Sir, please let me know, if you want any work done.
Dr Vibhuti Nag has received ten thousand calls in 10 days, at our TV studio.
Whether is about the Big Bang Theory or a discussion on Bhagwat Gita.
From Raj Yog to Aadi Yog.
Callers ask him questions, every day.
If you have any question, you too can call Dr Vibhuti Nag on this number.
Greeting, Hello everybody. Welcome to your favorite show.
Trust us, it's true.
In 10 days, 150 hours, and 900 calls in a day.
If we sum it up, its 9000 calls.
And every call has a new topic.
You all want to know, how was that possible?
Man's memory has no limit.
Yes it's absolutely true.
To challenge us, we have tonight with us Professor Vibhuti Nag.
Welcome sir.
To participate in the show, from Limca book of records..
We have some participants in our studio.
No need to think, call 04024062686
Call on this number. Ask any number from 1 to 9000 to us.
Professor Vibhuti Nagji, will tell you the hidden message behind the number.
Hello sir. Welcome to the show.
Hello, my name is Krishna. Your program is very good, madam.
Thank you sir. Which number have you selected?
956, caller number 956. It's Shankar Shastri from Tirupati.
The first part of Putana Bhagwat says..
[Sanskrit Shlok]
[Sanskrit Shlok][Sanskrit Shlok]
[Sanskrit Shlok]
Call number 3176.
Shakespeare's quote, 'we know what we are. But no not, what we maybe.'
Good morning Arvind.
Sweetie, why do you call me so early in the morning?
Will it be a sin, if I don't wish you Good morning?
Leave this, switch on the Tv. There is a wonderful program.
Call on distance of light .9.460284x10 to the power of 12 kilometers.
Wow, I cannot believe my ears sir.
It was made in 1955, Satyajit Ray, had made this film Pather Panchali.
Heroine named Bandini had acted in the movie.
It was inspired by the novel of Bhibhuti Bhushan Bandhyopadhyay.
The movie was praised a lot.
Last question of today, Professor.
And these 2 guys who have come from the Limca book of records, will ask you.
Sir, please ask.
call number 5983
The fundamental rights of Indian constitution.
Right to equality. Right to freedom.
Right against exploitation. Right to freedom of Religion.
Cultural and educational rights.
Right to constitutional remedies.
And right to live.
Wow, impressive. Sir, how do you remember so much?
Tell us, sir, how is this possible.
I don't know, if this is true or not. And I am not ready to accept this.
How is this possible?
When I asked Professor, he smiled and left the studio.
In reality how is this possible?
To know more about this, let's ask the knowledgeable doctor Siddhartha..
..who is doing research on human brain.
Not many people are aware of our Vedas and texts.
But our ancestors were well versed with them.
If you properly activate your subconscious mind.
Then you will be able to know..
..each and every event going to take place in your life.
But even I want to know, how Vibhuti Nagji acquired this knowledge.
Thank you very much Dr Sidharthji.
You gave us very good information. Goodbye. Thank you friends.
We will get back with a new episode, next week.
Signing off, Gayathri Bhargava from Charan TV.
Good bye.
So, how did you like the Program?
Quite interesting. Why not, these programs should be praised.
Well done, keep doing it.
Wow, Sir is giving permission.
Hey it's your younger brother's birthday. Should we go to meet him?
What's the matter? You are very excited to meet him?
I want to please all your family members, so I can use them.
From them? Impossible.
Why not?
Because, my family hates me.
Should I start birthday celebration, from 4 days ago?
You got a silver medal in the Olympiad? Oh a bronze medal.
Let's party.
What's this? We work so hard, and if we win an award, then we must party.
If we don't party, success too will elude us.
How should we? Brother had got a Gold medal at the Olympiad.
Is it so?
If you even win a medal at the Olympiad, your family will blow the trumpet.
But what will happen to me?
But some day, I will definitely prove that I am better than him.
After that we will have a grand celebration.
That's the spirit, man.
Bro, should I ask Neha out for a date?
Yes, grab the opportunity. Quickly ask her.
Will she agree?
If not with you, then will she agree to me?
If you don't mind I can talk to her for you.
No stop, I will only handle her.
- Sure? - Yes definitely.
I completely believed in you Meghna.
You had made this project. But you messed it up.
Does that mean it's all my fault?
Yes of course.
Sir, you can't make me a scapegoat.
When I developed the idea, everyone agreed it was an excellent one.
Now, when the idea did not work out, you are blaming me.
If everyone's idea does not work out, it's everyone's fault.
What are you saying? You are the project manager.
You are responsible for the failure or success of the project.
I am sorry, you can leave now.
Did you order something?
Is this your Project?
Give your requirements.
Arvind, don't insult me.
I am working on this project since the last 3 months.
I know you are good.
But it's not that easy, that you can do anything.
Ok, do you have any other option?
Ok, please do.
Thank you.
Well baby.
What happened? Should I order one more sandwich?
I want a treat.
Oh Arvind.
What did you just say?
I am just good. Now you understand.
Your boyfriend is not only good but the best.
I agree, you are the best.
It's not like that, it was complicated, so I was able to solve it quickly.
Had it been easy, then it would have been trouble for me.
One minute.
Hello, Meghna.
Sir, I have solved the code.
Meghna I knew you would do it. You just needed a push.
Our company will reach heights.
Not our company, only I.
And all our clients, sorry My clients.
You back stabber.
Minister you very well know, who I am.
For me money and status have no value. They are of no importance.
I helped you today. It's because of love, not any selfish motive.
I know you don't like all this.
Because of you I have come out of depression.
That's why I want to help you. Don't misunderstand me.
Why are you in a hurry to introduce me the CM.
CM had seen your program, he wants to be your disciple.
That's why he spoke to me.
He is much tensed. If you meet him once then things will be better.
Ok I will think about it.
Just meet him once.
Good morning sir.
Good morning DSP. How are you?
Very well, sir.
Guruji, this is DSP Manoj. He saved me when the Naxalites attacked me.
I had mentioned it to you.
Manoj, this is Professor Vibhuti Nag, doctorate in Yoga and Psychology.
Sir, I have heard a lot about you.
About me? Who am I? I am just a common professor who teaches the kids.
I have heard a lot about you, and your bravery.
You are absolutely right.
Manoj is very matured, believes in the law.
And most importantly, nobody can touch him.
The most fearless guy I have ever seen.
He can achieve anything.
That's very good.
Ok Guruji. I have to go. Please consider what I told you.
Nice meeting you, Sir DSP.
It's my pleasure, sir.
Would you like to spend some time with me?
Sure sir.
If you want to walk with me, you will have to slower your pace.
I am not as young as you are. I am getting old.
Sure sir.
So you agree?
I have seen you somewhere.
Yes sir.
I had met you during Mahi's suicide case.
Oh so you are Mahesh's colleague.
I remember the case. They closed the case, declaring it as suicide.
But I still suspect it.
We will meet again and discuss about this .Ok
Sure sir. I will give you a call.
Arvind, who was he? He was talking of some suicide case.
He is the DSP. We will talk about it later.
Is your shopping over. Let's go.
Wake up, Dhiraj. Hello brother.
Sit here.
No over acting. Happy birthday my dear brother.
Thanks brother, thank you so much.
- She is my friend Meghna. - Hi.
- Hi. - Happy birthday Raj.
- Thank you. - You won silver medal at the Olympiad.
Did brother not tell you, he had won a gold medal?
Brother, last time, you had got cakes and Lollypops.
This time you haven't got anything.
You are still stuck at cakes and lollypops.
When I was student I used to take from father.
I have got something different for you.
What is it brother? You are making me very curious. What is it?
Surprise. Just go and watch.
Wow yes.
Thanks brother. Thanks a lot.
- How the bike? - It's really good.
This is from Meghna.
Thank you Meghna.
Actually I shouldn't have spoken to you, the way I spoke inside.
It's ok.
Brother introduced you to me, he really loves me a lot.
We fight a lot at home. You both make a good couple.
I am ok to be your witness.
Leave about us, it seems the back seat of your bike is waiting for someone.
First meet her.
This is my regular hanging spot.
- It's very nice. - Thank you.
I enjoyed the day a lot.
Me too. It was a good date.
- What are you doing Raj? - Come on, let's have some fun.
Come on.
- Sorry. - Idiot.
- Good morning sir. - Good morning.
During my tenure I haven't seen such a painful death.
Have you taken the close photographs of them?
Sir, this is not murder but suicide.
What, are you sure?
He had closed the door, since the past 3 days.
He has shot his own self.
Oh God, I can't even imagine the pain.
I think he was mentally unstable sir.
Doctor, I know him very well. He is mentally very tough.
But. Hitler too had committed suicide.
Don't you know? Everyman has his own weakness.
I will deal with her. She slapped me.
Forget her. We have lost a lot because of her.
Look, we have so little money left.
Buddies, you started so early today?
Not from morning, but from night.
We started from night and the game is yet not over.
Studying is more fun than anything else.
Don't act smart, throw the newspaper.
Hey, look at this.
He was the chief guest during the festival.
- DSP, Manoj right? - Yes.
What did he tell us that day?
If I put my heart on my sleeves and chase someone, I can achieve anything.
How can such a man commit suicide?
Let me read the news.
DSP Manoj, suicide, investigations are on.
Why are you so interested in this suicidal case?
What happened?
What are you doing?
This is a puzzle, if we solve it, we will get a message.
Are you a detective Byomkesh Bakshi? That he will message you.
Why are you using your brains un necessarily. Tell me.
Why are you laughing?
- This.. - Look at this.
These numbers in this column of matrix, is surely hinting something.
It seems he is surely going mad.
Nothing tell me, what's next.
Yes, let's look from a spiral view.
I L L.
Illuminate, but what?
Look here. M I N D. mind.
You are super.
Stop praising, get the paper, and start solving.undertsand.
If I stay with him, I will go mad completely.
Is there a problem? No problem brother.
Arvind. When did you come?
I just came Priya.
When will my mother become normal?
I know you are feeling bad.
You also know very well, there is no chance.
It's not in my hands to take her out of this shock.
Only a miracle can save her.
I understand Priya.
But don't worry. We have some good news.
Suddenly the pus has stopped, you can take her home very soon.
That's really great news doctor.
Thank you so much.
You are welcome.
Now wait outside, till I check her.
Let it be brother, you have spent a lot of money.
Ok don't worry, under this condition, Mahesh paid money.
We will take mother home very soon.
I am very happy today. Ok I am going.
- Okay. Bye. - Bye.
- Hello. - Hey Meghna. Where are you?
Where else, in the room. I have resigned, so I am totally free.
- Will you come for dinner? - Why not.
I will get ready. I will see you soon. Bye.
Clients have given a very good response.
Clients will also continue for a startup.
Arvind I want to thank you. You saved my career.
And added colors to my life.
I should also say this. I wanted to leave everything and run from here.
- What? - Yes.
I wanted to resign from my job and go far from the city.
Thanks to you, there is a new beginning today.
Why did you not tell me before? Arvind what's happening?
Meghna, I don't want to remember all that.
He was my best friend. And I did not help him.
I lost him.
It all happened because of me.
Are you talking of Mahesh? Tell me what had happened to him?
I told you, reminiscing certain things are painful.
But still I want to talk about him now.
Everyone makes a mistake, Arvind.
Do you know about Nag raj?
- Nag raj? - Yes.
Is it a curse?
Before being a curse, he was a king. He was very valiant.
Indra gave him a boon, being impressed by his strength.
The place where no man can reach, he had achieved that.
Then why was he cursed.
Arvind I told you, to err is human.
He had relation with Indra's wife.
He tricked her as the 'seven sages'.
Celestial sage Agastya, kicked him with his leg.
And he was cursed by his curse.
He left the land of heaven and all his fame..
..aura, lost everything and fell flat on the earth.
The real story starts from here.
Do you know about the magnanimity of Nag raj?
Every failure gives rise to a victory.
He was cursed because of Indra and fell on earth and became Nag Raj.
This was good for both.
The waves that goes behind it, leaves its strength behind.
But it does not stop but gains confidence.
We too should live like this. We have to face our difficulties bravely.
We always have to pray God to give us strength to fight.
Everything will be fine.
Meghna, you are an angel.
During my childhood. My father told me stories of Nag Raj.
I loved them.
I am a man, I will climb and stay. Not only do I have to get up.
Only your hand. My god too rises up with me.
You surprise me with a new angle every time.
"You are my hearts way, and my eyes desires."
Without you, everything is meaningless.
Always keep talking of you, love you everywhere.
I can't bear a moment without you.
You are always within me.
You are my strength, you give me peace.
You are my friend.
You are in my breath, in my emotions, why does my heart desire you?
- Bye. - Bye.
- Hello brother. - What a surprise brother.
Why dint you inform me you were coming?
I was passing by, so thought of meeting you.
Take this.
Tell me, what's the matter?
Actually, was trying to solve a puzzle.
Numbers and codes. Just look at it once.
This is the duo decimal number. Placing atomic weight.
Chemical compounds.
Brother this was so easy.
I spent the whole day, trying to solve it. I did not get this idea at all.
There are no rules and regulations to solve such puzzles.
Just hit and run, that's all.
You know, I can solve such problems very quickly.
Seriously. Thanks brother.
It's been long, since we chatted like this.
It's true.
Whenever we meet, you any how start a fight.
It's not always me, who starts the fight.
Anyways cheers to the new beginnings.
New Beginnings.
Is the minister in? Have some personal work with him.
Ok sir. At present Vibhuti Nag is with him.
I will let you know, as soon as he is free.
Vibhuti Nag? Who is he? Is he a minister?
He is minister's mentor. Minister was trying to meet him since a month.
Oh is he a sage. Ok.
They loot the public, and touch the feet of the sages..
..yet people worship them.
What kind of life is this?
Hello. Just a minute sir.
Sir, its CM on the line.
Just a minute.
Yes, sir. Tell me.
- You have called at the right time. - What happened?
- Did you speak to him? - Yes I have spoken to him.
He might agree. Sir he hasn't refused yet. He is very good.
Ok bye sir.
Guruji, CM had called again.
He would like to meet you, whenever you are free.
- I will let you know. - Okay.
I am going. Bye.
Do you know DSP had once saved my life?
I know sir. He was our role model.
But I still can't understand, why he committed suicide?
How's the investigation go on? Did you get any clue?
Sir, the case is stagnant. There is a mystery.
Sir, he lived alone. He was not even married.
There is no information about his physical and mental condition.
We had met at the park recently. He was absolutely fine.
He looked perfectly normal to me. Anyways keep me updated.
Sure sir.
Yes, I had introduced him to Vibhuti Nag.
The Guruji, who went now? That's the one.
Guruji can give information about anyone.
Meet him, you will get some information.
- Sure sir, I will meet him. - Good luck.
Hey what are you doing?
Leaving all your work aside, you are wasting your time, solving this puzzle.
This is not wasting time. There is some mystery hidden.
But one thing is sure.
If we follow the professor, our brain will become super.
All that's ok. But I feel this is weird.
I respect you, but I don't know why the old man was so interested about you.
I did not like it. I felt jealous.
Jealousy is nothing new to me.
I always feel jealous when I meet my brother.
That's why we keep fighting for silly things amongst us.
Leave this aside. Tell me, did you solve the puzzle?
Initially it was very tough, but finally did it.
Do you know, what was that puzzle?
Musical notes.
But it's weird, the relation between musical notes..
..puzzle and this professor.
What is it after all, I did not understand.
Ok, how much did you solve?
Yes I too solved.
It was very integral.
I solved and made a graph. A human figure was formed.
Hey, there are 10 miscalls.
Let it be, its brother.
Sorry to disturb you sir. Home minister Pratap ji has asked me to meet you.
Regarding what.
Regarding the suicide of the DSP.
He said I will definitely get some information from you.
We have the information, before dying he had come to meet you here.
Yes, he had. We had gone to the park too. Let's sit and talk.
Ask me.
Did you see anything unusual in DSP'S behavior?
When I met him he was fine.
But there were some misconceptions in him.
Maybe due to that he would have committed suicide.
What? He said he doesn't fear.
Yes, he was the most daring officer, I have met in my life.
This is the problem. There is fear underneath the brave exterior.
This becomes his death. Are you scared of what I am saying?
You have brains, strength.
A brave man like you can achieve anything.
It's a very powerful statement.
Do you feel, you have all these qualities.
Professor, I can't brag my own trumpet.
I am always with the law, and will keep doing so.
But I am not scared of anyone.
That means you don't get scared.
But I can't believe you.
That means you have not understood me well.
I have understood you very well Manoj.
You are not at all, like how people think you are.
I think you are very scared from within.
Professor you are challenging me.
Very soon I will show you my strength and power.
Professor, are you challenging me.
You are restless to accept the challenge.
Ok come to my house tonight.
Sure sir. At your service.
Ok meet you at night.
There is fear in the man which comes out at the right time.
Come in Manoj.
Come, sit in front of me.
As you say, professor.
Tell me professor, you were speaking about fear.
I see a lot of fear in your eyes.
Come on Professor, will you tell the same thing again and again.
This stupid paintings, dressing up like a mad man.
You want to scare me with all this?
You should try something else.
Is it. Then ok.
How can you prove that there is no fear in you?
I alone fought with 10 Naxalites.
I have spent the whole night at the crematorium to catch the drug mafia.
I did not feel scared then.
This is just showing off Manoj. Say something new.
Whether I have fear in me or not is irrespective..
..but I can show how much fear you have.
The cowards use weapons Manoj.
Keep it next to you.
And see this.
Fear is seen in this darkness. It's true.
But there is no darkness.
Fear. You said you don't fear at all.
Lies, you are a big coward. You are trembling with fear.
You are feeling scared.
Professor I want to go home immediately.
I want to go home now.
Go away, who has stopped you?
Officer, are you scared? I will not do anything to you.
I will answer everything that you ask.
You just have to do one thing.
Listen very carefully to each and every word of mine.
Pay attention. That's all.
Will you obey whatever I say?
Definitely professor.
That's good.
You look in the front.
Inhale your breath. Pull your breath in.
Now release it slowly.
Release your breath slowly now.
Exhale slowly.
Slowly slowly exhale.
Slowly slowly exhale.
Slowly slowly exhale.
Slowly slowly exhale.
Slowly slowly exhale.
I have reached the hostel.
Where are you? Will call you back later.
Neha, I am sorry. I said sorry.
- Leave me. - Neha.
Look into my eyes.
- I am sorry. - It's ok.
Come, I want to talk something with you.
What happened? What are you hiding from me?
Nothing brother.
Where is Raj?
He has gone out for some work.
I called him several times, but he did not pick up the phone.
What's the matter?
Hope you are not doing anything illegal.
No brother, it's not that.
What is all this? Will you tell me what the matter is?
Brother, a few days ago we met a professor.
So, did you guys solve my puzzle?
- Yes sir. - Then come in.
Among you, who solved the puzzle? You or him.
We both did it together sir.
But this is not for 2 people. If I say yes to one of you, what will you do?
We both will go sir.
Is it so.
- Let's go. - Wait. Sit.
This time you were able to solve together..
..but from further on, you will not be able to solve it together.
Ok sir, we will do it separately.
- Yes. - Ok fine.
Hope you have not mentioned to anyone that you both are here.
We said we are going for tuitions. And we did not tell anyone.
Ok. I will teach my knowledge.
So what do you think about mind?
Your mind is your real mentor.
Whatever you learn it is because of your mind.
You can decode anything with your mind.
Any strategy any plan you can decode.
How is that professor?
What you want to learn, I can teach you in a second.
But before that you both solve this puzzle and show me.
Understood. That's all.
Sir, if you don't mind should I ask you something.
Why should I praise you?
You don't trust me.
Blind fold me with that cloth.
One of you stay here and the other go up.
You can change the things there according to your wish.
I will arrange everything back again.
- Okay. - Go.
I am going.
You had used a lot of brains.
What you saw was a small sample.
I have a lot to show you and teach you.
Symbols, numbers and words. That's the game.
You both solve these puzzles.
Then I will teach you about enchanting and casting spell.
Sir, if you teach us your knowledge, then we are ready to do anything for you.
That's good. I too was desperate to learn like you.
You too seem to be a very matured boy to me.
Sir, I too won't take long to solve this.
Good, I too want you all to solve quickly.
I also want to see how quickly you can solve.
- Yes sir. - Yes sir.
You did not tell me your names.
Raj, The Raj, I mean Dhiraj.
- Nice. - Come.
Ok sir.
He had given 3 puzzles. We solved 2 puzzles.
So, Raj's last puzzle was solved by me.
Now tell me where is he?
Did you meet him again after solving the puzzle?
Yes brother.
Come, my favorite disciples.
Looking at your faces it seems you have solved it.
Sir, we did it.
Very good.
I know you have many questions in your heart.
But all these questions will only be answered when.
You succeed. Do you understand?
I am from a small village. My father was a carpenter.
From childhood I wanted to learn a lot.
I did not want to become a carpenter.
But nobody can change their destiny.
But how did you achieve all this professor?
How did you come in this field?
We want to know.
When I was a student in school there were magicians there.
I was attracted to them. I chased them.
I just had 10 rupees in my pocket, given by my father.
I wanted to learn something new, from my heart.
I was 13 years old. I went off with them in that age.
After a few days I realized that they did not know anything.
What we see is a small trick. They don't have any power of mantras.
They were ignorant. Among the magicians they was an old magician too.
I asked him, how can I acquire all these powers in reality?
He answered, all the powers are in Yoga. Go to Haridwar.
I thought they were joking.
I kept wondering looking for it. Wandering away.
I reached Haridwar. I did yoga. I met the sages, saints, ascetics.
I spent a lot of time with them.
Finally I was desperate to eat. I ate unbelievable things.
I sacrificed cannibals in front of the fearless Shiva.
I even ate corpses with the ravenous gormandizers, with skulls and bones.
Wow, professor, your life was so adventurous.
Because I have won, I seem courageous to you.
If I had lost then?
You too would have called me a mad man, and shooed me away as a worthless man.
Isn't it?
I have seen all this.
And I am still learning a lot. From where? I have a book. From there.
If you help me in solving this puzzle.
Whatever I have learnt I will teach you.
That's the deal.
Yes professor it's a deal.
Keep this. If till now whatever puzzles you have solved.
This is tougher than that.
But still let's see, how you solve this one.
Professor you were going to teach hypnotism. Did you forget?
For whatever I have done, it's not wrong to ask for the results.
But you don't need to learn all that, because.
In the puzzles that you have solved..
..the study of casting a spell is hidden in it.
Just like how a man can make a normal doll.
Similarly he can make a mountain.
Do you see this flower, the chemical which comes out of it?
It makes the mind sub conscious.
Nothing special.
You can go anywhere and pluck flower and make this chemical from it.
It's easy you don't need to go to any laboratory.
You can even make it at home.
Musical notes , according to Mongolian oculist, this can be done.
By the process of shamanism.
You can go to another world.
Even after dying, man can meet anyone.
If we use all the three.
Then the process of casting a spell will act as the great divine mantra.
After that, to whoever you will apply it, will do exactly what you say.
Let's go. I will teach you that music tongs.
Ok, show me the puzzles.
This much is enough for now.
Let it go.
I will give you freedom from this selfish world, inspector.
I can free you.
You accept me as your mentor.
Hear what I am saying and believe that.
Obey what I am saying.
Every week visit here.
What's your name?
Harsh sir.
Now you will remain my slave till you die.
Hey Dhiraj, this is awesome. She does whatever I tell her to do.
- Really. - Yes it's true.
Whatever I say, she does.
Now we will control the director, professor everyone at college.
Everyone will obey us.
Yes buddy, we will rule.
We will follow everything that professor tells us.
Bro, do you have a match stick?
Hero, can't you hear us?
Will it affect you, if you answer us?
Can't you hear?
Hey, are we joking with you?
- You.. - How dare you hit me?
Hit him.
You think you are super man?
He was just asking for a match stick right?
Can you hear or not?
It's all my fault.
That's why it happened.
Because of my deeds it
What? Why are you remembering, what is over.
It's not over. It's not over.
It's not over? Means.
Has Mahesh come back?
How are Raj and Mahesh related?
What happened to Mahesh is being repeated again.
My Raj.
Meghna, let's go far away from here.
We will take Raj and go far away.
Arvind, whatever it is. We are not running away.
If matured people like you, also run away then what will happen?
Honestly tell me what has happened. Then will decide.
We both will get together and face the problem.
There is a diary in this cupboard. Bring it near me.
Yes success.
At college, Mahesh was my best friend.
We had met for the first time, to make solar lamp, prototype
After that we were together.
To continue our research on solar energy.
We had decided and in relation with the renewable power.
We had decided we will discover the new technology.
So we joined a big company called R N T, to make solar power.
Excellent guys. Arvind and Mahesh.
You both have prepared such a good project in such a short span.
To increase this project, we want to send both of you to Chicago.
Be ready for that one.
Congratulations once again.
- Thank you. - Congratulations.
Everything was going on as we wanted.
Everything was perfect.
But slowly things started changing.
Where were you? You did not come to office?
Before going to US, we need to do a lot of work.
There is so much of work. Buddy.
You take care of all the work. I will not come to US.
I have taken a month's leave from the office.
You won't come?
What are you saying?
All are efforts will go in vain.
Honestly tell me, what you are saying.
I will tell you, when the times come.
Either he used to keep playing with match sticks.
Or keep staring at the ceiling for hours.
I thought after I come back, everything will be fine.
Hey why is your hand so cold?
How was your tour?
- Everybody liked our idea? - Yes.
It was a big hit.
Leave all that. What has happened to you?
You have become very weird. Will you please tell me what the matter is?
I am playing a game. A high risk game on life.
You know me well.
I will be very happy to share everything with you.
But I don't want to trap you in all this.
But I messed it up.
I don't know what I should do.
Please be with me, today evening.
I need you.
What kind of madness is this?
Tell me what is the matter?
I will tell you. But please be with me in the evening.
I will tell you everything. Will you stay?
Sure. I will be there.
Let me rest for a while.
Thanks Arvind.
After meeting him, I felt an awkward fear.
Arvind. Come
Come with me.
I kept explaining to myself, that I am not responsible for whatever happened.
That day if I had not rested.
Then what ever happened with Mahesh, would not have happened.
I could not help him.
I dumped him.
In a way I was responsible for his suicide.
Yes. Me.
Mahesh you have made a mistake.
A very big mistake.
Mahesh, when did you learn this technique?
Just now, professor. I have just solved the last chapter.
Let me show you.
Mahesh this is a great job.
Let's talk, I will show you a new technique today.
Ok sir.
Sir, this is very difficult.
Don't worry Mahesh.
You need to practice some more.
You have achieved everything. You have come much ahead.
I will try my level best sir.
Hey Mahesh.
I have made a mistake.
You should have waited for me to complete my last chapter.
You have made a mistake. You have done very wrong.
Oh God. Help me.
Help me.
Why do I need God. I am God myself.
I am God.
Only he knows everything.
He alone. Absolutely alone.
I just need to find a solution to take his life, if he is eliminated, then.
Tell me where are you?
Yes I got it.
Uncoil the serpent of light, in eternal darkness.
Mind is the path to perpetual power.
He who dares will illuminate.
Vibhuti Nag.
It seems a familiar name.
- He was there on the TV program. - Oh my god.
He is super human. Now what shall we do?
What's there to do? Let's go and meet him.
Many people have solved this.
How much time did you take?
- One day. - Not bad.
Actually an hour.
There was only one man, who could solve it in an hour.
Who is he? Can I meet him?
If I had met him, I would never have given this add.
And you would not have come in front of me.
Come on. Come on. Let me see.
How fast you are.
Solve this puzzle and show me.
You think I have come here to solve your puzzles?
Not just to solve this puzzle.
There are many secrets hidden in this.
Whatever answers you want are written here.
Whatever you want, whatever you ask, you can achieve it by this.
What do you want?
Sir, I have come for my weekly dose.
You go in. I am coming.
You solve this puzzle, I will get back in an hour.
How are you feeling Harsh?
Very nice professor.
I am blessed to have a mentor like you.
Thank you Guruji.
I have already crossed this path, I trust you.
You will not deceive me.
Thank you professor. Thanks a lot.
Listen to me very carefully.
Whatever I ask as a gift in return, you will have to do it.
Speak professor, I will do as you say.
I will tell you, when the time comes.
Now go.
Have you got all the wisdom, that you are trying to read these books?
After finishing my work, it's not my habit to pretend to keep working.
Awesome. I have never ever met anyone who could solve this puzzle.
My invention is complete.
You become my disciple. We will strategize..
Inspector, you may go now.
Thank you professor, meet you next week.
You must have understood everything.
Support me in my invention. Solve my puzzle.
I can bring out the hidden powers of yours.
What do you say? Speak.
Tell, what you want. Whatever secrets are hidden inside you.
Irrespective of right or wrong I can complete them.
Tell me, what do you want? Tell me.
Distance my brother from all this.
Brother? Who is he?
Is he your brother?
It's the truth, even if I want, I cannot distance him away from all this.
Even you know this.
Teach me all the wisdom.
I will try to free him from all this.
Ok fine. Remember what I told you earlier.
We both have to understand each other.
Like how I met the yogis and Hindu ascetics who eat flesh of corpses.
Then after that, some foreigners came to India to do research on yoga.
I joined them to get knowledge from them.
I started living with them.
I used to carry their luggage when they were going to meet the sages.
Then I heard them talk. I learnt a lot from them.
When they saw my sharp mind, they took me to Germany to study.
When I came back. India was a changed country.
They have written this book in 40 years.
All the secrets are wordlessly written in this book.
This is a great awesome book.
But one by one they started disappearing.
None of them was saved.
Only one man was saved.
I got this book from Alexander Cain.
What are you seeing?
Art music science intelligence.
- Is there no power? - No.
Interesting. Should we start?
What happened? Is the puzzle solved?
We have a problem because of attendance, so I went to college to clear that.
Hey are you dumb.
We can get any degree from any university.
Don't you understand this simple thing?
Why are you wasting time for attendance?
I am telling you seriously.
Tell me if you want to do, or else I will do it alone myself.
Oh he wants to leave me alone?
I too will teach him a lesson.
You can't even imagine what I will do to you.
Forget everything.
Finish all the delusions associated with you.
You forget your own self.
Take out your inner strengths.
You will understand if you see your own self.
How much things have changed.
I generally never meet anyone.
But what you said over the phone seemed very interesting.
That's why I gave you an appointment.
Sir, I am not able to believe , even after learning..
..that scientifically a man can gain such powers
What we know is called science.
What we don't know is called magic.
You know, science is a part of spirituality.
100 years ago.. travelled from one place to another, but nobody believed it.
Today they travel by airplane, that's called science.
Airplane is a thing. But for a human to acquire super natural powers.
It's like a man getting more powers.
Let me tell you. At the Himalayas I met a man, whose age was 400 years.
Staying there he could understand some energy changes..
..taking at a far off place.
This game what Vibhuti Nag is playing? Is very simple for them.
If man can control his heart, then he can acquire many powers within him.
The heart can take a man to great heights.
And even can make them collapse.
Thanks sir.
I am doing more research on art.
I told you over the phone, about a book.
3 Europeans, a musician, a mathematician, a botanist, a dancer.
The professor had told me..
..Alexander Cain, gave this book to all of them, in the end.
There is some secret hidden in this book.
My friend has already sacrificed his life.
I am scared for my brother.
I will work out about Alexander Cain.
I will call you as soon as I come to know.
But till then you be careful.
If the mind weakens, the dark side will become heavier.
The battle between good and bad keeps ensuing.
What. I can't move a step ahead.
If we don't solve this, how will we learn more from the professor?
What to do?
Hi brother.
What happened to you?
- What will happen to me? - I am absolutely fine.
I am working on a project, so I am busy. Nothing else.
Ok. Then the project must be very interesting.
It's very interesting brother.
Just have a glance at this. How's is this looking brother?
What is this? This doesn't seem like your project.
No this is not a project. This is just a puzzle.
Actually I had shown you earlier too. You remember.
It is a puzzle? I don't have time to solve puzzle.
I am very busy.
Brother please do it once. One last time. I won't ask you again.
Brother please solve it.
This seems very difficult. I will do it later.
You will solve it. Please try it once at least.
I told you I am very busy.
What are you saying? I have come from very far, don't you know.
You talk all big talks, you are doing drama.
I know you don't want to help me. Damn you.
Oh now I get it.
You don't want me to reach your position, so you are hesitating.
You are a coward.
- Cut it out. - Don't talk nonsense.
I believed in your words that was my mistake.
It was a big mistake of mine. Thank you. Good bye.
Hey loser. You keep playing the video game all the time.
You don't have any work and keep chasing the professor for attendance.
Don't you trust your own self?
Now what happened? Arvind must have solved the puzzle.
He dint even look at the puzzle.
Arrogant fellow.
What will we do now?
You say what we should do now.
What can we do except solving puzzle.
But how?
The professor will only teach us if we solve the puzzle.
That too, from the book which he has kept.
That book, the book.
What if we steal the book from him?
Yes we can do this.
It might take some time, but we will learn everything.
Hey this is risky.
I want that book. So what if I have to kill Raj.
The book is mine.
Arvind, the man who attains the power of Kundalini yoga..
..attains the supreme power of enchantment.
Do you understand? But this is very difficult.
You need to have full confidence on your mentor.
Are you understanding? Do you feel it.
Amazing powers are coming out of you.
Do you feel it?
Let's go. We will take a walk and come.
- Guruji. We need your help. - What help do you need?
You become the advisor of the..
..planning commission for the development of the nation.
CM. I explained a lot to you. I have no attachment for money or status
Exactly. So that's why we want to give you this post.
If you become the advisor. It will be for the betterment for the nation.
Please agree for it.
You wait at the mediation room, I will come back.
Ok Guruji.
- CM is here? - Yes.
He is learning yoga from me since a month.
Professor, why are you doing this?
Why am I doing this, is not a big problem.
The problem is, whether you will support me or not.
Of course, you stand I will answer.
I know very well. But remember one thing Arvind.
This strategy that I am constructing, you will also have a part of it.
Think and take a decision.
Keep concentrating.
Did you get the book?
Leave it. We are childhood friends.
Have we ever fought before this?
We are arguing so much because of this.
Why so much of struggle? For what?
We are being controlled by some powers..
..because of the greed of acquiring some powers.
Let's leave all this. Please.
Amazing. What are you saying?
I should leave everything. And lead a losers live chasing my brother.
This is what you want?
My brother is learning everything from that professor.
I don't understand, how does he know the professor?
It seems he has followed me and has known about him.
He met the professor, he is learning all his knowledge from him.
I saw with my own eyes. And what am I doing here?
I am breaking my head with you.
Now, anyhow I want the book.
Is it so.
I will support you.
- We will get the book. - Yes.
Yes professor, tell me.
I have enquired about Alexander. I am mailing you.
Thank you professor.
So, David Beladino, is a French musician.
Wendell Kris, botanist from Germany.
He is also a mathematician, that's why he is in Alexander's team.
They all had gone to the Himalayas together.
But nobody knows from there, where did they disappear.
But I feel I know, what must have happened after that.
Arvind, really what must have happened?
All this started to gain knowledge.
The hunger of power made them selfish.
They started deceiving each other.
Maybe they started killing each other.
They become totally mad.
Vibhuti Nag, killed Alexander Cain and took the book from him.
That book is doing everything.
How can the book do it?
The knowledge in that book, arouses the hunger of power in a man.
To fulfill everyone's desire. To help for the betterment of everyone.
The yogi will get the book and will get enchanted by it.
If someone forcefully tries to take this book.
He will become a demon.
And then he will try to rule this world.
That book will show him the path too.
Thank you professor, your information was helpful.
Sit down.
Did you see how they disappeared in the Himalayas?
For example. You must have seen a police officer called Harsh.
He has no self-control at all.
That's why he is going on making mistakes, one after the other.
If physically and mentally he gets more stressed..
..then he will be able to come out of the trans.
But he goes into a depression immediately.
Then he goes to the Guru to take medicines.
But how does he cure the person?
Mahesh had undergone severe depression. We can't cure him.
But in the early stages, we can give them more stress..
..and get him to the normal position.
Ok, how to face this situation? Professor.
Theoretically if we activate our sub conscious mind correctly.
Then nobody can harm us.
But as I told you, I have not faced such a situation.
I don't not think I have such willpower inside me.
Have you read John Nash's, biography, the beautiful mind?
No professor.
He had done that.
His wife had trusted him.
His love for his wife distances him from this enchantment.
Got it, professor.
- Thank you. - Good luck.
Meghna. You have do one thing.
Yes Arvind tell me.
You go to Raj. Nothing should happen to Raj and Dhiraj.
If possible separate them and create a distance between them.
What happened?
They both are in trouble.
Now what I am going to do. If it fails then they both will be harmed.
I don't have time to make you understand.
Because of that professor, they both can lose their lives.
Ok I am going immediately.
Art of hallucination.
What are you doing sir, I would have got a heart attack now.
Were you scared? I am there to save you.
You will save me? I don't trust you.
You are supporting my brother.
Then why have you come here.
That day I was teaching your brother. And you saw. I know that.
What do you understand? And I also know why you came.
Don't worry, I need a guy like you.
You brother is sharp.
But I need you.
Because he is smarter than you.
Whenever he will get the opportunity he will surely deceive me.
Do you understand?
Can you be him?
Yes sir I can.
Where is Dhiraj?
I left him midway, so he is very hurt.
I knew this.
Look I have got a book for you.
Copy everything and return it to me.
You can learn everything from him.
You can achieve, whatever you can.
But one thing, listen, you will have to do one work for me.
Tell me what to do. I will do.
I know about you. We both know about each other.
But I don't want anyone else to know about this book.
Irrespective of whoever the person is.
Emperor Ashok too became the supreme king after killing his brothers.
You had promised a lot of big talks.
I just want to get your friend killed.
That's all.
Now tell me, to prove your strength will you kill him?
Do you want to become the supreme king?
If you are the Chandragupta, then I will be Chanakya.
- Do you understand? - Yes sir.
Why did he come here?
Nothing, he just came to enquire about our progress.
- What are you hiding? - There is nothing here.
Show me.
What are you doing? Move back.
You.. How dare you to fight with me?
Move, what are you doing?
What are you both doing?
Are your brains working or not?
Vibhuti Nag is controlling you.
I was waiting for you.
Yesterday they made me the authority advisor.
Are you aware of it?
Come, let's play a game.
Professor, what is the responsibility of a mentor?
What do you think.. your eyes, all this which I have made, will I destroy it by enchantment?
No, my strategy is like the rising waves of the ocean.
Whenever I want I can make it peaceful like the river.
You promised everyone you will make this peaceful.
But you did nothing like that.
Something else happened with them.
Something went wrong with few of them.
But I am the only one to construct this, who is right.
Whoever will know this strategy will acquire both knowledge and freedom.
There is only one path.
There is one path for freedom, it's not an illusion to understand that.
Everyone can find their own path of freedom.. their own ways. There is happiness in that.
What weird things are you talking?
You are comparing the lowly people with me?
How dare you?
You don't worry. It's not your fault.
Brother knew everything.
That's why he did not want to help me.
Do you know where he is?
He is with the professor.
No. let's go there.
We have to save him.
No. You will not go anywhere from here.
You wait here, I will go and see if Arvind has come back.
You don't move from here at all. You both are safe here.
Arvind. This therapy is for you.
Now only one work is left.
You solve the last puzzle of the last page.
Then all the secrets will be known.
Should I tell you one thing?
Nobody is alive, who knows about this book, on this earth.
And nor will be alive.
Neither I nor you.
I have already started tying up the loose ends.
Only the last man will remain alive.
You just have to do that. You just finish the last chapter.
Ok professor.
It's time to return your gift to your mentor.
Where is Arvind going? What is he doing? Whom is he meeting?
Update me will all the details minute by minute.
Arvind, when did you come?
Thank god, nothing happened to you.
Nothing happened to Raj and Dhiraj too. Both are safe at the hospital.
Why are you interfering in everything?
Arvind you too are trapped by him.
You are controlled by Vibhuti Nag.
Come out of his illusion.
Solve this puzzle, it's very easy for you.
You also know everything. You too are my enemy.
Arvind. No.
Before killing me, listen to me.. anyhow have to come out of Vibhuti Nag's illusion,
Try to recollect who I am?
Arvind, even if you kill me, just once try to think about Mahesh.
You will be able to recollect everything.
Since the past 3-4 months, you are suffering a lot.
Now you want to kill me?
What have I done? Think about it?
Will you really kill me?
The waves that go behind, lose their power behind.
You have to recognize your power.
Can you recollect the conversation at the restaurant?
Then say along with me. What did my father say?
Woman or a man, I will keep rising.
Not only do I have to rise, but just your hand.
My God too, will even rise, higher with me.
Raj and Dhiraj too are safe.
Thank God, you have come out of it.
Arvind, you always said, it's good to lead a simple life.
We will go further away from here, to a small village.
We will teach songs to the kids, we will live our lives.
Simple. Simple.
It's a very simple answer, that's why the intellects missed it.
Sir, there is a girl in Arvind's room.
He tried to kill her, but was unsuccessful. She was saved.
Sir, he is hugging her.
Then he has started writing something.
He will complete the last chapter.
Harsh, listen to me carefully.
Neither of them should remain alive.
He too is gone.
Leave me.
Brother, even though you know I had come to kill you.
Why are you sparing me?
You did not come to kill me.
You were under the spell of Vibhuti Nag.
He promised to give you peace.
But he caused unrest.
A real mentor teaches Love.
But he will never ask to take someone's life.
He will teach the truth. Not to live with lies.
I hope you must have understood, what I have told you now.
I know I was doing wrongs things, but why was..
..I still doing what he was telling me to do.
I don't know, what has happened to me.
Forced depression.
Vibhuti Nag is responsible for the death of DSP too.
He was my inspiration.
Brother, I am really sorry. Please forgive me.
Since when has 'sorry' come in-between us.
You have truly supported your friend.
But I did not do it.
Maybe that's why I lost him.
You are better than me.
I am proud of you.
Let's take Harsh to our room.
Harsh, take rest.
Now, we just have one work left.
Let's go.
This is impossible.
Professor we will play once again.
This time no cheating.
Sure. Sure.
Did you complete the last puzzle?
Yes I did.
What is it? What is in life? To live with happiness.
Tell me, which chemical do I need to prepare?
How to empower myself, which composition is needed?
Is yoga the path to see the future?
Tell me, what is it?
Leave aside all that.
Will you answer my question?
You believe yourself to be a mentor.
Do you know what the greatest gift for a mentor is?
The disciple who is always ready to achieve something.. the greatest gift for the mentor.
I really don't know, whether this answer is yours or not.
But it is the correct answer.
Do you know, why does a mentor need such a disciple?
So that after he passes away, the disciple will spread his knowledge.
But what do you do?
You prepare your disciple as a corpse.
To become your disciple, your student is ready to do anything..
..even give up his life.
But what do you do with them?
Do you remember your favorite student?
My friend, who solved all your puzzles.
You too loved him a lot.
He solved all your puzzles.
And you pretend as if you have solved all the puzzles.
If somebody acquires more knowledge than you..
..then you become jealous.
You feel he might supersede you.
You feel scared.
So you dissuade his path. Sacrifice him.
This is not true. What are you saying? Who are you?
You are lying? Tell me, how did you know all this?
Kundalini syndrome. Isn't this your weapon?
This causes depression.
My friend died because of you.
You took his life. You call yourself a mentor.
You are not a mentor. You can't be a mentor.
The one who takes his disciples life, can't be a mentor.
I will kill you all.
Professor you promised to bring peace for all, but..
You lost control over your own self, when it came upon you.
How will you guide the people?
Harsh. Come.
It's your time, to return your dues to your mentor.
Time for you to prove, your devotion for your mentor.
Kill him. Kill him.
I understood dear, my enemy is within me.
I have killed so many innocent people with my hands.
To become the almighty, supremely powerful, I casted a spell on everyone.
I killed those who did not agree with me.
But ultimately in the end I have sinned like killing a Brahmin.
I free you from the sin, of killing the mentor.
Alexander Cain always knew, you would kill him.
He had killed both his friends in a similar way.
But after murdering he had understood.
Do you know, what is the secret in the last episode?
It's better than winning a1000 wars, to win someone with love.
Whether you will go to heaven or hell.
No God or ghost, can't distance you.
From the words of Gautama Buddha. Alexander Cain finished the last chapter.
To win this strategy, we don't need any wisdom.
Only Love is enough.
But we can't understand this small thing.
Arvind, I can understand what you are saying.
My enemy is within me.
Who has eaten away the humanity?
..the love for each other has kept you alive.
Look you have been saved from this sin.
Or else.. day, you too would become Vibhuti Nag.
But this is not true.
For more infomation >> Vasham Full Movie | Hindi Dubbed Movies 2018 Full Movie | Vasudev Rao | Hindi Movies - Duration: 1:46:33.-------------------------------------------
Just Dance 2019 - Full Song List - Duration: 3:12.
Kia Ceed Sportswagon - Duration: 1:06.
Kia Ceed Sportswagon - Duration: 1:06.
Kia Ceed Sportswagon - Duration: 1:06.
Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT COLOUR EDITION | Navi | 16" LM velgen | Cruise | Camera | - Duration: 1:08.
Cottage Cheese Cake in a multi-cooker - Duration: 2:00.
Ingredients for 8 servings: sugar - 3/4 cup; eggs - 3 pieces; curd - 400 g; kefir - 1 glass; semolina - 1/2 cup; vanilla sugar - 1/2 teaspoon; baking powder for the dough - 1 tsp; raisins (candied fruit, poppy seeds); salt - a pinch
Pour semolina with kefir and leave for 20 minutes
Pour the raisins with hot water and leave to swell
Separate the proteins from yolks
Add a pinch of salt to the egg whites and whisk together until a thick foam
Mix curd, sugar, yolks
Add the baking powder for the dough
And vanilla sugar
Add semolina
Whisk until smooth
Add raisins
Add egg whites
Gently mix
Lubricate the bowl of the multi-cocker with vegetable oil
Pour curd mass
Turn on the "Baking" mode for 65 minutes, and then the "Heated" mode for 40 minutes
After cooking, do not open the lid for another 15 minutes
Bon Appetit!
เค้กป๊อปค้างคาว Bat Cake Pops | 1 Minute Cooking - Duration: 2:10.
Bat Cake Pops
Brownie 10 pieces
cake pop sticks
Chill in Refrigerator for 20-30 minutes
Chocolates 150 g
Chill in Refrigerator
9 Bí quyết giúp bạn trẻ hơn nhiều so với tuổi thật - Duration: 6:40.
ルノーEZアルティモ 自動運転コンセプト発表 短距離移動向けEV - Duration: 5:02.
차세대 발사체 개발 나서는 일본, 소형발사체 문 두드리는 중국 | korean army - Duration: 14:21.
Qu'est-ce que le shaking ? Partie 2 #11 - Duration: 5:56.
Just Dance 2019 - Full Song List - Duration: 3:12.
Could Tampa Bay Buccaneers Bench Jameis Winston Week 8? | - Duration: 4:12.
Could Tampa Bay Buccaneers Bench Jameis Winston Week 8? |
Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Jameis Winston hasn't been back for long, but his return to the game has been wildly underwhelming.
During his first and last three games, Winston has thrown for 905 yards, five touchdowns, and six interceptions.
Obviously, nobody was expecting a change of heart since Winston took over Ryan Fitzpatrick's role early on, but the Bucs may need to consider changing their minds.
The Buccaneers are playing against the Cincinnati Bengals during week eight, and Winston has struggled tremendously early on.
And the 2018 Tampa Bay Buccaneers have officially fallen off.
The team that had arguably one of the hottest starts to the 2018 season is now back to their usual form of struggling, and Winston is the focal point of it all.
Winston to the Bench Already?.
Through one quarter of playing action, Winston has thrown for around 70 yards.
Unfortunately, he threw two interceptions, with zero touchdowns early on.
The Bucs will clearly avoid looking to Fitzpatrick this early on, but you would have to imagine that Winston's leash is very short with the Buccaneers.
Knowing that Fitzpatrick can work his 'FitzMagic' at times, it would be difficult for the Buccaneers to keep Winston out on the field if he continues to make mistakes.
The four-year veteran is out to prove his long-term worth with the Bucs, and so far, he hasn't really been successful.
Seeing all of the talents that the Bucs have in the passing game on board, it's very telling that Winston might not be the answer for the Bucs right now.
Their offense will continue to roll with Winston on Sunday, but there's a good chance that he is one mistake away from heading back to the bench on Sunday afternoon.
The Bucs Had Enough.
As expected, the Buccaneers ended up benching Winston on Sunday for Ryan Fitzpatrick.
Winston ended up connecting with DeSean Jackson shortly after his second interception, but he couldn't build on top of that momentum.
Winston ended up throwing a total of one touchdown, and four interceptions before being benched for Fitzpatrick.
Obviously, the Buccaneers will have some tough decisions to make heading into week nine as the struggles won't end.
It will be interesting to see how the team handles Winston's rough day moving forward.
Maybe Fitzpatrick can get back to playing how he did during the first few weeks of the season during the remainder of the game against the Bengals to make the teams decision easier.
왕진진 자살시도, 지인은 사진 촬영 논란 [KR] 【Jstory】 - Duration: 2:21.
President Moon to urge lawmakers this week to approve government's 2019 budget bill - Duration: 0:33.
president moon will give a speech at the National Assembly on Thursday to call
for bipartisan support for next year's roughly 412 billion US dollar budget
bill the government's already submitted the bill to the assembly but the rival
parties disagree about the size of the proposed budget which would be nearly
ten percent higher than this year's the President's budget speech will be the
third of its kind he last addressed lawmakers in June 2017 asking them to
pass his administration's supplementary budget
U.S. nuclear envoy meets South Korean counterpart for talks on North Korea - Duration: 1:15.
junko the US Special Representative for North Korea Stephen began arrived in
Seoul on Sunday and today his official schedule began with a visit to foreign
minister Kang jung-ho he then met with his counterpart Edo who
knew that Seoul special representative for korean peninsula peace and security
affairs the two met just a week ago when he was in Washington and the two
emphasized how good it is that they're cooperating so closely I think our two
presidents are singularly focused on this goal and it's my job in your job to
provide the consultation the ideas the process the execution to achieve that
goal I'm absolutely certain we can do this together
and we're looking forward very much to beginning working on the negotiations
and with North Korea soon as possible the two are expected to have discussed
the latest developments in the denuclearization talks and Washington's
approach to its negotiations with the north after the u.s. midterms in early
November they're also likely to have to analyze the latest moves by Pyongyang
such as its Vice foreign ministers visit to Russia beacon is also expected to
meet with blue house officials and unification minister choi myung-gil
before departing on wednesday
S. Korea to set up US$ 438 mil. fund to stabilize stock market after long rout - Duration: 0:53.
South Korea's stock market has seen extreme volatility over the past several
weeks and now the government has announced its setting up a new fund to
stabilize it at a meeting Monday with the Financial Supervisory Service and
the Korea Exchange the vice chairman of the Financial Services Commission Kim
Jung Hyung said the fund will be worth 500 billion won or around 438 million
u.s. dollars Korea's main index the Kospi fell six percent just last week
and 20 percent this month on selling by foreign investors in local institutions
the heads of a dozen local securities firms also agreed this morning to set up
an emergency monitoring system and to work with the government for stability
but despite that announcement the Kospi fell below the 2000 mark for the first
time in 22 months closing at 1996
[Oh! My 갓돌아이 미방분] MC딘딘과 딜란, '일산Bro' 된 사연은..? - Duration: 4:39.
A member of D-CRUNCH
Yeah, I'm the lead vocalist
And as you said the leader of D-CRUNCH
Interestingly our team has two leaders
O.V and I are the leaders
And I'm a vocalist here
The lead, the lead
The lead, the lead
- The lead vocalist - Who stands in the center often
Your eyes are blue
I tried new contact lenses today
I thought they were yours
Not at all
Look nice on you
- Okay, okay - Thank you
Next, Hyunho
Yes, I'm the oldest one in D-CRUNCH
And a rapper
The oldest one and rapper
Where are you from?
Ulsan, South Gyeongsang Province
Most of you are from Gyeongsang Province
But your pronunciation is a bit like
Yeah, like someone who studied abroad
Hip-hop, hip-hop style
Hip-hop style
Next, O.V
I'm O.V, doing several roles in D-CRUNCH
It says the leader and rapper here
Besides that, I play other roles too
A bit of everything, this and that
That's what he does
This and that
This and that, a bit of everything
Your eyes are blue too, O.V
Yes, because I really did study abroad
Oh, really?
Los Angeles
I will visit there one day
I want to visit there to study
- I'd like to go - That's why
- You want to go - Telling us the dream first
Studying abroad by imagination
Yes, you're right
- Imaginary - Dream becomes true
- He doesn't have a passport - It'll become true
I got my passport recently
He only had got on the plane once
Next Minhyuk
Oh, Minhyuk
Hello, I'm Minhyuk, a rapper in D-CRUNCH
A rapper
Where are you from, Minhyuk?
I'm from Suwon
- Suwon, Suwon, Suwon - Suwon, Suwon
Suwon boy, Suwon
Suwon, okay
Suwon city
Next, Hyunwoo
Hello, my role in D-CRUNCH is
The vocalist of the universe
The best vocalist in the universe
- You felt a bit embarrassed, didn't you - No
No, no
- He's embarrassed - The best vocalist
The best in the universe
What about Hyunwook, then?
Just a vocalist?
- The lead vocalist - D-CRUNCH's lead vocalist
- But the best is you? - The best in the universe is me
- So there is only one - The best in the universe
Next, Hyunoh
Hello, I'm Hyunoh, a vocalist and the crazy one of D-CRUNCH
- That's how you position yourself? - Today's winner
I'll be chosen
This was not discussed with us
- Not at all - Sporadically
Like that, uh..
He is a strong candidate
And Chanyoung
Jumping out cutely?
Why are you cute?
Is that your concept?
- Introduce yourself - Mini PR
I'm Chanyoung, in charge of rap and performance
Performance and rap
Perfo-rap, perfo-rap, perfo-rap
Where are you from?
I'm from Ulsan
- Ulsan - Gyeongsang Province again
Ulsan city
I used to live in the mountain
Ulsan, Ulsan
Where are you from, Hyunoh?
Me? I'm from CW, South Gyeongsang Province
Changwon, Changwon
Changwon city
Is the company HQ located in Gyeongsang Province?
Right, right
You all are from there
We were surprised to know that too
What's this?
You found that out after the group was made
I wonder how
- Jeongseung - Yes, Jeongseung
Hello, I'm Jeongseung, the youngest one and a rapper of D-CRUNCH
The youngest one and a rapper
Where's your hometown?
Iksan, North Jeolla Province
Jeolla Province
Is he the only person from there
Why do you ask our hometowns?
Just to know your home base
- To find your hometown? - Where's yours?
I'll tell you in a bit
Okay, Jeolla Province
- Dylan - Yes
I'm Dylan, the youngest one and a rapper in D-CRUNCH
There are two people who are the youngest and a rapper
Yeah, we're the same age
Different concepts, however
Your hometown is?
Ilsan, Gyeonggi Province
- Ilsan, Ilsan - One mountain (Ilsan)
Where in Ilsan?
Aren't they different?
I used to live in Apts. 4
Oh really?
- Dylan - Dylan has one more hometown
- Where? - I studied in New Zealand
- For real - This time for real
- Really - For how long?
Studying abroad
About 2 years
- Can you speak English then? - Yes
Okay, DinDin, freely talk in English
Show me what you've got, man
You can do it
I need to be paid more
If I'm talking in English
Show us, show us
I want to hear Dylan speaking in English
Okay, okay
I like your Lecoq, Dylan
Let's move on
(Oh! My Crazy Idol)
Nat'l Assembly officially wraps up annual audit, gears up for budget examination - Duration: 1:00.
today the National Assembly is officially wrapping up its annual audit
of government ministries and agencies under the spotlight on the final day is
the unification ministry as rival parties scrutinized the moon
administration's policies on North Korea and especially president moons
ratification of the Pyongyang Declaration and the inter-korean
military agreement at the audit of the Ministry of Economy and Finance
lawmakers are clashing over the government's minimum wage hike the high
jobless rate and the policy of so-called income led growth at the legislation and
Judiciary Committee the debate centered on the power abuse scandal involving the
Supreme Court and its former chief justice who's been accused of using
high-profile trials as leverage in possible negotiations with the former
park geun-hye administration most of the parliamentary committees will conclude
their audits today but three committees will keep going until November 7th the
National Assembly will now get ready to review the budget for next year
Most S. Korean tourists stranded on Saipan to return home Monday - Duration: 1:22.
planes are heading from South Korea to Saipan today to pick up hundreds of
Korean nationals who've been stranded there since a typhoon hit the island
last week once they're back that'll be most of the Koreans who had been stuck
there home you know has this report more than 1,000 South Korean tourists
stranded in Saipan after it was hit by a typhoon last week are expected to return
home on Monday the South Korean government has already managed to get
more than 500 stranded South Korean tourists back home over the weekend
after the Pacific island was hit by a typhoon last week on Saturday the South
Korean government dispatched a military plane to Saipan it has shuttled back and
forth between Saipan and Guam moving more than 400 people to Quang Ninh South
Korean charter planes brought them from Guam to Incheon Saipan reopened its
Airport on Sunday so now charter flights are being sent directly to the island
for South Korean planes will arrive in Saipan on Monday to bring around 800 to
900 South Korean tourists back only one South Korean plane was permitted to land
on Saipan International Airport on Sunday due to the airport's condition
the South Korean military plane that was dispatched to Saipan will continue to
fly between Guam and Saipan to help bring the remaining South Koreans home
on Monday who knew Arirang news
After fraud revelation, Pres. Moon orders financial clean-up at kindergartens - Duration: 0:41.
president moon jaein spoke today about the financial irregularities and fraud
discovered recently at kindergartens across the country in a meeting with his
top aides the president ordered related ministries to come up with corrective
measures to reinforce proper accounting practices the government learned
recently that the principals and owners of thousands of Korean kindergartens had
used to ition money for their personal expenses the focus must be he said on
the children's safety and happiness and there must be ways to improve conditions
for the teachers and to improve the kindergartens management the president
said his administration wants to move faster to improve Korea's childcare
K-POP Idol in Spain EP1 -Hola!Barcelona [Sori] - Duration: 9:21.
Sori's Youtube channel
It's 5 am
I spent the last night in UK and I need to go fast to the airport
but the taxi came late
so the taxi driver said if there is no accident on the road we can arrive in time
Heading to Barcelona (Spain)
I would be for sure
able to go to Spain?
Well you can find out a little bit later
I can do it, can't I?
So...goodbye UK
Everybody here is
Only the road was changed, but is it for sure Barcelona?
There are not, as you can see, tall residence buildings
but more like...mansion?
But still, comparing with UK, the buildings are taller
and more brick houses?
(arrived in Barcelona, near the place where Sori will stay)
I arrived to city of Barcelona
Before I am going to hotel
I think I should go to eat something around here
carrying my luggage too
Here and
and next to
Filo Tast, is the place that was recommended to me by the hotel manager
But it is not open yet
the cathedral looks really big
(first meal in Barcelona)
Ricotta cheese salad
Mushroom and.. Iberiko Buta?
(if you look closer you can see it's octopus)
Octopus Tapas? (it looks really good)
The dish is bigger than I thought
Also listening to music (enjoying the lunch while listening to music)
Here is my face for the first time in this video
I am not wearing makeup, sorry
"Camden supernova"...I received it as a souvenir
I went out today wearing it
Today I look more natural
In Spain a lot of people prefer natural style, isn't it?
(following the trend)
I will let you know later why did I come to Spain
First let's eat!
looks delicious
First meal in Spain
It feels a little bit similar to Korean food
(feeling dissappointed to find similar taste)
Iberiko Buta
Yesterday I ate and I decided to start diet from today
But I started eating in Spain already
Such a girl...
I am eating walnut for diet
(everything you eat is still eating)
(recharge energy by 2% with sugar)
Chocolate and ice cream dessert
Oh here is hot and here is cold
so soft
the sauce looks nice
Inside is chocolate
The sugar is dangerous, isn't it?
The sweets I couldn't eat before I am eating them here
(exited) (happy)
(we cannot waste even the chocolate from the fingers)
Is really delicious
Do you see the chocolate that leaked here?
This is really the best
I am trying the ice cream too
Living the fantasy world
(love the chocolate and ice cream)
Everybody, I ate my meal so shall we go for a walk in Barcelona?
Here is where I ate
Here people as you can see, they are eating outside
I really need some other shoes so shall we first go to a shoe shop?
Let's go to BOSANOVA
Oh I want to by this kind of shoes
My feet is hurting a lot as I wore this a lot since yesterday
(Going out fashion)
Looking natural like Spanish people
I am natural too
Oh..they are selling other fashion items too
Fashion accessories
Maybe 36 would fit me? Let's try
It's a little bit loose to me
36 is the smallest one?
it looks like
It look like 36 is the smallest size
There is no 34?
Because I have no cash
(enjoying the eye shopping)
I wanna see some kids
Here is a Korean restaurant
Oh, is written in Korean too
(missing the Korean food while travelling around Europe)
I am glad
I am glaad
What is there?
Here is Barcelona everybody
I am currently
in Barcelona now
is Barcelona square plaza
Kids are riding the skateboard
The people are having meal and taking a walk
And the tourists
they are visiting around
The pigeons are spreading love
Here is Spain, Barcelona
Here the musicians
are preparing for their performance
This song is not from Begin again? (movie title)
Next episode in Barcelona: Walking near the beach with Sori and enjoying a Spanish dinner!
Wow! Really cool
[DANCE WAR(댄스워)] Round 3: RESULT - Duration: 2:32.
DANCE WAR Result of the 3rd Round
PINK 02, Eliminated
YELLOW 22, Eliminated
SILVER 16, PURPLE 23 Go to the 4th Round!
Go to the 4th Round!
(ROUND 3 Judges) Kim Kyu Sang - Performance Director Bae Yoon Jung - YAMA&HOTCHICKS (CEO)
Kim Dong Min - General performance director for WOOLLIM Ent. Lee Hyun Sang - Artmatic Producer
Round 3 comments from the judges (Please check '1theK community tab' for English translation)
(Please check '1theK community tab' for English translation)
Take Off the Mask of Losers
The Dancing Machine of 'BIGFLO', 'UNB' Aiming fans' hearts with his Irreplaceable dance!
THE BOYZ Top Dancer! Just looking at him can thrill you!
PINK 02 / Q
【フォートナイト】こんにちわ、糞肉袋と申します【フォットナ森】 - Duration: 1:22:17.
Český právník v Americe: Trump zavírá uprchlíky do věznic velkých jako stadion! - Duration: 23:58.
Jak se Slovák dostane k tomu, že ve Spojených státech amerických pomáhá imigrantům získat zelenou kartu? Dostal jsem se k tomu vtipným způsobem
Během studia vysoké školy v Bratislavě jsem chodil na letní brigády a během jedné z takových brigád ve Spojených státech, když jsme byli s kamarádkou u kadeřníka, mi řekla, že se ho zeptá, jestli nezná někoho, kdo by nás sponzoroval jako advokáty
I když jsem si myslel, že je blázen, tak nám onen kadeřník našel advokáta, který se u něj stříhal, ten nám po pracovním pohovoru dal pracovní smlouvu a po dostudování pátého ročníku právnické fakulty jsem se stěhoval do USA za prací
U něj jsem pracoval několik let, vystudoval jsem právo na americké univerzitě a otevřel jsem si vlastní praxi
Co znamená, že vás sponzoroval? Zaměstnavatel vám může za jistých okolností garantovat pracovní vízum v USA a za jistých okolností máte možnost získat zelenou kartu
Není to lehké, ale dá se to. Cizím lidem pomáháte získat zelenou kartu. Po jaké době jste ji získal vy? Asi po pěti letech
Není to lehké. Matúš Varga u amerického soudu Postavil jste si na tom ale živnost
Jak to funguje? Záleží na tom, zda je ta osoba ve vězení, nebo není. Má kancelář má dva typy klientů
Máme speciální kartotéku na vazebně stíhané klienty a nevazebně. Pokud nejste stíhaný vazebně, jste na svobodě, v tom případě to trvá dva až tři roky
Máte dost času na přípravu. Pokud je klient ve vazbě, jde o superrychlý proces, který trvá jen dva měsíce
Bývá to dost dramatické. Hlavním cílem bývá vždy kauce, aby se klient dostal na svobodu
A ve chvíli, kdy je klient na svobodě, začínáme pracovat na zelené kartě, hledáme způsob amnestie a jiné legální způsoby, jak získat legální pobyt
Existuje mnoho možností, protože americký imigrační systém má dvousetletou historii
Jaké to jsou možnosti? První možností je svatba. Pokud máte manžela nebo manželku Američany, dostanete do roka zelenou kartu
Získat ji je možné na základě politického azylu, na základě výjimečných schopností, což znamená, že jste výjimečný svou profesí či vzděláním
Nebo když investujete do americké ekonomiky. Jaké případy řešíte nejčastěji? Moje kancelář řeší z pětasedmdesáti procent deportace, patnáct procent jsou rodinné případy a deset procent obchodní
Jaké máte statistiky úspěšnosti? Záleží na tom, o jaké národnosti jde. V případě obchodních imigrací máme stoprocentní úspěšnost
V případě rodinných šestadevadesát procent a v případě azylů je to padesát na padesát
V případě azylů je to komplikované, protože často zjistíme, že klient nám lhal nebo spáchal nějaký trestný čin
Ty azyly jsou nejtěžší na získání zelené karty. Je také důležité, odkud klient pochází
Pokud máte klienta z Mexika, tak nemůžete očekávat důkazy perzekuce jako v případě Rusů
Zatímco mnoho Rusů má vysokou školu a jsou vzdělaní, Mexičané se většinou narodili na haciendě a jsou negramotní a nedokážou vysvětlit, z čeho mají strach
Neumí se vyjádřit. Ten úspěch azylu závisí na tom, jak ta osoba umí svůj příběh převyprávět
Když se mluví o uprchlické krizi v USA, většinou se mluví o Mexičanech a Kubáncích
Nyní mluvíte o Rusech. Jaké národnosti tam emigrují nejčastěji? Nejvíc žadatelů o azyl a nejvíc nelegálních migrantů je tam ze zemí Střední Ameriky
Jde o pět zemí, a to Mexiko, Honduras, Guatemalu, Salvador a Panamu. Co se týká jiných států, tak na předních příčkách jsou obyvatelé Ruska, Ukrajiny, Moldávie, Kazachstánu
Rusové mají jeden z nejvyšších počtů schváleného azylu. Ty problémy občanů Ruské federace jsou takové, jaké americký azylový systém zohledňuje
Pro Rusy je získání azylu v Americe snazší než pro Mexičany. Jejich obavy jsou totiž prokazatelné a ty důvody vzniku azylu jsou ty legální důvody
Azyl není pro každého. Nemůžete být azylant, protože máte strach z něčeho. Musí to být legálně definovaný strach z perzekuce, na základě důvodů, které stanovuje zákon
A občané Ruské federace mají řádné důvody, protože americké zákony stanovují, že to může být perzekuce na základě rasy, náboženství, politického přesvědčení či sexuální orientace
A Mexičané tyto důvody nesplňují. Ti prchají před ozbrojenými gangy, které v Mexiku řádí
To ale není podle amerických zákonů legální důvod k tomu, aby někdo získal v Americe azyl
Když prokážete, že vás v Rusku zavřou kvůli politickému smýšlení, azyl dostanete
Ve chvíli, kdy vaše blízké zabije ozbrojený gang, tak to přesto není důvod k tomu, abyste získali azyl
Jde totiž o militární gangy, které nejsou napojené na vládu, takže nejde o oficiální důvod k udělení azylu, přestože strach o život není menší
Dá se říct, že tam funguje dvojí metr? Ano. Neštěstí Středoameričanů není způsobené vládou
Vždy jde o to, kdo je pachatelem zla. V případě mnoha krajin jde o vládu či vládní agenty, ale ve Střední Americe jde o společenskou situaci
Jde o řádění mafie či gangů, ale ty nemají s vládou nic společného. Jak se vaše pracovní pozice změnila po zvolení Donalda Trumpa prezidentem? Hodně se zhoršila
Já jsem poslední dva roky dost nešťastný. Máme mnohem víc práce, případy se řeší rychleji, takže my advokáti máme méně času na přípravu
Vše je komplikovanější, jsme více stresovaní a legislativa se mění tak rychle, že ty změny nestíháme zaznamenávat
Například došlo ke zrušení mnoha typu azylů, zhoršily se podmínky na získání azylu
Rétorika je extrémně protimigrační. Pomáhat migrantům je pro nás mnohem těžší a náročnější
V Evropě se řeší migrační krize z Afriky a muslimských zemí. Zasáhla tato vlna i Spojené státy? Absolutně minimálně
Já jsem za osm let své praxe měl jenom jednoho muslimského klienta. Na rozdíl od Evropské unie nemá Amerika hranice s žádnou arabskou zemí
Takže se do Ameriky muslimové žádající o azyl musí dostat letecky. Těch je málo. Takže je u nás absolutně minimální množství azylantů ze Středního východu
Výjimkou jsou ti, kterým byl udělený azyl za Obamy, protože ten umožnil udělení azylu i mimo území USA
To Trump zrušil. Za Obamy bylo běžné, že byste přišli v Iráku na americkou ambasádu, kde byste sdělili, že máte strach o život, tam by proběhlo azylové konání a na území USA byste vstoupili už jako uprchlík
To už je zrušené. Trump zrušil udělení azylu mimo území Spojených států amerických
Je to podle vás dobře, nebo ne? Určitě ne, protože se tím ruší podstata azylového práva
Podle ženevských konvencí je podstata azylového práva poskytnout pomoc osobám, které se na to kvalifikují
Pokud ta země vyhodnotí, že ta osoba má na azyl nárok, tak by ho měla poskytnout i mimo své území
Jde například o lidi, kteří americké armádě pomáhali například jako překladatelé, a jelikož je tam armáda nechala, tak jsou dneska vystaveni velkému nebezpečí ze strany islamistů
Jde o velmi komplikované etické důvody. Myslíte si, že je lepší azylový systém v Americe, či v Evropě? Myslím si, že je lepší americký, protože ten v Evropě je nedokonalý a vzniká velmi pomalu
Máme tu pravidla Evropské unie. Jde o principy Dublin I, II a III. Jde o nařízení Evropské komise, která stanovila přesný postup při udělení azylu, ale všechny země tato nařízení nerespektují
Takže v rámci Evropské unie ani nejde hovořit o nějakém azylovém systému. Tady je azylový chaos
A vy jako odborník jste pro přijímání, nebo proti? Je lidské a humánní chránit lidi
Ženevská konvence říká, že osoba, která má strach vrátit se domů, protože se bojí perzekuce, musí být chráněná
Je to naše lidská a právní povinnost. Ten systém ale musí být dostatečný, aby odlišil lidi, kteří mají na azyl nárok, od těch, kteří ne
Evropská unie naprosto rezignovala a vůbec neodlišuje, kdo si azyl zaslouží a kdo ne
Podle mě lídři evropských států včetně Česka a Slovenska nerozumí tomu, kdo je azylant
V Evropě se žadatelé o azyl pohybují volně. Je to podle vás správný postup? Ve Spojených státech to funguje tak, že když budete na hranicích bez víza, okamžitě vás deportují
Pokud řeknete, že se bojíte o svůj život, seberou vás a odvezou do vězení, kde počkáte na rozhodnutí, co s vámi bude
Předtím vás pořádně prolustrují. Praxe v Evropě podle mě způsobuje velmi špatnou společenskou náladu
Podle mě by měl fungovat systém, v rámci kterého by došlo k lékařské a bezpečnostní prohlídce
Na území USA to tak funguje. Zadržený je očkovaný a prolustrovaný databází Interpolu a FBI
Podle toho se s tou osobou nadále spolupracuje. V Německu bylo zjištěno, že byl udělený azyl osobě, která byla v Afghánistánu stíhána za terorismus, a Němci to nezjistili
Jak je to možné? Primární povinností je chránit občany země, která vás zvolila. Ve chvíli, kdy je ochráníte tím, že provedete bezpečnostní a zdravotní prohlídky, tak je možné pak pomáhat i azylantům
Musí existovat ale jasný systém. Jinak vznikne chaos. Co si myslíte, že by situaci v Evropě zlepšilo? Musí se to centralizovat
Pokud má fungovat Schengen, tudíž volný prostor pohybu, tak nemůžete mít národní azyly, které by byly samostatné
Je důležité, aby byla jednotná evropská azylová agentura, která by uplatňovala jednotná pravidla
Není to tak těžké, jak si lidi myslí. To se zrealizuje snadno. Důležité je, aby fungovala i agentura, která se bude zabývat nelegálními migranty a těmi, kteří mají kriminální minulost či jim byl azyl zamítnutý, aby řešila i fyzický odsun z území Evropské unie, což se neděje
Pokud nemáte funkční azylový úřad a agenturu, která by se zabývala odsunem, tak je azylový systém nefunkční
Matúš Varga ve své kanceláři Ve Středomoří fungují různé nevládní organizace, které uprchlíkům pomáhají dostat se do Evropy
Mohlo by se to stát v Americe? Určitě ne, protože by byli obviněni z trestného činu převaděčství a otrokářství
Je extrémně protizákonné dovážet kohokoliv organizovaně na území Spojených států amerických
Co si o tom myslíte? Tím, že někomu pomůžete překročit nějaké nebezpečné území tím, že ho převezete na lodi, tak mu dáváte falešnou naději
Já být těmi agenturami, například Lékaři bez hranic, vytvořil bych centra právní pomoci v jejich domovině, kde bych jim vysvětloval, jaká jsou rizika přeplavání Středomoří a jaké jsou jejich možnosti pro získání azylu
Oni jim místo toho dávají plané naděje, že je zachrání, proto se o přeplutí pokouší čím dál víc lidí
Středomoří je velmi nebezpečné. Je to víc škody než užitku. Co by s takovými aktivisty udělal Donald Trump? On už dělá
Zvýšil kapacitu věznic. Věznice, kam chodím já, nyní vypadají jako fotbalové stadiony
Předtím to byla zařízení, která vypadala jako česká škola. On zvýšil počet postelí, dozorců, soudců, prokurátorů a zavedl některé věci, které měly nelegální migranty odradit od vstupu na území USA
Asi jste si všimli, jak odděloval matky od dětí. Bylo to špatné řešení. On se snaží, i když si nemyslím, že mu to vychází
Myslíte si, že to Trump dělá dobře? Dělá to špatně. Vůbec nechápe priority amerického migračního systému
On se zaměřuje na Mexičany, přitom jde o nejlepší migranty, kteří tam jsou. Jsou extrémně pracovití, mají minimální procento trestné činnosti
Já s Mexičany pracuju osm let, ročně mám asi sedm set mexických případů. Oni mají asi jednoprocentní kriminalitu
Ti lidé velmi těžce pracují. Veškeré americké polní hospodářství stojí právě na Mexičanech
Pokud si představíte americké plantáže, tak všude pracují Mexičané. Oni právě nahradili černochy a lidé nepřemýšlí, že pokud je deportují, kdo bude tuto práci dělat? Jde o velmi těžkou práci
Jde o plantáže, kde pracujete v džungli, kde jsou anakondy, krokodýli, pumy. Já být Trumpem, tak zařídím pracovní vízum pro Mexičany, pak bych zařídil lepší podmínky pro kvalifikované osoby
Trump ale ztěžuje emigraci úplně každému, což je velká chyba. To se dotkne hlavně americké ekonomiky, uvidíte
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