Welcome I'm Elizabeth Harper and I'm here with this week's Angel Messages
what I'd like to do is place one or both of your hands over your heart just like
angel wings invite your angels to guide you to either message one two or three a
message that comes from their heart to yours what you can also do is invite
your angels to guide you to a message in the video use your cursor move it along
until you intuitively feel it's time to stop and there's an extra special
message for you there as well from your angels okay
so we're using some of Doreen Virtue's cards these are message cards angel
cards these are new for me so I'm just going to shuffle them I shuffled them already
I feel like I want to shuffle them again I'm gonna spread them out and move my hand along
and see if you can intuit where my hand is going to stop each message. I'm
seeing turquoise as I'm doing that all right that's the first message I felt
like it was just there. Don't resist the message right? Number two I feel like
it's back here again. Oh that's it okay number 3. So message one is
Akasha let's see what that says... Akasha yeah that's it it's the blue it's
this beautiful blue vibration that is the most beautiful card isn't it with
this lovely energy of blue and it's almost lilac its almost like the top I'm
wearing that lilac kind of blue vibration. You can see the fire around the
bottom as well. It says "You are a spiritual teacher you
have the ability to counsel others and help them awaken their spiritual gifts
and divine life mission." So when I'm looking at this there's almost a sense
of realizing your gifts realizing your abilities realizing your your mystical
gifts your what's within you that fire is coming up now when I see this
particular orange and this this lilac blue coming together there's an enormous
amount of creativity so it's saying that you are there's almost a sense of
there's a fire or passion that's burning within you and you're getting an idea
it's like Oh lots of creativity that's coming around and and lots of energy
that's coming up and I feel almost as if you're bursting with this desire to take
this next step to do something to connect with your abilities with your
gifts that Akasha energy if we link that with the Akashic records them we'll see
that you have these many gifts that have already been recorded in your energy in
your energy field in the vibration of the earth in the energy field of the
earth and the energy of the universe these gifts are accessible to you you
can just tap into them connect with them what gift to you most want to emerge
right now and I feel that lovely violet energy there's almost a sort of star
light that's coming down here this violet lilac energy is burning away any
objections to that gift so if you've been thinking I can't possibly do that
no I don't have that ability I can't do that or if this is a gift that was
already there and you kind of denied it then I feel as if something is going to
come up now and you're going to realize that this is the perfect time to start
tapping into that so for instance if you wanted to be an artist or if you wanted
to be a healer or if you wanted to be a great teacher
then you may have put that on the back burner and thought I can't possibly do
that and now you're a little bit older but wiser and your guides your angels
are saying yes you can start to bring that energy back into your life you can
do it I I feel that's the message I love that. Our next message is this lovely green
color this is from Vanessa it says "To make your decision
ask yourself which way brings me closer to my divine purpose. Which way takes me
away from it?" Oh that's interesting so looking at this all this green energy
that's here it's asking your heart so it's connecting in with your heart and
you're asking yourself what is the best path for me what is the best thing for
me to do and I'm hearing I'm hearing my guide and angels saying this is very
much about saying yes to something and saying no to something but when you say
yes to somebody else you might be saying no to yourself it's not necessarily the
case but it could be as well because sometimes you say yes because you don't
want to hurt someone you don't hurt their feelings you want to support them
but it may be that you're saying no to something that you most want to do and I
feel that that's an aspect of this is linking in with your heart. I'm seeing
this image which is kind of an interesting image it's very open. There's
the sense of you opening yourself up allowing your heart to really speak the
truth for you what is it you most want what do you most want to let go of right
now and I feel as if you know when I look at this that green vibration green
sometimes can be the energy of stuckness you know like you get and I always say
this like a pond with pond scum on it it's gotten stuck there's been no
movement there's been no energy that's moved things along and I feel with
that green vibration that it's almost like something's been a little bit stuck
and now it's time for you to open yourself up maybe just do that just open
yourself up and say okay I'm ready I can do this I'm ready I'm I'm open and
willing to say yes to myself and no to anything that just doesn't work for me
anymore or just isn't in my best interest and then that green vibration
imagine yourself like the water flowing imagine your energy flowing and not
stuck it's not stuck at all it's just moving and and this there's a sense of
there's a sense of empowerment and courage that comes with that and I feel
almost as if you're going to be you're going to be aware of something
unexpected within you this week like an empowering self an empowering moment a
feeling that you're saying yes to yourself not necessarily no to somebody
else that you're definitely saying yes to yourself and your own path in your
own flow. All right I feel like it I feel like it takes courage takes courage to
do that as well. Alright our final our final one is Adriana and it says "I am
leading you toward the answer to your prayers. Please listen to and follow the
steps I am communicating through your intuition thoughts and dreams." I love
that car just look at that it's this lovely angel that's leading these
children the children are innocent they are just innocently going because they
trust this angel they trust that this angel is taking them with the light
towards something like a safe place or somewhere that they need to be and need
to go there next the next step so when I look at that I feel that it's your
angels your angels are saying trust us we're right there with you we wouldn't
take you into a place that is wrong for you or that will be harmful for you
they will only bring you to this place that is filled with love and even if you
have chosen in this lifetime to experience something that is less than
love they are there with you guiding you and supporting you because that was your
choice that was your choice and they can't take they they can't take that
choice away from you that's always your choice you can't recognize hurt often
you know in in your life when you've made a choice you might think to
yourself what what I have chosen to do this it's so painful but
your spirit doesn't look at the pain your spirit looks at the experience and
what an incredible experience this can be and I feel that your angels are just
saying they are with you they're guiding you maybe through an experience but
they're taking you towards a place that is safe that is filled with love that
has that innocence as well that they're just asking you to trust them asking you
to trust them I feel that you have been asking them to help and support you and
they just want you to know that they're there helping and supporting you just
trust that they're there they are answering your prayers but sometimes
they can't take you out of an experience they can just shower you with love and
bring you what you need in order to go through that experience and look at it
from the perspective of the blessings that it holds within it. Okay that's it
for this week's angel messages I hope you enjoyed them. Now I did notice yet
again that I'm talking about mystical gifts so do make sure that you check out
my mini course awaken your mystical gifts I'm sure that it would be fabulous
for you right now also be sure to get my free gift of an angel prayer you'll see
a link in the description above and of course if you enjoyed this video
please give it a thumbs up let me know if the messages resonated for you and
please share this video with your friends I'm sure they would love to have
an angel message. Okay I will see you next week
lots of angel blessings to you. Bye!
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