Hi everyone, my name is John Pan, and I'm from International Sales Marketing
Division of ICP DAS. Today, I'd like to introduce our new OEE solution.
As you know the 3 main factors to achieve OEE
which are Availability, Performance and Quality, this is also why we called A.P.Q.
It could be applied to the production line in the factory or independent
division which helps the factory not only reduce production capacity losses
due to production down time equipment maintenance costs and product quality
issues, but also enhance production capacity and performance.
Here comes the calculation formula of OEE, which is Availability X Performance X Quality,
and we shall explain more with more detail in the video later.
Architecture of OEE: Through sensors to collect the data of front-end devices
and transmit the data via I/O modules and have the data display on the touchpad.
Single stack light: feedback the status on the equipment by Stack light.
Green light stands for running normally, yellow light stands for pause or something goes wrong,
and the red light stands for stop or emergency situation is happening.
tSL-P4R1: this module is for collecting and transmitting the status of stack light.
WISE-7160: in this demo kit, WISE-7160 is responsible for
simulating the actual production line status.
DL-10: it's a sensor for you to measure temperature or humidity during
the production process.
M-7084: it's a module for you to connect with your on-site counter or encoder in
equipment and gather data.
TPD-703: this 7" touchpad helps you to display all the data and figures
collected by the sensors and margining still in your equipment as well as the
instant OEE figure calculation.
So how are these figures from A.P. Q. being collected by using ICP DAS products?
Well, we actually collect these figures based on different modules. Which are..
A (Availability): Actual working now is estimated by working hours times
100%, which is to collect various status of on-site equipments
via stack light, such as the length of time during normal and shut down operation.
P (Performance): which is, the ratio of the default
manufacturing speed of the production equipment and the actual manufacturing
speed. It only indicates the speed of manufacturing, regardless of the quality.
In this scenario, the figures generated by the counter represents the number of
products produced in the production line. Each round represents one product is
being produced. M-7084 module is mainly for collecting the figures from
the counter installed on the equipment.
Q (quality): is the radius number of good
products in our products as each production line has different definition
of good products, here we use the measurement of temperature and humidity
taken by DL-10 as an indicator of good products.
Thanks for watching, for more information,
please visit our website www.icpdas.com
For more infomation >> OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness Solution) | ICP DAS - Duration: 4:16.-------------------------------------------
Anillo mágico / punto corredizo | Puntos básicos - Duration: 3:21.
[JUNGKOOK] "COMBAT" : BTS IMAGINE - Duration: 1:40.
Jin : Stop
We all went down
It was a real fight
we build ourselves again
little by little
三菱・新型「デリカD:5」まとめ。リーク画像やグレード(シート材質も…)、価格等も改めておさらいしてみよう#01 - Duration: 11:18.
三菱・新型「デリカD:5」まとめ。リーク画像やグレード(シート材質も…)、価格等も改めておさらいしてみよう#02 - Duration: 14:16.
303. Cycling In Havana - Duration: 0:55.
Hey guys and welcome to goodness!
Today's goodness is about people
in Havana riding bicycles!
Havana is a city in Cuba,
also the name of that famous
song by Camila Cabello,
that is seeing a movement to encourage
more people to ride bicycles!
Yasser González is the founder
of "Bicicletear La Habana",
a group in Havana that meets up
every Sunday to cycle around the city,
in hopes of raising awareness
about this eco-friendly transportation!
In Cuba, bicycles are associated with poverty,
due to people being made to ride bicycles
during the financial crisis in the 90s.
But, thanks to Yasser,
these views are slowly changing!
The cycling group that started
out with mostly tourists,
now boasts over 100 cyclists every Sunday,
with mostly Cubans!
Let's hope this change in perspective
will help more people choose
bicycles as their main mode of transport!
And that's today's goodness!
See you tomorrow!
Nam thần địa phủ ( No.30 ) và nỗi lòng của bác Trư Bát Giới - Trà My Vũ - Mùa hoa bách hợp - Duration: 3:26.
- Hello, long time no see Pigsy
Can I ask you a question?
Among four people going to the West
who do you want to go with?
- Oh! Such a difficult question
I have an answer.
I want to travel with my teacher, Xuanzang the most.
First, when meeting female monsters
my teacher will hold hands and pray: "Amitabha, I am practicing Buddhism
therefore, I no longer have sex"
Then I, Pigsy, have opportunities.
Secondly, my teacher is a vegetarian. That's also something I like best.
For example, when in the place of Tran Nguyen Tu, the disciples brought out some gingseng (look like the shape of the kids).
I really wanted to eat it but my teacher said: I am practicing Buddhism so I can't eat kids'meat.
That's the thing I like most about my teacher.
Hihihi, Xuanzhang, you are my best teacher.
〈哲學床邊談,甜甜的〉S04E02:人是否可能擺脫成見? - Duration: 2:42.
bináris opciók.Elemezzük a tegnapi kereskedést - Duration: 10:38.
[JUNGKOOK] "COMBAT" : BTS IMAGINE - Duration: 1:40.
Jin : Stop
We all went down
It was a real fight
we build ourselves again
little by little
5 Things Every Animator Should Know And Understand - Duration: 6:54.
Hey, fellow animators, I'm Miloš Černý.
In this video, I just wanted to give some general animation tips
to everyone who might be interested.
I am thinking that I might make a series out of this
and post a video like this from time to time, but we will see.
Anyway, the tips in this video will be quite general and maybe even obvious,
but that is kind of intentional, because I wanted to start with something for everybody.
So let's get to it.
Animation is a skill based activity.
This means that it requires practice.
A lot of pratice.
You have probably heard about Malcolm Gladwell's 10000 hours rule.
Which says that if you do any activity for 10000 hours you become world class in it.
Whether you believe in it or not doesn't really matter that much.
But it serves quite well for my point.
We can use invested hours as a unit of measurement.
Something like, 1 hour equals 1 skill point.
Everybody can learn to animate.
Same as everybody can learn to draw for example.
Forget about talent.
You don't need any talent to learn to animate.
You just have to do it and practice.
Talent in real life, doesn't have the meaning like it's usually used in society nowadays.
You can often hear people say, something like: "Man you are so talented, I could never do that."
But that's just not true.
I agree that talent exists, but what talent gives you, or someone else, is just an head start.
I think of it like this.
Let's talk about drawing skill for example, just to illustrate.
This is 15 year old you.
With completely zero talent for it.
And this is Jane and she is talented in drawing.
Let's say, you would have to invest 500 hours into drawing to even match with Jane
and to be able to draw what she does effortlessly.
But maybe she does draw only 4 hours a month, you 4 hours a week.
So eventually, you will of course just catch up.
But let's say that Frank is extremly talented and that gives him a 1500 hours head start.
He also develops his talent a lot and invests a lot of additional hours.
He will maybe find a job when he is 18 years old and you will never be able to catch him.
But that doesn't matter.
You can not catch someone who does your hobby as a full time job 8 hours a day,
but you can learn from people like him and they can be your inspiration.
You don't aim to be the greatest artist in the world.
Or if you do, then good for you.
But the point is, forget about talent.
It's just a head start for those people.
You don't need specialized schools to learn animation.
The schools and courses are of course very useful and I am not saying they aren't.
But what you should realize is, that what they eventually do is, they force you to invest
the time into the animation and improving your skill.
But, as we talked about few seconds ago, investing time into the skill is extremly important.
So that's why the schools are useful, not only, but especially for people that are having
a hard time with procrastination for example.
Because the school will make you to give it time.
But don't think that any school or a course will make you an animator.
It's just making you to collect more skill hours and helps you to fill
that animation skill bar of yours.
The actual work is still on you.
Just to be clear though, I think schools have a lot of advantages as well.
Like making contacts for the future, getting to know people from the business,
unforeseen opportunities and so on.
Just don't think they are a necessity.
Try to find out what you enjoy.
For example me.
I found out pretty early, that I enjoy more mechanical or technical type of work than creative one.
I much more enjoy being told what I should animate, than being told a description of what
should kind of happen and think about how I want to do it myself.
Which is kind of unusual, because I feel like everybody likes the highly creative stuff,
but I don't enjoy it that much.
And that is completely fine.
Let me explain a bit more.
In game development where I work, things are usually pretty straight forward.
Characters need sets of animations which are defined quite well.
Turn left will always be a turn left and run will always be a cycled run movement.
So you often do the same animations but for completely different characters.
Which means I get my need for creativity fulfilled with figuring out how the character should do things.
But in the end it still needs to do predefined action.
Which is a perfect balance for me.
In film animation for example, it's much more about expressions, acting, appeal of the character,
and stuff like that.
Which is not exactly for me.
But it is very interesting to many people.
In fact to most people in animation, I feel like.
But that exactly says, that you don't have to like the most popular market in animation.
You may find out that you like motion graphics for example.
Which is awesome.
And it's great that you were able to figure that out.
Start with the simple things first.
I know that everybody wants to do a really cool animation of two characters fighting for example.
Or make your own animated movie.
But please, learn the basics first.
Start with practice rigs that focuses on specific parts.
Tail rig, two-legged rigs, a ball and stuff like that.
Don't immediately start with humanoids.
And while you do this, also post your works in progress on the internet
so you can get some feedback.
When you look at the same animation over and over it starts to feel ok for you even when it's not.
You need some fresh eyes to take a look at it and feedback you.
This is very important, because even one simple sentence from someone else can improve your
animation by a huge amount.
You just don't see it, because you are just a one person with one pair of eyes.
Be patient guys.
Learning a new skill or even something smaller like a new software is a very hard thing to do.
It takes a lot of time to even know your way around the specific software.
You will have to watch a lot of tutorials, google everything you don't know and invest
a lot of time into it.
But as I said, in my opinion everybody can learn to work in 3ds Max or other 3D softwares
and even animate.
But not everybody will have the willpower to invest the required time and push himself
into doing it.
Be patient guys.
It will come.
Ok, so that's about it for now.
This was a new type of video so let me know if you liked it.
This one took a huge amount of work and was in a making for some time.
I wanted to do it though, so I hope it was worth it.
Share the video if you liked it, subscribe and leave some comments.
Also join my Discord server if you want to join the community around this channel.
It has already over 70 people.
And as always thank you and thank you to all my Patreons.
I am Miloš Černý and Thank You for watching.
В чём отличие поршневого окрасочного аппарата от мембранного? Плюсы и минусы. - Duration: 2:00.
Mi-o zis mama ca mi-o da | Cantece populare pentru copii - Duration: 2:44.
Nam thần địa phủ ( No.30 ) và nỗi lòng của bác Trư Bát Giới - Trà My Vũ - Mùa hoa bách hợp - Duration: 3:26.
- Hello, long time no see Pigsy
Can I ask you a question?
Among four people going to the West
who do you want to go with?
- Oh! Such a difficult question
I have an answer.
I want to travel with my teacher, Xuanzang the most.
First, when meeting female monsters
my teacher will hold hands and pray: "Amitabha, I am practicing Buddhism
therefore, I no longer have sex"
Then I, Pigsy, have opportunities.
Secondly, my teacher is a vegetarian. That's also something I like best.
For example, when in the place of Tran Nguyen Tu, the disciples brought out some gingseng (look like the shape of the kids).
I really wanted to eat it but my teacher said: I am practicing Buddhism so I can't eat kids'meat.
That's the thing I like most about my teacher.
Hihihi, Xuanzhang, you are my best teacher.
5 Tips To Start & Finish An Instrumental Hip-Hop Album - Duration: 7:21.
What is going on making an album can be a serious journey and in most cases it's
a journey that never even gets started for a number of reasons and in this
video we are going to discuss five tips to help you start and finish an
instrumental boom-bap hip-hop album but first I'd like to invite you to like
share and subscribe to our Channel and with that let's get to it alright
number one do not be intimidated by other instrumental albums in your genre
in this case it's hip hop when you're sort of doing the preliminary research
of how you're going to format your album you're going to check on what other
instrumental releases sound like you know just to get a lay of the land to
see what other people are doing and while this may start out as a healthy
process what might happen is you may get so intimidated by the quality of the
work that you're listening to that you may feel that there's no point to
releasing your work because of the fact that you feel intimidated by what's
already out there and because of that you may not even start the project and I
know this sounds crazy but it happens much more than you think
and this is one of those things that it happens so subtly that you might not
even realize that you're doing it things you might say to yourself like oh I'm
not ready yet or you just haven't found album worthy music but in reality what's
really happening is you don't feel like your music is competitive enough to
survive with the music that's already out there and what's more real than that
is it's not even true which leads us to tip number two
you have everything you need the amazing thing about releasing an album is the
fact that it is not about gear it is not about whether your music can compete or
not an album is meant to capture your musical skill and knowledge and talent
at a moment in time which means that that moment will never be the same ever
again as long as you live and capturing that moment allows you and every
listener to see where you were at at that time and that's very enjoyable to
listen to there's nothing better for a music lover to actually see the
progression of an artist as music lovers that's what we want to see we're not
really concerned about how technical your album is or how much skill you have
as a creative human being anything that you do in that vein will be appreciated
simply for the fact that there is no other you on the planet and a lot of
times as musicians this is something that's really hard for us to grasp that
we're actually good enough all by ourselves it's very easy for us to rely
on musical equipment to dictate how valuable we are as artists but just
knowing that you are good enough right now at this moment is a reality that
will carry you past this feeling so you can move on to the business of actually
starting the recording process tip number three
once you begin to record give it everything you have in a timely fashion
keywords in a timely fashion there is a balance between procrastination and
wanting to put out the best album you can and the fulcrum between these two
points is time time is a balancing factor so it's okay to take some time
and be thoughtful about what type of work you'd like to put out and there's
absolutely nothing wrong about giving it a hundred percent as long as those two
desires are bound by time and what all that means is this once you start a song
finish the song don't try to be perfect at the expense
of slowing down your progress and on the other side don't slow down your progress
by overthinking what you'd like to do always remember the end goal that we
discussed in tip number two the album you're making is simply to capture your
creative status at this present time so like my father would say take your time
and hurry up tip number four the thing about instrumental albums is that they
are very very difficult to make unlike most albums where we're able to rely on
vocals to entertain the listener instrumental albums have the task of
trying to keep the listener interested in an instrumental song for the duration
of the song and this would be the difference between a beat tape and an
instrumental album an instrumental album has Arrangements just like a song has a
structure just like a song and has a goal to take the listener and carry them
along with the journey of your music so once you've recorded your songs simply
arranging your music can make your group of songs feel like an album not only to
you but the listener just take a listen to Dj shadows introducing album that
album is completely instrumental yet it transports you from song to song within
the songs you can feel the Arrangements shining there's nothing about that album
that says be tape at all its quality from beginning to end
not to mention focusing on the arrangements of a song once they're
recorded will really boost your confidence in your album and its ability
to compete with everything else out there because
being creative is already an extreme bonus but being creative with a
clear-cut focus is nearly unstoppable alright tip number five I have to learn
this one the hard way when you are embarking on the journey of recording an
album it is imperative that you do one thing at a time
there is nothing that will slow you down quicker than trying to do a million
things at once so when you're recording simply record don't worry about mixing
don't worry about whether you're gonna do vinyl cassette or CD or digital don't
worry about the artwork do not worry about who's gonna promote it do one
thing at a time so when you're finished recording it then you can start
arranging it when you finished arranging it then you could start mixing it when
you're finished mixing then you could be concerned with mastering and so on and
so on and so on unless you have a team that can take on these projects couldn't
currently while you focus on your part of the job it's best to take on a task
one at a time this ensures that you're definitely giving that particular task
your best because albums require your full attention you can hear as I'm sure
we all have albums that seem kind of scattered and this goes beyond music you
can see movies that look scattered it just looks like there were too many
things going on or wasn't cut right or something was amiss and the best way to
avoid all of that is to simply focus on completing one step of the process at a
time and if you keep all of these tips in mind you will have an album out
guaranteed and if you haven't done it yet there is absolutely no feeling like
releasing your own music but that's a topic for another discussion but for now
let me know your thoughts do you have any issues that you encounter while
making an album or do you have problems beginning the process or finishing the
process let me know your thoughts anyway thank you for watching if you'd like to
learn something today subscribe to us here on YouTube I will catch you on the
next one in the meantime take care of yourself peace
Les aliens - Symbolik (Sweetberry) - Duration: 20:01.
中高年が車を, 「買えるうちに、比較的手頃なポルシェを買ってしまう」という選択はどうだろうか? - Duration: 9:09.
お若い人にはお若い人なりの都合があるように、筆者( 50歳)を含む中高年にも、もちろん中高年なりの様 々な都合と事情がある。
そして車を選ぶ際にも、当然ながら「中高年特有の事情 」はそれなりに考慮されなければならない。
で、その「事情」には様々なものがあるわけだが、とり わけ忘れてはならないのが「中高年はとにかく時間が ない」という事実だ。
時間がないといっても、「仕事が忙しい」とかそういっ た話ではない。 人生の、生物としての残り時間がぶっ ちゃけ少ないということである。
筆者の場合でいえば、本日時点で恥ずかしながら50歳。 大病をしなければあと30年ぐらいは生きられそう な気配もあるが、比較的ピンピンと、休日などにちょ っとしたスポーツなども楽しめるのは、せいぜいあと 20年ぐらいだろう。
年を取ればどうしたって(一般的には)収入も下がり、 運転技能も少々あやしくなってくる。
となると、好きな車をある程度自由に買い、ある程度問 題なく乗り回せる時間は「あと10年か15年ぐらい しか残ってない」と考えられるのだ。
で、親愛なるご同輩諸兄はよくご存じのとおり、中高年 にとっての10年や15年なんていうのはほとんど「 あっという間」である。
我々はあっという間に、感覚的には秒殺にも近いニュア ンスで、好きな車に、好き勝手に乗ることが難しくな るのである。
決して下品にあおりたいわけではないのだが、それゆえ 、我々は少々急がねばならないのだ。
いつかはポルシェと言うけれど、「いつか」っていつの こと?
いや、もちろん「ポルシェ? ぜんぜん興味ないけど」 とおっしゃる方も多いだろう。
その場合は申し訳ないが、本稿は読み飛ばすかスルーで お願いしたい。 すみません。
だが、「そうだよ! 人生一度は、いつかは、ポルシェ に乗りたいと思ってるんだよっ!」と雄たけびを上げ ている方も、いや雄たけびは上げないまでも、そのよ うに内心思ってらっしゃる人もいるはずだ。
その昔「いつかはクラウン」なんてフレーズがあったが 、「いつかはポルシェ」というのも素敵なフレーズで あり、素敵なアイデアである。
不肖筆者も大いに賛同する。 やはり車好きたるもの、人 生一度はアレに乗るべきであろう。
……だが、その「いつか」は、果たしていつやってくる のだろうか?
70歳になって初めて「それ」がやってくるのも、もち ろん素晴らしいことではある。
しかし肉体コンディションなどのもろもろも考えれば、 いささか遅すぎるというのが正直なところだ。
であるならば、状況が完璧に揃うのを待つのではなく、 多少の見切り発車であったとしても「今」もしくは「 近い将来」ポルシェを買うというのが、中高年にとっ ては極めて合理的な答えとなるはずなのだ。
できれば911を買いたいところだが、いくつかの問題 も
残る議題は「じゃあ、どのポルシェを買うか?」という ことだが、最も望ましいのは、もちろん「ポルシェ 911」だろう。
911こそがポルシェにおける基本中の基本であり、同 時に最終到達点でもある。
や、「問題」と言うとちょっと違うのかもしれないが、 少々やっかいな点もあるにはあるのだ。
まず、最新世代の新車や高年式中古車に関しては、「ぶ っちゃけ高い」というのがある。
新車となれば素のカレラでも総額1500万円ぐらいは 必要で、高年式中古車でも総額はおおむね1000万 円から。
「ならば!」ということで1世代前の911、型式名で 言うタイプ997の中古車を狙うのは悪くない選択だ 。
また、昔の911と違ってボディの寸法がかなりデカく なっているため、「中高年的には多少手に余る」とい う難点もあるかもしれない。
さらには「パワフルすぎて(日本の公道では)あまりア クセルを踏めない」という、意外とクリティカルな問 題もあったりする。
「じゃあ……」ということで空冷エンジンだった時代の クラシカルな911を買うとなると、こちらはこちら で中古車相場が世界的に大高騰してしまっている。
ちょっとした5MTのカレラ2でも総額700万円以上 となるのが、残念ながら昨今の常識だ。
そこで「何かとちょうどいい」初代後期のケイマンまた はボクスターを!
以上のとおり、いざポルシェ買うと決めても「ううむ… …」となかなか困ってしまうわけだが、実は割と都合 の良い選択肢がひとつ、いや正確には2つある。
初代の後期型ケイマンまたは同時期のボクスターを探し てみるのだ。
ケイマンというのはご存じのとおり、911よりも少々 小ぶりなサイズの2シータースポーツ。
駆動方式は911のRR(リアエンジン/リアドライブ )と違ってミッドシップ。 それゆえ、ともすれば「エ ントリーモデル」と呼ばれがちな車種ではある。
だが、実際には「むしろ911より本格的」と言うこと もできる。 で、そのケイマンのオープン版となるのが ボクスターだ。
両モデルの新車は、さすがに911より安いとはいえ、 なかなか高額だ。 なんだかんだで総額800万円ぐら いは最低でもかかるだろう。
現行718ケイマン/718ボクスターの高年式中古車 も、支払総額は700万円からというイメージである 。
しかし2コ前の世代、987型と呼ばれる2005年か ら2012年までのものであれば、その中古車相場は 総額230万~450万円といったところ。
中でも特にオススメとなる「後期型(2008年11月 以降)の素のケイマンまたはボクスター」は総額40 0万円前後というのがおおむねのターゲット。
……さすがに激安ではないが、「一生モノの買い物であ る」と考えれば納得できる水準ではある。
なぜ「素のケイマン/ボクスター」がオススメなのかと いえば、「その方がアクセルを踏めるから」だ。
ハイパワーな3.4Lエンジンを積む「ケイマンS/ボ クスターS」の方が当然速く高性能。
だが、あれはちょっと(日本の道で使うには)速すぎる ため、不用意にアクセルを踏むと大変なことになる恐 れもある(事故るという意味ではない。 「免許がなく なるかも」という意味)。
それゆえ、2.9Lエンジンとなる素の後期型の方が実 際には楽しかったりするのが本当のところなのだ。
いずれにせよ、日本の道路においても中高年が扱いやす いサイズで、程よいパワーで(といってもかなりのモ ノだが)、そして「ポルシェならではの感触」を間違 いなく堪能でき、さらには「現実的な価格」でもある 初代後期のポルシェ ケイマンおよび同時期のボクス ター。
かなりナイスな選択であり、人生の後半戦の一部をそこ に賭けてみるのも悪くない話かと思うのだが、どうだ ろうか?
Carole Bouquet grand-mère d'un petit Balthazar, tristes révélations sur son passé - Duration: 1:35.
Common French Words that Start with D - Duration: 54:58.
Jenna Fischer's Instagram Endorsement Led To Insta-regret - Duration: 1:48.
Laeticia Hallyday « rejetée», l'impardonnable geste de Laura Smet et David Hallyday - Duration: 1:30.
Sébastien Farran, comment a-t-il isolé Laeticia Hallyday ? -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:43.
Nolwenn Leroy gaga de son fils, son surprenant « rituel » pour garder le lien - Duration: 1:15.
La stimulation transcranienne peut-elle être pratiquée en prévention de la maladie d'Alzheimer ? - Duration: 1:27.
Carla Bruni maman comblée, une rare photo de sa Giulia (photo) - Duration: 1:19.
Brigitte Macron, « la dispute qui change tout » - Duration: 1:23.
Le fils de Vanessa Paradis «violenté», une étrange marque dévoilée - Duration: 1:21.
5 Tips To Start & Finish An Instrumental Hip-Hop Album - Duration: 7:21.
What is going on making an album can be a serious journey and in most cases it's
a journey that never even gets started for a number of reasons and in this
video we are going to discuss five tips to help you start and finish an
instrumental boom-bap hip-hop album but first I'd like to invite you to like
share and subscribe to our Channel and with that let's get to it alright
number one do not be intimidated by other instrumental albums in your genre
in this case it's hip hop when you're sort of doing the preliminary research
of how you're going to format your album you're going to check on what other
instrumental releases sound like you know just to get a lay of the land to
see what other people are doing and while this may start out as a healthy
process what might happen is you may get so intimidated by the quality of the
work that you're listening to that you may feel that there's no point to
releasing your work because of the fact that you feel intimidated by what's
already out there and because of that you may not even start the project and I
know this sounds crazy but it happens much more than you think
and this is one of those things that it happens so subtly that you might not
even realize that you're doing it things you might say to yourself like oh I'm
not ready yet or you just haven't found album worthy music but in reality what's
really happening is you don't feel like your music is competitive enough to
survive with the music that's already out there and what's more real than that
is it's not even true which leads us to tip number two
you have everything you need the amazing thing about releasing an album is the
fact that it is not about gear it is not about whether your music can compete or
not an album is meant to capture your musical skill and knowledge and talent
at a moment in time which means that that moment will never be the same ever
again as long as you live and capturing that moment allows you and every
listener to see where you were at at that time and that's very enjoyable to
listen to there's nothing better for a music lover to actually see the
progression of an artist as music lovers that's what we want to see we're not
really concerned about how technical your album is or how much skill you have
as a creative human being anything that you do in that vein will be appreciated
simply for the fact that there is no other you on the planet and a lot of
times as musicians this is something that's really hard for us to grasp that
we're actually good enough all by ourselves it's very easy for us to rely
on musical equipment to dictate how valuable we are as artists but just
knowing that you are good enough right now at this moment is a reality that
will carry you past this feeling so you can move on to the business of actually
starting the recording process tip number three
once you begin to record give it everything you have in a timely fashion
keywords in a timely fashion there is a balance between procrastination and
wanting to put out the best album you can and the fulcrum between these two
points is time time is a balancing factor so it's okay to take some time
and be thoughtful about what type of work you'd like to put out and there's
absolutely nothing wrong about giving it a hundred percent as long as those two
desires are bound by time and what all that means is this once you start a song
finish the song don't try to be perfect at the expense
of slowing down your progress and on the other side don't slow down your progress
by overthinking what you'd like to do always remember the end goal that we
discussed in tip number two the album you're making is simply to capture your
creative status at this present time so like my father would say take your time
and hurry up tip number four the thing about instrumental albums is that they
are very very difficult to make unlike most albums where we're able to rely on
vocals to entertain the listener instrumental albums have the task of
trying to keep the listener interested in an instrumental song for the duration
of the song and this would be the difference between a beat tape and an
instrumental album an instrumental album has Arrangements just like a song has a
structure just like a song and has a goal to take the listener and carry them
along with the journey of your music so once you've recorded your songs simply
arranging your music can make your group of songs feel like an album not only to
you but the listener just take a listen to Dj shadows introducing album that
album is completely instrumental yet it transports you from song to song within
the songs you can feel the Arrangements shining there's nothing about that album
that says be tape at all its quality from beginning to end
not to mention focusing on the arrangements of a song once they're
recorded will really boost your confidence in your album and its ability
to compete with everything else out there because
being creative is already an extreme bonus but being creative with a
clear-cut focus is nearly unstoppable alright tip number five I have to learn
this one the hard way when you are embarking on the journey of recording an
album it is imperative that you do one thing at a time
there is nothing that will slow you down quicker than trying to do a million
things at once so when you're recording simply record don't worry about mixing
don't worry about whether you're gonna do vinyl cassette or CD or digital don't
worry about the artwork do not worry about who's gonna promote it do one
thing at a time so when you're finished recording it then you can start
arranging it when you finished arranging it then you could start mixing it when
you're finished mixing then you could be concerned with mastering and so on and
so on and so on unless you have a team that can take on these projects couldn't
currently while you focus on your part of the job it's best to take on a task
one at a time this ensures that you're definitely giving that particular task
your best because albums require your full attention you can hear as I'm sure
we all have albums that seem kind of scattered and this goes beyond music you
can see movies that look scattered it just looks like there were too many
things going on or wasn't cut right or something was amiss and the best way to
avoid all of that is to simply focus on completing one step of the process at a
time and if you keep all of these tips in mind you will have an album out
guaranteed and if you haven't done it yet there is absolutely no feeling like
releasing your own music but that's a topic for another discussion but for now
let me know your thoughts do you have any issues that you encounter while
making an album or do you have problems beginning the process or finishing the
process let me know your thoughts anyway thank you for watching if you'd like to
learn something today subscribe to us here on YouTube I will catch you on the
next one in the meantime take care of yourself peace
Темы Underkeep - Duration: 1:41.
Les aliens - Symbolik (Sweetberry) - Duration: 20:01.
Pourquoi le prince George pourrait être séparé de ses parents -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:03.
STEAM CADILAR BAYRAMI İNDİRİMİ BAŞLADI ! - 50 TL İle Alınabilecek Oyunlar - Duration: 9:18.
ITALIA vs ISRAELE - Eserciti a confronto (2018) - Duration: 3:46.
Military Power Comparison
Italy vs Israel
Total Population
Land Area (km²)
Defense Budget
Active Military Personnel
Nuclear Weapon
Armored Fighting Vehicles
Multiple Rocket Launchers
Self-Propelled Artillery
Towed Artillery
Attack Aircraft
Transport Aircraft
Trainer Aircraft
Attack Helicopters
Air force
Aircraft Carriers
Patrol Boats
Military Ranking
三菱・新型「デリカD:5」まとめ。リーク画像やグレード(シート材質も…)、価格等も改めておさらいしてみよう#02 - Duration: 14:16.
Cyrille Bret : "il faut réarmer le débat politique face au terrorisme" - Duration: 1:12.
별 볼일 없어 - 영하이 - Duration: 3:20.
三菱・新型「デリカD:5」まとめ。リーク画像やグレード(シート材質も…)、価格等も改めておさらいしてみよう#01 - Duration: 11:18.
미국이 사브 전투기 레이더 기술을 왜 샀을까요?... KFX에 제안되기도 한 그 레이더입니다 - Duration: 3:58.
Печь и керамика из термитной глины. V_01_Ser_25 - Duration: 11:37.
Making a grate from the usual clay I use
It's a bit less than 50 cm in diameter and about 5 cm thick
Making holes in the grate to let the flames through
Getting clay from a termite mound. Termites mouths are too small to include sticks and stones in their structures, so the clay doesn't need processing.
Putting the clay in the pit left behind after building the tiled hut
Crushing the clay
Slaking the clay with water
Treading the clay to break up lumps
Dead palm fronds for tempering the clay
Treading in the palm fiber
Digging the kiln fire box
Fitting the grate
Making the front wall of the firebox
Digging firebox entry
Fire to stiffen clay
Building walls of the ware chamber
Enlargeing firebox entry
Adding grate bars to firebox. These are important as they increase heat production several times.
Another termite nest built on red clay soil
It's a source of clay that keeps replenishing thanks to the worker termites
The clay has no stick or rocks in it due to the termites being too small to carry them into the nest
Crushing up an old kiln grate to make grog for the new clay
Mixing grog into the new clay. Grog prevent clay from cracking as it dries.
Making an urn
Adding coils
Scratching the last layer. I have to let the layers so far dry so it doesn't slump. When I come back new wet coils will easily stick to the drier last layer due to the rough surface.
Urn, pot, and 5 tiles made of termite clay. Blower housing and 2 tiles made of normal clay.
In kiln ready to fire
Covering with flat tiles (previously fired)
Making fire
Fire sticks are easier to make and maintain than pump drills and I'm so fast with them now I use them instead
Transfer punk to tinder pile (crushed candle nut leaves)
Blow coal into flames
Add kindling
Making fire under firebox grate to set sticks on grate alight
Adding sticks above grate bars from now on
10 minutes in
1 hour in
2 hours in. I over stacked the firebox and the kiln cooled down a bit as the air supply was choked.
So I let it burn down a bit and only put in a few sticks at a time
2 hours 30 minutes in. The kiln started heating up again.
3 hours in. The pots are glowing a low orange (845 c or 1550 f degrees)
The next day after it cooled down
A broken tile.
First pot ok
The urn spalled but is ok
The forge blower housing is now fired
Spalling was probably due to the urn not being totally dry
Watering cassava patch
Forge blower housing is well fired and water resistant now. It goes in the shed.
Broken tiles go into a pit to be ground into grog later
Spare tiles for the shed
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