hello everyone this is G shock high fashion channel and welcome to another
G-Shock disassembly video I want to change the format a little bit
I just disassembled the entire piece and I'm gonna dis..I'm sorry I'm going to
assemble it back so this more like assembly video than a disassembly video
before I started this is the GRB 100 I would have to be best of the best
Gravity Master g-shock watch for the price here is the GBD 800 which i will
be giving away for free e if you buy any one of my merchandise and here is the
construction let me explain each and every one of them part by part by using
this green screwdriver that I'm currently selling in my website thank
you to everyone of you who purchased this screwdriver it is actually a drop
shipping type of thing it is one of the best screwdriver that I have ever used
and also the most the prettiest one you could get out there anyway this will be
the watch strap, two of them this is the band keeper this is the watch buckle
which I'm still not good at removing because it was to lock if a pin not a
spring bar so some people says that you need to force it out but I'm not willing
enough to do that you're seeing it and it didn't really bother me as much
anyway next is the screw this four screws is
the screws that is holding the back plate into place and we bring it up
close it is similar to the most screws that we
have in other g-shock watch so if you lost this you could interchange them
this screwdriver is the one that locked onto the side of the bezel which now
looks different it is a little bit thicker on the upper side so if you lost
this you'll have a hard time to look for replacement so make sure to take care of
all four of this and this is the spring bar that looks pretty standard but just
so you know it is pretty thick so you could beat the crap out of this GBD800
during your workout activity and I have a feeling this gonna last you quite a
long time especially when this spring bar was also being supported with this
ops, I just dropped it 'wrist-hug' down here
so there is nice 1 2 3 of this is what makes the watch band on this g-shock was
very comfortable to be worn and there's one tiny things down here I'm gonna
show you guys could see it let me bring it up close like so and also I'm gonna
use this magnifying glass now because it helps a lot of this post editing process
look at that this is actually the LED light of this model which is totally
different from the common LED light and noticed that there are no Springs at all
the connection that Casio made to these LEDs really different compared to
previous model on the market and I appreciate that a lot
let me show you guys in the back now there is tell it to connector down at
the back over there so this led aren't just connected by spring anymore it is
connected by one of this display panel connector..uhm..type of connector and let me put
this at the back.. the.. putting this LED back into its place it's the hardest
part of this whole process it goes in here this is the display panel
compartment where of course the display panel goes this connector goes and also
this LED goes it will be placed in this compartment on this side there this
place it over there and it will glow the LED light in these directions and thus..
being.. being diffused with this white panel over here, acrylic panel just
plastic so that's allow the display panel to
have a more uniform LED like disperse..ment (dispersion**)
there's the connector for the LED light just now. Let me bring the magnifying glass, there it is..look at that
Casio didn't use the gold spring anymore thats cool it makes the whole process of
assembling and also disassembling this much much more easier I mean the last
part the device or anything that have the less it is prone to be broken and if
anything broke really you don't have to replace a lot of things so there's a
good thing as well and this is the display panel again bring it up close
there you have it so those are all the digital display up there and this is at
the back default to silver let me wipe my fingerprint I haven't
been clean this thing up yet really I will clean it up before I assembly back
I have some project to do with all these parts really and while I'm at it why
don't just film this video and share with everyone and also for my future
references as well I received numerous questions asking me how to fix this how
to fix that how to do this and how to do that so I haven't received any question
yet regarding this model but I have a feeling I will in the future so this
video will be coming very helpful to me and I believe to all of you guys
especially if you owned a watch store and if your customer asked you what your watch
are about how to tell if the watch is genuine or not this is it this is all
the parts that you are gonna get if you bought a genuine piece make sure you get
all of this show this to them so I hope you this will be helpful to those type
of people as well and by the way this is the circuit board with the code at the
back I'm not sure this should be the same for everyone
and there's one more part to show.. there is look at the glassy surface
electronics components in there I believe those will be uh bluetooth connector..
connectivity.. electronics (component**) I'm not sure the term is and there is also
for a..I believe for the uh accelero.. accelerometer sensor as well probably
this guy or this, not sure. But usually a Bluetooth model will came equipped with this
to thing similar as the one on the Rangeman model as well alright next
is battery compartment so this is where your battery will goes into it operates
on cr2025 so that's allowed this watch to have an almost two years battery life
and this is the metal that connect the battery to here and here to a circuit
board and thus power up your G Shock watch, this is how it looks like there are
this pretty complicated looking parts and we have Casio three four six four
down here AC discwill be over here with an arrow pointing down and negative
side touch it while you're performing the AC operations and this is code
for bluetooth I believe and also China so probably this watch is fully made in China if I
not mistaken by looking at the backplate, yeah they do mention that this watch is made
in China so that's explain the low cost at the
same time incredible functionality this is the hard case of the watch
I couldn't able to remove the faceplate and this metal ring around here because
it was locked from the front by looking at the back you'll see that..there it is.
it is a lot like that, I cannot remove it, I'm gonna need to remove
this metal part which was locked with this hard case it is pretty thick hard
case by the way and the buttons look at that it is resin, I could press this, this is the
aluminum button I could press it as well look at it down here there's how you work
and of course there's an o-ring down here locked into place for water resistant
and you guys should see that there's this more resin part of the side this is to
guard the backplate from this side as well it's to improve the water
resistance ability of this model is even more compared to not having this at the
first place so that's very very nice of them so I gotta say that this the hard
case is really really thick Casio could just simply reduce the size of this a
little bit and make the watch smaller in size but obviously they didn't but I
don't mind that it makes the watch feels tougher than it is and the hard case is
actually round shape the bezel looks like this so the watch is actually a
round shape watch let me put on my wrist so you have to have a rough idea it
looks like there it is similar to like most sport watch on the market right but
when you add in the bezel, look at that it's totally different thing
now so this is how it's like really soft I mean not as soft, it feels high-quality
not as uhh,, silicone (type) like, it is really Casio liked if you ever tried to
disassemble a watch like this you'll know what I mean this is how it looks like
very very nicely designed and by the way I almost forgot to show you guys one
more thing there's one spring of course this is to connect to the piezoelectric
speaker at the back there this g 4 8 k, I don't know what those mean but there it is
okay now I'm gonna need to assemble the watch back I'm not sure if I should
show this but I'm just gonna you know fast forward this part of the video
basically I'm all done now I hope you guys found this video that'll be useful
infinitive and entertaining for your future reference and if you want to win
this watch for free purchase any one of my shirt merchandise that I designed
myself it is the best way to support the channel and of course you'll have the
chance to win this watch that's it thank you very very much for watching this is
g-shock high-fashion Channel and I'm....out
For more infomation >> The new G-Shock GBD-800 Digital Step-Tracker watch teardown - Duration: 10:05.-------------------------------------------
Chicken Breast Cutlets with Mushroom Sauce | Romas and MO | EN subtitles | 4K - Duration: 4:44.
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Has Absolutely Everything The Cabana Truck HouseCustom RV
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dresses coloring for kid with doll - paint for toddlers and drawing for kids
Opel Vivaro Combi 1.6 CDTi 95pk S&S L1H1 2700 Innovation - Duration: 0:53.
5 Home Remedies to Stop a Runny Nose|HFE♪ - Duration: 10:55.
5 Home Remedies to Stop a Runny Nose
Nasal drip can become very annoying, forcing you to blow your nose continuously.
However, there are certain products that can help you stop it.
A runny nose is an uncomfortable symptom that occurs when the mucous membrane of the nose becomes overactive and produces too many fluids to fight allergens and irritants.
It usually occurs as a result of excess mucus due to a respiratory infection, although it also appears due to hormones, prolonged use of medications, or temperatures that are too cold.
Although the glands in the lining of the nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses produce mucus to keep the area lubricated, their alterations produce excesses that can cause congestion and drips.
Fortunately, regardless of its cause, there are several home remedieswhose properties promote their control to avoid the associated discomforts.
Orange peel, apple cider vinegar, and honey.
This interesting medicinal preparation has mucolytic properties that help to diminish annoying nasal drips and irritation of the nasal passage.
Its high content of vitamin C strengthens the immune system and helps improve the body's response against allergens and pathogens.
An orange peel 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar 5 tablespoons of honey.
Cut the orange peel into several strips and cover them with the apple cider vinegar.
Let them dry well and put them on to cook, over low heat, with honey.
After 3 or 5 minutes, remove them from the heat and eat.
Consumption mode.
Eat the peels with honey before going to bed every night.
Repeat your consumption until you control the nasal drip.
Onion water.
This anti-inflammatory, expectorant and mucolytic remedy helps to eliminate excess mucus that accumulates in the respiratory tract, which is key to curbing a runny nose.
Its compounds relieve congestion and reduce the discomfort caused by respiratory diseases.
Ingredients. ½ an onion 1 cup of water.
First, cut the onion into several slices and pour it into a cup of hot water.
Then, cover the drink, let it sit for 5 minutes and strain it.
Consumption mode.
Drink the onion water 2 or 3 times a day.
Lemon and honey.
Next, the classic honey with lemon syrup remains strong as one of the best alternatives to stop the symptoms of respiratory diseases.
After all, its significant contribution of vitamin C and natural enzymes decreases the excessive production of mucus and controls nasal drip.
The juice of ½ a lemon 2 tablespoons of honey ½ cup of water.
Combine the lemon juice with the honey and dilute the mixture in half a cup of hot water.
Consumption mode.
Drink the remedy on an empty stomach and repeat its consumption in the afternoon.
Repeat the treatment until the symptoms disappear.
Cumin is a spice with anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce irritation of the nasal passages in case of congestion and nasal drips.
Overall, it's ideal to reduce the irritation of the mucous membranes in case of sinusitis, colds or the flu.
½ teaspoon cumin 1 cup of water.
First, add the cumin in a cup of boiling water and cover the drink.
Then, wait for it to cool for 10 minutes and filter it with a colander.
Consumption mode.
Drink the infusion in sips when you are afflicted by nasal drips.
Drink it up to 2 times a day.
Cayenne pepper.
Finally, cayenne pepper has an active substance known as capsaicin, which can help dissolve mucus to reduce congestion and runny nose.
In addition, it has a slight antihistamine effect that can help control this symptom when its cause is allergies.
¼ teaspoon ground cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon of honey ½ cup of water.
First, prepare a mixture with ground cayenne pepper and honey.
Then, pour the mixture in half a cup of hot water and stir to dissolve well.
After, wait for the drink to steep until it's suitable for drinking.
Consumption mode.
Ingest the remedy when you feel discomfort in the nose due to nasal drip.
Drink it twice a day if necessary.
Note: avoid this remedy if you are breastfeeding.
Also, you should not drink it if you have kidney disease or liver problems.
Remember that, in addition to consuming these remedies, it's advisable to increase the consumption of liquids and avoid smoke or contaminated environments.
The less you expose your nose to irritants, the faster you will stop a runny nose.
2 Ways to Make Essential Lemon Oil|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:39.
2 Ways to Make Essential Lemon Oil
This fruit, in addition to being high in vitamin C, contains numerous flavonoids which enhance the effects of this vitamin and keep it from degrading.
Lemon is a citrus fruit that, ever since ancient times, has been used in culinary art in order to fight certain medical conditions.
It can be used in: juices, pastries, infusions and even make essential lemon oil.
However, it works as a powerful antioxidant that prevents the negative effects of free radicals.
Likewise, lemon is recommended for the following reasons:.
Protecting eyesight Eliminating toxins Awakening your appetite Accelerating digestion Improving your cardiovascular system.
This emphasizes on how healthy this fruit is.
It is good for you, and the following shows how this essential lemon oil can be used. .
It works as a stimulant, calmer, carminative, infection fighter, astringent, purifier, antiseptic, disinfectant, sleep aid, and it contains anti-fungal properties.
It also helps fight against:.
Stress Fevers Asthma Obesity Insomnia Fatigue Skin disorders Hair conditions Stomach issues.
You can make your own products with these 2 ways to make essential lemon oil.
You can use it whenever you need it.
That way you'll benefit from all of the lemon's properties.
Making essential lemon oil. Option 1.
For anyone who likes the smell of lemon and to surround themselves with its aroma, then essential oil will be great to spray around your house.
You can even use it as a perfume or cologne. .
However, few people have the proper machinery to make this type of oil.
Therefore, the following will show you how to make your own essential lemon oil easily and inexpensively.
At the same time, it will only require a few ingredients.
Olive oil (200 mL) Almond oil (200 mL) 6 lemons without any pesticides or special treatments (200 g) 1 glass jar with an airtight seal (that can hold around 500 mL).
Take of the lemon peels and let them dry in the oven (50 C) for about 3 hours.
Put the dry skins in the jars and cover them with the two oils.
Let it sit in a dry and dark place for about 50 days, make sure to shake it every once in a while.
Once the days have passed, squeeze out the lemon peels and then strain the remaining oil by using a gauze pad.
Finally, transfer it into dropper bottles.
Every time you want to smell that lemon aroma, just put around 5 drops into an essential oil burner.
Option 2.
Citric essences captivate us and bring you back to your childhoodmemories.
Not only due to the famous smell and taste of lemons, but also because it works as a powerful antiseptic, making it very useful during times of infections.
Here is another quick and easy option for you to make your own essential lemon.
Your home will have an elegant aroma, while it keeps you and your family healthy.
3 lemons (100 g) Olive oil (100 ml) 1 zip-lock bag or airtight container that can endure high temperatures.
Start by putting a pot of hot water to a boil, for later on.
Then peel the lemons.
Remove the fiber from the lemon peels. The yellow part is what is going to used. Afterwards, put the lemon peels in hot water to eliminate the sour taste.
Leave it there for about a minute.
During that time, take the zip-lock bag or container, put it inside a pot, open it and fill it half way with a little virgin olive oil.
Once the minute is over, you will notice that the peels have turned the water into a yellowish color. Take out the peels, put them in the oil filled bag or container and close it.
Now, heat the bag or container by using bain-marie.
The vapor will brew it and it will mix well, which in turn will create your essential lemon oil.
Let it sit for 2 to 3 hours.
After that time has passed, take it off the flame and let it sit for another 24 hours.
On the following day, you can put it inside a lid container and store it in a fresh and dry area.
위 팔뚝의 모양을 파악하는 법➤# 1 트 렌딩✅ - Duration: 11:06.
마지막으로 덤벨을 사용하는 운동과 사용하지 않는 운동들을 조합해서 처진 팔뚝의 모양을 잡아줄 수도 있다.
6 언어 폭력의 징조➤# 1 트 렌딩✅ - Duration: 10:39.
더 많은 것을 읽으십시오 »
은 양배추를 먹는 11 가지 이유➤# 1 트 렌딩✅ - Duration: 11:26.
더 많은 것을 읽으십시오 »
Paparazzi: Η Βάσω Λασκαράκη και ο Λευτέρης Σουλτάτος στο αεροδρόμιο της Μυκόνου | News | fthis.gr - Duration: 1:21.
Στο αεροδρόμιο της Μυκόνου απαθανάτισε ο φωτογραφικός φακός του FTHIS.GR την Βάσω Λασκαράκη και τον Λευτέρη Σουλτάτο
Η ηθοποιός και ο γνωστός chef, μετρούν αρκετούς μήνες σχέσης, αν και αποφεύγουν να μιλούν ανοιχτά για την προσωπική τους ζωή
Οι δυο τους πρόσφατα βρέθηκαν στη Μύκονο και στον γάμο της Αθηνάς Οικονομάκου, όπου και μοιράστηκαν σχετικές εικόνες με τους διαδικτυακούς τους φίλους στα social media
Η φετινή σεζόν βρίσκει την ηθοποιό στο πόστο της και στα νέα γυρίσματα της σειράς Το σόι σου το οποίο πρόσφατα έκανε πρεμιέρα στον Alpha
Δείτε τις παρακάτω φωτογραφίες… Φωτογραφίες: Papadakis Press
Découverte de la collégiale d'Aire sur la Lys avec les Ch'tis explorateurs - Duration: 7:34.
Cómo hacer organizador de Lápiz de Cartón - Duration: 3:46.
Lễ động thổ xây dựng ngôi chánh điện tại Học viện. Tin Phật giáo - Duration: 12:20.
[LEGENDADO PT-BR] BTS na #BT21 Hollywood Store - Duration: 0:53.
Japanese Baseball Game Experience - Duration: 4:44.
One thing we had to do in Japan, is experience a Japanese baseball game.
As a spectator, baseball in Japan is different - very, very different and in this video we're
going to show you a few reasons why!
Good evening good evening guys.
Hello hello.
Today is baseball (野球) game day.
It is baseball in Japan.
We're going to be watching a Japanese Baseball Game.
And it is our first time ever to do that.
We are watching one of the one of two local Osaka teams.
They are called the Hanshin Tigers (阪神タイガース).
And we just arrived at Koshien stadium (阪神甲子園球場).
As you can see I've already picked up a new hat.
I'm loving it and it was so easy to get our tickets.
We bought them online this morning.
We just had to go on and scan in with the barcode.
At a machine they spitted them out.
They gave us real tickets.
And it was like I think they were it was 2,500 Yen so probably like $23 US dollars or something
like that.
So super affordable and we've also arrived with appetites so I think our first order
of business is going to be to grab some food.
If you're going to support your team, you have to look the part.
I picked up a Hanshin Tigers hat, but there were far more dedicated fans with really clever
(Anthem playing)
We're just about to start.
(Fans cheering and music playing)
Next up, food.
Forget popcorn and hot dogs!
Japanese baseball games offer an extensive food selection at great prices.
It's good to arrive hungry!
Guys check out all of the different unique things you can get here at a Japanese baseball
There is an extensive menu.
We've got sushi, we have fried noodles, we have octopus balls.
A bit unusual but very tasty.
So we got some snacks for the game.
We got pizza.
This is teriyaki pizza guys.
And over here this one was really funny looking if I can get it open.
Check out that.
A hotdog pizza.
It has got a hot dog and tomatoes.
How is that pizza?
It is pretty good.
I'm so hungry.
So tell us what have you found now?
So moving on to round 2 of dessert.
I have found a chocolate churros.
And inside of that is an ice cream.
There is whipping cream and this is uh basically a pancake.
Like a crepe.
A stuffed dessert.
Stuffed pancake.
Only at a Japanese Baseball Game.
If you want to buy beer, you wave down the 'uriko', which are the women who carry
beer kegs on their backs.
The beer at the games is surprisingly affordable too.
When it comes to Japanese baseball (野球), something fascinating is that each player
has their own unique song and the crowds will sing and dance when they're up to bat.
(Cheering and music)
Even if you're not a baseball fan, it's worth attending a Japanese baseball game for
the atmosphere.
The game is exciting, but the crowd's energy steals the show.
Fun fact: games can end in a tie.
That baseball game was a lot of fun.
If you come to Japan you definitely have to go to a Japanese Baseball Game.
Fiat Doblò Cargo 1.4 Comfort - Duration: 1:10.
Important. - Duration: 0:52.
Fiat Idea 1.4-8V Actual Plus Elec Ramen, Airco, 1e Eigenaar. - Duration: 1:03.
Opel Tigra TwinTop 1.4-16V Sport 94.188km! - Duration: 1:04.
DAY6 - Live Your Life - Duration: 3:11.
Oh Oh Oh Ohhh! Oh Oh Oh Ohhh!
Oh Oh Oh Ohhh! Oh Oh Oh Ohhh!
It's everyone I mean no exceptions
I want them to know
I want them to tell you
Those who are young And those who were once young
I want them to know
I want them to tell you
If you ever feel so small and lowly
If you ever feel like
Fallin' down beneath the ground
Don't ever forget
Live your life
Your world is there
And it's just you
Yes, that's it Nothing more
Don't be afraid
Nothing can bring you down
So live your life
Oh Oh Oh Ohhh! Oh Oh Oh Ohhh!
Oh Oh Oh Ohhh! Oh Oh Oh Ohhh!
We are only human
It's okay to feel hopeless and lost
Trust me
But that doesn't mean you've lost
The battle can't be won without you
Trust me
If you ever feel so small and lowly
If you ever feel like
Fallin' down beneath the ground
Don't ever forget
Live your life
Your world is there
And it's just you
Yes, that's it Nothing more
Don't be afraid
Nothing can bring you down
So live your life
Oh Oh Oh Ohhh! Oh Oh Oh Ohhh!
Oh Oh Oh Ohhh! Oh Oh Oh Ohhh!
Live Your Life Oh oh
So live your life
Live Your Life Oh oh
So live your life
Instru Rap 2018 - Oublie Moi - TromatizMusic - Duration: 2:38.
"湘南スタイル"で見事初優勝の曺貴裁監督「これがゴールではなく通過点」《ルヴァンカップ》 - Duration: 3:07.
국감 단골메뉴 불량투성이 K-11 복합소총... 후방으로 빠진 사연 - Duration: 5:19.
Venkatesh and Mohan Babu Comedy Scene HD || Cooli No1 Telugu Movie || Suresh Production - Duration: 2:28.
Découverte de la collégiale d'Aire sur la Lys avec les Ch'tis explorateurs - Duration: 7:34.
Lego Number 1 to 20 for Children | Preschool Lessons | Kids Fun Time - Duration: 3:01.
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