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For more infomation >> School Vocabulary | English Vocabulary | kids vocabulary | Toddler Learning | vocabulary for kids - Duration: 13:37.-------------------------------------------
Cette famille fait pousser 3 tonnes de nourriture dans son jardin. Voici leur secret ! - Duration: 5:23.
Vánoční filmy: nejlepší komedie a romantické filmy online - Duration: 4:44.
FOR MORENO 270 - Duration: 0:11.
Applying to MUSIC at York U - Q's from a Hat - Duration: 1:56.
And one more time
I just wanted to see you to dab again.
There's one more...
Next question.
Great question!
Hello, I'm Blair I play the trombone.
I'm in music here at York University you're
We're doing questions from a hat this is a nice Blue Jays hat it's youth size
it doesn't fit me I'm very upset
The first question:
When you audition for the program you're taken to a room with one or two adjudicators
who will listen to one solo study or "étude" and then you're taken to another room
(where you'll) write a theory test
it's not like a pass/fail you're in/you're out thing
it's just a placement test so they know what skill level you're at
when you audition for the program
Next question is:
On the average year we take about a hundred people into the program,
some years more, some years less because we like to keep the department balanced
so when one year graduates,
we're not stuck without key players for our ensembles
our main goal is to make sure that all the years are evenly represented.
Can I get a drum roll?
Can I do a drum roll? (drumming)
Yes you can!
If you live a certain distance away from the school then
you're allowed to send a video recording of it
or audio, I believe video is preferred but audio is allowed as well.
We have a very top-notch performance facility here so
it's very much easier to come in if you can.
Hope to see you guys next year
this hat doesn't fit me
but I'm just gonna try and wear it - nope.
That's as far as it'll go.
See you next year!
Future Renault Mégane RS Trophy 2 (2018) : 300 ch et un look d'enfer ! - Duration: 2:28.
Sportwagen aus dem 3-D-Drucker soll Klima schonen - Duration: 8:58.
Aellinis(Swissness) - Jak to było z tymi kupami ? DRAMA disstream - Duration: 0:45.
#SpookAThon 2017 | Weekend Reading Vlog [CC] - Duration: 19:12.
Sleeping puppies! Is it a vlog without me showing our sleeping dogs? I don't think
so. Hey everybody. Welcome back to my
channel. So this is me from the future. Hey guys.
I needed to record a new intro to this vlog because the one I recorded... the
sound is just non-existent. There's no audio on the clip anymore. So I just
wanted to say hey and introduce you to this vlog. Basically I tried to vlog
for Spookathon and I just wasn't really happy with the footage I was taking cuz
it was basically just me driving back and forth to work
cuz that's my life. So I decided to scrap most of that footage and just do
a weekend reading vlog. So that's what this is. This is my reading for the end
of SpookAThon and then I also had an extra day of reading on the Monday
following SpookAThon. Mainly you're going to see me reading the books I Let
You Go by Clare Mackintosh, The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, It by Stephen King,
and then I have a couple other books that I talk about as well. Those are the
main ones and you also get to see a little bit of what I get up to that
weekend. So that's what's going on in this vlog. I
hope you guys enjoy and hopefully the next time I do a vlog the intro's audio
isn't non-existent. Alright I'll see you guys later. Bye!
Got some dinner going!
Chicken, rice, and peas. We're so healthy. BRETT: Do - do you want to change the show so
we're not eating during The Walking Dead? RILEY: Yeah, let's not eat and watch people get cut in
half with samurai swords. BRETT: Well that's cool part.
Hello! It is about quarter to ten now, so it's
bit later. But I have showered very clearly, and I'm now in bed and I'm going
to start picking up some I Let You Go. Seeing how much I can read before I get
tired and fall asleep which usually happens pretty quickly. I'm a grandma.
Brett and I had dinner which you saw and then we just hung out and watched a bunch of
Parks & Rec and we are now addicted to this game called
Block Hexa on my phone which is just a puzzle game. So we've been doing that. But
now I'm just gonna hunker down see if I can get some more of I Let You Go read
and I'll probably check in with you tomorrow with how I do tonight because
I've been known to fall asleep with the book open in my lap.
Good morning! It's Saturday and I have been up for a little while. It's about 10
a.m. right now. I woke up around 7 and I read in bed for like a solid like hour
and a half or so and then Brett and I were just kind of hanging out for
another hour and a half or so. But right now I'm going to pick us up some
breakfast sandwiches and some coffee. I do have to leave for work in about an
hour and a half or so. So I'm just kind of chillin until then but I did get like,
50 more pages read this morning of I Let You Go. I came across one of the twists
which is exciting. I'm really starting to get into it more which I like because
it's - I would say that this book has a pretty slow start. It does lay a lot of
groundwork and kind of leads you in one direction then you're totally kind of
blindsided by twist towards the end of the first part. So
now I'm like, really kind of into it. So I'm excited to get back into the book a
little bit more. Maybe I'll read a bit more before I leave for work but we
shall see. I'm on page I think a hundred and ninety at this point so I would like
to get either like a hundred more pages read today or get up closer to the 300s
and then if I can't finish it today I'll be able to finish it tomorrow
and move onto The Wizard of Oz.
I'm thinking - the second half of thrillers tend to go a lot faster so
we'll see how I like the rest of the book. I am about - according to Goodreads
I'm 51 percent done so I just have the second half to go and usually that goes a
lot faster. So hopefully I enjoy it.
DRIVE-THRU: Hi, what can I get for you? RILEY: Hi, can I have one bacon, sausage, egg and
cheese on an English muffin? DRIVE-THRU: Bacon, sausage, egg and cheese on an English?
RILEY: Yep and then I'll do one egg and cheese on a cinnamon raisin?
DRIVE-THRU: Sausage, egg and cheese on an English, and then what was the second one?
RILEY: Egg and cheese on a cinnamon raisin
DRIVE-THRU: Okay. RILEY: And then can I also do a one
glazed doughnut and a medium French vanilla iced coffee regular?
DRIVE-THRU: Glazed Donut, medium eyes french vanilla regular?
RILEY: Yep! DRIVE-THRU: Something else? RILEY: That's gonna be it. Thanks!
Got breakfast! I got egg and cheese on a cinnamon raisin, you got sausage, bacon, egg, and cheese on
an English. Got Parks on. Good start to a Saturday.
Wardrobe change! It's eleven thirty nine and I'm heading out to work now. I have
to work from like 12:30 til....
about like, 4:30 or 5:00 and then I'm heading back home. We have an event that's from 2:00 to
4:00 today and it's a gorgeous day out. There's going to be goats and dogs and
cider donuts and I think it's going to be a lot of fun. And I have a live show tonight.
Tonight is my Halloween live show. I was originally
supposed to do it with Michael - my good friend Michael from Michael H. but
unfortunately he's sick. So I feel very bad because he was
excited to do it too but he's sick so I'll just be doing it on my own. So I
think on the way home I might stop and pick up some like pumpkin beers or
something like that.
You know, just have a little bit of a hangout with everybody which I'm excited about.
So it's 7:59. My
livestream starts in one minute. I got my Dino onesie on and I'm ready to have a
Halloween hangout. I don't know how many people will come but hopefully it'll be
a good time. Hey! So it's about 9:45 right now. My live show was a lot of fun. We had
a small little group there but it was fun. We talked a lot about - we did the
Halloween tag, Halloween book tag, which was fun, and then we talked a lot about
like our favorite horror/thriller books which is always good. I wrote down
a bunch of recommendations because I really love horror/thriller and then we
also talked a lot about planners which, I mean, like, was unexpected but we were all
really into it so I had a good time .So thank you to everybody who came and hung
out with me. I can't wait till my next live show which will actually be during
BorrowAThon. I am so thrilled for that. But anyway it's quarter to ten and I'm going
to hunker down and read some more of I Let You Go. I'd like to see how far I can
get. I never tend to do well when I'm like, sitting in bed and reading but
hopefully I can stay up for a little while longer and read more of this and
hopefully get closer to finishing it. Good morning. Happy Sunday. Happy game day.
If you can't tell I'm wearing my Patriots jersey because the Patriots are playing
tonight. They're playing in the primetime game, so 8:30, and they are playing
against the Falcons. It's a rematch against the Falcons so ughhh. Falcons are
out for blood. This will be a tough game, but it's
Sunday and I just got up and showered. It's about 8:40 a.m. and Brett and I are
going to be going to our favorite breakfast spot and then I think we might
go to like Target/Game Stop after and then I have a bunch of other things
that I want to get done today. I want to film a couple of videos. I do want to
clean the bedroom because it's a little bit of a mess and want to do some
laundry. I'm gonna be doing a slow cooker recipe and I want to film some videos.
I have like three TBR's that I need to film. One for November, one for the Borrowathon, and
one for the Contemporaryathon. I also want to finish I Let You Go today. I got
up to page 225 last night and that means I only have about like 140 pages or so
left of this so I can definitely get this done today. So that will be a
priority. I'll probably try and get that done before the Patriots game. I don't
think that The Wizard of Oz will be happening today but I can definitely try and get
it done tomorrow because I will have the day off. We're going to Bill's! Hooray!
BRETT: Come on, be entertaining!
BRETT: ...Well that's not good. RILEY: YOU BE ENTERTAINING!
BRETT: Ahhh no! That's terrifying!
RILEY: So Brett does this thing where he turns the camera on and
then I have like 5 hours of footage to sift through... BRETT: Alright...
Oh yeaahhh...
Pumpkin chocolate-chip pancakes. Yummy!
(knocking) RILEY: Trick or Treat! Trick or treat!
BRETT: We have apples for you, that's about it. RILEY: Apples? I'm out of here.
RILEY: Like my Halloween costume? BRETT: Yeah it's dope. How much for a slice?
I think it's my best one yet.
(IT by Stephen King audiobook)
(upbeat music)
I got crock-pot going, I filmed the two videos that I wanted to film, I haven't
cleaned yet. Maybe I'll do that a little bit later, but right now I have my chips,
guac, and some Sprite, and my book and I'm gonna read and see if I can get a lot closer to
finishing this. Let's see. Here's the final result of the slow cooker recipe.
So it's creamy chicken broccoli and rice. Not super healthy, but super delicious.
Good morning! It's Monday and I have the day off, so I
decided why not extend this vlog another day? I also went to sleep without talking
to you guys last night and I wanted to give you some updates. Last time I
checked in with you guys I was eating dinner which was bomb and we have so many
leftovers so I'm gonna be eating that all week which I'm pretty excited about and we
were about to watch the Patriots game. Patriots ended up winning against the
Falcons last night which... phew. I was really nervous about that game because
Atlanta had a lot to prove. Luckily we pulled it out. Before dinner
though I did end up finishing I Let You Go and
that book, you guys, is very intense. The second half of it is
extremely intense. There is a lot of very real domestic violence in the second
half of that book and it - it was so intense that sometimes I had to like, put
the book down and stop reading, and like, collect myself because it was very
intense. So just a heads up. I didn't know that that was part of the storyline. It's
definitely not on like the description at all. So I do want to give a heads up.
There's lots of domestic violence in that book. That being said it was an
extremely exciting read. There are multiple times where I was fooled and
there was twists and everything like that. So I really did enjoy it. It was an
enjoyable thriller. Today I would say the first half of the book, or the first part
of the book, was a little bit slow and boring, but it definitely made up for it
in the second part of the book and for the rest of the book.
So that being said I - I really enjoyed the second half of the book. I really
thought it was well written. I think a book has to be really well written if it
forces you to have reactions. So I had a lot of very strong reactions to the
domestic violence pieces. I was gasping and I was actually reading the book in
the same room as Brett and I was like "oh no!" like, out loud. Like, reacting to the
book and Brett was like "what's happening?" I'm like "this book is crazy!" So with that
I would say it's a very well-written book. I really enjoyed it. Because the
first half of the book wasn't like, super holding my attention, I'm going to not
give it a full five stars but I think it deserves more than a four stars so I'm
giving it four and a half stars. Really enjoyed it and would definitely
recommend. Just have the heads up, there is a lot of domestic violence in it and
it can be very upsetting. So go into that book knowing that. Last night I also
started The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. I brought it with me. I'm actually going to
get some breakfast if you're wondering where I'm driving. Getting us breakfast
sandwiches and coffee. But I did start the Wizard of Oz. I read a bunch of it in
bed and I'm going to be able to finish it this morning. So I'm going to get back
to the house and eat breakfast and hopefully just
finish the a book and then I'll have another book done! Hooray! And I'll give
you my thoughts on this one because I'm really enjoying it. A lot of what's in
this book got cut out for like the movie musical and I kind of wish they didn't
do that now that I'm reading it. There's like, a lot of - there's a lot more
backstory to like the Tin Man and the Scarecrow and things like that and
there's just like different scenes that were changed and different things that
were kind of twisted in order to make the movie a little bit more cheerful and
fun. I would love to see a remake of The Wizard of Oz that's truer to the book
and it would be cool if it was done by somebody like Tim Burton or like
somebody has - kind has the darker vision. I think that would be great. I'm
starting my buddy read of A Darker Shade of Magic with Megan from Rogers Reads
today and I am also going to try and finish It today because I think I only
have like two and a half hours left to listen to.
So maybe I'll do that while I clean. I need to clean my desk in our bedroom
because it's just covered with stuff and I don't even sit at it because it's just
so messy so I think I'll listen to that while I clean my desk off and I also
need to record another video today. So got a busy day ahead of me but I'm glad
that I have the day off so that's good. What's up guys? What time is it? I think it's
about 2 o'clock. Yeah, it's 2:09 and I just finished
filming my BorrowAThon TBR. I've done a lot of cleaning. I've finished The Wizard
of Oz. I finished it in like 30 minutes after getting back from breakfast. I
actually ended up giving it five stars. It was a really, really fun children's
book and I probably would have really enjoyed it if I was a kid and I just had
a lot of fun reading it. I preferred it way more than the movie, so I'm very
excited that I read it. So if you haven't had the chance to read The Wizard of Oz, the
book, I would highly recommend. Right now I am just - I have just set out my TBR for
the week. So I'm gonna read sixty pages of this a day with Megan. I want to
finish this book this week and I also want to finish this book this week. This
is my diverse pick for the month of October. I'm like a third of the way into
it so hopefully I can finish that this week and then I need to finish this by
the end of the month because this is my TBR jar pick. So if all this fails these
are the next three books I will be reading. Hopefully get these all done in
the month of October. October hasn't been the best reading month for me I have
like a whole stack - these are the books that I wanted to get to but didn't.
So it's been a rough reading month, but I feel like I'm back on track which is
great and just in time for BorrowAThon cuz that's coming around very soon as
well and I'm very excited. Hey friends! It's much later now. It's like 9 -
9:08 p.m. and I have been super productive all day. I'm actually really
happy with how today went. I did a little bit of cleaning of the bedroom
which I wanted to do. Got that done. Recorded another video, got that done. Got
all the videos that I recorded this weekend edited. I'm actually exporting
the last one right now. Managed to get one uploaded and live on my channel.
super excited about that. One is already uploaded and will be scheduled to go
live at the beginning of November. It's my November TBR, and then I'm probably
gonna hit upload on this one that's exporting before I go to bed. Another big
accomplishment is I finally finished It by Stephen King. I finally finished the
final pages of It and this is done. I rated it 4 stars but I'm gonna talk a
little bit more about why I rated it 4 stars in my October wrap up so make sure you
check out that video when it goes live. But I'm just so happy to have that book
done. I managed to finish 3 books this weekend and I'm really happy
about that. That's a lot more than I've been able to
finish for most of this month so that's great. But I do want to end the vlog here.
and say thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed following me around
this weekend. I feel like I was very productive this weekend and I hope you
enjoyed the vlog. If you did, please leave a big thumbs up. Subscribe if you haven't
already. I do try to put up a new video each and every week and I will see you
guys again very soon. Bye!
Camera Inspection Seal Beach CA 800-538-4537 Plumbing Camera Inspection Seal Beach CA - Duration: 1:10.
Camera Inspection Seal Beach CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every
6 months to come clear it out?
Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree
roots intruding into sewer lines.
We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree
roots or any other blockages in your pipes.
While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the
entire surface of the pipe.
We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.
We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.
To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.
If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.
Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!
I'm not blocked anymore. - Duration: 13:42.
wiggle wiggle wiggle
Welcome to this poorly made video
with a completely fucked up lighting against a wall
and that's completely not natural.
That's horrible, why did I do that?
Can you see my face correctly now?
That's shit.
*insert a cancerous and clickbait title here*
I'm just fucking killing my microphone cable right now.
I'm not here to joke. (you're here to joke Ario, shut up)
I just prepared nothing, this is clearly one of my most fucked up video...
I need to straight my microphone too...
So everybody can hear me.
So, what was I talking about...
PS: the number of "Euuuhhh" completely explosed
It's actually a new type of video I make rarely, where I just sit and talk to you.
A lot of things happened since the last 1/2 years.
I need to tell you what happened because
I just started to be conscious about this
I just said to myself: "there's a big problem".
I just absolutely needed to make a video about this
Where I just tell you what's the problem.
It's been one and a half year, and there's just nothing that really happened in my videos
I'm not gonna lie, nothing happened since the last 2 years
Hi, my name is Antoine Daniel and I'm posting a video every year.
And if I want to make this quick video
(That's not a quick video)
It was an idea that came yesterday
Becaus some things happened recently
And this things are...
not really funny.
And yeah my chair is broken, that's cool.
(Am I really talking to my chair?)
Something happened not long ago
Since 4 months, I'm installing myself on Discord
I'm talking with nice people.
And someone caught me, and he asked me if I could help him
to find a story for his text he was writting
On his computer.
So I was like: "why not? It sounds cool."
So I shared my invented story with him
like "that's for you, do what you want."
But some hours later, I remembered what I've done
And I just said: "Holy shit, it was nice."
I was feeling nice during the short time I wrote it
It was cool to write a story, to build my characters and all of this, even indirectly.
I find it was a nice sensation.
And I said: "I would build my own, it looks so cool."
So I did it, and until one week...
Des canadiens nous font part de leurs expériences à l'étranger - Duration: 2:41.
Marfan Syndrome - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology - Duration: 6:54.
Marfan syndrome is a genetic disorder that results in defective connective tissue, which
can affect a person's skeleton, heart, blood vessels, eyes, and lungs.
Normally, the interstitial space of various body tissues is full of microfibrils - which
are strong ropelike structures that provide tissue integrity and form connective tissue.
The main component of microfibrils is a glycoprotein called fibrillin.
In some structures microfibrils form a scaffold for additional proteins like elastin.
Elastin fibers are highly cross-linked, and that gives them a rubber-band-like quality,
which allows tissues to stretch and then spring back to their original shape.
Tissues that have elastin fibers are tissues like the arteries, skin, and lungs, and tissues
that have microfibrils but no overlying layer of elastin are like tendons and the ciliary
zonules that hold the eye lens in place.
These tissues are less stretchable, but still have considerable tensile strength.
In addition to being part of microfibrils, fibrillin also regulates tissue growth.
Fibrillin sequesters or removes transforming growth factor beta, or TGF-β, which stimulates
tissue growth, so fibrillin therefore lowers how much TGF-β is available to stimulate
Marfan syndrome is caused by mutations in a gene called FBN1, or fibrillin 1, on chromosome
It's autosomal dominant, which means that even if there's a normal copy of the gene,
a single mutated copy of the gene – in other words a heterozygous mutation – is sufficient
to cause the disease.
The FBN1 gene encodes Fibrillin-1 protein, one of three fibrillin subtypes.
In Marfan syndrome, fibrillin-1 is either dysfunctional or less abundant.
As a result, there are fewer functioning microfibrils in the extracellular matrix, and that means
there's less tissue integrity and elasticity.
Connective tissue is found throughout the body, so this can affect nearly every body
Additionally, TGF-β doesn't get effectively sequestered, so TGF-β signaling is excessive
in these tissues - meaning more growth.
The most obvious physical features of Marfan syndrome involve the skeleton.
The long bones grow excessively, so individuals are tall with long arms and legs – this
is called a Marfanoid body habitus.
They have long, thin fingers and toes too, called arachnodactyly, which is a reference
to the long legs of spiders.
Finally, overgrowth of ribs can cause pectus excavatum, where the chest sinks in, or pectus
carinatum, where the chest points out.
Other bone and joint features include scoliosis where the spine has a sideways curve, an inability
to extend the elbows all the way to 180 degrees, flexible joints, a downward slant to the eyes,
and a narrow palate that crowds the teeth.
In the skin, Marfan syndrome can cause stretch marks, and in the lung it can cause bullae
to form.
Which are large spaces that replace the normal architecture of the lungs and can cause a
pneumothorax to form.
In the eyes, Marfan syndrome is a risk factor for retinal detachment and a dislocation of
the lens, which is usually in an upward direction.
The most serious features, though, of Marfan syndrome are cardiovascular.
The aorta dilates over time, which is a risk for aortic valve insufficiency, where blood
leaks back into the left ventricle during diastole.
The aorta also undergoes cystic medial necrosis, which is where there is degeneration of the
tunica media, which is the central portion of the aortic wall.
Both dilation and cystic medial necrosis weaken the aorta, making it susceptible to aneurysm,
dissection, and rupture.
An aneurysm is an outpouching of a vessel, which weakens its wall even further.
A dissection is where the inner wall, or intima, gets a tear, and blood tracks into a false
lumen in the vessel wall.
And this can occlude normal blood flow.
An aortic rupture is a full-thickness tear, which allows blood to escape the vessel.
And all of these complications can be fatal.
Finally, Marfan syndrome is a risk factor for mitral valve prolapse, where the mitral
valve pouches into the left atrium during systole.
The features of Marfan syndrome, though, might not be present for everyone with Marfan syndrome,
and any given feature can be more or less severe.
Also, Marfan syndrome isn't usually noticeable at birth, so the symptoms show up over time
as the child grows.
Occasionally, though, features are present at birth, called early-onset or neonatal Marfan
As for diagnosis, A person is diagnosed with Marfan syndrome if they have clinical features
of Marfan syndrome like aortic disease, a dislocated lens, family history, and FBN1
Now, although there is no cure for Marfan syndrome but there are treatments for some
of the clinical features.
For example, if an eye lens dislocates, it can be removed and replaced by an artificial
If the aorta gets too wide, it can be repaired surgically so it doesn't dissect or rupture.
Beta blockers have been shown to slow aortic dilation, and the angiotensin receptor blocker
losartan, which decreases TGF-β signaling, can slow dilation even more when given in
conjunction with a beta blocker.
All right, as a quick recap -Marfan syndrome is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder
caused by mutations in the FBN1 gene.
This leads to fewer fibrillin microfibrils in certain connective tissues, which compromises
their strength and elasticity, and upregulating TGF-β signaling.
The end result is an individual with a tall, thin body with symptoms of loose connective
tissue, most importantly in the aorta.
Marlene e Genésio em: os 10 melhores momentos - Duration: 1:14.
Na batida do funk! Assista ao clipe com melhores momentos de Bigode e Noronha - Duration: 1:19.
Future Renault Mégane RS Trophy 2 (2018) : 300 ch et un look d'enfer ! - Duration: 2:28.
Cette famille fait pousser 3 tonnes de nourriture dans son jardin. Voici leur secret ! - Duration: 5:23.
FANBOATS UNITE!... NOW FIGHT!「Splatoon 2: Fail Fleet Battles 🦑 Ep1」 - Duration: 1:55:11.
Anime on Crack #1 - Duration: 3:58.
Please wait!
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Please wait!
My face as I see this!
Please wait!
Please wait!
Please wait!
Please wait!
Please wait!
Please wait!
0805 - Fred Astaire - Shall We Dance - Slap that Bass - Duration: 3:02.
Si vous avez ces petites bosses sur le visage, vous devrez connaître et utiliser ceci ! - Duration: 7:37.
1. "Let's Dance"-Kandidat: Malle-Star Jens Büchner dabei? - Duration: 2:05.
The FMs
4 F Part 3 - Duration: 0:45.
How did you forget? **Post-Prego brain is REAL**
And that is how you apply those 4 "F" Skillz! ;-)
4 F Part 1 - Duration: 0:18.
No Deadline? Man, what happened to Bethany's communication skills?
4 F part 2 - Duration: 0:42.
Example of a FRIBE
Friendly Follow up :)
Bethany working on her Communication SKILLZ
Owning her post pregnancy brain problems
Help meeee help youuuu
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