now South Korea's suicide rate was the highest in the entirety of the OECD in
2016 despite steadily decreasing since 2010 according to a report released on
Monday by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the National Health
Insurance Service there were twenty five point eight suicides for every 100,000
people in South Korea in 2016 which is much higher than the OECD average of
11.6 experts attribute the high suicide rate to not only psychological illnesses
but also to income inequality compared to other developed nations and a low
level of social integration following South Korea were Latvia and Slovenia
with 18.1 suicides per 100,000 people and Japan was 16.6 turkey had the lowest
suicide rate in the OECD with 2.1
For more infomation >> S. Korea recorded highest suicide rate in OECD in 2016 - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 TDI Ambition Pro Line S Xenon Bose Navi RS Stuur 2x S-Line - Duration: 1:13.
Audi Q7 3.0 TDI e-tron quattro Sport S-line Excl. BTW - Duration: 0:55.
Suzuki Grand Vitara 2.0 S-Limited 4WD - Duration: 1:01.
Honest Government Ad | Visit Timor-Leste! - Duration: 2:46.
Visit Timor-Leste! Australia's favourite neighbour
No that's Bali, dickhead. East Timor!
Home to virgin islands... golden beaches... friendly people...
But most importantly: shittons of oil and gas
Which is why, here at the Australien Government, we've repeatedly stabbed those friendly people
in the fucking back
Like, remember that time we supported Indonesia, when it invaded them?
Sure a third of them ended up being massacred on our doorstep
And sure we left our own journalists to die in Balibo and then covered it up
But hey, it was worth it: here we are sculling champers on a jet above the Timor Sea where
all that oil and gas is. Ahh… good times!
Sadly, this lucrative fuck-fest was threatened when Timor finally won it's independence
It was the youngest and poorest nation in Asia. So, of course we helped them out…
Nah, just kidding! We stabbed them in the back again
by forcing their impoverished arses to sign a treaty that let us keep looting their oil and gas
How did we get such a good deal? By bugging their Government offices during the negotiations
The only reason you know this, is because one of our spies – who we'll call Witness K –
blew the whistle after learning that the big sack of shit who ordered the bugging
went on to score a lucrative consultancy with the same pricks who have the license over those oil fields.
Of course we immediately prosecuted the criminals – not them, silly. Witness K and his lawyer!
Right now we're pushing to try them in a secret court – because "NATIONAL SECURITY"
Which is our way of saying that we'd rather you never learned how we may have conspired
to defraud Timor – an offence under the ACT's Criminal Code
or that we were using ASIS for corporate espionage instead of stopping terrorists around the very time
that terrorists bombed our embassy in Jakarta. (Woops)
And we'd especially like you not to learn how we cheated a country just emerging from a brutal occupation
with one of the world's highest rates of infant mortality, malnutrition and preventable disease –
and deprived them of billions in revenue from their own resources
Which is fucktons more than what we give Timor in foreign aid
So when you think about it, Timor's sick kids are Australia's largest foreign donor
Aww thanks little guys!
What's that – at least you got cheaper gas? Aw sweetheart, did we not mention that Timor's
gas is shipped straight to Japan? Where it's sold for 40% less than what you pay for it.
So to recap our foreign policy: you pay for the exploration, investment and spying
these dickbags get rich
You get shafted on prices
Brown kids die of diarrhea
and anyone who exposes this shitfuckery gets tried in a secret court
Any questions?
Visit Timor-Leste: Australia's best-kept dirty little secret
Authorised by the Department for Coveting Thy Neighbour's Goods
Courageous Conversations: Pros and Cons of Letting Technology Take Over Your Home - Duration: 3:11.
Fastest Street Bikes - (Ontario Street Outlaws: SEASON FINALS) - Duration: 29:06.
Full event coverage from the "Ontario Street Outlaws" 2 day event finals, at Toronto Motorsports Park in Cayuga ON. October 13th & 14th 2018.
Dodge Ram 1500 SPORT 4X4 CREW CAB - Duration: 0:51.
Audi A4 Avant 1.8 TFSI BUSINESS EDITION (170pk!) XENON!/ Navi/ Clima/ Cruise/ Elek. pakket/ Multi. S - Duration: 1:06.
#Filter Shot | Gulzaar Chhaniwala | Latest Haryanvi Songs Haryanavi 2018 | New - Duration: 4:09.
How to use the hook for bags under the Headrest - Aveonation - Duration: 1:27.
中国洲际导弹发射车为何曾进口?原来曾只有这国能造 - Duration: 11:06.
中国在军工出 口方面限制 相当宽松,
目前已转让的 最先进技术 之一,
当属向白俄罗 斯转让的A 200远程 火箭炮技术 ,
称为:"波罗 乃兹"。
关于这个转让 项目,
让许多人感觉 很是奇怪,
中国与白俄罗 斯的关系似 乎不是非常 密切,
白方却以前所 未有的优惠 待遇,
不仅是完全转 让,
还可以追加后 继的技术,
比如:M20 ,
更拥有对外出 口权,
等于可以与我 们抢市场。
这款远火连我 军自已都没 有列装,
为何技术却完 整转让给白 俄罗斯?其 实,
白俄罗斯方面 对我们也一 样大方,
转让了多项先 进技术给中 国,
其中之一:重 型军用越野 卡车技术,
目前相关产品 已广泛应用 于我军的各 个领域,
主要用于东风 导弹发射车 ,
至于在民用市 场也有不小 的份额。
中国能自研洲 际导弹,
为何发射车却 需进口?没 错,
看似简单的发 射车,
确实为高技术 ,
当年全球曾只 有一个国家 能造,
那就是白俄罗 斯,
仅由明斯克重 型车辆厂生 产。
则由需求与理 念问题,
至今没有形成 类似产品的 生产能力。
全球也只有三 个国家可以 实际生产,
一个是俄罗斯 ,
近年才利用拥 有许多配套 企业的关系 ,
也组建起自已 的重型车辆 生产线,
另一个是中国 。
直到上世纪7 0年代我们 才第一次接 触到这一技 术,
当时从埃及获 得一辆MA Z-543 导弹车,
后来随着我军 试图发展机 动发射能力 ,
从80年代开 始研发自已 的产品,
但是性能并不 理想,
尤其是更重型 的车辆技术 掌握不了,
比如:8轴车 ,
故而早期的东 风31导弹 只能算是拖 车发射方式 ,
后来才有了从 白俄罗斯引 进的相关技 术,
这才实现机动 发射的要求 。
也许我们自已 努力下去,
也可以解决问 题,
但是所需的时 间与成本将 相当高。
重型军用越野 卡车虽说为 卡车技术的 一个衍生品 ,
但是其要求过 高,
不是简单的放 大一点的问 题,
即要求有相当 的载重能力 ,
又要求有相当 的机动性,
尤其是越野条 件,
那么造成的后 果就是技术 上的复杂性 ,
白俄罗斯之所 以能掌握这 一技术,
属于长期大量 试验的结果 ,
在研发早期投 入相当大的 精力,
故而解决起来 已有相当的 经验。
我们直接从白 俄罗斯引进 技术,
实际可以大大 加强相关项 目的研发进 度,
否则真要花费 不少。
再加以自身的 不断努力,
我们已经完全 掌握了相关 的技术,
形成自已的重 型军用越野 卡车系列,
现役东风31 AG导弹,
以及东风41 导弹都可以 使用国产车 辆进行机动 与发射,
具备了极强的 战场机动性 。
如今不仅具备 满足了我军 自用的需求 ,
而且还可以出 口给了巴基 斯坦等几个 国家,
成为国际市场 上,
少量可以供应 此类产品的 国家。
(作者署名: 浴火) 波 兰面对俄罗 斯强大的军 事压力实在 是顶不住了 ,
所以积极拉拢 美国对抗俄 罗斯,
当然要没过保 护可不是免 费的,
从沙特与美国 签订天价武 器装备销售 合同就可以 窥探一二。
目前波兰急购 美国洛马公 司的海马斯 火箭炮系统 ,
一方面算是交 给美国的保 护费另一方 面这款武器 的性能确实 不错。
特别是近期曝 光了美国计 划在波兰境 内靠近俄罗 斯边境附近 部署军事基 计划可能彻 底激怒了俄 罗斯! 开始反击! 专家称面对 波兰与美国 的强硬俄罗 斯正在酝酿 对策 据 白俄罗斯军 事专家彼得 罗夫斯基称 白俄罗斯和 俄罗斯已经 开始对波兰和美国在其边境附近部署军事基地的计划采取应对措施。
专家评论得出 的结论是从 俄罗斯驻白 俄罗斯大使 米哈伊尔· 巴比奇在白 俄罗斯1号 频道上的声 明称:对俄 罗斯盟国的 袭击就是对 俄罗斯的攻 击,
俄罗斯会迅速 作出相应的 反应。
目前美国人正 在寻求在白 俄罗斯西部 边境建立一 个军事基地 。
有关这方面的 信息在俄罗 斯联盟国引 起了相当强 的反应,
俄罗斯应该适 时对外披露 答案。
俄罗斯外交人 员表示在盟 友发生危险 时,
俄罗斯将提供 必要的保护 。
目前的叙利亚 就是一个最 好的列子,
军迷朋友们应 该都知道,
如果目前不是 俄罗斯对叙 利亚政府的 强力支持,
可能我们今天 看到的叙利 亚政府早就 和伊拉克一 样成为美国 的小跟班了 。
这是俄罗斯给 白俄罗斯及 其盟友的一 个表态。
开始反击!专 家称面对波 兰与美国的 强硬俄罗斯 正在酝酿对 策 据彼 得罗夫斯基 称联合部队 已经在制定 适当的安全 措施。
在这个问题上 有很多选择 保证俄罗斯 和白俄罗斯 的完全。
目前首要任务 是保持稳定 避免北约在 盟国面前有 战术优势。
为了实现这一 目标两国正 在提高他们 的军事能力 。
接下来两国的 军事互动肯 定会增加。
开始反击!专 家称面对波 兰与美国的 强硬俄罗斯 正在酝酿对 策 目前 可能的选项 之一是是增 加波兰与白 俄罗斯边境 的军事特遣 队增加军事 装备数量。
白俄罗斯还可 以为俄罗斯 提供部署军 事基地的领 土。
这该专家指出 ,
北约的行动破 坏了该地区 的力量平衡 。
所以俄罗斯并 不是善茬,
未来我们会看 到俄罗斯更 多的时机行 动来证明今 天自己看法 。
笔者相信波兰 未来面临的 可能是更大 的军事压力 ,
不要以为抱紧 美国大腿就 没事了。
还记得土耳其 击落了俄罗 斯战斗机吧 ,
在最需要防空 系统的时候 土耳其的北 约盟友却撤 出了爱国者 防空系统,
让土耳其面临 了强大的压 力,
这或许也是为 什么土耳其 一定要购买 S-400 防空导弹的 原因之一吧 !或许将来 这一幕会在 波兰这个国 家重演一遍 ! 特朗普 很瘋狂,
這個自稱為民 族主義者的 美國總統,
已經公開對外 宣稱為了美 國利益,
可以不顧全世 界的利益。
可是特朗普這 樣做就真的 能贏得多數 人的支持嗎 ?能真的彌 補美國內部 不斷加劇的 矛盾嗎?顯 然是不能的 。
但俄總理梅德 韋傑夫在接 受公開採訪 時,
以充滿憐憫的 心情說,
俄羅斯很「理 解」特朗普 ,
因為他現在過 得真很難。
梅德韋傑夫直 言特朗普過 的十分艱難 ,
在國內遭遇了 左右夾擊,
民主黨與共和 黨都努力排 擠他,
雖然特朗普在 國際上很強 勢,
但是在國內其 卻是身不由 己。
特朗普有著「 懟盡天下又 何妨」的「 豪情」,
可國家治理並 不是圖「一 時爽」的遊 戲。
贊助商鏈接 確實俄 羅斯總理的 話直接揭露 了特朗普瘋 狂的真因。
如今的美國各 種利益集團 互相撕裂,
而特朗普顯然 被這些利益 集團劫持了 ,
雖然其向讓美 國再度偉大 ,
但確實沒有太 好的招數。
由於經濟空心 化、霸權衰 落、右傾盛 行,
如今美國社會 已經越來越 撕裂,
各個階級之間 的矛盾變得 不可調和。
特朗普執政團 隊內部也面 臨著巨大分 裂,
諸多內外政策 都受多方掣 肘。
特朗普高度依 賴軍事霸權 ,
一直在全世界 推銷美國武 器,
可是西方國家 整體經濟的 低迷導致美 國盟友根本 拿不出足夠 多的金錢滿 足美國軍售 。
最糟糕的是美 國在中東遭 遇了多重困 境,
失去半個中東 已經基本成 為現實。
如今美軍已經 錯過了體面 的在敘利亞 退場的最佳 時機。
由於記者被殺 事件與沙特 之間的矛盾 也在升級,
加上土耳其的 決裂,
美軍在中東軍 事保障體系 中樞環節被 衝擊,
運行效率遭遇 致命影響。
與此同時伊德 利卜俄羅斯 軍隊獲得關 鍵支持殺到 了叛軍的後 方,
堵住了叛軍的 後路,
如果叛軍再不 接受協議放 下武器撤離 ,
那麼等待他們 的將是滅亡 。
美國雖然十分 害怕徹底失 去伊德利卜 ,
但是其除了瘋 狂的轟炸平 民之外,
好像沒有太多 的招數了。
贊助商鏈接 毫無疑 問,
在敘利亞的博 弈俄羅斯取 得了完勝,
特朗普想要撤 離肯定找不 到合適的藉 口,
也抵擋不住內 部壓力,
況且中期選舉 臨近,
只能在困境中 硬撐了。
除了敘利亞困 局,
美軍還面臨伊 朗志之困。
特朗普威脅要 讓伊朗一滴 石油業賣不 出去,
可是歐盟、俄 羅斯、印度 、日本等都 選擇了說不 ,
並且還有一個 美國最害怕 的問題出現 了,
那就是歐洲牽 頭構建了一 個新的結算 體系。
對於特朗普而 言,
如果封鎖伊朗 失敗,
美元結算體系 又遭打擊,
那絕對是賠了 夫人又折兵 。
當前特朗普面 臨的局勢就 是,
陷入左右夾擊 !中東死結 難解,
瘋狂突圍難湊 效。
遭遇中東多重 困局的特朗 普,
正在帶領31 個國家的5 萬大軍在俄 羅斯周邊,
舉行冷戰後北 約最大規模 的軍演。
局勢越來越複 雜,
我們只有精心 期待了。
在敘利亞的博 弈俄羅斯取 得了完勝,
特朗普想要撤 離肯定找不 到合適的藉 口,
也抵擋不住內 部壓力,
況且中期選舉 臨近,
只能在困境中 硬撐了。
除了敘利亞困 局,
美軍還面臨伊 朗志之困。
特朗普威脅要 讓伊朗一滴 石油業賣不 出去,
可是歐盟、俄 羅斯、印度 、日本等都 選擇了說不 ,
並且還有一個 美國最害怕 的問題出現 了,
那就是歐洲牽 頭構建了一 個新的結算 體系。
對於特朗普而 言,
如果封鎖伊朗 失敗,
美元結算體系 又遭打擊,
那絕對是賠了 夫人又折兵 。
當前特朗普面 臨的局勢就 是,
陷入左右夾擊 !中東死結 難解,
瘋狂突圍難湊 效。
遭遇中東多重 困局的特朗 普,
正在帶領31 個國家的5 萬大軍在俄 羅斯周邊,
舉行冷戰後北 約最大規模 的軍演。
局勢越來越複 雜,
我們只有精心 期待了。
Fact about dreams in odia | Rahashiya sopna ra | #odia_general_knowledge - Duration: 1:37.
Mazda 6 2.2D SKYLEASE+ | Navi | Leer | Cruise | Clima | Dealeronderhouden | - Duration: 1:09.
Kia pro_cee'd 1.4 CVVT X-ECUTIVE Navi+BT Cr.Control Radio/CD/USB/AUX - Duration: 1:11.
Honest Government Ad | Visit Timor-Leste! - Duration: 2:46.
Visit Timor-Leste! Australia's favourite neighbour
No that's Bali, dickhead. East Timor!
Home to virgin islands... golden beaches... friendly people...
But most importantly: shittons of oil and gas
Which is why, here at the Australien Government, we've repeatedly stabbed those friendly people
in the fucking back
Like, remember that time we supported Indonesia, when it invaded them?
Sure a third of them ended up being massacred on our doorstep
And sure we left our own journalists to die in Balibo and then covered it up
But hey, it was worth it: here we are sculling champers on a jet above the Timor Sea where
all that oil and gas is. Ahh… good times!
Sadly, this lucrative fuck-fest was threatened when Timor finally won it's independence
It was the youngest and poorest nation in Asia. So, of course we helped them out…
Nah, just kidding! We stabbed them in the back again
by forcing their impoverished arses to sign a treaty that let us keep looting their oil and gas
How did we get such a good deal? By bugging their Government offices during the negotiations
The only reason you know this, is because one of our spies – who we'll call Witness K –
blew the whistle after learning that the big sack of shit who ordered the bugging
went on to score a lucrative consultancy with the same pricks who have the license over those oil fields.
Of course we immediately prosecuted the criminals – not them, silly. Witness K and his lawyer!
Right now we're pushing to try them in a secret court – because "NATIONAL SECURITY"
Which is our way of saying that we'd rather you never learned how we may have conspired
to defraud Timor – an offence under the ACT's Criminal Code
or that we were using ASIS for corporate espionage instead of stopping terrorists around the very time
that terrorists bombed our embassy in Jakarta. (Woops)
And we'd especially like you not to learn how we cheated a country just emerging from a brutal occupation
with one of the world's highest rates of infant mortality, malnutrition and preventable disease –
and deprived them of billions in revenue from their own resources
Which is fucktons more than what we give Timor in foreign aid
So when you think about it, Timor's sick kids are Australia's largest foreign donor
Aww thanks little guys!
What's that – at least you got cheaper gas? Aw sweetheart, did we not mention that Timor's
gas is shipped straight to Japan? Where it's sold for 40% less than what you pay for it.
So to recap our foreign policy: you pay for the exploration, investment and spying
these dickbags get rich
You get shafted on prices
Brown kids die of diarrhea
and anyone who exposes this shitfuckery gets tried in a secret court
Any questions?
Visit Timor-Leste: Australia's best-kept dirty little secret
Authorised by the Department for Coveting Thy Neighbour's Goods
Downtown Roanoke's newest brewery set to open Friday - Duration: 0:51.
Fastest Street Bikes - (Ontario Street Outlaws: SEASON FINALS) - Duration: 29:06.
Full event coverage from the "Ontario Street Outlaws" 2 day event finals, at Toronto Motorsports Park in Cayuga ON. October 13th & 14th 2018.
Before the battle - Duration: 2:23.
I never wanted to do this...
But I'll do if it they guarantee
That you will hear me...
Someday you'll thank me...
I'll save my home and my family...
Yuno: It's funny... it's only been 10 years... that passed...
Yuno: The fight against the 13 darkness and the 7 lights will soon rage upon battle...
M.O.M. (Master of Masters): You're telling me that you can save the world with 7 people and this prophecy of yours?
Yuno: ...
Yuno: (mind: Why did it have to end like this...? Is this what 'we' wanted...?)
Yuno: (mind: At least... just let 'us' see the luminous stars...)
Yuno: (mind: One last time... who knows when 'we' will have the chance again to see the sky like this...)
Yuno (mind: Now to think of it...)
Yuno: (mind: Cheiri was a special child... that must've explain why Vanitas tried to get rid of her a long time ago...)
Yuno: (mind: Her light is a special one...)
Yuno: (mind: Before I remember who I was... there were 2 people... who appeared in the dream...)
Yuno: (mind: They... they were the first people, I've become friends with from a different union...)
Vanitas: ...
Yuno: You're here. Huh? Is something wrong?
Vanitas: *sighs* What a pain. Couldn't even leave till they didn't see me. They keep watching me like a hawk...
Yuno: *nervous laughs* Must've been rough...
Vanitas: Are you sure for all of this?
Yuno: ... No matter what I say or do... I'm sure they won't listen...
Vanitas: Also..
Yuno: I'm sure that everything will be okay... it's getting near... to where it all will... no... that's where will wait...
【枉音シト】 Imitator【UTAUカバー】+UST - Duration: 3:55.
Translation provided by hokorichan (updated by ElectricRaichu)
In this place where no light can reach, what am I to sing?
Even though I am a toy that imitates humans, am I allowed to have a heart?
Made with 0s and 1s, electric sounds make my voice
Has my voice reached you also?
The threads that control this heartless puppet
Tangle up all my feelings and tear them apart
Tangle up all my feelings and tear them apart (I'm breaking apart)
As I sing, imitating humans, a heart grew inside of me
Yet the sadness of being unable to have a physical form is surely not something that can be healed
Stuffed into a tiny box, I hug my knees and bide my time
Can you hear my shout?
From the songs I bring forth, feelings overflow
I want you to notice them somehow, even though I have no physical form
I want you to notice them somehow, even though I have no physical form (I'm alive!)
In this place where no light shines, am I to continue singing?
"I am here" The puppet with a heart is still in the cage
Someday, I want to sing as a human being, I want to try and express the voice of my heart
Despite knowing that this wish can never come true, I continue to sing, believing.
In this place where no light can reach, what am I to sing?
Even though I am a toy that imitates humans, am I allowed to have a heart?
As I sing, imitating humans, a heart grows inside of me
Therefore, though I cannot have a physical form, let me continue to sing for you
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