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숨바꼭질 35회 36회 💜 Hide and Seek Ep 35 36 - Duration: 50:13.
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Victoria Beckham trahie par David, elle s'effondre ! (photo) - Duration: 1:27.
900HP Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S Coupe Review by AutoTopNL (English Subtitles) - Duration: 7:23.
one week ago
we received an e-mail
from one Andre
who said: Guys, I've got a GLE 63 S
and I got bored of the stock power
that 585 HP
I've had it tuned to 900 HP
and I want you to drive it
hmm.. sure
no bullshit!
we're in it!
it's really true!
900 HP GLE 63 S
and how does that sound?
not that special
I hope that's not an indication
of how driving it is going to be
I fear I don't possess the acting skills
to pull that off
but we have a remote here
this is mode 1 of the Capristo exhaust
which means it's as quiet as possible
which is really nice actually
when you drive these insanely loud cars
as much as we do
Andre has 2 kids who he takes to school
and drives them to the amusement park
which is perfectly possible with this
it's even tuned in a way
that you can drive it like a GLE
not an AMG, a GLE
2 of the 8 cilinders
are not hooked up to the turbo
which means you get a more N/A character
which is very progressive
and the other 3 are hooked up
what happens with everything in Sport+
I'll click mode 4 for the exhaust
it has 4 settings
1 is quiet mode
4 is most extreme
all that remains is flooring it
this thing is totally insane!
it's just bizarre
as I said
those exhaust modes and turbo setup
one moment you're driving
a friendly, big family car
twist some knobs
and open the exhaust
and it's a beast!
900 HP and 1150 Nm
when you open the taps
this thing is ridiculously fast
we wouldn't be AutoTopNL
if we didn't drive it on the Autobahn
308 km/h!
and today was quite busy
this thing will do 320 km/h I think
it's just totally mad
and mental
how they have transformed this car
we've driven these AMG's
with power like this before
but never in GLE form
and I have to say
that Arctic camo with highlighter yellow
it accentuates how insane it is
it's hard to comprehend
it's just that unreal
I would not drive it in mode 4 too long
because everyone in a 10 mile radius
hates us now
that Capristo exhaust
has the level of a shotgun
you'll hear this thing 5km away easy
I'm totally in love
with this..
I can't even call it a unwieldy beast
it's an Nuke on wheels
another cliche for you
but that's just what it is
I was hoping today would be awesome
the question was if it was a prank or not
someone e-mailing us
that they have a 900 HP GLE
It was hard to believe
but we took the gamble
and it shows up
you open the bonnet
and we saw GAD Motors there
which we know very well
and we knew today was going to be good
a big thanks to Andre
for letting us drive his car
take example of this
do you have something crazy
parked in your garage
e-mail us, call us
drop by
because we should do this more often!
Charlène et Albert de Monaco amoureux et complices, la soirée où tout a basculé - Duration: 1:35.
News Bollywood | Bollywood Celebrity Gossip | Sapna Choudhary | 27 October 2018 | 8:00 PM - Duration: 6:52.
News Bollywood | Bollywood Celebrity Gossip | Sapna Choudhary | 27 October 2018 | 8:00 PM
Fiat 500C 80pk TURBO SPORT NAVIATIE 16" LM-VELGEN - Duration: 1:05.
Šest slatkih pačića | Pevaj Sa Sandrom | Sing With Sandra | Dečije pesme - Duration: 2:14.
Hello guys, I am Gia, welcome to my channel
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You may be wondering why am I making this video in spanish,
To be honest I just felt like it so I did it.
So today I bring you 4 last minute halloween makeup, I don't know if I'll upload the 4 of them at once
Or if I'll upload 2 videos showing 2 in each of them. (Upload on saturado and sunday)
I will also be showing you some easy costumes ideas for these 2 makeup. Hope you like it!
I started with a washed face, and I applied lotion and lip balm. I can't live without them, I recommend it to you guys.
I am applying concealer as a primer for my eyes to then apply this light brown color in my crease.
And we are also going to apply some in the lower lash line.
Now we are going to use a darker brown for the outer corner and blend it.
We'll make a very dramatic eyeliner so I am using a pencil to first draw the shape and then fill in with a black eyeliner.
We are going to apply some more back eyeshadow in the lower lash line.
I decided to add some glitter, that I bought in Primark, on the eyeliner that we've done before.
Now I just add concealer in my dark circles, add a foundation a bit lighter than my skin and add some blush on my cheeks.
We'll use again a pencil to draw the shape of the cat nose and then fill it in with an eyeliner.
We'll draw a line from our nose to our lip to simulate the mouth of the cat, then we'll paint our lips black.
This black lipstick didn't paint my lips very well so I ended up doing it with a black pencil and setting it with black eyeshadow.
Also I added some glitter *_*
Now I did the cat whisker but I think It would be better if you paint them nearer your upper lip area.
I also added some dots and I painted my eyebrows with black eyeshadow.
To finish I added some fake eyelashes.
Ok, this is how the makeup ended up looking.
I tried to make it easy to do so everybody could do it.
And now we have 2 options for the cat ears, I have this one that I think I bought in Forever 21 when I went to USA or I bought it in Zara, I don't know
Is very cool because it has like these mirrors. But if you don't have any like this, you could go to your local store and I found this
It was just 1 euro, and it's very cool because it has like fur so I think is very cool.
Of course pretty.
As you can see this is how it looks, but if you really want one like the mirror cat ears, maybe you can find alike in Claires or any other similar shop.
Now I'll show you some ideas for your costume for you cat makeup :3
Well' in the end the 'some ideas'' was a prank lol because I just show you one option
Which is this dress that has some pearls that may look like a collar. I also added some heels
Now I'll show you the second makeup, it's a demon makeup and I think is very cool and scary so let's start.
I apply again again concealer in my dark circles and then I add a lighter foundation and I apply it with a beauty blender.
I use a darker brown to fill my eyebrows then I mix this 2 darker brown and I apply it in my crease.
We have to blend the eyeshadow so it looks better, and e'll also add in the lower lash line.
For this makeup we'll do a small eyeliner, from this palette I'm using the red alike eyeshadow and I appply it in my forehead, brow bone and cheeks.
I will add this silver eyeshadow in my inner corner of the eye
the I use this red paint and I apply it in my forehead and side of my face, and then using a black paint we'll mix it with the red one.
I add foundation on my lips, and I add some black in the middle and some red details at the side.
I'll be using the same fake eyelashes. And for the black tears I recommend that you wet the brush very well, until you create a small lake in the paint XD
Ok, now we go with the coolest part of the makeup, the sclera lenses!
If you are thinking about buying it, I'll show you how big it is.
Personally I thought It would be more difficult to put them on but it wasn't.
This are the lenses, they are quite big and scary
We'll use some fake blood
Well guys, this is how the makeup ends up looking. I added some details in my neck and chest by painting it with red and black and adding this ¿black magic star?
I think the blood makes it more scary. And now I'll show you with what clothes you could wear it.
I combined it with this black top so we can show the chest makeup.
I also wore this black pants with the chain on the side, and I added the same heels as before.
Thank you for watching the video and I'll see you in the next one! Bye :D
【#20】ナスDの大冒険YouTube版!第2回 顔面漂白タイム編/Episode2"Bleach your face" - Duration: 20:19.
While interviewing Tribal people in the Amazon in South America
our reporting director rubbed a dye on himself that is said to never come off
It turned him super black and since then he transformed into The Eggplant Director, a.k.a "Eggplant-D"
Let me take one last commemoration selfie while I'm still black
Watch as his skin finally turns back to normal!
Wait my hand's supposed to be on this side
You guys gotta tell me!
The Great Adventure of NAS-D
The Great Adventures of Eggplant-D Youtube Version
< The very late Santa Claus>
When I was a kid, Santa would pay me visit from time to time
and for some weird reason
I had a feeling that Santa would once again pay a visit while I was here in the Amazon.
Last year, on December 24th,
Jorge gave me Paneton and Chocolate drinks.
But I was too caught up with other stuff to enjoy it
Today, Jorge saw I was tired
and once again brought me Paneton and chocolate drinks
It was so good!
While I was eating, the women of the town began to gather
and one pregnant woman asked,
"Do you want to get that black stuff off your face?"
At this point I no longer cared about getting it off. But I was tempted by the offer.
I said "yes", although doubtful about whether it would actually come off
She prepared some detergent, bleach, and alcohol
and said, "It'll probably come off"
Then there was a long scrubbing process
....and a lot of it came off.
I was told it would continue the next day
It seems I got a late visit from Santa Claus this year.
I am really happy.
...but at the same time, I am sad.
I worked really hard when I was black.
I had to work hard, because apprearance-wise, I had a disadvantage
I became closer with the local people, and they took care of me.
I now realize it was a time when I was helped by everyone.
Today I turned from a pitch-black "Japon Black"
to a regular, boring guy
Goodbye, "Japon Black". And thank you to everyone.
All that remained were the memories of the experiences I had when I was black, and a feeling of gratitude.
and that is enough for me.
Now that I no longer look funny, I actually have to work to be funny
Hmm....should I just paint the Wito back on?
So inside a high schooler's back-pack...
there are 2 squirrel monkeys..
Here in this town, you will find monkeys
in the backpack of a high schooler.
In Japan, the most you'll find are like, iPhones or iPads
Oh hey, it's JB again!
Your face is so much clearner now!
There's a plate of Carachama
We're having a squirrel monkey for dinner today
I love animals
and my nick name in kindergarten was "The Animal Professor"
My dream at the time was to have a monkey as a pet.
But instead of adopting one as a pet
......I'm about to eat one right now.
So I guess this kind of means
that my dream came true....? It's hard to say
You haven't even played with the monkey
Not at all
....I just saw a super-bloody monkey.
It looks like parts of a plastic action figure
When I was in elementary school I wanted action figures so badly
When I was in the 3rd grade I went to an action figure store
and continued to go there until I was in the 6th grade
Every day.
I brought a notebook with me
and I would write down the number of figures.
I would write: "One Dom"
"One Zaku"
"One Gundam"
Oh hey!! They got one Guncannon (*writes*)
and they got a Gyan figure too! (*writes*)
and then I'd go back the next day
and I'd do the same thing
This went on for 3 years
and do you know what I was told when I became a sixth grader?
The clerk said to me,
As a kid, it was pretty hurtful
It was traumatizing
By the 6th day of reporting here. Eggplant has become close with the local people. The girls come and tease him
They're looking at my hand
Hey, don't do that
This is "Wasasui" (cooked monkey flavored with salt)
This dish is called "Wasasui"
Here it comes...
It looks like chicken
Man that's hot!
Do you all like the monkey?
Yes, we love it.
How will it smell?
It smells like dried bonito
As a way of showing respect to the monkeyhis
that's too hot!
Eggplant takes a huge bite from the freshly cooked monkey
That is good!
Yappari ("As I thought" ),
Yes that's right, "Yappari"
It has the texture of a chicken
There's no fat and lots of muscle
It's like fat-less beef
I love this!
It's easy to eat and It's delicious
Kikinshamanui (Delicious)
Kikinshamanui (Delicious)
Kikinshamanuu Kikinshamanui (Delicious)
I can totally eat this
I can have even more of this . It's delicious.
Let me take a bit of the ankle
So good
I bet this tastes so differently from how you imagine it
I want to let people know how this tastes
because you can't eat monkey in Japan
Right then
Bananas and monkeys.....
Oh no!!!
That bird took my monkey's hand!!
That little rascal
Bad bird!
Give it back!
So when you take beef
and preserve it in salt water for 24 hours
then smoke the beef for an hour,
then leave it out to dry for a couple of days, can make beef jerkey
The most commonly eaten beef jerky is made by leaving the beef out to dry for 30 days
But jerkey is the most delicious
when it's only left out to dry for about 3 days.
...because the meat is half raw.
This monkey tastes like half-raw smoked jerkey
and it's delicious
Whoa that's a shotgun bullet
This is different from say...
finding a fish-hook inside of a red snapper.
This is biting into a monkey
and finding a bullet inside.
Dangerous, huh?
Eggplant takes a bite of banana
The monkey and banana go great together
...why wouldn't they, I mean, monkeys eat bananas.
I didn't think monkey meat was this good. I thought it would be more smelly
Oh really? I didn't think monkey meat was this good. I thought it would be more smelly
Would you like more?
This is the tastiest part of the monkey
Check it out....
a whole entire monkey!
How do you eat it?
You have to take off the head.
I just realized something
Monkeys are super easy to hold if you hold them by the head
It's like holding a doorknob
Can I eat this part?
Of course
Eggplant gobbles away at the head with no mercy
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
It has that "head taste"
It tastes different from the other parts
This footage probably won't be aired. But this is good
This will be a good memory
You can eat the entire head
How will the eyeballs taste?
They taste like tapioca
Squirrel monkeys taste better than white monkeys
Monkey's brains are nutritious and are the tasitest part
It's the most popular part
Is it good ?
Yes Is it good?
It tastes like shirako (soft roe)
Oh really? It tastes like shirako (soft roe)
The right hand is squeezed
You've probably seen a bear's hand before, but have you ever seen a monkey's hand?
Sarunote ("Monkey's Hand" in Japanese)
No no, not "Parunote"
No, no not "Parunote." It's Sarunote
Yes Sarunote
No, not "Parunote," it's Sarunote.
Saru (Monkey)
Tomoyorinote (Tomoyori's hand)
Tomoyorinote (Tomoyori's hand)
Sarunote Sarunote
Many parts of the monkey are edible, although the meat is tough
While savouring its taste, Eggplant finishes eating the monkey in an hour
Salt-flavored monkey, with a side of banana I ate half of a monkey
Eggplant and U-ji Koji have been interviewing the natives of the Amazon
Here we would like to introduce the staple foods eaten by these people
First - potatoes.
The native people of the Amazon eat a type of potato called "Yuca"
Yuca can be grown in barren land
There's many ways to prepare them such as boiling and cooking
The Shipibo Tribe enjoy eating Fallina, which is made by finely grinding Yuca, then drying it
It can be eaten without cooking. It's also sprinkled into soup.
A staple food of the Bora Tribe is "Kasabe," made by grinding Yuca,mixing it with flour, then spreading out this mixture thinly and cooking it
The Awafun Tribe drink an alcoholic drink called "Masato" made by boiling and fermenting Yuca
Yuca is a staple food for 8 billion people in the world, including those who live in regions outside of South America, like Africa
In Japan, there are restrictions against importing raw Yuca
but people enjoy tapioca, which is made from the starch from the bulb of the Yuca
In the Amazon, fried tapioca are enjoyed as snacks
Yucas are the 2nd most grown potatoes in the world
Following regular potatoes
Regular potatoes have a long history. People began growing them in 500 A.D.
They are a Solanaceae plant, which is the same type of plant as an eggplant
Currently there are more than 3000 types of potatoes
Some rare types of potatoes include the purple "Shadow Queen"
and the "Destroyer," which look like masked wrestlers
Moving onto the 2nd staple food - Corn.
Corn originated somwhere between 5500 to 7500 years ago
LIkely places of origin include regions near Central and South America, such as Mexico and Bolivia
there are various types of corn in Central and South America.
One is "Giant corn" - white corn whose pieces are 2 times the size of regular corn
Giant corn is enjoyed in Japan too, as finger food
but they can only be grown in an area in Peru 3000 meters above sea level
If they are grown anywhere outside of this area, the corn pieces will not become as big
These are purple corn
They are mainly used to make drinks
Chicha Morada, a national juice of Peru, is made by stewing purple corn in juice, then adding sugar and fruit juice
Then there is the "Rainbow Corn," known as the most beautiful corn in the world
Rainbow corn is edible and made from crossing different types of corn
The seeds can be purchased online
Finally - the 3rd staple food of the Amazon :
Bananas originated somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 years ago
Bananas were originally full of seeds
But from a sudden change, seedless bananas were born.
There are 2 types - ones that can be eaten raw, and ones used for cooking
The native people of the Amazon eat the type used for cooking which are called "Plantains"
Plantains are hard and have a core. They cannot be eaten unless they're cooked
but they are full of dietary fiber and starch
They are a staple food in South America
When they're green and not yet ripe, they are usually boiled, cooked, or fried
When they're a bit ripe, the Plantainws become sticky. When mashed, fried, and mixed with lard, it becomes a dish called "Takacho"
When they're completely ripe, they are sliced and fried in oil and made into banana chips
Banana leaves are used for various purposes in regions where bananas are grown
They're used in a dish called Juane, which is steamed rice wrapped in banana leaves
and also for a dish called Patarashka Also,
in towns in the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea
Banana leaves are used at weddings and funerals
Banana leaves are placed over wooden boards on which Geometric patterns are carved. They are scrubbed from above so the pattern can be copied on the leaves
Then the people use the leaves for shopping
So it's time for Part 2 of the bleaching
Time to get rid of the Wito for good
Everything will
eventually come to an end
Then there's a beginning to everything.
I'm going to take a commemoration selfie before this all comes off
Oh no my hand's supposed to be on this side
Again, she pours in the detergent....
then adds some bleach
Once again Eggplant dunks his whole face in
First Eggplant dips his face into a mixture of detergent and bleach for 10 minutes
then he is scrubbed with alcohol
Just scrub me as if I'm a dirty car
She's even cleaning my ears
Don't even think I'm a human being
Oh really?
Think of me as an old, rusty car
Oh no my neck...check out this crazy angle
They clean me with detergent and bleach, then rub me with alcohol as a finishing touch
Man, I feel so fresh! I'm going to try this at home
Should I dip my face in once more?
Here I go
They're directly rubbing bleach on you with a towel
That's fine. It's as if she's washing my soul too. They're directly rubbing bleach on you with a towel
The women of the Shipibo Tribe are earnest
They're finishing me off so cleanly
Is this how you always get "Wito" off?
We don't dip our faces into the bleach, though
I haven't bathed for a while
so they're scrubbing the filth off of me too
This is some thorough work
They're taking it all off
Look at me I'm like a monk
Souryo (Monk) Souge? Souryo
Souge Souryo
She's pregnant right now...
The pregnant woman says something surprising
So your name was...Tomoyo.....
Tomoyori So your name was...Tomoyo.....
Tomoyori Tomoyori
I'm going to name my baby Tomoyori
Really? You're lying
Your baby will be super black
Tomoyori Tomoyori
Tomoyori Tomoyori Tomoyori
It means "attracting many friends"
That's beautiful. I like that name.
That's the literal translation.
My dad taught me
I don't really attract friends, though....
I don't have any friends
Don't translate that.
I don't have any friends
Can you come back in a year?
Sure Can you come back in a year?
I'll come back.
By then I should have a child with the same name as you. Please come visit him.
Also, the next time you visit
we'll rub achiote (a type of spice) on you instead of Wito
Let's do it
The women continue to scrub Eggplant as if he were a dirty old car
I took your boogers out while I was at it
The women had cleaned Eggplant for free and he was not charged a single cent.
Looking back, I'm glad this all happened
None of it was a waste
I'm glad it happened.
If any of you ever accidentally rub Wito on your skin
Grab some detergent, bleach, and alcohol.
Then scrub hard. REALLY hard.
It's going to hurt but you're just going to have to bear it
Then it'll come off.
You know how the women of the Shipibo Tribe weave very intricately?
They work really hard, right?
I've realized that their work is very detailed
There's something else I learned about these women -
They're very strong.
They may not look strong
but they scrub hard, and when they bend my neck....
When this woman over here put me in a headlock
I thought my head would fall off
They have immense strength
Doesn't that hurt?
It hurts a lot.
This woman here....
is scrubbing so hard
and she's getting so much off
Oh really? and she's getting so much off
Oh really? Really. Really.
This goes to show you that the women of the Shipibo Tribe are earnest workers.
It's all very careful.
....the work that they do
And it's detailed
Agreed. And it's detailed
That's why they're able to do such intricate weaving
Eggplant has learned firsthand how carefully the women of the Shipibo Tribe work
Lastly the women rub undiluted bleach directly onto Eggplant
I'm about the only person who can take this
The women pour bleach onto cloths and scrub with all their might
Even after scrubbing for over 3 hours
they do not slow down.
They cleaned it off good
Amazing stuff
They cleaned it off well
It smells like when someone's cleaning a toilet
They're directly....
They're directly rubbing the bleach on me
This is definitely the stuff you use when you clean toilets
I think I'm good now
I think that's enough, ladies
I think that's enough
You don't have to take it all off
You can stop if you want...
Your ears have become super-red!
Does it hurt?
I'm gonna be honest - this is 100 times more painful than you think it is
Oh really?
It's fine though. As long as they can get it off
I feel like you're gonna start bleeding
That's true
Oh well. I did this to myself
You can stop now ladies
You're telling them to stop?
It's think it's kind of late...
to tell them to stop
I think that's enough
She's scrubbing so frantically
She trying to get it all off
She's not going to stop till it all comes off
These women are amazing
She wants you to be patient
They are amazing, professionals
Yes.... They are amazing, professionals
I feel like I'm at one of those shops that offers these types of services
Don't translate that, Jorge but..
This totally hurts
This pain is actually kind of unbearable
Remember the day I rubbed the Wito on? and I got a fever?
Right now, it's burning even more than that
After 4 hours, Part 2 of the bleaching process comes to an end
Eggplant receives a gift from the pregnant woman who scrubbed him for 2 days straight
She did all this work for me and she's giving me a gift?
These people are so different from the Bora Tribe
I have a pretty high pain threshold
but this actually hurts a lot, so much that I want to scream.
It's like getting your teeth pulled out without anesthesia
I really thought my ear would fall off
It seems like it feels good though
It totally hurts. man.
It burns
I never say "ow that hurts" out loud
but I said it once while they were scrubbing
When I was telling the women "that's enough," it was because it really, really hurt
I thought all my eyebrow hairs would get pulled out
which I was okay with, because eyebrows grow back
but as for my ear - I was seriously worried it would fall off
So you were holding in the pain
Yes I was
At the the very end
I actually thought they would pull my ear off
I'm pretty good at sensing danger
Like...I can sense when the atmosphere is dangerous
When we were attacked by the Awafun tribe, I honestly did not sense danger
I was just confused. I didn't know what was going on.
But this time, I actually sensed danger
I mean...your ears are so red
Don't I smell like a toilet?
Doesn't it smell like when someone is cleaning a toilet ?
I now know what a toilet feels like
when the yellow spots are being scrubbed off
What's interesting is, I can't get the black stuff off when I try myself.
I'm scrubbing so hard, to the point where it hurts
but I can't get it off
So, hats off to the women of the Shipibo Tribe. They're amazing
and they gave me a necklace
This is a gift from their hearts
The Bora Tribe would be charging me 70 sol ( $21.39) for this
These women really wanted to help me get the black off
....and I felt that. It made me happy
See, I scrubbed really hard and tried to get it off myself.
but it hurts so much. I can't scrub anymore
I think this is the best I can do for my legs
It is finally the day of Eggplant's exorcism.
Chrissy Teigen Shares One Thing You'd Be Surprised to Know About John Legend (Exclusive) - Duration: 2:06.
Appena scoprirai i benefici del tè di buccia d'ananas, correrai subito a prepararlo - Duration: 3:00.
The Real Reasons Superman Will Never Have A Good Game - Duration: 4:46.
He's more powerful than a locomotive… but that doesn't mean Superman has what it takes
to create a blockbuster video game.
"We'll see about that."
Over the years, there have been numerous attempts to turn the Man of Steel into video-game gold
but none of those efforts have been particularly successful.
So why can't Clark Kent have a legendary game to call his own?
Let's investigate.
Forgettable rogues
Remember these guys?
What about her?
Outside of Lex Luthor, how many of Superman's arch-rivals can you actually name?
Unless you're a certified Man of Steel superfan, the answer is probably "Not many."
Maybe you've heard of Doomsday, but you probably don't know General Zod's first name.
How about Brainiac?
Atomic Skull?
These villains just aren't going to resonate with gamers the way other bad guys do.
"Why did you attack those people?"
"To draw out the main course, of course."
And if the majority of gamers have absolutely no friggin' idea who these bad guys are, why
would they plunk down $60 to fight them?
Bad history
The most recent Superman games have been mind-bendingly awful.
Released in 1999, Superman: The New Adventures is one of the most notoriously terrible games
ever made.
You might know it as Superman 64.
Hopefully, you don't know it at all.
Superman Returns came out in 2006... to show the world that a Superman game can still totally
"Is that the best you can do?"
"Oh no, Superman, that was just the beginning."
Substandard graphics!
Frustrating controls!
Repetitive gameplay!
Superman Returns even has the audacity to feature a tornado as the final boss.
"It's heading straight for Metropolis!"
Superman hasn't starred in another video game in over a decade… maybe because he's let
down gamers too many times.
"We thought you were gonna come back!"
Look, down on the ground!
It's Superman running errands!
Whenever a video game puts Superman on the ground and makes him walk, that game becomes
a total crashing bore.
Take the 1992 Sega Genesis game Superman.
The ground sections are basic, boring side-scrolling stages.
The flying sections are way more fun, a lot more action-packed, and just feel freer than
their land-loving counterparts.
Because Superman is supposed to fly.
Sure, Superman Returns is mostly flight-based, but the whole game is a total slog, so it
doesn't really count.
Your move, Superman.
Where's the hook?
To become a blockbuster, a video game needs more than some overpowered super-person beating
people up.
A great superhero game needs a hook to elevate the material so that it's a unique, dynamic
playing experience.
Batman's Arkham series lets you beat up bad guys, but you also search for clues and inspect
your surroundings, hiding in the shadows before attacking.
Deadpool is a pretty straightforward beat-em-up game, but it's so overloaded with hilarious
and inappropriate jokes that you barely notice.
"What the hell, Summers?"
"I learned it by watching you, alright?"
Then there's the recent Spider-Man games, where you can free-roam New York City and
swing from building to building.
So far, none of the standalone Superman games have managed to find a compelling hook, and
"being Superman" simply isn't enough.
The Last Son of Krypton deserves his own fresh, free-roaming adventure… but can any video
game company rise to the challenge?
"Go on Superman -- you know you want to."
Friend zone
Even though Superman's solo adventures have been lackluster, he's definitely appeared
in a few truly great games.
Superman was a seriously entertaining character in both Injustice: Gods Among Us and its sequel,
Injustice 2.
"I've learned from my mistakes."
Far removed from his Big Blue Boy Scout image, the Superman of Injustice is an evil tyrant
who kills The Joker in a fit of rage.
This Super-Sassy version of Superman rules the world through fear and violence.
It's not your typical Superman story, and that's part of what makes it so good.
Injustice is an incredibly popular fighter game, so the problem isn't Superman as a game
It's Superman as the only game character.
Maybe Superman should be in a Justice League-inspired action-RPG.
If Superman is surrounded by his friends, he might become relatable enough for people
to want to play with him again.
"Careful what you wish for."
Charlène et Albert de Monaco amoureux et complices, la soirée où tout a basculé - Duration: 1:35.
900HP Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 S Coupe Review by AutoTopNL (English Subtitles) - Duration: 7:23.
one week ago
we received an e-mail
from one Andre
who said: Guys, I've got a GLE 63 S
and I got bored of the stock power
that 585 HP
I've had it tuned to 900 HP
and I want you to drive it
hmm.. sure
no bullshit!
we're in it!
it's really true!
900 HP GLE 63 S
and how does that sound?
not that special
I hope that's not an indication
of how driving it is going to be
I fear I don't possess the acting skills
to pull that off
but we have a remote here
this is mode 1 of the Capristo exhaust
which means it's as quiet as possible
which is really nice actually
when you drive these insanely loud cars
as much as we do
Andre has 2 kids who he takes to school
and drives them to the amusement park
which is perfectly possible with this
it's even tuned in a way
that you can drive it like a GLE
not an AMG, a GLE
2 of the 8 cilinders
are not hooked up to the turbo
which means you get a more N/A character
which is very progressive
and the other 3 are hooked up
what happens with everything in Sport+
I'll click mode 4 for the exhaust
it has 4 settings
1 is quiet mode
4 is most extreme
all that remains is flooring it
this thing is totally insane!
it's just bizarre
as I said
those exhaust modes and turbo setup
one moment you're driving
a friendly, big family car
twist some knobs
and open the exhaust
and it's a beast!
900 HP and 1150 Nm
when you open the taps
this thing is ridiculously fast
we wouldn't be AutoTopNL
if we didn't drive it on the Autobahn
308 km/h!
and today was quite busy
this thing will do 320 km/h I think
it's just totally mad
and mental
how they have transformed this car
we've driven these AMG's
with power like this before
but never in GLE form
and I have to say
that Arctic camo with highlighter yellow
it accentuates how insane it is
it's hard to comprehend
it's just that unreal
I would not drive it in mode 4 too long
because everyone in a 10 mile radius
hates us now
that Capristo exhaust
has the level of a shotgun
you'll hear this thing 5km away easy
I'm totally in love
with this..
I can't even call it a unwieldy beast
it's an Nuke on wheels
another cliche for you
but that's just what it is
I was hoping today would be awesome
the question was if it was a prank or not
someone e-mailing us
that they have a 900 HP GLE
It was hard to believe
but we took the gamble
and it shows up
you open the bonnet
and we saw GAD Motors there
which we know very well
and we knew today was going to be good
a big thanks to Andre
for letting us drive his car
take example of this
do you have something crazy
parked in your garage
e-mail us, call us
drop by
because we should do this more often!
Spartacus, Apprenticeships and a Cat Watching C-SPAN: Congressional Hits and Misses - Duration: 1:49.
I'm Tom Carper and I approve this message.
For the record,
I am NOT Spartacus.
I would be remiss if I did not mention that our family also includes a cat the cat was
not able to be present today.
You can be sure if Beto O'Rourke had been in the Senate he
have put on the toga and started the Spartacus circus.
Well thank you very
much mr. Miller, and we also welcome your family members who are here and/or watching.
And the cat.
Is it watching?
Probably not sir.
It was 98 or 99?
91 to 1 in the Senate.
99 to 1.
I won't tell you who the one was.
Flight— FLAKE
introductions for the record from senators Kyl and Flake in support of
Judge Bade ....
so I didn't go right.
Lemme do this.
There's gonna be a statement from Judge Kyl and
a statement from judge and
from excuse me
from the Senator Flake and from
Senator Kyl
You know the old days the president saw one letter at a time
And it looked terrible. If you looked at the signature it really did look terrible.
What a great senator we have sitting here
Thank you.
Our Department of Labor has awarded
more than 30 million dollars to states to expand apprenticeships very special
word to me the word apprenticeship.
♪ Money money money money ♪
Yeah, you get it.
Give this to Chuck Schumer.
[ Bình Luận CF ] Đại Chiến Solo Parkour 1-1 Cùng " Thành Viên Mới Clan SMLParKour " - Zen ZombieV4 - Duration: 22:43.
Ne jetez jamais une pousse d'ail! Pourquoi - Duration: 3:37.
Savez-vous que les hommes qui épousent des femmes rondes sont les plus heureux - Duration: 3:58.
Laura Smet comblée par son mariage, «c'est ce qui pouvait arriver de mieux » -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:21.
Laura Smet comblée par son mariage, «c'est ce qui pouvait arriver de mieux » - Duration: 1:24.
Brigitte et Emmanuel Macron : furieuse, leur photographe balance sur les coulisses de l'Elysée... - Duration: 1:25.
Victoria Beckham trahie par David, elle s'effondre ! (photo) - Duration: 1:27.
Pirates des Caraïbes : viré par Disney, Johnny Depp ne jouera plus Jack Sparrow - Duration: 1:43.
Employees FIRST? (My #1 Tip for Business Owners) - Duration: 2:48.
- There's no I in team.
I was speaking at a conference in Brazil
with Richard Branson.
When I was speaking with him,
it was just him and I at this conference called VTEX.
He said something quite interesting to me.
I don't know him well.
I'm not his friend or anything like that,
just a quick conversation.
But he said something that was interesting to me.
He built Virgin group with an amazing team.
No one person is gonna build a multi-billion dollar company.
Was Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Elon Musk.
It's not one person or the entrepreneur
or the founder that builds the company.
It's your team.
You can't ever forget that.
Take care of the people who help you get
to where you are today.
Without them, you wouldn't have
everything that you have right now.
If you're just starting off, keep in mind,
you need to recruit amazing people.
These people need to be smarter than you.
They don't have to be smarter than you
in everything that you're doing,
but whatever their specializing in,
they have to know it more than you and better than you.
For that reason, you wanna make sure you take care of em.
You may not be able to pay em what they're worth
and that's OK.
Over time, you can increase their wages.
You could take care of em in other ways,
showing them little gestures such as gifts
or taking out them and their spouse for dinner.
Little things showing em that you care
goes a long way.
Telling people how they're doing a good job
goes a long way.
It doesn't have to just be money.
Overall, you need to take care of the people
that work for you.
And don't look at them as employees.
I look at them as team members because even if you own
100% of the company, they should have a say.
You don't always know what's best for your business.
Listen to other people.
When they give you feedback, they tell you what to do,
I'm not saying you have to take their feedback
and take action on it.
I'm just saying you need to listen to it
because if multiple people are telling you something,
the chances are, they know something you don't
and you probably should take action
especially if the feedback that they're giving you
is in a space that they're expert in.
For example, if a doctor gave you advice
on how to prevent hack attacks or security attacks
on your company, probably don't need to listen to the doctor
but if a doctor gives you health advice,
you should listen to him 'cause they're expert in it.
So when your team members are giving you advice
on something that they're expert in
and multiple people are,
they're giving you that same exact advice,
you should consider listening to em.
And again, take care of em.
I can't emphasize that enough.
It's never you who's gonna build a successful company.
It's your team.
蓄意挑衅!美军在东海搞大动作,想吓唬谁呢? - Duration: 11:21.
据环球网军事 消息,
美国海军第7 舰队近期发 布消息称,
美国海军陆战 队的两架F -35B垂 直起降型战 斗机于10 月23日在 东海水域飞 行,
并进行了空中 加油训练工 作。
这明显是一次 针对实战部 署目标的训 练行动:F -35B垂 直起降型战 斗机素来有 "腿短"的 缺点,
这一机型拥有 短距起降能 力,
但是重量增加 ,
因此需要通过 空中加油来 增加作战半 径和续航能 力。
资料图:美军 战机正在空 中加油 美军刻意在 东海上空展 示F-35 B垂直起降 型战斗机的 续航能力,
明显带有挑衅 的意图。
F-35B是 专供美国海 军陆战队使 用的最新武 器,
而美国海军陆 战队规模位 居全球之首 ,
其在役人数将 近20万人 ,
海军陆战队远 征打击编队 可借助大规 模的两栖攻 击舰群,
投送到世界各 地。
美国在越南战 争和伊拉克 战争中都大 量使用了海 军陆战队,
这支独立于海 军之外的精 锐队伍实质 上是美国的 霸权工具,
经常被用于发 动针对其他 国家的直接 登陆战争。
随着西太平洋 局势的变化 ,
美国也越来越 注重在这一 区域部署海 军陆战队。
2017年美 国就宣布称 要在日本佐 世保港部署 能够投送陆 战队远征军 的黄蜂级两 栖攻击舰,
F-35B垂 直起降型战 斗机由此获 得在西太平 洋立足的驻 点。
美国的黄蜂级 两栖攻击舰 经常在南海 和东海水域 活动,
用于展示其强 大的两栖作 战能力。
此次F-35 B垂直起降 型战斗机进 入东海训练 ,
很明显也是秀 肌肉计划的 一部分。
资料图:美军 两栖舰 但是,
美国在东海进 行的军事挑 衅行动,
正好证实了美 国才是地区 安全形势破 坏者的事实 。
而且美国高估 了自己的实 力,
自以为能够吓 唬中国。
然而中国不是 一般的小国 ,
中国坚持和平 发展,
也有能力捍卫 自己的安全 利益。
在今年8月份 ,
美军B-52 战略轰炸机 曾经从关岛 起飞经宫古 海峡进入中 国东海防空 识别区,
靠近边缘飞行 一段时间后 返回。
中国战机立即 起飞进行警 戒监视,
并做好其它应 对处置准备 ,
充分显示出应 对威胁的能 力和捍卫主 权安全的决 心。
而针对美军飞 机在东海和 南海等水域 的活动,
中国外交部发 言人耿爽在 9月27日 也已经做了 明确回应: 中国尊重和 维护各国依 据国际法享 有的航行和 飞越自由,
但坚决反对有 关国家打着 "航行和飞 越自由"旗 号,
损害沿海国主 权与安全、 扰乱地区和 平与稳定。
中方的回应已 经非常准确 地体现了立 场,
美方应当清楚 中方底线。
美国所谓的" 航行和飞越 自由"只不 过是推行霸 权战略的遮 羞布,
美军在南海和 东海的挑衅 行为,
不仅没有体现 任何意义,
而且还造成了 地区局势的 紧张。
美国才是航行 自由的搅局 者。
资料图:关岛 美军基地 而且,
美国这种蛮横 无理的举动 ,
事实上损人不 利己,
对于美国自己 也没起到什 么好处。
如果美国继续 这样一意孤 行搞事情的 话,
那么美国的霸 权面目还会 更进一步为 世界所共知 。
没有哪个国家 会认可美国 这种在别人 家门口搞事 情的行为,
假如美国还不 知收敛的话 ,
今后美国将会 逐渐成为国 际社会共同 抵制的对象 ,
美国的影响力 将会一落千 丈。
图为歼-10 C 近日 ,
中国正在全力 生产歼10 C战斗机。
有美国专家对 此表示,
对于中国来说 ,
歼10C性能 优秀,
作战能力全面 ,
中国军方对它 的评价可以 说是一飞冲 天,
令人赞不绝口 ,
而作为一种规 模量产型战 机,
歼10C完全 有能力作为 中国空军储 备量最大的 先进战斗机 之一,
在中国空军的 地位完全不 逊于最为精 锐的歼20 战斗机。
而有俄国专家 表示,
比起价格昂贵 的歼20,
生产工艺已经 成熟,
数量众多的歼 10c,
才是中国空军 真正的主力 ,
也是美国空军 真正的对手 。
解放军的空军 发展启于上 世纪50年 代,
但是受限于工 业水平,
直到近些年才 有了更明显 的提高,
首当其冲受益 的正是解放 军这些年来 的看家法宝 之一的歼- 10战机。
歼-10A型 战机的改进 型号歼-1 0B战机已 经入役部队 了,
但是由于各种 原因,
歼-10B很 快停止了继 续入役,
转而由更加先 进的歼-1 0C战机代 替入役。
图为歼-10 C 一直 以来,
歼-10A战 机因为许多 原因备受外 界质疑,
比如说发动机 水平不足,
挂载弹药重量 偏低,
无法用于多个 方面等。
中国根据苏- 27战机改 进而来的歼 -11战机 曾经长期压 制歼-10 战机,
这给它的未来 蒙上了一层 阴影。
随着歼-10 B的改进,
歼-10战机 的命运大有 不同,
而歼-10C 战机在继承 了歼-10 B战机的改 进的情况下 ,
又做了更多的 优化,
使得这款原本 缺陷很多的 战机一下子 成为了世界 上顶尖的4 代半战机。
在发动机方面 ,
歼-10C战 机使用了大 名鼎鼎的A L-31F 发动机,
动力大大提升 ,
航程、机动性 、挂载武器 数量都有了 显著的提升 ,
在许多硬指标 上有了极大 的飞越。
图为歼-10 C 而受 益于歼-2 0战机的研 制,
歼-10C战 机在隐身水 平上也有了 一定的提升 ,
虽然无法像歼 -20那样 隐身,
但是气动外观 的变化能够 降低雷达发 现的概率,
延迟被探测到 的时间,
这无疑会为它 带来更大的 先手优势。
歼-10C战 机的航电系 统也有了很 大的进步,
换装有源相控 雷达使得它 在面对传统 的4代机时 有着决定性 的优势,
而电子战水平 的提高,
既保证了自己 作战水平不 会受到敌方 太多的影响 ,
又保证了能够 在作战中对 敌方做出对 应的干扰,
提高歼-10 C发动攻击 的成功率。
歼-10C战 机虽然受限 于歼-10 战机的一些 先天性的不 足,
但是在经过了 两次大改之 后,
毫无疑问已经 成为了世界 上顶尖的一 款4代战机 了 據美國 "航空周刊 "網站8月 17日報道 ,
美國密蘇里州 懷特曼基地 ,
將派出3架B -2A隱形 戰略轟炸機 ,
飛往西太平洋 的關島安德 森空軍基地 ,
替換關島基地 里3架老舊 的B-52 H轟炸機。
這3架B-2 A在飛行途 中還會在夏 威夷火奴魯 魯島希凱姆 空軍基地稍 作停留,
最終完成此次 替換部署。
伴隨著夏威夷 火奴魯魯島 上的一陣轟 鳴聲,
美軍3架隱轟 已飛往西太 平洋關島安 德森空軍基 地。
中國部分專家 表示,
殲20的對手 來了。
代號為"幽靈 ",
是目前世界上 最先進的一 款隱型戰略 轟炸機,
具有航程遠、 載量大、隱 形突防、精 確打擊四大 特點,
這也是它的優 勢所在。
因B-2A機 造價昂貴,
單價竟達24 億美元,
美國目前只生 產了21架 。
B-2A的航 程可在滿油 的情況下持 續飛行1.
在空中加油一 次能續航6 000千米 ,
可連續飛行1 0小時以上 。
B-2A機外 形光滑平穩 ,
具有極強的隱 身性能,
不易反射雷達 波,
雷達反射截面 不到0.
在武器載荷方 面,
B-2A裝有 兩個旋轉彈 架,
能攜帶16到 80枚不同 型號的炸彈 ,
包括AGM- 129型巡 航飛彈或C BU-87 型集束炸彈 ,
以及各種普通 炸彈,
能準確瞄準1 6個目標同 時發射,
而反觀我國的 殲20,
代號"威龍" ,
單位造價約1 .
最大航程達6 000千米 ,
雷達反射面積 為0.
05 平方米 ,
在這一點上與 B-2A不 相上下。
殲20可攜帶 6枚飛彈,
若要加大帶彈 量,
就得犧牲其隱 身能力,
主要執行遠程 的攔截任務 ,
破壞對方的防 禦戰機、巡 邏機、預警 機等,
打開對方的空 中防禦缺口 。
但B-2A性 能與技術方 面確實是領 先前列的,
但卻有著一個 局限,
那就是不僅造 價高,
其維修費用也 很高,
竟一次機身清 洗費就達1 0萬美元,
越珍貴則越不 可取,
早先就因兩個 傳感器傳輸 了錯誤的數 據,
致使一架B- 2墜毀,
若用它來作戰 ,
無異於是大材 小用,
性價比還不如 普通隱轟機 。
B-2A的確 實是目前最 先進的多用 途戰略轟炸 機,
但真要拿它用 於常規戰爭 ,
美軍F-35 B在東海練 空中加油 美軍稱這 兩架F-3 5B戰鬥機 來自VFM A-121 中隊,
該中隊在20 17年初部 署到日本岩 國基地,
是第一個在我 國周邊成建 制部署的美 軍第五代戰 機中隊。
F-35B是 F-35三 個型號中的 短距/垂直 起降版本,
由於安裝了兩 級對轉升力 風扇、三軸 承旋轉噴管 、滾轉控制 噴管等,
導致自重有所 增加,
所以航程和作 戰半徑較基 本型有所減 少,
但通過空中加 油可以彌補 「短腿」的 劣勢。
美軍F-35 B在東海練 空中加油 根據美國 《軍事時報 》此前報道 ,
美國官員證實 ,
美國海軍陸戰 隊的F-3 5B戰鬥機 在阿富汗執 行了首次作 戰任務。
以色列5月宣 布曾使用F -35進行 過第一次戰 鬥任務,
但以色列沒有 提供任何細 節。
不過就在上個 月28日,
一架F-35 B型戰機在 美國墜毀。
CNN報道說 ,
F-35B型 戰機墜毀事 故調查的初 步數據顯示 ,
油管可能存在 缺陷,
美國隨後要求 所有F-3 5停飛並進 行檢查。
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