on the fly this is the Allred between what's tomorrow
male tear breather pack which is one male three female hot like deep referral
traffic goes cuz this dude is who I get my fish from he's got the champ and he
was doing it a long time his family's been doing it Mike D everybody knows
waiting from what you're doing show us some of your sexy bitch bro alright now
before I show you a bunch of Mike DS amazing fish that he brought to the
aquatic experience I want to give you a little backstory on my man first of all
the guys got an imperial tropical are great people they're also my age and
I've been down to their fish farm multiple times I actually stayed at my
man Jacobs house these guys sell a bunch of great fish on a period tropicals
dot-com they're also responsible for one two three four five six that's right 633
Long's that everybody wanted to get their grimy little fish tank fingers on
at the aquatic experience but couldn't at the end of the show Mike Dee who's
the man decided to give me the additional 637 hauls forty tall's if
you're a freestyler like me so I rolled away from the aquatic experience with 12
aquariums being pulled behind the wonderful back of my Toyota Sienna XLE
minivan oh by the way they also have amazing fish keeping facilities they
have multiple deep ponds that they periodically sing and pull out just
amazing fish you see how this is done here they also have multiple greenhouses
on site with 200 gallon concrete vats something I'm thinking about for green
house 2.0 where they raise all kinds of great cichlids rainbows you name it
so click links around here check out other videos from Imperial tropicals and
enjoy Mike these personal fish that he entered in the show I've seen you click
links around here blues plug goes the stuff
bring the heat right away dude got the big lift
don't go white lift with big lips oh god I love the little that is like the looks
that you want to kiss right there that's a beautiful fish man that's it
white lips that's a bad fish man it's perfectly named and the lips are perfect
on that fish how long had that fish dude that fish is probably two years old
nope Wow so we breed them we they don't not easy to breed so we don't have a
bunch of them but now working on getting a box because I got a bunch of people
waiting for
madoka white live wow this is another one of ours right here this is the
restrain us this is the predator hat from Lake Malawi yeah and I mean he's
looking great he needs a female to really shine but
he's still looking pretty that is a pimp fish man
but lake malawi yep you love them peacocks dude I love peacocks and half
sue them yeah you do agree oh they're great man that color is killer
and this is your fate son I love Oscars man you know how many
videos I've done we're asking just for number one I do they don't know I mean
they're bright orange like tell me the story on news fish man so we've been
coming down low I'm gonna get the good shot
so like one problem we had is getting a good picture of one because when they're
small they don't have that color so like we we've been growing this guy out for
almost two years now and he's a he's a stunner
yeah that full orange body on him that's really really really cool man because
that's a pretty defined orange on there and not a lot of blotchy and great work
man dude I do man they're just so I mean you just got so much chill and
personality and color like rich color everybody loves wall screws now like
having a true pet you know I'm saying that
interacts with oh yeah they do not care but just like oh what's
up and they're like near indestructible yeah they don't care man this fish is
just giving it to us how long you had this this fish is uh around to probably
103 you had his 15 years already people have been at steam room with all the
loops are everything else yeah gotcha how did she stay in a bad or seeing
about yeah we feed this board we got a Commodore diet and we feel nice the nice
little spotlight back to that's a great fish what else man don't forget to hit
that notification button as well as that subscribe button so you can make sure
you get more of these videos as we turn them out this is a
under strain of carpenter supper greeting so it's like the Texas cichlid
but this bright blue yeah
that is cool like the Texas the blue yeah I get it
the Fighting's not that good on the jet I bet he shines when I shine
that's a cool variety really popular and then the next I'm doing yours that's a
nice G oh that's you that's me Oh real what is that you Vegas let me
get all your fishing reel nice a toss Cousteau holy cow man where's he from
that's uh they come from Brazil Brazil Wow look at the red on that and that's
like full size right are close to it that's a beautiful fish man you got any
babies of that
Wow bump belong do you Figgis man they don't get enough
love what people don't get snatch troop size and quality yeah yeah tank bro yeah
I love his red why everybody knows go to period tropicals calm they got the good
check out their rainbows in my opinion and they always they do what I entry but
they're got this like this and their play rooms what else you got man
peacocks yeah bring those peacock oh you already got these on camera but yeah
keep take you to show me though so what are they so these are my banshees right
here common names like sunshine peacock but these would have ones too Wow I
brought in wall stock that's wild stock these are the babies wow man you brought
those in from Africa and then bred them and this is the first generation
halfpence f1 oh yeah right in front of your face man I mean BAM
wow dude that suit your first gen baby or yours
what fat those are beautiful dude I don't know anybody's doing half of
chromis like you do man let's peacock - that's a nice little bit different than
- I love it they're looking at each other - whoa my pleasure
nice Wow oh you love these fish man these are the Mike these buster right
here dragon blood you've always had them right dragon Bloods your vein
taking strain of driving that's a hot fish - I hate that I'm
looking at it through a camera oh man it looks like a pantheist really like a
saltwater fish bro but it's just a fat freshwater do the things like the
pattern on that fishes like I miss your Andrew on the camera here Oh Oh got it
nailed it that's it oh right in through the show too you
know like that's what they do that's why they're so fat you think I thought that
personality just for days like hold on it's like they thrive and they're like
the show
that's yours - yeah this is also
mon-star nice this is so pretty a lady had professed
yeah and you guys can't see it through the lens this fish has really really
bombed golden and tell these fish their colors in person are just unreal like
because it's got a golden same thing and I'm gonna like some light
against the camera and stuff so you're not seeing this as good as I am but
that's a great fish
these goofballs they're crazy I'll tell you my favorite is uh I think
that dude was my favorite flower horns they're pretty sick
mic dealings imperial travel if you don't know go check out their stuff they
got great fish
nice fish yeah thank you Caffrey son keeping it cool in here jyllian degrees
I'm used to it cuz I get to do stuff like this Jacob what we got dog I saw
these from the top like it I was like what are those these these are a hot
fish man these are more from the acara which is the Central American cichlid
right they get to be about a while but they're pretty pea seeds or grow outs
right are these sellers so it will son with the size okay yeah
and I think it bigger the color discus nicer yeah yeah you can see them just
from the top they caught my eye from the surface because I was like looking at
them like oh wow if you get them beware and they jump like crazy so their job
and there's South American Central America Central America we find them all
over the place and that's all over the place to say jump
For more infomation >> INSANE CICHLIDS - You Won't Believe These Aquarium Fish - Duration: 10:27.-------------------------------------------
Best TVs for Gaming 2019 - Best 4K Gaming TVs - Duration: 10:02.
For gaming a responsive television with low input lag can mean the difference
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distortion-free audio quality and the q9f and blows out the competition with
an exceptionally low 12 milliseconds of input lag when using its game mode
for more info and prices just follow the links in video description bellow
thanks for watching and I see you in next videos Cheers
3D Model of North American P-51D Mustang - Moonbeam McSwine Review - Duration: 3:26.
Audi A5 Sportback 3.0TDI QUATTRO 2X-S-LINE*!*KEYLESS/ADAP.CRUISE/SCHUIFDAK*!* - Duration: 1:04.
Nightcore - Only Monika - Duration: 3:39.
(Please refer to the screen for the lyrics. Thanks.)
Antonella Clerici denunciata dagli animalisti per il pappagallo di Portobello: ecco cos'è s... - Duration: 11:35.
ภาษาอังกฤษติดลบ เรียนม.อินเตอร์ได้มั้ย / ใช้ตังวันละเท่าไหร่ / สังคมเป็นยังไง? l TO SIS - Duration: 12:33.
Angelina Jolie maman lambda, une opération com' pour mettre à mal Brad Pitt - Duration: 1:22.
Momento único, niños que descubren un travesti... Es celíaco 😜 - Duration: 0:32.
My little KITTEN went to school ! Children's cartoon and cute cat Simulator - a Game for children - Duration: 20:36.
Fiorenza D'Antonio: chi è la nuova valletta di Domenica In che ha soffiato il posto ad ... - Duration: 11:52.
La robe de mariée d'Adeline fait un flop - Duration: 1:11.
Demain nous appartient le soir d'Halloween - Duration: 2:41.
Demain nous appartient le soir d'Halloween
Comme chaque semaine, nous vous dévoilons les temps forts à venir de votre série "Demain nous appartient".
Découvrez dès à présent ce qui vous attend dans votre saga préférée du 29 Octobre au 02 Novembre avec les résumés en avance (spoilers).
Et c'est une semaine intense qui attend les familles Beddiar, Brunet et Delcourt ..Et comme nous vous l'avions annoncé, Judith quitte Sète..
Avec l'aide de Betty et de Noor, Timothée arrive à décrypter le message codé de Lola. Sa soeur lui donne rendez-vous au cimetière le soir d'Halloween..
La police est toujours sous leurs traces mais aucune information ne vient rassurer les familles des jeunes disparus..
Margot, de son côté, pense avoir une chance de renouer avec Maxime mais l'adolescent lui fait comprendre qu'il est passé à autre chose..
Leila et Carla unissent leurs forces pour aller chercher eux mêmes leurs enfants..Jessica protège Betty et ses amis mais Gwen continue d'enquêter..
De son côté, Victoire ne cherche que de la légèreté dans sa relation avec Martin, au grand dam de ce dernier..
Le soir d'Halloween, la fête bat son plein au Spoon et les adolescents sont en quête de sensation..
Jessica, elle, a le cœur qui bat pour Mathias et pourrait démarrer une belle histoire avec l'adolescent..
Noor et Timothée vont rentrer chez eux..Chez les Beddiar, l'ambiance sera toujours aussi tendue.
Bilel ne supporte pas que Leila puisse envisager de divorcer et se montrera une fois de plus agressif.
Les Delcourt-Bertrand vont enfin rentrer de voyage de noces..Face à la détermination de Judith,
ils la laisseront prendre son envol et ce sont des adieux déchirants qui vont avoir lieu entre les parents, et la jeune fille..
Voici une astuce naturelle pour lutter contre la graisse abdominale | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 6:48.
Investigators piece together days leading up to bombs being mailed out - Duration: 2:24.
Iris Mittenaere séparée de Kev Adams, ça clashe sur Instagram - Duration: 1:27.
Angelina Jolie maman lambda, une opération com' pour mettre à mal Brad Pitt - Duration: 1:22.
Les enfants de Brad Pitt « séquestrés » par Angelina Jolie - Duration: 1:27.
Martin Luther in His Own Words - Duration: 1:03.
Looking at that verse which says, "the righteous will live by faith" he said: "Though I
lived as a monk without reproach, I felt I was a sinner before God with an extremely
disturbed conscience and I could not believe that God was placated by my satisfaction.
Thus, I raged with a fierce and troubled conscience.
Nevertheless, I beat importunately upon Paul at that place, (Romans 1:17) ardently desiring
to know what St. Paul wanted. And I began to understand that the righteousness of God
is that by which the righteous live by a gift of God, mainly by faith.
The righteousness of God is revealed by the gospel—a passive righteousness by which the
merciful God justifies us by faith.
Here I felt, I was altogether born again."
Lovely House Warm Atmosphere Surrounded by Lawns and Flowers - Duration: 3:45.
Lovely House Warm Atmosphere Surrounded by Lawns and Flowers
Camilla Parker-Bowles et Charles en plein scandale, leur train de vie choque en Australie - Duration: 2:24.
for youtube creator in hindi - Duration: 2:33.
youtube hindi
youtube video hindi
GÜLMEMEK ÇOK ZOR !!! (LİMON SUYU CEZALI)😝😝 - Duration: 12:56.
Laeticia Hallyday, ce viol qui l'a détruite - Duration: 1:19.
Brigitte Macron, comment rassure-t-elle son mari, qui se tue à la tâche ? -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:08.
Josh Groban "Bigger than Us" - Piano Karaoke - Duration: 3:06.
(Instrumental Intro)
Who would have known
in the blink of a moment
the world turned upside down
trying to cope
by looking for hope
and I think about
Ooh ooh
What's come of us?
Ooh, ooh
It's all too much
I feel so small
with my hands up to the sky
I am reaching out toni-i-i-i-ight
'Cause this is bigger than us
I give my all
But it's just too much to hope
No I can't do this alo-o-o-o-one
'Cause this is bigger than us
Bigger than us
It's like everything changes
still nothing changes
We arrive and we begin
running in circles
searching for purpose
with an open hand
Ooh, ooh
What's come of us?
Ooh, ooh
It's all too much
I feel so small
With my hands up to the sky
I am reaching out toni-i-i-i-ight
'Cause this is bigger than us
I give my all
But it's just too much to hope
No I can't do this alo-o-o-o-one
'Cause this is bigger than us
Bigger than us
And we lose ourselves
in battles we are fighting
Gotta break awaaaaay
I feel so small
With my hands up to the sky
I am reaching out toni-i-i-i-ight
'Cause this is bigger than us
I give my all
But it's just too much to hope
No I can't do this alo-o-o-o-one
'Cause this is bigger than us
Bigger than us
Minecraft : DESTROYING THE SIMPSON SECRET BASE! (Ps3/Xbox360/PS4/XboxOne/PE/MCPE) - Duration: 10:11.
Elias' story - Part 001 (VF) - Duration: 4:03.
F/GO Halloween Comeback!- Main Story Quests (Day 4): The Knights and The Harvests - Duration: 55:23.
Okay, let's start Day 4 of Halloween Comeback!
Welcome back to another F/GO video.
Today is Day 4.
One more day and we are done with the main story.
I think the Challenge Quests will be released after Day 5.
Okay, Chapter 8. Let's do this.
Not too bad...
I don't know how Lancelot become the Dark Knight...
And I don't know why Delightworks made Saber Elizabeth a little too revealing...
You guys must be noticing that there is a watermark
down at the bottom of the screen.
Well, I just forgot to turn the watermark off in this video...
Hope it's not blocking the view too much...
So Black Knight Lancelot is a Saber?
Barely scratched...
Somehow I love the music theme.
It's too cute for an Otaku like me to handle...
No story this time?
So we just basically harvest a bunch of pumpkins now...
The only reason to make the story longer...
Which is fine...
It teaches Elizabeth some lesson...
They changed many of the enemies into pumpkins.
Like the ghosts now have Halloween theme to them.
Delightworks just make this long to the point that they have no other dialogue for the story.
And Chapter 12 is done!!!
Good... they'll be my doom if they're there.
The last time I defeated Vlad with only 4 turns.
See how I'm doing this time.
5 turns...
Just 5 turns... and I defeated Vlad...
Way too easy!!!
So we will face the Queen in the next day, guys.
I'll go back to the Free Quests and farm as much bags
as I can to trade.
Seems like there are more Free Quests released.
Now I got enough for my ♬CRYSTALLIZED LORE!!!♬
If I can find where it is...
Now I need for bags for the Dragon Orbs...
4 in total...
Well, with that being said, thanks for watching.
Please Like and Subscribe to my channel
for more F/GO contents.
I'll release Day 5 tomorrow.
But until then, I'll see you guys in the next video.
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