Okay.
Now it's time to fill in the numbers since we're using molar mass which means
its the mass for one mole, so, we'll place one next to mole and then we need to
calculate the molar mass of CCl4 and that's 12 plus 4 times 35.45.
12 for carbon. 35.45 for chlorine which turns
out to be 153.8 grams. We take 392 times 1 and divided by 153.8
and we get 2.55 mols.
Don't forget to include the unit mol. Again if you're not into this way of
solving, all you have to remember is in going from grams to moles all you have
to do is you divide the given mass with the molar mass of the compound.
To recap, from the two questions we've worked on, when going from moles to mass we
multiply with the molar mass and in going from mass to moles we divide the molar mass.
I hope the video helped you out somehow. Do subscribe and thanks for watching!
【フォートナイト/PC】ガチソロやるよ! - Duration: 1:25:10.
[ENG SUB] 181027 AKB48 チームK 武藤小麟 Muto Orin SHOWROOM - Duration: 49:28.
Niitan-san is the first one
Good evening
Good evening
It's Saturday night
It's Saturday, right? It's Saturday night
Amazing. Thank you so much
My exam has finished, so I can stream after a while
Fan: Yesterday I went to Majimuri
Orin: Me too
Sense of freedom
Yes, I'm happy
"It finished!"
I wrote my studying materials on the papers
I also have it at school
but for the one at my house, I haven't taken them out
I wanted to take a commemorative photo of it. This morning
Those at my house, I spread them
I took a photo of them
The transparent red plastic sheet to cover up answer
I'll send the picture because I've captured it
The exam has just finished
So, I haven't written it (re: the mobile mail)
Yup, I took the picture
The exam always collides with theater stages
But, I did my best
Well, I'm not sure about it
Ah, there's a pumpkin gift. It's Halloween
Fan: Ayaka's exam is quite popular
Orin: Ah right, she said it
Good evening
Ah everyone, Let's Go Kenkyuusei Stage's
result has been announced
Do you win it?
Ah, there are people who win it
there are also people who lost
How was it everyone?
Do you win it?
It's Halloween stage
I'm happy
Fan: I lost
Fan: Cancel Machi (re: Waiting List)
Fan: I won
Fan: I'll watch it at the lobby
Orin: I see. It's amazing
Ah, the general (category) is still available
Then, please
Let's hope for the general one
Yup, Let's Go Kenkyuusei Stage
It's 16th Generation's Stage
on October 31st
It's invigorated for only a day
For those who didn't know about it, it seems like there's still the general (category)
So please
Try to apply for it, I'll be waiting. Today I also had rehearsal for it
It was amazing
Surprisingly I still remember it
But there are also things that I forget
I felt like, "Which one was it?"
Please look forward to it
Last year we also had Let's Go Kenkyuusei Stage
I was grateful
We were able to have Halloween Stage
It was amazing
The fans
The fans' quality (re: costume) was so amazing
It was great
The moment when the curtain was opened and we turned around
We laughed
No matter where we see it, it was so funny
It was not simply laughing
We erupted in laughter
I'm also looking forward to your costume
It was funny
I have an expectation
If you win it
Let's look forward to Halloween
There were many people who put a lot of effort
Last year
The costume was amazing
It was amazing and we took pictures together with everyone
With those people with elected costume
and members who performed on that stage
We took pictures together
Will there be another one this year? How is it?
It was amazing
Because there was one
put their best effort
It was serious
I don't know how it works this year
But, even if there is or there is not
Ah, this year there'll also be another one!
Then, everyone
Please look forward to it
Ah, we're doing it every year. Amazing
It is such a wonderful event/project
Fan: Has Tomu-chan returned home?
Orin: Tomu-chan probably is still at the stage play
Fan: I want to get into Team K's stage
Orin: I also want to do Team K stage. Somehow, with 16th generation
I'm happy I can do Halloween Stage with them.
But I also want to do Halloween Stage on Team K stage
It will be great if each team has it
But Halloween is only for a day, so probably it's impossible
After the voluntary training
I ate dinner with Ayamin
We mostly talked about how great Team K is
That's why, it will be great if we can do various things with Team K
Fan: Do you have a combi name with Ayamin?
Orin: No we don't
No, there isn't. But we have it, three of us
Team K (re: Orin, Ayamin, Kanabun)
By no means
We are always together like this
I didn't think that we could get closer like this
We were close, but how to say it?
I'm always together with Ayamin
I also wrote it on mail
On my SNS
It's full of Ayamin
Mail and Instagram Story
Right! Yesterday and Today I was with Ayamin
Yesterday we assisted Majimuri
Today also
We were also together at rehearsal place
I'm glad I'm in the same team with Ayamin
She said that she will come for sleepover
I said, "come!"
We also talked about school today
Ayamin is now working hard for it
It's Ayamin, not Ayumin
Fan: Today it's my birthday
Orin: Oh, congratulations!
Happy Birthday
Fan: It's my first time coming here. Excuse me, I'm coming in!
Orin: Please come in
Thank you
Fan: Orin is the cutest
Orin: But your name is "TomuSaho"
Meerkat avatar
I'm happy
Fan: your hair is shining
Orin: Really? Yeay, I'm happy
Fan: Yesterday the sale of goods was fun
Orin: It was fun
It was fun
We don't know who will we get from the photoset
It seems like we can't know about it
Because I saw the photoset
I asked "Who is your Oshimen?"
Then, they said "xxxx-chan"
Everyone roughly bought about 3 sets of it
I saw the photosets
I always did it
when I handed them out
It was amazing
The photosets are rare
with that outfit
Amazing. I also wanted them
the photoset
Fan: Your bang grows fast
Orin: Yes, probably it is
I see
The goods are amazing
Fan: Orin-chan's hair style is cute
Although it's only straight hair
Thank you
Fan: Did you dye your hair?
Orin: Many people told me this. But I didn't dye it
I haven't dyed it since I was born
It's silky, right?
Why was that?
I want to dye it
Fan: Is it because of the brightness?
Orin: Maybe it is
Maybe also because I use filter for my pictures
Maybe if you see me at theater stage, it won't look like this
I don't know
Tomu's one is amazing. At the tip of it is pink
It's amazing. She becomes Queen Bee
It's amazing. Right?
It's amazing. She dyed it at house
It's great
It's so simple to change your hair
I was surprised
It's good, especially it's halloween season
To dye hair by ourselves
We can do it
Fan: the color of skin also changes due to light.
Orin: The light is so amazing, right? It's natural. I really love it when I'm taking pictures
Yup, she did it by herself
That pink one, she did it by herself
Yes, she dyed it by herself
The hair color kits
She asked me to buy it
I replied on LINE, "alright"
It was in the middle of exam
That's why I went to buy it
After the exam finished that day
I was planning to buy it
I went to places like pharmacy and DonQ
But then, I was like, "Eh what should I buy here?"
I forgot
"What am I going to buy? Ah!"
"Right! I'm going to buy Halloween Costume for the handshake event"
I bought it
But then, I thought I forgot something else
Then, I went to pharmacy once again
"What am I going to buy in pharmacy?"
"Why am I in pharmacy?"
While thinking about it, I tried out the make-up taster
Then, I bought the make-up, "Alright, let's go back"
I hopped on train
After a while, "AH!"
I noticed my LINE
"Oh gosh, I forgot to buy it"
She sent an angry stamp
That's why, Tomu was at the stage play on that day
She couldn't buy it
For now her hair color is Tomu-ish, so she want to put pink on it
But I
the next day I will also have another subject
I had arrived at home
That's why
She told me, "Go and buy it!"
I said, "I couldn't go, tomorrow subject is hard"
It is there
Probably she bought it a few days later
This thing happens between siblings
I bought Halloween Costume
but, I didn't wear it for handshake event
Fan: How about your clothes that was spilled with Cafe Latte?
Orin: I've washed it and it has looked like as before
I want to do streaming with costume someday
I don't know why I talked about this
Fan: How do you feel about freedom after exam?
Orin: It feels great
Fan: Will Oguri wear a costume?
Orin: Probably we'll put it on her during Halloween
Should we?
I bought it the other day
It was there
I bought this
When it gets closer to Halloween
There are many cute stuffs for Halloween, so I can't resist to buy them
I'll try to put it on me
Isn't it cute? Monster
It will look good
to wear it to go to Disney
or USJ
It looks like this
Is it for dog? not for me?
It looks like it
Tsundere (re: unit song)
Can you see it?
It's a cute monster
My face looks like a monster
I'll wear it for another 2 minutes
Fan: Go to convenience store with it
Orin: It's awful, isn't it?
Put it completely
If I put it completely, my fringe
Amazing, it looks like it
People who I like
Fan: I've screenshot for about 100 times
Orin: Ah no, it's bad
It's messy
Fan: Are you in the wrong room?
Orin: No, I'm not. It's Muto Orin's room
Fan: Today you're not wearing black jacket
Orin: Yes, I'm not
It's one colour
Previously I wore black jacket
The light was striking
Therefore, today is white
I studied
I go one level up
Fan: Is jacket trending right now?
For all ages
It seems to be popular. I'm not sure
Is it only me who say it?
But for me, when I wear jacket
It became like this
Today, my jacket's brand is MILKBOY
It's rabbit. Can you see it?
Fan: I know it
Orin: Ah, I'm happy
Fan: Eh, that MILKBOY?
Orin: Eh, which one?
Ah you can't see it
Like this
It's cute, right? Rabbit-chan
Fan: The rabbit looks so real
Orin: Really?
It's a rabbit
Fan: Have you ever had a rabbit?
Orin: I had, two!
I had them in the past
Probably you have a rabbit portrait like this
Mogi-san who is also in the same team with me
She also has a rabbit
She showed the picture to me
Mogi-san's rabbit picture
It's so cute
But somehow
She showed it to me
I was like, "Aaaah, so cute"
Next time I want to say, "I want to meet with that rabbit-chan"
But I have no courage
I hope someday I can say it
Rabbit is cute
Fan: You will look good as Bunny girl
I also talked about it with Ayamin
With our favorite senior
We can't talk with them
Is there anyone who understand it?
I'm so nervous, I can't talk as usual
With other senior is alright
I also like the other seniors
But it feels different. Do you understand it?
Ayamin is also
She can talk casually with Mogi-san
But she gets nervous when she talks to Ami-san
The other day, Ayamin and Mogi-san
at the back stage, they did hyokkori han (re: kind of peek a boo, based on a popular JP comedian)
I can't do it
I have no courage like that
It was funny
I was jealous
Ayamin likes Ami-san and Mako-san
Kaori-chan also
She really loves Takahashi Juri-san
She's very excited when she talks about her
Yes, Kaori-chan can't stop talking about it
Yes, Kaori-chan can't stop talking about it
Fan: There is no Tomu-Oshi? (re: among 16th generation)
Orin: There isn't, but I'm not sure
I think there is no one who earnestly love her
But I don't know
Ayamin, on Ami-san's seitansai
She held the letter like this
It was funny
It would be great if I can also do it
Fan: It would be great if someday there will be Orin-Oshi like that
Orin: Yes, but perhaps it will be hard. But I'll do my best
Fan: Today's make up looks mature
Orin: Really?
I didn't think that I would do streaming
I only went to rehearsal place, so after that I did it like this
Fan: What are you going to do with your hair on Let's Go Kenkyuusei Stage?
I'll ask Yuiri-san to decide it for me. Please look forward to it
Please look forward to it
What should I do with it?
You should look forward to it
Yuiri-san is now in China
Yuiri-san knows what hair style looks good on members
She's good at it
She deliberately thinks about it for each of us
What will look good on me?
I'm relieved
When Yuiri-san picked it for me, it won't look weird on me
I'm looking forward to it
What will it be?
Mogi-san is also in China
with Renacchi-san
They took a video and put it on Instagram Story
They are very cute
I showed it to Ayamin and we were like, "Kyaaa"
Fan: Aren't they going to release 16th gen concert this year?
Orin: I also want to see it
Event that you do
I could see it for a bit. I'm looking forward to it
It's not "I'm looking forward to it", it should've been "it would be great"
I also want to see it
Is it possible to see it on DMM
I want to see it
I'm going to end it in a bit
Probably I'll end it at 21:45
It looks fun
As for musical instrument, I took piano lessons
I was learning piano
from I was 3 years old until 11 years old
but I can't read musical note
Yes, I learnt it for 8 years but I can't read the musical note
So, I just did it as it is
During that period, I could only play one song
So perhaps you can say I can't play it
There was such a thing like that
Then, I play recorder for musical class and also shamisen (re: three-stringed traditional Japanese musical instrument)
Yes, I can't read musical notes or musical score
I can read treble clef
But sometimes it turned to be bass clef
I can read it if I take my time
But in a split second, I can't read it smoothly
That's why I can't play a song
It's hard
Yes, I learnt shamisen at school
My legs were numb
During that class, my legs always went to sleep
But now, I can't play shamisen
I haven't touched shamisen in a long time
Then, what else?
Fan: Did you play "sakura" with shamisen?
Orin: Ah, I played "sakura"
I believe those who do shamisen always pick it up
Fan: Do you want to played saxophone again? (re: she played it for 16th gen concert)
Orin: Since I've remembered it, I want to do it again. Something with 16th generation
the other 16th generation, for that musical instrument
can play them. So,
if we're called to do musical instrument. I'll do it anytime with them
Fan: tomorrow is Nemousu's camp
Orin: I'm looking forward to it. I'm wondering which part will be used
I'm also wondering how will the editing turns out
My heart is pounding
I'm looking forward to it
It was very hot
It was tough but fun
What did we do? Please look forward for tomorrow
I see
Probably the last part
Was I with Naamin? Maybe yes
Please watch it
It was fun. It's Nemousu TV
I camped out with 16th generation
Please watch it if you can
It was fun
It was very fun
Which scene was that?
But, please look forward to it
It would be great to talk about behind the scene after it airs
For now, I don't know to what extent I can talk about it
Fan: Insomnia endurance race
Orin: I want to try
I want to try Insomnia endurance race. It looks fun
Fan: Did the Goddess of Fire appear?
Fan: How many parts will it be?
Orin: Ah, right. How many parts will it be?
Let's watch it
Watch it, watch it
Fan: I want Nemousu's shirt
Orin: Mine was green
Kanachan, Ayamin, and I were green
It's okay to say it because the last group photo was posted
yes, Team K! So it was green
Hair style
For a day we had it matching
It will be great to make it a sense of unity
With the three Team K members
watch it
watch it
I want 16th generation Oshi to watch it
Also for those who don't know about 16th generation, probably if you watch it
you'll know 16th generation for abit
Please watch it, I'm sorry my Japanese sounds weird
watch it
Fan: Is your tamagochi doing good?
My tamagochi now is the 5th generation
It's a guy, it's mametchi
There was no girls
I was troubled
I want it to proceed to next generation soon
Now, it's still the fifth
I'm troubled
Ayaka's tamagochi is also a boy, so I can't propose to him
I'm troubled
I'm troubled
But, I'll do something
I'm going to end it
Let's do the screenshot time
What should I do?
Please watch Nemousu
Then, then
I'll read the rank
I couldn't see the 13th person
Moji @
It's Korean
Can you read it for me?
Speaking of Korean, currently I'm into this lipstick
This lipstick is good
It's very silky
It's easy to put on
We can also use it for cheeks
I bought it yesterday
2 days ago? Yesterday? I recently bought it
Oh, you read it for me
Muto Tomu-san, Moji @ Muto Tomu san
Thank you. The meerkat is cute
Then, the 12th person
Thank you
11th, Boy @ Thai Fan-san. Thank you
Khob khun kha
Thank you
Ah there he is, Christopher Orin-san. Thank you
Thank you, then 9th
Kou-san. Thank you
8th Masa H Ringo-san. Thank you
The rank has changed
Ah it hasn't?
Changed for a bit
8th Sono Mama Ikeyo-san. Thank you
Those who haven't been called, please tell me
Then, I've called the 7th
6th Mashio-san. Thank you
The rabbit is cute
4th. Chau chau-san. Thank you
3rd Kachi heart, tomorrow I'll go to Majimuri's senshuuraku-san
Please enjoy it
Thank you
2nd Akimomo-san. Thank you
Then, 1st
Kyouhei, Kimi to Sugosu Heisei Saigo no Natsu-san
Thank you
Thank you
Well then
Thank you for watching on Saturday night
Please watch Nemousu TV tomorrow
The Halloween one
It is available, please check it
So, like that
I'm going to end it
For those who win it or not, please watch Halloween Stage on DMM
Let's have fun together
Halloween Party
with your best friend
Watch it with them, it might be interesting
Please please
Let's do Halloween together
Well then
Ah, if you follow this stream room,
when I stream next time, there will be notification
So please
How to convert mol to mass | Grams to mol conversion – Dr. K - Duration: 3:23.
In this video we're gonna convert moles to mass and vice versa
using two examples. We can inter-convert from moles to mass and from mass to
moles using the molar mass of that substance. In order to perform this
calculation we'll first need to know how to calculate molar mass. I'll link the
video on the top if you need a refresher. Let's try out a couple of questions to
see how we can convert between these two things, moles and mass. Let's look at our
first question. It gives us 0.245 moles and it's asking us
to find the mass of zinc. We're gonna use dimensional analysis method to solve
this, so, we write out what we need to find which is the mass of zinc equals
what the question gives which is 0.245 moles and then we
place a multiple sign and draw a line across. Place what we want to get rid of
at the bottom which is moles and then it will cancel out like that and then we
place what we need to find on top which is the grams of zinc. We look at the
atomic mass of zinc in the periodic table and we get 65.39.
So we place that next to the grams and since it's the molar mass is the
mass for one mole that means it's one next to the mole. So, we do the math,
0.245 times 65.39 gives us 16.0 grams.
If you don't like solving using this method just remember if
you're given moles and you need to find mass, simply multiply the given number
with the molar mass. Moving on to our next and final question. This question is
the reverse of the first question. It gives us the mass and it wants us to
find out moles. We're gonna use the same method, so, we're gonna start by writing
out what we need to find and then equals what we're given 392 grams and times
draw a line across and then we place grams at the bottom so that we can cancel them
out. And then we place mol on top because that's what we need to find. Okay.
Now it's time to fill in the numbers since we're using molar mass which means
its the mass for one mole, so, we'll place one next to mole and then we need to
calculate the molar mass of CCl4 and that's 12 plus 4 times 35.45.
12 for carbon. 35.45 for chlorine which turns
out to be 153.8 grams. We take 392 times 1 and divided by 153.8
and we get 2.55 mols.
Don't forget to include the unit mol. Again if you're not into this way of
solving, all you have to remember is in going from grams to moles all you have
to do is you divide the given mass with the molar mass of the compound.
To recap, from the two questions we've worked on, when going from moles to mass we
multiply with the molar mass and in going from mass to moles we divide the molar mass.
I hope the video helped you out somehow. Do subscribe and thanks for watching!
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