Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News - I'm The Undead Oli Davis...
Happy Hallowe'en ...and happy Hallowe'en, everyone!
Last night's Raw had its own way of celebrating the holiday - it did Christmas instead, rather
confusingly dressing Heath Slater & Rhyno as Mr & Mrs Claus.
But the WWE gender bending didn't stop there, with Slasher Banks posting her Halloween costume
on Twitter: "I'm @SamiZayn #halloween #Raw" with
a picture of her as Smackdown's most dastardly heel.
So with nobody wearing Banks' usual attire, Drewsome Gulak decided to put it on himself.
But anything WWE do, the Bullet Club will try to do better - with Marty Skull cosplaying
as Aladdin, Chase Owens as the Genie, and Six Star Kenny Omega looking radiant as Princess
Jasmine at the weekend's New Japan shows.
This cross-dressing stuff has gone too fa- WWE Backstage Virus Update
Last night's Raw also saw the return of Patient Zero Bo Dallas, who has been off television
since early October with illness.
F4WOnline claim Bo was medically cleared shortly before last night's Raw, where he returned
as part of the Miztourage.
PWInisder report that Bray Wyatt was also backstage at Raw, meaning he's been cleared
to return to work.
Bray's real-life girlfriend, ring announcer JoJo Offerman - who was also taken off WWE
TV as a precaution - also returned on Raw last night.
Roman Reigns, however, still appears to be unwell, and WWE's top babyface star will
reportedly be out for at least two more weeks.
According to F4WOnline, WWE officials have confirmed that Reigns is "currently not
medically cleared and will not be leaving tonight for the WWE's tour of Europe."
On the 1st November, the main WWE roster will begin their gruelling run of 21 shows in 12
days across 8 different countries.
The current projection for Reigns' WWE return is the 13th November episode of Raw in Atlanta.
Cage Side Seats are reporting a rumor that WWE will hold off on a Raw invasion retaliation
of Smackdown until that week, so Roman can lead the charge for the Survivor Series go-home
But much like the TLC main event, the Raw shows in Europe were to be built around The
Shield reunion of Reigns, Death Rollins and Mean Dean Ambrose - so WWE have announced
a big last-minute stand-in.
Triple H Replaces Roman Reigns Triple H will wrestle on at least the first
week of the Raw UK tour against The Miz as Roman's replacement.
Triple H announced his dates last Friday, implying the company already knew Roman wouldn't
be able to return to the ring for the Europe shows.
This is just like how Hunter replaced AJ Styles for Smackdown's tour of South America when
The Phenomenal One had to fly to compete at TLC - which WrestlingNews.co are reporting
Hunter was not paid for.
Instead, the money Triple H was supposed to receive was given to Kevin Owens instead,
who had to leave the South America tour because of a family emergency.
Loads of WWE returns happened on last night's Ra- What is this?
Why does this keep happening?
What was that?
Oh my god, he's back.
Not zombie beach ball!
For more infomation >> Roman Reigns PULLED From WWE Tour! Triple H RETURNS! | WrestleTalk News Oct. 2017 - Duration: 3:36.-------------------------------------------
Estrategias de atención para niños con riesgos del desarrollo - Duration: 2:52.
📽 Vlog diary n°6 : Exploration urbaine 🎃 - Duration: 11:52.
YouTube TV Now Available
The Halloween After-Party - Duration: 1:20.
[wolf howling]
♫ ♫ ♫
[door slams]
"Are you okay, Leon?"
♫ [sexy music] ♫
"Fell in love with you... nothing more."
"And I... ADA WONG... will be QUEEN!"
♫ ♫ ♫
[doorbell rings]
[door clicks]
"My name is Alice..."
"And this is MY story."
♫ ♫ ♫
강원래 김송 아들 강선 교통사고 - Duration: 4:13.
Nightcore - Eye of the Storm「Lyrics」 - Duration: 3:02.
Eye of the Storm「Lyrics」
Sliced beef in golden soup Hunan recipe #6 金湯肥牛 - Duration: 2:25.
Hi guys, here is Yi.
So I had some leftover pumpkin puree from my pumpkin spice cake last week.
It happens quite often when cooking with pumpkins.
Here is a great Chinese recipe from Hunan province.
It's a great way to use up all those annoy leftovers.
We will need 200g of beef slices.
They're the same ones usually for hot pot.
Turn our stove to high and heat up enough water to poach our beef slices to remove any blood and dirt.
It takes only a couple of minutes.
Overcooking them would make our beef tough.
Once they change their colour, transfer them to a plate.
To stir-fry our beef slices, we will need 1 tbsp of vegetable oil.
Heat up the wok over medium-high heat.
Cook our beef slices with about 1 tbsp of Chinese cooking wine,
it can remove any unwanted smell and taste.
Here I have roughly 250g of pumpkin puree.
The pumpkin was roasted in an oven at 200-degree c and blended to a paste with a hand mixer until smooth.
Add our pumpkin puree into the wok and pour enough water to cover all our beef slices.
Season it with a sprinkle of salt about half tsp and 1 tsp of chicken or beef stock powder.
Cook it over low heat for a couple of minutes, turn off the heat and drizzle a few drops of sesame oil.
I like to sprinkle half tsp of white pepper powder and mince a couple of red chillies on top just for the colour.
It's a healthy winter dish. Enjoy!
On a tué les clowns tueurs (au sens figuré) - L'Hebdo #104 - Duration: 14:15.
DIY Paper Folding | Bluca - Duration: 4:06.
Gaming channel content strategy | Minute Tips ft Roberto Blake - Duration: 1:19.
With gaming, hero content might be easier than you think.
You might be able to do hero content around a new release of a game that you
know is going to be popular, and that you know is coming out, or might have some
media attention around it already. This would actually be really straightforward
to do and it can also still qualify as search-friendly content, that might be
help content, if someone's trying to figure out whether this game is for them,
or they want to buy it, or not or whether or not the game is something they would
even be remotely interested in. As for hub, your existing viewership is going to
want to rally around whatever you're doing and that gaming content but
another way to reinforce this with a gaming channel, might be finding a series
that you can build around gaming. Maybe you can do something around retro gaming,
and talk about the best games from the 90s, or the best fighting games from the
90s. This would actually be something that would be great hub content that
your audience can keep coming back for. I think that being able to balance hub,
help, and hero content, regardless of what genre or niche you are in YouTube, is
very important.
[Dockie Week] Mardi : Accédez rapidement aux applications récemment utilisées - Duration: 1:54.
Jigsaw (2017 FULL MOVIE) link-31/10/2017 HD - Duration: 3:27.
Breakfast in Bed and a Vodka Pick-Me-Up: Princess Margaret's Morning Routine Was Royally Epic - Duration: 6:00.
Voici les erreurs à ne pas faire pour bien utiliser une serviette hygiénique - Random888 - Duration: 6:10.
Creatures Of The Magic Water
Le Corbeau d'Edgar Allan Poe - Hors-d'œuvre #1 (Spécial Halloween) - Duration: 4:48.
Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI Business P, leder, Navi, Climate, Cruise - Duration: 0:59.
Le Temps d'une paix -Saison 5 - Épisode 107 - - Duration: 46:01.
Le Temps d'une Paix- Saison 5- Épisode 108 - - Duration: 41:06.
完卡特琳娜不小心QUADRA KILL d(`・∀・)b (CC字幕) - Duration: 0:22.
Gf vip: primo viaggio d'amore per Soleil Sorgè e Marco - Duration: 3:31.
Ugo Bernalicis dénonce la transcription de l'Etat d'urgence dans le droit commun - Duration: 3:20.
VHS - S02E01 - Halloween Boglins - Duration: 4:39.
Trick or treat!
Sad fate for our friends from our brand new episode.
Beware of little creatures of the night, more stupid you die!
my clan who they cool a little girl feel the dado in we're gonna sell it the Lego
poor so Marshall a fatty if ya over here letter sweet darlin scene give us repo
Betty on okay it's an offender can do it give our yeah
Lucas uppity on without their needles I can
we are not dogs are not cats coming from another dimension the bog lens are
coming for dinner they are very hungry this little fucking master try to hit me
i things any dad or speak
groovy come on little freaks daddy's coming for you
those little creepy disgusting creatures
the most funny demonic creatures very funny bog lens the movie we need
meeow meeow
coming soon in three big waka suppose I'm sure don't waste your nurse
Oricum # Episode 1 - Duration: 4:19.
We were coming from the Greek islands.
While following the Albanian coast, we realised that
"Nobody actually goes there. Boats navigate along Greek's coast to avoid Albania's waters.
There is definitely something to be done in Albania. We need to open the curtain."
Upon arrival, we were surprised by a welcoming country.
The preconceptions we had about Albania were unfounded.
We decided to dive underwater
to see if the coast was as polluted
as in France for example, with plastics
and other things. Not only did we realise
that the coast and the seabeds were clean,
but in the shallows we were able to find archaeological remains.
Oricum is a peculiar antique city,
in the sense that it was built on a rocky hill, right next to the sea.
In the Antiquity, it was a port.
Archaeologists started preparing
the digging in 2008-2009.
Even as they study mere fractions of the city,
they need to have an overview
which is a marine one in this case.
This is where it gets exciting for us.
We bring them this marine aspect
which is logistically quite heavy to manage.
Air tanks are needed,
scuba diving equipment.
We bring all of the gear and the expertise,
and in the end it all works out nicely.
We are going to start at the big slab
which should be right there.
In our zone.
Then I'll fly a little higher,
and give you the locations for the other ones.
There are two zones, where we found what looked like pillars evenly separated.
A third zone,
where large stone slabs seem to indicate the presence of a wall.
We could even imagine a small settlement,
with perpendicular walls.
From the water, by closely observing each of these structures
we will be able to roughly estimate their age and their use.
Let's start with the slab
and then we go around and clean.
Get the seaweed off.
The goal is
to see what's in the water. We are accompanied by an archaeologist this year,
in order to try and understand
what these structures are.
We found them with the help of our drone,
from the air, with water transparency.
We will try to date
these structures, these walls, these stone slabs
that lie at the bottom of the lagoon.
When it's that shallow,
it's particularly difficult for us.
Part of the diving equipment, the air tank for example,
sticks out of the water. It shifts from one side to the other.
With poor underwater visibility.
As soon as we start cleaning
one of the slabs
the turbidity strengthens.
It's quite interesting
because the
subject is a historical one
with potentially
engraved stone slabs,
and at the same time, the diving conditions
are definitely not
what we are used to.
The Serial Cosplayers - Hide and Seek【SeeU】- Vocaloid Live Action - Duration: 3:15.
Youtube Kacke | Die Legende von Marcell D'avis | Halloween Spezial - Duration: 3:26.
海賊王已知懸賞高於五億的海賊,其中一位名不副實,輸出全靠吼! - Duration: 7:45.
Mireille Darc et Ludovic Chancel, des photos de leurs tomb.es dévoilé.es par France Dimanche - Duration: 2:42.
Tattletail + Kaleidoscope DLC [Napisy PL] - Zabawki mojego dzieciństwa - Duration: 1:26:51.
On a tué les clowns tueurs (au sens figuré) - L'Hebdo #104 - Duration: 14:15.
THE WALKING DEAD TELLTALE - EP V : Sorry Glenn, not this Time - with Karboom - Duration: 19:08.
Hello everybody, Karboom's here!
Welcome to this fifth episode of the Walking Dead Telltale
So last time we stopped
Before healing Clementine...
who had hurt her finger.
So we won't let her hurt any longer.
Let's do this...
Ready to heal.
Just after stopping the video I noticed there was a first aid kit there.
There. Perfect.
It's really the touchy subject I don't want to get into right now.
I would've prefered to disinfect and clean it before but...
We shall do with what we've got.
So. Seems to feel better.
What is this?
Let's see if I can open this.
It complicates things...
"Thanks for fixing it"
Well... It's still good...
She's aware all the non-zombies are not...
all friendly.
Right Larry?
Yeah I know, you want me to fuck off. You already told that.
Well, it's perfect. I wanted to talk to her too.
She's already a real good shooter.
She saved our ass twice, like I said
and I remember it.
"Lee will remember that."
First we'll do some small talk.
Are there batteries in it ?
I'm not gonna say anything about that.
You're a sharp shooter and that honestly is REALLY useful!
Almost any other members of the group would know how to change the batteries...
But I don't think all the other members of the group could shoot as well as you do, so I won't say anything about that.
Let's save Glenn.
On the other hand, having watched the show, it's hard to be concerned since he still got to meet Rick and all...
Maybe the Telltale still has some surprises to give us and there's still some risks... We'll see.
Can we get out of here before any of these things notice us not yet, there's a survivor trapped up there
No way, we gotta go now
Mission injuries. It's a girl. We talked and she got frightened
I was trying to get in to help her she started saying that was been
Tryna, three months, then you did the abuse
Lucky you now, let's go. We can't just leave her damn, right we can
You guys are suicidal over a girl. I'm saving her with or without you think about it. It was you
Mom rigger papa. Let's go see wallets damsel in distress so
We have to kill every one of them in eater quietly always attracts these things
HECO mixing sure
Okay mon-star sample oh no keep it. He's come to see
Okay, right
On top
Charice Filipina
I found up will be damned that we just tend these guys quietly now. We just have to get it quite
Amen that drew some attention be careful, but no
snippets in show
Mrs. Penguin
Not citizen I mean according to Socrates mmm addict echo it's not with it
I'm saying this repeatedly
Not a person
There's a pillow over there, that's as far as I got when it came to supply gather everybody have an idea for it
Not actually I
Did fulfill yourself
It's that person I have in mind
I'll take a deduction not disrespect over. She
Get out your gun, but the noise you just follow my lead stay right behind
So that we're sick
Smartlock you should hold on to come in handy
Yeah so much trick positive
Let me see the spark block
Circumcise decide kissing would be nezam so this is mighty boosh
Back trample grain pretty good, that's exactly what I was thinking
So typical mrs. Angela, but civets
Who's not making -
Dude where'd your weapon go nice big size doll holy shit, it's cool now. We've got this
Do you do done?
That should help
Why don't you guys like behind just against this goes to hell okay? We'll be right behind you
In athletics hello and there we're here to help
Let's go guys in a minute
If you open up we can take you somewhere safer. We've got a group in town
She's in trouble
Miss we're coming in
Yes, Johnny
Stop just stop, I'm coming out
Oh God I said
We need to get you help. It's too late
Guys she's been bitten what I told you I said go away. I'm bitch
Leave it's calm down. It could be fine. I won't be fine
My boyfriend was bitten you get sick, and you die and you come back, and you kill anything you can find
You have a boyfriend
Just leave me please go okay, no, that's ridiculous
Okay, we'll leave take care of yourself whatever time you have left
You have a gun
so can I
Borrow it what do you mean borrow give it to me? I can just you know envis and then then there's no problem
Whoa whoa?
I don't want to be one of them
Give it to her why seem so but serious do it no no
Thanks super help her out here. You're insane. Just take this thing
Any vestige of won't let me go in them
Thank you so much. I know how terrible this must be we can't watch this
Let's go we can't go yet. What why not fault if somebody needs to pick up the gun Catholics
I'm here with you. You're a good man
Especially no others you
It your great treatise because the sis to be liquid
sequences person Pacific tips
Before I more letter that there is no a seaman. Yeah, we had a
Yenta business to master
question answers at not
passenger use
for a disabled
So much
Magical with year and enter proportion to their heads
Suzanne want to my gosh was the avatar
- Miriam there's not this route my I'm pissed Joe
BUBSY LIVES! (What Could Possibly Go Wrong with this Retrospective Review?) - Cygnus Destroyer - Duration: 7:21.
Bubsy the bobcat is one of, if not the most hated mascot in the history of video games.
Created in the early '90s as an answer to Sonic the Hedgehog, Bubsy had a string of
solo adventures that received a harsh reception from critics & consumers alike, resulting
in the franchise becoming dead & buried alongside other abandoned outcasts from the 16 bit era...
until today.
"Is there a veterinarian in the audience?"
Halloween 2017 appropriately marks the unexpected, but eagerly anticipated return of Bubsy from the grave.
Yes, the impossible is now possible & dreams can come true, so I've decided to celebrate
this glorious occasion by taking a retrospective look back on the roots of Accolade's notorious,
catchphrase spouting orange fur-ball.
Bubsy was birthed onto the gaming scene in May 1993 with the release of his debut entry,
the cleverly subtitled Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind.
Primarily crafted by series creator Michael Berlyn, Claws Encounters treads territory
that had already been firmly trodden by Mario & Sega's Blue Blur, but does so in a unique
& quirky manner.
The simple story pits the titular feline against the Woolie alien invaders & the core play
mechanics take heavy inspiration from the aforementioned godfathers of the genre with
a heaping helping of hilarious one-liners tossed into the mix for taste.
Bubsy's debut features a presentation comparable to its rivals, with impressive level design,
vividly detailed backgrounds enhanced by parallax scrolling effects, & an accompanying soundtrack
that perfectly fits the tone of each stage.
Nevertheless, Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind has been doomed with an unfairly negative
reputation due to a few minor flaws, but the fortunate aspect of this curse is that the
prices have remained pretty low over the years and I'd absolutely recommend this severely
underrated Genesis & SNES sidescroller to anyone who's even slightly curious.
It's worth it for the cheesy humor alone.
Continuing onward into the fourth console generation is the less imaginatively named
Bubsy II, which was distributed to store shelves in October 1994.
Bubsy II follows directly in the formula established by its predecessor, but refines upon it.
The linear format of the first game is replaced with an overworld selection screen and the
encountered enemies are widened from the Woolies to include professional pigs, walking Egyptians,
and...whatever the hell that is.
The graphics are quite a step up from the Accolade original and the bonus areas & flying
segments are a welcome addition, but the controls & overall feel aren't as tight, the level
layouts can be confusingly complicated, & the music, at least on the Genesis, is a tinny trainwreck.
The "King of De-Nile" theme in particular is an erratic mess with fluctuating tempos
that rush & drag all over the place.
I have no idea how something this poor could have made it past the Q.A. testers, but it's
unfortunately indicative of what's to come.
Bubsy II is an admirable sequel that implemented some clever new ideas, but the wacky spark
of creativity that fueled Claws Encounters is largely absent & the humorous element that
remains feels kind of hollow in comparison.
It's still decent enough to pass my recommendation criteria, but I'd strongly suggest opting
for the superior initial installment for anyone but completest collectors.
The next portion of this review should technically be focused on Fractured Furry Tales, but I
haven't gotten around to picking up a copy of that in spite of owning an Atari Jaguar,
so that means we've reached the final stop on our trip through the bothersome bobcat's back-catalog.
Without further ado, it gives me no pleasure to re-introduce the title that single-handedly
sealed the franchise's coffin for over twenty years.
Here it is...the nightmare fuel that will keep you awake on this horrifying holiday...
Bubsy 3D.
The Voldemort of the gaming sphere better known as Bubsy 3D was fittingly released on
this very day in 1996.
Bubsy 3D was one of the pioneers of the shift into third dimensional platforming, but unlike
Mario 64, it has not aged well at all.
The concept of the war with the Woolies was carried over from the earlier adventures,
but the charm & wit has been swapped in favor of primitive proto-PS1 visuals, unmemorable
music, an annoying voice cast & atrociously awkward controls.
Bubsy 3D preceded the arrival of the Dual Shock & its implementation of the twin analogue
sticks, so all of the character & camera movements are handled by the D-pad, and that combined
with the loose, slippery feeling makes for an aggravating, blood pressure raising journey
from start to finish.
I've already condemned this egregious offender in the IUPG court and revisiting it for this
special confirmed that I made the right call.
Bubsy 3D just might be the worst game that I've ever played & only ruin & misery will
come to anyone who seeks to experience the nightmarish horrors for themselves, so stay
as far away as possible from this soul sucking demon to preserve your sanity.
...And that was all she wrote for the franchise, or so we thought.
Bubsy 3D was a terrible note for the sassy protagonist to go out on, but thankfully this
mistake can finally be corrected with Accolade's latest project...
Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back for the PC & PS4.
Be sure to come back for my super excited review to see how well the bobcat transitioned
into the modern gaming scene, but until then, this is Matt a.k.a. Cygnus Destroyer a.k.a
the guy who's hoping that Bubsy gets the redemption he deserves, signing out!
How to Change Eye Color in Photoshop + Fixes | Photoshop | Tutorial - Duration: 3:30.
What's up guys, in this tutorial I'm going to teach you two simple methods to change the color of the eyes
Let's go
Let's go here in the lasso tool, and here we will make a selection in the part in that we will color
that would be the iris of the eye
Soon after the selection, let's press Ctrl + J, to make a copy of this selection only.
now we go in Image> adjustments> Hue / Saturation, and we are going to test some colors.
I'll put it in the red and decrease the saturation a bit
Now let's make some corrections, creating a mask, then painting black to correct the edges
another correction we are going to make is in the reflex
let the flow in 10%, and go passing in the parts of the reflex to recover some of the color of it.
Okay, now let's go to the second method
let's disable the layer here, and we will create a new layer
and here we will choose the color in which we will change the color of the eye
I'll choice a lilac
increase the flow back to 100%, and paint the iris here
change the mode here to Hue
apply a mask here to fix
and paint parts that were missing here
now let's correct again the reflex painting on the mask with the brush in 10% flow.
Ready, these are the 2 simple methods that I use to change the color of something
not only from the eyes
Thanks guys, I'll do something different using second method
Thanks for watching
Halloween dissmissed - Duration: 1:56.
Treadmill VS Outdoor Running: Which is Better? - Duration: 4:12.
Let's face it, sometimes getting a good, brisk walk on a treadmill, or knocking out
a 5K in the gym is all we can manage to stick to our fitness goals.
Are we missing out on some key benefits by running on a treadmill instead of taking our
run outside, though?
Running on a treadmill would seem to offer the very same benefits.
If you run at the same pace for the same amount of time, even adjusting the incline to match
the challenge of running an actual hill outdoors, you're still going to burn the same number
of calories and build the same number of fast-twitch fibers in your muscles.
You'll improve your cardiovascular health just the same, too, but here's what you
aren't getting out of your treadmill workout in the gym:
Being outdoors improves your mood.
Any cardiovascular exercise helps to create feel-good endorphins that contribute to the
"runner's high" we've all heard about, but mother nature offers a color palate – blues
and greens – known to help us feel happy.
Then there's the sunlight.
The last time I checked, most gyms are lit with grotesque fluorescent lights which make
even the most fit athlete look like death warmed over.
They also don't expose us to Vitamin D – an important nutrient which helps us feel great,
but that also fights against cancer, bone deterioration and even seasonal depressive
Being outdoors can help attention restoration.
There is a disorder named for our inability to focus on anything.
If you've noticed your attention span is about as long as a flea, then you likely need
to restore your cognitive abilities.
Taking your run, and other physical activities outdoors gives your brain a rest.
So, though might be able to watch the next episode of your favorite television program
while on the treadmill, simply being outside will give your mind the rest it truly deserves.
Your body also gets what it craves too – movement!
Being outdoors reduces the incidence of cardiac arrest, Running outside can help decrease
inflammation, spurs weight loss, and can even help you sleep better.
Exercise already slows aging by helping the body scavenge free radicals, but being outdoors
increases anti-aging factors by at least 35%.
Research published by the Journal of Aging health found that spending time outdoors even
helps people suffering from dementia and other diseases more commonly found among the elderly.
Being outdoors will inspire you to run farther.
Boredom is a big reason we don't make it that extra mile when we're clocking them.
Researchers have found that simply being outside can inspire us to run a little farther, or
challenge our bodies in a new way.
Maybe we take a different route or run downhill instead of uphill for a change.
The added variety is good for muscle confusion, and the sights and sounds of being outside
can make running much more interesting.
The next time you think of driving to the gym, finding your favorite treadmill, and
knocking out a few miles, reconsider taking your workout outdoors.
You'll be smarter, happier, and live longer for it.
Featuring Musician Megan Ni...
Irene Ann Gascoigne - Nursing (Child) MNurs Student at Northumbria University - Duration: 2:31.
Halloween dissmissed - Duration: 1:56.
Saber la IP Pública | Ubicación Modelo Dispositivo de forma remota - Duration: 4:28.
in today's video we will find a way remote public IP from any device
and also know the approximate location, the brand model or version of the device android
today I will not show as usual an application android but we'll see
a web page is that we are seeing and acopnsejo open in computer mode mode
pc because there are some options that do not appear with web format android
Well, first of all we have to register providing an email so we
We checked in and I already have an account asiq ue logged on m, i account
Once we logged appears to us a bar where we will introduce a link,
This link can be a link to an image of google, or a website that sells some prodcucto
that is the interest of the person who we want to find out your public IP
I'll put a photo example of a ferrari and pulse share this link photo
Now we turn to the web and paste the link pulse and create url
on this page I get up direction Original up and just below that I
send the victim or the person I want know your ip
but you like the url that puts grabify.link to avoid suspicion we can change
by this list here so for example I will check the box below and we already see changes
The Dominion If we still do not like the domains we can
choose these shorteners that also modify The only drawback link shorteners use
is then tap the victim when the link we'll show public IP server
the shortening and then appear the public IP the victim or friend.
also mention that if we want to email alert check this box and we
reached the spam mail folder notifications when that person open the link
So just copy the link and as we send you best either WhatsApp, Telegram
I sent an email to our friend, acquaintance You choose the method you prefer I will show
as works by sending the link by whatsapp
and now the victim should click on the link and if you look for a moment it appears
in the url address bar of the web you will be logged its public IP and then
We ferrari photo appears this as and I say any link serves as may
be a website that sells any article that It is in the interest of our friend
well now we go to the web grabify or grabify We click on logs, as I see I have done already
some tests and in this category I some websites
But above it appears to me that the link has been open with whatsapp as expected because
send it by whatsapp, it appears even version of WhatsApp and appears just below
torremolinos town is espaa and right the Android version 5.1 and
the brand and model is a Meizu MX5 These data are usually quite reliable and
not usually fail and as we fully succeeds the model and brand android version
IP issues we will provide a location Approximate so we copy and seek
on google map ip issues we appear several websites I enter this first and paste the
ip and we can see on the map the location, but this location is what gives us
the server is connected to internet the device, which means this as
the location is not entirely accurate, in my case it varies about 500 meters from where
I am, and I've done some tests varies even some kilometers and other
evidence has completely exact address
So it's a method to find out easily the approximate location of someone and knowing
which device has
Well up here we featured video We see you on your next video
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