-Give it up for our resident science expert,
Kevin Delaney, ladies and gentlemen!
Kevin, good to see you. -Thank you, buddy.
-Congratulations on the second season of "Street Science."
-Oh, thanks. -What is happening
in this season, season two?
-Oh, we're going bigger. We're blowing up all kinds of stuff.
We're crashing cars, dropping cars,
chemistry, all kinds of cool stuff,
if you're into that sort of thing.
-Oh, yeah, I'm into it.
You always bring something cool to do.
This is a Halloween-themed -- -Right.
-Some science experiments.
What is the first one you got for us?
-It's a spooky time, so spooky stuff.
-It's spooky, spooky. -So, we've got some dry ice.
So, this is what we're gonna do. We're gonna make some bubbles.
But we're gonna make bubbles filled with dry ice.
Now, dry ice is just solid carbon-dioxide gas, right?
So I'm gonna drop it in.
And you're gonna see that it makes that fun vapor.
You know, dry ice is great to use at Halloween
if you want to get that foggy effect.
And that fog is just a little bit of CO2 and some water vapor.
So there you go. -Carbon dioxide and water vapor.
-And water vapor. Yeah, there you go.
So, once it sublimates,
which is transferring from a solid to a gas --
-I know what sublimates means. -I know you know.
I'm just telling for the benefit of our friends in TV land.
-Yeah, I know. Yeah, of course.
Please. I'm Mister Sublimates.
-Right. So now this is what we're gonna do.
You got your glove on? Okay, great.
So I'm gonna just put this over here.
And I've got my vapor coming out here.
Now I'm just gonna dip this in, and we get --
There you go.
There you go!
So, carbon dioxide is heavier than air,
so the bubbles don't really float.
They just kind of...flop. -That's so cool! Come on!
-Yeah, it's pretty fun. There you go.
-Ghost bubbles! -There you go. Ghost bubbles.
All right. So now we got some more stuff.
So come on over here. -All right, buddy.
-I'm gonna go into the pumpkin booth.
And then I'll see you in a second.
-No. Seriously? -Yeah.
So you stay out there. You want to go over there.
-This was a punishment that happened to me when I was a child.
They used to put me in the pumpkin booth.
-Here we go. Okay.
What we're gonna do here is -- You like jack-o'-lanterns?
-Jack-o'-lanterns are a lot of fun.
But after a while --
After Halloween's over, they get kind of nasty, right?
-Yeah, sure. -And the last thing anyone wants
is a rotten, hollow orange pumpkin
sitting around for -- I don't know --
four years, eight years, however long it's gonna be.
So you want to get rid of it, right?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah. -So what we're gonna do is --
We're actually using the same stuff.
We got dry ice... -Okay.
-...and water. And we're going to put it in the bottle.
But this time, instead of making bubbles,
we're gonna pressurize it by putting the cap on.
-Now, why are you behind there? Is everything okay?
I'm gonna get you out of there, sweetie!
-I believe you, man. I believe you, baby.
Okay. All right.
So now I'm gonna pour this water in here.
-You're innocent, baby! You're innocent!
I'm getting you out!
-[ Laughs ] All right. So, the water's gonna go in.
And now our bottle's filling with vapor,
and we're gonna pressurize that vapor, put the cap on.
-Oh, no. -Put the bottle in the pumpkin
and get rid of the pumpkin.
-Now, do not -- do not try this at home.
-Do not try this at home.
And you're gonna want to cover your ears, too.
You definitely don't want to try this at home.
-Wait. Everyone just did it immediately?
You didn't even wait for me.
-Hang on a second. Let me get my glove off.
-No problem. Yep. -All right. Here we go.
-All right.
All right. Here we go. -There we go.
Okay, all right. Kevin, get out of there!
-Now I'm getting out. -All right. So now what happens?
-So right now, all that pressure's
gonna build up inside of the bottle,
and eventually it's gonna push against the walls of the bottle.
And the bottle's going to probably fail and --
Well, we'll see what happens.
Are you ready? -Yeah.
-So keep an eye on the top of that bottle.
-Oh, no! It's close!
-If it starts to -- Cover your ears, everybody.
Ready? Here we go.
[ Drumroll ]
[ Laughter ]
[ Audience screams, laughs ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Trick or treat! Trick or treat!
You all right? You all right?
Anything you want, Jimmy?
-I have a th-- -Wow!
What was that?! Look at it! Look what happened!
[ Applause ]
-Don't do this with your pumpkins at home.
-No. Do not do this at home.
Can we see that again in slow motion?
-Oh, look at that jack-o'-lantern.
-Oh, my gosh! -Pretty good. Pretty good.
Now, you all right? You're all right?
You were -- You were holding yourself a little bit.
-Don't worry. We have a thing for that.
-Wow, wow, wow, wow! -All right.
-Wow! -All right, you okay?
-Yeah. -You need to clean up?
-I need a little clean-up. -I got something over here.
Come on over. -Okay. Very good.
-Okay. So, uh, trick or treat? You like a trick?
-I love a trick.
-You ever prank somebody by, like, TP'ing their house?
-Never, would I ever! No!
[ Cheers and applause ]
-They look very excited.
Well, hang on a second. Hang on a second.
Okay. Yeah, okay.
So, the problem is, like, you have to throw the paper,
and then, you know, it takes a while.
And then the dog starts barking,
the neighbor comes out. -It's time-consuming.
-And then before you -- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-That's the only problem I have with it.
-So, what you want to do is you want to --
you want to use Bernoulli's principle.
Are you familiar with Bernoulli's principle?
-My principal -- Principal Bernoulli.
Yeah, of course. He -- I love the man.
-Aerodynamic principle. -Yeah.
-So, the Bernoulli principle
is one of the main things that keeps airplanes in the air.
So, Bernoulli said
that when fast-moving air moves over a surface,
it creates an area of low pressure
that allows lift to come up.
High pressure pushes up here
'cause there's low pressure here.
So if you blow across the top of the paper towel...
-[ Blowing ]
-...you're lifting the paper towel.
-[ Blows ] We get it. Yeah, okay, yeah.
-I'm out of breath. [ Coughs ]
-You okay? -A little winded, yeah.
-A lot of wind, yeah.
So now we've got some leaf blowers to do the work for you.
The "Street Science" team put together --
We have over 100 rolls of streamers and paper towels here.
[ Cheers and applause ]
So we're gonna decorate the studio for Halloween.
-Let's TP the studio! -Are you all ready?
All y'all ready?
[ Cheers and applause ]
All right. All right.
And our cart has wheels on it,
so we can aim it at the audience.
-Oh, interesting. Ah, fun.
-One, two, three! Leaf blowers!
-[ Laughs ] Yeah!
Ohh! Nice! Right there! Hey!
[ Laughs ]
[ Laughter ]
-We got it all the way in the back.
-Look at the Roots right there. Oh, my God.
-And the Roots. Great. -Look at the crowd.
Give it up, ladies and gentlemen.
Give it up for Kevin Delaney, everybody!
For more infomation >> Halloween Science Experiments with Kevin Delaney - Duration: 7:00.-------------------------------------------
Hashtags: #DogHalloweenCostumes - Duration: 3:41.
-Now, I thought I'd share some of my favorite
dog Halloween costumes from you guys.
Here we go. This first one's from
Her dog costume is, Pawlice Officer.
[ Laughter and applause ]
-Pawlice. -That's pretty cute.
Yeah, Pawlice Officer. -At least it wasn't paw lice.
[ Light laughter ]
-This one's from @Andresgs12.
His dog's costume is Puppywise.
[ Laughter ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
-He's in, like, a little sewer. I mean, come on.
-Dogs love it.
[ Laughter ]
-This one's from @Xraytech88.
I'm assuming they are an X-ray technician.
-87, yeah. There's 87 of them before him.
[ Light laughter ]
-No, I think maybe 1988, maybe they started?
-On Twitter?
I don't think Twitter was around in '88.
-But X-ray technology was.
-I guess you're right. X-ray technology --
Perhaps it's Marie Curie.
[ Laughter ]
-This one's from @Xraytech88.
Her dog's costume is Pawnald Trump.
Look at that comb-over there. Yeah, there you go.
Just got to comb it. That's an easy costume.
-Yeah, that's easy.
Just a comb-over, and you're done.
- [ As Trump ] I've got enormous paws.
[ Normal voice ] Yeah.
[ Laughter ]
Oh, this next guy is my jam.
This is from @Brussellssprout,
and his costume is Sproutie the Grouch.
Look at this. -Aw!
-Oh, my gosh.
Look at that dude.
-It's a good -- -Scram!
-Sproutie the Grouch.
This one's from @3Chisue.
Her dog costume is Jimmy Ruffett.
Well, there you go, yeah.
Party dog.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Like Spuds McKenzie.
-This one's from @Bschout509.
Her dog's costume is Pughetti and Meatballs.
Pughetti and Meatballs. -Oh, there's a --
-[ New York accent ] Forget about it.
[ Normal voice ] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
This one's from @TracedThurman?
-Oh. -Traced.
Traced. -Traced?
-Traced. -Traced, like tracing
a piece of paper, like you trace this?
-Like Thurman was traced by the --
-Like, maybe on the phone? Like a traced phone call?
Or trace as in traced paper.
-Hold on.
-[ Imitating phone ringing ]
-Hello? -[ Imitating phone ringing ]
-Oh, sorry. -[ Imitating phone ringing ]
Hello? -[ Woman's voice ] Hello, yes?
-Oh, hi. Did I call you?
-Yeah, you just called me.
Oh, I just -- Is this Thurman? -Yeah, it is.
-Oh, cool. I'll call you right back.
--[ Imitating phone ringing ]
-Hello. -Denver police department.
-Yeah, did you trace the call? -Yes, I did.
It's coming from inside the house.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Coming from inside the house.
-So, Thurman was -- -Oh, my wife's name is Thurman,
I apologize, officer. -Yeah, he's not theremin.
-No. @Tracedthurman.
His dog's costume is Furry Kreuger.
[ Applause ]
He licks you in your sleep.
And this last one is a mind bender.
This is one of my favorite costumes.
This is from @Dearmanali.
Her dog's costume is Toto as Dorothy.
Ah, that's meta!
There you have it.
Those are our "Tonight Show" hashtags.
To check out more of our favorites,
go to tonightshow.com/hashtags.
Colleen Ballinger's Bully Run-Ins and Online Haters Created Miranda Sings - Duration: 3:36.
Freestylin' with The Roots and Lin-Manuel Miranda - Duration: 9:08.
-♪ Freestylin' with The Roots ♪
-Come on! That's what I'm talking about!
Yes! Oh!
Hot, tough crowd tonight.
Roots, you ready to do this?
[ Cheers and applause ]
-All right. Raise your hand --
Raise your hand if you want The Roots
to write something about you.
Right here. You feel it? Right there? Okay, yeah.
-Oh, my God. -Here you go.
-Okay. -Okay.
-Oh, my God. -All right, okay.
All right, good. All right, everybody, you can have a seat.
This is gonna be -- -Have a seat.
-[ Laughs ]
-What -- What is your name? -Deanna.
-Deanna. Okay, good. -Whoo!
-Deanna, where are you from?
-New Hampshire, but I live in New York now.
[ Laughter ]
-So, you're from New Hampshire. -Yep.
-But you live in New York now. -Yep.
-I love New Hampshire. Where in New Hampshire?
-It's near -- It's Hampstead. -Oh, I know Hampstead.
-Oh, you do? -Sure.
-Oh, it's nice right? -Yeah.
-It's nice. It's nice.
[ Laughter ]
-Deanna, it is fall here in New York,
and now you're here in New York.
You were in New Hampshire, where it's beautiful in the fall,
but here in New York -- wow.
-I love fall. -Yeah, me too.
-My favorite season. -Yeah, I knew that.
[ Laughter ] 'Cause I can feel this.
But what is your favorite part of fall?
-[ Sighs ] I'm like not --
-What is your favorite thing to do?
-[ Speaks indistinctly ] -Um -- Shh!
[ Laughter ]
-Just her friends, not you guys.
-I'm going to say I love the weather,
I love the clothes. -You do?
-Yeah. Like velvet, like --
-Velvet, of course. Everyone wears velvet.
[ Laughter ]
The fall is velvet, of course. That's the first thing.
Not thick sweaters or any of that stuff.
No, fall, I go velvet. Yeah.
[ Laughter ]
And it looks beautiful, by the way.
-Oh, thank you.
-Yeah, I'd say fall fashion then.
-Yes, fall fashion. -And going outside.
Guys, we have our pal Deanna here from New Hampshire,
but now she lives in New York, and it's a long story.
I don't want to get into it.
But her favorite thing to do in the fall is the fashion.
Come on. You've got the velvet.
[ Laughter ]
You've got to -- you've got to -- Velvet!
That's what you do in the fall.
So, for this first song, since Halloween is coming up,
can you guys do maybe like a "Monster Mash" kind of song,
like some Boris Pickett type of [Vocalizes]
♪ Yeah, wha-ah-ah ♪
-♪ Well, my friend named Deanna was visiting from out of town ♪
♪ She came from Hampstead, New Hampshire ♪
♪ But she's here in New York now ♪
♪ Pal Deanna, when the spirit of autumn's gotten into you ♪
♪ You wear fall fashion ♪
♪ Wearing velvet is your favorite thing to do ♪
♪ You do the flop ♪
♪ You do the velvet flop ♪
♪ You do the flop ♪
♪ You know she could not stop ♪
♪ She wore the what ♪
♪ She wore the velvet top ♪
-♪ She wore the velvet ♪
♪ Wah-ooh ♪ [ Laughs ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Oh, thank you.
-All right, let's see. Who else? Who else? What do you want?
-Jimmy Fallon! Me! -You?
-Me! Me! -You feeling it?
All right, here we go. You feeling this one?
-I'm feeling this. -All right, good.
Here you go. Hold this. -Okay.
-Sorry. I'm reaching over. I apologize.
What is your name? -Alyssa.
-Okay, Alyssa, very good. Alyssa.
Now, I said Halloween is coming up.
What is your favorite Halloween candy?
-Kit Kats.
-No hesitation.
-No hesitation. I know this.
-No hesitation. -I got this.
-Kit Kats.
Really? That's your jam? -Yeah.
-They're so very simple. -They're so good.
-It's just wafer and chocolate. -Exactly. Bingo.
-Give me a break. I love it.
All right, what is your least favorite Halloween candy?
-Ooh, that's hard. Um, I don't know.
Ooh, yeah, Raisinettes or something like that.
Candy corn, actually.
-Yeah! Totally! I agree. I can see that.
Candy corn. Ohh.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I totally see that.
It's like three levels of the same flavor?
No, I'm -- I'm out. -Exactly.
-Guys, we have our pal Alyssa here.
Her favorite Halloween candy is Kit Kat immediately.
Give me a break.
And then her least favorite Halloween candy,
candy corn.
The whole -- Candy's in the name.
The whole thing. Corn's in the name.
It's just a thing that doesn't work.
I totally got your back.
For this one, Bruce Springsteen is on Broadway right now.
[ Cheers and applause ] -There we go.
-Recently opened right here in New York City.
We love Bruce Springsteen here.
So can you guys do, like, a fun Bruce Springsteen-style song?
[ Imitating Springsteen ] Come on.
-Okay, okay. All right, all right.
♪ My friend Alyssa is here ♪
♪ She never felt a kiss more sweet ♪
♪ Kit Kats on Halloween ♪
♪ Her favorite thing from trick or treat ♪
♪ Her least favorite thing was the candy that is corn ♪
♪ She said, "Get that stuff away from me ♪
♪ Are you out of your mind? ♪
♪ Don't try to feed me any candy co-o-o-o-o-rn" ♪
♪ Oh, yeah ♪
[ Cheers and applause ]
-All right.
Thank you very, very much.
I'll just cut through here. Do you mind?
I'll just cut through. How are you doing, buddy?
Nice to see ya. Tall. very tall man.
Yeah. Hey, how are you?
Nice to see ya. How you doing, buddy?
Nice to see you guys.
Hey how are you doing, guys? Good to see ya.
What's up, dudes? How are ya?
Hi. How are you?
Nice to see you, pal. How are you doing?
Hey, buddy. Thank you. Hello. Thank for you being here.
Hey. How are you?
Now I'm out here.
[ Cheers and applause ] The other side.
This is where I wanted to be, this side of the room.
Oh, my goodness.
Hey buddy. How you doing?
Nice to see you, brother. How you doing?
-His shirt. His shirt. -What's that? Yeah?
Oh, yeah, you've got some Roots shirts right there.
Yeah. Would you like to do this?
-Can he do it? -No, you can do it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Here we go.
Here we go. Very, very good.
Here. Take this. -Okay, thank you.
-What is your name? -Olivia.
-Okay, Olivia. Olivia. Beautiful name.
Now, Lin-Manuel Miranda is on the show tonight.
He recently wrote a song for Puerto Rico
called "Almost Like Praying."
He's raised millions of dollars for Hurricane relief efforts.
[ Cheers and applause ]
I love the dude. He's unbelievable.
He's the creator of "In The Heights"
and "Hamilton."
If there was a Broadway musical about your life,
what would it be called?
-[ Laughs ] Uh, "The Sassy Life."
-"The Sassy Life"?
-Yes. [ Laughs ]
-[ Chuckles ] I love it.
I love "The Sassy Life." I think it's great.
"The Sassy Life." You're very sassy.
I love it.
And what actor would you pick to play the part of you?
Can I have a singer instead of an actor?
-Yeah, of course. -Oh, Adele.
-Really? -Yes.
-I would love to see Adele as Olivia
in "The Sassy Life" on Broadway.
That would be fun.
Here to help freestyle this last one
is the creator of "In The Heights"
and "Hamilton,"
Lin-Manuel Miranda.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Get sassy.
-[ Laughs ] Sassy.
Sassy, right? There he is.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Thank you for being here, Lin!
Thank you for being here! -Hi, Jimmy.
-We love you, man. -I love you.
-Lin, this is Olivia right here.
-Hi, Olivia. -Hi.
-And her Broadway show
would be called "The Sassy Life."
-Oh, it sings. It sings, Jimmy. It sings.
[ Laughter ]
-And she would love to be played by Adele.
-Ooh, fantastic. -Yeah.
Yeah, all right.
So now, because we have Lin-Manuel here,
can you guys do it, The Roots,
can you do it in like a "Hamilton" style song?
[ Laughter ]
Lin, do you mind? Okay, yeah.
-3, and...
-♪ How does a sweet, super sweet ♪
♪ Sweeter than Sweet'N Low and stevia ♪
♪ Grow up to be a sassy gal, Olivia ♪
♪ Oh, yeah ♪
♪ I've loved her ever since she showed up like Adele ♪
♪ Wearing those floral prints ♪
♪ And, unh ♪
♪ Everyone will want her to be their wife ♪
♪ But she showed up too sassy to be your sassy wife ♪
♪ I live that sassy life, I live that sassy life ♪
♪ Oh, yeah, the price is steep, and she's rollin' in the deep ♪
♪ It's Olivia ♪
-♪ Olivia ♪
-♪ Olivia, Olivia ♪
-♪ Olivia ♪
-Stay right there. Thanks to these guys.
Thanks to Lin-Manuel Miranda... -♪ Olivia ♪
-...and thank you to The Roots.
We'll be right back with Ricky Gervais.
-♪ Olivia ♪
-♪ Olivia ♪ -♪ Olivia, Olivia ♪
-♪ Olivia, Olivia ♪
You're so sassy!
-♪ Olivia ♪
-Olivia, you're so sassy!
-♪ Olivia ♪
-♪ Olivia, you're so sassy ♪
-♪ Olivia-a-a-a-a-a-a ♪
Lin-Manuel Miranda's Son Hates Hamilton but Loves Puerto Rico - Duration: 5:04.
Face It Challenge with Ricky Gervais - Duration: 3:58.
Colleen Ballinger Is Scarred from the Gross Food She Ate Filming Haters Back Off - Duration: 2:20.
Jim Jefferies Disagrees with Pumpkin Patches and Thanksgiving - Duration: 3:35.
Colin Kaepernick Reportedly Excluded From Meetings Between Players and NFL Owners - Duration: 1:22.
Hey guys for Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.
On October 25th, ESPN reported that Colin Kaepernick was expected to be invited to a
meeting between NFL owners and players scheduled for November 3rd.
However Slate is reporting that league emails and e mails from Colin's attorney deny any
invitation was made.
The meeting was spearheaded by Philadelphia Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins as part of the
NFL Players Coalition's ongoing dialogue with league owners centered on players protesting
racial inequalities during the singing of the national anthem.
Jenkins told TMZ sports that Colin was in fact invited, however Kaep's attorney Mark
Geragos told Slate that,
"We specifically reached out to the [NFL Players Association] and to the Players Coalition
[the group led by Jenkins] and we were verbatim told that Colin had no role."
He also added,
"He is open to participating in, and discussing the ideas he has led, at the next meeting
in a meaningful way."
Kaep filed a collusion grievance against NFL owners for reportedly blackballing him for
his potential beliefs and forms of protests.
He remains unsigned in favor of less accomplished quarterbacks.
Whether or not Kaepernick attends the next meeting, there appears to be a clear rift
between owners unhappy with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell's handling of the protests.
That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe
to Complex on YouTube.
For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.
Colleen Ballinger Is Obsessed with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen (Web Exclusive) - Duration: 1:28.
Jimmy Interviews Melania Trump's Body Double - Duration: 7:56.
-Here's what people are talking about.
Some news out of Washington.
President Trump announced that he's releasing
thousands of files on JFK
even though they were already set to be released.
[ Laughter ]
And he said, "Not only that,
I'm declaring October 31st Halloween."
[ Laughter and applause ] "I'm doing it. That's right.
We'll all be saying 'Merry Halloween' again.
[ Laughter ]
This is kind of crazy. There was a conspiracy theory.
Did you see this going around that Melania --
Melania Trump had been replaced with a body double?
Did you hear this? [ Laughter ]
It's a rumor, but some people
are pointing to these photos as proof.
Take a look. So, the woman on the left
they say is fake Melania,
and the woman on the right is real Melania.
But it didn't help that Donald Trump was saying --
Well, he said this while standing with her. Watch.
-We will be doing that.
My wife, Melania, who happens to be right here.
[ Laughter ]
-Why would you say that?
-Why'd he need to say that? -Why would anyone ever --
"She happens to really be really here, so it's not a hologram.
It's a real person, so...
It's a human being. There's no way --
Now I'm gonna walk through her.
I'm gonna walk -- -Zwwwm!
-Maybe -- Do I have a twin? I don't know."
[ Laughter ]
"It's like David Copperfield
walking through the Great Wall of 'Gyna.'"
[ Laughter and applause ]
"She may be real. She may not be real.
Well, the story turned out to be false,
but there are other theories about people in the White House
that are still being talked about.
For instance -- These are rumors.
-There's a rumor that Attorney General Jeff Sessions
is actually a gnome from the Rose Garden
that comes to life during the daytime.
-Really? -These are rumors.
-That's a rumor.
That's not true. That's just a rumor.
-There's a rumor that Senator Mitch McConnell
was replaced by a sad faucet.
[ Laughter ] -Really?
-How could I prove it? -I'll disprove it.
It's just a rumor. -It's a rumor.
-It's just hearsay. -Yeah.
[ Laughter ]
Finally, it is rumored that President Trump's tie
is actually just a Fruit By The Foot.
-Really? -He eats it --
He can eat his tie.
-It gets longer? -"An edible tie.
Happy hallo-istmas." [ Laughter ]
But this story really blew up, so we actually got in touch --
"The Tonight Show" -- we got in touch with the real Melania,
and she agreed to talk to us tonight,
right now, to clear things up.
Melania, are you there?
-Hi, Jimmy. Yes.
Hi, yes.
I am very happy to be here.
-Yeah. -Yes.
-Yeah. Well, I've never met you before.
I have to say, you seem a little different.
-Huh? Me? No I'm just old me.
Me, Melan-- "Me," short for "Melania."
[ Laughter ]
-"Me" is short -- "Me" is short for "Melania."
Yeah, I know that. -Yeah.
-Me -- are you Melania, or are you a body double?
-I'm a -- I'm a Melania.
Okay, well, look, just to make our audience comfortable
and prove that you're not a body double,
I'm going to ask you some questions
that only the real Melania would know.
Are you okay with that?
-Uh, yeah, sure. Yeah, definitely.
I want to answer your questions, and I can.
[ Laughter ]
-That doesn't count as a question.
You're already getting nervous. -Okay.
-Now, our first question --
-First of three?
-I don't know how many. [ Laughter ]
-How many questions? -I don't know the first --
-How many questi-- Okay.
-All right. Let's just start with the first one.
-Okay, fine. -"First of three."
I don't know.
What is the name of the city where you were born?
-Slo-- Slov-- Uh, Slov--
-Yeah. Slovakia. -What did you say?
Did you say Slovakia?
-Yes, I said Slovakia, but that's the country.
-That was the answer.
[ Laughter ]
-There's no way of -- But --
-Did you say that? -Did I --
-Yeah, I did say that, but I asked you the question.
-Oh, you were wrong?
[ Laughter ]
-No, no, I -- I wasn't wrong, but...
Let's just go to the next question.
-Okay. Okay, redo, redo, redo.
[ Laughter ]
-Melania, where in the White House
is the First Lady's office?
-It's in the attic.
[ Laughter ]
-Okay. Now, this is -- I don't know.
Is there an -- -There's an attic above the --
There's how many floors?
-Uh... Three? I have no --
-Yeah, three.
I was gonna say three, and three plus an attic.
That's where they keep the woman --
That's me. [ Laughter ]
-The First Lady.
Last question -- as First Lady,
what have you said are your three main goals?
-There's three? -Yeah. Yeah, yeah, three.
Just three main goals.
-Three main goals.
-They have to be the main goals, not the side goals.
[ Laughter ] -No.
Just give me three of the main ones.
-Oh, yeah, three of the main ones.
Sure, sure, I thought --
Okay. I was ju-- I thought, "Who...?"
Uh, b-bullying.
S-Stop it.
[ Laughter ] -Yeah, yeah, thank you, Melania.
-Sugar. Keep eating it.
[ Laughter ] And, uh...
-Your goal is to keep eating sugar?
-You know, and m-make sure you remember...
-Yes. -...friendship is real.
-Okay. Thank you very much.
Melania -- the real Melania Trump.
Friendship is real. Oh, yeah, there you go.
Your glasses.
Doesn't even know how to put on glasses.
Okay. Very good.
Silly. Oh, my gosh. Thank you.
[ Applause ]
What? -What?
-Did you guys see this?
I saw that CNN released a new ad today where they use fruit
to say how they stick to the facts and the president doesn't.
Did you see this? -Yeah.
-The apple? Check it out if you didn't see it.
[ Laughter ]
-Well, President Trump actually released
his own response to the ad.
[ Laughter ]
Take a look at this.
Fake fruit? -Fake fruit?
-What is he talking about?
[ Cheers and applause ]
-I want to say congratulations to the John Stamos,
who just got engaged to his girlfriend.
Hey, John, congratulations. [ Cheers and applause ]
That's right. She's just 31, and he's somehow still 31.
He just doesn't -- The guy can't age.
He looks fantastic.
That's right. John Stamos is getting married.
I heard he's got a pretty good wedding deejay -- D.J. Tanner.
-Oh. -Oh, hey, hey!
Hey-oh! Hey!
-Guys, I saw that "Boo 2! A Madea Halloween"
finished first at the box office this weekend.
That's right.
Tyler Perry's really busy these days
'cause he's also Melania Trump's body double.
-Really? [ Laughter and applause ]
-Check this out, you guys.
Developers are working on a hyper loop
that could get you from Washington D.C.
to New York City in just 29 minutes.
[ Audience "Oohs" ]
And once you're here, you can take a subway
from Penn Station to Times Square
in just four hours. -Wow!
[ Laughter, cheers, applause ]
-This is pretty weird.
I heard that people in Hawaii are stealing cans of spam
and reselling them.
So if you think you're having a rough day,
imagine being the guy waiting on the corner for his spam dealer.
He's like, "Where is this guy?
Come on. Where is this guy?
Come on, get here, man!" [ Applause ]
And, finally, I read that a couple in Orlando
who ordered plastic storage bins on Amazon
got a delivery filled with 65 pounds of weed.
[ Laughter ]
They were like, "Wow.
Amazon Prime's even better than we thought."
There we go.
We have a great show tonight. Give it up for The Roots!
Bad Signs: A Grate Place to Learn, Man Sale - Duration: 4:20.
Quavo and Drake Apparently Have a Collab on the Way and It Sounds FIRE - Duration: 2:11.
What's up everybody, Frazier here for Complex News.
It feels like every other day I'm doing a video theorizing about something Quavo's
up to, but the man literally is kind of everywhere right now.
One day we're speculating about when his joint album with Travis is gonna drop.
Then he drops a solo track.
Then he pops up in the studio with Yachty, Chance and Gambino working on God Knows what.
Frankly, all the anticipation is driving me crazy.
The latest update is this snippet of a song featuring what appears to be Quavo rapping
alongside Drake.
Take a listen for yourself here
Once again, as per the way the hype train seems to be moving right now, we're going
to assume this is from Migos' upcoming album Culture II.
The signs are all there: there was apparently a listening party for the album earlier this
week, which could be where the snippet originated from.
Moreover, the Migos already specifically dropped Drake's name when listing off collaborators
who they've been in the lab with recently.
Not to mention, despite all the irons he has in the fire, the new Migos album is what Quavo's
been going hard for as of late.
He teased not only the impending first single but also the identity of the album's executive
producer on Twitter recently.
Which is probably Kanye.
If all of these recent teases add up to one album, then Migos are about to put the game
in a headlock.
I, for one, cannot wait.
Literally I'm tired of waiting.
Quavo, drop something, anything, now, please and thank you.
That's the news for now but when any or all of this stuff does drop you're going
to wanna be locked into Complex News on YouTube for all the latest info.
And don't forget coming Nov 4th and 5th is the Second Annual Complex Con, where we
bring all things Complex to life.
Catch live performances, take in informative panels, cop exclusive fits and eat delicious
Get your tickets right now at complexcon.com/tickets.
Julia Michaels: Worst in Me - Duration: 3:51.
Lil Pump - Crazy (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:06.
♪ Yeah, ♪
♪ Lil Pump ♪
♪ Ooh, ♪
♪ Big Head on the beat ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh ♪
♪ Yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh ♪
♪ Yeah, ooh, yeah, ooh ♪
♪ Yeah, ooh, essketit ♪
♪ That bitch she swallow my baby, ooh ♪
♪ Bought me a brand new Mercedes, ooh ♪
♪ I do this shit on a daily, yeah ♪
♪ I do this shit on a daily, any ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh (damn) ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch, jump in this bitch ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, yeah ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, yeah ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go stupid, yeah ♪
♪ I'm so rich, look like Rick Rubin, huh ♪
♪ Fuck a bitch, I leave her coolin', yuh ♪
♪ Six in the mornin', I boot her ♪
♪ I'm poppin' a Molly, I drive Maserati ♪
♪ Then shut down your party, I air out the shanty ♪
♪ We drink hella water, we run through your daughter ♪
♪ [?] supporter, I'm takin' yo' motor ♪
♪ I bust out my Rollie, I bust out my wrist ♪
♪ And I'm walkin' to class and I'm takin' yo' bitch ♪
♪ And you can't tell me nothin', young nigga but rich ♪
♪ If he say somethin' stupid, I'm sendin' them hits ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, any ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
♪ Your diamonds is so fugazi, ooh ♪
♪ Your diamonds is so fugazi, any ♪
♪ That bitch she swallow my baby, ooh ♪
♪ Bought me a brand new Mercedes, ooh ♪
♪ I do this shit on a daily, yeah ♪
♪ I do this shit on a daily, any ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh (damn) ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch, jump in this bitch ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, yeah ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, yeah ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch, jump in this bitch ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
♪ Jump in this bitch and go crazy, ooh ♪
Jimmy's Pickle Obsession Almost Got Clive Owen's Daughter Arrested - Duration: 4:36.
Lil Uzi Vert - Sauce It Up (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:28.
♪ Sauce it up, ayy, sauce it up, any ♪
♪ Sauce it up, ayy, in love ♪
♪ I'm Where you from, ayy, throw it up, any ♪
♪ I'm one of the greatest to ever do it ♪
♪ Goin' dumb (hey), goin' nuts (hey) ♪
♪ Sauce it up (hey), sauce it up (hey) ♪
♪ Lil Uzi Vert ♪
♪ Throw it up (hey), where you from (hey) ♪
♪ Throw it up (hey), where you from (hey) ♪
♪ Going dumb (hey), going nuts! (hey) ♪
♪ Sauce it up (sauce it up), do too much (do too much) ♪
♪ Ain't enough (ain't enough), ain't enough (ain't enough) ♪
♪ Where you from? (where you from?), throw it up (throw that shit up) ♪
♪ Goin' nuts (yeah), goin' dumb ♪
♪ Sauce it up (sauce it up), do too much (do too much) ♪
♪ Ain't enough (ain't enough), ain't enough (ain't enough) ♪
♪ Where you from? (where you from?), throw it up (throw that shit up) ♪
♪ Goin' nuts (yeah), goin' dumb ♪
♪ Everyday I'm ballin', so you know I'm scoring' ♪
♪ I feel so important, my pockets enormous ♪
♪ These niggas keep hatin', this is their last warning ♪
♪ Met that girl last night, ooh, fucked her through the morning ♪
♪ I don't know no girl I'm sorry, hangup girl don't call me ♪
♪ No, no you will not have me caught up all up on Maury ♪
♪ Cash out, make it rain, no game, Atari ♪
♪ Ride me like a Harley, only boy in the party ♪
♪ I was on the phone, yeah with Playboi Carti ♪
♪ Comme des Garçons, hearts all on my cardi' ♪
♪ I was in a Lamb', Carti he was in a 'Rari ♪
♪ I'm gon' keep on flexin', if you don't like me then I'm sorry (sorry) ♪
♪ Sauce it up (sauce it up), do too much (do too much) ♪
♪ Ain't enough (ain't enough), ain't enough (ain't enough) ♪
♪ Where you from? (where you from?), throw it up (throw that shit up) ♪
♪ Goin' nuts (yeah), goin' dumb ♪
♪ Sauce it up (sauce it up), do too much (do too much) ♪
♪ Ain't enough (ain't enough), ain't enough (ain't enough) ♪
♪ Where you from? (where you from?), throw it up (throw that shit up) ♪
♪ Goin' nuts (yeah), goin' dumb ♪
♪ Okay, big guap chasin', big knot having' ♪
♪ My money stackin', this shit extravagant (woah) ♪
♪ This for all my niggas them ones that be trafficking' ♪
♪ All my diamonds African, I might go and matte the Benz ♪
♪ I already had that bitch, went and got a badder bitch ♪
♪ Persian rug, Aladdin shit, Nice foreign hoe like a latin bitch ♪
♪ I could serve you (ayy), let me say it one time ♪
♪ Ayy, turn around, baby girl let me serve you ♪
♪ Woo, yeah I said that you wet like Squirrel ♪
♪ Yeah, walk around pigeon-toed, got the bird flu (brrr) ♪
♪ And you think you in love, don't wan' hurt you (woah) ♪
♪ Man I think that I'm done, gotta swerve you ♪
♪ Sauce it up (sauce it up), do too much (do too much) ♪
♪ Ain't enough (ain't enough), ain't enough (ain't enough) ♪
♪ Where you from? (where you from?), throw it up (throw that shit up) ♪
♪ Goin' nuts (yeah), goin' dumb ♪
♪ Sauce it up (sauce it up), do too much (do too much) ♪
♪ Ain't enough (ain't enough), ain't enough (ain't enough) ♪
♪ Where you from? (where you from?), throw it up (throw that shit up) ♪
♪ Goin' nuts (yeah), goin' dumb ♪
♪ I'm so awesome ♪
♪ I'm so awesome ♪
♪ These niggas so bad it's exhausting' ♪
♪ I swear I'm a stunner like Steve Austin ♪
♪ I swear I'm a stunner like Steve Austin ♪
♪ Sauce it up (ooh) ♪
♪ Do too much (ooh) ♪
♪ Where you from? ♪
♪ (ooh) ♪
♪ Throw it up (ooh) ♪
♪ Going nuts (ooh) ♪
♪ Going dumb (ooh) ♪
♪ Lil Uzi Vert ♪
Internet Pop Quiz: Julia Michaels - Duration: 2:24.
-Hi. I'm Julia Michaels,
and I will be doing the "Internet Pop Quiz."
-♪ ...made me ambitious ♪
♪ My grams used to tell me, "Man, listen" ♪
♪ If you can't burn, don't step into the kitchen ♪
-I one time watched "The OA" in an entire day.
I'm not quite sure how many episodes that is,
but it's a lot.
-♪ Man, listen, if you can't burn ♪
♪ Don't step into the kitchen ♪
♪ You muscle your turn ♪
-The last thing I ordered online
was actually the sweater that I wore today on the show.
-♪ The age of my early innocence ♪
♪ That just made me ambitious ♪
♪ My grams used to tell me, "Man, listen" ♪
-I don't have any social-media pet peeves.
I do have pet peeves when it comes to things --
like, words people say on Twitter,
like #savage or something like that.
It's just, like, so -- It's like, "No. Just no. Just no."
-♪ My early innocence ♪
♪ That just made me ambitious ♪
♪ My grams used to tell me, "Man, listen" ♪
-My phone wallpaper is actually my dog, Sammy.
He's 2 years old and has these massive paws,
and it's just a picture of him like this
with his paws in his face.
It's my favorite.
-♪ Tell me, "Man, listen" ♪
♪ If you can't burn, don't step into the kitchen ♪
♪ You muscle your turn ♪
-The last person I texted was...
my manager, Becca,
'cause I talk to her every day of my life, basically.
-♪ My grams used to tell me, "Man, listen" ♪
♪ If you can't burn, don't step into the kitchen ♪
-The most unexpected or surprising celebrity
I have as a contact.
I'm not sure.
Maybe Britney.
I guess that's not really that surprising, though.
I do music.
-♪ The age of my early innocence ♪
♪ That just made me ambitious ♪
♪ My grams used to tell me, "Man, listen" ♪
-[ Chuckles ] Um...
I don't know if I've given one an embarrassing name.
Maybe like "'90s Jams." [ Laughs ]
YouTube TV Now Available
Opel Mokka X 1.4 Turbo S/S Edition 140PK - Duration: 0:54.
Opel KARL 1.0 S/S Edition - Duration: 0:57.
Such a Nightmare #halloween - Duration: 3:06.
Cursive in Indiana schools - Duration: 2:17.
WeChip V7 Amlogic S912 Octa Core Android 7.1 4K TV Box Review with Benchmarks - Duration: 20:45.
Hello viewers and welcome to my channel.
It's your host Nick here once again and today I feature a new streaming device.
This box is the WeChip V7, and this is an Amlogic S912 octa core Android 7.1 4K TV box.
This is my first WeChip device, and I'm delighted to feature a new brand on my channel.
After the break, we have a full review on its hardware and features, So stay tuned,
we have more in a moment.
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Welcome back, what we have here is the box that the WeChip V7 comes in.
It's not well labeled with no specifications on the outside, so I'll just do the unboxing
and continue with the rest of the review.
The WeChip V7 runs on the Amlogic S912 octa core CPU.
Its display is powered by the ARM Mali T820 tri core GPU, It comes with 3GB of DDR3 RAM,
and 32GB of internal storage, It has 802.11 dual band WiFi, and Bluetooth 4.0.
In the box, you have the WeChip V7 itself.
You get this remote control.
It's the same remote we have seen used in lots of TV boxes.
It will work well to control the basic functions of the box.
However, its an IR remote, and you'll be better off if you use a wireless air mouse or mini
touch-pad keyboard like the one I have here from Alfawise.
This provides advance navigation with omni directional control.
And I'll just open this one to show you guys what it looks like.
Special thanks goes out to GearBest for providing this mini touch-pad keyboard, a link to this
product can be found in the description area.
I'll also be testing this one to see how well it performs.
You get 1 HDMI cable.
A 5 volts 2 amps universal DC power adapter.
And a users setup guide.
Let's take a look at the box.
The box is made of a black plastic housing, with the WeChip logo along side an LED touch
power button at the top, much like the power button on the Nvidia Shield.
To the back, you have 1 HDMI port, 1 USB 2.0 Port, 1 RJ45 Ethernet LAN port, you get 1
optical audio video port, an audio video jack, and your DC power input.
To the side, you get another USB 2.0 port, and a micro SD card slot.
There's nothing on the other side.
To the front, you have an LED power strip.
And to the bottom, there are a few ventilation holes.
So I'll now connect this box to my TV, and when I return I'll continue.
So I'm back, and as we get things started, the WeChip V7 starts with a very nice logo
startup animation, then it's followed by the launcher.
The launcher is simply laid out, with large buttons and the option to add shortcuts to
the launcher.
Simply click on the add button and select which shortcut you would like to add.
The launcher comes with a navigation bar at the bottom and a status bar at the top for
easy multitasking.
In the apps section, here you have all the system streaming and social media apps that
comes installed on the box.
I have also installed some apps of my own, so I'll move on to the next segment of my
To start this segment I'll first check to see if the box is rooted.
And it shows that the box is rooted, running on Android 7.1.1 Nougat operating system.
This is always a good feature, even though that some may argue that it's not because
it may pose a security risk.
Having root access on TV boxes in particular, gives you the benefit of installing any app
you like from the Google play store without restrictions.
This is more so important if you intent to use a key mapping application or a screen
mirroring app, because all these apps require root access to work.
Next, I have the DRM information.
The DRM information shows that the WeChip V7 only has support for 2 out of the six supported
services, which allows Netflix to only show in standard quality.
Let's take a look at it's system and hardware information.
Under system, it shows that the manufacturer is Amlogic, And the model is the V7.
Below it shows that the box comes with 3GB of RAM, and below it also shows the remaining
memory and internal storage from the 32GB total after the Android installation and apps
installed on the box.
You also have expandable storage of up to 4TB on external hard drives.
However, there is no indication on the product page how much external storage can be converted
to internal storage.
Under CPU information, it shows that the box runs on an octa core 64bit Cortex A53 CPU,
with a maximum clock range of 1.5GHz.
Below here it shows that the box has support for both 32 and 64bit ABIs, this allows the
box to run both 32 and 64bit applications.
Under display, it shows that the display is powered by the ARM Mali T820 tri core GPU,
with a refresh rate of 60hz.
Under network, it shows that the box has support for dual band 2.4 and 5.8GHz WiFi, and below
here it shows your signal strength, link speed and frequency.
Under Android information, here again it shows that the box runs on Android 7.1.1 nougat
operating system, and below it confirms that the box is rooted.
Under thermal information, I have tested and the box runs a bit hot at 50 to 65° Celsius
on normal room temperature, and around the same temperature on passive cooling.
These temperatures has not changed because the ventilation holes below the box are insufficient,
and this restricts the airflow from passive cooling.
Under codecs information, we have the usual list of codecs that include, H.264 HEVC an
VP9 decoding, all needed for 4K video playback.
However, I cannot detect any H.265 in this list.
And that's all for system and hardware information, and I'll now move on to the benchmark segment
of this review.
Let's start with the results from the memory read and write speed test.
The WeChip V7 has a RAM copy speed of 3577 MB/s, the internal storage, has a read speed
of 113 MB/s and a write speed of 74.
And the SD card reader, has a read speed of 112 MB/s and a write speed of 5.
The RAM copy speed was expected, but the internal storage and the SD card read speeds were quite
a bit high, the kind of speeds you would see in an RK3399 TV box.
I now have the results of the WiFi speed test.
I was not impressed with the results.
On the 5.8GHz band, the box fell below the maximum speed on my Internet package which
runs at 30MB, and on the 2.4 GHz band, the speed fell even lower below the maximum speed.
However, these results are based on my Internet package, and much higher speeds can be attained
on a much faster network like a fiber package.
Next I have the Antutu benchmark results.
The results show that the V7 got an Antutu score of 39820.
This score is a good score^ consistent with other S912 boxes in its class.
Next I have the results of the Geekbench 4 CPU benchmark.
The results show that the V7 got a score of 500 single-core, and 1569 multi-core.
Not very high, but consistent.
The final results I have is the 3D mark ice storm extreme GPU benchmark.
And it shows that the WeChip V7 got a score of 5495, which is slightly higher than other
S912 boxes in its class.
And that's it for the benchmarks.
Next I turn my attention to the entertainment media streaming applications, 4K video rendering
performance, and gaming capabilities of the box
Let's start with the KD player application.
This KD player app is actually a custom Kodi build, and if you go to the settings area,
here we can see the version is 17.3.
This is not the latest version, and it does not come with any third party movie addons.
However, if you would like to install the latest version of Kodi, you can simply do
so by installing it from the Kodi.TV website, or download a custom build and side-load it
with the app-installer application.
So I uninstalled the outdated KD player and installed the latest version from the Google
play store, watch as I go to the settings area, here we now have Kodi 17.5.
I also installed some of the most popular addons that actually work.
With these new addons, you have unlimited streams of free movies and complete TV series
for months of entertainment.
If you're not into Kodi, and you need an alternative way of streaming, then you have the option
to install free movie streaming applications via the use of APKs.
These can be downloaded to the box itself, or onto a PC, and then installed via USB flash
It's much easier to install than Kodi, and Some of these APK downloads include, Terrarium
TV, ShowBox, Mega Box HD, Zion TV, and Mobdro.
That's all for streaming, and I'll now test the 4K video playback capability of
the box.
Well as you can see the box played most of my 4K video samples, with the exception of
the jellyfish video at 400 Mbps bit-rate, and two other videos.
I'll now test the YouTube application to see what's the highest resolution we can get.
The YouTube application can only run up to 1080p
From one of my previous videos where I was able to achieve 4K YouTube resolution^ I learned
that you cannot get it to play in 4K quality without the appropriate operating system to
support it.
For my final demonstration to test the box's 3D graphics, I running a game.
To run this game I'm using the same PXN 3 Pro gamepad that I used in my previous video.
I'll comment on its performance and compatibility after the demonstration.
Also a link to this gamepad can be found in the description area.
So as you can see the game was able to play, however, the graphics rendering is not the
best, because the frames and the details are not smooth as they should be.
So what this means is that this box is not big on games.
So in summary, the WeChip V7 is a great TV box for streaming movies and TV shows.
It can play 4K videos, but it had some issues with some of my sample videos.
I like that the box is rooted, and the memory read and write speeds are higher than normal.
The box looks fantastic, implementing that new touch power button.
These two controllers worked great, I really like how this mini touch-pad keyboard lights
up and can change colors.
Its got a built in battery and a USB receiver and charging cable.
The PXN gamepad worked like a charm, however, the GKM touch gamepad key-mapping application
I normally use, has an issue with the root access of the box, so I couldn't use it on
this box for more advanced gaming.
And finally the WiFi reception is not the best and you might want to use an Ethernet
connection for higher speeds.
So you might be wondering if this is a good box to purchase?
Well for streaming free movies and TV shows, it's really good.
As for games and 4K videos, it's OK but it's not the best.
So this brings me to the end of my review of the WeChip V7, Amlogic S912 octa core Android
7.1 4K TV box.
If you are interested in this device, a link along with a discount coupon code was placed
in the description area.
Using these links also helps to support this channel, and it allows me to deliver more
reviews in the future.
Thanks for watching, remember to like this video if you found it informative, share it
with your friends and subscribe to this channel for more TV box stop videos.
008 - The (almost) very very very strongest - Duration: 1:17.
How to Make The Best Turkey Gravy From Scratch ~ Easy Recipe for Making Homemade Gravy - Duration: 5:10.
What is the most enjoyed and the most feared food to make at the holiday table?
Turkey Gravy! I'm Tess and I'll show you how to make the best and most flavorful
turkey gravy... two ways. Welcome to my Thanksgiving video recipe series. (intro music)
A good and flavorful gravy starts with a good meat stock or broth.
I saved the turkey neck bone, trimmings and giblets and I'm placing them in my
slow cooker along with some vegetables. My turkey is brining overnight and I'm
running my slow cooker to make some broth at the same time. I'm starting by
adding four cups of chicken broth to the slow cooker and in goes my turkey bones,
trimmings and giblets. And just a reminder that you'll be able to find
this recipe, the list of ingredients and much more in the show more section below.
I've included links to where you can purchase online some of the ingredients
and equipment that I use in this video recipe. If you have a chance please check
it out. Now I'm putting in the vegetables or the
aromatics and I'm using a mixture of onions, carrots and celery. No need to
skin the onion and I'm also using the tops of the celery as they add a lot of flavor.
A little salt and black pepper. I'm not adding much salt as I like to
add the salt when I'm cooking with the broth. I'm filling the crock pot with
water, cooking on low for eight hours or on high for four hours.
This is one way to make a flavorful broth for the gravy. A couple video
recipes of my Thanksgiving series was how to brine a turkey and how to roast a
turkey. If you haven't already seen those video recipes please take a moment to
This is the bottom of my roaster after I took out the turkey. There is lots of
flavor in that broth. You can see I had some aromatics with the turkey roasting
on top. I'm going to take out all the veggies and strain the broth. This will
also make a nice broth for our flavorful and delicious gravy. If you have a grease
separator this broth is ready to make the gravy. I'm not ready to make the
gravy so I refrigerated the broth. You can see the fat floated to the top and
it's skimmed off easily. The rich turkey broth has become jelly-like and
it looks good. I'm saving the turkey fat to show you one way to make the turkey gravy.
There are two ways you can make a gravy. You can make a slurry to thicken
the gravy, OR you can make a roux. The first way I'm showing you is a
slurry method. Each recipe calls for four cups of turkey broth so if you don't
have enough you can add water or some chicken or vegetable broth. You gotta
have lots of gravy at the table! In a bowl I'm adding one cup of cold water
and a quarter cup of all-purpose flour. Giving that a good mix. You can use
cornstarch for this slurry but I prefer the flour. Bringing my broth up to a boil,
giving my slurry a good mix and pouring in. Stirring and you will already start
to see the gravy thicken. Bringing up to a boil and turning down to a low simmer.
I'm going to let this simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes. The liquid will reduce
a little concentrating all those wonderful flavors and the gravy will thicken.
Remember to taste for seasonings along the way. After the gravy is done,
removing from the heat and letting it rest for 15 minutes before serving.
The second way of making gravy is with a roux. My roux I'm using the turkey fat
but you can use butter. I have my heat on medium, in goes my flour, cooking and
stirring for a couple minutes. I'm turning my heat up to high and slowly
adding in my turkey broth. Stirring and you will see the gravy start to thicken.
Once all the broth is in there and the gravy is at a boil I'm turning my heat
to low and simmer in for about 15 minutes.
Check for any seasonings and add salt and pepper to taste. This time I'm going
to add some of the Kitchen Bouquet for a little color. Again the flavor will
concentrate and the gravy will thicken nicely. After done remove from the heat
and let it cool for 10 to 15 minutes before serving.
The gravy has a nice rich turkey flavor and is nice and creamy. A great addition
to the Holiday table. I hope you give this easy turkey gravy a try and enjoy.
If you like this turkey gravy recipe please hit the LIKE and SUBSCRIBE button.
Remember to hit the 'BELL" next to the SUBSCRIBE to make sure that you get my
future video recipes. You can also find me on Facebook and at my website.
Feel free to SHARE this recipe and my channel with your friends and family.
And until next time... Much Love!
Enchanting giveaway - Duration: 9:36.
Hello Dollys is Elfy
Today is a special day as my creative friends and I will
launch our first multi-creator giveaway!
To celebrate Christmas as it should!
Around the theme of fantasy, each of us has created a gift to offer you
To enter this contest, simply follow the instructions.
It takes place on facebook and instagram for 15 days (November 1 to 15)
On facebook the goal is: Love the pages of all the creators
Elfique Lunatique, Sakura Créacustom,
Elfy's Dolls
Mystic Fantasy Ears and La fourmi Lunaire
Then love, comment (inviting friends) and share the publication in public mode.
You will find the giveaway publication from my Elfy's Dolls page.
For instagram same principle:
like the pages of the 5 creators
Share using the #enchantinggiveaway
Precisions, there will be as many winners as lots, ie 5 winners!
If you want to play on both social networks it's possible!
This will double your chances of winning ^^
The giveaway is international
And here we are, all of our great gifts!
A win:
a mega lot of miniatures for minster high and pullip dolls
A monster high custom doll made by Elfique Lunatique
A monster high custom doll made by me ^^
Elfy's Dolls
A monster high custom doll made by Sakura créacustom
a beautiful Elf of the Woods crown
created by Mystic fantasy ears
Elfique Lunatique proposes us Féa
Customized on a Draculaura basis
The lady has been completely redone
Its make up is made with acrylic paint and dry pastel
The whole of his body has been blushed
It is also decorated with an elegant tattoo on the neck
His wig is made of hand-dyed baby alpaca wool
She wears an outfit and dragonfly wings
made by Elfique Lunatique
The doll will come
with the business card of the creator Elfique Lunatique
and with a certificate of authenticity
on my side
I propose Corail
Customized on a Frankie basis
The lady has been completely redone too
Its make up is made with watercolor pencil and dry pastel
part of his body was worked with glitter
glitter being my big specialty ^^
its wig it is synthetic fiber
which I then buckled and adorned with braids and pearls
she also wears
a tiara made of pearl crystal and shell
The doll will come
with my business card
and with a certificate of authenticity
Sakura Créacustom offers Gaia
Customized on a Venus basis
The lady has been completely redone too
Its make up is made with acrylic paint pencil and dry pastel
she wears eyelashes
The whole of his body has been blushed
It is also decorated with an elegant tattoo on the thorax
His wig is reroot with wool
and decorated with pearl
The outfit that carries Gaia
is a realization of Sakura Créacustom
The doll will come
with business card
and with a certificate of authenticity
La fourmi Lunaire made for you
a fantastic lot of miniatures for monster high and pullip
the lot consists of: 6 scrolls
of 5 potted ingredients
of 3 candle holders
3 vials
a retort
a crystal ball
of 3 potions
3 book
and a heart and a unicorn horn
the lot will come
in its packaging in the shape of a ball
all the miniatures being individually packaged
so here is the business card of la Fourmi Lunaire
To finish here is the lot of Mystic Fantasy Ears
She offers you a crown of elf of the wood
made with budded branches
in shades of orange, green and pink
The crown is adorned with
leaves and butterflies in aluminum wire
d also a multitude of acrylic pearl
the crown will come with a business card
and a certificate of authenticity
here is the elf crown wear
you will notice that it is perfect
to realize a cosplay of elf !!!
the presentation of the lots is now finished
Find the rules of the game and the link of each of the creators on description of this video
The winners will be drawn on November 20th and announced on Facebook and Instagram.
and announced on Facebook
I hope that the lots please you because they were made in order
to thank you for your loyalty
I tell you soon the Dollys for a new video
I kiss you
Kissu! <3
The FMs
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat Lease Edition - Duration: 1:00.
D.Va - "GG" [Overwatch Music Video] - Duration: 4:40.
Hana! It's past your bedtime!
Go to bed!
Just five more minutes!
Don't make me come up there!
Uh huh
Listen noobs
I'm gonna pwn you
and my guns
my killstreak
Uh, uh, let's go!
Starting up the game
you insta-lock your hero
Even with no heals
It's still EZ mode
Baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby
Oh straight out of the gate
you can't keep up with me
Out of my way scrubs
I'm the queen bee!
Baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby
(Got a pick just now)
Were you even trying?
(Multi-kill, pow!)
Can't carry when you're dying
(pew pew pew pew pew pew)
Should have picked a different hero
D.Va one, bad guys zero!
Don't think they'll bother us anymore!
I'm gonna shoot for a new high score!
Let's go!
I'm just getting warmed up!
Boosters engaged
Let's get on the point
Don't mess with me
I'm MVP!
Is this EZ MODE?
No more Winston, no more Tracer
No more Gen-
Cuz I'm so OP
Oh yeah!
Please don't nerf me!
Oh yeah yeah yeah
A new round has begun
But we've already won
I've got gold elims
Cuz I'm Number #1
Baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby
MEKA activated
Got this under control
Group up here with me!
I'm on a roll!
Baby, baby, baby
Baby, baby, baby
(Got a pick just now)
Were you even trying?
(Multi-kill, pow!)
Can't carry when you're dying
(pew pew pew pew pew pew)
Should have picked a different hero
D.Va one, bad guys zero!
Game face on
I'm in the zone!
Taking off
Prepare to get pwned!
Let's go!
It's time to level up!
Boosters engaged
Let's get on the point
Don't mess with me
I'm MVP!
Is this EZ MODE?
No more Widow, no more Mercy
No more Gen-
Cuz I'm so OP
Oh yeah!
Please don't nerf me!
Oh yeah yeah yeah!
And the match keeps on going
And your team begins throwing the round
(QQ QQ QQ yeah)
In chat you start to call hacks
As I grab a new bag of snacks
But we can't let up now
because we're in overtime!
Boosters engaged
Let's get on the point
Don't mess with me
I'm MVP!
Is this EZ MODE?
No more dragons
no more Pulse Bomb
no more Graviton
I'll eat your ulti
Oh yeah!
Please don't nerf me!
Oh yeah yeah yeah!
Initiating self-destruct sequence
let's blow blow blow blow blow!
Triple, Quadruple, Quintuple
Is this EZ MODE?
No more Pharah
No more Ana
No more Gen-
I wrecked you noobies
Oh yeah!
I play to win!
Damn it Hana!
I told you to go to bed hours ago!
But Dad!
No buts young lady!
Get to bed!
Uh! Damn kids!
Lucky you even have a bed
Back in my day, I was out sleeping in the cold...
Love, D.Va
Thanks for watching guys
we hope you enjoyed the video!
Big shout out to MicCostumes
for providing us with the D.Va plugsuit.
And a huge thanks to our friends
over at MWAVE for decking us out
with this custom made, MEKA themed
It is up for grabs,
so if wanna get your hands on it,
follow the link below and enter this promo code
for your chance to win!
And if you wanna see more Overwatch videos,
make sure to subscribe and hit that bell icon!
And if you want to help us make more videos
consider becoming a Patron!
Thanks for watching!
【Miku & MAYU】Trick and treat (Sub. Español) - Duration: 3:46.
Miley Cyrus - Full Circle - Duration: 2:54.
Miley Cyrus - Full Circle
Miley Cyrus - Full Circle
Miley Cyrus - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Duration: 3:07.
Miley Cyrus - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Miley Cyrus - Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Enchanting giveaway - Duration: 9:36.
Hello Dollys is Elfy
Today is a special day as my creative friends and I will
launch our first multi-creator giveaway!
To celebrate Christmas as it should!
Around the theme of fantasy, each of us has created a gift to offer you
To enter this contest, simply follow the instructions.
It takes place on facebook and instagram for 15 days (November 1 to 15)
On facebook the goal is: Love the pages of all the creators
Elfique Lunatique, Sakura Créacustom,
Elfy's Dolls
Mystic Fantasy Ears and La fourmi Lunaire
Then love, comment (inviting friends) and share the publication in public mode.
You will find the giveaway publication from my Elfy's Dolls page.
For instagram same principle:
like the pages of the 5 creators
Share using the #enchantinggiveaway
Precisions, there will be as many winners as lots, ie 5 winners!
If you want to play on both social networks it's possible!
This will double your chances of winning ^^
The giveaway is international
And here we are, all of our great gifts!
A win:
a mega lot of miniatures for minster high and pullip dolls
A monster high custom doll made by Elfique Lunatique
A monster high custom doll made by me ^^
Elfy's Dolls
A monster high custom doll made by Sakura créacustom
a beautiful Elf of the Woods crown
created by Mystic fantasy ears
Elfique Lunatique proposes us Féa
Customized on a Draculaura basis
The lady has been completely redone
Its make up is made with acrylic paint and dry pastel
The whole of his body has been blushed
It is also decorated with an elegant tattoo on the neck
His wig is made of hand-dyed baby alpaca wool
She wears an outfit and dragonfly wings
made by Elfique Lunatique
The doll will come
with the business card of the creator Elfique Lunatique
and with a certificate of authenticity
on my side
I propose Corail
Customized on a Frankie basis
The lady has been completely redone too
Its make up is made with watercolor pencil and dry pastel
part of his body was worked with glitter
glitter being my big specialty ^^
its wig it is synthetic fiber
which I then buckled and adorned with braids and pearls
she also wears
a tiara made of pearl crystal and shell
The doll will come
with my business card
and with a certificate of authenticity
Sakura Créacustom offers Gaia
Customized on a Venus basis
The lady has been completely redone too
Its make up is made with acrylic paint pencil and dry pastel
she wears eyelashes
The whole of his body has been blushed
It is also decorated with an elegant tattoo on the thorax
His wig is reroot with wool
and decorated with pearl
The outfit that carries Gaia
is a realization of Sakura Créacustom
The doll will come
with business card
and with a certificate of authenticity
La fourmi Lunaire made for you
a fantastic lot of miniatures for monster high and pullip
the lot consists of: 6 scrolls
of 5 potted ingredients
of 3 candle holders
3 vials
a retort
a crystal ball
of 3 potions
3 book
and a heart and a unicorn horn
the lot will come
in its packaging in the shape of a ball
all the miniatures being individually packaged
so here is the business card of la Fourmi Lunaire
To finish here is the lot of Mystic Fantasy Ears
She offers you a crown of elf of the wood
made with budded branches
in shades of orange, green and pink
The crown is adorned with
leaves and butterflies in aluminum wire
d also a multitude of acrylic pearl
the crown will come with a business card
and a certificate of authenticity
here is the elf crown wear
you will notice that it is perfect
to realize a cosplay of elf !!!
the presentation of the lots is now finished
Find the rules of the game and the link of each of the creators on description of this video
The winners will be drawn on November 20th and announced on Facebook and Instagram.
and announced on Facebook
I hope that the lots please you because they were made in order
to thank you for your loyalty
I tell you soon the Dollys for a new video
I kiss you
Kissu! <3
pumpkin carving with my sister - Duration: 10:31.
Miley Cyrus - Fly On The Wall - Duration: 2:33.
Miley Cyrus - Fly On The Wall
Miley Cyrus - Fly On The Wall
CBC NL Here & Now Tuesday October 31 2017 - Duration: 1:05:40.
Frat Boy || Choi Youngjae || A Wattpad Story - Duration: 1:59.
[G-Dragon - Coup D'etat Instrumental]
[Radio Sounds]
[GOT7 - Just Right Instrumental]
Such a Nightmare #halloween - Duration: 3:06.
'Tempo de Amar': Delfina conta para Irmã Imaculada que Mariana está com José Augusto - Duration: 1:25.
Halloween Gshow: Sophia Abrahão, Maria Joana e Marcella Rica se inspiram em grandes vilãs da TV - Duration: 2:57.
Em 'O Outro Lado do Paraíso', mãe de Samuel pergunta se Suzy está grávida - Duration: 1:41.
Bycie pod presją - metoda EFT, Brad Yates napisy PL - Duration: 6:15.
Os Cangaceiros do Zodíaco - Cangaçus Fantasy - Duration: 1:28.
Comment maigrir et faire fondre sa bouée abdominale grâce au gingembre - Duration: 6:58.
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...
Kevin Elevates Performance in His F-150 - Duration: 0:30.
Hi I'm Trevor Feragen here at Legacy Ford in Ponoka.
Today I've got Kevin here from Red Deer
He's bought a 2017 F-150 from us.
He is a repeat customer and we enjoyed having him
come back for a second vehicle.
Hey, and I'm here because Legacy Ford is a great place
to buy a truck and I've been treated well.
Great coming out here to do service and everything,
even though I'm from Red Deer so.
Looking for another 5 years of great driving
with my F-150.
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