Greetings everyone. How is it going? Welcome to the history of Fornost. I'm really excited to be doing this
So let's get right into it. So Fornost was founded in in the year
3320 of the Second Age now, it was a military fortress built in a strategic position
between the North Downs and the
Weather Hills now it was built to guard this gap which was in between these two places against incursions by
Rhudaur and/or Angmar now Angmar which is going to be very important to the history of
Fornost, and we're gonna talk about that in just a little bit, but they were a kingdom from the north led by the Witch-king
now Fornost was the capital city of the
Dúnedain kingdom of Arthedain and possibly the capital of the kingdom of Arnor now the kingdom of
Arnor came first, but after King Eärendur's death the
Kingdom of Arnor was split into three kingdoms Arthedain, Cardolan,
and Rhudaur, now Fornost remained an important city as a capital of Arthedain after.
Fornost was probably the capital of Arnor but this isn't like
specified 100 percent but it was a very big city. It was very important
So it probably was
now in the third in
1974 of the Third Age the Witch-king of Angmar
Led his forces to invade these three kingdoms of Arnor
Now a long story short, it didn't really go well for Arthedain or the two other kingdoms
Now the Witch-king was ruthless and he actually even used the Dúnedain dead in the war now
what he did is he went to the Barrow Downs, and he actually raised the the
Dúnedain dead to join his army
Which would not only lower the morale of the Dúnedain fighting him
But would also bolster his own forces, which was very smart
but obviously very ruthless now the last king of Arthedian Arvedui, or
didn't give up without a fight and actually
resisted for a time after the two other kingdoms fell so Arthedain was the last to survive
he held at the
North Downs, however
he eventually just couldn't keep fighting and he fled into the
northern wastes and was lost in the Ice-Bay of Forochel
Now Fornost was the last city of the once great kingdom of Arthedain and Arnor
So if the Witch-king was able to conquer this, he would have effectively won the war which he did
after last King
Arvedui died the Witch-king occupied Fornost and began to populate it with evil folk most likely those of his army
It didn't last for more than a year and Gondor led by Eärnur comes to Fornost
rescue in the next year with allies from Lindon, Rivendell, and the former territories of Arnor
Now the the Witch-king was defeated, his army destroyed. However, he
escaped as he did appear in The Lord of the Rings films
so even though the force the
forces of Angmar were pushed back the Dúnedain population was decimated and it was and they were too few to
Rebuild the once great during Dúnedain people
wasn't completely destroyed. It wasn't burned to the ground. It became a ruin and it was not resettled
Yeah, and it gradually fell in
into ruin, however, the Dúnedain kept going and they became known as the
Rangers and were wandering Guardians and Aragorn was one of them and he obviously held the blood of the
broken kings of
Gondor so very important and a cool fact is that the Dúnedain were descended from the
Númenóreans, which were the greatest
race of men in
so only the Dúnedain would a visit Fornost
But most others steered clear as it became known as the Deadmen's Dike and many believed it was haunted
Fornost's History
does not end actually there, it was rebuilt in the fourth age after the War of the Rings which is the
Which is the events that take place in the Lord of the Rings
So yeah, it was rebuilt in the fourth age by King Elessar
so that brings us to the end of the history of Fornost and the great thing about this is that
The story doesn't have to end there you can take it in whichever way you want
Does it become the capital of great Kingdom once again, or does it become abandoned?
It's all up to you, but I really enjoyed
Making this video. Thank you so much for watching guys
let me know down below what you guys think about this great city and just about the
Lord of the Rings world in general, but yeah, thank you so much for watching guys
Feel free to subscribe and hop on our discord. Lots of great people over there having some good
Conversations. But yeah, I will see you guys soon. Thank you so much for watching
For more infomation >> The History of Fornost - LOTR History and Lore - Duration: 5:42.-------------------------------------------
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Tim how's it going
you tell my volumes are okay first I've used we've got all to actually do
anything strange out as I did let me know the volume as if it's too low the
music gets to make so apparently it's opened already and you can play already
as well kill is it going let's get our man up there people will drop in to us
would be suffering so wife getting the fuck no he started it yet I will tell
you four hours time but it's followed so often
publish it down right so if you see it going to this panel that's why I'm using
they'll get oh so you might see that pop up nerd again
you come I will try okay that's we can see on the chart
right it's a bear yep excellent right so if you see that
panel draw a pendant to say that's because I am using ill Carol so I want
to try and record as much as as possible as well as stream it but I don't want to
use any the audio because I'm going to voice over any of the bass built-in
except should we do so apparently it's open already and we've been told to
expect bugs and a lot of bets and PCs check it off so there's a good chance it
may be a slow start or make its tree enter and be amazed by 24th or server
and there's probably a lot of people say join it so we'll get trained join oh
it's just me it's a random what alt sorry does it choose like a server die
is gone I did just move this guy can't really
see full chat give me two seconds just tell me this across I'll try to minimize
some of the screens and it's not really worked very well I kind of fucked a
little but that's bear he'll skate has good so guys are in twitch if you hear
me talkin it's because we're in YouTube as well and we're also mixer a net can
you put an M shut please just got back and I bet you always fucking disappear
right so this is either gonna be amazing or fucking terrible so just let me know
in volumes I'm doing it for they'll go cash how's it going a lot one buff the
last week was the last week that's great you know what show the intros and stuff
as well now if you base image you can share a story is we're very much all the
videos anyway so the key for ourselves we were trying a before you can stream
both platforms simultaneously I can if usually Shamika Natha since I should
I come on necklace probably later when you tell me something can epistle in a
story that's know that to quiet no okay
good people of America so the bombs do come at the end does come our way of
those chosen to add to this fault must be our best brightest sorry I said the
key face what I tried to do is get a beast belt and we were trying fighting
off player maybe tenth trait let me just pop up a little but just see how that
goes ultimately before Africa all hd60 and 95 as enough fucking on sex DNA it's
just a huge part destiny yeah BC bit out Caleb I only played out which next week
coming hopefully this week
you're trying Schumer's long as I count for less I see it's 12 o'clock at night
the minute so it's gonna be fuckin a tough run hd60 it's fucking no make you
fight quite as sure as night go in this well the content Mikey oh thanks Caleb
appreciate that bullshit 9520 not chance neck right sir scissors right so we're
gonna get our fan floss scoped the toy doing it up I should go feel like a
proper troll head oh god no or something so instant smile
for that I don't like how you have to do that sure here
whoa fucking hell I thought and treacherous with issues with the actress
markings what weird good from morning rose fuck it right now
damage take damage because we're gonna take a lot damage anyway whoa have an I
take that just look cool drain they'll just meet but Jesus go for that great a
Fink when you did it body you go for the oil shape sure offer the super fat guy
Yasko super guy and I set us back
we're done yeah it's time for that you're Scottish with way complexion
nobody wait though me I am the tango this make him Papa 420
joining em gotta call for the legendary twist
and I'll do that iswe raced through this I'm not really bothered about how it
looks I saw we can move bets and boat as well
what the fuck I can hear people I can hear people there's other people in here
the fuck they for sure worked yeah they're not bothered for shock too much
bonus right so from here rain around them like it is glasses from playing
Fallout 4 today I remembered that you should definitely take every fucking bet
you faint pack up the bags and shit usually can pack up paraffin I need a
golf club casino when used as a weapon today
well sure how's it going you sexy beast
Kade super sure thanks Matt this is what we won't be waiting for go about hype um
I can't use I wish to change that so you could use super shaky Jews emotes you
put your tasks whoa I am fat as I keep appreciate it buddy
that's enough of that the pet boy is unavailable right so I need to find a
pet boy so let's see what's next terminal and with all my sin Stephan
Pires went nuts yeah how'd you know bud yeah a lot
Florida need some money to me and actually all my over just go to mort's
I'll get one of most all the trolls came from stuff that we had reject all the
tips we can take it offers and you can't see that one your of 81 tip it man 8
we're hoping you like that obviously happened because it's done
I'd say it's just little games yeah quick you know so she knows instant we
just shake the sensitivity nurse because that's the mark button no somebody else
has put on guitar the fuck
what all right okay it was sit-ins and this I can hear these
footsteps that's just a landing idea for new players you can't see them in
Assyria well this game is good I'm hoping as myself
you can't pick anything off in here yes it's just a staging area right so
everyone else is here boy so now smash out of the fucking Chin's
right started aged two seconds excuse me gone up weird I just had to bring
something out that's it I'm the review how's it going I die
sorry hey she can't pick anything up in here
usually this isn't the best time to pick stuff up for your in here that's what
we're running smooth enough no it's a little just been you know Dara from
there and right let's see what's in here yes yeah people just run around why
isn't it opening that's obvious right so we have that's Roy's Butler winds
actually come out in November right so seen us in the videos
so I can't fight anyone for the first four levels will to level 5 rates or I
can take this stuff I think yeah can I can take this shit this is my pet boy
what No yeah it does so let me just yeah radio
right so it's just a serial pet boy that's good
just over tor shits that still jump yes just a D in fallout 4
toasty cherry this please one kiss please
you mean this oh yeah oh sure yeah yeah MC I was playing Fallout 4 and fucking
completely forgot you could jump I just run about thinking that that was that I
was until I finished playing the last two minutes I realized it was only Xbox
is why the fucking wast button to use and so we can get stem packs alright so
then what buttons up right so awesome basket damage over time quite here's
greatest impact see ya so they're just right I'm just
forgetting from where we access different mapping from the other one I
forget the elements are the garish ones but obviously not right so what the
fuck's s is a bag there were some supplies very getting close to leaving
you see the double check if there's anything else before we leave though
know what is meso and shit because they're not followed for and a faster
boat apparently was a little shaky get I messed up
usually the color of cheeky bulb or head or something
so just to same stuff fourth hit of portrait reads out quietly fini things
come up nope the whole tip yeah sure I'm not one for reading listening to all the
whole tips and never have been I should try and get the machines from
them and leave it runs a lot smoother than followed forward on Xbox I was
really worried because using controllers today was a fucking alright cut made
easy so this is how you meet your camp ass this is we can if you account so if
you don't know you can't it your camp anywhere with you you don't just have to
use it in one place can take care of that so is that a mat inventory' no I am
with us at set then so one thing I will to feign is we're how he dropped the
camp was everything else out here a show that's cunt there's people I look calop
we've to miss chef
she's cha for that look at that I understood no flaming zombie far and she
give me a phone right can use here the game okay that's overseer who was
undersea aha good for her she has been made first ever playoff met and she gave
my thumbs up give it ten minutes and she'll probably kill him so this is
right this is a pic system I'm glass ease up to the pin right so I'm gonna
clean saw walk so krez ma I don't really need too much Gladio yep take that
except it's kind of quiet but let me just tie up a little bit and tell me
because the music was quite load before profit above that all right I'll see how
it goes from there I take it you'll see like a little doggie screen come up as
well kill the PEC one right but you let stick one card no shit it fucked up no
you like before you get more than that right see the hats one no I kind of
washing over a fat guy no I feel like a police have the other sauce lemon felon
straights having old
what's up music column oh all right open it right the donut boys we're leaving
so should we have to pack the cards and inventory oh good point yeah I forget
nothing but uh osseous log no it's junk okay junk already that's pretty good
okay great we're making ice tree we're going to the online world of follow
let's see what treats lay ahead you can see we're getting fucking cocksure here
then we produce far what
one step behind and the music's can really crackly so she here sing for me
hey no sight
right okay well it's getting fire ready
the sounds effect lets you
take on I can take over right okay yeah sounds really cracked
I will come to craft from tinkers what bench but for robot vendors or treating
ray okay I'm open it's really crackling and that area
hey something's already took that
so a really cool yep seen this I was taking everything find it obviously a
scamp what the fucking question shit
whoa shit I was it what you've been some sort of weapon Faust I can't get kill
Benny with a fat it damage and i have an xbox but I'd rather we talk yeah I was
the same brand if you're away from the scene except music just drive me nuts
super crackly
you are pay pestle ever now what it rains for I don't have
tada oh yeah uh I shall put that in too
it's a weird doing this whoa yeah
so if I do that I can put my favorites so I should be my favorites huh yes okay
I'm only 12 shots where so I just nested he actually fucking dead I'm much luck
with it humans are much smoother as well that
musics about annoying
it's ridiculous overseers camp first where there's a hamster here
gunfire up their fucking side Mr Clarke assortment is your help Oh Preston he
was driving me nuts today why they always join an online server when it's
fucking dark i buy so I can scrap a shit oh yeah whoa switch on the main get the
fuck outta here you take all this shit you little fucker
your main fuck off boy they raise the team I am paying to
the team piss off I'm solo men scrap items and all these new places so
anything you get you always scrap to meet your base so the best I said you'll
hardly ever see a player fuck you but sex already
ya know because of stuff I've seen stuff on that creatress is he picked up it
support him that raw but actually just caught it my when he was taking out of
the box
yeah we don't care about that your sake though
that's its run a lot smoother for it was gonna be
I've always been a fucking car crush hey was done yeah I've got a funny feeling
they're gonna if what this will work benches the pox at my gay fuck was that
so much that me a fall this guy script this day he can kill first there was
that much protection we should be talking you know doesn't look here fear
that's one paint it was just count right it sure was over here is it factors
check it so under mark I it's fucking miles away about marker
then yeah totally toes there's a fuel response ways it feels really good and
Xbox to be feel like it does actually feel quite good
and right the hell was that
it's out life fuck off the OCS no as a cat yeah the
other water Strider I have use all your owns we'll just take all the shit
there's something L said that you like to kill that and but yeah it does
actually feel good she's a kisser cigar that's main Squatch
corpse box box box box it's got mr. Pyatt question I'll read out of mana
quest I did you request government you know drop hmm great well sorry man I
won't get to all of us here fast because that's like the phosphate to do I mean
for someone who's just at playing on xbox as well the polythene that's look
really easy but using stacks of pinning house I fight all they continue on the
boy deal that unique open world baton was yeah apparently only you see is
stuff so holders all right that's what I doesn't
we get gun I would who runs left man what are you good light no no wrong guy
Kelly go in there dudes Kelly go in there
fuck right that's a fail yeah I got one I'm off throw this Michelle ready
rush it's just a fucking dirty couch and all my veins walking around the streets
guys just box here I feel kind of jacked leaving that guy but I know you're dying
show it and that shit if I get any parents actually I'm not sure forget it
px right did it get any more for you one no no
just took one mother took something else strength they say I need to be able to
carry more stuff I said he's too little everyone kind of hope me the fuck go
he's busy fucker
he's killing them all ah challenge complete great this this is like can't
get started books wet hey Chico is good and after boats no problem eight facts
are coming and what's rest tomorrow that's fine I want to watch by shouldn't
boys spoilers and I wonder the best boy let me wait so afraid of it doesn't know
this as you are these blue crates you can keep a wholeness you put all your
stuff in here it's only you I say it's death - this is your stash your personal
box if you put a nail any camp we go - you can use our box - attention stuff no
one else can use it I'm taking all this shit
and if I can see I'm a scrap what is my well how much I carry early yes make a
strap shit here for me strap so the key is actually a pack up everything you get
hold on don't do your guns up we keep that to make find useful for something
else and a glass stop that sorry I should have any junk on this let's drop
last drop for spring muddy right so that says Christ's quick quest all it is
when is it better on PC next week wait today this is quick quiz or entities
okay so I can't craft anything though
hey Alma I can do like Alma and yellow one cropsey's I'm not gonna go nuts with
armor just no exit right sure we're not ready these are Auto join you or the
fuck was that
whether it go
junk knows all of us where did it go let us meet it class a weapon right
that's weapon yeah comes out a week's time it's about
knowing I would rather be doing now then on here
mmm just crapped out fuck it and so better to just force you to do a little
face you're seeking learn over your shit you can modify things as well when
already crafted it
Spike's with my play right so that should be a moment you know
oh yes okay right so we'll put that into our favorites as well then we do that
usually after press e why all of a sudden you North prezi proxy you need to
cut that board cuz they have a lot in a minute okay so we got a fuckin plank of
wood that's what we're using a potato self it's who I go here thank him in
what is that the place we were way too cool
versus quality or ciose Waterford lines what was the mission first contact
afraid of us years in flatwoods was flat with sat backwards we've waited essence
and to be fear come with quite by the mountain
that's other players there all the other lumberjack you a lot my snow track here
you find this flatwoods I try get the objective based stuff done Faust okay to
record you meet screen ball bit funny just be with it it's just it's the last
few minutes trade government your drop sure yeah fuck off their drop why now
right cool the airdrop probably die but it's waffle laughs now that's definitely
old unknowing it so I've done all that that's what about anymore all the way
over the walkers I'll probably get cut I don't wait to be detain fucking annoying
it's just dark so wash and rust fuck
you hear that can't see it there's a voice chat that ison know which is a bad
noise because a game ass needs voice shot from it honest
maybe super handy if Adele avoid sharp
I think they were about worry about putting boys shine Oh
just in case you toxic people and also finding when people put off and I paint
something they'll bring it into the game surely this is 2008 he never gives you a
boy shot I don't think he's used to attack unless you have them I may be
wrong actually got a base up that's the the key objective yeah the turn across
the flat would make it one step upwards proximity shot yeah proxemics shot of a
decent definitely do something where should be fucking detain the music is
just so crackly now you're gonna fuckin right way no I'm not
gunfight again let's just what's out there
Isis Rock Bluff of a color thing I have ever seen
yeah see how they dress just to follow on Twitch get up get up get up get up
come on we need to go in this class now hopefully that's the airdrop we'll get
something cool or will get it die I just want it to apart if you die
yourself drops and you don't lose it all Thursday images they need enjoying the
cause the corn was horsing you and the call was supposed to make the calls get
somewhere else that followed them oh you can't eat flowers yeah do that
oh it's a challenge oh wait that looks a lot bigger so I just took him tell her
the stamina things get about knowing not gonna lie
so what her and entice neck whoa the fuck that little show come from I've
only got a planker with me chill the fuck out
wrong shit okay die this wasn't a good idea there's an your stream real don't
do not listen to die army see how they're dead dresses neck yeah that's
were like shit must have hand these fucking killing me as well wash down
over here yeah they sort we're not prepared for that one yet so we'll come
back there I think we've now established that
I'll get your own so the paint gun met Lawrence erupt they used I should have
when did I get them
why is mr. handy depressed off face aggressive man so it's not a fucking
foot box and it killed Haley I should pull us off
I want your scrap oh my god I playing our game and you fucking scrap fuck what
is handy for with it handy go hey stand back we do mr. handy die
with handy go
oh I'm gonna run again shit
I don't no idea Rafael
os that is real fucking basically came down here and I ran to left
I don't find enough Pep Boys is a call light and dropped past fear and there's
an hour a light that's time run of the fake did he slay them to how
please hold be oh fuck right like the salty give me your instantly the fucking
legend in the game
right there's a fellow chef he ruled in the hell I'm thinking that myself is
that I thought was kind of folded a hello but yeah messing search down here
that's one fucking bright light where the hell is it Sam yeah
all right excellent oh wait this whole teach thank you I turn that off anyone
see me
stuck in some random thing get up get up get up get up we do any sort of wiping
it off these fucking wooden planks so I shot count things so you just drop that
anywhere and all they drop it here though you see that a special occasion
well yeah nice trap for that right so we need some sort of weapon board all the
way to get that truck at the end and not bother but the radio station a minute
this is a box and a truck
I say that IV banker fuck
can I sneak em now do you think no no hang on now the terminal there though I
think maybe just stick it to that and get it instead that may work then again
it made no work and it may turn - sure sure
and usually terminals give a notion to tunnels low shuts off oh wait what's
the few reviews pretty much of a course man I have ever find Jake Ali faced a
all right can we get to this
let's do anything just rest it for a basket for nothing
oh you're all so CRC draft right so neck that's fair so is hosting and that's
touch em right here
bullshit nope can't pick it dang it dang it bigger we need something stronger the
technology is far too advanced far too advanced
hey let's get let's go get some shit fast did you see what I said in twitch
chat em I did not saw me after you two different chat box for twitch and
sometimes I miss them because it's not the main chili Rita no one usually
Washington to watch two affair let's just therefore voids maybe with his
chest map let's try gets scrapped let's get
something set up and famous sugar summer small go then no just can I have my
goggles on himself I don't think it should every player are
for only sure it's that some players I thought I better join them
should we go up here actually keep up marking them right custom destination
who's the custom sister right so we just run back up here and we run road what
somewhere I can farm up get some scrap and actually get some from the moving
it's getting detain as well so should I be able to see the game properly
hey bugs yet no not really no phone
it's actually run quite smooth oh sorry do tell her though now showing him out
ever being there ready I said military base though now should
we try it it fuck it let's try it if you die all your stuff drops in Tuckahoe
bagging anybody can get about
and so say that I've got to come on schooling one and judging tomorrow if
your life no problem at the times are about fucking terrible poor fits you
friendly tomorrow
right let's just say this place out
clear but show up at Sun Shade oh you clean shit me I've actually got a plank
of wood fuck off now prank original give this shit fucking hell that's a fault
legend and his Langford faced with $2 mint appreciate it then what shock that
produces fusion sales does it give a show in chat for Angus
I'm afraid called Angus years ago at school
it's fucking this shit no that's no
right Jamie falsehood idea I thought that was that game over shit with you
music coming in yeah fuck out phrase else with it
hey Terran was just a machine it's booked already
howdy we finance workbench I shake it up you just likely taking anything for
scrap I don't care
so yeah if I clean this kid no one else take it I'll clean the enemies nearby
see if I get killed it's a little shit runs out and takes us I've killed
everyone you got Christmas cards right let me just kill these fossils I try to
then I will try
so Beatrice and stacks the only bug draw so far the music the music slightly
annoying right let's see if I can scale up can I yeah can look looks a measure
of general fortunate face recharge critical hats
yeah there were now intelligence about thi terminals are both huge craft I
offer intelligence yeah over TARDIS is that the car they got a ship when I cut
I will do Bob panitch insurance sitting there fishing from eating your drinking
drink or fuck wrench now the one up as well hunger fast
cruel 40% more slowly when it comes to camp or a team or shop when you are team
you get 5 HP it will have anyone in a team to read out so these cards are
really important you need to make sure that you choose ones that are viable to
what you're doing that funder how's it going and this work has ago met actually
a following both up since autumn I thought you just impact that is actually
quite a good one I should point faster I might actually go for that jelly one
crop said chance for a shot 40 Kim's finished I'm all in session oh yeah say
that the choices critique bomb survivor and just be lazy and of auto health or
shot o'clock
you can scale these cards up as well quit good I said get a better dashing
right so we still can't fucking hack this so we'll come back for that
see you fade these other guys yeah
those federal kills are not hard to cut all avoid a lot harder than that that's
what some local cops just taking my fucking what bench so the board's I saw
subjects with quite a good run so for every game weapon the borders will be
run now I can hear them all was rambling about what's in this box
shit anyway else is in here
a small picture wisely pick it up in if I can faint what's the last one old ones
are cut box now though you spend your caps on
they in pen down I'm taking it as well right
you finished last fucking field goal but of a caller fun I have ever seen
trash thank you for some put it appreciate it
so fucking dark oh boy later I'm gonna hurry up I
stopped in the door get cooked when you go what the fuck
please myself there whoa oh please to me oh you fucker
okay therefore it was a shit fucking nothing
okay now I really should require zero skill I've got no skill
I would have bought an pen that's why shit right and remain me to come back up
here if I get one and you trade me one at the bench as if Ashley works
awfully well right let me try Tony you again and push us all um no I
just paid the big gun no there no yeah short hunting rifle we'll keep that for
Leo quite shoot Kinect but it has some bite that duct tape it was kind of a
fucking scrap matron just make sure no one else fucking runs out here t it sir
okay I can clean that's note where are the enemies then I suppose say tough
cocked everyone in here
who actually killed them all unless it's out here
nope oh yeah there's Connecticut I think fighting them that was the biggest
concern I had what the ein amusement of a lake
the actually feel smoother the kill then followed for I've been played out have a
lot today like shit tons today it's just not
actually that did not okay I was Leslie thinking offense pointers way make sure
I can get off shit right so
can she be any more so a mistake love me a bit of toxic eating meat
as well to that if I can scrap I'm just gonna take I sought the baseball team
hasn't super grain intakes fucking ages
where the fuck of the enemies
all right seconds
my fans lost one you can only do that one last surely
they are help in there as well
Ashwin has gone
where the fuck is he
most really collect spray that door or something I miss so so if someone runs
at him steals us factor looking at map they never near me the fuck's that
whether the we out Sager over there that Jose look proper and wishes you shit
don't sit over here
so yeah I think we the whole fucking place oh all right what each one of
these of course I better thank you yeah sure them Noah's oh fuck okay take
it what sinners one now I was in the a bit
cheeky shit he take that because that gives you shut was a scrap were you stay
in fact here no right okay did you remember which boxes do what
oh go fuck race them back you know
stimpack where's my boards the fuck is that
hi boss sorry I sort of changed up cuz you see shoes like double up to change
stuff it's actually a lot better and all that does not look like this what the
fuck's up that corn rally team I tell what bench before salt and runs and
takes it Salty's help after washing your boys got
questions change difficulty is sit-ins I'll be able to trade using ball caps
NPCs like mittens there's gonna be meal since that car partly and settings why I
was here in a second I tried to do sit-ins and it's a map
just way through this and so if I claims yes and other players
may invite PvP or if you're attempting to claim from you
chef's I tells people basically my student legal funny again but some be
just but record is it Nora does it for a second is assuming it down yeah we kept
from the server let's give our seconds a little what happened
please tell that saved
yeah what we defecate and I don't find is definitely like this online is right
are you fucking joking what
they're put in a different server nah-ah that's ridicul fucking shipper so what's
that's place
you slip it oh shit
yes Nick
machine gun
no sorry desiccated to him the server and it fucked up my OBS a massive dump
I'm sorry going
we're solid clean the workbench I've already got the workbench it's gonna I
don't swing for thinking I would have gotten more bench what you're just
taking it how much they stuck cut move it
run away run away run away run away all right what the fuck is this
hey it's your head buy them now
since you respawn here
yeah but what about them now now should I pack I don't look stupid
that's queer decent oh dude all you got no
hey did you ever see that I'd actually get stuck you can move just let stuck in
his spot it's a little at all broken so yeah so basically have claimed the bench
tone drones it kept me from the server it's all backing up a shirt as well keep
your merely rip it's just stuff like that he putting them up the only really
really just scrappy shit
they take that destination and pack up all the scrap
I just wait that out as well actually just wait out was nesquik it's autumn
and death of E I'm not sure that's man he wasn't energy to make a monthly
school and for some time please hit restauranteur sure fact the machete i
facing a bit better than this wooden plank
yeah for definite and I will put that no cancel that boy machete so I put that
and - yeah right good right so you get back - yes shit
did that just click what to walk like neck our fusion sales
what's a shit what's up that's not one of them you just show me
Lisa both with this wasn't a bit no I meant in general I've been for that my
quick access key nothing
whereas D'Amato
I'll actually just cleared that fucking thing out and spent 25 caps and it's
just completely costly reputation bought over they are such boys from now
this place was just a bomb let's go everyone was I'm gonna lumberjack milk
pull your rape pass test you give a shit for someone else guessing
shopping is your sister is a job Sharia and my jobs get it they'll finally kill
you unless you attack
but no we're just tongues dating as well that strangest put my different server
how does that work with your base city I think so
stopping here you shoot each other
you just kill my even the right way oh yeah oh she keep heading out here and
see if we can get us
just made history why maybe see us no place fast let's go get the machine yes
ah great fucking boss already yep
shit I'm a shit or piece fuck I should press B we know no that's a like oh shit
school you sleep you can look should we sleep the rest of us still active well
please that's always put it you back at fault leo you stolen rust at the minute
and yet I am playing the role player game of follow
whoa don't do that no like mark really got a
fair duster I'm just actually taking any shock and feigned fuck that push just
move the fuck well the shit
for David de yeah may you replay that soon enough I said
farming a night you'll love it choc do idea with the fucking cheese chalk for
ya f quick sense of it fucking weird my table no flask
he is much phosphate as possible just in fact about it anything I can use to it
with others radiation but x 1h was just too much readily good that's gone
we put on Xbox Mac I saw an Xbox at the Manor will built-in PC and ps4 next week
Oh fuckin great thanks
that's what the fuck is happening
that is bizarre that's enough worry don't you this is the shutter excellent
yeah laughs you'd love this let's give me rights again you Goodwin dickheads
we're just eating him up what's a little cabin all about okay
summer I could for a fight do that Calvin right
thank you for five of these
oh yeah been in here is this the one that is as far as it zooms done yeah
it's not helping very much I don't trust pain that's why fuck open I would kill
for a keyboard emotion
I see fear of course I have no problem ponies excellent rawhide and yes okay
secure I told over the Hell by Isis fucking bizarre so is this the house it
was shown in a map I don't get with that as there's a highly anything you know I
should really won't get my shit from that place Ashley and get my jet how's
it going I once knew an ugly budget movie and
this one yeah I thought about blue how this means there's no occasion there's a
legend amount no agent unless it's at the bottom of the map
was a relations
unless you're just the shoreland and maiden point on vacation right with you
back and get scrap quite lost shit yeah
you achieve my lost shit
t'market you started how many games if all night enjoy tonight fucking sexy or
something Oh Nico talk with dev dubs
summer yeah so if any place is haunted especially with the pager yeah I know
it's about a weird one I don't get time to read that know that accent me this is
the best accent you ever hear there's just a noise to most people
that music is fucking painful shit what is that I don't know why those just keep
getting a fuck over here whispers crap just don't yeah well I think they up you
got above it than up shit right so we street down for scrap I'll pass
how about so let me shoot that stage where we start like just hack them to
it's all my stuff is just out the two ramps and between it accepts with it
home me up and fucking run so it talks that noise then death oh so no one is
meant with actually just walk my look I saw the one well look fuck off
but once temp at least
me fuck off I just want my lip holy shit
George s cards there's not like oh shit fucking here no chaser I don't really
work joint event I just like say well you get my shit and run it was level
free you can't kill me so it's not bad I
can't clean the workshop cannot because I seating all my stuff getting a little
fucker yeah I can't happen I'm not a high enough level what's enough I can do
to them
oh man strapped to that I really need welcome penance apparently I really need
help as well what a spokes yeah hey spokes snowing PC it shit
please just impacts I don't need right away
Pablo I don't fight you'll find many of the five Allen s so that's quest
what is this
this is more of a quest led game then they made out unless you just kept me
from the server again it's less than just tarnish it back out it was a
fucking point out place all right these are stuffing them up on Planet finally
ah the events complete hey son I don't absolutely
fuck old Randy you've hit my stuff if it's still there I'm miles away from a
shit and seriously achieve drops look go for a look I get my stuff back we're
gonna build a base when you down roots back foot pronto
I went out what benches in fact their work waste time - what bench probably
so a friendly one or an asshole it's a bad one let's just kill him yeah
little one stuff is really shit you have to whatever than my toll I
thought about that oh shit
right hopefully somebody's beating hard with Alvin
shit no wife's titties out the check has gone one shrimp fuck off
that's off right so all your stuff drops until hello bike right why isn't at
ecole again much more stuff on on this thing
well that one day they may see nothing
that's just clears places we can get HP from wake your harvest junk ah really -
faint - I hit that what bench then I kind of wait Splore more Finn ever
kinder moral warden they actually go where else can we go and then that last
day if we could go back there that duck or should we go is it all here
everyone is here
it was a toss yes we think about the cola fun I have ever had
thanks Mitch this would follow we can go back to zero and let's just do some of
the quest of interest and she was equates to Ashley I gently didn't fight
the request look there's less this the minute is basically just follow for what
other people run around kind of have them finding out in a minute
strange in fact we have a peer critique
cards so you get these randomly as well bodyguards locked
oh that's fucking lost right so intelligence we really need to
do something we may get one hucking skill and several local team really just
I need Bob and pens bloom one drop when adventure annuity ten percent less
damage fucking to rate that's gonna take it really if I got he used irani scars
no drink'll quench Frost with the show what do you guys that's locked can't
open it yet little five venturing and tips in use that as well use this so it
was packs of cards all they come like every what randomly between levels
something you have to be remained make sure use the cards that suit the game so
you're playing because it played in a grip there's Carl to actually benefit
you as a group it's realized as a solo player so you Cynthia because a solo
player that can't benefit me more but I went a group that card with
don't waste time having it ready to go and test fucking place in here with
their three words place we're in a second ago three section here and just
do a slow quest so you're feeling early game these question for Tintin passions
of the game so far honestly runs a lot smoother now for it
was gonna run em okay for several what it's doing or why I've got a faint
either Depp in connection because my sulmona bit funny as well but so far
yeah if you like fallout 4 then dare you you're probably gonna like this if I'm
being honest so far anyway but it's it's one of those if you're unsure about it
because it's all alien stuff it's maybe worth watching a lot of streams and get
a lot of feedback first before you rush out and buy it no beta I personal favor
wife getting those it anymore aspect sheets broadest this is extremely so far
it's extremely driven I miss tomorrow's clearly so she knows okay
just personal journals bonus okay so it's extremely quest driven so far I
know everyone else thinks but so far to me it's been really quest revving those
are players yes but there's not even a requirement to fight them elephant I'm
gonna I know we're all a low-level but it just seems it's like playing for like
the friends that's the best way to explain it I thank a lot the fears of
people hide or you joy so far what do you plan on doing I'm enjoying it and I
plan on trying for me I wanted to do a lot the base building and she was like
and just try and get nooks here we could to do some speed
machines as well just to see how fast she can get through certain areas
because obviously somebody's gonna be hard on others and just fighting you
stuff I like survival games just explore the following new vegas followed free
and follow four so I was a bet I can stand that fast when I said it was going
to multiplayer but it's like anything you need to change to game and adapt to
what everyone else is doing or the game general would die and I totally only
gonna you forget about like hopefully just the key thing guys pick up as much
as you can if I kind too much no I'm f---ing and strap it all what
about a base and stuff scrap it actually just as soon as you
get a chance just scrub everything but yeah it doesn't feel any different to me
from any other following in the plate oh shit excellent
I'm sufficient weakness right so we have found a Bob wait
Rambis you do a quick snap recording so I think goes a bit funny don't do
whatever it's just me taking the last few minutes so I can use it lady
other way use a student voices go like shit overlays and stuff on it telling
pesto so yeah just literally as you normally would just pick up fucking
password required no fucking way the fuck did he go from you let's just go I
know there's a lot of them no shit
there's what I try and see if I can see an SM this way too quickly just talk the
lesson if there's one yeah there's a mall is quite fucking fun so far
and that's machete and it wouldn't apply
we'll just fight each other
okay here
mm-hmm would you respect me I'm all right
force of sex will be sorts managing game wait please big parts if I will pack up
and early game you can pick up scrap in crap so you know going to pack up any
small thing I have ever has cash is for so you know you're not gonna pick up a
great deal of stuff this gonna be overweight day I've been pack up
everything I can and I'm still at forty we're talking carrot soup honest so for
early game until we get your base but you've also got your little cash box we
can put stuff as well or no one else in touch and purse well that's always just
Jonah Winchell one if they can beat you taught to listen to us ice in leave
again right so we'll head over here that's right way if you clean imitation
yeah everyone keeps inviting me to play with them I'm not too fast of it doing
folks with with you listen to these tapes from Schwartz the firefighters
yeah it feels just like I've been played for for old Egan just taken control off
for Xbox and it just feels the same which is nice because actually like how
it feels and follow for and they'll find out to change too much to that she'll
game itself I just went terminal so I can listen to
this whole tip I'm innocent fuck you that's the whole tips and you
are voice though it's that feng shaofeng all those into one oh you can fucking
yeah you can make our mark
agricultural I was so excited because I used to come to this same farm yes
pretty question he is that okay why quiet play for force 500 same
control soup yeah I love the mop is a quickie for mop
okay now trustees I'll take squat like said that relation to show voice though
are you almost here in front words okay so we no need to head to here so this is
super story driven all the people that were crying about how exclusive feel
when everything else this is fuckin really story driven I'm surprised at
this but really surprised was that Nick we were talking about how different it
was gonna be and so FAR's it's fucking not much I'm glad to go at all I know I
gave her these things out just take them and so yeah it's tough kept what the
tradition of how follow usually us in some way folks in here waste assets what
what could you possibly Chris a certain so for dehydration don't worry about
that because I have some water items notes Mars aid water water water
water water water water world war hazel which visions you buy I
bought their trading I bought the small version because yeah the heart bones
yeah no we've been to the Holly Bell already it was about fucking speaking or
the like there I just got a standard version Xbox because I'm going to switch
to PC as soon as it hits PC that's 100% going to happen actually find the
fucking way over here you shoved the elephant from here the phone yeah but
yeah I mean I am surprised how storage of a nice so far
you have for you but PC as well or change your Xbox on PC
I'm looking forward to you need water yeah
hey so we just keep going in this that's mission log fuck who's that
shit this is like quite dangerous here
why are they attacking all right fair enough
just like shit oh wait clean this place as well George your manifestos rust
people just be punching this shetty each other
yeah I think this is that's all we'll see your friends just to get you geared
up but looks of it xbox version all right also figured out this box him your
message the day they're at least attempting celibate is a volunteer
trading post NPCs excellent
oh it was a shitty cage come to walking corner how many caps we actually got was
it to America only certain fee caps and this very no problem at and I'm sorry
when this culture actually serve a golf club that says way more fucking fun of
anything I can sell to have this I was a shit yeah I'd actually got it on
Microsoft Store but I get rid of it because I just don't trust a stock store
their Windows Store when the store is fucking terrible my seller yeah he's not
giving me much money but for some of their shows it the Fox had me we do
admit yeah you walk away dipshit
Fox's layout
great ok then can put in a patient's treatment before the notes I'll take it
you have the people from Walmart and take a court didn't they I got me from
game so sharpen your cue I'm not sure if that's for your from but they sent me
main lecture like 30 seconds after I
bought it basically those level fives here so they can actually kill you
shit what they llama Ashley are you sure we are level 4 right ok do I get to
level 5 at a minute just in case yeah if America yeah warm up a stir that's the
Walmart over here yeah it's imitation guns volunteer need
you that's will you become a volunteer so
this is register here as volunteer game would cause gamestop is it same place I
was we formally going humble but nobody then do it
right sylph Shushan kiosk done
- level up I might jump sir spare shit fouled up then I walked out cards
I want you respond to your training courses all right just kidding but
nobody's fucking Preston we fucking accompanied your help please don't be
that fucking guy hasn't gone wait the nature got there
hey so this is Pierre Cartier we got
they even call it that
and yeah it's their British mission for its till 5:00 oh shit teammate to me
allies what scale are strangers team up trade kill no do we kill someone that is
a question bodyguards again sex damage resist max 18 which you make a special
when you are on a team team when you're venturing a loyalty tips it most yet and
venture although I'll take that
exhale is that one wonder art if you get there as well
licensed plumber Pete weaponry trip said what yeah that as well so the team be
able to take all that no you fuck up as they will for I can't you can't do
damage they really be careful no because we can actually take damage so we can't
actually fuck people would be getting bored with commit yeah not really
I just not sort of balls just it's hard to do the same thing constantly every
single time on it I'm gonna swing for the updates to come back and so I'm
going to do them scum just nearly top tier the game
I'm too lazy to be running stamina every single few minutes shit I'm G Porto I've
been taught kinds for people as well
supplies I was in here that just I need to find some sort of that as well
I'll give you some metal and the out forms
that's this is why I like fallout games she just like she just sets most
randomest shit
the absolute wrong button I guess you're getting fed up with scum bro and another
one and here like in it so far I actually like it quite a lot skin and
enjoying it too honest alright so if you went here they up
these stash boxes this is your stash you can put anything you want in these box
he's it no one else can use it
so you do laughter way too much you're losing your shirts you can just put it
now know if you know what bitch so what start using that start actually see
those are what bench you you can claim it but of a caller fun I have ever had
knife thanks to following twitch that's here right sauce that's one thinkers
watch bench scrub aims right so just watch scruff as much as I can because I
want to try and get a base good and fucking scrub that and just keep the
board that board is OPA shet cigar keep saying that you can sell them coffee cup
out of that coffee pot range
eat more to avoid a shutdown a fucking salvation shared your scrap anything you
get what I'm saying just pack up everything that's for not getting rid of
that I say using that back yeah brush handcuffs hatchet what plate IV bag Nick
keep that it's just feel their chest shit crusted up bollocks back toe mache
and keep them out you read stuff to read up just fine
this can i star cigarettes people shouting no I should probably
just go through the top but and do it that way instead that may be better
option so if I go on there but here I can just go through shell us
junk so okay just do Oh scrap old junk oh there it is
sure though just crushed it Oh Oh fucking hell great so just junk we
assume I can carry more any no it's okay I turn a torch off and I see you
commenting aesthetics video or that they you know doing some reason oh yes we
just air quite a lot maybe your fingers are going there's gonna be much looser
definitely been White's already confirmed up and I wish I could be more
abundant in the skin the Reds trust me I've been fighting them right I one more
question can you access the stashes on the other side of the map yes me they
basically think of it ice cream brand body servers and rust you'd have like a
secret stash you can't have in your multiple base users looking at me you
just open it anywhere absolutely anywhere right so I'm not I may not
build a base on shrim because I was trying to beasts off zoom
but recall that because I was trying to if anyone how we do baseball or why
definitely all scrapped and chased over my neck I have never played minecraft my
life you know that we have different factions there may be factions and I
mean no one thought it was gonna be why don't fingers can be like it as well
this shit SAS two seconds if endless events there's actually quite a lot of
vents no sir oh sure search for her location and the system fuck's sake we
go back what's gonna do
oh yeah gee II I am eight carrot and the apples drink water
I've totally forgot about food completed for I've got it fuck out rights $5.00
now HP for food yeah do that completely for our food stay even cross my mind
okay trees not to be killed I've done a set up story I don't do that again
you can look some your stuff not all your stuff what is that guy doing why is
it attacking me why is that co humping the fence I said me like come on
seriously piss off the lectures made warm business as a camp now
no Ally Akeno I kill that fucking thing by faith up some more guns without the
pen and weapon weapon actually we'll put that into
she killed her yeah just like good Lodge it's like a little better Sarah no he
fucked up was he shooting gills in your sight you shoot me I don't actually know
what happened how do you get the better - what all it says is my characters
already linked and takes me back to the start screen em have you seen Dan with
the correct em the best I can so it may likely just start up when they open - so
then I'll actually they had no problems can enter us I can craft food Israel
I can't actually craft the thing here yeah I can't grab the elephant sad times
wrote hoes good y'all got a chocolate Leroy I'm gonna
see you up good anything on at all I
seen you I don't wash it I seen what base fine now they yeah when I hate see
it just takes me back to press any button in the Start screen
em me obviously I couldn't tell you a big waste your time trillion guess what
eyes I see I didn't have any issues get in the water so ever on a monstrous
extreme which I was surprised I thought about piñas I'm going what were you just
put it off I love it um don't you rock wouldn't quite a lot of talk or a bit
then you just got stopped the finger it's a niche for this fucking it's an
actual quest but missile do the fuck's that
what is that it's a go here the one that
right search directory and what was the name
Sutton Sutton Sutton is Saturday there's no Sun it was quite Scialfa all the
bloody names
search for cash on your wife slate so we've done Apple phone up let's head to
Ravana fucking out that's his prop up question I was not expecting us at all
had he quit school if he quits kill why and pleading a lot right stomach good oh
shit Oh cash is dead well testing kit and see
the story that says I just there's our stuff then you must stop that's good
okay today let me make you something with it
you should be there's no just no reason
what do they know and completely test sample water from fathers Palmer's test
out for water from the river fuck's sake with no I was literally just there the
fuck yeah tarkoff it's a tough one because a lot of people don't search
tarkoff I don't know why it's not a lot of search low shrimp no I no idea why
because PvP game wise is probably the best over there because intensive shit
but people just don't seem to search for YouTube have no idea why it's about
strange twice right correct
oh great laughs were here let's hear some Tina what iswhat is here research
caches the lab right with a fox the lab
so anyone I just oldest I can't believe hoje
story-driven s is being so far I probably just feel like wonder and look
wonder and look it's nothing like that old guys just ride them were dead
I'm pleasantly surprised what do you think her father so far actually really
enjoying it I'm not gonna lie it just feels like a normal followed and is
what's his cat they tell you what Offshore's where they get them from
listen to all that boy what you didn't tell me what are on with you
and draft
fusion yeah I don't know what I'm supposed to craft a shirt I just keep
falling this block marker she comes over it's probably the best thing to do say
hey then I mean I need that as well
excuse me man just sit there I kill my master
well otherwise known as that guy who just killed someone for using a pole
that's good
hey Croft I've got no idea i watch the good this
boy wah wah Fu and bought water boys make challenge complete what's next
check the self self for fuck's sake it's in here
yes I didn't tell her to speak bitch you just need to keep pushing them out I
mean I got lucky tonight we're video for followed for a follow service X YouTube
promote your show of some reason no idea why and for Deborah winters is home
there's her XP it up quite well I don't wear pure data so we're making progress
so far quite shet for doing that stuff as well it's actually quite interesting
how it's going
one business punch me nuts it was Troy Kellerman f and yet which is hugely
surprising change photo language dates house shot few criteria that's a dumb
Ramos you about fun again so just to get snap short
just stop this that was fucking awful that was server-side more than my Center
and me it's it just started really checking on all over the place and is up
here what's up yeah I ever get after ready to sort myself of AIDS yeah Xbox
it's all that a swatch server
it right away definitely take that and
so steak sort of steak anymore fridge
hey that garden can't get fucked off with five issues that Golf Club I seen
someone using that golf club but actually smart that's right got it
but what's the damage compared to the machete golf clubs to its sex mache
eating yeah judo club yeah I hate control three minutes just
know I've been playing Fallout 4 old da just try it yes sir that's fucking
tedious I would elite controller so I would mess about with that as well just
passing a vote tray get all the sensitivity for the fun sex and stuff
it's do it it's not by that's languish shit it's not terrible it's just no
fucking great and what am I supposed to craft here I've gotta find eat my steak
awfully simple offered my stick
OkCupid was-- I mean it's not as bad as I thought it was gonna be
let's become Buddhist right so but us right here it says trader
no wonder how these fucking so dead
ah yeah well if you forget to search everywhere I pulled my son Moses as well
but it's a bit hard see I'm quite impressed with first we training done
right what did I get me should put up spoilers using a database that's the
abyss or someone else God and here well here hi guys going for someone
I just wanted as all invite him to my team
that's awful it was in his bag is rather than blind you seen a fuss execution
live in stream
that's why you don't be a cock well then so got that volunteer it's good that
I've got Karthus right we've got this so fast on your hand you'll probably kill
that guy try shooting me that's what she was my card rewards without ferry
departure hey what do we get the car this time and first frosty stimpacks
okay but listen tom already can't sell the cards not right bleep twice as much
when you have a single floor no the bottom of that drink any liquids
favorite wrists yeah that was already got something now I'm gonna eat let's
see I'll just take it that's it really
excellent right so this key rocketed Airport as far as that
once every Airport there's a vent down there I lose the interest of now who's
the airport the airport no idea there for us
well if you're here of course that's one of the machines so let's head up there
no good tell me dick that's happenin now
this guy's good in Hallandale all right leave them to it sounds like a right
laughing shop
the way we see Rome so I keep these melee weapons big painful mangal hotel
okay no way look going to you against Nate very quick a nice game as well
which annoys our heat name games it's piñas
Boulton pattern excellent needs up to that see that nothing new
keep going well so just last quest they'll wrap the shoe up and go I
records doing this a couple of things because it's only open tonight remember
I've only got four hours of beer tonight now is that I'm already done watch all
of it so didn't record some as well but flight record so just last quest get up
here and see salary teasers yeah so if you're gonna be playing us fuck it's a
squirrel that is not a squirrel so if you have got beer and you complete
it yet in your couch waiting to you're on it the quests are really strongly
driven unless and you go wash effort as well
whoa that sounds a lot fucking better as
another one somewhere keep forgetting to use vats use vats more often there's a
camp up here setting them up or just a random camp was just camp and would be
now ready so I'm gonna wrong way you'll say the right you're right up here
fucking cliff again I don't know what time the server's are open tomorrow
though that's the only thing open it CBE you friend like toys starting at that
twelve Nate is pretty fucking brittle I'm gonna lie
I set up here
and I is over here so far we haven't come across any glad she's
the one time when we get stuck on the bridge the ramp but it cuts a little but
I've owned that though we have not Gaga's Anthony which is extremely
surprising considering
this place here it's the light on some suggest this is it
and here it's a moon shame place okay and chemistry what key belt here okay
with gunpowder that's about that was a banana climax to
see at least alright can I open it yeah questioner 1 I stole a little I spent a
lot Peck card okay start backing locks
where is this guy's house that's it yes well shit you just do it my way
fucking hell Jesus Christ the election just got fucking nowhere Jesus Christ
and tip-off them let's get a gun as well do that
it comes out for now foster age just Redbox to that rate we need to get going
out here actually who runs a hook off of that first you free
how would rather how much 10 mil no it's not good fight you fucker we use it for
that no faith this is a house where to see us right guys still hot another how
many of the things that I came across so far hang it in to ATM because I don't
have acquired skill okay
that's a quite low in here ah right what shop saw that let's scrap all this stuff
what we're here
junk junk junk junk scrapple of it except yep done and what some max we've
cage though wise to max we've been doing
like a level up again as well so many to go first
for that you see you can see man vamps has ago met you back no problem just
trick walk out pharmacist right away immerse rips in radiation boards that I
just need to find I need one that's gonna let me do good say yeah you know
personals no no Tim fucking taking that in fact what was that next one give her
territory resistance Glenn run up your running speed is increased Timpson shit
fashion points regenerate first two percent faster
look here friendly stronger our flips in chance finish I'm always such a pity
well brought up sent getting a huge percent avoid damage so we get quite a
lot fucking cards no insurance string squinch Faust's try some of cash it's
easier got that really
if I snow target lens focus okay Oh what Peck go for that
yeah that can definitely a per nail all right so when you level that up it gives
you Dre got it no okay so I can have two cards they are the two points rate right
I've got a note and Marcella Patricia skilled the level wanna cook or free
okay that's fine if in a bag you take that so I think we
will try and tear this Campo
that's either gonna work should fuck check upstairs first let's get what
tremendous a whale or be an absolute fucking car crash so I think we play
that holotapes yes it's actually all done for the turn our powers do a quest
everyone was getting proper fucking annoyed and it's not gonna be like
normal follows this has been like a standard follow so far what players so
has been try to scamper before Spanish and see how what
it was Pharaoh second
no doesn't know I thought it was that guarded by them like a little settlement
a little shits yeah probably p11 en ya know from
experience before stash box oh yeah so if you just joined oh you haven't been
here for the full stream these boxes my stash box they're all over the place and
you can drop in if an unerring double if you died Anthon so you have to way too
much about lose no your shit and we've also died because we get stuck in our
with glitch no glitch but you're stuck against a wall we all get attacked and
you can go his stuff please it's not too much whatever make sure we that's gay
shut was the wrong thing oh my God he's fucking gone
hello I'm not you didn't walk fine yet
be double closed if you want money so your people money used to be worth quite
a lot with vendors back in the day I saw there and cigarettes
so I'm they quite as much as I can all that guy doesn't cock little bit quinine
so that goes killed on you would
so I'm the tokens once we knew this quality so I try to hear what says try
and fix you - please
that's a mission or something I'm not sure let's just stick to that's just
what I've been I stay tuned to the settlement
so nothing and I thought it was like a camper failed gills it's nicely enough
for then no I say there's been a mom no it's definite oh I look bad I hit it so
hard then so there must be something I know so I don't know have enough I must
be missing something
the walkie don't know oh the guy gonna kill me - uh something
nope yeah let's see what strip he'll usually and fall out the higher you go
the better shot yes
unless is this one
okay jump that okay so what's the jump everything else either Jeremy I can't
open it I can't write it's a fossil oh oh you fucker I Bob head though though
there's expecting this guy to shoot me in the back of the fucking head
oh there we go juice a little money hey so no bud
well I should
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【字幕あり】(初級)フランス語の簡単会話 vol.62 何階ですか? - Duration: 0:41.
The History of Fornost - LOTR History and Lore - Duration: 5:42.
Greetings everyone. How is it going? Welcome to the history of Fornost. I'm really excited to be doing this
So let's get right into it. So Fornost was founded in in the year
3320 of the Second Age now, it was a military fortress built in a strategic position
between the North Downs and the
Weather Hills now it was built to guard this gap which was in between these two places against incursions by
Rhudaur and/or Angmar now Angmar which is going to be very important to the history of
Fornost, and we're gonna talk about that in just a little bit, but they were a kingdom from the north led by the Witch-king
now Fornost was the capital city of the
Dúnedain kingdom of Arthedain and possibly the capital of the kingdom of Arnor now the kingdom of
Arnor came first, but after King Eärendur's death the
Kingdom of Arnor was split into three kingdoms Arthedain, Cardolan,
and Rhudaur, now Fornost remained an important city as a capital of Arthedain after.
Fornost was probably the capital of Arnor but this isn't like
specified 100 percent but it was a very big city. It was very important
So it probably was
now in the third in
1974 of the Third Age the Witch-king of Angmar
Led his forces to invade these three kingdoms of Arnor
Now a long story short, it didn't really go well for Arthedain or the two other kingdoms
Now the Witch-king was ruthless and he actually even used the Dúnedain dead in the war now
what he did is he went to the Barrow Downs, and he actually raised the the
Dúnedain dead to join his army
Which would not only lower the morale of the Dúnedain fighting him
But would also bolster his own forces, which was very smart
but obviously very ruthless now the last king of Arthedian Arvedui, or
didn't give up without a fight and actually
resisted for a time after the two other kingdoms fell so Arthedain was the last to survive
he held at the
North Downs, however
he eventually just couldn't keep fighting and he fled into the
northern wastes and was lost in the Ice-Bay of Forochel
Now Fornost was the last city of the once great kingdom of Arthedain and Arnor
So if the Witch-king was able to conquer this, he would have effectively won the war which he did
after last King
Arvedui died the Witch-king occupied Fornost and began to populate it with evil folk most likely those of his army
It didn't last for more than a year and Gondor led by Eärnur comes to Fornost
rescue in the next year with allies from Lindon, Rivendell, and the former territories of Arnor
Now the the Witch-king was defeated, his army destroyed. However, he
escaped as he did appear in The Lord of the Rings films
so even though the force the
forces of Angmar were pushed back the Dúnedain population was decimated and it was and they were too few to
Rebuild the once great during Dúnedain people
wasn't completely destroyed. It wasn't burned to the ground. It became a ruin and it was not resettled
Yeah, and it gradually fell in
into ruin, however, the Dúnedain kept going and they became known as the
Rangers and were wandering Guardians and Aragorn was one of them and he obviously held the blood of the
broken kings of
Gondor so very important and a cool fact is that the Dúnedain were descended from the
Númenóreans, which were the greatest
race of men in
so only the Dúnedain would a visit Fornost
But most others steered clear as it became known as the Deadmen's Dike and many believed it was haunted
Fornost's History
does not end actually there, it was rebuilt in the fourth age after the War of the Rings which is the
Which is the events that take place in the Lord of the Rings
So yeah, it was rebuilt in the fourth age by King Elessar
so that brings us to the end of the history of Fornost and the great thing about this is that
The story doesn't have to end there you can take it in whichever way you want
Does it become the capital of great Kingdom once again, or does it become abandoned?
It's all up to you, but I really enjoyed
Making this video. Thank you so much for watching guys
let me know down below what you guys think about this great city and just about the
Lord of the Rings world in general, but yeah, thank you so much for watching guys
Feel free to subscribe and hop on our discord. Lots of great people over there having some good
Conversations. But yeah, I will see you guys soon. Thank you so much for watching
What do dinosaurs like to eat? Cocomong Help me! | Play dinosaurs | dinosaur name | Learn English - Duration: 3:29.
Grass grass grass grass
Triceratops Triceratops
Spinosaurus spinosaurus
Apatosaurus, Apatosaurus
Parasaurolophus, Parasaurolophus
Fish fish fish fish fish
Fish fish
Fish fish
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