What Is Your Mental Age ?
Solve This Question
Puzzle 14
For more infomation >> What Is Your Mental Age ? | Solve This Question | Puzzle 14 - Duration: 3:04.-------------------------------------------
PFT Ritmo L plus, the new and most versatile mixing pump - Duration: 3:02.
マクラーレン・スピードテールのレビュー解禁!ハイパー"GT"らしく収納スペースはたっぷりあるぞ - Duration: 5:42.
【2018年10月29日更新】三菱・新型「デリカD:5」新情報。新エンジンの尿素タンク容量と交換目安が発覚、トランスミッションやスペアタイヤ、ガソリンモデルは? - Duration: 6:41.
Piramide Con Decenas Sorteo Miércoles 31 Octubre 2018 Loteria Nacional Numeros Jugar Miercolito - Duration: 1:15.
N. Korean youth teams competing in tournament in S. Korea - Duration: 2:38.
last Thursday an 84 member North Korean delegation traveled to the south to take
part in an international youth football tournament the competition has
officially begun with a strong showing by the boys from across the border one
johan has the full story sports exchanges are an effective means of
dialog between the two Koreas that can be done under any circumstances both in
the public and private sectors the re sports Cup is a six day international
football tournament for athletes under 15 years of age its fifth edition has
now begun in Chung Chung condo province the qualifying stage began on Sunday
with eight teams from six different countries and Monday afternoon the
opening ceremony was held in front of some 10,000 spectators to commemorate
the exchange between the two Koreas the opening match was between a team
representing South Korea's Kondo province and one of the three North
Korean teams one called April 25th the April 2015 get their name from the
history of the North Korean regime they're the defending champions in fact
they've won all four times so far and once again on Monday they beating their
opponents 3 to 1 but both teams hope to make it to the finals and play each
other again South Korea is a strong team but I think they had an off day I hope
to meet them again in the finals I think we only lost to them in terms of
physicality but if we play again in the finals I think we can win the ADI Sports
Cup has been organized by Korean sports exchange associations since 2014 and
it's been held twice each and North and South Korea even when tensions were high
on the Korean Peninsula such as in 2015 during a crisis over a mine that went
off in the DMZ but besides that the event has its own significance so far
more than 1 million South Koreans have visited the north but only 10,000 North
Koreans have come to the South considering that this tournament is
significant because it means people from both sides regularly
traveled to the other and helped create an evenly balanced system of
inter-korean exchanges after competing in the tournament the young North Korean
ethics will return to the north via China on November 3rd looking forward
for the next edition which will take place in the North Korean city of one
Sun next May for Darwin Arirang news Shin Chon
S. Korea's yearly cumulative export surpasses 500 billion U.S. dollars - Duration: 0:34.
the nation's yearly accumulative exports surpassed 500 billion u.s. others as of
505 p.m. today according to the trade ministry the nation sets a new record
for achieving such annual feat in October the ministry says that the
nation's annual export may set a record for the largest amount of exports at the
end of the year the ministry added that despite the ongoing trade war between
the US and China and rapid changes in the global finance market
South Korea's exports shows strong numbers thanks to a diversification of
export products and utilization of the free trade agreement
Akh Lad Jaave | Loveyatri | Aayush S | Warina H | TikTok | Musically | Collection #1 - Duration: 2:14.
Why Barry Why - Duration: 0:52.
Is that supposed to be me?
When did he make that?
He never leaves the apartment.
I don't look like that do I?
What the heck!
I didn't consent to this.
Why Barry, why!
Sindhi Singer,s Sagar Sindhi | ALBUM 23 | Geen Na Nend Maan | Track Music Karaoke - Duration: 6:30.
Welcome To Sindhi Track,s YouTube Channel
Singer Sagar Sindhi Album 23
Track Karaoke Geehre Nend Maan
Subscribed Now & Click The Bell Icon
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Like Comment & Share The Videos Thanks Alot .
Audi A4 Avant 2.0 TDI S EDITION S line Leer Navigatie Xenon - Duration: 0:54.
S・ラモス+164=ラウル!? クラブ史上7番目の記録に到達も… - Duration: 1:59.
HALLOWEEN V MINECRAFTU!!! 👻 - ŠÍLENÝ ZABIJÁK NÁS CHCE ZABÍT?! 😱 /w Ikonova Videa, PiškiS - Duration: 10:13.
TOP 10 Jak překonat únavu a oddálit spánek - Duration: 6:12.
(ENG) I met youtuber clark tv in Itaewon! - Duration: 1:19.
Let's interview!
What's your channel name?
He has 400,000 subscribers.
Really? More than 100,000 more than me!
I am your fan.
We have enjoyed your channel since olden days.
Wait ... 400,000 subscribers! More than me. Amazing.
Your monthly salary?
Are you only doing asmr?
Yes now.
Have a good voice
Are you taking video? Please upload we video! We are colleagues.
Number exchange ..
We are a global channel.
[IdéActes] Ep. 5 : Destination US - A fearful country! - Duration: 7:54.
Hello! We are back, in an american truck this time.
We just crossed the border and now we're going to find american traditional clothes!
As usual we're going by hitchhiking and without using money in order to really meet the locals.
We're leaving Pembina and now our goal is to go to Nashville!
Today is the first day since the beginning of our trip for which Yoan and me are separated to travel.
I am with Lori and Yoan is with Noel, her husband.
Tonight we'll sleep in an american truck!
A royal suite!
The weather is good, the sun is back and now
our truck driver friends are going to take us more in the South, not far from Saint Louis.
We're gonna try to take the Route 66!
We're still on Route 66
but two drivers told us that it isn't very safe to hitchhike here
especially when we get closer to Chicago.
They advised us to take public transportation, saying it would be better for our safety.
Just when Yoan was saying he was worried
a car stopped by us to tell me "Be very careful".
She repeated it twice.
Something that we learned in our trips is to listen the locals
so if they told us at three different times "Be careful", we may take the public transportation.
We're in Chicago
and we found a couchsurfing.
We're gonna take a break in the challenge to celebrate Yoan's birthday!
Yes, it's my birthday!
Warning! Because of the use of money to celebrate Yoan's birthday, some images can schock the most radical...
We are back, in top shape, on the american roads!
It is very difficult to find a car in the US.
Americans have a lot of fears.
Yes, that's what we've been told, and we wait so long, we have a very hard time to find cars so I think it's true.
We're gonna try to find a house. We've been told that this quarter is very nice
so we're gonna see it it's true!
Right now, Americans are not very efficient.
They're very nice, they help us to go somewhere else
but not to host us.
It's so hard today.
We had a hard time finding cars
and now we're having a hard time to find a place to sleep.
Everything ends well,
this meal was actually organized by three churches
and the priest just invited us to sleep at his home
so we have a place to stay the night.
We'll go on the road tomorrow
and we'll get up at 5 a.m. so we're gonna go to sleep.
You'll never believe it!
It's crazy!
The car that just took, we couldn't film it
but a policeman stopped to give us a ride to Vienna!
We're in Nashville!
Nashville has a free electric bus to visit downtown!
It's almost 10 p.m. and we haven't found anything.
The Americans don't open their door to us
so we're very disappointed because we can't show you an open and nice America.
It's time to find the clothes!
Monetize your followers on Instagram through Buttrfly:A blockchain platform - Duration: 11:10.
Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Operation Anabasis Jump 5 - Duration: 19:00.
Hello its Ricardo and you find me playing Battlestar Gallactica deadlock
operation Anabasis the latest DLC and it's jump 5 on our quest to go and get
more stranded colonists to bring them back into the fold escort them all the
way back to the 12 colonies so far so good
dare I say it seemed to be holding the Cylon threat at bay we're only halfway
through the trip though and I've incurred quite a bit of damage after
this I am gonna have to do some repairs to the fleet so I've been going to all
the systems that are giving me an awful lot of Salvage to collect which will
enable me to supply resupply and restock for the battle stars and other military
vessels now as you can see the Cylons are launching missiles and probes and
the like and to be fair the ships are doing a pretty good job of taking them
down now the ships are also increasing in size from the Cylon threat as you can
see they are getting quite a pasting now how many then so do me a favor that like
and subscribe button and also check out that notification icon as that's gonna
let you know what I'm quitting more videos a fat loss diet lactic a deadlock
no man's sky elite dangerous what else we playing Frost Punk and a lot
on YouTube and some other platforms as well so look out for it they we've also
got a DLC channel for deadlock on the discord so check that out as you can see
we're raining down a hail of missiles on some of these ships I think this is
probably going to be my downfall I'm going to run out of missiles and that'll
need to get me to resupply and this resupply you know it's gonna be one of
those things when you resupply it kind of got your trousers down if you leave
it too late you can be left lacking you have no missiles to fire out it's
difficult in the judge anyway so how do I get to this point until I manage to
complete jump five and jump away well again I think it's all about
repositioning I did a resupply and repair of the fleet I've got some
Salvage there 311 points of Salvage the fleet is thus repaired which is great in
its entirety now resupply that's a different matter
you have to go round you'll now select the ships that are gonna warrant to have
a resupply now the Rangers are gone to missile batteries so that seems to be
pretty good whereas the battle stars only effectively have one now I've got a
berserk class that's got Vipers it hasn't got any missiles but it has got a
hell of a lot of guns which can lay down a lot of fire onto the side on threat so
we've resupplied we do a little bit of repositioning let's see if we can
it's a little bit easier on ourselves FLAC is gonna be all important because
they're gonna come in as we saw in the video that's obviously in hindsight
they're gonna come in missiles blazing so here we go we've got five contacts on
the dradis to turn away this is a tactic run away I really want Donna start
engaging them head-on to be honest I should really mean I've got the
firepower to do this I should be adopting a more aggressive stance but it
seems so easy just to put a little bit of environment between me and the Cylon
threat I've got another civilian transport coming I will try and guide
that in if I can okay so here we go
a bit more positioning trying to get some of the civilian ships out of the
way put at least a good bit of distance between the capital ships and their
missiles and the transport ships this what this is going to mean it is that I
can bolster up defenses with flak from the battle stars and hopefully take out
a lot of the missiles
okay here we go
this is advancing not quite an identification range yet here we go in
the app we've spotted him time to start turning in to engage those ships to give
our other ships enough time to spool up their FTL drives we've got eight more
jumps to go again minor repositioning let's hit them as
some missiles launch our squadrons I'm not going to use any flack at the moment
let's give them a bloody nose hopefully they'll turn back unlikely so it's gonna
be a case of all missiles gonna be away both squadrons launched this is the good
thing about this game you know you you can play as quickly or as haphazardly as
you want or you can really take your time and sort of massage every little
movement into the gameplay really think about the positioning of your fleets
then yes no it is micromanagement but you know I think it's worth it
especially when you see you know all your missiles hit their target so we've
got Viper squadrons we're gonna select target Begay we're gonna get them to
basically mug off all the Cylon Raiders
we've got all our vipers in the air okay here we go we can get the Vipers just on
them that'll save us quite a bit of damage especially to the civilian ships
so we are really gonna mug at them and see what other guns we can have on the
right so that's that them that's our squadron management we should be okay
with that
Ranger is taking damage that revenant they're tough ships they've taken a full
salvo of missiles and the damage is just not what I thought it would be from that
sort of barrage of missiles of course I'm not packing any nukes either just
conventional missiles not even torpedoes so guided missiles it's time to get
going in with the guns as well now lash it with the big guns on the sides of the
battle stairs so we're going to turn the ship's slightly into them so we get a
better angle of engagement
see if we can take up more squadrons and that turn
let's just move those transports so you don't stray too far from the fold so
they play out
so squadrons in the air taking out the Raiders Cylon Raiders the battle stars
still engaging now from the other side and the other flank we're gonna be
approached now by more Cylons on that side so it's time to sort of move things
into a steady column make sure everyone's protected five jumps from me
I don't think the new Cylons are gonna be that much of a threat to us but I
could be wrong to get those turrets on the go swing that one range around swing
gets front cannons to bear and also fire some missiles and you start finishing
off some of those Cylons
the next Ranger again you lay down some additional fire try and buy us some time
more reinforcements are due but we're just gonna have to see if we can
struggle through it
I don't tend to use the posture very much on the ships since or leave it sort
of as is the time being I could be where I'm going wrong you know let's deploy
some additional plating let's make sure we're all covered and end that turn
again we're really getting down to the minutiae of of a battle it's when Cylon
ship gone more missiles going in to meet another Cylon ship more Cylon
reinforcements come in one turn and hopefully they won't appear just on top
of us either we've got four turns left before our FTL drives in this fleet spin
up so we're able to jump the fleet away so soon miss that think about recalling
all the Viper squadrons we don't go leaving any of those behind
okay laying down some more fire on the other end up relevant focusin will fire
on him adjust the heading of that Ranger
use his turrets as well see if we can not take him out give us a bit of
breathing space
Matt afro boss he's getting a pasting he's gone the guns from the Berserker
took him out along with some other some Viper engagements and then more Cylons
have jumped in just on the other side of the map they're not going to be that
much of a threat not to us anyway so we got three turns left before we can jump
okay here we go okay more missiles three jumps left to go more Cylons have jumped
in reinforcements well they're not gonna bother us if we got Ike if you got a
game face on we'll be okay
missiles are coming in to that one we took on a Battlestar we see if we can
engage some flak yes there's friendly Vipers around but they're pretty much I
would say out the way there's the Raptors we're gonna try and
hit that with some Rockets as well
recalling squadron and it's gonna be time now to start recalling all our
ships get the Vipers back to the battle stash back to their back to their
carriers and in turn end we're not going to be waiting around for ships to come
and land before we can jump perhaps or more missiles give us a bit more time
and then turn that Cylons gone we've diffused their missiles more missiles
going in for that at the Talon of course we took out their squadrons we can
afford a little bit of time to reposition the ships now there's only
two more turns left now battle stars are flanking the Talon we're going to take
that out
stupid missiles going in and he's gone that there's buy us some time
so reinforcements will turn up for the Cylons in three turns we've got one turn
left before we can jump I'm just gonna make sure no one's gonna crash into each
other this is the last turn of this round before we could jump more Cylons
and Vance in but we're gonna jump away they're not going to bother us there we
go so we've got week of repair but at a huge cost
or we can go elsewhere but we'll have the option of repairing time to jump and
there you go that was it that was jump five the Battlestar Galactica deadlock
operation and a basis so far I've not lost any of my capital ships but all
that could change anyway check back for more videos in the series I'll leave you
with the video
Edis - An Reaction [Koreans Hoon & Cormie] / Hoontamin - Duration: 7:54.
We haven't watched any music videos lately
It's been almost a month
There were many things in between
Today we will watch a new music video
That was recommended by Turkish subscribers
Edis' new song
Over almost a month already
But a new song for us
Right, a new song
Cormie likes 3 guys in the world
Maluma from Colombia
Maru from Vietnam
The other one is Edis from Turkey
I like Edis most recently
Oh my gosh
Looking at his instagram
Let's watch
He is so handsome
I think his hairstyle has changed
He lowered bangs, so cute
The song doesn't come in my ears
I only look at Edis
I love this style
Why did I fall into him?
Very handsome
He looks a little handsome this time
Really handsome, isnt it?
I know he was born in 1982
I know he was born in 1990
I don't know well the age of foreigners
So good to see his face
Very handsome
This scene is so good
This part is so nice
Really handsome
I think he looks better than before
Edis' song, overall
Calm like a ballad
His music video I watched first was impressive
So I expected exciting song
Are you bored?
In this case
Maybe similar in music videos around the world
If I know the lyrics, then enjoying the lyrics
It would be nice to enjoy with the melody
Even if we prepare to interpret the lyrics
It's not easy to watch music videos while feeling the lyrics
Actually there is a limit to react in this case
It's just to me
But today Cormie reacted differently
I have to change the title to "Cormie's reaction to Edis' new song"
So handsome, I will listen to this song again on Youtube Red
But I can only see his face honestly
Very good
There is an axis of handsome guys in the world
Maluma, Maru, and Edis
'Axis of handsome guys' of Cormie
I don't know if his hair grows
But his hair was short in his instagram
I can define this song in one sentence
Of Edis
By Edis
For Cormie
I love the way his face was magnified
He is so handsome
I want to applaud
He is lying down and looking at the camera, it's so handsome
Not a reaction to the music video, but a reaction to Edis
As you know, Cormie loves Maluma, Maru, and Edis
So I asked once
"Cormie, how do you love Edis?"
Then Cormie replied that
"If with this guy, I can get married"
I really want to go to Turkey
Subscribers, please invite Cormie to Turkey once
If you invite me also, I will film the video
"Cormie's Turkey travel" will be so interesting
If you use YouTube Red, you can get free music
I looked out the window, listening to Edis' song in the taxi
It was really nice
Very good
Let's go to Turkey soon
The cost is paid by each of us
You go to Edis concert and enjoy
Then I film the travel vlog video
And I will meet our fans of Hoontamin
Sounds great, Edis' concert
I will find out once
It was interesting
His face is interesting
Channel Hoontamin, please love and subscribe us
Dozvuky z Hradu: Trenér Sáblíkové v maserati, Štěpánek se Zemanem a Kiskou - Duration: 2:38.
Nebýt jeho, české rychlobruslení by bylo stále v plenkách. Ačkoliv o talentu a píli Martiny Sáblíkové nemůže být pochyb, za jejím úspěchem stojí bezesporu její trenér Petr Novák
I díky němu loni z rukou prezidenta České republiky Miloše Zemana převzala státní vyznamenání
Sáblíková s Novákem si ale pomohli navzájem. Z ní se stala uznávaná sportovkyně se šesti olympijskými medailemi a z něj bohatý muž
To je zřejmé z jeho vozového parku. Jméno Petra Nováka bylo na seznamu pozvaných na Pražský hrad i letos a rozhodně tam nepřijel jako chudý příbuzný z Moravy
Ba naopak! Přímo před Pražským hradem zaparkoval svůj luxusní sporťák maserati. Přestože Novák neustále tvrdí, že v rychlobruslení chybí peníze, je vidět, že on rozhodně nestrádá
Nutno ale říct, že si za svou práci s českým rychlobruslařským týmem podobných vozů zaslouží hned několik
Svůj den si řádně užil i Radek Štěpánek, na němž bylo vidět, že si státního vyznamenání z rukou Miloše Zemana cení
A na následné recepci se mu zalíbilo natolik, že poté, co vyprovodil svou ženu Nicole Vaidišovou k vozu, vrátil se zpět
Podle informací Expresu měl část večera strávit v družném hovoru s Milošem Zemanem a slovenským prezidentem Andrejem Kiskou
Récemment, mon fils est entré à l'université. - Duration: 10:11.
Testimonianza di Paolo D'angelo - Fondazione Angelo Affinita - 19 Ottobre 2018 - Duration: 0:44.
BMW X3 2.0D High Executive Navigatie 19"LM 177PK! Leder L. - Duration: 1:12.
BMW X5 3.0d xDrive Panoramadak Camera Navi M Pakket! Panoramadak Camera Navi Stoelverw. - Duration: 1:15.
MINI 1.6 Cooper D Mayfair Automaat Airco Panoramadak Leer 17" LM 109Pk! - Duration: 1:05.
Tout Le Monde Mérite Son Tableau De Vision - Duration: 1:00.
How to Fix ABS Brake Problems Yourself - Duration: 4:25.
rev up your engines, today I'm gonna show you how you can fix ABS problems on your
own car yourself, now I've been a mechanic for the last 51 years and as a professional
mechanic, I have very expensive scan tools, this particular one cost about
five thousand dollars and it accesses data and testing for the anti-lock brake
system of your car, I like showing people how they can fix their own cars, so I
checked out a whole bunch of smaller level scan tools and I found that this
one the Creator seven, it does ABS problems and only cost about a hundred
and twenty dollars if you price around on the internet, you just get the
business end of the plug on the scan tool, go to the bottom where the data port is and
plug in, then it starts analyzing we'll just go in to diagnose, then into scan
this is an Infiniti, now it's going through all the various systems to check
it out and we're working on ABS so what ABS and turn it on, now it's reading
the ABS system, you can get the information off the computer if you need
a computer the data number, you can read the fault data you can erase the fault
data after you fix it and you couldn't read current data as you can see here
and as you can see while we drive around, it shows you the speed of all the speed
sensor to see if there's a problem, if the data is correct or not
so you can find out if you have a bad wheel speed sensor and believe me it's a
hard thing trying to find a scan tool for a hundred and twenty dollars that's
going to give you that kind of information, but of course it doesn't
stop there, here's the ABS module it's all computer run, if there's a problem in
the solenoid or something in there, and it trips the ABS light, this baby can read the
code and explain what the code is, it can show you if the stop lamps working and
if the relays working, if the actuators working, ABS warning light is on or off
if any of the solenoids are on or off and not working, I do have to say that I
never found a scan tool that's about a hundred and twenty dollars when you
price around on the internet, that can do all that stuff with ABS systems, no sure
my $5,000 scan tool it's been able to do that kind of stuff for years, but for
twenty dollars, realized most mechanics these days, professional want to work on
your car, they charge anywhere from a hundred to a hundred and fifty dollars
an hour labor for working in your car, so really one hundred and twenty bucks for
a machine that can do all this with ABS and also all the other scan codes, pretty
good deal if you ask me, now even if you're not gonna fix your car yourself
hey, you get one of these hooking up, you can tell the mechanic
oh my left rear wheel sensor is going out, I need that replaced, you get it
fixed correctly, not get ripped off because you know what's wrong you just
don't want to fix it yourself, because realized I'm in many modern cars the
wheel speed sensor it's often built into a wheel bearing assembly, you might have
to change the whole axle assembly to fix it, you might not want to do all that
work yourself, but at least you know what the problem is and then you can price
around to see who is the best price to fix it for you and if you are gonna fix
it yourself you can find the problem, fix the problem, then reset the system with
this so the light goes out, and then road test it and make sure that it's all
working, then to top it all off it's a full scan total too, it does live data does
all kinds of stuff, it will give you all kinds of information to fix things besides your
anti-lock braking, I just decided to make a video about how you can fix your own
ABS with this system, cuz I have to say I haven't found a scan tool out there for
hundred and twenty bucks or even close for that price, that can give you
information on the ABS system like this does, and since this is mechanic Monday
I'm given one of these Creader seven pluses away, to have a chance to win
just place a clean non offensive comment on the youtube comments below and a
winner will be chosen randomly by computer to get a nice scan tool so they
can even fix their own anti-lock brake system problems, and with all these
sirens going on around me, there's something bigger than anti-lock brake
problems going on in my neighborhood today, so if you never want to miss
another one of my new car repair videos, remember to ring that Bell!
Gigi Hadid's Glamorous Lifestyle 2018 - Duration: 15:31.
Gigi Hadid's Glamorous Lifestyle 2018
Gigi Hadid's Glamorous Lifestyle 2018
Tiger TV 10-29-2018 - Duration: 2:43.
Ten Orange Pumpkins | Halloween Music for Children | Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes | Little Treehouse - Duration: 4:21.
Ten Orange Pumpkins
Ten orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
Ten orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
And if one of those pumpkins accidentally falls
There will be nine orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
Nine orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
Nine orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
And if one of those pumpkins accidentally falls
There will be eight orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
Eight orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
Eight orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
And if one of those pumpkins accidentally falls
There will be seven orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
Seven orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
Seven orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
And if one of those pumpkins accidentally falls
There will be six orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
Six orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
Six orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
And if one of those pumpkins accidentally falls
There will be five orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
Five orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
Five orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
And if one of those pumpkins accidentally falls
There will be four orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
Four orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
Four orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
And if one of those pumpkins accidentally falls
There will be three orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
Three orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
Three orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
And if one of those pumpkins accidentally falls
There will be two orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
Two orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
Two orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
And if one of those pumpkins accidentally falls
There will be one orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
One orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
One orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
And if that one pumpkins accidentally falls
There will be no orange pumpkins sitting on the wall
SPECIAL HALLOWEEN 2 - Des Mystères linguistiques - Duration: 7:44.
Hansung Wireless Mouse HM200B Reviews - Duration: 5:50.
hola! It is Ato.
If you are using a laptop, There are times when it is very sad.
In recent years, If you were using a mouse,
I often think about it.
That said, It's easy to get around
Every time I write, I need to connect the line, It's not the size,
It is surprisingly stressful.
This inconvenience in Hansung computer To release wireless mouse
I did.
Small, lightweight and very fine design .
There are two ways to connect rf and bluetooth It's all about the beauty of the world.
. The hm200b model.
I will skip unboxing.
This type of package is packaged I thought it was the contents.
Mouse body and rf receiver The warranty is over.
This mouse has a little bit of design Other ...
4 different color designs in 2 different materials There is.
The emodel I hold in my hand is gray Color model, but the surface material
These cloth materials and carbon materials are available.
The carbon material is black.
The fabric material is Gray Red Blue 3 There is a color.
It feels pretty awkward, but not bad. I do not.
A slight rough feeling
The size is really small.
I have a big hand, but by my standards I've been using the mouse
I think he's the smallest.
It's small and inconvenient to use. I thought that there was no big inconvenience.
I think it's the main use More portability than a mouse
Because it is an advantageous model, If you do not use
There should be no inconvenience caused by grip The same.
It 's pretty cute, but it' s all there is to it.
There are led lights on the left and right sides. I can not give a separate lighting effect,
Basically rainbow rgb effect Is applied.
The light is bright on the left, It's a bit dark.
This is a little disappointing.
The sensor supports up to 1600 dpi and the total You can select the dpi step in Step 3.
This is the dpi selection button.
Without any special operation, this button only 1000 Choose from three levels of / 1200/1600
You can.
As for the wireless time, I can only care.
At the bottom is a power button.
Turn off led lights through power button You can turn it on.
According to the manufacturer, rf 1 year when using / Bluetooth way
It has 6 months battery life when used. It is.
This model is pretty and small in design Model featuring light and wireless
However, There will be other than him.
Two of the greatest features of this model Sleeping
The first one is a noiseless button.
Cafe and library while carrying There may be a lot of things to use in
Click in a quiet library Mouse click sound every time
Is a surprising element is.
This model has no sound at all Applied.
I do not notice anywhere I can cast an optical click.
The second is to support two different wireless methods. Part of the.
Wireless Mouse The connection is also an important part.
This compact radio receiver There is.
You can use it for notebook or desktop usb It can be used immediately when connected to a port
There is.
Usually a smartphone or tablet is Bluetooth This is because
If you need a keyboard or mouse, Bluetooth keyboard or mouse
Must be provided.
This model also supports Bluetooth connectivity I will.
Use the left and right mouse buttons to select rf Connection method and Bluetooth connection method
I can switch. It is quite convenient.
When I review Hansung computer products There is always a story.
Caustic rain ...
Rf and Bluetooth at less than $ 20 Noiseless cordless mouse that simultaneously supports
I think it's attractive.
So far, anywhere, anytime The available mouse was hm200b.
Even a little bit of you If it was beneficial, please ask for subscription
I will.
Thank you for watching.
It was Ato until now. adios!
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Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Operation Anabasis Jump 5 - Duration: 19:00.
Hello its Ricardo and you find me playing Battlestar Gallactica deadlock
operation Anabasis the latest DLC and it's jump 5 on our quest to go and get
more stranded colonists to bring them back into the fold escort them all the
way back to the 12 colonies so far so good
dare I say it seemed to be holding the Cylon threat at bay we're only halfway
through the trip though and I've incurred quite a bit of damage after
this I am gonna have to do some repairs to the fleet so I've been going to all
the systems that are giving me an awful lot of Salvage to collect which will
enable me to supply resupply and restock for the battle stars and other military
vessels now as you can see the Cylons are launching missiles and probes and
the like and to be fair the ships are doing a pretty good job of taking them
down now the ships are also increasing in size from the Cylon threat as you can
see they are getting quite a pasting now how many then so do me a favor that like
and subscribe button and also check out that notification icon as that's gonna
let you know what I'm quitting more videos a fat loss diet lactic a deadlock
no man's sky elite dangerous what else we playing Frost Punk and a lot
on YouTube and some other platforms as well so look out for it they we've also
got a DLC channel for deadlock on the discord so check that out as you can see
we're raining down a hail of missiles on some of these ships I think this is
probably going to be my downfall I'm going to run out of missiles and that'll
need to get me to resupply and this resupply you know it's gonna be one of
those things when you resupply it kind of got your trousers down if you leave
it too late you can be left lacking you have no missiles to fire out it's
difficult in the judge anyway so how do I get to this point until I manage to
complete jump five and jump away well again I think it's all about
repositioning I did a resupply and repair of the fleet I've got some
Salvage there 311 points of Salvage the fleet is thus repaired which is great in
its entirety now resupply that's a different matter
you have to go round you'll now select the ships that are gonna warrant to have
a resupply now the Rangers are gone to missile batteries so that seems to be
pretty good whereas the battle stars only effectively have one now I've got a
berserk class that's got Vipers it hasn't got any missiles but it has got a
hell of a lot of guns which can lay down a lot of fire onto the side on threat so
we've resupplied we do a little bit of repositioning let's see if we can
it's a little bit easier on ourselves FLAC is gonna be all important because
they're gonna come in as we saw in the video that's obviously in hindsight
they're gonna come in missiles blazing so here we go we've got five contacts on
the dradis to turn away this is a tactic run away I really want Donna start
engaging them head-on to be honest I should really mean I've got the
firepower to do this I should be adopting a more aggressive stance but it
seems so easy just to put a little bit of environment between me and the Cylon
threat I've got another civilian transport coming I will try and guide
that in if I can okay so here we go
a bit more positioning trying to get some of the civilian ships out of the
way put at least a good bit of distance between the capital ships and their
missiles and the transport ships this what this is going to mean it is that I
can bolster up defenses with flak from the battle stars and hopefully take out
a lot of the missiles
okay here we go
this is advancing not quite an identification range yet here we go in
the app we've spotted him time to start turning in to engage those ships to give
our other ships enough time to spool up their FTL drives we've got eight more
jumps to go again minor repositioning let's hit them as
some missiles launch our squadrons I'm not going to use any flack at the moment
let's give them a bloody nose hopefully they'll turn back unlikely so it's gonna
be a case of all missiles gonna be away both squadrons launched this is the good
thing about this game you know you you can play as quickly or as haphazardly as
you want or you can really take your time and sort of massage every little
movement into the gameplay really think about the positioning of your fleets
then yes no it is micromanagement but you know I think it's worth it
especially when you see you know all your missiles hit their target so we've
got Viper squadrons we're gonna select target Begay we're gonna get them to
basically mug off all the Cylon Raiders
we've got all our vipers in the air okay here we go we can get the Vipers just on
them that'll save us quite a bit of damage especially to the civilian ships
so we are really gonna mug at them and see what other guns we can have on the
right so that's that them that's our squadron management we should be okay
with that
Ranger is taking damage that revenant they're tough ships they've taken a full
salvo of missiles and the damage is just not what I thought it would be from that
sort of barrage of missiles of course I'm not packing any nukes either just
conventional missiles not even torpedoes so guided missiles it's time to get
going in with the guns as well now lash it with the big guns on the sides of the
battle stairs so we're going to turn the ship's slightly into them so we get a
better angle of engagement
see if we can take up more squadrons and that turn
let's just move those transports so you don't stray too far from the fold so
they play out
so squadrons in the air taking out the Raiders Cylon Raiders the battle stars
still engaging now from the other side and the other flank we're gonna be
approached now by more Cylons on that side so it's time to sort of move things
into a steady column make sure everyone's protected five jumps from me
I don't think the new Cylons are gonna be that much of a threat to us but I
could be wrong to get those turrets on the go swing that one range around swing
gets front cannons to bear and also fire some missiles and you start finishing
off some of those Cylons
the next Ranger again you lay down some additional fire try and buy us some time
more reinforcements are due but we're just gonna have to see if we can
struggle through it
I don't tend to use the posture very much on the ships since or leave it sort
of as is the time being I could be where I'm going wrong you know let's deploy
some additional plating let's make sure we're all covered and end that turn
again we're really getting down to the minutiae of of a battle it's when Cylon
ship gone more missiles going in to meet another Cylon ship more Cylon
reinforcements come in one turn and hopefully they won't appear just on top
of us either we've got four turns left before our FTL drives in this fleet spin
up so we're able to jump the fleet away so soon miss that think about recalling
all the Viper squadrons we don't go leaving any of those behind
okay laying down some more fire on the other end up relevant focusin will fire
on him adjust the heading of that Ranger
use his turrets as well see if we can not take him out give us a bit of
breathing space
Matt afro boss he's getting a pasting he's gone the guns from the Berserker
took him out along with some other some Viper engagements and then more Cylons
have jumped in just on the other side of the map they're not going to be that
much of a threat not to us anyway so we got three turns left before we can jump
okay here we go okay more missiles three jumps left to go more Cylons have jumped
in reinforcements well they're not gonna bother us if we got Ike if you got a
game face on we'll be okay
missiles are coming in to that one we took on a Battlestar we see if we can
engage some flak yes there's friendly Vipers around but they're pretty much I
would say out the way there's the Raptors we're gonna try and
hit that with some Rockets as well
recalling squadron and it's gonna be time now to start recalling all our
ships get the Vipers back to the battle stash back to their back to their
carriers and in turn end we're not going to be waiting around for ships to come
and land before we can jump perhaps or more missiles give us a bit more time
and then turn that Cylons gone we've diffused their missiles more missiles
going in for that at the Talon of course we took out their squadrons we can
afford a little bit of time to reposition the ships now there's only
two more turns left now battle stars are flanking the Talon we're going to take
that out
stupid missiles going in and he's gone that there's buy us some time
so reinforcements will turn up for the Cylons in three turns we've got one turn
left before we can jump I'm just gonna make sure no one's gonna crash into each
other this is the last turn of this round before we could jump more Cylons
and Vance in but we're gonna jump away they're not going to bother us there we
go so we've got week of repair but at a huge cost
or we can go elsewhere but we'll have the option of repairing time to jump and
there you go that was it that was jump five the Battlestar Galactica deadlock
operation and a basis so far I've not lost any of my capital ships but all
that could change anyway check back for more videos in the series I'll leave you
with the video
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