There has been a spate of dog bite injuries in South Korea in recent weeks.
As a result,... the government is looking to set stricter regulations on pet management.
This includes widening the scope of dog breeds required to wear muzzles and upping the fine
for violations by owners.
Lee Jeong-yeon has the story.
A hot keyword these days: 'dogphobia'.
But how could this be in a country where more than 10-million households have pets?
It all started when a Korean businesswoman died earlier this month, six days after being
treated for a bite from a French bulldog, owned by K-pop star and actor Choi Si-won.
The buzz led the Korean government to revisit the current law.
(Korean) "The current animal protection law doesn't
have a separate clause for dog attacks, so owners have only been punished for negligence
in such cases.
We will consider making laws to establish a legal framework specifically for dog attacks."
The current South Korean law stipulates that 6 breeds of dogs are required to be leashed
and muzzled in public, and the government has said it will expand the scope of the law
to cover more breeds.
The current fine of 45 U.S. dollars for first-time violators will also be revised to around 180
dollars, with around 270 and 440 dollars for second and third time violations.
From March next year, the government will also offer rewards for reporting owners walking
dogs without leashes.
This is still relatively light compared to other countries.
In the U.S., injury by pet is punishable with a fine of 1,000 US dollars to 6-months of
jail time.
It is stricter in the U.K., where the owner can be sentenced to 5 years in jail for their
dog causing injuries, and up to 14 years for death.
(Stand-up) The stronger punishment for owners involved
in pet attacks is supposed to compel the owners to take responsibility for their animals.
This may be effective to some degree, but experts say more preventative measures need
to be put in place to solve the overarching issue of pet management.
(Korean) "Problems like the recent incident cannot
be resolved by simply strengthening the punishment.
A detailed system should be put in place such as registering and vaccinating pets, and educating
potential pet owners beforehand."
Experts in pet training also agree to raising the bar for potential pet owners.
(Korean) "The pet-culture in Korea is relatively young,
so not many people realize the necessity and diversity of pet education.
If owners are properly educated prior to having pets, we would have less problems."
In the U.K., people who want to own certain breeds need court approval, and the U.S. has
a licensing system.
The South Korean government announced on Monday that new guidelines will be set to include
compulsory safety education for owners of specific dog breeds.
(Korean) "I think it's good they're revising the law.
It will make owners more alert about managing their dogs in public.
Accidents happen unexpectedly so I also keep my dog on a leash."
(Korean) "Dogs are like people.
If they lack social skills, they will take a defensive stance when met with strangers,
and attack when they feel threatened."
The expert adds that eventually it's up to the owners to take precautions and manage
their pets properly if an attack occurs.
Pet etiquette, or "Petiquette" must be kept... meaning owners shouldn't think that their
pets are exceptions to causing accidents, and others should respect boundaries and ask
the owner's permission before handling the animals.
Lee Jeong-yeon, Arirang News.
For more infomation >> 'Dogphobia'? S. Korea to tighten regulations on negligent dog owners - Duration: 3:38.-------------------------------------------
047 Carla & Hanna - Duration: 16:23.
I have a really terrible feeling about this
You jerk, I shouldn't even be talking to you anymore!
Come visit me in Chicago, I'm sure you would like it
Well, we'll talk about that
Look after yourself, all right?
Mhm. And you try thinking about having some fun.
If and when there's a wedding, let me know
Of course. It's been my pleasure.
== We'll see each other again. == Mhm.
Take good care of her
Why do I never succeed at holding on to you? You know I would do anything.
And you know that I need my freedom
== Good luck to you! == Thanks.
Count Lahnstein, I'm terribly sorry, but...
== Yes, uh, just a moment please. == I hate to have to do this, but the call seems to be urgent.
All right, I'll take it
Von Lahnstein
Nothing about us, only the facts. And no running on at the mouth!
It's me...
Carla, has something happened??
We've been kidnapped
They're demanding ten million euros
And no police, if you want your daughter back alive
I'll be in touch
Wait, hello? Hello??
What's happened?
Thanks, David, I'll take a seat up front
Everything all right?
Yes. Let's go.
Oh, uhm, your sister wasn't there to say goodbye to you
== We took care of that last night. == Ah, all right then.
Leonard, wait!!
Cécile, don't make this any worse than it already is!
It's so awful!
You're going overboard!
== Carla has been kidnapped! == WHAT?!
I can't do this anymore. I just can't take it.
== Vanessa, please. == But my arm hurts so much, and my back--
It hardly helps us to have you constantly whining about things!
I have to THINK
I'm sorry. I'm just so scared.
They won't do anything to us, we're way too valuable to them
Ten million! My father will never be able to come up with that much!
Don't worry about things over which you have no control.
That's one of my father's favorite sayings
I don't know if he'd say that, if he were here right now
Of course! We just have to contemplate what we can do.
"What we can DO"?! We're CHAINED UP!! And against two brutal guys--
We can try to DEAL with them!
That they let us go?
No, but... that they at least take these handcuffs off us
That would at least be a start
Just try to relax. All right?
This absolutely cannot get out to the public. You must all promise me that.
Wouldn't it make more sense to call the police?
== No! == Oh, not the cops, we'll handle it ourselves!
We will not do anything that puts Carla's life in danger. We will pay, and that's it!
We...we above all need to keep a clear head
Give me a few hours and I'll have the money together
My God, hopefully they don't do anything to Carla!
Exactly what did she say?
Well, her name and... "we've been kidnapped", and then...
... in the background I heard someone--
Wait a minute, 'we'??
Yes, that's very strange, but I'm quite sure: "We've been kidnapped."
That...that would mean there's another hostage!
Yes, or several. Was she with anyone yesterday evening?
Do you know anything about that?
Yes, yes. As far as I know, she was going to get together with a good acquaintance last night.
That's right, with Hanna Novak. The two of them were planning to have dinner, I believe.
Hanna! Oh God, then...then I'll call Isabell, she lives with her.
== Uh, I'll take care of that. == Okay.
Yes, but this...this Isabell may in no way be allowed to find out what has happened!
No, she won't
I'm sorry, but the family is not available
I only wanted to ask if Carla is here...?
I'm sorry. May I ask you to go now, please?
== Hanna. == David!
Thank you, Ms. Käppler
Have you found out anything?
She called me from her car to tell me she was running late. Maybe she had an accident!
How did she sound on the phone? I mean, did she... hint at anything?
What do you mean 'hint'? What are you saying??
David, if you know anything, then please, tell me!
Hanna, you're my last hope! Where is Carla?! David, thank you, I'll take care of Ms. Novak.
I don't KNOW!!
Ah, well...then... the way it looks, she stood us BOTH up last night
Then she wouldn't have called me to tell me she was going to be late!
== Did she have some other appointment? == Well, she had to take Vanessa somewhere...
Vanessa?... Vanessa!
Mr. von Beyenbach!
Not right now!!
Walther, this is being called off, right now!
We will finish things according to plan, or not at all
You should never have taken my daughter!
Instead? Hold up the car, gun to the head, and then "Sorry, my mistake"? It was already in the works, we had no other choice.
It's actually a good thing your daughter is here, now no one will suspect you
If you guys don't hold by our agreement, then God have mercy on you!
I just got a call, you know how it is
Some people - all they can ever think about is business
Whereas, I have very other concerns
When it comes to family - my father won't take any risk
He'll make sure they're both back here again soon. I can promise you that.
Well, hopefully you guys aren't vegetarians!
And, are you going to hand feed us?
I'm not a monster
== Something you don't like?! == You're going to kill us anyway.
You'll wait until you get the money, and then you'll kill us
Vanessa, please!
Yeah, whatever, bon appetit
== Have you lost your mind?! == Vanessa, for God's sake!
Just keeping us locked up here like this...!!
You dirty, stinking bastards!
STOP, you're only making everything worse!
Pull yourself together, GOD DAMN IT! You little bitch!
I'm sorry, I'm sorry! This is all a little too much for her, it won't happen again!
You eat that right now, and then no more Mr. Nice Guy
I know, but we hardly have any signal in here
Station 36, Breidenbach
Hello, this is Carla von Lahnstein. I was abducted yesterday, along with someone else, by two men.
What's the other person's name?
Vanessa von Beyenbach
Man, the little one flipped out, just came flying at me. What was I supposed to do, huh?
== Idiot! == Shit.
== There's somebody coming! == I have to hang up!
== No! We're going to try to locate you via the signal. == All right, okay!
Where's my cellphone?
I asked you where my cellphone is?!
I want to know, this instant, WHERE MY DAMN CELLPHONE IS!!!
== Stop it, we don't have it! == It has to be here somewhere. Go on, search her!
== Nothing. == Shit. All right, now the other one.
Stop it!
Hey, cut the bullshit, I said SEARCH them!
She doesn't have it, either
I knew it!
It's still connected. Hey, they called the cops!!
You think they've had enough time to locate us??
If the cops show up here, then God have mercy on you!
Carla and your daughter are going to be fine
What makes you so sure about that?!
Vanessa always manages to land on her feet
== Is the ransom money ready? == It's running through the counter, but it'll be ready soon.
It has to be obvious to them that it takes awhile to come up with the amount of ten million euros
They'll be in touch
David, you were a profiler. What do you think...
... will the kidnappers let Carla and Vanessa go, after the ransom handover?
I don't think we should pay - I think we should call in the police instead
Listen, this is about Carla, your sister! Do you realize that?!
You think I don't care about Carla? I'm concerned about the safety of the entire FAMILY.
No, this isn't only about Carla, this is also about my daughter! And if anything happens to her, then--
Mr. von Beyenbach, if we pay this time, then we'll ALWAYS be vulnerable to blackmail. We shouldn't take that risk!
That's enough!
We are going to abide rigorously by the demands! That means - no police!
And that's the end of the discussion
The connection lasted long enough, right?
The police must be able to trace it then. But what if they don't find us here?
Don't worry
Maybe...maybe they never even took your call seriously, maybe they thought it was a hoax!
The police are obligated to investigate every report that comes in
And I'm sure these guys want to get the money transfer behind them as quickly as possible
And if we're lucky, this whole thing has become too risky for them, and they'll simply let us go
You think?
I can't take this anymore
They're coming back!
Stay very calm
So, you two, no more trouble, or else...
== What are you planning to do? == Stop gabbing and stand up!
So, my little one
== Come on, let's go. == I don't want to!
== Vanessa, do what he says. == No!!
== Any day now! == The little bitch. Did you not hear?!?!
== Vanessa, PLEASE! == Hey, you watch her! I bet the bitch wants to pull one over on us again!
No, no!!
With that you've written both your death sentences
The party you're trying to reach is temporarily unavail--
Hartmann, you goddamn moron! If you don't call me soon, they're going to end up calling the police, and then we're ALL done for!
Stay calm, stay calm
And? Has there been any news?
I can't believe this, they have to call! After all, they do want their ransom money!
They want to make us sweat, it's tactics. And it seems to be working with you...
Yeah, I'm just not the way you-- Oh, just leave me in peace!
This is the worst imaginable time to be arguing with one another
Sorry, Father
Mr. von Beyenbach, so far, there is nothing that speaks against a smooth transfer of the money
You will see, Vanessa and Carla will be out of harm's way again very soon
Two gentlemen from Criminal Investigations would like to speak with you
Thank you, Ms. Käppler
Detective Schudt, from Düsseldorf Criminal Investigations, my colleague Wegener
What... can I do for you, Mr. Schudt?
Well, I'm hoping you'll be able to help me, Count Lahnstein
A call came in to our central emergency number from your daughter Carla. Regarding an apparent... case of kidnapping.
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