Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér.
Hold on to your papers, because this work on AlphaGo is absolute insanity.
In the game of Go, the players put stones on a table where the objective is to surround
more territory than the opponent.
This is a beautiful game that is particularly interesting for AI research, because the space
of possible moves is vastly larger than in chess, which means that using any sort of
exhaustive search is out of question and we have to resort to smart algorithms that are
able to identify a small number of strong moves within this stupendously large search
The first incarnation of DeepMind's Go AI, AlphaGo uses a combination of a policy network
that is responsible for predicting the moves, and a value network that predicts the winner
of the game after it plays it to the end against itself.
These are both deep neural networks and they are then combined with a technique called
Monte Carlo Tree Search to be able to narrow down the search in this this large search
This algorithm started out with a bootstrapping process where it was shown thousands of games
that were used to learn the basics of Go.
Based on this, it is clear that such an algorithm can learn to be as good as formidable human
But the big question was, how could it possibly become even better than the professionals
that it has observed?
How could the disciple become better than its master?
The solution is that after it has learned what it can from these games, it plays against
itself many-many times to improve its skills.
This second phase is the main part of the training that takes the most time.
Let's call this base algorithm AlphaGo Fan, which was used to play against Fan Hui a 2-dan
European Go champion, who was defeated 5 to 0.
This was a historic moment and the first time an AI beat a professional Go player without
a handicap.
Fan Hui described his experience as playing against a very strong and stable player and
he also mentioned that the algorithm felt very human-like.
Some voiced their doubts within the Go community and noted that the algorithm would never be
able to beat Lee Sedol, a 9-dan world champion, and winner of 18 international titles.
Just to give you an intuition of the difference, based on their Elo points, Lee Sedol is expected
to beat Fan Hui 97 times out of 100 games.
So a few months later, DeepMind organized a huge media event where they would challenge
him to play against AlphaGo.
This was a slightly modified version of the base algorithm that used a deeper neural network
with more layers and was trained using more resources than the previous version.
There was also an algorithmic change to the policy networks, the details on this are available
in the paper in the description, it is a great read, make sure to have a look.
Let's call this algorithm AlphaGo Lee.
This event was watched all around the world and can perhaps be compared to Kasparov's
public chess games against Deep Blue.
I have the fondest memories of waking up super early in the morning, jumping out of the bed
in excitement to watch all these Go matches.
And in a long and nailbiting series, Lee Sedol was defeated 4 to 1 by the AI.
With significantly less media attention, the next phase came bearing the name AlphaGo Master,
which used around ten times less tensor processing units than the AlphaGo Lee and became an even
stronger player.
This algorithm played against human professionals online in January 2017 and won all 60 matches
it had played.
This is insanity, but if you think that's it, well, hold on to your papers now.
In this newest work, AlphaGo has reached its next form, AlphaGo Zero.
This variant does not have access to any human played games in the first phase and learns
completely through self-play.
It starts out from absolutely nothing, with just the knowledge of the rules of the game.
It was trained for 40 days, and by day 3, it reached the level of AlphaGo Lee, this
is above World champion level.
Around day 21, it hits the level of AlphaGo Master, which is practically unbeatable to
all human beings.
And get this, at 40 days, this version surpasses all previous AlphaGo versions and defeats
the previously published worldbeater version 100-0.
This has kept me up for several nights now and I am completely out of words.
In this version, the two neural networks are fused into one, which can be trained more
It is beautiful to see these curves as they show this neural network starting from a random
It knows the rules, but beyond that, it is completely clueless about the game itself,
and it rapidly becomes practically unbeatable.
And I left the best part for last - it uses only one single machine.
I think it is fair to say that is history unfolding before our eyes.
What a time to be alive!
Congratulations to the DeepMind team for this remarkable achievement.
And, for me, I love talking about research to a wider audience and it is a true privilege
to be able to tell these stories to you.
Thank you very much for your generous support on Patreon and making me able to spend more
and more time with what I love most.
Absolutely amazing.
And now, I know it's a bit redundant, but from muscle memory, I'll sign out the usual
Thanks for watching and for your generous support, and I'll see you next time!
For more infomation >> New DeepMind AI Beats AlphaGo 100-0 | Two Minute Papers #201 - Duration: 5:52.-------------------------------------------
Mercedes-Benz SL-Klasse 450 SL roadster - Duration: 0:52.
El mejor tema del mundo contra #Macri gato - Duration: 4:30.
Asian soles - Ai-SET Halloween sale 9 USD$!! Sexy toes (Crush) (oil sole) (stocking) (潤滑油) 美足 戀足 - Duration: 1:09.
Special 299 ! 299 ! 299 ! Not 399$
Special 299 ! 299 ! 299 ! Not 399$
Special 299 ! 299 ! 299 ! Not 399$
Institutionally Glorified Masochism - Duration: 6:35.
The final insult that religion delivers to us, the final poison it injects into our system:
It appeals both to our meanness, our self-centeredness and our solipsism and to our masochism.
In other words, it's sadomasochistic.
I'll put it like this: you're a clot of blood, you're a piece of mud, you're lucky to be
alive, God fashioned you for his convenience, even though you're born in filth and sin and
even though every religion that's ever been is distinguished principally by the idea that
we should be disgusted by our own sexuality.
Name me a religion that does not play upon that fact.
So you're lucky to be here, originally sinful and covered in shame and filth as you are,
you're a wretched creature, but take heart, the Universe is designed with you in mind
and heaven has a plan for you.
Ladies and gentlemen, I close by saying I can't believe there is a thinking person here
who does not realize that our species would begin to grow to something like its full height
if it left this childishness behind, if it emancipated itself from this sinister, childish
And I now commit you to the good Dr. McGrath. Thank you.
I preferiti di Ottobre - October 2017 favourites feat.Urban Decay, H&M, Fenty Beauty ecc. - Duration: 17:56.
>> Hi ya'll and welcome or welcome back to my channel
I's time again to share with you my monthly favourite products
October is at the end too and as usual I selected all the products that I've been loving the most
As usual I divided the products in cathegories so, if you're ready, let's get started!
Spoiler alert, the make up cathegory is the richest among all the cathegories in this video
as I loved a lot of products this month
The first one is an eyeshadow palette
as I couldn't resist buying the Urban Decay Naked heat palette
I think you all heard about it because it's very popular, it was released this year
I'll start by saying that the packaging is very 80ies in my opinion
maybe it's just me...but I like it just to be clear
and here are the eyeshadows
as you can see they are all warm shadows
some brick reds, beige and some are matt and others are shimmer
it's a great and very versatile palette as you can create many different looks, both for the day and for the night
so if you're looking for a good warm tone palette
don't miss the Naked heat, I don't know if you noticed, but this year
I only bought warm tone palettes, this one, the Anastasia Berverly Hill Modern Renaissance one
and the Huda Beauty one
and the good thing is that they are all similar, but different which means I can mix them to create
even more looks
so my first favourite is the Naked Heat palette, don't miss it, it's a good one
My second favourite is a face primer
the Fenty Beauty one, if you watched my first impressions video on Fenty Beauty
you probably noticed that I loved it straight away
mainly because it's super lightweight, it's feels like a face cream
it doesn't seem to clog the pores and it doesn't feel to sylicony
but it still creates a lovely base for the make which lasts longer too
so, since I got it, it basically became my go to primer and a tiny bit goes a long way
2 pumps are more than enough
so I had to include it in this video
My third make up favourite is the Urban Decay Quick Fix spray
it's a spray primer, but I like to use it in another way
once I applied my base I spray it on top, then I pat it in with my Beauty Blender
and I feel like it makes my skin more dewy
and it also sets my foundation and concealer
I think this is the travel size and I already used quite a bit of it
I like it and that's why I'm sharing it with you
and the last make up favourite it's something I have since quite a long time
but I fell in love with it again this month
What is it? It's Kat Von D Shade and light contour palette
The only downside is the packaging because, as you can probably see, it gets dirty very quickly
in fact it's full of fingerprints
while the good thing about this palette is that
the products are in powder which means that you can create a softer contouring, as I like it
it's quite cold toned, so if you like warm tones maybe it's not your thing
at the bottom you find the contour shades
while at the top there are 3 powders
and I use them to set and blend, for example I use this yellow one to set my undereye concealer
I use this creamy pink one to soften the contour when needed
and I use this light pink one to set my make up on the forehead and chin
All in all I think it's a great palette because you have everything you need for a good contouring
and those were my make up favourites for October, a bit more than usual or at least
they are more than all the items in the next cathegories
now let's move to the skincare where I only have one product to share.
Here we are in the skincare section
and my only skincare favourite for October is
the brazilian Bum Bum cream, I don't know if you heard about it
there was quite a lot of hype around it
so when I finally saw it in Sephora
I couldn't help buying it and I think I featured it in my last beauty haul
anyway I'm savouring it because I'm obsessed with it
I think this is the travel size, but it was the only one available so I had no choice
here it says it's a fast absorbing body cream which I 100% confirm
and it tightens and smoothes the skin which is true
I really love this cream because it's rich and silky and as I said it soaks in quickly which is always a great plus for me
it has a vanilla fragrance
which I love
I'm savouring it because I don't want to finish it as it's amazing, rich, but not heavy
it's lovely to use and leaves a nice fragrance behind and it's infused with Guaranà extracts
the name is a bit funny, because it's called BUM BUM, but you can use it on all of your body inspite of how it sounds
If you never tried it before give it a go, the brand is Sol De Janeiro, I really recommend it
The nails cathegory is back because I have a new nailpolish I fell in love with and it's
Deborah Gel Effect number ...
06 which is this deep burgundy that I have on my nails right now
and it's perfect for this time of the year, in general I love the formula of these nailpolishes
my favourite nailpolish last Summer was by the same line
so when I saw this shade I knew I had to have it and in fact I'm obsessed
it's a classic color, but the formula makes it look shiny and more intense
I suggest you to try these nailpolishes because the quality/price ratio is amazing
and you can usually find it in supermarkets too
Let's end the nailpolish cathegory and let's move to the clothes
Once again I have only one piece to share, that's unbelievable I know
even if to be honest it's not that strange as I already placed a few new fall/winter orders
but I haven't received them yet
and the only thing I previously bought for Fall it's also my October favourite one
and it's this floral dress by...z...H&M, I was going to say Zara, but no, it's definitely H&M
I love it because it has a 40ies vibe
it's shiny, I love the print, because it's autumnal, but not too much
it's light weight, but I can totally see me wearing it in Winter too
with some thick tights and a chunky cardi
it has these cute bottons on the shoulders and the sleeves are flowy just like the skirt
it has a great fit because it's tight where it needs to be and flowy in the areas I dn't like to show too much
and that's why I love it
I hope it's available online, I haven't checked it
if it is I'll link it on my blog and the link to my post is in the downbar
you will find the link to all the products available online so if you like something
check my blog and while you are there subscribe if you haven't yet in order not to miss any of my weekly posts
and so the clothes section is over too
let's move to the accessories!
My favourite accessories in October are from my own range
in case you don't know each wednesday on my blog I share with you my new accessories
which means there are new sets every week and for Halloween I created some themed ones
if you missed them I'm going to show them now because
I love how they turned out
I created 3 earrings and a ring, the earrings are in the shape of a vampire mouth
with the vampired fangs and the ring is matching, here it is!
then of course I created some pumpkins earrings
and some with tiny ghosts
I used the shrinking plastic technique so they are in thick plastic and I love them
so I wanted to share them with you again as I think they would look great all year around, not just for Halloween
brilliant, I'm trying to be quick, so let's move to the shoes cathegory
H&M is really killing the shoe game lately
I always hated their shoes, but the last two pairs I bought are all by H&M and I'm obsessed with them
which means that, as you may have guessed, my October favourite shoes are by H&M too
here they are, these faux suede, soft, black loafers
which impressed me because H&M shoes used to be super cheap and uncomfortable
while these are super comfy, they have a low heel
I love to wear them with trousers, jeans and in general with casual outfits
and I wore them a lot because they are comfy, easy to pair and non expensive as they are by H&M
as usual I don't remember the price, but head over to my blog to know more
so these were my October favourite shoes
and just like that we reached the last cathegory of the video, the books one
Ladies and Gentlemen it's official, I love Alice Basso
I don't know if you remember, but in one of my past favourites videos
I recommended her first novel called "l'imprevedibile piano della scrittrice senza nome"
and I said that I wished there was a sequel because I loved it so much
I later found out that not only there was a sequel but 2 more books, so it's a trilogy
I bought both of them straight away and I finished the second one and I'm still in love with the story
the second book is called "scrivere è un mestiere pericoloso"
the main character is always the same, Vani Sarca,
who works as a ghostwriter and she is a great one as she can easily enter in other people's heads
which helps her in her work and it's also very usefull in her everyday life
because she can always understand people and even manipulate them
this talent also led her, in the previous book, to start cooperating with the police
and more precisely with agent Berganza, a charming man who could easily be the protagonist of a vintage crime novel,
with his trench coat and his experienced face, he is a charming 50 years old man
He is back in this novel with Vani Sarca as once again her work as a writer
leads her in the center of a mistery to unfold linked to a very famous
family of fashion designers from Turin so there's another mystery to unfold which makes this books a crime novel
but a very ironic one and Vani Sarca character is amazing
she is a gloomy girl, always dressed in black, she is super smart, but very asocial
I love Berganza character a lot too and in this book they get along very well, I won't say more
so if you like catching books, with a fresh and uncommon writing style
you can't miss Alice Basso's works, I just started the third book and I'm loving it so far
so I trurly recommend it
et voilà, we reached the end of this video, as usual
I hope that my suggestions will be somehow helpful to you
if you like some of the products featured you can know more about them
by visiting my blog where you'll find all the links
and of course the link to my blogpost is in the downbar
if you liked this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up so that I will know it
and if you haven't yet subscribe to my channel in order not to miss any new video
if you want you can also click on the bell icon in order to be notified each time I upload a new vido
VIDEO!! LOL vido!!
in order not to miss any of them
ok, that's it for today, I send you a big kiss and I'll see you in my next one, ciao!!
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Stronghold 2: Steam Edition - How (Not) To Play - Duration: 11:25.
it's gonna go down as like the worst multiplayer game ever.
How Not to Play
Hello and welcome to another Firefly Studios video in which we'll be taking
you through the multiplayer portion of Stronghold 2: Steam Edition.
I have today with me producer Paul. How you doing, Paul? You ready for the 1v1? You ready to win?
He's gonna win. We'll be didn't taking you through the multiplayer portion of the game
which was restored to during the Steam Edition, and before we get started it would make Paul here very
happy if you would subscribe to Firefly Studios on YouTube for more Stronghold content
every Thursday at 3 p.m. and occasionally another video if we have time
Idiot's guide to setting up a multiplayer game.
Not that I'm saying anyone's an idiot here apart from me.
He does have fantastic hair, doesn't he, Sir William. I think they're mean well I mean
Nick: You've got great hair. Paul: I haven't got great hair, I need a hair cut.
Let's go. So multiplayer brings up a list of all the Steam games that are currently in there.
You can see the lock symbols because you can password protect your game.
So I'm gonna host a game called 'PAUL AND NICK'.
I'm gonna set a password
which I was about to read out to everybody
I guess it doesn't matter because it's not a live stream.
I'm gonna use a highly classified password or 'Firefly'
Which game are you playing, Paul? for you not Jaime Lannister playing 'Breaker of Chains'?
What was the password?
So Nick, we're gonna play 'Shipwrecked' cause it's two player game and let's face it, we need a small map.
We've only got like an hour and 15 minutes.
What you can do is you can set the starting booths.
Nick: Be generous. Paul: I am totally generous.
And if you click your 'Ready' symbol. Yep.
And just to mention, this is the icon where you can add your Steam friends to the list.
I don't want to click that because it will reveal all of my exceeding number of friends and I don't want to brag.
Let's start the action.
Aaron: What are your strategies? Paul: Strategy?
Well, at the moment ...
I've mistakenly chosen a hovel instead of the granary, which is what I was actually looking for.
It's pretty satisfying being able to see inside you keep.
Nice new tablecloth in my keep as well that I've noticed but no one will.
It is new.
Oh look at that, a nice little hunters hut under the trees. I like that.
I do need a new hovel though. One thing I've not really mentioned in many videos is that Stronghold 2,
cause it was back in the day, used the old left-click-left-click system whereas this is using the modern
right-click system which we added into into the Steam Edition but there is an option in the menu
to actually switch back to the left-click-left-click system if people would like it. I'd say that's a feature.
Should I go and add it to the Steam page?
What's going on? I don't like this.
Paul: Is this your best plan? Nick: It's a plan.
Actually, I shouldn't really discount this plan.
How do I get my guys on top of the keep?
No, not the keep. Why am I doing that? Oh no, look. Gong, the most dangerous thing in the game.
Nick's seen enough, I don't think we'll have any problems from him now.
Is he up to stuff?
I killed one of your cows.
It was worth it just for that one.
I've got disease in my place already?
Nick's got a serious gong problem.
Yeah, exactly. Gong will get you. It won't be me that kills you, it'll be gong, I promise you.
I don't know what my people will eat. I genuinely don't know what my people are eating because all they've got
is apples, some dairy and vegetables. That seems to me like a fairly well rounded diet.
Is that what you normally eat?
It's quite sophisticated these days, apple and cheese. Nice.
A bit of wine.
A bit of beef carpaccio on the side. Nice. Rather nice.
Mercenary post time.
What have I done with my archers?
Oh wow, there's a whale. I saw a whale in the water.
I see what you're up to, you sly bastard.
No, I'm watching a whale. I'm whale watching, that's what I'm doing.
Everybody knows they are so annoying.
Oh you are just a scumbag.
I think we may loose a few subscribers there.
Oh no, run away. Run away!
This is turning into a series of small proxy wars.
I must have a goddamn defense for this terrible tactic.
Terrible tactic that just killed a bunch of your dudes. Just to point that out.
We're just chilling here, watching whales.
I can't believe I fell for that terribly cheap tactic.
I was just trying to bring some excitement into the early game by murdering all your villagers.
Yeah, this is the annoying thing that happens.
They're going off into the wrong direction. Where are you guys going?
This is so annoying.
Go on get him, lads.
This is like the Mongolian hordes terrorizing ... Aaron: All four of them.
All four of them. The Mongolian horde of four.
I mean, this isn't gonna win me the game but I feel pretty great about it.
They're hiding in the forest, shooting at young villagers. I'm going to take out a cow.
There's a mistake. Oh yes.
We're gonna kill some more innocent peasants.
Right, lost cause. Let's go back to the actual castle building, which is what I'm supposed to be doing.
Not so much fun now, is it?
It's still quite fun.
What did I lose? Everything.
What have I lost? Everything.
Oh, you destroyed my granary, does that mean I've got no food?
That means I've got no food? Zero food? All my food's gone?
I've made the classic mistake of not getting ox carts.
What a div, what a div.
Keep him out.
We don't need trade, we don't need contact with the outside world.
Yeah we do.
But in this particular game we don't. And you've been walled off, my friend.
Nice, so if I had any stone I'd do the same thing to you.
I'm just delaying the inevitable, but just keep building walls. Good luck getting around that, fellas.
Yep, I'm in.
You're not wrong.
Come this way, guys. Come away from the castle.
My god, they've got a lot of armour.
Where is your lord?
Haha, where is my lord?
Can I tell where your lord is by pushing L? Oh no, unfortunately not.
I'll go to the top of your castle to get a better sight.
Can I lock him in?
Oh, I think I can win by taking your castle. I think I'm gonna win.
Forgot about that.
It's to stop people from just wandering off with their lords.
So Paul has showed us how to play Stronghold,
I've showed you how to rush in the first three minutes and then build walls around bridges.
Don't forget to like, share and subscribe.
There was some wall around the bridge.
There may have been a hole in the wall but there was still a wall near the bridge.
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Ako vymeniť ložisko zadného kolesa na MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 NÁVOD | AUTODOC - Duration: 26:43.
Use a socket №18
Use a combination spanner №18
Use a torx №T30
Use a socket №32
Use an end bit №10 and an open-end wrench №18
Use a socket №16 and an open-end wrench №16
Use a torx №M12 and a open-end wrench №18
Use a socket №E18 and a combination spanner №18
Use a socket №E18 and a combination spanner №18
Use an end bit №10 and an open-end wrench №21
Use a socket №8
Use a socket №E12
Press in the hub using a hydraulic press
Kawasaki Ninja 400, mehr Hubraum – mehr SuperSport? | Motorrad Nachrichten - Duration: 4:34.
le plus petit pacemaker du monde qui s'implante sans chirurgie - Duration: 8:01.
Voici ce qui arrive à votre corps en mangeant 2 œufs par jour… Vous serez surpris !! - Duration: 5:58.
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Jaguar F-Pace 2.0D R-Sport AWD Automaat Black Pack Navi/Camara/Keyless/20inch/Schuifdak - Duration: 0:54.
Fiat Scudo 1.9D LANG DC Praktische 6 PERS. NIEUWSTAAT ... NL auto - Duration: 0:57.
Eros Ramazzotti, compleanno d'amore con Marica Pellegrinelli - Duration: 1:47.
Kevin Spacey, accusé d'agression sexuelle, répond et fait son coming out - Duration: 5:16.
Trailer - Duration: 2:12.
♪Theme Music Plays♪
*Gun fire back and forth at each other*
Oh shit!
I can lose both my wings too, look.
Like if I fly close enough to a building I can lose one entire wing.
This is the fourth time I am trying.
Ah fuck!
Can't sprint for shit!
*Zombie screeching/wheezing*
*Thuds of pistol whip*
Ope, mother fucker!
Oh fuck you!
*Toddler yelling in background "Hey, let me out of here!"*
Ooh, more cancerous streaming.
Zombie switch.
*Anthony laughing hysterically*
Fuck you Anthony!
Fuck you!
*Anthony continues laughing*
Fucking ass hole!
*More laughing*
Come out of the room.
You are a fucking pillar!
*Gunshot and zombie growls*
*More gunshots*
*Louis thinks to himself, "What the fuck dude!?"*
*More gunshots*
There's something that tells me they're all in that room.
*I think to my self while editing, "No shit Sherlock"*
*Silenced gunshots*
We'll call it 'Horny Clusterfuck'*
*Awwww good puppy*
No idea what that means, but cool.
♪Outro music plays♪
#DrumAndBass / A-Delight - Enderman / NFBmusic - Duration: 4:22.
A-Delight - Enderman / NFBmusic
Nantes en Bretagne ? (avec Istoerioù Breizh) - Duration: 15:13.
Les chauves-souris sont excellentes pour l'environnement - Duration: 0:56.
4-Year-Old Lost Child 'Kimber' Looking For Parents : Plano, Texas (Family Found) - Duration: 1:19.
Hi, I'm Heathcliff and this is Lions Ground.
Plano Police ask for help.
They are searching for the parents of this girl, a 4-year-old girl was found today by
Plano residents, Texas.
The name of this girl is Kimber, according to the police.
Plano residents found Kimber only between Legacy Drive and Chase Oaks Boulevard.
"Legacy is a busy road.
There are a lot of apartments and businesses in this area," said Plano Police Officer
David Tilley.
"It's not uncommon for children to wander out of the home while the parents are sleeping,"
said Officer Tilley.
"When they wake up, they will typically call us.
That's what we are hoping happens here."
Do you know this girl, call the Plano Police Department.
Phone number is in the video description.
Fortunately, the child is in safe hands.
Now waiting for the parents.
She was taken to a child advocacy center by Child Protective Services.
To watch more of my video click the videos on the screen.
Thank you for watching.
I'll see in the next video.
I'm Heathcliff, your host,
Hello it's Halloween | Videos For Kids | Halloween Nursery Rhymes For Babies by Farmees - Duration: 2:29.
Hello Farmees its halloween
Watch out for the monsters
Watch out..
The monsters around if your all alone give your friends a shout...
The ghosts on the spooks coming out of the nooks as a door bell ring can u here them sing..
Hello It's Halloween
Hello It's Halloween
Hello It's Halloween
Hello It's Halloween
The air is cool and the moon is full turn on the light before the vampire bite
The witches is a cooking the zombies are looking as your door bell ring can you hear them sing...
Hello It's Halloween
Hello It's Halloween
Hello It's Halloween
Hello It's Halloween
Watch out
The monsters around if your all alone give your friends a shout...
The vampires flying and the werewolf's hunting as your door bell ring can you hear them sing...
The air is cool and the moon is full turn on the light before the vampire bite
The witches is a cooking the zombies are looking as your door bell ring can you hear them sing...
Hello It's Halloween
Hello It's Halloween
Hello It's Halloween
Hello It's Halloween
[Dockie Week] Lundi - Configurez la vitesse d'affichage - Duration: 2:14.
Kevin Spacey fait son coming-out et s'excuse pour des avances faites à un acteur mineur - Duration: 2:26.
Kevin Spacey, accusé d'avoir fait des avances à un mineur, s'excuse - Duration: 3:27.
8 Exercises To Fit Around Your Day | Strength And Conditioning For Triathlon - Duration: 5:20.
- Strength and conditioning exercises can not only
make you stronger, but also help keep you injury-free
and therefore, make you a better athlete,
so we've put together a few simple exercises
you could fit around your day.
(upbeat music)
This exercise predominantly works your glute muscles
and helps get them firing and functioning properly.
Now, your glutes are needed for cycling and swimming,
but they can be prone to switching off slightly
and your hamstrings overcompensating for that weakness.
Now, basically, all you need is some floor space,
you can do it whilst watching the television, for example.
Now, whilst lying on your back with your knees bent,
you need to make sure you start by squeezing your glutes
and then, just lift your hips up towards the ceiling,
keeping your glutes firing the whole way through
and then, lower down again gently.
If you find that really easy and you're ready to progress,
you can take it to doing it with one leg,
make sure your hips stay level as you go up
and then, lowering back down again.
(upbeat music)
This is a simple exercise and, as a result,
can be done pretty much anywhere.
So, you could multitask, maybe doing it whilst
you're doing the washing up or on the train
on your commute to work.
To progress it slightly, you can maybe hold at the top
to really get those calves firing
and then, lower down really slowly
or even move it up to one leg at a time
and then, if you did want to increase the range of movement,
maybe do it on the edge of a step so you can drop your heel
down that much lower.
(upbeat music)
This is another exercise you can do in front of the TV
and all you need is a bench or a chair
with a firm edge and a little bit of space for your legs.
Now, as the exercise says, it predominantly works
you triceps, but also uses the rest
of your shoulder muscles.
Basically, all you need to do is lower your body down
with your elbows pointing backwards.
To make it easier, you can do it with your knees bent.
If you want to make it harder, just move your feet
slightly further away and have your knees straight.
(upbeat music)
This is an easy exercise to fit into your day.
You can maybe do it whilst lying in bed in the morning,
having a cup of tea, or just before you go to sleep.
You need to be lying on your side with your hips
parallel to the wall in front of you
with your knees roughly to a 90 degree bend
and then, keeping your feet touching,
all you need to do is lift your knee up towards the ceiling,
keeping your hips level, and then, lowering it back down.
It's particularly good for activating glute mead,
which sometimes can be prone to switching off
or having an imbalance.
(upbeat music)
If you're prone to having shin splints
or injuries that result from weak ankles,
then this is the exercise for you.
All you need is a TheraBand
and then, something to attach it to at ground level.
From this position, you just need to move your foot inwards
toward the other in a motion like this
and then, turn around, face the other way,
so you're moving your foot outwards
like you would with that one.
Just make sure you do the same with both ankles.
It's a great exercise to be able to multitask,
for example, you're sat still, you could maybe
be on the phone whilst doing this.
(upbeat music)
This exercise is pretty specific to swimming
and it's great for strengthening,
but you can also use it for a warmup if you're
about to head to the pool.
All you need is a TheraBand and then,
something to attach it to.
Just try and find something that's roughly at hip height.
If you do want to do a door handle,
just make sure there's no one else around
or on the other side and then, from this,
you just need to find a position that gives you
the right amount of resistance on the band
and you can work on the front part of your stroke,
the middle part of your stroke,
or the final back part of your stroke.
If you've got a really loose band,
you might be able to do it with both hands.
(upbeat music)
The squat is a key exercise and it's one that targets
the major leg muscle groups, such as your glutes,
your quads, and your hamstrings.
Doing a double leg squat is useful,
but if you can progress it to a single leg squat,
then it becomes even more specific
to helping you with your running.
Now, the key being making sure you keep your hips level
and you have really good alignment whilst doing
a single leg squat, so trying to do it in front
of a mirror is a great help.
This is an exercise that's useful to do every day,
if possible, so maybe try and do it when you're
cleaning your teeth, something that you can
just fit into your daily routine.
(upbeat music)
Working your core is essential, as having a strong core
will make you more efficient in all three sports.
Now, there are several exercises out there,
but the plank is straightforward.
Basically, to start, all you need to do
is have your forearms on the ground and your toes
and lift your hips up, concentrating on keeping
a straight line from your head and shoulders
through to your heels.
Now, in this position, you can always use it
to catch of on things on your phone, reading some emails,
and it's a good distraction when you start to shake.
If you find this easy and you want to progress it,
you can move to taking one foot off the ground and a time
or even moving into a side plank.
(upbeat music)
You don't need to do all of these exercises every day,
just pick on the few that work on your weaknesses
and remember, just concentrate on having good form.
A little bit of time invested now
should help you see a longterm benefit
in your overall performance.
If you've enjoyed this, give it a thumbs up like
and to subscribe, just click on the globe,
and if you want to watch a video on triathlon training tips,
just click over here,
and for a video on how to balance working
with triathlon training by professional triathlete,
Peter Hemrick, click down here.
San Holo - I Still See Your Face (Lyrics / Lyric Video) neutral remix - Duration: 3:03.
Can't deny I still see your face
Even though things fall into place
Out of sight, I still see your face
There's no truth in these dreams I chase
I still see your face
Out of sight, I still see your face
There's no truth in these dreams I chase
Can't deny I still see your face
Even though things fall into place
Out of sight, I still see your face
There's no truth in these dreams I chase
I still see your face
Even though things fall into place
Out of sight, I still see your face
There's no truth in these dreams I chase
I still see your face
Can't deny I still see your face
Even though things fall into place
Out of sight, I still see your face
There's no truth in these dreams I chase
Can't deny I still see your face
Even though things fall into place
Out of sight, I still see your face
There's no truth in these dreams I chase
I still see your face
Even though things fall into place
Out of sight, I still see your face
There's no truth in these dreams I chase
I still see your face
Can't deny I still see your face
Even though things fall into place
Out of sight, I still see your face
There's no truth in these dreams I chase
Can't deny I still see your face
Even though things fall into place
Out of sight, I still see your face
There's no truth in these dreams I chase
Les signes alarmants que vous avez trop de sucres dans le corps ! - France 365 - Duration: 5:01.
vidio başına intro koyma - Duration: 3:01.
Dialogue d'ombres (Straub-Huillet, 2013) - Duration: 28:00.
And because Sebastian once reported to me
that he'd seen a linnet at a Cantor's house in Halle which,
through the skilled instruction of its teacher, did particularly well in singing,
our cousin had written to Halle to beg this Cantor
to let us have his singer for a cheap payment.
And once, since I suddenly felt very unwell
while Sebastian was in Berlin visiting Emanuel,
and it was not known whether the violent agitation of his blood
would give rise to an insidious fever or some other evil consequence,
our cousin had to write to Sebastian several times,
and disturb him in his peace and contentment,
so that he might hasten his journey.
Bach. Cantata 140. When are you coming, my salvation?
I come, your portion.
I wait with burning oil.
Dialogue of Shadows by Georges Bernanos, 1928.
Françoise, I believe in you, as I have never believed in anyone in the world.
I believe you.
I believe in you even more than I love you,
out of a kind of necessity,
a movement of my being as strong, as spontaneous as the survival instinct.
I depend on you, I belong to you.
Either my life means nothing, or it has its sense in you.
Supposing the soul exists and He gave me one,
if I lose you, I'd then have carried it in vain, through so many empty years.
Who knows? Who can know?
I'll know it.
Me too, I depend on you! I depend on you entirely. Yes, Jacques,
you hope for something you'll never get from me or anyone else,
and yet you hope for it.
For myself, I don't hope for anything.
O my darling, don't be in a hurry to pity me.
One can do without hope if one has a heart strong enough
and quick enough to grab one's happiness
on the wing,
and exhaust it in a single stroke.
Don't spare me. Don't ever spare me. You love me, everything's fine,
everything's beautiful, everything's sacred, nothing's in vain -- no, nothing's in vain!
Nothing can be torn from a heart like yours. But I'll soothe it, I swear,
I'll give it rest. Have confidence in me.
''Rest.'' O Jacques, don't speak to me of rest. I know what it is.
Love doesn't console, my friend, it's incapable of consoling;
one should demand of it only what's extreme,
because it's without rule and without measure,
like you.
So don't try. Don't pain yourself further.
If it gives you anything, it'll give you what you ask for,
everything. That's what's our concern.
I have no idea of God, I don't want to have one.
If I find Him ever,
it would be in destitution so absolute, in a depth of despair so perfect,
that I dare not even imagine it,
and I think I'd detest Him.
I'm not this person you imagine, I'm not this romantic girl,
a heroine from your novels. Your novels! I can't read them anymore.
I've already had enough of your future lies.
And you know what else makes me proud?
It's that I'm sure, I absolutely can't doubt, that happy or unhappy,
whatever happens, you'll not be able to put our love in a book,
You'll have the right to despise me, once you no longer love me.
How dare you even pronounce the word ''despise''?
''Despise'' you? Who am I to despise you?
Ah, my opinion of my books is the same as yours,
I can't re-read them without shame.
I'm free, Françoise. We'll be free tomorrow.
I'll marry you. I want to.
No. If you insist on this promise, I'll not go with you.
It's beyond my power to accept from you more than I can give.
You speak from pride, Françoise.
Yes, I spoke from pride, I think.
And also because I can't stop challenging things,
because I'm crazy, because I love you...
You'll see me in your arms, against your heart, all yours,
to do with as you like, body and soul.
This is pride too, Françoise.
Don't persecute me.
It's useless to tear oneself apart! How I pity your soul!
Let me, let me! I think I'll so exhaust misfortune this way,
that I'll be reborn from it.
Why when I was four did they bring me here,
- four years old, poor little girl! Far from my country, far my people,
far from the past of our entire race,
like a foundling, like a slave?
I have down there in the Veneto an uncle still, it appears,
some cousins, old friends, what do I know?
There's not a history of our republic where I don't read our name almost on every page.
Yet never would my father say a word in front me
that'd let me break the silence, so much more awful than exile!
Because he disowned all his people.
He think himself quits with them, with me, with everyone. He owes nothing.
One doesn't exhaust misfortune, my love, one forgets it. You don't want to forget it.
This evening less than ever!
The past can corrupt everything. It corrupts everything.
And I'm being reborn. I tell you, Jacques, my love, you don't understand.
The stories of persecuted daughters, ferocious fathers and domestic tyranny
have the smell of a bad novel, it's very stupid.
Yes, it's stupid.
And I'm also ridiculed for being foreign, noble, an orphan,
for living in a chateau lost in the country,
and I'm in the hands of a great hypocondriac lord who looks like Chateaubriand's father.
What do you want me to do about it? Have I chosen this decor? I hate it.
Don't take pains to hate what you'll leave tomorrow.
I hate it, I've hated it in silence.
No one suspects.
I've suffered here without tears, simply, as simply as I could,
and God know what this simplicity has cost me!
Jacques, if you hadn't come,
I think it would have devoured, one by one, all my heart's forces.
To whom would you have made this sacrifice?
Ah, Françoise, I'm quite right to say you're a religious soul.
Nothing attracts you. Nothing tempts you.
You have to have possessed before desiring.
Yes, in the desire people sadly live and die in, you'll never find any relief, any peace.
If there's one chance in a thousand that God exists,
that's enough: one shouldn't tempt God.
There's not one chance in a thousand. It's me I'm tempting, Jacques,
not God.
It comes to the same thing.
I'll not lie, Françoise: I understand perfectly
how childish such a challenge is, just a childish dream,
when it's cruel, it isn't cruel halfway. It you, it's you you detest, my darling!
It's against what you have that's most precious, most painful, most vulnerable too
-- your pride.
It's against your pride that you're taking your horrible revenge.
You're a little saint, Françoise, that's the word. You're a little saint,
except your sanctity has no object. It's without knowledge and without object,
like my sadness which matches so closely your own,
though its source is so impure that I'm ashamed to name it in front of you
and the most mediocre of all,
the debauchery of the man of letters,
of a dealer in imaginary stories.
Don't seek an excuse for me. I have none but boredom.
No one, I think, has been as bored as I;
it's through boredom that I know I have a soul.
At least I've done each time what I had to
to put it back to sleep as soon as boredom awoke it.
Whereas you, dear little fool,
you provoke your soul ceaselessly, you allow it no rest,
like a lion tamer with his forks and his whip,
and your soul will end up eating you.
What an idea you have there!
Listen to me! Listen to me a minute more.
We're crazy. We're two crazy people.
You're in the shadow of an immense wing which is going to close over us.
We admit the role of boredom, vice, even despair: we don't admit pride's role.
Nasty, how nasty you are.
Don't despise me too quickly, Françoise!
I came to you like a man who's lost his life,
who feels only boredom without remorse, who lost life without knowing where.
But I met you. Do you think I could believe,
a single instant, that you were a young girl like the others?
Had I the right to ask of you what a lover who's 20 asks?
Had I the right to ask anything?
I saw only my sadness, my own sadness, which lifted in your calm eyes.
I expected from you only pity, lucid, divining,
which in you takes the place of experience,
that presentment of another's pain so fatal, so tearing, that it surpasses all poetry.
Accept now to be my wife. Promise me at least that you'll accept one day.
Don't demand impossible things.
O, this isn't a caprice, cruel or not.
I'll be your mistress, Jacques my dear, I'll be only your mistress,
I'll be yours at a word, at a sign, I belong only to you.
What more is needed?
But I shall not be your wife. I shall not bear your name.
Saints, have nothing but day by day,
but they hope for eternal goods, their account is in order on the books of Paradise.
May I be poorer than the poverty of the saints!
I'll receive from you, from your good will, from your dear pity,
each year, each month, each week, each morning of my humble life.
Ah, each night passed in time, oblivion, satiety,
the opinion of the world, all the forces that oppress me and that I hate.
You were saying it, you said it, I confess it:
alas! where does this pride come from that I can't tear out?
I shall tear it out!
Where does this hideous taste come from for a perfection impossible, inhuman,
for renunciation, for martyrdom? I shall smother it.
If it's in my soul, angel or beast, I can't put up with it much longer.
Angel or beast, believe me, Françoise, it always gets the better of us.
It's not as true as you say.
Surely, I've no idea of God, nor the least curiosity about Him.
I suppose they've deified their fear of death,
or whatever.
What's that matter to us? We don't fear death.
I fear it, I fear only it.
Then you fear nothing.
What will you ever know about it, my dear?
A minute of anguish, very alive...
No, I can't believe in God, or in souls,
but I do believe in a certain principle in me
that wounds me, that usurps my will or seeks to suborn me by ruse.
Ah, when you accuse me of contradicting myself and tearing myself apart in vain,
it's against it that I'm struggling,
if I often look reckless or crazy to you,
it's because I struggle blindly,
for I only discover this enemy little by little, from its attacks on me.
Yes, I discover little by little
its strength, and the duplicity of its strength.
Even so, I can call it by its name:
it's pride, Jacques. Pride, but not mine.
Is it only pride, Françoise, so lucid an anger?
O you don't know what it's like to be oppressed one's race,
enslaved, crushed!
You've occasionally seen my father, for two months now.
It's quite enough to see and hear him one moment -
that look of us, an inexplicable contradiction both dreamy and hard,
marked with perpendicular wrinkles,
impassive even when he laughs,
that haughty chin,
that way of turning his shoulders a little while raising his brow,
just like a man who refuses to choose sides
who runs away,
who feels in advance he owes nothing for the mishaps and idiocies of his kind,
with compassion that's insolent, more insolent than contempt.
Never have I had an opinion, advice or order from him that wasn't given grudgingly.
Some politeness is glacial:
his hasn't even the coldness that hurts.
I swear everything's labeled, everything's in place in his life, though solitary
and so secret: the worst malice can't bite into it.
My mother died six months after my birth, in full youth,
in full beauty, and he told me one day she was simple and perfect...
Well, you can't find a single portrait of her in his apartment,
nor - I'm sure - in the bottom of his drawers.
But you'll go so far away with me, you'll never encounter him again.
My God! May you be speaking truly, Jacques.
You desire so much I speak truly, my poor friend?
There're other poor girls like me, all over the world,
who feel on their backs a weight just as heavy,
although they're not titled or noble:
there's the scruples, the integrity, the virtue stiff and domestic
of grandmothers and great-grandmothers,
of a line of women irreproachable, obscure, tenaciously good,
both wise and ingenuous,
always ready to forget themselves, to renounce, to sacrifice,
raging to sacrifice themselves.
Sacrifice myself to what, say I.
They were pious, no doubt, feared God, hell, sin,
believed in angels,
resisted temptation, overcame them.
They've carried away their piety, left me only their wisdom.
What can I do with their wisdom?
It's not me, it's you who'll get the better of my soul...
A soul, you see, is a big word. It's not so terrible as one supposes.
Subtitles: Tag Gallagher
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