Hello teenagers, welcome to my enchanted mode of educational transport.
I am Ms. Drizzle.
Don't you mean Ms. Frizzle?
And your magic school bus?
Nope, we don't want to get sued.
So my name is Ms. Drizzle, and this is my enchanted mode of educational transport.
Okay, your Phys Ed coach is at a volleyball away game, so he asked me to sub in for his Sex Ed class.
Who's excited?
Nope, not gonna do it.
They're too old.
Okay, so today's topic is STDs.
Who can tell me the percentage of people with Chlamydia that have no symptoms?
Hm, no symptoms?
Screw it.
I don't have my motion sickness acupressure bracelet on!
Don't be scared kids, it's science!
Ooh, what's that?
Ah, that's Syphilis!
Yeah, the virus is so small we had to shrink down to see it.
This guy doesn't even know he has it because he hasn't been tested.
Ah, nasty!
What's this STD?
The apocalyptic vagina eating flu?
Hah, very funny Reeta Redner!
No, it's nothing like that!
But it is herpes though!
Not nice!
Yeah, and again, we had to get super small to see it because many people with herpes
don't have symptoms for months or even years!
Okay, this is actually starting to work.
I'm getting really freaked out right now.
Let's do something about it.
Not again!
Oh god!
What STD is that?
It's not an STD, we're in the brain you moron.
I'm going to incept our friend to do something about this.
Inception button!
Hey girlfriend.
I had a thought.
We've never been tested for STDs.
Wanna go together?
STD testing doesn't have to be something that's shamefully done in secret.
It can actually bring couples like us closer together.
That's actually really thoughtful and romantic considering you refuse to wear a condom and
are generally a terrible boyfriend.
Yes, but to be clear, having STDs doesn't make one a bad person even though I personally am one.
Wow, seeing as you've told me your body is impenetrable, that's so smart.
And your voice is so sexy.
Let's get back to normal size now, shall we?
Wow, I feel like I really learned a lot today!
And not just about the human body but–
Oh my god!
I forgot to fly out of the guy's mouth before re-expanding.
Oh, he's dead.
Yeah, he's definitely dead.
For more infomation >> These STDs Don't Even Have Symptoms | Her Shorts x Planned Parenthood | RIOT - Duration: 3:56.-------------------------------------------
Karol G se anima a compartir sus planes para Halloween | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 1:55.
Il Saraceno - #DdVotr speciale halloween - Duration: 8:11.
How to get free robux codes -free roblox codes 🔺Working - Duration: 2:32.
How to get free robux codes -free roblox codes 🔺Working
Threat for Severe Weather looms over Halloween - Duration: 3:38.
【YTM2018】Dream Demon -Indonesia ver.- 【The De♆ils】 - Duration: 3:25.
A withered soul goes and search
A full bloomed soul has been given
Melt within me deliciously
An enthusiastic voice is being mixed
and pierced these ears
A paradise beyond that is very sweet
The dream's nook and cranny is laughing at you
Which is hollow with a faded love
Our transient garden is now
a catastrophe
It's where you can't run away
An illusion is widening within your awakening heart
I'm searching for stealing a sweet fruit from you
Gulping down this charm
extinguished my thirst
Now a beginning is playing the melody of evil
Even in your dream you are drowning
into the blooming evil color
The stupidity that releases you
is only for a moment
Under the evil laughter
An illusion is widening within your awakening heart
I'm searching for stealing a sweet fruit from you
Gulping down that charm
extinguished my thirst
Now a beginning is playing the melody of evil
The truth has pierced your empty heart
The last moment of your dream has now faded out
Plucking that charm is the start of evil
The music I play is your evil melody
Absolutely Beautiful Tiny House Gypsy Zen Retreat in Heart of CL - Duration: 4:32.
Absolutely Beautiful Tiny House Gypsy Zen Retreat in Heart of CL
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Luna - Duration: 1:10.
Uomini e Donne, il tronista Riccardi accusato di mettersi d'accordo con Giulia Cavaglia - Duration: 4:56.
Temptation Island, Michael: 'Lara ha rifiutato il trono di UeD perché non era vendibile' - Duration: 4:48.
Kia Sportage 1.6 Style Edition met Demovoordeel!! - Duration: 1:07.
Peugeot 207 1.4-16V Color-line - Duration: 1:06.
Mazda CX-5 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 165 TS Navigatie - Duration: 0:54.
Mazda CX-5 2.0 SkyActiv-G 165 Skylease 2WD - Duration: 1:12.
Uomini e Donne, la puntata di oggi 31 ottobre: anticipazioni e diretta | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 2:29.
What is 4 H - Duration: 1:10.
In 4-H, we believe in the power of young people.
We see that every child has valuable strengths and real influence to improve the world around us.
4-H empowers young people with the skills to lead for a lifetime.
It's a research-based experience that includes a mentor, a hands-on project, and meaningful
leadership opportunity.
Fueled by their interests and guided by adult mentors, youth develop their own pathway in
4-H. There are hands-on, learn-by-doing, opportunities for all youth, ages 5-18.
There are over 60 different hands-on projects in areas that range from arts and crafts to
photography, rocketry, foods, clothing, gardening, woodworking and more!
Of course, if you are interested in animal projects we have those too.
From large animals in the barn likes horses to small animals in your house like guinea
pigs, we have you covered.
If you can imagine it, you can do it in 4-H!
Want to learn more?
Visit our website at www.adamscountyextension.org
BASF AgroPortal, Episode 03, Crops and Pests Management - Duration: 10:31.
ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЯ МАЛЕНЬКОГО КОТЕНКА В ШКОЛЕ - Развивающий мультфильм для детей! Мультик про котят #3 - Duration: 20:11.
Part 4 The Secret. Alphabet in riddles. Funny Developmental video. Only for kids. [Mustache Nyan] - Duration: 2:08.
Tatyana Shatskikh
Alphabet in riddles
Part 4
Princess of the forest, queen, In the furs of luxury for warming
Fire shines like a firebird Cheat red ...
In the middle of a dense forest There is no house or canopy
And in the den closely because That sleeps in the winter ...
He is heavy and big Irritable and angry,
Therefore lonely This gray ...
Whip whip Rushing to harness, then
Weed nibbles all day Slender northern ...
Drawing - Chore Vs Hobby | How To Be Creative? - Duration: 6:26.
Hello and I hope you're all doing great today
I haven't uploaded a video for the past week because I've been busy working on a few things
I wanted to take some time to focus on trying to build up my creativity more
Which is something I wanted to talk about today in this video. I don't want my drawing to be a chore
I don't want it to be like a nine-to-five job
You know when I'm working all day and I come home
Drawing for me. I wanted to be something that's relaxing and
Sure, there are times that we need to improve it our drawing
we need to practice a lot and put a lot of work into it to get better and
Some people have talent and they don't have to put as much time into drawing
but let's set that aside and just talk about
Finding creativity and finding motivation
Now when I'm doing drawing and I do it every single day and it's the same thing over and over and over
If I'm trying to learn how to draw a face and I'm drawing a face at the same angle over and over and over again
To learn how to do that. I tend to lose my creativity and
When I take the time to just relax
Pick any random pen I have or a pencil or anything and I just focus on being creative and trying different
art styles
No drawing different subjects. I
Feel more relaxed and I can you know, let ideas come to my mind
I'm not worried as much about making small mistakes because I noticed that when I'm more relaxed with my drawing
Any time I do make a small mistake
it's not really a mistake as more of a
improvised accident that I build upon if I make a line and a location that I didn't quite intend I
Build upon that I add to it and I make more to the drawing
That I wouldn't have originally made in the drawing if I was focusing on perfection. I want to focus more on creativity
the world has a lot of art that is very perfected and
Although I do want to go the route of doing realism and doing realistic drawings
for this moment and in the upcoming months, I
Want to work on being more creative?
doing a lot more doodling and just
taking whatever comes my mind it just trying to put it on the paper and not being so worried about whether
Proportions are perfect or the anatomy is perfect. I just want to focus on having fun
relaxing a bit
getting things off my mind and
Just enjoying the process of drawing when it comes to creativity and finding that creativity
What I like to do is to get out some I'll watch different movies. I'll spend some time listening to music
Or just take a break from drawing for a day
I'll still practice for my thirty minutes
But I'll take a break as in I won't spend hours drawing non-stop and I won't spend a whole bunch of time
every single day
Focusing so much on trying to make my drawing
Perfect. I'll take a day ever now and then maybe once a week or every couple of weeks
To where I spend an entire day of just relaxing listening to music
being inspired by several different movies and
Spending some time to just sit down and think about things from my past
some ideas and goals that I have in the future that I plan on trying to achieve and
with that I'm able to relax a lot more and then I have more ideas coming on my mind and then I think about
You know some places that I want to go maybe some places I want to travel
and then when I think about different places like to travel I think of
noses other places that are in the world and then
reminds me of things in history and then I think about, you know different movies from that time and
Then my creativity just really branches out from there. Then I have more ideas. I
also tried to
Make sure that I have a good diet
Make sure that I'm sleeping properly and I like to wake up every morning at the same time. I
Find that waking up every morning at the same time is more important than going to bed at the same time
because once you get into a routine, I
find a lot easier to be more creative because
Then I'm not worried about all the hours that I'm wasting and I don't really get stressed about
you know thinking that today I didn't do as much drawing and and
Then tomorrow I have to do more - whereas if I had set a schedule and I wake up every day
My day is set now I wake up in the morning. I eat a big breakfast and
I open my blinds and let the Sun come in and I spend some time just sitting there and thinking about things and
Once I have a few ideas coming out of my mind, and I've had my meal and I feel better and I'm well rested
Then I can be much more creative
Than if I have a lack of sleep a bad diet
it unfolds of stress trying to push myself to improve the improvement will come but
It won't always be there if you're pushing yourself beyond the point of no return
Your mind is just like a muscle. You don't want to overwork it. You want to work it hard
But you want to give your mind some time to rest and collect itself so gonna be more creative
It's more important to just start
Then a waste time fearing failure
So whatever you're doing
Keep trying and never give up
Just go out there and start creating
My Last Ride With the Honda CB 650 F - Duration: 10:31.
Jazmin Grace mentionne les enfants d'Albert II: "J'ai une relation avec Jacques, Gabriella - Duration: 1:54.
ভুলে গেলেন শতবার বলেছি | Bangla Short Waz | Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf - Duration: 3:09.
AK Computer Network
Have Done This Video
Fiat Panda 1.2 Edizione Cool AIRCO - Duration: 0:49.
Calligraphy the Bible - Genesis 2:17 - Duration: 2:44.
today we write
Genesis 2:17
the first half of the verse
"but you must not eat from the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil"
in Chinese
after creation
God places the man and the woman
in a wonderful garden
gives them the responsibility to
take care of the creation
command them to multiply
and bless them abundantly
in the garden of Eden
Adam and Eve
can eat the fruits
of all the trees
except one, says God
the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
"for, he adds
when you eat from it
you will certainly die"
by this sole prohibition
God gives the man and the woman
free will
they can either choose to trust God
and to obey Him
believing that He knows what's best for them
or they can choose independence
and decide for themselves
what is good and what is evil
which means, to separate from God
so temptation entered the garden
first, it questions the Word of God
"Did God really say:
you must not eat from any tree in the garden?"
then, it lies
"You will not certainly die
for God knows that when you eat from it
your eyes will be opened
and you will be like God, knowing good and evil"
seduced by those tempting words
the woman then the man eat the fruit
and suddenly
their eyes are opened
they realize they are naked
and they're ashamed
and hide from God's presence
this is how human beings
tempted by their pride and covetous eyes
rejected God
and while this two individuals Adam and Eve
sinned first
the whole humanity
ever since
sin every day against the Living God
thus, the couple is driven out of the garden
condemned to work hard
for their food
and to return to dust
with which they were made
God in His grace
give mankind a promise
and a hope
God declares that a Savior will come
He will sacrifice Himself
to crush the head of
the seducer who made them fall
and to free them from evil
Renault Grand Scénic 1.4 TCe Bose /NAV/LMV/PDC - Duration: 0:54.
5. Hélène - ABAD - EP QUETZALCOATL. (prod. AEBeats) - Duration: 2:41.
Tacoma bike trail nears completion - Duration: 1:22.
Musia zomrieť v 1 min. - Duration: 1:45.
Discover Aspen's RN to BSN - Duration: 1:23.
RN to BSN is designed for working professionals
We're all nurses. So instead of teaching you what you already know
We teach you how to become better at what you already do. My name is Jenny Erkfitz
I'm the BSN program director for the RN to BSN here at Aspen University
Healthcare is changing
constantly. If we think about healthcare from 10 years ago or 15 years ago
even that recently is totally changed.
Continuing our education is only going to help us help our patients and it's going to improve patient outcomes
which is something that I'm very passionate about. We're gonna teach you how to do a PowerPoint.
We're gonna teach you how to determine if a
research article can actually be applied in your own practice.
We're gonna teach you how to take an idea and
research it through the evidence and apply evidence-based practice and then present it to your unit and make a difference for your patients.
I wish it had been around when I was going to nursing school.
We need more educators. We need more
experienced nurse leaders.
That's our whole goal is that our graduates are going to go into leadership positions
within the unit within the hospital and they're gonna make a change for the patients here in the United States.
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