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Vegetable Omelet Recipe|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:07.
Vegetable Omelet Recipe
Starting your day off with a family meal brings joy and happiness to everyone.
That's why you can make them this wonderful easy-to-make recipe. How does having a vegetable omelet sound?.
Many don't know that omelets are originally from Spain.
During the Peninsula War, the economic and political embargoes began to make some foods scarce, including potatoes, which are essential for preparing Spanish omelets.
The Spanish people had to come up with simple way to make omelets without any potatoes.
The Spanish jokingly called them "French omelets". To this day, the Spanish still call them by this name.
Eggs are this dish's main ingredients.
However, many creative cooks use other ingredients to make omelets because there are countless versions of this popular dish.
This is a healthy recipe because eggs are great sources of protein, vitamins, and minerals and can be eaten often,especially by children.
Egg whites are high in protein and the yolks contain vitamins, minerals, cholesterol, and lecithin. In fact, there have been numerous studies conducted on the nutritional value of eggs.
Likewise, yolks provide antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin.
Vegetable omelet recipe.
You can prepare the following recipe with your favorite vegetables to really enjoy the eggs' flavor.
In a matter of fact, you can create many versions according to your own taste.
However, this a basic easy-to-make recipe.
4 to 5 eggs (300 g) 1 small onion (60 g) 1 small carrot (60 g) 2 teaspoons of salt (10 g) 1 teaspoon of pepper (5 g) 1 small red pepper (80 g) 4 tablespoons of olive oil (60 ml) Cheese cut into small pieces (100 g) 2 slices of cooked turkey ham (25 g).
First, cut the carrot into small cubes and boil them over medium heat.
Next, sauté the pepper with two tablespoons of olive oil in a small pan.
If you feel like it, you can add a little chicken breast to the omelet.
Then, turn off the heat when the vegetables are golden and the carrot are soft.
Strain and set aside.
In a cup or bowl, add the eggs, the cheese cut into small pieces, and the two slices of turkey ham cut into thin strips.
Mix well and add salt and pepper.
Repeat in the other cup or bowl.
Once the vegetables have cooled, put half of them in one bowl and the other half in the other.
Put the remaining two tablespoons of olive oil in a large pan and once it's hot, add the contents from one of the bowls.
Once the omelet can easily be lifted with a spatula, fold it in half.
Finally, wait five minutes before turning it over. Cook another 5 minutes and you're all set.
Repeat the process with the contents from the other cup and you'll have an omelet for the entire family.
Spinach omelet.
This vegetable omelet is perfect for those who are taking care of their health and want to stay in shape.
It's only one of many variations of this popular breakfast dish.
Give it a try!. Ingredients.
4 to 5 eggs (300 g) 3 teaspoons of salt (15 g) 2 cups of spinach leaves (200 g) 1 teaspoon of pepper (5 g) 2 tablespoons of olive oil (60 ml) ½ cup of chopped leek stems (120 g).
First, heat the olive oil in a pan and fry the leek over medium heat.
Next, add the chopped spinach leaves and mix well; Wait one minute and remove from heat.
Then, beat the eggs and add the salt, pepper, spinach, and leek until they're will mixed.
Put the mixture in a nonstick pan and cook for a few minutes over low heat.
Once the omelet appears cooked, flip it over by using a spatula.
Let it brown on both sides and you're all set to enjoy your vegetable omelet,.
3 Face Masks to Relax your Eyes and Eliminate Bags Under the Eyes|HFE♪ - Duration: 11:25.
3 Face Masks to Relax your Eyes and Eliminate Bags Under the Eyes
Remember that having bags isn't just an aesthetic issue.
Your body is also telling you that something is wrong, and you should listen to avoid serious consequences, especially if those bags mean you have bad circulation.
Do your eyes look tired and have bags? Do you want to eliminate bags under the eyes?.
The skin around our eyes is very thin, about 300 to 800 microns, and barely has sebaceous glands.
However, over the years, chemicals and excesses wear our skin out and make it look dark.
Dark circles or bags appear when there is a blockage in the collagenand elastin fibers.
As a result, our skin gets even thinner and changes color.
People with genetic backgrounds are more likely to suffer from bags.
Respiratory diseases such as asthma, sinusitis, or allergies can irritate the skin, causing blood to pool under the eyes.
When a person has circulatory problems, their blood vessels tend to dilate and the skin becomes thinner.
Darker-skinned people accumulate more pigment under their eyes.
Similarly, dark circles may appear when there are hormonal irregularities, fluid accumulation, or during pregnancy.
Risk Factors.
Some of the risk factors of this condition include:.
Stress: stress causes a person to lose skin elasticity and the ability to regenerate skin.
Constipation: bowel irregularity is a sign that the body isn't consuming the necessary fluids and fiber.
Dehydration: when the body isn't properly hydrated and is exposed to high temperatures, it's very harmful for your skin.
Iron Deficiency: iron is essential for the production of hemoglobin, which is responsible for oxygenating the cells.
Smoking: tobacco not only accelerates aging, but also alters your skin tone and reduces collagen production.
Here are some natural face masks that will get rid of bags:.
Apples are rich in antioxidants, which allow the cells to regenerate and hydrate and eliminate bags under the eyes.
1 apple 1 cup of water (200 ml).
Boil the water and then add the apple.
Take the apple out fast and puree it with a fork until you get a paste.
After that, let it cool. How to Apply.
Rinse your face well and, when it's moist, apply the paste evenly under your eyes with gentle circular movements.
Wait 5 minutes and then rinse.
Carrot and Olive Oil.
Carrot is rich in antioxidants and beta carotenes.
This means that it protects the skin from the sun's aggressions. On the other hand, olive oil moisturizes and restores the skin's radiance.
1 carrot 1 tablespoon of olive oil (15 g).
To begin, peel and grate the carrot.
Then, put it in the blender and add the olive oil.
Blend until you create a homogeneous paste.
How to Apply.
Cleanse your face well and apply the paste on your bags.
Leave on for 20 minutes.
Finally, rinse with cold water.
Avocado and Almond Oil.
Avocado slows aging, beautifies the skin because it restores tissues, and moisturizes the area.
Meanwhile, almond oil has fatty acids that fight dark circles.
Avocado pulp 6 drops of almond oil.
First, place the avocado in a container and puree it.
Then, add the 6 drops of almond oil.
Mix until both ingredients are totally combined.
How to Apply.
Wash your face and then apply the mixture under your eyes.
Leave on for 10 minutes.
After the 10 minutes, rinse your face.
We recommend that you read: 4 Face Masks with Aspirin for Perfect Skin.
Clean your eyelids before going to bed.
Use a special eye moisturizer in the mornings and evenings.
Use sunscreen every day.
Try to sleep face up so the fluids can drain.
Exercise to have good circulation.
Eat more fruits and vegetables to prevent water retention.
Reduce salt intake.
Avoid stressful situations because cortisol causes poor blood clotting.
Drink at least 2 liters of water a day to stay well hydrated.
Remember that having bags isn't just an aesthetic issue.
Your body is also telling you that something is wrong, and you should listen to avoid serious consequences, especially if those bags mean you have bad circulation.
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yo whats up guys long time no see
im actually serious when I say I don't make serious subtitles
also I got copyrighted for using SSS in my song
so lets pray that this doesn't get reported and taken down
using some BTS songs is okay
but I can't use an 8 year old song?
it is kind of ridiculous and I am really disappointed
but I will work things out so don't worry
also the end is lit so watch till the end
Okay so now I will go
goodbye -subtitle pArDoN
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