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For more infomation >> Tech Talks#4 Vodadone 177 & 495, Qualcom Snapdragon 845, OnePlus 5T, Mi Max 2 - Duration: 5:58.-------------------------------------------
2018年モデルのメルセデスベンツ「Eクラス」が熱い。4気筒ターボ+電気モータの強力ハイブリッドモデルが誕生-車の最新ニュース - Duration: 2:29.
初代ホンダNSXの開発秘話公開。「スーパーカーだからといって、ドライバーが我慢する必要はない」-車の最新ニュース - Duration: 5:01.
メキシコ初のスーパーカー「インフェルノ」。地球外っぽい外観に1400馬力エンジンを搭載-車の最新ニュース - Duration: 2:14.
MODERN DANCE - Duration: 3:11.
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I'M LATE BUT... - Unboxing EXO Winter Special Album 2016 FOR LIFE - Duration: 5:52.
Hi guys ! I'm really happy to make this video, and today I will unbox the EXO album 'For Life'
This is their Winter/Christmas Special Album 2016
It's written right here
I know I am late, but I didn't get the chance to buy it before
And I received it from my last 'Musica' order, as you know if you watched my previous video
It costs me 22.00€ on this website
I know I could have it cheaper but
I ordered it with some others items so I was more profitable to buy it in a french shop
even though I don't really like to buy albums on french shops because of the high prices
So here we are, it's really thinner than in my mind, especially since there are two CDs inside
In the corner you can see the EXO symbol made with little water drops
Then the back with the sticker
Here are the credits and the two tracklists
And you have the korean one here, and the chinese one here
They are the same, but there are two languages and thanks god they made a single version !
Okay we got it, and I dont' know if you can see properly but it's written 'For Life' in relief here
Here is the inside when you open it
Aww it's so beautiful !
So this is the first CD, it must be the korean version I guess
And it's put in a sleeve, pretty unusual
The two tracklists again,
I will go straight to see which members I got for the postcard and the photocard ! (Yep I am impatient...)
Awww I am so lucky ! I pulled the D.O photocard !
And you know that he is my bias
Usually I'm very unlucky, I have to participate to GO to have him, or trade, or buy !
So I am really happy ! Then there is a postcard too
And I got Layyyy !
This postcard is really pretty
And you can see the back with the same design as the album cover
After there are the -useless- usual pieces of paper
We have a cute sticker
I don't know if you can see, this the EXO symbol in white
And I think it's really cool to have a sticker in an album, I like it
And this... It seems to be another postcard, with some frozen EXO symbols
I will put that aside for the moment
And the photobook begins here
Then we have the credits and the second CD which must be the chinese version ? Yep it is
So this one is white, the korean one was black
I really like the fact that they made the korean and the chinese version in the same album
It's the first time that they are doing that this way
So I do hope you enjoyed this unboxing, personnally I love this album, the pictures are georgous!
And I got the D.O photocard of course, so I can't be happier !
So tell me in comments if you own this album, where did you buy it and who is you bias in EXO
I would be curious to know it !
I'll see you next time, bye !
Check out my last video if you want ! ♥
13 raisons scientifiques qui prouvent que les petits seins sont les meilleurs - Santé 365 - Duration: 7:44.
Il pesait 306 kilos et ne pouvait plus quitter sa maison. Regardez sa transformation - Santé 365 - Duration: 6:26.
I'M LATE BUT... - Unboxing EXO Winter Special Album 2016 FOR LIFE - Duration: 5:52.
Hi guys ! I'm really happy to make this video, and today I will unbox the EXO album 'For Life'
This is their Winter/Christmas Special Album 2016
It's written right here
I know I am late, but I didn't get the chance to buy it before
And I received it from my last 'Musica' order, as you know if you watched my previous video
It costs me 22.00€ on this website
I know I could have it cheaper but
I ordered it with some others items so I was more profitable to buy it in a french shop
even though I don't really like to buy albums on french shops because of the high prices
So here we are, it's really thinner than in my mind, especially since there are two CDs inside
In the corner you can see the EXO symbol made with little water drops
Then the back with the sticker
Here are the credits and the two tracklists
And you have the korean one here, and the chinese one here
They are the same, but there are two languages and thanks god they made a single version !
Okay we got it, and I dont' know if you can see properly but it's written 'For Life' in relief here
Here is the inside when you open it
Aww it's so beautiful !
So this is the first CD, it must be the korean version I guess
And it's put in a sleeve, pretty unusual
The two tracklists again,
I will go straight to see which members I got for the postcard and the photocard ! (Yep I am impatient...)
Awww I am so lucky ! I pulled the D.O photocard !
And you know that he is my bias
Usually I'm very unlucky, I have to participate to GO to have him, or trade, or buy !
So I am really happy ! Then there is a postcard too
And I got Layyyy !
This postcard is really pretty
And you can see the back with the same design as the album cover
After there are the -useless- usual pieces of paper
We have a cute sticker
I don't know if you can see, this the EXO symbol in white
And I think it's really cool to have a sticker in an album, I like it
And this... It seems to be another postcard, with some frozen EXO symbols
I will put that aside for the moment
And the photobook begins here
Then we have the credits and the second CD which must be the chinese version ? Yep it is
So this one is white, the korean one was black
I really like the fact that they made the korean and the chinese version in the same album
It's the first time that they are doing that this way
So I do hope you enjoyed this unboxing, personnally I love this album, the pictures are georgous!
And I got the D.O photocard of course, so I can't be happier !
So tell me in comments if you own this album, where did you buy it and who is you bias in EXO
I would be curious to know it !
I'll see you next time, bye !
Check out my last video if you want ! ♥
C's, PP y PSC exhiben la fortaleza de la alianza constitucional de cara al 21-D - Duration: 3:48.
Jacques Villeret : son père, l'alcool, son divorce, la dépression... le destin brisé d'un... - Duration: 7:26.
Republican Senator Says Calling Out Trump's Lies Is Not His Job - Duration: 3:08.
A very interesting thing happened earlier this week when CNN's Wolf Blitzer interviewed
Republican Senator Jim Risch from Idaho, where he asked Risch if, like his fellow senators,
Flake and Corker, he would start calling out the President's lies, and, more importantly,
do you feel that it is your job to call out the President's lies as a sitting senator
and a member of the Republican party?
Risch replied, "No.
It's not my job."
We have a Republican senator who is essentially admitting that, yeah, Donald Trump lies, but
that it's not his place to go out there and tell the public.
In fact, Risch then told Wolf Blitzer, that's your job.
It's your job, Wolf Blitzer, and CNN, and the corporate media to call out the lies of
the President.
Well, guess what, Mr. Risch?
They are.
Every time they do, you and your party and everyone else in the Trump administration
calls them fake news.
So, don't sit there and act like you've got some kind of high ground and that the media
needs to be calling out Trump's lies, because they are.
Every time they do it, Donald Trump gets pissy, says they're fake news, and gets his Twitter
followers to all say, yes, screw CNN.
Let's tweet out a gift of you beating the crap out of them.
That's not how it works, Mr. Risch.
It is your job as a senator, as a representative of American citizens, to call out the President
on his lies.
Now, Risch went further and explained that if he decided to go out there and refute all
the lies from the President, and all the lies from his colleagues, and all the lies from
senators back in his ... Or elected officials back in his home state of Idaho, it would
be a full-time job.
He'd have to do it all day long.
Okay, so do it all day long.
You're not doing anything else constructive anyway.
You're trying to pass legislation to cut Medicare and Medicaid.
Why not use that time instead to explain all of the lies being told by members of your
own party, who you just admitted we're lying to the public at an astonishing rate?
It is your job.
People elected you to protect them.
I think protecting them from the lies of Donald Trump and the lies of the Republican party
should be at the very top of your list.
Forget about screwing over consumers with your tax cuts and your Medicaid cuts, how
about you let them know every time the President lies to them or members of the Republican
party are lying to them?
That seems like a much more fulfilling full-time job that I think you could, with a little
practice, be very good at.
5 More Problems Only Book Lovers Understand! [CC] - Duration: 2:23.
Róisín: Okay! See you then! Stephen, they're coming to get us in five minutes, so get ready.
Stephen: Okay, I'm just gonna grab a few books! Róisín: Okay!
Stephen: Oh which book should I take? I mean that book or that book? I want to take all of these books!
Róisín: We're going now! Stephen: Argh Okay!
Stephen: Did you see my box of old books? Róisín: Yeah, I brought it to school. We had
to do an art project and we needed old books. Stephen: ...Art project?
Róisín: Yeah we painted them! Stephen: *wail of despair*
Róisín: Hi Stephen! Stephen: Oh hello. Oh! I see you've got that book
you bought last week! It's one of my favourite classics! what do you think of it?
Róisín: You don't actually think I'm gonna read this? I carry it around just to look smarter!
Stephen: What?! Róisín: Yeah, for the same reason I wear glasses!
Róisín: I have a book to read in school!
Stephen: Oh what book do you have to read for school?
Róisín: I think it's called Pride and Prejudice? Something like that!
Stephen: I have that! I love that book! It's such a great book! Wait here I'll get it for you!
it's just here! There! Here you go! You're going to love it!
Róisín: Here. I'm gonna just google the plot anyway so..
Stephen: What? But it's a great book! Róisín: Yeah. Keep it!
Róisín: Stephen, why don't you just use an e-reader? It's much easier than having all of these books!
Hello, my name is Stephen Alff and welcome back to Alffbooks and today I'm here with
my sister Róisín! We.. we have a lot of fun filming this was really fun! I did one of these
actually a year and a half ago, a year ago with my brother and it was so much
fun to film as well! So I'm going to be leaving a link to that right over here!
So I hope you have a great great time just watching that because that was also
so much fun to film! And yeah, if you enjoyed this feel free to subscribe!
Share it with your friends and let us know down below which ones kind of make
the most sense for you too! That's all from me, bye!
VOX POP : Co Indonezyjczycy wiedzą o Polsce? What Indonesians know about Poland - Globe in the Hat#7 - Duration: 3:13.
Themed Pumpkin Carving ft Guest | Sophie - Duration: 9:08.
Ellie: Gonna have a drinkkk Sophie: *slurred* hello everybody and welllllcome
back to my channel *laughter*
E: What was that?
[Intro Music]
Well hello everyone and welcome back to my channel,
or if you are new, hello welcome to my channel, my name is Sophie.
Today i bought my good friend Ellie back which, most of you will probably know.
E: Hello S: and if you can't already tell, we got
ourselves some pumpkins and we're gonna do some carving.
Don't know how it's gonna turn out E: no
S: But we're gonna do it anyway and because we're going to Disney in April we thought
we would make it Disney themed. Because… E: Why not?
S: why not…. it makes perfect sense. So….. i think we just need to get carving.
E: get on with it. S: let's do this.
E; I'm too impatient. Erghhhhh
S: We have finished emptying the inside of our pumpkins out and now it is time to actually
get carving. And just from doing the top it's gonna be
a whole lot harder than i thought. E: So much harder than i though
S: ok so we haven't told each other what we are carving
E: it's still disney themed but we don't know..
S: like.. E: the exact design
S: what character or design or anything like that so yeah… i think lets just….
Let's do this! E: mmmm i'm out. I hate this. Why are we
doing this? S: we shoulda just gone for the normal eyes,
S: i really don't know what i'm thinking doing this
E: me either. it's so hard. i don't like it.
S: I did art GCSE. E: I did not.
S: But that was a while ago. And i don't draw that much anymore.
E: this is gonna look AWFUL. *dog growling*
E: Puppy E: woahhh
S: What you doing? E: Just pulled half my pumpkin out!
E: look at these whacky shapes S: Funkayyyyy
*Laughter* E: Hey!
S: hmmm… I'm pretty sure this bit turned out wrong but…
E: Dude carve S: I can't i have one more bit left.
S: did you say you're nearly finished? E: Yeah
S: I thought you said you had…. *laughter*
S: *singing - I believe I can carve…( E: i don't
S: *singing - I believe I can carve this picture* *laughing*
S: *singing - i think about it everyday….* E: Shut up!
E: Wait what were you actually gonna say? S: I don't know *laughing*
E: Every second?
E: ooooo okay!! *both laughing*
S: i don't even know why i am laughing it was just your reaction!
E: I just carved through the mouth HAHAHAHA S: Oh no!
*laughing* E: oh this is just gonna have to be a whole
halloween carving disaster. S: Yeah!!
S: Fail E: This was my easier one as well.
S: I don't know my other one yet.. but it's not gonna be this!
E: oh sake. *laughing*
S: *gasps* *both cry laughing*
E: what is going on? S: omg this is gonna be such a fail
E: I have so much respect for those pintrest accounts
S: you know how i just said imagine if i just cut out a hole?
*laughter* E: yeah you don't look like how i wanted
you to… E: 20 thousand years later….
S; And sophie….. … is done!
E: YAYYYY! S: Okay,
E: i'm just eating… S: I've still got my ration.
*ellie giggles* S: You ready to put candles in this?
E: mhm S: Okay, are you ready?
E: yeah Both: 3…
2… 1…
E: HAHA can you even see what mine is? E: i can't see from here.
S: we might have to do close ups but… S: shall we show each other?
E: Yeah S: 1… 2… 3…
*silence* E: What is yours?
S: exactly…. S: look this is…
E: is it a mouse? S: it's meant to be like this. and then
it's meant to have the Mickey Ears… E: oh, the wizard one?
S: Yeah E: yeah i can see that
E: This looks like a mouse E: Oh no, i really see it now.
S: okay so this my brother and his best friend and they're gonna judge what our pumpkins look like. and who you think did which because it doesn't
necessarily mean that it's… Daniel: okay can i just do 1 thing before
we carry on? S: yeah?
D: Thanks *all in silence*
D: Just incase we say the wrong one. E & S: oh haha!
S: do you wanna see the picture because you can see it in the picture better?
E: oh yeah they look good in there. Jamie: OOOHH
D: well we can all tell who's done that one.
S: what we think is good could be like … J: are we like on Facebook?
E: It's not live it's just… J: OH!
E: it's just recorded D: they're gonna edit it after
J: Oh! J: Hi!
D: which one? S: you'll be in my Vlogs for America
J: oo i'm famous. We're all famous. E: None of us are famous
*all laughing* D: he's not my best friend. Just for the
record. J: I'm famous!
J: I like this one. D: See i think you can tell more what that's
meant to be J: yeah but that's, that's imaginative.
D: but now i can see… but what is that?
J: That's creative. D: see if you can tell me what that is.
J: that's creative D: Yeh but what is it?
J: Pure creative *girls laugh*
D: no but what is it? J: a creation
D: what's that one meant to be? J: a design
D: what design? D: What's it meant to be?
J: i don't know E: how do you not know?
D: going to disney. what's that meant to be?
J: Disney? S: the theme was disney.
D: what's that meant to be? J: oh! No i'm confused.
*deep sigh* J: see i don't even know what this one is
now. D: I'm guessing that one's Mickey Mouse.
E: Yeah D: and from what i'm looking at, that's
the eyes, that's the nose, that's Minnie Mouse.
J: hahah wrong! D: No?
E: you got mine right J: one out of the two.
D: is that…? J: this…
D: what's that meant to be? J: is….
D: thought it was Minnie & Mickey J: I know.
S: that's the original drawing E: that's mean't to be a star
J: That's Mickey E: they're both…. *laughs*
E: they both are, just different designs. J: See… designs!
D: which one's better? J: the texture
D: which one's better? J: mmmmmm
*ellie laughs* S: Choose your words carefully Jamie.
J: that one…. J: … is more….
D: Say it S: say what's on your mind Jamie
J: i'd rather not
S: so if you did like this video or you liked our pumpkins be sure to click that thumbs
up button so that we know. And if you're not already we would love
for you to subscribe to both of our channels. I will leave the links for Ellie's channel
and video in the description box below and mine is like, everywhere!
But we did do another Pumpkin carving challenge on Ellie's channel,
I won't tell you the theme or how it turned out
but you can click her video link in the description box and you can go over and check it out.
And then in the comments you can let us know like who you think did better on what. So
I think….
E: be nice though S: be nice
E: don't leave horrible comments S: please. we've never even done this before
so we're beginners at this. E: Yeah.
S: So yeah… I think that's everything
So until next time
Keep Watching Stay Strong
And Stay Safe
Bye Guys
E: byeee!!!
*Sophie laughing* S: omg you imagine that as the thumbnail.
I could be like this and you could be like… coming to haunt me
*laughing* E: eww it smells so bad!
*ellie trips and Sophie laughs hysterically.* E: don't trip over with a knife.
Instant Vintage : quand Laurence Boccolini nous accueillait à la campagne en 1995 - Duration: 3:30.
13 raisons scientifiques qui prouvent que les petits seins sont les meilleurs - Santé 365 - Duration: 7:44.
Tritonal - Good Thing (Lyrics / Lyric Video) Justin Caruso Remix, feat. Laurell - Duration: 3:30.
Maybe it's a good thing too
Maybe it's a good thing
The only good thing I see is
Maybe it's a good thing too
Maybe it's a good thing too
So let's see what tonight brings
I think I'm good for you
I know you're good for me
Good thing it's only me and you you you
The only good thing I see is you you you
But maybe you're the one for me
I saw so many sharks out where I'm fishing
In the open sea
I, I couldn't find what I was missing
Inside this wild love
Then we belong
If we know how to make mistakes
Coz either way it's enough
Don't care if it's right or wrong
Maybe it's a good thing too
Maybe it's a good thing too
Maybe it's a good thing too
Maybe it's a good thing too
good thing
Maybe it's a good thing too
good thing
Maybe it's a good thing too
So let's see what tonight brings
I think I'm good for you
I know you're good for me
Good thing it's only me and you you you
The only good thing I see is you you you
But maybe you're the one for me
I saw so many sharks out where I'm fishing
In the open sea
I, I couldn't find what I was missing
And I won't let you down
Look back at me
If love can go sideways
But I can feel you turn me around
Don't know how it's supposed to be
BadRabbit Ransomware | BadRabbit debugger | Malware test | EN SUB | Cybersecenv - Duration: 6:08.
Hello My youtube Friends.
Digiboy16 Back :D
in their ethical hacking and Cyber security channel
Cyber-Security Environment
The day of today we have a super special chapter.
Today we have Malware Test
we have a ransomware took fame in October 2017
BadRabbit Ransomware
And Let's Get started.
We have a virtual machine running windows 7
it will be our test machine
We are running Process Hacker
Process Monitor
And we left wireshark capturing traffic.
we have internet connection
And we left wireshark capturing traffic.
we select our desired interface.
before execute the malware let's prepare a little filter
Process Create
Operation is Write File
Process Name
and we choose the malware filename
with .exe format
and a last windows process called rundll32.exe
add, apply
and accept
Now, Let's Execute the malware
BadRabbit us promise to be a FLASH Player Update
But obviously is fake
Now Let's Execute it
Check process Monitor and Process Hacker
with some process are running
The malware has been executed correctly
Now Let's go to Process Monitor
we can see at the execution momment called the rundll32.exe
and started to write files is some windows directories
as you can see here.
if for example we navigate to some
Song Time (Don't forget subscribe)
we can see it store pictures
with different directories, Also created
different folders
with Public IP address
in each folder
have sub folders
for example tcp-443
or TCP-80
it also store, images, http certificates and many others
that's the basic behavior
before start another behavior
also execute other commands as you can see here.
it creates a command to restart the machine at 00:36
at that time the machine will be restarted
with the /r to restart
also Let's go to wireshark
to see the packets, Let's go to stop the capture.
Let's go to make a simple filter.
if we make a follow tcp stream
It tried to get certificates from the windows update website
but obviously is fake
look at here all the connection information
Let's go forward the time to see the next one behavior
we changed to 00:35
in one minute it will be restarted.
the machine is being restarted
that ransomware created.
the machine is being restarted.
Let's forward the process
the machine has been loaded correctly
if for example we go to local disk C
us let a readme file
indicating our files has been encrypted
us let a .onion page
and us let a personal key we have to paste in the .onion address
obviously after do this no one guarantee us they give us back the files
the next step is restart the machine and encrypt the MBR about the system
I'll show you a website in which the .onion is located.
is this, automatically we access
us show the remaining time
the amount to pay in bitcoin
here we paste the personal file we have in the readme file
returning back to our virtual machine
the next behavior is the machine restarted
Don't let us the access because has the entire system encrypted.
Song Time (Don't Forget subscribe)
after restart our machine us appear
that our files has been encrypted
the same information us appeared in the readme file is the same us appear in the phase loading windows
That's Everything for today
See you Next weekend Bye!
If you liked the video, Give us a Like.
Il pesait 306 kilos et ne pouvait plus quitter sa maison. Regardez sa transformation - Santé 365 - Duration: 6:26.
Boost your RV Cell Signal
Film Factory quick tutorial: "Davinci Resolve full screen preview shortcut" - Duration: 0:27.
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