Hi my name is youhei ozaki. Thanks for watch this video. This time talk about one reason what first time price of "Seitai" become free.
If you don't feel effect of "Seitai",i can't receive money.
At past,my knee was hurt. The rubbing bone method from that experience was born. I went the hospital when my knee get hurt.
But i couldn't know the cause of painful. Even if i receive inspection,there was not abnormal.
I didn't never give up after that. I looked for many treatment method with internet. I could to found some knee professional.
I went to meet some professional. But my knee didn't cure. I couldn't other some treatment by economical reason.
I used almost money,but my knee didn't become improve. I experience like that.
I couldn't feel treatment effect,my knee painful didn't change. I felt strong painful when climb stairs or get off the stair.
In terms of results,my symptom became improved by soften the knee around muscle with bath room. I found the pain point of knee.
I did soften knee muscle until become not painful. I could to become walk with no painful by that.
I was lucky. I am telling self care method from like that experience.
I was sad to don't know anyone the this easy self care. I hope that you don't take experience like past of me.
I felt the doubt about take money into treatment that don't feel effect. It could feel that cause i was therapist. Almost people use money for self purpose.
If you can't get self purpose,maybe you don't want pay money. It is only that.
Sense depending on people is different. But i think,case of don't feel improvement with first time is noting,that person don't want to pay money.
It come out effect with 5 times. It is also true. Person that receive treatment is think to feel the effect.
The first time price of "Seitai" from that reason is becoming free. Maybe almost my customers is have that sense.
Please remember it. Thanks for watch this video. See you!
For more infomation >> One reason what first time price of "Seitai" become free. - Duration: 5:37.-------------------------------------------
戚薇居然被沈夢辰搶風頭搶角色?這是得罪誰了? - Duration: 10:09.
戚薇居然被沈 夢辰搶風頭 搶角色?這 是得罪誰了 ?前兩天
一直在拍新戲 的戚薇
突然發了一條 微博
宣告自己在毫 不知情的情 況下
意外殺青?隔 著文字都能 感受到戚薇 的無奈和不 解。
大概是劇本臨 時被改
戚薇被寫死了 。
話說七哥不是 這部劇的女 主角咩!怎 麼會受到這 種待遇? 事實上
除了戚薇本人 毫不知情外
同組的搭檔男 主馬可也表 示很震驚。
而七哥一句: 多的是
你不知道的事 。
更是讓廣大吃 瓜群眾肯定 其中定有貓 膩。
同劇組的沈夢 辰也表示很 震驚。
不過看到沈夢 辰的慰問
網友們第一反 應是:說好 的戚薇是女 主的
不會是讓位給 沈夢辰了吧 … 大 家的擔心也 是不無道理 的。
幾乎也算是雙 女主戲。
按照之前電影 版
金鑲玉和邱莫 言戲份是差 不多的。
但是據戚薇官 方粉絲會表 示:七哥簽 約時
確實明確說好 是一番的。
而戚薇的提前 退出
自然會有人懷 疑劇組是不 是要把更多 戲份傾向於 沈夢辰。
戚薇最近在劇 組也確實受 到了一些不 公平的待遇 。
前不久劇組棚 內發生高空 墜物事件
工作人員失手 致使道具從 高空掉下來
差點砸到正在 拍戲的馬可 和戚薇。
戚薇經紀人發 的朋友圈表 示後怕。
這就是當時重 達數斤從高 空墜下的滑 輪。
再感受一下被 砸之後的地 面。
這要是砸到身 上
後果真的不堪 設想。
還記得七哥去 年年底剛剛 因為拍戲傷 到額頭啊。
之後恢復了好 長時間
直到現在額頭 的疤痕都還 很明顯。
沒過多久又發 生這樣的事 情
想必受到的驚 嚇也一定不 小。
劇組這時候的 所作所為就 讓人分外不 解了。
對象卻只有男 主馬可。
對戚薇受到的 驚嚇並沒有 做任何解釋 和道歉。
開始不帶戚薇 出場。
端午節主演都 有單獨的節 日祝福博
但沒有發和戚 薇有關的任 何東西。
之後的兒童節 宣傳
竟然也沒有一 張是戚薇。
雖然路人們可 能沒有注意 到
或者覺得是件 小事兒
但是粉絲們絕 不允許自己 的偶像受這 種委屈
紛紛開始討伐 劇組。
新龍門客棧給 戚薇道歉的 話題也很快 登上熱門。
於是官博被迫 刪了那條搞 事的微博。
然而沒想到事 情還沒有結 束
沒多久戚薇就 接到通知
被迫提前離開 劇組。
導致最後劇組 的殺青大合 照少了個女 主~這大概 也是史上罕 見的吧。
而戚薇發了那 條
劇組並沒有任 何表示。
要知道當時男 配殺青時
官博也是轉得 很熱鬧呢。
感覺戚薇真的 像是得罪了 誰
跟劇組鬧僵了 … 粉 絲們也終於 抑制不住怒 氣
官方粉絲團發 了聲明
細數劇組的四 大罪狀。
粉絲官方敢有 這樣的舉動
應該也是七哥 默許的吧。
本身就可能會 遭遇各種質 疑。
而劇組臨時改 劇本
隨意改劇情的 做法…更是 讓大家擔心 他們到底能 不能做出好 劇來。
話說這部劇可 是改編自梁 家輝、
林青霞主演的 經典武俠電 影
當時張曼玉版 的金鑲玉也 是深入人心 啊。
放蕩又傲氣堅 韌的客棧老 闆娘詮釋得 淋漓盡致。
也正是這部電 影
幫助張曼玉實 現了從花瓶 到實力演員 的轉型
並提名了第二 年的金像獎 影后。
而戚薇版的金 鑲玉…目前 看不到演技
我們可以先來 欣賞下造型 。
艷麗的紅衣老 闆娘~遠看 還是OK的 。
就莫名有了點 影樓風
缺一些古典美 。
沒有那種真實 的生活在大 漠的滄桑感
儘管人挺美挺 少女的
但是跟整個大 環境可以說 是很違和了 ~ 更 多的是比較 像網遊的質 感~ 媒體探班 時
不害怕和張曼 玉做比較。
這樣的製作… 感覺想要超 越張曼玉的 話
大概是不太容 易的。
當年電影版的 邱莫言由林 青霞飾演
仗義肝膽的女 俠
也讓大家印象 深刻。
話說林青霞飾 演邱莫言這 事中間還有 個小插曲
原本定的林青 霞是演金鑲 玉的
但是她不想破 壞自己的銀 幕形象
才繼續選擇了 邱莫言這個 俠女角色。
電視劇版的邱 莫言
選擇了沈夢辰 來飾演
迷死氧覺得還 是比較符合 的。
大大咧咧的沈 夢辰身上
是有那麼一些 俠女風範。
不過一旦她切 換到
身上的俠氣就 消失殆盡。
來張林青霞版 邱莫言的笑 做個對比。
而且就現場的 劇透照來看
不知道她是不 是進組前補 打了針
做表情時還稍 微有點不自 然。
沈夢辰版的邱 莫言
跟滿是情懷的 林青霞版相 比…估計也 沒什麼贏的 幾率吧。
順帶說下電視 劇版的男主
馬可這兩年的 資源還真不 錯
不過這部劇的 造型依然免 不了被吐槽 。
感覺他的好造 型真的在殺 姐姐階段就 消耗殆盡了 啊~ 話說當年張 曼玉和林青 霞就來了好 大一場女主 之爭
還有人不斷疑 問
到底誰是女一 號。
兩人的戲份確 實是差不多 的
只是由於當時 張曼玉飾演 的金鑲玉實 在太出彩
並且提名了影 后
所以之後大家 印象里幾乎 都是張曼玉 是女主角。
感受下兩位女 主的眼神殺 。
至於戚薇和沈 夢辰翻拍的 這版電視劇 的女主之爭
單靠前期撕逼 是得不出什 麼結論的。
其實是不是官 方的女一也 沒有那麼重 要
誰能成為大家 心目中真正 的女主角
還是要看誰的 表演更深入 人心吧。
粉絲再撕得頭 破血流
兩個真主之間 看起來感情 好得很哇。
一言不合就接 吻~ 戚薇還 調皮地回應
是時候告訴李 承鉉和杜海 濤了。
既然心大的七 哥都沒往心 裡去
那我們吃瓜群 眾就安心吃 瓜坐等看劇 好啦~說起 林青霞
這算是一代人 心中的女神 了
塑造了無數的 角色
最深入人心的 可能就是東 方不敗了
沒法被超越是 一定的了 不過 今天要說的 是跟林青霞 另一個經典 角色有關的 人
這個角色就是 邱莫言 第一次看林 青霞的電影 也是
世界上怎麼會 有這麼帥氣 的女人
那種氣質是從 內到外散發 出來的
女人也可以洒 脫豪邁
不過邱莫言這 個角色
有很多人都不 知道
以為是林青霞 自己演的
其實是林青霞 和她的替身 施懿共同完 成的 在 拍攝快步入 後期的時候
林青霞被箭射 到導致眼角 膜受傷
後期的都是由 施懿代替完 成
發幾張照片看 看你分辨的 出來嗎? 前兩張是 林青霞本人
後三張都是替 身施懿
當時林青霞受 傷後
林青霞的朋友 說他認識一 個女生
跟林青霞十分 相似
結果林青霞自 己一看也嚇 到了
沒有九分像也 有八分半
所以後期在電 影中看到的 邱莫言都是 由她來扮演 的 乍 一看
除了眼睛其他 部位真的都 特別像
林青霞有一對 會說話的眼 睛
這也是她的獨 特之處 不僅曾在
中做過林青霞 的替身
而且還與趙薇 等人主演過 電視劇
姐姐妹妹闖北 京
施懿卻一直沒 有紅起來。
這是一個有演 技
還有著酷似林 青霞的先天 優勢
怎麼沒紅起來 呢 其 實原因很簡 單
林青霞也在書 中提起過
當時我香港內 地兩邊飛
在香港接到電 話說林青霞 中箭了
後來細問原來 是箭的羽毛 戳破了青霞 的眼角膜
當時立刻就被 送到蘭州醫 院手術。
電影那邊怎麼 辦?我跟朋 友說:這下 慘了!那個 朋友說
他剛好認識一 個女孩跟林 青霞有八九 分像
真的!沒有九 分也有八分 半!這次看 修復版
你們可以看看 裡面哪個鏡 頭是這個替 身』。
這個如此像林 青霞的美女 就是大陸的 女演員施懿
貌似比較寂寂 無聞
說到這兒吳思 遠有點惋惜
其實她當時在 香港紅了一 陣子
我也很想幫她 。
沒多久剛好有 一部戲我就 推薦了她
不過她可能當 時比較年輕
剛紅就有點耍 大牌
那個劇組就只 能放棄了
…… 其實 當時她有著 很好的條件
不過拍攝幾部 戲之後
年輕的她有些 飄飄然
很多人就不會 去請她
後來還被封殺 了 這樣的一手 好牌打的這 麼爛
不過真的很像 林青霞
Resultados Sorteo Loteria Miercoles 31 Octubre 2018 Panama Numeros Que Jugo Hoy Miercolito - Duration: 1:16.
Gorham 18/10 Stainless Steel 78piece Flatware Set with S... - Duration: 6:54.
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:08.
Audi A4 Avant 2.0 TDI AUT Pro Line S 113.000 km ! NAVI BT PDC '11 - Duration: 1:06.
Audi A4 € 2.607,- DEMO voordeel 1.4 TFSI Sport S-line edition S tronic 150 pk - Duration: 1:07.
Arrested Hit-And-Run Driver Who Killed 1-Year-Old, Grandmother Has At Least 3 DUIs - Duration: 2:55.
Audi A6 Avant 40 TDI Sport Pro Line S 204 pk S tronic - Duration: 1:10.
Tesla Spotting in Beijing! - Duration: 1:16.
finally found our first two Tesla's in Beijing as two white model X's right
there took quite a while we've been in the car almost an hour you last time I
saw one before you even leave them that Airport nothing at the airport this time
just a couple minutes after scenes to model X's weapon was a P 100 DL there is
a older style early 16 or older model s
actually it'd be a early 14 or 13 or 12 13 or 14 as there's no autopilot
Un silence inquiétant de la part de Geneviève de Fontenay - Duration: 3:53.
Une pause bien méritée (Monologue#1) - Duration: 1:06.
Hello, its 8-Bits Boy
I'm making a small message
to tell you that I'm stopping YouTube videos
I'm not gonna end my channel, i will just take a break
Lately, i had really bad results al school
I prefer to focus on school rather than on youtube video
I hope that it will not bother you
meanwhile, you can watch my old video
or watch at other youtuber that you like
i hope i will see you guys in a future video.
Bye Bye ^^
Thanks for supporting me!
M. Robin : « Je devrais être morte… » - Duration: 5:07.
François Mitterrand : toutes les femmes de sa vie- NT - Duration: 7:35.
François Mitterrand : Son fabuleux cadeau d'amour à Anne Pingeot - NT! - Duration: 6:33.
P. Gildas : De déchirants adieux… - Duration: 3:12.
鹿鼎记 陈小春版 国语字幕 EP07 - Duration: 44:40.
Que devient Anne Pingeot, la maîtresse de François Mitterrand - NT? - Duration: 5:09.
広島、最大6点差から猛反撃!安部8回満塁弾で1点差、9回猛攻も一歩及ばす…日本S第3戦経過 - Duration: 1:52.
鷹30代が20代広島を破る FA戦略に大きな差! - Duration: 4:18.
#FarCry3 #GameAdvanture FAR CRY 3 FOR PC - Duration: 18:27.
Enjoy For Watching
BMW X5 3.0si High Executive Navigatie, Xenon, leer, camera, 19inch, pdc v+a, trekhaak, keyless entry - Duration: 1:03.
I AM NOT A DRAMA CHANNEL (Patreon Q&A Therapy, Drug Testing, Mental Health Meds and More!) - Duration: 14:39.
how many times do I have to say what is everybody this is Chris from the rewired
salt where we talk about the problem but focus on the solution and if you're new
to my channel my channel is all about trying to help you improve your mental
and emotional well-being so if you're into that make sure you subscribe and
ring that notification bell so welcome back to another amazing
patreon Q&A where I like all of you ask me questions who are supporting the
channel over on patreon so I started doing this when I get a video of the
other day just focused on one of the questions but I wanted to do five more
today anyways I get flooded flooded with DMS and
emails and messages and tweets and all sorts of stuff and comments in the in
the YouTube videos asking me like oh hey can you do a video on this can you do a
video on that so if you look like me to answer some of your questions more
specifically go to sign up on patreon you can do it for as little as a dollar
some of the people's questions I'm reading today I'm paying one dollar a
month not a bad deal anyway it's a little bit of housecleaning first is I
want to talk to you about boundaries real quick some boundaries that I've set
up so back when my mental health was really really bad I was a people pleaser
I was a huge people pleaser I was always trying to make everybody happy and it
drove me insane you might be able to relate to that so a lot of you send me
these messages or comments and tell me to make videos so I don't want to sound
harsh I don't want to sound mean I don't want to get too sassy when I say this
but I hope you understand what I say I am NOT your orders somebody who is a
people-pleasing set up these boundaries one of the best pieces of advice I can
give you is if you're taking care of your mental health right people are
gonna think you're a douche but this is one of the best piece of advice I give
you if you are taking care of your mental health right you're going to
upset some people because you've got to set boundaries so like I said don't mean
to be mean I'm just letting you know all right so let's get started with the
first question so first question is hey Chris I hope your day is going well I've
noticed that your latest video have papad about celebrities YouTube and
otherwise I was wondering if this is kind of a new format or if you are going
to share some more videos about teaching about mental health from your own
experiences and from what you've studied just curious
question I answer it a lot and I'm like should I just quit answering this
question but since the video about more of like why my brain works the way it
works but something I say when I reply to people is like I don't make videos
about youtubers I don't know what you're talking about
I make videos about all of you so what I'm gonna do right now I'm going to read
some of my most recent videos about youtubers and tell you the topics that
they're actually about so the nerd City expose the lives of Jay Paul that's
about why you don't lie I talk about my experience of how I caused my own
anxiety Jeffery store calls anything about it about Paul Joseph Watson in pop
culture about how people don't know or understand depression and it's actually
causing the stigma this one about Bobby burns people are enabling him a lot of
you watching these videos are enablers you don't realize it leafyishere that's
a good one too I used to be one of the most selfish self-centered people you'll
ever meet and now I try not to do that Trisha Paytas and Jason ash that one is
all about borderline personality disorder relationships that can help a
lot of people I can help people with boundary setting with I talked a little
bit about cognitive behavioral therapy in there I also talked a lot about how
to work with somebody you know who needs to start developing some better habits
the chilled chaos video that one is about depression as a whole and there's
a few different topics that I touch on in that video that might help anybody in
there out there who has depression this one about Garrett stopped running away
from the problems how many of you watching this video right now run away
from your problems a lot of stuff in there about that this one this one is
really good the Marzia what about it existential crisis that one talks a lot
about depression how do we deal with an existential crisis as well as living in
someone's shadow or doing things for other people and not what your true
passion is so anyways I can do this all day I can do this all day so there are
many people who understand what I'm doing a lot of people don't but I can
sum it up with this amazing amazing comment from Think Pink which I just
posted my Instagram and it says this I've been
watching quite a few of your videos and I've seen a rare comment here they're
asking you why you disgust youtubers so much and wanting to add something to
those that make think that I like the correlation you make with mental health
issues that parallel with issues everybody can relate to in my humble
opinion I don't watch mental health videos
truthfully I find them boring or I don't relate to them not trying to be rude but
we all like different things this is honestly the most unique way to get your
topics out there well while using examples from social media I love your
content it's refreshing and different I never wait comments but on the rare
occasion thank you for the great videos so I make videos for people like Think
Pink I make videos for people who are bored like you don't want to go away I
am somebody who loves watching hour-long lectures about neuroscience but if I
wrote in a title hour-long lecture about miracle science this is all about how
the brain works how many people would watch it but if I could taste something
that you're already watching or something that's a pop culture boom I
just tricked you into learning about your mental health you're welcome second
question I really enjoy your videos I've learned a lot from them one topic that
comes to mind is should I try to help out a co-worker who is abusing drugs or
alcohol my husband and I work in television unfortunately substance abuse
is a big problem in this field my husband had to fire an employee recently
due to a right behavior from drug use since my husband is a manager you can't
really go around accusing people of doing drugs even when it's obvious so do
you have any advice for what we should do if anything great question great
great great question and there's a lot of industries there's a lot of
industries where substance abuse is really high bars restaurants you know a
whole bunch of industries where people like to party
so anyways one of the first things that I would do is talk to HR like you got a
clock to HR and I would educate myself if any of you want an employer or a
manager educate yourself about like does your insurance cover
you know treatment you know what options does it have is a good coverage whatever
it is so you can provide somebody with options but the other thing is is you
got to give the person an ultimatum so my mom my mom for example she
sober until her job was threatened okay but there was an ultimatum there either
get you act together or lose your job so like we don't want to just kick people
out and say that these people who are abusing substances are lost causes
because nobody is but you have to set up boundaries with them and sometimes you
have to give them an ultimatum in order for them to get help so basically it's
like yo you can keep your job if you go get help that's what happened to my best
friend he's been clean over three years now you know what I mean no you don't
get excuse everybody the last thing I would say is do kind of like what the
TSA does wait just randomly drug test everybody so
you're not specifically holding in on somebody this is something you should
talk to HR about and then like drug test 50 people and you'll catch the people
who are using so this next question she says how to find the right therapist so
a few things one of them is I was just talking to a friend and this might help
some of you like when shopping around for therapists and trying to find the
right one like ask your friends ask your friends who are in therapy you know does
a therapist you know and who's looking for a therapist who is well educated
maybe kind of nerdy you know uses certain techniques like cognitive
behavioral therapy and all that so like get recommendations from other people so
same thing you would do for a restaurant right if I like Chinese food I want to
find a good Chinese food restaurant maybe I'll ask some friends like hey
where's a good Chinese food restaurant you know what I like you know what I
need so that's something I would suggest is like leave your friends you can also
read reviews online I'm just always iffy about reviews online because especially
in mental health I've seen people who wrote them up right the most ridiculous
reviews just because we deal with mental health I'll put it that way but the
other thing I'll say is like don't stress don't stress about it like
shopper well into different therapists go do one therapy session feel the
person out like you should you should do like three sessions before you find a
new one but shopper well like I think one of the biggest fears people
is like cutting ties with a therapist listen I'll tell you this when I tell
people in recovery all the time who have sponsors like listen if you in the
relationship with them and they get upset that's on them it's not on you
right like as mental health professionals we sign up for that I know
I know that not everybody is going to want to work with me I have a certain
style I'm tough love whacky and stuff maybe some people don't like that that's
cool no offense taken you know what I mean so I think it'll be easier for you
to find a therapist if you don't worry so much okay going back to school right
now that is a certified alcohol and drug counselor hopefully all this research on
my own so far my ultimate goal is to get a PhD to get a PhD in some kind of
psychology that's what I would love to do like I always try to achieve the best
I try to you know bring myself to my best potential and I would love to get a
PhD I just don't like the idea of student debt with bush there's another
one I'm gonna do a review on this soon I just love educating myself so I'm
constantly growing constantly learning especially just because mental health is
so scientific there's new findings all the time all
the time so I am never going to stop learning I never want to stop learning
about mental health because the more we learn the more we can help other people
last questions if you've been diagnosed with with a disorder and we made you try
turned you into a zombie what do you do so another question
so my experience with this is it's a couple minutes the only medication that
really made me zombie ish was trans adone which for those of you who don't
know is a non-narcotic sleeping medication that may have but it's
supposed to knock you out the problem was that it would stay in my system the
next day okay when the Koston medications as a whole alright so a few
things one of them is just recognize it's gonna take it could take anywhere
from two to three weeks for some medications to actually you know so like
keep that in mind but this is why you always need to follow up with your
doctor or psychiatrist or whoever it is and let them know say hey this is making
me feel like I was in a fog all day long
they might adjust the dosage or switching medications one of the biggest
mistakes I see people make is that one medication they have a weird reaction to
like like drowsiness or whatever and they just think that every single
medication isn't gonna work that is not true okay so the other option you have
if your insurance covers it or if you want to pay out of pocket for you there
is genetic testing okay like the company I was working for we had a genetics lab
and they gave me a free genetic test all I did was swamp my cheek they sent it
out to the loud two weeks later they gave me an entire list of different
medications and whether or not I would have a reaction to them so just think
about that for a little bit but my suggestion is keep following up with the
doctor switch adjust medications like we have to be open and honest with doctors
and find the right combination of medications for example and I need to
make another video about this I switched from lexapro to Prozac recently
had a lot a lot less symptoms or side effects with prozac than I did with
lexapro so don't be afraid to change or adjust your meds alright if you would
like to help support the channel over on patreon and get your questions answered
there's gonna be a link at the end of this video thank you everybody and if
any of you are on the patreon and I didn't get your question today
do not worry every single question is going to be answered I just don't want
to make these hour long videos so don't you worry but keep sending me more and
more questions there's a few questions in there that I think deserve a specific
dedicated video and again again tough love me setting up boundaries I love all
of you but I am NOT your waiter so do not just keep throwing suggestions at me
for videos okay I only have so much time so if you would like to get your
questions answered just join patreon for as little as $1 a month
alright but that's all I got for you with this video if you like this video
please give it a thumbs up if you're new make sure you subscribe and ring that
notification bell and here is an entire list of all the people supported the
channel over on patreon you're all amazing and if you would like to have
your questions answered and join for as little as $1 a month
click the top right there alright thanks so much for watching I'll see you next
François Mitterrand : Son fabuleux cadeau d'amour à Anne Pingeot - NT! - Duration: 6:33.
Live To Regret (Jimena Arroyo & Torbjørn Vagle Ft. Joachim Vagle) - Duration: 5:16.
Regret is like poison shutting down my senses
Leaving me defenseless - I'm blacking out
Moaning over losses, my whole body tenses
No-one can hear me shout
I wasn't expecting tragic consequences
Grieving for offenses and I'm knocked out
Our heavy crosses, we could hardly bear them
We couldn't sort this out
If only I had listened more but now it's all my fault
So many truths unspoken, promises were broken
I wish I could do more than just regret not having said the words
That would've made your heart forget
Now I'm drowning in my tears, fueling my fears
Crying over what might have turned for us
Had this love worked out
And I'll live to regret it – oooh
And I'll live to regret it
Remorse is but a toxin rooted in my conscience
Leaving me exposed to the merciless past
Stretching out my patience, giving me no options
But crumbling down so fast
The thought of you consumes me, now my soul is naked
My feelings are raw and my hope's overcast
So my mind is clogged and I 'm feeling impaired now
This grief is unsurpassed
If only I had listened more but now it's all my fault
So many truths unspoken, promises were broken
I wish I could do more than just regret not having said the words
That would've made your heart forget
Now I'm drowning in my tears, fueling my fears
Crying over what might have turned for us
Had this love worked out
And I'll live to regret it – oooh
Whoah – And I'll live to regret it.
And I'll live to regret it
Crumbling down so fast
Crumbling down so fast
If only I had listened more it wouldn't be my fault
And I'll live to regret it
Crumbling down so fast
Crumbling down so fast
If only I had listened more but now it's all my fault
Regret is like poison shutting down my senses
Leaving me defenseless - I'm fading out
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