My master has...
Turn 3 Blue Wave Marshal Valeos
Master Shion...
What are you doing here?
I had a feeling I was summoned.
By Fides...
Blazing Sword, Fides, passed down through the generations of the Kiba family...
It's the symbol of the will of a righteous person
who defeats evildoers and aids those who are weak of mind.
If Fides came from the planet Cray, does it have some connection to Diffrider?
This is the place?
Who are you? What did you do to the guards?
Fides must disappear...
...from this world, forever.
You're after Fides?
Inheritor of Fides, if you stand in my way, I'll eradicate you too!
Begone, Fides!
Master Shion!
I suppose there is a difference in the weapons.
Why are you targeting Fides?
For the sake of my master.
Master? You mean Gastille?
Gastille is our leader.
I have but one master: Gyze.
The Deity of Destruction you Apostles are plotting to resurrect...
You don't understand, do you?
The magnificence of Gyze...
That's when I had an epiphany.
That I should cling to the absolute existence before my eyes.
Everything would return to nothingness before the power of Gyze.
There was no other path for me but to follow him.
If Gyze desires destruction, then I must comply with that will.
But why go after Fides?
The answer is in here.
I'm going to annihilate Fides.
Fight me!
I accept your challenge.
If I win the fight, I'm going to send the unit diffriding you back to Cray.
By doing that, I'll foil your plans and protect Fides.
What's your name?
Aqua Force Marshal Valeos.
Stand up...
...the Vanguard! ...Z Vanguard!
Knight of Discipline, Alectos!
Blue Wave Recruit, Kosty!
I ride Knight of Respect, Diotius!
I ride Beragios.
I ride Knight of Encouragement, Albion!
Stand and draw.
I ride Blue Wave Marine General, Galleass.
I attack your Vanguard!
No guard.
Damage check.
He hasn't gotten serious yet... I will.
Stand and draw!
Stand up, my new sword!
Knight of Heavenly Decree, Altmile!
Is that your avatar?
Altmile attacks!
Belenus's skill.
I send this unit to the Soul!
Altmile gets +5000 power!
Twin drive!
Second check! Critical trigger!
I give all of the effects to Altmile!
If you want to defeat me, you'll have to use Fides.
It seems you're fond of Fides.
We who live on Cray will never forget it.
The planet Cray?!
Some time ago, Gyze and we, his Apostles,
drove the world to the brink of destruction.
We were helped by the six Zeroth Dragons.
They're mighty dragons that Gyze produced from an elemental mass.
But some people foolishly tried to oppose us.
They were Genesis Deity, Messiah and his supporters.
As Gyze oversees destruction and chaos, Messiah governs creation and order,
so they are polar opposites.
In the wake of my loss to Fides, my army lost its power and Gyze was sealed away.
I am responsible for all of it.
Blazing Sword, Fides...
All because of a single sword...
Hatred. That's why you've come after Fides?
Don't get the wrong idea. This isn't a personal grudge.
It's for my master, Gyze.
I'm going to get rid of Fides, the one thing that's dangerous to Gyze.
Roar! Endless blue wave!
Blue Wave Marshal, Valeos!
This is Valeos...
Your true self?
Behold the power of my Aqua Force.
Blue blast that summons destruction!
Stride Generation!
Blue Wave Marshal Dragon, Flood Hazard Dragon!
Flood Hazard Dragon...
Stride skill.
Your Vanguard is fixed at 11000 power.
So even if he draws a damage trigger, the power won't increase.
And his opponent is using Aqua Force, a clan that specializes in chain attacks.
Master Shion...
I created the Absolute Justice Armada, Aqua Force.
The Aqua Force you know isn't even in the same league.
Galleass attacks.
Galleass gains two skills.
First skill. If it's the first attack this turn, Galeos stands.
The Galleass I just stood attacks Escort!
Blue roar of death, reverberate in the depths of despair!
Blue Wave Marshal Dragon, Flood Hazard Dragon attacks!
Galleass's second skill. After it attacks the Vanguard, it stands.
+2000 power!
A single unit can attack three times?!
Triple drive.
Draw trigger.
I give the power to Galleass.
Second check. Third check.
Critical trigger.
I give all of the effects to Flood Hazard Dragon!
After the fourth attack, Flood Hazard's skill is activated.
Stand. Drive minus 3.
Beragios's skill.
After the Vanguard stands, it stands.
What successive attacks!
Galleass attacks!
Damage check.
Critical trigger.
I give all of the effects to Altmile.
But the power is frozen at 11000.
Blue Wave Marshal Dragon, Flood Hazard Dragon attacks!
It ends here.
Master Shion!
Generation Guard!
Divine Knight of Godly Defense, Igraine!
Soulblast! +10000 shield!
And then guard!
Six attacks in one turn...
This is Valeos's Aqua Force.
The countdown to Fides's annihilation has begun.
I'll stop that clock.
You can't stop our plans.
We have already obtained the Zeroth Dragons.
Zeroth Dragons...
After sealing away the Zeroth Dragons, Messiah sent the first holy sword, Fides,
to this world, where it couldn't be reached.
But we were able to come to this world through diffriding.
Thanks to the Singularity known as Chrono Shindou...
Don't tell me that...
As the resurrected Gyze's tools, the six Zeroth Dragons will destroy the world.
Did the first holy sword, Fides, entrust my ancestor
with Blazing Sword, Fides, for a time like this?
Then I'll live up to that promise!
Valeos, Fides will defeat you once more!
And I'll prevent Gyze's return!
Altmile's skill!
I superior call Knight of Ambuscade, Redon!
+4000 power!
And with Redon's skill, +3000 power!
Righteous one, use that radiance to smite everything!
Stride the Generation!
Blazing Sword, Fides!
Justice for all humanity is in a tight spot.
For the sake of the future, lend me your power, Fides!
Stride Skill!
I superior call Support Sorcerer of Damascus!
+4000 power!
Fides's skill!
I superior call Counteroffensive Knight, Suleiman!
Fides gains a skill.
Alectos's skill.
To the Soul!
Redon attacks Valeos!
Suleiman attacks!
Skill activated!
I superior call Albion!
+2000 power!
Albion attacks!
Skill activated!
I superior call Redon!
+3000 power!
Generation Guard!
Blue Wave Armor General, Galfilia!
Its skill is activated on the third attack.
+5000 shield!
Fides, lend me your power to protect the future!
Fides's Brave!
I retire Beragios!
Also, Fides and Redon each get +5000 power!
No guard.
Triple drive!
Critical trigger!
I give the power to Redon and the extra critical to Fides!
I will protect the future!
5 damage! Master Shion!
Redon attacks!
It didn't go through!
Is this the best you can do after putting Fides into play?
Reading the wind, reading the waves, reading the time.
You couldn't do those things, so only death is left for you.
After biding my time for many years,
I'm sending up the signal here announcing Gyze's return!
The tide is high. The time has come.
At the cost of the same card as the Vanguard,
a Zeroth Dragon can appear, depending on the fight.
But with that, I have to put everything on the line.
If I lose the fight this way,
all of the cards in my Generation Zone go up in flames, never to return.
It means the fighter and units lose all possibilities to spin a future together.
Devour my future and manifest!
Magallanica's Zeroth Dragon!
Ultimate Stride!
Zeroth Dragon of Distant Sea, Megiddo!
Zeroth Dragon, Megiddo! What power!
Megiddo's skill.
I superior call five units from my hand and the Drop Zone.
All five units get +5000 power.
Five units at the same time?!
Valeos attacks!
Megiddo's skill activated.
After its attack, it switches place with another rear-guard.
Switches place?!
Then he can attack six times, or even more than that?!
Tremble with despair.
Galleass attacks!
Galleass switches place!
Galleass switches place!
I attack Albion!
No guard!
I, who bear all responsibility for failure, have been given
this chance to destroy Fides.
Victory is the only thing I can offer Gyze.
Valeos attacks!
Zeroth Dragon is still there...
Now it's your turn to go to sleep... forever.
When the blue scales tremble, the judgment between life and death is bestowed.
Zeroth Dragon of Distant Sea, Megiddo!
No guard...
Triple drive.
Critical trigger.
Critical trigger.
Critical trigger!
I give everything to Zeroth Dragon of Distant Sea, Megiddo!
How long I have waited for this moment... You should experience my impatience firsthand!
Perish, Fides!
Inheritor of Blazing Sword, Fides, which once saved the world...
You won the Under 20 championship, but lost to the Diffriders, and now lost to me.
You're not even a prospective vessel, so you're not going to Relics...
...but to hell.
The world will be silent!
Zeroth Dragon of Distant Sea, Megiddo!
Master Shion! It's dangerous here!
Oh no...
Master Shion!
The symbol of a righteous person...
Fides has been obliterated.
Now all obstacles against Gyze's return have been removed.
Useless resistance...
What the heck is going on here?!
Okay, one more time!
It doesn't make sense!
Darn it! It doesn't make sense!
In the first place, where are we?!
What is it?!
Suddenly felt a burning...
Just one was red before, but now it's two.
Like some kind of countdown?
Maybe when all six are red, a bomb goes off or something?
Did you hear that?
Somebody's coming!
Hey! Help us!
Wait. They're not necessarily on our side.
This is Relics, the prison of souls.
Once you enter here, you can never leave.
Friend of yours?
Yeah, right. Who are you?!
There are two ways to escape this prison, Relics.
By losing your life...
...or dedicating your life to my master.
Fides has been destroyed by the transcendent power of Zeroth Dragon.
Now nothing stands in the way of Gyze's return.
Valeos, you have shown me your loyalty to Gyze.
Bishop Gastille, what is the next plan?
We'll pay our respects to the greatest contributor to our cause.
As Gyze wishes...
The world will fall silent...
Turn 4 Zeroth Dragon The world will fall silent...
Before the destruction of our god! Turn 4 Zeroth Dragon
Turn 4 Zeroth Dragon
For more infomation >> [Sub][TURN 3] Cardfight!! Vanguard G Z Official Animation - Blue Wave Marshal Valeos - Duration: 26:25.-------------------------------------------
Art of Conquest - Episode 5 - Duration: 20:38.
Grande Fratello Vip: frase choc conto Giulia, Raffaello Tonon squalificato? | M.C.G.S - Duration: 3:50.
[Sub][TURN 2] Cardfight!! Vanguard G Z Official Animation - Challenge from the Apostles - Duration: 26:39.
What are you doing?!
Shiranui's motive was choosing a "vessel"
that Gyze could diffride from among the Under 20 participants.
The remaining fighters in the final stage
need to be very cautious about making contact with the Diffriders.
Because of that, all of the branch chiefs...
Who are you?!
From Team Diffrider...
Saori Fuchidaka.
I don't go by that anymore.
Now the name is Dumjid.
I'm an Apostle of the Dragon Deity of Destruction, Gyze!
An Apostle of Gyze, you say?
What's wrong?
I went out of my way to come here.
Give me a warmer welcome than this.
Get serious!
You call yourself an "Apostle," but why did you come here?
Just to say hi.
In that case, you can stay a little longer and tell us everything.
The purpose of you Apostles...
And just what is "the Dragon Deity of Destruction, Gyze?"
Fine. That is, if you can beat me.
But are you prepared to go up against an Apostle of Gyze?
Let's fight.
Turn 2 Challenge from the Apostles
Mamoru, what do you know about him?
Saori Fuchidaka participated in Under 20
as a member of Team Diffrider, along with Kazumi Onimaru,
but disappeared during the final stage.
I'll crush you!
Stand up...
...Z... ...the...
To you, that means this is your final battle.
Wyvernkid, Deidda.
Neon Messiah Aurion.
That's Neon Messiah's evolved form!
Dragon Knight, Tahir!
I ride Dunamis Messiah.
I ride Dragon Knight, Mbudi!
Call! Shakur!
What are the Association bigwigs even doing here?
Were you analyzing the info on Shiranui you got from Kazumi Onimaru?
I ride Metallia Messiah.
I call Arrester.
I attack your Vanguard.
It's hilarious...
...when weak humans become desperate!
Dragonic Blademaster "Kouen"!
No matter what you do, it's meaningless!
Why would Saori Fuchidaka enter enemy territory?
He's got guts.
He said he just stopped by to say "hi," but he must have had an ulterior motive.
We don't need to hypothesize about this or that.
It'll all become clear soon.
If Ibuki wins this fight.
Although that's his ulterior motive...
Twin drive!
Second check! Critical trigger!
I give all of the effects to Shakur!
Go, go, go, go, go!
Burn him!
What are you scheming? Why are you after Fides?!
The answer is here.
This will obliterate Fides. Fight me!
I accept your challenge!
What's your name?
Aqua Force Marshal, Valeos!
Alter Ego Neo Messiah.
That's the evolved form of Ibuki's...
Stride Generation!
Genesis Dragon, Basaltis Messiah.
And a new G unit!
Alter Ego Neo Messiah's stride skill.
I call one card from my hand
and can choose to lock one rear-guard unit of each fighter.
I lock Shakur.
I lock Aurion.
Cards that have been locked can't do anything until the next turn.
Metallia's skill.
The unit gets +3000 power.
The same skill, once more.
I call Beloved Child of Superstring Theory. Skill activated.
I give +3000 power to Arrester.
No matter how you lowly humans struggle, it's all for naught!
Arrester attacks.
Basaltis Messiah attacks your Vanguard.
Skill activated.
For each face-up card in the G Zone,
I choose one rear-guard and one locked card,
then lock and unlock them, respectively.
I lock Deidda.
I unlock Aurion.
I unlocked one or more cards, so I draw one card.
Metallia's skill activated twice.
The unit gets +6000 power.
On top of that, Aurion's skill activates.
I draw one card.
Basaltis Messiah. +5000 power.
His opponent's rear-guards are all locked.
And by repeatedly locking and unlocking his own units,
he's increasing their power.
This is the director's specialty!
Perfect guard!
Flare Trooper, Dumjid!
The Under 20 was playtime,
but what's going to happen from now on is different!
Triple drive!
Second check.
Third check.
Critical trigger.
I give all of the effects to Metallia.
This time it's a real battle!
It's war!
There's no way you people can resist!
Turn end.
Alter Ego Neo Messiah's skill activates.
During this turn, I unlocked a card with an effect from one of my cards,
so I draw two cards.
You can't protect yourself against anything!
You'll all die.
From the power possessed by the Apostles of Gyze.
Stride Generation!
Flare Arms, Ziegenburg!
Ziegenburg's skill!
Jaugo, +6000 power!
Tahir, +2000 power!
I'm not the same person I was before.
I've obtained new power.
Mighty power only granted to Apostles.
With this power, I'll seal your future right here!
Generation Guard!
Light that Seals the Tear, Lady Healer.
With its skill, it gets +10000 shield.
And also, guard!
Triple drive!
Second check!
Third check!
Critical trigger!
I give all of the effects to Ziegenburg!
Ziegenburg's skill activated!
I stand Ziegenburg!
Drive minus 2!
Now you'll realize how fragile humans are!
And weep! Curse your fate!
Perfect guard.
Drive check!
Critical trigger!
I give all of the effects to Jaugo!
You people don't stand a chance!
You survived... this turn.
Turn end.
I unlock Shakur and Deidda.
With Kouen's skill, I move the Kouen in the Drop Zone to my hand.
With this, the cost for stride is guaranteed.
And I have plenty of defensive cards in my hand.
Your death is assured.
I'm going to crush you people, this world and everything!
Don't underestimate me.
I'll show you the power of humans... my power!
Stride Generation!
Genesis Dragon, Harmonics Neo Messiah!
Harmonics Neo Messiah...
Ibuki has even more of a chance with that.
The future that Ibuki hopes to attain...
Stride skill. I lock Shakur.
Arrester's skill.
+2000 power.
Prayer Child of Steady State Cosmo's skill.
I lock two of my own rear-guards.
I draw one card.
No matter what happens, we're going to protect this world and Vanguard to the end!
Arrester attacks!
As if I'd take it?!
Arrester's skill.
I lock it and Deidda.
Sacrifice's skill.
I lock it.
Harmonics Neo Messiah gets +3000 power.
I attack your Vanguard!
Skill activated.
I unlock all locked cards.
All of my units that were unlocked get +5000 power.
And Harmonics Neo Messiah gets +5000 power
for every card that was unlocked.
Total of +30000 power.
Also, I unlocked five or more cards,
so you can't guard with any grade 1 or higher cards.
This is the power of Genesis Deity Messiah,
the counterpart of the Dragon Deity of Destruction, Gyze!
And its vanguard is Kouji Ibuki...
No guard!
Triple drive.
Second check. Critical trigger.
I give the power to Lady Battler and the extra critical to Harmonics Neo Messiah.
Third check. Critical trigger.
I give all of the effects to Harmonics Neo Messiah.
Gimme a break!
Is this the end of the line?
Ah, well...
All right!
Jeez. You had me on the edge of my seat.
I was afraid you were gonna overdo it and send him back to the planet Cray.
Then there would've been no point to the fight.
I know that. I held back.
But it turned out all right, so I guess I should say, "Well done."
So, why don't you tell us the Apostles' scheme?
Fine, but...
...I won't be the one who tells you.
What is this?! What's going on?!
Welcome to the ancient temple dedicated to my master.
My name is Gastille.
I worship the god of destruction and chaos.
This man is Gastille...
He's already being diffridden.
And that's...
...the Dragon Deity of Destruction, Gyze!
The Dragon Deity of Destruction, Gyze, will annihilate everything
and return it to nothingness.
We're trying to hasten that "end time."
We, the six Apostles.
And the "trump card" we need to do that is already in the palm of our hand.
"Trump card"?
Zeroth Dragon.
The world will be silent before the destruction of our god!
What was that?!
All an illusion? A hologram?
Wakamizu is capable of that much.
That boy outwitted us, huh?
This was a declaration of war.
Trump card... Zeroth Dragon... What does it mean?
Ibuki, we've got an emergency.
Chrono is... Chrono is...
What?! Chrono disappeared?!
Hey, Tsuneto, wake up!
Hey, Tsuneto!
Are you okay?
Wh-Where are we?!
I dunno.
What's going on here?!
I said, I dunno!
All of a sudden, I was dropped into...
You dragged me into dangerous business again!
Shut up!
What's with your hand?
What is that?
The Diffride mark...
But I don't feel anything different.
Looks like you're okay.
I-It disappeared!
I'm clueless, but let's get the heck outta here.
Yeah, I'm with you on that.
I guess I'll have to pull your fat out of the fire again.
I didn't ask for your help. In fact, you're a hindrance.
What was that?!
What was what?!
All right! Let's go!
Go and fight, Vangua-rou!
Let's go, Vangua-rou!
Chrono and Tsuneto!
What?! Chrono?
By the time Kazuma and I ran over there, he was already gone.
Tsuneto too, as he tried to save Chrono.
I'm going after Noa. - Chrono
Taiyou, I want you to get in touch with Shion right away.
He hasn't answered any of my messages, and I can't get a hold of him.
Of Shion?
He's not picking up?
Still, I was surprised.
I never expected one of Gyze's goons to crash HQ.
Although Ibuki won the fight,
it went exactly as the enemy planned.
These guys are trouble with a capital T.
Their secret weapon is Zeroth Dragon.
I'm worried about that, too.
Problems galore. I've got a bad feeling about all this.
Turn 3 Blue Wave Marshal Valeos
Wie MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 Koppelstange vorne wechseln TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 5:41.
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Aochan's School Days Revival Makeup 【eng sub】 - Duration: 10:59.
I think back then had a shape image on the inner corner
so drawing it a little thick this time
Hello everyone, this is Aochan
Today I am illustrating the makeup I did while in junior high and high school
Now I like bright colored clear lipsticks,
but blue pink lipsticks which I used to use,
or double use of false lashes
or some on the bottom lashes, which is different from usual.
so let's start
The color contacts are the usual Twinkle Eyes sky gray
I used to like gray color contacts since I was a student
so I am using sky blue type ones until this day
I believe it's close to back then, so using that
The base is AC by Angel Color, Perfect Keep makeup base
in color multi natural
Usually I would use Prima Vista....
Usually I would use Prima Vista base,
but since I was using a thicker base back then,
so I am using this AC base
I have found out after adding it, but it's pretty heavy
It had the same coverage as the foundation, so I'm doing makeup only with base
Next is CanMake cover and stretch concealer in color #1
This is the same as the one I usually use
The highlighter I have been doing with concealer all along
so I'm using the usual one
Next is hiding the marks and pimple marks
Kate stick concealer natural beige
This is same as usual
I have used this KATE concealer more than the CanMake concealer
This one I've had since I started makeup
It's the one I bought when I first bought makeup goods
so it's a cosmetic I've always used
It covers so well, so please try it out
Adding the powder now
AC by Angel Color, Little Twinkle Stars powder
Multi natural. From normal to tanned skin
I have always used this one,
and I have used it before it became this little twinkle stars package
It covers so well
I feel the powder now is a little bit darker
It seems to be a little different than usual so beware
Next is adding the eyebrows
KATE designing eyebrow in light brown color
As usual, mixing up these two colors,
coloring the inner corner side a little,
and going over the outer side
Once the overall is done, take a thin brush for the darkest color,
to make the edges a little darker
Next is the eyebrows pencil
Vibo eyebrows's gone
The lightest color
Right now I am using this brush type,
Since I wanted to make it close to back then, using the Vibo liner
You realize when you use something useful,
I believe the brush type is easier to use than the pencil type
This is around 430 yen so for beginners it's quite good
Next is the eyebrows mascara
KissMe Heavy Rotation coloring eyebrow in yellow brown
The way to apply is as usual going along the flow
When you are applying to the inner corner,
if you do it like this, it's easier to apply so try it out
Raising the eyelashes
The curler can be anything so please raise it from the root
Drawing the eyeliner
Dual lasting eyeliner waterproof in black
It's as usual, but since today I am adding a longer and thicker false lashes,
so I am drawing the base much longer than usual
Adding the false lashes
Diamond lash glamorous eyes
It's quite a heavy one
When I do makeup to my guests at the Ganguro Cafe, I use double of these
This is the final Lethal Weapon
This final weapon of the false lashes is what I am using
When I was even more gyaru, I was using this, and something thicker for the outer corner
but I'm using this
I have very narrow eyes, so if I use it like this, it'll be too much of false lashes
so clipping off one length off from the outer corner
and making the starting point longer to apply
This is the glue for the eyelashes
and this is the glue for the eyelid glue
Always adding eyelid glue for the eyelashes
and for the outer corner,
adding the eyelid glue to keep it strong
Finally the time has come for me to add double lashes
It's called Fairy Eye, a very thick hair type
This one is divided into the thick part and the thin part
Cutting off the thick part and matching the end
Creating the double eyelid
Don Quijote original, the Bijo-no-Futae-tape in nudy pink color
This also I have used since high school
but still up and running
Since I don't see it in Don Quijote now, I may be in danger of losing it
It's really good so if you find it somewhere, please try it
Using eyelid glue before adding this on
That will keep it from coming off, so it will be better
Adding the eye shadow now
Maybelline Hyper Diamond Shadow
Mixture of gold and brown
Adding the light color on the whole eyelid,
and then adding the dark color a little above the eyelid
Adding the liner on the inner corner and outer corner
This one is also done by the Real Lasting Eyeliner black
I think the inner corner used to be darker and sharper,
so drawing it thicker this time
The outer corner is draw like usual
Since the width is quite wide,
which means the line on the outer corner will be longer than usual
but since it's thick, I will let it go
Drawing from around the pupils to the outer corner
Usually I wouldn't add line here, but as it is thick makeup
Integrate Killer Wink Gel Liner
This is also black
All you need is black, but using this
If you rub it in too much, it will actually come off easier
so you can just get it on easily
The Maybelline Hyper Diamond Shadow again
Using the dark brown to blend in the part drawn by the gel liner
Next is after such a long time, the bottom lashes come out
Dolly Wink for the bottom lashes. No.14
The outer corner is quite thick colored
Cutting off 6 wads on the inner corner and only using the outer corner side
After adding the bottom lashes, to blend with your original lashes,
Using the Maybelline mascara Magnum
This time I didn't have to use it twice to blend it in, so I can go with it
One spread and won't have beetle legs
Adding the nose shadow today
Dolly nose makeup, Dolly nose face color
What a pestering name
With this orange color, going from the bottom to up
and the reverse triangle zone will be
a little thicker than usual
This time I'm using a super rare pink blush
CanMake Powder cheek Speed Label #26 is pink
#25 is orange
The pink goes in thinly and long under the eyes
The orange goes like this in reverse triangle this
Mixing it a bit above
The final....not really the final yet..but shading
CanMake shading powder #1
The darkest color
The method is the same as before. From the chin and up
With the optical illusion, when it gets lighter towards the inner face, the face looks smaller
so making the outside dark, and inner side lighter
Finally adding Candy Doll Lipstick Lemonade Pink
I probably have bought three when I was using it
It's quite a blue pink lipstick
When the mouth becomes white, it looks really like a gyaru
I really liked it
It's been a while since I used it, but it's still a very cute color
I'm not doing a gyaru like makeup so I won't be using it much,
Those of you doing gyaru, this is a great color so please try it out
It lasts pretty long
Since I wanted the hair to be cheerful this time,
Not a normal pig tail, but making 3 braids to make it look vigorous
It looks like something from outer space. How is it?
The sun visor is nothing special
It was cute, so I used it
Around 1200 yen at Forever 21
How was the nostalgic makeup of my junior/high school days?
The key this time is using the pink blush I don't usually use,
and the double use of false eyelashes I haven't done nearly for 3 or 4 years
but if you make the eyelashes too big, the light won't come into the color contacts
so I personally don't think that is cute
so the eyelashes light, and the color contacts being flashy is cuter
Today's coordination is making it sporty and more cheerful
Since it's a coordination between junior high/high school, it's around 13yr old to 18yr old
Since I was a volleyball girl, it doesn't show any volleyball look, it's still sporty look
This is my personal favorite earrings from Yoshida Beads
It's big and has a presence so please try it out
You can buy it online, and also in Tokyo you can buy it at Shimo-Kitazawa
I heard the main store is in Osaka so if you have a chance, please go there
The rest is jersey with a slit in it,
and had some fishnet stalkings inside
The details are what it counts
Everybody thank you for watching
There are so many other videos with some extra videos to show my character
Please check them out. So goodbye
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