Hello everyone, it's Monday and I did my create a day doodle for yesterday and
today's theme. So, it was childhood and favorite Disney
movie. This morning I also worked on my winter
collection. So those were some sketches that I made a
few weeks ago. I've already started to put them in vector form and on Illustrator.
I need to clean this, add the stickers, ask for invoices and pay... and start
production. Hoping that I will get everything between the first of November
and maybe the middle of November? Hopefully. By the way, those will be pins
and I sketched like six ideas but I'm only keeping the Christmas tree, the reindeer
and sort of a, you know, ugly sweater
patterns things and those will be a set of six
little pins, smaller than this. Also it's a 'pin mail' today and I got four new
pins. Two by Natelle draws stuff and two by Magical Maidens.
I finished my inktober piece of the day, and since the theme was juicy I drew a
girl picking some apples. And to decorate, I also cut an apple and I'm not going to
waste it. I'm actually gonna eat it right after this picture is taken.
I launched my giveaway on Instagram earlier tonight and I've got already quite
a few comments.
I finished my Inktober drawing of the day. The theme was blind. And I'm gonna take a picture.
I posted a photo on Instagram of my hoops finished but I didn't show the vlog so this is
what they look like. I used my blue and gold fabric, I really
hope you can see, on two hoops those are the cute pattern and this one is sort of
a glittery pattern. I sort of messed up at the top here but anyway.
I've got all my hoops done and I'd like to display them but I have to go to a
craft store to buy something to put on the walls that won't damage them since
I'm renting my apartment. Also it was a pin mail today I received three pins by
Clever Clove, so they are all seconds so that means that I bought them with some
flaws and they are, so they were on sale. Now you can't see the flaw from
this angle but if you are up close you can definitely some see some dents
scratches and stuff.
Hello everyone it's Wednesday and I wanted to edit my video
of tonight the sketchbook tour and it's being on loading for I would say 15
minutes. And yesterday I opened the file and the
sound wasn't working. I don't really know what's going on it's a bit annoying, even
more because I was meant to post it last week and couldn't because I deleted the
files and now it's not working. I'm a bit annoyed.
I'm shooting a part of my pin collection for my Instagram. So I took my darkest and lightest pins.
So mostly black and white pins. The issue with photographing white pins is
that when it's under direct light the Enamel just sort of fades with the
white color. I'm editing the video the sound is working again but it is 4:30
and I have to leave in an hour for a meeting and I'm super late I hope I can
finish editing exporting and start with loading before I leave but I don't
really know this I'm gonna end this clip here and get back to work
and everyone it's Saturday and I need to just open a picture
basically it's a tent a huge one can I set this up I'm going to show you okay
so this is what it looks like and then you had different backgrounds I'm gonna
add white one put a quarter so a red a blue and a black I added some gold stars
to my backdrop it is actually pretty wrinkly don't know if you can tell and a
bit dirty because I didn't realize that my cat slept on it so I wanted to find a
way to write short messages on my picture without having to go to
photoshop to you know add some type so I bought those two little light box I've
got a blue one and the pink one because I bought two I've got two sets of
letters and in this city I'd like panda the heart cat something like that and
this one you out of Fox a crown so I thought that would be nice
they were pretty cheap I think they were like six euros each which is okay they
work with batteries so I'm gonna light one and take my picture I'm gonna see if
it works okay so the letters are out the packages I've got two grey sets one pink
green one blue and I sort of turquoise and the two light box actually they do
light with a switch can't really wait there you go it's lit and there we go
hair looks so cool now what I didn't know is that this light pink and
dislikes blue I wish it was you know just a white light try and turn all
the lights it doesn't look as good so I made there was a sign on my computer
printed them on a paper unfortunately I didn't realize that you have to wait for
a while for the e to dry which makes sense so it's a bit so it's much the bet
I'm gonna wait for it to dry and then I'm gonna test if it works it's been 15
minutes and I think it's still yep still not dry so I'm gonna set this
aside and wait so I'm an idiot the reason why my first print test
wasn't working is because ladies actually aside to those paper and
obviously I printed on the wrong one but this time it's all good I'm going to
show you what I print it and I'm gonna test this right now on the right looks
like I think it looks really cool I worked on my holiday is designed to the
bikini designs there are a few things I'm going to tweak just to give you an
idea this is the size it will be 3 centimeters so I'm gonna change the eyes
because it's a bit scary at the moment but anyway after I'm done that I'm gonna
choose the colors and then send them to the manufacturer it is 7:30 and I'm
finally done with the pins now go all the penton's that I won't
call the plating the engraving in the back basically this is what I'm going to
send one manufacturer and they are going to tell me if that's possible
excellent if it it's not too small but those I wanted later and say the pins
and yep I hope I hope you you are as excited as I am by this new collection
now I'm gonna grab something to eat and do a quick tuber drawing because I do
have to work on other things tonight so this is my drawing
the theme was squeak so I made a witch wearing a costume
hey everyone it's Friday and I started today by drawing my create a day doodle
so the things that I had to combine where Halloween movie and eyeballs I
don't really watch all the movies so I just made sort of two eyeballs in a
screen and that can be somewhere sort of a new movie also I worked on a side
project I think I told you about this before it's a magazine that we have with
my friends and I am drawing the comic book and and so it's in French but
basically it's a trick-or-treat comic so it is 2 a.m. and I'm
you love much but I had some work and then something happened
my cat brought back a hamster alive I never had a hamster so has something
what should I do with it and unfortunately it is the middle of the
night so I won't let you do much I'm gonna let it sleep well not sleep it's
an optional animal but I'm gonna let it do with something in the box that I made
for him it's not much unfortunately I don't know anything to eat except some
apples and tomorrow I will try and find him something to eat and I asked the vet
what should I do I'm gonna put some posters in the street she asked if it
belongs to anyone and if it doesn't I'm not sure what I'm gonna do but I mean I
think about it later also I received some very cute things
today by people got a pumpkin and a pencil I didn't have time to do my
inktober piece today so I'm gonna do two tomorrow I'm going to bed it's bigger an
interesting day and I will see you hello everyone it is Sunday so yesterday I
didn't vlog at all because it was very busy even more after the monster
situation but I wanted to show you the inktober drawings that I did so this one
is the one that I made Friday the theme was crying I made a little
witch climbing what it's called ladder and this one the steam was full
so I made other which falling holding a hat and both the enemy it's a bit weird
you know it's a problem of mine I've talked about
it a bit already in my previous box I didn't have time to color them I'm going
to do that this afternoon but you won't see I also received new pins from Bernie
Prince a little Astro bird and some Halloween lollipop thing and she also
sent me stickers and candy but the comedy is already gone I gathered all my
Halloween pins
related pins I'm gonna take a picture to put on my Instagram so I started
sketching my inktober piece of the day this theme is united's and I drew a
witch holding a sphere representing the earth I'm gonna put that aside and stop
editing the vlog so I'm gonna end this video here thank you so much for
watching and we'll see you next week bye
For more infomation >> Preparing the Holiday collection - Weekly Art Vlog #5 - Duration: 16:11.-------------------------------------------
🐕 "Le Salon Essentials" 💇 dog double deshedder: bargain alternative 💸 to "Furminator"? - Duration: 4:22.
[Music: "Quirky Dog" by Kevin MacLeod]
Hello, my dear boys, my dear girls!
Today, we'll be talking about
a new item for our pets.
Just a little thing I got for Rufo, a little while ago.
Is this double deshedder from the brand "Hagen".
From their "Le Salon Essentials" range (I don't know how to properly pronounce that).
I'll leave its reference number in the info box
as well as links to Amazon
which is one the websites where you can buy it.
I got mine, directly, from my vet
and won't see a cent whether you get it from Amazon or from "Joe's Pets",
it's just to make things a little easier for you, guys.
I confess I am absolutely devoted to this, as for
hair care and undercoat care, specially, may come, because
let me tell you, my dear boys and girls, that Rufo has a short hair,
his hair is about twice these spikes, something like that,
but it's really, really, really thin and, above all, ultra dense.
His hair is like the one of a snow dog, like that of a husky or a samoyed.
It's amazing how much hair this little dog sheds!
My house looks forever carpeted!
And, so, you have to brush his hair very often,
and, in order to take away such amount of loose hair,
you can guess how long it takes.
"Furminator" is a great item.
I have not tested it personally, but I've watched it on videos.
I know people who has it and their dogs look just to die for.
But this is half its price!
Or even less, a little less than that.
On Amazon, it's exactly half price.
And, moreover, it's a double deshedder!
"Furmi" only includes this one here, the tiniest one.
This is the one "Furminator" comes with, altough it features a little lever
to unload hair as you brush.
But I don't miss that little lever at all here.
I would even say I got this idea
that that lever could make that product a little more fragile,
even not being a fragile item,
while this is a pretty well-built item.
And I tell you, guys: this is only 12€ on Amazon.
And, if you're a "prime" customer, you have the shipping for free.
"Furmi" also has free shipping,
but their equivalent to this is 24€.
This product only comes in two sizes, I must say.
This is the small one, and they also have a bigger one.
This is (I think) 6.6 cm wide, along this spikey-comb here,
while the bigger one is almost 10 cm wide.
The bigger one would be about this wide.
I am charmed with this! Charmed!
Rufo has to be brushed everyday, or, at lest, every other day,
one day you brush him out, the next one you don't.
But with this, in ten minutes, he is perfectly groomed,
while any of the many brushes and shedders I've used earlier on him
won't do the job in less than half an hour.
This fast-paced grooming you are watching now
took us about twenty-six minutes,
but that was the unboxing and testing.
And I had left him un-groomed for a few days, on purpose,
(my poor little angel!) so that we could give this a proper test.
You'll see how much hair we got out, it's absolutely amazing.
So... how does it work? Well, it just works like so:
you start out with this part here
and whenever you reach a knot or tangle, you switch to this part here.
It's really simple. It does not pull his hair out, it does not hurt.
So, to me, it's a keeper.
I absolutely recommend this. It' a great, great, great item.
There's also a cat version of this.
If you have a hairy cat, this will help a lot
and you'll avoid those hair balls which are so painful for them.
Anyway, let me say, while remembering my late cats,
this small size for dogs would do well on them, also.
So, if you have both kind of pets,
both pets, cats and dogs,
this will be a great, great, great investment.
I won't take up any more of your time, my dear boys and girls.
Thanks a lot for stepping by today.
I hope to see you soon and you've all had a nice time here.
May God always bless you look after you.
Big hug, everyone. Ciao!
Myers Briggs Types Indicator - Which One of 16 Personalities Are You? - Duration: 9:19.
Hi, my name is Andrew Torch and today, I'm going to talk about Myers-Briggs Types Indicator.
What is that?
Basically, that's a test a bunch of questions that help you define your personality type out of
sixteen already made personality types
Made basically by Carl Jung...is based on Carl Jung's theories
Now why, would you do those tests?
well those tests explain how you and basically all the other people make decisions and
perceive the world
Because you may not realize it yet, but people in the same situations may have totally different priorities
one person wants to
know something like get some information and the other person for example wants to
Make someone feel good while doing that
or not upset someone while doing that so there are different priorities for different people and this is why
this test is helpful
To help you see the differences and help you understand yourself more
now I've done two tests today
and I will show both sources because they are totally free tests
and both my results in a minute, but before I want to quickly explain
What is Myers and Briggs test. How basically those sixteen personality types look like? So you would know
Where is it...where this is going*
Basically there are eight factors. There are four pairs
Pairs are opposite to each other so there are introverts and extroverts
people who prefer deciding based on rational thinking and their own feelings
Well since I started I just explain
Quickly all those eight factors. You're either
extroverted person or introverted so you either feel relaxed and
Unstressed, you're basically relaxed in the crowds, with people, with friends, or you're relaxed alone at home reading a book
That's the simplest explanation
the second is
intuition or being sensual
It basically means do you prefer to act with
Your inner beliefs like your intuition what your guts
Tell you or do you prefer to get the information from around and act based all those informations?
now the third one is thinking versus feeling
and it's basically that. Do you decide based on rational thinking or your feelings
and the last one is perceiving versus judging
Perceiving is basically being a spontaneous person
free spirit and
judging is
Being a planner an organized planner. Now, you are never 100% of one or the other
So the line is somewhere in between
but you have
preferences towards one of those
and the tests will show you
Basically, where are you with those preferences and there are also
Explanations about behaviors of people with your personality types, so I think I will just jump into
Tests so the first test
All right, so first test is from humanmetrics.com
It's called...called the young typology test its trademark even. Now the difference between these tests,
this page actually and other pages is that... it focuses on
jobs, so you will discover careers and occupations most suitable for personality type
and I've done this test before I think
It's sure you have
Professions listed for your personality type. Of course you can click whatever you want and get right to* it
but I'm going to do a test quickly and
I will show you how it looks
Alright, so I just, I just finished the test
Again, I'm introvert intuitive thinking and judging
But the percentages are different than the last time because I was about
74 thinking and about 50 intuitive and only nine percent introvert so basically if you answer a little
your personality does not change. I was actually curious if my
results will be the same, well, personality type is the same, but I'm more moderate.
On the other hand I'm studying psychology, so I've been constantly improving myself so maybe that has
a small influence over this. Now here, you can see
your type description,
business use, careers
and some more testing. Let's see.
Here you have your entire
profile. All the other 16 types.
Here you have stuff development and team-building so basically you can
check this out. There are some products here also.
here you have
careers to explore.
Well I'm here.
And I kind...and I actually sell Kindle books, so I'm almost a librarian.
So, well,
it kind of works.
All right, so that's it for this test. I will see you in the next one.
Alright, this is the next test. It's on 16personalities.com. Now, what's fun about this test is that
after completing it you will basically have
kind of a different name for you that explains you a little better like
Protagonist or Campaigner or Architect I am the Architect
but I haven't done this test before so I'm going to do this right now, and see how it goes.
All right so first things first. This test has seven answers
per question, not five. And I I've actually managed to become extroverted in the process.
And here you also have assertive and turbulent...
This trait underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions.
So basically by this test I am pretty much
in the middle.
With big...being big on my intuition and judging.
So basically I'm a planner and that's obvious to me that I'm a planner. I don't agree actually with this
because, well, first it's all about the questions.
And maybe those questions just put me as extroverted but to be honest. I am totally introverted
I got my whole...I get my whole energy from being alone
and I just have a lot of extroverted skills that I've developed.
I've learned to talk in groups, I've learned to
interact. It wasn't like my...I wasn't born with it. I just
found that I lack the social skills and I tried to learn them.
So I think this is why I am extroverted and that's actually funny for me - commander.
Honestly, I still believe that I'm the architect because I've done...this is my fourth test
on Myers and Briggs, and this is the only one that shows different results and the results are different only by
So yeah, so that's the second test I wanted to show you. It's actually much less...
There is less pressure when you do it because it looks colorful, beautiful, and it's fun. So 16personalities.com.
Okay, so we have just seen both tests. One is on humanmetrics.com.
The other is on 16personalities.com. You can check them out by yourself and see
what is your personality type basically. If you enjoyed this video
share it! Subscribe! And I thank you for watching!
See you and remember to stay awesome and stay fearless!
Alright, so this is the second test it's on 1664 alright, so this is the next test sick
Spotify台灣2017年十月周排行,本視頻採用本月最後一周排名數據,其他周排名數據在片尾 - Duration: 13:36.
Cazzeggio Time #1 - Duration: 10:37.
Marcos faz capacho para entrada da sede e Marcelo ironiza: "Só isso?" - Duration: 1:49.
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Girls dress designs dresses for kids in Flipkart amazon shopping online dresses - Duration: 0:46.
Girls dress designs dresses for kids in Flipkart amazon shopping online dresses
🐕 "Le Salon Essentials" 💇 dog double deshedder: bargain alternative 💸 to "Furminator"? - Duration: 4:22.
[Music: "Quirky Dog" by Kevin MacLeod]
Hello, my dear boys, my dear girls!
Today, we'll be talking about
a new item for our pets.
Just a little thing I got for Rufo, a little while ago.
Is this double deshedder from the brand "Hagen".
From their "Le Salon Essentials" range (I don't know how to properly pronounce that).
I'll leave its reference number in the info box
as well as links to Amazon
which is one the websites where you can buy it.
I got mine, directly, from my vet
and won't see a cent whether you get it from Amazon or from "Joe's Pets",
it's just to make things a little easier for you, guys.
I confess I am absolutely devoted to this, as for
hair care and undercoat care, specially, may come, because
let me tell you, my dear boys and girls, that Rufo has a short hair,
his hair is about twice these spikes, something like that,
but it's really, really, really thin and, above all, ultra dense.
His hair is like the one of a snow dog, like that of a husky or a samoyed.
It's amazing how much hair this little dog sheds!
My house looks forever carpeted!
And, so, you have to brush his hair very often,
and, in order to take away such amount of loose hair,
you can guess how long it takes.
"Furminator" is a great item.
I have not tested it personally, but I've watched it on videos.
I know people who has it and their dogs look just to die for.
But this is half its price!
Or even less, a little less than that.
On Amazon, it's exactly half price.
And, moreover, it's a double deshedder!
"Furmi" only includes this one here, the tiniest one.
This is the one "Furminator" comes with, altough it features a little lever
to unload hair as you brush.
But I don't miss that little lever at all here.
I would even say I got this idea
that that lever could make that product a little more fragile,
even not being a fragile item,
while this is a pretty well-built item.
And I tell you, guys: this is only 12€ on Amazon.
And, if you're a "prime" customer, you have the shipping for free.
"Furmi" also has free shipping,
but their equivalent to this is 24€.
This product only comes in two sizes, I must say.
This is the small one, and they also have a bigger one.
This is (I think) 6.6 cm wide, along this spikey-comb here,
while the bigger one is almost 10 cm wide.
The bigger one would be about this wide.
I am charmed with this! Charmed!
Rufo has to be brushed everyday, or, at lest, every other day,
one day you brush him out, the next one you don't.
But with this, in ten minutes, he is perfectly groomed,
while any of the many brushes and shedders I've used earlier on him
won't do the job in less than half an hour.
This fast-paced grooming you are watching now
took us about twenty-six minutes,
but that was the unboxing and testing.
And I had left him un-groomed for a few days, on purpose,
(my poor little angel!) so that we could give this a proper test.
You'll see how much hair we got out, it's absolutely amazing.
So... how does it work? Well, it just works like so:
you start out with this part here
and whenever you reach a knot or tangle, you switch to this part here.
It's really simple. It does not pull his hair out, it does not hurt.
So, to me, it's a keeper.
I absolutely recommend this. It' a great, great, great item.
There's also a cat version of this.
If you have a hairy cat, this will help a lot
and you'll avoid those hair balls which are so painful for them.
Anyway, let me say, while remembering my late cats,
this small size for dogs would do well on them, also.
So, if you have both kind of pets,
both pets, cats and dogs,
this will be a great, great, great investment.
I won't take up any more of your time, my dear boys and girls.
Thanks a lot for stepping by today.
I hope to see you soon and you've all had a nice time here.
May God always bless you look after you.
Big hug, everyone. Ciao!
Myers Briggs Types Indicator - Which One of 16 Personalities Are You? - Duration: 9:19.
Hi, my name is Andrew Torch and today, I'm going to talk about Myers-Briggs Types Indicator.
What is that?
Basically, that's a test a bunch of questions that help you define your personality type out of
sixteen already made personality types
Made basically by Carl Jung...is based on Carl Jung's theories
Now why, would you do those tests?
well those tests explain how you and basically all the other people make decisions and
perceive the world
Because you may not realize it yet, but people in the same situations may have totally different priorities
one person wants to
know something like get some information and the other person for example wants to
Make someone feel good while doing that
or not upset someone while doing that so there are different priorities for different people and this is why
this test is helpful
To help you see the differences and help you understand yourself more
now I've done two tests today
and I will show both sources because they are totally free tests
and both my results in a minute, but before I want to quickly explain
What is Myers and Briggs test. How basically those sixteen personality types look like? So you would know
Where is it...where this is going*
Basically there are eight factors. There are four pairs
Pairs are opposite to each other so there are introverts and extroverts
people who prefer deciding based on rational thinking and their own feelings
Well since I started I just explain
Quickly all those eight factors. You're either
extroverted person or introverted so you either feel relaxed and
Unstressed, you're basically relaxed in the crowds, with people, with friends, or you're relaxed alone at home reading a book
That's the simplest explanation
the second is
intuition or being sensual
It basically means do you prefer to act with
Your inner beliefs like your intuition what your guts
Tell you or do you prefer to get the information from around and act based all those informations?
now the third one is thinking versus feeling
and it's basically that. Do you decide based on rational thinking or your feelings
and the last one is perceiving versus judging
Perceiving is basically being a spontaneous person
free spirit and
judging is
Being a planner an organized planner. Now, you are never 100% of one or the other
So the line is somewhere in between
but you have
preferences towards one of those
and the tests will show you
Basically, where are you with those preferences and there are also
Explanations about behaviors of people with your personality types, so I think I will just jump into
Tests so the first test
All right, so first test is from humanmetrics.com
It's called...called the young typology test its trademark even. Now the difference between these tests,
this page actually and other pages is that... it focuses on
jobs, so you will discover careers and occupations most suitable for personality type
and I've done this test before I think
It's sure you have
Professions listed for your personality type. Of course you can click whatever you want and get right to* it
but I'm going to do a test quickly and
I will show you how it looks
Alright, so I just, I just finished the test
Again, I'm introvert intuitive thinking and judging
But the percentages are different than the last time because I was about
74 thinking and about 50 intuitive and only nine percent introvert so basically if you answer a little
your personality does not change. I was actually curious if my
results will be the same, well, personality type is the same, but I'm more moderate.
On the other hand I'm studying psychology, so I've been constantly improving myself so maybe that has
a small influence over this. Now here, you can see
your type description,
business use, careers
and some more testing. Let's see.
Here you have your entire
profile. All the other 16 types.
Here you have stuff development and team-building so basically you can
check this out. There are some products here also.
here you have
careers to explore.
Well I'm here.
And I kind...and I actually sell Kindle books, so I'm almost a librarian.
So, well,
it kind of works.
All right, so that's it for this test. I will see you in the next one.
Alright, this is the next test. It's on 16personalities.com. Now, what's fun about this test is that
after completing it you will basically have
kind of a different name for you that explains you a little better like
Protagonist or Campaigner or Architect I am the Architect
but I haven't done this test before so I'm going to do this right now, and see how it goes.
All right so first things first. This test has seven answers
per question, not five. And I I've actually managed to become extroverted in the process.
And here you also have assertive and turbulent...
This trait underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions.
So basically by this test I am pretty much
in the middle.
With big...being big on my intuition and judging.
So basically I'm a planner and that's obvious to me that I'm a planner. I don't agree actually with this
because, well, first it's all about the questions.
And maybe those questions just put me as extroverted but to be honest. I am totally introverted
I got my whole...I get my whole energy from being alone
and I just have a lot of extroverted skills that I've developed.
I've learned to talk in groups, I've learned to
interact. It wasn't like my...I wasn't born with it. I just
found that I lack the social skills and I tried to learn them.
So I think this is why I am extroverted and that's actually funny for me - commander.
Honestly, I still believe that I'm the architect because I've done...this is my fourth test
on Myers and Briggs, and this is the only one that shows different results and the results are different only by
So yeah, so that's the second test I wanted to show you. It's actually much less...
There is less pressure when you do it because it looks colorful, beautiful, and it's fun. So 16personalities.com.
Okay, so we have just seen both tests. One is on humanmetrics.com.
The other is on 16personalities.com. You can check them out by yourself and see
what is your personality type basically. If you enjoyed this video
share it! Subscribe! And I thank you for watching!
See you and remember to stay awesome and stay fearless!
Alright, so this is the second test it's on 1664 alright, so this is the next test sick
ゆっくり工魔クラフトS5 Part20【minecraft1.10.2】0136【ゆっくり実況】 - Duration: 10:14.
Hi Oreolines. how are you? Today i bring a new video
About what is inside the box
Before beginning i want you to say something
(Why i have to say you something before starting all my videos?)
Well, i don't know.
This is so important because this is the first video of the special horror week (5 days)
I chose these 5 days because it's Halloween (October 31) and Day of the Death (November 2 here in Mexico)
And i want to do this horror week only of videos of FNaF
Including theories, gameplays, unboxings, etc
But this thoery isn't completed
Why is the theory not completed?
The final day of this Horror week (November 2) i'll upload the theory of the complete FNaF story
So before that day, i wanted to do mini-theories to introduce you in this big theory
So you have to see these videos to understand "The Theory"
And well. LET'S BEGIN
It was the year of 1983
Freddy Fazbear's Pizza had a day like any other
A working hour like any other on the establishment
Freddy Fazbear.
What I rely to say this is Freddy Fazbear?
Why is this Freddy? And why not Fredbear?
Because Freddy doesn't have buttons. And the chararacter of the minigame does
I know, right now you must be wondering
THEN, WHY DO YOU SAY IT'S FREDDY?? PIECE OF SH*************************
Yep, so wild are my suscribers
Well, this is the Old Freddy version we see at FNaF 2
Do you see it? Both have the 2 buttons
And as we know with the calls of FNaF 1:
Before the 87, these robots were free to walk around the restaurant at the day
In the 87, the year when the robots can't walk around at the day Freddy Fazbear is detroyed
It's easy to deduce this minigame take place before 1987, in this case, in 1983
because he was in good condition and in service as we can see
But, why 1983?
Well, i can't tell you why until "The Theory". But believe me, it's 83
Following with the topic
After a while comes a purple car. It stops. A purple guy comes out. He kills the child
Gets back in the car and leaves
At the final of this scene we cas see the jumpscare of Puppet
which allows me to understand that the murdered child later possesses Puppet
and what does this have to do with what's inside the box?
I make you waste your time. NOW. Let's go to the real theory
Relax, you have not wasted your time
Well, you're seeing a video of Oreolito. So for that simple fact you are already wasting your time
but I mean that was the introduction to theory
Now, let's go to The Twisted Ones
WAIT. Why do I get into the book's universe to explain a game's universe mystery?
As we know, the book's universe is not the same that the game's universe
But, a time ago i did a video talking about this specific topic
And we saw a post of Scott Sexy Cawthon McDonald Gutierrez on Steam
Where he explains
Those universes
Are not 100%
This gives me to understand that many facts are the same. But a few don't
So i think in this part of the story it wouldn't be incorrect to rely on the book
leaving this clear, let's continue
In The Twisted Ones, almost finishing chapter 1
When Charlie (Henry's daughter)
is explaining to John (boy who likes Charlie that will never achieve anything because CHARLIE IS INTOUCHABLE AND NO ONE DESERVES HER!!)
what she feels about her brother Sammy
(Charlie's twin that was kidnapped by William Afton and probably murdered by him in Fredbear's Family Dinner when they were very small)
And she told him she feels like her brother is trapped somewhere
And she dreamt he is on the other side of something
Like he is close to her, but he is stuck somewhere
Like he is inside of a...
Now let's take into account what happened in 83 with this child
The purple guy murdered him
And as we know that was the first murder
And Freddy Fazbear's Pizza was in charge of Henry and William
If we say this child is Sammy that means is the son of Henry
one of the restaurant owners
if he was murdered outside the restaurant, right at the door
And then there was no news of his disappearance
that makes me intuit Henry found his body out of the restaurant
he carried him inside
and perhaps the wise that had happened
maybe he has had a close relationship with the killer and he knew everything that happened
(I repeat you that everything i will explain in "The Theory" that comes out November 2)
reason why Henry didn't mention it to the authorities
either because he wanted to take revenge on his own
or because he didn't want to accept that his son had died
and if it's that way ...
if Henry did not want to accept that his son had died...
Why not put his body inside a box and forget about it?
Because if you are a man who has a beautiful family
and apart you are the owner of a very successful restaurant
and in a normal day you lose your business, your success, your jobs and the life of your son ...
It would not be very happy
while everything gets fixed over time...
Perhaps some things are best left forgotten...
for now
and well, I hope you liked the video. Give like. Subscribe
In case you didn't understand the end, me neither...
JAJA, no. Obviously i understood
what's inside the box is the first murdered child
I remind you that all your doubts will be answered in "The Theory" that comes out November 2
Scarlet and i worked so hard on this
So, see you next time
ROAD TRIP! Prerelease Crimson Invasion Party :D - Duration: 16:38.
hey guys!
Well I'm of to the pokemon league near Den Bosch and it's freeeeezing!
So I hope that my train arrives soon then I will be off to meet Yvonne in Sittard and
then we can ride together.
Road Trip!
It's pre release day!
We are going to the prerelease of, oh what is this set called?
Crimson invasion.
Crimson invasion!
The halloween set! oeeeeehh.
I am veryu excited to see.
I did watch some videos this time, so I have a little clue with regards to the cards that
are in it.
So I am hoping for the alolan Raichu, in the prerelease setty-thing.
I would actually be happy with all of the promo;s.
But we still have an hour drive to go...
This time we are going to a prerelease not the same place as before righht?
No we are going to Uden.
This time it is in a childrens game shop like, Top 1 Toys, which is like Toys R US in the
So there is more stuff to buy.
Money... money money.
But we have good news in that front!
Yvonne got her first real job.
I can start in januari because I have to graduate first.
Minor detail.
I am very happy with that.
We are almost there!
We were chatting so much that we didn't realise that we are almost there!
5 more minutes.
We are a little bit early, but thats ok because we have to drive the long distance.
It starts at two right?
Wauw we have 45 min to spare.
We don't know anybody there so we can meet some people.
make new friends.
Because we are so very good at that.
Maybe not.
At least we are together.
Social awkwardness FTW.
So we only have an half hour to build our deck, so lets get moving.
Oh use this one.
Time to open up the crimson invasion prerelease set.
I am doing a voice over because it was very loud at the pkmn league, so I was not able
to shout out all the names right there.
And it would disrupt the other players.
So that is why I am doing the voice over!
Currently opening the package, a little bit clumsy.
We have the Registeel!
Which is cool.
I wanted the alolan Raichu but this one is also very awesome.
And of course, four boosters!
Let's see.
Pack trick is once againg four from the back.
Very nice!
So my apologies for the poor quality of the camera.
We had two camera's with us, this one was not really that excellent for close up video's.
Sorry, wont happen again.
Next one!
Ah one more pack to go!
Who knows?
Well that was my part for the prerelease pakcs, let's see what Yvonne pulls.
Yvonne has the better camera here as you can see.
She also has the Registeel!
It's very cool with the dude in the back (of the artwork).
Four boosters, let's see.
Code card!
That is awesome.
Its also quite playable that card.
Very cool.
Men she definitely got the better pull so far.
As you can see in the back se has her custom playmat with her.
For which she also received a few compliments, that was very awesome.
Four from the back!
Let's go!
Two more packs to go.
oooeh lets see.
So far none of the other players really pulled a banger of a card.
I think that someone pulled a full art Golem?
I heard that.
see it though.
Type null holo.
Is it a holo?
Yeah! coooool Type null is such an awesome looking pokemon.
It's so...
I don't know.
Out of this world.
Very cool.
One more pack to go.
A code card for good luc k.
Well she did have some very awersome pulls.
So lets see whats in the standard package.
We have the Registeel holo.
Yeah I am not going to shout out all the names.
You can just see it hihi.
Some trainers...
They are basic cards so that you can build different kinds of decks.
After the battle we also got three other boosterpacks.
The judge did actually a pretty cool thing with them.
After each battle was over, we got another blister so we kept opening cards during the
entire prerelease.
Which was nice.
Even more boosters! yay codecard!
Yvonne really has the best luck with pulling cards.
I also got three more blisters.
On camera is much more handier hehe.
Yay and we're back!
So how did it go for you?
Eh well, the first round I went against this girl, she looked somewhat familiar.
She was not a very good opponent.
It was me!
That is so mean.
No its ok.
We both forgot half the rules.
It was a tie.
Clash of the titans which ended in a draw.
All three of my matches took very long because I had the Nihileho GX and it lets you add
two extra prize cards which makes it a long match, but I won the last two rounds.
So thats ok.
We never actually found out who won the tournament did we?
Pretty sure it wasn't me.
How did you do?
It was not me either who won, because yeah the first round was a draw against you, then
I won a round and then I lost a round very badly.
The second round I won by lenghts.
So he stood no chance because I was very lucky to pull the Pikachu and Alolan Raichu combination
very fast.
And that was actually a pretty good combination for a little tournament like this to wipe
out your opponents really quick.
But in the third match that approach did not work.
He just destroyed me with his gengar.
oeh you went against gengar.
It was wahwahwahhh.
And I did not pull any awesome cards.
I pulled a Whats the name?
Yeah that one.
A holo is ok but doubled up in such a big set.
That is really bleeh.
Well what are you gonna do about it?
But you on the other hand..
I had a very fun last pack.
She had some great pulls!
IO am so happy for you ^^ The TO was trying out a new structure.
We got our prerelease kits and halfway through the deck build, he gave everybody their first
pack, so we could build with five packs.
And during the round he gave us the remaining packs.
Only we couldnt add them to the decks.
But it was fun, you keep opening cards all the time, which is cool!
Yeah that was nice.
And we got some great information about starting a pokemon league.
And we had our first person recognize us!
First one ever!
The judge knew us!
Even the judge!
I feel so famous now.
So much fun.
And now we are en route home.
As you can see the weather is very dreary.
It's an inside-day.
But thats ok because we were inside so.
Say bye!
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.6 CRDI BUSINESS GT-LINE Trekhaak, Elek spiegels+verwarmd, Bi-xenon, Keyless - Duration: 0:59.
DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - What we know about game? || GAMELOG - Duration: 4:38.
Hello guys it's Mardax here and today we're gonna talk about Dragonball Fighterz
as maybe you know at E3 there was information about new
Dragonball Z game called-- Dragonball Fighters it's 2.5D fighting game and
not long time ago was published the date of release and it's 26 January also
we know some kind of a story and new character in the Android 21 which is
concurrent of dr. Gero Android 23 builder Android 16 so like in Xenoverse
will be new story non-canon but based on original plot
from what I get that we're gonna fight against Android 16 and story will be split in three chapters
Super Warrior Arc, Super Villian Arc, and the Android Army and each of which follows the story
from this perspective of different characters also the story was placed
somewhere after Universe 6 saga from Dragon Ball Super and his story trailer
we can see many dark clones of Goku and other friends so I'm waiting for it
and what do you think about the concept of story? Write comments below!
Game is in development by Arc System Work you may know them from
the Guilty Gear and BlazBlue games and few more. If you want to know more you can
check description to find link to the wiki page about them. Also Dragon Ball
FighterZ is not the first Dragon Ball Z game in development by them the first
one was Dragon Ball Z extreme butoden for 3DS in 2015 they have experience in
fighting games and as you can see in a gameplay they know what they doing so for
the further information and research at how many playable characters we have
right now for sure it is: Goku Super Saiyan with Super Saiyan 3 form doing
Meteorl Smash Goku Super Saiyan Blue with 10 times Kaio-Ken doing Meteor
Smash Vegeta Super Saiyan and Vegeta Super Saiyan Blue Android 16
Android 21 and as you see should be as playable character but probably only for story
Android 18 with 17, Captain Ginyu with Ginyu force, Cell in perfect form, Freezer
final form and also golden, Future Trunks Super Saiyan
Gohan Teen as Super Saiyan 2, Krillin , Majin Buu and also Fat Buu, Nappa with Saibamen
Piccolo Tien Shinhan with Chaozu and Yamcha
what you need to see that the
characters as Ginyu, Tien, Nappa and Android 18 they are not alone when they gonna do
special attacks second like Chaozu or Android 17 comes to help do this
technique what you need to know that when one team we have a Android 18 and
Krillin when 18 gonna do the Special Attack
Krillin we will replace 17 and helps 18 doing the special attacks together what
do you think about this Husband-Wife accent next information are about stages
right now we have a confirm that there is a World tournament destroyed West City
Islands West City Planet Namek Cell Games arena space wasteland and sacred
world of the Kais. About fighting we know that there is a three buttons was
responsible for light medium and heavy attacks and fort one for the Ki blasts
and if you want to play you need to select three characters for our team and
if you do called "assist" move one of your teammates can come to help you in
battle doing some attacks which helps you continue a combo or do additional
damage and to be the winner you need to defeat all characters from the
other team as I see game's looks really really good and graphics that is similar
to the Anime style even creators they said that the games work completely fine
with 60fps but in few cutscenes the FPS will be dropping to lower number
probably 30 or 24 FPS for making the anime effect also few attacks and
animation are taken from the manga and anime for making this game as close to
manga and anime as possible and the collector's edition of the game have
several items and 7-inch statues of Super Saiyan Goku which I really like a
lot okay that's all folks I hope you enjoyed this video and also
you can subscribe me leave likes and comments or you can see my other social
media stuff links are in the description see you
soon bye
(1999) Dreamcast 'More and more' (English captions available) - Duration: 0:30.
It's good we went out to...here...
Hey...are you kidding me?
(Coming, coming, coming, coming...)
They're coming, one after another...
Gundam (Gundam Side Story 0079: Rise from the Ashes) (Bandai)
Soul Calibur (Namco)
D2 (D's Dining Table 2) (Warp)
Biohazard (Code: Veronica) (Capcom)
They're coming!!!!
Hey Jude-The Beatles Guitar Cover / 吉他譜 - Duration: 3:31.
Hey Jude-The Beatles
Hey Jude, don't make it bad. (Hey Jude 別輕言放棄)
Take a sad song and make it better. (唱一首悲傷的歌 讓他不再悲傷)
Remember to let her into your heart, (記得將她深植心底)
Then you can start to make it better. (世界就會開始好轉)
Hey Jude, don't be afraid. (不要害怕)
You were made to go out and get her. (你生來就要克服恐懼)
The minute you let her under your skin, (在你將恐懼深埋的那刻)
Then you begin to make it better. (世界就會開始好轉)
And anytime you feel the pain (每當你感到痛苦的時候)
hey Jude, refrain, (hey Jude要忍耐)
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders. (別把全世界都扛在肩上)
For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool (你應該知道愚蠢的人 總是裝作不在乎)
By making his world a little colder. (讓自己的世界變得更寒冷)
Hey Jude, don't let me down. (hey Jude別讓我失望)
You have found her, now go and get her. (既然找到真愛 就要勇敢追求)
Remember to let her into your heart, (記得將她攬入心房)
Then you can start to make it better. (那麼世界就會開始好轉)
So let it out and let it in, hey Jude, begin, (所以讓愛自由來去 hey Jude 開始吧)
You're waiting for someone to perform with. (你在等待有個人和你一起表演)
Don't you know that it's just you (你不知道那就是你自己嗎 )
hey Jude, you'll do, (hey Jude 你辦的到)
The movement you need is on your shoulder. (下一步該怎麼走全看你自己)
na na na na~
Hey Jude, don't make it bad. (hey Jude別輕言放棄)
Take a sad song and make it better. (唱一首悲傷的歌 讓它不再悲傷)
Remember to let her under your skin, (記得將它深植心底)
Then you'll begin to make it better (世界就會開始好轉)
Una masiva manifestación vuelve a tomar Barcelona contra la independencia de Cataluña - Duration: 11:10.
The Next Step to a Holodeck - Duration: 4:48.
This episode of SciShow is brought to you by Emerson.
Visit Emerson.com/WeLoveSTEM to learn more.
You can experience some pretty amazing things with virtual reality — aka VR.
When you throw on a headset, you can do things that would be impossible,
dangerous, or just plain impractical in the real world.
And it's more than a fun way to fight terrifying,
life-sized aliens in video games.
VR has a ton of potential for scientists and engineers.
Like, imagine you're designing a sports car.
There's plenty of computer-aided design, or CAD, software
you can use to create a 3D model of the car on your computer.
But with VR, you can see a life-sized version of that model.
You can walk around it
and see exactly what the car would look like from every angle,
and play around with different elements of the design.
All without having to build a prototype.
The ultimate virtual reality system
might be something like the holodeck on Star Trek,
where you could program a room with any environment
or scenario you wanted, then explore it as though it were real.
It would all look real, and even feel real,
with people and objects you could actually touch.
We're not quite at holodeck-levels of awesome yet,
but we're getting closer.
And the next major step might be a simulation you can reach out and touch.
Right now, some of the best VR systems let you interact
with a simulated world around you as you walk around a real life room.
Most of the time, you use controllers to do things like punch an enemy
or adjust the model of your design.
Interacting with a virtual world this way can be pretty intuitive,
and the controllers can add a layer of realism by vibrating slightly
for example, when you make the car model bigger
so you can get a closer look at the way the hood curves.
But it's not quite as immersive as feeling the smoothness and contours
of the car's metal frame with your fingertips.
That kind of tactile feedback,
where you're getting a sensation of force
even though there's nothing really there, is called haptic feedback.
The simplest kind of haptic feedback,
where something like a controller or special glove vibrates against your hand,
isn't that hard to program.
The technology's been around for decades.
But it's a lot more difficult to make thin air feel like an enemy's skin or a car.
Because if you're not holding anything that can vibrate against your hand,
how can it feel like you're touching something?
The answer lies in … sound.
Sound waves are really just vibrations.
When you talk, you set the air molecules around you moving back and forth,
which in turn vibrates your eardrums.
Your brain interprets those vibrations as sound.
You can only hear within a certain range of vibration frequencies, though
from about 20 Hertz, or oscillations per second, to 20,000 Hertz.
Sound waves that vibrate faster than 20,000 times per second,
known as ultrasound, are too high-pitched for you to hear,
unless you're secretly Superman.
But even though you can't hear them, the sound waves are still there.
And if they're strong enough, you can actually feel the vibrating air.
With your fingers.
You might be able to guess where I'm going with this:
if you can concentrate ultrasound waves in the right way,
you can create vibrations that make the air feel like a solid object.
Which is exactly what some VR experts
have spent the last decade or so trying to do.
Researchers from the University of Tokyo
first figured out how to make this work in 2008.
They used an array of transducers, which emit sound,
to produce ultrasound waves that would interact at specific points in the air.
If you touched that part of the air, the pressure from the sound waves
would feel like you were touching something solid.
Researchers have been building on the idea ever since,
and they've gotten to the point
where they can create all kinds of different shapes and textures.
If you push hard enough,
you can break through the area of pressure,
so it's not exactly the same as touching...like, a car, but it's something.
One company has even created a special box lined with transducers
and programmed them to generate a kind of 3D touchable hologram,
where you can stick your hand in the box
and do things like pet a deer or bounce a beach ball.
So, we've made a lot of progress,
but there's still a long way to go
before we can incorporate this kind of haptic feedback into a full VR simulation.
For one thing, you'd need more than just a box
you'd need a whole room full of transducers, which would be pretty expensive.
Computer scientists also need to figure out
how to program the sense of touch into simulations,
which is especially tricky because it would take a lot of processing power.
So, it's hard to know how long it'll be
before you're actually able to feel the Martian soil between your toes,
or run your hand along the hood of the car you're designing.
But the sense of touch will open up a whole new way
to experience virtual reality
one that will change the face of entertainment, engineering,
and all kinds of other fields.
And in the process, it'll get us one giant step closer to a holodeck.
If you like this episode of SciShow,
thank Emerson for supporting it.
If you want to keep getting smarter with us,
you can go to youtube.com/scishow to subscribe.
And if you want to support us, check out Emerson.com/WeLoveSTEM
to learn a little bit more about what Emerson's about.
【xClaus】 アポストロフィー / Apostrophe 歌ってみた 【short ver.】 - Duration: 1:30.
EP05 [Thrive TV] Getting Ready For Tax Time - Duration: 2:51.
F.C.V. reads Anne Sexton - Admonitions To A Special Person - Duration: 2:51.
Watch out for power, for its avalanche can bury you,
snow, snow, snow, smothering your mountain.
Watch out for hate, it can open its mouth and you'll fling yourself
out to eat off your leg, an instant leper.
Watch out for friends, because when you betray them,
as you will, they will bury their heads in the toilet
and flush themselves away.
Watch out for intellect, because it knows so much it knows nothing
and leaves you hanging upside down, mouthing knowledge as your heart
falls out of your mouth.
Watch out for games, the actor's part, the speech planned, known, given,
for they will give you away and you will stand like a naked boy,
pissing on your child-bed.
Watch out for love (unless it is true,
and every part of you says yes including the toes) ,
it will wrap you up like a mummy, and your scream won't be heard
and none of your running will end.
Be it man.
Be it woman.
It must be a wave you want to glide in on, give your body to it, give your laugh to it,
give, when the gravelly sand takes you, your tears to the land.
To love another is something like prayer and cannot be planned, you just
fall into its arms because your belief undoes your
Special person, if I were you I'd pay no attention
to admonitions from me, made somewhat out of your words
and somewhat out of mine.
A collaboration.
I do not believe a word I have said, except some, except I think of you like a
young tree with pasted-on leaves and know you'll root
and the real green thing will come out
Let go.
Let go.
Oh special person, possible leaves,
this typewriter likes you on the way to them, but wants to break crystal glasses
in celebration, for you,
when the dark crust is thrown off and you float all around
like a happened balloon.
Drawing Pokemon Super Cute Step By Step | How To Draw Pokemon For Kid | Drawing Art For Kid - Duration: 2:59.
Thanks For Watching! Subscribe For More!
Drawing Pokemon Cute!
한 남자의 리얼사운드 교촌치킨 허니오리지날 리얼사운 먹방 mukbang (eating show!)노토킹 real sound - Duration: 9:22.
Making Of The Stroke - Duration: 2:15.
Boost your RV Cell Signal
VINCULOS AMOROSOS, Norah Belmont y Patricia Rios - Duration: 24:26.
Live Demo: Budget Modeling Tool - Duration: 6:27.
there are videos which explain how to upload the information and provide a
brief overview of what everything is but in brief the first tab is the
information tab that's where we upload all of the plan information in this
example the school district is in the SEHBP so we must choose one of those plan
options on the calculations tab the area highlighted in yellow is the census that
is prepared by the business office typically it's either the business
administrator or somebody in payroll the chapter 78 grid is where we have years 1
2 3 & 4 of chapter 78 as well as up to 16 additional areas where we can put in
custom contributions whether it's chapter 78 to a max of 27 percent or simply
sliding all the contributions down or just going back to the 1.5% base all of
those could be done right on here on the summary tab we can find a host of
information about the amount of salary the total cost of the benefits and total
cost to the board and it's on this tab they're going to be doing a majority of
the work in a majority of the financial modeling so the way it's set up now is
that the employees are enrolled in the direct ten plan in year four of chapter
78 and what we want to do is take a look at a few other alternatives to see
either one of them meets our objective so first we're going to take a look at
the direct ten in year two of chapter 78 so we're simply just going to change
this from four to two and at the top we have our projection but we're going to
take this information and we're going to put it on to our free tab and on this
tab we're going to compare with the total cost is to the board and the
employees in each of the three years of the contract so we can see in year three
the board is paying over twelve million dollars whereas currently in year three
the board is paying about eleven and a half million dollars
so this strategy isn't going to be one that meets our objective so let's try
another one let's try direct 15 in year 4 to a max of 27% so we're going to
change this to one of our custom calculations and we're going to change
the medical plan to direct 15 we're going to capture this information up top
and we're going to move it to our free tab and then we're going to compare the
costs so we're going to see in year 3 the board is paying eleven point six
seven one million and currently the board is paying eleven point six five
eight million and the employees are paying six hundred and thirty thousand
whereas in year three under the current strategy they're paying seven hundred
and forty nine thousand so this strategy doesn't meet our objective but it keeps
it close for the board and it does provide the employees with some rate
relief so that may be a possible strategy but let let's keep moving
let's try twenty thirty and year two of chapter 78 so move to year two and at
the medical plan we're going to move to the twenty thirty we also have to change
the rx to plan 206 we're going to take this information capture it and move it
to our free tab so when we compare those two we can see that the board is paying
substantially more about a hundred thousand dollars more in year three of
the contract but the employees have a substantial decrease in the amount of
money they owe in fact it goes down by almost half so while this provides the
employees with tremendous value the board is left paying more money than
they did previously so this strategy may not be a great one so let's keep trying
going back to the summary tab let's move to two point five percent of salary
and we're going to move that to 18 and we're going to move to the 2035 plan
okay so changing the medical and the rx we're going to take this information up
here capture it and we're going to move it to our free tab and when we take a
look at this what we find if the employees went from paying seven hundred
and forty nine thousand dollars to paying two hundred and eight thousand
dollars so substantial savings for the employees and on the employee earth side
they went from paying 11.65 million dollars to $11.30m so in this
scenario we may have found an opportunity where both the employees and
the board save a substantial amount of money and when we take a look using our
total cost estimator which is featured in another video we may find that the
employees even if they are a high utilizer benefits are taking home
substantially more in their paycheck than they would be paying for their
co-pays and coinsurance so the twenty thirty five and two point five percent
of salary for this school district may be a great fit so if you're interested
in learning more about the mudge budget modeling tool we have a live
introduction we also have a tutorial in a playlist with eight different videos
describing each part of this tool and how it works you can follow liberty
benefit visors on facebook you can connect with us on LinkedIn and you can
always subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos just like this this is
John DiMartino wishing you all the best take care
Myers Briggs Types Indicator - Which One of 16 Personalities Are You? - Duration: 9:19.
Hi, my name is Andrew Torch and today, I'm going to talk about Myers-Briggs Types Indicator.
What is that?
Basically, that's a test a bunch of questions that help you define your personality type out of
sixteen already made personality types
Made basically by Carl Jung...is based on Carl Jung's theories
Now why, would you do those tests?
well those tests explain how you and basically all the other people make decisions and
perceive the world
Because you may not realize it yet, but people in the same situations may have totally different priorities
one person wants to
know something like get some information and the other person for example wants to
Make someone feel good while doing that
or not upset someone while doing that so there are different priorities for different people and this is why
this test is helpful
To help you see the differences and help you understand yourself more
now I've done two tests today
and I will show both sources because they are totally free tests
and both my results in a minute, but before I want to quickly explain
What is Myers and Briggs test. How basically those sixteen personality types look like? So you would know
Where is it...where this is going*
Basically there are eight factors. There are four pairs
Pairs are opposite to each other so there are introverts and extroverts
people who prefer deciding based on rational thinking and their own feelings
Well since I started I just explain
Quickly all those eight factors. You're either
extroverted person or introverted so you either feel relaxed and
Unstressed, you're basically relaxed in the crowds, with people, with friends, or you're relaxed alone at home reading a book
That's the simplest explanation
the second is
intuition or being sensual
It basically means do you prefer to act with
Your inner beliefs like your intuition what your guts
Tell you or do you prefer to get the information from around and act based all those informations?
now the third one is thinking versus feeling
and it's basically that. Do you decide based on rational thinking or your feelings
and the last one is perceiving versus judging
Perceiving is basically being a spontaneous person
free spirit and
judging is
Being a planner an organized planner. Now, you are never 100% of one or the other
So the line is somewhere in between
but you have
preferences towards one of those
and the tests will show you
Basically, where are you with those preferences and there are also
Explanations about behaviors of people with your personality types, so I think I will just jump into
Tests so the first test
All right, so first test is from humanmetrics.com
It's called...called the young typology test its trademark even. Now the difference between these tests,
this page actually and other pages is that... it focuses on
jobs, so you will discover careers and occupations most suitable for personality type
and I've done this test before I think
It's sure you have
Professions listed for your personality type. Of course you can click whatever you want and get right to* it
but I'm going to do a test quickly and
I will show you how it looks
Alright, so I just, I just finished the test
Again, I'm introvert intuitive thinking and judging
But the percentages are different than the last time because I was about
74 thinking and about 50 intuitive and only nine percent introvert so basically if you answer a little
your personality does not change. I was actually curious if my
results will be the same, well, personality type is the same, but I'm more moderate.
On the other hand I'm studying psychology, so I've been constantly improving myself so maybe that has
a small influence over this. Now here, you can see
your type description,
business use, careers
and some more testing. Let's see.
Here you have your entire
profile. All the other 16 types.
Here you have stuff development and team-building so basically you can
check this out. There are some products here also.
here you have
careers to explore.
Well I'm here.
And I kind...and I actually sell Kindle books, so I'm almost a librarian.
So, well,
it kind of works.
All right, so that's it for this test. I will see you in the next one.
Alright, this is the next test. It's on 16personalities.com. Now, what's fun about this test is that
after completing it you will basically have
kind of a different name for you that explains you a little better like
Protagonist or Campaigner or Architect I am the Architect
but I haven't done this test before so I'm going to do this right now, and see how it goes.
All right so first things first. This test has seven answers
per question, not five. And I I've actually managed to become extroverted in the process.
And here you also have assertive and turbulent...
This trait underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions.
So basically by this test I am pretty much
in the middle.
With big...being big on my intuition and judging.
So basically I'm a planner and that's obvious to me that I'm a planner. I don't agree actually with this
because, well, first it's all about the questions.
And maybe those questions just put me as extroverted but to be honest. I am totally introverted
I got my whole...I get my whole energy from being alone
and I just have a lot of extroverted skills that I've developed.
I've learned to talk in groups, I've learned to
interact. It wasn't like my...I wasn't born with it. I just
found that I lack the social skills and I tried to learn them.
So I think this is why I am extroverted and that's actually funny for me - commander.
Honestly, I still believe that I'm the architect because I've done...this is my fourth test
on Myers and Briggs, and this is the only one that shows different results and the results are different only by
So yeah, so that's the second test I wanted to show you. It's actually much less...
There is less pressure when you do it because it looks colorful, beautiful, and it's fun. So 16personalities.com.
Okay, so we have just seen both tests. One is on humanmetrics.com.
The other is on 16personalities.com. You can check them out by yourself and see
what is your personality type basically. If you enjoyed this video
share it! Subscribe! And I thank you for watching!
See you and remember to stay awesome and stay fearless!
Alright, so this is the second test it's on 1664 alright, so this is the next test sick
Spa Massage Video | Spa Day for Two at Bannatyne's Health Club:) Multiple Locations | Customer Revis - Duration: 4:33.
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