Thank you big sister!
What is your name?
Who has a pencil?
For more infomation >> ANG MGA PINOY MAGAGALING TALAGA SA KALOKOHAN! :p - Duration: 0:39.
The Bonfyre - Automatic - Duration: 2:39.
The Bonfyre - Automatic | JulyNice Music 2018
电梯偶遇郑爽素颜还不够,蔡徐坤身高太抢镜,邓伦未P图曝光 - Duration: 2:50.
电梯偶遇郑爽 素颜还不够
蔡徐坤身高太 抢镜
邓伦未P图曝 光 拍摄 的明星在娱 乐业中是正 常的。
网友们被纽约 蔡徐坤的一 组照片所吸 引
这组照片是由 网友拍摄的
网友仍然被蔡 徐坤赞不绝 口地说他最 后蔡旭坤亲 自见道。
在美国高大的 男人身上
仍然可以一目 了然地看到 突出的蔡旭 坤
而蔡徐坤的身 体比例也很 好。
他是一群人中 最闪耀的人 。
然后网友再次 曝光了他的 生活照片。
它看起来像一 个高大
难怪粉丝是这 么多
而在模糊的照 片中
蔡徐坤的精致 面孔无法隐 藏。
蔡徐坤不仅身 材高大。
这个比例也是 一大亮点。
像衣架一样穿 什么衣服
衣服都是为他 而制作的。
这些照片显示 蔡徐坤年轻 英俊
所以小编不仅 想到在学校 的某个地方 看到一所大 学的高中学 校
而且还精致温 和
再加上蔡徐坤 乍一看
给人的感觉又 年轻又帅气
不仅露出一个 阿姨般的笑 容
这样一个蔡徐 坤怎能不让 别人心动? 也有网 友们在电梯 里遇到了素 颜的郑爽
郑爽的颜值还 是很高的
照片是她平淡 的
明星和网红的 区别也很明 显
脸上充满了胶 原蛋白
高挑的身材在 路人中非常 显眼
爽妹妹的脾气 也不错
非常热心与粉 丝拍照
现在郑爽也是 特价甜蜜
也和她的男朋 友在网上表 达爱意。
目前爽妹妹生 活更美好
整个人也乐观 积极。
邓伦还看到了 一件黑色毛 衣和西装外 套的照片。
他的身体比例 很高。
他的皮肤是白 色的
可以穿任何的 衣服。
网友曝光的照 片是没有通 过P画面
但仍然无法阻 挡邓伦的帅 气
黑发衬托邓伦 的强硬精神
他也是特别上 镜
是一部浪漫小 说"标准" 标准
邓伦真的非常 适合黑色衣 服
他在人群中如 此引人注目 。
小编看了很多 网友曝光的 照片。
所有人都在偶 遇
只有我在舔屏 。
这真的令人羡 慕
但他们也经常 在机场忙碌 。
也许有一天我 在机场遇到 了。
P. Ducruet : Princesse Rebelle, comme maman ! - Duration: 7:23.
10月29日30日ビットコイン暴落要因とリップルの仕込み時とは?その高騰タイミングとは?暴落中仮想通貨チャート分析!年末にかけて爆上げか?下落気味XRP・ETH最新ニュース!暗号通貨最前線仮想通貨情報 - Duration: 7:03.
bináris opciók.Hétfő esti kereskedés - Duration: 17:25.
Sohald & Spike Episode 2: A Destiny´s Gift - Duration: 8:49.
Hey what you doing.. agh!! *pain sounds*
That's what all you got?!
Come on fight!! I dare ya!
That won´t work Spike
Just cut it off!
Well hehe, look who we have here
Sohald & Spike
Wait... that expression
It sounds me familiar
Well, well...
If it isn´t the Unit-459XAlpha
That was my old unit name. Just call me Alex
Anyways, what were you doing in the outside storage area
But most important... How did you find this place?
We found this place by accident
Yeah, but we're just traveling without any route
and we thought these place was well...
And why think this place was abandoned?
Well, we always been in abandoned places
and we thought this was one of ´em
Well, in case you´ve not figured out
This... is a research laboratory facility
Look, sorry, we promise to not tell anything about this place
Please let us go
I wish I could
but by strict rules
I can't let you go until we have enough proves that you didn´t do anything bad
I talked with my superiors, and I tried to convince them that you´re not bad, huh....
Anthropomorphic animals
They only told me that they will let you stay here until they determine if you´re inocent...
...or not
Agh... Damn it
ah, don't feel so bad.
Since you are my.... "Prisoners"
I have authorization to give you a tour on this place
And...we prepared a room just for you
so you feel comfortable here
Really? well, that's too kind
I guess...
mmm, yeah...
Well, follow me
Down this elevator are the laboratories, come on
*Relaxing elevator music plays*
*Spike singing along with dat elevator music*
All right, here it is
It looks... like a subway station
haha, yeah....
Hello.... oh don't worry they come with me
This is the main lobby
Look at that waterfall
Yeah.... nice
Here´s the cafeteria
Breakfast serves at 8 A.M, Lunch at 2:30 P.M and Dinner at 8 P.M
Yes Sir!!
Here... is the main test laboratory
The testers....
huh, what the hell is this thing?
Probably it's some sort of a gun
Hmm, but what exactly this thing...
It's a freaking laser gun
Lemme try
What are you doing?
These guys are not testers, they are my prisoners!
I'm sorry, they are always excited with the idea to fin testers for their projects
anyways, let's get out of here
That gun was awesome!!
Yeah... that was one of their lastest inventions
They call it, the Particle Flux Laser Gun
Well, that's a cool name for that gun
Here is the Infirmary
any injure, or sickness will be inmediatly attended here if you need it
We better see another area. it seems they are tottaly busy right now
Here is the office area..
You know, administrative stuff, documentations, huh...
Kinda complicated to explain you that for the moment
There is a server room
There is an intelligence data room
That door leads to a storage room
and there...
Well, I can´t tell you about that room. It's classified information
Well, that's all the tour is over
And what?
That´s... all of the rooms?
He... I Imagined this place more umm....
There are more areas on this lab Sohald
but those are classified areas just for authorized personal
Well, it´s time to bring you to your rooms. Let's go
Say, um? how is the room you were talking about.
Please don't say that is a prison cell
he, no, It's not a prison cell
and.... where is it?
on the main lobby
You will like that room
However.... there´s a little problem
and... what is it?
You will have to share it with two workers
Well, I don't mind it we have to share it, as long as it's comfortable, then it's fine
Here it is
It´s like a small apartment
It has two rooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, and the living room
And they, are your roommates
They really had a very busy day. Let me try to wake them up
Excuse me?...
Sorry, That I have to wake up you
Dave, Katia.. They are your new roommates
Sohald, Spike they are Dave and Katia they work at the infirmary area
Pleased to meet ya
Now, let me show your room
Yeah, cool. Cool. I love it
We put your things in those beds. but is just your backpacks
Your guns and...
That sphere, are confiscated until further notice.
Well, that's all I have to go, I have many things to do right now
Consider yourself lucky that my superiors let you stay on this room.
All right. I'll see you later.
Thank you Alex
Thanks lad
Hmm what are you watching?
Surreal Memes
*A strange Surreal meme appears*
*Why tho.... well I dunno It was something random*
*so.... yeah....*
It´s time to rest.... at last
Yeah, in a really decent place to rest
not like those
abandoned houses
But in a different place probably, now, in a permanent place to live
it's like...
A destiny´s gift
Don´t ya think Sohald?
A destiny´s gift
10/29/18 12:38 PM (2 S Hope St, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA) - Duration: 5:00.
10/29/18 12:33 PM (140H, 123 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA) - Duration: 5:14.
Chifle Pufoase cu Dovleac si Seminte Chia / Pumpkin & Chia Seed Soft Buns (English Sub.) - Duration: 5:24.
Hello my dear friends, I'm Beatricia
Welcome to my channel! Today we're going to make
some pumpkin and chia seed buns.
They're very soft and full of flavour. They're very good! Let's begin.
To begin with, we're going to prepare a little starter for our dough.
In a bowl, add some warm milk, 3 tablespoons of flour
from the total quantity indicated in the recipe.
2 tablespoons of sugar, again from the total quantity
and some dry yeast.
You can of course use fresh yeast,
you just need to triple the quantity.
Mix everything together to combine.
Cover the bowl with some plastic wrap and leave it to rest
somewhere warm for about 30-40 minutes.
In the meantime, you can prepare the pumpkin puree.
Here I've got 240g of puree.
I cut the pumpkin in small cubes, boiled them until they became soft and blended them into a puree.
After 30 minutes,
add the puree to the dough starter,
which shouldn't be too hot.
Add the rest of the sugar,
a little salt and an egg.
Today I'm going to use a planetary mixer to which I've attached the dough hook,
but of course you can knead the dough manually.
You will get the exact same result.
Start the mixer on lowest speed
to combine the ingredients for a few seconds.
Then gradually start adding the sifted flour.
Add the flour in small quantities at a time.
Depending on the pumpkin which you have used,
you may need a little more or less flour than the
quantity stated in the recipe.
Knead the dough until it no longer sticks to your hands if you're doing it manually,
or if you're using a mixer, let it knead until
it comes off the sides of the bowl.
This is what the dough should look like.
As you can see, it turned into a beautiful colour.
Brush the inside of the bowl with some vegetable oil,
add the dough back in and brush the surface with some oil too.
Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or a damp towel
and leave it to rise in a warm place for about
2 hours or until it triples in volume.
My dough rose beautifully and now
I will split it in equal portions by forming some balls.
I weighed each ball for more precision
but you can also just do it visually.
In total, I got 14 pieces each weighing about 85g.
And now from each ball, form a rope about 40cm long.
To avoid it from sticking, rub some oil on the working bench.
I don't recommend adding more flour.
Now create a simple knot.
Hide the tails underneath the knot. Just like that.
Before placing the buns in the oven,
leave them to rest for about 30-40 minutes,
covering them with some plastic wrap.
After about half an hour, the buns have risen a little more
and now we're going to brush them with some egg wash
and sprinkle chia seeds all over.
Of course you can substitute the chia seeds with sesame seeds, poppy seeds, cheese or any other topping
you prefer the most.
As we know, chia seeds are extremely beneficial for our health,
which is why today I opted for them.
Place the buns in an oven preheated to 200°C for 15-20 minutes
or until they become golden brown in colour.
The buns are ready. Transfer them to a wire rack to cool down.
And now I would like to show you just how soft they really are inside
and what a vibrant colour they got.
You won't feel any specific pumpkin taste but they still have such a nice flavour and aroma.
My entire kitchen smells sensationally.
It is most definitely the type of recipe
that deserves to be kept in your recipe box.
I really hope you also give it a try.
The list of all the ingredients used can be found in the description box underneath this video.
Thank you for joining me and I hope to see you again in my next video recipe!
P. Ducruet : Princesse Rebelle, comme maman ! - Duration: 7:23.
Drum Teacher Reacts to Trey Williams - Drummer of Dying Fetus - Duration: 10:43.
hello and welcome back to another episode of my drum teacher react series
my name is Marthyn Jovanovic I'm a drum teacher and today I'm gonna be reacting
to and analyzing a live drum cam video from Trey Williams drummer of Dying Fetus
playing their song your treachery will die with you before we start off I want
to give a big shout out and thank you to rafal from drummers from hell their
YouTube channel is amazing so make sure to check that channel out as well you
can find it down there in the description alright let's start
alright I have to stop right away the first crash fill would be really easy to
play with right hand and left hand but he chose to play just with his right
with his right hand
all right let's focus on his hand technique for a bit he's using
mostly wrists and American grip so not French
thumbs up not German grip but in-between American grip
okay before we focus on his foot technique because actually he's using
three different techniques regular heel up
heel toe technique and the swivel technique right now he's using the heel
toe technique let's talk about his pedal settings and his gear a bit he is one of
the drummer's the many drummers who is using Axis a long boards as you can see
in this picture vdl is around the middle he's using a medium to high spring
tension and you can also see that he's using a roland acoustic trigger you can see it
on the left side of the video and his bass drums is stuffed with pillows which makes
triggering easier and one more thing he's using axis a marksman they're
called marksman beaters and the cool thing about these beaters is that the
beater shaft is extremely heavy in comparison to the beater head so they have
a certain specially unique feel so make sure to try them out as well by the way
I'm not endorsed by axis I just like these beaters
all right we have to stop again now he's using this swivel technique let's
talk about his swivel technique for a bit I watched this video over and over
again and it seems like he's swiveling with his right foot he swiveling out for
the first stroke and in for the second stroke his left foot is doing the same
thing just the opposite way around so his left foot his left ankle is
swiveling out for the first stroke and in for the second stroke his foot is
sliding a bit back on the footboard when he starts to swivel in comparison to the
regular when he plays regular heel up and this is at the tempo of now
we're playing at 225 BPM so he's using the swivel technique at that tempo
okay now let's talk about his heel toe technique right here you can see that
his foot is sliding back on the footboard when he starts to use the heel
toe technique so actually the heel of his foot is not touching the footboard
when his playing heel-toe looks something like this I've
seen a lot of drummers who do it the other way by that I mean that their
whole leg is placed on their foot board like this and a lot of drummers use it
the other way sliding the foot back like trey does it in this example if you
slide your foot back like this your heel is not generating the first stroke
actually it's the middle part of my foot that's generating the first stroke and
my toes or the ball of my foot are generating the second stroke again
comparison to sliding your foot up on the footboard like this alright let's
again to fill played with just one hand
now he's playing regular heel up the tempo is around 160 beats per minute he's
using a mix of hip flexor and calf muscles but it looks like it's mostly
hip flexors looks like this the one thing that's really awesome is that it
doesn't even matter if trey is playing the swivel technique heel toe or regular
heel up he's never leaning forward or back when he starts or stops the bass
drum pattern he looks totally relaxed and always in control
that's also interesting tempo is around 160 BPM first when he played sixteenth
notes he played regular heel up single
strokes then he switched when the subdivisions changed to 16th note triplets
at 160 BPM he started to use this swivel technique 16th note triplets at 160 BPM
is the same tempo as regular 16th notes at 240 bpm so from what I've seen from his
videos is that he starts to use the swivel technique around 200 BPM and up
to 250 to 260 and even faster
you can see that he is using the push some sort of push pull technique with his
right hand but the left hand he's just playing regular wrist motion on the
Now he's using the heel toe technique it seems that he is able to play extremely fast
with the swivel technique and with the heel toe technique but he tends to use the
heel-toe technique when he has to play for longer periods of time for shorter
stuff like 1 bar of fast double bass he always uses the swivel technique for
longer periods of time he tends to use the heel toe technique
he's getting a big beater swing out of the heel toe technique as well
swivel technique again
Now he's playing for two bars of fast double bass and he immediately switches
to the swivel technique and also the transition is really smooth between
regular heel up and the swivel technique
now the tempo changed around from 225 bpm down to 200 bpm and he's able to
play a flawless transition from 225 to 200 BPM while still using the swivel
technique let's look at this one again
again using the swivel technique and really sitting straight not leaning forward
yeah now he's using the gravity blast with his right hand on the snare drum the
thing is and you can hear it in the video that it is extremely hard to play loud
with the gravity blast so right now his snare sounds kind of his snare drum
sounds kind of weak in comparison to the regular blast beat because with the
gravity blast you can't hit that hard with this small kind of motion
in comparison to a full wrist motion which he uses all the time if he's not doing
gravity blast of course you would have the alternative to use a snare drum
trigger but who wants that right all right a great video I know I had to talk
a lot during this video and I had to stop it really often because his
technique is just amazing like three different foot techniques regular heel
up extremely tight swivel technique extremely tight and the heel toe
extremely tight great hand speed a lot of power and also using the gravity
blast in between so thanks a lot to Trey Williams to Dying Fetus to rafal from
drummers from Hell alright that's it for this video thank you very much for
watching don't forget to comment below if you want a certain drummer to be next
on this youtube channel cheers from vienna bye
Rattrapée par ses vieux démons! J.Vignali - Duration: 4:15.
Lets Play Deciet #SubGames First time playing - Duration: 1:33:03.
#Roshni #Chand Se Hoti Hai #Sitaron se nahi #Mohabbat Ek Se Hoti Hai #Hazaro se nahi - Duration: 0:14.
5 Tips To Start & Finish An Instrumental Hip-Hop Album - Duration: 7:21.
What is going on making an album can be a serious journey and in most cases it's
a journey that never even gets started for a number of reasons and in this
video we are going to discuss five tips to help you start and finish an
instrumental boom-bap hip-hop album but first I'd like to invite you to like
share and subscribe to our Channel and with that let's get to it alright
number one do not be intimidated by other instrumental albums in your genre
in this case it's hip hop when you're sort of doing the preliminary research
of how you're going to format your album you're going to check on what other
instrumental releases sound like you know just to get a lay of the land to
see what other people are doing and while this may start out as a healthy
process what might happen is you may get so intimidated by the quality of the
work that you're listening to that you may feel that there's no point to
releasing your work because of the fact that you feel intimidated by what's
already out there and because of that you may not even start the project and I
know this sounds crazy but it happens much more than you think
and this is one of those things that it happens so subtly that you might not
even realize that you're doing it things you might say to yourself like oh I'm
not ready yet or you just haven't found album worthy music but in reality what's
really happening is you don't feel like your music is competitive enough to
survive with the music that's already out there and what's more real than that
is it's not even true which leads us to tip number two
you have everything you need the amazing thing about releasing an album is the
fact that it is not about gear it is not about whether your music can compete or
not an album is meant to capture your musical skill and knowledge and talent
at a moment in time which means that that moment will never be the same ever
again as long as you live and capturing that moment allows you and every
listener to see where you were at at that time and that's very enjoyable to
listen to there's nothing better for a music lover to actually see the
progression of an artist as music lovers that's what we want to see we're not
really concerned about how technical your album is or how much skill you have
as a creative human being anything that you do in that vein will be appreciated
simply for the fact that there is no other you on the planet and a lot of
times as musicians this is something that's really hard for us to grasp that
we're actually good enough all by ourselves it's very easy for us to rely
on musical equipment to dictate how valuable we are as artists but just
knowing that you are good enough right now at this moment is a reality that
will carry you past this feeling so you can move on to the business of actually
starting the recording process tip number three
once you begin to record give it everything you have in a timely fashion
keywords in a timely fashion there is a balance between procrastination and
wanting to put out the best album you can and the fulcrum between these two
points is time time is a balancing factor so it's okay to take some time
and be thoughtful about what type of work you'd like to put out and there's
absolutely nothing wrong about giving it a hundred percent as long as those two
desires are bound by time and what all that means is this once you start a song
finish the song don't try to be perfect at the expense
of slowing down your progress and on the other side don't slow down your progress
by overthinking what you'd like to do always remember the end goal that we
discussed in tip number two the album you're making is simply to capture your
creative status at this present time so like my father would say take your time
and hurry up tip number four the thing about instrumental albums is that they
are very very difficult to make unlike most albums where we're able to rely on
vocals to entertain the listener instrumental albums have the task of
trying to keep the listener interested in an instrumental song for the duration
of the song and this would be the difference between a beat tape and an
instrumental album an instrumental album has Arrangements just like a song has a
structure just like a song and has a goal to take the listener and carry them
along with the journey of your music so once you've recorded your songs simply
arranging your music can make your group of songs feel like an album not only to
you but the listener just take a listen to Dj shadows introducing album that
album is completely instrumental yet it transports you from song to song within
the songs you can feel the Arrangements shining there's nothing about that album
that says be tape at all its quality from beginning to end
not to mention focusing on the arrangements of a song once they're
recorded will really boost your confidence in your album and its ability
to compete with everything else out there because
being creative is already an extreme bonus but being creative with a
clear-cut focus is nearly unstoppable alright tip number five I have to learn
this one the hard way when you are embarking on the journey of recording an
album it is imperative that you do one thing at a time
there is nothing that will slow you down quicker than trying to do a million
things at once so when you're recording simply record don't worry about mixing
don't worry about whether you're gonna do vinyl cassette or CD or digital don't
worry about the artwork do not worry about who's gonna promote it do one
thing at a time so when you're finished recording it then you can start
arranging it when you finished arranging it then you could start mixing it when
you're finished mixing then you could be concerned with mastering and so on and
so on and so on unless you have a team that can take on these projects couldn't
currently while you focus on your part of the job it's best to take on a task
one at a time this ensures that you're definitely giving that particular task
your best because albums require your full attention you can hear as I'm sure
we all have albums that seem kind of scattered and this goes beyond music you
can see movies that look scattered it just looks like there were too many
things going on or wasn't cut right or something was amiss and the best way to
avoid all of that is to simply focus on completing one step of the process at a
time and if you keep all of these tips in mind you will have an album out
guaranteed and if you haven't done it yet there is absolutely no feeling like
releasing your own music but that's a topic for another discussion but for now
let me know your thoughts do you have any issues that you encounter while
making an album or do you have problems beginning the process or finishing the
process let me know your thoughts anyway thank you for watching if you'd like to
learn something today subscribe to us here on YouTube I will catch you on the
next one in the meantime take care of yourself peace
Cómo hacer un increíble juego de Crossy Road de Cartón - Duration: 7:29.
Cómo hacer un increíble juego de Crossy Road de Cartón
Gracias por ver mi viedeo
Espero que lo disfrutes!!!
请收藏这些为人处世大全(建议收藏) - Duration: 6:33.
Kidsongs: I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing - Movie - Duration: 24:14.
Allu Ramalingaiah Comedy scene HD || Kaksha Telugu Full Movie || Shobhan Babu || Suresh Production - Duration: 4:40.
Why don't Americans say McDonald's properly? - Duration: 2:49.
Hello, it's Jinger.
A lot of people seem to be interested in
how to pronounce brand names.
So I've been making videos about it.
Today I'll tell you about nicknames that Americans use.
Jinger English
When I first moved to America
this is what happened.
My hubby and I couldn't find a house right away.
So we stayed with his mom for several months.
One day, my mother-in-law said
I just got to America at that point
I didn't know what DD was.
So I asked her.
Americans say Dunkin' Donuts DD in short.
Am I the only one who thought about a bra size from DD?
In America, I started to find out
DD wasn't the only one.
There were a lot more.
A popular brand like McDonald's
is called Mickey D's.
I mentioned this in my previous video
Chevrolet, the American car brand.
Chevrolet is a full name.
People often call it Chevy.
And BMW.
People call it Bimmer.
There are 3 ways to spell it.
Since I mentioned my mother-in-law
let's talk about my father-in-law too.
He needed to buy some stuff.
That's what he said.
Where the heck is Tar-zhay?
I found out that Target is also called Tar-zhay.
So I asked why.
Target ends with et.
It kind of looks like a French word.
When we think about the image of France
it's elegant and luxurious.
Americans think the same.
So, instead of Target
they call it Tar-zhay like a French word.
People seem to think it sounds more upper class.
I can see what trolls are going to say.
Why do I have to know these?
You don't have to.
But there is a problem.
You can say the full names you know.
But the other person could say
something like that.
Then you can't understand.
So it's better to know these names.
Communication involves 2 ways.
It's important to say
but listening is as important.
So you need to know expressions native speakers use.
I don't force you anything.
Choices are yours.
My name is Jinger.
If this video is helpful
I'll be back with different videos.
There's A Scary Pumpkin | Luke And Lily Rhymes | Cartoons For Toddlers by Kids Abc Tv - Duration: 16:38.
Prepare For A Fright
There's a scary pumpkin In the dark dustbin
The moon is turning All white
Who's that spooky girl Behind the flaming skull
The clock is ticking scarily tonight prepare for fright..
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween Stay in the Light
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween It's the zombies' delight
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween What you doing tonight
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween Prepare for Fright
The fog still lingers You're counting on your fingers
The ghouls behind you Right
The moon's disappeared It's just what you feared...
The undead will rise tonight prepare for Fright..
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween Stay in the Light
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween It's the zombies delight
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween What you doing tonight..
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween Prepare for Fright...
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
It's Halloween
Vennelintha Vediga HD Video Song | Tulasi Telugu Movie Songs|Venkatesh |Nayanthara|Suresh Production - Duration: 4:26.
5 Tips To Start & Finish An Instrumental Hip-Hop Album - Duration: 7:21.
What is going on making an album can be a serious journey and in most cases it's
a journey that never even gets started for a number of reasons and in this
video we are going to discuss five tips to help you start and finish an
instrumental boom-bap hip-hop album but first I'd like to invite you to like
share and subscribe to our Channel and with that let's get to it alright
number one do not be intimidated by other instrumental albums in your genre
in this case it's hip hop when you're sort of doing the preliminary research
of how you're going to format your album you're going to check on what other
instrumental releases sound like you know just to get a lay of the land to
see what other people are doing and while this may start out as a healthy
process what might happen is you may get so intimidated by the quality of the
work that you're listening to that you may feel that there's no point to
releasing your work because of the fact that you feel intimidated by what's
already out there and because of that you may not even start the project and I
know this sounds crazy but it happens much more than you think
and this is one of those things that it happens so subtly that you might not
even realize that you're doing it things you might say to yourself like oh I'm
not ready yet or you just haven't found album worthy music but in reality what's
really happening is you don't feel like your music is competitive enough to
survive with the music that's already out there and what's more real than that
is it's not even true which leads us to tip number two
you have everything you need the amazing thing about releasing an album is the
fact that it is not about gear it is not about whether your music can compete or
not an album is meant to capture your musical skill and knowledge and talent
at a moment in time which means that that moment will never be the same ever
again as long as you live and capturing that moment allows you and every
listener to see where you were at at that time and that's very enjoyable to
listen to there's nothing better for a music lover to actually see the
progression of an artist as music lovers that's what we want to see we're not
really concerned about how technical your album is or how much skill you have
as a creative human being anything that you do in that vein will be appreciated
simply for the fact that there is no other you on the planet and a lot of
times as musicians this is something that's really hard for us to grasp that
we're actually good enough all by ourselves it's very easy for us to rely
on musical equipment to dictate how valuable we are as artists but just
knowing that you are good enough right now at this moment is a reality that
will carry you past this feeling so you can move on to the business of actually
starting the recording process tip number three
once you begin to record give it everything you have in a timely fashion
keywords in a timely fashion there is a balance between procrastination and
wanting to put out the best album you can and the fulcrum between these two
points is time time is a balancing factor so it's okay to take some time
and be thoughtful about what type of work you'd like to put out and there's
absolutely nothing wrong about giving it a hundred percent as long as those two
desires are bound by time and what all that means is this once you start a song
finish the song don't try to be perfect at the expense
of slowing down your progress and on the other side don't slow down your progress
by overthinking what you'd like to do always remember the end goal that we
discussed in tip number two the album you're making is simply to capture your
creative status at this present time so like my father would say take your time
and hurry up tip number four the thing about instrumental albums is that they
are very very difficult to make unlike most albums where we're able to rely on
vocals to entertain the listener instrumental albums have the task of
trying to keep the listener interested in an instrumental song for the duration
of the song and this would be the difference between a beat tape and an
instrumental album an instrumental album has Arrangements just like a song has a
structure just like a song and has a goal to take the listener and carry them
along with the journey of your music so once you've recorded your songs simply
arranging your music can make your group of songs feel like an album not only to
you but the listener just take a listen to Dj shadows introducing album that
album is completely instrumental yet it transports you from song to song within
the songs you can feel the Arrangements shining there's nothing about that album
that says be tape at all its quality from beginning to end
not to mention focusing on the arrangements of a song once they're
recorded will really boost your confidence in your album and its ability
to compete with everything else out there because
being creative is already an extreme bonus but being creative with a
clear-cut focus is nearly unstoppable alright tip number five I have to learn
this one the hard way when you are embarking on the journey of recording an
album it is imperative that you do one thing at a time
there is nothing that will slow you down quicker than trying to do a million
things at once so when you're recording simply record don't worry about mixing
don't worry about whether you're gonna do vinyl cassette or CD or digital don't
worry about the artwork do not worry about who's gonna promote it do one
thing at a time so when you're finished recording it then you can start
arranging it when you finished arranging it then you could start mixing it when
you're finished mixing then you could be concerned with mastering and so on and
so on and so on unless you have a team that can take on these projects couldn't
currently while you focus on your part of the job it's best to take on a task
one at a time this ensures that you're definitely giving that particular task
your best because albums require your full attention you can hear as I'm sure
we all have albums that seem kind of scattered and this goes beyond music you
can see movies that look scattered it just looks like there were too many
things going on or wasn't cut right or something was amiss and the best way to
avoid all of that is to simply focus on completing one step of the process at a
time and if you keep all of these tips in mind you will have an album out
guaranteed and if you haven't done it yet there is absolutely no feeling like
releasing your own music but that's a topic for another discussion but for now
let me know your thoughts do you have any issues that you encounter while
making an album or do you have problems beginning the process or finishing the
process let me know your thoughts anyway thank you for watching if you'd like to
learn something today subscribe to us here on YouTube I will catch you on the
next one in the meantime take care of yourself peace
#Roshni #Chand Se Hoti Hai #Sitaron se nahi #Mohabbat Ek Se Hoti Hai #Hazaro se nahi - Duration: 0:14.
KILLER LIPS Makeup Tutorial (ENG SUB) 💄 Simona Petrucci - Duration: 4:45.
3266/5000 Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel.
Today on Weronika I made a fast but effective makeup
that could be also good for Halloween in case you did not want to dress up too much.
With a strong color on the lips you can not go wrong
...and so every kiss will be fatal!
I hope you will like it.
I started applying the Face and Body foundation from MAC in the shade "C1"
all over the face using a flat brush from Nude by Nature, and I spread it even on the neck, paying attention to blend it well.
With the MAC corrector palette, medium tone, I corrected the part under the eye that is a little darker than the rest
... and the eyelid is fixed to make the color uniform.
With L'Oreal's True Match Concealer in the color "Ivory" I perfected
the correction even more by giving light to some key points of the face.
After applying it, I buffed everything with a beauty blender.
Then with my trusty powder from Kat Von D
I have opacified and fixed the same points to avoid giving a wet effect.
I used a powder from Inglot, in the color "514", to give three-dimensionality to the face, and give that extra touch of shadow to his features.
I love these pencils for Zoeva's eyebrows and with the color "Arsenic",
I have filled and redesigned the shape to make them more symmetrical and defined.
For the eyes I entrusted the Naked3 from Urban Decay.
With the color "Trick" I filled the mobile eyelid, to give this luminous effect to her look.
Then with the color "Noone" I intensified the recess to give more depth to the eye and I also blended it on the underside.
Finally with a flat brush I applied the color "Darkheart".
Drawing a small wing to the eye I have lengthened its shape, giving also a more present and sure intention.
Then with a smaller pen brush I darkened the lower lashes too.
Then I applied L'Oreal's Million Lashes to enhance eyelashes in both length and volume.
It's probably my favorite drugstore mascara.
With Clinique's "07 Plummy" pencil I outlined the lip contour to get a clear guideline for
the lipstick I applied later.
The centerpiece of this makeup is the lipstick. It is part of the Oh Sweetie
collection from MAC and the color is "Death by Chocolate".
Which by the way is also one of my favorite songs by Sia.
It has a chromatic color and a fabulous intensity and a chocolate scent that makes it even more pleasant to wear.
This is when Weronika first saw herself ...and she said WOW
As a bronzer I used this one from the JLO collection for Inglot, to emphasize the colorfulness of the face.
Then I made her cheeks more rosy with the blushes from the Unfiltered II from Nars.
As highlighter I chose this one from Nude By Nature because it has a rosy color but inside has very beautiful golden reflections
and it's a product I like because sometimes I can simply use it as a blush to get a bright and fresh nude look.
I fixed the make up with MAC's Fix+
...and Weronika is ready.
Let me know if you liked this video by leaving a comment
and putting a thumbs up. And please subscribe to my channel, I'm going to publish many other new makeups.
See you at the next makeup!
Paul Allen, co-fondateur méconnu de Microsoft - Duration: 4:53.
BO4 Hardcore Dom Gameplay COD Black Ops 4 Live Stream (No Commentary) - Duration: 17:59.
So, next point, very important: your first gears!
You don't need a lot of gear
But a few things are very crucial
Especially if you want to do a competition
So, first, of course: shoes!
So take the shoes you want, try them in the shop
but don't spend too much money on expensive shoes
Especially when you begin:
Take something like Kalenji or other cheap brands
Because the most expensive shoes are not necessarily the best
It depends on what you want to do.
It depends on the ground, actually.
I have many shoes now because some races are in the mountains
for some, it's very muddy
for some races, it's very rocky,
so the shoes you need might change accordingly but
For you, If you're just starting off and doing a short race,
buy smart shoes and
then, you can upgrade 2-3 races after
WATCH FULL Cardi B Rant About Nicki Minaj's Podcast | - Duration: 3:19.
WATCH FULL Cardi B Rant About Nicki Minaj's Podcast |
Cardi B went on an epic rant about Nicki Minaj's "Queen Radio" show, in which Minaj said it was her friend, Rah Ali, who beat up Cardi.
You can watch the full rant, which Cardi uploaded to her Instagram page in segments on October 29, above.
Cardi threatens to beat up Minaj and also threatened legal action.
Cardi tells her followers, that Nicki lies "so much [she] can't keep up with [her] f***in' lies.
First you say you've got the footage, but then you say you wanna pay somebody $100,000 if they give you the footage? Yo, make sense when you're talking!".
This came shortly after Minaj went on her podcast to divulge information about the pair's apparent brawl during New York Fashion Week.
Minaj said it was her friend, Rah Ali, who beat up Cardi.
Minaj said, "Rah, really beat Cardi's ass bad.
Rah beat you so bad that I was mad at Rah.
You went home and told people security hit you, and we let that ride for legal reasons.".
Cardi's response to that was to call Minaj a "snitch." Minaj added that she would hand over $100,000 to anyone who came forward with the surveillance footage of the pair's alleged fight.
It had been alleged that Cardi threw a shoe and Minaj, causing injury.
Cardi told her followers, that Nicki lies "so much [she] can't keep up with [her] f***in' lies.
First you say you've got the footage, but then you say you wanna pay somebody $100,000 if they give you the footage? Yo, make sense when you're talking!".
Minaj also denied the allegation that she had leaked Cardi B's number.
Minaj said, "I've never leaked a number in my life and y'all continue to lie on me to make me look like a bad person.".
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