- Hey, guys, and welcome to another "This Just In."
I'm Ayesha Curry, and I am here to bring you
all of the most exciting things going on at Target right now.
And they just so happen to be my products.
The holidays are rapidly approaching,
and with that means a lot of holiday entertaining.
When you're cooking for your friends and family,
you don't want to just bust out your old dinky pots and pans
that are all scratched up and old and rusting.
In comes my new cookware collection.
It's beautiful and functional at the same time.
The great thing about this cookware
is that the lids are shatter-proof.
It has this unique Windsor shape
that allows for easy pouring and no spills.
And it has the most amazing diamond-textured interior
that allows for easy food release.
Nothing sticks to it.
I just love it.
The absolute best part about this cookware is that,
through my partnership with No Kid Hungry,
we're able to provide up to 500,000 meals for kids in need.
I love any product that you can buy
and give back at the same time.
During the holidays, you don't want to have to
think about what you're gonna cook.
You want it to be easy and simple.
You want the recipes to be quick but still delicious.
That's where my cookbook, "The Seasoned Life,"
comes into play.
I have over 100 delicious, quick and easy recipes in here.
And I also tell a couple stories
about my time growing up as a kid in Toronto,
my relationship with my husband and how I used to cook for him
and how he used to try and cook for me.
And also an awesome section
called Cooking with the Littles,
so when you want to cook with your little ones,
I've got you covered.
When you're cooking for your friends and family,
you don't want to have to think about clean-up.
That's where my Cheeky Kids disposable plates come in.
Not only are they beautiful and fun and creative,
we also give back.
Every pack of Cheeky Kids you purchase,
we donate a meal to a child in need through No Kid Hungry.
The best part is, at the end of the day,
fold these up and toss 'em away.
I love my Cheeky Kids.
That's it, these three amazing products
to get you ready for the holidays:
my Ayesha Curry Home Collection cookware,
my cookbook, "The Seasoned Life,"
and our amazing Cheeky Kids disposables.
For more infomation >> Holiday Entertaining with Ayesha Curry | This Just In - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
冷冽的文學精靈-馮青(上) - Duration: 28:27.
【初音ミク/巡音ルカ/MEIKO】 Angelus 【ボカロオリジナル/合唱】 - Duration: 4:24.
YouTube TV Now Available
NEKZ Unisex Fleece Neck Wrap S/M - Duration: 11:28.
Nissan Micra 1.2 DIG-S ELLE Pack - Duration: 1:00.
Audi A1 Sportback 1.4 TFSI SPORT PRO LINE S *NIEUW* / 5 DEURS / S-LINE / AIRCO / EL. PAKKET / LMV - Duration: 1:01.
Mercedes-Benz GLE-Klasse AMG GLE 63 S Coupé 4-Matic Automaat Drivers Package - Duration: 0:59.
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I ASPIRATION Navi+Camera+BT ECC-Airco Panoramadak Thaak KeylessEntry - Duration: 1:01.
Creative Coffee Tables. Recycling Ideas - Duration: 7:26.
Recycled Coffee Table. Creative Ideas
Watch more videos! Subscribe to the channel!
Frustrated By Your Girlfriend's Insecurities | Quantum Consult #12 - Duration: 11:00.
I think what it basically is for me, the Quantum Consultation is a type of communication beyond
time and space where if there's any part of or dimension of ourselves that looks like
the cover of the book Breaking Normal - that maybe we're in a self-imposed prison without
being aware of it or conscious of it.I think this is an opportunity for us to bring awareness
to that and illuminate it and therefore giving us the keys to that potential jail - that
jail that's now in the past.
So if you have anything that you think…
At this point in my life things are actually really great - I read your book because it's
super interesting and I've been following you for a while.
Recently I've been dating this girl, and at this point in my life I'm pretty grounded
with everything - I've never been as confident as I am.
The girl I'm dating right now she's awesome, she's great - I'm having a great time
with her, she's a beautiful person but she has a lot of self-conscious issues that I
used to go through when I was younger so I try to influence a lot of positivity into
her but sometimes I feel like, I've been applying what you said in your book about
I'm listening a lot more, and talking like you say "run on" and just keep talking
without listening.
But I feel like I can't relate to a lot of these things, sometimes I waste my energy
trying to get points across and I don't know how to deal with people who have like
body image issues to another level that I can't relate to I guess.
Well first of all I'm happy to hear how you feel healthier and more balanced and more
grounded than ever.
Looking at you online led me to believe that you were a very healthy grounded Allstar.
And I can understand the frustration that you are alluding to in the sense that say
it's my sister or a girlfriend - I'm married, not even a girl that I'm dating but a friend
that's a girl and yeah I understand the frustration of "What you're insecure about
your ankles" or "What you're insecure about your hair" - to me that's a distraction
of something bigger.
What I think it's reflecting is some sort of way that you might have a lack of patience
with yourself - like it almost sounds like boredom- under the boredom and under the impatience
there probably lies a frustration.
And what I'm guessing that frustration is indicative of - what that frustration has
been indicative of to me in the past is that I am not - or I was not sharing my gift fully.
I wasn't fully showing up.
I was sort of um…it would almost be like imagine surfing…
Do you surf by any chance?
Yeah - I surf as much as I can.
So I realized after about decade of surfing now and wanting other people to experience
the majesticness of surfing - like I really want them to.
It's one of the greatest activities I've ever done and sometimes I almost feel like
"I don't know this is fair" I'm out there surfing these amazing waves, having
this amazing time and I don't even know how to relate to people - I don't know how
to share how amazing this was.
And I especially got frustrated if I was trying to teach someone how to surf and it almost
felt like they were putting me in danger like by paddling the same speed as they were and
by trying to be with them as they were learning it was actually putting me in danger and them
in danger.
And I realized about myself I am not a surf instructor.
I am happy to surf with people once they are ready to surf at a similar level to me so
that we can both just go have fun together but for me to babysit someone surfing or for
me to teach someone surfing is not within my capacity and when I give beyond my capacity
I kind of make the receiver a thief.
So, I don't know how this applies to your girlfriend necessarily
Somewhat applies…I mean I get that.
What I'm thinking is like if your girlfriend really - or whoever it is - a friend or sister
is really hung up on things that you feel are elementary or beyond your capacity it
might not be for you to help her with that.
That might be for her girlfriends, that might be for her and her sister, that might be for
her and her mom.
It might not be something for you to hold her hand through.
I think we all show up differently for different people.
And just as I can go surfing with a certain group of people maybe I wouldn't want to
go out on a night in the town with them because I would be babysitting them.
So I understand how that can be frustrating but I think the best thing to do is be as
radically honest as possible with your girlfriend about your frustration.
Just like keep illuminating what you're frustrated about - if you're judging her
to be insecure, if you're judging her to be distracted by small things whatever it
is I would share that, as challenging or scary as that might sound to share that with her
with an open heart, immediately.
The building up of that I think can really distance ya'll.
But if you're upfront with it about the beginning - like man I'm frustrated are
you really insecure about your hair, are you really insecure about the way your legs look?
I love your legs.
What in the heavens is going on - I think she will realize that she gets to figure this
maybe out without you.
Maybe this her own journey - this part of her journey is something that she gets to
figure out alone.
Just as when I'm surfing that's something that my wife is not involved with - that's
like my own heroes journey.
So I mean is there anything else?
I'm happy to explore this out loud- I don't really have a direct answer except to really
be upfront about your frustration.
And I think the more upfront you are with her about it the more you'll realize why
re frustrated about it- it might start bringing up things for you.
Why are you lacking patience in this realm - because sometimes the smallest things - how
we handle the smallest things is indicative of how we handle everything.
So maybe the patience - maybe by you learning how to be more patient with your girlfriend
or letting her have her own space and her own time with these insecurities or whatever
it might be - the more you might be patient with yourself in something totally different.
True, no I get that completely.
Yeah I mean I feel like I try to I don't know be the best I can to you know, show her
that it doesn't have to be the way she thinks.
And I mean she's trying and I get that.
Just being patient is the best thing I can do at this point but I know that I'm not
the driving force behind her getting over her insecurities or whatever.
And I bet in some ways - in some way I'm not sure if it's direct or metaphorical
whatever you're getting frustrated about with her and her journey I have a feeling
its reflective of some way that maybe is frustrating for you like what is it in you life that is
taking longer than necessary to figure out.
Is there something that you know is right at your finger tips but you haven't grabbed
it yet?
I guess, I mean I have my own frustrations as well - I mean you know not being you know
up to par with what I want to be or what I want to do.
Is there something specific or is it just a general?
Just mostly general at this point - you know like, I'm taking things slow, like little
by little - I'm about to graduate, I'm not in a rush to graduate and but I'm getting
as much work experience as I can.
At this point I'm pretty grounded than I was like 5 months ago to say.. but um, I have
that frustration I guess lingering in the back that maybe I won't, you know, end up
doing what I want to do or.
What is it that you want to do or be passionate about?
We have a minute left I want to get to this I feel like we're getting something good
I don't know I guess at the core of it what makes me you know feel healthiest is helping
others as much as I have like muy.
You know like as much as I love surfing - that's like one of my passions I can't do it as
much here - but one thing i love more than that is seeing others, sharing that with them.
So it's like I guess channeling like my energy to helping others and…
And sometimes it's what I've found in some realms that the best way I can help someone
is not to tell them anything but for me to completely embody it.
Like sometimes at our retreats I've heard from multiple people that what they learned
the most from me is by watching me.
Not even by what I say, it's like but what I'm doing consistently - wow this guy is
really spending a lot of time in cold water, wow this guy is really spending a lot of time
breathing - he's not even telling me to do any of it, but by them watching me it seems
like that's sometimes more powerful than anything I can say.
And then I was also going to - a little side note: a lot of times when you were telling
me things you were kind of nodding your head "no." which I think is indicative of maybe
some sort of underlying frustration or lack of patience.
And that goes the call - 11:11 what do you know.
So although maybe we didn't necessarily - like I didn't feel "oh, that's exactly
what it was" - maybe that this will - maybe it will hit tomorrow.
Maybe it will hit tonight in your sleep.
Maybe it will never happen - maybe we'll never get clear on this and that maybe your
underlying frustration, that continuous frustration is what's going to drive you forward to
be the best version of yourself and to love the frustration.
Like that little frustration, that little situation like, a lot of times peoples biggest
problems are their biggest opportunities it's what drives them forward to embody their full
heroic self.
CINEMIEN SPECIAL | Interview Ruben Östlund - Duration: 8:45.
Volvo XC60 D5 AUT6 Summum/ Roofrails/ Trekhaak - Duration: 0:54.
Le crime était presque parfait - Duration: 0:31.
Northcote Solar Home by Green Sheep Collective | Gorgeous Small House Design - Duration: 2:15.
Northcote Solar Home by Green Sheep Collective
Aspirin Indomethacin Ibuprofen : Kinds of Drugs that Damage Stomach Mucosa - Duration: 1:32.
Just what does aspirin
have to do with the stomach?
In China, there are more and more patients with
cardiovascular an cerebrovascular diseases,
hypertension, coronary heart disease and diabetes.
A lot of people take aspirin now.
I saw a person,
an elderly man take an aspirin
and he lost 2,000 ml of blood.
He suddenly puked up blood
and passed blood in his stool, a lot of blood.
Aspirin damages the gastric mucosa.
It can harm the gastric mucosa,
and cause hydrogen ions to be reflected back
leading to damage on the layer.
That person who lost the blood,
later I performed a gastrocopy on him,
and he had a large range of lesion
and bleeding on
his gastric mucosa and intestines.
There were even some shallow ulcers.
Taking aspirin, especially for the elderly,
their gastric mucosa has aged,
and so have their gastric functions,
so for them,
taking aspirin is even more damaging.
Is aspirin the only kind of medicine to do this,
or are there others ?
There are others.
It`s just that aspirin is a non-carrier medicine.
Other medicines that we take when we feel pain,
or to treat joint pain, or like indomethacin.
Right, to relieve pain.
Pain relievers are all non-carrier medicines,
and all damage the stomach.
There`s also medicines with hormones.
Oh, also pain-relief medication.
That`s right, they all cause damage.
Medicines like ibuprofen ibuprofen,
some people take it
if they have painful menstrual cycles.
And also headaches. Right,
they take pain relievers.
Taking pain relief medicine seems to be very common.
It can often cause stomach damage.
It causes severe stomach damage. Right.
Video 360 VR Winter swimming, hardening with cold water, cold water, immunity, health - Duration: 1:01.
Jak vyměnit motorový olej a olejový filtr na MERCEDES BENZ E W211 NÁVOD | AUTODOC - Duration: 7:06.
Use a torx №T30
Using a special wrench, unscrew the oil filter housing cover
Use a socket №13
💤Bruit Voyage En Voiture - Le Meilleur Bruit Blanc Pour Endormir Facilment Bébé - Duration: 1:02:16.
Dan(s)k pumpkin | Halloween - Duration: 1:32.
Den her sang går ud til alle fiskerne i Danmark, der godt kan lide at fiske fisk!
Værsågod fiskere ;)
Bare fang løs :D
Her kommer sangen nu
anushka sharma and virat kohli marriage| new bangla funny dubbing | FUnny Video #omg entertainment - Duration: 3:09.
anushka sharma and virat kohli marriage| new bangla funny dubbing | FUnny Video
Creatures Of The Magic Water
How a $10 Microchip Turns 2-D Ultrasound Machines to 3-D Imaging Devices - Duration: 2:26.
Krosmaga World Series – eSport – Trailer - Duration: 1:37.
Hello, it's me, Nedab.
Today, I'll show you an easy trick to earn lots of money
simply by playing Krosmaga at home!
Simple: take part in the Krosmaga World Series.
But what does that mean?
The Krosmaga World Series is the Krosmaga eSport league!
There are no fewer than 12 tournaments throughout the year.
Each month, the top 32 players will qualify for
an end-of-season tournament with €3,000 in cash prizes.
We're also organizing 3 OPEN tournaments anybody can enter
to try to win some of those €3,000
and many other prizes at stake.
In each tournament, you'll be able to win points to qualify
for the grand final and its €15,000 in cash prizes!
Even if you don't earn enough points to qualify for it,
you can still take part in June's OPEN Challenger!
The Krosmaga World Series is about to kick off.
So get your cards ready and join the game!
Volvo V50 2.0D Edition II Clima+Trekhaak+Dakrails+Etcc - Duration: 1:01.
Volvo S80 2.4D Momentum 163PK - Duration: 0:58.
Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 d Automaat Lease Edition Plus - Duration: 0:44.
Mercedes-Benz CLA-Klasse CLA 180 d Coupé Automaat Lease Edition - Duration: 1:02.
BMW X3 2.0D XDRIVE *!*ELEK.TREKHAAK/LEDER/NAVI*!* - Duration: 0:59.
Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 220 d Limousine Automaat Lease Edition - Duration: 0:54.
Nolwenn Leroy « dégueul.asse »- Jean-Michel Maire présente ses excus.es- [Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:58.
Chronique | OURAGAN | FilmoTV - Duration: 1:43.
Ciraso vs Pozzi - Lotus Cup Imola Race 1 2017 epic battle - Duration: 22:30.
Fabio: We are waiting for the green flag at the end of the array!
Now the Red Lights...
Stefano: 5 seconds....
Fabio: GO!
Nice Start for Pasotti and Giubergia as well
Fabio: Down to the Acque Minerali corner
Ciraso is in the last position closing the formation
Nespoli is close to Manassero but he cannot overtake yet
...on the uphill part facing the Variante Alta
Pozzi is wide out of the track!
Fabio: He (Pozzi) gained back the track without any problem
Stefano: Cold tires...
Meanwhile...Pasotti has done really... (a great start)
Stefano: uphill to the Piratella (corner)
...side by side...
it also seems Giubergia has more gap now
Fabio: ...Rezzonico, Utzieri, Ciraso and then Pozzi, now in P10
now in P10 after overtaking Francesco Liberatore
Stefano: Pozzi has done 2:03
lap time that is around the 3rd position timing...
since Nespoli is on 2:01 time
Giubergia is on 2:02 and same as Minella
Pozzi is even 1 and a half sec faster!
Meanwhile there's a battle....
Fabio: between Ciraso and Utzieri
Ciraso really close to the driver from Monaco
Here they are: Ciraso and Utzieri!
Ciraso is on the inside
Fabio: ...and now Ciraso has overtaken Rezzonico....
...gaining the 7th position...
Stefano: 1:58,4 Ciraso too
Fabio: yes, they are really starting to be faster....
...pay attention here...
Fabio: this one is Pozzi...
Pozzi on the inside of Rezzonico!
..overtake succeded on the Tosa corner entrance
Stefano: Pozzi is now on the 1:58,9 timing!
Fabio: the guy is really pushing...
Stefano: yep! Pushing as hell!
Fabio: in fact he has just overtaken Rezzonico
...and he is now on Ciraso's trail
...at the Piratella entrance...
...as you can see from the images if you are following us in live streaming....
Pozzi is the one with the black car...
...he is almost on the back of Ciraso....
Stefano: 1:58.4 was Ciraso's timing...
...on last lap...
...Pozzi 58.9
Stefano: 1:58.4 again Pozzi!
he's very fast!
let's consider 1:58.1 is the fastest lap of Pasotti
he's just 3/10 behind Pasotti's fastest lap
Fabio: Uh! Mamma (mia)! Ciraso!
he lost control on the entrance of Acque Minerali corner!
very nice control of the car!
I've almost seen him on a spin!
Stefano: meanwhile Ciraso has also done the first section record!
25.1 sec, super fast there!
Stefano: Ciraso is now close to Sauto!
they are super close!
...here... Fire and Brimstone!
Fabio: Ciraso was half second faster then Sauto
on the last lap
58.3 Ciraso 59.8 Sauto
Stefano: one and a half second!
Fabio: you are right! my bad
on the Piratella's entrance!
side by side
almost bumping into each others!
Sauto is hanging on the outside line!
Pozzi is in the middle!
Fabio: 3 cars downhill to the Acque Minerali
Stefano: they cannot pass all together!
is Pozzi ahead?!
Fabio: no, no it's still Sauto ahead...
...Ciraso super close...
Mamma mia! 3 cars in 3 seconds!
Stefano: look at Pozzi on the outside!
down to the Rivazza, let's see if is gonna try to overtake...
Fabio: Mamma Mia!
Stefano: WAOA!
Mamma mia! what a lovely overtake!
Fabio: it seems he learnt how to drive with the ABS system...
Stefano: yes, yes, yes, he got it!
Fabio: what a battle! Stefano: they are super close to each other now!
Fabio: on Sauto!
Mamma mia! on the inside part of Tamburello corner
the sicilian guy (Sauto) has to slow down...
so Ciraso gain position!
Fabio: great break on the Villeneuve corner
they hit each other!!!
I've seen Pozzi's car flying!
Fabio: we are now just 3 minutes and 30 sec from the end of the race....
...meanwhile... POZZI! has overtaken Ciraso!
Stefano: yep!
Le crime était presque parfait - Duration: 0:31.
Happy Halloween! | Animation Short - Duration: 1:35.
*glass shatter sound effect*
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit...
*cartoon run sound*
*cartoon run sound*
*drawing sound effects*
*the legend of zelda item recieve sound*
Heew... Done.
Let's watch the result...
*sits down*
I spooked ya!
ahhh well...
P- P- P- P- Pe-
*sound of approval*
Talking Halloween Pranks! | Action News Now - Duration: 1:58.
...And a funny video by a Butte County rice grower is spreading like wildfire on the internet.
We'll show you why.
Gridley rice farmer has posted a hilarious video online of a prank he pulled on little
trick-or-treaters this Halloween night.
Instead of candy he offered them uncooked brown rice.
This is brown rice.
Would you like some?
Sure, go ahead.
Hi guys.
Do you know what this is?
Trick or treat!
Happy Halloween.
You know what this is?
Wait, what?
Want some?
You know what this is?
It's rice.
Is it rice?
Yes, you guys gotta cook it for 15 minutes okay?
I'm going to tear off your head.
It's uncooked and then you can season it anyway you want.
Oh my goodness.
You guys have to cook it for 15 minutes okay?
Well the kids were pretty good sports.
Even those who politely declined Matthew Sligar's offer they still got Halloween candy when
the joke was over.
Sligar shared the prank on Rice Farming TV.
He is a third generation rice farmer born and raised in Gridley.
I think I'd like brown rice in my Halloween trick or treat bag.
Just cook it for 15 minutes.
Cook it for 15 minutes.
Still ahead in sports the Chico State women's basketball team is getting set…
Pretty Awesome!
Soixante secondes avec Jody Thomas et la Major-général Tammy Harris - Duration: 2:26.
Всё о Скринах. (Вселенная Command and Conquer) - Duration: 8:35.
Changer l'huile moteur et le filtre à huile MERCEDES BENZ E W211 TUTORIEL | AUTODOC - Duration: 7:06.
Use a torx №T30
Using a special wrench, unscrew the oil filter housing cover
Use a socket №13
EPISODE 1 - NUMERO XXI (Web-série) - Duration: 2:17.
Tell me where's the child
The kid?
I ate it!
And you did so...
Mom is here... shhhhh
But what a fucking shitty day!
I never had to trust him on this project, never!
What a dumb to have trust him...
Shut up!!
Madam do you hear me?
Do you understand what i am saying?
Madam, you just had a car accident
Do you understand what i am saying?
Don't move
I not far away, don't move
Stay here
Danse avec les stars : Hapsatou Sy soutient Elodie Gossuin et met fin - Duration: 2:36.
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...
Fuji Guys - FUJINON XF60mmF2.4 & XF80mmF2.8 - Shooting Macro Photography - Duration: 3:42.
Hey everyone; I'm Jerry. And I'm Gord. And we're the Fuji Guys. Today we're
gonna go through some macro photography. Yeah. I have the 60mm F2.4
mounted on the X-E3. And I have here the new 80mm Macro F2 8 mounted here
on the X-T2. We're gonna go out take some pictures show you some of the
differences between these two lenses and hopefully you get some great shots from
today. And if you want to learn more, hey, stick around.
When you're working with macro photography one of the nice things to
make the lighting a little bit more dramatic is to take the flash off of the
camera. To do that there's a couple of options including using a corded
option. Anything that works with the Canon OCE III will actually work within
the Fuji system with any of our X-Series cameras so when you're working you can
actually move the flash to a number of different locations have a bit of fun
with it and be able to practice and try the
different options within there. It works really well when you're working with
macro photography so at that point you can capture some really
dramatic lighting depending on the subject you're working with.
One of the really nice parts
about the 80mm Macro is that it's stabilized. It gives you up to five stops
of stabilization on four different axes. Works whether that's shooting in photos or in
videos. That's a really cool feature; that's one of the ones I really am
looking forward to. It's actually the first prime that we've stabilized as well.
If you have a macro lens or even if you don't have a macro lens and you want to
get a little closer to your subject you can pick up one of the extension tubes.
There's a couple of different lengths that are available. They actually go in
between the camera and the lens and that'll actually allow you to be able to
go a little bit closer to your your subject to be able to capture those
images a lot closer.
On the 80mm macro one of the great advantages to this one is that it
actually allows you to also use the teleconverters; whether it's the 1.4 or
the 2x teleconverter they're completely compatible another benefit of
the teleconverters is that you can get further away from your subject this is
not to scare that subject when you're photographing it.
That was our video on some of the tips and tricks on macro photography with the
Fujifilm lenses. I really enjoyed using the XT 2 with the
80mm. It was great having be able to do those handheld shots without
having to worry about using a tripod. And I got to say that how light the 60mm
is with the X-E3; it is amazing to work .with
Nice and easy I don't feel tired at all. A lot of fun today. It was a lot of fun.
If you'd like to see some more tips and tricks on this follow us on YouTube
subscribe to our Channel. And don't forget to also follow us on Twitter on
Instagram and like us on Facebook. Until next time I'm Jerry and I'm Gord and
we're the Fuji Guys
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