Once upon a time, there was an man named Odin
Odin had two sons
Their names were Thortaro and Lokijiro
One day, Thortaro went for a walk
but Hela, the Goddess of Death, appeared and destroyed the village
"Please stop!"
"You can say that but it's not like it's going to do anything."
Frustrated, Thor threw his hammer at Hela
but Hela scoffed and crushed it easily in her hand
Thortaro was blasted out of the village
and as a result went through an image change
"I think that one suits you far more."
Thortaro gathered his friends to help defeat Hela
The first was the green friend, "Hulkun"
The second was the strong fighter, "Valko"
The third was the sulky younger brother, "Lokijiro"
And so he made a group of friends with no sense of unity
At last, the time to challenge Hela had arrived...
Will they all live happily ever after?
...find out what happens next in Thor: Ragnarok
For more infomation >> Only in Japan - Thor: Ragnarok anime-style - Duration: 2:32.-------------------------------------------
A Fazenda 9: Peões comemoram aniversário de Yuri Fernandes em A Fazenda 9 - Duration: 2:11.
Black Dragonrider On road and off road Adventure 22pt - Duration: 11:24.
El BREEZILY mas EPICO de SKYWARS - Duration: 6:36.
Documental: How Heavy (ATTA - Ultima Sagitta) - Duration: 6:10.
I believe all of us rock musicians have felt
curiosity of doing an electronic music song.
How heavy was my experiment of bringing the elements
from progressive rock to a electronic pop song.
How heavy narrates the story of a first date
and the expectations generated moments
before meeting someone for the first time.
Daniel de la Roche was a teacher in the School of rock,
and excellent drummer and multi-instrumentalist musician,
and although he is very proficient in extreme metal,
I discovered he also was a DJ and had a very interesting project
of Electronic Music with shades of Rock named Delar Groove.
As "How Heavy" was about that and i felt this song needed
the experience from someone that knew very well the cycles
and moods in electronic music, I asked for his collaboration
and he built some loops that work really well
and bring some sense into the song.
Diego is a part of Vintage,
and has been a student of mine for more than 4 years,
he is a musician that beside being a Rock n Roll lover,
he also loves hip hop, and when he plays he expresses it very well,
because he gives priority to the groove and the bass,
so his role in this song besides playing some melodies
was managing the bass of the song, and as I expected
he brought the adequate dynamics to every section of the song.
- Did i get it?... No?
- Sí, ehhh I though you said "Did I mess up?"
- Hehehehe, I meant "Did i get it?"
- I think that was the best take, right?
- Yeah, by far
(Electronic Drums)
Camilo besides being a guitarist, the instrument
in which he began playing music was drums,
and as he bought an electronic kit, I asked him the favour
of recording a snare solo that was very irregular,
and that he pulled through impeccably and also
he finished the song with song 2-step classic beats.
Javier was the keyboardist of a band
I directed in the school named Leones Q,
and he is a fusion lover,
and of playing the keyboard in a very percussive way,
and using melodies from electronic music in rock,
so I chose him to perform in one hand the main line of the song,
and in the other the Timpani and the strings
that needed to be played agressively.
Finally he recorded a very percussive sequence at the end of the song,
to which he brought a lot of life with his style of playing.
(Piano, Keyboards, Percussion)
The heart of this song is the Piano line
that repeats throughout the whole song
which I recorded in the Baby Grand Piano of the Fernando Sor academy,
that has the precise sound that cuts very well into the mix.
Afterwards I recorded with my electronic kit a symphonic percussion
for the pre/choruses and had the opportunity of doing some snare fills
using my ipad as a drum, with an app that transforms the signal
from the microphone into percussions called Impaktor.
Carolina was the first singer of Vintage,
and she is a girl with a very nice and gentle voice color,
but that makes you note her passion for singing,
and for this song where I needed to express inocence
but at the same emotion and intensity her voice was perfect.
When she recorded she surprised me
because the song is a bit low for her range,
but she was able tu create a very full and gentle color,
and she also was able to sing the high parts in a very pointy way
which was just what I was looking for.
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