hello guys welcome back I am feeling how am I feeling today stuff I'm feeling
good because I'm going shopping today I'm always in a good mood every time I
am going shopping as so that's a fact I had such a hard time picking out my
outfit you guys I decided to go with this I'm gonna show you right now in the
mirror what I look like I was gonna wear all black I was gonna do like black
jeans and then I was gonna do black of boots and then this new sweater that I
got at Marshall's I found the huge sweater I'll probably show you guys
later I don't got time right now girl we got to go we got so did some shopping I
got to pick my girl up I'm wearing a front 21 joggers my adidas cloud cloud
foam yeah cloud foam shoes and my jacket from H&M I absolutely love this jacket
and I'm also wearing my bodysuit from pretty little thing I got this bodysuit
I kid you not over like a year and a half ago I would say probably two years
it's crazy but I did get it two years ago I absolutely love it we're gonna be
going to square one and what I really want to go for is two we both want to go
see on the store that has the ordinary I don't know how to today I can't talk I
don't know how to pronounce that that store name the seam is it called to see
him to see him whatever I really don't care to be honest with you I just want
to see their product I'm looking for something in particular is it called Nia
cinnamon or something like that again I don't really care enough renounce part
names but that product I heard is so good I've actually used it from someone
else at Amy's place when I have a cap imple I freak out every single time I
have a pimple because I don't get pimples often so when you're not used to
something and then it pops up you're just like oh and every time I freak out
Amy's like you realize that like people go through this all the time right I'm
like I don't realize cuz I don't go through it so I don't really know that I
got a big one on my chin over here finally went away I didn't touch it I
didn't pop it I don't like to touch my pimples what I do is I put like tea tree
oil and I just keep doing it every single night
tea tree oil try not to make it oily if I put oil on my face I kind of take off
a little bit there cloudy today and is a little bit brisket that's why I'm
wearing my coal my brisket coat I feel like I'm Glasgow with this collar I love
this coat I will even link it down below if you guys don't know when you haven't
shopped with each of them online this is like my second time ordering online with
them if you sign up with your email you will get 25% off one item and this
jacket I believe is like $69 that's Canadian though so US is less so if you
guys sign up with your email you guys will get 25% off one item so I would
definitely use it on a higher ticket item that's like a pro tip for a
Shopaholic right there I just submitted that um yeah so we are gonna go to
square one we're gonna check out some other stores of course because you can't
just go there for the ordinary like what's wrong with you
first we're gonna pick up Starbucks for breakfast that's what we're gonna be
having for breakfast because there's no other breakfast better than Starbucks to
be very honest with you tomorrow I'm getting my hair done you guys it has
been such a long time since I got my hair done and I haven't been ready to be
honest with you I actually called this a lot a while ago but I was like you know
what I'm not ready I'm not ready so I waited a little bit longer I just
haven't really been sure about what I want to do I'm gonna be going much
lighter some people when I post a picture like this they're like oh my god
you went dark I love it I'm like I didn't go dark you just can't see my
ponytail it's time I think I want to bring up the light again I don't want to
go as blonde not as bright definitely want to bring in the honey tones and
just brighten it up overall I can't do too much rude I feel like it kind of
it's okay on me but it's a little bit stark I find I feel like I have a very
soft face and soft feminine features and I feel like the really really dark just
doesn't do as much it's like they're really nice um honey soft warm tones
could do for me so I'm really excited about that I'm so excited so so so
excited I love getting my hair done but only when I'm really ready and sure what
I really want to do it's gonna be a good day people it's gonna be a good day fall
has just like you know the only good thing that's come with fall I will say I
don't know what's going on maybe y'all scientists know something
the Sun has been coming in in this studio and I've been able to take Sutton
selfies and I swear to God I try every single day in the summer to get Sun in
here and I can't and you guys will notice in some of my selfies I have like
a brown wall behind me so that's downstairs by our backyard and the Sun
was coming through there in the summer and when I found that spot I thought it
was my Holy Grail now when the Sun is out it won't hit that spot anymore so
I'm assuming the Sun moves it's the only explanation I can come to at this point
and now it's coming to my studio so I'll be filming and I'll be like whoa whoa oh
my god the Sun is here and then I'll go by my window and I like take selfies in
the Sun that's the one good thing that's coming with this fall winter weather
other than I get to wear my phone winter clothes I've been actually dying to wear
this jacket this time I get to rocket I'm not really looking for much today
but if I come across something that I need um I'll pick it up so I'm gonna go
a grab for now and we're gonna be on our way okay guys so this is the first table
this is not what I'm supposed to be shopping for by the way I was not
expecting to go for this and you're gonna get this one so she's getting the
silver and I'm getting the gold I don't know what I'm wearing with it but it
doesn't even matter and it's $6.99 and then I'm getting this leopard dress I'm
really excited for this dress look it looks so cute it's just for a photo
let's just be real and let's show you're in New York
or it's Brooklyn I keep seeing New York because I love New York when we go to
New York we're gonna wear Matt yes we're gonna wear matching Airport opens oh god
where you want to go to specific section
okay what's that because that looks interesting shower gel
this is my learning but I look at the kid yeah I'm gonna get these guys look
at the shows to be all jelly bomb jelly boss was like the corner
it's so cool yeah just smell really good
yeah actually very good like gifts like Christmas here
so color wanna look at this one with the rose petals yeah is that potato
no no friendship oh that's ginger that was you know and
then yeah Oh me yeah this one has that garlic it's garlic in chocolate oh my
god I want to put you over see when I had cupcake yeah this is where we're
having lunch this is your first time right yeah okay good I'm excited for you
to try it what is behind the door girl and that goes in first
yo we're causing havoc over here they remembered yeah you don't have your wine
yet they remembered my dressing on the side good thing in my state and my
veggies there's like mad veggies in the plate where's your sugar
no sugar you oh my god you take your coffee like that I can yes
I am so excited are you excited I'm how do you pronounce this to seem to be MGM
let's see if they have that one that I'm a Hooper I'm so excited I'm looking for
something particular but I don't know how to pronounce it
okay it starts with an end yes
that's what someone asked me they're like you wear light colors never get
dirty I'm like nope I don't you guys look at this jacket somebody just please
buy this make me happy it's too similar to mine that's why I put eggs so I'm
going to show you guys what I got yesterday
okay this job is so adorable and I kind of just wanted it for a photo to be
honest with you it is not for anything else how cute is this top it is a
cowl-neck little mini crop top so it's in a gold
my friend got the silver one I just really think I want to do like a very
gold bronzy sort of look and I'm gonna take a photo with this this is so near
as even though I don't even like to go out for New Year's Eve
it was $6.99 you guys like I was like what the heck I'll link it for you guys
I feel like this can be a very super affordable look if you guys are on a
budget for New Year's or for Christmas if you wear this with a miniskirt like
the remaining skirts are like $8 sometimes so you can get like a look
under $20 look at this you guys it is a mini leopard dress I feel like it's not
this crazy leopard it's this very classy sort of leopard I am so excited for this
this one was $14.99 and this is also gonna be for a photo I got it in a size
four cuz I wanted to really hug my curves hug my body I am so excited and I
don't know I'm feeling like being extra and putting a fur coat over top and like
using that in the photo I don't know I just want to be like hella extra
sometimes I love like these statement pieces because they just really stand
out and you never know I might use this one day and go on a hot day like you
never really know this is another really affordable look you can just pair it
with some heels and just put one of your coats they have a black coat and
honestly you have an outfit that's like $15 like it's just crazy this was super
affordable now from Zara you guys I said I was looking for the
perfect creamy boot and I walk in and it's literally I'm not kidding you the
second thing I see if not the first I saw them hiding underneath the table and
I said to my friend I have been looking for a boot this color and funny enough I
have these over here that I got from Nordstrom and I love them but like are
they my absolute perfect boots I don't know I recently got it because I was
looking for something light in this color but I'm thinking of returning
these you guys cuz I spent a hundred dollars on these and these were fifty
dollars they were half the price and they were exactly what I was looking for
it 4990 under $50 and for boots like this I'm sorry they normally would cost
you 70 80 100 and something so I was really hoping the price was affordable
and they are it has this little detail at the front I definitely recommend
these for fall and winter because you guys can just wear a pair of jeans and a
sweater I cannot tell you how in love I am with them like I seriously I can't
you guys that is like my favorite purchase from yesterday we got some
stuff from the ordinary so I got the foundation I'm actually wearing it right
now that's why the box looks like it's open that's really nice I just want to
see how it lasts throughout the day and what it kind of does to me so this one
is their light coverage foundation and it has a serum in it I think that's what
she said yes serum foundations this one says
medium pink undertones so the thing with my skin is it has a peachy undertone to
it the color that I got is 2.1 that's what it says in the bottle and that's
what it looks like I really like it because I told her I wanted it light
coverage and they have one that's more of a full coverage but I'm not really
into that I like when the foundation feels kind of naked and then I got this
Gnaeus in imide meaning me have been dying for this I tried this at her house
me a cinema but from someone else and I had a pimple I literally put on this
chemical.you eyes and I woke up and it shrunk
okay the pimple shrunk and you guys already know me and pimples like we're
not friends because we don't even know each other and then they just like to
pop up like every six months and it's just not cute look I don't really need
you in my life you know this is what the bottle looks like you guys to five a
pimple I only put it on that pimple but I found that it really took down my
pimples when I had them on my face I get them in the hormonal areas so I got one
for me and I got one for Amy and these were the last two left I didn't really
shop much I think I drank more Starbucks than I actually bought stuff I would
definitely recommend trying this out it was so affordable if you guys don't know
about the ordinary a lot of their stuff is super affordable their foundation by
the way was $6 an 80 cents I believe and then this was
also $6 80 cents so the vitamin C cream I just want to give a quick review
because I've been using it for a little bit now I use it around my smile lines I
clear it on my forehead a little bit and I also use it underneath my eyes and I
have been loving it like loving loving loving and you feel a tingle when it's
on your skin like you feel it doing something every time I put it on I feel
my skin doing something and I noticed that now when I put on my makeup
everything is a little bit more finer everything's looking more smooth I
definitely see a difference on where I'm kind of spot treating certain areas but
I'm so excited for this one because when I have a pimple now I have ammunition I
am doing right now a before-and-after to show you guys my hair when it is liking
now because I'm going to be going to the hair salon in about an hour I don't
think I want to go straight I feel like what I want is just going to look better
with some sort of like a beach wave I just want very very loose kind of to
call like a lazy wave almost like it was supposed to be a wave but it's not it's
like straight wave so this is what it looks like on this side it's just kind
of very muted I really really loved this for a long time because I wanted
something soft so I kind of just want to bring it up a little bit and I want to
add some honey tones I want to add a lot more lightness I feel like it's just a
little bit too dead for me right now and yeah so I'm gonna do my little
before-and-after swirl right now
you guys we are back this is my new hair oh my god it is so much lighter when I
was sitting in the chair I was like is it that much later but when your hair's
wet it doesn't really show I love love love it I told her to do it very
straight wave I like to call it the lazy wave again absolutely love it calls me a
unicorn because my hair will hold any thing like my hair has been bleached I
kid you not probably at this point I don't know 1015 times and she's like
your hair just like bounces back my hair is like what are you talking about good
bleach book water and the waves that I had in my hair I'm like yeah I hope you
know that those were like a week old she's like stuff those were some strong
waves I'm like they don't go away I sleep in them I put them in a bun I
rock them up with him in a ponytail gonna do a 360 for you
I love to pull up my hair behind my ears I hate my hairs in front of my ears this
one is definitely much brighter at the bottom and I really love how she kind of
mixed up the tones over here to make it look extremely natural I'm sure you guys
are closed up she did such a good job with kind of blending night
I am super happy you guys like I'm looking in the camera and I'm like girl
my phone just my black guys this is an important moment be right back
what ladies going on you guys my friend camera won't work like I don't get it
when you guys are here it doesn't really want to come out and when you guys are
not here I do look like a golden goddess I could just don't understand my root is
like a level four or five I'm like in-between she said it's pretty dark
even around the face she really shaped me up as well which I absolutely love
and there's just something about being blonde if you guys are blind comment
down below blondes def have more fun like they just
do like let's just the real oh oh you're supposed to go darker but I'm like I'm
like let's just be real I never follow what people say when it comes to like
seasons and stuff like that so I've actually gone lighter in the fall and
winter so what is what you're supposed to be like what is that who made that up
my hair tends to go very warm and I'm not going to be toning it and we're kind
of really curious to see how it's gonna hold so I'm gonna see if it goes super
super warm and if it does I might have to like just toner with some purple
shampoo and the one I've been using is by Amica there are sold at Sephora if I
need to I kind of go to that one because it's really good and they're very strong
over like it I told her to send to me everything that she used so I'm gonna
lay it out for you guys down below or also put it here on screen so you guys
can see because sometimes you guys asked me what you used on my hair so I will
definitely let you guys know I hope you guys enjoyed this is the LA leave some
love down below and let me know what you guys think of the new hair don't forget
to give it a big thumbs up subscribe and also hit the notification button to get
notified for all of my newest video thank you guys so much for watching and
I will see all of my beautiful babes of course in my next video
For more infomation >> VLOG - My New Hair Before/After & Shopping! - Duration: 17:38.-------------------------------------------
Forecast using Neural Network by MAQ Software - Power BI Visual Introduction - Duration: 6:24.
Hello and welcome my name is Manuel Quintana with Pragmatic Works, and in
collaboration with MAQ Software, we're bringing you today's video to look at
their custom visual known as Forecast using Neural Network. Now, this is a
fantastic visual, and it starts reaching into the realms of data science and
predictive analytics—which is fantastic—but it is a more advanced
area of conversation. We are gonna see how easy it is to implement this
custom visual right into your Power BI reports and start creating some
predictive analytic visuals, which is fantastic. Now, it should be noted that as
part of this visual you will need to download and install some prerequisites,
but all of this is done easily for you when you go to the Microsoft Store and
you go to install this specific visual. You'll be prompted with a message
letting you know that you do need to have some items installed, and there is a
very nice conveniently located install button right there, and it will go
through that process. What we're doing is we're installing the necessary R
packages for this visual to work. Once that's set and in place, now you can go
ahead and start using this custom visual and looking at data over time, maybe a
different type of data series, and then as well as seeing the data that you have
and you are presenting, we can now predict and get some results back from
what the neural network algorithm has learned. That is what this is all
about: leveraging the neural network learning algorithm, which is also known
like as a black box algorithm or a deep learning algorithm, and it's really great
at looking at nonlinear data. There are quite a few visuals out in the
marketplace that do predictive analytics—and they're more focused around using
algorithms that are great at handling linear data—but where neural network
shines is deriving patterns where it is nonlinear, which can be rather difficult.
Hopefully you're excited and you're ready to enjoy. Let's head over to Power
BI and see how we can put this custom visual into play.
Here we are looking at the Forecast using Neural Network from MAQ Software.
The nature of our data here is just looking at, if we look at the data view,
just the price of gold over time—so over years. Very straightforward, and that's
what we've input. If we look at the field well here for our custom visual, the
series can either be a time or numeric series and then our value. Now do note
that what we're seeing in this teal-ish color—that is our observed values. The
yellow is was what our predicted values are. So to look through this, lets go
right into the format area, so we can have an understanding of where we can
control this. The plot setting is where we can dictate the background color, the
forecast color, and the observed color, which is very important. Of course, we can
control the x and the y axis, but the other main element here is going to be
the forecast settings. Now, the default is setting this to auto, but if you have a
good understanding and you feel confident, you can actually control the
parameters that drive the neural network. We'll look at this momentarily, but I did
want to display it. Once you have this configured—and it should be noted—it
does take some time. Once you define the fields that are going to populate your
visual, the algorithm—the neural network—needs to run. It's going to be doing
analysis and creating predictions of your data. Don't worry if it's taking
a moment; that is the nature of this type of a visual. We can see that we do have
some really neat capabilities with inside of it where we can actually draw
boxes and zoom in to certain elements. By double clicking anywhere in the box, you
go back to your main view. You can enable some spike lines, so as you're moving
across, you can see how that correlates to the rest of the data—how we can see
this is a rise and there's no other peak that equals this one as far as looking
back in time. Of course, you may notice when we zoom in, in this area just
here that we have this little shaded area. This relates to the confidence
intervals. By default, this is turned off, but by turning this on, you now get a
range. You can choose—or you can see we have some confidence levels we can
choose with—lowering this number: having less confidence is gonna narrow this
range. The higher the number we're giving ourselves a little more breathing
room saying hey we're confident that the values in this time frame will fall
between these little brackets, and as you hover over,
you can see the information. The confidence level here for 2016 is gonna
be that 1373 and some change, while the yellow line is just the raw
predicted line. Really neat, really powerful, but as I mentioned, we could go
even further. If we look at the same visual but in the context of going over
to the format area and choosing to switch the forecast settings from auto
to user-defined, we have a couple of choices here. Now, of course, there's a lot
that goes into data science and learning, but we have some items here where
decay kind of controls the learning rate of the neural network. The maximum
number of iterations is how many times it's gonna run these numbers through the
neural network and coming up with different values and then coming back
with the best distribution. The number of units, in this case, is gonna represent
our series, which were going in years, so this is going to predict out to ten
years from where we ended our observed. Of course, epochs is going to be the kind
of rotations, so we're gonna have two hundred iterations over a single epoch.
Here, we're gonna have eight epochs. Lowering these values, of course, has less
iterations—there's less loading time—but there is this concept of overfitting,
which can occur if you start increasing these numbers. Basically, you're making it
learn the specifics of this data, so when new data is introduced, it may not
interpret that as correctly. Like I said, we're working in the realm of data
science, so there's a lot of information to understand here, but hopefully you can
see very quickly and how easily you can now already start using data science or
predictive model visuals here right within Power BI with the usage of this
Forecast using Neural Networks by MAQ Software. Hopefully you enjoyed, and thanks
for watching our video. If you have any questions about this visual or need a
similar business solution, feel free to contact MAQ Software at sales@maqsoftware.com.
As well, for any of your Power BI training needs, be sure to reach
out to us at Pragmatic Works by emailing training@pragmaticworks.com.
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I was working in the lab late one night when my eyes beheld an eerie sight one day I
was just trying to think of ways to not kill someone but just that just to
resist the temptation of flesh you know and then trying to you know you know
take somebody out yes I was working on like my sweetest
trap yeah I mean it was a doozie dude it's really hard when that's what you do all your life
want to stab someone you got to find ways you gotta find an outlet and I did
that with playing guitar one day I listened to this some Halloween songs my
favorite holiday and I called up jigsaw and Chucky called me up out of the blue
and he was like dude I want to start a band I got a guitar I was like how could you
play with some small freaking fingers there that is ridiculous you can't even
reach the microphone man but I wrote this riff right and I was like dude
that's super bitchin like I forgot all about stabbing somebody when I was
playing guitar I was playing this riff so I called up jigsaw he sent me over
this riff and I was like that's kinda cool he thought it was kind of cool and then
all of a sudden at our murderers Anonymous meeting we we ran into
Pennywise yeah I mean so the story is you know jigsaw and Chucky and I we were
just sitting at a bar you know just shooting the shit and there's after
another meeting of murderers Anonymous it had been a while since I ate my last kid
and they were just like hey you know Halloween's coming up and we should we
we should start playing some music together yeah you know and I thought that was a really good idea
and he said that he could sing and we didn't believe him and then out of nowhere Pennywise was just like I already have the words
and I sing it like this and I didn't know Pennywise could sing like that dude
actually worked out I didn't know Pennywise could could do some of the things
he does vocally like he has a huge mouth so I guess it I guess it makes sense so
all of a sudden I just was like you know what I've had enough killing for today and I know how to
play the drums so we actually could be a band and we didn't even know it and we just
kind of made it happen dude and we got in there and we decided to cover the Monster Mash we
did the Monster Mash monster mash - yeah we just rocked it out we rocked it OUT
banged it out and I think it's really cool thought that was fitting considering that we're
all monsters and psychopathic nasty creatures you know it just seems fitting
so yeah and you know we're hoping you guys like it because you know if you if
you guys don't like it man we're just going straight back to stabbing people I
don't know what else what else we're gonna do so you know like it I don't
know yeah it was a lot of fun I I really enjoyed the experience and I hope that
people get get a good laugh out of it we certainly did Monster Mash from
Pennywise jigsaw and frickin Chucky dude what do you think?
Suspect ID'd by DNA in Arkansas Cold Case - Duration: 2:45.
Inside Facebook's Early Days | The Facebook Dilemma | FRONTLINE - Duration: 4:21.
>> Are we good?
>> Should I put the beer down?
>> Nah, no, actually, I'm gonna
mention the beer.
>> Hard at work.
>> So I'm here in Palo Alto,
California, chilling with Mark
Zuckerberg of the Facebook.com,
and we're drinking out of a keg
of Heineken because... what are
we celebrating, Mark?
>> We just got three million
>> 11, 12, 13...
>> Whoo!
>> Tell us, you know, simply
what Facebook is.
>> I think Facebook is an online
directory for colleges.
I realized that because I didn't
have people's information, I
needed to make it interesting
enough so that people would want
to use the site and want to,
like, put their information up.
So we launched it at Harvard,
and within a couple of weeks,
two-thirds of the school had
signed up.
So we're, like, "All right, this
is pretty sweet, like, let's
just go all out."
I mean, it's just interesting
seeing how it evolves.
We have a sweet office.
>> Yeah, well, show us... show
us around the crib.
(talking in background)
We didn't want cubicles, so
we got IKEA kitchen tables
I thought that kind of went
along with our whole vibe here.
>> Uh-huh.
What's in your fridge?
>> Some stuff.
There's some beer down there.
>> How many people work for you?
>> It's actually 20 right now.
>> Did you get this shot, this
one here, the lady riding a
pit bull?
>> Oh, nice.
>> All right, it's really all
I've got.
>> That's cool.
>> Where are you taking Facebook
at this point in your life?
>> Um, I mean... there doesn't
necessarily have to be more.
♪ ♪
>> From the early days, Mark had
this vision of connecting the
whole world.
So if Google was about providing
you access to all the
information, Facebook was about
connecting all the people.
>> Can you just say your name
and pronounce it so nobody
messes it up and they have it on
>> Sure, it's Mark Zuckerberg.
>> Great.
>> It was not crazy.
Somebody was going to connect
all those people, why not him?
>> We have our Facebook Fellow,
we have Mark Zuckerberg.
>> I have the pleasure of
introducing Mark Zuckerberg,
founder of Facebook.com.
>> Yo.
>> When Mark Zuckerberg
was at Harvard
he was fascinated by hacker
culture, this notion that
software programmers could do
things that would shock the
>> And a lot of times, people
are just, like, too careful.
I think it's more useful to,
like, make things happen and
then, like, apologize later,
than it is to make sure that you
dot all your I's now and then,
like, just not get stuff done.
>> So it was a little bit of a
renegade philosophy and a
disrespect for authority that
led to the Facebook motto "Move
fast and break things."
>> Never heard of Facebook?
>> Our school went crazy for the
>> It creates its own world that
you get sucked into.
>> We started adding things like
status updates and photos and
groups and apps.
When we first launched, we were
hoping for, you know, maybe 400,
500 people.
>> Toast to the first 100
million, and the next 100
>> Cool.
>> So you're motivated by what?
>> Building things that, you
know, change the world in a way
that it needs to be changed.
>> Who is Barack Obama?
The answer is right there on my
Facebook page.
>> Mr. Zuckerberg...
>> 'Sup, Zuck?
>> In those days, "move fast and
break things" didn't seem to be
>> If you're building a product
that people love, you can make a
lot of mistakes.
>> It wasn't that they intended
to do harm so much as they were
unconcerned about the
possibility that harm would
>> So just to be clear, you're
not going to sell or share any
of the information on Facebook?
>> We're not gonna share
people's information, except for
with the people that they've
asked for it to be shared.
>> Technology optimism was so
deeply ingrained in the value
system and in the beliefs of
people in Silicon Valley...
>> We're here for a hackathon,
so let's get started.
>> ...that they'd come to
believe it is akin to the law
of gravity, that of course
technology makes the world a
better place.
It always had, it always will.
And that assumption essentially
masked a set of changes that
were going on in the culture
that were very dangerous.
- So boom, this what happened.
- This what happened.
- We're walking or whatever, we talking.
Next thing you know we're almost out the door,
we didn't even go out the door. ♪ Ay oh, ay oh ♪
♪ Ay oh, ay ♪
♪ No letting go, no letting go ♪
♪ No letting go, no letting go, oh ♪
♪ Ay oh, ay oh ♪
♪ Ay oh, ay ♪
♪ No letting go, no letting go ♪
♪ No letting go, why, cause it's unconditional ♪
(slow hip-hop music)
- Hey huntys and huncles, it's day two of,
I was gonna say black history month.
- Damn near feel like it.
- I know right?
Oh, you're too black.
And they've sat all of the different signs
at the same table, so all the cool people of course.
- All the cool people.
- [LaToya] All the cool people at this table.
There go Jermaine, yas!
Geminis over there.
There goes Pisces, hi, Tray.
Adam's over there with the Virgos.
There go Marlin, right there.
What's your sign? Comment below.
Oh my god, so all the creators have a cookie.
- [Woman] There goes your cookie right there.
- [LaToya] Mine? Me?
- [Woman] Right there, yeah.
[LaToya] Oh, that's me?
Oh my gosh, why do I have duck lips?
What are they trying to say?
What are they trying to say about my lips?
Oh, it look like I just got my lips done,
honey, yes!
- [Woman] Can I see?
Oh my God, so pretty!
- [LaToya] Isn't it so cute?
There go LaToya Forever.
(upbeat music)
So, Shalom insists that we come outside
and take a picture.
She has on her Air Force One's, and she wants heels
and of course she wants my booties.
- Oh so you're taking them off?
- Yeah, so she's gonna take them off...
- Oh shit. Of course.
- Put them on...
- Of course Shalom would make you take your shoes off.
- And take a picture!
(slow funk music)
Yes, Shalom, yeah you better work this.
- [Woman] I'd like to steal her bag too
- [LaToya] The bag too?
You guys, Shalom doesn't know this,
but I am keeping her sneakers on
because those heels are killing my feet.
And fun fact about me, I hate wearing heels,
but I have to wear them every single damn day practically.
What do you think you're doing though?
You're taking them off?
- Yeah.
- [LaToya] Did you know that we traded shoes for the day?
- Oh, you really wanna wear those?
[LaToya] Yep.
(upbeat techno music)
- Always in musicals, always in talent shows,
just the stage is where I felt
most free and like I didn't have
to worry about the waiting part.
- [LaToya] Everybody keeps walking up into our room
talking about we got the supreme room.
- The supreme apartment lux room.
- [LaToya] Diana said that yesterday.
- Dang! We got a whole hallway!
- [LaToya] A front foyer, girl.
Now we're in Jayla's room.
Yo, your room is cute.
I like the lighting in here.
- [Jayla] Yeah.
[LaToya] It's cuter, it's actually cuter in your room.
- No, ya'll got the whole suwoop!
[LaToya] Anyways, we're supposed to be doing
90's theme tonight.
I'm definitely not 90's, this is my outfit.
Pretty little thing.
Jayla has on a hoodie and some ripped jeans, 90's.
You are so cute Shalom, in your 90's.
- How did they dance in the 90's?
- [LaToya] I have no clue.
Like MC Hammer?
Okay Adam, you better get it with your 90's!
- I got 90's vibes going.
[LaToya] Aye!
(upbeat funk music)
- Okay, so as I was saying before,
every time I come to an event,
somebody has a problem.
- Oh my god.`
Is it my turn?
Is it my turn to be the YouTuber you have beef with?
- It is your turn.
- Okay, so let's get a good thumbnail.
- Yeah, let's get a good thumbnail.
Perfect, I love you.
So yeah, you thought I wasn't giving you
my new phone number on purpose?
- Only today.
This thought has not crossed my mind this whole entire time.
- This is the only thing you decided to text me.
So you're a terrible friend.
- When's the last time I spoke to you, yesterday no?
Was it not via Instagram DM, no?
So then I go to FanFest now, I'm waiting around,
I see Adam walk in, I see her come in with a gown.
I'm like oh!
- A gown!
- I was like hello, remember me?
- You didn't have an attitude at all though,
so you knew it was like a phone issue.
- Yeah I knew it was a phone issue
especially because it popped up green.
- Right.
- But then when she was like, "Oh I changed my number."
I was like...
- Yeah, I changed my phone number.
- Well, I didn't change mine, so.
- Okay friends, we're friends like in real life.
(slow tempo music)
- First I'd like to introduce Derek Blasberg.
From his first job as an assistant at Vogue,
to being editor-at-large at Harper's Bazaar,
and Vanity Fair's "Man on the Street".
And known around the world-
- [Adam] Naomi Campbell.
- For being the original supermodel,
it is now my honor, pop culture legend-
- [Voice] Has to be Tyra Banks.
- The best walk in the building.
Please welcome to the stage, legend Naomi Campbell.
(audience cheers)
(slow hip-hop music)
- So basically, I was probably 18
and I saw all my peers saying they wanted to do,
can I have a cover, basically asking for jobs
and they were told yes very quickly.
So I said well, can I have a cover?
And they said oh (mumbles)
we've never put a black woman on the cover.
And I was like well, I felt very disappointed (mumbles)
So at the time I was contracted for Yves Saint Laurent
and I decided to go and tell him.
And so I tell him, but not in a-
just like what happened at work
and he was likely to take it one step further
and he (mumbles)
and I don't know what they said,
but next thing I knew I was shooting the cover.
(audience applauds)
(cheering from crowd)
- [LaToya] Okay, we are taking a group photo,
all the black creators at YouTube Black.
Well, everybody ain't black, but you know.
We out here in these streets.
Yes, all the black creators out here.
Look at this, look at all this!
Okay, we good.
There's Naomi, you guys.
Naomi Campbell.
Okay, let go, it's so cold you guys!
(slow hip-hop music)
Okay, you guys, we're at the airport.
I'm here with Summerella.
Hey, my new girlfriend.
I love her, she's so cute.
Summer's mommy, she's so cute.
She is so amazing, I love her.
We almost fought the security.
Hold on, who wants to tell the story?
Come on, let's get it.
- You know what, so boom, this what happened.
- This what happened.
- We walking or whatever, we talking.
Next thing you know, we're almost at the door,
we didn't even go out the door.
Well, I think you was at the door.
- Right.
- Adam, you should tell the story.
- [LaToya] You should tell the story, Adam. Come here, Adam.
We literally just went through hell.
- [Summerella] Literally.
- [LaToya] What happened, Adam?
- [Summerella] We was about to jump her, bruh.
- We went through security, right?
And we walk through a door-
- We didn't know what the door was
because we're not from here.
- We're not from here.
We're not from Washington D.C. airport, we don't know.
We're walking through the door trying to get to our gate
and all of a sudden Adam's like, "LaToya!"
"Don't close the door! LaToya, LaToya!"
And the security talking about-
- LaToya, she was already out the door
so it was too late for LaToya.
We wasn't, but then after that, it was this man and woman,
they was like "No you gotta get out! You gotta go!"
- They were cussing us out, and one of the women,
she put her hands on me.
- She really could have busted her in her lip.
- Yeah I should have busted her ass in the lip.
But see, I didn't want to go to jail here.
Airport jail, like I can't do airport jail.
- Washington D.C. or motherfucking Homeland Security.
- [LaToya] Yeah, Homeland Security.
They would have deported my ass back to Canada.
So anyways, we had to go through security again.
(slow funky music)
- Hey huntys and huncles,
so we just got back from Washington.
- Hi.
- [Adam] Good to see you baby, thank you for making this.
- Yeah, Dad?
- [Adam] Yes?
- We made cupcakes and we made this for you.
Mommy I love you and Daddy I love you.
- [Adam] Thank you.
- Huh?
- [Adam] Thank you.
- I love you.
- [Adam] What did you say?
Mommy I love you, Daddy I love you.
- [Adam] Oh you love me, oh we love you too baby.
Shout out to YouTube for having us
at the YouTube Fanfest slash YouTube Black.
It was great.
LaToya's throat is itching a bit,
she's not feeling too well.
Let's just say the party at YouTube Black was just too much.
People are recovering right now.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed today's vlog.
Hit the like, subscribe, and comment on today's video.
Our upload schedule is every Monday and Thursday for now.
So stay tuned by subscribing.
- Goodnight everyone, peace out.
- Goodnight!
(upbeat music)
The Truth About the Toyota Yaris, It's Not a Toyota - Duration: 5:30.
Rev up your engines, carol says what do you think of toyota yaris
le with 79,000 miles, are these little guys reliable, well their relatively reliable but
realize the Yaris is really more of a Mazda, it'a mazda engine that's in that thing, toyota
didn't make the engines they used mazda engines, and their ok their not nearly as reliable
as toyota engines but they can be ok, and you bought one that's 79,000 miles it
should last quite a bit of time, let's just hope you didn't pay too much for it,
florez says scotty what do you think is the best minivan on the market right now,
toyota sienna bar none, I got customers that have 500,000 miles on
those things with the original engine and transmission, they really are the best, you're
going to pay more for them, and you buy a used one it's going to cost more,
but they really last a really really long time, it's the same v6 engine that they use
in the camry and their pickup truck and stuff it's tried and true, and it can run forever,
you can't beat it, sander says scotty I'm considering getting
either a 2002 Saab 9-3 or a 2005 nissan 250z for my next car, thought on these cars,
well if you got a choice between those two get the nissan 350z those are pretty well
built sports cars, they get a little high tech and a little expensive as they age, but
if it's a manual transmission yes they're really strong, now if it's an automatic I
wouldn't buy either of those cars, I would never buy a saab the company went
bankrupt years ago, their cars are impossible to work on, require
expensive parts, the only way you could think about buying a car like that is if you live
in Sweden, if you live in Sweden from what people tell me there, there's still parts
there and they still make parts, and there's Sweds that are nuts about cars because it's
their homeland car and they fix them for a reasonable price, but anywhere else do not
buy a saab, utter says scotty I drive a new Hyundai Kona
2018 why are the cars so poorly painted on the inside, yeah Korean cars hey they've always
been known as being a little bit on the junky side,
now their not as bad as those Ladas those Russian cars I mean those are really cheaply
made, the cheaper ones their just not putting that much money into them, their not finished
that well, their selling them low and that's what you get, you get a low priced car, now
I mean their little, they could still last a while, their not going to last like a toyota
or honda, but their not finished all that well the cheaper ones,
now the higher end ones are much better, I got customers with the v6 high end ones and
they run fine and everything, and like I said they don't last as long as a toyota or honda
but the high ends ones aren't that bad, a lot of them have luxury leather interiors
but those cheaper ones, their just cheaply made, their cheap cars, one of the lowest
ones out there, bee says what do you think about a old chevy
silverado maybe about 2003, I'd go even earlier myself, the older they are, the better made
they were, that's pretty much it for GM, if you really want to go back in the 60's and
70's they were making killer pick up trucks then that could run forever, they were really
better made, then they started to make the engines a little
bit cheaper and smaller and stuff like that, the older they are the better made they were,
their always better with the v8, the v6 are always kind of weak and didn't hold up, but
their v8's were their stronger ones, scotty I had a front and rear end collision,
hood, front fender, bumper, radiator damage do you think it's worth repairing, how do
I know if it's worth repairing, ok should have given me more info like the
year, mileage and all that stuff, when their damaged that far, their generally
not worth fixing, now it depends on how old it is and what you want to do with it too,
I've had plenty of guys when I was going to college, car was smashed up they'd go to a
junkyard, they'd bolt a piece on and hoped it worked, they'd duct tape the bumper on
with duck tape, hey I mean if they still ran they didn't care you know, but if you want
a reliable good solid car when it's that far it's usually a smart idea to say get rid of
it when it's smashed up that bad, do you want some cookies,
I got a 02 e46 with 110,000 miles it's starting to crack at the differential mounting point,
what options do I have, find a good welding shop, any good welder can weld things together,
here's the thing, welds when done correctly by a pro are actually
stronger than the thing their welding together, so if you get a good welder, it will be stronger
than it was in the first place, the hassle is going to be finding somebody
who wants to do welding on that BMW because most guys don't want to mess around with those
things, things can be welded, so if you could find a good welder, but you got to find a
good welder because it's expertise, the metal has to be melted and it has to be shielded
by a gas and it has to be done just correctly so that it melts both what you're welding
and the welding material that you're putting in there, then it becomes one solid piece,
it's an art and a science so you got to find a good welder to that, otherwise just get
rid of the car, bill says I got a 94 jeep 4 cylinder, it needs
a CPU, can a 6 cylinder cpu work, no, the computer is set up for a certain design
of car, if it's a 4 cylinder it's set up for a 4 cylinder, if it's an automatic it's set
up for an automatic, if it's a manual it's set up for a manual, if it's a 6 it's set
up for a 6, if it's set up for an 8 it's set up for an 8,
you can't just swap them because the computer programming is set up that way and that's
a 94, and that's so old you can't reprogram them, the new ones you can have it all erased
and reprogrammed, and a lot of those would work, but that's not even reprogrammable,
you got to try to find one from a 4 cylinder one if you want it to run right,
so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring
that bell!
ISOSAC® - Interview client professionnel UNICRENOV - Duration: 1:46.
NABIS - Schizophrenia Short Film - Duration: 9:38.
it's okay my dear ?
Where dad?
Still writing I bet?
he can only do that
Your father loves you darling
He's a little elsewhere lately
I'm going to see where he is
I come back ok
Daniel do you have a minute?
Daniel !
What's the matter?
you have a daughter, in case you forgot
you spend more time writing about schizophrenia than with your daughter
on your tea towel that rots our life!
As long as i did not finish, I would not stop not to write!
It is for Angelo that I begin to find answers to the pathology psychic.
This towel as you say
is more important than you
You have become ... so cruel ...
Excuse me Nhat, I got upset ...
Angelo does not exist
you become completely crazy!
It's a fictional character you created for your book
You allowed yourself to read my book !!! And in addition you dare pretend I created Angelo?
It's you who are crazy to bind!
It's because of people like you that society has become allergic to schizophrenia
Continue writing Daniel
Nina and I are leaving
we goin live elsewhere ...
Do not worry Angelo
she will come back
You have no reason to be sad.
You still think of him is not it?
You must help Daniel!
I beg you, doctor!
it's been a week since he's locked up at home
it is crisis on crisis
It is his so-called best friend William Loué who spoke to me on the phone
That's how I knew it
It was Daniel's voice
This William exists only in his novel
It started with the central character of his book,
Angelo Caduto
He started to attach himself virtually and then ...
Daniel is convinced that the characters in his book are real
In his manuscript, Nabis is supposed to be a psychiatric hospital cut off from the world
a hospital cut off from the world?
Angelo Caduto is that?
and William Loué
Other characters from Daniel's novel come to mind?
I got a manuscript from my husband, if it can help you ...
Listen to me, Mrs.Valerio
If only one of these fictional characters knows that he is sick that means he can heal
But not without help
I will be honest with you
I have to have him interned ...
I do not understand?
Provisionally ... And then the drugs are not enough
I need to study it and get a better understanding of how I have to go about healing it
This is not an ordinary patient
thank you Doctor
Where are you going Daniel?
I mu st open! it must be William ...
its my best friend
No way he takes my place!
I'm the hero of the story! It's understood?
Go now, go open to your dear friend William
you do not look well
I do not bring you good news
Angelo, he is here
He talked to me all day
I wanted to help him ... But
He changed
I saw the news ... He invented everything to make me as crazy as him
My wife and my daughter are not dead
Daniel listen to me, there is no one but us here
I came to see you because
Your wife
She is dead
Do not listen to him, he's lying
I bet he's fucking your wife by the time he's
She is alive
kill me that asshole or it's me who does it!
No Angelo no!
Who are you talking about?
Your wife is dead
the house exploded taking Nina with her
I know you have problems ... You've had a lot of crises lately. But listen to me
Angelo is not real
And you are real maybe?
it's me Nathalie
we were well before no?
It's all your fault
Even if it's me who turned on the gas
You want to know what's left of Nina?
you want to know bastard?
and bones
ashes and bones
ashes and bones
ashes and bones
ashes and bones
ashes and bones
ashes and bones
why did you do that to me dad?
I trusted you
And all you're doing is bringing back your friend
to give him my place
American Express Blue Cash Everyday Review - Duration: 3:08.
Hey, WalletHubbers!
Today, we're reviewing the Blue Cash Everyday Card from American Express.
So let's get started with the top three things you need to know about the Blue Cash
Everyday Amex Card…
First, I've never seen blue money, but the "everyday" part of the card's name really
rings true.
It's got good terms across the board, so you'll want to use it a lot.
More specifically, Blue Cash Everyday gives you 3% back at U.S. supermarkets, on up to
$6,000 spent per year.
After that, you'll earn 1% back.
You also get unlimited 2% back at U.S. gas stations and select U.S. department stores.
All other purchases earn you 1% back.
Second, you'll want to have excellent credit for the best shot at getting approved for
the American Express Blue Cash Everyday card.
Third, if you're worried about finding places that accept Amex cards, that's not an issue anymore.
Oh, and here's a bonus one.
Blue Cash Everyday almost always runs a promotion where you get a statement credit for spending
a certain amount during the first few months your account is open.
It's not always available, though.
That's the short story.
You can learn more or apply for the Blue Cash Everyday Card online by clicking the button here.
But if you want to stick with me, I've got a few more nuggets that you might find interesting.
First, what kinds of benefits Blue Cash Everyday provides.
The Blue Cash Everyday Card has a lot of perks.
Some of WalletHub's favorite ones are travel insurance, rental car insurance, extended
warranty and American Express ticket offers.
Finally, is Blue Cash Everyday any good for financing?
From time to time, Blue Cash Everyday offers low introductory APR promotions that last
for a certain number of months.
But the card is not known for a low regular APR.
So we recommend paying your bill in full every month if there's no low intro APR offer.
You can learn more and apply online by clicking the button here.
With all of that, you should have everything you need to make an informed decision about
Blue Cash Everyday.
As you saw at the beginning of the video, American Express is a WalletHub advertiser,
but that in no way affected what I just said.
This is just my honest review.
See ya next time, WalletHubbers!
H. Happe & Partner: Steuernews-TV November 2018 - Duration: 1:17.
Iron Man FacTor EP 1!! I Brawl Stars TWIST!! - Duration: 1:40.
Welcome back to our video
If you knew to Pawn Stars, you will recognize the screen if you're not hopefully you remember the screen
This is the new screen for beginners. What does that mean for me?
Well my beginner maybe I've made a new account and lets you become my mini account or some good name
I am in fact it now let's get to some snatch-and-grab and show you about
My account is based off of very blasters on your main account
Which means?
That you must get three hundred and forty cups on one dollar
Before you can advance to the next problem if I can go away before reaching three hundred forty cups on the previous ball
Then this count will be deleted and I have to make a new account now if that wasn't hard enough all my daughters will be
Level one this will help me improve in the game and may be better overall. Now, this is just to have fun
It's not only to be competitive or to be the best player in the world. I
Want to be too bad either if you want to play along with me on my journey calm
It's impossible band name in the comment section below and maybe I'll pick you up ending and create it and you can join along with
Me and be into possible videos. Now. This was just a quick announcement
Hopefully like a new account
If you don't be sure to like this video if you do be sure to subscribe if you've done both comment
I'm John boat and we'll see what tiny support you get wink wink Anton as always. I will see you in the next video
✅ Alessandro Cecchi Paone zittisce Elia in diretta: "Cr*tino e razzista" - Duration: 2:20.
Elia Fongaro e Alessandro Cecchi Paone: lite in diretta al GF Vip Alessandro Cecchi Paone ha attaccato Elia Fongaro in diretta al Grande Fratello Vip dopo che Ilary Blasi ha mostrato a loro attraverso una clip la discussione che avevano avuto durante la settimana
L'ex velino di Striscia la Notizia ha dichiarato che l'rvm mandato in onda parlava già da se, in quanto si vedeva bene a che distanza e con che veemenza il conduttore tv si era scagliato nei suoi confronti
A tal proposito Elia Fongaro ha così risposto: Cecchi Paone, alzandosi in piedi, ha quindi affermato che aveva attaccato Elia per il modo in cui aveva descritto un gesto di Francesco Monte, riferendosi al suo paese d'origine
Secondo il giornalista Fongaro era solamente un razzista, che odiava i così detti "terroni"
Inutili sono state le repliche del ragazzo in quanto Alessandro lo ha voluto zittire senza mezzi termini: Alessandro Cecchi Paone attacca Elia Fongaro in diretta A prendere le difese di Alessandro Cecchi Paone nella lite con Elia Fongaro ci ha pensato anche Alfonso Signorini, il quale in diretta ha affermato di essere molto combattuto, non tanto dalla frase detta da Elia interpretata anche da lui come una dichiarazione razzista, ma soprattutto per la storia d'amore che stava nascendo con Jane Alexander
L'opinionista ha ricordato che l'anno scorso aveva difeso a spada tratta la relazione tra Cecilia e Ignazio, in quale modo analoga a quella di questo anno: eppure qualcosa non gli quadrava
Secondo Alfonso infatti Jane era molto presa, mentre ciò non si poteva evincere da Elia
Infine, Signorini ha chiesto a Cecchi Paone se la sua intenzione era quella di mettere Elia sotto una cattiva luce per far vincere Martina Hamdy e Ivan dal televoto
Il giornalista ha risposto che voleva un gran bene a Martina e a Cattaeo, tuttavia il suo sfogo era nato a causa della frase razzista detta che Elia aveva pronunciato, da sempre da Alessandro condannata
Per quanto riguarda la loro storia d'amore, secondo Cecchi Paone non vi era rispetto: il conduttore ha preso come esempio il cuoco Andrea, il quale nonostante le bellissime ragazze che vi sono nella Casa, non faceva altro che parlare di sua moglie
VLOG - My New Hair Before/After & Shopping! - Duration: 17:38.
hello guys welcome back I am feeling how am I feeling today stuff I'm feeling
good because I'm going shopping today I'm always in a good mood every time I
am going shopping as so that's a fact I had such a hard time picking out my
outfit you guys I decided to go with this I'm gonna show you right now in the
mirror what I look like I was gonna wear all black I was gonna do like black
jeans and then I was gonna do black of boots and then this new sweater that I
got at Marshall's I found the huge sweater I'll probably show you guys
later I don't got time right now girl we got to go we got so did some shopping I
got to pick my girl up I'm wearing a front 21 joggers my adidas cloud cloud
foam yeah cloud foam shoes and my jacket from H&M I absolutely love this jacket
and I'm also wearing my bodysuit from pretty little thing I got this bodysuit
I kid you not over like a year and a half ago I would say probably two years
it's crazy but I did get it two years ago I absolutely love it we're gonna be
going to square one and what I really want to go for is two we both want to go
see on the store that has the ordinary I don't know how to today I can't talk I
don't know how to pronounce that that store name the seam is it called to see
him to see him whatever I really don't care to be honest with you I just want
to see their product I'm looking for something in particular is it called Nia
cinnamon or something like that again I don't really care enough renounce part
names but that product I heard is so good I've actually used it from someone
else at Amy's place when I have a cap imple I freak out every single time I
have a pimple because I don't get pimples often so when you're not used to
something and then it pops up you're just like oh and every time I freak out
Amy's like you realize that like people go through this all the time right I'm
like I don't realize cuz I don't go through it so I don't really know that I
got a big one on my chin over here finally went away I didn't touch it I
didn't pop it I don't like to touch my pimples what I do is I put like tea tree
oil and I just keep doing it every single night
tea tree oil try not to make it oily if I put oil on my face I kind of take off
a little bit there cloudy today and is a little bit brisket that's why I'm
wearing my coal my brisket coat I feel like I'm Glasgow with this collar I love
this coat I will even link it down below if you guys don't know when you haven't
shopped with each of them online this is like my second time ordering online with
them if you sign up with your email you will get 25% off one item and this
jacket I believe is like $69 that's Canadian though so US is less so if you
guys sign up with your email you guys will get 25% off one item so I would
definitely use it on a higher ticket item that's like a pro tip for a
Shopaholic right there I just submitted that um yeah so we are gonna go to
square one we're gonna check out some other stores of course because you can't
just go there for the ordinary like what's wrong with you
first we're gonna pick up Starbucks for breakfast that's what we're gonna be
having for breakfast because there's no other breakfast better than Starbucks to
be very honest with you tomorrow I'm getting my hair done you guys it has
been such a long time since I got my hair done and I haven't been ready to be
honest with you I actually called this a lot a while ago but I was like you know
what I'm not ready I'm not ready so I waited a little bit longer I just
haven't really been sure about what I want to do I'm gonna be going much
lighter some people when I post a picture like this they're like oh my god
you went dark I love it I'm like I didn't go dark you just can't see my
ponytail it's time I think I want to bring up the light again I don't want to
go as blonde not as bright definitely want to bring in the honey tones and
just brighten it up overall I can't do too much rude I feel like it kind of
it's okay on me but it's a little bit stark I find I feel like I have a very
soft face and soft feminine features and I feel like the really really dark just
doesn't do as much it's like they're really nice um honey soft warm tones
could do for me so I'm really excited about that I'm so excited so so so
excited I love getting my hair done but only when I'm really ready and sure what
I really want to do it's gonna be a good day people it's gonna be a good day fall
has just like you know the only good thing that's come with fall I will say I
don't know what's going on maybe y'all scientists know something
the Sun has been coming in in this studio and I've been able to take Sutton
selfies and I swear to God I try every single day in the summer to get Sun in
here and I can't and you guys will notice in some of my selfies I have like
a brown wall behind me so that's downstairs by our backyard and the Sun
was coming through there in the summer and when I found that spot I thought it
was my Holy Grail now when the Sun is out it won't hit that spot anymore so
I'm assuming the Sun moves it's the only explanation I can come to at this point
and now it's coming to my studio so I'll be filming and I'll be like whoa whoa oh
my god the Sun is here and then I'll go by my window and I like take selfies in
the Sun that's the one good thing that's coming with this fall winter weather
other than I get to wear my phone winter clothes I've been actually dying to wear
this jacket this time I get to rocket I'm not really looking for much today
but if I come across something that I need um I'll pick it up so I'm gonna go
a grab for now and we're gonna be on our way okay guys so this is the first table
this is not what I'm supposed to be shopping for by the way I was not
expecting to go for this and you're gonna get this one so she's getting the
silver and I'm getting the gold I don't know what I'm wearing with it but it
doesn't even matter and it's $6.99 and then I'm getting this leopard dress I'm
really excited for this dress look it looks so cute it's just for a photo
let's just be real and let's show you're in New York
or it's Brooklyn I keep seeing New York because I love New York when we go to
New York we're gonna wear Matt yes we're gonna wear matching Airport opens oh god
where you want to go to specific section
okay what's that because that looks interesting shower gel
this is my learning but I look at the kid yeah I'm gonna get these guys look
at the shows to be all jelly bomb jelly boss was like the corner
it's so cool yeah just smell really good
yeah actually very good like gifts like Christmas here
so color wanna look at this one with the rose petals yeah is that potato
no no friendship oh that's ginger that was you know and
then yeah Oh me yeah this one has that garlic it's garlic in chocolate oh my
god I want to put you over see when I had cupcake yeah this is where we're
having lunch this is your first time right yeah okay good I'm excited for you
to try it what is behind the door girl and that goes in first
yo we're causing havoc over here they remembered yeah you don't have your wine
yet they remembered my dressing on the side good thing in my state and my
veggies there's like mad veggies in the plate where's your sugar
no sugar you oh my god you take your coffee like that I can yes
I am so excited are you excited I'm how do you pronounce this to seem to be MGM
let's see if they have that one that I'm a Hooper I'm so excited I'm looking for
something particular but I don't know how to pronounce it
okay it starts with an end yes
that's what someone asked me they're like you wear light colors never get
dirty I'm like nope I don't you guys look at this jacket somebody just please
buy this make me happy it's too similar to mine that's why I put eggs so I'm
going to show you guys what I got yesterday
okay this job is so adorable and I kind of just wanted it for a photo to be
honest with you it is not for anything else how cute is this top it is a
cowl-neck little mini crop top so it's in a gold
my friend got the silver one I just really think I want to do like a very
gold bronzy sort of look and I'm gonna take a photo with this this is so near
as even though I don't even like to go out for New Year's Eve
it was $6.99 you guys like I was like what the heck I'll link it for you guys
I feel like this can be a very super affordable look if you guys are on a
budget for New Year's or for Christmas if you wear this with a miniskirt like
the remaining skirts are like $8 sometimes so you can get like a look
under $20 look at this you guys it is a mini leopard dress I feel like it's not
this crazy leopard it's this very classy sort of leopard I am so excited for this
this one was $14.99 and this is also gonna be for a photo I got it in a size
four cuz I wanted to really hug my curves hug my body I am so excited and I
don't know I'm feeling like being extra and putting a fur coat over top and like
using that in the photo I don't know I just want to be like hella extra
sometimes I love like these statement pieces because they just really stand
out and you never know I might use this one day and go on a hot day like you
never really know this is another really affordable look you can just pair it
with some heels and just put one of your coats they have a black coat and
honestly you have an outfit that's like $15 like it's just crazy this was super
affordable now from Zara you guys I said I was looking for the
perfect creamy boot and I walk in and it's literally I'm not kidding you the
second thing I see if not the first I saw them hiding underneath the table and
I said to my friend I have been looking for a boot this color and funny enough I
have these over here that I got from Nordstrom and I love them but like are
they my absolute perfect boots I don't know I recently got it because I was
looking for something light in this color but I'm thinking of returning
these you guys cuz I spent a hundred dollars on these and these were fifty
dollars they were half the price and they were exactly what I was looking for
it 4990 under $50 and for boots like this I'm sorry they normally would cost
you 70 80 100 and something so I was really hoping the price was affordable
and they are it has this little detail at the front I definitely recommend
these for fall and winter because you guys can just wear a pair of jeans and a
sweater I cannot tell you how in love I am with them like I seriously I can't
you guys that is like my favorite purchase from yesterday we got some
stuff from the ordinary so I got the foundation I'm actually wearing it right
now that's why the box looks like it's open that's really nice I just want to
see how it lasts throughout the day and what it kind of does to me so this one
is their light coverage foundation and it has a serum in it I think that's what
she said yes serum foundations this one says
medium pink undertones so the thing with my skin is it has a peachy undertone to
it the color that I got is 2.1 that's what it says in the bottle and that's
what it looks like I really like it because I told her I wanted it light
coverage and they have one that's more of a full coverage but I'm not really
into that I like when the foundation feels kind of naked and then I got this
Gnaeus in imide meaning me have been dying for this I tried this at her house
me a cinema but from someone else and I had a pimple I literally put on this
chemical.you eyes and I woke up and it shrunk
okay the pimple shrunk and you guys already know me and pimples like we're
not friends because we don't even know each other and then they just like to
pop up like every six months and it's just not cute look I don't really need
you in my life you know this is what the bottle looks like you guys to five a
pimple I only put it on that pimple but I found that it really took down my
pimples when I had them on my face I get them in the hormonal areas so I got one
for me and I got one for Amy and these were the last two left I didn't really
shop much I think I drank more Starbucks than I actually bought stuff I would
definitely recommend trying this out it was so affordable if you guys don't know
about the ordinary a lot of their stuff is super affordable their foundation by
the way was $6 an 80 cents I believe and then this was
also $6 80 cents so the vitamin C cream I just want to give a quick review
because I've been using it for a little bit now I use it around my smile lines I
clear it on my forehead a little bit and I also use it underneath my eyes and I
have been loving it like loving loving loving and you feel a tingle when it's
on your skin like you feel it doing something every time I put it on I feel
my skin doing something and I noticed that now when I put on my makeup
everything is a little bit more finer everything's looking more smooth I
definitely see a difference on where I'm kind of spot treating certain areas but
I'm so excited for this one because when I have a pimple now I have ammunition I
am doing right now a before-and-after to show you guys my hair when it is liking
now because I'm going to be going to the hair salon in about an hour I don't
think I want to go straight I feel like what I want is just going to look better
with some sort of like a beach wave I just want very very loose kind of to
call like a lazy wave almost like it was supposed to be a wave but it's not it's
like straight wave so this is what it looks like on this side it's just kind
of very muted I really really loved this for a long time because I wanted
something soft so I kind of just want to bring it up a little bit and I want to
add some honey tones I want to add a lot more lightness I feel like it's just a
little bit too dead for me right now and yeah so I'm gonna do my little
before-and-after swirl right now
you guys we are back this is my new hair oh my god it is so much lighter when I
was sitting in the chair I was like is it that much later but when your hair's
wet it doesn't really show I love love love it I told her to do it very
straight wave I like to call it the lazy wave again absolutely love it calls me a
unicorn because my hair will hold any thing like my hair has been bleached I
kid you not probably at this point I don't know 1015 times and she's like
your hair just like bounces back my hair is like what are you talking about good
bleach book water and the waves that I had in my hair I'm like yeah I hope you
know that those were like a week old she's like stuff those were some strong
waves I'm like they don't go away I sleep in them I put them in a bun I
rock them up with him in a ponytail gonna do a 360 for you
I love to pull up my hair behind my ears I hate my hairs in front of my ears this
one is definitely much brighter at the bottom and I really love how she kind of
mixed up the tones over here to make it look extremely natural I'm sure you guys
are closed up she did such a good job with kind of blending night
I am super happy you guys like I'm looking in the camera and I'm like girl
my phone just my black guys this is an important moment be right back
what ladies going on you guys my friend camera won't work like I don't get it
when you guys are here it doesn't really want to come out and when you guys are
not here I do look like a golden goddess I could just don't understand my root is
like a level four or five I'm like in-between she said it's pretty dark
even around the face she really shaped me up as well which I absolutely love
and there's just something about being blonde if you guys are blind comment
down below blondes def have more fun like they just
do like let's just the real oh oh you're supposed to go darker but I'm like I'm
like let's just be real I never follow what people say when it comes to like
seasons and stuff like that so I've actually gone lighter in the fall and
winter so what is what you're supposed to be like what is that who made that up
my hair tends to go very warm and I'm not going to be toning it and we're kind
of really curious to see how it's gonna hold so I'm gonna see if it goes super
super warm and if it does I might have to like just toner with some purple
shampoo and the one I've been using is by Amica there are sold at Sephora if I
need to I kind of go to that one because it's really good and they're very strong
over like it I told her to send to me everything that she used so I'm gonna
lay it out for you guys down below or also put it here on screen so you guys
can see because sometimes you guys asked me what you used on my hair so I will
definitely let you guys know I hope you guys enjoyed this is the LA leave some
love down below and let me know what you guys think of the new hair don't forget
to give it a big thumbs up subscribe and also hit the notification button to get
notified for all of my newest video thank you guys so much for watching and
I will see all of my beautiful babes of course in my next video
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