Welcome back to Albany County Fasteners, Fasteners 101. I'm Bob and today
I'm going to show you these Tuff Chix gloves, but before we do that: subscribe,
like, and share my videos and hit the bell so you get new content warnings.
Let's get started. So I have here the Tuff Chix gloves. The girls in our
warehouse love these gloves. They use them. These are designed for women
specifically. So I have here the Tuff Chix work gloves.
These have a very nice construction. Seamless roll tip finger design.
So it basically comes over and rolls over the side.
Reinforced fingertip nails. So I guess that's the built-in part of this here.
There's no hard plastic or anything like that in here to protect your finger so I just want to
clarify that for you. Curved glove pattern to match contours of a woman's hand.
It has padded knuckle protection along here. So they added additional
padding so if you hit your knuckles when you're working in these gloves it
protects your knuckles. I have here the Tuff Chix fleece version of the gloves.
These are really warm and soft gloves. This is thermal tech fleece.
Fleece on the inside, fleece on the outside. This has three layer construction.
This is windproof, these gloves. So if you're in the wind your hands and fingers should
stay warm. I would highly recommend these gloves. They really fit a spot in the
industry. Very hard to find gloves for women. So these are really cool Tuff
Chix gloves. We'll include a link below where you can purchase them on our site.
I think the Tuff Chix are really gonna like this. Thanks for watching.
There you go! Subscribe, like, comment. Visit us at
AlbanyCountyFasteners.com for 50,000 Skus right off the rack, ready to
ship. We look forward to seeing you in our next video.
For more infomation >> Ironclad Tuff Chix Women's Work Gloves | Overview - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
'오프라인 노트앱' 만들기#1-8 Router and Routes - Duration: 8:09.
Jednym zdjęciem potrafi wywołać burze - Duration: 3:50.
Est-ce que votre site WordPress est à risque ? - Duration: 2:42.
bináris opciók.szerdai kereskedés,9.75 usd 3 perc alatt - Duration: 11:44.
Lily-Rose Depp « infidèle » à Timothée , elle s'affiche très complice avec un autre acteur - Duration: 1:19.
Nightcore - Run Away (Fabian Secon) - Duration: 1:45.
(Please refer to the screen for the lyrics. Thanks.)
My Last Ride With the Honda CB 650 F - Duration: 10:31.
104.Cold snaring and Tough SD junction - Duration: 7:57.
It passes through rectum and S colon as usual.
The shape of the S-colon can be made into what I want if it is handled well.
It is important to advance by using torque mainly in the early stage.
Torque should be applied in clockwise direction. (In reverse, it is easy to create a reverse-alpha loop)
A small polyp was found.
It looks like 4-5mm in size.
I think it will be hard to find it later so I want to remove it now.
insufflate air
A 1-2 mm polyp can be removed with a biopsy forceps.
However, polyps larger than 3-4 mm are highly likely to be incompletely removed when removed with a biopsy forceps.
Cold snaring is suitable for this situation.
When using a biopsy forceps to remove a polyp, the procedure must be repeated several times.
In addition, due to bleeding, it is difficult to accurately target from the second procedure.
In contrast, using cold snaring, a single procedure can adequately resect and the risk of bleeding is not so high.
Care should be taken not to bring the submucosa together.
It is a little difficult to recover the specimen.
It is helpful to aspirate a small amount of fluid in the colon after sucking the specimen.
This is SDJ.
This blind entry is called 'slide-by'.
Slide-by is dangerous because perforation is more likely to occur, if you push it forcefully.
This is the diverticulum. Perforation may occur if a large diverticulum is mistaken for an bowel lumen.
Keeping the scope straight as possible and gently advancing and withdrawing 1-2cm at a time usually works.
Jiggle with torque (clockwise) is a very useful method for advancing from this junction.
Almost done!
before the abdominal compression, the scope is being straightened with jigge and torque.
Another abdominal compression to pass through the hepatic flexure.
Emmanuel et Brigitte Macron en vacances incognito, leur lieu de villégiature (déjà) dévoilé - Duration: 1:51.
【 Honkai Impact 3 】New CG Story REBURN Part 2 CN【Sub ENG/JP/PT/SPN】 - Duration: 2:44.
Bronya: Mei Sister… Kiana...
Bronya… I have to hurry ...
System sound: Decoding completed
Mei: Bronya ... What a relief , you were okay....
Bronya: Mei Sister!
Bronya: Password lock, decryption completed. Controlling authority, opening. Battle system, activation
Trojan horse virus? no... Probably only honkai energy is leaking...
It should not be abnormal
Anti-entropy special fighting armor, Decode complete
The bridge is clear ... heavy rabbit 19c, starting to interpret the main control system
No login password ...... Open all operation privileges ... Why, why?
There's no way l´m telling you! Who even believes in these prank mails anyway?
Fine I´ll tell you… Bronya Chan, Kiana Chan birthday is on December 7th
Kiana: Oh, Mei Sr!
''Control access permitted''
''Destination changed to St. Freya High School''
Wow, so the password really is my birthday?
Let's get the battleship back to St. Freya High School first
l´m sure we´ll know more once we perform an analysis
From what l can tell, whoever sent us the battleship doesn't seem ill-intentioned so far
Himeko: What happened? Bronya...
Valkyrie System emergency control system manual override. Restarting
Supreme authority command has been entered
Eliminate all enemies in the vicinity
Bronya Chan! hang in there!
Mei Sister…What happened?
Kiana: Great. You awoke!
Bronya: Bronya... No doubt the chips in Bronya have become uncontrollable...
Himeko: Did communication recover? Bronya, are you OK?
Bronya: Bronya is okay...
However, Major Himeko, when you return to the academy, Please do a petite inspection on Bronya
Bronya...I don't want to be a burden anymore
Python Tutorials - Quick Sort Algorithm | Program | Part-1 - Duration: 27:51.
Hello guys and welcome to Python programming tutorials by Amuls Academy.
In the previous two tutorials we discussed about how we can sort the numbers using Quicksort
algorithm, today in this tutorial we are discussing about the Quicksort algorithm as well as we
will write the program.
So first algorithm and to understand this tutorial you need to watch the previous two
tutorials OK so the first step is, select the pivot element so it can be first element
or last element or you can choose randomly but select the pivot element.
Second step is, find out the correct position of the pivot element in the list by rearranging
it, so we will compare other values with the pivot element and we will find out its original
place right this is about the that step.
Next step is divide the list based on the pivot element, once we found out the original
place of the pivot element then we will divide the list right?, left sublist and right sublist
ok, so we need to divide the list.
And next step is, sort the sub list recursively, we will use the same step to sort the sub
list that is, in that we will take the pivot element and we will find out its correct position
OK we will do it recursively ok.
So these are the steps .
so next we will write the program Ok actually we will use three functions ok in this program,
see the first function and second function these are the user defined function next we
will use the main function ok to take the input as well as to print the input output
ok. so here in the first function, this function
is to find out the correct position of the pivot element ok so in this function we will
find out the pivot element correct position and in the second function we will divide
the list based on the this pivot element ok and we will sort the sub list recursively
ok here we can see the recursive call in this second function ok, so we need to define two
functions in this program.
so first we will define the first function that is the function to get the correct position
of the pivot element ok so we need to define a function, so for that i will use "def"
keyword next followed by the function name so here you can give any function name but
using the proper function name will help to understand the program ok if any other user
will refer your function then he will get to know what that function actually will do.
ok so here this function is to find out the original position of the pivot element ok,
so i'll take "pivot_ place" as the function name, you can take any name ok if
you want here i'll include the comment also like, ok so this function is to get the correct
position of the pivot element see the original place of the pivot element ok.
so next here inside this function i need 3 parameters here ok so first one is the list
the entire list, whatever the input because to get the pivot element first i need list
next i need two more parameters that is first and last, i'll take name as "first" and
"last" these are the index ok so from where to where.
So this first and last parameter will tell the length of the list, whether we are applying
this function on the full list ok or on the sublist that will be get to know from these
two parameters it will tell the length of list OK.
so the "first" will be the starting index and "last" will be the last index of the
list ok. next so what is the first step.
we need to take the pivot element right?, select the pivot element.
so first in this program i'll take the first element as the pivot element ok.
so what i will do is, i will take a variable called pivot and here i'll take "list1"
that is the list name and here i'll take first, "list1 of first".
Why because it is the index of the first value ok, and here list name is "list1" so i
took "list1 of first", that means the first element is pivot now alright.
So next i need to take left and right value, two more index to compare the values right?,
here in the example here we can see i took the first element as pivot.
Now i want left and right, here in this example "0 is first" and "five is last" value
ok. so i took, this list name is "list1" so
"list1 of first" means we will get 56 ok.
so now i want left Value, left value i want one, right value 5 ok so what i'll do is,
i will take left as "first plus one" ok and here i'll take right at last correct right.
Here we can see this is last and this is "first plus one" ok zero is first here, so we want
left as one that is nothing but "first plus one".
so next i have left now, right now, and pivot, so now what i need to do?, i need to check
this condition right?, i need to check each and every value with the pivot value, i need
to compare that ok. so first condition is this right?, "left
should be less than or equal to right" if it is true then i will go for the next condition
that is, "a of left" is less than or equal to pivot, here list name is list1, so "list1
of left is less than or equal to pivot". so here first i will check "26 is less than
or equal to 56", if it is true then i need to move to the next value.
I need to check next value is less than or equal to pivot ok so here we are checking
the same condition for different value, so we will check whatever the value present in
the left index is less than or equal to pivot again and again until the condition become
false right?, so for that in the program we will use loops, we want to use the same condition
again and again for different values ok so here i have condition, these are the conditions
so I'll take while loop ok here.
so I'll take while first one is "left should be always less than or equal to right",
ok i need to check this condition every time, next condition is, "and" and means logical
and ok so i will check "list 1 of left" ok should be less than or equal to pivot value
ok so this is the condition right?, first condition ok so i need both of this condition
need to be true ok that's why i took "and" here.
if anyone of this condition is true then i don't want to execute it's body.
so if it is true then i need to increment left by 1 .
So here we can see first i will check 26<=56 right?,so before checking this condition i
will check whether left <= right ok, it is true, 1 <= 5, so that is true, that's why
i will check this condition whether 26<=56, if it is true then i need to move to the next
value right?, so left will point here, so i need to increment left . so here i did that
If this condition becomes true then i will increment the left by 1 ok.
if any one of this condition become false, i need to come out of this loop ok.
So when this condition become false i will go to the right side, and i will check the
values right?.
Here so first i will check, 26 <= 56 it is true, so i will check 93 <= 56 no it is not
right?, if it is becomes false i will stop here, and i will go to the right side and
i will check the value, now 44 >= 56 this condition, so i need to take the while loop
for that now.
So while here also "left should be less than or equal to right", ok first i will
check this condition, and if it is true then "list1 of right" the whatever the value
present in the right index should be greater than or equal to pivot, so we are writing
the program for ascending order ok so for this this condition.
Now i will do is right is equal to right minus 1.
Here this condition become true ok when, if the value present in the right side is greater
than pivot then i will move to the next value ok so that means i will move this way right?,
that's why I took right = right - 1.
Here 1 index become less that's why.
So if this condition become false then i will stop there only ok.
So next here this while loop become False in two condition OK when this condition become
false here in this loop, in this loop this condition ok.
at that time this loop can be become false or when this become false ok in any cases
this two loop can become false and control come out of this loop right?.
so now i need to write the condition for that, so i will take if condition and check when
"right value become less than left" what will happen.
so i told you in every condition here, "left should be less than or equal to right" here
also left should be less than or equal to right.
what if right become smaller than left, left become greater than right, what will happen
ok so if you remember in the previous tutorial i told you, if this happen then we need to
stop everything and now we got the correct position of the pivot element.
we need to swap now so what we need to do, we need to swap pivot and the value present
in the right index, why right index because if we take the pivot as the first element
then we need to swap right index value, if you take last element as the pivot then we
need to swap left index value i explained you about this in the previous tutorial right?.
so now we need to do this, so we need to swap pivot and the value present in the right index
ok so to swap we can use many methods ok so here I'll write in a single line.
So here i will write "list1 of first", "list1 of right" is equal to "list1
of right", list1[first].
So here list1[first] is nothing but pivot, here we can see right?,
and "list1 of right" is the value present in the right index, so now if you ask why
I am writing "list1 of first", instead of writing pivot, here we want to swap the
numbers in the list ok if i write pivot here it won't do the changes, i want to change
the value present in this first index and right index ok, i want to change the values
in the list itself that's why here i am writing "list1 of first".
if you write pivot here instead of "list1 of first" you won't get the proper output
ok. so for now, so if i took if then i will take
else also, so here ok first i'll check this condition, "left is less than or equal to
right", and "list1 of left " is less than or equal to pivot, if both this condition
is true, i need to increment left and i need to check the next value with the pivot and
if this condition become false if any one of this condition become false i will go here
and i will check this condition ok if both this condition become false, if the control
come out of this while loop, then we will execute this if condition.
So i will check, so why control came out of this while loop, whether because of this condition
fails, or this condition fails ok so here i check that.
Ok then what happens if this condition become false in this and this condition become false
in this while loop that is, this case ok . so this is the left first initially ok i'll
check "26 is less than or equal to 56" yes it is true.
So now i will point towords this value, so I'll check whether "93 is less than or equal
to 56", no right?, so i'll stop here.
I will go to the right side and I'll check whether the value present in the right index
is greater than or equal to 56, no it is not, so I'll stop here ok.
so in this condition we stop the both the while loop, ok in the program the first while
loop stops because here and next while loop fails because here this condition become false
In the program this condition became false first and here this condition become false
ok so i'll come out of this 2 while loop and i will check this condition whether "right
is less than left", so here check "right value is 5" and "left value is 2", No
this condition is also false right here right is 5, it is greater than left ok so this condition
so control won't go here, it will go to the else part,then what we need to do?, we
want to swap the value present in the left index and right index right?, so here i need
to do that, ok here in the else part i need to swap the value present in the left index
and right index, if you are not comfortable with this way you can go for that three variable
method you can take a temp variable and you can swap OK.
Here ok, we swap this 93 and 44 ok in the program, so now what i need to do, again i
need to start from the beginning right?, i need to check the value present in the left
index, i need to do this same thing again ok again i will do ok so i want to execute
this part of code again and again so i need to place this in a loop ok.
so that is because here we can see once, if i, so here 44 will come here right?, so 93
will go here ok now what i will do again i check the value right?, so i will check first
this condition whether the "left is less than or equal to right" next I'll check
value present in the left is less than or equal to right, again i will do the same thing
ok so if i want to do that again and again until this condition become false right?,
so i need to do this again and again, so what I'll do is, i will place this piece of code
in a while loop ok so first i will do is, i will cut this and here I'll take a while
loop. so I'll take while True this as the condition, so place that in the,
indent it correctly ok, ok so now i took a while loop and i place this code in the while
loop ok.
now i need a condition within this while loop body to come out of this loop right?, so now
it is infinite loop it will continuously execute because while True means it is always true.
So now i need some condition to come out of this loop ok so i want to make it finite so
what i will do is, here if this condition become true when "right becomes smaller
than left", then i need to stop everything right?, so here i need to check this condition
again and again till this condition become false so what i will do is, if this condition
become true i will cut this and here i'll write break, so that means come out of the
loop ok next here outside the loop i will execute that code.
so what i did now, so if this condition become true then i will come out of this loop and
I'll swap the value present in the first index and right, that is nothing but pivot and the
value present in the right index.
So In this example, so so i will check whether "44 is less than or equal to 56" true,
so I'll go to this 17, so "17 is less than or equal to 56", true so i will again go
to 31, " 31 is less than or equal 56" true again i'll go to 93, i will check whether
"93 is less than or equal to 56" no right?, so this condition becomes false so i will
stop here only.
So i will goto the right side now so right is here, so it will check whether "93 is
greater than 56" true, so it will go to the next value, left is greater than right,
right is "right value is 4", "left value is 5" so this condition become false, ok
if this condition is become false, so i need to stop everything now i need to swap the
value present in the first index or pivot value and the value whatever the present in
the right index right?, so that's what we did here ok .
so when this condition become true I'll stop everything that's why here i wrote break it
will come out of the loop and here i will swap the value present in the first index
that is pivot and the value present in the right index ok.
And next i want to return some value from this function ok we came to the end of this
function so here I'll return right index, the index where pivot element is present now,
ok here i need to swap 56 and 31, so this is the right index right?, after swapping
56 will come here, 56 will present in the right index so we got the correct index of
the pivot element, so we get to know where actually pivot element should be present ok
so that's why i return right here ok so done with this one function.
so now i need to write the 2nd function, so next function is to divide the list and for
the recursive call.
Here I'll take define here I'll take the function name as quicksort itself ok if you want you
can change, here also i want first last ok parameters are same here.
first thing what i will do is, I'll call this pivot_palce function, this function, so to
divide the list i want the index of the pivot element ok, it will return that, that's why
I'll call that function now here.
so I'll take one variable called "p" it will hold the return result and here I'll
call pivot list1 first last ok, this is the function call to this function, so this will
return the index ok where the pivot element is present that will be stored in this variable.
Next what i will do is, i'll divide the list ok, how?, i'll call , i will recursively solve
that list so here I'll take list1, here you can take the index as zero or you can go for
first and here i will take p -1 ok next, p plus one to last.
Ok if you ask how i divided this like this, so I'll explain you so here i need to swap
31 and 56 right?, so 31 will come here, 56 here.
this is the right that's why i return the index of 56 now what i need to do is, so now
i got the actual index of the pivot element, ok that is this 4 .
4th index pivot element is present and it is the correct position of this pivot element
now i need to divide this right?, so how i will divide it,
So 31 26 44 and 17 and here the 2nd sublist is, only 1 element 93 .
Ok so here 0 1 2 3 56 and here from 5 , ok so here this is the
one sublist, here we can see the starting index that is zero and the ending index that
is 3, that is nothing but 4-1, what is 4?, 4 is the index of pivot element that is called
"p" in our program . So here i took p-1, 0 to p-1, or first to
Here what is 5, 5 is p+1 so p+1.
That's why in this program first i took list1 first and p-1 this is one sublist that
is left sublist.
next here list1 p+1 last, the next sublist, right sublist ok.
So it will do the work recursively and next here this function is the recursive function
right?, here we can see the function call inside this function body also, so whenever
we write the recursive function we will write two case right?, that is base case and recursive
case, base case will be the stopping condition and recursive case contains the recursive
call, so here we can see the recursive case that is we can see the recursive call.
but where is the base case?, here what is the stopping condition for this Quicksort,
when we get a list with single element right?,in the previous example also i explained about
this, when we will get the single element in a list we will stop that, so here that
is the condition, that is the base case, here we can take like this OK so the condition
is when "first index is equal to last index" that is if it contains single element then
the first is also this, last is also this right?, first index is the starting index
and last index is the last index of the list, so if both are same then we need to stop ok.
no need to do anything we need to stop, if first is smaller than last, then we need to
do this recursive case ok, here because in the base case we don't need to do anything,
that is when "first is equal to last" here we don't want to do anything, that's
why here i take the condition like this, here i will take if condition and here i will check,
ok if "first is less than last", then only execute this code , that is partition
the list and and solve that sub list recursively OK when a list contains single element then
no need to execute anything stop everything ok so here base case is when "first is equal
to equal to last" or when "first becomes equal to last" ok that time no need to do
anything that's why i didn't write the condition here.
ok so this is the recursive case and also this function is not returning any value to
the main function where we will call this function because in this program we are not
getting any new list ok we are sorting the original list itself ok that's why we are
not returning any list or value to the main function.
Next i need to take main, here you need to take the input, you can take the user input
or you can directly take the input like this ok so i will enter few elements.
Next what I'll do is, I'll call the quick sort function ok so this function and here
i will pass the list1 and i need to mention the first and last index ok.
so first index will be zero always and the last index will be length of list1 - 1.
Here in this case, here we can see 0 1 2 3 4 5 ok i want to write 5 here, so what is
5?, it is length of list1 - 1 right?, So if i take length of list1 i will get 6, because
the index will start from zero so here i want 5, so i will write n-1 ok so next print list1.
so here this function is not returning anything because here so we are modifying the original
list itself.
So now if i save this and run this, 17 26 31 44 56 93 these are all numbers are in the
ascending order So if you want descending order then just
change the symbol here, ok here go for greater than or equal to, here less than or equal
93 56 44 31 26 17 all the numbers are in descending order now.
And remaining everything i will explain in the next tutorial, so that's it for now
guys thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe to my channel i will meet you
in next class till then take care.
Is the Zhiyun Smooth Q enough for what you need out of a gimbal? - Duration: 4:13.
today we're playing with this ok the sound effects were me what's going on
guys today we're gonna have a little bit of
fun and by fun I mean playing around with camera gear so assuming you think
that's fun then it'll be fun if not then I'm sorry that I misled you so if you're
like me you probably been watching all these Ronin s review videos thinking man
I wish I could buy that and then thinking man I really can't afford that right now
in terms of gimbals I bought a Zhiyun smooth Q a while back if you don't know
what the smooth Q is smooth smooth and if you don't know what the smooth Q is
it's basically the gimbal they made for your smartphone had pretty good results
with it quite frankly I really didn't use it as much as I thought I was going
to use it but I quickly moved away from recording a lot with my smartphone and I
only really do it just when I'm out and about ad hoc if I am planning to vlog
I'll bring something bigger or something different so I don't really have a lot
of opportunity to actually use it but what I've been struggling with is trying
to decide whether I can use my smooth Q with a combination of my phone and a
moment lens in order to get enough of a cinematic shot to get what I need out of
a gimbal because I'm doing a lot of vlogs and video tutorials I don't need a
gimbal a lot but it would be nice to have on those occasions where I do want
to have a real cinematic shot so I'll be taking this which is my Zhiyun smooth Q
with my old pixel one phone a moment lens as you can see right there have my
super ghetto counterweight and if you want to see how I did it I literally
look no don't die I literally just put some velcro on that
bad boy and some velcro on a weight smacked it on and voila perfect balance
because as you guys know who has a smooth Q if you actually had moment
lenses and you put them on your phone a lot of times I mixed too heavy for the
gimbal to actually balance so you got to have some ingenuity and do something
like this you don't necessarily need to do something ugly like that you can do
something nicer looking but it works for me so I'm gonna try some basic gimbal
shots just so I can see how good a quality I can get with just this setup
try to determine if it's enough for me to hold off on buying a ronin S or a
Zhiyun crane so let's take a look at the footage so here's the footage with the
pixel the moment lens and the gene Smoot Q so part of this is obviously operator
skill I'm kind of hurry up and try to do it but
you can see that actually stabilizes pretty good and I think what you really
notice it performing well is when you move out of an initial shot into another
one it's a very smooth motion so as a counter test what I decided to do was
take my GH5 my 8-18 millimeter lens put it on my Joby
Gorillapod and rearrange it so I could hold it close to the ground and get the
same type of shot and if I could shoot it with the gh five the picture quality
would be way better so here's the same shot with the gh five so as you can see
the picture quality is great and it's actually not that bad it's bouncing
around a little bit but you can definitely tell when I try to move to
the other shot it's all over the place and I couldn't even actually get it in
frame and all tell me what you see is that's the strength of the gimbal but
it's being able to get that smooth movement between shots and stay
concentrated on the target that really shows the power of what a gimbal can do
for you at the end of the day for me I think where I'm ended up is I'm ok with
the smooth Q for now I don't really use gimble's all that
much and actually I need to push myself to see why I need more than just this if
I'm really gonna spend that money on a ronin s or a Zhiyun crane what I would say
is if you don't have a gimbal and you really want one and you already shoot
with a DSLR or mirrorless camera if you have the money I would recommend to go
ahead and go with the Ronin s or the crane specifically an older model
because they're cheaper right now because at least it gets you to where
you want to be but if you shoot a lot with your smartphone and you think that
you're more likely to carry that because this is still a relatively small package
to carry around and it can definitely work for some basic gimbal stuff so
anyway I hope that helped you guys you have any questions leave them down in
the comments below and I'll try to get some and if you like this video tap that
like button down below if you haven't yet join the family by hitting that
subscribe button for more videos on gear and to follow my journey as a creator
you guys have a great day out there life is short be great Peace let's not
hey sweat pea. say hello
are you sweaty? What what are you trying to say? You have problems, because you're my daughter that's why
Ironclad Tuff Chix Women's Work Gloves | Overview - Duration: 2:42.
Welcome back to Albany County Fasteners, Fasteners 101. I'm Bob and today
I'm going to show you these Tuff Chix gloves, but before we do that: subscribe,
like, and share my videos and hit the bell so you get new content warnings.
Let's get started. So I have here the Tuff Chix gloves. The girls in our
warehouse love these gloves. They use them. These are designed for women
specifically. So I have here the Tuff Chix work gloves.
These have a very nice construction. Seamless roll tip finger design.
So it basically comes over and rolls over the side.
Reinforced fingertip nails. So I guess that's the built-in part of this here.
There's no hard plastic or anything like that in here to protect your finger so I just want to
clarify that for you. Curved glove pattern to match contours of a woman's hand.
It has padded knuckle protection along here. So they added additional
padding so if you hit your knuckles when you're working in these gloves it
protects your knuckles. I have here the Tuff Chix fleece version of the gloves.
These are really warm and soft gloves. This is thermal tech fleece.
Fleece on the inside, fleece on the outside. This has three layer construction.
This is windproof, these gloves. So if you're in the wind your hands and fingers should
stay warm. I would highly recommend these gloves. They really fit a spot in the
industry. Very hard to find gloves for women. So these are really cool Tuff
Chix gloves. We'll include a link below where you can purchase them on our site.
I think the Tuff Chix are really gonna like this. Thanks for watching.
There you go! Subscribe, like, comment. Visit us at
AlbanyCountyFasteners.com for 50,000 Skus right off the rack, ready to
ship. We look forward to seeing you in our next video.
ASMR 👻Creepypasta 🎃 Scary stories on night 📚 [Russian whisper] - Duration: 31:36.
Today I will read you
there will be 2 of them
they are written in
those stories
which I heard
from you
from moderators
from friends
and connected to something
I don't know how you like or dislike
be sure to write how you feel about them
and did you like it
what I wrote to you
of those bits and pieces
the fact that somewhere I heard
from you including
there will be 2 stories
so that
sit down more comfortable
and get ready to just listen
first story
called snake
these events occurred
in one small village
How true is this story
you decide yourself
I'll tell you what I heard.
what did you see
It all started with a photo
Cemetery workers
photographed a huge enormous snake on a tree
According to them
one of them noticed a huge snake
quickly photographed
and they both ran away from sin
The photograph quickly filled out the residents' phone numbers.
and cemetery itself, people stopped walking
some said it was photoshop
where could such a big snake come from them?
They do not live in that climate
How could she get there?
But which one of them is able to photoshop?
- the grave diggers objected
Maybe I am?
Or maybe Ivan
so was the name of another gravedigger
Or maybe his son?
I don't even know what it is
We don't have computers either
The bottom line was that in the snake photo
lay in a tree
And the tree is really there
and it stands to this day
I even saw him with my own eyes.
And the tree is not small
in height of meters 6 at least
And in the photo, the snake from the beginning to the highest branches.
At least 6-8 meters
This is a real python.
Only here as skeptics say
in these parts they are not found
Some brave souls even went to the cemetery
returned and said they didn't find anyone there
After that, the story began to fade.
her people remembered less and less
and less often
Yes, that's only once
Basil, the man who mowed the grass by the road
raised a fuss
His eyes are clear
drinking vodka glasses and not getting drunk
and tells
mowing the grass
And then the spit buried in something soft and big
and there is a huge snake
ball rolled up
Yes, I threw a scythe
yes ran to look
50 years living never seen this
yes I'm not lying, I'm not lying
saw with my own eyes
and here are a few days
one woman spoke
what went along the path
yes suddenly
snake creeps the road
huge big
like a bucket thick
and in her belly
as if the bag had swallowed
Man, I suppose ate
and here are the closest to the cemetery
a lonely old man lived
who had a good housekeeping
cows, goats, kids
so he said that his goat was missing yesterday
and the terrain there such
tall grass
meter, and somewhere around 2 meters
and due to the fact that there are a lot of stones
it's impossible to mow it
Spit then breaks right away
Yes, and so many people need to cut down all this grass
look for a snake or someone else
it's like a needle in a haystack
and other people complained
that chickens disappear
say someone else and the kid was gone
and then
the old man himself was gone
with a goat which
and all his household
but people say he left
and on the door lock
and the farm cut
many people started talking
that they have lost their smoke
and rumors of a snake
scattered faster and faster
you know
it was already very difficult to distinguish
where lies
and where is the truth
every child
said you saw her
5 minutes ago
but kids always embellish
on this what rumors just did not go
that there are many snakes there
that she is a mutant
who sailed by the river
that in the city near the man lived
who bred such snakes
how did he die
son could not sell them
it was a pity to kill
here he came and released it here
and she began to attribute
different abilities
that she flies
that the ax, the knife, but the braid itself does not take it
and she digs holes
burrows underground
of all this nonsense burrows were not invented from scratch
a whole bunch of dug graves appeared in the cemetery
and strange pits
there were rumors that she was eating the dead
and the chief caretaker behind the cemetery
the undertaker asked
one of the family
get the coffin and check the body is gone or not
but the people of the whole village were very religious
they treated the dead very with reverent respect
the family did not agree on this
truth and fiction messed up in a reliable, reliable tangle
but one thing was for sure
there was a lot of dug-up land in the cemetery
and there are more and more new holes
the animals disappeared just massively
it was difficult to find someone who would have lost nothing
the headman even issued a decree
what after 8 hours
the children were locked up in the houses
and not allowed to walk alone on the streets
and for the economy to look at both
and so it went on for several weeks
and one day
like closer to the night
a scandal broke out on the main road near the store
one man with a gun
scolded at all the other
he tells
I go out at night before the toilet
yes I hear some rustle from the barn
run for a gun, I think snake
and he runs there
with his turkey in his arms
Well, in the end, the police arrived
together with the headman
they found a pit behind the peasant's house
in which a whole bunch of offal festered
old man's body
and a bunch of feathers
and in the bowl the dog had chicken heads
and in the basement a whole bunch of animal carcasses found
it turned out that a snake that kills animals and people
there was a man
robbed an old man's house
and the old man apparently caught him
so he killed him
then locked the door
so that everyone thinks that the old man allegedly went to the city
and also slaughtered animals, traveled to cities, and sold everything
but still there were pits in the cemetery
but the snake chose very selectively
what corpses does she have
only those where were the most expensive monuments
lost from the dead
rings, jewelery, platinum insert in the foot
were they punished?
found them at all?
I don't know already
also in the cemetery
there was a huge crypt
built it very very long time ago
rich parents for their daughter
who was bitten by a snake
and she died
statue and big crypt
many said that the snake lives there
but after all the events with people
fear is gone
you know i went there
and no snake I did not find there
but I saw strange weird bands
as if there really was a big snake crawling
was it really a snake
I do not know
but one thing I know for sure
some people
worse than any snake
here and the first story came to an end
true or fiction
you decide
now get ready to listen to the second story
Second story
will be called witch treasure
Once in a small Russian village
old woman was dying
She was seriously ill
and suffered a lot
Her house was in the center of the village.
With their cries
she delivered a lot of inconvenience to her neighbors
Scream it was hard to call
it was a howl
She screamed
Where are my sons!?
Where are my children
Bring them to me
I can't die
Even cotton wool in the ears did not help people fall asleep
and her heart-rending screams made everyone sad
Doctors, neighbors came to her
And heard only one
I want to die !
My time has come
Bring me my sons
And her sons
passed it
and they came
That evening, a woman screamed louder than usual
It seemed in every corner of the village
her screams were heard
When her sons came in
a whole village gathered in front of her house
Woman seeing children
Take everything, only one decoration is mine
put me in my grave
Do not dare touch it
I'll take him away
The children tried to help her.
that just did not do
But the woman only screamed
I can't die
Fool knock the roof in the house
don't make me suffer
Roof punch, roof punch
Roof punch, roof punch
The eldest son could not stand
climbed onto the roof
And only a woman screamed
the roof is my decoration
my decoration
break her
Son struck the roof
so the woman immediately gave up the ghost and died
There were a lot of rumors
that she was a Witch
By this and could not die
until you pierced the roof
and she wanted to see children
to say last wish
bury the decoration along with the witch
And the decoration was unusual
as they say that when long ago
her great great great grandmother
was also a witch
And this decoration was the price of the royal personage
for the service of the witch
And since then it has been handed down from generation to generation.
But passed only the eldest daughter
But this witch had only sons
When a woman was buried
eldest son
saying goodbye to her put the decoration as requested by the mother
A younger son
took the jewelry to himself
because it certainly was expensive
what testament she left us
An old house with a broken roof
I'd rather sell it and buy myself an apartment in the city.
he thought and quietly snagged the necklace
Hammer in the coffin
He said
So the woman was buried without a necklace.
The younger son brought the necklace home and put it in the dresser
I drank a little and lay down to sleep
He lived alone in a rented apartment
Sleeps and hears
A terrible rumble, with a thud
Picture fell
vodka with a glass from the table fell
the wall cracked
chandelier trembles
only the dresser stands as if nothing had happened
The man opened the door of the chest
hears the voice of the witches
Return the necklace, it should not belong to you
Grabbed the man necklace
and ran to the street
Runs out of the door
and runs away from home
And on the fence sits a black cat
red eyes
Return the necklace
The man ignored the cat
The guy ran to his friend
Knocking on the door
Late night
friend opens for him
And he is on the way with vodka?
there is
Pour it
Drank vodka man
but about the necklace says nothing
Friend's wife woke up
asks what happened
why come at night looking
And he says - I can not sleep
mother buried and now nightmares to take off
Became a friend and his wife feel sorry for him
She says
what you drink is simple and does not bite
Let me cut you a salad
And the kitchen is cramped
Only takes a woman a knife
he jumped out of her hands
and stuck right in the guest's leg
Husband and wife in shock
and the guest is sober sitting
as if he didn't drink a drop
and does not feel pain
Thinks to himself
Need to get rid of this necklace.
He speaks
I will go
sucks the knife out of his feet and puts it on the table
Where will you go ? We must call an ambulance
leg bandaged
No let me
Runs into the street and the girl passed by
he took it like that and threw it
On, this is for you, take it.
The girl first saw such a beautiful necklace.
it looked very expensive
She lifted him
before she could say thanks
how is nobody around
I thought I thought a girl
She returned home
from work she went
Legs are tired
I will take the elevator
Just logged in
so the door closed immediately
Damn I pulled this elevator to use
What do i do now
she knocked, tried to open the door herself, screaming
Nothing works
Pushes the dispatcher button
even though she understands that no one will answer
yes there is a voice
Return the necklace
Otherwise, I curse you
What the girl asked
And then the elevator door opens
I thought she thought
Went home
And then the rain and thunderstorm began
Turned on the TV
rather than one channel not working
Everywhere only noise and hissing
probably this is a thunderstorm
here it does not work
yes here from the TV voice
not alive it must belong to the dead
Stunned this girl
she lit a cigarette
watching TV
Nothing Only noise
I'm tired
thought the girl and fell asleep
A cigarette fell from the hands of the carpet
there was a fire
and she burned alive
Firemen broke the door and the police entered.
Everything burned down
All furniture
Only the necklace of the corpse
necklace of the corpse in his hand is a whole
Dear fireman thought
I'll take ka to his wife
He pulled her
And the dead man squeezed like a hand and does not let go
He once again pulled harder
snatched necklace
And quietly stuck in his pocket
Did he do his job
And then on the radio
one staff member crashed
Not your necklace
it belongs to the dead
Dumbfounded guy
And all around and the view does not serve
as if it wasn't
I must say that I became ill and leave early today
Man ran home
Like morning
but it's dark outside and nothing is visible
Around the crowd of people
And everyone turns and he follows
and says
This is not your necklace
A man runs from all feet
And to him all the passersby
It belongs to the dead
if you don't bring him back you will become dead
Angry guy - what did you say
The man turned in surprise.
I said nothing
are you okay ?
Damn necklace
I got on the bus and drove off
At one stop the old man came
And sits down to him
And says - Bring back
bring back
The guy took and threw the necklace in the window
and in a minute
the bus crashed
with that guy
and here I found this baby necklace
who went to school
She thought what it is beautiful
It was a girl
she put it on herself and wanted to take a selfie
And instead of a photo
inscription appeared in bloody letters
It's not yours
it belongs to the dead
bring him back
And the girl asked
who to return?
And on her phone
navigator turned on itself
and our girl rushed off
on the way to where the phone was pointing
she was traveling by bus
she was traveling by train
and the way led her to the same house
the address was written
5th floor
54 flat
knocked girl
she opened a man
it's yours
said the girl
and put her necklace
this fool still stole him
said eldest son
the girl thanked
gave her delicious candy
drove to school by car
and the necklace he went to the cemetery
yes under the tomb laid
speak on that grave
crows sit
and someone heard what they say human voices
here is the second bike
the story
believe or not
That's your business
did you have
what are the creepy stories?
maybe you also heard from someone?
do you believe at all
in mysticism?
Well, do you like it at all
horror movies
or do you like something fabulous more
and more positive?
or would you like to sometimes dilute
reading fairy tales
as such
according to your stories
and stories
if you liked
don't forget to like
so tell, tell
I will read everything
Thank you very much
for listening
and were with me
but in general
let only good and good things come to you
so that you always have happiness
good and luck
so that all all byaki
bypassed you
and never looked at you
everything was just wonderful
and good
light and good
all the same better
or do you think otherwise?
(ENG) ASMR Green monster marshmallow Real sounds Mukbang Eating Show - Duration: 10:16.
Today is a green monster MUKBANG
Let's open up.
ok! I'm Satisfied
A little taste of apple. It is the most gentle texture in the mash mellow that I ate until now.
I had a Halloween party a few days ago. Why did I make up GRINCH? I wanted to do makeup that is not common. As I expected, the only person who did this makeup was me and my friend.
please like and subscribe
Пожелание с ДОБРЫМ УТРОМ ! Чудесного дня ! Прекрасного настроения !#Мирпоздравлений - Duration: 1:02.
Conor McGregor can have Khabib Nurmagomedov rematch on one condition - Daily News - Duration: 3:12.
Khabib Nurmagomedov is open to a rematch with Conor McGregor - if the money is right
The UFC lightweight champion submitted the Irishman in the fourth round of their title fight earlier this month
Both fighters are currently suspended pending the conclusion of an investigation into their post-fight brawl
And Nurmagomedov's manager has revealed a second fight is contingent on his fighter being well paid
"You have a guy meeting with [Vladimir] Putin, [Recep Tayyip] Erdogan. And the other guy is selling liquor on the corner store
It's not even on the f****** same planet," he told TMZ. "If this happens again, I want to see his face broken
I really want to see [Conor] drink his own blood. "He talked a lot of s***. He didn't back it up
Embarrassed himself in front of his whole beautiful country of Ireland, his father, his mother, his wife
Embarrassed himself in front of his kids. "If someone can put a big paycheck on the table and we can get it done
maybe will give a rematch, I don't know." Nurmagomedov has been calling out Floyd Mayweather since his win over McGregor
The boxing legend has accepted the challenge, but UFC president Dana White has insisted the fight can only happen in the Octagon
"If Mayweather wants to fight, come fight, come to the UFC," he told TMZ. "We're not boxing again, we did that once, that's over
You wanna fight, you come fight… a real fight." Both McGregor and Nurmagomedov will appear before the Nevada State Athletic Commission on December 10 to learn the extent of their punishments
Following his victory Nurmagomedov jumped the oOctagon fence and started fighting McGregor's camp
McGregor then fought with the Russian's team and they both remain suspended. poll loading Who should Conor McGregor fight next? 22000+ VOTES SO FAR Khabib Nurmagomedov Nate Diaz Tony Ferguson Georges Saint-Pierre Tyson Woodley Other
The Weeknd, Kendrick Lamar - Pray For Me (8D AUDIO) - Duration: 2:33.
I am ready to fight again. I'm always ready for a war again
Going on that road again, Go down that road again
Still the same, It's all the same
I am always ready to take the lives of others. I'm always ready to take a life again
You know I will go out again, You know I'll ride again
It's like it's all the same (ooh, ooh, ooh)
Tell me who can save me Tell me who's gon' save me from myself
When life is always the same, this life is all I know
Tell me who can free me from hell. Tell me who's gon' save me from this hell
Without you, I am alone, Without you, I'm all alone
Who will pray for Who gon' pray for me?
Take my pain, Take my pain for me?
Redeem my soul Save my soul for me?
I am lonely, as you can see 'Cause I'm alone, you see
If I will die for you If I'm gon' die for you
If I will be for you, If I'm gon' kill for you
Then I will be splattered by your blood, Then I spilled this blood for you, hey
I and the whole world, you and me fight against I fight the world, I fight you, I fight myself
I dare to offend God and tell me how much I have to pick up, I fight God, just tell me how many burdens left
I am struggling with pain and hurricanes, but today I cried I fight pain and hurricanes, today I wept
Although I tried to resist tears, my tears still drowned my door. I'm tryna fight back tears, flood on my doorsteps
Life is like hell, the streets are full of blood pits Life a livin' hell, puddles of blood in the streets The sniper screamed at the top of the high-rise building, and the government relief people Shooters on top of the building, government aid ain't relief
The earthquake struck, the body fell, the Earthquake, the body dropped, the ground breaks
The poor run with the smoke lungs and Scarface
Who needs a hero? (Hero) Who need a hero? (Hero)
You need a hero, look in the mirror, you are your own hero, you need a hero, look in the mirror, there go your hero
Who is always at the forefront? (Hero) Who on the front lines at ground zero? (Hero)
I'm never afraid, even in the hardest hours, my heart don't skip a beat, even when hard times bumps the needle
Mass destruction and mass corruption
All souls are suffering the soul The souls of sufferin' men
Endure for a while, good days are coming Clutchin' on deaf ears again, rapture is comin'
This is just my prophecy. If I have to sacrifice myself, I will do it all. It's all prophecy and if I gotta be sacrificed for the greater good
Then I have to go through the fire for everyone. That that's what it gotta be
Who will pray for Who gon' pray for me?
Take my pain, Take my pain for me?
Redeem my soul Save my soul for me?
I am lonely, as you can see 'Cause I'm alone, you see
If I will die for you If I'm gon' die for you
If I will be for you, If I'm gon' kill for you
Then I will be splattered by your blood, Then I spilled this blood for you, hey
Who will pray for Who gon' pray for me?
Take my pain, Take my pain for me?
Redeem my soul Save my soul for me?
I am lonely, as you can see 'Cause I'm alone, you see
If I will die for you If I'm gon' die for you
If I will be for you, If I'm gon' kill for you
Then I will be splattered by your blood, Then I spilled this blood for you, hey
To avoid my beliefs from fading, I have to live alone. Just in case my faith go, I'll live by my own law
I have to live alone I'll live by my own law, I'll live by my own
To avoid my beliefs from fading, I have to live alone. Just in case my faith go, I'll live by my own law
I have to live alone I'll live by my own law, I'll live by my own
School Time |Happy Opfer, episode 1 (English Subs) - Duration: 4:23.
Wolki: Yeah!
White: Yes?
KillerHD: Here's the ...
KillerHD: Look, there are enough seats
White: Well ... yes
White: * laughs *
KillerHD: So kids,
White: Yes, hello!
KillerHD: Today we practice killing other people
Wolki: * laughs *
KillerHD: Tip number one ...
Wolki: Mr Teacher, there's 2x
KillerHD: Get out of there. Immediately. Ey
KillerHD: Get out of there
KillerHD: I'll beat you out with violence
Killer HD: Young lady, please come out
White: Today we have the lovely
White: Um
White: Yes, I'll write here, Michael Myers
Wolki: His name is Michael Audrey Myers
Wolki: So please do it right!
White: Good
KillerHD: Shh! Be quiet, it is her talk
White: Exactly
White: Well, he likes to stalk. Wearing a white mask and then this...
White: Um ...
White: Um ... yes, this blue jumpsuit
White: Yes, that was my short lecture
White: I'll sit down again.
KillerHD: I'm completely disappointed of you White
KillerHD: This will give quite funny conversation topics at the parents talk
White: Jo, then tell our strategy for today.
KillerHD: So our strategy is ..
White: Stop using your PowerPoint (laser pointer)!
KillerHD: Quite stupid
KillerHD: We are here ...
KillerHD: ... the killer is here
Wolki: * laughs *
KillerHD: And a killer from there
KillerHD: After there Wolki: The joke is ..
Wolki: ... I have no forewarning
KillerHD: And ...
KillerHD: We stay stupid here now and hope that we
KillerHD: Damn you, get out of this closet
KillerHD: Otherwise it will have consequences
Wolki: Mr teacher, mr teacher, I know something!
KillerHD: What do you know?
Wolki: That's White
KillerHD: So I'm very proud of you
KillerHD: That's ... Wolki: Nea has a raven
Wolki: Nea takes off
KillerHD: Bad brat! Wolki: Nea takes off
Killer HD: Nea. Come back Nea. You naughty pig White: Nea is back
Wolki: Stone!
Wolki: * celebrates *
White: He is coming!
Wolki + White: He is coming!
Wild quizzes Really, who wants to read the part here already?
White: He would have to come in, he should have seen Nea
White: He stalks us
KillerHD: Come here
Wolki: Come on
White: Hello
KillerHD: Come on Mr
Wolki + Nea: * laughs * KillerHD: Come out of there you suckers
KillerHD: And welcome our guest. This is Mr Stalk, Stalk
White: Hello Michael
KillerHD: How are you, Mr Stalk, Stalk?
Nea: Go to the damn blackboard!
Nea: "Off to the blackboard, teacher"
Nea: blackboard! White: * laughs *
KillerHD: I'm at the blackboard
KillerHD: Now we and Mr Stalk, stalk are on the same place
KillerHD: He does not know what to do
White: He strangles you
White: NEIIIN He murdered the teacher! Wolki: What´s happening?!
White: Noooooooo!
White: No! I am now a cupboard
Wolki: We are free, the teacher is gone KillerHD: That's ... Um ...
Nea: Dead, nooo!
KillerHD: That's normal behavior, dear children White: No, no, no
White: No! I'm strangled too!
White: * sad sounds *
White: The surprise guest is evil! KillerHD: White, get dressed and do not complain!
KillerhD: Be quiet, dear White
White: The surprise guest is evil.
Wolki: Yeah! (happy to die) KillerHD: The surprise guest knows more like her ****
KillerHD: This is my ex-student who has at least learned something in his education Wolki: I have a beautiful view
Nea: Why are you killed AND I have to lie around here ?!
KillerHD: Well, Wolki, stop looking at the damn butt
KillerHD: Hey brat, I've always said: "You do not look at the bottom, other people"
KillerHD: Straight to the A *** hole Wolki: You should free yourself
Wolki: You can follow right away, Nea
White: Especially as I lie around so nice ... (actually we see more Wolki ....)
Wolki: Dude, where am I hanging? And where are you?
Wolki: Go in closet! x2 KillerHD: I think it's so cool when he killed us
Wolki: Too late
Wolki: Ahhh ... Again, a nice view
Wolki: I'll do all the screenshots
KillerHD: Oh, shit.
White: Jo
WFF 2018 Alexander Nagy, aktor w Moon Hotel Kabul - Duration: 0:36.
Stronghold Kingdoms - Tournaments Update - Duration: 6:13.
Hello and welcome to another Stronghold Kingdoms video.
Today I'm going to be taking you through our new tournaments update.
Woah, hold your horses there, Nick. We've got an important announcement.
We're celebrating 25,000 subscribers – oh, I don't know what the hell that was.
25,000 subscribers on our YouTube channel.
If you want to enter the giveaway, head to the link in the description below, enter your details,
subscribe to the YouTube channel and BOOM,
you and 24 other people are in for a chance of winning a bunch of Stronghold Kingdoms goodies.
Back to you, Nick.
…which should be now live across all Kingdoms worlds.
We're currently in the dev version of our game,
so apologies if there are any weird things like my lord name, for instance.
Lord11167, got a nice ring to it, but yeah, just ignore any like dev debug UI or anything like that,
and I'll take you through the Tourney system.
So we have the button on the left over here on the Unity version of the game.
As you can see, our current tournament is Canine Control.
We like those witty, almost punny titles that we can do.
Good way to kill a Friday afternoon.
This is just one example of a tournament.
Other examples in the battle side of the game would include besieging castles.
We have tournaments (these are all time-limited events, by the way) to do with trading with other players
and we're gonna be adding ones that are more to do with like politics of the game
and more the social Faction, House side of it as well. But yeah, wait and see on that front.
As you can see in this particular tournament, we've got a bunch of interesting characters in it.
These are all fake names as we're playing on the dev.
So we've got GenericBoy1, EasyEdwin, 666Sssnakeee and my favorite, BigKingPhil.
But unfortunately, I am down at the bottom: Lord Nick.
Actually no, not quite at the bottom. I'm British, so I'm second last. That's good for me, I'm happy with that.
What we're going to do today is we're gonna try and bump me up the rankings a little bit on our dev server
and try and win something.
In terms of the winning, I'll show you the kind of prize bundles you can win.
You can see down in the bottom right that we are actually part of the Nobility tier.
There is, I believe, Gentlemen and something like a Bumpkins here as well,
so basically the idea is to divide you into different tiers based on your ranks, like a rough gauge for your ability
to make sure that we don't get newbies competing with your veteran Lords over there.
In terms of showing the prize bundles, we can see there's gold, silver and bronze.
Just to give you a preview, you can see some of the prizes there
and the kind of things that you can win as a result of the tournaments.
The idea is that if you want to go all-in and win the biggest prizes, and you have all the time in the world
to do that, that's great, you can go for it.
If you only have a few hours in that month to compete in this limited time event, you can do that as well.
The bronze tier, that's totally up to you how much you want to engage with it,
and it's also worth noting as well that anyone and everyone in the game world
is entered into the tournament automatically.
So even if you're not aware of it, you may actually achieve a prize bundle without knowing it.
There's nothing you have to do to enter a tournament. Everyone's taking part already, which is great.
To rise up in this tournament, let's go attack some wolves.
I'm gonna tap the nearest Wolf Lair.
I'm gonna throw a bunch of armed Swordsmen in there, maybe flank them with a pincer movement,
throw a lone armed peasant down at the back just to get a bit of variety and basically send him to his doom.
It's gonna take 15 minutes to attack, so let's speed up this section.
I'm gonna count down now.
Ok, now we can look at the reports, even though the troops are already currently heading back.
Successful attack, excellent.
Miscellaneous number of wolves up against 71 swordsmen and one peasant.
Let's see how that went.
Alright, we're flanking.
Two wolves go for one unit of swordsmen.
Promptly killed.
One sole wolf girls out to kill – oh, it's wolf versus armed peasant.
Who's gonna win?
It's,… come on, wolf, come on, wolf.
Come on, yes! The wolf's flanking the swordsmen.
Cheeky bastard.
Right, attacker wins.
We can't see the conclusion of that battle.
What we'll do now is we will fast forward to a version of the game where we have done enough wolf attacks
to level up and rank up and get up that tournament leaderboard
above hopefully above EasyEdwin, definitely above 666Sssnakeee.
Okay, so i'm gonna grab one I prepared earlier.
Here's something I prepared earlier, a version of the game where we have destroyed
a sufficient number of Wolf Lairs and ranked up, hopefully in the tournament.
We'll just check this, the tournament has ended.
Yes! We are above EasyEdwin. In your face, Edwin.
Or above Xx_Serena_xX, Sir Williams, GenericBoy and three places above The_Wolf. Number one.
Yes, I'll take that. What we'll do now is we will, because obviously tournament has ended,
we're going to go to our report screen to see what prize we've been given, whether it's a bronze, silver, gold.
Yeah, see how successful we've been.
Let's check our rewards. We have…
Oh, claim your awards, okay. Prizes waiting to be claimed: 2.
Let's go through and see what we got.
Nice! The Mystery Prize. Eureka card, a few packs, premium tokens nice, excellent.
I feel like we've been rewarded for wolf-killing,
which in real life: not such a great idea. In Kingdoms: fantastic idea.
The update is live now, so you want to load up Kingdoms, update to the latest version,
check what that is in the news post, and you'll be able to be participating our first tournament
and subsequent tournaments that come out in the game
over the course of the next coming weeks and months.
As always on our YouTube channel, don't forget to like, share, subscribe right here
if you enjoyed this content and you want more Kingdoms content.
And of course, check out the new update on iOS, Android, PC and Mac
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Nightcore - Run Away (Fabian Secon) - Duration: 1:45.
(Please refer to the screen for the lyrics. Thanks.)
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Rides with Screens and How to Improve Them (Opinion) - Duration: 7:17.
If you've been to either a Disney or Universal theme park in the last decade or so, odds
are you've come across an attraction that makes heavy use of screens.
They're nothing new, but in past they were more often used as supplements.
A live television set or an interstitial between scenes.
But lately it seems like there's been a growing trend of new high tech rides relying
more and more on large screens where traditionally practical sets and props would have been used.
So much so that it's become somewhat of a running joke when it comes to Universal
Studios attractions.
Why do many theme park fans look down on screens, and what can be done to improve them?
So why do screens get a bad rap in theme park rides?
I think at first glance, it's because today they're nothing special.
You name it.
We're a society that is surrounded by screens all the time.
To add to that, we've seen such incredible leaps in special effect technology that we're
accustomed to seeing imaginative and fantastical images on those screens.
Personally I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing.
It's allowed storytellers to take us to really interesting worlds that would have
been difficult, if not impossible, to visit just a few decades ago.
However the result is a growing population that doesn't experience the same sense of
awe that we might have in the past when it comes to impressive visuals on a screen.
That sense of normalcy is a problem because when you typically think about theme park
attractions, you think about unique experiences that you just can't get anywhere else.
It's part of what makes the sets and the animatronics and the ride vehicles all so memorable.
When I ride the Haunted Mansion and see those ghosts dancing in the dining room, it's
something I'd never realistically be able to recreate at home.
When I ride Mission Breakout and see Starlord and Rocket fighting aliens on a screen?
Well, I've been able to do that at home since the first film came out on blu-ray.
Of course it'd be silly to ignore the whole ride aspect of Mission Breakout.
It's a lot of fun and that's why even with the screens it's still totally worth riding.
The presence of screens doesn't necessarily ruin a ride, it just devalues it a little bit.
I also think people tend to roll their eyes at the use of screens in attractions because
it's a show element that seems to mostly benefit the park rather than the guest.
Simply put, it's cheap.
Installing and then repairing a projector is always going to cost less than installing
an entire scene made up of complex animatronics and props.
It's going to take up less space, and it's usually going to be easier to setup as well.
And that's really the key word there: easy.
Using screens on theme park attractions is the easier route.
Yet, when it comes to the guest experience, for all of those reasons I mentioned before,
it's not really any better for us.
It's a one sided exchange, but I don't believe it has to be.
One of the inherent benefits of screen technology in rides, that we've only really begun to
see put to use at Disney, is that it's also easier to replace what we see on the screen.
Changing a scene no longer means swapping out a slew of animatronics and redressing a set.
It just means replacing one video file with another.
This presents an opportunity in which Disney could update and refresh rides at a rate that
wouldn't have been practical 20 years ago.
We're already seeing this with Star Tours.
Disney created a new special scene for The Force Awakens and then another one for The
Last Jedi.
When their respective films were released the rides were locked into the new scenes
for guests, and after a few months they were entered into regular rotation with all the
other scenes the ride was already known for.
Within just two years the ride had seen just as many permanent additions to the experience.
We're also seeing it in another form over in California with Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout
Monsters After Dark.
The seasonal Halloween overlay is one in which Mission Breakout
transforms every night from it's default story to a monster-centric story.
Different pre-show, different music, and different visuals on all the screens.
But why stop there?
Imagine if Disney got into the habit of changing the locations in Soarin' every 3 years,
introducing a whole new set of famous landmarks to fly over.
Or how about Rock n Roller Coaster with Aerosmith.
Really, the biggest elements of the ride that make it Aerosmith specific is the music played
on the ride, and the on-screen pre-show played beforehand.
What's stopping them from introducing a new band every few years with all new music?
Mission Space is another attraction primed for such an approach.
With the same core concept of the motion simulator, we could have a new Mission
Orange that takes us to other far off locations like Europa, while Mission Green plots a new
course around the earth that shows us new countries we haven't yet visited.
The idea isn't limited to just the big main screens of rides either.
Supplemental experiences can be altered and updated too.
It's been 11 years since screens were introduced to the ride experience of Spaceship Earth,
and in over a decade the interactive ending hasn't undergone any real changes.
Spaceship Earth would still fundamentally be Spaceship Earth, even if the interactive
ending offered new options and outcomes. So why aren't they offering them?
Some might say this shouldn't happen because there are too many guests out there who want
to experience the "true" version of the ride when they visit, and that it'd be wrong
to rob them of that.
It's one of the arguments made for why we don't see many seasonal overlays for attractions
in Walt Disney World.
But maybe it's time we embrace the idea of the "true" version of a ride being
one that always evolves and improves.
Not an overlay or special event.
Just a ride that was made to change over time.
Now hopefully this goes without saying, but all of this is just my opinion.
Like many Disney fans, I just like thinking about the "what ifs", and like most people
on the internet, I like to pretend that I know what's best for the parks.
And I'm sure there are plenty of logistical reasons that this will never happen.
Budgets and costs.
But if we're going to see the use of screens continue to grow at theme parks, then we should
at least see the park-guest exchange balance out a bit and start to benefit an audience
that, by all accounts, aren't wowed by screens anymore.
Walt Disney once praised Disneyland as a project that allowed him to keep plussing the parks
and plussing the rides as time went on.
If screens are here to stay, and it seems like for better or for worse they are, then
it's about time Disney start plussing those as well.
Emmanuel Macron épuisé : destination de son week-end auprès de Brigitte Macron -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 5:25.
ASMR 👻Creepypasta 🎃 Scary stories on night 📚 [Russian whisper] - Duration: 31:36.
Today I will read you
there will be 2 of them
they are written in
those stories
which I heard
from you
from moderators
from friends
and connected to something
I don't know how you like or dislike
be sure to write how you feel about them
and did you like it
what I wrote to you
of those bits and pieces
the fact that somewhere I heard
from you including
there will be 2 stories
so that
sit down more comfortable
and get ready to just listen
first story
called snake
these events occurred
in one small village
How true is this story
you decide yourself
I'll tell you what I heard.
what did you see
It all started with a photo
Cemetery workers
photographed a huge enormous snake on a tree
According to them
one of them noticed a huge snake
quickly photographed
and they both ran away from sin
The photograph quickly filled out the residents' phone numbers.
and cemetery itself, people stopped walking
some said it was photoshop
where could such a big snake come from them?
They do not live in that climate
How could she get there?
But which one of them is able to photoshop?
- the grave diggers objected
Maybe I am?
Or maybe Ivan
so was the name of another gravedigger
Or maybe his son?
I don't even know what it is
We don't have computers either
The bottom line was that in the snake photo
lay in a tree
And the tree is really there
and it stands to this day
I even saw him with my own eyes.
And the tree is not small
in height of meters 6 at least
And in the photo, the snake from the beginning to the highest branches.
At least 6-8 meters
This is a real python.
Only here as skeptics say
in these parts they are not found
Some brave souls even went to the cemetery
returned and said they didn't find anyone there
After that, the story began to fade.
her people remembered less and less
and less often
Yes, that's only once
Basil, the man who mowed the grass by the road
raised a fuss
His eyes are clear
drinking vodka glasses and not getting drunk
and tells
mowing the grass
And then the spit buried in something soft and big
and there is a huge snake
ball rolled up
Yes, I threw a scythe
yes ran to look
50 years living never seen this
yes I'm not lying, I'm not lying
saw with my own eyes
and here are a few days
one woman spoke
what went along the path
yes suddenly
snake creeps the road
huge big
like a bucket thick
and in her belly
as if the bag had swallowed
Man, I suppose ate
and here are the closest to the cemetery
a lonely old man lived
who had a good housekeeping
cows, goats, kids
so he said that his goat was missing yesterday
and the terrain there such
tall grass
meter, and somewhere around 2 meters
and due to the fact that there are a lot of stones
it's impossible to mow it
Spit then breaks right away
Yes, and so many people need to cut down all this grass
look for a snake or someone else
it's like a needle in a haystack
and other people complained
that chickens disappear
say someone else and the kid was gone
and then
the old man himself was gone
with a goat which
and all his household
but people say he left
and on the door lock
and the farm cut
many people started talking
that they have lost their smoke
and rumors of a snake
scattered faster and faster
you know
it was already very difficult to distinguish
where lies
and where is the truth
every child
said you saw her
5 minutes ago
but kids always embellish
on this what rumors just did not go
that there are many snakes there
that she is a mutant
who sailed by the river
that in the city near the man lived
who bred such snakes
how did he die
son could not sell them
it was a pity to kill
here he came and released it here
and she began to attribute
different abilities
that she flies
that the ax, the knife, but the braid itself does not take it
and she digs holes
burrows underground
of all this nonsense burrows were not invented from scratch
a whole bunch of dug graves appeared in the cemetery
and strange pits
there were rumors that she was eating the dead
and the chief caretaker behind the cemetery
the undertaker asked
one of the family
get the coffin and check the body is gone or not
but the people of the whole village were very religious
they treated the dead very with reverent respect
the family did not agree on this
truth and fiction messed up in a reliable, reliable tangle
but one thing was for sure
there was a lot of dug-up land in the cemetery
and there are more and more new holes
the animals disappeared just massively
it was difficult to find someone who would have lost nothing
the headman even issued a decree
what after 8 hours
the children were locked up in the houses
and not allowed to walk alone on the streets
and for the economy to look at both
and so it went on for several weeks
and one day
like closer to the night
a scandal broke out on the main road near the store
one man with a gun
scolded at all the other
he tells
I go out at night before the toilet
yes I hear some rustle from the barn
run for a gun, I think snake
and he runs there
with his turkey in his arms
Well, in the end, the police arrived
together with the headman
they found a pit behind the peasant's house
in which a whole bunch of offal festered
old man's body
and a bunch of feathers
and in the bowl the dog had chicken heads
and in the basement a whole bunch of animal carcasses found
it turned out that a snake that kills animals and people
there was a man
robbed an old man's house
and the old man apparently caught him
so he killed him
then locked the door
so that everyone thinks that the old man allegedly went to the city
and also slaughtered animals, traveled to cities, and sold everything
but still there were pits in the cemetery
but the snake chose very selectively
what corpses does she have
only those where were the most expensive monuments
lost from the dead
rings, jewelery, platinum insert in the foot
were they punished?
found them at all?
I don't know already
also in the cemetery
there was a huge crypt
built it very very long time ago
rich parents for their daughter
who was bitten by a snake
and she died
statue and big crypt
many said that the snake lives there
but after all the events with people
fear is gone
you know i went there
and no snake I did not find there
but I saw strange weird bands
as if there really was a big snake crawling
was it really a snake
I do not know
but one thing I know for sure
some people
worse than any snake
here and the first story came to an end
true or fiction
you decide
now get ready to listen to the second story
Second story
will be called witch treasure
Once in a small Russian village
old woman was dying
She was seriously ill
and suffered a lot
Her house was in the center of the village.
With their cries
she delivered a lot of inconvenience to her neighbors
Scream it was hard to call
it was a howl
She screamed
Where are my sons!?
Where are my children
Bring them to me
I can't die
Even cotton wool in the ears did not help people fall asleep
and her heart-rending screams made everyone sad
Doctors, neighbors came to her
And heard only one
I want to die !
My time has come
Bring me my sons
And her sons
passed it
and they came
That evening, a woman screamed louder than usual
It seemed in every corner of the village
her screams were heard
When her sons came in
a whole village gathered in front of her house
Woman seeing children
Take everything, only one decoration is mine
put me in my grave
Do not dare touch it
I'll take him away
The children tried to help her.
that just did not do
But the woman only screamed
I can't die
Fool knock the roof in the house
don't make me suffer
Roof punch, roof punch
Roof punch, roof punch
The eldest son could not stand
climbed onto the roof
And only a woman screamed
the roof is my decoration
my decoration
break her
Son struck the roof
so the woman immediately gave up the ghost and died
There were a lot of rumors
that she was a Witch
By this and could not die
until you pierced the roof
and she wanted to see children
to say last wish
bury the decoration along with the witch
And the decoration was unusual
as they say that when long ago
her great great great grandmother
was also a witch
And this decoration was the price of the royal personage
for the service of the witch
And since then it has been handed down from generation to generation.
But passed only the eldest daughter
But this witch had only sons
When a woman was buried
eldest son
saying goodbye to her put the decoration as requested by the mother
A younger son
took the jewelry to himself
because it certainly was expensive
what testament she left us
An old house with a broken roof
I'd rather sell it and buy myself an apartment in the city.
he thought and quietly snagged the necklace
Hammer in the coffin
He said
So the woman was buried without a necklace.
The younger son brought the necklace home and put it in the dresser
I drank a little and lay down to sleep
He lived alone in a rented apartment
Sleeps and hears
A terrible rumble, with a thud
Picture fell
vodka with a glass from the table fell
the wall cracked
chandelier trembles
only the dresser stands as if nothing had happened
The man opened the door of the chest
hears the voice of the witches
Return the necklace, it should not belong to you
Grabbed the man necklace
and ran to the street
Runs out of the door
and runs away from home
And on the fence sits a black cat
red eyes
Return the necklace
The man ignored the cat
The guy ran to his friend
Knocking on the door
Late night
friend opens for him
And he is on the way with vodka?
there is
Pour it
Drank vodka man
but about the necklace says nothing
Friend's wife woke up
asks what happened
why come at night looking
And he says - I can not sleep
mother buried and now nightmares to take off
Became a friend and his wife feel sorry for him
She says
what you drink is simple and does not bite
Let me cut you a salad
And the kitchen is cramped
Only takes a woman a knife
he jumped out of her hands
and stuck right in the guest's leg
Husband and wife in shock
and the guest is sober sitting
as if he didn't drink a drop
and does not feel pain
Thinks to himself
Need to get rid of this necklace.
He speaks
I will go
sucks the knife out of his feet and puts it on the table
Where will you go ? We must call an ambulance
leg bandaged
No let me
Runs into the street and the girl passed by
he took it like that and threw it
On, this is for you, take it.
The girl first saw such a beautiful necklace.
it looked very expensive
She lifted him
before she could say thanks
how is nobody around
I thought I thought a girl
She returned home
from work she went
Legs are tired
I will take the elevator
Just logged in
so the door closed immediately
Damn I pulled this elevator to use
What do i do now
she knocked, tried to open the door herself, screaming
Nothing works
Pushes the dispatcher button
even though she understands that no one will answer
yes there is a voice
Return the necklace
Otherwise, I curse you
What the girl asked
And then the elevator door opens
I thought she thought
Went home
And then the rain and thunderstorm began
Turned on the TV
rather than one channel not working
Everywhere only noise and hissing
probably this is a thunderstorm
here it does not work
yes here from the TV voice
not alive it must belong to the dead
Stunned this girl
she lit a cigarette
watching TV
Nothing Only noise
I'm tired
thought the girl and fell asleep
A cigarette fell from the hands of the carpet
there was a fire
and she burned alive
Firemen broke the door and the police entered.
Everything burned down
All furniture
Only the necklace of the corpse
necklace of the corpse in his hand is a whole
Dear fireman thought
I'll take ka to his wife
He pulled her
And the dead man squeezed like a hand and does not let go
He once again pulled harder
snatched necklace
And quietly stuck in his pocket
Did he do his job
And then on the radio
one staff member crashed
Not your necklace
it belongs to the dead
Dumbfounded guy
And all around and the view does not serve
as if it wasn't
I must say that I became ill and leave early today
Man ran home
Like morning
but it's dark outside and nothing is visible
Around the crowd of people
And everyone turns and he follows
and says
This is not your necklace
A man runs from all feet
And to him all the passersby
It belongs to the dead
if you don't bring him back you will become dead
Angry guy - what did you say
The man turned in surprise.
I said nothing
are you okay ?
Damn necklace
I got on the bus and drove off
At one stop the old man came
And sits down to him
And says - Bring back
bring back
The guy took and threw the necklace in the window
and in a minute
the bus crashed
with that guy
and here I found this baby necklace
who went to school
She thought what it is beautiful
It was a girl
she put it on herself and wanted to take a selfie
And instead of a photo
inscription appeared in bloody letters
It's not yours
it belongs to the dead
bring him back
And the girl asked
who to return?
And on her phone
navigator turned on itself
and our girl rushed off
on the way to where the phone was pointing
she was traveling by bus
she was traveling by train
and the way led her to the same house
the address was written
5th floor
54 flat
knocked girl
she opened a man
it's yours
said the girl
and put her necklace
this fool still stole him
said eldest son
the girl thanked
gave her delicious candy
drove to school by car
and the necklace he went to the cemetery
yes under the tomb laid
speak on that grave
crows sit
and someone heard what they say human voices
here is the second bike
the story
believe or not
That's your business
did you have
what are the creepy stories?
maybe you also heard from someone?
do you believe at all
in mysticism?
Well, do you like it at all
horror movies
or do you like something fabulous more
and more positive?
or would you like to sometimes dilute
reading fairy tales
as such
according to your stories
and stories
if you liked
don't forget to like
so tell, tell
I will read everything
Thank you very much
for listening
and were with me
but in general
let only good and good things come to you
so that you always have happiness
good and luck
so that all all byaki
bypassed you
and never looked at you
everything was just wonderful
and good
light and good
all the same better
or do you think otherwise?
The Best REIT You Haven't Heard Of [But Need to Invest In] - Duration: 7:42.
Real estate investment trusts are absolutely critical to filling the gaps in your property
investing strategy but the REIT vs real estate debate isn't over.
By the end of this video, you'll know why REIT stocks beat the market and the best new
REIT investment for your portfolio.
We're talking real estate investing today on Let's Talk Money.
Joseph Hogue with the Let's Talk Money channel here on YouTube.
I want to send a special shout out to everyone in the community, thank you for taking a part
of your day to be here.
If you're not part of the community yet, just click that little red subscribe button.
It's free and you'll never miss an episode.
If you've been following the channel you know I'm a huge fan of real estate investing.
I started my professional career as a commercial property analyst before managing my own portfolio.
No other asset has created as much family wealth as real estate and I truly believe
that everyone should have some exposure in their investments.
That's why I'm excited about this video, the first in a three-part series in partnership
with stREITwise where we'll talk about how real estate fits in your total wealth strategy,
how to get that exposure and an exciting new way to invest.
Today I'm going to show you exactly why you need real estate in your portfolio, how
you can use it to create a stress-free strategy with returns that beat a simple stock, bond
We'll talk about some of the challenges in property investing and how I get most of
my real estate exposure with dividends over 5% and without having to lift a finger.
First though, I want to invite everyone in the community to share their real estate investing
experience in the comments below.
Have you every invested in property, was it residential or commercial, was it a long-term
strategy or something you flipped?
So just scroll down and share your favorite real estate investment below in the comments.
So a question I get a lot is real estate versus stocks, which is the best investment and I've
really got two answers.
First, the short answer is real estate, hands down.
Real estate returns beat stocks in almost every time period.
In fact, over the 30-years through 2017, real estate provided an 1,800% return according
to the NAREIT all equity REIT more than double the total return of 731% on the S&P 500.
Not only are the returns higher but real estate offers better protection against inflation.
You know, over that 30 years, the value of the dollar has been cut in half according
to the BLS Consumer Price Index.
Something you bought for $1 in 1987 now costs $2.16 - including the price of real estate.
But the other answer is why not have both, stocks and real estate?
Combining real estate in a portfolio of stocks means you make money whether the stock market
rises or not.
In the mid-80s when the S&L crisis hit real estate, stock prices did well.
When the tech bust destroyed stocks in 2000, real estate was booming.
This is going to mean that your wealth is going to grow steadily, not crashing with
the market and you're not going to freak out when it does.
But that huge advantage in owning real estate runs face first into reality for a lot of
Buying and managing property just isn't possible for a lot of people.
Sure, you might be able to manage one or two rentals but own any more and it becomes a
full-time job on top of your full-time job.
It costs tens of thousands just for a down payment on one property.
That means, for a lot of investors, they'd have to sink their entire nest egg into real
estate and anyone that lived through the housing bust can tell you that's not a good idea.
But there is one type of real estate investment that gives you those double-digit returns,
all the exposure you need, without the headaches and problems.
You can start with less than $100 and get an investment in multiple properties all across
the country and with professional management.
We're talking about a real estate investment trust or REIT.
A REIT is an investment company that owns real estate and pays out the cash flow to
The company is managed by real estate professionals with all the staff and structure you'd expect
from a major corporation.
REITs get a special tax break from the government.
If they pay out most of their earnings to investors, they pay no corporate income tax.
That means huge dividends for investors and less taxes lost to Uncle Sam.
Now one of the best parts is that listed REITs trade just like stocks on any investing platform.
You can go into your online account or to any broker and buy a share of a company for
less than $100 - in fact, of the almost 200 REITs I follow, prices range from less than
a dollar a share to about $170 per share with dividends as high as 13% a year.
It used to be that the only REITs available to regular investors were those traded on
the exchanges, while other funds were only available to the wealthy.
Just over the last few years though we've seen the rise of online REITs and platforms
like stREITwise that have opened the opportunity up to everyone.
We're going to be talking more about these in a bit and over the next two videos.
I've been investing in REITs for over a decade and just got into online REITs myself.
For example, one of the exchange traded REITs I own is Welltower, an owner of properties
in the healthcare sector that pays a 5.5% dividend.
Here's another one Extra Space Storage which manages storage facilities.
The dividend here is only 3.7%, which is still twice the cash return versus the rest of the
market, and the shares have jumped 34% from where I bought them just a couple of years
One of the problems I've always had with REITs though is that these tend to be very
large companies that need to reinvest in dozens of new properties a year.
That kind of scale can actually work to their disadvantage, one because of the costs of
running such a large company, but also because management doesn't have as much discretion
in picking good deals.
They have to reinvest cash for growth.
Another problem for listed REITs is that the stock price tends to be more like a stock
rather than that smoother appreciation from real estate.
For example, when the stock market lost 50% in 2008, REITs lost more than 60% of their
Now of course real estate prices fell hard too but actual property prices declined also
but it was more like 30% - so you have more risk in REITs.
For these two reasons, I'm excited about a new type of real estate investment called
the online REIT.
These are a lot like REITs except online REITs are smaller portfolios of properties with
non-traded shares and most of the time, higher dividend yields.
Since online REITs are smaller than exchange traded REITs, management can pick and choose
the properties in which to invest and there isn't as much regulatory or operational
expenses to be covered.
A lot of times that's going to mean better flexibility to go after only the best properties
and a higher cash return for investors.
For example, the 1st stREIT Office REIT managed by stREITwise invests in high-quality office
properties and as of the date of this video, has paid a 10% annualized dividend.
The fund is managed by seasoned real estate professionals that have acquired or managed
over $5.4 billion in property and across all property types.
I'll leave a link to this online REIT in the video description below with more information.
Because online REITs are longer-term investments, the share price of the investment or its net
asset value, isn't usually as volatile as stocks or listed REITs.
Against this, there is one disadvantage in that some online REITs are still only available
to accredited investors, people with over a million net worth.
The stREITwise online REIT is open to all investors but it's so far the exception
rather than the rule.
Now I still own some listed REITs in my portfolio but I'm diversifying into online REITs as
This three-pronged strategy of owning some properties but diversifying with REITs and
online REITs gives me the best of all three.
I get that pride of ownership from direct investing in properties but also the diversification
and professional management of REITs and high cash return from online REITs.
I'm going to be going deeper into the detail of how you can use online REITs to build a
portfolio in our next video.
Don't forget to tell us your favorite real estate investing experience in the comments
We're here every Monday and Wednesday with the best on beating debt, making more money
and making your money work for you so click subscribe to join the community.
If you have a question about money or investing, scroll down and ask it in the comments and
we'll answer it in a future video.
Emmanuel Macron : cet étonnant soutien qu'il n'attendait pas -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:36.
Childbirth | This was my experience - Duration: 4:49.
I had this idea in my head of how childbirth was going to be all natural
and wonderful and I was convinced to breastfeed my baby but nothing went
according to the plan
hi sex-positive people and my name is Marisol Pedeboy and this is
Be Sexpositive in this episode i'm going to talk about childbirth you wonder during
your whole pregnancy how childbirth is going to be and you want it or not you
have some expectations
make sure to subscribe and let me know if
you enjoy this episode by using the buttons below or just leave me a comment
and if you know anyone who might like this episode please share it with them
also remember to visit my website www.marisolpedeboy.com where are you
going to find exclusive VIP free content all the information about my online
courses and coaching sessions and much more and if you'd like to support the
Be Sex-positive project you can do it on my Patreon page
oh yeah I wanted to make
sure childbirth was as natural as I could no drugs or minimal and
definitely no epidural I wanted to be fully present and fully aware of any
feelings during the delivery of my baby why would I want to numb the part of my
body that I really need to use to push my baby out
So on week 35 I woke up
with what I thought might be my water broke I was bleeding that was scary
at least until I go to the hospital and they checked on my baby was okay after
that I had the feeling that my baby wouldn't take much longer to come so
water broke just one day before week 37 so baby was almost here or that's what I
thought because my baby was born 37 hours later I spent 24 hours waiting for
my contractions to become more regular that never happened my partner
when back home as clearly the baby was not coming yet just to be back couple of
hours later although the contractions were not
regular they started to be very painful and the midwives could see her hair I
went to the birth centre in which you can get a nice pool for yourself and a nice
room with a double bed and a midwife for yourself
being in the water was definitely much better and I had a go to the 'gas & air' so
after 6 hours and being like a prune I dilated enough yay well not because my
contractions stopped so to summarise baby heartbeat was very weak so I ended
up in the theater having aesthetics an episiotomy
and my baby was delivered with forceps but she was here so it was time to
breastfeed my baby or not so my baby was so tired and weak and just been a little
bit premature she couldn't breastfeed so after being so sure that I wanted to
breastfeed my baby guess what her first food was formula it took me 2 months
of effort in which she fed a little bit thanks to a nipple shield for her to
properly breastfeed she didn't want to know anything about having a bottle
anymore though so 14 months and she is still
breastfeeding so I guess that's a successful story and yes you'll hear all
these stories on how the moms grab the babies and they automatically in love
with them I cannot say that was the case and I talked about this with my
partner and it was a feeling of responsibility fear protection tiredness
but not love I think the same you learn to love
your partner every day you also learn to love your child for who they are and I
can say that now it's the strongest love I ever experienced oh I think this is a
nice way to end this episode
thanks very much for watching I really hoped you
enjoy this episode and why not continue watching one of my recommended videos
see you next week and remember to be sex-positive
4 regole d'oro per perdere 5 kg a settimana - Duration: 3:15.
Alain David : "rien ne va plus au niveau du porte-monnaie de nos concitoyens ! » - Duration: 4:30.
KOIN 6 News Halloween Weather Forecast - Duration: 2:34.
Lily-Rose Depp « infidèle » à Timothée , elle s'affiche très complice avec un autre acteur - Duration: 1:19.
My Last Ride With the Honda CB 650 F - Duration: 10:31.
RUSH HILL BACKWARDS?! - Duration: 10:46.
we can actually do this
don't mind us we are gonna dry off Dean backwards
Oh swatch we're gonna camp so hard let's go a five and just sit there for
the rest of the game let's do it through smooth 12 rip ok backwards oh that's
that's interesting so I why would they design a tank like
this but at least you can like fire at people at the same time as you're
running away from them can get a shot to that a mix yes we can I miss oh hello
you see oh wise - anytime that long oh he got rabies
Oh what about no ways it's it's it's the sick thing that shall even go finish him
yes good Oh Churchill is claiming the hill Oh glorious oh come on what is he
doing I don't know man no cheer game play what my mom so dis trunk is
horrible you know what's the considering this course I think oh I don't like
moving me neither this this is very uncomfortable to be
driving oh we got some full HP over here a camping top-tier Swedish medium tank
you just lost all of his hit points almost oh yeah there they went pick up
mmm butter m-44 Jesus Christ where do you think the last one is
hiding I don't know swatch why don't you go and have a look yeah enemy team great
performance Tuesday May stood 600 damage I'm gonna
Chinese few books with us Oh glorious beams are here cool watch
let's do it oh no I saw a guy damn let's eat a cheese loaded oh I'm probably go
for that yeah rust recovers watch it away don't we over they gave me the
tricks and a gun twice three times oh Christ didn't how are you still alive
I have no oh hello McDonald's I request a oh crap pcs me oh let's watch you next
on the menu artillery has reloaded you know will you can't outmaneuver my
amazing speed
Oh throw her out place you know what arteries can already feel the flattest
type watch well plane watch let's camp hmm not that I like the tier 8 don't
know hello ah God are you doing man hello gel
sir oh that accuracy this guy is like covering the entire place this is there
we go at least the gun I'll be good
bring him come on that was good reverse fall back
Hey 159 16 guys oh but teeth de I just played again me at least it's raw it
reverses out from cover fast yes it does yeah hello 5916 Mutulu gates gone oh
here account no good here num nums you don't want to know really what a lucky
bastard there is rectums watch wreck him nice
that HD didn't work well no oh perfect my favorite map I'm playing sneaky tank
destroyers come out of them George George la da so we get we get we're
gonna pork in the middle to Street come on swatch turn
hey don't write in front of me yeah have a go
cooter my first good well I didn't get to fire single shit yeah and I lit let's
charge this cave one like men we're like men like him
11 km/h yes seriously the artillery he missed me for 2/3 of my health
Oh God Togepi don't do it don't do it how do they hit me okay now's your
chance I mean it's time to be a hero
what's there for damage 150 you did 132 Oh serene coast good TD men thank god
they're gonna go k7 in camp let's get the show on the road swatch yeah yeah
you would just love to pick her I bounced a few aim for the hole
hmm come on keep it fake I balance his gun mantlet even put a hole I am
goddamnit hey come on come on Ivan come on hey oh nice yeah I don't think those
guys are gonna push any further let's go yeah yeah well that would that would
describe this truck tank pretty accurately yeah you didn't spoke to me
well I'm like standing in front of him in his face ah right nice
Oh God hello röszke factors is terrible holy crap
hello t-34 more russki tanks come here I mean come here come here mate punch up
let's charge him 12 hours per hour oh hello Panzer oh this baby around
oh oh this tanks watch come here come here
yes I'm gonna help you ever listen to me few more meters come on come on it yeah
yes nice alright god I was painful us what you actually ended up on top
Oh mines of God with top tier switch oh shit how are we rush the hill backwards
let's do it really okay let's let's rush to hill
backwards this legend this is gonna be this will be kept in
the history books this is what this is what people will teach our grandchildren
in school rush to Hill in Reverse yes the 28th of October 2018 at Ginny 20s
watch rush to Hill driving backwards okay I'm feeling this we have a good
amount of people yes yes yes yes oh my god hello guys hello VK let's win this
game no soul mate Oh harder retarded yes I hit the ridgeline
I'm spoilers but I don't care at this point I just want to do damage wait wait
come on come on come on come on yeah yes one more come on he's not even
looking my way who swatched why is this tactic so effective give me this is
there's no way I'm getting away with this dude they don't have any tanks
until either I'm gonna do it no backwards 7 come on Evan come on get him
come on get the camper wait I'm gonna show it the balance I don't get this
this game get that Top Gun rush the hill backwards Top Gun that's gotta be an
adulteress Evan you need to get them to overcome yes turn this baby around
Oh rusty Hill backwoods Top Gun confirmed glorious Swach reverse up to
hill top gun ace that's so retarded thanks for watching us rush the hill
backwards please like and share the video if you liked it subscribe if you
haven't and tell us in the comments what you want us to play next see you in the
next video
Fiat Panda 0.9 TwinAir Pop - Duration: 1:01.
Erol Mütercimler - 3,5 Milyon Suriyeliyi Vatandaş Yapacağım Diyorsun !!! - Duration: 10:53.
PUBG MOBİL YENİ GECE MODU (Yeni Güncelleme 0.9.0 ) - Duration: 10:54.
Conor McGregor can have Khabib Nurmagomedov rematch on one condition - Daily News - Duration: 3:12.
Khabib Nurmagomedov is open to a rematch with Conor McGregor - if the money is right
The UFC lightweight champion submitted the Irishman in the fourth round of their title fight earlier this month
Both fighters are currently suspended pending the conclusion of an investigation into their post-fight brawl
And Nurmagomedov's manager has revealed a second fight is contingent on his fighter being well paid
"You have a guy meeting with [Vladimir] Putin, [Recep Tayyip] Erdogan. And the other guy is selling liquor on the corner store
It's not even on the f****** same planet," he told TMZ. "If this happens again, I want to see his face broken
I really want to see [Conor] drink his own blood. "He talked a lot of s***. He didn't back it up
Embarrassed himself in front of his whole beautiful country of Ireland, his father, his mother, his wife
Embarrassed himself in front of his kids. "If someone can put a big paycheck on the table and we can get it done
maybe will give a rematch, I don't know." Nurmagomedov has been calling out Floyd Mayweather since his win over McGregor
The boxing legend has accepted the challenge, but UFC president Dana White has insisted the fight can only happen in the Octagon
"If Mayweather wants to fight, come fight, come to the UFC," he told TMZ. "We're not boxing again, we did that once, that's over
You wanna fight, you come fight… a real fight." Both McGregor and Nurmagomedov will appear before the Nevada State Athletic Commission on December 10 to learn the extent of their punishments
Following his victory Nurmagomedov jumped the oOctagon fence and started fighting McGregor's camp
McGregor then fought with the Russian's team and they both remain suspended. poll loading Who should Conor McGregor fight next? 22000+ VOTES SO FAR Khabib Nurmagomedov Nate Diaz Tony Ferguson Georges Saint-Pierre Tyson Woodley Other
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