Sunday, October 29, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 29 2017

Ethereum Classic + LBRY - Claymore dual GPU Miner on Linux (RX 580)

This video will demonstrate how to mine ethereum classic and LBRY using an AMD Radeon RX 580 graphic card, a computer running Ubuntu linux 17 and the claymore dual miner software.

Follow me on steemit: @virtualcoin

Open your browser, access the Minergate website and create a new account. (Link in the description)

Open your browser, access the Suprnova and create a new account. (Link in the description)

Now, create a worker account

The instructions presented in this video were tested only on Ubuntu linux version 17.

update your apt-get database, using the command below

Create a download folder to the driver in the linux computer.

Download the AMD Radeon RX 480 installation package. (Link in the description)

Transfer the RX 480 installation package to the downloads folder in the linux server.

I used the WinSCP program to send the file from a windows computer to the linux server.

Extract and install the RX 480 driver package:

Download the Claymore dual miner software

Extract and prepare the miner software

Use this command to mine ethereum classic and lbry

REMEMBER to replace my account for your minergate account to mine ethereum.

REMEMBER to replace my account virtualcoin.lbr for your suprnova worker account and password to mine decred.

For more infomation >> Ethereum Classic + LBRY - Claymore's Dual GPU Miner on Linux ( RX 580 / 480 ) - Duration: 8:08.


Ula mula macia pacia [My story] - Duration: 2:40.

Hi, today i coming with something new, new series on my channel

I think i can now do more videos like this

Something like stories. WooKash recording similar videos

WooKash do not be angry *Kiss*

So, good...

For more infomation >> Ula mula macia pacia [My story] - Duration: 2:40.


Freestylin' with The Roots and Lin-Manuel Miranda - Duration: 9:08.

-♪ Freestylin' with The Roots ♪

-Come on! That's what I'm talking about!

Yes! Oh!

Hot, tough crowd tonight.

Roots, you ready to do this?


[ Cheers and applause ]

-All right. Raise your hand --

Raise your hand if you want The Roots

to write something about you.

Right here. You feel it? Right there? Okay, yeah.

-Oh, my God. -Here you go.

-Okay. -Okay.

-Oh, my God. -All right, okay.

All right, good. All right, everybody, you can have a seat.

This is gonna be -- -Have a seat.

-[ Laughs ]

-What -- What is your name? -Deanna.

-Deanna. Okay, good. -Whoo!

-Deanna, where are you from?

-New Hampshire, but I live in New York now.

[ Laughter ]

-So, you're from New Hampshire. -Yep.

-But you live in New York now. -Yep.

-I love New Hampshire. Where in New Hampshire?

-It's near -- It's Hampstead. -Oh, I know Hampstead.

-Oh, you do? -Sure.

-Oh, it's nice right? -Yeah.

-It's nice. It's nice.

[ Laughter ]

-Deanna, it is fall here in New York,

and now you're here in New York.

You were in New Hampshire, where it's beautiful in the fall,

but here in New York -- wow.

-I love fall. -Yeah, me too.

-My favorite season. -Yeah, I knew that.

[ Laughter ] 'Cause I can feel this.

But what is your favorite part of fall?

-[ Sighs ] I'm like not --

-What is your favorite thing to do?

-[ Speaks indistinctly ] -Um -- Shh!

[ Laughter ]

-Just her friends, not you guys.

-I'm going to say I love the weather,

I love the clothes. -You do?

-Yeah. Like velvet, like --

-Velvet, of course. Everyone wears velvet.

[ Laughter ]

The fall is velvet, of course. That's the first thing.

Not thick sweaters or any of that stuff.

No, fall, I go velvet. Yeah.

[ Laughter ]

And it looks beautiful, by the way.

-Oh, thank you.

-Yeah, I'd say fall fashion then.

-Yes, fall fashion. -And going outside.

Guys, we have our pal Deanna here from New Hampshire,

but now she lives in New York, and it's a long story.

I don't want to get into it.

But her favorite thing to do in the fall is the fashion.

Come on. You've got the velvet.

[ Laughter ]

You've got to -- you've got to -- Velvet!

That's what you do in the fall.

So, for this first song, since Halloween is coming up,

can you guys do maybe like a "Monster Mash" kind of song,

like some Boris Pickett type of [Vocalizes]


♪ Yeah, wha-ah-ah ♪

-♪ Well, my friend named Deanna was visiting from out of town ♪

♪ She came from Hampstead, New Hampshire ♪

♪ But she's here in New York now ♪

♪ Pal Deanna, when the spirit of autumn's gotten into you ♪

♪ You wear fall fashion ♪

♪ Wearing velvet is your favorite thing to do ♪

♪ You do the flop ♪

♪ You do the velvet flop ♪

♪ You do the flop ♪

♪ You know she could not stop ♪

♪ She wore the what ♪

♪ She wore the velvet top ♪

-♪ She wore the velvet ♪


♪ Wah-ooh ♪ [ Laughs ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Oh, thank you.

-All right, let's see. Who else? Who else? What do you want?

-Jimmy Fallon! Me! -You?

-Me! Me! -You feeling it?

All right, here we go. You feeling this one?

-I'm feeling this. -All right, good.

Here you go. Hold this. -Okay.

-Sorry. I'm reaching over. I apologize.

What is your name? -Alyssa.

-Okay, Alyssa, very good. Alyssa.

Now, I said Halloween is coming up.

What is your favorite Halloween candy?

-Kit Kats.

-No hesitation.

-No hesitation. I know this.

-No hesitation. -I got this.

-Kit Kats.

Really? That's your jam? -Yeah.

-They're so very simple. -They're so good.

-It's just wafer and chocolate. -Exactly. Bingo.

-Give me a break. I love it.

All right, what is your least favorite Halloween candy?

-Ooh, that's hard. Um, I don't know.

Ooh, yeah, Raisinettes or something like that.

Candy corn, actually.

-Yeah! Totally! I agree. I can see that.

Candy corn. Ohh.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I totally see that.

It's like three levels of the same flavor?

No, I'm -- I'm out. -Exactly.

-Guys, we have our pal Alyssa here.

Her favorite Halloween candy is Kit Kat immediately.

Give me a break.

And then her least favorite Halloween candy,

candy corn.

The whole -- Candy's in the name.

The whole thing. Corn's in the name.

It's just a thing that doesn't work.

I totally got your back.

For this one, Bruce Springsteen is on Broadway right now.

[ Cheers and applause ] -There we go.

-Recently opened right here in New York City.

We love Bruce Springsteen here.

So can you guys do, like, a fun Bruce Springsteen-style song?

[ Imitating Springsteen ] Come on.


-Okay, okay. All right, all right.

♪ My friend Alyssa is here ♪

♪ She never felt a kiss more sweet ♪

♪ Kit Kats on Halloween ♪

♪ Her favorite thing from trick or treat ♪

♪ Her least favorite thing was the candy that is corn ♪

♪ She said, "Get that stuff away from me ♪

♪ Are you out of your mind? ♪

♪ Don't try to feed me any candy co-o-o-o-o-rn" ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

-All right.

Thank you very, very much.

I'll just cut through here. Do you mind?

I'll just cut through. How are you doing, buddy?

Nice to see ya. Tall. very tall man.

Yeah. Hey, how are you?

Nice to see ya. How you doing, buddy?

Nice to see you guys.

Hey how are you doing, guys? Good to see ya.

What's up, dudes? How are ya?

Hi. How are you?

Nice to see you, pal. How are you doing?

Hey, buddy. Thank you. Hello. Thank for you being here.

Hey. How are you?

Now I'm out here.

[ Cheers and applause ] The other side.

This is where I wanted to be, this side of the room.


Oh, my goodness.

Hey buddy. How you doing?

Nice to see you, brother. How you doing?

-His shirt. His shirt. -What's that? Yeah?

Oh, yeah, you've got some Roots shirts right there.

Yeah. Would you like to do this?

-Can he do it? -No, you can do it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Here we go.

Here we go. Very, very good.

Here. Take this. -Okay, thank you.

-What is your name? -Olivia.

-Okay, Olivia. Olivia. Beautiful name.

Now, Lin-Manuel Miranda is on the show tonight.

He recently wrote a song for Puerto Rico

called "Almost Like Praying."

He's raised millions of dollars for Hurricane relief efforts.

[ Cheers and applause ]

I love the dude. He's unbelievable.

He's the creator of "In The Heights"

and "Hamilton."

If there was a Broadway musical about your life,

what would it be called?

-[ Laughs ] Uh, "The Sassy Life."

-"The Sassy Life"?

-Yes. [ Laughs ]

-[ Chuckles ] I love it.

I love "The Sassy Life." I think it's great.

"The Sassy Life." You're very sassy.

I love it.

And what actor would you pick to play the part of you?


Can I have a singer instead of an actor?

-Yeah, of course. -Oh, Adele.

-Really? -Yes.

-I would love to see Adele as Olivia

in "The Sassy Life" on Broadway.

That would be fun.

Here to help freestyle this last one

is the creator of "In The Heights"

and "Hamilton,"

Lin-Manuel Miranda.

[ Cheers and applause ]


-Get sassy.

-[ Laughs ] Sassy.

Sassy, right? There he is.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Thank you for being here, Lin!

Thank you for being here! -Hi, Jimmy.

-We love you, man. -I love you.

-Lin, this is Olivia right here.

-Hi, Olivia. -Hi.

-And her Broadway show

would be called "The Sassy Life."

-Oh, it sings. It sings, Jimmy. It sings.

[ Laughter ]

-And she would love to be played by Adele.

-Ooh, fantastic. -Yeah.

Yeah, all right.

So now, because we have Lin-Manuel here,

can you guys do it, The Roots,

can you do it in like a "Hamilton" style song?

[ Laughter ]

Lin, do you mind? Okay, yeah.

-3, and...


-♪ How does a sweet, super sweet ♪

♪ Sweeter than Sweet'N Low and stevia ♪

♪ Grow up to be a sassy gal, Olivia ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

♪ I've loved her ever since she showed up like Adele ♪

♪ Wearing those floral prints ♪

♪ And, unh ♪

♪ Everyone will want her to be their wife ♪

♪ But she showed up too sassy to be your sassy wife ♪

♪ I live that sassy life, I live that sassy life ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, the price is steep, and she's rollin' in the deep ♪

♪ It's Olivia ♪

-♪ Olivia ♪

-♪ Olivia, Olivia ♪

-♪ Olivia ♪

-Stay right there. Thanks to these guys.

Thanks to Lin-Manuel Miranda... -♪ Olivia ♪

-...and thank you to The Roots.

We'll be right back with Ricky Gervais.

-♪ Olivia ♪

-♪ Olivia ♪ -♪ Olivia, Olivia ♪

-♪ Olivia, Olivia ♪

You're so sassy!

-♪ Olivia ♪

-Olivia, you're so sassy!

-♪ Olivia ♪

-♪ Olivia, you're so sassy ♪

-♪ Olivia-a-a-a-a-a-a ♪

For more infomation >> Freestylin' with The Roots and Lin-Manuel Miranda - Duration: 9:08.


World's Oddly Most Satisfying Apple Rose Garnish Video Ever - Duration: 10:06.

Most Beautiful Apple Rose Flower Garnish in the World – Best Edible Fruit Arrangements

If you love apple, you'd want to watch this video till the end. This "world's oddly most satisfying apple rose garnish" video would be a great interest for you!

This video content about "Most Beautiful Apple Rose Flower Garnish in the World - Best Edible Arrangements" was created by the team of @FruityFreshyJuicy for the purposes of entertainment and education.

For more great updates regarding oddly and most satisfying videos on fruits and vegetables, please subscribe to our channel.

Thank you so much for your support!

Please give us some feedbacks!

For more infomation >> World's Oddly Most Satisfying Apple Rose Garnish Video Ever - Duration: 10:06.


Lin-Manuel Miranda's Son Hates Hamilton but Loves Puerto Rico - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> Lin-Manuel Miranda's Son Hates Hamilton but Loves Puerto Rico - Duration: 5:04.


Jim Jefferies' Show Made Him Realize He Can't Really Read - Duration: 3:48.

For more infomation >> Jim Jefferies' Show Made Him Realize He Can't Really Read - Duration: 3:48.


Halloween Science Experiments with Kevin Delaney - Duration: 7:00.

-Give it up for our resident science expert,

Kevin Delaney, ladies and gentlemen!

Kevin, good to see you. -Thank you, buddy.

-Congratulations on the second season of "Street Science."

-Oh, thanks. -What is happening

in this season, season two?

-Oh, we're going bigger. We're blowing up all kinds of stuff.

We're crashing cars, dropping cars,

chemistry, all kinds of cool stuff,

if you're into that sort of thing.

-Oh, yeah, I'm into it.

You always bring something cool to do.

This is a Halloween-themed -- -Right.

-Some science experiments.

What is the first one you got for us?

-It's a spooky time, so spooky stuff.

-It's spooky, spooky. -So, we've got some dry ice.

So, this is what we're gonna do. We're gonna make some bubbles.

But we're gonna make bubbles filled with dry ice.

Now, dry ice is just solid carbon-dioxide gas, right?

So I'm gonna drop it in.

And you're gonna see that it makes that fun vapor.

You know, dry ice is great to use at Halloween

if you want to get that foggy effect.

And that fog is just a little bit of CO2 and some water vapor.

So there you go. -Carbon dioxide and water vapor.

-And water vapor. Yeah, there you go.

So, once it sublimates,

which is transferring from a solid to a gas --

-I know what sublimates means. -I know you know.

I'm just telling for the benefit of our friends in TV land.

-Yeah, I know. Yeah, of course.

Please. I'm Mister Sublimates.

-Right. So now this is what we're gonna do.

You got your glove on? Okay, great.

So I'm gonna just put this over here.

And I've got my vapor coming out here.

Now I'm just gonna dip this in, and we get --

There you go.

There you go!

So, carbon dioxide is heavier than air,

so the bubbles don't really float.

They just kind of...flop. -That's so cool! Come on!

-Yeah, it's pretty fun. There you go.

-Ghost bubbles! -There you go. Ghost bubbles.

All right. So now we got some more stuff.

So come on over here. -All right, buddy.

-I'm gonna go into the pumpkin booth.

And then I'll see you in a second.

-No. Seriously? -Yeah.

So you stay out there. You want to go over there.

-This was a punishment that happened to me when I was a child.

They used to put me in the pumpkin booth.

-Here we go. Okay.

What we're gonna do here is -- You like jack-o'-lanterns?


-Jack-o'-lanterns are a lot of fun.

But after a while --

After Halloween's over, they get kind of nasty, right?

-Yeah, sure. -And the last thing anyone wants

is a rotten, hollow orange pumpkin

sitting around for -- I don't know --

four years, eight years, however long it's gonna be.

So you want to get rid of it, right?

-Yeah, yeah, yeah. -So what we're gonna do is --

We're actually using the same stuff.

We got dry ice... -Okay.

-...and water. And we're going to put it in the bottle.

But this time, instead of making bubbles,

we're gonna pressurize it by putting the cap on.

-Now, why are you behind there? Is everything okay?

I'm gonna get you out of there, sweetie!

-I believe you, man. I believe you, baby.

Okay. All right.

So now I'm gonna pour this water in here.

-You're innocent, baby! You're innocent!

I'm getting you out!

-[ Laughs ] All right. So, the water's gonna go in.

And now our bottle's filling with vapor,

and we're gonna pressurize that vapor, put the cap on.

-Oh, no. -Put the bottle in the pumpkin

and get rid of the pumpkin.

-Now, do not -- do not try this at home.

-Do not try this at home.

And you're gonna want to cover your ears, too.

You definitely don't want to try this at home.

-Wait. Everyone just did it immediately?

You didn't even wait for me.

-Hang on a second. Let me get my glove off.

-No problem. Yep. -All right. Here we go.

-All right.

All right. Here we go. -There we go.

Okay, all right. Kevin, get out of there!

-Now I'm getting out. -All right. So now what happens?

-So right now, all that pressure's

gonna build up inside of the bottle,

and eventually it's gonna push against the walls of the bottle.

And the bottle's going to probably fail and --

Well, we'll see what happens.

Are you ready? -Yeah.

-So keep an eye on the top of that bottle.

-Oh, no! It's close!

-If it starts to -- Cover your ears, everybody.

Ready? Here we go.


[ Drumroll ]

[ Laughter ]


[ Audience screams, laughs ]


[ Cheers and applause ]

-Trick or treat! Trick or treat!

You all right? You all right?

Anything you want, Jimmy?



-I have a th-- -Wow!

What was that?! Look at it! Look what happened!

[ Applause ]

-Don't do this with your pumpkins at home.

-No. Do not do this at home.

Can we see that again in slow motion?

-Oh, look at that jack-o'-lantern.

-Oh, my gosh! -Pretty good. Pretty good.

Now, you all right? You're all right?

You were -- You were holding yourself a little bit.


-Don't worry. We have a thing for that.

-Wow, wow, wow, wow! -All right.

-Wow! -All right, you okay?

-Yeah. -You need to clean up?

-I need a little clean-up. -I got something over here.

Come on over. -Okay. Very good.

-Okay. So, uh, trick or treat? You like a trick?

-I love a trick.

-You ever prank somebody by, like, TP'ing their house?

-Never, would I ever! No!


[ Cheers and applause ]

-They look very excited.

Well, hang on a second. Hang on a second.

Okay. Yeah, okay.

So, the problem is, like, you have to throw the paper,

and then, you know, it takes a while.

And then the dog starts barking,

the neighbor comes out. -It's time-consuming.

-And then before you -- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-That's the only problem I have with it.

-So, what you want to do is you want to --

you want to use Bernoulli's principle.

Are you familiar with Bernoulli's principle?

-My principal -- Principal Bernoulli.

Yeah, of course. He -- I love the man.

-Aerodynamic principle. -Yeah.

-So, the Bernoulli principle

is one of the main things that keeps airplanes in the air.

So, Bernoulli said

that when fast-moving air moves over a surface,

it creates an area of low pressure

that allows lift to come up.

High pressure pushes up here

'cause there's low pressure here.

So if you blow across the top of the paper towel...

-[ Blowing ]'re lifting the paper towel.

-[ Blows ] We get it. Yeah, okay, yeah.


-I'm out of breath. [ Coughs ]

-You okay? -A little winded, yeah.

-A lot of wind, yeah.

So now we've got some leaf blowers to do the work for you.

The "Street Science" team put together --

We have over 100 rolls of streamers and paper towels here.

[ Cheers and applause ]

So we're gonna decorate the studio for Halloween.

-Let's TP the studio! -Are you all ready?

All y'all ready?

[ Cheers and applause ]

All right. All right.

And our cart has wheels on it,

so we can aim it at the audience.

-Oh, interesting. Ah, fun.

-One, two, three! Leaf blowers!



-[ Laughs ] Yeah!

Ohh! Nice! Right there! Hey!

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughter ]

-We got it all the way in the back.

-Look at the Roots right there. Oh, my God.

-And the Roots. Great. -Look at the crowd.

Give it up, ladies and gentlemen.

Give it up for Kevin Delaney, everybody!

For more infomation >> Halloween Science Experiments with Kevin Delaney - Duration: 7:00.


Hashtags: #DogHalloweenCostumes - Duration: 3:41.

-Now, I thought I'd share some of my favorite

dog Halloween costumes from you guys.

Here we go. This first one's from


Her dog costume is, Pawlice Officer.

[ Laughter and applause ]

-Pawlice. -That's pretty cute.

Yeah, Pawlice Officer. -At least it wasn't paw lice.

[ Light laughter ]

-This one's from @Andresgs12.

His dog's costume is Puppywise.


[ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

-He's in, like, a little sewer. I mean, come on.

-Dogs love it.

[ Laughter ]

-This one's from @Xraytech88.

I'm assuming they are an X-ray technician.

-87, yeah. There's 87 of them before him.

[ Light laughter ]

-No, I think maybe 1988, maybe they started?

-On Twitter?

I don't think Twitter was around in '88.

-But X-ray technology was.

-I guess you're right. X-ray technology --

Perhaps it's Marie Curie.

[ Laughter ]

-This one's from @Xraytech88.

Her dog's costume is Pawnald Trump.

Look at that comb-over there. Yeah, there you go.

Just got to comb it. That's an easy costume.

-Yeah, that's easy.

Just a comb-over, and you're done.

- [ As Trump ] I've got enormous paws.

[ Normal voice ] Yeah.

[ Laughter ]

Oh, this next guy is my jam.

This is from @Brussellssprout,

and his costume is Sproutie the Grouch.

Look at this. -Aw!

-Oh, my gosh.

Look at that dude.

-It's a good -- -Scram!

-Sproutie the Grouch.

This one's from @3Chisue.

Her dog costume is Jimmy Ruffett.

Well, there you go, yeah.

Party dog.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Like Spuds McKenzie.

-This one's from @Bschout509.

Her dog's costume is Pughetti and Meatballs.


Pughetti and Meatballs. -Oh, there's a --

-[ New York accent ] Forget about it.

[ Normal voice ] Yeah, yeah, yeah.

This one's from @TracedThurman?

-Oh. -Traced.

Traced. -Traced?

-Traced. -Traced, like tracing

a piece of paper, like you trace this?

-Like Thurman was traced by the --

-Like, maybe on the phone? Like a traced phone call?

Or trace as in traced paper.

-Hold on.

-[ Imitating phone ringing ]

-Hello? -[ Imitating phone ringing ]

-Oh, sorry. -[ Imitating phone ringing ]


Hello? -[ Woman's voice ] Hello, yes?

-Oh, hi. Did I call you?

-Yeah, you just called me.

Oh, I just -- Is this Thurman? -Yeah, it is.

-Oh, cool. I'll call you right back.


--[ Imitating phone ringing ]

-Hello. -Denver police department.

-Yeah, did you trace the call? -Yes, I did.

It's coming from inside the house.


[ Cheers and applause ]

Coming from inside the house.

-So, Thurman was -- -Oh, my wife's name is Thurman,

I apologize, officer. -Yeah, he's not theremin.

-No. @Tracedthurman.

His dog's costume is Furry Kreuger.

[ Applause ]

He licks you in your sleep.

And this last one is a mind bender.

This is one of my favorite costumes.

This is from @Dearmanali.

Her dog's costume is Toto as Dorothy.

Ah, that's meta!

There you have it.

Those are our "Tonight Show" hashtags.

To check out more of our favorites,

go to

For more infomation >> Hashtags: #DogHalloweenCostumes - Duration: 3:41.


Colleen Ballinger's Bully Run-Ins and Online Haters Created Miranda Sings - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Colleen Ballinger's Bully Run-Ins and Online Haters Created Miranda Sings - Duration: 3:36.


Jim Jefferies Disagrees with Pumpkin Patches and Thanksgiving - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Jim Jefferies Disagrees with Pumpkin Patches and Thanksgiving - Duration: 3:35.


Denis Leary Got Kicked Out of an Uber for Impersonating Kevin Bacon - Duration: 6:32.

For more infomation >> Denis Leary Got Kicked Out of an Uber for Impersonating Kevin Bacon - Duration: 6:32.


Thank You Notes: Pumpkin Patches, Couples Halloween Costumes - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Thank You Notes: Pumpkin Patches, Couples Halloween Costumes - Duration: 2:53.


Colleen Ballinger Is Scarred from the Gross Food She Ate Filming Haters Back Off - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Colleen Ballinger Is Scarred from the Gross Food She Ate Filming Haters Back Off - Duration: 2:20.


Quavo and Drake Apparently Have a Collab on the Way and It Sounds FIRE - Duration: 2:11.

What's up everybody, Frazier here for Complex News.

It feels like every other day I'm doing a video theorizing about something Quavo's

up to, but the man literally is kind of everywhere right now.

One day we're speculating about when his joint album with Travis is gonna drop.

Then he drops a solo track.

Then he pops up in the studio with Yachty, Chance and Gambino working on God Knows what.

Frankly, all the anticipation is driving me crazy.

The latest update is this snippet of a song featuring what appears to be Quavo rapping

alongside Drake.

Take a listen for yourself here

Once again, as per the way the hype train seems to be moving right now, we're going

to assume this is from Migos' upcoming album Culture II.

The signs are all there: there was apparently a listening party for the album earlier this

week, which could be where the snippet originated from.

Moreover, the Migos already specifically dropped Drake's name when listing off collaborators

who they've been in the lab with recently.

Not to mention, despite all the irons he has in the fire, the new Migos album is what Quavo's

been going hard for as of late.

He teased not only the impending first single but also the identity of the album's executive

producer on Twitter recently.

Which is probably Kanye.

If all of these recent teases add up to one album, then Migos are about to put the game

in a headlock.

I, for one, cannot wait.

Literally I'm tired of waiting.

Quavo, drop something, anything, now, please and thank you.

That's the news for now but when any or all of this stuff does drop you're going

to wanna be locked into Complex News on YouTube for all the latest info.

And don't forget coming Nov 4th and 5th is the Second Annual Complex Con, where we

bring all things Complex to life.

Catch live performances, take in informative panels, cop exclusive fits and eat delicious


Get your tickets right now at

For more infomation >> Quavo and Drake Apparently Have a Collab on the Way and It Sounds FIRE - Duration: 2:11.


Colleen Ballinger Is Obsessed with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen (Web Exclusive) - Duration: 1:28.

For more infomation >> Colleen Ballinger Is Obsessed with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen (Web Exclusive) - Duration: 1:28.


Jimmy Interviews Melania Trump's Body Double - Duration: 7:56.

-Here's what people are talking about.

Some news out of Washington.

President Trump announced that he's releasing

thousands of files on JFK

even though they were already set to be released.

[ Laughter ]

And he said, "Not only that,

I'm declaring October 31st Halloween."

[ Laughter and applause ] "I'm doing it. That's right.

We'll all be saying 'Merry Halloween' again.

[ Laughter ]

This is kind of crazy. There was a conspiracy theory.

Did you see this going around that Melania --

Melania Trump had been replaced with a body double?

Did you hear this? [ Laughter ]

It's a rumor, but some people

are pointing to these photos as proof.

Take a look. So, the woman on the left

they say is fake Melania,

and the woman on the right is real Melania.

But it didn't help that Donald Trump was saying --

Well, he said this while standing with her. Watch.

-We will be doing that.

My wife, Melania, who happens to be right here.

[ Laughter ]

-Why would you say that?

-Why'd he need to say that? -Why would anyone ever --

"She happens to really be really here, so it's not a hologram.

It's a real person, so...

It's a human being. There's no way --

Now I'm gonna walk through her.

I'm gonna walk -- -Zwwwm!

-Maybe -- Do I have a twin? I don't know."

[ Laughter ]

"It's like David Copperfield

walking through the Great Wall of 'Gyna.'"

[ Laughter and applause ]

"She may be real. She may not be real.

Well, the story turned out to be false,

but there are other theories about people in the White House

that are still being talked about.

For instance -- These are rumors.


-There's a rumor that Attorney General Jeff Sessions

is actually a gnome from the Rose Garden

that comes to life during the daytime.

-Really? -These are rumors.

-That's a rumor.

That's not true. That's just a rumor.

-There's a rumor that Senator Mitch McConnell

was replaced by a sad faucet.

[ Laughter ] -Really?

-How could I prove it? -I'll disprove it.

It's just a rumor. -It's a rumor.

-It's just hearsay. -Yeah.

[ Laughter ]

Finally, it is rumored that President Trump's tie

is actually just a Fruit By The Foot.

-Really? -He eats it --

He can eat his tie.

-It gets longer? -"An edible tie.

Happy hallo-istmas." [ Laughter ]


But this story really blew up, so we actually got in touch --

"The Tonight Show" -- we got in touch with the real Melania,

and she agreed to talk to us tonight,

right now, to clear things up.

Melania, are you there?

-Hi, Jimmy. Yes.

Hi, yes.

I am very happy to be here.

-Yeah. -Yes.

-Yeah. Well, I've never met you before.

I have to say, you seem a little different.

-Huh? Me? No I'm just old me.

Me, Melan-- "Me," short for "Melania."

[ Laughter ]

-"Me" is short -- "Me" is short for "Melania."

Yeah, I know that. -Yeah.

-Me -- are you Melania, or are you a body double?

-I'm a -- I'm a Melania.


Okay, well, look, just to make our audience comfortable

and prove that you're not a body double,

I'm going to ask you some questions

that only the real Melania would know.

Are you okay with that?

-Uh, yeah, sure. Yeah, definitely.

I want to answer your questions, and I can.

[ Laughter ]

-That doesn't count as a question.

You're already getting nervous. -Okay.

-Now, our first question --

-First of three?

-I don't know how many. [ Laughter ]

-How many questions? -I don't know the first --

-How many questi-- Okay.

-All right. Let's just start with the first one.

-Okay, fine. -"First of three."

I don't know.

What is the name of the city where you were born?

-Slo-- Slov-- Uh, Slov--

-Yeah. Slovakia. -What did you say?

Did you say Slovakia?

-Yes, I said Slovakia, but that's the country.

-That was the answer.

[ Laughter ]

-There's no way of -- But --

-Did you say that? -Did I --

-Yeah, I did say that, but I asked you the question.

-Oh, you were wrong?

[ Laughter ]

-No, no, I -- I wasn't wrong, but...

Let's just go to the next question.

-Okay. Okay, redo, redo, redo.

[ Laughter ]

-Melania, where in the White House

is the First Lady's office?

-It's in the attic.

[ Laughter ]

-Okay. Now, this is -- I don't know.

Is there an -- -There's an attic above the --

There's how many floors?

-Uh... Three? I have no --

-Yeah, three.

I was gonna say three, and three plus an attic.

That's where they keep the woman --

That's me. [ Laughter ]

-The First Lady.

Last question -- as First Lady,

what have you said are your three main goals?

-There's three? -Yeah. Yeah, yeah, three.

Just three main goals.

-Three main goals.

-They have to be the main goals, not the side goals.

[ Laughter ] -No.

Just give me three of the main ones.

-Oh, yeah, three of the main ones.

Sure, sure, I thought --

Okay. I was ju-- I thought, "Who...?"

Uh, b-bullying.

S-Stop it.

[ Laughter ] -Yeah, yeah, thank you, Melania.

-Sugar. Keep eating it.

[ Laughter ] And, uh...

-Your goal is to keep eating sugar?

-You know, and m-make sure you remember...

-Yes. -...friendship is real.

-Okay. Thank you very much.

Melania -- the real Melania Trump.

Friendship is real. Oh, yeah, there you go.

Your glasses.

Doesn't even know how to put on glasses.

Okay. Very good.

Silly. Oh, my gosh. Thank you.

[ Applause ]

What? -What?

-Did you guys see this?

I saw that CNN released a new ad today where they use fruit

to say how they stick to the facts and the president doesn't.

Did you see this? -Yeah.

-The apple? Check it out if you didn't see it.


[ Laughter ]

-Well, President Trump actually released

his own response to the ad.

[ Laughter ]

Take a look at this.

Fake fruit? -Fake fruit?

-What is he talking about?

[ Cheers and applause ]


-I want to say congratulations to the John Stamos,

who just got engaged to his girlfriend.

Hey, John, congratulations. [ Cheers and applause ]

That's right. She's just 31, and he's somehow still 31.

He just doesn't -- The guy can't age.

He looks fantastic.

That's right. John Stamos is getting married.

I heard he's got a pretty good wedding deejay -- D.J. Tanner.

-Oh. -Oh, hey, hey!

Hey-oh! Hey!

-Guys, I saw that "Boo 2! A Madea Halloween"

finished first at the box office this weekend.

That's right.

Tyler Perry's really busy these days

'cause he's also Melania Trump's body double.

-Really? [ Laughter and applause ]

-Check this out, you guys.

Developers are working on a hyper loop

that could get you from Washington D.C.

to New York City in just 29 minutes.

[ Audience "Oohs" ]

And once you're here, you can take a subway

from Penn Station to Times Square

in just four hours. -Wow!

[ Laughter, cheers, applause ]


-This is pretty weird.

I heard that people in Hawaii are stealing cans of spam

and reselling them.

So if you think you're having a rough day,

imagine being the guy waiting on the corner for his spam dealer.

He's like, "Where is this guy?

Come on. Where is this guy?

Come on, get here, man!" [ Applause ]

And, finally, I read that a couple in Orlando

who ordered plastic storage bins on Amazon

got a delivery filled with 65 pounds of weed.

[ Laughter ]

They were like, "Wow.

Amazon Prime's even better than we thought."

There we go.

We have a great show tonight. Give it up for The Roots!

For more infomation >> Jimmy Interviews Melania Trump's Body Double - Duration: 7:56.


Bad Signs: A Grate Place to Learn, Man Sale - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> Bad Signs: A Grate Place to Learn, Man Sale - Duration: 4:20.


Лаваш со шпинатом - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> Лаваш со шпинатом - Duration: 4:49.


Julia Michaels: Worst in Me - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Julia Michaels: Worst in Me - Duration: 3:51.


Jimmy's Pickle Obsession Almost Got Clive Owen's Daughter Arrested - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Jimmy's Pickle Obsession Almost Got Clive Owen's Daughter Arrested - Duration: 4:36.


YouTube TV Now Available

For more infomation >> YouTube TV Now Available


Grey's Anatomy : Un acteur phare s'en va, ses touchants adieux à la série - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Grey's Anatomy : Un acteur phare s'en va, ses touchants adieux à la série - Duration: 2:41.


What does cheeky mean? - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> What does cheeky mean? - Duration: 0:56.





Ethereum Classic + LBRY - Claymore's Dual GPU Miner on Linux ( RX 580 / 480 ) - Duration: 8:08.

Ethereum Classic + LBRY - Claymore dual GPU Miner on Linux (RX 580)

This video will demonstrate how to mine ethereum classic and LBRY using an AMD Radeon RX 580 graphic card, a computer running Ubuntu linux 17 and the claymore dual miner software.

Follow me on steemit: @virtualcoin

Open your browser, access the Minergate website and create a new account. (Link in the description)

Open your browser, access the Suprnova and create a new account. (Link in the description)

Now, create a worker account

The instructions presented in this video were tested only on Ubuntu linux version 17.

update your apt-get database, using the command below

Create a download folder to the driver in the linux computer.

Download the AMD Radeon RX 480 installation package. (Link in the description)

Transfer the RX 480 installation package to the downloads folder in the linux server.

I used the WinSCP program to send the file from a windows computer to the linux server.

Extract and install the RX 480 driver package:

Download the Claymore dual miner software

Extract and prepare the miner software

Use this command to mine ethereum classic and lbry

REMEMBER to replace my account for your minergate account to mine ethereum.

REMEMBER to replace my account virtualcoin.lbr for your suprnova worker account and password to mine decred.

For more infomation >> Ethereum Classic + LBRY - Claymore's Dual GPU Miner on Linux ( RX 580 / 480 ) - Duration: 8:08.


Как да забързаме компютъра си!! 100% workinc (no clickbait) - Duration: 6:56.

For more infomation >> Как да забързаме компютъра си!! 100% workinc (no clickbait) - Duration: 6:56.



hello, how are you, welcome to the lili workshop

today in this second part, we are going to decorate these objects in stone paste



Kako zamenjati zadnja vzmet amortizerja na MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 VODIČ | AUTODOC - Duration: 14:43.

Use an end bit №10 and a combination spanner №18

Use a torx №M12 and a combination spanner №18

Use a socket №16 and a combination spanner №16

Use a torx №M12 and a combination spanner №18

Use an end bit №10 and an open-end wrench №21

Use a socket №E14 and a combination spanner №16

For more infomation >> Kako zamenjati zadnja vzmet amortizerja na MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 VODIČ | AUTODOC - Duration: 14:43.


Cody你在做什麼 | Peter Liu vlog#240 | 中文字幕CC - Duration: 10:36.

For more infomation >> Cody你在做什麼 | Peter Liu vlog#240 | 中文字幕CC - Duration: 10:36.


Briefeschreiber terrorisiert ein ganzes Dorf | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> Briefeschreiber terrorisiert ein ganzes Dorf | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 5:04.


【北海道旭山動物園】宇野緋莉、アヒルに食べられる!北海道旅行パート2/【Asahiyama zoological park】The duck bit UNO Akari.Part2. - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> 【北海道旭山動物園】宇野緋莉、アヒルに食べられる!北海道旅行パート2/【Asahiyama zoological park】The duck bit UNO Akari.Part2. - Duration: 7:12.


【鍼灸国試】第18回解剖学.問題19【解説】 - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> 【鍼灸国試】第18回解剖学.問題19【解説】 - Duration: 0:42.


Le monde d'une maman s'est écroulé lorsque son enfant âgé de 3 ans a eu un accident tragique - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> Le monde d'une maman s'est écroulé lorsque son enfant âgé de 3 ans a eu un accident tragique - Duration: 7:12.


Wow !! 2018 Audi RS4 Avant Review - Duration: 4:22.

Wow !! 2018 Audi RS4 Avant Review

For more infomation >> Wow !! 2018 Audi RS4 Avant Review - Duration: 4:22.


Paranormal Activity: The Lost ...

For more infomation >> Paranormal Activity: The Lost ...


Glam Diamond Skull Makeup HALLOWEEN 2017 | Marion Cameleon - Duration: 6:01.

Hi everyone I hope you're doing well

so today I made a diamond skull makeup look

inspired by Vanessa Davis because I received from Face Lace

their collaboration stickers

You can see the holographic stickers on my face

you will understand right after in the video

I really wanted to do all the face

but Vanessa always do only one part of her face

I think they wanted people to do the same

when using their stickers so

I only made one side too

I hope you will enjoy the video

Here we go!

So I use the Face Lace x Vanessa Davis collaboration

these are holographic stickers that you can put on your face

I use my Sugarpill shadows to color the skull parts

I start my eyes with a black pencil

on the waterline, lower lash line,lids

and crease. I smudge everything and

let te center emty

I fill it with a lime pencil

I do my transition color that is Poison Plum from Sugarpill

I brighten it with Dollipop

that is a pink shade

I use a lime shadow from mute to put over lime pencil

I intensify with neon yellow pigments from Stargazer

I do my eyeliner as usual

I do my eyebrows in black

I use my brows as the beginning of the eye hole

on the skull side

I smudge the line with a black shadow

and blend with purple

I apply some holo liners from Face Lace

I cut the end because they are too long

I add more stickers from Face Lace

This step is useless

as I frigo I had other stickers to put there

I use Dance Party hydra liner from Suva Beauty

and do some lines here ans there

I cut the nose piece

so it fits my piercings

I stick the proper sticker under my eye that time

I add some nose details

I use some crystals I bought a long time ago

and will fix them with the best lash glue from HOL

I love this one! So first I apply the glue

where I want the crystals

and put them with my fingers when they are big

or with a tweezer when they're little

i apply Iconic lashes from HOL

I do my contouring

I add some highlighter with Alchemist palette

from KVD. I use shade Amethyst

I apply Purgatory from BMC on my lips

I add some stars from Face Lace again

I add now the teeth of the skull

I add more crystals

I put the last piece of the Face Lace x Vanessa Davis

set on my crease over my brow

And I add more stars

My wig comes from Uniwigs and with code

'Marion20' you get 20% off

My headpiece comes from Vox Populi Jewelry

Thanks for watching this video

I hope you enjoyed it, please give it a thumbs up

Don't forget to subscribe and activate notifications

Sorry my outro didn't recorded idk why

so that's why I do a voiceover

See you tomorrow for the next to last makeup

of this Halloween serie!

For more infomation >> Glam Diamond Skull Makeup HALLOWEEN 2017 | Marion Cameleon - Duration: 6:01.


World's Oddly Most Satisfying Apple Rose Garnish Video Ever - Duration: 10:06.

Most Beautiful Apple Rose Flower Garnish in the World – Best Edible Fruit Arrangements

If you love apple, you'd want to watch this video till the end. This "world's oddly most satisfying apple rose garnish" video would be a great interest for you!

This video content about "Most Beautiful Apple Rose Flower Garnish in the World - Best Edible Arrangements" was created by the team of @FruityFreshyJuicy for the purposes of entertainment and education.

For more great updates regarding oddly and most satisfying videos on fruits and vegetables, please subscribe to our channel.

Thank you so much for your support!

Please give us some feedbacks!

For more infomation >> World's Oddly Most Satisfying Apple Rose Garnish Video Ever - Duration: 10:06.


Katrina Patchett (DALS) adresse un tendre message à son mari pour fêter les six ans de leur - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> Katrina Patchett (DALS) adresse un tendre message à son mari pour fêter les six ans de leur - Duration: 2:10.





Halloween Before Christmas Halloween Halloween 2017 - Duration: 23:31.

Halloween Before Christmas Halloween Halloween 2017

Halloween Before Christmas Halloween Halloween 2017

Halloween Before Christmas Halloween Halloween 2017

Halloween Before Christmas Halloween Halloween 2017

Halloween Before Christmas Halloween Halloween 2017

For more infomation >> Halloween Before Christmas Halloween Halloween 2017 - Duration: 23:31.


Assista ao making of da abertura do 'Estúdio C' de Halloween - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Assista ao making of da abertura do 'Estúdio C' de Halloween - Duration: 1:09.


How to replace rear springs MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 14:43.

Use an end bit №10 and a combination spanner №18

Use a torx №M12 and a combination spanner №18

Use a socket №16 and a combination spanner №16

Use a torx №M12 and a combination spanner №18

Use an end bit №10 and an open-end wrench №21

Use a socket №E14 and a combination spanner №16

For more infomation >> How to replace rear springs MERCEDES-BENZ E W211 TUTORIAL | AUTODOC - Duration: 14:43.


Conheça 'As Boazinhas', grupo de mulheres que dão show de solidariedade - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Conheça 'As Boazinhas', grupo de mulheres que dão show de solidariedade - Duration: 0:46.


Une femme meurt puis revient à la vie avec ce message terrible pour l'humanité - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> Une femme meurt puis revient à la vie avec ce message terrible pour l'humanité - Duration: 6:51.


Il offre à manger à 2 enfants SDF, il reçoit la facture, il n'en croit pas ses yeux ! - Duration: 5:36.

For more infomation >> Il offre à manger à 2 enfants SDF, il reçoit la facture, il n'en croit pas ses yeux ! - Duration: 5:36.



hello, how are you, welcome to the lili workshop

today in this second part, we are going to decorate these objects in stone paste

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