Wormate.io Halloween Pro Trapping Gameplay!!
For more infomation >> Wormate.io Halloween Skin Worm Pro Trapping Wormateio Epic Trolling Gameplay - Duration: 10:22.-------------------------------------------
Hướng dẫn thay Camera trên iPhone 6S - Duration: 16:47.
Bài #11 (9/11) - Âm /t/ & /k/: Luyện tập Sound journey - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 3:41.
In the first activity, we will test your ability
to recognize the /t/d/ and the /k/g/ sounds in words.
You will hear 4 words, and you will have to make 4 decisions.
We start at "1".
After hearing each word, you'll have to make a decision:
turn left or turn right, based on what sound you hear in each word.
If you hear the /s/ or /z/ as the final sound of the word,
you have to turn to the left.
And if you hear the /t/, /d/, /k/ or /g/ as the final sound of the word,
you have to turn to the right.
After 4 words, we will arrive in a city.
Your job is to correctly guess the name of the city where we have arrived.
Let's do an example:
We're going to the right.
We're going to the right.
We're going to the left.
We're going to the right.
We are in Seattle.
Can you hear the final /t/ sound pronounced as a /d/ in "Seattle"?
In the first and second set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
Where are we? Write the name of the city in the comments.
Second set of words. Are you ready?
Where are we?
In the third and fourth set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Fourth set of words. Are you ready?
Where are we?
Write the name of the cities in the comments.
Multipurpose Extension Officers Recruitment 2018 | Agriculture Department MPEO Resruitment 2018 - Duration: 3:30.
Multipurpose Extension Officers Recruitment 2018
Agriculture Department MPEO Resruitment 2018
【転職時の面接】退職理由を教えてください【模範解答】一緒に練習しましょう!! - Duration: 4:21.
Latest_New_2018_SIIMA_AWARDS_Malayalam_Full_Event_K S Chithra SIIMA AWARDS (ROYAL APR STUDIOS_) - Duration: 17:22.
Leadership Principles | Book of Genesis - Duration: 12:12.
leadership principles that we can learn out of the book of Genesis you're gonna
love this so much you want to stay tuned coming up next
hey everyone welcome to Azusa crystal I'm crystal Sparks I'm so glad that you
are here on my channel hey whether this is your first time here or maybe you
watch every single week I'm so thankful that you're here if you'll do me a favor
hit the subscribe button every week on Wednesday I put out a new video and you
don't want to miss anything I have happening here on my channel so hey
without further ado let's jump into today's content today we're talking
about leadership principles out of the book of Genesis and I think you are
going to love it Genesis is full of so many incredible
stories and today we're just going to look at a few people out of the book of
Genesis and just glean some different leadership principles that I think that
you can apply to your life no matter where you're at whether you're leading
in your family in your community maybe you're leading a business or whatever
you're doing I think you're going to get something great out of this ok so in
Genesis chapter 14 we're going to find our first lesson and here we see that
Abram just had a great victory and the Bible tells us in verse 18 that McKell
zedek was the king of Salem and Mikkel said X about to teach us an important
lesson in verse 20 here he is and it says in blessed praised and glorified
bemo God Most High who has given your foes into your hand
and Abram gave him a tenth of all he had taken you know I love this so much
because we see here that there is a blessing being a given and a blessing
being received the first leadership principle that we can learn from Mikkel
Zedeck out of the book of Genesis is this as leaders are always ready to give
a blessing and a willingness to also receive see here's the thing is as
leaders I've found this that a lot of people are really good at giving things
away we're used to being the ones if you're leading no matter if you're
leading your family or in your community or maybe you're leading a business you
know that as a leader part of that is you're constantly the one who's giving
away to others but what I want you to see here is that not what made what
kills it at great was that not that he was just willing to give but he was also
willing to receive a blessing and I think so many times as leaders where we
miss it is we're always doing for everybody else and we never take time
to receive ourselves and what I love about mikela debt care is that Abraham
came and he received a blessing but he also gave a blessing in return and I'll
just challenge you as leaders like it's okay to let other people do things for
you it's okay to allow people to help you out it's okay to say I really don't
have it all together and I'm gonna need a little bit of help because most the
time we think that as being a leader we should be able to have it all together
we should have it all by ourselves that we should be able to pull it off by just
working a little bit harder or maybe trying a little bit harder but what I
love about this is Mikkel said X shows us a great leadership principle that
we're going to truly lead and do great things we have to be really good at both
giving and receiving the second leadership principle that I want us to
get is out of Genesis chapter 26 and it's from Isaac and oh my goodness I
love the story of Isaac so much and in Genesis chapter 26 burn every verses 17
and 18 it says so Isaac went away from there and pitched his tent in the valley
of gear and dwelt there and Isaac dug again the wells of water which had been
dug in the days of Abraham his father for the Philistines had stopped them up
after the death of Abraham and he gave them the names by which his father had
called them you know I love this so much because Isaac taught us our second
leadership principle here in the book of Genesis and he taught us this is to be
great we need to draw from the past I love this so much because here Isaac is
and he's about to do something great for God but what he does is he remembers
what his dad did he remembers the successes of his father's generation and
he goes back he doesn't decide to dig a new well he just went back and began
again with the success of his father and I love that it says and he called them
by the names that his father had named them you know Brian he is incredible at
all sports and all things good and he was telling me the other day that a key
to a good golf swing is not on how well you go forward but he said the key to go
good at golf swing is the backswing he said it's the backswing that makes a
good girl golfer to a great golfer and so as he explained
to me he began to show me the difference in a good backswing I began to think
about how in our lives the difference between good leaders and great leaders
is how well they look to the past on in reflecting on the people who've gone
before us and their successes to draw from what we should do next and here
Isaac is he could have chosen to do anything but he knew that the truth key
to greatness is that he had to look back to his past see what God did back there
and just decide to pick up where they left off you know so many times I think
we're trying to come up with something original and if we just look around and
look in our past and see the successes of others and just decide I don't have
to come up with something unique or something crazy I just need to pick up
where they left off the third thing that I want us to see here is Jacob in
Genesis 2530 we see the story about Jacob and here he is and he's about the
teachers our third thing and just as 2530 it says and Esau said to Jacob I
beg of you let me have some of that red lentil stew to eat and I for I'm faint
and famished and that is why his name was called Edom red and Jacob answered
then sell me some of your birthright you know what I want to show you here is
that Jacob showed us an important lesson and it's our third leadership principle
out of the book of Genesis as leaders but leaders always identify what is the
most important right now see the difference between Esau and Jacob was
this is Esau saw the immediate need and he forgot what was the most important
and if we're gonna be great leader we have to always keep our eyes fixed on
what's the most important thing not what's the urgent thing not students not
the thing that would take away the pain or the frustration right now but to be a
great leader we have to continuously be looking at what is the most important
thing in the moment it looked like Esau had the better end of the deal because
he was the one who went to bed fully satisfied he wasn't hungry
he was his immediate need was taken care of but a few years later Jacob was the
one that ended up with what was the real cries the most important thing and I
think if we're not careful as leaders we're constantly doing the things to
fill the immediate need we're sleeping in because we don't want to wake up to
workout we're spending the money today when later we won't have the money for
retirement we're making the decisions to just ignore that bad behavior right now
but the truth is in the long run that bad behavior is making a toxic
environment in our organization see we're doing what satisfies the immediate
need and forgetting about the most important thing and Jacob models to us
that if we're gonna be a great leader we have to always identify what's the most
important thing and make sure that all of our energy is going towards that the
next leadership principle we're gonna see is in Judah in Genesis 38 it tells
us the story about Judah and Judah made a really big mistake he had slept with a
prostitute and she ended up getting pregnant not one of the best stories
that you'd want told about you in the Bible right but I love in Genesis
chapter 38 it tells us about how she came forward and comes to Judah and in
this I love this so much and just as 38 26 it says and Judah
acknowledged them and said she has been more righteous than Justin I because I
did not give her to Sheila my son and he did not cohabit with her again you know
I love this because here Judah is face-to-face with his failure and he
doesn't make her as the bad one he takes ownership and takes full responsibility
for what he had done wrong the fourth leadership principle I want us to see is
that leaders admit when they are wrong leaders are the first to admit when
they're wrong and I'll go ahead and tag a little bit more onto that and they
take responsibility for it I love this because Judah and this time
and era he could have pointed fingers at her and said it was her fault she made
me do it but I love it he takes full
responsibility for the actions taken and he says listen I'm the one who is
responsible she is more righteous than I you know if we're gonna do great things
and and be great for God we're gonna have to have a willingness to admit when
we're wrong we're gonna have to have a willingness to take responsibility and
be able to move on I found so
many times when I'm leading things I don't mind when people make mistakes but
the difference between the people who lead and the people who follow are the
ones who are able to say I was wrong I mess up you know what's so beautiful is
Judah it tells us that Jesus came from the line of Judah often think about how
sweet that is that Jesus came from that linen lineage of people who are humble
and their mistakes and we're able to say you know I'm not perfect I don't have it
all together and I'm gonna mess up from time to time and I love that because
anybody can fall a leader who makes mistakes and is willing to admit they're
wrong people don't follow you because they think that you're perfect they
follow you because of your humility of your heart when you do mess up the fifth
leadership principle we're gonna see here out of the book of Genesis comes
from Joseph I love this so much and just as 4115 it tells us the story
about Joseph but I want what I want you to see out of the whole story here out
of Joseph is in 4115 is that leaders dream and help others with their dreams
I love that so much Joseph teaches us that leaders dream big
dreams and they help others with their dreams yeah I think if we're gonna be
great leaders what we're gonna have to do is we're have to make sure that we're
faithful with helping other people get to their dreams even when it looks like
our dream is it happening see what I love about Joseph is that he is in the
darkest place in the prison and he there he is being faithful to help everybody
around him flourish and get to the next level all the while he had a dream in
his heart for greatness and on the outside it looked like nothing was
happening but behind the scenes God was hard at work and he was moving things
around and I'll tell you this that in your own life if you want to be a great
leader for God you have to be have a willingness to get other people to their
dreams even when it looks like yours is lying dormant so hey I hope you got
something out of that there's so much more we could go into and the whole book
of Genesis but that'll give you six good leadership principles out of the book of
Genesis I hope it gets you into a place where you study those stories out for
yourself look into them some more and I'd love to hear which one spoke to them
us comment down below I'd love to hear
about it hey okay so we've got just a week and a half before my event closer
coming up on November the 10th I have a different price bracket for those of you
that the 199 was too expensive I have a 99 general admission still open the VIP
is completely sold out and but the 99 still has a few spots left so if you
haven't done so already you want to be sure go over grab your spot it's gonna
be so much fun we're to have the most amazing time together
I've got incredible content that I've been working on for you and it won't be
the same without you there the link is down in my bio and as always you want to
be subscribed to my channel give this video a thumbs up so we know that it's
helping you I share this video with your friends and family help us get the word
out so we can help others and let's do something awesome for God this week
Jerry Springer Show (October 30, 2018)Lexy wants her best friend to break up with her boyfriend.... - Duration: 5:10.
Jerry Springer Show (October 30, 2018) - Duration: 4:14.
Holly Willoughby flashes cleavage in cheeky Pride Of Britain Awards appearance - Duration: 3:12.
Holly Willoughby flashes cleavage in cheeky Pride Of Britain Awards appearance
The swanky ceremony celebrates people up and down the country who have gone above and beyond to help others in their day to day lives.
Never one to shy away from a daring outfit, Holly slipped into a stunning creme dress complete with plunging neckline.
Scooping low, the outfit allowed the blonde beauty to put her impressive cleavage on show while keeping her modesty intact.
Featuring a bejewelled bodice, the number dazzled in the light as cameras flashed away.
Related Articles Megan McKenna melts the internet with jaw-dropping naked snaps Lauren Goodger shrink-wraps curves in swimsuit leaving nowhere to hide Caroline Flack turns ultimate temptress in provocative slashed dress.
Channelling her inner Disney Princess, Holly was seen lifting up the flowing skirt of the dress before twirling for the cameras.
As she made her way down the red carpet, Holly was joined by her co-host Phillip Schofield.
Looking dapper as ever, Phil sported classic black suit and white tie combo.
In just a few weeks time Holly will jetted out to Australia to co-host I'm A Celebrity.
Get Me Out Of Here! Joining Declan Donnelly down under, Holly will replace troubled star Ant McParltin.
While she's yet to comment on the new job, fellow This Morning star Rylan Clark-Neal revealed she is nervous about the role.
Related Articles Rita Ora says 'she's going crazy and alone' as gruelling promo schedule continues Iggy Azalea melts the internet with red-hot lace striptease Myleene Klass, 40, goes braless in devilishly plunging gown: 'Such a tease'.
Chatting to Daily Star Online, the Big Brother's Bit On The Side host said: "I think she's going to be amazing.
"She has been so nervous.
"I won't be doing anything more on This Morning as Rochelle has already been announced.".
Hyundai i20 1.2 LP i-Drive Cool - Duration: 1:11.
S. Korea and U.S. agree to establish new working group to cooperate on N. Korea's nuclear issue - Duration: 0:37.
Meanwhile, South Korea and the U.S. have agreed to establish a new working group on North
Korea issues.
This is one outcome of this week's visit to Seoul by the U.S. Special Representative for
North Korea, Steven Biegun.
The State Department said Tuesday that the group will further strengthen the two allies'
cooperation on diplomacy, denuclearization efforts, the implementation of UN sanctions
and ways for the two Koreas to cooperate under the sanctions.
The working group will be headed by Special Representative Biegun.
The State Department also said Seoul and Washington are coordinating on an almost daily basis.
Sylvie Vartan, elle s'effondre (photo) - Duration: 1:19.
Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse 350 S 350, Dealeronderhouden, Memorypakket, Dodehoekassistent Bang & Olufsen, - Duration: 1:11.
Psychoactive Substances (Increasing Penalty for Supply and Distribution) Amendment Bill - Committe.. - Duration: 5:57.
Suzuki S-Cross 1.0 Boosterjet Exclusive AUTOMAAT - Duration: 1:08.
MOTEL MONSTRE #1 - Petit monstre à batterie (Épisode 2) - Duration: 24:01.
Mazda 6 Sportbreak 2.0 S-VT Business Plus Trekhaak Navi - Duration: 1:08.
Latest_New_2018_SIIMA_AWARDS_Malayalam_Full_Event_K S Chithra SIIMA AWARDS (ROYAL APR STUDIOS_) - Duration: 17:22.
Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI 252pk s-tronic quattro Pro Line S - Duration: 1:07.
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration - Duration: 1:08.
Abstract Painting In Palette Knife In Acrylic | Resero - Duration: 4:31.
Thanks for watching this video.
If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me
Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.
If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created
a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.
And best off, you can get this DVD for free!
It's in the description below the video!
See you soon ;)
Thoughts On Tipping Culture [UK/US + Worldwide] - Duration: 5:52.
So this is a video about tipping and just some thoughts
I'm a Brit, I'm living in Turkey
and I've just been out for dinner as you do
and I went to a nice restaurant, I had some salmon
it was very delicious
yep, that was a salmon burp
and I had a lovely meal and the staff were great
this was actually the second time I'd been to this said restaurant
the first time was a few days ago
when I went there, it (the food) was delicious
and I gave what I guess was considered quite a generous tip
now I went back today and I thought, hang on a minute, I'm out of cash, I've got my card, but I'd spent all my cash
the nearest ATM is a long walk
you can see where this is going
I'm there, in the restaurant, having these amazing olives and bread and water
and tea and salmon and salad, and it's all beautiful and they're treating me like royalty
totally undeservedly, I'm being treated like a prince
and I'm thinking... uhh... I'm really... I feel really bad now
because I'm kind of feeling his expectation of that
big tip, what is considered a pretty generous tip
it's going to buy him a meal or something or like a bottle of wine... I don't know
and I'm there like, 'oh no, I can't leave him a tip in cash and I'm paying on card', I'm stressing out
it's ridiculous right? And I'm there by myself, I've got nothing better to think about
than how let down this poor guy
who's a great waiter, can't fault him at all
is going to feel let down when I either don't give him a tip or certainly can't give him cash
so I'm there, I'm like, great, this is really good, and he's coming over, he's smiling, he's like 'is everything okay?'
I'm like, 'yes it is okay'
but like, everything's fine, apart from the fact that I can't give you a tip right now
now this is kind of by the by but...
it brought up a topic
which I have been baffled by when living in the US
when I've been spending time in the United States, in America
and that is... tipping. Now in the UK
we might tip our waiter/ waitress, maybe a £1 or £2 or £3
for like a typical high street Wagamama meal
like a few quid
it's great, maybe 10% or something like that
if you go to a really posh restaurant, maybe a bit more
you might a bit more of a generous tip but...
over in the United States, which maybe you're from, I don't know... leave a comment and...
tell me what your thoughts on this are
because I genuinely am intrigued
okay, I get that wait staff have traditionally been paid so little
that they actually kind of rely on their tips
now that is a totally different thing
in the UK we have this thing called minimum wage
where even, whatever job you're doing, even if you're a waiter, waitress, whatever
you are... you're paid what is a liveable wage supposedly
you can argue about that as well whether that's liveable or not but the point is
you'll be on £6-8 an hour
or something, whatever it is now, it was like £4.50 or something
when I used to work, I used to work on £3.25 an hour, that was my hourly rate
that was a while back
10 years ago now, but whatever, you get the point
okay so.... my thing is like...
okay so tipping's fine, great, but in America,
it's totally expected
so you go to a restaurant in the United States and
you are expected to leave a tip and if you don't there's outrage
it's a very strange thing to me
and it kind of... I wouldn't say it stresses me out, but it definitely...
my perfect meal is one where I go, I eat my food, I don't really have to...
this sounds weird, maybe you can psychoanalyse this
I would rather not, maybe it's a British thing, I don't know, but if you're British back me up here
I'd like to go to a meal
I'd like to go to a restaurant, eat my meal, eat food, and just like, pretty much have minimal engagement with
the wait staff, because I'm probably like
with someone, or chatting or whatever, and... or if I'm by myself and I'm reading
I don't know being anti social I guess
and yeah like, of course I don't want to be treated rudely
by staff but, what I kind of dislike
and I'm going to be very honest now is
the kind of, fake, hello, how are you today, yeah, you having a nice day?
when you're in a restaurant in the United States
so that really annoys me, and I know I'm not the only one, I know loads of Brits feel like this
I'd rather just go, get my food, and pay the price
in places like Japan, China, you know, Thailand
I think mostly Eastern Asian countries, I know it's almost considered an insult
to tip in Japan because well here's the price, this is the food, just pay the price
and I quite like that
I really like that, and I know there's a restaurant that popped up recently
in I think California
I can't remember the name right now, but I'll put it in the description
and it's a restaurant where basically tipping doesn't happen
and... it's kind of starting a new trend of no tips because
clearly I'm not the only who finds this whole thing a bit strange, a bit weird and a bit kind of awkward and uncomfortable
so they're actually starting a whole new pub based on the fact that there are no tips
the wait staff love it because they know exactly what to expect
and the customers love it because they pay a price, they get a meal, they get the standard
what's not to like right?
if you are Japanese, please back me up here, because
I listening to myself and I'm like...
I just sound really kind of like pissed off
but I'm not it's just something that I've always thought about
and now I'm sharing because it's an interesting difference between
how different countries do things and that's what my channel is all about
it's about, how do people in this country look at that country
and think about the behaviour and the little things that they do and that is interesting and different
from what you are used to
anyway, what happened with the story of guy and the tip?
I explained the situation, I was like look,
I have no cash, can I add a tip on a card?
he was like yeah no problem, no problem
so I gave him a nice big tip on a card
and I checked with him, I said, will you get this tip?
he said, yes it's fine, brought me out some tea and it was all good
it was really good
but anyway those are my thoughts on tipping
that's why I as a Brit find it a bit weird and a bit uncomfortable
especially in the United States
my name is Mike
the channel name is Arabic Mike
don't let that confuse you
it's because I started this channel in teaching
the Arabic language and that's kind of stuck
you can see more videos around here and if you want to see me again then SUBSCRIBE for more videos
leave a comment, tell me what you think about tipping
debate it, because it's something which I find
interesting, and I do see a trend potentially changing so share your thoughts
Bài #11 (9/11) - Âm /t/ & /k/: Luyện tập Sound journey - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 3:41.
In the first activity, we will test your ability
to recognize the /t/d/ and the /k/g/ sounds in words.
You will hear 4 words, and you will have to make 4 decisions.
We start at "1".
After hearing each word, you'll have to make a decision:
turn left or turn right, based on what sound you hear in each word.
If you hear the /s/ or /z/ as the final sound of the word,
you have to turn to the left.
And if you hear the /t/, /d/, /k/ or /g/ as the final sound of the word,
you have to turn to the right.
After 4 words, we will arrive in a city.
Your job is to correctly guess the name of the city where we have arrived.
Let's do an example:
We're going to the right.
We're going to the right.
We're going to the left.
We're going to the right.
We are in Seattle.
Can you hear the final /t/ sound pronounced as a /d/ in "Seattle"?
In the first and second set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
Where are we? Write the name of the city in the comments.
Second set of words. Are you ready?
Where are we?
In the third and fourth set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Fourth set of words. Are you ready?
Where are we?
Write the name of the cities in the comments.
Les canulars - Djamel Mazi / Astronogeek - La Collab' de l'info - Duration: 4:10.
Berhembuslah Roh Kudus Lirik - Duration: 5:54.
Hyundai IONIQ 1.6 Hybride Comfort - Duration: 0:57.
SUD MOTOR EXPO 2K18 VLOG #2 - Duration: 6:05.
hello guys good morning, today is Saturday, September 29 2k18
and today we go to the south motor expo. this is the program of the day, let's see what is there
accident at 35km/h on the scooter
freestyle motocross! full video in description ;)
guys, I'm about to leave, I'm lost a show, I hope you enjoyed the video.
in the description I leave you the link of this event
comment, subscribe and likeeeeeee...!
PUNCH BOX & Mystery WHEEL - 250$ of TOYS !! (Ninjago, Avengers, Pokemon) - Duration: 10:26.
In this episode
Opel Corsa 1.0 Turbo S&S 90pk 5d Color Edition - Duration: 0:57.
Jerry Springer Show (October 30, 2018)Lexy wants her best friend to break up with her boyfriend.... - Duration: 5:10.
UNBOXING IN IRREGULAR WAY: NCT 127 Regular :D | Unboxing | Chii0511_ - Duration: 14:54.
hey guys~ welcome back to my channel :D I'm Ochie
and today I'm going to
It is NCT 127
Regular - Irregular
I don't know which version that I got
because it was random
so I have no idea which one did I get
is this the regular one or--
So, without further ado
Let's open this up!
Actually I'm quite surprised by the size
compared to the empathy album
it's so huge but
for sure it's--
more thin?
thinner than this one
So let's open this up!
*Random singing voice* I don't wanna waste the bubble wrap~
Here we go~
There you are :3
Which version is this?
I have no idea
is it the regular one?
or irregular?
well I don't know
so yeah
it comes with this--
--plastic package(ing)
Open this up~
is this actually--
sorry ><)
oh my!
I don't want to destroy the plastic
I want to keep it
oh man! how many package(ing)--
--they have?
It's more like you know--
PVC? that vynl material?
thanks good :')
Oh man no no no
Oh man!
okay, seems like I must cut it out
although i don't want to do that
I'M SORRY :"((
but seriously--
can I just peel it off
without destroying it?
please please please please please
Oh, no
Okay It's not my lucky day, I guess
I'm crying :'((
it feels so bad you know
let's move on
take it out
I thought that this--
is printed on this but actually nope
no no no don't come up first
here's the PVC
how to call it?
envelope things?
it's the first thing
then, let's move on to the album
it's-- oh!
here's the front
focus please
and okay
Oh? can I open this?
at first actually I'm planning to do the ASMR unboxing, but
I'm not sure that I could do the ASMR things and stuff
so let's keep going with this style
this is the front
Oh! this is the regular, right?
because I remember that the irregular one has the
base color black and white pattern
so it's reversed
Got 'bout what i mean? :'D
so yeah
I got the regular one
a helicopter
whose hand is this?
unique aesthetic
he's so cute (uwu)
I'm confused
which one--
my focus is just like divided into two things
Winwin's face and this scene
okay, maybe we will move it aside first
We will focus on the
photo book first
I guess it's Johnny with-- I don't know is that Haechan? or Jungwoo?
Oh My God
he's glow up--
makes me shook O_O)
Taeyong~ =w=)
and some Tigers--
A tiger actually
Are you serious, Mark Lee?
that's Mark, right?
I don't know why, but--
I got a feeling like--
opening this photobook is like opening a--
you know
automotive magazine and stuff with that
with motor(cycle) things going on
hey Jaehyun
hey there
Sorry, just now I just heard like-- you know, paper tearing or something
Taeil, right?
his eye is so pretty~
what is this thing?
I don't know ._.
Jungwoo :3
everyone knows
everyone that
know me,
they know that Johnny is my ultimate bias
sorry, forget it
Winwin :3
Mark Lee
again ;)
Let me show you this--
we have Winwin here
OH, SO CUTE! ><)
me and win-win
is actually (born) at the same age, but
he-- I'm younger--
one week-- (ALMOST) exactly one week
so if he is October 28th, I'm November 5th
Okay, nobody asking that
the back side~
wait a minute
keep this thing (for) last
CD plate~
okay okay okay
it has name on it
3 2 1
I'm okay I'm not mad because I didn't get Johnny
but-- MAN
Doyoung is so good looking
like seriously
our Prince rabbit is changed now
Winwin :3
fortu-- aaa--
is that true?
is that correct?
I got the poster so let's open it up
it's more looks like a x-banner actually /NO
let's flip-- so this how it looks like
I hope I can give you a better view of it
let's flip-- 3 2 1
okay, I'm not mad
I love Doyoung in black hair
I actually--
impressed with this album because it's really unique different
from the previous album
but be honest, I prefer this one
because what?
I got Johnny combo. So I got Johnny diary and I got Johnny photo card
I'm the happiest fan girl in
this world
we are not talking about this, we're talking about this...
so yeah
that's all about today's unboxing video
I'm sorry if I talking too much
because I'm so lonely
I have nobody to talk with me about NCT
That's too much
thanks for watching my video
I'll see you guys later
D'où viennent nos émotions ? - Duration: 4:00.
Data science vs Fake - L'espérance de vie ne cesse d'augmenter - Duration: 2:42.
Mercedes-Benz CLS-Klasse 250d AMG LINE 250 D, AMG Line, Comand, Alarm, Spiegelpakket Stoelverwarming - Duration: 1:08.
Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D Multispace Petit Paradis - Duration: 1:10.
Les canulars - Djamel Mazi / Astronogeek - La Collab' de l'info - Duration: 4:10.
[DANCE WAR(댄스워)] FINAL ROUND: Eastern Promises - Duration: 3:55.
(Eastern Promises)
(A fantastic and mysterious song with the drum & bass style beats and drum sounds on the oriental melody overlapped)
(Made only for the final round of DANCE WAR with each section where artists can exhibit their ability to the fullest)
(Vote now for your Dance King who catches your eyes)
(Vote now for your Dance King who catches your eyes)
(After watching the final round of DANCE WAR, Vote one member who caught your eyes)
(Depending on the fan votes and judges' scores, the final winner of DANCE WAR will be decided)
(Find the Idol Dance King Behind a Mask! DANCE WAR)
Jerry Springer Show (October 30, 2018) - Duration: 4:14.
[SORI] . LATEX HAUL EP 1 - Duration: 8:36.
Sori's YouTube Channel
Hi everyone~! "Sori Not Sorry!" Sori here!
There is something I would like to introduce to you especially this time!
Which is...
latex outfits that were used in the music video.
Some of you might know that
CoCoSoRi's debut outfits were also made out of latex.
Did you get to see the London episode several weeks ago?
On that episode,
I visit Kudo Atsuko's shop in London to get myself fitted for latex outfits once again.
I have received various responses regarding the outfit.
Some of you were "oh, it's made out of latex!"
and some of you were curious what latex even is.
So today, I would like to show you some of these latex outfits followed by brief explanation.
Sounds fun, right?
Perhaps world's first latex haul! Let's get it going with me, Sori!
Starting with this first outfit!
This is the outfit that I wore in the music video with dancers!
the same outfit I wore for the showcase!
This is something I tried out for the first time.
the back of the outfit looks like this...
It's cut really deep, so that your legs look longer.
There aren't any breast covers either...
So wearing just this would be... very difficult.
If you look at Atsuko Kudo's catalog, models wear just this piece
and some pieces to cover up the breast.
Since I really cannot pull that off...
I'm gonna put on some other shirt under this,
If you're curious, check out my music video!
It's supposed to be white, but it's closer to very very light ivory or beige color.
This thing is very elastic too.
Very flexible material.
this outfit has no seam,
This outfit is glued together.
Coming up next, the 2nd outfit!
This one's very light blue!
With CoCoSoRi, we put on pink, mint, black and red latex outfits before,
aqua-blue color is something new to me.
When I saw a model wearing this, I told my boss that this color is really nice.
He agreed and we decided to add this to the collection.
CoCoSoRi's outfit had a different type of skirt. this one is more narrow and tighter.
Latex outfits are very similar to one another. They're made out of the same material, but colors vary.
Maybe another difference would be...
that the cup shapes are a little bit different.
If you see this part right over here...
They glued a layer of black latex on top.
This part is also cut and pasted together.
the sound...
Can you hear the sound it makes?
The material's definitely thicker than rubber gloves...
It fits very well.
Cup shapes are subtly different from one another. This style is called "Wonder Cup."
"Wonder Cup" is one of many different types they offer,
if you look at this top that I'm wearing right now, the shape is zig-zag shaped.
You can see the zig-zag patter through out.
I wore this first and started adjusting the breast size.
I wore this originally for fitting, but I'm wearing this today for a fashionable purpose.
Pretty cute, right?
So this is called zig-zag cup, and this is called wonder cup.
I thought this ribbon is a nice touch.
Even though latex is a type of rubber
that fits tightly to your body, so some might think that such outfit only accentuates sexiness,
But with this bright blue color, I think I could look cute in it too!
The picture of me wearing this was featured in my official instagram page!
Check that out too!
Here comes number 3!
It's a body suit that's pretty similar to the first one,
but there are some subtle differences.
It's a little bit longer so it covers your hips a little bit more.
Very yellow!
After long consideration and pondering to choose the best colors...
If you check out Kudo Atsuko's website, you can see her designs in so many different colors.
with different patterns.
I chose this color, because I thought it's very cute and refreshing.
This outfit also has wonder cup design.
and also has this cute ribbon in the middle as well.
Since the hip area's cut deep, some might say "wow, this is a little bit too lewd,"
but the color would neutralize that factor a little bit, I think!
Jerry Springer Show (October 30, 2018)Lexy wants her best friend to break up with her boyfriend.... - Duration: 5:10.
Abstract Painting In Palette Knife In Acrylic | Resero - Duration: 4:31.
Thanks for watching this video.
If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me
Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.
If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created
a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.
And best off, you can get this DVD for free!
It's in the description below the video!
See you soon ;)
Thoughts On Tipping Culture [UK/US + Worldwide] - Duration: 5:52.
So this is a video about tipping and just some thoughts
I'm a Brit, I'm living in Turkey
and I've just been out for dinner as you do
and I went to a nice restaurant, I had some salmon
it was very delicious
yep, that was a salmon burp
and I had a lovely meal and the staff were great
this was actually the second time I'd been to this said restaurant
the first time was a few days ago
when I went there, it (the food) was delicious
and I gave what I guess was considered quite a generous tip
now I went back today and I thought, hang on a minute, I'm out of cash, I've got my card, but I'd spent all my cash
the nearest ATM is a long walk
you can see where this is going
I'm there, in the restaurant, having these amazing olives and bread and water
and tea and salmon and salad, and it's all beautiful and they're treating me like royalty
totally undeservedly, I'm being treated like a prince
and I'm thinking... uhh... I'm really... I feel really bad now
because I'm kind of feeling his expectation of that
big tip, what is considered a pretty generous tip
it's going to buy him a meal or something or like a bottle of wine... I don't know
and I'm there like, 'oh no, I can't leave him a tip in cash and I'm paying on card', I'm stressing out
it's ridiculous right? And I'm there by myself, I've got nothing better to think about
than how let down this poor guy
who's a great waiter, can't fault him at all
is going to feel let down when I either don't give him a tip or certainly can't give him cash
so I'm there, I'm like, great, this is really good, and he's coming over, he's smiling, he's like 'is everything okay?'
I'm like, 'yes it is okay'
but like, everything's fine, apart from the fact that I can't give you a tip right now
now this is kind of by the by but...
it brought up a topic
which I have been baffled by when living in the US
when I've been spending time in the United States, in America
and that is... tipping. Now in the UK
we might tip our waiter/ waitress, maybe a £1 or £2 or £3
for like a typical high street Wagamama meal
like a few quid
it's great, maybe 10% or something like that
if you go to a really posh restaurant, maybe a bit more
you might a bit more of a generous tip but...
over in the United States, which maybe you're from, I don't know... leave a comment and...
tell me what your thoughts on this are
because I genuinely am intrigued
okay, I get that wait staff have traditionally been paid so little
that they actually kind of rely on their tips
now that is a totally different thing
in the UK we have this thing called minimum wage
where even, whatever job you're doing, even if you're a waiter, waitress, whatever
you are... you're paid what is a liveable wage supposedly
you can argue about that as well whether that's liveable or not but the point is
you'll be on £6-8 an hour
or something, whatever it is now, it was like £4.50 or something
when I used to work, I used to work on £3.25 an hour, that was my hourly rate
that was a while back
10 years ago now, but whatever, you get the point
okay so.... my thing is like...
okay so tipping's fine, great, but in America,
it's totally expected
so you go to a restaurant in the United States and
you are expected to leave a tip and if you don't there's outrage
it's a very strange thing to me
and it kind of... I wouldn't say it stresses me out, but it definitely...
my perfect meal is one where I go, I eat my food, I don't really have to...
this sounds weird, maybe you can psychoanalyse this
I would rather not, maybe it's a British thing, I don't know, but if you're British back me up here
I'd like to go to a meal
I'd like to go to a restaurant, eat my meal, eat food, and just like, pretty much have minimal engagement with
the wait staff, because I'm probably like
with someone, or chatting or whatever, and... or if I'm by myself and I'm reading
I don't know being anti social I guess
and yeah like, of course I don't want to be treated rudely
by staff but, what I kind of dislike
and I'm going to be very honest now is
the kind of, fake, hello, how are you today, yeah, you having a nice day?
when you're in a restaurant in the United States
so that really annoys me, and I know I'm not the only one, I know loads of Brits feel like this
I'd rather just go, get my food, and pay the price
in places like Japan, China, you know, Thailand
I think mostly Eastern Asian countries, I know it's almost considered an insult
to tip in Japan because well here's the price, this is the food, just pay the price
and I quite like that
I really like that, and I know there's a restaurant that popped up recently
in I think California
I can't remember the name right now, but I'll put it in the description
and it's a restaurant where basically tipping doesn't happen
and... it's kind of starting a new trend of no tips because
clearly I'm not the only who finds this whole thing a bit strange, a bit weird and a bit kind of awkward and uncomfortable
so they're actually starting a whole new pub based on the fact that there are no tips
the wait staff love it because they know exactly what to expect
and the customers love it because they pay a price, they get a meal, they get the standard
what's not to like right?
if you are Japanese, please back me up here, because
I listening to myself and I'm like...
I just sound really kind of like pissed off
but I'm not it's just something that I've always thought about
and now I'm sharing because it's an interesting difference between
how different countries do things and that's what my channel is all about
it's about, how do people in this country look at that country
and think about the behaviour and the little things that they do and that is interesting and different
from what you are used to
anyway, what happened with the story of guy and the tip?
I explained the situation, I was like look,
I have no cash, can I add a tip on a card?
he was like yeah no problem, no problem
so I gave him a nice big tip on a card
and I checked with him, I said, will you get this tip?
he said, yes it's fine, brought me out some tea and it was all good
it was really good
but anyway those are my thoughts on tipping
that's why I as a Brit find it a bit weird and a bit uncomfortable
especially in the United States
my name is Mike
the channel name is Arabic Mike
don't let that confuse you
it's because I started this channel in teaching
the Arabic language and that's kind of stuck
you can see more videos around here and if you want to see me again then SUBSCRIBE for more videos
leave a comment, tell me what you think about tipping
debate it, because it's something which I find
interesting, and I do see a trend potentially changing so share your thoughts
Special Clip(스페셜클립): Vanilla Acoustic(바닐라 어쿠스틱) _ Sigh(지쳤니) - Duration: 4:03.
(Sigh - Vanilla Acoustic)
I'm still not used to my day without you
Your call in the morning Now I miss it
I'm filled with the sorrow that I couldn't hide even a little
And the dark emotions that became part of my daily life
The gifts from you that have nowhere to go
And your last text messages that I couldn't delete
I look at them for nothing
I tormented myself and started to feel like hating you
Then I start to miss you because I want to see you over and over
I think the end of our breakup is still far away
If I'm not the only one who's having a hard time with the breakup
If you're hurt as I am Like in the past
Shall we go back? How about that? Are you tired?
The gifts from you that have nowhere to go
And your last text messages that I couldn't delete
I tormented myself for nothing and started to feel like hating you
Then I start to miss you because I want to see you over and over
I think the end of our breakup is still far away
If I'm not the only one who's having a hard time with the breakup
If you're hurt as I am
Like in the past, shall we go back? How about that?
We were together for too long to break up
So it wouldn't be easy
In many breakups that you came back
I couldn't notice how much tired you were
While waiting for you I was sick to death
I managed to fall asleep In my dream, you were smiling
And standing right in front of me
Maybe I'm having a false hope today, too
Maybe you will come back like at that time
I think you'll come back to me again
I think we'll love again
As ever
La Douche / Ma vie, mon œuvre, mon coussin - Duration: 3:16.
Sylvie Vartan, elle s'effondre (photo) - Duration: 1:19.
MOTEL MONSTRE #1 - Petit monstre à batterie (Épisode 2) - Duration: 24:01.
LEARN TO BEATMATCH - 04 Beatmatch your songs with the jogwheels - Duration: 2:53.
Now that you know how to count music and to tempo-match, let's start beat matching.
When you start a track while another is playing, you can't always be in perfect sync, this
is what beatmatching is for:
aligning beats together.
With DJUCED and Digital DJing in general, you have a great tool at your disposal to
help you beatmatch : the Waveform display.
The waveform display shows you what your tracks look like in a graphic way.
It's useful to see which part of a song has more energy than another.
The Waveform also let you see if the songs you are mixing are beat-matched.
For that, DJUCED put a BEAT GRID on the beats of the track, so you can visually see
if two songs are aligned or not.
Let's try aligning beats together.
Let's go into our demo library and load 2 demo songs: House Loop 1 in my Deck 1
House Loop 2 in my Deck 2
Let's Tempo Match the second track with
deck 2's Pitch Fader
Now they're playing at the same speed.
I now need to start my second song on the first beat.
If I don't do this, the rhythms will sound like a train wreck.
Let's hear it.
Hmm, that doesn't really sound good, does it?
If I look at my DJUCED screen, I can see that my grids are not aligned
I need to NUDGE my second track to the first one.
To nudge, you need to accelerate or slow down the song, temporarily,
by moving the jog wheel backwards or forward, with the outer ring of the jog wheel.
If you use a controller with the Beatmatch Guide feature, the « Beat Align » LEDs
under the jog wheels are here to help you
Let's try again
1-2-3-4, 2-2-3-4 , 3-2-3-4, 4-2-3-4 and ONE
In that case, my second track is late, I need to nudge it to the LED direction, like this.
When the LEDs are OFF, the tracks are aligned!
If I move my crossfader from one track to another, I can make a smooth transition between them.
Remember that Beat matching needs to be practised to become a natural process.
The more you will practice, the less you will have to look at your computer screen.
It's essential to be able to beatmatch by ear, so you can really feel the music you
are playing, and you will be able to focus on your audience.
Now, It's your turn!
SUD MOTOR EXPO 2K18 VLOG #2 - Duration: 6:05.
hello guys good morning, today is Saturday, September 29 2k18
and today we go to the south motor expo. this is the program of the day, let's see what is there
accident at 35km/h on the scooter
freestyle motocross! full video in description ;)
guys, I'm about to leave, I'm lost a show, I hope you enjoyed the video.
in the description I leave you the link of this event
comment, subscribe and likeeeeeee...!
Jack Wilshere explains how Bolton loan move and Chelsea star helped him grow up - Duration: 4:11.
Jack Wilshere has revealed how his move from Arsenal to Bolton Wanderers in 2010 gave him invaluable experience and helped him to prepare for the demands of the Premier League
The 26-year-old star ended his 17 year association with the north London side in the summer to move to West Ham United and spoke to the Islington Gazette about his early career with the Gunners
Tipped for stardom from an early age, the Hitchin-born midfielder broke into Arsene Wenger's side in 2008 from Arsenal's academy to become the club's youngest-ever league debutant, a record previously held by Cesc Fabregas at 16
Later that season, he would help Arsenal win the FA Youth Cup where he played a starring role for his side
But in the 2009/10 campaign, the midfielder grew frustrated at being limited to only cameo appearances in the League Cup and pushed for a move to away in order to further his development
Instead of opting to play for Hull City and Sunderland - he decided to play for Owen Coyle's Bolton side and said his new surroundings gave him a rude awakening in contrast to north London
Wilshere said: "I wanted to play. I stayed for the first half of the year, played a few league games, a few Carling Cup games
I must have been driving him [Wenger] mad because January came and he said to me: 'Go and play some games
' I had a few choices. I could have gone to Hull or Sunderland but it must have been transfer deadline day
Me and my dad were drove up to Bolton and we got out of the car and it was freezing and I recall thinking: 'Jesus what are we doing here?'" Despite that, he said that playing for Coyle's side aided his career and helped him to 'grow up' as the demands of playing for Bolton was completely different compared to Arsenal
He also revealed how the likes of Coyle, Kevin Davies and Chelsea defender Gary Cahill helped him to flourish and play his natural game
"Owen Coyle was brilliant. I think I said before it was like a finishing school but that's wrong
It was more like a massive learning curve. "Playing in the Premier League. There was a different mentality
You're playing with people who need to win games. Need to get their win bonus. Need to win for the fans
That's a different mentality than youth football. It made me grow up. Gary Cahill was there
Kevin Davies. This is a Bolton team known for being horrible. They let me develop
Sometimes in midfield when I got the ball I'd try and beat a player but I'd lose it
But they encouraged me to keep going. They were brilliant with me." Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from football
london via the free football.london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play
Victoria et David Beckham leur mariage en crise, beaucoup de larmes au menu - Duration: 1:27.
【Kman】三日不打台!會變得如何?[台湾UFOキャッチャー UFO catcher]#414 - Duration: 10:02.
Bài #11 (9/11) - Âm /t/ & /k/: Luyện tập Sound journey - Phát âm tiếng Anh giọng Mỹ - Duration: 3:41.
In the first activity, we will test your ability
to recognize the /t/d/ and the /k/g/ sounds in words.
You will hear 4 words, and you will have to make 4 decisions.
We start at "1".
After hearing each word, you'll have to make a decision:
turn left or turn right, based on what sound you hear in each word.
If you hear the /s/ or /z/ as the final sound of the word,
you have to turn to the left.
And if you hear the /t/, /d/, /k/ or /g/ as the final sound of the word,
you have to turn to the right.
After 4 words, we will arrive in a city.
Your job is to correctly guess the name of the city where we have arrived.
Let's do an example:
We're going to the right.
We're going to the right.
We're going to the left.
We're going to the right.
We are in Seattle.
Can you hear the final /t/ sound pronounced as a /d/ in "Seattle"?
In the first and second set of words I will say each word twice.
Are you ready?
Where are we? Write the name of the city in the comments.
Second set of words. Are you ready?
Where are we?
In the third and fourth set of words I will say each word only once.
Are you ready?
Where are we?
Fourth set of words. Are you ready?
Where are we?
Write the name of the cities in the comments.
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