here we go what's going on guys it's Brian from BG media innovation and I got
a great one for you here today so today I'm going to talk about a little tip
that I have that can get you more engagement more views more subscribers
and ultimately more traffic to your YouTube channel so it's basically a
plugin it's Google plugin and it comes free called two buddy and I'm gonna
share a couple of things with you that two buddy does that I think are really
really cool that are gonna blow your mind so the first and foremost the best
in my opinion thing is basically doing a keyword research on your competitors of
videos so in my my situation I'm you know pretty much everything passive
income you know online online income you know I do drop shipping I do Amazon FBA
I do a number of different things across that spectrum so for example if I were
gonna go in to make a video that covers something about drop shipping and I was
gonna link my course in the description for that what I would then do is I might
go to somebody that I think is a competitor that also you know makes
videos that deal with drop shipping so Alex Becker comes to mind
but since I already kind of looked at his videos earlier and I realized that
he wasn't really tagging it right I'm gonna just maybe go to him onto his
videos really fast and then I'm gonna see I'll show you what I mean here it
basically tells you all the tags that they that they that they're trying to
rank for and it shows you what they are actually ranking for now he's not
ranking for anything and this is something and I started to notice as I'm
doing research and I'll get into that a little bit more some of the top you know
channels don't do this but the majority of channels that are up-and-coming and
growing to now I there's a bunch of different reasons I have for this it's a
little bit or I I have that that I speculate about why this is mostly
because they're probably getting traffic from outside sources in a lot of ways
and they already have a following of you know a big subscriber base they don't
necessarily need to tag their videos but that's a little bit beyond the scope of
this video this video is basically about doing keyword research you know and
basically figure out what tags your competitors are ranking for so you can
ultimately steal their traffic now we're gonna try to find somebody
that's similar to him let's see if wholesale Ted does this cuz I remember
watching this video I was loud and let's mute that really fast and see if she's
ranking Frank so she's not really tagging that well either you'll start to
notice this but she is ranking for a couple so if I were going to you know
potentially tagged my video my dropshipping video I might want to think
of you know tagging these because they're clearly rank able now I don't
know that those are two to rank able and if I go into two buddy I'll show you
with the next basically basically the next feature I'm going to promote that
they that they have but I would venture to assume that these aren't that long
tail so they're probably difficult to rank for now I'll do one more I'll pull
up another example potentially to show you let's see if this guy right here
hated boat Hayden bowls I don't even know that is but girl he makes videos on
Shopify so I'm gonna and might as well plug it while I'm here guys obviously I
have dropped some courses I don't I sell them clearly but actually if you visit
my website you can get your free drop shipping courses I give both of them
away for free you know basically to help people out
and and be to you know acquire more students before the potential long term
you know I like to keep it real with you guys I like to keep it 100 you know I
thought wow I just said 100 I think that's the first time I ever said that
in my life but yeah I like to keep it honest and you know basically
transparent with you guys it's an email capture clearly so I can market my
future courses to you but you do get both courses for free and there's a lot
of value in them so feel free to check them out there in the description if you
want now I'm gonna basically run this and you'll start to see that he ranks
for a couple of these so he's fourth in rankings if you search drop shipping
with Shopify in the youtube search bar he's the fourth ranked video I would
venture to assume that that's probably a decent longtail keyword that I would
want to rank for when I'm doing my videos clearly Shopify is probably a
hard keyword to target that's and so is drop shipping because they're so short
and and a lot of people are probably tagging their videos with those tags so
let me show you what I mean by this really fast if I was going to go into
too buddy there's a lot of great features that
I'll be talk and you know this video and future
videos but really I wanted to talk about doing competitor keyword research like
this because it shows you on the side what they're ranking for and obviously
all the analytics and stuff like that but it also has a tag Explorer which I
think is one of the coolest features now if I was going to you know basically
make my dropshipping video I would be looking for longtail keywords that I
could potentially rank for that have high traffic asthma as high of traffic
as I can find with the least competition that's ideal so let me show you what I
mean by that let me take a couple of his that I think are decent drop shipping
with Shopify let's see if that's an actually if that's actually a decent one
so drop shipping with Shopify and we're gonna put it into the Explorer and that
is not actually so it gets a decent amount of search volume but it's high
competition probably something I don't want to rank I don't want to try to rank
for let's try a different one let's try I bet you Shopify drop shipping is not
that good either
let's try so I in this situation I won't continue to bore you but I would
basically what I would do is I would go in and I would continue to try to look
through his videos for longtail keywords you know I want to know what my the
people that are ranking and already have views on Shopify and drop shipping are
on what tags they're trying to rank for because there's a reason that they're
trying to do that let's try this guy Mike this still don't know who that is
either see what show rankings and he ranks for this longtail one I bet you
that's a decent one how to start a drop shipping business on Shopify let's try
that always trying to save time right how to start a drop it up shipping
business on Shopify
see that's a good one this is a perfect example of something I want to rank for
and heat you see he ranks 12 for that it's probably bringing him a decent
amount of traffic to his video because a decent amount of people are searching
from that we can see that here with with this plugin it's basically a decent
mountain people are searching for it but nobody's really trying to rank for this
so this is definitely something that I was trying to rank for so if I was going
to try to rank for this I would basically take this and I'm just gonna
open up word for it just for you know not for reference and I would just save
this for later because that's a keyword I'm gonna try to rank for when I go to
tag my videos let's do one more just to bring you one more example let's see
another one here drop shipping success story let's see if that's a good one and
this is a good good example because this gives you keywords that you might not
even be thinking of that you know are potentially rank for that can bring your
videos your channel and ultimately your links a lot of traffic guys and that's
that's the key to the game is organic traffic I don't even remember what that
was got lost up in there got caught up in explaining dropshipping success story
I can't type today that's fair it's decent it's probably something I
wouldn't want to hang on to but I could find better but this just gives you
examples guys of how you can use to buddy to ultimately do your keyword
research on on your competitors on your own channel there's a moat there's a
plethora of different I think that's the first time I've used that word to that
says this is a record of veggies but you can do so much keyword research there's
a bunch of different features that two buddy has it's phenomenal I just kind of
found out about it it's blowing my mind I'll link it down in the description for
you if you want to check it out it does cost monthly I have the free version
right now you can get the free version too but obviously you're limited I
probably upgrade to just kind of demonstrate you know the differences
between the upgrade and the free version but I want to kind of experience the
free version for a couple days and see what it actually has to offer that way
when I do upgrade and I do cover that I know you know what to what to tell you
guys you know what you can expect and whether or not it's worth it so if you
liked the video please like the video it really helps the channel grow
really helps the video rank obviously in search results and you know that I'm big
with that so you know it really helps channel really helps me out I'd really
appreciate it comment and subscribe and I will see you guys in the next one
For more infomation >> My Secret Weapon for YouTube Growth - Duration: 9:02.-------------------------------------------
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Hi, we're at the SOS Labyrinthe.
I'm Andrew Shaw, and this is Paul Byron.
Today, we've got to use our LG phones,
to search for three items that are hidden within the labyrinth.
The person who does it within the fastest time, wins the game.
[So you have three items to find, and take of picture of it.]
[And then, come back here.]
[One... two... three...]
Speedy Gonzalez takes the lead.
It said no running, you...
Oh my god!
It's right here!
Am I... Am I the white team?
Uh, I'm the white team.
You comin' babe?
Oh, can you push these out of the way?
But I've got to get over here somehow.
[You ain't going nowhere! Go back!]
Oh, this looks promising over here.
Some barrels...
Come on...
Jerseys? Nope.
I'm guessing he already found that, eh?
Aw yeah, here we go.
Here we go!
Team white, baby!
Oh yeah!
One more to go.
How many have you found, Paul?
Two, you?
Just one.
Aw man...
There's absolutely nothing that way, that way, or that way.
This has got to be the way.
[There you go!]
Well, he's way ahead.
I've got to get to black.
I've got to get to black. I've got to follow the arrows.
No! We've got to go that way.
He's ahead of us.
Oh, this looks promising down here.
Oh, yeah!
I'm Gally...
We're going to cheat.
I know we cheated, but we're... stuck in here.
[Look! It's right here.]
Yeah yeah.
[Oh, you're so close! Oh woah woah woah woah!]
[Nice try though!]
Do you have two?
He's running!
[Oh, nice try, nice try!]
He cheated! He cheated!
I got 'em!
[Go back! Go back to the beginning now!]
[Go back!]
He went through the orange!
He's a sandbagger! He's a sandbagger!
[Come on guys! Come on guys!]
It's getting intense now!
[Oh. My. God.]
Is it here?
Hey, I'm already here!
You went through all the orange ones!
He went through all the orange ones!
[We have a winner, right here!]
He cheated!
He went through five orange things.
The cameras don't lie.
[Hey, you came in through here. You came in through here.]
Yep! I'm the champ!
[It's not about winning, it's about getting the right way!]
It's always about winning!
That's a big win!
I got some good pictures though.
I... ran into Gally in the mirrors.
Second place Pauly, congrats.
[He's a weasel, this guy!]
You didn't win.
You didn't follow the rules.
I said... I explained the rules at the beginning.
I've never followed the rules in my life, Pauly.
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We are sons and daughters of Indonesia, claimed to one blood, homeland of Indonesia.
We are sons and daughters of Indonesia, a nation that claims to be one, the people of Indonesia.
We are sons and daughters of Indonesia, respect the language of unity, Indonesian Language.
For Indonesian Youth
For the entire generation of Nation's successors
Especially for me,
Indonesia is a rich country
Are there Wealth not owned by Indonesia?
From Weh Island in Sumatra to Sungai Fly in Papua
And from Merauke to Miangas
There are more than 17,500 islands
surrounded by oceans
Above it, lives millions of people, thousands of cultures, and hundreds of different languages
Nowadays, things are not like in the book, which I read first
How Indonesian sons are united
How young men put their differences aside
And How Are We Now?
72 years since August 1945
72 generations that up to now still uphold one thing in common
89 years since October 1928
And until now the sound of youth vows remains the same
We are sons and daughters of Indonesia, claimed to one blood, homeland of Indonesia.
We are sons and daughters of Indonesia, a nation that claims to be one, the people of Indonesia.
and, We are sons and daughters of Indonesia, respect the language of unity, Indonesian Language.
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This weekend I sort out my clothes, they didn't fit me anymore.
I couldn't go in the end.
I took time for me this weekend, I remade the varnish of my nails.
I'm really clumsy, I dropped my phone.
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