Incredibly Popular Quaint Shipping Container Home
For more infomation >> Incredibly Popular Quaint Shipping Container Home - Duration: 2:33.-------------------------------------------
Kia Picanto 1.0 CVVT 67pk 5-zits - Duration: 0:58.
Volkswagen up! 1.0 60PK move up! BlueMotion *Navi | Airco | Radio CD-speler* - Duration: 1:11.
The former tension of Meghan Markle and the Queen - Duration: 1:49.
<font color="#ececec">Reason for tension between Megan and queen</font>
<font color="#f2f2f2">They might have looked like best friends during their first joint adding together but behind-the-scenes things were very different</font>
<font color="#efefef">Meghan Markle and queen were all smiles when they appeared together and Cheshire less than a month after the suit Stars</font>
<font color="#e2e2e2">This marriage to Prince Harry</font>
<font color="#dddddd">Queen Elizabeth and The Duchess of Sussex appeared as fake as thieves</font>
<font color="#e8e8e8">But behind the scenes it's never claimed there was tension between the pair when Megan didn't obey one of the queen stipulations</font>
<font color="#d7d7d7">Funny engagement</font>
<font color="#cfcfcf">Infant coming biography Charles at 70 thoughts</font>
<font color="#ebebeb">Hopes and dreams author Robert jobs and writes that Megan and Queen Elizabeth's first engagement got off to a</font>
<font color="#e8e8e8">Shaky start</font>
<font color="#ededed">In an excerpt published by the daily Mayo jobson claims that prior to the event Megan disregarded instruct</font>
<font color="#dcdcdc">Directions from the queen states that the 92 year-old Monarch would be wearing a hat</font>
<font color="#f5f5f5">According to jobson the Duchess of Sussex didn't know this man she was also expected to wear a hat</font>
<font color="#f3f3f3">Leaving McQueen a little baffled when Megan showed up without one</font>
<font color="#f1f1f1">I don't think the duchess fully understood a senior figure close to the Monarch told jobson</font>
<font color="#fcfcfc">This was not a request</font>
<font color="#efefef">They are for others to make</font>
<font color="#979797">Mount McLean</font>
<font color="#ececec">Jobson added that Megan's lack of respect for the monarchs rules have been duly noted by the Queen's staff</font>
<font color="#fcfcfc">Despite this</font>
<font color="#eaeaea">With our relationship cemented in part by their shared love of dogs</font>
[Lyrics Kara] Như Lời Đồn - Bảo Anh (Share Sub Effect) Đen zZz #100 - Duration: 3:48.
Ford Mondeo Wagon 1.8-16V Futura - Duration: 1:08.
Walter Nudo infastidito dalla Marchesa: 'È stata una violenza' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:28.
Lọc Nhiên Liệu Ford Transit | Cách Phân Biệt Phụ Tùng Ô Tô Chính Hãng T44 | Phạm Văn auto - Duration: 12:09.
Nissan QASHQAI 1.2 DIG-T Aut. N-Connecta (NAV/PDC/LMV/BT) - Duration: 1:12.
Minecraft Menjan Битва Аренда 2018 - Duration: 8:21.
Minecraft Menjan Битва Аренда 2018 - Duration: 8:21.
Teal pumpkins try to keep Halloween food-allergy safe - Duration: 3:06.
Jerry Springer Show Kia has no problem with being a side chick.... - Duration: 4:53.
Jerry Springer Show Kia has no problem with being a side chick.... - Duration: 5:31.
Škoda Fabia 1.4 Comfort,TREKHAAK,CRUISE C,ELEK RAMEN,CENTR VERGR, - Duration: 1:07.
Volkswagen up! 1.0 take up! BlueMotion, AIRCO - Duration: 0:51.
鈴鹿 チャレンジクラブ 練習走行 2分22秒451 Lotus Elise Type-R - Duration: 2:39.
Gotham Season 5 "Happy Halloween From Mr. J" Promo (HD) Final Season - Duration: 0:51.
We were always different, Jerome and I. I
showed proficiency for maths and design,
and Jerome, mainly the mutilation of alley cats.
[evil laughter]
What are you going to do to me?
I'm gonna drive you mad.
[evil laughter, shouting]
Breathe it in.
Don't fight it.
It's time to have some fun.
Jerome is dead.
Long live me.
You're more sick than your brother.
He just wanted to destroy things.
I'm a builder.
But every artist needs a blank canvas.
I'll create a legacy in this city.
Gotham falls, we rise.
[people scream]
[insane laughter]
I love family reunions.
Don't you?
Novíssimo caça furtivo chinês J-20 faz raro aparecimento no céu (VÍDEO) - Duration: 1:48.
Для детей игрушки. Охота на орка. Про машинки мультики! Развивающие мультфильмы - Duration: 6:35.
Here's Why this 3 Wheel Polaris Slingshot is Worth $26,000 - Duration: 5:06.
welcome to wacky Wednesday's, where everyone has a chance to show off their
car mods, and here's this week's winner,
hey Scotty wanted to do a video on my 2017 Polaris slingshot for you
made by Polaris, it's got 20-inch rear
got an 18-inch front, registered in PA under an Auto cycle which means have
no motorcycle license is required
I'll show you some of the bells and whistles it has, not a whole lot I've
done a few things have added the roof to it
climb inside here
basically it's very similar to a car, a few things you'll notice in
the bottom left hand. see what the temperature is
my miles-per-gallon
the range that I have until I need to fuel up again
of course the miles that I put on Slingshot
it does have an am/fm stereo bluetooth-compatible, I can sync it up
with my phone can't make phone calls but you can stream music, push button start
it does have a key turn the key and then push the button to start, so 5 speed
manual standard shift pattern
I did at a rather large rear view mirror, gives me a lot of visibility, visibility
isn't greatest in this, it's stuck mirrors, they get by but never be too safe
let me pop the hood for you
a 2.5 liter Ecotec GM motor, believe it's the same motor out of the
Solstice, not 100% sure on that,
does have cold air intake
take you around to the other side here
you have traction control, stability control and
it also has abs,
the rear is belt-driven
does hook up very nice when trying to do burnouts
thanks for viewing, well that was this week's video and to have your car mod
shown on my channel here, check this out,
so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to
ring that Bell!
Episode # 7 -- Dr Jelly and Mr Cozmo (Halloween 2018) - Duration: 6:02.
An animation movie by Fun with Robotics
In the laboratory...
Is your project progressing well, Dr Jelly?
Dr Jelly answers "tatitatitataaa"
Mine is finished.
I can't wait to be at night.
Scaring people requires many skills!
You're right. We are the best.
I named my project "MC SPider"
"Mister Cozmo's Spider"
And what about yours?
"Tatitati tata ta taaa" says Dr Jelly
"Black Jelly"?
Of course!
A giant Jelly Bean, what a good idea!
For once, you will be scaring!
(Cozmo is laughing)
(Cozmo is speaking robot)
We will reach heights of fear!
All these people who're asking for treats...
with their Halloween disguise...
won't have ever seen such a frightening thing!
Bla, bla, blaaaa !
In the afternoon...
Ha, you've put your Black Jelly here.
Very good. People will see it inevitably.
I've installed my Scarymeter here.
This is the best place to record people's screams.
Thanks to our Scarymeter...
we'll be able to measure people's fear precisely.
we'll reach heights in the fear!
(Cozmo's speaking robot)
At night...
That's it! This is our big moment!
It's now time for the maximum fear!
At my signal...
Go, MC Spider!
Look, Dr Jelly!
What a success!
What a panic!
(Cozmo's triumphing!)
This spider is really monstrous!
The gauge is increasing!
We need a few screams and we'll succeed!
Look, Dr Jelly!
What a success, what a terror!
(Cozmo's triumphing!)
The things you have to do to be famous!
I'm so happy about all my researches!
What will be the next subject, now, after such a success!
Funny Games, our sponsor
And the citizens of CozmoTown
Cool School Hacks To Make You Say WOW - DIY Back To School Life Hacks - Duration: 10:48.
Jerry Springer Show Kia has no problem with being a side chick.... - Duration: 4:53.
Jerry Springer Show Kia has no problem with being a side chick.... - Duration: 5:31.
1. Le Serpent à Plumes. - ABAD - EP QUETZALCOATL - Duration: 1:38.
[VOSTFR] [EPISODE 26] Cardfight Vanguard Official Animation - Encyclopédie des Unités !! - Duration: 26:47.
美 빌보드, 아이즈원 데뷔부터 타이틀곡 '라비앙로즈'까지 집중 조명... 슈퍼 루키 입증 - Duration: 7:34.
미국의 가장 권위 있는 음악 전문 매체 빌보드가
그룹 아이즈원(IZ*ONE)을 집중 조명했다.
빌보드는 최근 공식 홈페이지를 통해 '그룹 아이즈원 데뷔곡
'라비앙로즈' 발매(Korean-Japanese Girl Group IZ*ONE Releases First Single 'La Vie en Rose')'
라는 제목의 기사를 게재했다.
기사 속에는 데뷔 앨범 '컬러라이즈(COLOR*IZ)'와 타이틀곡
'라비앙로즈(La Vie en Rose)'에 대한 앨범 및 곡 설명을
비롯해 데뷔까지의 과정 등 아이즈원과 관련된 자세한
정보들이 전 세계 구독자들을 위해 빼곡하게 적혀있다.
빌보드는 "Mnet '프로듀스 48'을 통해 제작된 신인
그룹 아이즈원이 지난 29일 첫 번째 EP앨범 '컬러라이즈'를 발표하고,
타이틀곡 '라비앙로즈'로 K-POP 데뷔 무대를 펼쳤다"고
아이즈원의 데뷔 소식을 전했다.
타이틀곡 '라비앙로즈'에 대해
"붉은 색에서 영감을 얻은 활기차고 신비한 전자 팝 트랙"이라고
소개한 빌보드는 뮤직비디오에도 높은 평가를 내림과 동시에
"왜 이들이 100여명과의 경쟁을 뚫고 최종 12인으로 선정됐는지
알 수 있다"며 멤버들의 뛰어난 비주얼과 앞으로의 가능성을 칭찬했다.
이어 아이즈원을 아이오아이(I.O.I)와 워너원에 이은 Mnet '프로듀스'
시리즈가 배출한 세 번째 그룹이라고 소개하며 "아이즈원은 아이오아이,
워너원보다 더 오래 운영될 예정이다.
더불어 기사 하단에 타이틀곡 '라비앙로즈' 뮤직비디오 링크도 첨부해
누구든 쉽게 감상할 수 있도록 했다.
오는 2020년까지 2년 반 동안 함께 활동하게 될 것"이라고 설명했다.
빌보드뿐만 아니라 일본에서도 아이즈원을 향한 관심은 뜨겁다.
일본 최대 포털사이트 야후 재팬에서는 아이즈원의 기사가 한 페이지를 장식했으며,
닛칸 스포츠, 산케이 스포츠 등 현지 주력 매체에서도 데뷔
소식을 대서특필하는 등 아이즈원의 글로벌한 인기는 갈수록 커지고 있다.
한편 국내외 각종 차트 정상을 휩쓸며 슈퍼 루키다운 돌풍을
이어가고 있는 아이즈원은 오는 11월 1일 Mnet
'엠카운트다운'에서 음악방송 데뷔 무대를 갖는다.
軍 "K-2전차 파워팩 결함은 ADD 책임" - Duration: 12:48.
K-391 & Alan Walker - Ignite (feat. Julie Bergan & Seungri) - Duration: 3:57.
Jerry Springer Show Kia has no problem with being a side chick.... - Duration: 4:53.
Ensley couple to return home following repairs - Duration: 1:14.
S. Korea FM tells Japan FM she respects court ruling on compensation for victims - Duration: 0:36.
Seoul and Tokyo exchanged views on the South Korean supreme court's ruling on
Japan's use of Koreans for forced labor during World War two the court ordered
Nippon Ceylon Sumitomo metal corporation to pay compensation to the victims
according to Seoul's foreign ministry the two nation's top diplomats held a
film meeting today despite concerns Tokyo expressed over the ruling Hong
Kong WA told the taro kono that she respects the decision and that the
government will review various factors before taking further steps both offense
and besides the need to work closely together for future-oriented relations
Jerry Springer Show Kia has no problem with being a side chick.... - Duration: 5:31.
South and North Korea to completely cease all hostile acts against each other from Nov. 1st - Duration: 2:21.
starting tomorrow South and North Korea's militaries will cease all
hostile acts against each other this is in accordance with the military
agreement inked by the two sites last month to prevent any accidental
conflicts our defense ministry correspondent Park Jiwon has our top
story in a move to implement the comprehensive military agreement signed
by the defense Chiefs of both Korea's during September's Pyongyang summit
South and North Korea will completely cease all hostilities against each other
in land air and sea starting November 1st specifically the two Koreas agreed
to cease various military exercises aimed at each other along the military
demarcation line on the ground the two sides will cease all live fire artillery
drills and fill training exercises at the regional level and above within 5
kilometers from the MDL which will create a 10 kilometer wide buffer zone
between the two Koreas in the sea the two Koreas will cease all live-fire and
maritime maneuver exercises within some 135 kilometers wide zone in the West sea
and some 80 kilometer wide zone in the East Sea the two Koreas will install
covers on the bearers of coastal artilleries includes all gun ports
within the zones in the air the two sides agreed to ban tactical live-fire
drills involving diverse aircraft within designated no-fly zones in the eastern
and western regions along the MDL also during the general level military talks
held last Friday the two Koreas agreed to complete the reduction of 11 guard
posts within each side of the DMZ by the end of November over at the joint
security area in Panmunjom South and North Korea as well as the us-led United
Nations command completed a third joint verification of demilitarization
measures over the last weekend the joint security area will allow freedom of
movement for visitors and tourists as early as next month South Korea's
Defense Ministry said Wednesday afternoon that it expects the
implementation of this agreement to facilitate easing mullet
rotation and building mutual trust between the two koreas Park Jiwon
Arirang news
S. Korea and U.S. to establish new working group on N. Korea nuclear issue - Duration: 2:25.
US nuclear envoy Steven vegan left South Korea after spending two full days
meeting with senior officials here in the nation according to a government
source the main agenda of this visit was the establishment of a halt Washington's
working group eg1 tells us more
deputy US State Department spokesperson Robert Palladino announced at Tuesday's
press briefing that South Korea the u.s. have agreed to establish a new working
group the group he said will further strengthen the two countries close
coordination on diplomacy on denuclearization efforts on the
implementation of sanctions there are ways for the two Koreas to
cooperate within the limits of UN sanctions this comes as a u.s. special
representative for North Korea Stephen vegan concludes his 40 trip to Seoul
he's known to have fined two of those details with his South Korean
counterpart Edelen Seoul special representative for korean peninsula
peace and security affairs a senior official at South Korea's foreign
ministry told reporters Tuesday that the working group will be led by the two
nuclear envoys and that it will be launched soon likely in November
many have suspected that the reason such a working group was suddenly formed was
because of a perceived imbalance in the pace of inter-korean ties and
denuclearization talks but the official said that is definitely not the case
establishing the group he said is something that had been discussed over
the past four months and that it's meant to formally set up a system for Seoul in
Washington to consistently talk and continuously work together on the
numerous issues surrounding North Korea us negotiations the main agenda of the
group will be Pyongyang's denuclearization and three other issues
mentioned by the State Department but the official said the agenda could
become more specific and the group could even include officials from other
relevant ministries as it gets rolling the official was asked why be and met
with South Korea's presidential chief of staff in daung huk who is also in charge
of the committee tasked with implementing the two Koreas agreements
he said that began mainly sought to meet various senior South Korean officials to
carefully listen and learn the country stands during his visit bein
met with officials from the presidential office and the ministers of Foreign
Affairs and unification easy one Arirang news
New Apple MacBook Air (2018): Price, Specs, Release Date - Duration: 1:45.
Apple has just announced an update to the MacBook Air. the MacBook Air has long
been Apple's most popular laptop and will receive a brand new Retina display
four times the resolution of past models starting at $1200 the new MacBook Air is
made from 100% recycled aluminum but noticeably smaller bezel around the
display it is also lighter and smaller the new MacBook Air weighs 2.75 pounds
which is about 1.2 kilograms and it is 17% smaller than 10 percent thinner from
previous models the only ports of the new MacBook Air however who only be
dishonorable 3 USB C port along with it a stranger now s respects the new
MacBook Air comes with a brand new eighth generation and will do a core i5
processor along with an age ago byte or 16 gigabyte memory it also comes with a
1.5 terabyte solid-state drive and a 13.3 inch display of new battery
promises up to 12 hours of web browsing and I put 13 hours of iTunes movie
playback I will also added the touch ID and Siri
support and the most secure boot process of any notebook Apple has in the market
right now other noticeable upgrades include a third-generation butterfly
keyboard paired with a force touch trackpad FaceTime HD camera and a three
microwave for better voice recognition as well as louder speakers for more
Bates and the new MacBook Air with the 1200 price tag is now the cheapest Apple
laptop with a Retina display the official launch date for the new MacBook
Air is November 7 but it is already open to pre-orders and the link will be in
the description section below let us know in the comments section below what
you guys think about the new MacBook Air the new specs the pricing and the new
look we'll see you guys in next video
N. Korea preparing for foreign experts' visit to nuclear test site: S. Korea's spy agency - Duration: 1:52.
During today's parliamentary audit, the National Intelligence Service was under scrutiny.
Rival lawmakers questioned North Korea's movements,... as well as debated plans to transfer the agency's
investigation rights.
Kim Min-ji has the latest from the national assembly.
North Korea appears to be preparing for a possible visit by foreign experts to verify
the shutdown of its nuclear test site.
During a closed-door parliamentary audit,... rival lawmakers quoted the National Intelligence
Service as saying that there have been signs of preparations and intelligence-related activity,...
and that the North has been revamping accomodation facilities and the entrance near the Yeongbyeon
nuclear complex.
North Korea had said during the inter-Korean summit in September that it would be willing
to shut down Yeongbyeon... should the U.S. take corresponding measures.
In May, it demolished its nuclear test site at Punggye-ri in the presence of foreign journalists,...
and has torn down some of the missile launching facilities at Dongchang-ri.
Another topic of heated debate was reform of South Korea's spy agency... and the possibility
of transferring the power to investigate communist activities to another agency.
Reforming the NIS was one of key pledges of President Moon Jae-in as a way of preventing
the abuse of power in view of the illegal activities it was involved in under conservative
governments,... such as intervening in politics and monitoring civilians.
Currently, one proposal is give to the power to investigate communist activity to the police,...
but the opposition parties have been against the idea saying that the agency's main role
is to prevent and detect enemy espionage.
Rival lawmakers said that they're working on a deal to provide a grace period of three
years,... even if they write the change into law.
But some opposition lawmakers said if that's the case, then the actual amendment should
be pushed back for another three years as well,... or be carried out under the next
NIS chief Suh Hoon said that he will consider the ideas and that his agency will do its
best in drafting a proposal.
Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.
S. Korean court's decision to order Japanese company to pay for forced labor could affect.. - Duration: 2:05.
it took 13 years for South Korea's Supreme Court to rule on the forced
labor by a Japanese company during World War two attention now shifts to what
will happen to similar lawsuits pending in court chase Young has the full story
13 years after lawsuit for damages was filed against Nippon Steel in Sumitomo
medal at the Seoul Central District Court in 2005
South Korea's Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday the Japanese company paid
compensation of roughly 90,000 u.s. dollars to the four victims of forced
labor the rolling came after more than five years of deliberation by the
highest court wool the rulings outcome affects similar lawsuits according to
the Korean Bar Association out of 14 lawsuits against Japanese company filed
by force laborers two complaints against Mitsubishi Heavy Industries are pending
at the top court the Supreme Court's ruling is the first of its kind on
forced labor during Japan's colonial rule it will have a direct effect on
future rulings on similar lawsuits the Japanese government had argued and still
contends that the 1965 agreement concerning the settlement of problems in
regard to property and claims and economic cooperation terminates
individuals rights to file independent damages suits and in the past the South
Korean government has taken similar view to Tokyo but experts point a different
approach taken by Japan's Supreme Court
according to Japan's Supreme Court individuals rights are not terminated
they're alive but just unable to be realized through a court trial experts
say this means the Japanese government the company in question should
compensate the victims out of respect for humanitarian principles
neither the Japanese nor South Korean government has heated much attention to
the Japanese Supreme Court remarks in their discussions over forced labor
shortly after the ruling Japanese foreign minister taro kono said Japan
could potentially detect a forced labor case to the International Court of
Justice but a tribunal there can convene without the consent of South Korea
Chesham Arirang news
S. Korean stocks fell 14% in Oct., sharpest drop since 2008 - Duration: 2:44.
turning to some stock market action now finally we're seeing some small positive
turnaround after a rocky few days or a rocky month the main index closed higher
than yesterday here's Kim a song with a roundup of South Korean equity markets
after some topsy-turvy midday trading South Korea's main index closed at 20 29
Wednesday up 7 tenths of a percent from the previous close and marking a second
day of gains the tech-heavy kosdaq also rose about 0.7 percent thanks to gains
overnight on Wall Street but then again October was a brutal month for South
Korean stocks with the main kospi index falling 14% or 229 billion u.s. dollars
which is the worst monthly drop since the 2008 global financial crisis it's
also down more than 20% from its peak in January when it passed the 2,500 mark in
October global equities saw a wipeout of eight trillion dollars on factors like
the u.s. rate hike the us-china trade conflict and disappointing US company's
earnings given that stock markets have a cycle of ups and downs and that they've
rallied for years on record low interest rates and easy money some say markets
are now in correction territory but still compared to major markets South
Korea's main index fell in October by the largest margin the Kospi fell 14
percent and the cost at over 20 percent that's more than China's monthly loss of
10 percent the six percent in the US and the MSCI Emerging Markets average of 10
percent loss putting particular pressure on local markets have been concerns that
the us-china trade conflict will hurt Korea's export oriented economy and it's
IT sector to help stabilize the market South Korea's financial authorities
announced a series of measures early this week which will include the
injection of a 428 million dollar fund into undervalued stocks such
announcements helped lift The Cosby back above the 2000 level but experts say
stocks are likely to remain sluggish for some time
stocks reflect on expectation about future growth
but now investment and economic growth slowing down and Korea's manufacturing
sector is losing competitiveness there's no new sector with bright prospects
right now and with the us-china trade spat still weighing on markets creating
global uncertainties experts say local and global stocks are unlikely to go
back to pre October levels at least until the us-china summit at the g20 in
Argentina in November and that's if the two sides do reach an agreement
Kim Azam Arirang news
風流倜儻韋小寶!金庸唯一認證是他 - Duration: 3:09.
Cold due to windchill _ 103118 - Duration: 1:51.
Now we turn to Michelle Park at the weather center for the latest updates.
Michelle, it's quite cold during the day now, but the nights take the crown when it comes
dropping temperatures.
Yes Daniel, the daytime high was in the teens but as of 8 PM, the temperature dropped nearly
5 degrees Celsius.
It's expected to get colder into the night,... lingering below the seasonal averages.
Dry cold air is constantly blowing in from the northwest, the sky will be clear and sunny
in the nation and so will be in Beijing and Tokyo,... with daytime readings similar to
the southern parts of the peninsula.
The morning low in Seoul makes it down to 3 degrees Celsius, Busan and Jeju get a warmer
start at 8 and 12 degrees respectively.
The sunny conditions will warm up the country very quickly,...
Seoul reaching 14, and most of the other regions getting up to around 16 and 17 degrees.
Bright and blue skies are expected to continue for some time and by the weekend, the temperatures
should be back up in the norms.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
【韓國女團】 打招呼方式猜歌手 Let's Get Crazy~ 說這句話打招呼的女團是誰? | MelonBun蜜瓜包 - Duration: 5:07.
Two Koreas to discuss sports exchanges at joint liaison office on Friday - Duration: 0:35.
delegations from Seoul and Pyongyang will meet at the joint liaison office on
Friday to discuss inter-korean sports exchanges this is part of implementing
the agreements made at the high-level talks earlier this month
South Korea is sending a four member delegation that buys vice Sports
Minister Noda gong the North's delegation will be led by the Vice
Sports Minister one guru sauce Unification Ministry says the two sides
will discuss forming join teams for future international sports events
including the 2020 Olympics and launching a joint bid to host the 2032
Summer Olympic Games
new saraiki song 2018 latest sanger tariq maling old hits punjabi and saraiki 2019 junaid studio - Duration: 6:27.
new saraiki song 2018 latest sanger tariq maling old hits punjabi and saraiki 2019 junaid studio
new saraiki song 2018 latest sanger tariq maling old hits punjabi and saraiki 2019 junaid studio
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