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For more infomation >> Earn upto 10 scratch card without transferring money in google pay $$ each worth rs 1000 $$ - Duration: 3:12.-------------------------------------------
BEANS WITH OCTOPUS - Lareiras.gal - Duration: 8:00.
Hello, today we are going to make some beans with octopus
For this we need:
The octopus and .. cooked,
of course, and water
or broth from having cooked the octopus
the beans
for four people approximately 300 g
they are already soaked from the previous night
at least 12 hours
and then, for the sauté,
green pepper, red pepper, onion, tomato
and paprika
The first thing we are going to do is put the beans to cook
because it will take
an hour, hour and a half, at least and then,
meanwhile, let's make the sauté.
oil and salt
To cook the beans, the first thing we are going to do is:
we put them in cold water, the beans are always
put in cold water to cook
and we are going to give them a boil
and then we change the water, also
for cold water
and the
cold water mixed with
the broth of the octopus
It is advisable that they have about 3 or 4
fingers above the surface of the bean so that
hey have enough water. Anyway you can
add water as they cook
if we run out of it, always cold,
in addition, that will help them not to release the skin
Well, they have already boiled, the beans, you can see
foam coming out, now we are going to remove them,
change the water and replace it
with the octopus broth
and water, because I have not enough broth
always cold
Well, we already removed the water with the foam and now we pour
the broth of having cooked the octopus
as it is not enough I go for more water
There are a couple of fingers of water above the beans,
then, as I say, if while
they are cooking we run out of
water we can add more cold water. And
because the broth from cooking the octopus
has no salt,
the octopus is cooked without salt
and, now let them cook
on a low heat, for one hour, an hour and a half
Now, while the beans are cooking,
as we have enough time,
we are going to cut the vegetables into very small cubes
to make the sauté
we leave the octopus for the end
Well, the beans are already cooked, it took exactly
one hour, and they
were already starting to split
and I have everything ready to
make the suté and conclude the dish, so let's do it
The pot is already heating up, the pan,
and we're going to pour the oil
First we put the onion
A little bit of salt
and we lower the heat because is too strong
And now we add the peppers: a green pepper and a red pepper
A little salt, I go salting as
I go
adding the ingredients
And now we let it cook,
then add the tomato,
and then
the octopus and beans
Vamos a añadir el tomate
and cut very tiny
a little bit of salt
and when the sauté is ready
we incorporate the beans and the octopus
The ssauté is almost ready, we are going to add the paprika
2 teaspoons
and we fry it well,
stirring well so it does not burn
and now we are going to incorporate the beans
We stir this way,
with circular movements so they do not split
Let's add a little bit
of the broth
And now we add the octopus
that we already have cut,
the octopus is cut with scissors,
and we mix well
And we leave it a few minutes like that
to mix all the flavors well and it's ready to be eaten
คัพเค้กสัตว์ประหลาด Monster Cupcakes | 1 Minute Cooking - Duration: 4:43.
Monster Cupcakes
Butter 100 g
Sugar 150 g
Baking soda 1 tsp
Eggs 2
Dark chocolate 20 g
Cake flour 150 g
Cocoa powder 25 g
milk 120 g
Bake at 180 c Top and Bottom 22-30 minutes
Delicious Canned Bean Soup - Duration: 1:43.
Ingredients for 6 servings: chicken fillet - 500 g; beans - 1 pot; potatoes - 6 pieces; onion - 1 piece; Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece; carrot - 1 piece; vegetable oil for frying; parsley - 1 bunch; salt
To prepare bean soup we need the chicken broth
For this dip chicken fillet in а cold water and salt for 7 minutes before end of cooking
Slice the onion
Peel and cut the sweet pepper
Peel and grate carrot
Fry onion, carrot and pepper in vegetable oil
After the broth is cooked, take out the chicken fillet. Peel and cut into cubes potatoes, send it to cook. Cut the boiled breast
When the potatoes will almost cooked, add the fried vegetables, fillets and beans
Before serving, add greens to the soup
Bon Appetit!
6 Quick and Easy Salads|HFE♪ - Duration: 11:42.
6 Quick and Easy Salads
These recipes are made with healthy ingredients that provide nutrients and minerals, as well as plenty of benefits for the proper functioning of your body.
If you're planning to improve your eating habits, start by having healthy and easy salads at least once a day.
There are thousands of recipes made with nutritious and healthy ingredients.
Today, we'll share a few of them with you.
In addition to their many benefits, you can also make them in a short amount of time.
1-Mango dressing salad.
Mango is rich in magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, vitamin B1, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, and more.
This fruit is great for your body because it contains antioxidants and fights cancer, while also serving as a stimulant to boost your immune system.
Lettuce (250 g) ½ tablespoon of mayonnaise ½ tablespoon of sugar Half and half (50 ml) A ripe mango (250 g) A large onion (75 g) 1 tablespoon of vinegar (75 g) Salt (2 g).
First, chop the mango into cubes and slice the onion and lettuce.
In a bowl, mix the sugar, salt, vinegar, mayonnaise, and half and half to make a delicious vinaigrette.
Add the mango, onion, and lettuce to a large bowl and toss with the vinaigrette.
2-Carrot, apple, and lettuce salad.
Carrots provide the body with essential nutrients, such as sodium, chlorine, and iodine.
They're good for fighting discomfort due to digestive disorders, the flu, stress, loss of appetite, and anemia.
A carrot (100 g) An apple (150 g) Lettuce (250 g) 1 cup of Greek yogurt 1 red onion (75 g) ½ tablespoon of vinegar ½ tablespoon of sugar Salt (2 g) ½ tablespoon of mustard.
First, slice the carrot and onion, cube the apple, and chop the lettuce.
Then, mix the yogurt and mustard together with the vinegar and sugar.
After, add all ingredients to a bowl and toss with the salad dressing.
Add salt to taste. 3-Sweet corn salad.
Corn is excellent for boosting your metabolism.
It's a significant source of antioxidants that promotes the functioning of your nervous system.
In addition, it's also rich in minerals such as zinc, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus, which make it a great choice for preventing anemia and improving heart health.
Lettuce (250 g) A can of sweet corn (220 g) A green apple (150 g) 1 tablespoon of Parmesan cheese A small, ripe mango (200 g) 1 tablespoon of honey (75 gr).
First, chop the lettuce, peel the fruit, and chop the fruit into cubes.
Then, add the fruit, lettuce, and corn to a bowl and drizzle with honey.
Finally, add the Parmesan cheese before serving.
4-Pineapple and lettuce salad.
Pineapple has a lot of nutrients: it's rich in vitamin C, potassium, iodine, zinc, iron, and fiber.
This fruit is excellent for your digestive system because it contains bromelain, a digestive enzyme with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antibiotic properties.
Pineapple also works as a diuretic to alleviate any digestive system disorders and help prevent the formation of blood clots.
1 slice of pineapple Lettuce The juice from ½ lemon 1 pinch of ground pepper Vinaigrette (75 g).
First, chop the lettuce and pineapple.
Then, add both ingredients to a bowl and stir in the ground pepper, lemon juice, and vinaigrette.
Serve and enjoy!. 5-Green apple salad.
In addition to being delicious, green apples have a lot of properties that make them ideal for improving your health.
They're an excellent source of calcium, sodium, zinc, iron, and magnesium.
Thanks to their fiber content, green apple helps regulate your digestive system, decreases cholesterol levels, and benefits your skin.
Lettuce 1 green apple ¼ cup of half and half.
First, chop the lettuce and cut the apple into cubes.
Then, place all ingredients in a bowl and add the half and half.
6-Tomato salad.
Tomatoes are among the most-used ingredients in the kitchen.
With that in mind, you shouldn't forget them when it comes to making salads.
They contain large amounts of vitamins A, B, and C, along with potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus.
Plus, tomatoes also contain antioxidants and fiber, and they stimulate the proper function of your digestive system.
1 tomato (100 g) A can of tuna Lettuce (250 g) ½ onion (35 g) 1 pinch of ground pepper (to taste) Vinaigrette (75 g) Salt (2 g).
First, chop the lettuce, slice the tomato, and chop the onion.
Then, place the above ingredients into a bowl and add the tuna.
Mix well and pour the vinaigrette over the salad, along with a pinch of ground pepper and salt.
Škoda Fabia 1.2 TSI 90pk Ambition / Navigatie / Rijklaarprijs - Duration: 1:09.
省錢DIY「椰油-雙層卸妝液」Dual Phase Make Up Remover 【SMF護膚保養品DIY】 - Duration: 2:22.
YouTube Kacke - Bernd Das Brot mal wieder in der KA.KA Lounge - Duration: 6:31.
Test o mne 3 | Quizana - Duration: 2:34.
My Accepted Art Portfolio + how to get in to Art School in France - Duration: 10:06.
Abstract Painting EASY With Masking Tape | Groovin - Duration: 4:58.
Thanks for watching this video.
If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me
Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.
If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created
a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.
And best off, you can get this DVD for free!
It's in the description below the video!
See you soon ;)
Mon SAC PHOTO et mon MATÉRIEL pour VOYAGER - Duration: 9:06.
Mexico City and Teotihuacan - Documentary in Mexico - Julien Explore - Duration: 5:24.
IDÉES DE GÉNIE - Tir à la corde - Duration: 5:01.
Ecological Cultivation Experience Miguel Ángel Sánchez López - IberoPistacho - Duration: 4:46.
Manage and free space in the Hard Disk effectively in the best way | SpaceMonger - Duration: 7:40.
Good morning, today I bring you an application free that can come in handy if you want
effectively manage the space in your hard drives.
It's a fairly simple application, which I've been using it for many, many years,
and I'm still surprised by how useful it is I find it, and this is what you see here,
"SpaceMonger", which only occupies about 200k, and also does not need installation.
Your role in the next, many times when we enter our hard drive, we see
that we hardly have any space left, and we should delete some files that are no longer us
necessary to recover some space.
For example, in my case, as you can see, I have this unit, disk D, which is almost completely
However, when we enter it, we find ourselves with many folders and files, being complicated
know at first sight, when space is actually occupying each, or containing,
so we do not know exactly what we could delete.
So we're going to use the SpaceMonger to be able to see better the content of the disk,
so I open the application, which as I have commented, do not install it, and in doing so
this window will appear.
Now what we have to do is select what hard disk we want to analyze, and for that
we give the button that says "Open" above to the left, and as you can see, the
units connected to my computer, by what will logically appear to you
yours, both the internal units, as even any external drive or pendrive
that you have connected to the PC.
To start I'll open my unit C which is a disk of 120Gb, where I only have installed
the operating system and some programs.
We wait a few seconds for the application read the disk.
And when we finish we get something like this.
As you can see, now we can see all the content of the hard disk structured in blocks of
colors according to their size, represented each one of those blocks the folders and files
of the hard disk.
In addition you will also see the free space of the disk in a white block, which
it gives us an idea of when space is left, although if you want you can hide this information
with the button that says "Free Space" in the top, although I prefer to leave it
active to have a better idea of how the disc is structured.
And if I put the mouse pointer on top of any color block, I can see how much
space is occupying that file or folder on the disk, for example if you look at
the Windows folder is occupying 27Gb, and If I double-click on it, I can see a view
enlarged of its interior, and thus to know in a more detailed than files contains and their
Also, if I click right with the mouse in a folder or file, I get different
options, and the one that says "Run / Open" lets go directly to that folder in my
PC, or open the file, in the event that be that what I have selected.
And if we want to go back, I've only zoom out, using the button
which says "Zoom Full" also in the part superior and we'll be back in the window
main from which the whole disc is seen.
Although as I said at the beginning, the unit C, it was not the one that had space problems,
if not my unit D, so we're going to open that unit and thus see better than folders and
files contains.
To do this I click again on the "Open" button and now I frame my unit D.
As we see in this album the panorama is very different, since the free space, represented
for the block of white color, it is very small, only 12Gb free, so I'll look
which folders and files are occupying more space, and what could you erase to do
hole in disk.
In this case, for example, I'm seeing a folder called Project VR, which is why
I see it is occupying 9Gb, and it is a folder of a project that I have finished and I do not need
save it, so I'm going to erase it for recover all that space.
For this I can right click on the block, and click where it says "Delete",
but I personally prefer to delete it from Windows Explorer itself to make sure
that really is the folder that I believe, and avoid well any mistake, so I'm going to do
click where it says "Run / Open" "to go up to her.
In effect it's the folder that I thought, what I'm going to eliminate it.
Now to see the changes in the "SpaceMonguer", you have to update the view, and for that we do
click on button that says "Reload" on the upper part.
If you look at it even though I deleted one folder that occupied 9Gb, it does not seem that there
gained free space on the hard drive, I keep having only 12Gb, and that's because in reality
what I have done is send the folder to the recycling bin and logically in it
continues occupying the same space.
In fact if you look at this block here, you can see a folder called "Recycle
Bin ", which is precisely the space that occupies the recycling bin of this disk,
so I'm going to go into my bin and finish to delete the folder.
Now that I have also deleted it from the wastebasket, I'm going to go back and click on the button that says
"Reload", and as you can see, now it's shown the gain in free space represented
by the block of white color.
What I'm going to do is keep exploring the disc, looking for files and folders that you no longer need
and I can erase, and so I will expand still plus free space.
As you can see, in just a moment I have eliminated what I no longer need and I have gained enough
space on the disk, and the time that has has been inferior, if I had had
than doing it through the browser alone of Windows, since in that case it would not have
such a clear vision of all the folders nor how much was occupying each one.
And with this I finish the video, I hope that It may have seemed an interesting application,
and you have learned to use it by means of this tutorial.
If so, you can hit Like, or if you have Any doubt leave it in the comments,
and do not forget to subscribe.
See you later.
【MUKBANG】 GIANT 40 SERVINGS MEGA CAKE!!! [Hachijojima] 12800kcal [CC Available] |Yuka [Oogui] - Duration: 4:21.
hello it's kinoshita yuka !
until now i ate many delicious things here in Hachijojima
but i'm now in visit to Lido Park Resort Hachijojima !
houses here are so beautiful and the view is so elegant !
the view from here is beautiful and surrounded with sea !
the sea is so close !
and the weather is good and so refreshing
I will also shoot today inside the hotel that welcomed me warmly
thank you so much !
Jaaan !
look at this please, isn't the cake so amazing ?
Hachijojima's Pastry chef made it especially for me
look, isn't so cute !
"Hachijojima cake to challenge kinoshita yuka"
aaah, i'm so happy about that
it's the best !
there is grapes here and this is so beautiful
flowers, that's so cute !
this cake is equivalent to 40 servings and this is amazing, it's like a party
and looks at this if you please...
they made this necklace here to welcome you in Hachijojima from tea leaves !
this is amazing, it's from natural leaves !
It is a tradition here in Hachijojima like in hawaii !
this is so cute, it's from a natural leaves
Hachijojima is really amazing
let's start eating !
itadakimasu !
this is so amazing, i'm so happy
i think it's the biggest cake that i ate it until now
the wonderful sweet aroma of the sponge is so good
mmmmm !
the cream is mild and sweet
it's not that sweet
but so yummy !
the sweetness is light but the flavor is rich and this is so tasty
mmmm !
there is some peach chunks inside the cake, it's so delicious
i really like peach
the flower is so cute
mmmm, from chocolate!!
the aroma of the sponge is strong
and so notable !
the cream is thick and yummy
look at the flowers that surrounds me, isn't so beautiful ?
it's called Strelitzia!
it's a special flower for Hachijojima
so beautiful !
the last bite, itadakimasu
gochisousamadeshita !
the 40 servings cake was so tasty
it was so huge but like a normal cake and so easy to eat it
and the sponge cake was so rich with the aroma !
fluffy and with a thick cream, that was so tasty
Hachijojima has spectacular views and a nice hotel !
and because i ate a 40 servings cake, i'm so happy about that
thank you so much !!
and you, why you don't try to visit Hachijojima and eat their cake ?
And as always thank you for watching !
if there's anything You want me to do
please tell me in a comment Section below
if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons
bye bye
all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka
[HD] IZ*ONE Arm Wrestling 💪 - Duration: 24:32.
- Sorry. - It's okay.
- Hello. - Hello.
- It's coming up fast. - Hi.
All at once, like this ...
- Hello, hello. - Wait, I can't see because of the hood.
- Sorry, sorry. - It's okay, it's okay.
- Hello. - Hello.
- Hello. - Hello.
- We finally have 2 days left until the showcase concert. - Right.
We were really working hard to get ready for the showcase concert and debut.
But having only 2 days left, we really want to know how the fans are feeling, what emotions you may have.
Shall we talk about how we feel first?
How are you all feeling?
Shall Minjoo go first?
I still don't feel like this is real,
but I'm very very nervous and excited about it
so it's great.
We only have 2 days left.
But I just can't believe we only have 2 days left.
After 2 nights' sleep, we'll do our debut showcase and that unbelievable.
Since we practiced in "Produce 48",
we talked about when this moment might come among ourselves.
But it's really like a dream that we only have 2 days left.
- Right. - Seriously.
I feel like someone has presented us
with an outrageous item in a game,
and we upgraded to full power in an instant.
It's just incredible and I feel like I'm playing a game.
Like "Overhit"?
I can't go to sleep because I'm so excited to meet the fans.
You were sleeping quite well.
- You were sleeping well. - You slept well, really well.
I slept late last night because I was thinking about the fans.
What is it?
We already reached 1 million?
It's amazing, already.
- Also, Yena. - Yes.
Unni, you said you can't sleep.
- These days I can't eat. - You just had pizza.
- Yena unni just had a pizza. - Don't worry she ate a pizza.
- You're really overdoing it. - What is that? - Our Yena unni.
Just now, I ate because I was really hungry.
But normally, I keep thinking about the fans and I'm so nervous about tomorrow's showcase
- so I can't eat, go to the bathroom ... - Baby, baby.
- What about the bathroom? - Baby.
I'm just so nervous, tense, and just excited.
How about Hyewon?
I'm just really happy.
- I'm joking. - Please tell us a bit more.
I keep saying this, but I didn't think I was going to debut.
So, it's more unrealistic for me, and I want to meet the fans quickly.
- We want to meet you soon. - We really don't have much time left.
- Let's meet soon. - How are you feeling?
Fans' feelings.
How you feel about IZ*ONE making a debut.
It's hard to see because of the white wall.
- Minjoo. - Yes?
"Princess Minjoo".
There are many comments saying they can't make it to the showcase but to break a leg.
They are saying that we energize their lives.
- "I want to see you soon", "Looking forward to it". - I want to see them all.
- They're looking forward to it. - "My heart is racing".
You'll all what the show, right?
- You will, right? - You will, right? - Even if you can't make it, please.
This birthday ... not birthday. It will air live ...
You're too excited.
It's the birthday of IZ*ONE.
Our showcase will be very soon.
It's going to air live on "Mnet".
- It's IZ*ONE's birthday. - I hope many people watch the show real-time.
- We want to do it together with many fans. -Even if you can't come, it will be live.
We are able to go live due to many of you.
When we go live, if many could watch it, we would be so so so moved ...
I saw a very touching comment,
saying they don't mind if Sunday disappears and hope that Monday comes quickly.
- This is real. - That person is amazing.
- This is true love. - Thank you so much.
Right, here "sold out in 1 minute is just too bad".
Thank you so much.
"I'll be able to get a ticket if it's 30,000 seats", thank you.
Fans coming to the showcase or those who can't make it are all very precious to us and we love you all.
- We miss you. - Please enjoy the show. - Please look forward to it.
Let's meet next time, if we can't meet this time.
MC Yujin, MC Ahn please continue.
Our title is IZ*ONE's arm wrestling.
We've seen many comments asking when we'll start arm wrestling.
Last time on our SNS,
we posted pictures and videos of arm wrestling, right?
After that, many were talking about whether Eunbi unni was the king of arm wrestling
or who is stronger. There were controversies.
- People wanted to know about members who didn't go. - Right.
To solve your curiosity, we will be holding a 3 on 3 arm wrestling contest.
Which team will win in this 3 on 3 contest?
Please look forward to it.
- Look forward to it. - We will divide the team into
two with Hyewon unni and Minjoo unni doing rock-paper-scissors.
Hyewon unni and Minjoo unni, are you ready? Minjoo unni, are you ready?
Yes, I'm ready to go.
- Hyewon unni, are you ready to choose your team? - Yes.
Okay, then choose.
- Choose. - Shall we do rock-paper-scissors?
1, 2, 3. Rock, paper, scissors!
I won in rock-paper-scissors.
- Min-guri, shall we take turns for self PR? - Min-guri.
How can you fail me right away?
Eunbi unni.
She's the candidate for the strongest.
I knew we were getting along well these days Minjoo.
- Our punch king? - Our punch king.
Our punch king.
- This is not a joke anymore. - Can I choose right away?
The next candidates.
I'll go with ...
That's not nice, not nice.
Then we have
a team with Minjoo unni, Wonyoung, and Eunbi unni
and another team with Hyewon unni, Yena unni, and Chaewon unni.
Then ...
- Is it called provocation? Do you get the drop on the other team? - We should do it.
Then the confident Minjoo unni's team go first.
- Since Minjoo is the leader, she'll have the jump on ... - She's the leader?
- Yes. - I'm the leader?
Kim Minjoo, the leader of Team Min, start.
- Did you pick that up to get the drop on someone? - Yes.
Everyone, Eunbi unni is on our team. Be careful.
Unni, what about me?
- Hyewon leader. - Wonyoung is here, maknae's fist.
- Maknae's soft fist, soft fist. - Huh?
Frog fist.
- Frog fist. - Soft fist. - Next, Hyewon.
- She's amazing. - No need for words.
- Words are not required. - Then we have
our maknae, Jang Wonyoung.
- Are you going first? - Am I the first?
- Shouldn't you have a secret internal discussion about this? - We need to have an internal meeting.
- You're revealing the team's strategy ... - Okay.
Please have your team meetings.
"Gear second", "frog fist".
"Yujin, so pretty", many comments for Yujin.
"Yujin, you're so cute".
"Yujin, the padded coat really suits you".
"Yujin, are you reading the comments?", "you'll catch cold".
Thank you. "Yujin, choose a fun penalty before the start".
"Yujin, are you sick?" no, I'm not. "Love".
"Giant baby, Wonyoung", "Girls, wear my warm love".
"Take care of it at the maknae level".
"Why aren't you participating Ahn Yujin?".
"Is there a penalty?", "Hyewon, I love you".
"Yujin, chatting manipulation" no, I not manipulating the chatting.
"Yujin, there's none" no. There are so many here.
"Yujin, Yujin", "I love all of you", "Yujin, I love you".
"Yujin, I love you", "Yujin, nice voice", "Yujin's voice".
"Yujin unni, I love you".
"Yujin, take care of yourself", everyone you should take care of yourselves since it's in-between seasons.
It's so cold, wear padded coats and layer your clothes.
"Are you the final contestant, Yujin?".
"Yujin, working hard"., "Yujin, don't get sick", "Yujin, so cute".
- You're doing a good job hosting the show. - Yes, I am.
- Was it good? - Good job.
- Your first contestant. - Please tell us yours first.
We will have
Minjoo unni!
Our contestant is
punch king!
I'll take care of all of them.
- Wait, wait. - What's the point in dragging it on?
The comments asked if there's a penalty.
- A penalty to the game ... - There should be one.
- There has to be one? - There should be one. - Shall we go with snacks? - Shall we bet snacks?
Bet on snacks?
- No, I wish it was something fun. - Something funny?
- Something fun? - We can write names with our butts.
Like ...
Or would you like to recommend some? What should we have as penalty?
- What would be good? - Then as we play the game, everyone can recommend and I'll read them.
- I need to try with Minjoo. - Our punch king.
- I still haven't wrestled Chaewon yet. - Then ...
- Let's start with a few words each about the game. - Why don't you go first, baby?
- You wore the cap that makes you stronger. - Yes.
Is that a cap that make you stronger?
Why don't you go first?
Sorry, but it doesn't provoke me in the least.
I'll just do it quickly and get it over with.
- Okay, hands together. - It won't be easy.
Hands together, and hold.
Wait, I'm going up against the punch king.
- Right. - If you win here, punch king will be no longer king.
- Don't be nervous unni. - What are you talking about?
- Yena is getting up, she's getting up. - Don't cheat.
- I didn't cheat. - Each team, root for the person. - They're on edge right now.
Yena unni VS Minjoo unni.
1, 2 ... Loosen your grip, loosen it.
1, 2, 3!
- Min-guri, fighting! - Min-guri, fighting!
- I know this would happen. - It's no fun.
- Good job. - Unni ...
What? What?
- Used up all her strength. - It's no fun, no fun. Next, next.
There's a reason she's called punch king.
Yena, don't bully our team members.
Are we doing it tournament style?
- Aren't we? - Tournament is good, it's great.
Don't make our team members get tired.
I'll just finish quickly.
- It's no fun. - Wonyoung, a word to the punch king.
- Why am I called the giant baby? - Jang Wonyoung, fighting!
- Our giant baby eats like a giant. - There's a reason she's giant.
You might be taller, but I'm wider.
What are you saying?
Let's do this.
She's like the real punch king.
- Wait. - Wait, are you pulling out more because you have longer arms?
- This is cheating, judge. - Wait, why did you pull that up?
I'm going to pull up my sleeves too.
- Hold the elbow, like this. - Yena unni is scary.
Relax, relax. Don't turn.
- It'll break, it'll break. - Giant baby, fighting! - Yena really is a bit scary.
1 ... Stay still, stay still.
- Yena unni is really scary. - Stay still, please.
- Her strength is no joke. - Calm before the storm, calm before the storm.
1, 2 ... Relax.
- 1, 2, 3. - My hands are sweating.
It's too easy, it's too easy.
- It's too easy. Next, next. - Unni ...
- We trust in you, unni. - Keep the cap on! - Make our Wonyoung lose.
I'm going to win all of you.
Unni, what are you talking about?
Unni, you're so cute.
- So cute. - How dare you ...
Why are you so cute today?
- Good, good. - Okay.
Is the like the final round? Almost?
Probably ...
Eunbi unni, so long.
- Last round boss, please hold hands. - Can't tell who'll win.
- Wait, it's different. - The energy is different.
- The energy is different. - Wait, wait.
- 1. - Wait, wait, something's different. - Get your strength together.
Wait, since this is the round of the strongest contestants,
- Punch king. - can you go around and say who'll win?
- Obviously it's going to be punch king. - Of course, Eunbi unni. - Of course, Eunbi unni.
- Eunbi unni? - Wait.
What is the penalty?
I've been looking at the penalties.
There was something like mimicking a lama.
A clout.
There were lots of these, and rap.
And putting up a video on SNS.
- A video of acting cute. - I think that sounds good.
- Acting cute... - There were many.
After this, we can vote and decide.
- The strongest contestants. - Why am I so nervous?
Quickly, quickly.
- It's different, it's not the same as before. - Fighting.
It's a new feeling I got from her grab.
1, 2.
- I think this is going so fun. - 1, 2, ...
- Our punch king ... - Wait.
- This is not it, it's not. - What.
- Wait, wait. - It's the first time I felt this.
- Wait ... - Victory was unni's from the beginning.
This is a kind of strength I felt for the first time since I was born.
But the important fact is that Yena unni was the first of her team.
Who knows? There could be an ace here.
Come out, come out.
Girls, help me out.
- Let's give it. - Who is the second contestant?
We are not afraid.
This a fight within the team, fight inside the team.
"King of bluff".
Failed? I fought hard till now.
Please pay attention to us.
- Let's go. - I'm scared.
Wait, wait.
The wrists are too different to start with.
- Wait, wait. - No.
- Mine is thinner than you think. - Yes, thin, because it's thin.
Let's go.
- I don't think she has a chance. - 1, 2, wait, relax.
- Don't be burdened by it. - 1, 2, 3!
Wait ...
It's like you're taking a bath right now.
- Unni, wait. - Unni, totally ...
Try changing to 2 fingers.
Eunbi unni wins.
- It's really not the strength of a average woman. - You're amazing unni.
She not a woman.
Wait, what do you mean not a woman? Then what am I?
Right, animal.
- Unni is the best. - Kang, come out.
- Our hyung. - Eunbi unni's wrist hurts.
- Hyung, fighting! - Show "gear second".
- I'm almost out of energy. - No.
I don't know if I can win Hyewon.
- Wait. - Wait, she has no strength.
Why does she have no energy today?
A question here.
Is Minjoo stronger or is Hyewon stronger?
- I really want to know. - You can find out soon. - Didn't she do it with Minjoo before?
- Did you? - She didn't do it with me. - The outcome was not revealed. - They don't know.
We will reveal today ...
- Then before you wrestle me, ... - Unni, wait, can't you do it with 2 fingers?
- You're too ... - Can't you try with 2 fingers with Hyewon unni?
- Here, your hand. - Or unni can hold her wrist.
Hyewon ... can do it with Minjoo.
- I'll do it with Hyewon first. - Anyone can see the outcome of this game.
- Okay. - Isn't the weaker one suppose to grab the wrist?
- Is this right? - Yes, this is right.
- This is right. - Really? Doesn't look like it. - Isn't this easier?
She just looks like she has no strength.
She's winning with her stare.
- It looks like it's going to break soon. - Her expression ... - Hyewon is too thin.
Then let's finish quickly, and have an extra round as the final round.
- Please count 1, 2, 3. - No.
- She might surprise us... - Do you want to try with 2 hands? - 2 hands, 2 hands.
- I think you can win with 2 hands. - I'm not a man, girls! That's too much.
- I've already experienced it. - I'm not a man.
- Unni, since you so good at it. - Because you're so good.
I've tried, so this is okay.
- This is going to be a hard game. - No more talking.
- Do 2 hands, I think you can do it. - Do 2 hands, I know you can do it.
- 1, 2, 3. - Ready, start.
- Okay, 2 hands was too much. - We won this one?
- We win with 2 hands. - Then shall we do it again fairly?
Since we need to decide who the winner is. 1, 2, 3!
But Hyewon is stronger than Chaewon.
- Really? - No, that time ... - No, Hyewon is stronger than Chaewon.
I didn't use all my strength.
Now the final round, come out.
- Congratulations. - Game to solve our curiosity.
Minjoo and Hyewon.
Everyone, if unni is "gear second", I'm gomu-gomu.
- What? - What?
Wait, look at this.
- As we speak, 10 million hearts! - 10 million.
- Thank you. - Thank you.
Then let's start our main game.
- Wait, I'm a bit scared. - It's another kind of main game.
I need to borrow the strength of the cap.
- I ... - Lend me the power of your glasses.
- It had no strength. - Also, if anyone is curious,
we will continue the match.
Please choose who will win. I choose Minjoo unni.
- I think Minjoo unni will win. - I think Hyewon will win.
I choose Hyewon.
- Hyewon is stronger than she looks. - Raise hands for Hyewon unni, hands for Hyewon unni.
- Is there a penalty here? - I think Hyewon unni.
- I pick Minjoo unni, what? - Yujin!
- Okay, okay. - Let us win. - Okay, let's do this.
Oh my.
- Please hold the elbow, Hyewon unni. - Like this? - Okay.
- Okay. - Unni, it's leaning, it's leaning.
1, 2 ...
Wait! Wait!
We haven't decided on a penalty ...
This is not cool ...
It's real, very real.
Yujin are you okay?
- Yujin was too nervous ... - I was really surprised.
- MC, you okay? Are you okay? - Are you okay?
Your hair ...
- I'm very fine. - If we do this, we can't decide which team will receive the penalty.
- We already have the outcome. - No... ah, right.
- This is an extra round. - Aren't you going to focus here?
Choi Yena, aren't you going to focus?
- Yena unni, stay silent for 10 seconds. - I'm sorry.
1 ...
Today's main event. 1, 2 ...
- Relax and start on 3. - It's 2.
1, 2, 3!
It's a close one, a close one! Hyewon!
- Amazing! - Wait! She's stronger than Chaewon unni!
- Really? - I told you! - She's stronger than Chaewon unni.
It's the power of the glasses.
It was amazing.
- The glasses have magic powers. - Then we ... - The glasses have magic powers.
Although Hyewon unni won the extra game,
the winner is Minjoo unni's team.
I think today's main event was Yujin's slapstick comedy ...
Today's MVP is Ahn Yujin ...
Then ...
Shall we do a bit more?
- We need to practice. - Our penalty.
We will decide on the penalty and wrap up for today's V LIVE.
It's a bummer, but while we get more comments on the penalty,
how was today? Our MVPs?
- MVPs. - Isn't Yujin the MVP? - It's Yujin. - Isn't everyone the MVP?
- Since we're grateful to Eunbi unni, let hear from Eunbi unni. - Today's MVP, Eunbi unni.
I was really surprised.
First, I was surprised because Hyewon was stronger than I imagined.
Also, in our team,
I'd like to arm wrestle with Jo Guri again.
Jo Guri says her strength comes out from her sides.
- So ... - She can't handle it. - Right.
So, I was thinking how it'd be to go up against Jo Guri ...
Also, don't you think Nako could be stronger than we think?
- I think she's strong! She's strong! - Right, I think she'll be really strong.
There are so many other I want to go up against so I think it'll be fun to do it with everyone.
Thank you so much to our V LIVE fans who have watched today.
Thank you.
I hope many of you watch our next V LIVE,
and there are 2 cute acts. Clout and acting cute.
There are 2 penalty nominated. Clout and acting cute.
- This is ... - Let's take a look.
- This team decide if it's clout or acting cute. - Acting cute? - What's better, clout of acting cute?
I personally want to see Yena unni, Hyewon unni and Chaewon unni act cute.
- I also want to see them act cute. - Won't acting cute be better?
- Just hit us. - No, it's okay.
So next time, when we do V LIVE, they'll put up their cute act on SNS.
- No! - Promise!
You need to keep your promise.
- Promise! - Promise.
Will we see them act cute?
- Promise, - This is bad. - Promise. - Promise.
Now, thank you to everyone who watched V LIVE today,
and thank you to all of you who did a great job arm wrestling.
Please come back for the nest V LIVE.
- Thank you. - Thank you. - Look forward to them acting cute. - Everyone,
I won Minjoo unni. I won Minjoo unni by arm wrestling.
I won Minjoo. I won Minjoo.
- Heart. - I have to go.
Thank you.
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